HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1877-08-30, Page 2f
Oral 40'lwo,
-:,_4 obtlu. Q. (Aurub, %Vill lll-44
11 (lit m,'r.
are slad to gee thot 0141 Alnertoan 'With the pr;Vrillor of Ole, Revor4l provinceii the 2nd alld,31.4 14 'LX -i Q
0 'n"t ore �lea
be "4 f4'�RQuo,91 ITAIAS IRN sod. ia 000. tba Ron. IN
I DV' A *4N i N up', rk n Y. - -The ll
Ave 'Vf T X,�
Tho.4 wgra e��47tep, has Aximu, TBAV. On Blovday Afe4srs,
��rlvuftriso exetts itaivilole i0flU0000 wi.,h the object of 49corlug, it poil;l4let the ! - moull is -ill be pm%ohed, oit lo..%) 11 in, 41)(12 00 1
-.ndj 01"Oblit a ril(nlai Print. Cavati, Robson, Gmsoial;, Jo4lin still W. bY4U0Vl W, H001JI13r, 011111117111811 of 040
U1,140 the Nr PJoy obpervowcoofousupt1thoo " pard, lef � for Toronto, to cowpote in
wer, e amodsytbrougb. doing all I
in striving to Vs';hQt. On NOWAY will
the Ifle As4ociation matches belki, there 'b%ir taken M 1.N lqiw Iteeitationp,
14na proat to tlIc Utmo6t,r III Qyer�thiug out the Dominion As, A dAy of tbau4apu� ing ;nff. VWca �w W14. Q
for tho. bountifol. harvest, 0 jili WOOL. :Kajr0l: ldavrar,, of thl$ V1400i '4o., will beglvVVAbYIh64il4r6% Addf-ftiles
sclukal Trustee, Xectlag. 4134
oopf i —'TON"
conneoted. with. big oAllillgi- Capt. Wilson, ofSoofortb, acoompats, dellveiedbyllevo. Xlleasrs. if �14FIOII,
that' will soon be conAar, ofy allover tile led them. Twtoorvedat4p. X Adult'o IVICTO'RuA sm,�
N FIB "113ta to the buieneso prospecto, Tho regular rmnthly meotinv . ... ....... ...
40r-, J! hu0�23.vvut%.,,,c
of tile 0
remsr -a MaTd-1 litildon, F
T. Emerson, of the 2VI4 eon, litillott, Lit. (OPPOSIT-F, THE UATTEXAT;RrHdIVU�y
-1 tif-fitn- fto not 40 b4st, 019aus of O'neating the, folipwo —JISome peop,4 Illive Present, Messrs. Costs, Leslie, NoGarva,
still ask, Scott, Searle And 1jing. , Ill the absence t4lPe4�bis77t1ayear,.a.n4 by way of Cole- County 01111jux®r,
we touched bottom 7 Wall, if we have 110t,
of thi chairman, it wais moved and cirried b"040 tho,"evout, he carried two, bo4belo
Iva ver will, We must either now as� tlkj� Mr. Coats talm the chair. The Valli. dia- 13raceflold defeated 133Y110111, In, a uarao .011 9a AAWFORDIS MORE,
�,A tim AN i AUG.� 80, 18-71, , no of wllo4t on Ills, back a considQrviblo
well at, Giving, him an Jitter- -ough the.. bottom of tile. k many persons 0
Condor go t10 ottle otes' of the previous macting wore, road tanoo, whore are not f cricket last wee
TRE MAYORALTY. est In 411'matters. that will be get forth this, age who could perform the same feat. A corres on. aent wauto: strpe4 lampi to. bo'
of commerce altogether over, with Arid adopted.
How 91
JAX anotbQr �olqmu will, be fLitli who Committee submitted, tile tollowingt MxxxsTrurAT,-_Ttev. Xr, Boamor, late eroQtod in 'eaforth.
nd (k In, ]such anabuildant harveirton that which 4, the 4timates for the onquilag of Ingersoll, preached in Otte Presbyterian I Tile Methodists of BlYth 1mrposp oreetivag, The fli'V1701
year:— 118tirlbord. vMi t pat�q execute o0eis entrust d. to them 4t the
'Tust as. roodingother"o thou'Ats an, bu boortgotherecl we have; no fqiir'o.f faill- 4§420 00 Clii;rQb, on Sunday last, Rev. J, Mel a. pArsonage this, fail.
CO IQ r. upidgii.w, 410- ........ 0 17TR
'K%up Mien from X 1 1, - above Rdilieso, after 6:0 S11 ft-' Ge -n 4egiroui of having so good
1piug to Fa position la a one's. own- think- iligthro�gh,1, Fool, ....... . 01tingwillpreach there next Sunday. r
011 ccept the liquorable I gQa Aria $tjMnJslt`e 100 00 Business cow Is 9 . V. j\"011y to 01114r$P flttillg 01414 AT9,001kited19 gfte,,W, XILLIKE$ at trio be lit -wing bwl
ACV., Mr, Bowers preaohQ in'the Me, woeg
w mill at-rlyt4ill.
the ratepayers. 1091 so, c(),ntaQt with other me% seeing. me lk 1p Interest, ...... $.4 ......... . 30,00
con a u, ou-, -by- By of Apparatus, .... I— All. so OQ church oil SondAy,and next Silli, MC. A. Huntor,
-1p, Clerk, of orey,
To returned fmin'Brigiand. MANX VEAA,% 1EXPER119NO
oc'dentab. 9
Stoves find Furniture 7 morning an -Pi. VotTlei bight' A,9 AO
_f4r;e .... p MR. Wit, X4opovoA.W4 odd. w t'cl
Although we tbip *,hot they g mink, t Q"hO,,W he Ought to .5 00. 4a, Ly. Moliaulzillia. will preach, lifts
u0nes- �,W was both an un hey . procured this Or* tun't good Mr, lolin McIntosh has been engaged As
ki a anA A diswurtemi7 to npn)inate7 J1QW t vote,oa the, DRal-14 I ill, suggests to the 10 1� away for a few days for the beach durlip40 the Ora-Abrooksplip
w Poo bealt1f. 00 of his M
ski4eledt hh' withopt bia-conatintV, we tbing, cannot fail to afrord !low Brant Milixaq and GV�Aia asl4er
ford'Acpositor,. tho follow. hig possiblii MOO Zailae ald Cut e
hints. and go Ono od, day at the .93890 Ou Now that a good mauv of our -rural Mi utolloon, of Wingh4m, has. ronto,
%ro imline.4 to believe that it is 51r, 910 qqoty by tile, 04me gontlooklin 9n anotbor Mr. P. Itelly'a now hotel in I'Drtwo.ols.
alV06% Gov't and county friends have Ani4hed theirarva4ting, we, rUptor, was last week t4rowri Ana h
3.,J Qns'auty to now acQepttbeoffi�e and IOuGrAlIt"ab 400 0 prosure they, will be coming to town to f ag had considerable experience in� making IS' CLOTHI
on rom 4 buggy NO, and
-471 strityismt, their bosineto.. ' While he 404. had bia log broken, 'LAIDIES R4131TS,
�t of. his the Sight Of so' wa.uy J)ooplo egagpd in Mr. MabdouXii1l, ft. Peter, in
sbea I . P � To an4
qViestioriV, "Oertainly." 41"WIticli Death riiVixiged w$75 mocking blvd,
you 1%. 40 00 Bliall, b to be fAvored ithil, vigi� i F belong
e orilliogl helps one oilt.of that $3 Q a plehs�d �n , to.Mr; W. 3gooper, of E.xQter, last wook
As to Ilia qtIA110clationlI 14 eing- way did the Hun. Mr. Mpwat'go V "To Mr. -from. them, and it not too much trouble -
g at M Moved by Mr. MeGarva, sec. -by
unequal to the tagir, we brkyo I Wdri, to low ykow which the to ASS of farku- -heaven." "..Then I'll tot,the other Scott, that the above be. the eatimates for we mightsugiliat that they britig us. $1,86 N the fa Vik Q Ur, 39. Manni Hullett,
1478 gmip of wleat W04 gV9WU
y are ll� n pukatlif. - How. 1�77.-Oarr!44---�� -as a 0itveaioti� of their I I
6w, U. zaat4rial. c. a3i jiav-e
--ft et A�pon tboir 9 on, TMe in pr,% ssay for orgain ON, 1 0 *�ain
Moved by Air. Searle,. -sea, by Mr. Hirle, gentlemen, 'and live shall give you tile 9 -set ever much fArmers illay tqlk of the dig,- Tur,'Log4on AdwNser incurred the dis- -that the fl3lloWing icc6uuta, a paid i� * heartiest bat;d?obae you. ever got. For county, township, nd railway pur' der disquapionj llqt vg -been. b I forth alt reA8618 for'li I -olectioll, AS, nity, of their calihig, the're, is, I h their pleasure of the , Aldtaimon Of tholt city"On George Carter, $Jb,62� -,'Tartios Sbepp0a, S400XV CLA41.9 CAuTirz0ATZS,-01It of as, Howiel; t1lisyclit, levies a 9.1Q. mills on
1 .8 . . 0 01 a
q'iUlute �01 jt� Xf a account of some strictures it made on thoi 811,64; Win. Fentoul" $2 Mr. Stone, K; t d 1
r +
he does not altogoth4i, refilse to 6 rve heart$, tO low till 50 applicants in this county, for second cl
.0 '43 -a d
etione, mud accordingly thong. Worthies Watto* Co., $2.20 ; Mouziell. Qo*� K. mrtificutes, only 'foiar have, been sudeessfkll, A Crane four feet hialit, and, 'moiksurigg Wilors Dr ers.
big fellow ratepayers we think lie Can- son goes ilito kVL: 01"a I seven foot'frora tip to tip.of wings� -�Vhs sho.b
The Board then adj9urnod. viz -, John W. Ross, 0. G. Blatbliford, John.
devoted a good -dovii of tile. time of their.. ab, Whighani, last week-.
not, in fairness o.. option marries it me�6114pt or a. j)�ofcasional V, Gowan, Archibald-'Alo A. Taylor, Vill ug. 2.7, 1671.1.
i h0t meeting, in con4omping1he Aqpokiiicr grade. 131. certificates, , The first The brid&-at 1100ki.y'" 341, 'Wiligham,
w' Shall. servo. tt,orti. ma.r etbing 6�1,41 tgUl
of saying Ito' they Will spoak"of it ar.4 0 132 lit ug
in, vo weaiinroitl teraiii;passing a resolution %'ANNUAL. RIFLN MATCH. -TI: 4s been completed, and sod
tifle match of tho'33rd Battalion Will 60 named obtained at toachet4s aor
tiflipate, h' ;can jilow ba prop
C WS CANAD AN The duties lof.Zayor, We opine,� for to to that afteot, this, that V ANADIATT. NE
rmug. Ag aPaV -rOP11" kold,at Atlibleot,range, in this placer Ott ta6glit -the. necoosary. three years,
nfront A(faki; down, hit, . booli in aill 41ii-tei to iihow !lhat they Ar a not'Voiryl tho'l7th: of Sept, ameof his C,
ibe Ilext four rllollt�,S, will no 0 its Una tho three � lattur not hit rops in th4 Sakutonay promise an oil., A musbrodia 29 b 28 inolleii was last
once and: two lots, 1. Will = to put in 4.. ie.rm at� tile Nor. at saafortb,. to Nrl, osklall'y largo yield.� week exhibited"ht, Montreal.
,a IQ d -by, tile 6
rdi .111911 'Is ailil is tbo'nobleat 11tirk, lig to� moch trotiblq. threats of the - Tag�- BTAYo:a*LTy.-' lie v oli ofore b T.Ines Scott', forflicHnai of $1
as. grout a mal. b itted to toiloll
lt d -- follows, 'A tomato weighing 251,
rest, 0 Ats 0. - ounces excite'
'kllov�lcdgOp AS o'thin4* h Thtisday' lant, ;,under tile now c6difidat' A westing of the C ?our hundred ofr�s, of typholA.fover in. 0
lhq fair Vill]. t�Ql, Hodgius a �ll� thbl, alict 51 ; W.� 0. Searle, 32;-Vlorl- oiatiou is tobe hold to -morrow, evelling, us!.
paper 'LiI0 has'lloon brought '.Under tho queboo, t present th wOnd6r of Jlsmiltoni�n
intagines, a (Levexi 'if th�'y do tit times ty. for Hudgins 19, mo ToDiATOr4, -,&0 Wwtiuie. for put- -T-4% remains of another Victim- of the St, __jVOr
henesi of irnpoitm q kchl rAn8QQtQd. Toronto will,64dQi
ban" in t i Aitig up -tomatoes for 1�illter is at hand, vie -. or nex t yeart
r m r vil, c r -o bT Ft ve R vim, I FARIX -Vincial Exhibitio 'f
ndirooticiiiii giveli'last lobil1to h.ave been -found.
lowd Will He had two rates I , n. rrinc . 6111 d . ward.lsland,'driiers. turl the I)jInki
to fulfll, be bas �tble ask-iftnts ilk 'flie that itlivill,not. pof tondeaboro, b4vd Bell! their 75 your, a . ad wigall', if corrqctiv followed will by lightning on'Thursday, - Tbo,46si of a -Act'
id other rests -d thooit�y to be, alado W the acres, in the.towilahip of Colborno, to Mr. killed two ye,0a. a&O ilir-the same placo,� ' I tofh"6 electors, ofTorgritto
ensure their.' 'keeping 'sweetly till uset. -in 40anada,.to t4b right.. wall $1.75..
:V80 ate- ind peal w 0
Scald 'The Moth 'aist',congrosation of, Walton Of. tw6ntk-t1tio, o� prisoners tA
boartl wbo will rolAoi hi'�I, all die ltndciiprices auL� whims. of a, bod�� (wh Moptoaald, - of Hullkt-, for $2,,890, lion fully ripo, alid stow* ken to'To,
.1 . .. . ThNerebtul 1 g Of the, post -office. at,St.
id required.
a b roato,. gQAI Oil Sunday Aloning, twon
Cola roll, is to b000mmended i in woze Charged with.,di ty
alwa t Tx� HiGur , S -,Vvo %veil again, r intinediate use ; wrap inInah-es it Vitudy of tiolis oil 'Id diall oeasoftai; 'fo esses its thankst �1" W' flill of SQ'fo`tb' 4ohn edi.
or olools; ;6r tl.ioir:Qbu
ir6ot attention to tb6 open ing of thei High around'yotirJars, botlf glass and stollo" a runkennegs.,
AMRTISING NUISANOESi 9ohohl hero, whicb, taken p%cQ oil lifoliday,16wel. wrtink out of : cold I wattgr�, which � Tile, crop: repoits from evejy part of the . . I ...- -
I cotlnt�, %Cc -acing 'drOP on the. GatiO04 alic - Mr.', -Laligioidi living. i,� the to;vn.
[text, 2 Intending � he most. oncom given
tana the fairs; Ith th0ii grjoil I 1111�1. t tile "hot) 14 111.1*0 it. will prevent thiim from breaking, .,pouv it for WhRUM11uhNG tothe abrup tloeiiug eslargeA lrrio�n 'in thit' P, Ir. ship of Pivey, neat Ca�pbeliford, iieulized
Ing is tl'at. bupiaosi will r"A"ty the slim of 1600'fro
note -of tl&. your tomatoes to the - bri4j and and,1lo pr6opeot I
Duuit.i.n contest in T r settle a, fall. yoarB* as. of full
0 onto some Reform Qv� I iifoibefor6 se'ali I ight ter
1, , E1% A, SX1N01rA1r. T. Emerson, Hill. few min ng. After 'M The, value of tle�,
and ex,amiuba. It, io,tWr'bpgine'ss, papers have charged., do Ooling placelb.6 jarO -in, the dark, other- * The trustees of School 3ec Lion o. 1, Groy, IXGBM4�6W property in
lett, has left with tfrs'zli c6uplo of bung] a 9 The followivg� Couservativlit, p 0 co are
0,jyspapers of ciwq- 'Our labor hav'4ectired. the services of Mi-;'John'Younf., ho, t; 'wn of'Winnijog,. Maliituba is. 8 io, i
to, Show What they bava,on ex�jbition, 'with b i A prall apples, one of wliibh is partiouP is -lost. By following, thi Mr. Win. Dicksou,whose oer- Essex, September 5 ; Nap.
8,13g. oppoad.!d, to Tomp tanda,, on A.c- Q. t, all .65 teacher, 7 a7aftoonced.
in worthy of'ri6tice account ofllie nualter: receipt Y6.0 6an have frosh tomatoes..;
tlVe prices gQI)L' and we , never yet 'knew one Of on tifinto'has expired.' is I ane�� 11'; Uidsay-J2 'Newmark
to coitnt of their'oppiqtgiltion to the Dunk. times of tho yea at, X
thereon !The twig is only about four� n debt isbuits $50,000_ina�s 'Darrio, .19.
all or Choli -Ionsero; s. Dark and Calde'r thrilghda 150 arket ground arid hall', lias yet to be, pr
'for advert ' reply . Jmch6s,lqng,,,.b 0, 11
give oil 4:�reply -to Act. lit to this oha�rde the, U bushels of fall wboat, ontho firm. of I\lr, R. videdor., r
ut on i grew nineteQn large,
390TICES, Diokson,. Grey, lit one hour and ton minutes; the Niagara, 0.4
is alky appar. 0 a ap I p ea. address oil a lette,
gT1 an� civil inquiry which passed through t'
tui the f. tbe but vat!"' ently n6t wishing to b pi ss. The �o owing, -is an
at anno.TSAII61' Posztoxn� aAn, The -jaleL of �Tvlr. Se SKU ith: a - Clinton .-thresb �r, A:Compan L11US- 66 on V
Aso 64 with those. who'favorith. p*tra*Pgarit P�., 0 has been formed. ia ill Post or riday ast
on-tbacon.trary, we -have: alwaysJourid Os lot. OU'y 4(lVer. notaL to a$ bi i h L
or Cruickshink _ibg L street, 00;, xegi rcrr& Mr. 0. Alldworth, of fly; J' iih railway
steapy -"d, obeek' ndrinking. customs, of the -preoeiA aiga,, the rivMalid lakes,'
Ager to diIfcrftl�d . -.a - Carry this letter
fided to'Oome off al; slanit,time since, lips' Thii:proont number of this excellent j6ur.' farm 'of Mr, $: Nortloott,. wlM a Glasgow, L 0 ter goodness 3
h t consi ered. as opponents of temperanoo- At Olarniont, 0 ' akes;
I Jit" it, L
NOT, this InA:irmation is preciseyLW bearr'postponed tintil,the Ist-$ept.i 'when -nalcontains tio'much,that U. of Interest -and acpherigon' machine (of'Clinton) b Catharine Cbhn� 6f Mmilto.n,
was on Ad Wrii. Lowry win reeciva it..,,
diin�'Lthat S . 11 . Ch is the ease. -and a tat.e that -the lot will be' put up.',L 'Jb. is Cent in, struction to -agriculturists, that to mention of, Wheat in 11 minutes, 0
On as. assiBiants in' IV rally -Satlardity 61�oked t death, by d crust hchtnksand c ottlar would be fini Now
�every armer wants. He needs to e i46i o0position o business '�ku incehai, ry- For Its frbufa ion 'lady away but Wo5t,
is owna to -the inefficency situated, ud� suitable f r aby me subjeo� in piti' sho'gWallouroti. .. � : , -
li'a'digarenceh in*Clia, P9
itbotit't of the Ac,: and, forther, that i ofitir pro- :purpose: to Mr. Strong, Seafortli, but it. *as fortana The, town of'GVielph i's yearning to bb'-' On Thursday!-,�aMagara, nage,,tbe�,'are gerVera. y inArticted
f azi-the atitire liumber is ortby,of�notice., As 11, Q0
an evil countenanced a a publication devoted to agriculture, Wo know -0 . 01110'a -City We- 4shanty in. which
ater - and Value Of�. live. St i : - resided 6,
ock, the Ora Vitrb CHANGVZ.�Mr. H. nompsoll, hibition,w of none moe� eiltitled -to-qupportT-'Avd"ths'
_I _dUeed it WOUld_.r6CaiV8' usw"gs 0 a dnecesk Ta 1larvey, I)oth well
a short tinio since purchased Way had been made. iary poj�q ifo named Tobn aiid4,Tatie
proottro. it.. wall fina*,.thoir jno�(ey ,well,
at a 'vor Ing o., implementS and m th a., air' lietarty, sUpport. we are inclifi- th Sproat, in the firm - of who
oX known �broaghoot.
3nastory Will. be `rqprooentoa ab. thd the bistri b
Sthe alue of-Imp"roved i. 9 McCartney & kiiiiBati of this 15lac6i and the aud"both of whom pliikhedl' Mie
re kit intdt.ys't of Mr. Open
.0 ar torn a Buffalo Moss ad "to doubt thikla t, stitement. is' Etter, D10131380 -of HLIV611, Paris Nhibition by tw to dames.
d9llai ly� becomes McCartney devote
rs *a coltimn pdr ydar, less fir inal r!s Jra ej�& Xews brig i6solvocl to �of his onty diffarentraiiii -The victims were each Over seVenty-five
0 a ki * da of, artifi. litt,lo, singul.tir that nearly at1--tho journals. in Accord S'L t � , , , . & . , :
alia 4theivr6dii n r #.'or saio at.Bbok. dorel, life. to Rvadgelistio wQrki air comillipsion others'offor,-fro.w -40 T ompsori. p oa. purposes.rainoving years of a le". and were much 'addicted to
op-0.0iinz, the Dankia. Act hie'Consery
�WlLuxu Ilu owilu solue I)r( U decide T 6 jury brought in a, vordicb4bat
iM eb 'a, f
-mil-by lure The f' nion have
gturu lu
-ag-fra-r-s-TV, do and Ir pro i0s actle, a wii;li 0 party tillat. masts r di oussioVi, that, a
1, ' --ThW`Win 4,11 rfiliz n a
XaL 84 drink.
Ive and is' ld ing thereon tile. eye. is one concerning the hiii beon,uViAerg6ing repairoo will be ro-&penod' Protection cih cl -tile was,. due to their owilt, cp6reNss
and scores of other matters, not
vo8t at ordinary- a6eiLi 9 ferenc64o''this, arid,. indeed, almost an ghippi�g 0de of Now, York, and being pro4 -,on* the 2ad of Sept., Rev, Dr,Jame.aj Of 1�.� Ox farm.0 n& possible good, caused by'intoiidhtiu
y H.'L 13. A, 8,1-1 inebtinrl, of the officei, fusely. and,wQ11 wtitten, Q117 th' ChurchiHamilton, offl�igti g drink,.
only of, great iuterest, but of value-. in. a lng, The magistrate at Ottaval has decided
ut,$80. or $'106 ;..and whoii;110 hardly 0 OtVglI to 6fthp Ilvsllett�Bralich AgrFatV164ral"So reader's th6 stibseduent azticloi Orailglimoivwho�i was, it
S t- lasf ionly The not lit Dnngannbh,�oij ece4oary
d .4aa1it' tbiq liumber oi the lkli Jilly,. subsbribed $29.09 in behalf of for tile sale of BORN. -
his ail�-bupijicso- Tbon',fai d
an of Such', bate-fjked �rci. al(kra nee y w tenlin b"Of �dditi;lIaL t the piiblicitt L ion all �cxde . hent one. adood,
lk witL.' busiuess�dcino Was a coupl 0 JohnL real or, nta tho, 8t sufferers, recelpt of "One this'rospect. While, -we do not L olikolven HAUPElt.-Iii Clinton, oil the,
r after ciredlar pours . in, tho,piize list, tile -principle Ono of wit Rild.tho large salef Stratford paid,for printing and.station- Wag ich gayo� of that city has aoh�owledgod., JA a.
another bout. these, things', and �COUI* blAnIvOiAire prohibition. would yet carry in 3L ruft D:be "Shown: i' . oellileetioll ovidolic 11 L , , ife b Mr.
a6peptc( ... . ... I I 1i ory 39.3l..'. Ratger�a suit,- lit. w arper, of it ddu�litiir.
,e ilbb. a of its appreciation; last yea�, 87
I and bi f6i� Campbel ondon, is 170, H-AYlvaub.-In Clint
n, We venture e as. of 1, r ers. L on,on thoWthinst., tile
s. It is hardly a the Ddmiuio tit iertioti.� with, the M�rd, � in thorotig-libred cattle. p6rtetlto,haveaccepto.dtlier�ectorship- st, -.Wife of Mr. R. H,%ywood,'!of- a dau hter�
rpare vie
An advortignient. �elsewl 9
any,two fa, ald, 8 so to. disdass filAtteks thatif Leie,! ives fdutbiir Thowas Church, . Sonfoibi; - ill room oil: foot in V F subli a me'AsUroL wore introduced mov�mont-hp��heeirseb
AN, GBrON.D.- b E onaville, on -the
to be skttisfied. fro �vho-goea4611onbrealir- -941WIA with it viow of submitting tbe'Dan- inst., th wif of in
into the'Rouso' by file , V�rn'meut, - not And . rows, jvhoso kia by-, law to the electors o I f the county. of. lid,
rolating to theii, 'busitiess -wit�d t I N%lodsh it to rail! U
N I m 0'
every nespapor t"V 0 r 'he alli li lonly' Cohs%yakwe' newspapers,.-. but - -the upinione,ox
-ua by our -cgrsi6ni 9 lai 'Mes have b
A fartwadjobis this place, we, think, onopf the Goderich a-, eon laid for a distdca, -of Grilsol4.--in
dbTs,-.also, would aifrenu be accorded tholitinor.-ofli perforlVar- while haro oval miles -f 'ti;i 8t. Bonifaco'-Oti thp:Pem- . vile of 14-r- poll, Of.A CIA
dozenCof such offigs -0.6aservati�� i,ba, b biro, m6b.19, &0,, 0 '6r 01 on the last,, t he'
fall! is -the place of all. o�hers'for far e L 1, Ts.%Ib
to' OUBLIY,Ovpo,s'e I;. .-. 1�qwever,. if our inipros- ad - the � a afliesL fall o0will Th litlyoralty.. awou afe. 0 ughte
lack it of RI)y man ing -a� fair More times. L AT
of better patron OUt.L 'Von 90 big �40 blun, bratichbf anilddPacifio Railway'. DoirE -31
to ttrid'ulio all bQ*Lploa�ed 'hereabouts, r. -I -BlAbi bn the 201h inst., the
mistaken 9ndi* all T wife of AR.
we it Boll
thein,. but tile. imosb wb
Wat.,those who prov,ldo them with im�!. ly.-Avelcomo thdir co; h - ifL fau who Bloxiaay- 111VO. it -ct for t 'allp cic- I` Ell tub, L . Sth t Jif,
ormit mo� through,atbe ('01 _y.
�to�notwoucu"aina glad
consigned to: !the iy"fe is 'c�rly as this� ill. ally de4ded to haVe4i%torworks�in_JViu b cGurnk.
u6b tioticod Tl 0 yi
'LIU, to 0 largo
ailing. k, lai�' b of wif6 of Mr. 16seph- MoGuite,.of
lifti now - sto�s 'are' being' hiken to li�vo tile a son,
P vario io )at-,. to express nly;rbgret, tbat_,Aad�..
Lt n J.1 r4dordorlyliciuse's.
lomeni 'and. q'. opera i10 i'6dvahciag tempo e._ -Afier part oE the `11r6v Us to er s4ppl.
asket as they a:re here. )nly all his barvoutiti by tho.'raf6payera'of Olintext. lilegt4d tea to fill thabthe wrong.
e -By all Inettna let every armer no i Nlayor for the'balancio.of.1he ear, issessmcit roll aiid votors'.11st, wor� ii]scd.
The 'E�A and party oxpe-il,-
the, 611100 of 2 MARR19D.
If American- advartising, 'agencies elliployed;in theLStates'
llend Ill,, fairs, bill use all Ills facul R. CRNdv.-Wo unde a a5t Wa
rstan, tkab toY explresse . wish to� the %vanosh coVitributes '$2,323,8Q to, to this week from the North-wa;i ,.BAitToN-HiuDsb)i�l,--Kt-,the Elifsoopal Chur0b, th- in'triixtiog to, 11W -Xii Gr3o S whib4nk. Who Lllqk$ occupiod Clio contrary, and poslt.iva refusal to havc. anytILling AJ)1glO,fojL Itat. Portugal York, 'by 4& Rev. 'Mr. -Mel i I In tile. 0 0 a qauses cc 'one balloo they will oil, 11, A.
en, t iere, foi dIC ty,
'to ilier in the es-Rulation ff A.- learn the County t1iis year, School nit
I'the St�tcdhas positiono Be( n -d t ton,' t4 Mrs, �L, M,
nn o ao With the positiori"my reasons for which RivQr to Lake It. Esq., of Olt
I condition. of labor i f io�'forcinan o purposes, awl levieg it a of 55 mills on 'procced'dowil. the Winnipete
n publishers, at le, wbra surely ample enough'and are . unneces. rlrlloldri, of York, aldimand Co.
everything that is possible. A fuir is a be,, nottid a of. the railwAy lit-' Trook, -it t1A7'!i' 'I ' f ine time Bud, dollar, tor.044tho slim of $5,223;$O,,to'do. Whillipieg.
p steel, or, �.Ri
theykl'o' they must be willing'to offer a tust,�io far as sary again to repeat, Tam, still unab $90 tray, County, cc NVIDLl)ON-S',Cl�L.'-At the
wasli'll and bxpenses.. A iegrea. sobool' for tile far r (1' IiiVV ter p ipatructioin, is concerned. who assisted' ia' tbe building of iho iojLd, matters -h 'difflerent:.ligbt,'and- must. ask a 24sidonoo -oi X;.
1, ` _ I.. , . . . It& post ion, I Saunders, WIV:nViyleg, on the Wit inst,
more remunerative or libe 11.�. A faw' ypari iiTice 'every Ono was wild1orl has reiigned"I Ind accepted 4, so me is pal foof in Montre lfo� ifie�
�111 price, r , t 10 W.� release met from Sliming -the At A-13asethig oftho Godoialt Refdrux As.' ypurchase of a farm in tit& neigh
borho6d of
rAilwaYs,, and milnya, man thought himsolf�' 'more lucrative undbr 351r, Whitehead,', (IntiLs of .Ill offi B., Martin the city, where tire means- of earitig'a" live,
and we woald suggest to publish�ra We' cc that is so con3t, -the Rev. J. X German, Mr. osepii! H.
e ary td my, 80cltion onj,'�iday eviDning, Mr; Weldon, of Township 7, Manitoba, and
-very illused if he cold not li,5v&on6 to his in conneCtion with the building of ill* was blecte(I Prliliidont in room of IV. It.
0 Ca'. doilires, and for Nylikh 1 have not the formorlv on; to M�qs Alice Stillo- -
0 Ur. H, 11. Smit i unemployed of Clint
11 In Jedgol,oi the affirs.of discharge S�Nb,ed 0 r ar- wor pTopriefy of a little more dmiio own door,. or pretty close -to it. A recent'' 1�acifip Itailwak, in Manitoba, er, 37,,sq resignell'.. 4 jihood may -be provid6d for
LATE ST WAR tbb t6vvll.t latil of Clinto I a.,
tsis reappet. We'wonder Chat tile. a-* lio year] a 170' CS1119, iti duties With jus cc to, the people, I :1uhilerl 1 0 Pr 1�i b4fora has.been visited bi an'.
uiration Buys -that in 1840 i ly which"plac6:11' ' departs a' I ti as d'eut, in place Of 1VI iug tin. Calmp JTbIs Is the lady'of whom It was announced a few
avekage of railroad construction was iitL.bO't1tI PILOJ?lilt�Y SOLD. -,Mr. 0. ppaid' �ijvcircumstanccal'.sbould itigist, oil ser� weeks &No that ohs had undertaken a JouTney to. maii- -
g.ducies have received the little oncour-. �The .news tile East; confinuag to. -In f850.tliio average,had in. Rg to w Other seveio fire; by which a sashfpct6ry
in some less public - office, before. as ri eek stolofi froui the pocket tobs, alonelby boat, In orde
500 miles.' sold his propoit. conigtink of two,4018, pi �p to meet her present hu il�
tile su�cesges of' e breised to 11500. _ In 1860-L'it:Wa C.I. , , I . sitiia a nehil the
ant they bays. a - near] T&-airco tetbei buildings
ajem lifin illtelligiince'Of tIV 0110 th�t.IS! ilo Were' more, or baud
y with. hougks, thereon aetiliningio accept the office, .1 -do 74 orty hands are ilivown out JWY,&Ns-XrR9,-At; Godorich,' on the 23rd In again f6rth, bdlbngi',,-,, to one of tfie employees,, less injured.
10 000 and in 1871 it wa;s ittated.th t oil teri, -Cemmoli ,.School,' to kr; H� And'rows, a
Another matter in connection, with Tuil-s, they having obtained several vic�- not wi4h to appear as arr4ying myself in bos- commission 9� be jappiellitod to onquire of.employmeVat: inst., by the Rev. Dr. Tfre, Mr. Ww� A.
all$, in -prises requiring au-eipe�dlturo of.$800,- fariner,who intends pominq to town, for :tility t. -the coMmuffity, or being indifferent %yhdr the fel vgot A 11hyani, to Catherinli
he:93 s, an illastra of the great'doprecla. Oliver, oldest daug
li6l, ter of Mr. Win. - Xer, alto Goderich,
newspaper life, Something iinknowir4o Aorkioviir.the Russ! which their (100,000 Mr. bIn-Callander to any expression of,good will of many wh tion -in tile Valu,. of 11 f
.4 arid involving the cone'truction of 00 much iniln y't
the Sium times.,
the outside public, are the ?11 splendid losses were' . compfithativelyriothin e 20,00ditilles of railroad, w6rb in actualpio, has 'purchased:' the 'two lots * zin. H tiron fijoildshipj may vji ; bat from whose jtidg. Bill estate idAlontie-al,
gto.tllo . .5 case Of aceomlllishment� In 1872 this ag- street, next.to the above mentioned *pro- mout in t1iis matter luo 'Abnb twtii;v of tho youiig men, of tit a it may be s6ted that DonnellyL's Wood vard
ant compelled toediffim neighbotiho;i' Ott �londav' i ht,� "on
chances" that are offered pabli�hers to -Of the Auhgians., -Th6 flubtilla at the eel 616i.
gregate capital of.., the� railroads of the perly'frorn Mr. J. P. XcDonald,:cf-Strat-, It was tiot cloihg Vne* justice t6 elect Ina, with' aud'llofiri& I! a strpet IQ, ast, was, solcl-blab w k
United - States, which '!were! estia go& to ford L "L He ef6 of oats for Afri, Thoillas for. 23� cents.porlapt, whereas, three yei Hallotb,on the 23rd iust.l Mary.
become ricli, or L purchase articles at Shipl(a Pass Was. ot ,ii for 19525. intends. building there tile khowledge flip electors. had of 11 3 ii Iii
nly very san, I- my 11 - 1) r ng, �hr of fray, Mr. Darli
orribradii- one-half -of tbd Viailroada. 'of' the on sh Oft' willing ;1JOSS to'SerVa tile arfo 86 cents a foot was refthsod for it. wide* oi tho_Uta� WONAW Irwin, aged 72
&,less than Cos o Fliblidin thqt cal;acity,
Ll,� by would-be b4t jgoroii� �dait� n for for scale lb gWine 0 4_kq� !W ed
ver" inatio It y,.hours by bo.kh partidg; in fhot thbr to th6 s�u of $3,159,423,057,'the.. suit of a mistake on tho-part.ofthe ratopi erg, , Lt ll�"ales, was shot and d
tiaers. A piano firm offers to let its man Miss Alai, 'Tollidi vl Ing of to 01c,.,some time resid ough %illlilo.TYing in bad, )ter litisband bein
reventI6 lbg��,473,241,055. -Bat on base hall was plityed oil Monday last,' lie- Ind'not of mine.
have an inatiument, for so lintich ca,, U's III becau.se tltla�Tvora since, untbi '.1gly promi4o'd her , )land. 1 n. 9 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.
ill, Russia i o y yielded bad been dondi, ind in the view of stock-' twoorithe lqarness-mate�Tg-aild Tinsmiths I Am, yours trul with her hTtlie" time. Some one, raised a
V' of town, rowiltin in favor of file iattor JOHN' HODGINM. riage to' young men of. the iloighbbr�
(generally sufficient to co OV Of holders and inyAot futnished iron or other head. Refit, '1,7. Collor action, if,so l')royotl wln4ow and'fired tile Abt,"but who it was
by Truns..., Tho followingJa t e scoro 011iit�ii" Aug. IS,' 1§17.. Pocket Bobk Found...
manufacture,) balance of selling price calluok.cou. supplies upion ctodit,'far more than enough. h I -the object ln,s* doing 'Is' not
The war most ce y on Itar resolved to commit. Bill- (%ad �Lihitb O_
Road After road hug Actioltod t '30 that now' aand to thJF took a doze of strioh. known.
-if tl'e 'fortunes of 9.00,`000,000 of 'bond% are 411ld without ......
u t3 be paid in advertising, Th Vil' 1040r. loll its purposet oil, the Mr. Vdiinor on HOlMOAyllI6# Onlifolifty, a Fo6ket Bookeontaining
La and his stiiff, who have I;e a Small 611m of m6noi. The _p*nat chr, bwrd the same
I ': RLYT11* 0l' 't
(is . i a M'to the holderA, of the qtelv3orla . ..... 2!$dott ................... 4 2 in v '!c' 11 CA and pa;VrO
war faor Turkey R -1 % done for any rotu, in, in kd- H; r17th Vie A�j hilpwr t wag hold 8114 these
dition tc Nl,.W 111VILJJb;( Wtr. D. Jeukins is lit Ny facts I ongaged ki surveying tho,.Uppqr Gatineau, on appilestion to this chic provin rop y
Ufacturer 4 fire arms. offers to let- us C.1101te(j, .
ro report thlil nbtlee,
hav& a 11 choiceassortmont," oil 461nevoeI4 past, , T1 hit' ...... 1. orceffitit life how bakery and grocery stgro, Will 'on, Aug. 27,1877l.
i $1,579',OOOjOOO of '-sto6kj b6lUg 0- ; the -discovery of a huge mountain of 11 81110.1t
1; two-thirds of.the whole, which m in a ZITAI- A.
y- h AO_T ' t, -Several farmers in this F;,!(,. put qlline phophate (it lime, ohow-� —
Next comes a knitting maelifilo bOca beAcn oil ever an� Wulf tnusV at Buell A; Cecil$, terms. larly �mprofifabiomditiou. Lnd in Fisher'$ -bundrods ofthotr-� Splendid Fattlin. for Sale'.,.
anit ar W0141r.
....... ....... I I iibu have finished haivestiug aing a surface'doposib of
irourne tIcati, ritiflWhy doll'utiuction 11" 01lith, )]till Nvock, 2nan, who Wants to introduco-this ar, CC06111Y caure flioul 0 10m, P lit tile land for 801fig. . , sands of tons,' which iiill yi d on an. avot.
1 1. . scale. logo, tit It due)( litl jusb , L �0� , *
oomotoantandatill. "Thc rolling milla.voll "I inoty pot Cent. of the salt. Mr. Von'- 'IMOR SALE -LOT (i,
�,C, DxgixTnr-sTEr�. -The -article on 41 tim o water, the, ugo.n eo*N" 7, VuLLEV
tiele," believes it Will sell - idado. if il� 1llIbm%eJvm, Tho 4,zar'. y 110 no n'ore iron raila,. and the thousands of Dankin Act," lit the last issuo of our. 81lotP "a fclj Lt"( 't 1 us his boliot fit Pilon Of soma
laboiefs who. wora it ofid time employed in Umpird, W; D. 1; .4covorj llolvaoll., log above - bill) -AS only it d 1*0 por also oxpross, at the Lake ' containing 100 acres, (with the exce burnt 7J
taken hold of by iis and wailts I P attiflg, L . I inall F lar w1vor-boaring took runs across 7illago lots) situate close by the vilial
'to ralso doubt rodqed ia i� gteA by Caused more pereloi)g than Ono to %tldco L. Supet'i I o of Kin
�,,rading,: tunnelling, tic -d track -lay- lile'll I ... . . dos how. (71ifortanately, Was miles from soxforth, Si miles from 0 intoo, with good
it 4n
the bbad wa4ra. of tbe.Gatin oa;vel roads to both. on the riap is an orchardeon.
tb�revorges -he, bat; aiet witli. iTIrr, foncing, &a., are View compelled to cc' pany t1lX019 could 200 tteeito comfortable
us from poveity to opulonc goloa-titz tit _Imut Am AvotT oils position, rt lovicil, him., Thirty tons of powder fiavo been An good bom
Only "Jnsert bi-, card," buy it riVachilio Pic will logo J-Wr do- conle,otfive kind of employment, and JAC6,-'aild Want more earlically into tile lerrkio failedlo, givo.a full reperk of, tile ill 0. stablas, never failing waterl firidda lit good repair,
oceding. of the � excursion to Xineardi-.c, Oil �tlndllv 'lie volly. Evening, st"'w" ws Wilrdtid b� way of Mienigitill intended for end aboutgo scromarettodor OUIUVANon. Porfortber
of him, pay its prii ia, PaA, and db' not moot 19ith very inuoll aiiecess. Eusiucas ot any of their 11, use in tl r wwristruCtion of tile Cithads P Particulars Olilllk, 01� the p -or bi pO86 to C".
go lob livering Clio Obristidtia from the- OP111cso Though the current report that i lthree.mil-' Dolilblicup ba'13Y Me truth for it Will bV Qnt�rjv -irenilges, I
f abl prodeecasors, Some of Our tolvildpooplo She left cific lRailroad;' 1t; as ffanopol� ADAXS�
the advertising go Ott �acdqtlut." , A" &ion of tbo,Moslem, alid W(ju thnro will IL to-bolied inon are out of am. I 'h' were tile of it 'llorio A Dom) a
IV 0 of lio.: C Bay Cal -IV, Wt Wook Itildell wit I
Ing laSt aS;threo PIC, go 1, 11 spo'ciVil car, claimed to ])a o� . selal way, bo,.to TV it t0 0 wood lumber. -and -shortly aftat" l0aV149 thilt from aecidenf;- and that the car c�'Ot,
gain, a 11 Well cubwa afid e"Stablialied. be great, difficlifties to' lnpLf, ill krieping pluyinelit in the Vhltq.d.BttVttc gglal* I watice, kicking.or breachyabili�
sme01 the'
'itont, an exaggbration, yet that, some other nimilav featuro to " iftkitir, a rest" and alao a wulP in' oil r il� Port abos litutiv it loa1g; whichwhon Ill -A no.
ls-vry groitt -no-ovcrdoubt&" alld! Q . 111gPI tilky hud the bad WiSfOrtI1110 Of 1laVl1Jg 'oXpl,ded or damaged lb 01118ioli'l4V tH. J�# At.
_%vishingto. di p6.ae, 4ts p-4 recolt ticed had 111140 - - y .0. tile
-and it, trotted the itailliala out and the vessel to) the c-abio f1bor, influences of the el6men0to All ib%parts
-large cc coyn olijdoavore4. to make a "AlIck rte gro, belug at was lit gresa dangei of 611ing ovor-i ieatock, offers to lot tin linve s�tfficientto, an(.1 MCet1l)g Ilia! �118t, I ' d *f6rc; heavy Aso, provallod at the time, and, tht�
mUngeut of the laulamploycit and Vill th* 1VOny driven awayl Scale young loft A , Land Oil tile outs 0 it 1601�8 af.
reprLAuntintf tile Ease of thd villa oil ill
from that clops to whom tile making ofrsil. be
Iiab their 0010 60oapation.L jealritis of t, is style Via an, other tbin -s meeexactly lilto
start a small fancy b -tore, 4 wo wilf pub - IV' 8 1) afternoon bho trade lit It rsolle ad handsl "While Doll Vind. Win' it passenger Car, wy,
There I Y to tile yotiVig'atell) took tit (10MIROTtON WIT11WIM F?ktt, 8
7 wAl 18 We datilt know bow. 1111my ullanf, �p latkitig tho4lildovIa, ho Walla aro:1101.
lish its advertisement for threo months, . te-tvoulion pa'tj in B iightnil liav(; little hbpe,�however, that ally vigorous to ?"" idly, Imthd Rullott Branch A ftowor
- but Clio nuitib lodge wora d Phi i ng, rapi r 6r was largo, - it ii a as, to - th a tUrlity Of driVil)g the horse oat of tile vkJ a0a road law ana tilled with ico, keeping tllo'tom-' nt c iltl6nitutal Sdeletyo'to be liblo
'tile riob 0 iricof tile period of the coustru ion of and tyibir, blin to a float %illord lie I bell wd�roll, About two J�jjos woAt of lintoll, Ott the 18ib and 19th Sept the foltowihg.
'tin. rom;tilldd un, poraturoatiabout,100, Boaidogthis,oach add tionsare-inadetotbi)i)tintearrizo fat,
0011rSp, 'I;rowntown, ill 5
ud "Pkv one-balf'ofCa6logue price" in- ptl nati. prices paid- or VnItlefs of tile Wckt i"00ald L 1 1
. Z) , I . 0 .. . . poblio-works will "on take Place' 011the behai16 vartvtyof Tile propriator, oil missing Ilia.' lorris, tile board on. which
eq, ]all over Ito& of" powder is'encased ih heavy felt CLAS8 fl-TirOnoudlIMAND IVATTLE, fr1NXrzRCkLk
I IV iIJg ti ill) the bartender, who -wag lwth they oat and both thrown to tJJOL 't,
cotitrary,' people are more allintala was go, l4t`Ly� an to IfOrITIR 0' groVill*dtl� the,LWIl"Old pasoluEr.over them, Both .
othL t, tile reaeond is wacatly fit
y hy O� T
1� 3 I� JtfraldL t1lab 'the, bottom hab tin y9t dull in the jyos, btItL llo hQrSe roota Instances Similar to tile above, might. the w chdand that Jail'L equaliiation.." e iderfiblY iiijur6d, Mel Dell held for the measietigor who'bai tlid C way property, Us. "tpitt rl-ra alVo in CLASS 16--bAilty ftobttu-clideso nof letis than 15
tlid, Owing' to Wo bartendurols
be given 14A ilifinitunt, but enough have 6tanb -- It is to Ve 1100d, will N dulluoto lie was tittablo to *recognize the lt�trty fast to tho ruitm, and, ihough trailed along n6 'charge, The iii6olcs are the, sam
a ag those lbg.v dairy m4de, let prizo V2. gad $1, --1
pecially will be open to tile vagaries, of all oryif)g our town was tho-robipielit ("It' antl circulated the rciioA11lat the pr0priaov 4 rapid rate i'ot.Wino distance, he Ultimately Visad-on, the modern lAssonor car. Thdro log df
hNn quoted to show 91 bow ei6y we na, abtlb6be: the -case, that a' lessoll b:ls employed labori V0140h,elftell &VIOles it sees day "hich' %ve pi-oguialo Oitr towll'V'201114 was diffbreut Doi -son. lit conclusiol, we succeeded hi Ilylilging tile tomto tandobill. arc also Miller's, platfohns and. westing, (140 iho Prlzd List may be 'obtaluall from the
ill tile deatruationf Capital a apeodymita visit as U. 'raigu6d,
be red would avise, tile bartender' The Scatoi fit says: 06 8gturtlay hodw ai -brakes.-Oti i ' IT, .1totso0l See.
might furnish sWith spiefiaid b6onlearnt,,anci thatAhey will in ill- to wealth.' What will come of it in -the would touch, rather not have oil favo to be More ido T ntio, CUAton, Aug. 27,1877.
artiolds, provided we Nver8 WiIIiJ3g-tO flarO let'llations settle , their own diffl- with, notwithstanding the fact that the awake ia-ftiture, the intruders to took Ott,. for lost, Mr� 1,11"nas Downey, of this towil,
end it is vbry difficult, to foresee. Man
faCtUrItIg IL Ill 11 party" wos a justly celebrated oils, and the village justice, awl thd an6vorfs to: take showce. us a .�,iiple of I.nglish ahorrics; wh,,h Oro ab Parid, on Friday thor.tling eon.,
ba taketi in. 2617FMCO, abor is in excess of requiro -H. Fin- NO, gentlemen, busi; otilbiOS Wit Olit, int0ri BLOid to rural residents. ' Tile the hdGt." holao �oforo, going, Oub for. it - valk Woril7FrOwiliq ,it a trod in his garden, Tile, slimed tile following buildingi; I-SEMAN. 13''RO&I
well kl,6wn to
onto'; railway. tobstru otion may b frilit was jtt,;t llpe� This'trou ivas loaded layaon & Co.'s
again, tannery; loss $15,000
stranger did'bot, come in on illa night trail],
n9ss is buisneVA" bob the bu's nogg you lagif at low at tile roper tfinel atid tljiu may be ard ir. Boilt,. fartiliture store, ; 11684 86,000
have terminated for the tima being,,and but ilppaftmly tratritycil it, and as no nb-
would dq is ionerally so aeciaeal One- VEAV LATEST NEW,& general 4al-labor work dhation of his had been received, HULLE11"Ill considered its the second Crop. - Ott thia E. Aidugo, butolier's shop, lobs, $6 13 IR 0 E R.S
0 - T. P.
-It aodnis U 1bg of tbo oppaRioll ihcry ii only Ono limb, of tile troo, Gray's hotel, stables and dont
y Ift unemployed in the States Matti counwil b ant
aided as to Permit of nb ado tance,: triigl , a teeoptionbonld not a tendered him, but a, Valued,
Tharadayi August 80th. opoure to ay� to fai th'oligh
op 9 'BOOM
eft'an a ce Of 116 visit, ill -a t 090 Ilivan bi c a
the marnbers pregont ,Ji�U.
taa _A1LXk4 TE A99- W A
io N6 of -IfKrat -varlo�y'fro k i It
t -All , - .0 UR Q IGHTS
1234bli �insfi_ Al HArESTA
-- - .. ..... mail Ao:-* which grow oq t fie Other part of ,,, ,in
Will-agreo with- it is a very diffloolb1bing fo 0, tea of former moatieg rend and 00. and the'o Paris flour
a n atin't, that the $cstardt!7. shop, $100,
0 takoahlii Moved by J. Howson, sod. by J. ffag6u, that Cooke, N1. P.; (who recontl mills, owned by 0,
has nothing im bid- pockotg, who has not 'day -containing 100 acres
advertising agency and " dealing Shtilig Bull 111"s left 'Canaalail and gone bddtl accustomed to farm. work, and whose of the :place, anrl on F,ri N� pL Lot 31, Oph. 14, y IOP is Noley Lent in Xortpgi foi 2, 9, 6r 5.rairs..
irl' tensive, saw Intills t Was; it, . a t
b p 01 valued tit $4,060,' Tho'tokalloa will,loo'
reotlywith the man f' Oak to American forritory, family is calling for llbread,�' to go� on to every he be taken born School Scotiou XO.'9 and put Godorich on 8 aurlay and Suittla�- last, -and tip to $30,000. The lira originated in tile
d tho nit- siiqpioiouoly� itild witlr� to Union School Sea, No. 6 an the pptiti-m of*
who soUG11Z
A successful Conserv'Ativo' d6lX10b8tfAtiOn the land, Winter, with fie bitin5l blasts, -tuyin-6'ry, it i8,suppogod
in- a a goda pi: 1,waltion ter ba, nimle to the wittohouse, of tha
ig becoming a nu1qa:dce,_dr W rae, hold at Cobou'rg yestordy. god deal of rot evve - %vas an evidence, ratoji4yers In said Ll. tw, tollehig AMERICAN 09119NOY ROUGHTAND 86LO.
will sooli be hotel and, I lion to bo, Ito ro-oroolion of )is mills, bir sonio individuals in the habit of atoa'l.
11 rlodog. Moved by J. Britton, §00. 1,-y J Tis propbsitioll is thAt, it' 0011sillerAtiolt Of into leather; and who had loft a burning, AvXOT10, 0 HAND DVSC0lJXTVM1&X
fr4ud. leading a, feared that,tho unemployeil i's the States the vittorld " Cara llmt bee' . . t Copies of ton
hoisP, was kickednil instantly killed. -far lyloro 8 than in Castda..%-have good It that 15 coviewor's a.bonua tif W,bjo titud, oxemption from tIxA- match On th6 lloor. Tlie losses are mobii
ic lit pivnphlli� form; be litocniod, f, rthe tion for alorm of y'ettra, lie will Creel; ii; taill insured,
A GFNTL91JAN of this place, Who rotcont., Aldettilan Pipor, of Torouto, i ohilrge(l jogen fo Cd its ipprwtch, ' Aild. filay Selloor,,-011 Mollaily -hilerest at 6 pir eent attowd 64 aeposirs,
3, With Abducing Ila tllQ school of I'llis PIACO,wag ia.. 1180 tho rencoviowers.- -QarrI01 W"wed with a dapaolby of taA million foo6por wintitil"
ly returned from'n visit to the Lowell mot othe ogarcl theituation with some. ola8t see, ty J� Un8ov, that till: fol- t6logmal sto)
to- tile Charge, I I f ttavo 41A tub All(I pail factory,. A, Winnipeg -Tile GOV,. 'R%l P's
- thing INC. PV01101131011 wifli ft good gcuol- lowing adcoants &a. t tile' enu I lei Impotiog to -1110it6w, X)igbt, General, tord, Datfiriti, made an olo f
viaces, informs 'its that ho made it ll A train tali Orr tile track Oils 41,10bloil, fit$, tJow having bee" ativorfisitig; M Stioll, for 06 mattel, will be, fulN roi)ly to tile addrom, &od6ttted by INSURANCE At LO' 'W R S'
especial object to find out hour Mr. kill"19 RMY10off, Allf1'w0V11lzlh19v 011gtod, WO gl*V(I, tor J. n6nitaff. Ila paid they Would not ATX
I it gret vaanv others. "A ge 111 11, McIntooll, 0iio of t to pla Ago grut Xple -an d 11) 4T fasurAn46"Com. ketizio, and the If9form Ministry lit goner, ho aasortsmolit, of Cam- 110wooll, thAt t1lo 10) oh cottlojs Od.upon to Own their handis withhuman It I dAc
Thli 0, lures nio duh lo "commercial 6011, llead I I
',tit levip(l and collecto(l, ol all of f.110 coutltymf Ituroll'. And t )a fli'st who
-file people of ff road lllood,'biff Ito invited them to Joill'tho Ca.
all stand in the eyes of 'ad ioff the first pri?d t -tile Dori 1bli 11 4tid who hgs� j6st rottit ad t ily, viV,, ettled Avith hi4 l3WilV Oil tblb 'Andoni
lie fouml 010 Ito Ivag,40110-. 0' to div, Reninr, oil till,- Tit t1la of in f . 'flu ON 8 E
taill, says tllv�l divi kitubr, 11tisla nadiansgalast, tile brute orce o na urel R TRE T OMNI
to we 4tvrl foupEb; 011hot. (I ; 2nd div. mill on tile d,,liar, on tho loth.of Jilly, im tho 71101 'lot in A war of arlibition, hot ill Wvuoing or
aq ioms111nowilkill
to be !I fli right 111an ill tyl year of' Ilia 1106caned w w, - born Ill !Uol; westward. , Iii
Nfidrllo 01victatmto Poo: ilift Very careful' 'about. glying Canadian, son div. Ae�ior� Ill 18G 41to. lark(I aillotoll 11evilliplA 1),V tift:.rd- tho "tallaml, of civilim
nd the principles oUho Min- ljouthern 111di arwafflicted by tile fit Arims and tfiiit a by- flicy namd, oF Ito 1volcomed tbeM accord with those of the mille, st it r4X81,6f tile pcoi)lo must tw be and pitmid to oniirm tile with )its parontH whon nix years (if ngo, to the to a(lding, you iiro welcomo to
Theta two (AiLys: tha torrespot1d. a staff Of tolletort being Allaw 11 Clinton, Alin, aT, 1W.
OfTcr - oaq W"ZI a to out 14tidtl out
tiott, existed dier. notilera out of dia Bovott bwA md Khoo file. that� tho Y1111111101"ot ollildvlt of 8016"1 age, pak; in the strool of wullb torias employing 2,000 hatilia in Qnoboo- in thig phtce, is vatV lrga. ti, Th vow irov�'ll hy J.111"140i, flolv. by J, Imliain', that, 'till whory lie minovoil wiflT Ili -q nd oml frob(loin. The. ostioa aniong 4nd distress, Tile first big mAy a T nit tyla V. R11410filf r4,. Iffill(I to 40uloll ill tlle lowmllip lhtniled fo, with tile "roat(lat ffitotlegtl Children."s and Ladies"
10t0d iMYRON% W11010 WO 611404 (if P Ono 1144 0116 fAl Jilllto�o with. teachers: all�olnno V(111� 111011y a �nl, l?. R111,11'(11q, ilkat Oily iit ifith lit My, Tfa wax
praing for ifor up% ada ed .10 onch d Bdbtao� Tiln-
Mo Afthiples, to pugh 84108116 tile 1"11gliall LiAt. IllAtt", be pl.icotl lit tho (,t the, Rut. vtj. v r crowd,of nhoA I
Ire .,a Ill the VAR AUCTI 11ritton,4114 that tho patitiol ly. 04, t1lu first assespor for 06 filia, Xieathbr and
Provm Cos"' and Wo 811ppoed. wo bitLy vonturo to say, gi I of . nI initted
meilef sec
St 0
r 0
k T
tAlI lAko ati of M04
of 0XI" also. thw toholk
bodiesen tho roml in flin t 1011 P
and IlU a ('420 uh 68 very low iced
11 Isoarl, 1)64iflca I)n fearow - Tha all. r
(list ott Von "Ovor to viltil Tradciftlnj� Ave till an, wom on boin A .
�tllan t1lb vp qohito sopufaf ion of tho Proyinco lemt roy
t I tat 11 UAL 00B ot good itirther atiftiti0ii ry (11V 11,10 1�nr;Qm jagilieca of the tiro Alen
liallo7vatitnote At0outa,000i not ot Tauiu aij Cat