HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1877-07-12, Page 3summor Drosses! ewe...en bite 33rilliants, ' Virbite. Brocades, White Spotted Muslin, White Latticed Muslin White Embossed White Corded. Muslin, White Duck Muslin, White Book Muslin, Colored Gpnedines,, 131ack Wire Ganedipesi• r Black Barages, •LINEN COSTUMES and COSTUME LINENS withEMBROIDERY to MATCH. Timilla Parasols, • Colored Silk Parasels, all Black Silk Parasols all Prime, 401RVEllOnDlilliC1114. wo *tilt It to b diellaetlyauderetood that wool° not held Dereelvee respouelblo for the pennons et. preamee hy oar eerrespend!n18. • The Vomongdoktion. To At Ratios V Me ,Meto Sul,—In glancing over the di Amen tintireele of Oaneda, in refereuee te the politiestl do- . menotretioneuow being held throughout the length and breadth of this tine country, I ton sorry to see, with but few exceptieue, each ati utter disregard for truth and fair dealing, in reporting the oroceettinge of theists meetinge, and plactog them befere intelligent tiers- p1e. Having ereetseioo to be in •Clinton on Icily 5, and being a • dieititereeted IntItYr I thought I 'would'oteua the demon. stratIon, arid hear what amine of the Statenneo Of Canada had to tray on theleadiug questions 4 the day. Ael have had not 'a. little ex- Perience in tho ofreata of protection, by a e. sadenoe in the 'United, Mateo of Poore' years duration, I think I am in potion to give an •Opinion with respect to its reaults in that country, PA am, therefore, qualified to judge of the merit; ef a discussion on that subject. In my Opinion Mr, Mackenzie %mulled, the sobjeot in a logical, masterly, and statestbao. like manner, showing very eleatly the effeeta produced on the One hand with a protection Policy, and on the other hand with, a revenue tariff only. It certainly, strikes no very fowl*, that there is no one so blind as those that will.not t be, if they faij, afterhearing Mr. Maehensie'e speech, to decide which its torthe true interests of the majority of the people of • Having hacIthe.fortatue, or Tether the misfortune, to be a resident of a oeunty Where we are protected to o'ur heertes content, eau apealefeelingly On the gebjeet. First, we Are protected to the tune of six'per cent on our• assessment, then we are protected from 20 to 70 per cent on things of nVeryeday use ; . then we areprotected until those/ids of our - euilled workmen are out of employment more • than half their time 7 -then-w� are preteeted• until we have riot a steamship to _carry our malls to Europe, mid, finely, we are protected, until our National, State, .0enety, Menieipel, and individual debt amounts to a far greater FIUM than the whole country is worth, -If this. ,A,• Fair--A-ss6rtnumthrall---the--abOe--0-oods--at-Loiest Prices. BUTTER BOUGHT FOR WHOLE 0Asg, . ‘1317TTER-.13QTIGHT FOR...HALF -- BUTTER DOT.IGHT FOR GOODS, AVP HIOREST .1VtARRAT RATES ALLOWED. - HODGI111S-dc .PAYj lIVIanchester Hou.se.. bY-40-01*.g PRICE. CLINTOIsT, June 21,1877. 1S7'7., . AC_ 1Vierohant Tailor, Clothier and General Outfitt • CLINTON, ONT. •• 1lirrArit.3.18x-ximp_ 18r.41.. lityt, A NEW SCARF 4116.1" OPENED er, • CLINTON, June 21, 1877. ,M1:111MIND •EAR , N.net7 Ertome.--Meettre. Huber Bono. have: their new ;trill bent welt on te completioo. Oa Wednetola,v they pat ior a new forty.tive hone power viten:to, allot expect O„have it reedy to Wot boy the. time Om volt ,ovee., S. S. -.. union •picide -of the Me- Biedist RS and (Loll Tempt:ire of , this place dreateld oti - the farm of Mr: kiescratd, 11th. eoti. Rallett, _ori Detention day. lire atteint- aim Wiaa very large, in °sweets. of aux previews year, .and ib watt a deeitiedeticeeee, ll Having very rooently seourod.the -serviees.,of retleetitee orodit on apereene eoucersied in getting it up. Coed epreelms, Mccellentinu , etaacteestit.vrearoititotyrisoefaateattottextxitere,te, and, .plenty to IRST CLASS 013:-T ranAT...--Itev. Mr.. 13oWerek late of ; 31;;;;Asuelas,..: is . fis rt11.,Mr. Davy' e appoint. • ablant00 am-prep- area to eioeute .odors for Clothing on short no. meow during ti)31, goutionipos.. tie% .whieb, out, style Ana finish,cannot be exo•elled in any • Horrit. - ' , of the • large ,eities. 0 „ 0 eanNirtet inlitist.r-olltr1;isCit11404crellnanatitheeni)a"PtIalg nertn the shape of Mr. S. Orracee. ,ite both are well itodWit hereabouts, they' Mole' receive a eon tinuafien, of the liberal patronage formerly enjoyed by .Mr. Trawrenee. Read their advertisement in another column. Faux, AOCII/ENT,-.,-00. Saturday mornieg Mr. Davidson, wile resides near Auburn, met with an aceideet which prtved fatal. While going from this place towards home With a load:of limber, one of the hoar& is suppotrect to. heve worked forward n,.t streak the hor- ses, atoning them to run' away while going down Maim' hit/. 1fe was thrown off, and the waggon passed over him, breaking two or aual-intarually4i4nring appears to have been dragged ewe dietanee, also, es hie beats were tilled with gravel. Re 'wee at oleo coded into the house 'of IVir. Mains, and. medical assistance ennunoned. Dr: Gracey attendedeand did all he could for his relief, but the injuries were of such a na- ture that human skill could not relieve them, auttelmeencerturee helms -After the accident. Dolecessed wes-a- mon well- klirewn, beibg aloe gal traveller for Z. Pattie* a Hamilton, and leaves a wife awe family to mourn'his loss. vv.,* STANLEY,. , . is the' kind of protection that the peeple a , scuooL Wag 1.1014 On the Canada Vent; by allemeans support eutheneir-grounds o1 -$-,t-. No. -4,•%Stan1ey„ oft Vriday.,- aa will give them tide protection; if. not, sup- port the opposite, or the party now in power. I also notice thet the reporters are not pa; tioular to a shade in giving the numberpre- sent, the emount of enthusiasut displayed, see, For instanee, the demonstration is eallee by some a grand. ovation, by. others a graud &Here, and the different papers place the numberpresent at froth 5,000 to 'IA -000. If .04(4:bey, twelve,.yelteref,Otgelted-been sent to eistlinate the number 'Present, lie weela scarcely have come sewide. ef the mark these reporters, some telling 'olio thing and some aeother ; jest as though the people pre- aent, had neither seuse nor reason. Now, as regards the orumber • presotit at ,Clinthn, 1 think a fair estimate of those strolling aromel. town, aud these on the grounds, would..be from -fen to twelve thousaud, of as intelligent and respectable a crowd or people its wore ever gathered at, a political demonstration, com- prising the bone and sipow of the conntry.....- The spealsers, I um sine, woe mesh air any nation ought to feel proud of, and 1 should think Canada does feel proud of her States' mew; if the- handsotne and hearty reeelKion that was extended towards them m Olietort; last, itty the seholars thre Anti Bay old Fiehool. • A eboir, got up. for the. occasion, under the leadership of Mr. 0, Tough, fur. nishecl vooal and instrumental mesh:. Ad, clresSes were delivered by Messrs. Weir, To:teller, Bayfield; Campbell, Teacho. Stan- ley, ,Ileva, Jateetson and Denby knd Mr. Ricks, About 250 Persons were' presentoyho .speut very plea aan t time. The main feetrire oat anidnaerierei ei --the. cclibles-were furnished in •CouNeta,. Condon mot pursuant to ti,a, joernment at Varna, on the 30th June.• Members all presept. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting reed and oadopted. .By-laW No, IV; for 1877 rehrgamizing the polling Subdivisions of Le) Township was f rained. and, 'passed. Moved by Mr. Castle -no. by Mr. Arkeeheacl, that as to appeals are mid° from the deciaidris of the Coot OS Re. 'visite' and the tiara for making any such appeals sIlat 1111c"Xilira(11(113; ..plaitIss:iP18.-13830tnarairlitedr.911T1191ei- following isecoutits for gravel wore ordered to be paid, viz.,• Goo, Erwin, $8.04 ; .Jaa: Voting, es6,85 ; Thee, MeIntyre $18., .MoVe& by. Mr. Castle sec. by 'Air. MoNialey; that a,. gate be was any criterion to g0 wa.14 fomisroo for eho monde -gravel pit field, and -that Mr. -A ilteellead lie appointed to furnish the tic:3116,-0am led, Moved by Mr. Castle, sec. by M. Ajlacidiead,..tbat the lieeve give :an o:der te Mr. Higgiro, jot 60 cents,. for a tawnier o break the stones on road.-:•-• Car- ried.. Council thon adjourned r:to Meet nil the 18th Airge at 2p 111. at Varna. • ' • M, PL41:71q=r; OWL: , fainly 110 display of arches, mottoes, bunting, tto.,- nor any &Houle Adulstion,. :Upright men and :got d statesmen • needlne such ,evi. denims of 'appreciation ofetheir Lbw a for the :good of the coentry,: and 1 think...the goca. peopl a of Huron _thorved great wisdom in • not makiegheyAisoplive proving thalthey �uJ moon the difference between enlid weeds and empty pegeanty, Trusting I have not tres. paseetl-too meete I ani, Mr. Editor, ' ••• Respeetfully yours," •I. • . , A cIANADIANrAMERICAN. clibton.,.,Tali 19;1877.. ' . , .; • The Clinton Demonstration; . , • 'Theitninense sticcess atteorlite 1.1.10 demon- stration at Clinton, in honor of the Demiutee and roinia1 peethiere end their Cabinets ,Inust be very. gratilyieg ' to the 'Reforreerself the neunty ,crfelTui•on. The groat of Well ("reseed, happy ltietsing anti orderly peones ; the masterly • and '.eanviceing speeches of these they eferst te' see and 'hear, and the eittimidasth and satisfaction displayed by all preeent-4speakets as :well as liear.?.:rs,- 5,4 combined to make the oecasiou'qne that 3 • will be A pride' and epasesuree to •all who wit.. nhssed it or took ,partio it to:revert fo in after • Yen** It is to he' hoped' the•Oppositiou will .:nutke the eaine,placethe.acebe of a politieel gathering -At which their •leedotrevill form the chief attraction. A comparison between the Ampler: of the leaders of the two • parties cord of the matter of their a.dclreicaos, woule go is 'Log way in conVincing the eturdyyearnanry of Hitron,.;actithas.elready .cotivirieed the Peeple of other counties who havelMel -the oppertuo- ity eI judging by eight and hearing, that Bre emertry has made a wise ekehange in its rulers. -LOMA it has got i•id of Rik. timed:odd replaced it hythe• Solid, startler; worth, The • defer. muse is se • marked: •It canna fai1. to he reeognieed. :no' party leadere .attlf types, of the parties they represeut,. The one are. pre. tentiouts, full of bluster, and liteldugthat earnestness and sincerity whieh are the OuV poem of honeiTsentimeets and conVictions.•..-•,. The other, plain of spawn and manner,. do- precating display, arid full of earnestnest and [sincerity-, their words carrying coeviction with. them. Theiter • elidiacteristiceWere.'well brought out at the rival demonstrations in London and' Clinttiu: Those who "witnessed otli,-and.,they-wertematty,-,eould-nritddcleoei mark the wide- clifferenee. The forma was all. outward shod. ; people wont: to. see and a:deify their. curiosity ' • the' speeches were of little importance, andthe speaking of that glib and glary hied that left nothing behind it to satisfy the,mindoce furbish food for reffeetion. The dirolo Affair was like is racket 'that thet. into the air with a consequential rush and roar,. blazed .a montent at its cul- minating point, hetet into brillinfil feagreents and thee came doWn-e burnt and useless stick. Tho latter was unpretentious ontwerd- ly '; there was nothing to detect attention from the object for which it was organized - to hoer the Reform leaders give en Recoil:it of• their marregeromit of Dominion and Provincial. affairs ; the people 'tethered in largo ninebere i to be nstruoted, and they listened with earn- est attention to the speakeruntil the last word had been spoken, and with satisfaction in then", facee clettdrtticl tO their hones, their ;Arida full of the inforination they • desireil to ariquire. But though the clemoestration racked the glitter and tho noisit nonsense that clime. terid tit° Opposition picnic, it Was znattifestly Superior in genuine hea rti nessatid Oil thitslae The warm, manly. greetinga and the ltonest oheerts that met the party, leaders told hoev deep•seated 'atheoonfdeiiceinthetr honesty,: ability and patriotism, 'The geed, settocl ciotn. mon sense displayed at Clinton, and the anxiety te be ostentatious manifested at.,.Led- clon-regardiese of the means of •rnoeting the expense,. are .points. that toll as strongly in favor of thinteform rank and file ae do tho solid worth -of tire Reform leaders in contrast with the beaddrefied politioal mind t,f their opponents,--Loador 4rteo'f4er, or s. ,For the purpose 'of waiting alteratiMor in. my store, I have deeided to olear out ray Entire Stock of' WALL PAPER', tcqz,ptRS, &c. To de this it as short a time as positible,•I will offer tlie whole stook of English and American Plain, Satin and Gitt Papers, AT A-CTUAL COST; FOR 80 ri'eteIrtel Crzwrow, Juno 14, 1877.. J. . Onyx' Book StOre, eig# of the 13ig 13'ook. %IP Important to ]?urniSelling ture Buyers. GI-I-STI.N0G-41 1173P , 313113Sx.NIKss Cost for cos OUR 'ENTIRE SIdOOK ETA. Nritr- ,-CONSIST1NG or- . Parlor and Bedroom Salts, Dreaming casei1, Bureaus, Sideboards, • Book anima, Secretor's, Extenden Tables, Sofas, Lounges, Easy Chairs, Hair, • Cane and Wood Spat chairs, Mattresses, Spring Beds, Hit Boobs,- Midi Tables, &e. &n, We have determined to close out tor etitib, or approved 230t08 on ehort datesonr entirci stock of Furniture, wbicea i littge and ,woll aceorted, • Most of these goods aro.,of the latest and most fashionable styles, andtreeently trianufeetured. Such an opportunity for pnroluising - Furniture has never occurroid her e in Clinton, and probably never will again. Also, for sale, our present rooms in the Briek Mock, being ono of the boa hal- nese stands in town, and el:citable or any general Imaineas ; is 22 x 85, two etoefee Muni with cellar beneath. There is also on the tear let a frame Work-alitos, 22 k 48, to stories high, "-"•} Ala°, a large quantity of Neatoried lumber, gettable for forrante.03,01,461„ohig, work,shop fixtures, 'dm. , • All parties indebted to the late firte of botteiter & Rimier:4v will plettee ctiilarut • • MENZIES & WHZTG Nettle the same at ontes, an& nave aortae CLINTON, May 30, 1877. . HARNESS Cheaper than ever. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY rtAlialt Tho Subacriber, In tbsieklog his Mutton:Will for the patrenage, bestowed on hint in the past, would,intirnitto that he has on hand a farge and'oemplete stook of I-X.Alk.3111N1gSS 0 I (.1 ALAG ICJ lit IDS, Together With a first.eltute tieSertilletit Of Tail/Nitar SATCHEL:4, Vallegra, WIIIPS, CURRY Comm, nittisugs, rte., Vadat he von #4,,liqtperfoe' etah than any, other honse-in thr? C0101P6 that peps one hundred centi On the della. CALL AND SEP, Mit STOOR, DEF0111§ litISCIIAs/110 ALSLWAElat • .xtemoitilar the Blretea-Httron, Street, three doors Vstist of A, 8, Visher'is. JOHN OAMPLIELLk Veaa a1oli instantly haled by striking het bead -cm alOgkt fallin4. tycomicuicia." Tow N's et*r.. Courrtar: -The Council met at .1161Meeville,. on the reul, pursuant to adjournthent. Moue. bore aLt present. " Minutes: of last meeting passed..Tite .Clerk "read . a letter limn -14m Department of Minima and Fieheriee, • Ottawa,. regarding Hiller Ws mill 'dam, vehicle eirteteslet1jet4,hin gentleman promised the local 'Fishery overseer. at (4calerieb„ that • he woold Cemmence )tilding ti fiehwey 'rhea the 1st of. July, that it would bo it proper entl.elinient streethee; the letter re:forte:II to, concludes as follows : et,Tulcoorii ittr, -Hillard is.preperea to put a flettway, r stereege his dam sct 88 to a1 - low Of tho free resesa•ge of nosh agrtksd upon betwtspn him and the overseer,. Ito will be preeeetied against." The, .eouncil cmpressed satis*tilin at the'printipt 'action Of., the ii.h.piartroent . .1•11e scheol houses being' built or repaired were next interim"( to, aud.the eppoiermenf of a person tolti6peet • thil Work provicUS tlie portion of the'section. front the 603'0 lift:. fund, considered .;'it • wits • Moved see.. and eaoriahrthat the Deptity4le,eve be 01)1.0hr-bed. A lingo :mom tit ' sot 'Money Was, ii)0(1,1VOt wduldocetify. too ote eh /apacettt givokn detreilorrorb-e of fin 8p00ial interest, itt will, hownVer, all.appear ix Auditor's repert at-thn find of, the year, and be there givertiii-Cletail.. it Canine, indigent,' having Wm:overt to Mrs.Callins%, she appeared: Were/es the. council needling Lie eupport; after tengilened censfidgration of the matter, It wirs agreed te poty. her $20 at thto epol or each, quarter forlis hoard andloolging,: whieh offer shoeceepted. Shia Nees whiehestill remain oPepeneil were ).:eferred to, antl thecon nei( were uuanimonaito put the' law in full force, id every instance where -side lines are closed.. 4.1i4irtre;Monday in .August.. .. County. Collin . ..Witighani C. r. church is being enlarged.. `atit-W.. McDougal, of Stephen, lias Mani: etanaed. A -new 'Methodist pareonage has been built at Centralia. •Preeions to his removal, Ttev. M. Allen, of Exeter", was presented. with 825 and an ad. drmears: A.; • . 3. McIntyre, Blyth, bas two Pio,. therly old liens which have liatebed'.out thietronine chickens, • . Mr. A. ',McDonald, lately assistant 'station Agent,. at Exeter, ".itits ran:roved to Ingersoll' to fillet More lueratrve position, . , There weroTegistered in Tuckersmith town- ship 'forthe half year ending 30th June, 40 births, 28 deaths aircl six marriages. • - Thos. Strachan, Reeve Of Grey, bin; been .appointed a LiCensa Conitnissioner af Best Huron, 'vice John Merfrae Morris, resigned. Huron Lodge No. 02, 1 O 0,F,, Goderich, haVe contrilinted f380 tq the St John brethrep. A eiellection ainountieg to $44 was talien up on Sunday in the Wroxeter Presbyterian Church, in aid of the St, joint sufferers, Last week AltstrA, Itfalloy, /tidier 1.,aw. son of Colborne, Rua Straiten were attacked by asudden illness after partaking of creme fresh mutton in the forefeet,' house. It is suppoFed the meat had belt psaisoneony filet liglitirig op it after partaking of "fly poison." The men ,are recovering 110141fIESIVILLIT, 1.4481.1 Been Afkrettes...-fin Satilrday last there wero tea matelies of bade bali playrd in this oboe: one motel:, between this 'Wild Cats, of Porter's tall, and the Huron Road, tesulting in favor of the Wild Cats, by four runs. Another betiveett the Northern Lights, of rinter'il Hilts und the aninlesylile club, the IlohnesYille litoys boat- ing thew 14 runs, Air. L. llerton of dintotr„ dropired for the niatehi to tho riattsfaotionof both.olubs-, ' Omit% Sore.--1.be but bUdh1birpisr, , ly used for the rnglish Church was gold Ilia tathay day, to Mr, %LW, lfullarton, o Clinton. reatiVan.—The'hotel itt thin place looks muell better lately suit has boon greatly int. proved, the old sidingtoru off, new pet on, shingled awl painted m first -eines style. It ne prceentsa retspeetaide eppearanee. Union %.81r,trin.-A.est Wedrioadey Mr. 3, PreetorAlet line,' lost tifavorite horn., it appears be Ivo tied down and by some means got hie leg putangledt nod was found dead in the morning, Dahentroistta8 killed no filo Itnil hut., by beteg tossed by -a eow. Bey:. wee -employed en the premitee tor Mts. MAAgow, en tit'e Smillert UM gravel road, and had Loan Vont Mit to lake a trait from itit norther, ,L, doing Ito the dolt tOSIled her with AS home. and 84 OLL)71'014i anly1,1$17/, • My stock of TWeeds and Coatings is well Assorted, `Comprising A -large range .of choice materials and pat terns. , Please See my Tweeds. and Prices. before leaving your order for Suits., 11TICPW Opene4 /UM/4, AttelVoofti Irmon, and Tareseav. Reautifdl patterns, Alec, aa full range of .t STAIR oARrrra. Grea I . omething FOR 8}19WINer CARP '11,4RUS 0AS19, or its equivalent. The Improved Union. Thermometer Churn, 16 giving the best of satisfaction, Ma. ROUT. MITCH, of Womanosh, in a lett dated April 28th, 187, says ;—” The °burn E. -purchased ot you gives great sa- tisfaction. We would hchpirt-Wi6h. fi for tWico what it 'deal; -We have never . .„ • . "ta ohnrIlett 1011ger than tea minutes.. $old at Toronto prim, 7 gallon,. $8 ; 11 a11on, $8.50. A.T.-S. -FISHER. jone 7, 1871, • WOOL. . WOOL. CLINTON .W00i.LEN • Ta.,,s„„„.ktIBEA RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES TO' THE PUBLIC TIIAT'kelik' . prepared. title year, ros in the past, to do • Ali kinds of Custom. Work .and Manufacturing • Euvi,ng witted mere machinery to his establishment, and' by always givinei, hie peraonel super- intendence to elLbranches of the business, he hopes to give general setisfaction, . • „ The following prices vill bo charged HIM season, whieh will be found as, low as any mill in the County :--Oardin,,,g, 5 oents'; Canding and Spinning, 13 cents; Making :Plain Flannel on Cotton, and Ito thid Cotton Yarn, 25 cents per ; Tillod do„ 80 ots, per yd. ; Full 'Cloth, All Wool, 3711! e. per yd..; Mindsets, 83 por pair ; ilorse Illaukete, $2.75 per pair ; All Wool Flannel, 90u. per yd,, dat. 1 will give 9 lbs. of Reeled Yarn out of -every 10 lbs. of glean veep' brought to'spin. The following quantities Pi *reel wilt he, required to make each yard : • 'Plain len Cotton, 10 oz: oe do,. 12 oz., All Wool, 12 oz„ Fall Cloth, le- lbs,„.131ankets, le 16. por pair. • . . I keep constantly on hand a large stook of Metesee'rs, • febeeemos, Surneekos; Fere, Ornerr, YARN', doe'of my own manufatetu re, also a large quantity of live and coarse Twklmee. of ex- cellent quall'tiy and durability, all. of Which I am prepare(' to trade tor wool, and will give. the lustiest pries: for woad to all who may desire to exchasige for cloth. •, • Petkilf,Serte 01" HURON,,:-Clintott is one oj'.tho 1S;st- Afar* TO ants in the Contall cd. Huron, and !jou, can: always get eas/a jbe anything you. hone do ; so come tiloogi -anti &epee of' yo2w prodneeond token !pa are coming, bring your !Vogl grong, and have it ("anted inn/ isody to take home:with ifiya tho same'day? ar trade it for cloth, or leave it to be 1447114Mo- tared into 41tiakets; spun into Yarn, made into Poll Oloth,.or anything yOU choose: • • Bet. Le40c1 .011 aawa,yet eased. oil' iste whiree Virotel. Cree4on. MaYi 23, 1877. , • E. CORBETT. NEW Emir and Feed Store. • mos SUREIMIII1411 WOULD INPORM THE. IN- habitant:4 of Clinton mut surrounding•eountrY.. that he hasnpened a token and Peed Store, , • , In the o1. -Clinton Hotel .Farm for ale; G003) FAEM 'FOE SALII-70ACUE8-'60 etin,insn and 1,. OW Quit iratioli. Frame Beak Earn 60 *Alb oeinfortabie House MA fille young .bouing Orchard, sit- uated !elle Tovinship of Oalborne,. For stile at a bar. gale. ror farther particulars: apply to • WHENHAM di COLE. •I,ondeaboro, May 24, 1877, • . . . ooIiehFat�ry.. Lately oceepled by Mr, EtiOX. whole Ile will keel) 011 ' hsed • . • PCied.,-Oat 'and. Corn Meal,' Etre.11, -arn;paottn, &e., • . fl, Which hirwill son at the low.9at rate for cash. JStiugs prat:410d !oilier of it !telpher of yoarie expert- • set:Bees lo •contlitted-:to manage a buslooso or Oita tle., serlption,,andbalieves Ito eau giro gartiktitatt011 1.4 ail fo- reign/kW-fir With. theirplitrousgm--- - • •-• A _Mot respectfully solkited. THOS,, WATSON. . Clinton, July 4, 1677. , •.3. C.. Gilroy is..running . off his whole stock of White. Piquesand- color- ed Dress Muslinat cost. *Secure,Soine: Butter Talcaiss as crisis. , • A avoiror eix rooms, and eituatekin it Mot icteality ELEING HOUSE. A. COTTAGE WITH profaned; Apply to ' q "MESSIIS.'MALCOMEION & WATSON, Etarriaters. Clinker:Only 44877. • . The appointrueub alt Wingliam h1 Conoco.. lion with the Methodieb Church' ef Canada has been nude an inclependentsfation.Itia therefore no lor1ger apart of a," eirogit," its connections with the country appointments having been Severed; and in. fatal.° tho labors of the minister in charge will be COnfined exclusively to the elittroh at Wingbam. The Ooantry appointments in oottection with the &M late s haVe been erect .d 'into what will iit future be kuovvo ais tiro Belgreve Oirealt, tho. superintendency of .which Ilev."Andrew Ed ward Fr has been appointed. • . Heron PreebyterY held a regular Mentingin Oetleriali on Tuesday or.lniit week Mr. Sievev tight wet appointed Moderator for Alto mum. ling six inootlua Tbc resignation bf Mr. Scott, ofElnnontiville,was oceeptql,l, and Mr. .litrr appointed to declare the puiPit vacant on the Itith' and to stet as moderator of atdiaion. A cumin I Arm was •fttlIdlillIedto dint a euitable minute 1100116 Mr, Seott'a tesignetion, Mr. litOttlidloir. Wad appoiettel mederittor of the 'tension Of Ilaytield Rua Bethany, end to leo. ,derate itt a Noll ieheir they aro prepared for it (10 iippliendion 1228.18,• Mr, Mebeeu was ap. Fended to niothorate tO A. Call at Petrov() when tequiredto do ao by, the coneregatioe. Mr. Sio•oriOtt tendertal.ltil resignation of the congregation of Sititth'S 11111, whictt was or. (bred tor lie on 'the table till next regular mooting, and nil twelve coneerned. 'were ore dere& to be eited to .atypear Rime fer their in. Lovett:sMr,, ItIcNatt5liton flocoptod 0411 to Walton, Mid id 44pin:toted tor -jury 2.1th, 11 A. M. ;lar. beiteh 80 preach, Nfr„ "Perpit. Soft tfir pteeid, fr. tjoilOti ht rAt4IPPIld 016 minister, rind ;10. Ziteltee•the henple, Mr. Mere:sag ueeeptiel Bus ItitIl to Chtrimerre Viittruh, Icitig01on, Mr. troldatnith was 1111.• pinta to 4.com, ,:uto porpit of wiwo, church v0000t on Vic litttlt tsbnotth. tdsktigteit, tii01ith ftet fir rii.x,don, A eounnittett was apoointrol• to prepare a suitable ininnte • anent 111r. ItteCilltig'S translation., Mr. Macey rpm appointea Oolivener of the 'Nine Mission Committee. - :CTJSTOM WOB The undersitmed most respectfully inform tho .publia that they .havo rented trloranitortirth1or! bodebeeng, re A On the 13th .0M...or litTLLETT And aro now fitting Uji Jho plate for Spinning and l'orsoloVe(31aivitgi; a diataneo can have. • CBI() uog' )n 1; o '03E...a hands, and with And at- • tr their Cording done while they" wait. tention to burliness, we hope to merit a share of public ' Th0,bast oil tOolvietRuarit4toriNal.. 8'6 co. Hullear May 10811, 1877. •• • , „ • • Grand Trunk Railway. Park.L6t in. Dinsley Ter-. • race for Sale, • riONiAININ0 TWO ACRES, ON WHIfilE THERE Is a Hewed Rog House 1.5x18, frame Stable 12x24, half an are of Orehard ot choke fruit Trees; it living spring of water and a good well. Apply at the New Era Oftleciolt farther partisulars. Clinton, :tine 28,11377. • ' Land for -Sale. rrHE StIBSCRIIIER' OPPERS •POR SALE THAT .1. land oonetettng of parts of lot, 18 and 10, Huron flood, Ooderiehlownship, being nearly, two *tare& On the late a ink* settees, with stable, orchard, well,- &e, , About One mild from Clinton. Sold either with or witto out crop, Terfair reasonable. • 11EN1tY COLE. anderich townsbip, :one' 21. 1877 *41 Change .6-f. • `)Carne, Passenger Trains will leave Minton station an follows GOING EAUW, Express., eee AM arriving at London 10.55 A.M., Toronto at 1.0111,,le Man and Exprosa, 1105 P.M., arriving, Toronto, at 6.50 P.M., Loudon' a( 115 P.M. Mixed, .1•10..? N., arriving at Stratfordat 6.80 P.M., London at 0.15 P. M. MiXed arrives from Goderieh 10 AM. Trains will arrive tut fellows ! • 7.11xed,7.26AZI.,from . 1raverit.--M5irand-Expre1027550Pt5tf-frotoTotetrto, Initial°. and London. Express, 0.20 P.M., from Buftalo, Toronto, and London. Mixed 5.25 P. M. Saturday TIckfts for Stratford, Goderich, and London, at Single Fare. Seat Bathing Excursion Ticiiets at Ito. faucet' Rotes, • - - a. HICKSON, Goneralldanager A, STRA/TON, Agent at Mintour r,upo 27, 1877 • . $54 30 ?BR IYEEic nom. , . • Sainplas and Watch Prea to all, ,Addrees, MONTREAL NOVELTY Co. • 206 St. demos Street, Montreal, Pol. Children's .and Ladies' Frenclf•Kid BOots, Yan- kee Ties, fine .Leatheranct Prunellas very low priced at J. (Mlroy's, Q inton. lauttcir irake's nn No0. West Traosiiortatioe t *mop AT RI-GHT ' CALL AND SEE Carpet • The ondersigifed having porehased the exdosive right for thislow* n to o Tyroil Maitipipti ow 4so. or arlot -sAigi;or, Are no* prepared to Son Carpet's, both English and .AmeriCan, from a larger and,* bettor assorted stock than any other firm in this vicinity, N'Cl) jj InP Yon can choose any Carpet you think \eould suit you; from a large varketLot:. _ ...earn plea-. (ow the grown-cl, 11000; Trott English and Atherican- Alenufeetures, and. niter -having been plaeed In the Exhibitor, you can see' exactly how it will appear ;notched and laid -down, ,:oa your floor. This is done by an ingenious arrange- ment of mirrors, which must be seen to .be 'appreciated, Having no large stock to carry.; no extra room rent or instirance to Tay ; no loss on , remnants, and a large saving in.tinae, ant las tiny for cash, we 000:0011. you a Carpet for .a small advance on WIWLESALE PR10ES. thrtrits Cut 'Fittcd and Made for 7 Cts per lear(11 . • OlVE US A CALL. Est FORE: PURCHASIN4T1gLSEWHIERE.:.: We also curry a large So O of -ant -Dry Goods, ,C10000g. 1.40,01e.ry, 11001S .4cc SHOES, RATS, CAPS; GROCERIES, ETC. 0 U 'WRIGHT 86. 777 Albert Street, opposito the Market. • CLINTON, june, 177. Li AND LEAVE YOUR ORDER tate •Reataty Anti Watadsor Lake SuPeri. or Lines, . Carrying the canarlian mails In eanneetiort`with th Grand Trunk, Great Western and Canaria Southern .• Hallways. The bean leaving Sarnia call itt „dislarleh, lilnearditte, and Southampton, the following morning, rer nrnee Mines, Sault Ste. Marie, Silver Islet, Port William and Duluth; making alone connections with Xotthans tall. way and Ifitaon's Red Riverateamere, forPnit Garry Preight andpassengers from ell poiutS, at lowest rates • Pot, istrthOr leforreatters apply to • •OS. JAOESON, Agent. ••Clinton, ISTav Ord, 18'77" NOTICE. Valuable Lands `1,4;t OTICE 18 11E1r6l3P GIVEN THAI ALL i$A11., liettir indebted to the firm of Notley & Atm011f, must pay tho 551110, at tho Abel), to Mr.Nottoy, ea he will not ormaktor any debts settled Won Wreaker paid to him. 3. NOTLEV. Clinton, /ens 61, 1877, • ; , • I-Iouse tor Saae. . - F018 agLat. OnAtlY TERMS, THAT vAlatAllt71 • Malr3ttInlZILraa°"thlerw tor "' 8111)1 rcai,1A-ak gaia,D4v44Wootletod,do, ta, Tor partionfrs A.14BOT4411, Olietee, tfey 8, 1877. Ivarta for 'Sale. wittn HUntscernBit 0rriolls74 POli SALE 1818 „I- farm, being RASO, eon. 11, Ontloriola township, • seatainitig he soros of loon, ss or wil2oll e eisartsli eta lo Plor'it 44(.1' ellit(71100,1', lAlritite boffin ;moll lotruwoisi, isituated within 000 mile of llolausrollle, an four miles from the town of lainfon. Thom 10 00 tit.) poen-tiros Is good •conarete 'hums 8101 bPui Twn aortal of Ivo ovehenleof very sbeice Iron tva0a, taut two ge,ei sprinevoseeen the prosolaea. Titiointlisput; • elec. Terms llberet. Per perticulitrofrepply to • WAX, STANLEY, on the rimless, Clinton,knay Ian, 1877. LAMM LIME 1 LIME tient streedrtIbeltel aXelt PREPARED TO DE. A„ toivett at the undermentitmed stationer the eels. brated LI.1110101.111 (118E11 vitro, ettnotoineare by betty aroma:as 'tee rat/Moors, to be pv1004161 tor Lorelei: potposin;at tho following 11*814 Drilla see , loon . ; , • • , . *entrant *trail -Ora, 111 1441.111 Wier Inistol, Clinton Stotiatte, 1/./ coots per. biattliell. • '*or farther pettlaiditre !Moline Of ▪ wsi. ROWELL, •tilitekilinithr'Cliftton Who tvIll rortelve end attend to orders. • ' • thashouss, thy 10, 1017.1. (t",•g?It4titt41/` • • POR SALE. MAC HATTENBIE ESTATE DY rut. froiv`i4 OP CLINTON. sit tli� 11118014 Town ilot2 Ifing north of the llallWaYr and the twenty Sera panel, tante south of tho Railway. • Town of GoDEiticii. Toice Leta 1.4o: 40 ata AT, on Lightitemer Street, nun Muir tot No, 18,1n eon, C,reontaliffug grout Teo error, also In the said ton. • Township pf Stanley. roto Lois Nos, A airid041„ Zfiltenmi,t,lio T104110.1 toad, lit ssfa Township; valuable wood lois adjoining tiro Vilingp undersigned, • .. • Title pertoot. Tonna, ene.thlral eashtbalencs. In one tme two, ereve, v7Icis booted yoarly eta pot" etett .11*elaltei MS nosier urceit :maybe- mode. Apply IA ;PIOT IlitteeReld) 11AY.8 and Lune ItAiltesortrer Boise Mimeo; Ana the ter diGiX.Y2' POP 271n. Pt! AIWA! PAZYP 00111P4 IVY; itiA• Jralta,011,, tqo 'Si, 1.0/1. • Miner ales, resets, Clothing, CALL CLTIITON, April' 12, 1877.' • 1U WARE etSTei E DEALER, rrilkware Illrairofattarer, Alm as Irmo Wm= or NAtr,s, Loma, InNonsi SCREWS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, , , AXES, HANDLBS, SPADES, STIOVZLS„ POP,XS, „ LAMPS, BRACIltETS„.011IMNIES, BURNERS, &o., &o, t.l.s0, /VilliVall% fir all in Stock or , Iamb to 'order. tioSt04 Largeasso ttnent of Gardening aid Harvest Tools. 20 Mot po, 0Alta0W,112,aii i; 0A0ONtllittStr • staielleiti ly Nukes, ho'itotiat,zoasil 187/ 6