Clinton New Era, 1877-06-28, Page 4N. ...... . -- --- - - -----
blow UP 11to
Of tim Sutn' 0641,%Mll PAVO-81yooling.
U404 tilp, OUT hoWU3 Ofly
AIou:4o,L$jJjtOrj, alld 4 y IWY 40WAL G
the Gird" mvpio 4tri ,
vuvudst� and 01400
o. to v, in,,
tok 41
Ary Vavaol4w, Uirlo dolloate I" It de�ooils
4 through, Ilia Illoid.
"Never go into a otwo
-voq XQUOU V.1iother ou oirer thela OWO.Wat
a still bar' of Aoapaix(l A
g '.
where . you Aro not wout011- It A men WAUN
In$. to his, Ji face of busincu. Ito -will
you tw"go_
. . . An
Olimaz Double Cylinder Throsliing, Xachiuest.�
k wemau bowNg bt -pit also4l) off's "hAv
itivito you tbrooph at l4avertloometst $our
liatua.1*Ver, It is *1`04�4'tiir QIA 49 i4ttudO
-n ehinea, .
0 ud Vibrdtor Thre�hirik,lvl
o .1
inbination a
tpofoot in thi a jouruAlist rel!
1_W#rU that WON 01431, 110'a 144 holeout tharre
upon. 1310 vril'aoy ; 00 400. P 40 -1,
644.011 is 40mewhero ip wasbi: ato
Mallit of AGM 4 1101,1151MB-11,1WAYa OR halld-
4 uwaia-
40 dark by, W-0, eivWxica. wr pmiaolo�,
a-kaft* wild, V for -a solitery, exii-i
To moot the. large god increasing Goland for our colebx�toll X40hives from a
*A:tbe grotina of bard times.
e r, whom jite A %ttit% 4owro, to arrtwti Aua-
0 declared before his flight that he would,
the a on of the lateit sod ra ostlApproved
p4rtq. Doilliaipa, we have, b the i4trod eti
sod, our manufacturing facilities, We Are th ro 0 go
wacbioory in our *044A greatly ittovon a
oorrespoullent wants t& kuwwl"At $3010
thing for in r—
coolest � oil to wear 4u: otvomo�
oboot wlioovov orpro4oheilltim.
(46,m labors Pont- Solihoo, !a Fratice,
1 11 k 1-+ '1.. .� +1,..
ina position to fill all orders proxaptly.
06114ra Are OQQI Some won like' gauze WIllsol Qug ; Ilts WOW r ghly tooted before Ja4yinS the 810pi Alli warranted to, 0iv T4
foog t, 141t art
4 is V1% -eAe4 by What he thought F ry ch thorou
in a is run. and,
gotblp4 to be the tilin with church f9stivid Nvortb,$O 1 0,000 tot- tileir-wat9lat alp
It piaved to be an Q% M40 0,1104
but tuo, 400leotthlug woula be nothing.
:So ith mIrror �ottooj� Ad aldoa ara with old ViO00A of tile rei -of. r a
o one- speattili vAluoils rare, cQios. gn. 1 A Ola 1. 3PEOPLE9S GRO rsatisfaction, Z117's THI
like Our or OfAt, And throo wakQ. a rry ouviLp-; AA selling Bankrupt Sioqko and, selling at, Cast Prics, eeing 0. betlig or4gr of the 447, 1 beg to rominit toy
1W ro rifork son LJ -/Or O(lor oarl� customers QPA lug ptibilogeacrallyo that I Will 094 84 choa aufar tho Money
pectillior to thompelv0p. gld give a14 quy
bOu0O. In, to'�D, WAtiqu any buljOug.
The hour and roiiiiito aull necoind at which,
)VrO*0 and their ea
4�vg is more AOPHI�A$OX CO, Qu
but 401 1 �, humliating 10, 010 hyOr- Abe 4,40 oOr T Ago7puig lady than to be DeStell at a game crosses the eque, e Strictly 4m), SOME 0 T
St PPES. Since I. ega Uew Cutter frora
gd MY Xont 'We,
culatc4, and this instant Into to be pligarv, real
o still. wears 13 lbs. Ilmsws for $1,00, 11 lbs, S urgAn for $1, 00 -, Fine YolaxG ' ysox TEA, 30 OtO
69 eroqnot by Go girl wl All the memberli pe lb
Q.d in At special manue.r. Bwx TEA, 30 ots. per lb;., Qb1tor Tea�,,,4Q, 50, 110, and 76. o. , 20 baro SOAP for $1,0( eii besieged :bv pOrsons w shin o have,
of a household muqt- be ready to paria6. Garden Plants now ready v a have. be g
'the giVop inomea t of a QQM
6,esult do, a bit of gOO4 to 0 to a 001410 .1 __--i I Smoot ToRACco, 40 ot ati(I everything. else in �ropoxtlon.
a t . 0=14 Which
and si� tik tiwl adralro the' - A.BBA0E, C-AULIF LOWER,
14 on the river ha, - beat the tolider is Supposed t,) ln4ar� 6fix health for the TQUATOZ, 0 Assortment', of
rgeou liset, C1114. talk .1
lo' (1*14, irk' V� inatils
PEPP - . - R -N R
uhaini, or ;vJiAtever it _be, is. brQll4kt Voi sale la any qns I U U
.04 4, cu#ard p 'd Be
into iG, hmjw with 80010-.0oremotly is Tu9s. THOMAS"Is" OatISTMAS GOQJ)S_X*w Raisins, Nor Vatrents, Candied -pool, &c., juAt arrived.
clot ing d sm�ll round glasses, Something h4e Nex,4 to, sprpat tenbitt, Ot store$ Opposite the mqrkat, Late sheppAxa & 000por�
t,y to the churpli so are tiod,
liberal! lillich is to SQ6 iiifol� finger gla�s. with a dQVar, lo, ;877, 4L* W. 9. RIX41
't"i hands down olveplato his POO49ts'as in-gireeit gauze, sealed and, Pre- INCE BUT
A.UWA Iff c-'aiji6iished, and then rair aigbitar- the money to L;oa4.
I t on my _ other PO4H.0 ti'tha tnembers of the house-, WAILB W_15ANNINQ HIS MANY FRIENDS, FOR
4§ broken, An the 11beral patropa
Vvt 90 uvidea -with s0ons, di go.)Je0oweit Oil blin, IU tho
Or-puccesb th
�lbtl, hold, �41readY �r RIVATE VUXDS, AT EIGHT PER cus�, 'A At;tl,sui�a4y.oalip6l,4teacber4tjl;oda,� p I L hand V Hevet.-wa
6.kue*.;vbat the 29wing 7.,494 to, Great a r.
T, A L A- It. G B T 0 boy if It. I.. health 6f-bondy.'And mija'. P .0. BID. OU W tares'? Meant,. 'Pq otho 1$7(1. ed C16thip mad thi
'Ing, a strdusoa aroxind in froAt,-
There!s atear my, inji sawed MFQATxgo ' I . I -uas, firstly burat;'sud threatens to deluge ZurOloe ith- blood
Od -ion
700 Dot., 3 Sinde,April last cloud that oto' avqrlinugTark
-,!By Iforough L ilowle 4 P�qsorvlug a otelot nontralityl. and i, determination not to Interfere,
king,olit qt the tipper 1101 OtIOA Ofhdr own Int0eats, wbich slid. is qi 4, apinlidebt to defend,
when I c4ed girl loo- t the Operations of digestion or FILL IPTI Z While a4intring �49 w adom of BrItkiii.
laws whioh,govern excepkin the Plate
andrintrition, and by. a' Careful'application. FURNITURE ITAS. DECLA D i WAR AGINST. 11](JE111 HAE-:7 MIS
essing another �SUBSORIBER
Small grocery, addi )roportleA A eli-selected 0.0003" rOICES,
enter at the fr6ut 4,0 , k ofthe fino.1 To srjtti rl who was trying to Ur. Epps fias proVidei our- breakfast table*. no he$. J48t imp4rte4 a lot a the
And b)(GESTIVE FL11719.
weve all beon'to camp'niseting Rua I a e
With a delicately davoredboveragq iviltoll 1118Y The AllsolusnxT will, our. ins from Rhon, Groceries, Crodker�i* 04ina - and. GlasoWare', at cost and4ilader, And one as6d. and' p rr rni.se8 o. Call
vonvorted; sb when you riliM O'u Sqnd Lasc8g ftlai 6f PARLOR 8 UITE, "ry
save us mally� heavy ductors' bills. It is, by m%tioza, or other, Infloenuistory Swel rilis, In 12 Mile& and
0 he is, t this hiiPbusincomp lie would respectfully request his pations aud� Cho pu��
a to come round to the bac1c door." The DiGnsw;vB rl LUID, has never failed to care Dyopop- . : I
the judicious uqe�of such artioles'bf diet that Ut in 0, fOW U011111; the I moit'obstinate And would Invite 4if lusfootibit 69 his dock by, all who US Again. Durin the
you'll ha 0109"a"110111 to 'in this voluatcot nioverhouh,as Us Qftorspn" baroalusto: all.
9 MY I see
Or NOTE FE LIW)IN 9 Spri g our hands. have
the Willvjlt "Peotang I a 6ons4tutiou may be gradually built -up, ..; -"a' 'a n
Wbileshe r ant'anything in tho ORbinot warb line, rRICEP OF -A S
iielov6d; lier hanu wandered Nvi4i'lilly over, til
ey to hay. boo. saved1roin Ilfc-niaggring pain a r ToA, worth� 9.0 ceiNts, at 74 per lb, o Tea worth 75, -At 60', Tqa wOrth. 00, At 00 Tda'WORICSD
chitis, cAtarrh, iind dys -:, to
trong, p.ough to 1.04iot. Over, 0 Xb 11 b on had
of, subtle, malotaiii Opsia, and was cured In a faw. In- tha*sy Of BUREAUS thOy will be offered Our- Tea, worth. 40, at L35' Sugars a 3 IDS. cholto. *ork eztra tirn.6 ev',' r7 night in, 01 -der' to,
11126 iieyp as she sting, Somebod�, somebo 0 are if t cost. 14lbs, good%rrantsfor
- da, f at 46
U50601110. Wilblesaleby I cheap duriuj tho fail and winter. His - aback
1) a Lytasu, Toronto, r�or partiouiaroages lh6c6, 20 cents per'�Iug. Beautiful,Ohina
waitiu� fol T110 Old doating around its ready: 'to -attack wIlcrcvbr ,LaSold by draggle so pri is . of kilu-dr�ed inutgrial, put t1ter In.& work. VilIoncIaJUi9iuh;for'25. cents. XyrfloiXavy�Tqb
a new pair of dou, e-uppoto, and b6re is a wek Pei pe many 6a.:Qx1t. manliko.mmuor, �nd will boar art a
min w, lit. AVG, may Coca b`1001.10 xaminatblu-' Tea Sets,. Granite, Tom Sets', Granite Dinner ets, F ancy Toilet Seto, Crystal Uble Soto, with the' work.
eep up
clu kwas waithig foil him bell ind, t1to J 1.011 t (10 or. a -fatal Shaft by kdopiug,ourselves well forti- Vises, mpgo, &a., oqlli'n al Hair Oils, Essen6ca, El xtraots, &o.,4bheap,
e bloctl, tud. -(ryxopofl�ftouish�- Great; Inducortionts to �:_M_o -wiw Ca Ii, Parchasers,
Sold only rdug a000uldii'�Filothojr ty x0e, or Back Recounts, =list
sho-�iq� t1jo prosp6obualla it inall, IVI(o, it oil fr!imo."- Service Gazette.- . ...... RAQ0 i4aged. it (hoiawast rouquioi4iyo Th . i OX. 1W All ove ))a settled Ilatuadiately, at posts will
-reading; �' Ono dollar in 0)30 dol, in �ackcfs Uum l?ilra 4. Co.; Ho- bp Inoavr9d.,
doolihod mmopathio.Cliomi�ts, 48, 'Llireducedle street, STRE19T,
Remember the st4,nd-T.rn OLDBXPRESIS OFPtICS, ALBERT
on huct. W110P lie c common cong i or.bold. short, d fieverlia is
of.t�n when uggle4ed A is Morals on
as lie iiligh� tot have ))a ar as or hild 170, ric� subs6ribin4l adill�, 00M) C!=NToX,.Xa7 Prill 1677. 2Z Re
m6t. trilled with, STUR15TP OLIXTON� . ... .. R9 We*
Of you r hiro, shrouds., &a., kept oil hand.
use Bryan,s ruimon TaERE I&-
hava grocer, 14 1110thor. wail is C
alustained its reputation, for Heirso to "EV --i "GROCERY IN LINTON,
46 inorb nwar4 of titis . ......... .
bes4yeaab." it 1i6 cu! N
pWvo �Iiidh� ha. and
it in 14 Pleasei rho wailts it in, bol,11 qver � twenty'y'ears',. they ar's.vilWaYd Officcious 1601gr 611� Sales, eve, Sato
le r n I iv ay
rand suild 'Olu and exert a most. bettellcitil infiiii e a 'all. t
al wid sioiold by all At, and, 7 Walbok, F. N1, ata so are a of it hud surrounding oouptry� that ho has opened out. in. the's6re lately occupied
fit butyoullinatellarg druggibW and T?Nloe 25 0�sl 0 HOUSE" .1 N �T W
horn as I'm going -ftuq toot or Nil bhe alalit'&t no do flouring."- 'Mr. Mcep, Albert St
oroot, CIiuiofi,:,
Wo='Housus-.�Wooly horses re !io� so
to feilder his
Nothing so thofougljlY pl��Os_-aau DIES AVE' lucere thatilis W'his -numerous-, It
rare as inany Slippage, not such grea curiosi lee LA A SEPARATE Witt Ch e sdection of Fa fly Groc
has learned that. a colleatioe in tc, be tak6u in, -a are - und in v . i M CAN U
either, thei many to be fo Prime mers in th6 sutronuding townihips-and the his church on Sunday woriling, * and- who has part's of the country tut ive doub
t. if they will An, W1 view of 1081e, and can bid on will be u r I re.: la to be present 6 ever prove. jig vilui6fe to their owners ao the one' fo ud all a El Isually kot In av first Glass Grocery b
consequently been. lival) p blio generally for ' their liberal pa ronage, e -severe pain ill his badlri as''to alilythin, they wish, W14hout being. an d would. further notify them
exh, Barnum iniagine their wyndis at -he has
would consider them i liotit the,
'latelyuddedmos ut improvct�couts to '00040 DGUT�ored anywhere Jit Tqwn� Farin JPkodueoa� IrAlLen �Xxc ftnfx�_
ar the al aluable -,vit no d by.-mis$ng in,a -e t i umorbi N
count of a tb nG toti
tend the serdee and lie, ai6r6 ;e ye 0 a A taw.
w his will by. putting -an. a, new rangiue� dotible
e lat " islitany who d�air t t statis Of the
man annound a wool, for this rou& aud,wooly, -hair
ivo were not present at,tNe m6ruing �Qll a i indicates that the horse i9jigt 17' --the4ljowcr-
�2LAealthy -eqU4 SKU S_ TRIVATM-1- RVERY VA
i ion pR or Suffering from first-class stone, with a obiliplet01se of
and C1
ft -will. liow-b e Beau
t me tiful, Tweeds,,' Cho' e' Coting§.
� r. REMEMBER THE PLACEP. 'Albert.. Streit
Some diseatio 8 this unaturd it chant bolts,; and in fact all tbo lates� and'rn6st Ic 0
p- A pastor delivering sornion was groatly n Such cases use DhrIqeFj Cond%ioli machinery, togelzborwith first-class
sturbedbythe.-I"A7mens," "Glory lialleu- odtodofl�st-blass-W,Orkiji CLlk'ON, No,r.,'2211676i. F hey Vestings a Pantin -to choose f6m.,.,:
owders 6,11d Arabiah Heave Rerriedytit male a is prepare nd gs
jahs,"� &a., of'an. 61d m -a'
16 aippehi nee, re.
ifeste(I td the. discoillfbit of thapAstor and' taova jill Obstructions. from the lungs and Ii M or arn.- all whose piety fts. purify.the blood, corr64 tI Eg 9; ISTING, CROPPING, &c people. and give to ills coat a oletik anil'shilling appear- Gr%ts wilghO44n Mid' out. Parties frpl� a,
to roqueit the old ka auce. Remember the naine, and ado that the
an" W -disdofittlineo; distance' can IluiVo their grists and- chopping
Gc6d Flour
S which he did, and not another word was heard. signature of Hurd & Co, is on each package. 0 "THE PIdBLI6 O A S -home *ith t4eni Ole saii2e a�. C; Tell in ... p X4throp d,- Lyman,, Newcatki 0it., prorie. T ty E
L161usli Iiiin ul Cash for auyq7auti Of Fjixgir ros., how you'rilanagee NARLE, CLOT,
nd Mill',Pleedforsalo afpoderate, prices,,
--eolnp.le!ltialy;Ll-iuquire.a.tbo-.pafator4. -"bitt did pro f6r Canada. Sold by all medicine doa erii. Our of Gr6oeriei -�a GO pletli in
1 Only asked him to' 111flif�-ky. lo wepare 9 ti up pu.. -
itollim.9" .110h, - - HOUSE CLINTOW
you Say a dollar for foreign iniesloxis�-ihat a lie -bail' 'churches ind privatozesidence'. Td violl, to call Tr CUPRA1V-TF,- Ztlaff, ubscribe 7 aThe Subscriber would*alao inforin-the pub -
All,"'was the replk; wfth-17=%rZT 0"Ikiii, Bituss Prq!�LEq, V�INZED, GOODSi.
0 iltatlip has'a large'al
14 ailverlby o .! sarcastic rem . ark, Burn.W- Nice Stook d Groeri(§8 different kinds alla lengths : Pine front 10 TEA Orop of. 1 7 ivd' tisfa
TAPusT, CARPEtS. ALL i Diswen �oci'of liamber of
f was
P haps; unrivalled. tavern one evening TuREE-my CAnrltTs, AlxTuTo.4nd .8 q1 ggaralltebd.' gi sa Won,
or , EVQLrW. OIL,.CLOTT1; MAXTRASSI:n, F4ATU to 20 ft.; Heinlock, froa 10. io 26�; Cherry,
-on the d�ath of a, %11, 1- 1
Ott. motice and dt utternut, White. -%If, ifiapld, of an oq t�T UNTON? 31-ity 26, the donversati on tt ir nitig BEDS an4 rimows, at iiii B A. t ri I, 'k A
friand, one of the company observed. that
�bry:modcrate prices. 500 ends off cloth at E1 i, in lenktliii�to:rsuit the public, whiX en; CROCK.
melt Obles e thaet'llp ma"y'li nt to attend,tha fandrat, requesting�at the -A'New. 'Stopk,� -of, TEASj- " hin, �;�fill all' orai, S WA R, us . I .. , , . tosainb time that Mr, 13urns would A�comod4l,6 cost. , .50Q �Oncl; , carpet it,' c, t, No.' 126 favored with I on the she -y meet We wis I special atteution'to-onr, solddtiod. IN, THIS CLASS OV:GOODS, AND
-he loan of a black coat, h 'Sam by he Cad(T ato r4dfi6ed rate.
him With't is bwu be.�, Unudas.stir.04.t., 125 CWhigotr6e . t 4 L01WO " � . t SPE CtIONI. as it is one, of'th�Jargost and most, P-111. I I I . mA 3 .1 ain iiivijea;,j an.. Ofithrio,,- jm 42Ayr." i
out of repair.. ". i
LSO;� P.�XBLLY, Pfoprlet6r. n 4,,N) OIL] beidg,
Blilth, Aug. 98, 1676. 0,vapuo
0 same fulteial, 164 a Inavirelof Once aw,
swere4 the poet,"' to th geeni 'Clinton- "OUR!CHINA 1. Oft, o notfail'to'sco there.
A you, coat, but I can ong 0 it tl� Glarraws,, -A.M S311 -t
What is that?" � askeg thO N 0. mir � :r
All fresh, which wo'wlll in the Ititurep so -dome -B
wo haV4 Wholo aloAg-Retail G ocer8, Brick
-Thro,w Your cIiaracter'-ov4r y -T1IOi4K'.�9MrCTll1O'OJLI -WdnTK,Trx Trwi.s rri; 'in the P."t, sell'111. cheap an guy othef house in t,,D*n. 6LINTON, b, 1876: Dec Ot
elloulddrs," said Burns,, " and that willprove
WZlQlIT N GOLD I ])a You XwONV Al;VTifcqrj
-AT .., 0 ;1
tho'blackest coati thqt:yqu over w6ro. in.., your IP11OT,lT'1%TI.=XOU3)JV. goo. IN GLASS -4 CROCKERY4ARE
P. in catihob'stay where it is used, It. is the THZ _VjRJDZA$I0XED -IT&VE 9OW:OX H
cheapest Afqdicinii ever made. Ono dnoo cilres
Duringe, t1to trial ot the doldbr�i&l Kansas
,vhich twd women claimed the
"allRes , CHAN- 0j.; BS- N -B.- -S"*
b-%hy caS3 in coulniOn SORE THIWAT; line battle' bas cured part of townpeetlf-u--Islyopspoloioeiittaoitl.he Groat .4111110 Child, one of the Idwycia in course o3f his 00 cis. WOrth ha -S eurK1 an -old
ItO89 Preniises formerly occupied by the
rcflrtnr�-s pointpd. to the p�ultixig of.S.olonion. 'stAn(lity or two hotile� cureh bad -Tug UNDERSIGNED DESIRE8 TO NOTIFY. THE PEOME OF OWNTON'AND *10INITY, TIUT
entering the child tq be sbirarctl in halves 4na cases' 0 PAIPS and KitiNry T1101mr.Fs ;gix to 1lutdica, lip ljawpiuchseod� the basin slatcIyv0rzddonbyJ JOSLIN &SON), wAivh he. will. continuo'L
between the . two women. Iligoftp- e0it'noplicationa. ny caso of P -A L AGE, AND SELECT ST
1� Street,, CI,INT
STANb, Iro
tural knouile'dgd Deing; sinall, lie called file AT TJAF, OTD
ctired laing,back of elqdit A-eam' -Pilate illettrd of 8*010nion., . Th Having had couilderablo experience n this -business, and.buying for cash, bo Is. thereby on' bled to bftor go . 6d
ing' coulasol, knew all aboutit, bargalus to his oustornors. He has now on hand'a woll�suledtod�assolrimcutaof Ll
-suppogng h CHO-ICE
Mile for rb bottle of Oil, effected instuatty jituiped to his feet audwtid the otdor wonderhil cure ofn Cronked Limb, by; six appli.- ,is by C -and not BIAS.
i%L ear After a boated cations." Another ivbojigs had on hey-ageodd-to -the Tudge. -0.
loovq it to , J year$, pa,� - �, I ljsVe lilf of ri, 5D cen6bottle END E 9:T1k1N-61 thoY offer to the.publ
Ifis Honor decided that both the attorn;,�ii left, and �100-vould not buy itif I could gob no ME, .—COSISTM0,11f TART, QX?_ io at the lowest I remunerative rate . a.
ware1alking abeut'a subject foreign to thoir niore." bo, G, n RaM`jr, T6Ungcr'8,.and aosgrove'a Bottled A*&; Agozj8
One Small bottloofyotirEclectric Oil ra. .6T-TXt1-,AX-RS, S�PJICXRS
Luo'wledge, and, p6intind to the painting,. a -toied' quarto. barreZ9, in wood-,* Gran0j; Sprihg Rftiedq, Hamilton -and
rod, and not tlt(,,yoicexvhere-l;hop�raonli.-.tduotsp cenabove E qO 11,
it, i1ras intended to roliresent He ol, GreOnt Whdor of Moderk TIES, -oo oin Dr, u vE, vxb i- i;?.HE,,R ty Ny� Sele genk for the Goderich, Btewery;
I LtIJ6 a vIiisper in. five years." of
utAtter settled Owl proldnAilodwith the (:ago,, Wyouring, X. V.L, Jilites. Yntir Eclectriq,011 Al , I Ovd . ers Prom
cured me of Bronchitis in one Nreek." 4VA4AK.,0AiD..ro3t rQQJ5.L -1-1t0DV0E TANCEIV xAl rXjV1r)kN0ru ptly -Attd3icled' to..
aps 'and, Weanin It il a, lZond for for mber the Place-.711urpn Streel sPona, door, es� "of 06mmor .9 BC 990w. .1 0 01 externaluse, and iq believediobe hinneoure,
Pe'ritied sea turtles ru&ciocoanut� have MUTTON, May 100 f877"
silly Superior to anytbing 6vor initfle.. 'Will ijave JAIM4 XXT
'otind in earth inotinds in 3D0111 -M COIO' kotimuch sufferingariLl wrny 4ollrs (A r4o. Time mound form . vasb range, atid OP laTITAT1014,—ASIX for Dr. Thilb4al Ec rprin 8XIBSOBIBno BEGS LEAVE TO STATE: B VILLS Purify ilia Blood, correct. all diso (I f
0 Norr"'nor &- U.' a large and, superior class of
I ino. One is� four miles in circumfer. !a on the wf4pPbr, and thol name f
ib3own In the Willa, and TARX NO OTHRit.
'E 0 E
aeo lift oen miles 1fain the foot of the Rocky JeCtrie()JI, $OQJbXttLOFJjglJntUrOL0f$;. N. TRUIVAS- L to the public thaf he keeps constahtij on hapd. ad ' a vdatb% in all complaints Incidelitil to
biiso$ and has, a thrifty A I , TIM OINTMENT 1911to only ISE ING 'ACHI GODERIC-1-1 FOUNDRY
growd reliable ramedi for Bad s POTE
0 Sol(I 11v all toodidne4ladera, Prico25conto. North� Lags Old Wonnols, 80res And Ulcers, ef hbtevor Ion A splendid assottment of ftt�c Gas
tmkls. Patriflod alideatized,woodin beneath top 4 tyivan, Turoutqp proptl6torA foe the DoInlillo 9 1 surlace. n. COFFINS,r CASKETS,— stanaing. Vor Bronchitis, Diplitherias Congba, Colds, and every shing kept in atock,
The mounds are
thooUbb to QO!Ito'. U116111110181di and all St it has 116 ]qj PL A I ]R
havo v,.os_a_-o_hoetLislaads of A- 211 S �J_J 0 P
'r)le ljlrac�b woman in the worl(l, Mrs. ituth t
GREATLFEMALE Coffin Th4mings and Robes, ]Be L Wfire of N�Pw YLork Counioorr6itg. Sewing Machines of i2ry rnake repaired and ne�v mil. 'Having 'a.
Prts kept on Ill
B itton, ded o4t her residence �n Vernon practical tall vvoik done here i uted- to e isfac
Opinions Jailtstiong 11 11OLLMIVATIS Pill achinis 10 War
wig., on Fi iday last,' She was 64 years old of jr, :0V vood sat" tiom Manufa uring C0 mpany, .
36 four itiches 6 length* and' weighea Jou NOS M10DICAL P!Llr.,4 .01ninjoilt! are manufactured and sold unolerth
ES -Pi, an a Chargep Moderate.
reven N4 With a Aptoudld TIMALUSE!, PtAtxCorrls4RJwA7s name Of HollowaT & Co., bv F. 7d. NORSWORTuy,
A 3111ftron Street, ofit door'
liar cdff!4 was Seven feet ei lit this Wellknown inodidIA6 13 no 11APOSStion onuhand, Pirtlas can,be Rupplidd In one houro at dr11Rgf0t0, Rod A 10 by the AfetrbPolitnil West of the Cominereial 11octel, ciinton, omit.
ig I
in Jeff" any time, lit
tud gafo rQmcdy for 1,10,malb Dim, all 50 at MW Yo, Pitt,
cithree feet sit inchei a P�11, but a sure I itlid four feet NVI(le at the epritro, twOIAY40ur 14 T r-' 1� L Pr, R -(=I" -A
Z6#epfi f NO- RAM, M
York,' rVigoago.
eq On 9�1511 "YA foot.. overo, and altliough a po�arfni ratftady�, it con- roilnired vight inelt, with blooko .� TbatioaiibeproauiMiLtiLny�othetillaci?', hl66*h makos nuddr
tains nothing lkurtful�fii the donotittltfotl� tho Of Ifollo,
for a trade Ingth it
Ceases co" having' IfeKdoson &
'rile exti aordinary seen stobk of FURNIftrRE d$Or.
0 of a Judgsentend. Itigpdonliatlystlited. It *111, in ashorttime Robbing, Of NOW York;'are agents foi the h4iti. Tbgpo
all ax -Judge to one year in the Pauiten� bring on the monthly period Witli regularity, Auvays on liand. testis, the batter, to doativo Yono unblushing) caution 00 Vollers,. Engine& and Mill �Ja
i"My, for Switiolling a client, wan witnagood a "he to their 0,11blery. of Latest Styless
I bl�cs in a swell book of diroctlous affIxes
6 ainoti.,whiohatdkeally'thooputious
r8ov City, The prisoner Vains in the Back and Limbs, Heavitlego, 011iltOn, UsY 10, Bewaid 02,Counterfelto. Unscrupulous I 1111"On
11M.2119 'ffl� er
'atigue on aligb t, oxertion , Paf�lfadon of the thorn at vory'low pricano find sell tbom to the public In lxi�p�o'ved Wnds6
11911I.t1ro) libaition Oi ludge five years, and 1 9 1 - Micbllingi4 Pul 1 S, 0
Canailm AR My g6nalfte Pifl%,Aud Obatulant, I MoSt Car.
(In rin- ( 11 --it tial a had, conspired with others to Uat.' Hy9toriody S!bk Headachello whites, 3143 tly and rogpoctfully appeal to thef clergy�to ninthore Over 100 Nvw Patterns Paper* Ifaii9ilig and Porderitia,
fainillog ftil Othorlwdibo, ancl. to tito pub of goneTily
t-jr(.-41 in his own Cjji,t, There were CKSL BritiAl"NO17th Ardorled, that, they nifty be plesoo to T r tm( , ):M3: -,-:83M . G I ULTURAL IMP
1,1160 1 t lltejw4tice ana violate the law Adnlinis�
fit' raid- disorderbil iygtom, thegoTilig trill effect satire IR G
to -be, taken Into aongi� when all other WORUS havo . denounco 111191MInglY thogo frandn. TS X LEMEnTs
fall6d, . * .
19i'Ofttion, tha ox-,TuQo being a`01oroughly . These pills have never been knowit to fail HORS S 10 and BIA MITHING Parchaaers Should Io6k to the T'S, el
fractions oii the 2nd page of pain. the, Pots and Doireo, it the Mdross Is not 'STOVES of various kindo, Brass nd Iron Castiugo,
Two t1raini, going in coiltvarv, (1frocOnIS where the dt 1 1 XOrd Street, London, they aro t4os
OV0390d b-ItIVC1311 aUa,SOV1tI tIlG btl ohlot, are well observed, I\T
0 for Por fullpattioultirb, got &DOmp'lilaij, Eneh Po & and Box bears the B=TXS'U CIOVEM119MIT
nd w.citea r4i(is i)y Zia if, the a. r SU111', With tho Words 11OLtofty'S JIILL� ANI)
oatne St agent. OINTAIENT, LONDON, i, - . ,t . oil the
ti lrl 1;013 o1y"ii of the JOB AJOSE 8, Nl'.'W ird label is tho btli ALPOv AL S3PLEN3D
eicloge(Ito �,BgT, Lo"002t, I . . I . 9
the ettiot. t1to Du�-c of Alijutpou pornivTon, � ID � LA49B NEW LOT or FOR SALE CHE,&F—Seco
the ieL'utPrOO gorthrop�& Lyman, Toronto, od-band En8ines aiid.-Boi of 10, tar- Ria "80,
rlotta Hollowaylot Pills and. Oilittablit, its Of liq ura a bottle itter a
vollirn got (Pot, ati(tpagged the 104)(80 sal, oil
or !1,0 1 colul lihi�aflllff the "arilOW'sloi &a ol 10 Plahw.
Is ly return Infiff. b afad'and thairnanico voyetilf.. des.-
ho,yod in rLL(fril botb royal tra. gents for t6l)Ominiou, will jug an.C�J S Cirriagos, Expess Wa 1403:40 POW(ir AIBO� . Sttvtd 'Machine, Shlnjj�p and
Glid ros 60Y4 nei
ult of ul god, 8 good
Sold in Clinton by ta� H. oombe and (loorgo I'd Otoboo(ling is the THOM8 UOLLO A
Current rulu)e triso a llfatri!jiorlial jillinfica 11 D
003, oxford sit . act, Nv. a," D ETC.'
Princ linpetigl as forth; I-Xidd, 01ttoubrook; Pa*rkor Cattle, Londoii,.1au; Iftli, 1877,
od and I". Jordan, GodorloIll J"L. (fintoron, "Day'
gold; fit' IM AT
tile Duka 6 110(10110Y A i)h)r610i!Xft WA `son6, for in Hdqio Oaf. to vNit st liatmvit. (jit Q;6 Addroaa ENG1,
11)(11" Ila vvaq lady at the door
r1itiv, Pic
ttllab thc Niel. ni'tu �Vdg lit)t tiloro, but another THOMSON.&. wit I MANU 11
heThe h6neeg Rejn6ay ER WOULD T&XV 11`118 oppon.
TU2112110f thanklog Ilia
thtvoyliberai PStronaLge _uquieguilg 0 V Er r 10 R, 1)
rcot, wetGopon, pro. wid rilh, thoy have favolod Iiw,*Ith artu
portifill locality oP ership, A T F.
-his surprfag while eayryltg on
91'eat oll Lo arflill�) th,llt the patient wit butinegs in. this town, and would tit CLINTON
9 The succes that t. the eknia time intlinato to them, and thr, pubila ponor. UNDr
waiting lot, Itill, UP 03 a 11111 (84 Irwo ittedfoxneS hava'.itlet BEG 1874, aticceselorg to Thoildiaon WilltemErif �f Mit0h611,
n Pietro in with duce tile 6 lo thlit he hat ads W ILI, 1 .1 U Tp011a generally that they havo Ontered Into part- It
111;1316; rtu"tll Elf, $80 bi()n OftheLeity, yf'lr& ir ifitroduetion'to the public witte further, igntitld 6i,to their Rapport, its be lielievos it
ga, Provea plainly to tile I' norshipo for the ptitpoed of, catrlo on Ibo.blaokamith-
Ino8b 01' 't' *III tat I theft dvantage. Lp oking to the in. ffig butinesiiiiihIlltati Ry..
"'S ly oeeuplal by 11r. V.,Iones, O:r'
ftni what tItLy i6teto to a GPLAX -atichm, In ho building foresee. 1CU al RE,n....,Ione
ha folly I wi t that'a practical joke that t1lor are medicines thatverf :Pump FACTO A. *r r W
OMNI and oAtried are Advertigod to do. The, virtueS of tilego lnc�'
the rnattldp jJLtLJ coart, wilare the ludg6 tell. dicifleil hjwd beeb. well te-ited. and witil. I L L I A. It (A tbfiesd b, tSAAC.Stra6-t 4WLINTO 14,,� qinr, Drift;i; IiO RrTUnN HIS
fitoot! teirttial in n fho.16 rmtlofactory rnanner,, M if elitocir# tfiarlijo fbr thd liberal ofixto Ot rLatrolifigo.
Pay for' tl"11 Vor dise OP tst 16MMAY In badmig for hilagolf it this 116", P21101-T!"TO MMICT 'or
A special froyn T ruso sill rinryoutt l')IMparleb, such As vjrp J)r truottd . ljo�o, ulauller, 4ftd iti Ing ilia Jai d III ft Is OWL, ?4 fint-614ag
medical Vigits a-7,tofthe quit, and vrAs doalid"td ills b6sth' Whcio 11,7t will bi a -
ases bf the Blood, Liver, Nunga, &6, to n 61fOid0d hffb� Rba Vodld'al(30 Inthuste that he h 9, dtfr
- albot count thoY tire unsurpaga&L 1�16 Illve testitflotliaig Us. his dea =dd6 6tch Prostvattan -oto., whl�h, lit 1111tor realfanablo rates, loo(edal, had IN noW prepared to make And pub 16, tho A. It. WMJ�1STVtr4, VICE -PARS 'jtLVX.,
tsir, miradtilous cures of didoaste's And Malty byovar RED rt,, Id" To
4 ViAitf lot 110 urA'Of (0 FOR AJONVAT
others, If Any bile b aillietek lot tIlein try '140 Atvdidfilb-h Ilarrowu ma a spoicialit3r, tut(I Warrant,- MOST. tSUPrJRJ0R ''PU
TALL, V.S,, baaeoau but thd SpPy,
4110arg hgo, bottle of the Rome and a Iyox t P'llo, ltufr ogpofAllv for
toto vieib his former injurious effectq d (6 prriatlethia ptotcr�- lientnji;1 'ArAxul r, ACTME:111IS'di?
the liiogt 01011, Adf *11146abla lilibla usa his skill it, all Matto' (11al teapteat* golleitod. Av�l f1. Ito was ro.t delicate pornoll, ul all' dfamglog that fellov so it 60. ,
Vegetable, of aoxrs COtITTa. aoePain jn� t1le ack, Million, An. 91, A77,
eeinattor ift tholn, fieNown aod Combined' lachinig,
TOO t4deting lVan icry aft-actilig', III cost, hi AMO whil6jila gd[vgntRg6g derived from [Ow- "Alan eft or IVJIJ1001 0141 Age, Jtrgg adi, thbir use will doubly rt antrouble, TOE, I)J:A-M 10mombel, tho j3TtLpN—nqtt dd6r to
VJ A11111111thY ttllly ffinaqeg that lorta t6 lus"nity or mathesoled h1,09 ONviiito anol �,Olorflll aThe inadtoinon arowfde�y ownthrouglinatthe it 01rAV04 all
1Wrkir with 06findotfs claim for,hii, rule, Dr 6�';deast Uedors, See& DrZis, lioiga Pow
nDoinitflon ithd are tot wile by the. prillelpftl are first caused by doviatingitw ors, t lid is or A 11 Ut tjb, and 4 6U14 Mtufa bo path at nainto and LAD111A or
antl 11c �Vdfjf(j 60 heine 0 t MOM, 011 a la"Ch mom Otforoolso fill.1 JJf Vidinlf?. for pJ06fRV6f#L With tho, Moot andowitabla allit nioat dill ht- itiet ortlitherd, straw oultord, Plova, Gang Plowit, &to,
filled that th&4e thediellier avo licy Innubutz. N1) A lly 13 rf fAq1ttim Y16
ut It
to Ilia one trthtln th606 tpttlil als. flior-1 IllAk lut still totitivileg the natAhaso"hot
town ,c if im did not, ton poin *Ij rill art oularilin we do. aii inint 411 linfalmr4ble 'opinion, of to rondlirloo by wailip 6vefj oub; Ste= Z n9ffies afid Boilers$ all sizes
fliA . kilo 11014 AII'Ding ANO$1 &N:D A -t enw .11106, hey(111111 WhOM t1loly havk beeii urod will Ila Ivitli. wiliti ofat*111 6soubby ""the Ladies.
tw6toy 011f, d6til, lAdil Iftfomktiott YnaY be had mi all vi 11 aga, f6j, Wspla. nufforicyc & COIN Lumpohn
-k pattaili of 4allato, awl 16, AMORtItIly Inforlot, to whitaft, but tvIdy ak PAW6111W fiouching tho ue, and the 0 Xperiellto Itux-T We IV Vol
ptaotically In 6f-thoto who havo 11g6d t1jefft,, by oocurin and along bipattolude kt coq now at�160, All 01 aca Oka d0861,10tious r(rd 474-181 and ;Iato VIM$ 06nt�ilej e,� dtrm lotos r16 e4tilf Aft SpoeloodiatIld Tinflynato to thd lidloa at Clinton that ho f# vtopite(I Tilkaesj, og the vr &Atde pjix-jory 06, Wk about &IIiallby Un fe r' 1VO mila Ttoqtl8o ot tile, Ole to', Root, orott—should hiot.
til vo -can do what from any Drugglab in. 0014 116111 1 11oh by ' 9ft.COMb34jsfjdbysT1 �Ottliice to isortt 111 L OIAJ, pstfautifa, V* ,of the"Ejimedy 1=301 'WILLIfffl MAMAOTU1110 CO, 611JI-1,001 Olt,
whito pwpls own, do, th6 DOMillift, free. - PH TIROMA8 I silo Y101*6 h byttfitt �Aro-hna RI(catIollo. to himila or Ink% oil bhotb notice, Valid, grolds,
PiAt b00141i P11110 26 tutts'p, W:t, Mica, talk iO3=0l
1878# IlAte, r6v, 14, -loll, h '1�'
t t�l
i at ib
Ol gy-
0 t on to