HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1877-08-23, Page 4Ibtf Itacholor's complaint. Tt este 9 dropping oft, my butterm ore, Tiory're plug 4 rot by ono Iron r Old 044 ivy Isiah nearly LUore gene'l X est ulebt, 'with patient u404 T-tilett To; sew thee& butt( uo •*at. ofttn mi ear ilia bole *ad istelou Alf auger to the boot • Xi* botby Irome.rm loving wife With bobo her arwai 1tot childish vOice calls ottt "bere'e We," 11$ honer botiruo each oharme I •ie not 074 Tmolgat of grab, Or that 103r 114*(1 le WAS ITU POS the loss or hetr1)1) o•r wealth,- : Qf tbesa X bovit obore t 'T Milos dee-m.7411r, to olden Tease ors trot lig t se chaff, •tbias Whie# X yeora-in abort, T wont si better bou Xo tliete 4 la* whom tender helot :With thty 'format)) o'er ? • On. *Mike 012 WO, 1101 I Rhea live 70. bachelor no mere 1. Whet is the greeteet "want of the- day ?- '17tratitb fith45,, ' e Wife -411 Meir,Are IlOt bewele5fs, but some are home lese than otheis, • S What Ott Of essenee 'doer} a yoUng than like "When he poes the cinestion ? Acquiescence, ," MT child, what is fin erring man ?" said olergyman.at. a 40.1,001 examination in At, indium, to the brightest •polpi. The fish- monget• sirs" wealth& reply, ,1 The Kingston, 1F, ig wants to koow dofithes, eleep ? We chin't know, but we have often aeon them M ate Ted a a liVer. " What 1 object Ur," • said, a Telma horse-. thief; aei he wag about to be drawn up, "Le your hanging me here in the sunwhen themes p1e'4ity of aluide Oise by, however, go ahead," Punch Once told 4 droll story of a man; who being suddenly raised to riebes, exelaimed in the fullness of his satishiction, "Oh, that -I could stand in the •rotal and see mySelf ride, peat in my carriage• I" ' -,-A.justice of the peace in Michigan reoeiied a telegraphie despatch the other day announc- ing. his wife's .death in another'• Statet„The • charge was $1; whicli he refused to pay for that news, for he had been "expecting the old woman to die for $01110 time." T1iowliter of this e-knoweins.arit is him - sea" :-" Nothing will so emphatiefilly grab a man by remembrance's coat collar, .and haul 'bim back to childhood's time, as to suddenly come non a half-dreesed• youtit . nestling tie. bind the rushes on the edge of the ' Omit/amine poncLaiidly chewing the knots Out of his shia• sleeves." Servant (answering dOor• -bell ruttgloy little' ragged boy) ; "Come, go -away ; we have nothing for you," ; ' Hadn't asked •fo • . • - thing yob, Wel?" Servant (bariteripgly)v ' hat-would...you have asked •fnOti' '• It know but this 'house was for. w,iss, I wanted •th buy • ninety cents' p day," said the ades, as he came along' from can I and my family, live'?" as itimossible for him to ex- , inion.which he invited the the nearest saloon and treat - tip expenge of forty-five cents. • . a moment's lull in the debate, Member known as "Old Reliable "Why, down to ArizonY, syben I was so hot that they hadt6 splice ermometers together so's to get any idea' of the heat; aed even then the quicksilver, Would spurt over the top therteometet some- . time." , " Did you say I was the biggest liar.you ever knew ?" fiercely asteed a ruffian of, a counsel, who had been skinning himin, his ad- •dieis to the jury: " Yea,"1 did;" Menai:" the • „ eguneel, and the crowd eagetly watched for an • • expected tight. *Well, then," said the ruffian • • 11 r V9•got to say is that you could 'a never • edlny brother Jim." - •. , • • •littarmer travelling on a railroad hap- •l'ock put of the *Ind= jilet as they g a river, when hie hat was blown. ge and was carried 'away by tlie not that very singular," mild, an who Wan seated beside him, •+: ok that direction ?.' • t‘ Not -latter ; "it is natural that •t) to the Water." ' • ' rthy who had got into a ora period to jail, and was release, as to how he had "got- ," quoth he, •" ye see, 'a "beak erythirtg ia.th.is fife.; and -I'm o Mina' the place -no 'me, For 'a', time I was there --just- twa month& -nate, by -the -by -1 wad weal proteckit fraco the wiles o' a wicket warl outside, while inY bread was a aye gi'en me, an' my water sure.' • A soientificexchange tells" 'HoW to Shoot -a Dog." This is a valuable and timely it of ; information. Some persons sheet- a: dog With a pitchfork, others take it club, and more dis- charge a brick at him, whiten few' shoot the Animal With a base ball bat. The Wen - ;ire' journal aforesaid Bays you must shoot him with a revolver, or a rifle or a gun; 16 must bel admitted that these weaposss. have some. advantage over those first 'nesmacl. A gentleman had been bothered }to constant- ly with tamps and their entreaties for scene - thing to eat that he instructed his cookto tell them he had nothing. The other day one of them dropped in and. made usual plea an& in- quiry. The gook responded promptly; "We have nothing at all." The tramp then court. eonsly asked, "Have you an old basket you could let inejtave Thesirl " Islet What' do yet waif with -alasref ?rat athp- "OFZ I thoight 1 wou1d run over to the liner house and get you some cold victuale." 41. • • Scraps and Gleanings. • Peaches are so plentiful. in the vicinity of Columbia, S. C., that they aro fed to heel. The Russians officially acknowledge . the lose of 14,459 killed and wounded up to Aug. 9th. The Khedive of Egypt has signed a conven- tion with Britain to abolish the elave trade in hie dominions. • Wasters pod indioation that temperenee man oi Yirgrnia aro atWork. No loos than tweutpflre countiee lo thetOtate hove refute, oil to grant liquor lionises alio year. By the lewo a Florida. no man who has lat MI PO or log, no triet.er how or when, or from what come, oon he tesed for goy boot. neee be may enter WO, alWitY0 0,0004 0'4) hqorbuotnew The passengers a stowable, Elveia, of the Anchor Line, N.Y=., teeth 4 pobile onuplaint that the shipment a 1109 Cattle Aboar Atet tteamer made pottiono 111. tho ship too Offen- olve for osompaacy. The steueli from the Cattle under the dining and state rooms Welt intolerable. According to the Carlisle My XercorY7 there residea in that el404 a 'WOK en404ity IR the person of a thirteen-yeer.old boy, vim wits born without arum, aid who, instead of legs, has a single. foot with tout 'two tom In the Place ef arms he has rudimentary flaps. Ile is sprightly, and " On hop about as an ordin- airy person can walk." Se tun haudle a knife and fork dexterously vtith his flees, and writes a gocfl hand, or rather, a good flap, A camp newspaper entitled the Flying War Sheet, has been started at the headquerters of the Ruestais army M the flat& The new joiirnal le to contaiti all orders and instructione• tor the army, llstS Of all rewards given either to officers or soldiers., information from all the theatres' of operations,telegram it from Rastilh, skeet returns a men wounded or killed,,and of the :minim's sick in comp or hospital, and any other news of general intereitto the army. The price of the paper in the army and. in Russia is to be three roubles for six months' subscription. Any prefit uttiao m to be de- voted to some Charitable purpose in conneo- tion with the army, When circumstances fierniit the paper is to be daily. A Bellary correspendtht describes the aw- ful effeetit of the famine in Southern India. He says Mw months ago the working gauge contained a fair prepottion of stalwart nien and women, but this is no loner the case, The great bulk of the people are now emaci- ated, their ribs stick out, their skins covered with dirty looking desquamation, described in the Trish famine as a " peouliar famine sirup - „tion.” These famine marks are 41ihost uni- versal. The Superintendent of Relief Opera- tions in Admit report e that a journey over ono of his roads resembled the path of a great battle in the numbers of dead and dying, If the people had been mitten by 4 tool out- break of cholera in ordinary tithes they meld have fled from the works and never returned,' but so severe is the pressure for, food that none could aftord to. leave the works and loos their psy for even a single . ir.a.es's0000k. 1-:(11)4TEruLANT7CoturonT1lle •-•77,,By a thorough 1, newledge of the natural laws whigh govern the Operations of cligoition aud nutrition, and.by a eisitul eppheation of the fine prepertiee well-eels:deft bacon, Mr..Etipe.has provided our -breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doetors' bills. It is by theijeclioions. use Of such' artieles of cli,dt that a constitution May he gradually built up' un- til strong -enough o reeist every tendency to diatom°. Hundreds ofsubtle roe:hulled are floating aroundus-reedy- to _attack wherever there is a weak potut.. We may escapemany a fatal shaft by keeping ourselvee well forti- fied with pure blotd1 and a properly, nourish• ed frs,ine. '-Civir7AS'ervice Gazeta -Sold only in Pagkets, labelled -" JAIXES Eers & Co., Bo- ro.ceope.thic Chemists, 48, aaireadneedlestreet, and 170, Piccadilly, London.' i , • ., . . common eoug t or cold shou'd never be trifled with, often when neglected it is convert- ed into a sw.00ns and generally fatal pulmonary disease. : The mere prudent,. aware of ;this, Promptly.use Bryants Famine Wafers" a cu- rative which has sustained its reputation for over twenty years, 'theyare always • efficacious and exert a most beneficial influence an all the Bronchial- and pulmonary organs, Scold by all drugests and country dealers,: Price 25 eta, 1 per • viroold.HoRszs;-*.o6ly hories are, not rare aelitany supposeOict such great -curiosities either, there are many to be found in ,various parts of the country, but we doubt if they will ever pia% as valnable to their ownersas the,one • exhibited. by Baszurai. we imagine their owners' would minder -theist more valuable Without the wool; for this rough and wooly atate or the hair indicates that the liorse lei not in a healthy con- dition,•probably hide -bound, or suffering from some disea.se :which occasions this unnatural ap- pearance; in sich cases use Darley's Condition Powdersand Arabian aeave-Remedya.it will purify the blood, Correct the appearance, 're- mOve aaobatrnotions ' from the lunge and liver; adid give to the Coat asleek and shining appear- ance.. .Reinember the 'name, and -see that the si ature, of Hurd '& Co. is on each.paelrage. orthrop & Lynian, NoWeastle, Ont., proprie, tore for Canada. sold by ell medicine dealers. Money to Lou. PAIUTE TIMM, 4T EXOUT PZIT WANT. *WIZ 10 0. KDO0To 011utua fie 41b, *$7� <}e}lea,•=2441,1•A•••••••”,••••••••••*"..••• 700 Dos, Sold -Singe* April Int or Brootool Rheumatic • Absorbed , DIOESTIVI2 241130.• The noel/4473C 48O5Nv teili mite. plum from Rho - anti= or ether Trmourmotory gamines., in 12 home. The Procarrys From has never failed to mite Dyspep. ; relief le felt in a few hours; the most obetinate mum ef Popeps14 °Vett 1115 am*. A WY writes, "I hove berm moved IromIllo•lingering pante, if toot brou- °Moo, catarrh, mud kopapsto, and va)77 mired in o few d,,,y,,77 804 by ayugoitgo,prigo 00 °auto:2,, Oldrzotr.olesola by Northrup Lyman, Toronto, rat. potioulor oiees 4 use adieus, W. Y. BRIINTON THE • c1-137tAr,PE3.1AT.AE ' • Jan cinaszs PERIODIVAL its114; — • • This well known. nieclidine is no imposition • Met fesure and safe remedy for Female Diffi- (males and Obstructione, from any cause what-. ever; and although a powerful remedy, it con- tainso nethinghurttulto the constitution. TO MARRIED .LADIES Itis peculiarly suited: It 'will, in a short time bring on the monthly period, with regularity. In encases of liorvetis and Spinal Affection, Pains in: the Back and. Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on slightexertion, Pelpitation of the heart, Eysterica, Biek Headaches; Whiteer ancl faIlthepainfut diseaaes ocscasioned by ;a disordered system, these Pills ivill effect a cure when al othermeans haYe failed4 lThese Pills have never boon known to fail Whets the directions onthe 2nd page of pam- phleteare_wellobiervecl... For hparticulal ars, get -a patopialet, free, of agent. • • • JOB MOSE S, NEW YOItIC $OLE PROPRIETOR, $1.00 and 12, omits for postage, enclosed tro •alorthrop & laymen, ' Toronto, Ont., general agents for tho Dpininion, Will insure a bottle containing over 50 pills by retiirn mail. Sold in Clinton by J. H. Combe and George Chidley; E. Hiekion and V. Lumaden, Sea - forth; J.Kida, Oarrottbrools; Parker & tittle and F. Jordan, Oodirich; E. Cameron, Bay field; las,Bouthron,liodgervilleand all inedf.. eine dealers. • The York County, Maine, Republican,con, vention, on Thnraday, refused to entertain a rl °solution endorsing president Hayes, At the enforced sale of thfrty-one Polish es - kites for arrears of taxes only orthodox Ru- ske:le and evangelical ()armee wore permitted to bid.for them. - = e A Newark, N.J., family, consiating of Min and wife and five children, on $aturday,ap- plied to the Poor-Masterfor. relief, being in a state of starvation.: Throe years ago theyliVed in a brown stone house in New York, aud kept three servants, but ineemperanee on the., part of the head of the familytlett to bbiertess reverses, and ftnally to ruin. , The wheat oro p in Australia for 18704 is unusually small in yield. The total etumber of aoree reaped this year was 871,057, acres, against 898,820 in 1815-76,while the prodaee was but 5,857,560 bushels this yourflagainst 10,739,834 bushels in the previous year; the average yield per aere being about /six bushels in the second. Out of 1,002,049 actes gown. to wheat only 871,057 were tverth reaping. Australia ORII have but little surplue wheat for shipment this year. Alfred Jones, a cOtored resident efl-Worfh counby, Ga., bought on credit its 1871 a farm 01 110 aeres, the price being $900. He OWned a mule, a cow, and a calf. In 1875 he had paid for the place and now he has tora down the old house- and built two nee, Ories, has three mules, two waggons, 'seven dattle,twenty five hogs, 100 apple trees, and a peach or- chard, a leased estate of 200 acres, is out of debt, makes aboile-Vventjt beteg of ooldoe, ii year, and plants corn, cane, oftufae attLpeas liberally. . President Ilayes is ectfously disturbing the peace of mind of average American politiciane by his method of haudling the eivii7sereice, We have at diffetent thine referred te his many departure; from the oldweys ,• and now we have to chroidele another. Complaint was Meths of the unfitheek,Of a matt who had been appointed to a plfassiti the Post Office Des pertinent ; and at once the namee of' thVon- greasmen and °there who laad•recoinmenttecl hint, were Made roubles, At the same time it was intithated that the .,Presiclent would, iri every case Where questione arose concerning the eharaoter and abilitiee of an officer, vile lish the letters et reecominerelfttion an the strength, of which he had been selected.- ' Whatever may be mid stout the outstay of publishing letters WhiCh are generally of els pri7 vate nature, there is no doubt it 'would be att effectual cheek On leading politician; and .. make them more carotid as to WO 1740P1e fe.ley Might recommend for office. Add tie ap. pointmenti are fro iteetly Made in come. than, tait, that tlie spodbility &all be ke quenee of itermAnien atiOba, it cetiosto More On tint tight ithouidcrit.• • The great Shoshenees Remedy and Pills. '4 The ssiccess that these inedecinea have mot with since their introduction to the public some years ago, *Oyes plainly ta the meet skeptical that they are medleiliea that perform what they arc advertised to do. The virtues of those me- dicines have been well tested. and have with- stood their trial in a• most satisfactory manner.; For diseasea of tho Blood, Liver, Lunge, &p., they arc unsurpassed. We have testimonials of unreaulous cures of these diseisees, sour Marty other/. • If any one is afflicted, let them try a bottle of. tlee Remedy, and a bog of Pills. No inhideus effects will follow their use to the most delicate parkin, as the's, are purely vegetable, there being no mineral matter isi•them. Thent CARD OE TILNIS AND / Notice of Partnership T HAVE 817./1fi PLEAStraz. at;NOVNIneet 4. to the people of Clinton that 1 have entered into a pertnerebip with A., D.°A111141,VHEArle in 540 GROCEllY aod: Crockery losiooss •: And wish to thank the Dahlia Mr their liberal patron. age to the petit, eolleiting a oontinuanee of game, J. OUNINGI-IAlvIR. baehicati will be canted on under the mime of OUNINGWAIKE & AIKEISTBEA.A„, And witlicur increased Menai ter doing bueineset we gonildently.eolleit a abate oi your patronege. We arm* yoor epeolal attentien to our. fine Reeertment of GARDEN, AND FIELD SEEDS. • OUNINGITA514 & ALRENHEAP. Clinton, April 0,1877, • • CLINTON PU4P• FACl/ORY., • • ITIHE SEBSORXHER DESIRES TO RETIIIIH Tan A- singer° thanks for tbe liberal-shereuf -matrons& afforded him, and would also intimate thatthe hae, Aar. ing tho past witater,'Iaid in a largo stook of first -chute material' and is now prepared to make andput in, the MOST -.'SUPERIOR PUMPS, of every desoriptiou, on the simmer Novice, and •.en the most' roneenable tepee.' Beroember the place - next door • to A. • Mathesoies plookemith tahop, •' *MIIES FERGUSON, April 10,1877, • ' • • MOUNTOASTLE'S uction Rooms, HURON STREET, CLINTON, . - Iteglar weekly Solos' every SaNrflay '4.1 ritli o'clock, P,. M., end so arranged thee? • LADIES HAVE A SEPARATE ROOM And a fall vieW of lisle, and can bid an , . anythintr• they wish, without being an. noyed by Mixing. in a crown. . •SELLS PRIVATEliir, EVERY DAY li Clinten, March 22, purr • :gg Emporium. . ' 0 THE PUBLIC -WE ARE. STILL. p4.711sT.et • .Casn. for any' 4d -entity & PAESI! X00S. ". *bah to call atiMitio4 to our. * ' ; • • ; ; • • . -Nice tock of 4100611'es- ., • ortrs,.. A. New 'StOck-.61.TEAS, • s,;islieVxQ,,,i,o;,,t*.cieaucete. ALSO, , . • , 'Coffee, Curi•ants,..kicieins,Riee, d7e7, _ . All fresh, wbich we will in the future, as We have done in the pest, sell ma cheep as any other house In town. .Goop BARGAINS IN MASS .& CROCKERY -WARE A Call Respeetfully Solletted. Goods delivered 10 807 part of town. '•Opposite the Rost Office Is the place. BOSS efc Chinten, March 29, 1877. •• • • --.., SEAFORTH WOOLLEN MILLS WM VAN ROMONCOp. 'irpotirip $01: TO DV TrItITIN0 TI112 111718T OF 4-.11 tbd tuslust11 9051141 8solott17, 1111Iss °Worsts* ibis Keil. *net nesele. eeffeneeelvo•lieeprortec 'Meyers ler his nesvieleeery, by tutroeuelog Ontab 01115 latest improved eruonleen noteomes from the State 01M58$teh9ee1te among w5155ere 8P,X,14.4 00441131Ner 4010180 Mtettuse. 5HatktdrisimINe itletnitita, Teat; 144,eitiNta8, ete, by ebo uoo 9$ which better 4141 evener work can be dene then by the 4,10 method*, An mopecnon Og 41), nerehluery. Invited. 44 are stock ef ',Civeede, Full cloths, Satinets, Illankete, Flannels, Sheetings, Yarns,. Lee...to exchowe for woo/ or aell cheap fer cash. 71-CIATIDS OF . WOOLLEN OOBS Nolo to ordot CA1114110; SPINSINO, WEAVIVO, 0010111110, PULLING, DRESSING, &e., done on ehOrt Uptice. •, • 0171010 007. i!t01,414$ atitity9 0Orded to lake home. the , , 41A..13 213 B. 8, grnig cone your work, and be convinced that we Oen cd ffflt Ao better work than you liwe over got done before„ here or oiseetere, . A. G. VAX SCMOD, Proprietor, 9 ath, ;too 7,1877, VICTORIA BAKERY ! .catGE OF BusINESs. „ truE upIDESIONED7 HATING BOUGHT OXIT the Baking Business, tately Carried on by ittr,. 0,-V, Black, dogs to inform the inhChitento of Clinton and 'vicinity, that he Intends parrying mitts above Mall itehranohee, And trusts that by 711Not attention to buelness, and keeping none hut good alleles, to merit a shareof public patronage. ' , , 79:treet, next' doer to the A'.6re Era office. . • • • - . • . . . . . 91loten,liersh 15, 1877,• P; 1:11111v. • Co -Partnership: • milli UNDERSIGNED BEG TO NOTIFY' THE • A. publio generally, that they,itaVe entered into part. orehip, for the purees° of carrying en tho blaokemith- fng bueinmerin all its Mambos, in the building former. y ocouried$Mr by . I?, Jones, ' • • ' ISAAC Street., CLINTON • Where they will Is proplual to execute all pacts en. *tilted to them, lu aatisfaotory manner, end at reasonable *Got,. • • Thistle -Chatters, Socl, Ploe*hs, 7 and Iron Harrows made a speciality, and warrant- „ ed unsurpassed, • • • • •, - Ear A Wei respectfully solieite1L...1 . • MIES COUTTS.• tainten, eat: 34, 1877 • . • • • 414,4044V4 • IIPW IS TIIE TIIVIt TO iBITY The euliscriber, in thanking his euetornere for Site patronage bestowed ou hire in the paiet, Would intimate that he has on hand a large and complete stook of 111LA.,11N1E3SS 01.0 .4,j1,411,4 , IKIISTIDS0 Together with 4 firet•clasti eosoriment of Teunge, SAT011$178, ItAlAsEs, Waal. Cyan Oomna, Buono, &e., whieb, he will sell cheaper for cash Matt any Other house in the County,' • that pays one hundred cents On the dollar. , CALL AND SEE. MY STOOK, REFOBB P7J1ICH1tSINC4 ELSEWHERE, TieMeMber the place -Huron street, three doors west of 4 0. Vieller'et, CLINTON, My 0, 107. "JOHN CAMpaguk. WOOL 101etel CLINTON W�OLLEN MILLS!. TUE SUBSCRIBE117,ESFECTFITLLY ANNOUNCES TO THE PUBLIC TWAT TIE IS prepared this year, as in the past, to do All kindS of Custom- Work ,and Manufacturing Raving added more machinery to his estalilishraent, and by always giving hie person4puPer- • intendence to all branches of the -business, he helve to give genera eatiefaction. • The f011erving prices Will be charged this Oeirnon, which will Ise found as low as any mill in the °minty :-Carding, 0 cents ; Oai ding and Spinning, 13 oenti ; making Plain Flannel on gotten, and I to find Cotton Yarn, 20 cents per -yd. ; Twilled ttio., '80 et, per yd, ; Full Cloth, All Wool, 37o. per yd. ; Blankets,$3 per pair; Berge Blankets, $8.70 per pair ; All Wool Flannel, 30c, Per yd., &I I will give 9.114, of Reeled Yarii out of every 10 lbs, of glean Wool brought to spin, The • following quantitieo of weal will be required to make each yard ; Plain onVotton, 10 oz Twill on do., 12 as., All Wool, 12 oz, Full Cloth . • lbs. 13Iankets 12 lbs. per pair. • • , ••. • I keep constantly on hand it large ettioli .of ESToirnrs, Fratfums, SufariNus, • FULL CLOT; YARN, &e. of my own manufacture; alsqfplarge quantity -of fine and coarse TwEirpg,' of ex. •cellent quality and durability, all of which I am prepared to trade for wool, and will give. the highest mice fer wool to al who may desire to exchange for cloth. • . . • • -,FARMBRS OF HUBCZT,-,Clinton i8 one the best olfarlect Towns' in the (101tSIY of Ifuron, rend you can always get Cash for anythingrou ?nay have to sell' 80 come along, and dispose of your produce, and when you are coaningi' bring your Foot atone, aud have it Carded • and ready to takehihne with ycht the same da,y, or trade it for cloth,_ or /ease it to be. nionefec- toped 17/t0 Bianaats, span into Yarn, madeento Fedi O&M; or anything you choose. .1.13fst ;Java Oil alw tya used on all vigate Wool. . Clams, May 28,1877. „ F. COR_B, E.TTa. Myth- Flouring . Mills.L THE subsdribtir begs ti? tender his most,' sincere thanks 10 his numerous custo- mers in .the surrounding to.wiiships and the generally for their liberal patronage, and would further notify' them that lie bas lately added Most important improveraents t� his mill by putting, in a new engine, double the power. heretaere Used, and two rum of .first.clase stone;, with a coinplete iet'of men. chant bolts, and in fe;ot all thelatestheid most iiiiprosSed machinery, Inether with. fitst-elass millers; he is prepared todo first-class wOrkin CHOPPING, 86c • . 'titrists weighed in and ;oat.. Partiee from a distance can have their grists and ,choPping lionae,teith them the same day. Good'Elour and Feed for sale. at urfulerate. prices.. IMBIBE -R. LUMBER. The Subscriber would also inforin the pub - 1i that he has a laegd stock of lumber of different kinds ancl lengthe Pine from 10 to 20 ft.; Hemlock, from 10 to 26.; Cherry, 'Butternut; White Ash, maple, Sett and Kock 'Elm, in lengths t� suit the public, Which en- ables hiinto' fill alt Orders.. that he niay be 'favored with On the ahorteet notice and meet reasonable torths: ' P. KELLY/Preprietor. 'Myth; Aug: 23, 1876. 4710.,../i4tedf • $ et, 11.04reegh , TE4 Greafest i1cr of, Maki' Timm MINE SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVE TO STATE to the public that he keepe constantly on hand a large and superior class of • COFFINS, CASKETS Coffin Triiamings and Robes, With a splendid HEARSE. PtAIN Corenot alwaye on bind, Partioa oan bo alippliod in 0120 hour, at ••'• any time, at TE.PER CENT' LESS Tina sac he proonted at any other phut A fullotOok ofITURNITURE • Always on baud. TFIOS. STEVENSON. denten, Slay 10, 1877. • HORSE SHOOK' and OLACKSMITIONO octet is small while thc advantages derived from . • la their use will donblyrepay. expense and trouble. .The medicines are walelyknown throughout the Doseinion and are for sale by .the prineipel Inedeing deatere. Try filmes and be convinced "-that these medicinee are no'humbeg, No one who has tried the Shoshoimes Pills has ever pro - an untevorable -opiuion �f them,no family where they4lave been used will be with- out them, Fizllmtormatiors may belied on all pszticodars touching the use, and .the experience of those who have used them, by seetwing.the Treatfers or the Circular from any Druggist in the Domitiore. free.. Pace of. the Remedy in pint bottle, 81 Pith; 25 cents a box • -avt Q --- • RIC'S trtl • • Ttiontar'eter.telMt.• Olt; WOraR Ttiv iira re' Wmetur nT Goan: votr.Ii.aow kryronto • or tr 7 Xtor,zt re trite Yoe DM, 0 •••••il. Pain taisnot stay lettere it lease& • It is tiff ' cheapest Medicirie ever made.One dose cures commen 'SOUS TURO.ir nnti bettle ehas cured Siureillers ; 50 ets. worth has Oured an old standing Coleus ; one or two bottleaura bad cases ef Pia.us and KIDNEY TROUBLES ; GIN to eight aoplicaptis ewe any Coed Of ExCORLATED ,V1PPLES" or NPLAMEI7 BREAST; One bottle hat cured lame back of eight years' eithding. D. nerds, of Brookfield, Pa., neve: "1 west thirty miles for a bottleo of you Oil which effected a wonderfal onre Of ,,a.Crookedf7imb. by tix cations." Another who has had Asthma for veers, say a "t have half at a 50 cent bottle kit, and 8100 would not buy it if r CoUld get 110 nte..'!. Ruing itobineort, of Merida; N.Y., says1• "Otto small bottle .of ttitt Eclectrie Oil teetered the voice where the poison, had net spoken above a whisper in five yeate," Rev. J., Mallory, of Wyonueg. writea "Your Ecleetrie QiI •euredule Of Bronchitis Inoue week," • It iteontip?)tod of Sfx Or Tan it Offr tft.s1 An KNOWN. It is as god int !Uteri:MIeal flat external 088, and is he io,Calo bo immeasute. • ably superior to anything over made. Will save you much suffering and many dollaro of expenite. • SEIVIAt erIfitrAttotru.s..Aels for Dt. Theinatne. • leottle Oil. eta Chet the attain* of El. 10. THOMAS, • fa 77on the *tappet, aud 1116 nettles of Neurattor ZS, run bto4V1i, 111 me bottles and TAKE NO OTHER. Sold by ell moaleine dealers. Prim 25 agate. North, lap & lipneft, Toronto, proprietors for the Dominion. girilise40100i21042100tOd4114119,fikliOkte THE P/LL▪ S Purify tho BIoo6, corteet all disotders of the Liver, Stomiteh, Kidneys, and Bowels, and are in. valuable in all complaints incidental to Females. THE OINTMENT &the only reliable remedy for Bad Loge, Old :Wounds, Sores and 'Ulcers, ef however long standing. For ,Bronchitis, Diplitheriti,,Conghs, Colds, Gout, Itheureatiszn, and all Skin Diseases, it Ilse 710 equal. • , Beware of New York Counterfeits. Sperious infitatione of HOLLOWAY'S' PIE. land Ointment” are manutaetured and 'told under the mune of Holloway & Co., by J. F. Henry, Curran &Co., draggistri, and alto by the Mottopolitan Medicine Company. 01 NCw an assumed trade. mark, liko this. out. Again. ono Joseph laydook, of New York; likewleo pea& et; off counterfette of teittltnake under she name of Hello.' way Co.,. av ng theacent and Stir. for a trade Mark pent; MoKeeson & Itobbine, 61 NeW lerk, are agents tor theSame. Theae pereons, the better to deeeiveyoupunlfitiebbigly caution the public,' in a small book of direetione atdaed to theft • medleinee, which ate really the quirking inittetions; to .Bowtwe. et Countetfeits. Unscrupuloue dealerobtain them at very low prieelr, and sell them, to the public in Canada al my genuine Mlle and Ointment.' I modt ear., • neatly and reepectfully 'appeal to the Olorgy,_10 Mothere • •of families atel Other ladlee, and to tho generelly ef British Ileitis &whim', that they may be ?Melted to •denounee unsparingly them baud& . 'Purchaser's should look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes, If the address is not • .583, Oxford Stcroleuetnleriteorieditoah, they are the, Doh Pot amigos Wire the Hairnet Govenwinewr STAMP. with the 'words HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT,- LONDON, engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 533 0XPO1111 5ritut;r; Loneete *herialoxie they ate nen,nufattured. • parties vilo maybe defrauded byes/wens cluing /spurious Holloway's Pills and Ointment, es of ray genu- ine metes shall, et commuulcatine, the particulars to me, he areply remunerate/1,4nd their nesess yeses -41 rulgrel, . Signed, • vi»i. Y7j..LJ 4770. 688, Orford Street, W. C., London, Zan.leth,18777 Huron Street, CLINTON. rf1HE SUBSCRIBER WOULD T1.101 THIS 0,PPOR- A. Trait,: of thanking 'hid nnisterous canstoment, for the veryliberalfatreinge they hive 1a,ove8 hfila with while carryin'g 011 titaness in this twat, and *outdid, the sometime intitnate to them, and the public getter - a11, that he has made Beth arristgements tie villein1 further entitle bira to their sapport, 5. 11. bdUwes it wilthe greatly to their advantage, Looking 16 the tacit of hie natrone, he hes engaged thaservidei of • M I L'ItI A. M 61.P.1 Ci Who vets formorly in business &this:melt itt thil Teton, WeA donsiderei the best horse ch6er it peewee& .1f5 ta.a1eo made tool?. Arrangercente With I rt aottist TrrisEA.LL,v.s., Who 15 stout to return 16 town to_ pratitehi5. nrOfes... don, Si Will inable bird to teeing MU ft; all res,&011 -lading to injuries and distract di horses`feet, a** • • Iseingthe winnerof the pills for Int DIAMOND Ka den Negb doeficlened olithu for Me faiintifadittre 5. auperietityover ell otheter and would stato that Me lc shoat() reenttfactnte Stem on situ& biota ettoneive Seale, end by tble !seethed; he pe*A6171701, will be tumbled . otter mom Olt.A.TLY NEDITOtT7 FE/048. rarrthrs andothera buy rest statiett that their ordera *ill reedit lit6th))t attention, UM &MOS Met:lode:OA, met thiustfinettter trade bellein teedeti that ,patronego *bleb; striet attention 10 beldnesit and itieng crocrioneo teitsea epee guersatee for geed work-shentdreient. THOSIAS T/PL/N00• 011eternithl; Vetortherin attalibere. CUM (Mechlin:ea (or 1Virites), Palatal Bien. struation.lUieeratiori of:fhb-Mersa, Geier! rue tainittnattesis end all /*Ukases known as Fonale,VegintesS. They are prepared with;the greatest -Care, Under the persoitalenpet. Visleir of S. physician Whe has' made tomato 7107/ pares 8. Special study fix vany years, and they ere ae Medicine ett whieh • ▪ lilt:mitt) LADIES 8.rt Ceond 9t$ Me hur and' tide or new as anvniarnag PE.11.4ALE. REGULATOR, *Pk SW by all Druggists eltetreetere. Pride, one bekdlii; eft 1Xet0, ; tent bymail free of postage Sedintly Meted trent ohservatiost. For fedi partietilars.writo for mit pamphlet, 'Willa W6 Will sand in et sealpi envelope to any address On reCelpt *fruit start* td poepay return postege. Addresi leitkin for pamphlets or pills to WiLLIAlt CO,, • - Wintitrer, Ont. Bold tifilin ion by IAMB if ILfloklit, suit Try all Wirtiguistsateryviberbe Northtine LymeesiTinontte RA VITA EVERY REQUISITE, ON TEE SHORTEST NOTICE.' • r-pnr, UNDERSIGNED4EG8-1.19/cVE-TO-RETURN HIS mom THANKS TO TUE • I11314.1I- T.114/S of Clinton and vicfinity, for the liberal pee,Mnegeheetowed upon him since he started business, • and ale° to state that he *has now ore hand, A largo itcibk - of :corrms; CASKETS, SOBS and TRI10,11114. Of the very best quality, imported Mom one of the largest manufacturers in Ontario. Society 'MM. • mingo kept in stook, and he is now -prepared to furnish andsttend Funerals, in flret.clatos style, At fully, 50 per cent leis than prices formerly: chargelka this Tetwn. Coffins trimmed in city style. Funerals furnished in 80 minutes after the order ia r eeived, if required. A , Hearse kept -tor biro, A STOOK Ob' FIIHNITTIRE ALWAYS ON HAND. Remember the place-Nea,rly. opposite Fair's Mip Clinton, lite,y 28,1877. .•A 71,. BENNETT; Cabinet Maker; iliuler6ker and Upliolsierer: • is 1 AGRICULTURAL %YORKS, • • , Climax • 'Double Cylinder 'Threshing Machinesi_ Combination_ and Vibrator Threshing Machines, And all kinds ,of -AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS always on hand; MAICI.NG Gent's IS STILL TBE RA AT 1111101'3 rissona Z111111 Since 1 engaged my new Cutter from Montreal, we have been besieged by persons wishing to have , . Clothing' \Made as it „Should Be, • Never was4.there: Greater Success than in, my Order- ecl Clothing made this Spring, We • . HAVE. NOT • ONE MISFIT! And every one pleased, and promiseto Call and See Us Again! During the Spring our hands, have had towork extra time every night., in order to, keep up with the work, To meet the large and increasing demand for our celebrated Threshing Maehines,. front 'parts of the Dominion, • we hare," by the introduction of the latest and •most approved ,machinery into orifWerks, •greatly increased our manufacturing avah1is We are therefore • ' in 11 position to fill all orders promptlY. •• .very Machine is run and thoroughiy thted: before Jeanne the shop, and warranted fo giv. • • 7. • .entire satisfaction, - • Befoiv eniering, eMetoherp sencr fo-r7 Oircuture fazd :Pb8ters.4t. Order' early GLA.SGONV, MACPHERSON & CO.; Cii*T011. OERIES '.013,040ERIE8 * ..Ohr -Steak .Groceries 14 eotripttO 'EAL:g1217:8, , NSW .-CURPANTS, LEMON; CITEOIV: cincl OPAZWE PEELS, :FIGS TABLE CA47.211-EP 000138, -TRAS;iliev,7-exer•--cf.'1876,--guaranteed-te-give•-satisfactiom' . . . 'CROCKERY, GLASSWARE CHINA. • We wish to call special attention to our selection IN P1113 CLASS OF GOODS, AND ,INVITE INSPECTION. as it is one of the largest and most' elegant assortments ever seen in Clinton. .OUR CHINA, TEA, AND TOILET SETS being a marvel of elegance and cheripneess, do not fail to see them. s. P.A.LtaS34:114. 7sc 'Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Brick Block, • CLINTON; Dad dthM , IS • 4NC4-11. OF BU.S.Il\TESS. ITNIMISIONND DXSIRES TO NOTIFY /11.E. PEOPLE OF °LINTON AND VICINITY, THAT A. he has purchased the Ludwig lately carried on by .7. .7081IN & SON, which he will continue, AT THE. Ott) STAND; Huron Strbot, *CLINTON', eoneitlerable bkperlenco in this hu'siness, and tuying for rash, ho is thereby enabled to offer good • •bargains to his customers. Bo has now on, litiind a well.seleeted assortment 04 ' .• fiaT91-A104, CA_TF3.117.A.N'T'S; S.E*JeCES, &c..•, A , 'PAUL SOLICITED. GOOD8 .DATIrEPA73 ANY WHERE .LN 4'0 rrzr. • . !AID FOR •ItetoISIICE TAKEN , EXCJEANylel. Remember 'the Place—Huroti troot, ocoond door oast of Comiercial total. A.: Ai IL XA GI- ,C) Ci S , 7 --,---dONSIBTINO, In PAM', . waive, May 16, 1877. . 13',A.111718 1•11j$17,134 treweetwaseemsainemsamareemesserwameeeereesswwwwwk,„_____ easee. SEIVINGMACHINE DEPOT. „_ splendid assertment f first.elaad SlkWING .I1,1A01IINES• always on tan& NEEDL and every furnishing kept in etoek. - • Ae--L-sS .11Z PAtni G •S 1-1 0 % Sewing Machines of everymake repaired, arid new parts kept ou hand. Ravin engaged' • , practical maehmist, ail work done hens 4 warranted to give good satisfe.et' n. Charged Moderate. • • " .X.awls °AVIV. ' $tniet siie deaditt Streit Of the Cointenerchill Eiroielf,"0 ton, Ont. 7 BALES ENGLISH and, 3 BALES LL ANAPIA5 Over 100. New POtirts licaper. Iran ±t,mit6It1rvIer.) 14T Lir • ALSO* SPLENDip,,LARGE, NEW ;LOT . cer • AlliticAtt ant 6iidiptiiildron's Caniges, bross Illogge‘ferocipodos,. tis fkiELLES§ 111,13ec1utellat and Stationert conei Market Olicarc , g and Berdering, .ete.tr THERE: IS :71.00:011 U81N Getting up a Nobbf Suit Beautiful Tweeds, Choice Coatings and Cloths, Fancy Vestmgs and Pantmgs to choose from, GILROY'SQ'FASHIONABLE CLO.THINC HOUSE, CLINTON, ,,ONT. J. C.. GILTIOT: —.clirmx)N, May 26, 1877. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE NOW ON HAND IN THE - Premises formerly occupied by the late S. B. I:taco:33r, A .LARGE AND SELECT STOCK or CHOICE (titi" IAIQUORS. INch they ofl'er to the pnblie at• the lowest remunerative rates. Also, Guinesses Porter; Bass's, Younger's, and Cosgrdoe's Bottled ; Agents for Labatt's ' and Carling'e half and quarter barrels, in wood ; ,Grant's Spring Brewery, Hamilton; and -41e gentszfor-the-Ooderich7 All Orders Promptly' Attended to. ' SIIEl3PARD & COOPER. CLINTON; 'June 8, 187G. DERICH FOUNDRY 4 Manufacturing Company, c, 43-01:MEIACIEZ, ONT. Itolleis, Engines. an • Micldiings urifiers, of Improved Itin.d.s. AGE,IC TURAL IMPLEMENTS STOV of various kinds. Brass and Iron 14414444144•416104011•414 • AP741. , 111 Machinery of Latest Styles. ' .PEPATha PPomprzr "ZYPES'IMD-to.** era( SALE °REAP— aeond-hand Engine's and Rcilera of id, 20 and 80 Horse Powpr Stave. Maohine, Shingle and needing Machine, and I:reading Xcinter and Plainer. • GODENTC/l, Vdb. 1111 THOMSON EWE MEMO ft • or T'RATriORD; , INCORPORATED 1874, ,Sticoeosoro to Maim/fon & Willtaltul, Of Mitchell, Agried1 Engine Works. DianoTorts !RORPMT_TROMe,ONPitEatnnitMl A. rt. witrirAms. Vrtit-Iiittb.; ALEX CIOLVIti sgo..aarmi. ; .1`,7 , MOWATs J. COROOItAX, W. mAnsIrArm. 4 MANITPACTURSES OE • Johnston harvesters Shiglo Reapers Mowers' and, Combined Machines, Broadcast Seeders, deed Drills. Horse) powem smoinit Nieeninee y Grain Ornenere, 8w (lettere, Plotte; Clo11gg110"tvOy Builders ot steam zngmes artct Boilers, all sizes, . • WATElt liVI/BELS AND ALL ItINDS OP MILL IdA011INEItit. 00iitaCIOryd'OP atiee gatb /0*'Wctite WOR7frO.i toutag totti fri 0» thA 004 Syggin 04 0 &kr ittery a Sptelatty, .ADD1184 "MO 1111%110111OU Vabi 18fi