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4 •
. r•
White Brilliants,
White Brocades,
White Spotted
White Latticed' Muslin,
- White Erabossed
• White Corded Muslin,
White Duck Muslin,
White Book Muslin,
Colored Ganedines,
Black WireGunedines,.
• 13laok Baragea, •,
'Vanilla Parasols, -
Colored. Silk •Parespia, all Prices,
• • Black Silk Paresols, all Prices;
X0,000••••••• '
A Fair Assortment In all the above Goods at 'Lowest
•. Prices.
• HODGI.DIS .8r. PAY Mancheste.ruse.
CLINTON, June 21, 1877.
Merchant Tailor, Clothier and General outfitter,
•ims-i-A.331.;Ats-ilUD 18011.
CLINTON, June 21,4877. .
For the purpose of making alterations in •my store, 1 halre. decided to 'clear out My
Entire Sbock of WALL: PAPER, BORDERS, .&c.:
To do this in as short a time as possible, I will offer the whcile Omsk of
Engligli and American Plain, , $atin"-ami Gilt Papers,
VOli, 30 DA:Irs cINL..-Se"
• . CLINTON, June 14,.. 1877. •
4. A. YU I L.L,
• Clinton Book Store sign of' the Big Book.'
Important ure -Buye
43-x-sriusTG;- 'MP i3riu.siNIoss !
Selling off at .Cosi foe .cash,
Parlor and Bedroom Suits, Dressing eases, 1.1111•011US,Sideboards, Book cases,
Secretarys, Extension 'Utiles, S.ofas, Lounges, Easy Chairs, liair,
Cane and Wood Seat chairs, Mattresse's, Spring -
Bedu. Hat Itacks, Hall Tables, &e., ' .
1 .
l 'Vie employres• of the Beit'ea re and I
•. Olnerliralnale host r to e'l islet a euk, and ;
4atititiciesed Om Gt ett lieti in kik the reilway,
property, 0,1 Thureciey live kindred en,
a Eta] chill tli e in $ el via) bell ind Nett floatioaus
and being itrined refuse to• allow work to
• be preeeetled with. The Preeident hos or.
dared theta to diverge, and eight coma
paniee of artillery tient to enforce the Or. 0
der, Bleetlehed la anticipateil.
The Thorold .Posi says i -One day last, 'fairing very recently secured tho
weer, utero wm accompiebed in Mr,. Mg. 'ideas 02 114
• Donaglee mill, the greetest feat of eawins ii...,
• L
that has been known to be done in this die- III S
keit. Mr. Seharfentserger, 4be head eawYer, ., . ' ' T AS:S
0 ' '* UTTBIt
...wed 10,833 feet, of hemlock timberat ono l '
cinder saw in 10 hours. iln'es is that for '1. quiok week ? • 1aux preptired to execute all orders for Clothing •on short no
I k.
' 'qr. w. IL Lewis, of the tided, Sweneea, 1 •uiee, which, for cut, style and Mash, cannot be excelled in any
• bag iuVonted a new engine ef warfare, Which or of the large cities.
will be very likely to attrect the attention of
the War Moe as an appliance calculated t.
plaee its poseefoor in an stritantageous position
over an opponent. It consists of ti cannon so
areaued as to discharge a sharp iword-hlade
crcesswiee in tho direotion of the onemy, the
knife or cuter being so poitied in its career
through the dr cis td cover the whole epee°
ill a" longitudioal dire, tion deeeribed by the
blade itself. An 84114 ball would carry a
sword 14 feet in longGh 600 yards, literally
mowing down every human obsteole in ite
Dalthaore last week, there averar10(1-
deaths from Cholere infautuni. •
Prince Ocore, the %mud son of. the
Prince n1 Wsletikis surieuely U.
Twenty.four thousand bushels of cern were
tranderred in two boura at two elevators at
There bee been a eustained run rattle St
Louis banks, and five of their 'lumber have
Wo Polish landowner in Resole is allowed
tO eatertaic Wore than live gueste in lite
house at a time,
In 1870 no less thee 18,000,000 pounds of
dead meat were imported from Amerioa into
Great Britain,
The lung o Adayseiula has expressed his
willingness to retire la fever of the, sea of the
I t E' T1eodore..
At Elizabeth, N. J.; on Tuesday, an
Oritugemita fatally stabbed An Irishman der-
ing a querrel 011 the ribjeet of the Montreal
• Dr, Valentine Mott, a New York physielau
testified recently that his incense was 11100 a
day, and that he is by no means a prOroinent
Philadelphia, will soon, deserve Atte name
"Oity of Churches," so long held by Brook.
lyn , A recent esthnete shewe over 500 ohureb
edifices In that eity.
Three of the beet known" detectives of the
Sbotland 'rant 'force in London have been
aharge of: conspiringto defeat the oils of
j etice, •
VithiViat'ablOaccoutita 'have been received
f� +he fatuine distriot in 3,iladras, the num
beipf those receiving ef having inereased,
andireat mertality.lniving appeared o'nmeg
•children, •' ••.
• The lateat fish story -The largest whala.
ever caught on the l'acific eciaet was killed
the 1.0th inst.; by the Pigeon Point V'ba1ieg
Company 01 California. It is estimated to be.
goo feet in length. , ' •
, •
Abut 250,000 hernia of apples Were ex-
ported from America lest. yea' to Barone,
Morn than half this quantity was sent to
England,and about 1.1,009 barrels wont to
St, Petersburg.•
tailor in Balikoore, who had recently
marrieda widow, committed •auicide the
other day, On aecouat of domestic difficulties
which had their (night in the consttent
tion whieb his wife 'lavished upon the grave
• .
,of her tirst hosbancl, •
is estimated thee 120,990 tons (if Alp -
:1.43g is lying idle in the haeleneos New yea.„
It, would appear that vessel -owners over all
this continent are placed in the inevitable,
embarrassment of having tbo many beats foe•
the carrying that is to be done, •
Tl,o uucertainty of life was startilugl'Y
lestrated 'in the case of Wm. Cronalgli,. of
Pall River, aged 2,5 years, who wrote his mo'
Aber a few evoninge ago that fie end his Wife
were quite well, • Two hours later he died of
a pudden attack of Paralysis, andthe news
was Sent asa postscript to his.letter,
.Dr. •Wieslow, of S It Lake city, diet re.
eently, aud left a willdirecting his heart to.
be.,baried in the grave of • his permits in the-
Ialaud of Ntintuctitet ; the body to be cremet-
ed and the ashes interred in the grave' of his
stile at Catubric10, •Mase. [Iis. childreh de:
cline to obey the ••" •
/Lilian& is one of the •,riclie)t eountries in
the *orb+, and it'ores it all t9 the 'windmills.
There are tot thousand of Omni, and in•seme
focalitiss theyare so nunpiroue that they re:
setnble the fereste of shipping la a barber. -
Their prideinal use is to pump • water
without them the laud would be overflowed
freinthe constant encrochinent of the ocean, e
Birds killed on the Western prairies pack° I
closely ,svith paper in harrels, and without
any freezing In' Other artilluial moues); of pre.
y stock of Tweeds and Coatings
is well assorted, cemprisinm a large range of choice materials
an pAtterns. ••".
ease $ee my Tweeds and Prices before leaving
your order for Suits.
A yontig man of the i'omantio name of
Pbindexter Edmondson was hanged at Bloom-
field, Mo., ou Friday, for a erime which,
through its surroundLige, is one ef the moGt
remaricarde in the annals ef inffiTirr7Edtnoild7
son, .who had n Mother, two sisters en idiotic
brother, alld A wife, was charged with killing,
one•Sliew, win) Wad previously knoeltia hire
down with a hriek, His mother anti sisters
swore be was in bed aud asleepat..the time
of the homicide, hut thejury cenviated him,.
While under sentence his brother died, and
this- rest of the femily swore that on his
.death•bed he ponfessed tothelnurder of Shaw,
exculpating'Poindexter.: Upon this statement
a respite was granted, and Pciiiidexter was.
eulOgized through the •country -as • a hero,-
Teady •to die in his brothel'e.place., • But •the
death -4°d statement could not he stibstanti-
atod, tp the saAsfaetion of the•tiathoritiee, and
the sentence witi-estreiedeents7'The condenin-•
ed man maintained his innoence throughout,
though there Wag no reasonable doubt •diet
the' penalty was justly inflicted, ••
July 1008774
Wheatareedivell,r bnis1i,81 40 • a 1 45-
, Spring, - •••• 1 35 a 1 40
• Oats, 0 50 a 0 55
• Barley,• .
Btitter, .
' Potatoes',
Irides, 7
- 2 50 A 3 00 •
Woule• - • • • 27 a0 28r-
. ,
- 055. a 000
- 070 It 075
• -.800 a ' 8 50
000U.7151Aaa 000 811916 fraying added more meehinery to his ostabiishinent, antl.by always giving his person:GI supers
•- 8 00 alt 00, intendepeo to' all branches of the business', lid holiest° giva general satisfaction; '
5 .50 is 000
- 100 a 1 50
. 800 w 850
i} PEi sTusi ()pelted
MAPILI,A,• AL.L.WooL, IThnow, and TApsistair, Beautiful patterns, Also, a, foil icing° Of
TERMS, CASH', -or its eqUiN'rtrferit,
The Improved Union Thermoineter Churn
Is giving tha'beat of satisfaction. Ala. Romelinen, of Wawanosh in a- letter
dated April 28th,, 1877, says The churn I perehased ot• you gives - great sa-
tiefaction, . We" woelcl not part with it fee.tWico velvatit ost. Wst hate never
• . - • chimed 'eager than ten miiiiites, •
Salt.1 at Toronto pritiea, 7 galloo, .$8 '; 10 gallon; $8,150.
OLINTON, jute 7,i877'
prepared:this. year, ad in the past, to do •
All 'kinds Qt. Custom Work and:Manufacturing
• • ' ts ,ta'ssity •atti.4. if.11'Fs1
• •• ----jtily•19;•18/7.- •
Nyliaat•Ia11. - • 7 • (01 40 a • 1 45 e
120 it 1 40
•. 8 00 a 50-
, 11(• • •
0 .70 e, 075
0 .,55 a 0 60
z 54 a .0 55
0 15 6' 0 1,6
0 80.. a 0 85
• Eggs; , 0 00 a '0 11 •
gay, • • • 8 00 . a 11 00
•, . tftonimit putt viAmatta'S
: ,fly 19, 1877".
• Vitlicitt 0.4-1Pci11 L. , 40 o: 1 61)
• Sprieg 1.35 a 1 95.
servation, now go regularly to fpadonhall, oau,„ . •
.and ere RAO., and•ceteu. in the Melee. reoins
Loudouand eleowhere,•,side by ,eide wilh 11.1^ Barley,
riiore expensive par ti idgee• 'met foivk potat„cs
which tiro reared in England. • • :' •
• •
A new society has been orgenized in ;Jef-
fersonville, Indiana,. among laboring moo—,
It is one meal-aJdayclub, aroits menthol%
are'tti'enheist on a single dirnfor, to be .1;iiheli
at 4 pan, If the organization will wane mind'
at that lone 'meal as ili8y were a couatotn ed to
(tenant:tie at the other throe, it is doubtful if
the change will be of mueli . benefit: t
iZti5TITfeo1jit,gu t in o
tlny. society. .
rti0i0"u118 80t up' a new restatirank..' Price,
of 'meals, six cents. mu of fare-raerout in
the Morning; soup in the actOrnene ; n biead -
water co1ore.4 WiCh ‘11110 to. drink.. •Paynient
for melon entrance. No customer is alloy-
ed• more than (Mewl inintites for eftting.-•-"
SpOpint'atid 'dates aro of. iron, 0115 chained to
the tale. It is.asil that tiTh proprioter ok
this eboloo.restiturant makes, a great deal of
money. • .
One fa .tito n10,t 111 ti ni ate friond,.of Glueral
Giant 881/8 that- tho European . ton,. of G rs nt
-all the honors whieh are showered upon hint
I be but the prelude to greater 'honors to
await birn on I,is return to the. United States,
}Jesays that if the General remains abroad, eslie
probably will, for two years, on ble return the
peoPle will have beethne so enthrt-.,
siattie over him that 1se will receive simh an
• ovation .ris was never known, and.that he will.
irietitahly bo laminated' and elepted President
in.1880.. • • ••
We have determined to olose out for cash, or approved uotee on short dates, our entire kook
of Fnrniture, which is large and Well asaortutl. Most of these goods are of the lateet and
most fashionable styles, and recently manufactured,- Souk an opportunity for purchasing
Furniture has never oceurrod before in Clinton, and probably never will again:
• Also, for sale, our present Wareroottis in the BOA Meek, being ono of tho boat butd.
nem a,ts_nds. tezia,,enti antlable foricazmaeraLbialaese,;10.42A0-85,,,two4eterieeltighelvitir-
' "-"- belieiitt-- -oirrt. to rear Tot ii frame'Workelhop, 22 it 43, *o stories high.
Also, a large quota* of seasoned Suitable for hieniture inane hide neg. Work.shop
fixtures, Ste.
All parties indebted to the late firm of Donee:re & gssztzs, will please call and
settle the same at once, atn1 save mite.
Ottani, May -30, 18777-
• An alarming neehlent (Mattered in nowleY,
Masa., last week, at the public wedding of a
clergyman"; It urns intended to -fire a cannon
just as the bridal party left the altar, but, °W-
ing to somo•rnietake it Was not firr d untlitiome
seventy-five people had 0is, from the Church
and were standing in front °fit, when the gen
exploded with torch force that it drove large
pieces through the china); and otbei pieces
that weighed fifteen /Amide were thrown at-
tn.:Hit a quiker ofct mile. TwO persons were
• injured, •
• In California, a (meanie custom, and reereo-
tion of the froopa, Lidmois a porspiriug 0804
and in wlifeli they all partieipete. They
have sweat -houses built (dose over a 11010 in
the'ground -awl entered by a smell aportnr6.•"
Hoti stones are east into it, and when at a
sufficient heat the 111(3100S, perfeetly
"•erawl-ititeLit-•and-rensain in as long as nature
will hear it. They then creep mit, too ex.
lismsted.to stand, Ilea:Vine on the gromid
till strength is gaiderl, Litey phinge hitt) the
• cold water of the river. • It is ti.simplitied
'Russian bath on 0 unique plan.
The wife of a sonmainbalist in Pottetown,
received 'very rotigh treatment al bee
hoseramd'e bands the other night. Dating
one of hie fits he arose from his bed, and-COrn-
=Sneed. walking (sheet, • His wife tdso areal
and attetnptect t� get him hack to bed again.
But, mistaking 1104 for a bargke he cool
di ,
menced beating and pOunng her al a fearful
rate, and finally got one of bar thinnhs into
his moatb, into whieli he inserted his teeth,
which penetrated to the hihe. On disopver•
ing what he had done, the eelralateibillist Was,
of denim, not 044 very iiitiuli astonished,
but deeply grieVed.
The following story fa told by a eorrespem,
dent of tho London , friers at Vinare t The
coeines% of Pleglishmen is well known, but for
O riot Cairn disregerd for peraonal peril 1 can
recommend a Turk, The ether day at 0 ata•
tion hero a quantity id gimpowder waa being
me1aeltiLedgw1nstutruemoltsforetIlittan,1attaa,. stablania
for it,lietizitirin repair it "where it -Stant
IMati Caln0 Witli itiolire aud soldering 'tree,
mounted the truck, and was followed by a
adore of soldiers ttIXiuui o voce the NI. Ile
was jest abed to oommenee operations, when
the etatioh master jumped up after Itim, and,
uuetretneniously pitehing him •and his hot
irou on to the platforin,• told the soldiers that
,they might kilt themselves if they liked, but
that he was responsible or the station, •foul
nobody • should ldow that up while ho was
there. •
71ENZIEI4 44. & 370'HITilFGP
HARNESS •Cheaper than ever.
The eubscriber, in thanking his easterners for the paironage beatowed on lam in: the petit:
would intimate that Ins has on hend 0 large Ana complete stook of . •
ii.A.itiNnesk Ail..41.J
Together with a first,elfted assortment of TUNES, SATCHEL% Vxmses, Winea, -OtlitttY
°oaths, rintingS, Ace., *Melt Ire will wit .rilopti. fim task Man ono odor 110118.6 'fit the Owilly,
that pays one hundred cents on the dellal.
• Itemenabels the plane-Ituron Street, three doom weettit Ai St Mailer's.
* AMPSkLiaw
CLINTON, July 6, 187744
The wife of a Pennsylvania physician had
or imagined A viaion, in. Which elm was; told
that she porieessod a inireatillomi newer of find
lug gold. The linsband believVil the revela•
tio was from friendly tipirits,. and thoy went
together to Arizoun, whete they prospected
diligently, At length theydisa tearnd m
en hotel, and were away foul tdays. An
explorieg petty was forep(1, 00f rail5 cob Igo
Vat° lomat sitting under the pines in the
&manta it10, 110811y IttfiCVNI fa' death,. They
I al deliberately gale out to die of erarvatioty,
Teo man had taken with' hint into the retreat
Where they expeeted to meet tirath only 4
four -once vial of water, with whleh ha now
and then wet hie wile`e parched lips to ease
her famishing penglf. Food wee tweed on
them, end •fni regaining nuillefent lettength
they exPleined Una, bib; disappointed 10
their eearoll for gold, and having tto money,
they had decided- to die, • ,
1ter .
llidos •
'D'Olt(PN'r,110 5•11.,
• Wlhatt, • ledil •• •••• .:f ••.$1 :00' 1.
Barley - , - •OE ori.: a • 0 fi0
• ''Oate • ••.'• • 0 •tpi a 055
I'eite v. - • - '0,70:•.• a, 0 SO
Vetter. -' 0t30 a • 0 22 ' •
El.gge - •. -011 ' 016
• • Aoiltr...,at ;ratite 11,1;trket.
7 50 e. • 50.•
055 it 000 .
0 ICJ- a 0.80
• 005 .t.t " 0 CO
080 a' 100
.0 -.00 a 1 000 .
15 i08
The following 'prices will be charged this: setison, wb ulii11 be found as low as aoy Mill in
theCtitinty Scents ; Carding etnd Spinning, 13 emits ; making Plain Flannel on.
Clifton, and 1 to end Cotton Yarn, 25 cents per yd. ; TwilIod do.., 150 ote. per ,yd, ;
Cloth, All Wool, 37.c per yd. -; Blankets, $3 per pair: Horse Blankets, F$2.75 per paie;
of clean. wool brought to spin. ;rho following gnentitiee of wool • will be rag iiired to link°
-melt yard s Main on Cotton, 10 oz,, Twill on:flo,, 12 oz NVool, 19oz,,, • Ftill Cletli,
lbs., 13Iituliets, 12 lba, per pair, • . • '
I keep constantly on hand a large amok 'a FLANNELs, StutinXtrs, Feu, Ct,e'rn,
YsItis,..4)0. of Inv oiVi1 m
fliflam:to la
rO, also a rgo (luau City. ofliee and. tiOarS0' .TWEEDS, eX-
'eellent ginaity and doilability,• all of which 1 ain vratittrell to trade for wool, and will give the
„ highest price for web} to all who may desire to.exobange for eloth, • • • •
• P..4.11111.e RS OP 111.7.1e0,Y;-(.7lintott ji one of thc. best iffarki,t. PQ0194,0ii Me. Cowl y of
goon, anti pit ean amp gel Cash for anything you May ho ve to eel/; so roma alohy, «int
ciispoee of yourprOduee, and aolleo !Jon are owning, briny you, Wool abiny, witl hare it Carded
and r'eatly to take home st,Wa!jou the sante day, or trade it .fuivgglit.,:taLleave be . manly etc,
tared iato Vlanktt,I; span iido Yarn, madeinN anythiniryou . • ,
. 1364 Likcl 011 h,lozays used_ ou .811 4tVVool. .•
OnieTox.. May 23, 1877.`• ' ••. E. CORETT
H WRIGHT & go's,
Caiapiet Exhibito
-The nudersigtiell-having-purollitaliT1lid�1i,st igilt for, this to7n q t1Se
Tyri1191-Multilyitig Show Cul or:Cuip0,
Ard now propnred to sell Carpets, both English and American, from a larger and
• :better assorted Stock than any otheeThrin in thia vicinity.
. ,
ri.Pir 0 La in 13 I 1NT CI-- • 113 ST.A,irrits 1
Yon ee,ti choose ;any Carpet yot tin1 wOUld firOm 'a 'large variety of
°Eramplos (on tho ground. floor), from -,English andl American Alancitactures, and
after having. been pieced in the Exhibitor, you can see exactly how it.will'iippPar
matclifid antilaid down, on your floor. This is done by an ingenioils arrange- •
merit of mirrbre, which Must be seen' to be appreciated. Having no large stook
to carry ; no extra room rent or insurance to pay ; no loss on remnants, and a
largo saving, in 'timc, and es we hay for dash, we lean sell you a Carpet for a amall
•advance on AVnor,EsaLn Patens. • •
. . ,
Wool Manuel, 80 c, per yd. dce. .1. will- gi‘ie 9 lbs, of Beefed Y.aro-ont-of-orery-to-lW„
•Flour• and Feed Store.
- . 0 )5 "a 0 15 1111.1E SUBSDRIRElt avoirr,n INFOliftl 4±11E IN.
• - 6 00 6 6 '00 .1„
5.00 a 0 '00'.' thinly: has ohabitantpeiied a Flour !Ilia Food 8 fore,
s of Clint4Oi sild curronnding, 000ttryi
In the old. Clinton Hotel,
LitteiyAsdipioci lby 4‘tr. linOi, i;hcre•lie • aiditeop tg'
'Flour, Ifdecl. Oat and por.it Attettl, .Brah,
•• kain, If aeon, Szc.1 ,.. • .. ..w• .
Although the supply of cattle was below the
average,it was nut* for all reqUiteinents,
and sales- transpired elowly. • Tnovers aud
ootintry dealers_complain of the ruinously low
prices that they obtaio. ' Seine very ,121003
000040d.ca,ttle, evereging 1,250 lbs, eneb sold
for 41. eta.- per lb., and prieorrenge from a}
to 5 eta. per lbfor fair to good beaats. flogs
from N• to 5Ir..1. • A lively enquiry exists for
cattle suitable for the export trader whioh
class of stock is being shipped from Chicago
via,'Montreal, and a9 for quality is giving good
eatisfaction. Drovers having cattle to -day
were W. McLean, of Goderich; J. Cusack,
Termite ; W. Sinakinfi, Of St. Marys; John
Walker and. I), J. Graham, Ailsa Craig ;1G. J.
Napenee ; T. 1)art14e, Nlorrisburgh ;
Mr, It. J. Hopper itial-ele. W. Head. ;gr. J.
Walker received 20 cattle and sold 19 'head,
weighing 23,750 lbs., for $56 eaele'or 4i cente
per lb; Mr. W. Macau received 20 head
of cattle and Nola 6, Nveighing 9,000 lbs., at
perib. Mr, 3, Cusack received 1,9" cat-
tle, and sold 5 for $42'dac1i, or 40 per lb: Mr,
received 20 heed of cattle, aud sold 2
of thein, weighing '2,210 lbs., et 4e. per lb,
ifr, received 20 cettle, aiIil sold 2,
Weigbiug 2,330 lbs., at 4c, per lb, Mr, It. J.
Hopper soli115 cattle weighing 18400.1bs.,
and averaging 5e. Vet 11. Mr. Maltean sold
8 hegs, weighing 1,080 The., at 51e. to 546.
seld at $2.60 each.
• Children's and 144dies'
'French -Kid, Boots; Yan-
kee Ties, fine -Leather and
• Prunellas very low priced
at LO. Gilroy, Clinton,
• 'Int t P Vtiseen art CaFat
I House tor Sale.
• /Congo and Lot en 5,htry etteet, oecapic a by the Sub.
°Abet.. 10 roensi„ nerd end Soft yot4r, Cellar, Rani
Weedghta, Por'partienlart: apply to
Clinton, 'May P., 1671. .
J.• 0. Gilroy ,is running
of his whole stock of
White Piques and, color-
ed Dross IVIuslins at cost.,
Secure some, ,
int tier TnitOtt etatilt.
, •
Whic5i:1i.191001 at.tho lowo6 iate for cash:
.• •-• ,
Wing a prgetieal mil'er of inimbor of mire' experi-
mice, ho is. onalificil to manna a boohoos of thisde-
scription, and ballet/en be can givo.natiefaction Wall fa-
voring him with their patronage..
teioz re,9pieuvtil sozic:od.
THOS. • WATS01`4.
ostict,n, ,Tyis 4,1677. ••
• ••
Farm. for 'Sale.
facco, bciug lot go, con. 11, Oralorich township,-
eonteining 80 acres of land, 0508 whielf endeared, and
in good state of unit' vatibn, tho balance boinu goee
harewooa. Situated within ono mile of Floirecitoilfe, an
four miles fromthainven.mL fliinton.-There Is prt the
propthes a good concrete hOuse and ban. Two
acres of an erehard, of voi7 Iron trees, and
tiro gybed spring wells on the prefab:ea. Title intlisput-
' aide. Terms liberal. For eartioulare, apply.to
NAL STANLEY, on the premises.
Clinton, May Oth, 1877.
Liviva-k„,LimE!. LIME!
weir at the Undermentioned 'stations, the erne
bitted Vrerglrouist--tenav LIME; aSkTlSlItRTj!ntiiy
both architect:I and engineers, to lie unerreallefilm
building purposes; at tbe following rat
es by tiro ear.
1:aa:illa Statiosi'11/ centS per bushel.
Clinton Station, 171 cents per biusliel.
For turthowertieulars empire of
WM. ROWELL, 'Biaikarnith,, Winton
W110 will receive Iola endue to ereere.
Limousine', 'gay 10, 1877. . I G. ritilQiiilA2.
On -approved Perth. or Town ;innerly, 100 any term
hurn.-artetai-wentylottror rep1y-11mo- at set lspertoci ,
either in instainiante.•or otherwise, 8.8 Mity be agreed
vomM. •
. .
The Itaerest,ant payment of on> pert ot the prine1;14,
at onto cosecs on eueh amount,
If it Is arransa to nay tha intoreat half -yearly, not
in adranee, the :Ate, per hunttre ;for thepresent, will be
8 per eent. no loitns tor a fixed term or years. 8 1.10
cent, if interett id made pas nble yearly, not in adynnee.
011.11102S 1110DIt11A.T.P. • •
llforitiages.and Absnirtpalcklipthoyg parekaacel
Farm for,. Sale,
and In good cultivation. Frame Bank 13110:21 00:x 40,
coinfortable House and lino ming bearing•Orehard, sit-.
anted in the Township of Colborne...Pot sale at a bar-
eitin. l'or further partiottikirli,apply to
, - ..:11 COLE:
ootien Factory.
UtTsaom wo
• . •
The Undersiond most 1 c'speatfitny ittfcarn tbo public
that thcf.liaTO.rouied• the flaCuirTs'ibutillitt lo afk,
• 01.1 tho 13t11 .00N. OF, IITILLETT,
, „
4414..0.4 11011 Sabi; up tin place for, Spinning...and
. , .
• C4r• diugl. l'iltmLc,'„r(ilz :i'Q'T.'ll:,41:11rii°:;'..,;:iit':
Bot., aloroush, Tweet:eel lianas, aria with I0t*t itt.
tinitior to•buoiness, we Imre to merit a, share of publie
'patronage. The best un used. Chu us a tritd:
Iloilo% libiy 1001,
• ' • •• ii, .2101'0480ST & CO;
, .
,. . :18771 ..
. . .
Vl,'e ;deocarry a. ot
St4ple.:, anpy.- Dr:
Itiatly-katie. Clothing, ?/1.11Inery,.
BOOTS & Siii)Es; E[080.;s, ws;
777 Albert Street, opposite th
CLINTON, Jane, 1877. •
Grand Trunk Railway
•tif rrime•
Oil and after Jthott 00,
Pasecnger Trains will loam Minton station no follows:
nnic umiTi nxpres,,,hrc 'v.v., arriving at LOnt100
11.2%065 LA, at,. Si!: 8,v1740111.4.0r:1 uPtaits..501srfla;tylEuLn21"63,11,101;
.I.15 101. Mixed, 410 2 .1t1', arriving at Stratford at
40411..3l,4 Loudon at 9.15 P. l',1„ mixed arrives iron
Goderleh 10 A M. •
-Trains will -arrive as follows : Mixed, 7.25 CM., troth
Stratford. Malawi Ex moss, Inc p.m., from Toronto,
Buffalo. and London. Express. ago eau., from Buffalo.
Toronto, and London. :nixed 5.25 F.M.
Saturday Tielota far Stratford, Ooderich,
anti London, at Slagle Faro:
Sea Bathin' Elan rsion TiOiteta at BO -
dulcet' stitts$,.
• ..IMITORSON, General Illansger
9,, ST SIA TWIN, Agent at 011itten.
anne '27, 1877.
Nstli West Transportation Company,
race or a et
t •
lox r Aurso le WY) , oft wiocit Trtratx
14 i liewed Log Mluna texia ,(11118 Stable 12:d4,
110.18 111 tn( ni Grehanl af elleice fruit T01 eff n 11•1411:
opting of water 11441 good well, Apply at the New +ire
01liefor fm•ther partieularg.
Clinton, ;Tom: 28,1817. •
W A N r1.1 1(1 1.)
vilth roll W,yllL No Mit requilot Mary
lorty wamie .11,. Sample 19 cone 1114e 1tymt.,
teal:mt., ter at
011NOVIIMY tiff.. Montreal, Quo.
VOTERS' U4T--1877.-
. . ..,... .
litorti4,11tallis, of thO 105811 of Clittotto
. . -41-01lttls Of
, .._. .
Marn'ts LI ItliaitILY GivEN T114111 / III111.1
i v• trattOriliotr1 4.4iv.ly 0,11,, i he perona mil:Mug
ti Gm ki0 eltirl :Mei t0.11 01 4. Tho Vot:,14' Lif: t
s,t,et•leinieo!aaAe1I: erteap
tl ropis rialo t inemt tt..ntoIe so 'anited
dtty .rd of the lid mtle, perAtmitto 1
nt prmsppoing !t,' ld 110,i4Pri
1011 of ile, ,1 Ninivielmary;to be entiled fde in
LIP silt MilNollity, at EhetiouRlof 108111 f thfr
tonotoivo 5Hrthlynod at Mndeipl Pir a; i
Lim :, AR ma w,., ay.,' ,"l '-1 010,8t. my onlee. rft Cliff..
ton, on the •11.1,NT it 'chly 1)1,JCLY,.1617/ end to.
it1414141 114414 for 144..Por lion. 1•Nsit44s 4. Aro 0:1004 upon
in 00M0,04, .41(0 said Int. and ir any emiaalona or Any
other 001 t.r8 51'0 found flier:1p, do 1140 11018001150 PO.
0010118 ..t 40 ho t tte AI 0114814 volif carol accord ng to
Ilatdd :UCH:non, the 1751: of ituly, 1271:
.- ... • it, A, ntird18'.
• Cialk ot shut Istunio,pelitp
rot further particulars apply to
Gilt:ten, Tali 12,1077.
"5L7' XX
C, A,
awreiiee kb4 Gracey
1.$i110' 00 the. business of thtlitN11'0-11fiEfl,10 AND 1
/raving en tea 1.5.'irertifrahlp lot, the plirpotte (If cot -
'VS DESTAii.TNO,hithatta eartied on by A. lawnanet,
*lax tit say that they boos intro:I:teed steam in their
maneketory, which will be under the remota1 litiprrin.
letnlefico of Mr. Lawyer:Ns U prat:ties1 workman- and
Intend manufacturing furititaro id the hest nester'sl
and deseripth 4. Wo halm opened one of the largest
and best (T,clanot Show Poona:: in the county,. 8. GSA -
°BY having charge of 'the show rooms, will be envoys
relay to Isect customers, receive oulera, and transact
eincea• in the most natialnetory manner,
• Gut atech of le'llitelt I 'Frit C wilt he Mend' complete,
• roneisting of llmata. Otase Ctrua ulna. thottnt:
Taemm, WfirrN; Lensera, StItTaa littis, MAT.*
• " trutaana, Ilermrr.reg,.porAn,
A tp00;nilty In hittett StitTsti, in Bair or Erni.,
1101room Suttee of Cie latest atylea, Mirrors of all
si:.001, Cletus:a dreread to order, ltormwood and, Mit
• Itiouldlogs kept on hand.
El LEAVE 1111111 Oil D
Late Itently Iwo WosolsorLake N5ipe0.1.
or Yl..fo
rorrytha Conedien mails ht sonimatiort with ftp
Grand ¶88t:oh, Groat Weatern and Geriada Sol:thorn
ltailwaya. •
The boats leaving Sarnia call ta Godorielialtietirditte,
end Southampton, the following motoing, 51Iiniee
Mince, Sank Ste, Merle, Sliver Islet, Port 'William our
• Dultaii, making dose eonoections With Northern Ball.
way and Iiitgotes fied flint 8105lnOt$4, Mr Don Goers
• Freight andpassengdri: from all pointe, at 10tVett rates
Poe further information apply 'to
Conatantly on hand large 858110 ot itotrIns, Sitnot•Di,
nut Terdattnad. flompletemlitif8 808 61041.
TIEAns141F011 MUM
gt/*tV» lutvir rave et (nut it branek. Show
Room hi 1,,verteobero.
Alt orders 14 It In• oilleeat• tha Show Noma, will
rateik f11001800t 1131110 54(511541!. Cleaao call and M.
spat oar sticl, ft% we are dotermitint 804 40. Tim itolleti
:fold by any 115 iholluelnera. A eallituited: •
, LA WIMPIN tt• (ne rm ,
c,,,t);A„witikaNttoomorm anamaostium,
• Tn9s, JACXSOX, Agent.
Milton, liar 3ra, 1077. .
aluable Lands
(UI51 -Piing 18011 'EM.I.t.*1/Y Clik•
the following lands • -
Alt thomilsolti Town faits Iting Muth ot the 110.111waY,
na tho twonty acre tomato the tem th`of the liallwea.
2-4ti.Town GODERICIL
ITown tola Noe, 55 and M. oL Lightiminle 85feet,81>11
Park tot No, ID, la 01111. C..conteining ab.mt Ten tierce,
1 alao in the said town.
• .
3.In Township of &holey.
'form tag Not. 0 rind 4, north of(bo I0y20111 mid, hi
0115.1 Townphip; y10(10111 wood lotatedjoining th Villsge
of nnyileitl.
11rie sorted. Terme, eue•thlat eselk; bManee in Mtn
mot two 71008, 481511 intermit yeatlyct 2 pot cent. .spo.
ei al leyma tp et:AM:m:11m made,,
51,10 1 :ions lirritrafinfur, 14g., tfrecoada ; IL
trAte end LIAM; ICARtiginenv,Iferys,, Clinton ; and llio
undenotell, toderieli.
•4 •
oannow,tilEntl, &PAOS111(1)11$1`i
• Soliclibte•fer Etifou101*.
Oe4o4lehl•hu30„157/ .04
, • 4'
CLINTON, April 12, 1877.
"E. et'..•811:011735 3DEAW .
— Stc„ 8t0„ Ste..
005 TiliWillte au idiiti n Stock; or il.atiO t� order.
Latrge assortment of Gardening and Harvest Tools4
oall it 23 t per g
Aogri, pan rbrfil Prinzp,•14zin, cot.P411r4
Ctinatt 3Voy 841817, '
▪ •4
-V 1
, 0 1