Clinton New Era, 1877-08-30, Page 30 J
i 1 ;,4 j; i ro i
tGeneral Xews, lt�xap.
to b4' 46 It, on 4 base lit lu foilt) �a, gIA-44 QiioFrldlky,, 'FALL,, 19,770,
(111401 YOU ng 14;
TA I L U. R I Gie I I 11;o klot expmed to live.
The Chicago Tillses notes more oof 1$t. Dratthe
10KI,857 words, oil a postal Qard. busluesit thairi at Any titAo affico tho PA410.
A SATI[ItOgi Monty, Y.), Writer broliatilt
'flt he bas Nswl und t rps,1404. 1,000 h4pUalo
Chatham Qlaims, the ullo, Z. % t TO 0 0.0 S
tion of, hikylog otore, poker plaY04 withill of 03ta this Xcar off 15 acres of land.
^T nOtAir AT T34 77, 7
owlt"Ill CA- The 4elogittell to the Free Trade oo4ventl6a.,
nada. IQ held it) 84ratosa -011 the. 7th' of neft.
AS M" r 10,
undrQ4 in
on who Attentied
Who three li fire to advocate aboolato free kAd.flio from New. Ter];, nj A'jondA
y morning. for Noughootor,
in the "go Buslaild, uudet. . ntract for,three yea
Ott 'the rfililwAys, ill the linite4 lmt,wiA !it 13r6ok -lot -of NE W 0""00D
e are roadv llor e
'In# the, Week Of the, FAIC A forrible case of inff�
P r C.h.
We beg to ann � ilk 13tates will speciaL rittes, and a large tirl beat out the brains of I%Qr child, god
In the Thiloring Department to execUte. gill" 0 Colored And Block 14L s, Witsi
111flux of 411oran Vtsktoror is expected. 404 the body in An OVen.' bi
oLnight, A nian A britigo, to cost. twillity-five, illiott do]. 4tre.� -
all orders. -for, Clothing in a very superi M on, on Sat.virdhy - I - 6o bu -nes the 13osplio
nillmo& Drummond,, while under the iritiq 10.1 is to ilt. aoi rps at
bra,44i er, 'The I>0artment is' in chirge one o of liquor, shoo his rife in the brearfst, The -plane are (.,g prepared in Now
theetfects. of which she is lillely,to die. Tork Iq the cUg1JJQ9r 0 the S b. I Louis. lif ridge, K CORDED SILKS9 warrail i o
to L . litkile re penea Up 001310 IlPt-ciall lines o
of a, First Class 1114n; 404 we QW1 c0nfi_ James )$oPherom, ji'yo4ng, Riau of Pic- Orl lflcara�
�gna for thirty thoU for
0 9 sand flollars r
g ollo.of the Patti I ''t I attaok oil the Certlorin Consul at Leon, and
dently euSure. the best satisfaction in aS W JO 0�0 Moo ra. SS RTMENT OF MQUON1001000S
V')1rPatgPS in the gyeUV of lifiri'llIoloplianeo to lk,
0 0
ConsWer. NEW -DARI� PRI$TS AXJ) 01ilRNJ1.AI,QA tl18lk18'1
sThe Tilsonborg Observer learns that A Ation IIX Great �Britfiin And tlie TTpiterlStatoo
iOPlan XIIP1.4111i uear Obaring Crogil )ws, off 01094n4fq loigI AU04LI'N EDGIMIS A.M
and. Fit,. for ny ordera, ooevid out a. squadron audn army to onforefs
the inatter is under
squarter of an aore of -1411d, on wJ41ch hu tered trie residential of Dr, Bihilit, A ealthy
'llillsbgrg, Vt.,.and t -04 0LISMINUS &NJD COATIN(IS). oboice''goodoo
W141 11OLD -A F� IND' :ft4XGE. OF bad otritw6erriesplonted, reAlizod tliis'year citizens of Phi ll�eatoki AN6 Vii T
death -if Jiti--did not urrondor-W4 -money,, andr Jr_
TE 61' Tim,
inaot'll a Pal)or asoul"rig the' -a tell tholloaua
An interesting Bight Woo witnessed at
, t tof Waafor a mouie4 NEW SftJP.T1NGS, I ()QttOli,. Vnio'n apd Grimsby Caniporouild, cn 8abbgthr kilorti, released, NNllen lie from the second 116RIJOCIC'S WlItTr
'a fido" is the 4and, of a
b The infant child of the NVII(low- and escaped. The ng are 90wor
eW, White �AC
Bensoil, cottoil, jus tig
�g lost
of Stratford, was, baptised. It
);,no Celebi
t oppne;l Or 10 P K. 1JU
-the --oanxi.00, go that We a beautiful yourig wo.
TWEED� LOT was just before.
pritive audie6cef consisting of! neat ly,2,000 rutin, died at-thu Baltimore hospital, n Surke U
X.A t AN
parsolks. And-soille 40 niniaters J(Aned iii had removed a forty- N W F E
&c., and respectfUlly solicit trial,,,, the 46 Jessie Vale" is tile' four Finish T. X W. TJ F A, 0 'D OUlt 08VN TRA6 DE. A40, fpoutil ovariuriti tuntoirr from lidr, Her phy. 114 nil boli
name given siold cond ition hall le(I her father questio"ey rd a' all the iriew �sha4efl
sati6fagition. TIJ6 �esidencfs of the ev. Jarnes Gra.� obatit3;. Site requested in Case death THRUS Cr
aid 'Will 94 1*6 full. . of her
boma(lo to vindioato her
tho pow,1010i A$H, or its. 6pivOePt.
hwkk� NVesleyan ininiater, London, on - -
ON]LY. pRiC ter6d on Thursday night by 'one or two'
he Was; Illado
scoudrels,'w I,'. from. 4ppearal offered foil
A- asro6irfntly -4'0,; FISH. R
flepos; igs-bau.k in Maine Aug. klori Lustm, Seal 01,0WA, Ka goe'. Plumb' a thoioggh oAamillation of several ib,wis V1 a r rg 0,
Maaej� astbo had
HODGI-NS.: 4L PA^ ester House. out of which they al��tract
y car ilro"Quo U d
ing- ea we -00 all 'L
�10)1& silvel 0ru Stand, n mp y an ink
I.irdgsiviktit�ttliobaiikwCenboub tosuav C)a ada
worth $12 - dozaii AA&W de
'1 71 Atigrust CLINTON, Ang 8 spoons, h sixiall�ekj a.�ollild's positur loet LIST F LANDS1 IN
roll, Skl,'�Q 13
at).\ Loq ill, Nor tA ', 1 .1 ill, .1� .... ., . 'Wrr, II&VE T
oligryrbox and illinkof(Als anialt artiolus Conn.,. laiely applidd, 15 offloo of-.
A 00 I of)
a dolitiJ to, Intll tuoth xtraofed.. Tfio 0 t SOL 6
At Bro4lpioli, on Tileody,.'a tripn, 1�dlaod. s (10 17, 1011,::
t o IV o -3 t j., Ig u t i I I a a a d o .061by ttempted a critui 11, 11, 1 v .1 the tootli, seized the Bar ey, 040. 4L (1 45.
Peas, 1) 60. tier husband built, at dio 'flange Nt"bluld havo pulloa it out by F
atest t
18. od te nL ory.
Sallie time At lionle, ill ill healtli, 1,00LU bud Ito o-Iiis I 7 N. 7 5 Perfect ORSIOTS
Won buing -called to -bis anee, to infilie known the.. d THOS�� Potatoe's 0 v? it 0 40,
took.dowii alo4dod gun Bags, 0 10-
out'of tbaliouge, threatoubig to ahoot 111m. g1lidgli'l) .00 10, 0 U. "I J�l TJ
thier and General' Outdtter T� a , latter, rushed , Jaelm the . if DiAriab Court, g4ve.aa impurtant "tle- lung %N`111) Merchant Tailor,' Clo X& KET
C. 4 plost rospoodully infurill 1,40 publio
O1 00 4 hiiii through the 4illing %49alust' the 814 Niagara, 50 �TT 'LIN BEST VALUE i.N. THE
64i,ryingr bago of*aalt "lid areogrile In th s do, S lio, 4at typy Ah�fg ruiutfal t1to ffgtgtory llploulug to Dir. A
-N T t�O N ;.0 NT. '6,g The Wtl�becfiul? Jul6reguated with Timothy 50' it 1'oo
Under the* IwAing Exalpille ti),yuling, Atii0nie, And waa poisduouband utifit foi, -ties, 0 27- it 0' the Ifth 10 ON.- .6 A-UaET
Th G poideo th' t the owitero of the 0 �84 'J t"'
a Kojitreat papok gived the folldw- 0 �uitrb cl
ovf Wing up -fol. ol;IlAg V
wortlfbiotwieii $18,000 and $20,000 in'ride of,2,t- boo $85 LNVts,�o( wo',,ili _j17,, `16 , , ; . r , I uly. 30, 147. �Igordufua lIvIlig it a
all his money wktbiii the' 1hat.-twenty-filo 'tJ . P161a IN
Carding dv:d a u
1301mg t'horou
day 'Wagep, -.!a oted- fru6i t1nat stint t'o 1:373, fmfii line ia_ 089,022 fro
7 50 a 50" 'sutloi tt�Ulf JJILblIO LJ if as Ifni a4 80 cents per day. A& lie rrover (Ieruraf)y, 2:�Ljl.,611 frdIn')31Jt1Sh: and 0' p4troulff;6, The heot.oll iiitad: 01vo ug tat 3, ! 1 1 ' 35 a 0 35
JUST OPENED OUT'. fr I t t 0
Ippe(I 0 60 0. ( 0' 0 "kAltX
sved oil lie UliHod tates�; (if whiull 1) AD
ITU lo
k Ing a.wifo ad�d,fauiily,- aud 1J, ys ftall ey. 'AO a 45
A 0 30L
parnituo itltei� fr6ni otlir,.r coun' r
ived , 11 e a , a ..wo derful ill' tillddp ,btue pipun witli. redlevi;; figfited ott d ay �O it 10 00 :W
money gru
13 UaW tuJ Gra R Trlililf (1y.
at Ila 11
Harbor. England. '_4ttaubt�d to �Jggi, 1.. 0 o 15.
its, let, itag it I),LUC6 of pil')qr, Win 'U
Sund.qy Pork, 00 a .6"00
[All Tbo bird 3011"a a 00
hes ent!� to be very tired And L11117 Avlopd! NEITEST GOODSX011 THIN, FA11 THAD19 -y JnIiILIIIQJ'� Tho
wag extraordLitiali b (go it
it, :
between 10 alid,11 yoa�i (;f q A011,11
------ Arid fit lialril Srii, _S
lilayig' there nup 11.1-d AXIACK, Mi., jillies px.ices. and scie
by ijilt ollo (I to our T-N*E, 4D for fall and do'
WUl leave Its foll(4s, 1.) 0 t fui I to s GLovEs thebest; vilne in Flintob.
toIYLOU ic
front trepth, ft1t& Its tile it I go Fariaers�._
U, 1k ol tit hon'eSt
eIal,rjVing ILL
be stoppod, he died Jill sonayj 1hat fit . . . . . . . . W- 4IGHT & 0041.
taiy, She haIiink, btid d four tif 1 1, go fol.el ang, b1t f fit 2. Ll, Mixed,4 10 G. H'
t st,oks war,' Tweed, Ver�7&,ndsornei
&80 -at 2.15 10� M MIA&
roki d dead' fl -0111 -Vidblej wIls Mat)' beon-lit t -fact,, by the 0 thesul an d eap), a
iod �.by lifeedin ch
OLIN EON, 1877" cuts oi.otbor slight w.punds;i(ich ;.to W -00a of J;11()Ll()g i"i nf Voryt fill . a Trahis tvi'll airLto 777 Alberb S,breet, opposit Bl' k t
YLpoo.plo be j. :St)�atf6rd. . I e ar P
kkotlo� ordintir, dunacrous at (III: Mid it; ;wlially dIfferont fooin '.toy )low lindu. Xpr4so, frolu'rorouto,
1111111111 11 NMI FL1QM.== . , . . C, r .,.. .� -------- owin-, in,that itoigl' buffalo;
gIr ileorhit&d. -
Oki" e", 11. hr.
Thegoodod Proverb 'lio z�an Toidutti, and Lonalla. 1%lixdd d
W.4 ar6..receiving Lines 1
arid the. line '.f 00116.1 which. Slitdrday too Sir.' pecial In. Fall G 0
faWtv of t�flllve-ohildrotl, it* tit 0
gy_,.,.. da of.'which we 1. advi e, our. Mora,,
did wil
fi'to be 11,011 high fol 8 and toog, Splo
t saya. it, Will"or If6pe
all. iijustilLtion ef'tli,o moral 9fandpoillL 'toe(l SpeC416. 'IL04 f tile, children has Mir CLINTOX, Aug 16, 1877
t"ntl SIDENTS from people 'hit.%, toes n each. foot THE UNDE118IGNED HAS'MtTCH PLEASRY THE, 0 Come. t(I six . 0 ind fivo ff 11
Intl) oil, Plinton, Aiig. itten _auglr. La, ___
C-31, +6ratil"11411.1- 'ICA
Yy Mr.J.' Steep,.,,AIlfprt rerlo,. Clinton," whovotAo tinid ago. offori.- t
4ti6g.t1len) lulni'lin hoy Wan ed.
with, bria.-creditors, by aying tbirtymnia "of 'd -d . obtadqeed, out ill, t eir-rcu U*Uiiq, Gr I)It 4 ll,j (I r� With ft Choice. ' i oeffllffi onthe allar ofliis*in eing. tmou li
e6tion FAM ly Assuiod tbat. tile -cieditors would einand Ann 11, Willow of indo. ;.110t. of to, tore. fuw 'TO C11 ORS..,
Whor.o Will If und all articles usually kepthi dfirat Llass.Grocoq 8 sixtZ. cents, he natu- , �m�iderwbltf. Lou.
010 i Oliukon, A IBM,
oix ty cviAs'! r IIII!, J.01VIrLT,;,
O]for self.
,tyr,,,,,t,', ,00d.116�Vo I:, 'I 11�oods Delivered anyw)[tere fit Town, Fitritte Frodttego- Thken AM lfd, � I , in do6eaqul, b)ttl Pillackoalth, lat" fit the'rowu Olinto6, if; It it I I , libou
Itelipectfully as Well 1, boon in Ilie to t indescribable tor V
Illet) Vello Y, . its b,,, t
ot go into day of Jiilyj & D t ISM) age oft. Wr before fliq First,
Akftof filt.h. There Was no bed and it wall
quired to, pay sixtioeilts -oil the dollar.
_�Ct r dit f Dceagbiir,- to Fe �d by, I
.1) fSSPI)'RTKKtLA7'LL pttr. 41 -
REIREMBER THEL�-PLACE,--Alberf Stre neary i a' Its: Falt's, ill. plovott 111ht She. 11 �jv -one for t-, either of tne in the ,it � Ica ofrtho W"J
S, -ru is the Air. iA lurgfi'4t il,041NUTE rown abovo 04a oftl tort, ' ruity of Ifur-di,
t,&, (Dv.) sf�pt. 8rd, 18 V in
Ift CLE121-R
011titou, Amg.,32, 147.
. . . ...... in Toronto, de'llosed thai, lit! did flih"or nd Clip, m We er feuCLINTON, Nov. 22, 187'6. business;,," 1-4amiot toil -how, inuch witia" folfnd by, the� officers, who. Uak
-to e.
large oT 'House r,
I Sold duritig busities4 darl'i Say -if I sold
-th of , pitst
$120,000.wot -goods, diiiing the Life said Win ItoNvi-11, dO'eaodfl, wilt.'bo'abitriblite I
two,years ; neverL . know,. oxctpt 1) Tli� Xsttiantl board of Traile tl�o united it SALE, OR EASY TETON, TATVALUDT,14 -ties entille lhvreto� havlog,regard only
aguoitlf the 6%
y 9088 Statles in goesion at Ntilsiafikealasb wfink. F IlOnfle by thogint), to thO. fillingii of whiall. notte, alkali bri
.worki how sloo'di as I nover-had' 'committee lippoluto arifier., 10 roonip" 111trd find Soft wat4 r, Ceilar, Barn, anq th6 Fald routors
able balance shoot can't account- for tbe. last W90dAholltd I &c. Por particulars apply to
yea). 6 chlisfdtir'the ciiiestion of reel-� so. ditArIbnW(l, of* any part to kny pervon of.
deficit of.Q,8,000 rei)ortbd by the. agoo . untant' CaundA reporte(I it scries 'of re- 011atigii, My.0 1877, solobnThis nat he tinge or dls(
led to 6xitinitie toy books;ilavo ninde solfitioui fAtl,()Ilgly..Tt.,00mnici.iding. the revival bf 0016111110 Chap, engag
D In rtant t -vuhliture L --- 0 0 .Buyers. sonic itowl-g,
JV]p ]BTTS)t.N effrt t..L f1rid oil t oliuso the o ( tb a I'leciproci I y� tit, a, the adoption
:ainotit represented -in my lio.dgor acconnt of nienf;urcs for'ij)g furtheralIC6, of the object. -Eny am
as due, to niy,�-Avifo' is 2,000 . 6dd'; if, iny w6m carried- With. only ix., oTob TrrAT'PANr1,??4T 0 An;, let C"111, Io n6gaJiV(J, L . votes M tI N Willblitiff. 0 states that this 11CC0111A is gin weri do. of a noto itrawn In f4#or of Tfifinniign it
at Co S* t� f6 a 'must, be rMs livevel of;i,tho r 1�rllijp,' of Stratford, datid tbo Wth dAy ofoly, 18711, for 114 OT I r. I-! TO DE 13TORS.
taL-ell, bt*0aJ)So ill 11111BIl byri '11
0 r C h refusefli sllr., of and Ad�in J3rowli, of I Fit 1:1 1 till more I won't tell whatit is Ilow I 1`1101FA PLAr'llbsiC of Higildfid altfirifllols; 'in, it) Ijavq d0cidcA to clearbut
thatl-�citkk to
ffr(' (1 1, -OF XURNFrURE, �IAinjbt 11 OU11 El NTIRIQI 8TO0_K'F_'_ ciediV for $599. which she took I110 A dre,4ilfal naeurrvoco it; lJ.Pltire'Sbobk Of!WALL -APER, BORDERS, &C
lio 23th ri 11.qrl
I had.given. her creditlor iti Chili forptod tfto lin'two (if it �ll, JIILIN 1101MINS,
—CONSIST11M, Or— In tt�taLo of AV. Dow0l.
it, he. AW par6 of my fo:ipital. at tire burne Parlor and Bedroom Stilts) Dressing clises, Bureaus,. Sidebonfils, 11look casew; of bu4inpsa 1 it wits really nut, bilt it was. follild Clint t1lefirfail ImA two A. Must, With )Low one -quill tI;r
.0 lot, ()lk HILMIlbUil' 1) 1700MV, TO OU 111118 ill us Od It anil Myttaiv, had par. ala It. tilk'0 its woffler ilie i ISeercturys, Ekletislon Tables, 4ofasq loungeg Easy Chairs, flair, borroit-dd 'money ; I ad An' liddoullb ligiiiii8t, and 1441a IntAlf, 00111tt, W, untoils:
the Within yari14 of proolimpo: ent chairs, Mattresses, flits MoMillav, Xiagara; hu lidedine insolv.
(lane and Wood Spril( . 11114, T*111'111, there W.tq Algo it flog A')iply to the
ent, and I Atiained ooi,*�ral- p4t, AM Till,
Beds, Hat Racks, Half Tables, &c.,� &c.- liettlif tilt, evi(li'.1itly '.It lylitlif t877,
notes froin him i he paid .51 t tA N In. & a
We have determined to 01080 out for cash, or approvoil hotes 6 short dates, our entire stock girxi which I � scomod to havo failed to Witz; rifird liam, the, barnr(I Agfitult clatio, allo
of Farnitnrb, which is large and well a6orted. �, Iloilo of.these goods are of the latest and credit; two of to Hou -se and Lot -for S
A - T
most fashionable styles, aud)recently inanufakured. Sualt an opportunity for purbhasi;g begn'paid bot not credited , all, itevi in fill! To III,',
4nut of& he,(;. Alv Furniture has never occurred befogo,in. Clinton, and probably��oevfar will again.' merchandise, account, of t Old I ACTUAL 0
�000 6dd Should b atka gotol cellan anti h,tving it Also, for sale, out, a 1JILthe trick Block. being, one of ther beat bbbi-
,present Wareroom �gooll well f."W1 I lill 41.) -all rofw
-is 22 x 85,.twq4torieg`higb, with bi.1le tv prt�a L blell 111A.Land. bf. fit) I It, C. i0f � .
nes. stands in town, and silitable for any general business Jig as orron 1 0 . oil P, If*t ort'?r' POO, 0 3DJL'V- S-, collar bonbath. There is ifso oil the rear lob*a k4mo sly entered it ig tLiniiNIC& t& 41 lf.11 AVOrk-shop'f. 92,z 48, two'stories I " h H' is 1111t, Iny the
Also, large quantity 6iseas6ned lohlberIg Suitable for Vork-sh; 01, 'Ath to' lixturos, &a. fault� but thabbf tire I Cn't 1)ntI.uJIN4-IiIl;? �ikv.t th to Sit-
ilicre wera no stic llbrcath,, It billa fill CAUTION, �Ji Ail YUILLi
fild the apprerich of All parties. indebted to the Ta6a film of Doiwwr & M Ing; vlg�ll -pletiad atill and hand. find therefore EXY
0 I'lL oJLUN IXO Sign of the :]3 g 3100k..
-iiettle the same at once, and savo foosm 14L Clinton Book Store, i
me ; I fon6j my book-kagper. at uelt Cho ituiti ot 11 i
oil or h6fogro Cho fill dateo, viz..
in liabinbc ; lie porsiWd his i A frow tho tioAmsig hill dot W-, A 'Probablo 110rob. FAM11104, 114,668, cattl�; shoo!l, s1frina, Poultry, Agricultural
CUNTOV, Alay 30, 18 August L
MIENZICEIS 'WHITING. id-eas as to balancing Oil orwulo
to tild its LIAO wahl Ivaltord IN Ito lotiod In I
77 stand single entry book-keephig, bij� my k piL,. of fcr U'anada life inaploy. diftill, i-Iffia 'ittgois.1tud other Vorat Ifilodu to, Ila.
-go do -fftr W tonduaboto, hu t Vil. Sol-toulair lat A off . or bl;fo
ON, 1106 f6ti"'Ji tfJ tis, in by ifte la't,
enha01!p 111 4100" 1 ID,
I bilptysud 4 ditty of 800 fritnua pur t"I ItirlIFIlY TRILT PPLIOA 1631 oil beforo N.Lturd 4y - .7
hiowe l,ti III,.! of hor000a itia4sura N'.rIoNvIll Igo fort to to tho 11al-Ibutiotil, 4 C"Kila. at
CLEARING SALE OF STOCK 10 1ho pyelkliarlil If6ur; .: . . 11fizo MAN autl lilitn's ortus for xuu�jug th� t;uttks
cur proIXII)l Q'Ill —111 ill so tilt) A-1, unsItion thortial, byJdIrl4 llfnoNk;y, of fba towu the OtgaretarreH
flfji�alen. U "ll ean be o taiur w of 411 Aphid,
ulgilu ti of ClIntuff. in tho County of' Unron, in tho Province of l0— It i's just ptoba IIIIvilig, i by �Gprznaqj
hhIoqNgVJ bfq wif!, ifitof file to et,,
Urabal Po placca - u Ontario, droveir. for 1, 11111 of DIVoLot, ftojfl�-Lols ANN-
a, JL did ills in f�zlful Lai hitherto the grouil o it tory, aref deal i6it'lle hailed With an (&Zlrl�l 6t cut paid at the To`$ll of Clinton, the 00thAle
Ag at alut Arty
y of silly
00. A. D.,1877.-
1101: i,.0 )plieu from abrortil aiid as JOHM MOONEY, JVI 11L �*Vwix. 6 tit It -e., C',
0 hnlalled izi Ittlik siotid to'be vary Kr Short of & fuliny (7) partigraphers, pt r. solioltoto for aptillellut,
As -the subscriber intends closimbismv bur o9tuplonlentf; with all the-viarkets: of Eu- V41tiable Lands
by the 17th of rioxf; month,. he offers gross it -as "pe, e.. eqlt B Closed against liar, she ITAS I &V D . A FULL STOdIt. OP
the whole of his stock (if RO CROCKERY, &C', amount of Ontiusiustio sholitins". o $1 Lfwiimy. bd�exugflt With a sliqct supply, In r0ft 9ALZI.:
1,0ES4 F H the Ovutlb of Englanit driftin in wili,.'at least C 0 INA= iuuity as thl bigroo bo;oeo all ot oilce, and
OR GAS proinijur-IvAilon tlio.w'bolo, recolved, to" �ulqdy is: Tar. UNDLILIGNED DESIRV To ULD 11119 PAINTS, OILS, GLASO PUTTY
lil have fo be kq)feup, r I al�aatlou of the 1)(11gliff to the early pubilan tort of a
It for tile Wronatically gifted ouly-editora not, tiethapif, gotorally hnown that England new Aturg of th6 coulltytif Hutoil, whidli oll be the most 3PADES, &ROVtLS, PORMS
tyallow to pass by unheeded. ao Clio pull, The scarces coniplato that,thla coauLy,ovor hietted. wNill fill ISAAC RiTTENBURY EMU —THN QW) ZXPRD1 S8. bFV103, AL 110 may as well ag� tiob prPpft!o for a
Remember tho Stand b
BERT STUP Thu tit, fill , it I and Will
CLINT6N, Juli 10, 1877. it not a furthightl6f ifitricate jok CL% it ab 0 lie afy. for! IVIII ohow Rallroaft Strdfu4g 11041; Offlco#,
PrOrA.00'o tollt In# not 113VO 60 `oII0 le- 801116 tillIC it) Cattle. U'lloul'd the War, becottle. ChUN111090 !, Will fie cullcavod atitt-firgialied fit n; very f`1111111 r1XI&CU11011.4 01'k -kit roil Hamu, kupeflor ofyh, flutl will ILL. (Ivory toopoet be a ustiful and v1g'sile, the following laudg; I
turad! rtfw of borsaflosh will IdIld.8 1A St0ek I he - ortfuniculgil ortiolo. The geaM Is one Pufle to on Ittelf 111r16 0 01' ordor*
4 was inuch solid respect Shown tire maii und he fightiag that lifts rflrcad� tho Aralf, Lauthlow led Re a Wall
4= the wellt, and. Asiatic �Uff%7011101iflo. The "it No sub� -41k.'TOWN OF CLINTON,
a Ily"oulf,
f(wileab of lotri L :PV th6kilia that countz it g6od (le haLy tiscit up vast nunibore, of borste, 511b 'r, "ill appoar fit the inaigid, whieb will alho tell -
of niertillaulew &Z Tering for 01
Hortit effIlussitt h0hig dt- 411 the toloolil Town. Loto. Large ass6ritment -of 09d:6n1rW, And: Havest To
when liard political wor.4. is b)tekle(l down I tion. of bushioug o0dN nift Tiff obtained from our
to - 1�ul olwkv aftent , u"Or ilt. y �. ;ol to tho flout of Clio lbrilway.
to Corollas, or' ilia blaf& 1 tetul PT; alinvilsailig aeon Anil the twenty Revo pare 4
ofoluaie, 100t, lim buen foil6d LIXI 0%'Igll tile Itetlona of
A bands Oof Am
AND OT111 Cy. F. MILES, 11,Lx.
for what, they know ii�thiflgp abbut, bu fole(A to-taho 1)!Ipb in 1110 strungle 1R. S. a
Isil, Town of GODE RICK. ot
and Ale, luuA jutL V in larg( 'lq - PJ
Alivelt iq was ititt I UU1114.fiu atta
ofoodittlEed hitnualf as boflUtid 1113 -with firr free trado poticy,
Will wa
rowu tolff 50 51, bu Lighthouse ' ltre6fj and alliong a portioll of Clio opulattoll ll!,L fil I-Clid tfie rd 8how. IN nit. fill h; I..Ny a. liptilabitory 1�ti, there re aq,
easily beguiled by outw, q
ST Moo, 111140 Ortill t Wig -
D rNA We
WATSON'S FEE ta have, worked Jo haVeg 61). Vor her re- T 11 r, PLAC TO GET tho tioft.11ty Of (;,ttladiall horsonig A1111103r4
tillo orice under 111,11gl3lid, )Wherd her0loWyt it, WANTEUI) f LXME I oil Ifro Ims Aeon for- 1111.1186le IV
ftill tho Lower 1r )vin,avar id Ilia by (10101101 Jen. Vajoklf vood.10104,10 hingtho V11111lia Wily winaff rold Igoe 4ko sqlJoylo fiamplo '10 46110; three for )0 66110, rl 1111 LUX PALIPAIRED Td 1)111�
tion'wilf, woJeol. Auto, 11"t rltil 1114 ')it of lti "too "t[WHI' I'L' 11'eatty n1kd m 111 0 bayflotil. tov 11tatur), hf Hit A hard wriflfing 1 00 que� 61000 1`01tRO(IH, 611XV LTME, parqflig Cliff (fatigiallift Mgt !It III dwillootion WItIt thri 411d I'tigir, to bo taks liesa ilbyt
Oritua AV1A (
trip (if Clit Uhill can not faii I r heing (it in (tell -tu and caullax Sotithom out-thira, latittim It thd rff
morn general ifervioy iat a 06t 06ut.
Ing ThId. —illonfrod b1dej).4eh-0. fillort, t 11 Ili 111lzi, ttlklft�bo )OSLAIJ)10. 100hig Ma'616 At 0046tioll. 16trila Malf ffl&�,lgd hiadd, r nning
'Miffl)(110 r JorJlIIlZt; -thern'JA Yet tirnii f0f aeon� �gllobv tiolt (is, h(girlo, Sillof 1plef, 11ott N 11114M vdid kl)ply to :01T# BLri, trip to by the froub (to lliA*p� iwd the tollovirilf e. his whole Stock of
with hite Plqties and -rot- 6itithWat
olift6d td, 11640(le to T.Obody�n job its rAt
oheirAll ill tbitt ilu"0001kow
Igloytei tot, ad D�oss alin
mos. WAov, in old Clinton R401 Auildlug� of raluetirl 0 X 01 tell, not only In reap t1le, hollefl6 oftho M940.4 OUN0111191, a at cost,
rot fdahor Intofth Well Iliply t6
III#, but I to, IIII
'Cliaton. Aug.' 27; 187"j.