HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1877-08-02, Page 40, in coxisequ�ace of SWORTH WOB�LIN MILLS H A, 1. 8J, N E 8`8 I W1444 Watt Au 204r. let ift f an, to.d Money to Lo ttlr Che. ap, r. tha, ever,, mats in,. -the U14W 0 ibe SUcceqs� 0. AM0131", i"it, VAN! immoNp, In the upitoa States tile Fropor eons having sound teeth 14*011 y OlIt NO 18, TY44. TIME TO BUY RARNEW, An" �ct into t 1200 4011tilits hence i't oompe t noe April last, Arjt�Vboa � inonim-oth Is out, in not!*0 service, w1lo i1se it 44tiially half- a or t of pare gold booldes a I 11 -11 "I The stibsorlber, In ftnkla * Reaper jilling ma, 410 I his customers for the botaed on llim in the past, w 01 Illy", Ith, Loiro bow would atmate tl 4 qvioploto stook of lot be has On baud 4, Asorboat - =11., C*'. batter cyaner work tln, bo 49 t4on by 040UN AJn(j JDX, if D. fig jn�,tho Q'ar tit a qua!tor b(ipro .14WIVIVIR FLV 4 An WS110019)a Q A11111t�1111`o almatlloao�l 9, Aar. allZonuoluory invited nlemornifig vmg patll aj bivoult a40,1111,1411, 13 4'.. r Aaa-4 to. ge st9c4- ol, lltoeede, Oloths� Satmets, Together with a Orlit-olses assortment of Taumtil, 0*TcXI=, VAZIoulli, WAXPO, OvAlty i'r," ievh boy will sjvL to th-14 out, threabod aileto , hnQI* 1404 obstiaAto Blankets, -jarns, 4-0�, to 00i8s, ARIEtsure­ &Q., Which be will sell cheaperfor cash than any other house in tU OoUnt% NO tvattar liw* they lmk U d, And baW ill two IkOtEF0, Gent's St I .,Su 40 A in unblull, it gro in , w%V44, of Llyapopolw Oland in a weak, Alatl�wjlto, 111 e'reliatigo jor 1rool or ell /Or mok, that pays one hundred doluto. on the They Own 0 lirlating aulq train I) , 0064woodf 111(tok Ililw, have been othve(l $'-am 11fo-Rufforing Patna, inta brall. Late telerr was ured In ft low CALL AND iM, V, MY STOCIC, BR -00=4 PURCH8ING 9LSEW, J V. At 444400� *P=t 1111000(k X71j1XA IKIN,13S ov ratty who kituiv state that the 11141auld Are, robbing And mor, 0141-19, ollballb, 6XIII dyjjj�j)QpSja, and Tlyi,ll A ooronto. Fopartiaujax esnpAb.or t.h —1taron, JM00, tbrIPQ 400rA W013t of 44 01 0181AWS' is STILL TRE ROR AT q11400 lhand, V11111111t". . . � p Owl Thurellay evening, 101' Svc a4droos, W, Y. on, Ot� I'll, 1110LUX GOODS Mah to. T41 411P�l ",a oitiz94 was ,'a,(, oil TV U they V,.L a is blow-OU't free t 0, the* Purpose of Oroanizi[ag for defonoo against JQHN OAMPOELI. ry 11oxty teed; 11040ork,!a bf�ertuse they, write, Indiana. The County oommillol6nels i.t. (AAD OF CLINTON, uly 1$77, a-AuDIX0, SrIvINQ, .WD&VING, Cowillya, AM Otter 1,044'.- sa proclamation offoripll a reward $250 AND Fvy,=Na, Dnssma� &-a., done on short notice. — --- --- nor the IV' t*( -,e of Par ershi 01411,$ always carded. to InUe home the V 01, 11po jj 4040,., I —. 03 I nmWOOL. WOOL IWhen may A.mall clailit t(V Boo, vogot4bjeg, self as llhud;� I OVO(j to lie in his XVay qJjjtO to, tile people of 011utnu, that I h&Vo 'OUtered into 4 —01 speaking? When lie sees a rnstqlk. other day, Who In. Partilorfillip With A, D. A1140KNIKE40, to the , Q a oapitAlist, (or in his poakotfl WON) Ou"I" ongypurwork, and be convitte eon ; Who dm philo-9014100 at a of I 1 was, 111. SO111, work.11-11MATOU 110 ga ill t six y0ar ago, arc generally blookheads t twenty.9ill,' 0209 eheeor esh'LLS To p;�or, and G 00111 atudo But cgs Ink I do batter CLINTON ",WOOLLEN., M1 sierand Of JP There's one air that a girl, wbother musloal curronoX;, moreover, this pconnions tramp �Aod NVI!311 to tb4ni; the plibilo'for that& liberot pati:W ld two ya. og; A, G, VAN MOND, Proprotor, Since I engaged my. new Cutter, from Montreal, we 4 Oolati4elaub T I AT H c I or not, would like to, cq,(Edx, uil thatV4 m16 had k tfulo.f Silver spoono) LIT In tile pAitt"ballolting 0 Of Saint% THP4 SUBSCRIBER I ITNOUNCE$ TO THE PftLIC, I j. 0TNN(jj-jAWr,,. 0 0h, ;une 7,10.77, )ionwro. 40 Uses ful,101005 raiment, mer-ot - prearedthloYear, as intliepast, todo. have been besieged by persons Wishing -tojjav-8, Abe tit the most uncomfoitable sent, a persoxi' . A -tramp 6allea tit it form liome Ken, The busluess,vill be cArriedon undor thq us can have, As a steady thing, in thojoyg,_ 1KENHEAD, y. C.rjj0Rj �BAKgj R All. kinds �bf Custom Work and Manufacturing. ould with witioli he a alrohase somethingt lye And Ivith our i'morocood facility Roving added more machinery to,bis establishment, 'and by always giving his personal super, mod Auut Koo 0 at your patrona. '"army eat, he-man of the fionso gavo Mill a fifty. , avwlaa Keep love a secret 11, exalal '"adontly %olialt o, ohs W. intendece to all branches of the business, 49 hopes to, neral satisfaction, A Is 11 ant scrip, pretty well worn, butoauino, Ana ease at of your Rpoolal attoutiou to Our 1, R. (W WiSINRISS. Myou keep the toothanlixi a secret? �� The following 8rioeq will -'be churl d this *season,, wIlich will be fopud. as low as on., wlilohb.oexaioiuedvoryoi-iticiLily. Thetrap1h) C1 X de it Should B Well, no more call you keep love or tighi cjidnl�tb SEEDS. otnim a as bhoes a socret,$j returned it, remarking that 110 ill.. AIXENIMAI)i the County:— arding, 5 cents ; Cinding and Spinning, 13 cents; making PlaitiFlaunof on* 'that would pass, And he shouldnt care to rula I Cotton, and I to find Cotton Yarn, 25'cents-per yd. ; Twilled' 49., 80 ots. pe --A I � a Eatn, April, 5,1877, E, U HAVINQ BOUQUT OUT r, yd, ; Full.. ,rtr g it, Tot �o TWO &179�ait6d, to i;uo of her frioAds risk of tin Cloth, All Wool,. 47i a. per yd. ; Blankets, $3 per pair; Horse Blankets, $9.10 perpair that her fitther.kept a oarrioge." 14Ab, All Wool Flannel, 80 6, per yd., &a. I will give 9. lbs. of 11�o -led Yarn out of every 10 lbs, lis qf,gjagulgr vbaraq, but," was the triumlihtint reply, 11 my. father Lately carrleil on 'by 0 s ol clean Wool brought to spin. The following quantities -equiired to, make brivdau quinibu ters. 'Uriall 8aunders, of Kingston, N. Y. , Is. CLINTON—, of wool will be i I . . I P each jard Plain oil Cotton, 10 oz,, Twill on do.,'12, oz., All We t& bavo fiq:uX,e(j in about 600 lawsuittt.-L- Dogs to Inform, the Inhabitants of Clinton and vicinity, Elohad going to. l9w. N01 that he intends carrying outlie, abov5in all, its branches, lbs., Bla 8 a" 12 "' 'ell" Ole" I `* Never was thero A medical journal tolls a( a man who lived' a ling 0 And.trUoto that by Strict ljttQlItJOZZt0-bURJIlO0S, 61io uket , 12111s. per pair. Qrq4er Success than' in my Order - five years with a. ball in is boad. We have muoll its to bavo soluothing PUMP 'TACTORY. at F&A LS� rittia, of, I OT11, known ladies live tuip as long with rothing pleased ,him' so lis fortulle* keeping, n�ao but goQq articles, to. merit a shore I keep constan0y on hand a large stoOlc.ofBTjX1CL XZ�L 11tr lost I il lie, patronage.. of ed -iDg =46 thi .S An b actionablo done to him. of,my own manufaot0e, also a laige quantity'?f fin "and c' aroio Twinnys, , ex. Clot g- at ball� in their heads, ' I .. .. . 6 9 I . . inhis.legal roocarelies,. aud then 4ned every I c011ont �qqality and durability,'ull of-whioh I ani propaied- o trade for �vvool, and,will give -tile alt jugh at $UBSCitlB�R-DrBIRES TO. RETURN III8 O� Me Bra qfte, Now's. the tirno rt fly oobtlb4 on t iiiaii'p one jt -614d the wikst hold upon, a vt door to the' 4. highest, price for Wool to all i last . it mattered li-ttle whQthor lie liplk IM . . . vbo i#&y. Aeaire6 exoha�gio for cloth, nose, and the inati waked it grall at the fly, and It it ljold core thanks f6v tho Itborul shore at patronage v.. 3arowN. FARNE,98 OF oncof she best 114arkei! Polona in then opens - MR Ila.), tl, ono fingror at - a timb, nr.. %lot,. h*d sued ;Ill thO saine" - Oe SlAbi 11ordod him, and would tto ititimoto that h6h4s, dur- w may have to sell, the tlognty of H A V E NOT' 0 NIE, I tut;Mip Itnat winter, laid Ili a large stock of first-ol�aa ClintouptlarbIl, 15, 1877, and y�u can always gtit Oaah for &AyfAiwg V - so come along, and whilo tho happy fly ia contontetIly clawling against Itobert,llarj),4r, lasted twenty Tvare.' matorlM, and is now propared t6 make And put in# the . . , . I . . -: . MIS over the butter. defight -to disp,ose of your produce, and when yoz4 are coming, 4ring. your ll�col along, atid 4avet Oarde( soul'(W Of um -failing, Ir . .. I . I . . and ready4o take.home toith Y616 the'saine (lay, or trade it for cloth, or leave it to be There was Once till of ilia sun, lintj Uri,*.I,. Vofortntloteky Ilobert Mo PTJb4P,,, Co -Partnership., ST SUPER10B 17 la Jack Lair ho.eitit, much to the rqrat of tq.e&Wo B .. ke.ts,.spun into Yarn, inade.into Fall. OW4;oranything you, choose,- &nd eve 11 An, d and Jt ail, Ilia wi�j,, worn setting at and that 61140 t I'S a . . e on,, ieaied' d G X6 NOTIFY" THE and promises to C vas uotiiin*16 anr,� Lately, bow6vor, ailil ers of, tidui on, Z, and t ti,lwayr. �Q:a aii *IIffe wool. the Jiro thiukitig the wurld i SUORTEST NOM T' )generally that they have, entered Into pMrT,:. end.. SKYR Jeall, " If we had-,onb, li"t�j.tljft had i case Ape-ided against himi in WhIch Ms f terms., u1 CLi , WTO . n 14 7 I15ee Us:Again.-: Durin the Spri nd' ership, for the purpose of carrying on the blaQkstait ay -8 7 CORDET r ha s. have pig and the twa kyo aelt; I wadn,� lt�e a' opp6nent%vastbat�gritu,litijanbl.)4�tt.h.; Tfis ingtlulljos% In 101 its branches, inhebuilding.former- E.. i1g. ou 11 i A 11 I'mjgoing to. ineat next. door �o � iaby Mr. F. JonoRs . yi�q last*wordswa.te, j3letokaln 7 qocup - . . extra *rh -every o�.Plactg _jthjShoP.r had t6 wQik in. �order. to thille,Nvill 43. -gid-to-bito hol, I' e - i6d6ys­r,-w It a, - r (63 a out f Ila hieand goes.to the W 0 eompliatent of a Serenade, t the Serena e bfdug givua to t1m freohle-nosed i I net door, , S'SCOCOA. -ftAj'2FVLAYDCO. 119y a thorough � Oowledge. of the nattilal laws whicli govern th and huftitio!x, fill �ppllextioll TA.�I R$ FERQU90N. Zia rril 19,1617 L %-jjL4,L.LN J- ill be prepared to execute allorders on trusted to them, in a satisfactory maurter, amI at Thlstle�Cutttbrs,.Sod Plotigho, ad Iron MOUNT(jASTLE'S A-Woulaill filloatiloned bef6re the colirt on account of her school, It . L -1, of-tfie fine propert�iio .0"O. Epps his prov , .. - f�ttt = r with a &alicately 44 a, . Atiction 0 !MrS) 0 ilarrowO made a - speciality; and- warrant- ed, ilnpurpas"d. 'k irial. reareetfull solicited. _=I 4lutonded arself bt hit she did not -ove. of -a lippi Wbell pi ased to- savi us many h vy tors it is b� use of' aall-Artioles of tl* a the 0OXES 00 TT$.. Ind of oilolplaliit -,he Said rly been toght to spell' ious judiol aoonatitution.may bo.grAdually built up un. til atro-4g; enough, to resist everY. feadency. to 11 -CR Pjq S -1 R -E, I, tr, . CLIXTON, 1yth Tlouriji L aibeagd. Hundreds,of subtle ­.ladiei are. 9.1 r- S. 16r hug Wit . Y. floati . ng arofind no readY7 to attadk.Wh6rieve r 'a It wealk poinit.�. We may e0caDo'mauv, 111110 d Rgur * �4 Tr- subscriber begs o"tendet, his- most TL ' v�ry tlZe)jajl-lasj no c;ed in 0 IV113'. MY, w6 a fatalsbaft by, keeping ourse vea' 11 4ortif-' Aed With pare blo6al and a, properly ourim-la - . V di Mae re*,thankd to hid numerous ousto- mers in the surrbandib* townshipi and the 'their ( �votLd Su*bb2, I kj�rA only ed jCe only A' arta 7 o'clock publie generally for liberal - patronage, at Nvo do at the-ttile, in -Packets labelled lie:. ind would further notify them that he� has the last." he01[t mo�opathic Chemists; 48, -dneer lestr.a* and 170, Piccadilly NVE A SEPARATE ROOM lately added most impqrtint improveliltients to his .111 -by putting Iii now otigine, double lie sv;Awl, Yt,:s theY t-10 ricd -r be A ulmo, Own d iiuv� I 'the, power herstofor' used, nd two.ruh: ;Df first&olaos stone, "with a, complete set of met. n tho.audiapoo, Pe'ehapo Ojj� oung kindly tvil with, often '%Vlle�; it set 69 And gauerallY Auld it fult, vilpw of salle, unit esili bill on ohnitil bOItUj Land ill faCt all the latest And L otwo will of, WitCo nol ... tv P 41 4111VU11 sla svithout being an. n L jinnl, od,maahinery bet, Wth 11rot.clas 0 hAko -wore than the Marc U. , I , , . . 9 . . . . . j I .. �" �.� W�� I JVL� J6.1§ W t-1 A.Ij J6. V aptly US SjI4&VC4J[ h.y, MI-ELng jn 4 CVO -claso ,6 Bkkatt ji ail millerai he is prepared to do first workin wheraupon thu, b.oy cried %Vhen prartoitvEd Aliull has 'Unstailwd !to I-hputativil. f6l. de, by vido, 3,ott old rittil dd they twetity years, t4ey offiviWil it's �EV T* DAY G-RISTIN0, 0 ROPPINai &C make 22, don't thoy it and, b 't. aCoatings 0 exert ino�t beileficial influe"Ice, Olt ll the -0rists weigliell U Also from a tilul Tw-'6eds, e' and' B64u Choic Cloth emy, lQuil it mail a iste.and cho Ing. I rg Ito. 1 A77 ..distaii,co bau. have their gr" In order to got ail oil 'Brondbial t elf lao:u*'. *rcii ',)2' .: —oil I I ru *lots and count Dood. P our 7 pe,3� yesth 8 and'Pantin to .'choose from. lor a (15T. -them A a ng 98 a 0 III lu�a y ;qei home with lie some day. Part 0 week for i WA:11; two Lab tl a. 'u ree ana- Mill F end for auko.. at 'llgodorato prices, months insist upon Ilia payi WOOLY' 1Io1lSlP8i-1VOoly bor.4013 nut 1w W. P08t),r not Ruch gr M13ER 'I; U a 38 1 got angry, idenounce you,. Ver. after., rare ainalty sup torins. elthor,'thoro afe ma goo., a. ill mpor..Uft' to be found'ill. variouii . " , . . 1. t. R1 Cbt T U. RAL E K in abusiv septi The,Subscriberr WCjUld also inforni -the pub- Parts of the coinitt . ut e doubt if. tbe wi oil ly, nov e. 0119.� ljc� that he has a large steck:of ber of "num; different kihas 1 -NG. eat tried . . repeat I ever prove as v 4 0 T1115 YMO G I L R OY niva, Is to thilir ownere, ao tfi' 'u )ngtbs - Pin. ran F OHIOINAS.M. their owners :j, Ca�h rs,r any (prautity 6f Forair EGGS, -and exhibited -by Bar ",a linagine 10 ft to'26.; Cherry r of BirtbF, deaths an( would consider thepi moro.vq1i;a,1,le w0himt Elio 1_16 L atHcmlock,jrow .0 1T�: wool, for: this ro, Dbu le Cylinder. Threshing. Ma6hines , Ligh and wool"y ate of: th*f-� MOr HOUSE: CLINTON, N the lionse of orlu bfjifir neighbors rl;u te A sli, m�ple, Softand Ro;L Climax of registortug Ulv&. aod_-I)n. judicatoothat the lipme ismoC. la Wo wik Eli call %tieDtiolkAo our Eirn" in 11 suit the public, wliic'ft en- - of tile 'dition��probabl-� hido-bDund, 0I othol fri)m , I . . I . - t 'it he may bif com,bination "and .Vi r r'Threshing'W"le.hi lay of tLe.'dUld's ablos biul to fill all hr. ato Some diseaso.which 00048' Ila this 111111ttfiAl nos . ..... tile follow IO Sto I -,-L/- .. ,� r __ .. ing characteristic ftoeerje& f.vOr6d with -on I Pearance; in an,, Nke ' . . .. I .-.r%r.. :1 - I . . _ - -8. .. - C: O. -GILROYN neithor the do. Lh cads - use Darley's (jun 0 air I ken. oremonabI6 tal'als. -Aud all ki'n' 'do of AG.V=tLTURAL IMPLVNIL, I;Tb 'V1w Powders And Arabian, Heave Iteiriedy? it ivill ays.on hand, e da3P of the oi6ljth� ittify � the blood, corr6ct 'tho CLINTON tile day aftal, robbia. MQv S3, 1876.. 0 all pi�struotiona from �be ad Tjlreghi, g -the la' -go '*d i for..ollr "celobrat 11 a led. csSleek appeikr­ 2p:mact I an Incle chinos, from etea. in -my was in t 0 ve illt Me, & XeW� Stack 0�. TEALS): parts pf 'the. .1flLeal; lind moot appro, the at IT ande. 'Rdmetillbei ilia painei And a yd 61 Ilard C& is oil e,�Aclt pach'i ays Put 04, Picket-d0y. xPjuce4 to. toollinery into,oar'-works, incroadda otij: ininf'ifacturing-faciliti", %r are therefqre,' 0 Etta cld4y at wL).Qn tiny one.appro ell a ached, on f ia: ao'altiou to 411 all qr4q.rs 'p'rom dy- mea.there V three times and L onglie parceived.wman All., tVe an -and thotoughly tooted before leaving ths, allop and k U walted,ijulotly till t e M411 fo)t DY� ry he suddenly brought is mas ot -a acne entire antis (action. 10 & n THE ORE, AT FIAAL2, .=B Ve �Ill in flio faturej an w6 hav L; D R shoutea IrIN'h er and -Efti(OX)JUAL r . in the prSt'. 13011 as allaku 51; any Miter house bi towla" 0 comes, JOB 1910SE15. i, 1; also B ng* a pub] ic dinner in the- odun try tl� f ThisWellkno Is w rer, hat a aur� und. safe remedy for 'rrems A G I OLA$& A"CRIOCKERY-WARE ilo. felating sowatbj�g to the .66mpany, Oulties 0; lad obstraations, from T-84 UNDERSIGXAD HAVE IT 0 W. `0 N HANI?r 19 THE 'A Call ne and Po I declare O.dAr arly about two women, Zaid, On- -ppootrully. sn61y . e happening to b . e two- miidext ladies pro Promises. frme -17 cbu ied b th Ra.cey, I's Ther O' elate J. B. R & CO.0 CLIXT6N. p the ugliest women rhavo seen auywhord."-;- -LADIES MASOW1 XCPHE, SON TO MAR111MD sent of no remarkable beauty, the farmer who it is peculiarly snitoa. Clinton Warch,29; 1877, LARGE 'A" SELECT TOCK OF 'A 'A was a little misty, began to think he hadmade hKina on ifientouthlyperlol with regalitrity' 'of it, aild that they wotfld, linaiiae he ralle 'a of N, ivono and' Spinal Affections, a mess, AS a 0 r was alluding to them,- so 'to. Pat. matters earss-T GROCERIES, 'GROCERIES CHOrICE ',r' LIQUORS in the Ilao); unaLimbe,J11.owdue.48, strafght (as lie tbought), lie added; " the Pro' Fatiguo'bit slight eertion, Palpitation bf, thtl a ecepted." lloars of latight. Sick Iloadach Rtost. WORD of, X firn ig; eo, - Wbitos�, r enstied. and in few ininules riner And andullthopain(ul diseases bqoasfolned. by 11 ladies had vanished. Our Stobk of Oraccrie's 'i's complato in d 196rdered system, these Pills will Won V.a onr� Which they offer to the public at the lowest renumerativerates. A lawyer driving along both . fa Whou all other mea�bi haVor failed.. 0 TAh� a [NO IN 6 NF, IF 11 A iSINS, kW L7,7410TI. 01TRON and Por . ter ;'Bass's, Youngcr%. ant? Oosgrove's Bottled ?e Agents jo.-. Labatt's ad a woman who was walking iii theam hogo PA 10, ave been hin never. wn fail S' 78, IABLE, RAI$q,% direction whicli way.ho hd fa t.ai BTU i-tiactil PER L P, 16 J90 OPS,. &c .. ..... And quarter'barrels,.-i 6odp Orant's $pn rewery,-ffar Ao-ieach- 01111-021-4110ZA(I page of ailton �and r the Godertch Breweryi, The oman gave him,instr6atipas, ea. -- to -give satbfaetio . n. 'ghlot, are bserved, -TEA-S--New Crop of 1816, guarantoo and added that she %van going in'that dirgo. . For fullpartioulargj&t a pamphloOree 61 tion, and would point out .do 14 Pro'mip#y Atteiid6t! ta. right good woman," tit() ay, "All agent, T131M.,mUs ruritj the Blood, correct all lsord of All Or V. o r qmp said *the laltvy r tl f JO.B itosr�,�,,iv.�wyoliKSOLMPRoillrTO,lt,., the Liver, Stomittab,-Mdudia, andBOY/OlSo anti CROCKERY JGLASWAI�M, 411ti PPARD, & COMER. up ; bet -ter Load company thant boue," After valuable 111,011 domplaftits Incidental to Females, 6.1.00 and 12.1, cento for postage, unclosed, to CLINTON, 1876, joggifig gome miles further, the woman des. Soithrop & Lyman; Toroilto, OTIC, general THE OINTMENT is the only tpliable ramody for Bad Wo wish to Call spediat ttention to our: selection I'll. TUT CLASS OF GOODS, AND canded and thanked hini, for tl Legat Of& Wounds, Sorosand Ulcers# of howev6r long INVITE ISSPECTION. as it is one of the largest alid most elegant Assortments ever 1. mneh faP 'drivO. "Have agents for the Do iinsure bottle Standing. 'For Bronobitlo; Diphtheria, Coughs, Coldg, L 1111121on, WE VD TOILET SETS being thor to go erc I reach tilt B containing over 50 pills by'return: mail. Gout, Ithournatismi, and, all. Skin Diseases, It- Ila o no seen in Clinton. OUR CHIN TEA9 -1 c marvel of,elegalice chqa RA1fts. 40 not fail to sea them, at as � thought bad colupitTly bbt A- 'I rIE SUBSOittunnBEasmEAvni To StATE two or three miles the 'Chidley; E. Hickson and F. Luniaon,:,sea� �L oil h.jud newart of New Terlk i�oattatorfel ts. S- -a--- 00 passed it back," was eq�al. , answer, 11 b . Sold in. Clinton by J. IL Coinbe and Goorgo. rij JEJJ- C, H; FOUNDRY road T' ask d the limb of tile law. you forth .7 XIdd rronfirook; Parker &, Cattle a I G O* * . 'Ca Spujrloas Imiltionw of -11IIOLLOW4T08 Pills Wholesale and Itetall dro era, brickAlock, ter than none, I brought you. on I" andF io�tn�b0godierichl Ir. Cameron, 13fty .aua lit out" aramanufactured And sold 'under the CLINTON I)eo 6th, 1876. fielai ias.to RodgqrviII6:iind all ma& COFFINS, CASKETS, name,of 116116way & CO.� bi.,T. F. Iloury, Curran &Co., Scraps ei�nd,Gblean druggists, alid,also b the Metropolitan Aredidno an of New Yorkj with -a fatmer hitches a pair Of co�rg —AX(D— ark, like this Out, A Nebrask . 622 atoi a tra a to a neea Remedy. j#f Again one* ose h QyW..a6d ruilks The. gi.eat Shosho Vbffin Trilumingi and Rob York, kawfou ass- CHANGE B' u ing. .00'mpany,' them wagg, Is$ to ar t 11'ga US MESS. Manufact r wh...vor lie ;on tell, pay.. and -Pills, his a mtt a i ader thonsma of Ilolla. ing the toll with the milk. havlog for a trade mark a way & 06 bd Bar- Past; Noxesoon" & UNDERSIaNED DES111158 TO NOT TIIE* I PEOPLE OF CLINTON ND.VICINITY, . TIIA . T Olt SYS aragoont O, At!, HarborN.J.,od hand-.. Paillog rati. W, :4plicd Ill one hou" 1 Fride y, Job n Wlf Thv Success. that tl;ese� mediciuef.�. bare. met ro 4 11obbing, nrNdW York$ are agouts fur the name. These Tt. luts.purehasod the busintess lately eatried on by 4. JOSLIN & SON, wh6jf he will eoutintle, interfd"9.5 to prevent a cloarrel between it man Mth since their introjifictiou to thepublic some persons, the better to doctive you, unbluuhi caution lie", named Knoliner antl his wife, aud . waj shot years proveff plainly to the inoftb F;kt:jJtiUEtj rj�' r;, N P Ll R C E4 N th r W t6lhdr AT Tffrl,' 01r� STAND, Hin-on St "I XTOX Ltfr 1r4,SS, t C 1* -L and instantly killial by Houlmor. that thav are modidno. IIm2olirus. which dra really thd spu and itnitatfaml, to 4 Bowiva of Counterfeits, Uttocruptlutia doslep obtain An eminont Vrench physiai are odvcWtied to i1o. Tho VittUe, 90 in e4 A arty other place. 'ug hod eojl6Idcmb1o'wtj)at1Ouea in this bashims, and buying ior taith, ht ablo(i to Oiler good litt Says tb,%t the di,,,,, .1 Of tilt! tberd at iery low prices, and Sell ffient to the public In �d'ajldr ljaj'e with- Canada its toy aanulne Pills and Ointment, I moot car- bargains to hid cu%toln,org, He has now an hand a Woll-Salct;NA atloort 11 4 dooreaso of dympcpsim tind biliorig eolluplaints been .well te6tL of in Paris is owing to the indreaned coijaump. stood their trial'iti a tno8t Illanner. A ffill stock of FURNITURE napootfully appotilto the Clergy, to mothers For diseases of the Blmffl; Liver, at In Iles aid Other ld&1c0j And to r the pubild generally 4:> C 301 'Boilers, Engines. and -of llatest.Styles. tion Of apples in that nity, which ho jr, they ate uugtirpao4cl, Wo hAV6 twtillibial.4 of of British North America, that they tutflY.1to 'pleased Lo� V2i denounce utspdAtitly these frintelff. ail admiruble propliN latiw and ionic, an %vell as 'miraoulous cureg of thow anti tnan-v T1108. T NSON hrI -jerso A very licit ri4iing liwl eatilly (lige4tatl aiattel' others. If Ail; one is afflieted. lettlion try -i should took to the lialbel on 0 . f the clin ath(3 Pota, and Boxes. If the addregs Is not N1iddliV,1,y8 Purif il4till" hattf.1tod - No 1. . . . I I of food. Tile P:`X1 bottle o emedy 'and P. box vf 4?xford Street. London, they are the . 1!�VaAlRt-g, millionaof apples nvr;ty iear, Wjnrious effects wlfellow t1rdt? t1jr, Counterfeits. 36licate. peron,- aa, tile) .4 21PIAL S6LICITED; GOODS I)EL I f"'BAELD A.'V:r CUT fru Indiana, or white Ynen in the gnigel O A G E t1f AA& RAL IMPUMENTS lit; ith tlxo,*brd!i 11OLLOW17% PILLS AND 0 c; NT, LO14DON, cogratea tbfreon. On the In FO]FL EGG& and the 06un- th4ir ucc vAll doribly rq)ay d BLACK ITHIN oiall, tht, have been malting rruttv deproda there being Ito minerai'matter in �fi!.. tious in Kimble county. an ift the address,' 538 Oxrom) Slnb�t, Lemrmf, alld, IroU. Citati g try to the west, A faiv da 'A. troul noit n 1j. State Itangors of The titV . . - 0-1%ron Strut, secona dooli, cast. of - aollimdroial I%tol, STOVES of va o'kinds. Drug— wher# alone they Ora manufactured. Itomoirlbor theXIac' dpittiy of fivo in the 1-�41 Pattito who MILT bb defrijuded by vbuilor6 a Doiniplon and'are fo�,Sqlo by the spurious H6116way'o Pi Is and 01FLtinent',jig afruly geno. act of running valuablo stook, slid taking modchlo dealel.q. Try tbein. lt-i,l be, entivincea 1110 make, shall, on communicating the particalals to CZ111TON, May lot 1871, HUXTra. them to a crack. made thom wasI2, wile that these ,nietlicines re IIJI humbug, *N6 one -Pnomprzy ,I Trw-m) To. ,n tljdy me, be amply temuncratdcl, and,thdr natactr ovies dt. all proved to be wbit3 who has tried the f, I vulgO.. Signed, burglat-6 gn', ch-unk in before, nowtecd, gft till of theill, I! 4., V110AIAS R0.10 FOR 8�6,1it 130flefa Cf 1 0'r -20 Ana 80 Aarting out to break into,, botjp6, and !]I eon. eat Own. !-*ti!l infnimation trxy Ito 11 id cil Londou,,To. Ifth, 1877. fforaq,Power 3 allso, Stalre Maebinei 81liagle and ce their eutrance. vt!aq toodi in a.tj A E Headjug.Mg6hino, and Ileading SEWING DEP To Arist-clawn 9 I :8 Always oil b DLES I splendid assortment of And. Jointer aIld Plainer. A,-.br,m1A irriman car. thAtieho thilill. 1�y 04. fill and every shin a. Jared iliv drunkwo of flion", A64 bold him (ill Treatiso (,I, the Circl f "to l,7, ke i Stock, 'a in spite of Ills Struggles. t ma b ft.(l the Donthlion. fre'. tfi� 641, ;tj '44 GODE1 Feb, 1, 1877, a Not desper,tte flylif, Irith another, and fljj�j pint bottlev, $1 Plil.- V5 cents a bell S 0 P, :8 P A, I ]R 1: 1 G� S140 P 1;ocurod him, to (mid into tilt, 8.1vin" uAchitlej of every make repalred,- and Tiew parta on hAud, Having engaged a practical mach ion, nrajod hiiniielf nith to here i�AVIL 11!.�qtc isf. r tnire Itum a Y,evdlvpr, fo, Uvtx! 11,W ltiron Street, CLINTON., too. was inside a prisaiier, 9. coo st1d glir I IT, r4 H. NORSWORTHY.' T1131 W at IT? 1.11 Is Jj TV -it, Y�! 0901 & " 1111AMS I "M Charles Ilachucy of (.'achevillo IM, �;Vll! lab' 1. 4'WrXLDT.110E 'Till 01' 8 'POIL- C,al �Rrll- it it, 0 flAfthl.1119 lit" numerous customers, for in ePain, callnot tstay AvGre it 14 lool. 10, 0 8.-�T, R A. T Which would vr)ojujif, a one 4 ):;L, tilt vt:rvW,(ml jo-trunpka flicir hmo him with 13AL140S ENGLISH mid BAMS CANADIAN Timm i one fi6ttjo 1111zt U111-r'd 1011tv tall,�Iug en this toNvil, find *Oultlitt Ile liad aieidA, ban beett a drunkard, ami h,ld I INCOUPOZATAD 1874i Stiecessors to Thom of Mitchell, asaid it was impow.jible- for him to withttan(l itittidiug cobalL It(, public I east. I Such sthangementg as %vt Idtill temptation much Imigar, and I 110 flofer2 to thell, pupporf, as ha bolluvol It i ultural o Enaine CANWf lit r- MLA and Itili-NEY i tt, %ill 11rgrtailyto thcr ftd�ajltagl. LOOj,.jftgfOibdIff- r works 0. Iva tjobel-ly, Ito was mined not t I' ,A�r C any costs, of i I 11 Vii �-t I f Ills ha qj Ougagal the sorvi,:es of or lruAt1on,VIc well educated. and linfl held positi(Ingof 11(loor to al ill 114, .%ad trust, (in 014 P0111`611 lie got very f1rank lame back (It cightNYA!4rit' i b Al It . W I L1, I At t1t6rils, Ovattal) 'WALL' P A IE Rj df�",ISOQ i AlIqlfit Menitruntl6fl. and tilt, dNoWhvi, and was oxceadingly hilarious, lie Wait Oil the follow. mileq for � bottle of o, To%no kn(Avil (is Female NVOokil0g. Vvy are. ptopqttri qnjoying his lam sprea. Var.j !all VffuatOd W,nt,4 fill - an,livm; Ilia barC Bond ithodt it Ovdr 100 Sew Patterns Paper Itanging and So 'a' NT '� U, WILLIAM$, ing morning lie killed hinite 1, m6crc etirst)fs Croolted Limb, 1>.y maA6 the greatest daw, 'under file toj r, Ori 1161113id TAOUSOUPRE81DA lijig to fh� . L11 f, Anottler who. h.� istlontI j,jT IN - viglon Of & physician 'Who halt MbAd 'DVOItDt, W., MOAT, 'T. CORCORAN, WUAUSHALL. promise, r. - 1, I 11�'I,Vg 1121f i,f a 30 collb ljottit, L .If. 3 40 11 N UVSRALtf� V.sq . study tot in VC 4, says 01001 11 spedal TtTsry rV On Tuesday Gala ftb-Iliaggworill, of NVhite left"lind $100' Nvnuldlwt bily it it I could got 110 NVIZ, lxt6 I P�ledtoluo on Which Toro," Ituftis Itobf IL; tratura to Ok Pi%,wn, Town; as shot and killed by inpon, oi Xunda, 114a, IwAdloehio, Isrofett IV ite, for Alleged aland6r. Sho ot 11 'Ono small bottle ofyool, j,:clertj.i6 willtIftlil him t6uso bisthill lit all mitttargrt. I ail dc-porld "gn, AM hour sna una 6t A04" 61. Oil re:Aoreti to InJ'U)rICffftud abloastis lingswortb and ptps�nte(l Ilint with- a, writteh th(3 voice where the POW- hd not 8polivy itbtyi-q a it, fl,Vo yk, statement onnfegaing, lie had cAugotdr Itelv,,T allory, or and to -V�8 M MEZZO tho *Ianat of the prizo for 8, Ole 'Roqw; lowets, ,sly slAn- Jta ya in dered Tier, domandilig ho.,olgii it.. Ito ( i cured Inenj &Onclutis ill ollo week", 01AXOND HARItOw, X-0, Sold by all AMSO A. LAMdo Nzw* LOT, or 86eders, SeadDrillat OOige. PoWers, Savving tile chargo and r6furiod tortign tho pt� Off 11poll It is composed ofmx OP Tiff., 011's Ito MIT' WILIT eolknAMO diallft for big Manufacture which aho drow a revolver anif Allot tim, Ilr1l; Aillp, kv T MrA, TITXT Ono bot, $1 sbt Txw6, by niall OWR, It lolifyovot All otyton, 0214 would lktitto that ho IN 11 plowi, Gallic Plow* &C-4, 1*8 An gootj for interlial V othlo crildhord, 4 thal" U11 6floftitlit tatally. Ile, ran and 8he lfrin,y it exta,rngl ao, sod la 1j, Vm firoo of po% o 110 . b6 6010d Vor our adoond shot, which took Ito t,,linjuml ably ouporior to 111ade if V Ive will P Mxn� tnglnes., and Wilersit SIX. you much sufferinj atilt Man dollar.; �0114 lit k fleftleft envelope to volad�Os' to P,10 AXj) ALL X1108 OP MIL MACAINEIty- To fell to tho pthon' 0"rbohlo 1)y hia Woundr UWYtt OF 1601A t 10,N.-Agi fok, Dr. Ill Will toe( .4p 11pon a fence' roaud, N1119 WhIldthOn oflole "I W anil up, plad,ed tile in uozlo � of hor piotol fo hig 166046 Oil. goo that tho Nigontupe of 1.9. N 11 !1 P"JUIT& Attuntit, 4 trill pteoly sro ffle)4trato, all o14, ad th6 Wtappat, awl th truato bowily V 0 , (enfloll to Nntractor*jor 4id Odl# J1l11JC6*PW0.' Ift the b -tt)c, ANT k.0 jn It etartulloo tot the kfi � Uy. $Ville A. AGr ohme Aacloty isaAblery a Apedo 49. head wid 11torl a, third time, killing. him ill. UAN blown LIU J'.� A, N ri, L a'Sola� ��Gljnlofi b, JAM "d fatnilo L I IP K TftouAl irip-Q`lsto, ahy fkllL Aa,d AN it White 0, Voijag L r C 4 ri gglitts avaty Whbtb. Hot thkq; A yftauTOtoht* na 'a" b R 1877, - 0 firmer'liland, leavegat Ip � IYM ad. 1. v of goott i4mily. m�t, Y, u A 0 li.... ....... . . . ........ . .... ....