HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1877-08-02, Page 2W 00*
i miiia"�
The tesuou of Vard Tilnes. CANADIAN
X14w X4A glay be 4�4 at Wl ;1sock or aul) TINUrml
1 -irkhill has 4,04 votorsals year.
A. TOW 4114 1, A, X914111 The b4lowing ia tho list of those will' Thewt� .11 aro v,4 hard umc0l
losuowa-be fo- bave enaep(l. what is en'lleri.4 1145 blimille"'i ditlauspion 'A.
4nd bo _', , , -,- -
'111,014 11f VANl)al1;'Jt'JL 1'0 1 A , yet
ADA 1i Tculil;illorlo), t o- Ovoill. wol 1: to roll
, i�;is - - undo the wok%v
0 confludt4on Sun, AcutvrNr.w�On- Satarilav- lasb--n-littio, Pffiiv.
AMP#, timom tile Tile Nett, J�,ra ofte has 8�10ndia 111110tt, Tioll h 4 (t
10149wfor day ovotlin art of I nation f -r third-phistl bertmeates. Thorio 0 and w V
Alois onder this, be -04 byAxr. Clark. gid, davollter of mr;('Hom a low, e 11;dt'lic 114.3 not yot
rk. bed tho, miaVortl)U broak 1101"thi"ll by wholiro Inepared to attend the first 1308. Well roko'A fulliolently t I rcruilt of a free Ve DIOM40 rif Rhiron has riiioq4
0 oleo,
Moot resiV$tar, a paper, whioll While NVO aoing oil 1.1as of,plain, ani ornamental 'print. ON Thursday last the thermometeir ma for tile st"J6114 a
oan t, is 06ndac, ing'. 1 Pates mWerate'. 04 921 in, the phado, boing the highest yet, ilunplam from.the top of a, fetiao, sion of tile Cquoty Model Sohools, ar6 re; inovoment of1crers.
t al ay agree with i- A STAIKH Of tile flax-pollera, emrlqyod peoted to notify tile Secrotary of tilli motley in circulation. bil, fitotm whicIL pfirgiitm no4 prOfolni fo be able to
W in- a. Much morel libo AA�d , !tit the Pme - ushorell in the break Ill tile IfU41A times bag "110
intelli- I be bold 91, by AT o)�rd wo7nt
byt(trisin Sabbath School, , r. Forrester, occurred Ili a, fie d last' )3 of Examiners, Pator of 4 liostil Ry the, m4n,wilo shot Hooko t at M01Q.,
S011001 Trustee -Will w;A�The-Arike was for higherwages, of wrecks, valnex have $brunt; treal oil the 10th
. ......... at. m4nmer than tile rotlJorlty of ()on tbo 16th of Aq. Usq.f Q04orich, not later, tban. tile 18�4 everywhere, real roporty 40 b, drug an t.bet b'
opl and 64ii deitimudo were conditionally cow- day fit' August, y14VQ Nen. dissipated, rA Am, Grand MRS4l`or'4'QJ
The regtiltw monthly meeting of thd Tptg)t of potato bugs were pio4- Tile Model $01;001a OPQ4' moxiaot, fortunes i An.
reserviitive papers,. in ro plied with., alin.toll.oull Oddericb,'on. tho,27titqf man a few years ago c 4 e wealthy, AQW- 01OU VrOrltonj o d
n, one the, Oratig f Conti, 00 OIJ4
XoUusTQN.—An: excursion'train _Ill bo Auguott on which 4ay 1 0btAw4
s-bool BoAril. waS )told w the,school house ea f a, 4, -gee potch. in.tow w all th me Selected Tclught tor, tile Liu
-X --evening. Irresolit, M6604; veryone has felt I on That
on - morning th; At
tvia, week Of t
a XcGarva, an )4., n. & I% to Wor must be an hand to begin the work he offset$ of t1to blow I' fell in 1573, the , U'r. David Xonel Hkfrld, 'throb
ith t�. Article, A Coatil,,fil;Qft, Malcomeon, Leslie, Tga QuArmmy Sguvlcm in Connection r over the row by blow bed thiq
7- tore in :connection w 7 A., 1. Not more thati, twort -five will rich and poor, the mero Woe res. o
871. - Se4rlo- And Nine, In theabseneo of tile Itti the, Methodist Chartill, of this place, pm� leAvingwitighsoil at W porthowero wollogthowtirko f wheat which yi,
that, 140 re preriod I spir"O"'O" loi is $1,25 forthe round be permitted t6. attend oftlik school At one man. SulTering hap, not by any means boott, 46
2, 1
.0halralap., it was,movqd andcArriedtliat Theifaro CHO 64 4Vto the tivishQ1 SQwn,
�nip�,!pgide "to will be held on santlay next.
fasten th ance, witli(Nho Suggestion
o M ',Chair. time. In Acqord confined to, the o9ttage or tile topeoteut hous
XUP0344AIR. t4reln, no att r. Cdatis take the trip, 9011.4,1 to London, And bAQkm, 0 A'cavo of violp,tipa of the p
of the Ministlir of Education, the PoWticiQ it hav; been felt in the mansion a villa, fiR A 4 fit
or too �44 the _ a
dv4rtinement for teacbeto, stmuit9im -At St, Goorge, last, Weeki . I -o'ki
tl��rofor,b4 the C4o.vorujnont, but� in An"i , . I CUT AQA1N.-mmJA9, XOPOwell, committed Tile, terrible li
�a, mlarge number of applications were rb.- brother of Mr. K. I. Artai of those lylic, 4ro to Attend the. first Session ists,99 bau4rup.tolea Shows how ()Won Sound has boon punished, 6 t� . 11M."
ogton, of this I to god oelc for- obtoiging Molloy will be insdo. by the, Poamr4; of Examiners - position Of 0 000 of $30 and co y he
erlob, loot w Wi#OoProad has been �be deatiactiou, how IM
A,4awpce(l t4at. W- R,, SPIer, golearote,temeat Of foots is, given,, as to
re laid ou, the t4blo for 14, place, was sano.tPiok, from the effects, of under false protencelis, wall 44miesed �7 from the tbQ hancl of ruin, Wecau easily trace ate.
ceivoll, which we
only, ro,
hio.b he is scarcely likql. pa' Monday, the plaintif in urteen out, of. soventy-two, appli.
it, '6$ Well 4PVOiut04 tbe. true cause y to, recover.. Jdd7e Toms in order of llioilb as,showil. by. their otanil- in 0 4isUpter back to its.eriginating gauses
ames Sent in to thope0etary, part""
EQq.i of Qoderlo 4 4111 till
of the present 4oprots, gpection.
t4ia CQU07 The oe6roltary was. instructed to Qorros- HousR SQt7J,-1V1r. :P. StOe on e
T , , il� F1440 sion. of cplirs� tIA9 art not. 8 Alust him. fact, almost every one has ready XPIA.' canto succeeded In 9 the etstrance ex.
Soni r Judgo _jo 0. r . Ing in the lion-proressional 9xAminaticip, Amirtations at the
�v lttep P bolt sold the casq. ppearing ag
pond with some of the teachers whose up- his bcose And qviarter-acre l9ton PrincellB. LONG PLAX.-W6 Were last WQeU ShOW11 just finished. CandiclAtooi a nation, more or less oat!sf4Qt9ry imo himself, �,Aftby,'Hjgh 8011,001.
,U, stiperau
ituate. MAluly as, referring to Montreal alone, re expected
p1lootiono bad a bunch of flax. 0 grown on the farm of Mr. gn the oubjeot, We -do not pivq�Qae, bovim, All association is
.- been considemd. fteet, to Me, W, Young, of Goderich 4 at Ottawa
jimept, for ROMQ time sec. by Xr* to an far, as possible Attend tile model ever, to dem anew with, the 'I the 40 It
ralpor hA0 b"con, oil, Malob�agciii wnsbip, for the auto of 041.2 a fair price. 0400s 0 - aviog for ate objeot [in,. attempt at lie 4up!
but it. is. only. relloodab a to conclude Mbved by Mr. Goo. Warner, aullett, wb and
!oil measured the disfriet 1:4 N� lob egeflpiou, but tQ. ctonifider it as ib exi
to be "14, 04, tbo 'Paid, CON*RAQT, �Meaprs -eight inches, flev hoo' I" Ofrall9tiltod And op
Ibis change was , q following accoonu-,tit be Wheatly, Mom patcris' . .1 1 V,
that what is oplic, a,blo to that r4ty will Spotti.tha.t th an, unusual longth of forty Q. iti9pAl 4i pl-i
W1.1104 they Qx- spoils a4dacibla from the conditions It
viz. :-R, A, Golipet, 61-25,; A, M. Aacoy 0, 11 act ra; Stalks being even longer than this. t'a lospbat in Ito WiLen the depression came 1, 181$ It 10 stated ill Montreal that, the 100.*
-thoy relside, or t the
��mwob, several Mpjualclquo places, thousil perha and Cook, 'have been okwarded th co tr pent to, be ansoftes.
Sell -
gai Qf appl� to otbilr $3, 22 ; Goo. Watson, $6.60 ; S. Holmes Of building a close board fence around, the tit of 209 clan4idatoa 0 do tainion Q.ovornm
IDuNwxvrRi?.—We learn that the min $ were successful extended rapidly toevery branch of tra . Q"t will pay the voluil.
Cqite�ryAi kivo p9pers h Are ba504 attAch0l Zapt quite to the' ur lob R Driving Parh, at 49 cents per rO4, teers w
. A carry� Son, $3,75. ; J. A. Ynill, $4,QQ ID tits. Clintol: and commerce, the w bO kopk the armouries in thAt ci
same extett, who fell off tho, Asia a few clays ago And in passing the non-profoosional oxamina� orking pleases were in ty
moat, Choy olaitilling them broth the full tide of'prospority. taborwaltin
-Carried, lie. 9n the 12th
ental, 04,63,
In$ out this, vie it Co I 1�ot trdmi;ned, was a er of Mr. Joe. tiort, and Are entitled to attend th M d I
iTh Board thea.ad ournod. -Ttev. Mr. Davey, of the W 0 mand, find big *%69 the order of the day, 4.0
e Voxa AQAW, Chidle, Reeve of Cliatoa,�_Siqnal. [The Schoolii, subjeettotherestrip I At the St, Sohn fire investige.
that Junior Toa e lion tion, 04 S
Wise than that what.will a they 1144 been- u MdbtrQA! the 411V115Q of turday ovido�c -iW
pplyltO indi Lo.ndestioro. circuit, Methodilit obarcill, fir.,
Nye have to, ideceased, Charles 0.1ildley, waliat, one time ed above. 0 as glven allowing that
p operity ing
be said to have dated from the
the position. Al rtv,94 in town yestirday, on hil wily back i resident of this town,] g are the name disastrous extent of tho'gre mst b
yiduals will apply to comnlunilloo, BASE BALI", The, followip 8, wh011 Are, tile second year Of t r. boon due to ave
he American Civil IVA .1 0
that the oppointwent of Squier is from England, where he bag ben ispendin, Arrang9_4.A1phWmUoU n ondiprift
lip.wil oll . I lilay Mr.
Any' 0140 W refullt perase MO . y,a . ot-acorXWO, To -ten Years. ininicaso progressive Strides were inletween several,- weeks. 119 Is looking. well After 'to tho'number.of marka o Wiled, A �chy waft -largely attracted-
a;St- Render,. of Hollotto-was_ walkin' 2he earliest , pea
maAe'.-and. taAhi thei artibI6 in. questiop, mU_8_FTJ'd-,41WC tile Dauntless Club of this place, 4. old, a bplI came up behind him r g TAft. -the. cream of'- the skilled handicraft of- the Canada were shiplie,
' A �W. f dom
by halbir _matoh_oAA.e mm�yklb, tAnd Oft, don July 27th, 7
of the county, irrespective bf Poll- indeed if the fail to arrive at'lie saxile Young Actives Of (lociermi6h, took plqe.'e on- duties At 9QCQ-
nlen a -d "him in the air, and in failling lie unfolim. Adams, raAbolla, Moonie, BlizaWth countr, Wages. that in, 185 58 and 1800 -were grown, by John 0. ICilborno* of the village
ties, and we are [quite sure Judg;6 Toms the grounds of the. former, resulting in An SRABNAlor,.�On Thursday ev�ning the Wair, El4a A. Margarot considered lib � I
conclusions As has tile Star.. Let any tunatelyfell. upon A stamp, causing such 6ral w!V.Q thought IoNvm 1867, ofeamaville, in open orchard.
easy victory for the home boys, by 15 runs., blind started out. with tilii intention of I . . Bell, asgAI0
njories that Ills lower limbs became para, Malone, Margaret and in 1872 would be scorned by Arst-class
-will not thook �Ily of tile officious pprti, Cowan, x4te hands. There was an Immense rusit of bus The' wife of ae"o
person investigamt6 the rnaane�r Of livinon, The victory woula iive eon still greater serenading oui , townspeople, but aft0i lv7,d, and fears are entQrt4med that Ilse Camp Maguire, BlIgAbotle . k. Wetrl, farmer, living
, i' tedit, near $,pen empted toikill her�
boll, X, F4,1101i i MolCenzjo, Christina ness in Montreal;, mainly 4 04 a carville, a
ith that of, the past � A them had not rain commenced to fall on the playing"a fow"turiels. on the market square one lip, tt
njurlea may terminate fatally. T -ray� xtravagi self for the
zays for stirring up the sobject Of it commenced to rain,.aud they were. coin esg and o second time
now, w sovanth intlings, making the ball wet and Oraigmill, J fie MAi 14 mile, Aube dame the order. of the on Oottirday, by
squier being appointed over him, Bad CANADIAN Visitors, to England are of ten, Collio, Margaret 'Eliz4both day. The thrift'A ty of living which cutting her thr .. She canaot recover.
n pent In,. slipperyl gridifficult to hantile, At the polled to retire. nd modep oat
cc sid.or tbq Amounts, useless). amused at the sublime ignoran6b manifelat- Dickson, J66fillib Patton, Sophia A. cliaracterized the. walk. and' conversation of
Two. young me
the reasQn for the GovernmenVs so., do nt . 8 1, conclusion of tho,maicb, tbe,visitora Were 0 have teen selling tickets
fiivoloup. eq.0 40, ed'there with to this country, Darniu, Itliza PoNoll, 11risollia early merchants who madd the soli& for" -0-r o u
e- tickets Will lie issued to" And tI I ie, questions they tire -fee quently toet Durnip, Mary 1, Reynolds; Lucy-- 4� and -founded -the Substantial business ghout the country for a. lottery ...on
if. 13anA.QAoT'ir'fn hA xoRde oublio., outtrtained to supper at the Commercial day) single far ttune It
labor 00' VQAI�119,,oR ?aV0 S006t, of the London Orphan Asylum. The
klotel, . Dblow is the. adore 'point on the Grand Trun
Itivo pallevs th any k.. xciinion. with are I Forsyth, Lizzle eS houses of the city were � fisju
show the Consevv, at they a ala vidence of this. - A person from g,to tlxo winds,
let, tile reckon tip ilie x6ries in, X01*0 ACTIV138, Gordon, Sophia AT. A. Stuart, Agods And lavish expenditilre regar ed he the high. is a swii dl and tile, men have boon
W. tickets will also be issued tg.TOrOTltd A61. bids town, who rdliently."went there on a
have' nothing R Uri 0 Alixt 0 w an , 81.'00 good v1p , . .1. 1 . Henderson, Agnes- Scham, Hattie A. way.to soe�al-dlstiuQtion, Thd-iresence- of a Arrested.
r turnfor $1. r
dulged ih by t1fe poor and rich and -the ....... 24 6 .5, Nolan lot b a a o it,' WAS* asked,. among othoi almi.in,
Salary of each Judge.is the same, there 5 2 MoDougall.9s...111 0 0 to r-etUrli by hay trkill. Oil following day. Hamilton, ElizAlidtli Sherman, Emily member of the Royal Vamily fairly thimlied A 00mPl6til estimate of the dan age by
questions, 14 Ifthey h'ad Any pianos in
many sources. of 146'a s a ro - and 91MUsc-' Wi Innaley. 8.8. X 4 8 udrowii 0.1.... of. A golineer Mary A. Traino�, Louisa M. the beads. of some otli6rviiise porfectly pane the SI. John fire
is only the hobor a0aching, to the C,f ...... 2 6 B SOLD h P .:,::19 ,, 21 isr. 13'. A. S.Lmlo, annual fall @UQW werica?" He, of coursei replied in the Irv' ;lie Alary J, Whitdtield,. Lotty A, concluded lastweek,. is
meat oucouraged, and: they 'w il I 6KEuttle gad b ... 1 4 0 Eobluson r.f.. ...D 1 0 0 the Igullett )Branch Agrioultural Sooiety,. and worthy people, and the race for o8bouts- asfollowe Numberof families burnt out
Affirmattve, io&_ to, the' of4 Rgina . . wi tious display soLl'prodigal,ex -he- 2780. -a):2- I
: , . , Pon, Kate A. travaganpe dwoliings oonaujilb .000 ; arep,
Senior Judge thatuilllteB a diftellcul T. Donogh r.1 ...... 2 5 6 salts Ilia English friends. that dopressioll" did - ;lot oppie inuli - a will'bo held in ffils town.,' on the 18bh and
h, il. Cole. lot b, 14 2 korrio I f .......... Lewis, Mary; Jane, Weil abeth camo little callort of mAdening. The whirl OV 11010110 witich. Ili our estimation, does hot ple IV' b%W fird 1 8 Tamer 2nd b 4 -1 19th of Sept. In -addition to the usudl keep it fire e tended, 2QlO scres.
Tues- Logic, Bella, Whitford Alaribn of excitement was incofisant, and to
0.10ler IL)ILil X.V,Lgls. - Poo ave beert 0, ;our i,f ....... 4 2 moysilanqurdb .... 6 2 0 prizes offerodi are li'uito a number'of bpeci- day even* 'lady who. lias reocut, LinkiRtO t i MQggiO .1 so, in the ag The 7 r has in ado
amolint to.11lue Ing, 0, young r up, calle4 fot the unproductive u Count Council! of No folk
ug Wy, fist.; thily %is, and there is y 0, grogate 69 millions 'of a grant.,of g5
(IQ, try to' keel.) -up 07 every pt: oot.of the show coupled a luorative position ia town, dollars. When,,. tile 00 in aid of the St. John suf.
e left I 4osepli 11clopor, Albert E; of 'reakoning came, illio.us were , rers, and the Council ofthis Cotipty'
6- 7 0 b log Lie oly'attended' "lay and - nil fe
i 1 2 8 1 5 g or Manitoba, viliere she - is to meet.a Armstrong
,TKE RAILWAY STRTEM appearances blib Iie 'are afraid"that 1;le- n Wanted to tide involved. houses ovee the crisis, grautdd K
Dauntlebbi 5. 0 '1' 6 8 �7 0 0 0 FkTkt,.CA-ayjALTY.�O.u.-Tues,d*ay w6rn-' young"inhu, formorly of this place, t6 whom. &Wxander, Joh Kolty, Nlolutyro GS6, -to -be had i forlthe same objoot weekL'
More Wil.1 2 0 0 1 .0 2 4 8 the nionoy was. �ot
fore bottom �is touched, Mr. A. Couchi agd about 'she. I& to be tuarried. The, journey is an. Abbott, Joseph A. Linklater, John C, t had been befpr.q last but, by en oversight- wpdid
N P'. . ing a son f ouble Beattz, John Lawrimoe'�'Audrow squandered, in, folly and dissipation, aud,tIL6 ot litention it before. Hortot)" Cliatou,
o:%v that tho late railway. strike ties. li-ji, eW, A lanes, Go three �eara, while Playing round Mooliels dertaken to Save, her intended the ft
have'to' take,jik sail.#nd live i Ca�e, Benjamin C. Lawrence,. David triomorylof the revelry of the heedlead Years
been brouglit'to -ail. ond the prelis haie Below is the Score of a match pla�mcd at tantilery, walked intd, a vat of hc�t taui And of comiu.g for hsr� , A�'L -young lad'of this of prosperity vati.as ashes in th4 months of Hall toville on Tu�oday night About
ecolloviiiQuInjaul.36% The edro to dress'; Goderich, jeaterday, between L t! Case, Adam Mlosgr6ve, William he 15tata Of althodgli resoued Almost instantly, wdg so Stamp deserves a good. husband. .Lot us the trienwho Saw fortune, station. 6omfort- Alghty armed men were-swora in ail special
'tikeu up tile diSCLISSi011 its to iti ca 0 $ C,therw,cd, Thomas. Mtx;aock, John G, ,
and appear as this place, and Young Canadians -severely ckIded tha, it di6d a few. hours Slug Qvorything�dissolvjng bx the dark hopeless c
as of 6oa.e� Cluff,-William T, McWilliams, Andrew ' oustAbIds and started out under c6tomand
and the measures that should bei.Lused 7 .1. 1 1 . . aftet*hrd,L' 'Elio gkiv, from Ito noel, down Still through thy journey be, Asher McLeu.nar!, Jolin watora of.bauhrupiboy.� of Captain Hall ,
a ed society r Cozens., ttQ affeat-who'capture of'
th i neighbor, has perine t �to i0ii, Girl -man namniiid-Pkingle'L Who Stole'aft ON
prevent'theni. . Ili soine of' tile. arti- ell, Spied off. HaNpiness avialteth thee , While tile, 11ppor . clasies, were rolling 'M foui
to P Donley, James McPherson, ohn C. purble.and-fino I ' and. arin sumptuously from.am, neighboring farb"rand kiilod.ib in
L 0 n --An when thfi"pipVt; is gained nAld, Robt,
there man
d L
0168 put forth thera is a gbo4�tieal of AL GOOD -Well clone be, there Proclaimed. everyday, their example 'was Slug fqll*owed 'thd. Woods. ' 'Thi7l�riugiea are known as -
....... 2 il G. Wdll, a ......... :::.,4 2 �Di Newton, Gootge-A
-amio ....... 8 1 A.Vuellsuen.9-a'. i4 2 pave4 whom vie mouiti6lie a. 60.UP14 of OEB EXCUESioNi. rai6n that Now.3ou by the working people. TIL6 -small - trades-. daring 6baradtdro.
tratb, anti the basecl'lip6p. �s a poo ....... -. 4 '0 R. Cost& 13rd b "...'o 6 'weeks' agoas.havin-Ileeonle redi4ente of 1 06,, James Pea "They hro armed, and
chrigtopho ren, Frederic work'n,
teMpt t� -eidotls. SyStolil of Lndx�a ist b ...... 8.2 A.,Bardllen Istb. IS 2 will doubtless bq one- of 'ffie Tnost Success-. Doy, Willf�m qwelli min aped the large dea,lor, anct the
this town', were brought up before �the Will L 1 9- it is expoted they Will' rosis-f All attempts
Bound pii - but in` sgilie others gnoiman 2nd b ...... 4 0 W. Cole gad b .... 11-4 .1 1 fill a�hd a&eeabre of the be Davidson, Alex. olass - c6pied thoset. With whoin, they 4ere to til;o tbew�
11, rue anin S. -d b ...... 8 0 W. Burchill V ........ 4 atterson, Ale T
hilil" 'ing ohonlA b� '66uft' 0 Mla.�or yostarday, and were lealeiitly dea, ROSS, Willi i�to nea,
nariqed by 13 that to be given by the Y. 0. A-,, of Elliott,, J Olin E� ato ,,tsgrept.00btaot,. TheyAcquired
ere are th . . Elliott, Th nsive, Thd'market; had nothing.
t C4. er om6s Reid; Thoma:s
th 6'ha vin th e goo, d bt the ey faith- ontarib goods, e- Register.'
0 sh..unon, r . .... !9: forthwith; wm6li th will leave'Goderich for. Sarnia: a:t Ferf le, S4tnuel Rome, J6bn
bat Iwo te 1 i6avo thb own t1o'! dainty, for them, ' the dry� Sal
Pu heL , , _ ' . . . 1.
2t heirt. tit at — --Floody, Edward. Red orid, Jose� Shops nothing too elegant, T
I ally-calrT e 6 p. in. and tailors'.
ell olitical '6 zlon]7 W. 101 27.18 in., re urningleftie Sain n. n in cc gA pla extent to Which the paision'for. c�sti PO$tl)OtLdd Alottgage. Sale Of lob -No. 47, town-:
Gocii).-In. a short time th gro'lids '6 The fare,for the trip�bein ce4 atAhe GrovGai William E. ug y dress Of Clinton
Doubtless some tliat,-the. ar- L, Horton, went,in. Uoutr8ld, Was'prdverbial; -no. at Rattailbury's Hot�l,
'best. interests, of the High, School will be among the pret. very. low i1gurai of 60 cents from Goderiob., Gilmour, N&il Stesp�, John R, on tha
rod0r10l1jJ.5=ith-1 , . I Where oat of ITeW York was it to be excee& August. �D,;�Dick f
tiole -quot6d 1as ilo:refeence.to sviall .. I se Gordon Caweron- G. Sheppard, P.. ingoll &no -ant rho Dauutless'oltib* of this lilape, pliiy tidat iii town.' , A fouco ilow ene o -a -the childrenlialt-price. Tdaccominoilatepar� ea,,,. �jrages most iwpqrf ties from this -place who may I wish -,to enderson, Robert Sheareri Thomas.'* Cbig, yo know, and A sale- of
I-Coullnultities. Wbile'vre do not adinit Whole propert a 6 e, the LieVi hirnegg, and double, Wi I
s, cifgtratfoidj'ai that town, y, �R � parb, of thob-illsid ople ihoughbL that the�fl
tile Ajaple'Leqf fish t1we'l; were go- take place in Clinton about middle of Sept.
-ere is �t least this,to be said r ac a. the fficirtiling train win go- Up. in, ti for. Hodgirls, Elie Scott, An&7.' ing to last for all time. They,flung. to t1V:8 X. Howson; auct,.,
this* tb of-, - uP Huston Thbihas A: Sectit, Joho'
iety- is the prqtoo tile A-th- his been laid out in three te r es. Timee
finfl'a Vlae -Upblou6d ideAi of frugality and
will lid p have had ths,boat, and, will await its return. in jbhe all 1, St" Winds the 614
the.. sam' latics, of Mitchell, in the afternoon. art, William 11
rad to grow, the -ap ance of the co' evening, tiolietsei 8re.. 11altaersoli, temperaticeilLey h�d learn(
o use� and enjoy his -can very properly be acted up6n. by pev-� ti inglasti6d atflinglO r Taylor, John from � their 0 T IN Wit wdab in-litiaries, much In waste-thitl ]tall exhibitl6no will be thisypar'ao follglysi
will be pleasing indeed malts,alid apOnt tho'�nclney isib Canis'. - Much
F;ous in all plac'es; andpositions of society. L TAB NVOODs.—Mr ohn Stephen- -Higgins, Thomas Wellkvopd, Saiiiuej D.
n7ay gee fit is RICKET.
takeh hold
Tl�&NT V-116T.�31r,'-James Xtiane son;- contractor, of this place� but now. 0`1137.
The ti4e is- p6hiirs turging, aild2better- ;.,GYP working classes4re more asteful Ofjcod iTti-bom., 81.1vinghatil. Seit. 28,
hitdhqad, in Ma than dili rioh�more in beer, Few gave- a Hallett Ilranoll,'at Clinton,- sopt-48 nd' 19.
iny way odangeritt, ditys may . be algain,ia,store,.-bat lessots S �am� of cridket Was played here on broaht'.bs- a sample of Egy*ptiall whoat, ployeti. with Mr�. W gingstdii, James.
it is not likely the bVirit. of industry ofeconoiny'sAnd prude I nee sh6uld not last, the Clinton and Bay.' growu on tlie farm ofkvi Jas. Washing- wm�ashorfitimeei i loat in thewoods of
thought to the'lAorrow, few sived orfilon Provincial, at Louilotip'Sopt. 24 28.
0 field clubs. Allpen', d4s the a ton, WoV Wawamiosh. From our exoeti. r1lacits pire'as follows, 'f their earaing back'five or six North Per&,
core that seotion.� Thli Loo mg,L
and thrift will be-cheriullea or Itist, -and those who,'. b' bitter, 6xperi_ county ..Cullings. .1a.stiatforilp septitoanago.
2 1XNiKQ`,;, once, 9f. this wheat 'many',�eara -ago, we avingoccasion-to.go.tor some pplat,for Mitchell an . d
NO years, Pt. go
en6e, ba*e reali=.d the severit� of the' G sea �very fAvorably of. it,� but the improvident, buttettly-life.led Logan, at Mitchell, Se At the present titne it becomea-every iCndx b, 11oltowli%10 Not if it timber, toreach which the river took, Sixtpan pr1roners-injail at'Ooderich.- tb6mass ilf the co I�Aqqm or'
glmoat in Dalry-4asociation, gheo4oajd
sberwooit"�U;*� a. - -34000nby b. Jlcllenw!�� S sipce -by better cultivati -,,serft xioul4a.-by The u6v, Meth6diA church at Seafdrth is -ble; _tbf -if took oil y ort' 1 � Q
on, shape of a C, lie his men, Stratfordj. Sept, 18, 19 and 2
I)Poae tj� idett .., ". . ) . f e regal a, 0
par, W riot oto show tha it
oUtlsdga_L ....... 8 We shall b p' to record the fjob, one to 0" t1o, y6rs, should ii, tfail to 1;rofib -Let oui'�ote a h
iE"8..K6ma.rkS- J. Eye all . outlodgo 2 b. ap Y boamt,and he Started 'scross the p6jot a permea t biou,
by the itame foob,,epectihg to'rdioh Ilia place much to 9
Le rapidly spreadin . I S. J� a 6rua'outa--� .... I son-, LY. e'an eon fae rieff
ainoug tile S
duly 4onsidGrea nd acted lip MoMowau b, and Mee b ills :to Close, T low fell, and found those BORNK
cl, a, wui� WiIZAT Joe, _4116'oin takei
a g Wi prec L: dMirfa deliver am, Was burg
Un 0. Gordon b, fliefe, Thd wen atrivod-all right,'and an -7 _ F,
find that iF, tbO the JJ19 world . t iar is 1 11 be the dirl�c Hittton'sll6uring will i on wh' fall would strike-ost sevsr6� W%s July,
'T. ox.-AtB,,yleld.ilo,,nthof2,6bh� 40,
-t. living. or, at least, gainer,,lybile All pattied interested-lind Routledge �� ......... ing.of new -wheat, in aTiy qualitit, bavin- r#e4.:lasb we(A, and Is; 0 Stolen,. unprepared. Work becanto so -wife. of Xr. 0. W 5 b, o -Stephen-' arcer, L alL4. 4 son�
be t6e Ones w0i IT, 11arland i). Gordan : 1. . gold and delivered to Mr. Jae. Fair. 100 x iously awaited the arrival 6i Mr. ". :_
W6 S01", -b p peam 4. to baYe 19 a . thi4,wayaPA- _.Prl(1aYAvaS1A1inghAm's res drop ped lowcw until. thd level of 1869
wy . .: ad b MoRen.-la. 8 Oda holidayl'an
It6utladge ........... "h -some instancell,,teached. Hardshiti
right to a.parb-of tb�� wbu is buihels, the SpoCt,varioby,
-beriefitted by Aclop�int'-ecoucivil.b.princl- P. Cavan a..:Looby b. Xo� litisheb. was.�grel lailirig, to ai3pear, returned to their `1`10a to ill ...... 11 oXoTlenzii b RGutledgo 7 wif oil. the Jo'l ey dngT*l1-uFQnpt:VLJLU WUO
plell. and pr eamp,andr6poriei t1h1wfbqtoAIr..NVI4te_ "Idinbeiry ricial da c lety's FAll_$bOW a rowil acelkstomed to soft living, and ST2tP�"MiLiT.-On the 2�th July, I 'at Clill.,
acticev. W. Rausfoid 6 Vooby b: firm, on the L,�ndbn'Road. - It is tine iiirirl
.......... peig, for tbe*aake (if 7� head, who.took the steam er %ill be hchl nat ton, by the
Jr. Lushern loot out. 80 plumpi * and; 66.- yifild �will be dbou t :3 1,1ey felt it bitterly� Title,, the ltev.A6. Fowler, Mr. Y.'StCcp;'
Sep re attor o han most of their fAtbers Y
e, pandei� to-. Tile Clinton- School Board -dul5duncop. pu�_ 3). Forester run oat 0 1� 1toutlodg&.,: 0. bushels to the Acts. and sailed arotind the f)(Aut od6ding the V had of Goderich towpollip. to Miss Jand-Rarmah,
lidy As foll�rs County. of Huron Model., .8, 4ut Mr, Stephvns.)ii � 'r T. Coates, of.Eoter, as roturned from of'food-andoomfo [Tullqt,. of the
-Ivbist!e -all tb6 hile, -been Ili tho'way rt,.but.the claughte''d
n Lee done� And as
ioi,e- byds Was a'b ea -a
d them to. bel, u 'e. _ddbO'Lhearit. Sir.-Wlift6head then of- ild, An& says he would not C&re to IiYQL r
big itiatit tit) for the 'training of s i e place,
In of ha've"formed 4,qli-p�itkfahip here toi- thii,
bL% -d ol.-a lie orsubd itf Clin' on, f4mdd a,reward ecovbry; any Where bai !a.CiLfiaa_ years liave flown on� ,Work bas growp scarcer Jul
&c.11 - The reader Would -from t1lis that pu Alk'n rop
judec; rG"Sa CA *gr' i1nd ill. uio, Nv.,: 4 ll'eiiLgr- which, while it, rtimulated E111or, Geaforth, ho V! th an Yes. 1-:11ice.1ondo.to, assisted by
'at th-a� 7
It %vitb, a d that there wasbut one model School in the cou'pty, .ND fitorehouso G.T. Station' Both fir the )� Win, failed,to lead. t Colt nds-ar 11 and willing.to 1w6rk'for ardi; Rev. A. -Rich-
GO. I -dedr6h fc: o the -'which Weighs 1, 200 1 b§ It girth 6, ft. I incb thousit q id e'L
aud that one at Clintoti. W� --won't say. that 'Togzlec;,andb.110W� poraons,.Ooll hildwil, the fpriuer OS 9 a]' , a ll;.w ilea �f- the unproductive biaris, S
-�reabollta Of' ffie'108J.. Af ter being, for "�y � t, , AV. DavisiB.c. Minister
Xx �= residence of JVm. Simkins . of
6 and therefore PIcially. iih and slitilds 16 �a is a' ,.Rev.
thit; licit was -q�or&4-witli the intention,of �9 Eyoklian b, Mwirou 10 t 010 4 -Salesmen
r5rwin b. LIo;;sWZ 2 b, Wilda .... ...... 0 EO, lie hilvipg for some titud plitA -filled the three days and three nighta itil'the Woods, Mr. Smuol Sloan, of-Goderlob, bag loftLfb, the' of Exeter, to Miss )Mnily'.Uigloy, of St.'
frikitig. It is tru 0 T, Lpolly 0. HbWooni). po OL for AIV. It. Irik-in. -tl 09 -0 AV learned. a'. trade, their Thomas.
e doludifig, tilie. in4b,110- ibt6 the idea that ther fiftion. f book-keopei- we JIL&VO Dllt'a,partiole of no,6rinliw�nt, LlYft. Effiersou, * Man*,, with the intontion ot Great and
is to be o;i1yono modol school in th& oclunity, nausford .... ....... 0 b. Watle
illegal, but U is an 2. ing. a 1, name is legion. '01. the distrolia that reigned
-8-,gNVAP.T-I)A.VI.DSOI�.-Ili,'Siafortli 'on the:.
!�-e'11'ourfh mill at that.
bob Will that some parties in D, Go(d0n be UOINFOU-, 01 b. 11owso b hut that 'C silal 'Of St illetisoo ola�llaged Joroa.olfm n Cautt)L I
fit busib'das Willie their poition. , olae. a during the t1ra past winters, the saddest 24th July, at i
gd. Looby 1. b.)v- b now. cittanCo. frdrn his own, but Avas sb weak For the hit f yoar clided t bride"glathei
and very injurious toL Clintim have shown *an unpleasant antipathy ............ 1 2 o. Cavan -b. 1middmil.. 4- he SObh.Juue there fetitureg 6f the history of tho,weary yoursi we
. I =ED.---ThC Iv4ppsilor last.week thAt it waft sevoral da�, beftiro' 116L Wald were tered ith the tow dniqc�l L � . " r _ by the Rev; Gee,., B , M its. Stowirt,
to - Goderich and its gahoolk Whpn Clinton a Ao,�son. 6. an 'r . A "low So u�giwgt
-It iybO:Ss11r[', iwell, -You would not- have -AG lZzle, e
W T and )lend the worse� for h:i undesirabWom rkman on _11*of geafor
and the sooner a a is piased int7ermediateelliminatida. IdoderielitbrefliL T. lioutledge bo, Eans., 'VEFbxt0nWed �to Me,' homlisoll, of the -w -to Iold' soi�. t7'of,M anxioun all ru won 'in, Consequontly, nini'mall.V tv obd tbat-it w mored a Cill Id b am v OVv however, a, ;High School, pasalia f .6 punils through the &00.12.1. or o ed. -He is n th.
-.-ford is, cRyclanau. b. Wadc..:10 ,,IVm Tbrridoo, of-Belgr4ve, himself 7tnd big family re
was do Friday
-the spn_:�dtn_ Brumfield. to* fill. the Lvacpnm caused b "daygin detaulb of sPectably, 'find
A tledgcsttro*�d�� to lail for 30L -0.rqvide decent food for themll,
event covabinations of tfj;q 'cliftrao- t pomp, but when, at the next exau)lna- Howson ...... 2L b.Wado i ............. .0 tbe'�reinov.al of.Rev. Mr.'WeCallig, of ill
ANOTHER 'PitODIGAL, ' Mr.. W. Foster, payment Of it fl�le forsellLng i1quor without li. ImVe,do'n-ot` mean jr)LYthing Of the kibd,' We DIEDm;m'
toi tbo'better. 'LoLna jCdbrl�h Clinton e A. Woods c. Lasham b. place. We are informed th - t i r.n. 9r. & F 6,10r, Ovil 80 1 L. Coven. -In Clinton, On th; Slat Jul
Rcu4ord ....... 0 Not out formerly of thb.firm of Wrl hb nean that in the Bush times the thing y� John',.
rl has no ftmadation whatever of this place, m 'Overdonb., Poople lived above their meslis.� .'�boo. of MrI.' 'A. Couch, aged 2 years, 11
tberq to no comparison, indeed, nothing D. Murray 0. Laghaftrio an nothing rho i4fit to 9i
tho ro ' '011ed I by Ringfoxd .......... Eefago nitoba. some Orly pro�tietor of .22 d!tys,
The talk about ald carrying more 'tban the lin'refoict WAS'M�Xrtl i1tobst 0 has yet bd6ne. - toward ro uTi ' a� : tbVCniQn 116tal, Goderieb,. has rqm1oVed'to There is iio nocessity for a. mechanic dressilig' nicinths, and
our laotem. -Goderich 0, 0 b. Wado 0 weeks since.to 16cate, has returned to Clifir.
'rat' G al not ont ... ......... In n- Br To- net
freight at ruinously low- es, and and no names have y6t, cen' . Lissels and cipened out the- nolit Tiotcl, himself in the same style as *a man o4fortu as ............ .......... 1.11 ...... 8 ton, and, like the piodical.cif ola, believes or arraying his,wife and family on th13 wod I
the advertisement above tefeired to, Idea*:: .............. 2 ...... .................. I as persons likely to-reed'Ve a on". L th,rela no plate curn.4011 HollAd. 0
thereby lessening their income, And ............... 0 ... like home... He expresses of pbople of large.,meacis, yet this is what used
was -clipped froni an exchange hastily be iChoollet.A. no sense in a Skilled la.
- ArsiGN33D.-Mr. G'eq. Sheppard, who 66 belief that Manitoba, tiptle Cdol,
causing thein to cut down mwne�, is all 42 Detroit to. Goderioli i to lie done. Therdla send vour ordereforiinting, to the New
4�ged to;" suit alintcu, submitted to W. 9 teep a ver o.vince, I'lat Weeki ajt'eMl)jdaL Slii6lde-.�hy'jufopilig into adipted woll, ;iuongh for the dessert of the Clinton,
so has been teachqr in the High'School since y prod 6 etivdvp d piospero it 8 Pr whila oil' the WA3r borer providing his table with delicacies- "liei-a they -L Will qvl:64
foreign M-th'a snbje6t. - -The mandgers Clinton; Dams, bayfieIdl yantiary last, ancl,who tiftight in the Com.' but the.peefient Season liaving been tan an-
11ailtofi,*.C11atofl;, T. Cooper,jUsylle.14. thewater. prw�tot attenton, and be done. in h sat�a y,
the 13ortid, ancl 80-118, 1 0 4 mcin School bore for Several years, has' re'- usually wbt one has greatly retarded farrn- tipper toil,," When plain Substantial food is of tho roads ftro only responsible to the As �will be seen by the Aboy sbore, the manner.
pat in. a, few mornenfil before we Went to signed his position, find will soon.reincilrb ing 61;ekationa on low lands, and danipen-' Me, W, C. Newcome, of' Grey,. li%qan old needed to Leep tip Iiis'llono and sinO, and.
game was not flolisheas owifig,to the Uri- 'ed the ardor of many of those who flooko4 a ov'ralmmm OME FOR A. G*60D-Shf-ART
Bilareholders, and if the latter are will- s opening a Bible Ili 1,579. It I$. A, copy of one of ensuro healthy bo&s'an(t mindlito the mum.
that the idea of it to Goderich,.villere he purpose tile arl ,t I-Liglish versions printed. A hers of his �Ac press, so eing so becoatingeonduct of he captain of the Bay- pLig-too well known in this there this year. 'He states that t1fora itre few ny excuse Girl, about 18'yoorg of akif.' Applr at thia offlole.
ing that the roaditsball enrry frei-lit at a field team who refused to send 'the, last book storm", H chapters havo. been. t.orn out, but in' ovety for his moltlili; in drink and tobacco money Clinton, Auguqb 2,
0 . worded as to 40164ol, is. all nonsense. P toTn And eighborhodd as a gentlemanly hundreds of men -in Xanitobs at present �ther respect tile book is in-iiii excellont nt%to that, placod ill the Savings bank, would go,a 1877,
loss, no one has a"right to interfere - In man to the, bat, giving aiLbla reason -that
an Sir board, good distince Odrd providing lor,& rainy HAuLFSV.MILES, 11,BOVINCIAI; PA14b 811U.
it was to dark to race tile pall, the lion being recommendation at our hands, and while could they get anything to. d* Of piesoratiob.
eing a Uripleas%nt an 'dperson, to-requireany.
Ai to there b 4i a' a stra;ghtf6rwar wh6'would gladly "work for ill
fact the public have reason to rejolceLaa o, And- very Itf!wrb, TO and his family are flesh and blood C veyon,valustor, and Laud Agent; Obleer-loso..
fipathy t000deriah and its schools$" then lialf an'bilur high. 'Of course Iiis ob- Votting his removal from amongst uli, mdny have returi od Air, T...T. d ay. phine otreoto Wingbain,
li rom whence, they Montreal, bas limight; Mr. e WingharniAtilt,2,1077'..
they are getting the benefit. This com loot was to have tile game deided on the lilto tho Upper too,'of course, born It, er.and
nothing of the kind exis 0, unless 1 we can,tecommend him to the people- of carnii-the.'im migration there this year residence on the Ilkil lgB(I* liOEXT 1vl, equal,'but they dro not equal in condition.
petition and catting down of freights'18 's drat inningao he know6i; thae it was an. God rich-, as one Worthy t1loij su�port, having been almost. Incredible. On hi 'That whioh'is proper in a family enjoying.
tile Ruin of $3,000. �rrl Alospley ba4 BARBEA SHOP BELVORP & Loway
voidable, in truth, it. in one f t Way back to Clintcfn� Mr, ormade an Alr, Horolco Hortoll's
by Qod rich, tommarg.s Clinton, because the in ogsibility forhis last man toacore some . , post' iience say $5,000 per arinurn is. highly reprehensible' 0 1mropilatbro. ShILying, h ir cutting and dressings
nna be latter plac ti'ing in. material titiprty, od4 mls, reqqi,mdd,. to even the - WPItVTUPYSTOIF,�t.�-O�Tuegda'y'tliroo extensive tour through the Western States, fo bil' a in one whose income is, say, $15 per wick done lot the beo style, Imadloo Hair dressed, curled,
is of 5-6 510
inL . I � .. I and roads UP In the latesi; fAshlan, and at moderate
beauties of this progressive age, t at in tnatohd Tho umpire then palled the gamw men 6ffared W one. of, our-butebors, four lvi o" � d"amiand' for latf., ftt is fie a in,por*
anti for dd'tho'cohdIUAfoW that thileg' yet it -will- not nafrequqntly oqdur th t rltd.l., Combings made up in any*mianer desitaii.
eon over pro9perity mbr� than the'lormer, obo- ilf favor of 0114toh. We believe the ]lay, lambs, at the low,lirico, of $2 oich, which there a're gloonly indedd-far worse than onal . indulgence, the latter is more extrava- Oil aton,Augast 2,'1877.
sequence of improvements, ()I brisk that. Alosors, Lort ilia Davle intend g
eixali;6, the schools of thin . place, . I)oth field inert, with - bno other oxcleption than they said had come into their possession Cana'dilans have any.idea, 'of. He emp ut than the fornier,. 'Paneh illustrated
ies and-il4ventions, no one is on le of Common itna Tligb) rank ui�ro otficjent�. the Captain, were willitig to play tFo watch 'in the course of tradin*Tlie -price aromilsed sholtly toplatio another Largo of them on file Ellie well 40me ago; A noblo purchaser Stray C0W6
leally state"s' t it in all a n(lo orrio 125 choi�e YOA18
onto thy, iffierefore, could bot.bb blamed Aho susplcion of'the b cher, and Ito told, L market, Tit so will inel at, a fruitorer's Stilu laid down 'pino ipple
maintaining a nionopoly, and illerefore, ly thati jo those of Godeficb, which is has.failetr to find -4 locality superior -or parcels of village Th o hift Sale of! or which half it sovereign had been: asked. It :,QTR&YrD FR411,- CLINTON,' ON' 9T.URD AY
if be would e'r�joy a portion Of the a fact. !Our cotem, tnanifogtA a little as a clo. for the 40tion of one or tvio, and the men he *Would take tbem� but they _oven . equal -to the Western portion pf On- the -kind that Mossrs. Tjoct.& Davies hati was
we -are 'only sorry that thoy hild not chosen should call again for the money In thu-- titric. was too high, lie said, Just as the dealer was "� last, a lightleb. red, part Ilarhara C6w9 Ahortlatubb
'Ing heard Although there Are many exteli- 0,'v0t` successfillone, horrin, with the Inflislo U. G, Inalided ori left horn. Any
meantime, Constable Paisley, ba le teldlig ib bac;, a collide, -who- had heard1ho ..6 g0ing stick informationlag wJ11 load to her reoovery
jealously, on thia subject, nnd we would IL captain with,some slight, sense of honor iive fariff on the othe!r aide,. t&ro i's a, -The Buffalo Commercial J., in liciti, L-efasl, shouted, 111ould, Red guvndr, I'll will Ill, anitably rewarded,
world's business lie inust doit sit the low. advise a shower bt.th as a incaM4.of about him. of the affair, advisoi the buitah v
111'all Cool or to with., le., take Olin." And forthwith, banding over the
of the. thrift, goo4_hu�gs..and,_im_. -dhgtbosQLLt00.e# imposed upoti Aar� I 6i 0. OAAwi.
eat possible price, and railroads are ino kdpi 9 iot'WeAthor, A, match Willi -be Xyed here to -morrow hold tht �ps,Y fof thetn.' -.When the raon, pirivemonig that charatterize.tho Oanadian BriOn and Win- 114r�UP-bY -Judge Toms, ft coin, lie hdked;, How Jost leo cook on ?11
n thii Clinion,'Aut. 2,1877.
exception to this rule. (171 riday)i between the Olin ton and Witiga -returned and were informed of what had farms, and his advice to those Ili fair Cie- cc of weeks since, eiproffe admiration IvVe have not uhfrdquehtly soon oxamplea'ot
To hold up and support those rue 11 In UTEST WAR NEW9. ham cluba. oodurted, they L instantly, departed, going ounistances here, is to stay wh9'"re, they ate tit Ileed0clsiOafto dOLLO111dirg t4o paragrph in this Sort of thing In the markets of Montreal. WANTE,
--pal dow,
to � - ethe Bayfield road at a 'good pace, these words.-:--l1Tbat ia the viliYAILOY fix The great heroes, it appears to us,
pie; I and be dontellb.. that have
the - cotirso they 'bavo tak�n, i's very odor of - arved ft Lilt now goatil id afterwards crossing to the London Vtoad, them in Caundi. A'Iittic V10103011W iligilco mado -the past fout Yars miserable to, low and
The Turks are oitlioF, so weak that Tin �rAftnli To 1#6�X ON PAU310Y Tffru 19AR
where they were lost track of. high alike have 1;4' ravb`gqu4o, Impend. M 4 raftrried man, naln be; swaak nd tile -air. is a good thilig for Outlawo."
vrong, and a crime against society, a. Aloo, a girlL to do housework, To such will be given
those who clo it deserye tile strongest- thoy. caund prevont.66 steady aclVancO, A flomB, belonging to Air, H. Teivs.103io*' Tith HWE81'.-A good ni.hrly, farmotir SEAVORTU., At thil' Jme�ck�hb, ducition glopf'proporty bo', enoe And Want of econoray. They have left reasonable ot the lt�soians imith x;f the., dropped dead on: Sunday; Ill this neighborhood 11dive, finishoci cutting -Ac6iDsxT,-0a Friday afternoon bralce. longin to Afrs,.Vrazer, in Bay�, behind them bitter legsonso 'which Should MIDDLrTON,�
The talk abotib-the field, t a two bri6k stomm forbiorly occupied produce, ell the dic nit$ ill
repfabation. lafi6r, ; L lilaricat oil their fall whorkt, and safely 11611 1 &vh Ind lif is, good, res L
V thoy Are' jiPrurittingg, thern to proceed NiW WUVAT- was sold on tile god, the man ilawall John Ifol-lorin got hil-liand drush, , Elliott, were purbliallea by tile the f u Lure. There will colno a day w Oodorleb, TowtialilpfAuguot 2,1977.
-ft all . . Friday, Tile slimplo waa pretty fair, � the lid'uthdra AV6 busily employed itt ell IiAile'd6upling carg.4 this station, . by Xeys ban bt,
er is wortby of his hire," is' 11 Pl -tra a present.oifouliant, Me, Barker; for $950. .,Lot bor'wilVbo plentiful, nd wages fair, Ana hi,
rot''the parpo!w oe dtma�ving tbetil itito a Pried paid being 81.5,0 for luttinganaliarvasting. 16wsicAredtliat 13ABZ BAtt,-Tho Couvoilmoo, find a picked -sold to I that day tile struggles of the past should not -Teacher W.Auted.,
So lie is if bearns it ; lint when bo is posIL1.0 10, lakeoaLf Cast, Stanley, wa,,%. Nfr,
n. -wltera tboy cati, be. moro CTbef- A Wien was lost Ili town last week, a, ilia recient, raills: wbuldprov�o injurious to' hil'O of the fire brigado, played. a gamo of Westlake, the presimb tenant, for 83,000,- be lost upon those who are learnilig Vhat it
be the gaici XT9D,T01t 9CHOOL 8ECTTON NO. 4. embr. -
arm containg .1.00 itcred, 50 cleared, lio versity iri to -day, What should ('Uron: Towrifthip, a teacher., oib'holding- botona-
told that his Nervicea will not be ro. e printea find circulated, and ths, grain, but as far as we c2n learn, inch base ball last wook ilia city -fathers being VLSI, I
vely dealt vith. Tho Ru8sians fiti 'few billi� wet bi hganotbeouthomoaso, ThoyioldLwillrungo defeated, Tile Grits and Tories of the buildings, Ing rifle, in -all gr oty Should 'be
the loser WaS 80011 iti, POS -00611 Of JL�� , adeff 'of soci close dortificato preferred., Daties; to commeace at cloRe
'Ba L.J116' nnd if tbo Sillabloi Uff Sed, ;uOrgy i
quired after u given time, except tit, a now udut� of th, 21til"do ablo ball a watth, ifit.wbicill the lattdt Live asixomfortably its y6ur means: of holidalom, 4pilticationo toa.b6,itfildo to any of tho'
I v from 86 to 50 b(ishols to tile acre, some. b;., b VA havoA6 record with great pleaBurea will derelgiled.
lower scale of remuneration, lie liedd 'ftil-ka L)o riot b(39tilm, ' litivingi that they will have (611 the lattoi r,ro and loarn to mako the idoit of ill],
they F;oun be cIvIc 11cimilAy.-Iii coilapliatlea With a , - 'Pring -irow rnvFn, of a, mild form, has very friendly awl neighborly act p6irlmormed a - Xevor buy in a tan YO JX6. figure, s -# grains ate iapidly inatur. Tki made last week, 'iVbcn tho ron of bit-, Jail. Portei, 'OvOry Putcli 80 or tl u, JNO. 1URDY, 'Trusteoi-
not, without be likes, continues t6 be a it, the iieighborlL804 Of Coll6tantinciple. numerously, aignil. requisition, the Mayor Ing,, and will 'be ready to fiamovest as soon its appearance bore. of Godoriall. townsilip, die(l, his fittilor'll wheat want for fear of " looking mean," and never TX0. ARMSTRONG, Y
has appointed Friday, the 3rd ilist., (to- Arlibit you'd6tilt wani because it seeing to (lodarich Towilshilli Aultast 11i 1677,
ULTT14 '6a))O(t '; buf bivirg to big gad nlaborer for thal en:lplo'yer, and (ben be as thofallwheatia done. was tbady'Edf 1.16 1
and it will, bet'. ;hold economics,
gainst worroji') a publid holiday, beet, excessively.warm, li!if 1 avement; he 110glocted tho Ivork, wy choap. Practice boase
bag no claim'for birc. both , ties, wbichwallavenadotibt n1do is this, iglitoon farruers gailiorect nnA reapea thoto`i al�iayu acniething to be Saved by at.
par both re little TeFg tha rk ', 4rd therefore, be observed as su6 able foif ilia or pa, and should tlu�lllllgy llsio� XXIV, HOTEt. - Air. Alert Brow, tention. anct care. Above all, use foresiht Pro neial Exhl Ition
as Clibi- REV. FOV71,EP. preached in the Pres. y are harvested, the i:cigu% for orlidting A large, two-story brick holl, in that and Stored ihe entire Crop. This ia tho Spirit
Men, in this country espet-ially pen are,thr Ana do not lot the naede -of to -day make -ov T'UM
ition to bat-bariatis, bytorian chutch) On igunday morning last, this county at least, will'be a very largo rt of the village near the wills. t is to be thatiwaliko to secallimating (a) t t at to-worrow is coming. b6st-0 g
should put themselves Ili a pog, upying the Afithodist Rnished in good stylif, and will hel� the ap. U f 11, ttSISSOCiat, togland har, twit two un -boats and Ylr. Robt. Craig oti Root cropo, also, Vive vidence of A: another of comiller61 travellens, while Is banlir is a, ondo elp
kiartley, Dagatino In town on Afoadav; got on a big spree and ti _inn
tile; of -war to th6'Danut., pulpit, . Rev. Mr. omiTil tha soon I de
be ind'pf dest:i two , ft ot,tro aj._,AAa.th_socin log of-
.,ff -Sir 'j:d Cblleg 'ifiadd-lbings lively loim'a Joid. Diirhiwthfi'6f� t re the 0
_,_pearanca of thatarb of the pladd
--As W. ..... liecavid,fro"of portiOng b6lieve
. Ivill proiell-iii'(Ve dr, Will it' have' all auft
utte 0 61voutg." -TO 11E-,
they could &�sily do if they w6re- pro- was eocl6ivoring�to; part two dogs thp6t �werd tornootf -they entered the br-ro'onl,'ot -the Thtve are d*eVer, Wh not
anuoUtic6g'a great, vie- tunday. Cho cr6pi there will LIU bb to good as bore, figbting on the at in bit him, on British Exchango, and one of ilia part pick. be alaborat
vident and manifested a small 'share of tilry 41bo eneiny being routeil, aft6t, tw WITZ tile, 6xception.of crab a.pplas and the late -frotta - having teriiiusly injured xdat, one, of the ere. . what'wd have ai 0 at '11eld a3;t X-jo'. ndoid,
6 a gtpes tho fruit crop in this neighborhood theni. the knee, and an it Is etiogidered altnost sis oct'up A tumbler, and throw it at the hand* is to point oa6,tho orrors 6f tho past, lohi
business Capacity. There is scRre�ly A dayal severe figliting, -with it loss of q,' dau getotta to be bit by an ecited dog. aw's some mirror behind the bitrsainfibing it, Thd` have boras such grievous friAt. They lie -ON T119 -
does jzr6rnistf to be very large this year. P-Awrut Acotrtmm-on Alonda, .1 one, he bad thd plade dauterized, and mirror post aboub.3100, The men weto taken pfilaly enough ttpon thp surf ce, t 'd
Th& a, uld A 6 1) avol
young man in America that could not 00f) kfflocl and 0.06 wounde& Z2 no harm Will onsue. elrbo$ by their fricnVuatil, they tobeted off. act. NVhAt Scipio of . all classed havooto do If
qp ate being destroyed by am, Worm, painful acoldent happened to the �viflii o UP 4 oapt�red grrat quatitity of arAll, And _ ght eantea the pluiila to dtdp off, -TL'- to,29th SNYA 1877
save one hundred dollars it Year, airid Tnrkr Are Hodgins, U this plirao, just ut- they, wC tavo c6rafoA and case is to live 24 AIL
inost of them trittuh,wore, and in it r6w Ad a.ibmililitiou. Tu*ish logeoicom. Therpld %vary likelihood, therefore, that- aid; of Gderill -oil tho Xorthe�u Ora"Vor Tiiotz whose greatest delight it isl, for �A, drunken row occltrr�-a on Ili within their meatia, and keep out of debt. tlg.olio birmAuriiii is 1PXtZX1u3tS.
advely smalfps thl�y fonghtilpon the ciop will be a Small one. a privafe house in Port Albert, north of (4ode. 'The man who liar, A creditor, has a inaster. - it
years, if this sum was well inves Par Road'. Ale. Hodgills anti fainily hall been pwrty purposes, to point ou
Led .6r tha aerenGive. %bly fixtid 1D.juries is tbq hardorit thing iii the world, 'to maintain tntrfeg Laust U togde with the goctof hfi Toronto,
J)L om. dOw Stat", I as much: tnore prohparou ollat
IxDqotIov.-tA4 Thariday night the to the Isclintparlil, yld ill . rich, whidli. restiltecrin, �rdb,
indliotion of Rev. F Arecuaig, late of Olin- Danlop's hill the. horses "Dame ewil
used, they1would, be in a position to COW- at ff, than Cam, to a -mair Wo. ' ell Vcrdcrieh ri It ap- aforty dollat existence. upon it twenty d. art or b6fore, tho 1?6altty,
n ir piice fat their labdr, the qtd�,e, -onglt thou it, the ioi- tlijt Mitafoo nd 0, ol"in boarding at Ilia salary, and it is actrb to ouct utffi4ppily. IviLb Horned, Cattle, shdall,*8whob,
Irna d a fai This rnoralna,� Dort sty ton, tooplaide at, CiinImer's, Church, King# unmanageable, th! rigoment win finct fooa for ght, i tcar�
Still continues ill Pennsylvania, '4114 tLab�,tb& ston, Rov� Px0f, Mowat acted as Moder- Of Lthe �harnoas, a ftitt fearing that Towing wftraet from the N. Y. Ousa nalocd Dilocall I&DoDalct Lva� some tedp6raude, indaerationj econotty, and loans. Trapietneteg on or before SatutdaYiAdautt 25th.,
a rtiflaway I arafa, Mold Roots, and other Varni Ptodudit Us.
wished to sell it. The de'riland for Un. ator, preaching the Sermon. 'Rov. Mr. ',wag inevitable, : rem flodgina words, lYhetr WaVonahl, nit 4%o lying try; and, above all, Strict avoidan6a of ccipS,�- arallyi -bit orb6folrdRator..
picked p Ali tinusual clopromion, of trade for the last close llw find itiffloted aoma severe. chto on Ing the style of living -of thow in bettat po- led labor is go er yol�_1116J�_,'N_
ad Inge 0 1 at) Spran rar Vi16- Its Arril mre� ig -� ar C ltd,�a tr E 1. day, Sopttalber lot
much offered for it as can be inade fr6tu At Setauto a mob of 5,000 mea, ArmeA *Ith Roy. Air. Coulthart, of Gapalloqatf, ad sition that% themselves,, there is no, reason
carriage, amiazi Xatio Rowell also jumped,,, Abost devlorabTc consequence - hag bcmi (lie wgg traste(T, and notittneoll to iftit toawit wliy'tb6 workman of Montreal should not,
it, and no olie will care to employ labor :olab and rcvolvmor�, naro-hea-tO, dity4tent dressed the tailliater, lld A. Wilson ouk In Alighting Afro. Hodgirl WAS, ho' forced jdlenco4 it hag entailed on hoacat -labor. :big trial,..
when the periodical bl6WO pri" Llgfg; and 131(tok Potilio tot making ilia tiff i felt
0 6toppeamwotk. Their 4smotlotritioil tho, people. Oa Friday ova�jng a. publio unfortupato �as to. break the lioned - Capital has been timid to fuveAt; heitcomatal. Apain, b6, prepared to moot and weather it. Upon tan, b6 obtained of thal 800f6tAtI60 Of .9111 A cur -
without there is a probability of niaWiag All(! ' 91 reroptioa waa given to th of ficr, faetoricis havo ceased or acifttraoted their work-, 1111f1l glid'1160knitUrt sdolotl6o and SoMething out of it. was very vioUnt, taittal mon. beill totioual & olog,,, near thd ankld. - Mr."Hodgins building nd JMPrOV6m0 have Tile countty in said to be with woula ibdicatli,� aG ail oiampl6, thil thrifty, Vt0lbdO,
DoGug To= Ii6m,&E Mtta.-A tic* court. to keel), the hersea from rutitlitig uta generally, !hiodd cloth iladdloray who vietimt16 iii. oxving working and middle olaoiies.ot V mnm Boveral American papers hate tAeu th 6 6jore' 'in, The tf`y")r li"OvItted t4 tatfait, of the $10 issue of consolidated 8411k AWAYV 11 1 0 done th ilidgy�lh
a' by U" others not capable of. judgin .,to wltozogrovidam boartliaga the odntry 864tot&ry, Agricultural and Arti
a r 4orman i3eCuPLAtlob
f.roubte to ifivedtigate tfib 4abjddt, or IA- huell thi�, riot, � bdt �wa& so 060ougly al luent hag beeft.auford1 Thousande cloth., J)y 0-0 'we, Lee
Ills _earane 3k, choir ZoAi, bet1*01rown, out of iim,�loywtt, alla other 'llilig illam at a good price, mil" bills has ir-Allp Itis app a atict the pull- horson, or, occupsoto, tolia ket
bor compensation in tl;d Vnited tr6 6 lid will do -W611 to took Sharply After ifiam, and dbly Illiailod hig wjte and Mi8s: Rowell thodhanda, &,little Moro attanato, beeft otmore, than dommoft )Ind tht marvolloud fidin tho bf-
g weto. dalled out, o4d th6r bAd ta fire ieate ht of Eio warl- Whiall, honest
for the last aeventeen ytars, and tbey killing This, public av6 tomifided that tl�lo '510 issue a ta to oubillib ti� r 41106a of f4ottity cloth, Tlione Wlioi (10 am, 1,0gitim
'aiMplo. At'll, MUC 6 mobr tO'0tdt(, by the Contolidated 13hnk W , [aRL foanct no one infored bull, ilia Ifife" budnelilLA tive policy, has Made her, tit the pfeebut ma. a, Suit oP good
find that railroad 'feeff 'Ji four And = d rat others, its Stolen, 46. tumi =a a theiv %varo through Ili thiN
& say, tandap ll$!L abiltipt. i . Tw
,J I , , ' , 0, b.6fore bolt) the rild, I it podctlerd, Are Motto who chit tilifely be e6d, vary handsomely
better paidow Chil-ri thei were before the Inord�rjoprg
o_ VIA3 , but ftiaoraia� morehai)tfl, Itaying,
'Tith XZW 19nx %'jlt to leot-16 N 9W anv lVinfailL & (;0. estimate that 116A lY mado %td real oheatll,,� at
ddri g.ab ofiska, MV not adiplo to inko
war, and that in comparison *fth the vent the publio, being defftudod, the bank the wo�ndrj dregood', and Alra. $15'000,000 hpVs bellft lost in Canadl tla ii�thxn
114weipta of th, railroadg tbry w tbit�ty. �sabsoribelwf till ito dpon. ailoolled tub, proposod is . site Remember broug� holbe, Where she !a at present pro� tho , iast si:: atolitba, What oui2led lia lathat hdva6t4g0 of ths� ignorance of boina talull tit Kingat6n. Jv 00 Gilroy s.
five per cent for 50 confiq, rai'l it kiv no A16'potcl, allagain at, favor IOU' i a y . . 'I Ito quitqft tile DuuMn 1 4
bolter df. 01 ably,*a could.be expected, Ito have, not ad a! F,of tb t mone tometa. T41tiou 01,11b
Ll a
wl lob
e u
o b
o F he on �Ivafl
A b d
IN I m, on
w b
a in
t Tot ll comp
...... .... . ... ... . .... .. � ....... .... ........... ........ .. ....... ...........