Clinton New Era, 1877-08-30, Page 14 . ........ . . 11M UM-UMbir 04 �461#-Xo* The to"; W 901:1� 709049" IN,, O"i 4 WIX" for Most of tho ops"otatots, W N $000 V4400doAq ill"Pl9s 40 Iva of noveltr. - Aftor tho� %a rotoc 114, V 1 N � I no, 'A ��utorwrlmlo It,490 1: far ossit of 0014, 14006*4 p"O". ovor to tons momow Ilk 04114 0 "1 1 QZQ, W.. )%wr4TON, Aventam-A. horseg and V 20 ye an eabibi a 0. his "r. volicas dege.t[Ity With Itho jit.qo, A now bolter woo turied looso,,, 14 the po*io sud AMAft the lasso, thrower #4044 lApursult - Tbo speotAtorli hardly know,y1l.ch to �411111r#. P xl�os.t,- tba exquisl , to tt*Jqixig of the bar$* or the niorvellouii dotterity of hip rider. VEEURSDAT, NOTOSO 7011 X0,—NO. 36,�_Term CLINTON, ONTARIO, AUGUST 30s 1877. 1_�. 0 -good speed having bean x MORTOACESs' 0�11-5 w annum, R Lum' S SON2 Itained, ON tbrongb, tb�� air wbjzip�4­tbo spake-li.14, AND OTHER, P corol,wbio.h in poother moulent woo firmly outwined stootind the flying n Ai, !ihay Arahm QuIrlodtles of Tr4do-Valonism. Opipd $9ourition llur sod Have a m in Life.. r -two little Hong. animai;l!s, left A N4 0.0 0 R ILI N R Into. A. Gorilla in London, 'foreleg. I, Tboir the r1dor began to play his They hoped we.,oh9uld live W. poof their gwoe lik; theivitolighted sportoms'n, iiho has Iffloultio I W. WIVAUR0; x0vor GOA, drone through life, )ligea to The 61 0 In oono, togr0to.4 they bad been 91 -ve pong But always bave an alut bad,, 4niongot other effects, tha now on exhibition At t110 W08t- booked b!Q flah; but wba fil in no harry to 47 NEW Y90K GLASCIQIW- Surgeon, ate., Qoxouor to; Though this world bo'full of strife, 4isturb �34 In the, �Jght, �wished only to, s4of bring. minister Aquariiii -Inct, - R -Whit-ho CoW. --"r DR)-o'uRnr'tEvE- Physician, ing forward a outfiber of grumbleis at the, xr, is the firatgorilla-thAx hirir:� it d Xilo , K? . Ni(I Offloo—Corrierof -Yet strive to win a name, find'their, woman hoped my husband would bit,% bealrellfely brought to r4jurope"And, W Maven, Residences, I S6111004 Irrom W TOW4, INX 101pipgol, AllaVnd ill St taonner in which the British iiorIcinan now he'. bideTed saloolent 4;1180,mont froo; the fran, An at toots.' Clinton. Time is valued- more than gold departool, going has odiv bdon 13 nrlinthe an,inhabitA t ' -tic d return. in saf�ty. 'They purinioii his calling a of offorts of the. or to escape brought Aug. 11 ....... 7,00 a.m. 100.9. ANCHO 9�(I)So 'Ai:1a potu down the old stone steps as they Came lipp Thps a Correspondent the t0niperato zollo. Even Ili Africit the After but they filled the, night With terror,, pro, folm gorilla rarely lives Ion&, in �aptjvjty. 'ponko it It '0'280 ImI 8, STHWAUlks N. D.t DUA.TL OF t o a he fit of the Liverpool 0oueter narrates the OALIVEff" �'.jtte, 1. ryowli, g� ETHIC I JA= ".4,21!.tSurgoou and v oil Ad been kepttbero�.fewwoments, tt. 1 McGill UniveraltyiXontroal lowing oftogs wbib have come within �ibyl cooding from house. to bouse, beating the " Mo W" folirld by tile. Prussian natural history was, '#ATE,$ OF FAs4AGX, Apocualwor. Rooldonce--Blaxavium). rhough tile India ro-ains dark to you$ own knowledge I?, $ goo, permitted to go free, sod 4wsy it, speil, yo ool, Lonaouder or Belfast, Cabin Aurfirytl,1871. women and, obildren, and with y expedition to-Afr avor VrAirio�. at 4 rap 0 0 '1 to 28 . ells and. . And x Wariviokshike, s ilea from A t 4ondon direct, I. to$ ligged All the way, ix W4 Sao to a 10, smoor—n. th com-ft , go firm a . ad true, shouU demanding their womp Own, 370 on the G44001 .0. Yet wi m. At histv ). Dr. Valkenstoin 4rou t i0dor'a Pursuit rp-cornmence4. By wa f at 9 4' littermedlati and 13toorago'sa low X, GAAOAT, M,B�, GRADUATE OIF 11111INITY quiredoiiine alterations and repairs to, Ilia him, and sold for 20, showing Ills, P to. soon '-at . ads line# Far tickets o44 inter, Yrou Ure,5vill gain tile �14y, being Convinced that the woniart was vot Tile I rat day the work to Berlin, W9 College seorete4iii the village, they left to man Oalno to tile Berlin AoloariumI -permitted the cord to esqapo froto his hand 000 1parks roficienoy he severid 404 air Ont. handa. house, =it. oil -to. olftee, Colic HOW Others eFulaysQ44 all,jeer" seek 11 o is about tbroo tho-found-the it -te-ir"Men-Vio 0, -he"bt I all . vid, nail to Dow Pho It 14Y ewbare­ llo)��hitw t-ou-tr ell m I 0,111 11�111� , -Nm tree, smoking, and or;" h they stoiia4 to th a we cc enquiry w flying, helfer.� While the field was'so, to '. 14 0. W, RAZZ R., 4Tvit W`Eoar, Stexhor! jioww-oarnostly- mmorided IiOvOcl Whilve about 18'mouths bilfura him, R; APPLETON.—OFFICE AND''ItESIDIP"NIft—, at will opoll wide'- 'her to God, '�nil boped -Obb� wo did not Oct to work, was told theyClobi bofm, the da�gorolls P . or I Ing Lro" 'ST.Ocy, INSTJR-Orazi O'llutoll,441170 14 0 dL quick.. D -The House lately occupied by Mr.Ataoil Fair, ON Allowed Ali hour for every tbreo inilos front I Ioil of teetbi okii1c, in fullory, thovidbrJealle. . Highest pri4es 41-0 not, well 46 � ill begin. 'lie is, hree and th.roo qoartcni ly-down frdaw, the saddlo, seized the ord- Its tho Wesleyan Obaroh,,itattonintry �treet, Olutau, nr cruol purauerii .01fiveatool; . 44. Mutual'o Wy - my, rought theto In twenty feet i� But in tile course of three or four days toyv the, railm b t1104111at, a greall girth. iolin, Cali, as it ran like is Intim o4k:q thronub 'Itrid, taken to 'her father's miautos j thoy.tborefoi-o haq all hour. and AltAN, Agent, Xa X Xv o was %and stomach, is coygred With bloick, and grAoi arid, a yer W� N '. ob _V. FA aTO.-UNO, M.D., (GRADUATJ), OF oil till tlay ia done, ellanot) ' moment V. University') be food i ro F&,a., toollooNoo 1, lt shirk, houae'in eN141,14% A0, rill her raltives d spoirei Arid w p gray hair,, 1,6 011pose your les�oni learn It well, face, firroly seted in his areening tW Iltyyounlu July (I liao Cat'XrI Maiming's, three doors catib of tile T�alpormxou I tIlQ whole vi work; before tiono. Up, feet.Arld hands. The hands are 410 beifu� hithor and thither tit his ROYAL XAIL SMEAMSHIPS. nall, T_oude4iiro. ont. 1)(1 11-111stor all you udeed, nted as sure will Call,_ y,assombleol, her, own 64 four or Ave new'bric k ariki,16, 'but its ke will, Afto* the .4poctatora, had been atnottiod 'QONS0tIDATEl.),.BAXx- oF CANADA LQuilesboro, June 14,1877. Versoveran thither, Whon tile air of -the amittial, 11 ka, of yet% a Man, brother butchered ber wifli. that'knife, i thy, b,,Iqc of my LitcheIi gr'Ate. T170 usually waMs on all. fours, banding the tin,, after this fit f I hour or t' shidn for hal at here- $TANBURY, QUADUATTdO THE D104D non came to do, ilia. job. I 4plield wlat apool, Zondertide and., G4asgow, .'A d ina which her fit a 10 do- a a- a Child does ther�l is �A -It t�sc ofiol he -14 Unlyarily. Toro4to, (or� Groutest moil tile world hasknowiv th r sent, to" her-, husband be, f abrints t raid, race tonk. p1#C the secolid inau Was for, an4,wAs told the flat Callous mass on the back. of the finvers cad what, for- want a( A, The. fird-olsoop 11 r6werodo 01yo-buirt Steamships apartment of Vibtol iore her marrla�a, with Tier and thou. common ve oboo, eieky ofittlird4. morn raerly of the Houtiltalo and Dispensaries, Now Yarlis, EaN 6 Ivid to inalco-thair way; Qu (Auelea 090;900, Mo. 18,18 Ill your hand," A return -of tile �ed tbAt­ each brick eetter, hOf "' 'PraA',.' Pagoda to Coroner for the County of Union, isarFliaLli Out. top by step they've Upward gono Wlibri. G is baker name, we -shall C411 tile CAPITAL 1. fo le phalanx, 0. 844 July 4, 1874, 10 where they aro 0 104 be 14toll C.. y A btl�t t1jis at beint, noticed, oir want -to ])a of- Mr, Ma4sy's 04 a. y 0 knife Wait a signal bad husband. pleased On6 Of the. 1�igeab 6o Xou I -pay this Can't; (10 1 ght at his job, bat noticed, pougo dernwAoiltbitollilbe,olhin, Alongbraid -clapo his hands' In, the with a load hufialoes was turned abou be lidn' W,.(3ABix-Tickrs FtmTHZIt, REDUOZI)e 7SIOIAN8 Arid plade year namo its high 660 i I Collie without -him;? D GEONS, Acoonolivurs, &,a, office, AlbaW yall May 6ven $tell allt44 of her hair, web wit4 hair lifd-bloQcl, report, oquattitur on the floor and drQp-­ and1be'rough-rider train Montana,moput. eiiii to-londonolierryi, bPpOsIt9:Fair1s Millf. n he tit w erward hl� ilia I's 1) d on his Gin�d her C.L I N T -O' Possabiurgero book- lf'*l will ouly try, ca.t off aiid s4, b with, ilip polden horn to NO' 11 all in one of ping his hands aft umo� o' se; abarte4 in plirs4it, 'for, the enclosed, 4olloonlitawift"Belflist, olisscow, ")ill- D. H. DoWSLEY, A C. 1). A.!M,.GlndO7, MID, hmhtowns as being built, the architect pro. tilnes'll Nyraps himself i bov busbawl'. 11 a CI"k Ail ill the ca�o ]of the Ififi-, -ucy 10 bloom doul. lat same, rsitisx,oto 1Xv Clinton 1877. roses always �new,'IVife, lieu head adorned with the same -01' -sin a w out therorn by the of a palipade piovorkiud tile an1t, '1V0RTHIXGTON;'pHySI0i:A.N, silwaEoui �n, tha'�yoorld fox, yott thero'a room,�, The Club, dablined to'allo &4ings, foo G168yow every, Thursday, . 1 par to Five per cont Allowed golden. horn, not kuowjn� but1hit tali w tbO rapezlq� Wit Zoos not climb thom. - �Ie Ila$ osopping, beyond thevioFo�of the o�octiltoi ntereat fpcion r P 0 a offered liftlits iluii are varlow, ratellp If you '.I f t to age them', bo.ca6so. they cattle Tho Advantage rill only -push - raightsbare a, similar a a. t le for clornpanic,iis a little chitniiaii=0 Arid a and the rider Chased it hither and thiffietio; goons Of Lower Moods, sud Provincial �jst accommodativiao, greatest amount of comfor 84 B irst be sure. you're i3 u An's life atuong u 16 lonst actlie, al� ocoaoionll seiziiig it byi tlie tail; to the oI tile right; . I , radius prescribed by.. -dok,, and he is rtf eirt. entity and safety att Anable, and shortest: Sea Passage. ate a ur h I Worn the Dr. (zei' a' ud oorono� for the C= Huron. offloo cild S'o its rules. 'Eli L medwore orders -th X LOUGH,� Ag ertifioates Issued at lowest rAtes to residencoi-The building rl* by't A4. Sheis 0at,rely at the meroy� of 'the men, . a tostrikel," though far a strongest, of the party.- gr Prepaid passage 4 Sure the goal will come ill sighp and the b.ailding,was finished by men irn .1 is foot is,moro. W This 011�ton, Atril,,1876,` parsons wliblug to bring out their friends. lilt IN Street. whenever have hat Ono* wife, t a time., like the feet f. icinan exciting foiture of I as Porbrips�L tie iokets slid every Information," GI uton, Jaulo 1871.1 -Bvfuro�tllo (lay is sped. ca, 'and for. some Aimo F6iThr I ough . T p1Y to I i portod-fr—ow Fran than that -Of e day's prqcoedi'ngi, and the-viCarogal but tliey,�iiniondli6ra�Taya,tatiynioinent, any.otber Ape, hot the "Coe; Ili d be, It' A. STAAITON, 0. T. R. )t bring*p now one, or -have her killed, as military -protection' had to be given to the are longer tltan.a man's Pik mensely. 01 BY' T 0 10 A NJ Clinton, May 4th, 1878; d: Ootter Used for �ptvfty seemed to enjoy it. 1 Nor give ill) Ili despair a call strangers. When Waft Co., -of Man. has no tail.: He was of.courpe, I Only a diont foreabit I dowiog of orasping. Of coutse'lle Il'ork, and in too end you'll Sao in. tit a desQribed or pent back, she goes ch6ster, were roofing their newLwnrebob jet�onl_L 'TERMS er fatberi- Tir brother, or Cousin, bax very -stands tip like -d human being the Operations of the genuine gatircho, of the ON: EASY, S T, The prizo.will.bo yeiiii, share, to It -her in,- the ccultr�ctor usea horse power,.to hoist. but his favori teL P6�ijiorl i �.Illfer bravely Ili the WHO, nesrost inal6r6lative, And. lie takon a to sit on the. Pa.tripas,'but it was'st !east'graphio-enough By *h1ch the principal can, the slates. When 6 third of tit �,work,wds, fl,,)6r and It 1, 30 give an ideai:of the Control whic L h 'ORLEANS HOUSE, OORsER OF Colmo a kq,e ),'oil $tire will ASA in fine IS, -or an qmbriilIli-,,4n� IS. and. gives her breftil. If alle 1 done, the, Club Cigain and Store streets, 17lotorla, O�- febut lla�L IS kni, he Usually g6ta her matrie he is very riiuch,'pleased to -be 'trust it a state of Aemi,b0bariorn, be repal4 in part or all at rietor.-EXcallout Ac6omodatlo yOr a gain andone� the pla ordered the qlatirig.to be. I%it 41111., tes taken doWwalid parri alfho%ifll he .4006 not. always 'over the �xute..qrteation. Bad and Board i brally.to some, one lower tu rdnk 1han ad .%n umbroll ge l3ods, bode,.4 -a by menL tile, cont b diaring Ahe. terni d, -If,she should dare up laddei doserve'confidenbet, because bellas ai' any time 'her former hitsbart rite or re, ton fosod - the gi bmuu"t 13-ke, -Ext"ra-khri-nu "y U -C,1 WONAN AXONGT14H DR n­w-4e­w-and­exixdf "IEV, RATTAI i . and Clio coiitiaotor And hispartn6rfinialled. Ae k fr. Os JL- Jr., Proprietor-buo cloot obittit bi thnYogh offten, "she is tuipoil lif'of doors, andlio"011 way, and 110 uni an of Loan. 'WA, 1PAGE C JNBtjliy uOus br Cali resi6t his 0 owill. Vl6foila 15trost,,011liton, The ill0wo and farnishiii me Ir and be amq I It Nlr-A� as aliiiig as dvQr odawn� Cho job ith their own bands -a home or shelter ]ter for even o, I to 1, APPLY TO give er yOr gieat in nacular otrQugtfi of arin And The'(611owing eution to their Of'6hls house tire all howp and evarytbing is'providoZi to ed over the Old motintains of. Lebanon Lavyforf6it for'nonaperf6rinance, jaw He+8 MACh Viefistare in eallingett nLZ even W'VVVxtarTecppti6n which IN,) soritufteei Vodently lid tot the travolling putlic"gild But the Gospel is softeni of Contract t6 ti '�tw' I . ngo Wd Into busy in ,our missionary work. Lino. Recently ?. new I , ollieribnoo, Of being it a old on Saturday,. Mr. Frank "OR wn Id Prozes. It is the Gospol which flead of Chicago'.. 7W, 3F.&I aa erectild i Chest -he may inymptio.w1bli, 'Many of the'liatives- were Corning and. go, - I a Man or 'tried t 'to write'- but,,although ets w ad'vio ad WOM01,311tir posit' nt tid as ff011 Cad W todch,him lat Clinton, xs�ob, 2816., togivesi, to to maethg -for boolo:4_ ot-beri- f6r- toodi8d lie did make sorne marks;:,on the paper, lie 'to rnivor. " It Will r Jon. 2 1872 itslight penetrates the barteuns. .0 6. Every atone arrive(! Which isuicuous Y. some for it I - of otli , ready for fixing, but the Club declined to. preferred to carri the� pe�pil to his inouth, gbi, th&-I&7�'You in an 2 -with ihoir sick ones, an Stan to Oofife:ovee those lailds ess; the dumb about pp of,tb i� best and Went I tl�ay W Y rpn OAN d, Iva mupt, Ii bit e.r3 d theaxir' ananas of India and 0 to Mo IN AN -F: L llow-the sto ��t6L be used, tin.) a wbat a Chan oir�Lwill n and PAInii, show of ' tooling" who gone throagh an the )�duoata theowofti6h in a Country, tit, 'drank. half a y bond ind u approved Farm or Town proper tyf. fox d 4ttiolbtiv 0 .0 0 All tho stories of theiv and'sorrows, often all day long, elevation of that noiji6xi and the _ajidAhe men'.paidl'016 oame as Cad L 0, well -selected, io 0 re� gidand; ' is -sure. glass of bear in th" iene nq Q no to twenty yeato, or ropajiblo at imokpeftads,.� ppri son ca of' the au d a and gi though th either in instalme to Wise as may be agreed Coach ng ofthozpalad?f also.ate 8.0d roast. beef ind'potatoes; molest, you in yo I Olt one someth p bad abtiiiitlly tooled Jt.. Thih ell io,C and a n -s now and,again ran E TO`ZtXb, IN LA96E 014 SHALL SUIES, n vegetables liter What the car :And, win be - imid it irloas to suit lie tit 1i ffas re 1186 ;.the' men were :ordered. to �bilt orditiarily-fie lives Obiqfly a "led 1.100 3101, d mot nites of a little tract to be taken 10 0. strike,.and thowrk wag by Bel, and- make&- onorin OLus; The Interestj on payment of say part of the R#101pul, on i;Ao go ' security, at model ol6rad tneah .0hom. In rnatt6r,wbat - poverty an , as ilk 'd by you L I V'sallig iL at once Ceased on Such amount. v - ago, With the prayer that it might prove C giarts' I cotild fill a book with'simil4r in the inbrnink they give him tn and fxult�, pro'duce iy accord St Clintoup August 9th'i a leaf from.the tree of.lif a,.. and, lead io the -Mo treal Paper stances of -union tyram).' Workmen-hhVe cberde% durranta Tappberries, you.haver paid.your rfionej�r for', this., t not Departm, In r1eply to arfenq`uiry, a n repb4todly told b 'to it it is arrarigiih to pay the into 0 MILES, pOjyINCr.kr, T,�XD:�Sijlj Iday lie bag 'a adirance, the rate, per-annumo forre'l _ITARLES t. L - beaTilig of *a hilarb diseased.', But here me t at they won't, bring m , th9prefient, will be basin ofboiled rice, or legoi and,you are licensed rgue in vsyOn,VaIuator;abLanl A -Cnt.L ftJoC Cc mos it lady arr�yed in, hipr white.,izdar, suggested Colortiolo as it preferable heii.song up Collie trado, as no 'L :union, thit . I . t r L Iling. - So ML after what faniiiies , 'irl;d a par ceat., ' On loans foi a iftied term of yoarB, 81 oar 70S,Dtind�s,aniCarnwiltBraiLdsj,, pbine street, Wingiiiiie. to.Califor�ia,'.by- a'joling man About to ythiqg els� --lia.can go t�e ca, Mali, a -yearly, not in advance. OdiTi* 0HIRTI badge of.marriage b -eat Is'"d6 payable iance of!rislng"ahove' oh'e bf&f be there ioiro- tma4 and rendered imperil let; uo,,nt It Inter che6k and.stripeo, fro*121lo 905fif 11irliglosm, Aug. 2,1877'.- r dii W st 06frb course of the afternoon'boi.his some it .0 a A. ya., P. '$]to ip,grdatly agitated,' Ana thr ' . a-, iserable dead 0 and'iliat' asr6gards fruib'and,'perha AMERIOANDUCKS, plain brown, brovit. twill, drab, vows. OWS, Pa �je�nitw tet,,asfollo'Os:-�-Inyou�ansrier, Pff-, some ealt.suoree, orwine. ter what wives aretreated with vioIenc6.'.,. ff nend 41 thil skilled man And the.evoning me tary . a ormoUrin ov , er the Y6aL roodmir -thei scamp and "duffew' is as well o CHARGES� MODER*TE, pe25ots.-lieryard. RRIAGE LICENSES kND%CL_TivioATv. ber elf at my fe' t'and. tdos"to kiss me. 1 . Pay, and m; milk is what childireri's to r a )ReaOlr Ca pply At the Td*u Rall, or at the reoiddaeo of the it Rise lip, my sister, don't kie"s my leeb ina broutylitand-this, with broad and batter arii6tion A pa;root-your business'' GREY COTINON9, domhliAn And AMirld0u, 5 to" 12 Oil n, and oSubscriber, near; the London, Huron 1,13moo Rgliway. Colorado to any Other'Part O"le States as that inevitably the,qualityof British Work 41ortyages at . dXu'i . cl . IQ Conti, excellent value. at . ation. ra 0 one may, interfer6i, JAMES ZOOTT, toe what you VArit., What 14o �jLplo%celtoaxxlio: tp� t'. ed;lnXies hip supper. 6 : 1 (16 hot He g es* to be'a at ldgalized,,and,xio TOWELLINOS, a fail line.,, Issuer of Marriage ticensos. for you. V this o now triust deteriorate. Iddeedi that it has de. *8' Olfirtoxi"4prii 2711,1876� upon what, i4tiholi �uu bO6 piiiioil, o'clock itind sloepsas Ute ag.,8 o'clock the yoti.or. in it., NO matter what inpi TOWELS, Cat feriorsted � d u i over a Oss son ne 110 from'. a, th I a,Par fertile to ton, Turkish slid ZI Wringing bar haftdi,aII6 cries ouf ng the' last, thirty years. is next mornitrg. It lot be remembered be agonize ARIfM LINENS. yfiry Cheap;' lidy.cau, you hid6 iner ? Can you'll ide me tosidenpa th is,. I �Vapuot agree. evident to any olle,old oriouA to remem- T BARUR SHOP' BETAIORA LOWRY, is veryyoung. Bathe hislearrib t6lsxnoke blu &me. of a. all at the all -,a rot,6' C. A. -RRTT, 0. 1XI'lopriators, Shaving. hair cutting ana dr-ei8lag They bive sent- b;rno� the knife.... with you. Unfortnirafoly--, I WAS ber the, work 6fie thirty' in- rega yetiors Vvher� the Cigarette )ilia in amber' a right �to 'di 1111 a a 25 Cali 0, lad Y" to aeo�k the beriefit ohhat�glprious climate, BAOWN. HOLLODS, full range, curled, per yarM done In the beet style. LAlloqUair dressed, e.me, tialliaenfiinobght6 oibsevire, the renc6 r�ohthplcoe, for: he doe -the, ate your legal 6a -you are'l Attori2ey-at-Ld. And n h S. ade up ill tholatest fashion, Ahd nt vzoderate and wandbiedfrain placei 6, -place witbin' b t not like STRIPI'D HESSIANS 0 And 24 Cents. :, . , . bbacc( He -puffs out the 61 U Oliatoii,Jaly 12,1877. rates. Combings made up lit any mapntr dcslred� what do y0a mean, my Pd Or was 'furnished" a W�on'modern'woxk-Aud the -work of our ;of i ouds' of 111111, 7 lit' up you la�ful �iq lo Wt - habitable 'borderse. NEW'PAINtai, 8004ifferent patterns andgoloirg,fr6. Olintam,.Auguib 2,1877. i friend ? Who has sent a. knife,, and wit father?.5,time. -f-Ai6in n rd of introduction) and be- blue amnlro -from, b is- wide 11ioptli 'we - s -f- -e 0 'a good -letie' fiio 6fiding and' 7 to lacti. perard. 4ith goill;�16_ldll yofi I" eman, wri out in a a bandred thousand people'are said too have. Yoil.ma far to it it 12j. for the County of, Huron, 0, lady, what! 1,was it little gii I I was, ing mind-, s er. xa ter ait 1 es aii a - "A visit6d him a to, M01UNTCASTLE, HURON STREET, CLINTON' came acquainte WHIT STAlt .. ittautiould d with. wgreat. many per, cba't JgL in Berliti.sinco jone 27.,: 1876., ele,rafit e'ui mqnt friii�d f i 0: a &,bit ±ime. Ell _E' sons and,. bei ft,enquiri Kepleaut, mid -General Broker, Is preliarad IL bet y nd., He, s6nt Mo short ti a it 6 posted myself as to tho'capilbilities-of the The Occardo Ste Lin NaTi7r—kt4on boragguy's Sfeams)axir weto take'the whole management, advertising, &o. i a( stiles this aside berr vell'- �ead on 11 L this departmett we defy Ctilu�Otlli011q A 9670 ill the ca that re oired, i for of. W6 ich Of.SL Use elpts' lifted at t 4 antry, ht reiRondb16'ratest, I merits est)mdrkets and merited goods tit opinion is worth a4thiug,' eig wponce I .,. ave- n a _fe Feb to in 6 visitors purchasedin the cheap set: with ivot Id i 7. 1877. and showing list goldon� coitiiitry. If my t6l eat ZRMA.Ma, CELTION* ADRIATIC, REP1=0, a, *Axy 0mati.aftnae.. Iwoulfsay W a; ",young man -with a fair 'elg tic n I OCEANIci BALTIC, BRITTAWL1,"9ELGXV. pr1acions A ones- to"Co].Ora a. ne day,A j( i area ate.. -0 Canadiaii-Wonia' DR` a -ex .1 0138 t -w-'I�nd -my father o6rithim. - d d to" a sheath Worn - a ucat4op, a no go Will call from;q'aw York'(Plex 62 $.a ).6n SiTumtoxitil, 0. XcINTOSH, BAIOIELDN--� TS9VR :.Or alarge knife 1 ilieedily adjourned to. 4n adjacent leL lIlaSt CaptiVatij, gron A Sacrarrilifito, Cal:,'papaireldtlia the fol - Ili the -Quidon'sBench,day, Conn. y irr ei days ago, as, the Frooporr, -way then thirst by a XonvqAncinida . ne, such am r4freshmeht we Lit now, built of frof3, in watr Q,xe 'hat 1, am. arable lanol"14 taken Cattle -breeding - Irry'viras taking a load ofpapsen%ors hatioss o, produce a rigini,appetite-fo cehadaurider the nowAct, Counnissi6ol- that of and from Luznpoox, on Triassm", ealling at Cork, not a'fartning countryi everythingi wines kilegAgIdavits at a belt), 'I.My husband likii Reilt� back b i�ati6ii.,ana.novir,�out,.i*ftit)tvlt the beer-holise,' and his visits to Ireland, both ways, Thd iteamehipa of this Lin ""ate lowing Sam ss ad Fancl 00 0 . -, t- tli6 Itnife'no*, 4nd -that modna rai. repeated at allor' -flobt compart d Ill it at Huron and Braid, t inter - Die' G s I ahent a erto ps, go, .11111o, Deeds, -and hf6itgago�, vals the ol�y. .My frie fat h, ry Over, t a t ex. you 11 dowagers iinvivalled. accommodations. he sees, Bonds, Contrae to , be�kilfed." nd tbou-ht Choi river, a'ild whon'About half.. It may stipply'that SAIRQuo ind locitted in thia mid -ship, Fees small. RoOdence-opp6site Pclf6ek?d Hotel. is carried on 6ifen6ively,. blit is not pro� thii style of, thing� looked more like pi.y fshionable Shades iina pattorns, J15 X11MAL tSTATIC.. Wbt have you doiso I I Is attached to 'by full be6ause if is lawful ; you have paid ter otion I Riggs GOODS, fait L ati'd; 0.0- 'U'.oll a falt, D XON9'f ADVANORD.O. except t6 those who have son a ca. t ropeo whiall. i the tifid e.tio �b b loft dp I've beori a true find Able, an to 80 dents. ayflil Sapt.14,1876w Ilan *otk','but he was Mideceived whert maj &Ila* Rates of Pasgage, 0.iooil, iso to $1ooi 'gold'. x,etttrn, See our CHECK MES fiti'_­ Don. pi I and. dxperience. 'Min�ng is the chief ealls of which the boat is towed; broke.- it -you lave a license: You I -have two.6n, SL iness and iAich brinbs, the, great trlh- ivdd a bill of 7a 61 for ton hours, Cdifitb 'ation reigned among the pa�sqnge .. i. boys, al inoat children, to frequent your s4 - Tickets, good for one yeAr,..$146 to $176t gold, socardi 25 CO. per year 4 wife all thood ��oars. as bus �he recob rn us CLOC passage, to or from BLAVIL V01#bER, 'WATCH A X_ girl.ne. fair as of '.work,' at 91 Or hour. may. witness the appitrent, Antli. Ing to accommodations,, Steerage LVSTRE9 ANO XQVRN SO XAkElty WOffing Jeweller; &a., &a!, tail its vi�ptoplar tree, and one jority. personli into the"c6untry, but.the . clearly noneof the men; adld awim ; the boat Was Io6n ; they Europe, ill low rates. r plalaof'steameril,und other - 01601109, very low prices. wants now allows Who will have to pay the. addtional erif. wa, h a n ig xic.X6 door ta.-thNb Exiiress Office, Albert tile moon ; but lily husband a lag down . there I nothing, on, board �factjoil 'wiih which t air a ior Information, apply to first requisite' ofAhe n1in-er is . physical suni per hour should the jiAnereo suedeed in which it c6uia.be paddled or its�rnover HOSIERY, tail range in White, Zilbriggan, Sp�rdsh. Sta-ect, Clinton, respectfully Intimates wife 'now, and -he doisn't Wish Mo. to. IiVeL -litij.glags; you may be"ischgoli d 0. W. RAILTON, G.W.R., Agent. . -briawn sudgeather.' tollis friends and the public geiNerally, that Ike had On, to curse her," strength, and.-nbf i�da-cation-; besido'a;L to 4i I Ar. *� . . . a, theie are'ple I the strikeirt whiclilbey aro'now engaged ; inents directed. -For' fevv seco c CLaToN, TAn.101h,1877. -GLOVES, oileniiia lines G Ria aud1fBIo,.', hand E6,seICttek of Oloc4s, Watches, Jewollery, ita., of miners, "than a traifi�ug them for theL pbriod of twenty-one 0 i-will-not�be denied- tht'.in most and inactivity. x8pied reasonable iatoi., Repairing -of ovgry . ere she trid ftivaiu io kiss feet ,my knowledg and,it' strong And CORSETS, Thomoon!s glove-4tting, 90'.Cento,' haTtoSt anting w6rk, and'I met numbers of tile when they too can participate,, for all this description In his line; done On th u lea,. and, L trades in6reasod- wa,;es'n%oan' healthy looking Cituadian wonian,-*seeiug that notl I . P ., - grea or In- L is And cr! - i obtinies ewould be g a o A. jo t on oulA do-nothing, piocilbded to take LK SCARFS To I ry bholoa,lotr�-25 cents. to $j.. at moderate rates, 'ed'onta4ifino�reatagon I'd b awful. "YOU njay hold Ae cup 4o. thdir -ab hide Ina INN 7,1870. writer this �n a lips, but you 'must not a nuk' CLINTON BAXERY. olintonwob. 2 11 sincerity, for I know what . enipprance, With less *ork, and1bat bUdn bio ta a I t theta el Aly.poor lr�dko, !do, wish I Could hide inferior It forbade COLLARi. 0�68 slid RUFFLINdS, large samortinon : . off. or'shoesandstookingiI Modesty gmexpbusive �ountr��Ap l4to, live. in, and re,' and,'arrayed as.. thati.8 UnhLwfuI-' -VOr while YOu have all PARABOtS, Block and Brown Silk Ana Zantual. 60 the removal NiUmnolt 3 ' to oil. I wishI could shelter y' 0"1 u my unless oftetliing"cah W obt�i ad td make those privileges for the money. you y weightily asVoratius Cooks woo when' the payl Capada. Akpidltural hs rako Compa b, husband is away on a mission&U-tour. wribiney, the strange . r will soon find- himself bridge fell and lie jumped into 66 Yellow� this poor'ptivilogjc of selling to children -is M�LE -A do Soini3 curidoities of.Crime, With lis hit'neSS on deniodyno. Here'parents have the -right NN N Lot ilia thinka �ioment. W�lat can I 61A of -pocket. I Viber I r big badic, site caught SiL EMON SNELL, Forodwich;. or you 71$.*L found-tlie depression in a ropa-in her teeth; plunge, into the muddy to say, 'Leave lily son: tolt�o until,the'law ll branches of business Street, opposite Rnox Iffeteiv GE. rs AFurnish, I I If the howtedit is not 11,0MON; y greater ChekQ than The noveliali who should make and tell AN AGENT FOR ani-ront, and surnin for ahoro. Thero"Was no right to destroy him. - -Do not.' THE ABOVE. COMP on Ada;_�ino -it' difficulb CC, in a roki to great her Risks taken at 75 cc 1,,NY.- pi�id tile here, men iu,�tx an6o such a story as that Which terribio i lit"pen,%100, fortbo term caultsav poor.wornau, still nacetheic engagements, so tit Romans on tha -batik Where he will keep %or sale etilfillneu, WHITE DRESS SHIRTS, $1.25 to 000. of 0 ydars. whis Company 1000 re at it is not Mr Floyd fella of the'.1.606very or Ill nothent when I can or dardago by lightning., by r, crying and wringing hor hands. I must' ile0 allies I loft there to- -with loutlplaudita,.but the suddenly cheerhil, -srt.for hith no furtb OrL r��!itq roWg,-_ SHIRTS, 81.00 tOi$2"o possible ilk 6rb Wit contly stolen property would got himsq.Lf 01 for moi for.. ake ers C. the Va u ry-An al of idmir-h- MERINO SHIRTS and PI1AV:PRS. - , P ad, 'tainS And. hide in Cave a y Ilia sister, tor.his mother, for, his frLO11 Will also be takOlk by the above Company. away 0 There is another thing `C00tall-t"n tion, 81to rUed th(Lbank, ti VOTTOX Alta MERINO HOSEj. COLURS, TIES, &a.. hoaiti at Englewood, 14, was tobbed ra- ca eft the relic to Yord*leh, Jan, 17t 1.877. saying, You tire a. Christian, Del siderad all. L, Colorado a ba$orno the grqat dotectivos have bbell busy ad the`bot 'him. take 'the Casix for Eggs and Good Butter. tocattily. The a ong tree, and the men haill the oornr��nity to see -ask God to help tile v'o hint to us in his H&TS and CAPS, All, the loiding EugHBIt And American. and I sanitarium of tho-United States and thdre rbad toi,doath. �Gi lihild-* W Parties furnialied with Cake, at all Styles- All day slid ivas ill our thO%,iifs:1 soarchino fovLtho thiof and the roods , but it h9V lt�od at Icao. Lot nohaven few hairs R J. BIDIDLECOMBE are large numbers of persons threatoned "210 have Well ablo"to mako nothing out of it.. OUR OLOTHINO DEPAI.�TXEXT !Know filled with almost reproached myself that.1'bad not I is yodth in whidh we Can enjoy Ilia inno. w1inteit, at reasonable ratea.� with Iting, tioubloo who re how seat theic, Cond n 0 1 . Yesterday a man Came to Mr. i6oy ' 4fa office, it , io f'Birlg�r'lan Peasantry,. ounce, to repay its in some �small degree for a choice assortment of 'Exatleirt ScoTou and CANA- kepteher witII Me. About nlidnfhl tbilt the majority of are on tile and 4oclared Ilia p , urpoeii to right tile wrong" r vpry night wo tv . Cries :DUR TwicieDst , . I . were a aliono1byioud- tile and loir.e. we have 'lavished' upou. and bOE jr, i lid ow. 'L Wo he Loud )AIIii unde X)l had qitit 'a few tool, 1A,. Floyd in' broad daylfght't6 t oco'irriss- him, w*.611SVED, COATINGS, BROADOLOVIS aptylothitig to do to assist itrthair in' '01111toll, rob. 22N 1877. 1 for Clod. M tonallipo. - I have fact with young moll of house ill wfliel', ilia This is sonjothing whom you bat 'd Attic mucli atolon roods - were stor. whor was prosent at the flo. of iyr,tUq THE -NORTH BRITISH 0A.MADAN irooOLSVIETd"for *][Coo, pant:s of in ilia itj\the ruilo od, and, wi ijiin. �igltt of � dotectIvo polico, Illovria, roaliect to for; this is not embraced in your license. education. who are woiking tin d noov stand prisoners lit the bir its follmi astaile vvall (it 4itir dwellin!, aitZI itioltin'a for their,living Wily, Von -o . moole to orderi six a good lit guatauteedi orally very Ion 0 Arucic anti a INTEOVENT COMM- HiLE TirANY.TNq HIS mAN3t FAMN S Vot; soriieife and one no Person woaltllik� J. thO C'Militioll of khu .13 IllAiri lit try : Vor this -. offallco tile court, ientoiloes IV. I . do,wn 'upott Clio groutta below, wd's-aw iiaii loaded the g ods 6o -a W-7th"arovagd do liberiolly* bestowed I! D thernholne. flu doolitleol'thoproflarbdre. Et re it, itfas ft)' �o see 11 %vII a t Ifer this Illovila, ia the Conti - you to ton day8"imprisourriont thi fi.reby notify theta And the Pul,lid f"on'L S it Wool Ifi party of Drn'zos with, latiterilo, Clubs and' Continue, 'at for any timo except with 'it ,rol, tooi that no doacri i011 revorsfj is to diminish or'.adA to the chances Ri, ty jail, ilad that you pay it fine of $75,ana A beating ourro neigh - I . Orel Y, that he has rornoVild late 111�4 now and 9 pro4pect of altim4tereatprAtion to houltli. lber6 he *ill I;OV4j of, hlinself-should b� given. Ifero is a (if 6dirly'peaet)., I fear the foemor, Counnodlous promi"oR on. A , and yollin,(,N and'souti, llbeol.0110 I I cad blce, 0, 1' L nd &creaming costs ; and. that youL stand committeUntil goo To a Young. mati sou strange. story., whether we regard. the Clio Tofka: will be iiatorally andoariged? a ill)(, Costs Pt keel) od-haud a largo'andsclect, asolartment of 411b . LADUS and CNILD1182i'll, LdiiTilian find UN9xLA, -and th ruilita -Russians will of are Pa in they word soaking tile sjy go.to.C( iloritdo but do tiot'-oxilitieb to the flit this prosecution itrantio'rebovory-of proporly,,the strange d A Wo I PMAL, 000 S%-, ut romarkeloty low Priced. looks iiotao one rV lionot of the Pat Watched, Jovially, alid Silverware �I­ail 0nds, P001! wo Mike inorio -than a living, the oba arb conduct of the nian who rois.6' a' nQ jEf;158 GAITERSN Leather And Prunella"YANKV3 inty, 14,WS'l1C1,i ill the lady's room.!' There red it'.tOL its be at stake. . -Jast befor(ithe Plevria Is-, e have not�hogrel from any source MI'dah. Aa n ii' i3dobiTLAW, oto. - I . . - 0 1 rAy 1, against your inaldite., --ru6noy. If in. gobd TIES, Which be will"Toll-at tdano"101 affgl, jlfi�.arffek in t iri; dWjacr, or ilia stranger inability of the -do, ol-ornlitilre, I believe that the frame of-riAnd 4tal, " I . V &CO3fill'all Of the gft�P?xxlo, And ' bell Ith,'ificre is as good a chance boroor an arraigpoient of tho.licanoe, law a An - as n0w a thic. q..Of KI V4 a al all. -11� a was arnitiontly Pacific. The tru V X nycbn8ult 40ax -S-riaLINO, Ed totbetivo -Police to allythibg in J�t ),viel %VT. YOUXO, Esq., Of Me ation hoelned,jo . ing,*Oft any partlog the Dominion ati in. the States, ­61jagoW." 'L is that -do the army, the war FAMILY ROCERIES. promptly attended to., the l6aders (if tile party. "30on Of California I haw lie personal know- the onse.0 IP'. Vtilla�ftl(1111106k, PrOVO86 Of Klifficart6ok. Atioth r atory, uoi quite 90 tagiflar, a And if Fominiue-.Gos I s' !AdAkRn1TO Egq.,of1BothWeIIIJA . Cilege, buiudging by the exporioneo of a comes from Lung Branch. A thofjft theict the artny is -thus affected by tho exercise, qo11Bn, It arm j3iDDIr od; Drlizaa were iti6ii to lea lost its chataoter, of a crusade, U9L G N gq.9 I odlim ftylialriptyoe A, fo�g stock Of RAW Groceries fitwAYff On head, t1tru round the cornar qJ our lie rieiid from the towilshipa who Ipft. which has oxcitod a-gbbd lea are, coming to the front," adys , 1 1 g, 011titotic May $1, 1876,, you f1g, E deal of comment, of tit a, coin mondStL facalty'j;f 119gow. fair It'd Casa, which Gicag6* and L and aso-ond Lila old stolid 13 08, of colors. W. BOBO ca .. . .1 . . __.Vy I it I at o iCo.n and get a SAM& of our"50 o�nt OtmoreWrilln T*A, was I fund, . and Wits glad to, come -6Z -V aff6i tw'6 h 4 reputation was so good that no, one A eplitolax,y doinxilunic 4 ation, if.slo* i',Ulj. style of bonnet on exhibition so N ADVI86BY BOAF.D. Ind lending tip to out, oto I J]got PALV iMIXIL SYRUP, 80 ddntO Pt' 0 not Rox, ions per station, ybars -trial, fully satisfied that lie 'could do V6otod him ; atiol 'we hour oftanother case rdstrioted. Any libor of officers-, many Ond of the mostbiiantitill. wornen w I no slioul 0 1 occurred' ott 'the perbnal'suito of Ilia I'd car ns a"' whiell was linilt oil the to" of in which Wit have a singti lilt- -prayer Cost to of, hiall raolk, and More than Ono in the xidwLill tile Bloornixiffdale i 1% .01AK PUTTYO &C fish Commorcial Fire h weral bettei at home, which lie hall sind6*foopol 0' 0 odors, iinwAt, No. VAINV9, OILSo out to be 11 wonder over. firc CLErINAR, 26q., 01M ill jsyl4m� whose insanity'was -cause d'bk.ths J�Oft - L & Downey. have fe redr to have at nail 6 S6 eroubt� le8how Goodit,ard QF GL Alt Arab girl JVap with. Ina ift ilia yed 0101orad a Eiloi., CANAllor Federal Bank. q961d ptkft., ASGOW. . , ivos and to � tre r 1) foord! of July in tile village of Chester in have spoken to trio it' out r on�� a. uso,of dnarrool on, her face. By Chia thno %vo hd: dressed olirso 0 clintabola, sake, but theta r were so this ota(e. It was at first believed to haV6 topic which ii.otdcop ititereab for ug all.-* WOL T011S.—Mosmi Robertson, MeXtitAth a 49 till, Uiltiollis sflrlilljr� stood behind the dbot,� As the men drew any, of all bilifteg WhOL' , A Chicago man '4* - w L a Toronto. 1,� -, A'0612' ere barely, been the result Of a careless use of',fixe- They, declare fthomselva to' hitv Ana a 1 11 are living' flo 'took thenf:irt'thu Eggs and 88ttar tiken In whings, 914, the door, are stood leauing, Against it 111conle, near !tho Royal Batik of SdodAndi T 1,000,000. geratollinpr a living, illat 114. -V tile chances crackbro, but After awilo incendiarigin was und�r tlie most pr�found tilisconcep all; Wt. all our strength, whille they defilartil- word against y ciVor doing 'wore than t order iDf their ages, lived w ith each, about a' 'PROVINCE or OXURIO DRANCU. 'a not here, we, Of Canads. w d, And after. the rural. mannor the o the.dondition of the Bid'jitrian Chriii� year, and then obtained a divorce, �Jliaro q I 6116fa anagbrs-Scavill, Cothran Co.,.88 ALLACE & Co. 2:d Ojgoi I 'ror cater made theriatter it theme, tihn*s.- They had believed th*eiu cilpressed, are three, more Aii4terd, tIf all left. raake�euda e-por- H4 W Onto TORONTO ropliod� "'Vboro wRsA Drilzo. woman here might'say fivb-si-Iths, -of thb- couni. a of tPolwu"tlk. . One pious young main even impoverished, impeded ih tile oxetelso of rnint',, but I know not w1at shb is try must, owing to,olimato conditions, A wornan in Rorpe' Ohiiida county, who V ep r glentoilfarm And town !property, atmoderte VoAutl. OF & it - 0 k Or a made it the subjebb of prayer. In thO their roligion, sure not for an hour of their LOlqb Ono wever rem�in. sftt6or a lit direct, Find for petioda to Butt the borrower. a wildointia, so '�hat there not, invited to the iveddia of a; neiiii- Tom rhAIKIE, llsq b weekly prayer-mcating of one pf the vil.. lives,, of.the horior of Opir wotilon, of their m118 They insisted apoli voliling in to search Ii'C lik" lihood of ifs Doing able to at! opor bon Stoll) the we0ding cake tbiot*lt the anded Credit Obtapfinjr. 0 t, 111go churches lie entreated the Ruler 'of (jef t1latL thev I 4an'T S. PLkyrmn, nsol.,.,of Bryce, �Jtelfiiraeh C,i, for lice, taken the li gd,lty L prty. 'It was in this W pantry winflow, and distributed it freely Aamqt, CLINTOIT. rr 1-1 Wirixhi Ar=Asiitit, Esq., porborr to led with eixthuslasin for, a veritable 8 uld be jo,tieo - to bilng about Ilia detection, in war of liberation: Avid, they Continue, AMU thin C it hfront of the houab.' I9SPECTO11,401WIfT UeLrN tho nig san*.& dot, order,t)"at be, might be properly punisho6d, how do w 6 ailtuallyAlhol- the 13111garian I Am jIlM than' A:Sotith Cato) *Ina woman of roll nothent and _C the 1 ",out Uut, you juns(i not eomp_Wto out. roora 'to' the Universe to bring tile PrIT a 'at, 0 thn, ng, tile dt6wil which hqd aisembled in slid, 5,011. have lia right to, collie, ilu," CIO b or WARI� FURRIT 0 halorty after ti%lg and we now learn Clint the prayer wdFJ io, They livon the x1lailt porfuc� comfort ; the f tuor wealth has bean sup As 0111T IKS' Dejosiled with the Clovorianiont at .01tawil, for Rott� ong tit !io.pld eirefitually answered that the Pious Yolln,­ Uusaian peasant,cannot Compare with theta or Parting herself T! ty of ConfLalo Policy Irolders, $101), door, all(l i3at then dor. native nrother Uh, it fair man in securely ;pdged in jail tvi ito twnfort, (lompotence or prosporfty,- and 1, o phildton on a one-acrip farra. They Khrl id's. W oleo lite voice w in Clio State pbiar -r-- tuid, -woo Till$ COWPd U31149 ribliddildf led Autsiant as Tdk-Difnkeks. T� may Add -�thui should bar. owovt fill Or dAmage by fire at lightiall) liv r by, ])ad lictird the noi4o at our a0iftIV-1 PC -fr ly -work. t 'I �'A,Oaftlato hillo'niful Arson Xeloy, York �p6st., ol'if-tho D, nglig4 psapan try -ivere , aV lilt: cloth 04. i 'atu'Ah T, k il 0 wing illy 11u.4band was away, The, Rup; n a Ara o and, VJ 4nl joissea ao tied directl.by toflWholly upon tea. The Ooi- mhas boi61bi' Gr lijid'hasteried over to loolt 11fiving 8130 for the purpon , 0 of car. Ofilee, without ditay� aropsf stretcIr fai andwido, JrWory village. ubeerteed for It Ca thO business of CADINgT-MARING'AND 61 Ara itt"Atba in, of tile . oftolt c4rtY it About in bag its teeming hord of eattlof brood mares UN 16rio catried on by Canadian fieetafflog. coin A onfrilely matron of the village O(Pudfth pVRTA1(IX6,bil A.LiLWAt?tCP,# "' Lot 1110 it)," ;'lid Ila, WO olioned :tile briCkfit r&(Iiertilbs, which, befdre hato. with foals, guits The Muses *fall to Say th I 'hey have Introduced stdam In their dorill %rld been Cored and. Ali tit it after hill,. nd pd(Jiftnto of RijurnaniS fireL gar I nort'ng are palloceg compaied with the subtbrranooin hi 11 ungary,. recobtly'llad a Very violent dening,,aro 80fiked j0L Alloop"s blood a vl%,.h irill. bb Under the versonatelopetill- JOI.EIN U1300VTO The three Atood, outside. The, attack 07 unrlerfatted love, and mody, I Walla.bition Ndian Corn whilo the hovala�fthe gounilliall And tendande of Mr. Ltmionee-ft practical V6611111%ft-fthd -V boiled in milk, with the additioll'of flot anfor this diease, ohoa Anointed 'honalf with tend manufadorin furniture oat the boot inatorld �GVtl`E IT019 WINITY.* �Sajd. our, utitivo brother ill a lovr 'voted, butter, and andeadription, V4 T , iiii1t, An as totonstibUW a kind 114fv0st ofdoath is arling on in Bulgaria, liolisants. Latit year's straw i6yet in 4;ooir Alcohol- and itarted herself off withiti match, 1`114,ra Cliched one of the lAracAt k, perfectly forious. 1i hey fic,I beat Calitnot Show Rooted in the Countr. ff. GR)L- Clinton, -I.Ply of soap. The passion at- -tho R09,11, for pllqy live in V111.4690 And thoro,arc no stackyaidg, -Milk may be bought in every Tbo� Ili` tinguishod by Rome I H L d9y Mug chstgO of the show r6onigs Vill 116 always E14.qlc you havomocratod the womAn in yo�ifit Chip bevorapo� is simply toribbing'L lxx� Imes wIra, ex %cadeved houteg dotting the landscape, go hoaAe In the vill'agesi for obolmosq(10- neigbbtirs, bol in time 6 halvo Tier from, 0 raftt Customers, rdftive orders, and transact you refusett) let them in,.tb thiy depth a �inter lie will amlify twenty 111ristiall, ohutflhog.. atinfiotory. manner. mrs, BeeSIGSr,, know yo6havo. that one may travol for miles ovor the flat, there 'are halt A dozon rher,� D�hy, tht�V Cap lboUixlg'p(JjUt ca, vidlilty, tbaf;� having Our stook of FOUIVAtTVitru ill lior f4ilhd ComPlatt, XS� To TIJIYL Op k6 doWit the - " ' vored prairlea soft tot too it single, 'No witiao. otporlencosanywh6to a difficulty 0 ond, bonAintilig Of BVxlSAd$,L log, CPNTAV and,thoy' will th every Poril,L find thll a&L silver for it N fhumn-fit in Rott L itpolbort. Ali& tho- TABLE11 WJTAT,�NbTli, Loftan#, FIVT96 hbai MYT- by atne blit they Will- havei to visit-flib ronin. of he' nt girl A tollor Ciro London Zin a 'doackbes the effect 111119oltia4. villager is b�y tit) moans'onthu� r servA While the 14ttbr waft absout, And Clinton I on to 010 open the travollor6as want isome'i especially da6tia nvor his 11 Jiboratidnl-espodudly, no theta t hustle, of an ontitely now,� Taito.438 �BAJ)OXADI, 00PAit ft- b htfly a gtht,6 'tifinteng6 excitement rush 'it' roll ift tilt 411ow. , get. up, And g OLD STAXD, V1 Atray it& Ifow' Opened the Itep, a le'r, 1She Pla&o of entortitinmoriv, 'So noi like a hoy%IAA�e lt�efitl pail loki,*and p6dro6in Salted of the latest st$160, Mitr6tol ofall 14, agent tot, Voilorg. Ilottolok & Co'4 door, aird. the worthy trio They* wilati'the uxils while in pifjgroos- a fair chance of inventi6n. It was ri vibritable, i fill hr6l rkir bag VIcturibi trained to COON nototocia Ana Glit anti llow York patiornot of Rarinmito, aW roodt01fli hl littla eurri.1 ivith t1w army. With o"very group or tir- find the rbad a are, -devoted with several hi0loodd bufnt, a�d big, throat out by the Uoulditas kept on hafid* 4)1 dib Of t�ttjg tr�VeIS Clio eliala. inchoo of fine dust, The villages tire cot- U06 They hAd-never -seoft rocking- eito, Th6 Infatimbb k6pt6n hod)XI110 lilia deltoOpIrl000 41pp.011041ntho o3ify re)n; su;pendod front & tripbod t- and it leotiotin of Iud bouts, covered with thAtolies WIA, frito, and ponding the, slobovoment V top, t0fref" INMUZZ, 1 0 it CAtiNfuguen, she hQl*d by Atript cars and, atiOnflol), VVe hadaho sin lr'n� (6 6010tinno to mord it libotAl porobaso. 'npd Qn0'o wo0d be. vain to thitik orfoomptiting )low of it Apedieti ot road to a thloki oss of two, hig hai -As g0oa 4% botion of girl's sister *48 in thO habit Of Muo A;�� 4%6640t, ado0tirso. AM OAT) 'Ili PA610Ttir LtTr10AtF 6, bod8tead with white c bf many times oAch soldidrIg panhikiti ia fee . t, Tile ho4sea 4 Zatitote bf tufrallig tilt it Penn away fr.) aniftl0belpa I., kAh. Olt" dell it lid were laid, "I Ycor" Aeonnootjbilt minister$ 0 9 Client took field of the post 411d,Ah6ok if. *a 4 ilrof; I �Voadulti fA .. .11.1 . upop' a, halt- I fti'tnituio, and the Vrwolpst, foold, of the Yariltoo or a Solot, 110 TWA+ =Aoll f6ft mos. atLying, 11 to it a catriap torfdoin V� Thav 4 tiontly bg "Affi6i; it bold, ill a Copp" 6016t I peatants id, bdian"Oorn tuoAl fill'ffod Witif lians �o foit, As airbuffl.V1 told thob Ind, Flouse and Lot for Sale. had iioAr that the roigugh rodo as a iloliked % pon iho'warilh. . I , *r Wit 1"Ift. tilt* is"ej d briltoch shm water- and all bpkod: Into & a0dea of stAneeil polmit, they pq, hir 611 Bulgarian hist viagea, bat they had nover a0d one, , bIlp which 'any, better, 416theb thsu brothnr CUr. wiy oflotagof oto.� Aloumthing titatcord kt. with good 06114l'i Ad, ii;l A moilklog-bitil entered. id ort of his own All Matti kt� Id Ad, 6111166 AA t4 show 1166thil, will tarld. sQhtlrob" ht JAakjoxt tit Is 6madlated, Anil watery they corillima, And &�J't, thoy" have W601b I * it OSUL fioidia. And othor On Oil tain and,thoy k&* our two Tdrin, 9 110 AtLtilfill 04141141tha Mott Promps A 01111011, rAGAN (a Sohbol, Vill ba, ltold'6u rhoidevato to hoL list none of the pky I The, ton ts(%ed that in thit xnb CLI T 0 R-, -A eX go mined tt d Ila Id d r fQ_d( th t& bo ialda nogt tho, Pdbl Alooping, in the bed. pilaa tho room, lit on the rAiling of the altar, sdWhets it '00t ill AbtoutI,#L Ataraloist offigur& litightuest of ojoi ok mitt of the bituatt io of*auld; be o1chaft6d, far a pift lot, or farm t or ht is, the Mo 11 Axib Chesil the liti nce�90 thit 0606 AtplyL to iri�T. h 11watblt h , 061. We of It o4thy tho Ualgiiiffa or %tid lines 11a pookots a6dWillill AA or afe, 'A, 'Of tDer vorition, *ban Ild �Vlharlid. N 10 , par4o. they siro, boyt gwififolt notoo ikad, Altdool., tbwAy,