HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1877-07-19, Page 4. ......... . ... ..................... .... . . . . . . . . =� 11 1:0 T 0 X Va flog so "a I. 0 Money to Loan., I vlotlea. —_ UJII eOvy I 11 11,1j, 19youse go SEAF0111110 WOLLIN, MIRS 11 but" Dwyou I 43Y AL 2 IV Nor, rt Isl V VID4 gill I'm vk-.160 ft w,11 VIA, hu MY4 0 FACM011i, less si MR. VAN 4`0MONPi V. RIP011T. Af�ijoa bout hopilig piltiltnev. 01, it4. IL; 01 Viluti PQ! 44A. isle. nnoIto V'Oetr blill it) 0 thtill to 9 oilolloqOst Alodichlo ut WIND NOT TO li 'A T11Z urfa,f or .18 onehAli Qla 10Y !ft Blugliall) 700 DOZ. 5014 611304 A Oluctirii) 044111ol /oil thil illivr4l ali of jpilirouil$o (114d solve Uwe a ock vta, worth blvi Cured all old 10# 011,111%, alat 41141do itisto,4010A We 0411 hal6(juarq r oils (it greo, ROW go, took oN -And, $live to hor douribler, just tiefore her death, A paIr of atir. ptiltliliq vile or two OUj,gs,. llad. noeiiii lot #iloo.* by Introc tic a eit largo of eighty -0i yova's Cses of And x1pinT Tuoi , SIX to ilWIWI' ioptlla now proji jaskoisati indiallba a lady of hot vIt )out 4, IlOr fattter 40,11110, tkigh d1r quioving . t curo, ally vage f X XCO. 'Ily, oil being ixEkeL yBrIMOD11, Absorbont to )kAr wlj�jj she JVA5 . Il,ly, yegra NIPI1144 OV has MOST E1UPZ1V10U V UmpslP cured laive bavk 61 StAlilling. 1). Wier woyk Call be done Aball bv tile Wit nt vve4or t old. Twill Core rillas train 1140,4. Something Scorched a space a, hundriod yardil, Plank Qf BrookAeld, PA., "I tllht�V li All tUOTICCUOU A.0lit ItatIval or othor ago, in 12 hours, Of every dolocatly elItlan adto aocu eNalwo, and sof I)ZqP storm. The realaonts 4R, diotir 01 couxFo )(1009 to tile wiclendsixti 'out' O' lyluch` kffe tot' Clughs, r lit, Ili aeNvoilderfal core of a d yr six appli. )f 14 felt In A for houro thq molt Owl isVoQked Liniv. bi And about tile t"1110 are ripe, cations.",., Anotbor who has hA4 44thwlt fat, aht olaciurs4ipi Alad ditee, 111 Rernomber the. place —lion Gv K-3 akemi w n s 4tU .0 AU%Y lit bottle, for XAVO tou way hall . I 4rX44jX14 tu)g 'S. ably broaa 11,0U Of.,3i$hWIA * , s, says I biii half of a 50 ce 11sliop. fiWOU4, Or- 0 to the vultvit buiue, bills, n-wroto A, hAvo done it, but there ore tivors efb, 411(ts1cowould not bux it l(I s, iny UXX>f4 0V wxl, to a sons who are suroM*t thv ovil did It v Itli more", .1lufus Robinson of Nunili., X.yl', w4ya: ToTACO'l, Fur Avill 19, 1877, load uln Ills. bot, feet, One,sluAll boti, of 4qlectria I$ STILL rkt-1113 RAGig AT Adoted. I, Don't 4f A - aid,,, wAD tile reply �jl Aged woraiiii iA 4itA Ili- the volco whore tit bad Oit restored see gddrjos, W, Y. :�Pit'VNI ON ou, Out. just do ot tbom %a YOU". e persou not apol,en Above 100UN GOODS M460 to, Atatitly After ivadiog, the following ve,"se ot. VIllaver Ill five years", Itev. T. Xabllory, of I I— Are.". $00ille bis 44ya'are V., writes; " Your BojectriD Qjf keli a be)!, 11 what io 1110411t by tli , )Aitha are with tbon , Wort curell'we of Bropollitis, In oile sk Poraillee, ray thou haotpipoitteiii his boi THAT FULLING, Alig XgOwir. It is As coil for internal as f9r ita, the latter part of 3010 not Vass," ' The woiAa Anade to 4% PEOPLE'S GROCERY. PAPA..', As, the e number of his M( and cau, It is 00111POGed Of SIX 020, THE Vb4T OILS lonOil short A"AlCe, fai mp all im oxter4al use, -slid is bo i6voll to be, imm, RQ16W 4 6 Re 110ille Cm QIt yras, fattil. Nno .11mya, voro 4 to IQ 40 selling 134 zild 0 soorlis to be the orarr of the d,ay, I.Ii to muftia ruy yont Another �000, on a 0sit to Your 91`413 tile T Ably superior to. enythilig ever fitatio. �V' oil Stocks � oulug At 00 6 I d Ancu, on her uAbill IT, 4114, the lini goacralv; that Il WAR 801.1 A 011001? 4i give 00 Good value for the Auouoy, a sof.,ezpenze 0.4.uy The itnon who alwaye bolajy speaks the eazonoviasliteted 4 Ary 9,0040 OtOr%ia th,xt —A* $or Dr. Th9mai In IOWA;, witboill any Innobug. ;lr honesty, but villiage, Aud, thiali to- eaa. joke, truth may onjoy , reputation f, artll$ Along your work, anti be. Convinced tHAt o Can lie is ciffain to get, into Wore tronblo tbintlAw upjc,aumj4y.,*AA whicli Alevrp4tterAls will do bette work than on h iYO 6TO 09b 4940 TAX -V 140TICS r soms or wao PRI039s, fand ,nalItles ave li!Rpi and, belgvo,beie or 1.3 lbo, for $1,00 fellow Who (104 tell the 1'wt tI3 I On, -we Age old 11 lbs. SV6.ka for $1,00 . rino. YQUN(4 TYA, 30 ota, VOr lb. aaIT .14 $0 otti. per lb. ; Other Teas, 40, 00, 00, An a 1, o25 Cent - znul Ace I engaged mynew Cutterrom Montreal., -we Utaud 'struck it Do the shoulder, totil- D-mi,own. 4, 75 q, ;, 20 NO lv�lnaa at A., G, VAN 45OXOND, rV0rZ1Qtor' -in . To HOAP for $1, 00 11 tic vpmau, hd,',* Are you, 'file (44 tizeil 6oLCE, To4.wco, 40 ts,, And everything, ellie A cortRill pr9portiott, All. tol-ned. around, and uob only"aumvererl his J1340 7, IF17. froill ull hlines D na V haV, e been beieg d by. persons Wilshing. to It Fo�, deal of ia� Aosortment of Crocker*ina Glasoware which I ph pejg 0 Q ctuestion, but volun Cored a bin plaLo, of formation bosillol their NEW your —4611 y Tlis railroad car of the Dalporor Alexander OR 011IR STUAS GOODS—,Nlow 11lsins, Xew 6irnkl3ts, Clino! d. P bo,rulil on any traok ia Eavope, wlj�at.,�� 00 0- call, I 11 .0 , I juit arrived. 11 At iviiat .5 rato that girl's tongito Ail Over the oallg MITTING us $1. 50 and then i..vner A . q ulay be, to a Voullar Ir W4 the Mlivkot log Haiti a tit "jW Of tho 16, COMMENT) it to your trionds and CEIV-D ourtlArlice-for thisf4wi,. . . ........ W.� If. I Cloth adb. -as; it'', ShWU'. Be# . — V . , jeut of ft uperuraort 4 I youll cleigymap. z XTNDT,;U6tGXzP, U&TING wvqu,; Op . . .... ilahead it pilot l000mptive., Half ,till hour Aftor T, 116611%or; "her toliguo is going Athe -rate'll CARDF!"l0r., TILYNKS, tile, jinporial train startu wrogkin train, fol. Theze ladies are lilio birds 014011`6 long lows, to bo till haud lit 044c, oif by U. wtick, tin tho wing," saill a boroyous clork to- Ilia Twonty tuilntva imitintl this ill it, train with In. m.13 owt of 300 Notice of Partnerbip. iofq a bovy of vIkepping dainsela left tile itriporial oulte, and lAuLly lilt Os tbz fithabitliata of 011ti, and y op. I t. ere eate cces , ff - r. Gr-'- r. Orde tb4 ho iiitcnaii carryint; on tile abiovoin all Ih, branch Because it takes then) 0, time to 111hy at) 11, the. pl�oprietor., Soldiers, by foriqt- utti �!le following 11XV14 MU011 PLA010un IN ANNOtt -WoL.&- 49,914lig ong but g W P ita Wo itooplo nod. ii to lixglit vb 8haro 91 'Cl6thibafiiade, -t�jis Srin. ed iip nn their pnr�ebaso, 1perollos'). —di-muora pro- with A0 . ntho GROCIPV C_ Vail in quarfors usually well h6rinod that Ik -tsaizo Nered, ilooe to 4ha ffetv ro WrT11 R V ERY ItEVISITi ON THE SHOUTE S NOTIC4, . ar os till) Eari of Beaconsfiel(l,was - abou t to'resign All.4alioswillhappen. LLA a u,ith closing a ver im t4e,Premioiship. - Attlintigly'this report,is l01111111111, Ilboral patig_ warnijig his hearers agiiinst bAr- probably prematux U UNDE ItSIGN14D BEGS TO., RBTT�A�Nls amoiltn TRANIES TO TR INH F71^ . El JIM ej y#t.wisbQiCvo, his Lord- Ari to thAnk'the public fop th, eir . . r JNIT VE N "'i E' M-1 8F. 1, T discourlo by 2877.. _THT'ANTS of 011liton-nail viol for tile libOXMI j?atronago best yed Allen, h1al. alhoo he stavto4 baaluesp,� Ship ig'fii ootile state ogela tug past, golicitlns�o e -L . . 1. 1. _4 ya Alecto state t At 1101h i 49W 0A ha terbig Away their immortal lite for a I pet of aa xnessagV'.:,"'f 'Thei Oz onallor who pila eil f public bsiness will Potmit'llim, Ilia 118A41" `64ving been foesome time ast lit. ail unsatis. - The business will oi*Ied ori under the, name -of Co-Partnershipi. I -90., otook of 0ASEETS, ZOES ana T111MMINGS, for his PAIE anti weeble" Paris. lorlers o, ar A-nd. every leasi 'and proWisos to C411.7and' - gencrat factory condition. Tile Loudon Wobe flatly To NOTi TlIr 0 . froul One Of thO I%rgeat radattlaot longed to ll. formal tou,, XJR UNDBlisraNinD BEG I the very beat qn�lity, imported urprainontarlo. Society wriins- contradicts this. T snixii Upt in stock, and be is now prepArQd to L m!nloh Add attend rinieralo, in first -01 dAe style, You stilvid �jjjng S%j(j -Sap r, ran-, 61lijagatly solicit A qbal.e of your pati.onage., )va draw nei ill Prices forovely chiii fix t1sis Town, avo ALu.. enterprising undertaker. in Ili, for tile putpono of Cali on the b1sokorafth. Durhig the Spring our hands',11 Agd with our luoreasiod'fi for doing buslnW, WO PT0110 gCgerRl)Y that tboy have onteroll into Part' see Us A gain h�At rally 50 lier cent less tha -%Nrhat day Mrs, I is 414, has -your a busizoi in till its brari In. tile building !Ormex- received, ff.. requil,red, *he evidently Wes h peolal Attention to our, fine assortnient of : 138, , WATS . . . I L had'to work,extra' timhe' every, night, �_fn, ordee. to Genoral Bompe, discovi p, ly Occupied by W. F. 0 VnNIT , AT, ON. TIAND, process bodiel of GARURN A14D. VIBL' Ileara kept f6k biro. A.O.TOOIL or r UBE D PPEDO:. doceased persons by' washing the wit it-ar - 1-1 think it Nvas the day lion lilt in' ATKID UrAb -reet CLINTON tile comp, stool.$, 11 Oli, theii it was Tues. ,$,AAC St I Fair's Kill chemical soluiion and enclosingrem. ill A plaC6—Nearly opposite N o, my dear ; Tuesdy was the da 0, 1877, .0 they W1111).0 1) to cuouto, lilt orderg on, Remembe iolia4u Whol iWith th Work.. cisket-6ontaining antiseptic chomic Ili under: a truste to them, in factory ugger, and at A. A. 9ENNETT dortakeil and Upho(sto r. .d tile lit the eye wi.tli 'false bottom. He keeps a, cc)rps Clinton, 3(sy 2811 7.7. you poke e for Show rfttt$,� .8 PAtinet Maker, Un asked a yolingstei, Is our old n, Ilia wae room$, &nil has one now which lie' MOUNTCASTLFJ'S TfiIstI&Cmtters,'S.9d Plouglis, and hell goin be sent si for 04 summer V- trows raa4e a si:leciality. and warrant- g to prepni,6d forty days ago. , It is -that of a Swede ed unsur Seed, wbodiedintlAe-coanty hospital. -Tile buly pa I g1loss not , my she rePlied ; but why ol.1 ask such a quest! .' remains free frbm4is ol Al 7 41 And thejoints �0 VOLT oil Because I xT A tri I resPectfqllY cited- -WJ! ,a o.ini JOA14ES COTJTTS., beWrd I* toll our new hired girl. that they aye as Eppille as,in life. lad aboii Clinton 1an. 24, 1877. -WAS Raing RIO Nyould 1114ve Sucha sweet time when lie sent Auction Rdom"s, 1W GUIRIT0, � A teen years. of age, , * — , . I . .. 1. . I . Ilia old liali away for tile. suinpke�,) , i -a train Albar Dover; N.: J. i. recently, when RURQX STREI�iii OL GT jXTON., , 1. I � �r an Irlsh polio, - CDI a Te", his clothing -tookfire The tialn lilt di, on The acei ill 15' lit Ot C. eitt date. keThe c se is a obarge of ei learnivg%at the boy could swirn,, rew him n a th THEIRE. IS. . into the Morris Canal for the purpose, of ex- O forpalb uni,ouna meet. . The. looal'inspei6tiir I C. U. 1i U A L_ f j,,r!,visious is giving his AvidioAe.. 0i tin 116' hall iirtlba�ly" ego to tender b inishing the flare6j, ' ev 4inocfe thanks to his nurtioroug .'Dust however, been ill arwo aic ory Sat-0day Q. �y Mr. Harl qr:�I)6 you Oearthat -oteadi �avo4miniil lore he -sank and. was 0 a . I . ., I "m "' _W sabled by bls'burns, for L in- kille i�41iat4" N 0 HOU Rold ot 8, Ta""'i mers in.the surrOuriding:townships nd 'the, re her. 71're, d' 1�uldic geue�hllj for their patronage, TO sil-ear shi, tvas killed to Sa ro*ned. It is paid lat tw un to $bore ILP i-' - .. ­ ... . - - . - all okiag -at. the- - - 'L. ­ g, achines; VF001,11(1 rt that he h Cylinder itor, Soon after lie qnt- tf)'� th , 0 P ' r ' in 'to stood oif,the vements to Climax -Double V 7 Thresbin ng lad, and no Oils Weil4L lately most important impir-0. to its rei co ingi . I IN A, his mill by- lit, A new eligme; double ess, and became entitled tollie,na6al strilga a r ate , o L f .' I ort A , it putt Combination and Vibrator- Tl�reshing I d appellation assigned to Alle -i�oungo#' 'A SEPARATE,:, ROOMI tIl power lxerqt�ilor� nsod�* and two run. of prentice, went to a" preacher's llaug)rter.' lrt;%tion oil Canadian h a complete i�t of mer, abut down tlpo4 the imilic D a si wit and American beef, into Gi-cat ritali Anil a cult gtb* 917-8610; and can told 6xi. at alla Most U astonished at bef Stories - have 'been circulated. calcul ated to VL �wji *11�hoxtlt being tin-, ipprov.od t�a6hineri togetherwith first-class G6tting .....Nobb -S. it.. lie next time he went to'nioeting lie was 011antL holts, and i�*fact. qll thin late of AGracuLTURAL IMPLEMENT$ alwiiy, 4U hand. iiing'the minis. eUP ter announce Ilia millers,' lie is prppardd to do first-class work Ili - To itneet Oe lArge and inorbitsing demand for ovr c6lebilatetl Threohizig.Maebines, froni h, 11� sproad a feilrof the 'Oubn y text, Nry daughter is AiUQna*L rpers; ini bT nitt3tinir in a crown, lit auction OIL the latest at niost pait.,pf the Dominion, we havii, by ro d approved previously tormented with a devil." and some butchers h0e gone so far as to put GTIIST�X,Gj C Ef OPP' in 11'sanchasetts they open courts t tile diseas6ii cattle oil the representing IV �ELLS PRIV4TELY EVEItY DAY obojee a Orj4ts, weighed,iii and 'oil 14 , inay-Tii o �Diir "w- '. tile -f Bea ful. T Cl' ths sell wc�rs, 'of a term with pi Parti�S frovi a' greatly iperesso &�u_fdc_tiirjJjg f'ae_ I JOS, e am re ore weeds o4tings 'and o -ayer. as the Aniorican article. Attliereoenthivesti- ppil L . . I I I . I . I I . I I . I . . . - 1. . . . I I . . 7 . I dist acto baye their gl�jsts and che ng pro t y, - let, an 0'arnsat SI)PPlication was mai by Ration into thli'm rife of ffilljorted Alleat, tile, Clinton, Illarch 22,JA71 it position to fill -all order I 'Flour n iiallie day.' dood. ;Panc Vestings:,and -Pa 'tings. to dhoo8e1r6m, tesffin�iiy was strongly in favor ot tile foreign horn' y Irstinguialled divine, closing' Niiill t, will. t io I price", Every,machine is Tun and lossings Upon the jludge,'s wifa* and ohil[4�erq' I ODIY�Opposjtio was frolw 11(1 M I, Food for Palo at. Meliorate thor6ughly tested.before leaving tbi -and warra-fited to & I in life lind in cro,2ueors, .;",Ile Clablioa,that, 4liLt" (1alladiall E E- m hat they might. be sprci an tion. a fit t, L atL tile C6 gg ponuM. X multh. durin litzi boot uld be sol4 obblipor, A. wAS grailnilly R- , L g his absence , b, I LUM393E -morei undlirlhintud the howe prodile 'M t1jo Pub- o njight be once Tho-S6bicribtr wouldlso infol 19 of Ilia f4lihily, Ati-tiiQ OL� Tlll� 111J13T.JO­1VE,ARr �VTILL II&TING lie fliat; ho'baft a- rge Rtock,hf lumber of a; bacel.9y, Ilia feelings for ft y.iltiantity'of Loos. , ! rIL front iq- Q1LR0Y'c1,,.FASH10NA8LE dzr diltereit kinds ail. ay be Imgined; in# 6 H wrong I . st tiltitrs and Pdsters.. Ordo' arlV to.�o it..' ftbm. 10'tb 26,; -a I 'TON "00 -N -T 01, ej$ —,�By tiowledyo of tho natural or I 1 '11 ple, 86ft nil R .k . . . . . . nto n. sliop in and laisFewbiQll overft tho of di,*estionL White Ash, in., kOL We wish to 6011 U�tkt to noit th� �ublio, which en. Ito Gilt SQOWL A be ) �y 11 1. I I . . . I JMU of tile finp M bj 'J.L.- Q. GIVO girl lit it, id not think it jrAnutrition, GT,4 AEPSON 4 4,.M j;� fill till ortlers that , lie raoteral ar. Ajr—. T4 wovi( e- tables, in "king fo favored Willi till aLas! Save -us Many hill%Vy duct I 7 ii, iT litavoMiLl. boverag 13. . . . - ell, to tiliy, " Lastie, hand may� orul T-� -0170, Ag. Itypi. wilich an offended the the j uaiciouS usii.'Of articles of diet that A that obi snid-with, a good j;constitutiou'rilay bo:gradually bi �un- 1 New, StooX bf IF 0 udency :to hinaie, whatrp ye, til atrong enough tor resiat- every to ITAII P j,r,, A, 8U 11 I I.Nr, ORMING THE RESIDENT,% na '%'I: anny RIA-,. dibeass. * by�t4G Claddy At reduced. rate.� I 2 - 1) NEW ulo'o I toll �Htmdre& of Subtle 'maladjes are T11P, JNDE138IGN IV t(! IT t Iq is eady1; 4ttd A7.11 Qf Clinton: ROO cousitrT,,thate haplopened,out ill- tlkr�-rjtoro lately oonpiod-b flosi -A.T b� the hair out of otemil a d, ith L to buffim.. fled ivi'thi A of Fcbffl 0o oleo L lape Ahanj le, t1loje V --bir. J'.. . titecli, Albort.6 lintou, I burn saidl' 41 why, di it j#al shaft by keeping oarselve ivell farf- Jill, frath.vili virillint G wL0rjd, with no post� oil fil CTa;et1r,—SoIa1 onl is rude I.Aln C I t 6 last, sell at; cheap as.jg� ot or liciti in t bwa. 'Ile a jUO all. artiof 0 L lisdidly'kPiA ill. a ArlitulksS count of tbe-weathi What, in Pzoi labc 0 I S 01� . . , , , I I .11 , .- .. � 'L r6blem of'hurnan, destiny witli anceoptthie, Chemists,:40,.Th & nARGA-1 S Voods. '101tcow tit. "I own. prodiloeo alk 14 1AND TI11,,. as impotently wrestled forso ana 170,Xicesdill�,.Lonaon 00.000, N IOLA S DOCK R RE, oelivered noly 'c But she told himp all the A commoft. 60ug t, pr coj�L- slion,d t. -ever be A 'on I K l"vitfs fly Sollei ore was no blisesball for, Ili, toWn l 8011cli Goodo (lidivered in ally' 'fled with, often when nedlecled it I conveit. REMEMBER 'TH 681to fale Mi1j. I. Promises. tr. t*�Orli -the Pack Ofa0a 14 the plaq s y that afiernoon; and, if be didn't get thi kind- edin0a.e4iloussix indrallyfP. ubeanaiY E PLAGEi-!A1bGr1.,Sir0ef forni6rl copi db 1( B. Race I. . 3 nea. ly. OPP y O., ling wood split before Ills father caniti hems, disease,' The more prudent,- vi bf, a Wafe'ro" a, du- Clinton, mxclt, 0, ts Iti rX N. t1wro'd be Home, wrestling th t would make uhnoni" GM ANID 63F Iyuge Bryan's P CLI, TOI eyes Nrhon she gfruok.,tbe proi rhich ha, reputation soience open 'fiet rAt �111 a W., OV6r L tlVdnty yevs, ey are 6us woodshed. th ilvxy 0 E S And exert o"MAVbeueficial inAuence oil. all the Brochial and pulialonary Oold by a -d� RIES, g U-1-1-010 ... UQUO -Scraps nd.Oleanin S. -aace IS the latest 01, � * % - ji -0 GRO Pjaggago insui Over thirty-two thousand Carolina negroea WOOL -1 so,: Iiii thoy �fftx jo tho pAbliet-ab tho, jo)src;A reiiiiiiii.,rative ri�itc4.. bove consented to emigrate to.Viberia,- rare a;,, mInj suppoee, not itich great curioHities [NDE`RT'.A'i1 '6� of ""Bat t" Our Stock of Gioceries io' coin0ele jzi er, t4ers. are ma,ay t6 be fourld,;ii varlout A-lim, Guhiesecs Porter.l. Brii K0110y died at Decatur* IU,,. on' eith. 1.1i6a Kato XRW ba�r�Io,- hz, topod, All: lucry, Ranfilloli, .(Pllf� 'Wedoesday, eight minutes after being stubg:. partt of thd countr but e doubt if they'vvill ;!1TR O.',V i ORAA7GE, and /to! -e as in tile n3outh, by a bee, valu Q6 to thoir 0 ons the one P ZIB.6E GOO ehililted by Bzt VO zpla� .18 sAr Own y -AS 0 to amuse thb' Z �New`.Crop 'I 7(; .��-tonder in 31arsball, Tilieb,,:got III$ son would coneidcr them more Valuable without the 'of 8 guarantqcii,� td give oat ofacti n,. -All C)v(:l nbout threo yeara bid dytink t)t1y I *odl tot this rougb and 1, hair THM11 V=11 uriliy the all diati,fattg of Jaafers around Ilia bar.! -o� -indGtes that the horse 1 ooly 4tabe of thlis oil- -or, stonlich, Hidiloys, S n6b in a healthy tho z1v Aud.Bolvolo, 0114 lite In So Inaloy guects wore st. a Londo-ii wqdaiug ditiuu�jjrobabiv hida-boihill, or auffernig. from valuable lu all coullilointnJuddl-niAlti) F021111M. rooently Miab the earoninny repeatedlor some -dh;emaAvhichccc;idiqns tbi�ounnftturalajl- CROC"KER' Yj GLASSWARE, CHINA# ovi i varsion of those who harl ntaranoo; lit slu:h Cases ii3t Darlev's Colididdri, Logif, Uld. NVoundo, Soli anti 611i Wag stiladbig. Aye viall. to 'Call special tv" Vor hsdoldel Attention. tor-tivir soliction 1'�; 08S V, wders and Am mbiau Hoare Int mccly, it ,Vill Oqu�* librunigitism, "I'd all villm DlgeaF4, it has rio' INVITE l.'TSPEUPIOX. an it is one of tho largest And .AnoA 'L logant arWrtuicilif; evot of the United Statoo: -a few days thd bloodr. wrrocb -the rc. 33hrf; UV1, TO �ST,&T' acell ill 0111ton., OUR 10711NAA JEA, -AiVD TO&kV -SETS - olovo All 01yttautlous frovi tho Itings and liver, to tllpk andgll,t� and ollining appear- 'r Ar marvel of elegance an' o icapuebs, do not-, fail toneo tilmni. sitice, an Atiloricau clerg aid ihoralvere L Tl,'f1i 0 hatl4 XteWare �)f, 0 k or OUN DRY ywan -sleek New Colo 0 DERIGn Saloons alld, 600,000 habitual 'Aluenlberoth� nalne; und neo that tile '-f1pi julitatfolia of 11 110101VATIS Figs ard-, of whoin 30,000 diu*yuarly. Attro 4 Ifurd I; nil iii and Olutramil'! are. manufac(gicd find. sglX under the totail brick -Block, t1jr6l) k 11,yinall, Vewcalitl�, Out., propric- COFFINS,'CASKPO Co,.li* X.F. Henry, Catrou &Co., CLINTO�f, Doc 66h, 1876� found it voi said TS, &ljgjgjofo, and lso b.11 fli� Uptiolbittan turn for Canada, *61 by all ile;ti atile dedicatioll of % rouiltaili in. of Nvw.forlr, ivith not to drink liquor at -All tfiaq,to inlailth, 11he 0111* 'C' , i Again, f 1; c. OF 4ii-ink moderately, however biaodental a dinla ,imini beg., y Ir .0 U ompany le-ol thaf mi -lit be to others.,' ro.ing. HANGE B ES THE OkEW1 -FgAIALE 12 I B D Y lCoffin Ti Up alld no bl� , t �be u The Pirlianiontary return' *IY issue(I way Co., limitig 109 A 11i Ydatk"M reop AIZIUQJ11i *4111,LS. linivs that the q nantity of dead-ftioat import. arrucout, and I'lor! u hand. I?Artigo cau be supplied In ow h6ur, at Th� I tiny flme$ 4 asution N its 0 go all into tho United Kingdoifi" 'in, tile throc T� v Dr. TO N TIFY iIIP, 11110PI- or, AND VICV41TY, TILLI but it suro and little romody for Folualo DIIII. Ito hita Purchased thobliolucas lately Ili wit innntlis oil !cd 11farch Dist t s s, tOtboir I A� I 1977, vas417,098' culticeana0bitruotions,frora F, X PER CEITT i, _r!., Medicines. whieh Alro really tho vputiolm imitei to 91. the y lue jjf Coqutdifoila. tTlist,triptli dealers obtain "STAND, 01INTON, -0 %f., and althougllp powerful ramody, it eon. Then elin, to proatikCa A6 Au� oillOr lllicLiiiiini),L,illsitutlolntment� ligo4var- jinvil iderlible 6xVor1cw!o lit this bilsluous; find buyltig for LIA811, be it; (bMI)y` Ofiablv& to ofter Cool Ili Paris the blind are preferred lia toers of tsfilaitothing hurtful to the couatitutlon# ri ig d�o;nft tbe piano -forte by +hd pitino-Allakel Land the RE bdrgallia to his euittunots, 110 lilts uolv�ou blind well-Solooted tSITU A 110al to Illo ClogbWo mothoti; 9 tud 31111 Late t Style& c, ii4ervatorleg of Annsic. It is Said JjJa6Ltjl6y Itispootillarly suited. 16 will. in a olicii-ttlinty A full stook6f PUP f rainjolis al,d ottlee laarl's. lijill to Ilia Intll 11 Boilers, tn les. :,oi is 100, thilt thpy may �vqulro a nicety of ear, m power of (J!Sorjmula� bring on �tho monthly P&Iod with ragn1hrit nf X AW -it ]E� Y. donounab these trAudg. timi of ninsical sounds, almost ino.rediblo.to fn all cases -61 Nryous and Splaal Affoctiong, T116S. STEV3DNs who has Sight, ON, Purcilaisers Abould look to the Label on U3?i Pains in the -Back and himbo, Heaviness, Clinton, may jo, I 971i V ficrSi, 'Of 11ni?1-0-VO Muds' the Pots end BoxO�. if the addrdS918 not PAUT, '['Ito P;;rfi.dans have some thrift habits, Palpitation Of tie 533, ox,ford itreet, Londorif they are tbe� J!alculftted to surprise the most boart. Ilysterloo, Sick Headaches;. Wfiitfio�� Cotinterfelts. svaAns, CVnnAj#j!VS, fSjVjCjMS, u I JFAdb Pot And Box bostril the BinTiAlt- 60VEIMUPIAT oOne ofheir one, and all odoasAoilea by la b, NAMS FftAjgp, elt1l tile Vai IjOLt0'kVj%.Y`8 PIILS AND A 00 oply J)EI bt li ;Wy I AG MIAL - IX ME tom4 i t1lat of hiring meat. Big.piedes of disordeiea ay�toiu# th Ono Pill; will affect- ad are INNTINIENT, LONDON,, engraved therobli, - On the ham ar ponItry,. are ordered from the, When all Othor means have failea'. HORSE SHOEIKO aod'BLAC I IN labet Ill -the Address. 033 000AIN LOWlolt, 4ASA ri Von -jr 01101111VCF. � VA11trUV 12V ­­Zrass and1rcin -Caotinp� k a 6q. OV98 cif "Va019 kindff, alitl good care is taken that, in carving; hod6 Pillo have -never boon nown to- fail whera alone they 41* ST tin ph�ees are tAot disfigated, What ij npt whore the directions Ott tbe2rulpSgo Parties wild maybe darAndod by vendovis a4lllur I .4parjoug rjoil6ways Plus, and ointri do of uly gong. ilevioraber tho. I"Idoei—Eftron 0trooti, '006011d, doV ead of commoroldl. getol. wlpii i4 returned to tile Shoo ej gtiall, on eoinninnicating, fb& pii Pim, ti _a and �woigbedj lot stowbIlobstirvoil. lag. th%j, VR0.ur=r rMYRRID TO. mot be Amply teninvorhical anti firorr ri i. otINTog, 114 1p, 1817, the Imit t hobig charged to tho-houseked, ,liver, full partIO et 4 panipblot, fr� 0, of JAN T te teturnall. joints are then r6talled in all0ol, agent. Ttfo)nks uULLo, Wien of 10, 90 (ing so Priu6pnl Dill, of the Cinownati, solloi JOB 699,0iford 9treat, W. 04 $1.00 and 12j,-odfttn for postage, enclosed to LondonoTan. 16th,,1877. ,ldin- Ifachille, find 4epding says Whea a young woman coulmotices Rome Power also, Skav6 A10011i'30, SWIT910 1XII(I 110' teach a school she loses likie chances in ton gorthrop & Lythan, Toronto, Odt,j general General, SEWING Ai;pr E DEPOT9 fa�d riahlev. l i 13N for n %rriage ; f sho t e years, her A�onts for tb6 Dominl6n,will insare a bottle AL splendid assortment of likt.01AM81 a Onb cljanc*3 for marriago and deavi containing over 60 pills by return inail. d every delights of ATI Atlng� kept in atook inotherhood are but one Ili P. huri Sold in Clinton by J. Ill Combe and George W Ill' Xob, 11 1877. droll, aill if nda--he tenolies ten years, her chances for roar- A T_j S 0 Pt IE :P.A I R I X G� S a 0 P r�itge anti gnod social position forth; T. Xidd, Carrolibrook; -Parker & oattle tire but one in Sewing Machines of every rts. kept on hand, 11aving ailgilged a laindro - malzig repaired, -and now p, ten thouqand." This statooloat belongs to and F. hrailu, Godetich; E, Al, Boy practical machinist, 0.11 work,doine here is wArrante(I to give, good satisfaction. ail 1110(111 Oharzos Moderate. H, Ndn8W0ATn1Z4 tile usually npokon of as. important is oine dealers, Street. - lip NO YM S.V3180111BER WOUt)) TU35 THIS OPPOlt- , . ; A.0 pril;j fli4boveli i61851 ii population of The great Rom' Val Z3mrATErCTM1XN, 7 Xt l0ay T trumity of thanking Ills bilintrodo onAtorneviiij for oz& 21 1,001. Vnilor tit& great impulse to atid Pills� t. Very libothl patronage. th6y have favored, him 1with j : ,'I , , 'to torrigon willfamsi 01rultellell, ZRIM1,41-Aploll given by hosetile 10 Carrying oil business Ili thig to*n, and would At I 1874i. Silcdestol!s DO eii time Intimato to theraj and the public .. I -cantainq 2,000,030 inhabitants, The Aticeeivi that th6piiik ri�edielne$ I&VO mally., that he has nmac, such si-nngbraonfe fth stili If 834 pet cent. The population Mth sinte thtdr ilittildl%etion to t1le -_ - Tj public Rome further bli blim to their support, %she be 6- ,, Tj he Urrite I States durbig the Same period to tile niost keptical 116rds It I , . I r ioultural a Eng0neworks years ago, proves Will be prtatly to their a4varitage, Looking to the I. 125 pet cent, and that of Canada that they arc medicines tbat perform Witat they t tes) atti Itlen. OfIQ por eent. Anstralinn tido simultallo. Are to da. 'Tile virtuers of tberjo, njO. trunflon, Me 0 tho toifi, orarlattr W -A,. -LL, P AP, ER, roqe froin sm,ili to.8115,000,000 dicines have been woll tosted� anti have with. At It W I T, L 1--k It G It I 0. 0 stood their trial in a nimb sidillfili manner, Who w4o former, Abi Xondrustiasit ftn4 till dUvoes ill 1871, or 950 per cent. wbilo tile IndroAso in yfu blialri tot, b1nisolfin lklilil�ll 01 Veilattlo ILOB M Grn;tt. Britain was only 400 per cent., in the V or diseases of 131(Y(PA4 Liver, Longa, &,c,, And. Wn 9 conAldorod tho boot harob ohoor it plalhosligi ItTo greAte.st (,Aro, OVOr 100 NOW P.4tt6rnS ftp6r IIA21 "Ug $111d, 130Zd0ring, TT A VR X. . 'they Are Wobavatestitlionialof 110 has also thilda oneb vith 91 T.AvAg, i T. C011CORAN, W, Vnilto,l Ktattis 335 and in Chnilda. miraculous core.9 lit who lmmwlb W. AlOWAT ii,')O por cont, 1. Atwelat stil(i for J�ariy anti thoy others, It aor ono 1 "UPSI-TALL y V� jlt��, It i -A difficult to rocionoile the lowar anitnabi bottle of tile ItOolotIv and A bhx ,If Illtil. Wo Isli I e to thp, linprovoillentA of tha presolit age. A illlutiOult efr(tctq will (41tow their We to ttie us will dug him to, title fild Ajit Ili, Of 11141046119 00- ATA1WTl,',D ADIM 4-M nal ill'n If. Reapers ad Combioed inn, dilioAto povioll, it* thdy two ptltolv vego(ablo, biltiflig to jujittlos: mia dialmstidof blitApit'lf,00tf, it 1�jjs t1le 7eQfjg1 gjj(t 111nd Or tie T**NT is lefb l0fir. I thetio being A6 ill thont, Mach teod la synall 41100 tile deliv I . ha lir wo wit dol I I' 410 00(1111C., '111110 313 Nrith only qllA log if] coetnitily at it great (lie, llit it rough anti. tunitla (Tiseliaslori The modichles 7.))f all mur ZAIW399, NZW 3LOX'-Or 13roaddaSt geederSj, S otj Dijillig, SO.Wing vri th A Wls)w rooster. So the boy Who (Ayned 11 All(l Are tbF Sal# by Ilie 61alill for oll(v boxl $I tt iIt box("4, $5, sent by, wall Uechitioa, dri Ofuabora, Straw, cluttern, Plow$, Gang Ploi &a., ietipel, ont it ivnod(m log And At. ed try tben), ali(I cativillroll itbout to them Ott it Atwell luokd tittoin1w, it, to tbe ampulittell ftlomber. V66 Elio tht MOAL, Ineylidilo.4 lia"no 11111111mg. X(F 0ae Vill T16 011(d)(64, Por Jull particularq writo, tot our Bujiders of Steam tiigines -aild Boiloss all sizes, liair Wed. 1bu Pills OR. caffigtos C All tAttlay Altdilio who 11 41.4 ('VOT pro, %vo will �elld Ill.% Onvolorie 16 imy Amonciao.nd Code' Ildt 'S' Expisg Wagon Vot V1)raI)I(- Ol)jlljoll ofthe(n,niij, iinfa falft wilore ttlov havo will 11O with. 14,014 off the Overcoma 0 lit) 'I belliul Ou all it I a thtfol­ [Aptleogo, 6( T to, I all 101twxy fOr 11AMPT116(gtrPill.416 Workk fo,o lit fly ratigno he ratirorl f6 toot And III 660 t 11 j A bi recolvil th GHW VILLIAU 00AY & M, i60600110 . OW490, On 111611plt� q;V81cm, 44* ulwe'se I'Vefortif a SIMii inorriltig forgeot all about tbo wooa6b lag And tho " b iii A 1110file, seoullk Xr P, , IM 1) � I � Wo a I r1tA `,T. A I Tj P, trotted off With the ge.&At tage, Inuch to Ilia A�OAW or t 0 it. r. it (I ist, Ili oown Satisfaction And �0, the UnhotAnded do* 6 yo 1 lei Itotall Booksolltr light of the sAnall boyt W614 HE H� Fu. H__ - W T