HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1877-08-02, Page 3lorvilt Ilk* IQ: bu tk jallur� 114 I thfuiQ'$hotL d"rint the drita'af, 010. NEW GROW RY- JN- CLINTON, THE 1INDIMIMP HAS XU011 PLBASMIS IN INFORM G THE K TS 810meth .n N'e w, Tho, Premier lfli OftwoA atiiteriil Ij W S�s atry )0110(1 utl usritima Provitloo. The forty. third anniverititry ft( the itholl, of01i4ttlo 4ad he b4o -y in 01.8 WetAt Indlell WON tion of Alavel Ur. toer, Albert, r treet, Clinton, oNviry- Murphy, Poeil 6Q, Turouto, gt. t celobeate4l �jv the Colored I -ilk of r k% from 90"r to. oar, a oatqrday. FOR SHOWING worootlo� with a, cho'calSeleotion, �-of Family Groceries,' Colloidersbre damage be* been done, liy About two woolcm, ago, while Mr. Tholi. to the OrQpf'P the northern H. XAQAde, of OM6 was digging a, Whoro. will'bQ foun.4 A qua �qpt 4,4, 4 first 614.00. Grocery $tore. ..Rfp White :Drillfartts$ ot jQ Qf the QQtjntyr aA pot ofr 0914 ,,,,a In ;o naXontreal piqiiiio'on $%to rdoy,, a ontaining sixt-Ave- guineas. anxvb cAlL 0 !,* xak 441n4med Q0111as fell from 0'. swill) White Spott�4 Muslin) A and As Miss Lob,b, A niece of ji4n. .T. 14, Glbbs,� was driving neartillit grand 'trunk REMEMBER THE PLACEs.­q stroot, 'Oppoolto. F46!f, Milo faun Oda. 0,0111yore hreceived irtJorloa which Caused her 4 it . rain !ft his, garden h White Lj%tti0ed Muslin, The ).Bank of M 1000 Oshawa -on Ziday, liezhorae took fright . - outreal will loap, 060, h the fallpro.of one Nook?r, b, of Chicago. And ran atmy, thr6wing her ou.bt broilking -VA.WTQZ-T, White, r=bo8sed MUSlint, Via intlelete4lieBa.tor the ok is ever bar log belov� tile knee, and dri,ving 040 0LX1MZT, Nor, 22,1876. ni White 06rded Muslint $300,000, bloneor through tile flesh,* Mr.Q. Leach, 0aledovis; threshed fall I lip.laccoultilodate the picnic parties frooll The Amoriwtn White Duck Muslin, wheat, of the, Treadwellr variety, on Mon- other places, wlijohr intend pityiug Strat- VOTE R -S' --1877, day lost, %Vll'dh Wj%a akon. off a two -se The, 1, & Muslin, rO ford a Oe G, T. M Are recting a ittfiat ratur,96 reqeIved At the Agricul. A oniolvallt)" or the TOW001ilp of JWUI- White Book field, a turA1, P-opitt-tiateut At oho,w that ad which waiijouind, to yield 5Q lutforin, spine 000 fet long, near Avon. votinly of Jiligroal. Codabashels to the a0ro. the winter vi;hellt brop,� already safely harvest- ale park. . This will remove one of the ed, is tile largest produce in this country for WRIOE 19 11BRUBT GIVPN- TUAT I RAVE M N trAnsmiltoil or ilojlvpvo�l to the PC ouo mentioned Raily Tueaii.ay,raorulng %, fire 1;lrokc, out principitt uby interested : I 4t opposite QttAWA*r' ilarlie tiny years, Tho spFlngr wheat 19 also in ex,. 0 oecond "Ootion of 41 The A Act of 1870,11 h ie- 'Ind An rUnpre th 47, Sweeping t rf., A agaipst-Stratfurd as it picilic resort, collent condition, cedentod yield, 61ble ooplea required by said fillotlon to be Black screi of ground and destroying property to. viz : the lack of.fuciliLiefQr, unloading and, is an tielpated. T 0 Cotton pro$pevtSL are alpq or fleliv)red 4f eIllit made, pqrsilaut to said Aqt,, of LINEN COSTUME d COSTUME'LINENS WithL EMBROIDERY to MATCH. th more favorable thanlaot year itt tgl@k tim S' a" valtrie of $40,000. Incen4 rJear aro. be- taking up a, the. all perHons uppeping by tile last revised, assoliamout be entitled to yot& in -------- �ieved to have been At work� roll, of the r,gll oTonjils of tha potty, larcenies in PV1 PArgooloi old Cirtir $am% )duct now beitrig estimated At u wArilp of the said xlecilwis for members of the. Wm. Bowles, au 'en of St. Ca, the city papers diRillay a f t tjmQ5,tboCOO oat 4150010QO�bAlm, The wheat orop:43 last year tegialAtiyo Afambly a ga fit nunipipal, BIlliattous, and ()ojored, $iIL Parasols, 411 j?rjeeq, was 270,000,000r bushels. � This year,joLWIII that, j;aId 1160 Wa tat natea uw at my oMpe, at HUI- Van. impudence of tile Chief. flora la -'s; lease" Jett, on the TWI,: %`y. LIFTH A'X Black $ilk Paraso4 'sill tricas. thailneo; dto iuddonli last Vrilfay�e ba ]note than 350,000,000 bushels. The. fug or an illness fa few days' durAtiono from X addell, koeps a roulalostbereforinspoction, W CALL AND SM11010 THE. Doe gaed'was ail old 4nd prominent mem� fruit. and Confectionery store a average export for Ove years has Non, a 5001. the aakIllat,ciudif anyondsalono or any, Or. g 00 0 buahels� The largest arnoWilt ey-er expert 90",000.-0'00 bushels. . tq bar of the. Orange frateriliffr.7 Street, and while absent tot a ed In. one, ye 0� d rro rding to lisvo.the paldarrors co otod acob a'Ti— yokir's crop not less than 100,000,00 Ated at WWI, t1do, M4 day 94 luly, 2877. reat arpet WJIOTn__'WAs_-fo"d--$2 400-1 h0 1. G00 4S CS - bushels may. be sent abroad. A F11tr A�Sortllleut' h , 0 rested 1 Balti- out of the caso anh made for the doot'. xhirbitor A adQ'billp, hite, be an 4r jTAT.TES .1iRAIT Then Mrs, Witildtill appeared,' a'nd the Another important Circumstnce, fit counee- morre, NO,, on suspioifon of being concern- tion, 010r); of oalll municiolfly ad in the robbery frola the Grand Trunk would-be smoker as to -buy the with our own abundant harvest, is the and at) her claiming tbetri,,'said lie: Toduced production of outheril Ittisia, to. 91heot 14111tre ka a- Qi some wee O� IVINiris and ook fojv the boy he bought Oulting frilm the disturbed condition o DIS V1 - . . E;0LUTrj()N.. On Thursday afternoon of5cors Lang and (hod, He is "s 9, and �1,, in the countries a�dji!ioont to the,. Blue]; Ses. till lookin Qrig, of Walkerton, seized a quantityr of Recent special reports from Southern Russia, 0 TICE IS, TIET013Y GIVEN THAT THE PART leIla' Ing purolJ46% BUTTER BOUGHT- FOR NMOL CAS11. Waddell is looking forPle Cigars., report the estilliatod crop, of the presorit soa- T 94!qy V Ithe apparatus on the prawipesofJo ,r joba I NERSxurberetofore existing boiwoon N4) .lil for tbis, town jl$e I , , q� ., The n. Tf ree Press says.:—Tbe son At loss thair one-half that of fornner ytArp. Alt *14MIX, Hs bakorp,00nfactioner . 0, &C., has been BUTTE, R 13OUGHT FOR HALF CASH VogeliLlenduck. The proprietor of the dissolved by 1 L Witual Consent, eattle � market is entlrely� glo,tted., .,The Russia, has hitherto been our onl ieat'rivul BUtTER 33OUGHT FO .,Q00DS, AND HIGHEST n&TRS concern eluded arrest Right. ftuAod scores of Russia shilippli, alm L oat as.much wheat to the Clinton, lly, 18, 1877, klostruction of the Crops ill AjjL nnesota by lotheEnglish whent market. 'Ifefor' ARA During- the past six nioutlid ove'r two. tl,,,rr -Jia�per4 has. -W ALLOWED: grass 17 carloads of corn Were imported f irtners there. to. club together and a nkl r0rlvefs of the world .oq'06 United sthe uaiwd Stateg 11114, eototetl. at to this Pr6vince.' At Last yearthe Russian supply- was brily-ouc- Farm fb.r Sale.. I�A Mai cheA6 11 LSe. 11ODGINS n O'U Chatham for home ilption, the prin. ro in this. wiiWipt6abnt third iis..greab US that QLL$Ilo United,'Statek, Conant . r ig 'sale tiolt boi ',r - L f "1,000 head ; a itit like ,!lumber UBSOR DER ovrn its Von - S4kT4E Ills Are nOW propared to' poll (Jarpets, n ..purchosed, b .ad fbr the presont'year it isahownby6fficial rF11XE S I 6 pill per y ON -LY QII�B PR )iearly b� opaininnioations that the proportion of INS. .�L faryn'baing lot$e, Con. 11, Goderjoh townBhip,- both 14116)iSfi: 611d American, front a larger and qrdrreported betu-4on bore and Perobida, Stan wheat will be much lq,s, Containing 80 acres of In I nd, 65 of willoli are cleared, and The, village.of Newington, in tile County It is shown by better Aissorted. stock than any,-qQi,6r firm in tiltis CLINTONrJune-21; 1677,-, -0 -in good state of eultIvation, the balAnce being good -besides 2,000 or 2,500 are on the ' ,,p jr, tormont, is tile scone of thb latest niur- Itid official reports that the wheat Clelifor-. 1ndrdNrood,* Siu Imeaville'An %�.Q�Wifhih one mile of J10 foar relics from tolvii of.Clititou. Thetil ls�ou'tbo der. case,. an old than named Patrick y.Vqloh from Montana. Prices have ravir dow to nia for the present Season "a esti. �Cr V . I , U L I 11 11 lier cent below tliiy. are iii"illne. mal prontlaos, ii -good ebUllroto. houre Anil burn, Two '.Ffp, rX e.,IRurp.lus of 160,000,000 bushels will 1877. having d i; illn on AN"ednosday pr be of an orabard, of. vory Choice Irtilt treop, And 01 , quarre rtilib-cows o#n be bought ed east of -the 116oky Mounta�ius, -and morning k his Wife. by -,l, bl6w itli sotti. 'Atpreaefito we good epronitses, TitleMbilint. for (total $16 to $2�rr'�.beof cattle for .3-1 must reach the seaboa Able. Tormellboral. -F rpar�leulars,, apply t uby rail or river, .0 0 cants ; oxen A Wbf; STANLEY; on the preinloop 7— At Hatililton, on Sunday qvening,r 4 llifr. qtao� r , -.80 to $12'0 per yoke; , Chicago telegram says :—From all parts __Fjteer I ' . f. the West the farmers send Words of cheer 9th, 2. cetits pel� 1b.. -AllmllwSON for dtive with a diq- J Rentilson W'ottt out a -01-100S e are told it about the growing crops. V16n. can 0.nyL.Carj,)bb you thinic- would oil. fr THOScharacter, dilriw, Which., tile iood deal by 'it- John Mae. Warfel. dry wea. am 'a large variety of wheat And drid American A I fanuftictu res, I 'and roputabl� lonald in bis el deprecia e Chnads, Of ther is �aj)idly ripening the apAhig ijttijj�JeS ((in tile groAd floot orso 'Lwaw stopped by'four inen and lie t . r. loth tile rernarkahlop a rity0fthe niteastates. 11 III" 11 Q` been 1')lac�d i xhibi jor and,06neral Outfitter' OUts.-both glains.prouiising the fl�e"t.. sid I Merchant Tailor, 0 to for yogjar; And the Hi I -60I WARE ARE You Gulnu I: ai Z> al the E. tor; yo;r can s�e' ill ar bbo4 of 1400 4y koupook, 41,acebraplicei illexactly bow it wi aLppf' W6.have shown tb& matt rs lt�w little a a favorable 6oudt ions alftfolied ,nq, Iftid down, 011 y 'floot4, -SM6.is doncj by at, in 'ai of tile wornall. fire otiablitigi tlic:realiers to put Ift full time in uTON our neighbors hvo to, boast of .111 Any Coin. ment or-inillro'riwhi It niust 0 L I N. -will now quoto some yo and barley harvest. A short time C tbe appre�iate - HaNing io largo Stock Thero isi a scheme Afloat in Bilgland for parlson, With us, and co and all tile rp, a to carry no extea room rent, OLr instiran . ce 'lliou Sterling oti tile building, llgtiros'with rc st-o'pay Ila 1oas-on temnauts, and �gar4. to its ialwa�'s that show a acentoring'in. Chicago t raising a in; 0_8 ag 'the will. be ipolitably a as acclety plan for -rebuilding 11 lit) city rf St. tollat all is not so bright'over the lilt milloYtid it) wqyiug tb:war�, we buy for cash al I sell You it G, ­ - 71i - at 06 for il, _C�. tii:, ep,yable it, 0,itisorvtiyo -kin. o6aks to have Cana. ket-tho euortnuas,,orop��, [I' . - .: . . . ohn, prjucipal aidL in icbidftz i___ 91dvkIII00 01) WILOUSALT-1 Pltlf'Eff RMISM —7 1 - - toroat,i� 1,11aris beliovo� - Tile Rctil&ay Age"SayS thAt the forill of rout ill.froll) twelve auc llf Irgt of there IV6ro thirt -to Seventeen yogn. papers; to tile C' jltLjUbllj�l.WAjl'CX * ' I ,e 1'�, t vo Uuitsd.'�'bate rallroadti aetunlly,sold ota V, "ta Of utt'ni; ggrogate Of 2;5861ijiles" U press do, Cut 'Itt d all Made fi oil 9� 'i Is a mileage ill the, Lt. trilinatidalligooji,- The bird was tossed Irom I Ell na carriage wiudbw as the traiu loft the Adutiir� C tile potato crop is Slight owiljg to the heavy' bi)nd taken togetlier,� of $127,745,82,8.. The pier, and the tr4iU ininlodiSttlygot Up rains 6f the eaiI� summer, t1lu grain crop' r .ads placed iri tbQ Ituds of rdeoivers lot -de. speocl of taxty wiles lf hour, and proceeded prow . I.Ses (o reach a, high,L�r -4oragre than Ili the aame time aggragt. tro(46. -The last year$ Which was very eat t; irokury. I) afflos of length vibh.A,� bond Ito 0, which wits !, jlouled�l to a in I d -GIVE US A CALL�BEFORF. PURCHASI 6 capital'of �Theu - proceed:. ;Ooh- tboL,Sfr4j'_ht r6itte, j)j". on. NEW piebo vithput fitolmiug to Cartoon 8 Case has ooauri4d a alAnotlierabooting 5ii have been Ile ill tile 01r4olo di� li�ncci N ritreal. - Two well uallliad'0 Gra,dy and I , j -'-- y twouty Cglltol), JAjy li�MC 2,17. adgr�gate, wileage and of 76J wileSl r 4114 b0at -tile train b Canilibell 'while walkijid loiq, tile. Cana 8pil,582,561capit-41., The, whole ittiounta To It 'Q time$. b on o8linday, wpre.fire a U . �76 Ilugg Stock of' d witniteg, of./a tiala 'Allowane 'of qial4kee all L t'S..a:re O_ :.._jra)jljjjojt some ullaeetl person. The. b lievod lo ]lave- beea'ititeuded ft)JL 0a ipbell, While wC'Ar`eo.tidoavoriiig:tu itilptoss,thti -landestinely.- gaylug U Blauohapd has been 6 OP ., , I j� , , r, hitj Ad Who iSAL1 Oraligemall. dreiiscs to tho dullgliter of Mr.'Tiaslr,-' of Savoy, Afasb,, and -was to� dis�O4� JD) -niore rtotjjW 70116� Incil 6f Oatario witit the viow-that li ita )eatj �fj MOULtreal 01L Luereli-alifilo railks*ure already t6-ofilli, tinue then 'O Lt NVellne-eday last -ltowa� ifted On Ft d I CA at- -ail ( that be :1)brttor for�+hor §eIves -souj�l a� I . . .1 -1 , - ..... t Uy tinknowil, person, ;And Our: Send, taoLear the house, (lie Vlorllillgton' thoy,bocouib jaluducers ltq,WPutjo 411003 at 5avoy, where, after in iiddlb we nd effortdin a Altercatio ivith.1 dillcrtant �fj 'ill the inafi,ad of n Cif v e110:8110t.. 7 6&�La �.- � . 11 TV. it e w e - , : . , Y.1 oi'i I'll Nor Ltiuq 9111iler! Ellir�tb Shooting da30�.' j?iSt0l,9'9-nd gti5ncs likti,diteation boin iAdo tie' h ra. For. &R(1. He itls6 wortally Wounded it biother ti were freely used, but cul. tof the latto*r. to to to' shoot l(MINTON, June 21,1877. X M.! beyorid the btl6akLitigof JljQ t(Val "rain n�ld: roq.ta'in - ow utriots of IA ChInAillah roftils In e0hueatili ;vlth tha R theinB 016 appearanot) 0 th a 1 the Alaritizue Provincos aro weeting. with he escaptid, uj afte JWing aj� Gr� a! GroAt, NVe�torn And Cahada Southern 90. X -F WR IE�S ...ETo.'. op nn C"A 6I acesq, armut bim, 'A T a RP says hatjj� lultnber�tlra�ilo is, t"s lolkl'i" SATUIZ call lit :-Votilig oif-,the Dunkitt Bill c nI"I u lig 0 33 no G. Il., WRIGHT & qWON in Tuiooto' sohdrug Elie youn-g. wbi) hilid left the Mill CS, ailh 8 to. IL In I" on the 6;h-i6st. Nigl woot- a4d. t h ihich are lArgely aod Lat4o.w'(4k of ltree opposite th o , atciani�rs; for rort, Garri 717 'AJbdA S wx6itt went of4utijboritig, -back t J flA, 1877� b ica nit both- si&u, and vajy' front 411 j,ol.jas, At. lo tT1C`1,)lCw' Whreat,Troaduel.), p1l'ush a L 411(l m6va tire be� .1 25 We lApply to- .0 0 5r those ill favor;of.au&tho4O oilboseJ: to tile 8DO qlat g6cd; 110110t wo-A on prina, 0__ 6, oti, 11,7 0 Act. Polliij(� takes plticojor abL efai'M gives a1ar bGLtei.rGtL1in, djre�tt ij lireUtly, , : '1B.arley". .0 6ii P, ------- it is likq& iho bill" - Ili rests �' Poss l%V bia ca'i. by i tbail labors. ill the fo Q 0 76'' 0 j, iajorf Y... . '.. . 50L _,labada, `ompan 1.4r.e in. pl; r t1le St,rL ilitatt'htion (if. G Y, It AY S. Havilig. Very r6ceilitly It fliti Vo';efis of 'b oil 31QII, ax, -a An toll -D. in,, Butter .16 LIBT 011 1`031 linbrbolD, -Charged with. nv.) is said distriob of Qu6oifs 11ota,toes a- 0; 80 Q ceoU at t A o: offibo 01, injuring. a mare to - Alr;*. �jVw. ln,6SP,6r6uS' 1�'g " - 4' L . .. . . . . ot r ' , -it 00 a .11 tL, QD (316 t S., '�ia6.udvcr. :0 It 4* 0 12 F I RST - CLASS ur"TER"r .0 ru'll(l)" by p0lIriDg. vitrioi o was Hidog, 5'59 6 00 iwaill before ifio this All, riot ill *1104t, Ila jerS fot C16t 'all 'OrC ili*h, i; , Cl,j "110 . was Committed 'four years but could, 11a 8 OQ 'or Sale F I am prepared to exciouto" I ly"'t ryo. to Timot flat bw iraced :to the perpetrator until -a by 2 50 ti 00 :Jj. JLJ 0 ticib P 'ot be x N, 1 1 R'lly ft�w dAyjL 11-f). A: V�Alaud paper -records the follo CLVAnED . N whibl), forcut' §tylO aila finisfi,. ca it ed in Mi,*Cahill corurnitid.1 Mar wing .4 O,gs& Of 'the largo Citle.14. penod ab I -trial, ini accepted his porsoiml bail., clari n feat, iv licit llai� ove Niagarx . () rr tLI for k,%400 for hi'w appearance. at tlj6L A3jjZOS, F ilN "Atud ill fWATOW111114,0f (JolhOrlic'. - For'satc-at a ba . d it) gain. Foi futther aylpiy to On Holiday, while five men were. dig. which, i5, en 'J'a J. 0.­Gilroy'i8. running COLIh M y fr,orn t1w We lli�d canal to 'the' Niag"I I�ondoaboroiAfAy 24,1877. ging a dra.in (lit Strachaw.aven tie, Toronto, Va- 'o hd- oati t%yo Of. le; , stock of Twee' in proceeded well out into tild the t4rth ca%;Od in -and inl6thort!il Pr gs Avriir ju,it above-, life falh with her"; 681jal hite* iqUes:And7Qo1or_ tho'ni fstior irijored thii other flinio, 6ne F3111, a It IS, serjoll$ly and. probably fatally. Tho Willies r Y I 1. .. -114,6 -od. o n. I tow of threo loaded Scows, whon tile t is W611 assorted- conipri iiiate 0 1 le Fad. 0 g 6 at . I of tile tq wn,. !'fit d and ed, Wipsg. M and p atterns. ro inen. kiUgd ar.1 LIM* Secure sbriaw roil and knudefor tile' 17 8'.1 '0 Nt�' Wr 0 aughlin. :.The d At the S( optor in , - t ance rejr e S anid 4� Prices, befote -4e a'ving Oil, d nembers: an -exactly ai inilar 00- r. wheel, rjV their and,with groat pre ieAded 2hollmleksL 1104 11tokit inform the pub le Plaase See my Twe d ranoo, by. which two men "If -at Ui lives oil thd Baraa� Sit 1) is tjjf, for tile ralsids$ ano ulade -dircuit hae, ventett tvic factory b�fo si r A your iotder -for' S ts at twenty- years Stray (Jow.. A �g to ago. around tile adckw, whioll, wasnow doll', near the rocks, 1A,the'rileantiniq L TRAYED V nO T D aOWj WITH On the 0-v RULLETTj For"thei- purpose L of L making. fitterat; t 6, 1 -ha" to'clear out My L jj,,Qx-ked' Ono Ny Wit weeTr, ''it. farra�r named Onaly.L S a low s"oto of whit; on Its legs, having Abort borus 101 . is in illy's . or hein-an boArded the tivo ainjill plea but o bve of her Carp, Iviloover will 7Wna, aro tiow a f411211t 110 the lllaio And usior Mril,her, ot give sitch-Sulormtion lAR'vill lead to her Jor, Spinning MILNILL%, AT.L.Wool., TTS16N, and TApv%Tn:T., Beautiful patternS.", -Alan, a fall 1-Ango Would ille.irouble of � WalkI and dtimped them, rcn6rjjJig;thctn o ng to -liandle. 1AI'lion they approached. near. recoxery, ill be suitably xo%Ardo 1. STAIR CARPto Tff. to the atittion to take the train'r r"ous ffilug tit Aaistande.dan have zhtire'.Sbobk -of 'WALL lie onaay, � a wan JlIMjjOd ClInton,JOY 20,1877. Caroni done Aile 'bothought him rif hoiating a red rafy on.a r fa4tone(I I it line, and dnrnped*- train Witt Stopped xidrchy aboard of be t'6al baudii, az%(l with Strict it. TZRMS OASH, or eqiiiv�le',ut. her, And 110W Como tile tug (it tentioll to brialnenn, wo hope to ma-li, a idlaro of publie 'REW RD. patronage. The boot oil tised, � Give nsatrial,� le stock of iushis* layonthe very (Agoof thor-aptils-, wholl 05.00 ill) this ia,;is short .*I little' as lWasible",' T.,will'offer tljQ lyho r MorlItISON CO. When Means. ffai6, ofones and Rnwlings, I a throttle viag th'r0own w1de ape Ir ti n and the Hullett�j tray 10th, 1877, The Improved Tntion Therin er. Chin% .i., P,,.i 6 , ed h i in $3 and .95 ) co' ' rplE AIIOVn ADWARD WILL BE P410 TO ANY $is he'Cal" to , bea(led tip Stream fe6m the cataract.— IL person giving such inforrits,tion an ilt lead to ills r oC t of L &bi, tadtion. , At, conclusion that there was no frill in 'itild Old Pitpers� Is giving the 1) s S 8 ft. ri.OBT. MaTch, of Wawadoshi iti*a latter It'Was nip and tii6kj nd they weto ab6ut enntlotion. of tho pArty'who pollioned a dog belonging to tile thing afi6r till, the ulld*lg�ed, Oil the loth IllAi. ion the Wit -1runk y d it oto cut away parb of tile tok�* wt I )y! U. ated April 28th, 1877, says :-11 Tho churn 1'j)ur6haa6d at you �ivea greti't A Tile Inany friends seoino(j to gain q.litt(o ott the 1% 1817, Ion 9r. J)Jaue carrAtit, anil cli (on 'T 4i* flafaction. We Would not par I t wilth W for- f wico what it 6,; b-. We b tive' nevOl' will lie please& to learn 'the t his health -is gradually einargdd i her f I tow, It was dilring f churned longer than ton plinutes, rtipidij iniprovilig, andthat lie oille'! 't w -AT�- ACTUK,41 01 OST 0 iick that but to House'ror Sale.' 4) 1, gallon, grillo qA tituonta in ­ PS9- Mt -h to d6, but,44at amill-the- scow be able to visit his cons A -Aft, Kold at Toronto pri the Puirp'lop at 7-- a A. Irciiei fifiiif tT 6i"Voi it now ime, and he was bound not'. to SALE, ONE Y TERIVS� TrrJkTVAtTYARtE ub� oiosIler* FOR all otirpot, oeiraVletl hy the I of Addressing thern'on nose And, Lot oil N S, O.T .4'. o A. criber, 10 roornAl Ifaril 4; flar, Br_day_ -Wo- Ara.. inforinail -tllabL be- hftS'L -pro - niid stfier 'rultie ao, CLINTON, June 7,1877, as, O. V�Aj. p(kitioulars apply to Wined also to Address i public meeting it) As 1,0%*R Lontlori under Clio AliApicea ot'tllb Liberal trilie, itz rivin� a r t, tortaon, y Club of that city, And ii; is 4uito possible andrXim80, fCjr Sale.L Importa'iat to IF 'r Bu' kilat bowayL be induced -to Speak 16 and or A toloarani romtl a I -louse and Xj6t Toronto, At, 0.60 wt., e hMoil, 4 10 11 M', Arrlvin� at Stratford'at �Cr two other hundred mincts ok storot olgll of tho Big BootA I tonclon At 'Aj� Alixed Arrives fro,,ij -lit b I It (tat roaalvod not to reallino work gilki frTAQnJ,0N.TA1,'FFJ STIUMT, (I 10 1, It; .1, 1877:1 Ay of a y, nalued r4izzio t1itj 0 rolling. _O__O The onng-gi WELDRI'TtJ (1,0 t w, raiaii'4 Wdrity-A vo pbr cent'. (�Ih Attho (1, q% RauWay, t, ore, 4od About R10 Ifoo( del,�Ar; Atilt lk�'ving a good gnidoti, well-fe,wed -7 ' Stratforit It, was found (I 9 ar Stopped unlit the Coiw piod well an( latialy, -c.,, will bo,iolct client) foe Cashot llvc� Y -TV .33TTS1,N) in't'lia WellAnd ()Until, near Clio gi�e i)f to thig dojilinti. (in part credit. App)y to tile We land Vale Mali of actuing Coin. I roq1 oil Sent. febta. the Laeka-! ..ellutou, i(ily 16, 18141.� roy. C party's works, St. CAhariuoi, on Priday.. a W. lilts he l4n, !wq . . . 'till([ L I ondo ii, at. f g rouion wooki wbich gnerally Deconsed was einpinyed aq a ef at, D . as fi%,-nii of pitzo ind f0it, S4104 Selling off a t .6yo t. J�a 100,000 t ins weekly. q6n 13attlilig Kellrslon at Ito. rald. and h"ad been ."or OVEL -ce about and o'cloOl., Tile till- rall' 4*8 III— 1. 9 sin I I ... ­ , 'i- 1, hICKS fiquenteil-loca)ity in which the 'body was 6tratbraven at) tile 11jig Orrim" gilve 'Ilona, l2e.j And one HARD WARE & ST DEALER Houle -linRaer' A STuAnION, Agent at cHuton.. OUR E NTIRE STOCIC 0"F F [TRNT'J'U to day. Qree'Vcotton*r A' �vlonlljil hard X A Ft tile concluaiion that Sit InflSt ' n j%ill, Oro lot, oft Litton Ury ktrooi. 9 ri)oh; 'y ill so b witict t4filts#,edIJar, wSodshe Anainuadhl' 4146: 7, 1 71 ibave conituittod suicide or been foulldealt Avo Wits flooded, anti, the machinery 6p t 0,promists. daninfed LO the alhollut Of $3,- Apply to ther un arsiguodi' and 000, in Avoadale wisrowash.- V r 'llus, Hook Tile saw;.taill alj4 all jogle 'factory belong'- �d oiltaild Several perjons otirrigii 4CW;j. r - L Parlor and Bedroom Stilts) Drolising qases,l 11 ly oth, lq7l(. amble' ands TTAS WNT' 11AXI) 147LL TOCK 0V ill't to StIaL Woot! Sent. ChL ro(if 1poruitig, W110- tile btrilaill bilt ropes.--: NOTICE - FOR - coulity, Weto reonily Cortauirt ('line and loo ad by -Dauiarfe wal done to farin. Ilona a, &e, 1( It SALE. Ors, a 0 iJ06etbol. with Lit (juallfity (if llllljbor� the r 1008a, NAILS, LOOKS, SCRI�'WS,r fear, a JVoul I Throo brid6 alliltl. a, &U,j ; 110avy lose Ila insurance. wagguljq, fullecs, treas, ,%fill almost oy3ry- will bo jamoil 1)y the Untitelpal Council of the oar, "" , ": I I PAINTS, OILS, "GLASS, PUT77) We have dutorulillod to close out for cash, or approved notes pit short, stock The tictots (if the mills havo had bad thing noar file baults of tile, Crock Townshlo of Ilullott, ill tile (louUty of IlAz 8 - V 11, a ; were IMMUy. 010115th dicy of AtRitNT . brlt. AXES, HANDUES SPADES* BROVELS, 0 lz 0. Swept Away, for the purpose of otoplAng lilt the rol�l IG4dj - isiktl RHITENBURY ESTA-TE i3f Furniture, which id large and well assurte(l. Illo9t; of these gooda at u (if t1lo, late6C, 4)la luch wit,, 110gard to accidaniti. 0110 ye r south lirbiqlA,to Comic oft Avat i - , , -f. 1qWl)qyjr, aff 414111� most fliabionable Styles, and recently. 8ucll ail opportunitY to�, I litisill" agu filio likir-A (lie lit it 'k, llittol'oll, Pit,, dr Orly Norl) I 110 '111144ti U1 I LAMPS, BPE61MTs, CHIMNI :q .8 Furniture ha� never occurred before ill 6huton, alid prolyably never . will g a 116.8�b tile fircittat) aboill, it' yvilk. d. Aull (46 tTldg* acrao Lho litvor Illattland 1169 (Trottlf OVIFEW 1101; N.kU, BY PltXv Oil 1, proaf, rjok Mae r, CoAlan, for sa '116 �Vaorootb� in Cbti.h 1 6; sides utimeroui At ,I, identa of near f)itnuiura iiii Aud set, fire to,, Clio -fullow(I)o 4.nfl! chip Clark. '1180', Thlivilve of 0 k1nds lit I 0 11 1.00 W1611 to 'o di6r, uegs stands Ili town, atid suitable for.any;gatieral business j x 85, two btal soveral their flud. Cellar beneath. Thore is alga 6u, Clio Mr. tot a firatue IV41C-Shopf 'N X '18, two ofrk'shigh, gurallcoll referriw, tu 06 above Ifullott,,tuty 23,1870. Also, a large quantity of Qitalvio for furnituf(i Inall tifIctu ring, Mlork�sjiop Thursday- two to fillt" liftya iL Cuts Off ail Ille INTON gusitionipa bolutigive, till Of allipwant, .111 'fowN 01? (jt All parties iud6blad to ill ardruggist, wado a'wagor tiIion a, rathe' 30,001) tons it wbol lu'riullikot. 4 Town Loto t3iog ijurtir of the Ell Large as 0 ng atid- Harvest Tools. .It fixtures, &e. flatililtolii OA(S 1% wardhat) , 6 and tile ot�l�r DOE of pJAI bV 'ro 1. e6 'r't of Gewrdeni r 0 N -ill pleaso doll aud 11 , � ill(, IlKilwsy. a late liew of Dolitpk,�ty &.1lf 1, r bet Atilt the twenty O'Cro patect nettle tile samo at once, and Save costs, questioll, thattlievoWill Accolinta frorij gC illoll gj6CiTjy�__ ehe Via of tile mineradiid irowworkors, 1111.4 04TIt ITrOX TIj.k.jNjjV6 or, T will be openul lit t1jo Tovttj Oil thar 01;fLr Pjap of CLIN1`011, WAY 30,1877. 4nothor von'tur pasSus rl�ivtly tl.0 oavelil Ito , tort 4l'o ft. Town of 6.01MR19-14 ill bd juesiarchial, A.,. uccapEl the tea 34ond4y, A14q-tiat Towil tols'Now. ho CIA 57" oft Ughtliellho .81 uatl vlay �rpootffiedllly lb(: 11jeoviAdal roger, and. Me luotley $to.- is dopunitod w(rt., liaided an 10,1n In olle of out banks, to be t1lo, Nim bad labt Nnfur&vy and firoViSiolia Ay ot,-ler, of fbo boartl of Helisiol Trik6tevo, IAlso Ill the liald oil agaigneog,of tile botting parties, It L Tt. IMM, olr ill CLEARING SALE OF STOCK. It aluch ji&v,33 I ritoluly lit), 187 7., 77, VA I alliollit to F alliall ill I fin $)oar, the 0ovornor. (Ian met) -of Great in .Cro.-dkefy abd G tn i LIM accompanied by the (jountesA of Dofferily sh-nA Till atal tile lithim like L11084, nottlitof tleVILY11014, 100, in ill tv f of uro r pElly, LUD TO and ivil roitle" -for Maui. vtlux TH111001t,u a 1L tj 1v oil 0 v t. -Y WAIlls It. HAulplo 16 'evars" threv f. oil Ajotjjay In,11,11ing, the I)Zrfy as114 for altnit, go Mrol 0N*VUXA NOYr4T.TY Do orAn tile suhHeriber iritenda chwito; buoineta b the 11111 of W,-xt. luouth, lit offiza. llthe wholo of hill otock of oltamting i , Poll Ie Anc T11,16 1) Tc (it, or s6 0 by one-tillrol vadix balatin 61 ltiPon" 0, H TrjV L.tlfea Wilt 01OLI ferTho 6q ill dee(ItfulAy Ila trutle, Park Lot 'III. Dinsky Ter- jr4)j,jjj 14titJoij, 1AVj ilk i -specteJ hat, thoy WEI , f. l,f li'l, 4111�)Arfptjoll ill ilitt 18, 19,61i, 4 A, john live, is 810,068., AT ft ftfid T)y Lilt,- ram or W40ST As' Clio trour on)(41 furtl by foi ellorell altipfa ort Char Ml,d'r mm r S RI�GHT 0�0 o.1 a vory gloomy viciv 0 IV 116V0.4 Itnule tAu 18, Trama MOO& IIN134. 11rd. UOWAIL160 0104owlth, ollatoo. I.Sy A 91,14K.ArIMA Yo Xtl)lld frifta. I ll� f Arl -T11t, OtD A,XVU)980: OPI r, 10P3, A LDLART STIMPIl"11. cidod. Tho party will roturn by tile at to the, Within p its India. -log of water aj�d h \Vol] I'Vho %Vill attond 100146iiii, newombor the Staild route, and uro uoC expected back ifluell be. J� in5toad of briglitening ,,�4 hAva during the last OrARTON..31117 19, 1817. xtousol,lr yoto tile end afSoptamber_ fow 1voeh*b0oomo Mot a [iloomr. clfo.to�j.. -idly 51,1877. i41