Clinton New Era, 1877-08-23, Page 2W I 4 q 4 an ftV be *44 sh old the-Ily-law for i& vV004 fit W11letwotkol; OV911ROR um the iltiorla 044u, ook PI on Vri- (Ili $a '44Y 1110 Uto trt;ly 4,44 w4a of, ur. IT., 04alLogo, of o 004, o0,4V v 9 111 -7 QW1444t in 471 A pr labor Jit' h i 604 Was d'Arrlvd bv 4 00.jQrit St. I felt Illy 11*1 1 and th two enter" XONTYAR-10 Voirip, on the 40�b Y, tho "04 is, ftiqueuvi olk over $biil, owl;ient The N.* Va qfts haa *U.V PAS1 *WA a* thtw t 1 #4 -,omplol 041 will Protect eve I part 14 th� town pluph if) tbidollilit and �Jr.- win.. rootor, lato of Messrs. Wright �f t4,t tuwk4 *goaust Gle. Who alloll sit their 0A C-014- IQQ $40111 gP,44kt 044410-0, IkQt.0 doira XV0 Or Xr- 41 4, XQ40tj�1`0 Of A 44ughier. not of qqr Citizens. ),RZ4Tg0AJk,4T4XA & Foster, of this logo, has bought, a binko Sunrise t 4 large tvats one devoted to toe Oolborup, on tho Isth t4 Oro torlie Q MV ropt a0161144"hoye, hia'" ourl"itilis AA the irlK, the -wife 0, Alr. . Ilothotingtoll, of reat senpAthiia me Golf* WAQ fktAQA*, iaolivu,roi; -0144, is prodIociij. oTO T114)PAtt.—Tho number tviu gone. , � wjgz=j�% Pwmvi. oil AVJ,Oolo),6�.-It aovning, 'bal At for pysiti�fts of oTs;TV braiI 10duptryJ4 T44, Righ 'Uh0Q), to-opiul, ou� Xgu4soy tho Falls. thl, In io" oli�kea up, u anvy 4eto AM Aititr%t ly. for soloo Vitie Roel)VIAS'S Cornet Baud nv4sQuielly, uniforma tO Ara. sotod 44014 Of fo oitry viAc Vle, $ia $opt. tligggh, not as. large coome other wor. tanager of thisplavo,!k onteAV4, tile tosyn On tteirChatlot 44%vlk M. 4, M AR R 190, NVhilo the $Korea pf calillidatoo. until for every Job therf 4, U six a i tho tboale guioni 8vafortb, �n tho th mn Seeking for *.work u. aitht Q'QlQQ4 t of the liark# %t li,filiowall supper, held At he.b J. orio eyot%n(jord, its they. 1)4,$od thiough t he priu. the, nuvjo�r is iagow loss �Itskri, One AT4 toming wi ro. 78 , Moton, 00 ; I$QAe u , , the Central hotel,, he bt jqj aboatto rom '00 Ot AP 14rativis wages, the country 14 o 11' Oxxil"'Plast Vreek, 110 leas than seven, ovo to, oipill Ott t oelAillf t1wo to th'it 09. Grceoan,,of, ropotmay be. olt` 040 hosto ot A:t of' the illoon, QQcur4 totwoon [is ratty fair, farmera qatertaidaill.by eslorwq oulobor 9f llorlllti� the oxwIlviit hand ling v0t, while tuccitioi. 4io �c -from whQM 'A Q n ght. to takeplessuro. FrOM004. 11�tlk thAr"t. by t"Ov VA list I athere forth, 05, 'QwQi; Sound. all her power for hands. P0440 music of the bap 0001d hope, for. tooll YOtho wore noticed idling on r, street Akl o'clock the 1W e4 0, to i 'to, 2 MT., oon 11 Exq014101", "At nigt it. They 9tro M*yOAAL.zTV El'amnox. —There Ing Illation. of thoXammoth Ball wages, and A44. low to to 'a them. T here is two ( 01ily're, commenced, and Rrqf A -fluiJer thit.4perioused landidatoo, nominated, and, as One,, i4h coloml,la, oo the 231.4 r�oy. J, ,Work to.be 49A nig4ev to he earned. -in Ir any of Nr auhserillero heard of any 04eronant made. an olb&aut and Jelin xr; Rodgloso,li A a 6riilly is. very quit.. g asconsiod f'jlj MeNjillAr. splinoit 44 issoil. *Q41iro deqUipso BosiAles gen at intlood, son tho trvfZ6 and as lie biae $ho �earibfilrowol, to the Wrong he oMoo Axt requesting all to with- 139 Opera tons, are 0olina oil as brlwkly kindly iftiftod 4 Como 1 R -Alid, sec. of Farkbill) to A114.5 Mary plaqr. takes AQ AdV44U94 61 the d9moud r -9 r t 4 f4c.14 In, t aterisliq 0 out POOPI the cqmtry,� but, '10gr being One g9ttinginjurad by frost this week' wis To *ould,ax Build! oball, be please e o d h is in his favors 49 interest what. 44 over. in .09 ObIlIlwack, awd 1% e of Ashfield, lIts of porpollo 06 vgtg 4WBh& "A late be Clio, IA9 !as t� I t ot to 1104 8,09V him, Th if I hI OAT. tlxq 01 Y its tiolItAry Quapoi -a n th coviogy away ov# ob, all actuall Ion, 4 LA"i PQi4TQ,,A,-W0 were tit w9ok, r "do IS ton Gaya 11P, XQUO �0�5workla flass t ;hq iadispoolt ova taken iu,tbeT,elQ9dQq-, which genies Tuesday last being a, civic holiday by pro. .Ave the cities he Alow welitils as own4 �O.tatq �r6wu b to OP day the poulitOry 4u4 was loot -to View boldna G Go gir tp-do. 0 lokborlixor 'r! lamgtlou -of the reeve, a Autabor 0:011V citt. great deal t do with tblo, as Aloo the di*.M4 ,boa to,1111. - I Tin pt apa - hioigg ;ahorgro, are oplY w0shoil, one pound and tQn.Quo9e4.. ja imtnedjatq�.Q. or iiii, line th 9AAyzaTim—The grope have been so .-,Qns eXqurdiofied' to- XirOfir-4 s on ; o gors w re opene r t hat qualitiou Of dion to' stop out wir ineil i W404 od remarkea bt *iao Que t . , Of which thof have Aipeoblimig Ott 0. Qoborno, who went unusually large th%t it has rettulre4. more by the band, au4 �nj6yetl t bpeq�s.of the priii6pt Age. AA tiot fA*b ii.of- rfovinatip.e, ind the high pritise, awarded the Qllnton, on 11o, Roth. abing a 11 V -Ilirestalt, I . bjo 'book osper. oulp.of emplq�mtutdqlio not rellik xhlbition by to, abit9bill, in the aFrIng, has returned than ordinary time to aeo;6rls them those who wore - draw', ail ChAil the I n of, going.to,wo otte WHO. of- Air. 08"1 '�q not Ills Arer ' but t s out' Agien 0.4 t �t th i99404t0l. 410fellis to to*6. 41ARROSUIROOK. 9verflowin houRe in the evening, Ahe lo,roe years, dr, nod4bor"Of protoo"ll Others wou.4 like. to follow Ilia they arei nearly all gathered, and in good, ottlot, notwithstanding the rain of last RkTAI, ACC;DZNT.­DAlIIe1 Connors, of 11lb- 0 eked, The hat p gotA4 ohame might olip bY Ithil tent being, itatAlly v e5lbbion was thiakirit, is gradually novel'solentifio. and liftteroating in tljebighostdo- fop, that ORO#, 'his services *111 Ot q. _aW ttoylj."Il A, T 14, away from theici�y, and lie fie,liatiff4. on wawsmoah. - on tha 18th blst.� grGIN- k,' which did A great amouri Nf good to bOrt, waa working in the'llold oil Thursday, 'rho optical illutain %der. Chatlea 'I Yd, age4l44 yearsA- -farm we o4 hungrier,,sinil. phabblpr, or whom 4 thunder shower, oRme ileno were r aig, wt1, t4 libQ4 jJ6sd* enipJ67ment et o loss, #o0wIth.otanai:(4g the inorosisingly wide in the the rout crops and pastures, SomG fA on , lie rau' to hof4o, out his purse And Invites hif.a to coma, �Ilaqe, has purchased Torner's 4otell at ro). ed, "MA tO, t)108�41id -Wft1IW,- Clikiton, oil the 16h lost,,, the !reasonable flau an. tile stable. for shOter-and while there Tit W49 0 on scope for thought. It this is trrie.in re. A tAvIrglu soft offers a c fl;temy to thi , Arlin, an -4 *ill assume coutrpl-theroof in d Are, prepar- id thern for the first jime - no incomplblien"Itily jt,ia'�QArWq� that farmor -eager "to ep4 otrcklly.lightillug, killing him illstAntlY, i A tarting. Ther tali 44r, in it Little Jim!' Were the infout.ohild of N'Jr, D4vidolinell. .4 wi)l be a[ We believe n9t If the editor speot to thq., middW-nge4, it - 40 batiAlY is to. man, of onero and perlobversnee. 'All cannot m few v0eeks.- Ing I or"their fall o0wing" which young, man, named Cafferty who was with him. voy, fine and the gbost scenes of the in6st mitth� will bo. extensive. of her theorists. 'who Igo into, farming life ot,once, for All!oxonot got Wag severely shook 4., The stable, b rmking character, Artilrentlk livin lid On huradgy 4 large wttt respeetto.tho'young. TJ1QfQt604RtolY1th0t8 -XXPFAiAD,' Of this Plade T. GEOiGR $1 so serve,;I on the dff pinion, 411 Rz.o —On Monday other buildings in dbun 0 sWordi wlthout'lu- and lit %way from the city but, in. our'o godies wore transfixed wit a Nlagara. 1.8 a very, strong desire, ori-tbe att. of the, has ned put Ift@ book Arip stationery for I a tion were burned to Op am, ies, P who. hive nothing � d , an 0 the common school of this place will re-opon. thegrottud. Ineured-iot4QPertb�ltitmal'for jury., figures floated through the air or remain, 1p, p1pr olves and. their f 'ha' out nviting' bar- major F, �Df nilwnkind to,:g�t thpugh t ;gountry,would no weytq�move t otore"on TN orth, street, QQdericb, in the new Durin ed suspended in strange attitudes, an d i q '09,0. 00or do, With floor at 01 per limo -blo g the holidays the services of four $600a chalros wben attempted to be sat upon NTS. 0 �J-_ life proportion- he easil6st -Mailile mariner: and' hatvestibg districts, wh4re they can obinio Ao e on ck, gave n d. o hat nedispariv world ioA _nX,_jwkqr!k_hav6 been socure4 or the lo$% -,rlir works fair. pay$ --and- plenty- of. gooa otron$-foodA" PXtXVATn-, _41 J�Qtlolliible S-6110 w 10 -any,way-ble w jL doti a. 11 paren 9 niity� A I ' , The New York Tribitne, in discussing the re-opou her pfivate school inL the now room will at once, enter tipm er e Par- C.9uxqx,.—Thc Connell At Varna, pAir. safely treat their children to an exhibition which gy - itmoat , Oommou slid one'for the High represented under the eq A Splendid Bug ith the I aitaloabla. degree, of plea, Aivees, an t a 068 to val�e labor.—, OrM auro, eqnally a that B�me ofthe Western papers coo�ptroct6d Ili the town hall, ove'r the.Me. to.be rpgrotted, a great, 8111j's9t, latOL'Aiffi , go direct 40 the gist of the oulty, chapic ents, and -guardians should see to it that suant to adjournment, on Saturday, the 18th is indeed both wondorful, amusing, and ingtruot� AP, AS: T11r, O1VNr,-IJ a with oti the 3rd Sept. 'd. 0 'of tile " Bxpoebtor OF4115 Us runny &lro nQt4rouble I When they any that the final result will be to their children should be on hand on the, inst,, at 2 o1olook p,m. Mernticro all present, SlandOl BA06X Fmwom-;Pa d Clinton, Minutes of 144 _Mq_q4QR read Ahd appro.f-d. will be, found in another column, Clinton, Aug, 28,1877. towns to fara;iug, No arguments or theoriog ohfosion in theL mcuas t, - to convoy the i o, how th� irl4ho 4 are obtained Orlvoi tile surplus Population of cities And of the Q.1, day of openini, And therilby Avoid Any Hotel hap boon moved down tQLXr. Straith's c arr%x)gembnt of 016 qse, Tjetterf�omtho, 'ounty Clerk intiniating that a i1heovist, MR 1 o abont thq relations of capital and labor can plade and, -will, be converted into a' broom the sum of $3,038.37 ivill be, required . fr t e 0 is not om Coun y Pullin pression. th RY4- for t 0 apoomplis)iment 0 th 911. Boy Want d, 111 op A. persono pacaltios, and make h -hat the iffiarketlor factpry,"16"business -that. IJ.orson purposes Stanley for County purposes. I.b.WASL eatITA 4owu pr: 1 0 4�0 All(j &%we a 4eduefibn dovel ovaotbrow t a bald f4ets t .000 class of labor is largely overstocket). while oligaging im NOME9, ointbd.that the Souti oftJ% 1-4.63 will be ro;A 1). 04rd6r, Al D,, is Blyth's latest 'Ac- A BOY ABOUT 12 OR'ISLYEARS OF theizefr9to, y on plied. ' Th I e. railroad cor� quisition,: nlAo of attending to horseli, and .lit variance with the truth, we thenI fiteriill an i�te ligot t be., g, r- the otherio ot p Prop quirod for MovadbyMrA arations, Ara beinj roade 6f) , it with 0o L4t Hone �f linded. Cd by Mr. Mokinloy, tht It by-law" j)og an(l oat poisomog 110 oat concTa-de that lie -is Oth destitute, of quI no ot aftlput�df Patiefit'Land In, lioratious6quiiot.ELffordtol),tywor4§. than $1 W -alaring the Godo, 01111W.Ut AV9. 20 1877. 6 - stle, ec mall for the shipment of 'allied and passed,,all o* e sin if niatir. oo oars as. or 90, coots per day, to laboyero-wbo are 6blio. '11POIX 500 I'l 'f�q' bil 'r�(I. 11ble. he. ithQrizing tbe*Q1 riolx'po�plo, race orious.study, and4t ap�p;' to levy o' tl�exateable property of the toiiv of t4 a rointivoa to .ivitig Qrr I,ns fity to be shipped will likely be small, a oaforth 'h Ahe power of 4 in order to work.forthem, to live in to prite 90 COMO. Dr. Pwdoll, Q� �aud,to pay town of reasoliableL Tell -rates -for vent- o this. I ost-an entire nee praticet 'of-ont'-youag Men thou lit 66,libor -r jlon Aa4, yatons �,u . 1posi�j. title co niv And, 'tO*nallip PurpoLses.� ".-hn.4 Too rear the crop la'alm ship, for 1877, tho,oui,of $5,657, R) 9 me oolare- thern- Vre 0 plaolik. A pamphlet with the abpv6 'Ili L u Carried, ARTNELI and is'in6apableof truth h4o h6n laid -upon our table by Mr. J. A, Tile Blytl� Fo ig or. r, *ZZ itv,-oprm jImn, I)Rr. In 9018 t X : qq 'Ailves unable to support their families on Mr. Castle, vxxx Soliooi, in ilia rutim. above the Dlochallics' jr6d i At, this respoet w as,too great f6r the � Moved by Mr. Aikenbeftd, sed, by undry has got Ili IVorkit a ON Tuesday two threshingloachinesand Yuill, -who has them for oalo,-Which we find hil, der -and isin fall blast, A- these wages,.' hile foro thousand, ithout that a by-law be Uamed and- pagada 7,, . . .1 beyoi �ballow dapaoi writton, nod boy named Nicholson", fqII-and broke his ,k4 Ilia ty, or reW Of endlo. be Qbtain6d. Very�, few,"compain I ganientatively Hnton, Aug, 22 tesin engine - were, shi ppod b�-,' .to,, e yery a ng th­ecI6W1`d1 le property: __X —boy N77. 7 _'V'fflg I Iva that thIr xpoilded an. epor, of OvelF Op 4 Messrs. Glasgow, Macpherson. sho authqfhao P I (to u unt required rni'at eaking, ara !kble to diptuos'intoilli- each SchoolS ti* the"'Ani 06deriell lately? platoes. on the other hand,1armers in Mnpitoba,., this; making. eight, shi 0" to Aniount.of.labor in 0036111fing ilia col ect d petiT, R L Tv, Junro, th . 1 first extract he makes is. 4 mere gentl, the -varlou a questiaho of , Iiub1fo and svlvo PP94,to a by each* School! Soction, Corpora ion as a.viotim * Lnia and Ohio are offering $ 1, 50 alid, $1.70 odel, School. . and Ithat VIA06L in, two WOAS. proob. tioned.for by the ieveral'b6dihs of Vustoos, t rb, is recoveringi Or y. or, p,auldoannotgoth: OnGdol� "Qarkled. ky-laws wo.i � and, 6. effeLt sault Fort Albe OTIOE� IS 11RIMBY GITTWIT 1XIIAT TIM CLIN- .statement of facts, which, lie. does I ;kt- social interest, the nu6ber of. those far�apdjifby cents in the country is, Worth $8 Go" '01TS.—Mr. M694tt, of Stanley, N Von as a Model arvest No 001 r to,. the foregoing -resolutions, We �T,tocoutradiat. In truth they canbe who have o0jui ir thoughts, Tot itt the city, It isrue that thoi6'aro'� Ii us a lid.lachof oats, takiiii. at random 3 th inph' f6o temp f their , �gfryi�nlgl Parlibill excurtionflos.1o'Goderich on the. �61`1 Vublia Sobool'vill roAo .6no,7 i - I , dei 04 0 at the lo%v riitli o cents, .1641 wages,. and exceptional. But in the rich farift ad.` ov6d by Af i. Aikenbead, doe. by, .. I , L . .. multiplied ithoub' nom* ber.' en I!) owv And. are' ivio to, upp6tt 1516M fl?mda field 6h -08,1oliglas, that the-Ireave give an order' The fisliffig at j3ayftola ha . s been a failure IV. IT., ITINE, ot BiX.in I Chas The foltowing aVe the -namei of the can', SUhoolLlloard, Buffaiti laborers can be bad at f rom go to,' -sound 4�gureq Are A lands of the. -Middle. States it is almost impoo. fe 'hYarin, that measures'g, ili]6 to secure theservioei; -of a steady laborer n height, and is'well head- didates for third-cleop 6ortifi6atis wile fimV6 to D. MoTavisl) for the sain of $15 for gravel this' year he boats Are now going north. 90 cents per day,- U. S. curreucy,, 130t arge'.ifkwbet iii3biba t1lGit'VOlitical OPIA!" and his faw4y, for the year, at. th It is,.a splinaid, crop, and damaghoAT­ Carried' Moved by air. Kri� R.% iiogeroohL oj Blytlil bus lof t. for Sttv Heifer .6 4111110 be Examiners gh house_ L 'Chas. Reanb: has le sel ted'byo -the � B&ard of Castl o, sec. by"Mr. A ikenhead,L-th it'tho Reeve what hat that to do with. the tfie0jy., Of ill �'OAIS, as edid 66it pritalit, ve nourish ws as at, that id in the cify,alt 11 BiG OxiQx �Mr. t.� aftt.'du the, fiiit session of - the Couiit Sault Ste. for tile good, of i. , health.' VI TO SUBSCRIBEI�'S:'PBEJ labo fT Lr , 4 r a parsonage P 10, Hallett, ab6ut the miOdlo of Turto'lla Ins. so it- merit, om thei pare t, witholit troubli ran pro naulp� town,rates.' Whit istruiinthaT is ree aur , us ther mammoth onion oV the,'Model Schools, -the of: the, for Sauble Lin�.—Carriod. Council tb�n id, * GtOud fO 'B ,give the iii sious are oneAuh of with with give an order to G. Erwin for $6.25, for g6v'�l Lb olgrave;, has Jnited States giant roo6a variety, wbidh measures 16 %)-aniold Rcifer. Who, otmor IS a of, t�e inco4tro ertibld truth inch, ho'0111iGy to attend-, J-0111-11od. to meet at'Vaina, tin Saturajy,L th-, be.en.porchased. by the Methodist body there.' 91.2 two notified. to Viove'loroperty, an taito �hor., CLINTON.T. WC11 '�Tth Oct., at 2 pAni. W. riiig)KETT,'Clerk, , Foe prutisiug!dentiatty w 'cenae, away, them"JAvej as o,its.soupdneos or.otlisr 'vises is true 'it Canada,' to as ti circumference ar 0 ithont a, U . I . weilghs .18 t pt to force wagof in de;- taking it for granted that their fore- dtyLx�tes of all classes of unskilled labor And ouncbb4 'Its strerigth has not yet. beeii W.',)Vatoon, of Brussels, as boon 'fined'120 handicraft alike, h4ve come deivil to starvation dLucy, I . . P_;�: L., 7 IIU unalimageAlple, law many 4 __ -and costs,-, Hallett, Aug, 18jal ORPOY -tat-here said, or, did was rig t. W � 1 44 in I Craigmill, es6le- Abbott, ohn7X". lot Too iiiz; a Ti; rlce�, bil i ;he bountry wagea.13ve Mot G0.0 OWN81011 --blia Jag Doyle, of Godori6b,"lia-s been -4 to',. th: youth$ could totl the quAlity ot a Kolined,Tbatgonsup. The FAgn 'TICKETS, The Grand,- D' re- fartners. are the takso, Jeanie Macdonald, Robert tAlPt RENTED;,"-:�M . P. Cirile, who� eVI etcas nice prosperous peo -Hamilton Elizabeth Case, Benjamin C,- sided on: the. lOtb.con, of this township for I I- the T tickbia 16 XciiAreal aiid in filpice of ili'­IM�� Jas.,Friel, on borer. `The Ad ' 0 thli they t e 211 AUTION., ',the pyri: y a ev rage easier y astrigle ',fare, '' on ,. �! . , They Me which cit people TdUrn the f6llowing rHolines Mary �Al Doidson, Alexandayi about; thirty years, has. reuted� his farni to his thiT.R" in ill;parta Of -Xoitli Ame- ive- an opinion on some. 14 NOTICE 18 1JER2BY GIVE)9* TO ALL PAUTIUS p could gi a must buy in good holes and' bard times 'alike, dates, ATAig. 27, Sept.; 4, and 15, goQd to Moylan MAigarat Elliott, John E. son,"and Rii shortly in oveinto Clinton,. w fie re ':,Mr. Re Aloore.of'BrusWr, l. totAijtj by niij t -n6* more about erkket, aadtheysee uothing9fthe �iilcbiug wbidlf di�& Whitefield, Lottie A. 'Elliott, Thomas he bits oracied a housei.. Ther -place he isloay- asod lot 1,: 6on. .11, "Groy, from 'NJ r, �Valter '0613YL kind from no mord4be chagedtha.0 topic,.ard j�eT. L 6f issue. rain. within-'it'lu c' tuiddrRipQd, through his agent, Wit, YAP ba bill, . '�ce'h6raek:bi'lliards,.tb.eatrimls,- ib. oxperieiicea by elmost i5v6ry class -in town. Huston, Thomas on, and to�do a little or AV'ALiMIR, that settlpinent for 60aftme must Am um4a itati(W, 7�iid cougequentl r; Patton, Sophia A, Ing wap the lot )w settleit B to the 8Itbgqrib6r, MS the Sftlil.�Yttlter$ Ito on , . . a . A. tsio 'I" � _.. L . ' HiptidersollZillia. parodizidg. 4ie co get- In . They can have, and � do have, plenty -a Lokie,'-Bell bush to ille'right Tl�e Blyth Rj�i(,w .-complains of the uty 9f the editor of the za� r7 otfio� etii�ory-day occur Positp !&e., that aboul turn for their.ndusity, and: those who labor or 'tat 06uxxr. —By. Advereiie -Beatty, John Hingston,. itmes' 01 �o� bush to.tbd1eft vfme,,,:bush alltabotit condition of,tI16 Streets' thero,,'and,46anda Londcaboro.Aug. 92, 077. Hooper,, -Albert F,. io rriters, toloor. arot"�i Q�ft- firlan oba Raut-costs,ilext inent it - �vill bee;ou that i new in ' 90of the eAJ) .4 as all other ptibl, racier. for tUm, lihare tbeir'profitis. a. Cliff, V It ' " . . _. therpto. Ul-this impertant truth into. the -to ricthing irt. the duntryo'folid. is cheap;, County is-acion to bb issuedi . Thi to some.. Dickson, James -1ifildater, John 0; E ING.n-,COUUOi Gold is reported. to have 6ou ioqudin. the eccia; of and.obser- blotbing is simpld aiadoheap. also,, and whst G. pursuant to-adjourti:A Contact with ngvory pauch ileaded,. knd,w trust ita" F106cly, Edward rn their, ind of tlio�e 'who have to 'e;t t lishers_ -f cln It will lik4ly be.aothing ead to iho'couciusi.' Ad pub Inay,fil6et witli a ready, attle Groves; Williath -Peaien, Frederic 4 . heL on, money1a:oqned ea;u lie largdlysaved. 4, went., Members all present. _Uinu es o, last that' th I . .. . :,; . .. . . than at far, ton miliga'frova Montreal, in'. ;Ofor Oilmoor, Neil Sheppaido,.Alox. P. A.Afidpassed. Letter froffiCoun ad by their daily labor more if YoAug people want to tAe, a high posi. meeting rea ty UNDERSIGNED DESIRE TO'CALL TITF is,. � I �n L, Clerk read, stating that $3,770.38 will -be re,T VE With regard to the other extract it securing gbod sturdy ConiforisL ;id, two,dollaks'. . BQkRDING. STUDENTS. —PdVUQ8 Vi ho are y, �George M. Linklater, Maggle On Tbur iy M I-. Jamds 'Wilson. shipped attention of thd publia to the ettily Alublication of it �j' wous of receiving Righ'Sohool. and M tion in the *orij, -As erdbattkIA' mik-AufAc- in the cityj for people 'leai4 -to. kpand their d Stewart, Agues:T,' from Brussels statilon the firsf cavoload of now nowbrap, of the Conotylof Jjwop, whichivill be ilia most Tunuacessa 01 o& pherson,'John C,;. . quired f6r c6unty purposes.. The county and this county ever l4sued, for us to say anyth agg killer Re a,. n Trainers Louisa Al., money and are rambved'fro toN�n son iurers, wifter's,' JeJ;is jtors, and thba of in. tompti- el School*Pupils as boarders; are rellue3fed _ahip.:rates.,:Werio then struck.' wheat,thia ic ni that. the'premises laid,down in it; every Townshill,'Concessiou, Lotivi0ithe 6 as araS lira- tha, and 10ne that r1r:ake city life 63:0.pusivT4 to, men of toe 6 h Wate.0% KAtq see. and carried 'fli4t a rate of �J mills on the thoUtion, fidts'--f - 0 Gall of the deductions drawn therefromi'are note Lin other branches of the Alain small wages. to forw6vit theirnames and localities, with NVeir, Elizabeth dollar, nty pu�posas,Fgiid that' Ronfau Catholic NVIIIII Railroads% Post 0111ces, 10 The man who is industriousnud tbalnorriber the be levied, for -con irk wi.iighani at a Cost of $3,200", in be com- Churchest&c. life, they joust bestir thom'ielvei, ;Ina, be in the, countryoug4t,to, be abld'in' caii accommodato', terms, ;Ste moonie, Elizabeth wills'oli the.. dollar bo levied for ioimshi . 1) completely in accord with sound logic thai few teard­to j&Ve y I1L Plate ))y 4n. noxi.. willing to Idy aside a6me of thci Pleasures enough: to buy a1itble and,J6 sex des6d, if any preferences to: o* , 3aill, d supplier stylo� anti Will in every rospoot'bo a vigeful an&.. Soott, Agnes and. the 'general and'special rate' IL161h olm n * I nei 'tor *of the ExposTUoIr (.which P' laco'f6rhi neelf ; lAud is cheap - fix, new and' . this Forsyt IJZ Blair. E, liza, A. purpofits, - a ornamental arLticto. The, fie a n: toe 11 ther the edl Once. 1or school pu 04 Friday 51r.4; Giving. of IT:A11lort, a SA -L reuirad.byArtlateos rpos48 and WIVII III fe6pted) nor n'y onie qf-this' worIA.t�*.9cqOmpIi*...tb fie" 'a fertile, districts, -there therei-' were Moksot 'bris or ,,mpbel.1 E116n 3' shotn 6w'i, whidh 58-x70.lrich6. Thu uAnAdA f 11the il- :hot wisely ot a� an arc millionavf acreli 0 6 it h�LM - A' redemptionotschool debentures bo,leviedon moasur4i 5 feet '2 inches, Kali; Will be -the margin. Nvbich iviit also ciIn- LI4 the be iriluepil'to. more tho- in this Canada of onrit Only.waitingL the. hand -auction sales'of houses �a Kellno ofo arion all the real,rateable II from, tip i scribers will appear lit ly contradict: it the young thtee�sepdrate nd afid, personal prdi�orty IT to t p of:wings, .Call truthful. 6f labor to be trail ferred into smiling. grain; tairl, the -bualhen cards 'terms for the township.' Appliration.of trustees of No.. 5' A Sabbath School convention in connection �usertion of,businesscirdomay tr. roughly school. the�isilised f6t any. positions. the narro.w. cultiiated ots advertised for, oil SaipArd. sy last, only 10 Qbtiduad, fro a of the editor of the Expositor. are, �Aelds-. Stretching back school,, aakinft'fdr the Issue of didiefitures foi� with trass&ls' Circuit, will be held in -Mol villa danvasoW4, asenteA M AAL ayfall to,their lot, and, altlio -strip on the, soros of the St. Lawr4nca th ono"sale was eff6oted, and that One the old' 0'0R,R.FAZP0.N.DEN0R. An of $1,200,.tocov6rthe'ox soured in accordance with theV u 1PRICE $(is TlElol[VZRVID� ore Able Christian Chnr�li ",4 the oil square i . I . ;A pen�e. of' church I ;. on the 18th Sept. every one. may not bdoomo a. prominent Are unoccupied la�dsby the thousand Iva isit 4 to be, t t erecting a'new school House was granted; C. r. 1461a Outsol4li'roaponsiblo for. the The Clerk was iliptructed to prepare a by,lai�` - badly dislocated on Wedfiesda a 4f of their ab.ili a puttiug,forth &now of that - -oa'd -6 lie !no ly understood, that we 410 not ISO F. Bt , lia her aim Ili ingome and the cost of. liv- niles�visiting.th which'was knock t .Mr. W... iolin, of hr'ossels ell raaer,ori accou ity, yet inference we are 6ompolltill'to, backwood".rpirit Awhioh transformed Upper kear)6,for 9405. pressed. b.9tir correspontlenks. in cordince thorewith,-- for. nex y last by 1 11. t sitting of a r iLtrack at Ic the world will be all the bettek. off.. for th Ca:ftadm from a *ildern on ill . a remarks he makes upon e ago. into a garden. (lays sinbeXr.0; Wit- Council, $1500 of said Aebbnturea7;to be* levied. Ilad.a, 'he-only-TentslioW th4t. V12 it— pains tbay take in this respect, To Adopt': These lands the CA�Ad%n peopla.offer to. -the kie,.of this" int4il)rese�t�ear,iind$7,00-tlxeyo—a-r-moI sorry such is the caie;.but placo.,-wli.ile at Forest, Ili Lmb- unicipal' Rul6ra.. r surplus populations the,old world,' while 'e of, his hands. taken off thiii'seasor, n onoty, 'put hig horse in,a field ovor Irs. Lapler,:gravel, $4.85;,T Albliain. ng. a reaping machine.,. no -it o1looloure bthe sang Piii�'4de,migh siy.11,ohildren Thifollowingace6nots wer th6apaid, Worki him. not t' -the surpIna thousands of our. own iiibibil. And N7ext in.ocrning.ih& aninial was no- V17 no nothing in that extracts. krl�'W more than,their'fithets dld-,'� but-thle towna look pligiii,ely and take no no W of "ip,--The'no�mintitidn of Hodgins for two new, only 'Rev. Ili, Or wlicko to ba foundo: but whathot,.it erts and repairing tNyp, dig,'of Seafortb, -the ne,;�Iy ap- t -ition, of 50 ;AT.Win. kn�wledgo is generally0f a charatteir.that, age knew nai the glorious herl which is their...own,. alitt Searle, for tile pos Afayor lie,; for. turnpiking -.and new ptlintedrpi3tbr.of�rtripityChtirCL4, Afentrail'Will'. the whols artiole.oan by.. any* Gth,.,ta 6S I they Afenwho would like.to soppolva farm of their > But .,profit An( -Is -up onerg enouo,:h't' 1116ughts ibai, n) ay'lln't; lie Ctitiif �hv' atting hill on 13. Doe,4$M t oWag L infere 0.to4ie Ana, up ib tile �r'�aent flotilla Ixrj�irdo, of itp piroffipted me to� give,- utterahao* to a fevt. rXert on 11th -and: 12th cons. 67 - L, Mo6rc,' enter 1),Pn.liis(latieson'tbo9th.of,Seot.., ty ad to such lin nee.; own Will hot pluck. nrit. . Misd Rrsaidon� E last Speaking the Ptice, of TROUT Ila' h6uta be trsinid tlie. benefits a,c-. the city, 'or -have not the. persevor�,�ib olgo HAIL. STOMA:�­Oa Thursday present timo, tile Etking. on S, R., near4th con.,, $8 J, Toiinh- 400k the re�ipitmt,of a silve, Id Ana A I beral lf to-AwTork, iesolutely.lifidsave enough to' start 1"t, a very beavy-stor in. visited"illis places produce good in the 'future'.', Avibli, 'n rne, finishing hill on Gtli:611., $7.0,; Wm� r cruet stal g to do ith the question. &'In.; lbruing.fro the Also Ana ten s�t, $ an preciation. -of hei!,,r- them in theirown'domairl. More do not like ole dowfi -Ili torrents fdr. youki.peTil il,Sibll, then, hnd ilia rdin ca will say i (eiv word,, 'two culverts 6tbi cot',, M, vliceli as. organist borer call only find an employer that will and ivaprovem�nt of privileges, the coltivam;. the Idea of farm work, Agricultural lJJo'fsL about fialf an,hour. DiiringL,the". svitk reference to th6 selection of parties tofill' 70;.Jo3aph. Whoatly, assi 0 course sting tile .4urv.6yor Church. t alUeaRe, but ablindintindliatry and thif t. of the storin consi'derablo'hail fall some of ilia positi6n of Comiefflor, ho(I 03 coil Its : Jainoo Steefi, two culverts, on 9 th'. pay III as high as, eig"hiy cents Pei taIerfts':anAblve-a1I- a 2' 0 0 in sy;. 'tion of natural He who WoOd-wring a competofict) out of the abbasoAndbarhonalumn- is he not Wioe'L to the' sto*nes being an inch in cireanderen= I'desipe it to lie p6rfectly nudersiood that- in con., �13.510; JathesBe4cd'manclotilotone6i.it.. up(ed farin oh'tha.176 con..of Orev, own.. accept that smountifill fair ifiaderiitaitaing: 6 f, the principle's of' go- abil, mustoil resolutely file it, Fortuna ely no seriolls lIaniage was do -Simmons, indigent, occ 110 this *1 am casting no reflections upon any one, Ing surveyor,, $3.25 -'Rosa he' can do better? And if wheat 6ur*iix� it The ptirplus libor new L oing to waste Ili t neither iin.1 ln�'enti6n&lly personal ; my $10 ;With SaVera:l �na�ller:sams.. Thgeoun- led, by�Mi..James­Kendell. ' About oby, and a, small 4natitity of lumber wa*@' IA ical e6 4 enemy. the 4Atied -azid, towns of,Canads wofild, if prii. -theroby, motive in the first- Mon- dear that his -income forbills.-its purchmai" few writing bei o endeavor 6 introi oil adjourn6d to meet,again on I 'Ierk. 0 U n owing, ti he perly �Iaeed In the'country, "Ina years do P65T OFFlor.—We fr6quently see farm; uce a more Twiw nnif1grmon' a Is ',at of* day in Sept. J A11Wk P4TTO. Als r ad. Origi of fire mystery.' will he not 6e 60mpello(i to buy hoin, ething, D thb ill -will eng6ndered ag�lnsi t a worRerful, dealof deval6ing its agricultural irs -and others waitincr:arouifid Post chbosingfour civiti adth�ritlos, 1.0 U gin 4, diaightei of.W. Thornf6u,,'M6rrls, .6ni .Mayor of Clinton:for the step he took during . *,. *_. � I clLesper? OJTI�� the PreiiijiFaIjite'Tielt-ib that to "h- h' weglth_ - _:6rfairi li is to bring.holoo the cows, viai recently. 10.96 in We do * not say - the lab Any, one wh6 will looh-',back over the'com., wn, . 0", as that tbe,aspect ot the labor inarket grown A be, Woods, apil, -I 4number should be content ti) reinain, for. spylenith lieuddred, fif a resignation. of the civic ell pacint] It" years lifit, lyaupfib opcmq;��at that VoWboof6urcoulloills for sfo* i llt6u�b; quite a" bettor, and thera. is Xittleproapdat; of any and- hour, The time foitlopon 0!cloch- W rn Re has been accepted.-wA­,MMh011 A dobcato. 0 ill fteqnently find that sbetionalisilrand Went'in search of her' she had to spend t4eF of partyfeelingglIAV016agrea xtonbinfluen'oed nigh -bring back the len y e our last -week!s exchanges Avith refer-,- ��ijn thp, Wood 11 i a' gin Aof time at the mages or satiefied with WMC4 di3n. change in the - condition of industry - and alld'all. wha'-w to 'hitherto n t aware a; �eiugiouid as eep,,rext biq frugal fare; but that''he should only- If it W0176'.hot foiTthe proverbial tin commerce occurring to, P t Felectioir of'raon ; and somet' nes persong thW.may Gave themselves some intonve V_ the - unoa to big work dono'during harvesting, tin- seek to Improve hisi condition: by e truthfulne'sis of the statementai of tile � Ad. and pros erity'tinat once reigned: It will. be have been nominated and elected who.really COAomy, a long w9ile, even in theevent, of the depres- ence, by remembering it (pr.thxi ,4tu.r,. had ii�t the qualifications requisite to ilia pro- Peoplewboliave Some idea; of the inorese In business, in W frugality and industry, and also by carry. 'vOcate, it might, possibly; be necessary to si6:6 brooking, before . anything . li�e . th,6 ac. $Alt OP ..LOTS IN hitherto. regardea Canada at; a bArl-enan(Vu it A, Exater may b6 conceived when we inform our,0 filling of the pogition.' -Persons have, at productive r�oon, 'Ttrill perhaps, be led to -'readeis that the' charge4* dn freight coming iug his labor where it is in greater,demand show he utter1k at variance 'with the of five years agoMIl recur. Evenprov 4erstand thiftMessrs. Loot Dav�ia* in- tpare'e been noininated in a joke, ivho did not I I Z 1. W 1 1. 1 . h ," L . I .1oolc'up6n.'.it,tlili,�)!Otltly this year: into that station, IOU tho. Inn ntllof uly writ at tectionvould not bring about an immediate tend.baving; another sale of,lots in Wing, dosire the office, and it elected, they perfop truth the above paragrap is ;'but ad It I to all the idle and a,higher r 'a ill an inLronad of $1161.64 over the dorieaponding 0 is paid for it, Or,'WhOrO change calculated. to give *ork him about th 11416t., swiibi of ll�eftob township, r tL *" a 15th of Sept. Thp success ed the duties. with reluctance., and oonal!quent. h e r t w n h 0 y e tr e t uu y h r e f t d re 10 b w f borerii se d he a t V on a raco—ab 0 r p 9 WIA t Al In be, E g re d th ty Is d .not rim to do w Ahe cost of living is lower, which ainounts "w0l. known, tint that sheet forsook Tro ill hands; and food to all the bungry bodiet4. ;The of their recent sale; and the ft w ly, to some,6xtqnt at 1east, to an. unsatisfao'. 146 busl ols of 611-loy off t Xnout as, year, pid- gro) ill restoration will be gradual, - and It will be j)f W re, tGiy A fireoccurrea at 01"od Itla Ilight" to the same thing. In the next colnm�� b _itgh&m,: VMr=t1k z�anuer. 'Others -who were girp �yeats mgo� it has 'never bRen a � to to 11IM--i-n—their - tile . ..... eriah. on V, Paq)OL. -- " —, a mado-inorcs-6 by- the firesdA66 of 4--rL sAiad little attilh-g. (if niture store Jato Y occupia by Mr. which the abo�Ae ix. moom it sinuli, And'tho. olboib is ihot �oar - sent, move,'- OM account'of its position, tional -in thc'1iA-V;1bw_9_,an poili p -h measitro thirtobit"fect. �Puax aOf .of the Expositor in po )ulati6n to ralhimie.the benefi riv- a-good-plaoe,,, "�Icktty:` -A" 19ta—h dde -Wi n Fe I iVe R cT, traot was inserted, was an article xlpon-thw th�y-,csti,,cothe&tbii-faotaxiitliia-i-niitanc&.- 1071r'om it!­#.hen-iVAoes,1-vomor, have received positions, and at once their owll. larrow Lis eI'll V.JT n, on'lot 11, col), tile fire was soon under control The damage tit is or labor troubles in the coal regions o'f Penh.' have -been ilcousiarded to lifoaud. labor in the PEMOXAL,—We are 'pleased"to notice immediate neighborhood line boon Improved 9; Croy, raheit 850 bushels Ili IIvo hours. 'tilliated at $150 , the fire 6S clearly tile . Withave notmottood'in our Curlew& cities must be' prepared to - ace the change. that H4 Itausford, Esq., accompi at tho expense of sorno other parb. - Men who , A. young lady. in Vast Zorra, last week alit work of nInoefidiary. sylvania, fr6m, which we make the follow. come olo*ly, qnd, 'ilth small- improvement in are strongartizatis have. boon sometimes se- 14 Acres of -Allbtlo.son of Mr. one of his none, is paying a visit to tip Oxchangois of latei so'many references -.wages for a Z I oiid while. More men will have send in this neighborhood, having arrived locted-, moiely oil. thdt actount,'and ilia rsuli' Vrom-tbrou iockq of Soneen wheal, fig AN]i ing extracts :— - oil about four -Yoarg,L While playl near a.ork, but. we da not thrull: more pay, for toe from Euglanirlast week.' The son who. ad-. was, that theve was not thatunanimity.'and o6. I oidentally tumbled, i;Ti. 'Tlio iMl -Wag A aoi of jopagil, tIlreshod gl well, ac, The cause of this is, not that theril Id thb "prospoo0oneighboring' Roplublic", V, Ar Zimnlurnk dentud. for coal, or that it does not pay to' as. a�poare& before the ro6ent strikes. demand forAwork will keep down. wages. It companied him out, occupied the pulpit of 'operative feeling existing which shouidfie.�- about 37 fek. d6op, with about a foot of water is for this reason that we coungel those. who FIELD., MUSEUM ,a Dominion politics hava be6a at tile bottom, ot, att-ango. to says tlic child work the minosi, but is due partly td the _fs6t the call make arrangements to *6rk in the coquAT St. Paul's church on Sabbath evening last$ PorliapS t They usid - to Slay. Ili, referring to I I 1 11 In, on. I y lut i;- Ack'Mr, 46n` Qlassla),.Io was that the labor market is overstocked.' There State 'a and will again officilitto'cifi 183tinfty morniney contivein the dboice-of municipal roprosenta- taken out ninjured.. WILD E-1KHMIT ON ME A 'Troy 0 coT2 'try to Book the empl6ymont that , is offering tiVoo M( , At are too many labor6ro for the work that is to oftho beb9fits )ro than any other Motive, and. such in 'ahiTtl on -t 48 bildhols tit fal.l. oliurell a6telg­rava '110 lie I h was 'Vh at to ill, OUND�' 6 there, and to look tothe agricultural life, as next. , a,�l �', . i 0 n the pteacrit f o bo-tegratted. w -fo;d G LTURAL-SHOW OR do." I footering -InitiOnal in- at I y Certainly t am well A are of PPonod IV 0 loo on.Sianday 1.2th inht. A RJOU IndUStr* edoeachty W Tern. the difficulty that exists with reference to ob, NVm. frend'er.,'41'.1 M arros lolls Oro atio and or the one which 0. offers the , A BIG E M 01(fllnp, hag The. Rev. E. J, tobi n. of Brussels, preach - Certainly, �hat is a verifiefation of the du es," b6t; now, a clo d hits lipparently' largest rewarildto the sober, an - %'VooA- tabling suitable persons to accept.theso posi- of New Zealand oats. The hewh; of %vl)ich pera-ace excursion was xnn from ed in the morning and a torneon to Iarg 1. OL L IN T 0-K, law of supply Tand demand- is it, not? ovoi them, ainbe Ameriami. ers and star, stock, London, An& other stations, to 010- tiong, for the. office is not only an onerous one, clell pop to� to, 'but without Any coftiesponding benefit; still,. gregations.' - 'Tile choii-of $6. Paul'a,0but 11 A rival derich, the party boinj go larie bixi, - " - ­ �­ t .. ry has sprung tip between the com. attribute the labor trolltblz* to, tho, iniquie, -as Mrs. Sollostleo, uf'XinWrii:baf4 growing.in Wingliati), undbr thb leadership of Are., a ea. the result of a bi-bkon. comb' -tons Aitriff sy . ot�m. the Dunkin Act In Toronfi quire two trains for their, con'venience, that is no reason why an attempt should not Iter . garden A citwit Which Ineaslifes 2q intAfles Wit . 1301), Vas,in attorldatice. matioi� that Votlet M.' pani It I was too bad be mhda to induce bettor quallaod persons to lid coal is sold for lea thati the cott 011,proo cocaposed of twenty.two cars, all jammed In small townSLAnd villages co. one way and 24 inches tho othov.- 14 MrA John Brophy, .4odaribly, who is onio duatiou. ToT make up for this loon caused by the man 46uld itelke just so' .4be 'Conser. O�o Thursday last'tha vote 0 the first fulL The fare from London- was -only 60 Mr. Archibald "Malcalm,of jtoiviok, li;w a, ph)"Ved in the HarborIVIls met with,,a yory ov gpind the men onti, gild we . presurneL th6 success Of this pecially, the inore unanimous the comnluaityl-' ]FRIDAY9 or�o 0etition the companies Vativo of4i 11 pr6tdotion" wao being f airly elft'virwlit7ho fias voted nay was recorded. � in the general developmett and improve, field. of oats fr6m whicli lie imllod (ino A�Mlc, lievoro accident on -Wednesday, Whilostand- tro-wn to starvation price, and th, lar one will induce A Company to give 6thtro arc ply in the labor market hat combs � go 0'4P' rJantid in thoAliesAftsi ilid- thereb snuff Amonk the voters thus far, have bedo Went Of the plaoi, the wore likely is the tolyn on whiell 110 cottiltect 1,12081.grains, oil Oita of the Oran(l Trunk oats oxaminin" An led them to QL - carry out their schem rod'ones, fiftebil v6tin . g yea. tit sit equally low rate.- r villigO tO prOSP81' gild adWknde, f6y in this 09 ill farm of Mr, Janina � 11011111all, Ileat t ho, spout Vab delivers shorts, the cars by as of Opp ay. 0 o Hills, Green, in thd toWlIghip OfL if fty, wore ression, out its light AnAil3fluan66, but Such is life. 8001 mistake wbre. backed nod Mr,'tropby I% IT ft -k and ton n 4vrons..—The large number ot these reorkot unio3i is ittrongth, I do not wish -'k COIASSAJ .-TEN. I DIP N 0 t, little wanderers who vjl$it0Iintou,.Ivou]dsuggoat to belittid, Whatevor'has been performed in cut and bound 11). notes of oat,.4 Ili live hour.A. !6no again, so far an coil being sola to W* 6piqi tbat fo� , dde illto, A leas itist., L. Was caught betwobu. tho spout and thb edge of, less than the cost of production, ;Nhioll itM -bol sdd b� them pu dis ' , VP to *l6drietaity evatiftig, 15th the opinion that s groat. nianv of then, byg000, days ty �ae councilloto,,for the ctuU6 the cars and terribly jantined. His life was Or subita, but the voting hsap000ede4, at in average Mr., James AleGr6e, in 6�6 half (lay' lagi 01111 saved by. the breaking of the spout. must be 11 an tho r6act', pol! jhg past six they hive h&dL at tinicaL to fulfil havo certainly wo6k cradled nine. litiladrell, and-oixty slitiavev proves as clearly as anything cart.6 prov. ifilly".iwilk ho do�bt re'opbu jh6 L d606 'rite of 49 per dieto, dt t rly vote if Smith's Hill, a 6 a ATELO-DII&AIATIC AITUALOUrs, it a it. arld or seven weeks -those ubiqUitoua, b8ibgli boon 6ndrous and unprotitable ones, but per. g-whem", 0ii MIT, 1, V�,Ilillau's farm. Alr� Iaaaa Alartini c howe I � o of an article depaiias up�u rter V6r minute. THEATRICAL �vhenjbey think the �atrit-os have 'boot � quill' 011, ed that the pric' have regularly visited, f1iis town, and I Arb 6o lions of any perceptive la6ultisi wifisteidrs,dan Morpirl!".1 usdilabiral curiou�itythe other,day*in the the amount of the sup and extent, of. ell reity. te a Dunki soarc6ly f&IL to notice that mistahest have bcTa I 'A shape of a Canada, thistle with a well fornied ETHBRE AL Guour4kf4s; ly foTgotiet"and'a ff* itray v6t 6i Situiday In rtiao,tibg possible, went switV ivith bettor horood Ir, lawor- lZetr kcoentl� reaped, V401 A the demand, Wat held iO the amphitheatre, All wli-o than they came wiih, obtaia 1 0 11irough easlotally boon ma4e, And to etideavor to rec. the, two, acres of preliby heavy fall 'wheat potato on the kooi, The artiolo was quite 'rtIAL ZVOtVJTJ6NS, The talk of djrryln� out deuglit by their'ohaffii d tify thes-6 and guard against future ones, it, ge) gontlille and the Anomaly can bd accountedfor TTNEAuTHLy Ei v rze Oali*mrod addre�set; declared that the Dun. trading, 11ow they manage to live and ill all hour on tho faini of Mr. 1VWA Iloss, TSO a of oppression over Uboratj ' ' i � lj6 &Wrong,dogire, Won that the thistle Was be. MYSTP,111f AN!), . 1 1%) 1 ' . kiaB11I.A."oelakiiii was a permanent in. drive r�,o good conveyances they do is, perw Hopingi Morrie'. by the, eupposi. this aparselyisettlea country,, of fraomonstly ATES WAR N itituti0n, and'that it WouldT not, beco a that these brief remarks rd&y,jro_-_ neath'the grbVing potato ithrl, forced its way 'IUVISTRIOV8 LIV� ME in haps, Intown only to thelaiselvaq, lint those dude g; go6d.effect, and that all On the l8fili i'I's t., ij�. T, Campbell ill resh. through- it and then reached the surfact and developed resources, and cheap and.free thing of that'past u niff file Act was caltiod, who, hair6 any doaliogs witR ifieni, state them in the kindly manner, in whie . h they art, adAfbr Mr, Saw I) Armstrong, with it, Oliaton both, otato and thistle a grow in beauty Aide 4EN"Cr PItODRUES though the War is really 0 on shoqldt�at boOr r6me' time yet, 6ndaueel 9G. that they alivnys Aaam to,havot lot of given, climax Alwhine, avera n In"Ans of transportatioiI, is ob P jo 180 budld# Pei, utterly, ab. tween those two great nations the 10terost Jk ftbt- diverdab fti thei polling on $at- molitly'. I Im, Yourlt, &C, hout.—Straffor(l, M" !,G . . . 'The I"nsolvett Enigma and ftliettattlrdl liurd and conte%ptible, that - ft ib utter! I I The following is, A statement of the ampgnts )�tj ' j) A I P t the appear.$oca or Mdeors. Xaraqau &'Rarkea threshedi'�6 receivoll by the several munioibalitles of South PVZZL39 '03F ]PV0­' inawortby of argumentative dontradietio, talion in Why the outside walcl-tappears 8ojr- tnolitht 'since an-iiainT appe&iea. Clint6iTi-Aubn 22) IS77. Mrat Hugh Xonnedyf HiAton ffool thOL liquor licontia fund, 13 6 be subsiding, as there poems to bo-na of the er iii these tolunans to thu eftetthat aa agent bushels of fall ��fiaat toe fot the aud can be perinitted to expand itself as . it t , U613'. Wra- Wedougall, who, ac -inolichour of btitga.tlie whoat was year 18�7 A. Seaforthi $1,303.48 - Exoter, first time JaL America, 'WITO dresoing, Uit Worship, maid, Mr. Xavr, Ellice Now exhibited for the nothing. sidvantage gaited by either sides Rit for a paper in A-Aignsta, Xo., had taken - A, T6 thp.Editor' of thd New Bra, exceaingly goo.11, tut eoawai the threalibig. 6345.97 ; Boyfieldi-$24"I rgtepheb�, $257,67;- CAN EXPLAIN, T1131-MYSTVAYA. will hurt asis itsylaskyousquestidn?"' ".10,40mainly," nunAtr of subscribers fibre, who after Day- Slit,—I notice sliT adveir6ement in youl e . Mr. 't, Lowe,. 1-16 10, con. 5, orey" this sea. $128.11 ; .1 . . I I M68t d6rtai* 10�119 prestige in the toplied'the.kayor, I'Whiohwa..,t.did�he Hay, -0263,91 ; t1aborne, Stauleyo Mou should not permit thsrnsel�o# to be Is' itig their.money, only received one oil two of this date, *signed,by J� T, Doyle, of M'alh. r, son grow a isinii front one pea, Which yielded $150.25 ; Ttlakerainith, $128,77'; Godorioh 43 eyes of the world, as it was 'expected slis. Ko�i Oliver 11owat i�otet �1*1 'Ordr the SOMfr(Vh0tLG About ton, by'.Whiah the inembers of the Agricultural 68 pods, all but two'iif w1vich were filled.— talwahiT $32,20. The total amount thus dis- AD31ISSION 35­Ce'uba� in. A positton where*they an b4 oppress.. till," Vatuined his Worship." "'thou " COP all 0' the Pape" age n k - fnr Vi0kervt it but6 vrould have, done more thab'sM hits do the sape Ulna a lodal Mutdil Insurance Company, and the puY,c Tlio.padit.tiverag,.,Iai)out.,hvo- poxs, oecti,giv. is which, togetherwith the ad by, empl6yers, which C osid,mt. Msddougall,L I vote- against It;!, ish6cl-ill Aug ust a, . can- generally atirwatned 372 easily be clone In. this ' iJ4bs6­J6X& V1resWV share of the Province 0837.11, malkes, �i WW'' UUOP, publ frovi 1)tA6 a ' d pest of $40 r;aiia. if they - *111 fiactio; In good bst"beeit"d6bLe 2' ra he did an ti 06 o0cordillgly. busine4§ With me, as my authority t6 tratisact, ing a growth ce utaor wo 2a 6on igated this town, -2 Ilav- b 1 9 for sAid coiVPAn9'1s- hereby cappolled. Ur. Wm of $3,628,98 colleciect'fof liddhow in Sout1l . and busiriess-like a y" coonomy" for wa she'll ibullore hear Zdglish.alafm i6fe T�6 total ii nd-tbO Par&gratih 118211ev 0 t - A Etty. jr., of, Logati, coniesfarward' kamittitig to every, jj4nadr-tctialing department Of . pruAeu�e. ' Eyen if A urpber,pollkl up to. Tuesday; ing, been brought, t6 the �otl�e of"tho pub- Now, sir, I really tlAnk Mr. boyie might bui. 6 ilia biafi the -Iv,,td of oats tuentioned last auto# exclusive of All expelw* young man talking, with lbate4 broath of 210t'idtt" aedorditg to,tho; figures of-thb, could got no more for his labor J thli�,4gbger. liaher, he naturally stlp�Oaid ilia was the saved himself the trouble and expens6 of advor. week', gs,hKviljg "Toott raised oft tlle%farm of Mr. Wm. Shalle has the than $1.80 per week, he coul4.goon save' from the grokisg., Arongth,ana a referred to,, grid that some . onau- tialtIg.-ray reai ationi ad I left the. employ, of Mr, ri:dwilrd Cox, 'PullAtton. On the head, I to Mr WW. 0AWk#h&w,of ully G NTr 6 001L and '.the average daily majotiV 'r In on earlh� 61' India Dunkin sorutineers; 6,951, Anti-DuAfil. L Altle of his hate DO Mist 8, Ria A i , nd Doyle an the company army,,C4 F t , riz d person had boon canvassitig a ,of my own f, u 3 were 240 PL1AAmp:.glJtina, being (Ott More than Exeter, for the suni of $3,500, possession to enough to place himself boyand th6 *A* Russia. Mtlarga Army is,%6tu will, on the 15th of July, giving nodei io him . tile 011OLShoWli I . Is by Aft, 062. y . . of Saptembir next. In -Y the proceeds. Acddrd'liglyl two by, rk, 'telograth, and also by lotte�)'aud since h1i vo. Mr. Shane't retiring froft the bughkoss Blyth SAUZ xjXE,Axb PLACE$ agaiust *6 till 75 votes, A gielit dool of dekoting given, on thq let ,of oppressive ampl6yers. There. ore rail� 4 can$$ Of *eOltiftell1t, as it exhausts, her V6. Ila nooteil with. the establish. told itvery person Who apppaellid.ned oninsiw. Me, J`, Borry, -of Ftillarton, get Ilia ruadIfine, tollj, its 034ot landlords and Met oa at -n opeou tion prevo A, all to the probab]4 gentlemen cot lions who do oouroo& TurVey *M U We to i Ili Cauads, dame 11 but, th I X011111, 0411106WoThrillhig Tap not receive even so good , .4cthilt, duration of the P014 And both PArtiesdif-' mont, having liptineo A 00 11468, that' I had left th6 employ, of tile at & farmer's Non and threAlled till jioorip 'wages. a that, - ra ' of thero. orb oft. own till thil fall rahas, ot I for conoiaetibly in their. estimates of the herevith the ifitolitiim of fbrriling otlb 0oulpalay, nescorea of reliable men Ili -Clinton but a worthy bne,fii ova toopeat. -It was and any t) 411%d thou tL Ina going. So far as to the persons' if po,& le. Mad again slid moved, a, distaftee of two thilas thirteen jears Age *hon at. Shan remaining, Vd 6, 40 -Aftat.a. patient and vioipity-are willing to t0tify. Ituo" Will he 60to"Irek-toclo" the Cain. ib Yours truly Atim, WADbrLTIf. set his. maolline arain and thrashed Q11 A little the, Commarblidlictel,whieh he hat vow bold, Fro and SAY -thiW f6ur tht6lislind 7644 will Yet be inveatigaU6 ch the aff Clintoftj '16 1871 #W46*11 - Ii stantly raising themselves to wealth\ A 61i4 the� And that Jklng that day between the I sinde, t1l6n ho, Grand. 91=00N lousic A 1113:111Y. It should be' 00 116 ifle, into.. P6 f 01114 hl�& Cehaaafa& the Sable . I thoroughly unddr� sisd *hat may, -t9ro up tied, who subsoritodtq Mr." 1. Callill, fhe two plaoiN ilo�prll 500 bushels of wheat, Ahd with, honor to the villago- aua otedit-to in., Atood that a buypr of lailior'bis "the:right rim betw660 tbAt �nd �60 spring -to -bile Werih ffeing, 66 ImIlts to.ste, leetal agoutL anU Tesidout hot�, Are --';It The llowman L Ville 111orhit . or& onipati, . y bad the Aoat, li�,yv all In, ono-lintri it Is to. golf—hover having been brought bototo'66 to purchase it at As cheap can toll, Aq.,ft—The Dunkin Mll lArli receiviag the p.Apar,, Ana Ara lv h4ved he could have threshed 60D bushols, a rat# as he Can, court for limising violated the liquorcrany Th6nanbon noad Ili mig Great GtAinitonii Pitoot0e, a Okla of Jildlrgeot being DO Aod(;dfationhav,111SId"ca at .6 meeting this year has A balance Of 59 a to the Othdr law,. and haviog the namot far and near 41act to feat Ili diank6idt. I pleased_with—iti-arid further, that, go far he 1 6 bi4b and the seller the reverse, lit &'freo L and hold last ovaojuggio abobaon, the electoral ad they ban learn no ono beside has boon credtb of the reserve acomin After paying 462 vacant h I 01thwel, open market, 08 of keeon a ftl6at, 6rdolldnt hotel, But we pot t6ribut iiitlilmlats 066 rutotals, 3.),ftey Ives and. DUNUK Aft DIFEAT D. obutelet of the unkin by-law artango. darivailaing for hI1,&ug!3hl;A papor. 8.k harcholders Atid y t wo Ilia JU0611011141, 0- 114VO thkii Air. ShAnd Adddrvogeill 0 L Z Governor-General is 'ACCoal)ING to ii'talegrorit I ling A0 pro,. that ich hill house wants were made this fdot# oredii' for the vory. good name Will Lord Duffarin iffilioLmoot Vopulli� 110111 Torailtd, tits. vide fo�r the lapse of half sit-bour with- are told by Si ofin's orgAp the hIr- meeting �,Vvltfi o; porlbot ovAtion in Manitolim has barood. 110 is dortnuad enough, to be Will. UhIbIt Af SOIAfdftfi� ThUrsdays' And 40, )Dunkin porty,toteaka 'ill Agri. nitUre b(161104 in allitatig Is Aftf tialood Torchlight proce 'Ons, tho lay'Ifig of cornor po#adagod of dontoAtlle do"al. out 'fig tfiefugolVefi alfta �At. fi, olias and el a twoot ontimabla, lady Its 1110, hot. tivd Governor-CIGnevol Canada Iiiii boa (or 10*16gth6 poll presenti Itittat Mutual, AR,urance ARRocintion," of for wanfi (if more protection, And that the stones, aareagea 'mittt well-Ittiowit years post. If they ohooso to transform, ilia to olose,. and, of course, 10. terout , iation Chereof L the Major olos. ftn(t the ate respect. &morican' mantifac . wrorx make a slaughtoi' mI of showing inhiked Attention, Are in tot half, And 'the had onviled 4ad rotaind 016 kogt 301 oad,at Blytho Safardaro Itoodon" At wAres in otd6tirt'WhibipeL, how, flif ilia Inhabitants 1141116 0 pattinerit in IW1129 d6f6it- Tile CA080 of thin Is the voty� Od the poll Ainfil talk o1cloW to. fully wained, agailme, llavill4"any inslultnee ln"trket of Canada, and soll th 0 a d her, d Domiftidn into an elective mouarolly, Sarl Sul f having mall Duffoft would be uhAtimptledy ohopon the large majority given agnuillb t of that offy Ill ad,1 i tion seem to have InVent6d the C01"111,001111 Kboolirto nottlior lAndlad ld bill,' uly to, morrow Jiliorning whoti it there traiisaothihs, oil any appontit witli one AZrXA, eititfi by aoqdon, at almd'st any pri It , tTho )Ad 'A 81*6 Xih9,—&Add# 990., Wbrld, ftetorany' I'lag" This 'a A GTOAA0 vo(Los pcllc�L rot ANnrit. NVAl)I)VLT,, - hs -hiq 4141tority to act for in i � a now mathoit of showkqe hopor, at least o piltrkvy, 1 0 flal known thAt this cry mogt'lancommon wip, 2hfr6y, 61ah were At - 10111gly Apokell'of, id ft daughter of A r, Wm. Chi MOIR hereby nneelled, Auy one %Vllo haacul All Wit bo gollerAlly L f ldqn's, And LaLdies' I *ill close tile P6 "y fture lit *116 �f.ha butilb6p bt farindta in. this And bihot dho UAIOok#4 for 14 ItheiN loar'llo finally. elifi" him Iftsurillde promflAM& ai any agcav it FtAud at) fir d8 tho furfil lot an t4olled ton *1tedL J�'Jv6r' OAVfL" In willall Word_ Uinta doombd it A, Wofk of no it out *hilo the polling Ull sum ul*. tbO having Aitift meeived a polleyt rriol to th%198 (late, Is 001loorned, And that'66 CanAdida mano. Pren.ch Xid otso an- �egalizfo. save, 0A rora 4,nrl LtAdy Ilufferin, Laitv Helen Vit.k. much affi1i pogifflo, ty working. 60, 2ty Mda�Urj of �P�Ajand hays from theL 6111641'reglo(piff Ali 010 At nhoe, f ohl on 1*0 the 'Iffled nobt' 'Noil, at. 'A 0 athe'rign I Sunday Wei the Xibih XoTlt'loro'by A Sill, 1871, will pleam Ad( Cosa a roAAR, of fIJJAI)jtur6 have be They k6girded 0 Is As 6, *OTk .1 V. 41.111 lint lie rostpong,1111, for fille futill". Itctg , ........... latt. ot hodeb. gimbfit VItho dosort,?A daring 66 6tdkoAto t, will bo, atitiouneed Ttotboirow. The at, wo, it and Mrst. ti�tlqtdti, hnd i1rtV(.',AA k'hdel'an' f,��Jt ;X06k AL%Vtotolllp� d ill 11.4hit of sLippilitt their gooda to Toronto J)fl.ir ()� WhQnt itIlelivea. fempt6d to outrago rs gIrl no.1 to he tIJ(a I)V t)TI6 rflloAL mf flim, polivil's ivi'Al't, dilly 1;111 ('11"Vett Ii re alld IS 1111A) t I lit% t Ae aity, and bf dourito ally d140046101 -of bu�lx a o ljority at tho Otago? aftordfl)g to 'the (If 11-1 ad rme04441fig mbat h1hgor attelidt 'I t"i foi�jrollf!we 1. ly a I)II11wrly (11-allfleit t ma fir Poetic porfootion, N[Ift will liderton', fit MI(I , ­­ Anti r, I'Ll - travoll I .upok oat pblfit.— at 141111tary law they may r4no tileffivolvei ihilt otliftla, wild Ale ligoieft lit'! '13, lit, 1,46M.. DiQIIvt'A% ;It, (1110 (of J or ss ()or 0 Vort4d, . e VIA xAt oil even such 'III OR tanco AVA4 ill at 8 t,04, Vay, serl'olls prodillitrient', neys, 4,096", yettilt 2,043, 00intilitlea . tti r4outrAl a now "'iPor'euetr, And committed ...... .. .. ....... .......