HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1877-06-21, Page 4strase meries, of fatAlitieg, are roptirtotl
from Ilfracombe,, FA614ull, CaptAIQ (4rr, 4
tive of tbAt towil. recently found it V0004.
oil d1up t9gother, 114 jqrl itt W Iver
r Ill, Mope, f04r f im.
An ino out 101011,144,11 got the money, medlotely Upon hi$ roloago lie rushed upon a
The _KS
0 R'
-0 R�.A W
I otliv, I ot il thr o ed to aill, Win, bu -A
la, what, INVO twilw ollipmate rind KIIA(A him oil tile opot. HE R A �181g-, Suo 0 0 -8,
made for, 114 oplous olfir brother, quiqkp Q%pt:kin at 0110. boro up for �jlo or4 WITH L By
is., (1.1 of
Qat philtlpowk and delivered raturdoror Into tho Ilan
A 1401,1031 Oxcl)"00 'Pays Lo4ilia will the autboritiog, but DO orionor had lie (Inialked VNIDEROZONVD 33INGS TjflAVIj TO A4TURN 111,9, StNalIRE Tff&XXR TO, T
Glad his deposition than 116 fell down nd soon dird. -4.- 'JV4NTS Of -0114ton and Violn for the MOW l4trQuagot bolitowail. upon, hint
or _ he VNIA4680
t, �Qjj besillucesho will 01'maz Double Cylinder Threshing, Xj% 1 Y4 $1140 to litts, 0140 now ou"04,
I watotied by a faith. I chines, I tattigth
thilitiobAnds Will b 114mod jonog. wl I to became ill all Combination and Vibrator Threshing eA. 1090 000% of COMIX311 , OUZZITO r
to do tho 0310 PZA T 31
hollrafter the Joath of his 030541 A44 (1104
Thl f Oto very bopt quaI1t;l,, linporto(I front, 04
I th, . Ontario. oeletty Trink-
the ]1114 wjICk N .1 Irty utioutert. na all (dulls of AtAR101JI,,URAL UIP Alw4ya on Itoed. 490 lit ittooll. and 40.18 xiowtrovilrod to furnjoh, aud Attend roudralo, All Arot-olatis atylo.
r. by We Y11S or set"
00 _.Ar. 1'-. SCIII. blost A Dritiall 001 pilot dowil �nd 0.0 pwr voisit, jesj%, jij;oin prjeqkil fo.kitnorly chmeNefl. in,
mouth cortler of tile 1111g, and Ili$ teotil Tolucot the largo And. i ) raluxii0aftor the or40Lr.1ffr*oeIY.o4,'4 required, A s
atireAsilig dontand fbr our celebrated ines" from a Tlearoo kept for hivo, ON it the rigidity of death. The pacts of the Domilition, wo, Ilave, by Ole introduction of the latest, and Most approved
Aud and
.4ear, Lord, nosoWin. machinery into our worko,greatl increased our csWoara therefore
A bit 0, Remember the place--�-Nearly oppo$"Lte�F a_1
ittio Now yor� 8f 110my out it wa from I aje .
r I Silbseququtlytho THE RAGE AT
the Irayle o %foSWOnablo" 11.4 a sition to All All ordoia iromptly., P 14, 187.7, & A. 40NUTT, 0- '
parents w r standard wali retaken And ever silloo the flag .0 Molter, U.ndo.rtilker a
nd Up4olsbl
Can 411i easAsks ill wado with that littletieco
MAN commulliont is aT46t of that roffiltionti
4ilexcharigo, Tftb6y 0011110MOV ei sorgeant 4 Vol 0404 "boloro feavinq' the -shop,, Rn4 warranted to 01v
uof th is rt.i.0 and thoroughly t
aillOunt of W8404 Q0&QrSftticu (in mooll"ght 1111 wits bariell with the fro"ORIP111it W
ghts around fences autt baoU abeds�. I mthA ru' editor, in describing the oratorio of relatioll to t4o wqr is the, Bill'
Eather,,, boautifl.,111y says,, 11 The swell PEOPLES.' GROCERY
upe,w hic tit hear th a 11ussiall Government IM
in 4eliclottle 6uffoQALlOI1;'lll;0 0110 r.qqolve(l to rusk qf the Boynton suit.' The
wee 'so o Z-flemil 0186who Send for, Circulars vm( 0 at re -selling at cost Price, seems be the order of the day, I beg to reirnina' my
A" 4kil
t 119 uudOr the bild-clothes' Messrs. Boynton, Illelieve, have received �R "r .80foro 0 ouli= B
n�t Stooko anti
pulille Soi.letAlly, -that I will sell 00 ObbIlp allar gIVO
awant$ ordeifor those suits from R1108ift-undit in town, wjtho Q 00.94 Value, for the Money
Alitillat the .310 thing (it) active 040 soy
ut. doy.hullibug.
most froto Ills wife is an intelliggent ild 4 is thought -they will be oxcensiveIy used in GLASGOW, Q Q, CLINTOW,
ith hi,4 einployritent. witli , aml ag meatle of WAW� NOTIOX or. SOME, or TH38 VP.ICES.
Sb:16 I eng 4
amy a, W Cutter' from Montreal, we'
"ymp It That iii, unless Vy spyinglailt tile movements of the
lie ke:lpi a (I tfty pprtl(ni in a 13 lbs,-RAisilis lot, $10(); 1.1. lbs, Sur.Ari for $1,00.; Fine Youxk C�ge
ods store. A ort Garden Plants now rea I Ii"xit 30 cto. por lb�; other Toaxi, 40,,60, 60, aud fi
oua torpedo under aTurltiall 76% -have' been besieged
; �O bars SOAP fell $1. by perso wi hin to,have,
I to tl;o a 11111. Ilia y SOLA ?IJACqOt 40 olia, v and everything. olqe in pr
A youth rofquci BII(j 011'4111`0 1101' (lestrlIC' If moth Floorlitly placed t4o Ijill in in the
or thereupon
Z 75 Ragswilro, w1lioh., am 00111110L lit, whether he could nl%u ensure I
uq 0 'L , '
'For sale in any qualitsty, at,
ol�tly 8),o saL-od ),Oil (14tol lro to try tile ex- R- N -ITU 9 5 �
ut nlie replied 0141ter, all It
pear jont, fur Boyntun doesliot,00 fit' An
perin T110S,
the seed." r
atec 011RISTMA$ G00j)S-Xow Rairlins,,Xow CiArrants, Candittl, Peej &0., 0 -Made. Be.
lija altit to be proof NvKk to sproat BI[Quartuq's factor7t Rattoliltory Sb UFA A rjv� ell.
01 thing it 8
ug of a riffellaillotSaild slolili'll' u . 011aton. May 10, 1877 41* Opposite the Market, Late Sheppard �ooplq,
7, OL reporter, in d"oribing thil littriii . liasloc . ..� hmild
dog out of court by Ordor of-Abo Soyal 'Nor should I care to go ortilailig about in a Ujul I JX !)so- 14 1876,
rho eje A.L1WR9N BLY" Cte!l 0allitto; aSLbo inoininiorioly Ivith a tot"
- tire orls ity money to Loan. :7'.
cas a llexi Ali liou0b, no donbb,x , tant jamillari 7
.,. I -3 Tn.) NDS FOR
dragged from the room. tr I INKING 1118 MA14Y FUIE
1xid 4o -for the purposo of boinC 440 tO-itw ivit-li 0 liberal patronago boxitowed on him in the
uag ist Qik M litiea�_�d rtinq Vast, woul(I Ilifoinx kliout that 4o hao now.ou hAffir-
m ilt Some future tinlo. Will fqr uIVA4 ru-Nim, AT Elamt PxAczNx.
er w as there reater Suo 'Coss than i
Whilt p6l,plexeg-.1% 1).1jilariophical imm is to' Gaze r. n my Order t
-DO C. A. L A di R h!Dgmade,�thjs S
P ......
adoverliaw.'-whan he is Shaking NY . . 1 .W -A
W A., R W''A
11 the otlior ulld"sho call so ed Clot pring..
a little woman o
0.0 -DOM-1014:.
wnr olou4 tho 'turkoy, Ila
tt, 130 ldwj OvQrIxBx4 talli 1 0 firally bureM, alA4 throate4o to dolugo Europe 1bb bl od,,
and jork bij owl out of govern th rperatittils of digustitna ad%Ulrllj L , it )1,000fV, g
laws g the wisdom of Ild _j it a tr.ality, and a 4oteriultiation. noV to jntQrfgxo,
him butter flo.orn a Sluttoll- 0 -01 liar own intproll
Ali sir 1" exe itudnittribion, tiLl by a'oalleful aPl)licAtibA FURNITURE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PX001A in the protecti tg in (juitil ognapicteab to 40foad,
recolloctiolt, out, late iniititor was Ali,, Bpps has our broo,Mcwt- ti
pathetic Ito has Just hapozied a lot of 6114 ZETERUINP41) TO SLAUGHWIllt, 1110 PAESENIT OTOCA 01-1----7
ihe man ! 1-10 was a pool f it' delivered t1lo %V6rd alliang Savo tuo, bills. 1b is by Grocerks, Tio.ok�iyi. China. and Gla' er,� And every
the short tirrits he Its -many lloa� *'d ruatbila or other lullonatuatlity Swull1t.go, in III liours. Latoao 13tles of JAU�Z QR S saware, at co
Vy 0 1 1 .1 � .1 . one pleased,. and promises to Call
u pulpits to Pit�qda, an(I thu j"U'dclonsi 110.0, ounh 41,tieloo-of "dipt that The D164STIvii VPUID lilts rQYQr failed to lutraDyapoll. aiia
SLhO t I - As he to olooing out this brautilt olia business, he would reareatfully: roxittoot 1310. patronat Ana the public
daug the guts out o' five gradatilly built up- llll� Bla 1, rollot Is 161.6 (ix it f6v hotAro Cho Alo.tt oboLlilAto And Would iuvito an I uEpootion of jiliotook by ail who 061tigially, to heartily join In. this volunteer movement, as. he offoru ilsAxit bargalrox to all,
tionatitubloulmay be -rltov, tl want anytPliq bA the Cabbiot ware Hug. 'NOTE See.,Us Again. During the.Sppring 'our. hands. h
Uquoh italsin urod In a wook. lady %% I PRICIES OF A FEW, LEADING LINES ave
tilstroMouOugh to fo'dat every tendency to. lurvo '11fo-linjieringpitina, Iliad broil.
A paper tolls Story (if, a (liol, =voa ikolto
oy.,urill hot oftored.ol To orth 90 cents,' at 75 per lb,. ; Tea worth 75 at 00 ; Too North 60, at 50; Tear worth 50 had. to- wotk e ti
runitilla %)f 11jo of sUbt1t) I ohitiu. entunh, auddy4toppla, and was.ourad jolt tow In Clio way of 11110RErs th 12' L L . P
�d, with doafifig Sold 50,oqAts., WholounlObY prisingly olicilit during the fall ilud winter- 1114 stock At 40 ; Tea worth 40, at 35. Sugars � at� cost. 14 lbs. good Ofirraiito-fo me- every' Might,, in, order to
allounu Its r 01,. 3 ibs. choice
late wife lowered in tho grave, ex'olaim( into mada of kUn-&-Ioq Inatorial, put togethorl Valoxibia Raisins, for 25 conts� Myrtle Na�vy Tobacco, 20 cents per plug Beautifill China,
is it weak point. many POrth"llp i%' Uan, Toronto, ror partioulav oaseo a a Nvork.
tears in his eyes, �V614 I've lbst gloves, I've biltir" l ranite Tea I
seu addi e, W on'"t. - 'Tea Sets,. G inner Sets, Fancy Cryot6I
I -oat umbrellas -_ves, over, cliNys and hot oes a fatal Shaft by k6oping otirsolves -%vollfortl ilasultli tDan,rier, and will boar oilble Sets, Granite Toilet acts, -Wahlo Seto, kOep up with the waki
'JY 1101117ish- Qr7 at Xnducements t6 Cash, Purohasers, Vases; Mugs, tko , 'ellurg at cost: -Oi es, Extracts,k&c,,� bhea
but fievar-had Ltnytl;illg to-cu*tl 40d NN,jtji pure blklot, and, a IMOPOI e a Asseuc
ed... ...
lk k1L, Co., I -Tb Prialiq ptaxecil. at tho-lowest : L " - � " " I I _;
s 'ra' All Overdue a V4oUtlp 'Ile unk- _X -attic. at Book. Alleoun"i. must be. settled
"Our devil" recelitly jQinoda base ball club,
and was unanimously oboon- catcher'- OUL Chemists, 48,
d l-,6,-PiCdt9dilly A ubtioTr Reipalimber the S.tlaiid-THE OLD EXPRESS OFFICE, ALBERT 8TREET'
practisin afteffloon, 110. canght Vljeball,. it" - . . . . . . I . I , . 4 OLxxTox, any 8rd, 1877.., JUSIC
put in his pocket atiflinde tho lit'A lioultyrill) canitatin gilu6 i or g one wed by,ix bawl-ing never 130,
Nvitil, w1itm it, 18 convert LPT,: CLIN T1= -�7
in his life, foll t, 4� t y . says lie don't think Chat it Nvas-a baso tratjs� � it Serious and goilvrally f lialulollal
dis�luje, thi"I
action as be caught it on By. HoLon ft�v,hiro, shrouds, o.j-kopt on hand,
THME, is
proulptly, use 31rygills PulutoilloVarers'.1 tt,.'qu�- LINTON.',
A lawyer to his client I But sort-,),, poor. jqttive.j�lliell 1IL6 "t1q.tailled Itif f
I L 10, 1 70,
fellow ; but, notwith4talitling lily BID t1loy I woolly S9103.
you have been soo twilibst to pritiou Iov three oil(i a;63t infillonce (till the
org� b all
ary E3 y .1
months." Oil, don't lot Vint worry you," Bionalilat and THJ40 UNDERSIGNED HAS MUCIT PLEASURE IN IXFORMIXG THR, led the, drug� 'At and 7 olelooL-' P. U., and so arranged that try, flit at -he it as opened out - ift the stor was the answer, "-I ain not scirry. Mj"t8,4ud,C()'tIxlLry doalers. 2� 'ets. 'Flouring' Mills$ -of Oliuton aud-surroundiud cOuhI 6 lately od6up 0 .:.,HOUSE- I N�w-� TOW�
-litiod where 1. livo'they will think. I Per Mr. Loop Abert Street, 'Clinton
have gone to the country, and that WOOLY II0118m;-Ivouly liorseo tire II)t so ly
subscriber'boas to tender his most 0. 1 . It L, L .
e Ce
any anpi
Stich �reM ctirl'),sitics, LADIES. HAVE -A THoEncero. thilnks t-0 Aia nume ui cusfo-. 'I IC oil o ami ,eries,- -."'CAN, -TO' sobfhl ussSEPARATE. 100M r
either, there . ari3 utiry it). be found in various With C 'Cho Gr'oo
A pompous law or Saitl to the kooper of An - of tli6 �d they %Vill dinir towinoltilis and,the
werli in the surrolin CH
of Itild tipple stand Yom' biridnesixt care it t publi6:generlly fQr-ilitiAr liberal- piltronrige, ro willbe, found all a�tio cs:usually.hopt in a first class Grocery, Store.
over proVd, .. � . 1 .1 .:..;. ..
hiVitsd �y BL. eto 1.
wearuponyofi. Yodfilk(�tik"tgcitilosotiie�Iiii)-g- lIt d -would furiher ridtify them thathe his
110 l[404 C 'being an
w ng lit a crovifti, a
ill. is not ar) if Ob, Would sidev tbem ino 'by itubkI . mproyeakqi1ts to Ilk To-,Vjj. - 'Fitrin. Produce Talton In E -Fell �tr .
hill j,e valuable -without t1i'd lately. ad -anti %.A attin
aill oil 4od most import
'taint business," ro�lie -; it's thili.rollgh and, N1 )utbing in a new' oligine, d; IF itespecirskily U.
yillg to the br., 8011cite(l. 7 P it
A the Applasolter hift. by �l _.g 'L- S -u
wool, f6i of his mt . .. ....
not lyin' wwake nights tryin' I813M-L.S -PPA,IvATE�-,L--it--LP�tEllY�IDAY -power-hereiofore us nil
leave my fortune to at) orphan asylarn, Or to dition--lyolifibty-hide -GoInplate -set of nior., REMEMBER THE-. PLACE.9-Albe, hearly PPOSItt -1 Tw d
. otne occasions this nnuap, rt Street� 0 FaIrls. Milin Beautifu
j. 'C1hiEoti,Uarah22jR77 chant bolts, aii(I in.falit all tl�o lo�oat and'most
a, t n -
a home for played-oxit old lawyt'3vs as ia killin' ee O&L.'l..gs and Cloths,
toe Dti-i'ley's 01,611(litiou, '0�bd inchincey, together witif lirstecla'sti
me twill
nto. choose fr
mille're, lie is prepared todo firat.claso'workin Fan., -vestings. an'd� rontings�
'When tli� late Dr. 0 in the coo r- liurify the I y
wm oodect.thn`lxppear� r-7 0 num ING, 4,0,
ty of Ross his attention wa4 dircted to I ser- olovo afl obtructions from tile hing Ega
giftlio,LthelLeent a Sleek a ' lid slihiing,.q)peqr- fr
Rvineifibpr the nyde, aod 6o that,the
tor- by rofus 0 1111F ARE 'S "REMS.: �.GROCFRIESL
vant girl who astonished her trial, elgillittore-of Hill GRQ,0 Grists weigbod ili aud. Arti
ing to food the cows on the Slibb�tli. She -d & COL.. is on. Oftell distance hatheir jrists "d y. 0, ur
was ready to milk, bob would b 110
y 'to NorthrnIi &�Lymaiil, Nowcastl�, Ont., proprie. Cash qtjxxIXti1Y. of. FRESH hiliho with them t1te sumeda 60d r
.feed them -and her defencet allows that thlidgh toroNvOnnallit. Sold by all rutillicine dealers. and Mill Feed for sale at'nioderato prices, GILRY'S" FASHIONABLE CLOTHING
-pit I 'UMBER c
"The cows, Our Sto
a fanatic she was'no fool. iSti -ed to fit lip ck of" Oro ries s complet.di.n
said -drawing a nice metpIlysical d A. S. 1AUP AY is pro at
a w1oh to call attention LIT X 13 Z R L VF,1 IF Pi.-AISIZ9, .5.97 OURRANTS, 4EHOT, CITRON avcl 0RAff,,6f.EL CL1_NTQNy
notion lip-bilildingo, HOUSE: NT'
between what are not and what, are works of The Subsciriberwould also irtform-the pub-
ectessity and mercy that' would. llave done- 11,101 VALVI�Z 0AItrETs, B TABLAI� KAt-&jXS LES, D 600.68
oI casridst�,, the cows canilaillilk', A i0k, Gro, fl IT 10
91 - T Pli, enes. no front 10 Sati fiketi* n ' L . . . i:- .:, .; . .. . L L .. 1 .1 .- 11
onor to a -pr.y 40AR.rrT'l ALIA'I"ITNG and differcrA leindir Ungths `1 TEAS�-Wew Oro' of.,16-76 ' ' u1juimoy
themselves, so to milk thorn is it clear work. 6f CA rZT Tirrtu� Ua e
ranteed. to g1V S 0
0 t to lorry,
necessiJy had mercy ; bat let them u EMT��ix O.Tn Otani, to Wit; I ornlock, from.10 �o 26,,,*
fields and they'll feed themselves." BtD,§- and PILLOW, at short notido anil, fxt* Buttqrlitut, White Ash, rq�ple; Soft an PC QLINTW�f May 2 6, 1877
very moderalli prices.' 500 ends 'oil elctll al r, lin, ifi* longtfis to still trio pu.blic, hich on- jC ASS.WARE C1
500 e I nds lit may be
No. 126. tl
A New r
Jonea,.who is a bit of a wag, recently to9k Stock of -TEAS him to fill 1 OiAerts tcost. carpet at oust.
d with owthe shortest notice an bat WO, vish to call special attentioll.",to our C ASS OY GOODS 'AXI)
..&yore tion. IN TIIIS� L
125*0arlinkstrect; LONDON, "i,
some fresh aliartments. Tficy were on the. Oundas a treof� d
lived on t -gest:and"nitist- elegant apsoirtniIei :econd. floqr, Thelandlord le first Ontario. 42.1 yr. ALSO INYITE INSPECTION. as it is :ilNno of the iaT ever
floor, and antreatied;cs, Proji;f to
when lie canto in r.. seen ia(,, ntbu. OUR C- HINAI. TEA, AND TOILET g
jBlyth, Auj. 431, ;870. -of vle ance'Aht, cheapitemo, 46. not fail, to see them. -
Ight, 'to make as little noise AS poss;, marvl
liged,".ssid lie, .to part With your�
latilso be always awoke me when Atli frooli. will in the fixture, as wo,havo done
fit the past, solt no cheap (is any other house in town. Wh6lesalo and Itetail Grocers, Brlok,P�to
ITS, :CLIN'tOX, D04 Gth, 1876.
Orx,rcTitia Olt; I w".0irrit 8 T 0 .XE
IT 0 1 S H.,
b-nighf." Jones went homa
u ho' S'IN 6894 C99CIERY-4WE
and mounted the stairs On �frittljj',r IN OULD I DO
he had reached his, own OP IT 2 Ir -IT IS T-1=1 You J)j D.
a I conded tq the Zoor of -his 0 R. AIN
LIS the
d knocked loiidly� Again, loudly onough'to H A. 11 WN G T'l
Call Solldiod. Goods delivered in Ally
cheapest AlLdicfil6 ever made. 'One BUS.
bottle Wh b the 10"'. 56 ctg, worth lim T.urexl n old th -lat J. -,B' Racey,
use. a
ibd the landlord' 06.4t :Premises formerly oCcupied b
stidin� Cou(kit; one,or,turwbottlos curof !jit(l, UNDEuSIONPi), 'To- NOTIM! T1114 ItMoMr, OF CLINTON ANDNICINITY, THAT y e
clinto has pur4asea-tha bustrie8t; Injoly earried ou,by T. jo"$41N & SON whi0k he will couttallot
pearance. Jones, rhost cases oflImEq and Xii=Y TitoltnFIX5 SIX to
ivantod to know whether, eightapplications cure any colic of LAR GE AND SE
63: INMUIED ISAFAST . 0110 bottle 11115 uIisHavillfs lia4l tongiderable atipiltnee ill WIN 61- i-h6b; he J therolly 6 ablod'to o or go d
Bud bil.1 S'
IiRrhai to bid oustomors� 110 luts now on hand a asHortin ut of
-it . .0 -OR
plault, of 1'a. styti- 1. well).
orilea for a bottle of your 011, w)"ALlit ilfferted
d GleaningS. ouderfit cure of a Crooked Linih, by al;; appll-
I pi
says: J ll -,O -e half of a 50'cent bottl&
by 16 Welt tli6y olTer to the public at tho lowest remunerative rates.
HEoil before the Lalicarito rIZ5.1nd $100 Nvould iob buy it if I could g,10 no 6, 1X PART, Ql?-'
Oman namell Seward, who niorti. of Xurdri, N.Y., Dayii t C . XTIMX- . N JL-. xcs, &C, Porter'; )?as88, and Cosgrove's Bottled Alc,A0tiAr Labatt'$
-he , One small bottle of yottir Ucleotric� Oil rdafored. and Carlihly's- half and quitriev barrels, ii� wood; Grant's S -ing Bretvv�, M7ni1(0n,.a0
or usband with a pliker as. i .1
fractured lis ja' in threo� the voice where thii.ponion bad not 813ohen 4borti Groalot Wondor of NodorvITIMO.. -A �BJA,& SoLlul-TEDj- U00D1,DELI A�enla�6r ffie Goderich Bileivery,
It". T. f, y I I'll -E, RV jav, TO lrX.
"Mrs. Soward pleaded that she beat W3_om1hg, X. y., y(ljr QiI
I thus to got him under the dootor'd care cured me of Bronchitis in one week." CASH PAID' ]POR EGUS. PRODVCE 1jVAjLV.,X C-4 All Oders, P1.01ripil)r Attended. to
is lie was killing himself with raw whiskoyi It js composed of SMOF TIIFt lm -4 01L� T� IT A
h (t
11hron Stro' s000lid do6r �,%st of Commordal Hotol. SHEPP.&Rv & coom.
She was committed for trial at the assizes. Itis no good for ititernales f.r embor he Plaoe— Ott
external use, and, is believed to lie iftlineasure - CLINTON,,, 7uno% 1870,
One of the greatest dlfficitlli�q to a Smith -is ably, shlied6r to 'eVer Illittle. NVilleave, CLINTON, 3lay 10, 1877. T1M.
the welding of cast Steel, and thiS is an opera- you much isit(ferhi-and xharly dollars of tion in which he rarely Succeeds, Aft, -A. tall, Le r SMISCRI13VU IIEGS MAVE TO STATE THE 11L . LS,
for Dr. Thon vurity tile Planitlloriett, Iff dis"airdel's of FOUNDRY
of Prqgue. Bohemia, itoon pulverized 01-1, Hoe it,, t) (ho ligbIlL thab he kcalto coustAntl�.on hand the Livert, ftolxiagh� Hidneyat anil lloneloo and are In -
,f he oligualtia.e of $;. N. a aid.suligilor elmirs of q ell.
aleforthepurpose. Tbotwopleacs,bobe in on the rwno 4 Ev., vttln4bl(3 jxx all weatilianti; Inoieulltj INS 0 E PO
voided together are heated, atid,'after rollitig rva; blown -In thr. bottTe, THE 0114TMENT 18 the only rolfablare 0 SEW GODE' R'1' C 1 1
'Mody for Bad tAC H"I N E I . - , I
flold'by d4l nodbine Lego, Old Woulidd, SaixJs And Vleorg,,-f bowmler loop A spleLdid asaortment.of rst-class G MACHIf4BS alwa on ta
rup & othe unimun,
the same in marble dust, are prin lid, D
to &h A 11 1 A i. I y I . I CQ11"FINS, CASKETS, litandhiR, For Bronchitis, Dilphtheria,Colig da, ev— furnitlidu& k -t in stock
ge er an all ject e o a goot 3_j__
By this meatto he 10, able to weld and Vvxitd�;eil, Ocatj 4houltruitism,, and all ;jkla.
pieces together. E,SO RIEPA R"ll G:,S13:0P,
-Coffin Trinimings.alid Robes, Beware of New Volvic Counterrolts, Sawing Alachlines of ("Very . 11 1 . � . .
There, is a remarkable will casd b(.fora the TIM, GRE, !l_,T FBINIALE IMUJUDY. make repaired, all(! tiew parts kept oil bond riving engaged a C, �aM- �4,-P"- —Y
otatioin; of nottOWATa � 0111a practicaluilichruist, all work dunis heyq'iq AKa 6h(j4,, W� lar nu- Xaoatu- -k4pff—
A_ _jqg
courts of London. The testatbr, Mr. DoLliel and trilt! t rolvautifacturell-lirld qoIll''It"dq the' �-Cliavi46S
1- 1 1�on llxo,,�ps vF,1tI0DXC&X, xxiita Mdadrate. 11. NORSWORTay.
ItVairtind, a gentleman of an anciellt Devon. 'oulland. Pattlescatibeau a's name 01 Holloway & COet bv,T- V- 1101n."t Curran & CO,r
I )ftA It! one hour, a Ilia iro it Stiroeto 4s is e d4)4se wotit -or tRAO Collins Ibirclin I� Uotel, 'CIA is tell. On t.
@hire family, disinhorited his son linenutto of. � 'Tws wellknuNvil lactlielixitia no imp"Ition arlxggfsty,�tuid also by Cho Alottopolitlift
Aledlellia Compally of X0 riv,
the marriage of the latter againul; Itia father"a but, a sure and SMO-retltody fut VevAndo D1111- .mlx immi. dri,* ral.403tatiod trade mark, like this cuts
oultles arid Obstritationli,ftolit aa,� Agaiii. o4o 'Aooph 440 I(C)ck W
Will. Ho also passed oVor biswifeand (I ugh qT. Ijc-ss I 113ALUS ENGLISH mid 3 BALtS,(l
'm 'it, yi Onot Re
ter in favor of the ijo�phew of a olergy1nan re. ThouDan bit proonroa at any OfheWitldeg. OrL11 9 1, torldtilof . ANADIAN
tivor-, and although a-powettill royo(Av, it con� h1904.1'eato tilidor the 13droo of 110111A. to
rel.V"lain In the parish in 'whicit he lived, Tire tairiouRbitigplitirtfulto for it tiAdo, ark it
appealed oil thn k of FTJ NITURE
do ground that the 10 AlAURIE D - TiAlIl , I'll f�u stoo, tent 111A en ; 0. 0
deceased we,; of unsound inind, -G, qidenco Itispiroilliftilysulte(j. Robbins, nf 11(tw aro agouto )r 1 9 to
showod,that the testator was .,cry eccentric— I)rI'nV j,nsjilality. A111 Machinery of IftteAt 8
- k�ftya oil hand. liordono, Cho bett r to edolv6you,gunbl. a Ingiy CIO US, 4 11gilles, 11114 tyleg
an tile yu�)Ij thly porlor thoptiblietinn" allbookofilircotiah i Xed of
sleeping with a hearso in ljij rootu, *gnd,per- In allombs of Norv�ttg attil 8phial Affectiouil, Cj,,tOxl;lI , ity 10, THO.S. STEVENSON. m0didingB, whieh lao really the opunous I An
forming similar frealiq. 1871. 0 toile,
Bowere.of-Countei-folto, unscrupulous at r WA.LL' PAIF
It was claitno I on vainj in the BAck And lill0q, lloaviap6j
the other side that these were not proofs of V, dtigue on slip
,lit theta fit very low pring, and g0l thormd totho p I I Njicldlings lhirifiqps�-_b:r, :[xjjpV6Ved XiUds.
unsound mind, exertioly, IA411.111,61on ni Clio Canada do MY gCutlillo PtIla and Oliltmeate 1 Itiest car,
The case is adjourned. hoart, Hygj�rjdsj 91tilt 13COLly and the Cle'r Over 100 New Patterho Paper, Han
E [and. Landis valuabldquotitha
No kind - of frui is at any time elloar, in and all the painful (HiCearles ocilasio'lle(l. by a ging and 33orderin
t of fainilles aLd other lidleg, and to the pt"Wo 9
be pleattat.11
n ar jigorallred BYGLOW, tWlo Pilln villolloot aoure docounco-udaparingly. those frauds.
i1tho climate is not very favorable, whA 0
an liall other means h4ve failed. HORSE SHOEINO and'BLACKSMITHINO
-Vttrchasera should look to tbd La n1 on
the best and most delicious of all footig is only There Pi0s,lipwo never been knowit to fall E4 no
the POLO and, Boxs�pt, If the addre-a 1'
t epy Sri] t -:99 'of various kinds. 33riass'and Iron Cutings.
.banishes it from the tables of the poor, Good' phlet, are well obqvoil.
Lvt.'xltO= I T%T.,�
06 luxury of the rich, for tile Price offectitally whera ilituilirectiolig on the2ndp goe of pam. 538, Oziord 8tj16 th tile
apples and pears were selling fti the fell at 11uh Pat. and Box board the tar Mif 13011509101tfr
I is, got a pAmplild Al
For full partiduld STAMP, with the words UOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND liXPAIM PBOAW�ZY 'TB.4rPfl,�D ... X0
four cents a pound ; but, by Chritinita tinio a0pat. free, of
01=1531T, LONDON, ongravea thereon. On tile
rld good apples Avere worth jo ii -.ao 9 Es., Nrim 0141 I= oil iaboija the madretio, r)33 0*%I,'Or;tv STMET, Lonsion, AtSdo A, 5PLE1qbIDq tARGA V LOYOV
ve a -ad Ono, $t.00 Rod, 121, 0011J6 lot' poafago, -where along thr..y are inautifn4turcd.
R1.8ars 'wor-OW013- ora Pound. Good grhpoo were nuclosed L-6 MR 110 t1l2a 80
,a wile nitlybe defrauded by vendors otatilig r - SALE OREAP—Second-banct Eiii Is giha.�13ollerq, of 160
not to be had for less than iifteen onlits a pound Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Oaf.� gnnaraj lt�k' Partle I L
Spurious Holloway's 11111a and 011atialtont, aq of my gluxti- I - IfOrso I?OwOr AlSO', Stalve. 11ftetine, -SlYinglie and Um&dg Ufthbq, Aza neadii*,&
find most of them come from France and notinto for the Dominion, will inmiro .1 bottle to, shal), on 00tritunilleaUng Clio pariloulara to ffn Jlointer and Plainer.
Syain. Pose ' bes are u -11 fi Ininp over 50'tiills 1q, roturn. ptriil. inlo, V.11 aftiply and their narica hoval di. Am..otica 'a TandiaDUNren slarnabus, fxpr% S WRIgons, volocipi _S�'
sually wort vo to Lim 6ntni
cents each. Borrivq, also, are expensive, anti, Sold !it 011iltort by J. 11, Comboatifl (4eqrga n, vulged.. Signed,
do not often appear on mosb tables, C.anued. kr.on end F., Lunisilt-ij, &j%, W. (I., 9TC. STC; GoDmicir,* F ob. 1,
a 0 I-ratitet
goods of all kinds are very little asorl, forfl), J. Midi Carroofwool-,' Parler & Cnttle
latutij I I .. -
A London correspondelft writes, h ona l)f wid-11% foedAn, Godorich; X. 0 c#n, Bay T. Ai Xt, IL S,
the latest im"rov. . 4 . Z fteld"Iful ljoulthroh THE ' GrMAT
— It . 11 o rNugo ral)DO tt 11 1 1 � 11-A. Y. T bu.
footinen, sometimes ill if
the rcija rU-j0-6A,.tn01CAlg, woll-grit-ilp
id in 11uronStree't4 CLINT014,. and 1,5fattioner, corner Market SqUo rn
HNGUS Al D lNTO21, April 5, �877,
(kilo livitry, And solwl- VA111'"
WS 11 0,110bil0r. f1plielaltics, wilif"j, -The grGat honebsPIt,0MOdy TUNITI. of thanking his unniororto anstonjoili, for
carriages as tiley Statill about near colno ta.
0 F ", St T R A- T IF 0 R D
*0 LINTOw WOMBPORATED 1874, Succoa�ori to Th"Onloom& W I ams, lo M Challf,
f,111,19, and the f j)jjjS,, U10 V051 liberal patronoge thoy hale favored hiva with 1, D11. . . �o�, 4
vorito shop, an<1.%-ljij0 the coactilliatt bari gan,,, and WbIlft Carrying on business in thio town, outt would at
8 little way for a 1, a lle 'It - Ill to find the publio aenor; U.
00mun is The .4tiew-AN VIA til'(106 4w�r� illet, allyj that lie has In.atlesuch ntronsdmonto as will Fitip nrins f t
f�oosipin with bis ellods roun(I the shop-iloor 0 S 'a" " I to W11,1JAU 7;�O TO: NOTIPY TllE
d up', open tbo carriafo (,()or, all(I beralifl)o for the putpoue of carrying on th
walk boll With aince thAr the 1111blia. aimle Tutt lor w0fro hild to thdr support, is he bollewo, It' JL public rolierally t-ilterod into p(trt-
,ical -it advantage., Looking to the in.;
make off with any available artic a. raTA ftg0j. 11TIM.a lylitittly to tilff Ill"'A
I - , will boxontly to, tht lig litiolnoon in WO
It caught ibab tbey are tbaf tw.rforio wiliLf tj JMP 11 ACTOR Y Agri Ituiral Cult,
at the door of th; cal-riarle, they.() i, til, ready lotedt othig patrons, he hiks ongagoet the sotvieea of Bit Its brituchen, in the bill ...... b T
ty 000ril,14 by 41tr. P, Zoiloo,
art, f1v�rti;lld to d' Thrr virtlifoi
rix or
excuso of having been sent to LadX ylicilita have lwell", ILLI&AX GILIGG, of= Takill,* Ta3ilng.
u-11 tv�,tvtl, ruld bave Ntith., ISAAC." sta-ex-C IN' , 1%1, 1111r, Stilihoftili I)PSMIS TO RETURN fflS
carriage for aome parcol, and ready nplilogy Atfuttl their tit Tat ill'a 17ho vtto fortnorly It" 1941ne;ir forldrnpelf fq-tlifty To AlIldero, thArikM Ithd Ilbollal Vilaro of pattonago
tjTo3F �at,faqt4ary all I VM SPE01F DICIXI.13% whm Choy will lin t)ropato(l to 0*04111101 10 61dorn lin., it orliddlills,villawould ahro, Intimate thathehitt, (lilt,
for tho mistake. - rhe malc rf these thieves For dignvie"I (if the l3k.414, Li -Ver. d. Olitz OntiAlderod 66 Not holitle. altoor it poilsolited"
"I'll Hohlis ithio, with rurn,911 Iveyovoim 111114onseg, (111011 Ad Ta.4"1121104W Ciliated �to them, Itt lt Ratiattiatory ritionner, Paid at Ing the itat vlator, laid -Ina. large- Atook of first -elks$
is portect, and as varic,l aq th.1)t'?)f a ll,eblllt�v, i*r4)q#.x,jIt.101i of.0.4 W111611, in Illatly 1ITL TIJOUSON, rnr M. GRA
loteetivo" iniracillou-1 ellh-q Of theqe and many Atjt. jTo are potlocad by over indaironto, It thu, utwof c4. rolu'louable r4ten, rantorlit And Istoo ptapared to mallo and 'Put 112) tho it. WILLUMS, Vtor,.Pltitm. Atli,
Vestige N%
A correspondent, w1in lately saw the p ORAN, W� M ARSHALL.
,10, UpS1TkTL, V.S.0 ... Thiatto-Outtors, Sod. Tloughs, and Irtill Boo.-Tarits, J. RI DFOIW) ROWAT, J� CORQ
On Sadly fly
prolls E ugellid, says bile, has brok otherg. If MY mit- 1;l afflieteA, let, tlit, tY a Wow and 41106110116 Aph'ito; but MOST' 'StIliZAICIR PTIMPSy
-the 14fit year or two, alla r1as la'd 11 rl bottln of Ole 111,011MITY, Atilt it box (it 11illq't No Imord espoelalli r000tritatlitua an on viniallw, our, j,)x, ed Tiftsurpassod,
h1juiliougelreoft wilftollow theirlise to Ole most odorl�,a a will oftabld hit arld diaoixota'111 In h)t MAL erg to. 80's"Inal 151ANVFACTURERS OY
-ofher beauty. r It V (leli6ato petwon, n.4 they ar(', puritTV io t" "Be IIIN AL , Ar A trial toopeatfolly solielto4j,
vi,getalilp latingtolDliule 1111111�01101110V, alld All dIqCftA6A Chat foltmv am ft'No-
stoat, dyes her face witil powrle 4 quencool'SdItAlutgo,ag Jr,6.qs OrMA,vullry., IT"i. of every 46004dolf, on the.
slight lamoness She used to (lisgim r, hil fjler�l briif'I no ')'frillral 1114tor it, theill. Theirt Doirig the Winner of thoilpfizo for votgal litt4gitlifliN ralikk In 1110 11slelt, Clinton Zan. 21, 1811. :Oxrg & COUTTRI 6ft the inost; rolloobable form",
"knall,100 old Ag-o�
So rilc 1. 11411011%eg% Of VISWIM4 VAV
fully has become ' TIM* I)X) Johdon baksters, S-418, fleap,ors Mewors and 'Go b'nod, Mahlon,
ap spent in borgait, Itill, expenile atu[ troublo, Lft0XD jjARjt0W1 Anitinany 0010f diseases Oaf, 1011(l fii Ih-4flIljl(,V,6j Aembillbor the, Wan - n69t -0-iij -- -�!. I -
(Ionst Matholsou's Bl4eksiAlth She
Idately beating and W, a noble carri,ge rif her ThU the Meaft.witill'ootifiddyidd dialm lot Igo trinonfaemyr li"ptionj and n 0*041:0. all Mrs* Beesley) Milli
hold and shonidera Ate Aill voly at%(% h 04 014111011, all S fU16, W fitAt dAN10011 by, 11OVI(ttlug frera,
fly for liala Ly OIL, principal, =011tyllybt 411 other#, arkawooldotato thit he Is Elio Path Of U&tko StUattsm. Proadeastv S0046rg., 906d Drill's, 116rso POWerigj ftwitig
to, manufatitatli thare on a tough blate mtoritfve t,,A April 10, 1871. '
She looks like one acallgtonled, Atid ba convinewl The fathil viulult fit it, IIII'Mon ninflito vlairilt madhinolo, Grain otuallora, Str4w catt6a; Plow1h oalig VIOVA6 Ate.%
,to We 111ta"hill
'" it ctowll. Atlald'onell
It in a significant Fact thit all tild that thwe modlellm; rtre lify hilrabil"', 'No (1110, it" C TITO CIZ or Bud forur floill Mint, rho still' '0 tInuttif the Vill, and 116finot.
Of kor now offerarl. for Sale in jild paria, -
11,116trigeapht; w1u) Ilft.4 tPie'l illo 714,1 mer I -ii tv 1-ftlipa. "oll lart all To I q1tr itunplife 'Wilitll wu 4e. bili, 1080,fil, Via
,all Itonlitle(T All till favorAlylo ovillion (if th'.61, bo air(' ' Vil fl- 1101a I Lolvo, olln, Builddrs of Steam, Zngln,08 Wild Boilers, .'all SIX69j,
a %g'), tin '15 f'.0111 I it) In it bv au i)rty,:, CTANTONM OV Ifir, ZtA,0WNJ0'-Z,
mitthern. jenit nFoprilltion, Ijl,V 111, jui'l llij arul Oto aubetribor trusts he will foartivo f1gat pAtroylaRI), per Ift e, A It ell 5), T)r NOR be Aunt j,y slielft arritut for Nliv�jra. lijittokkk Illumpoari To the L-adles., MUM AVIN"IMS A10 ALT, XXXI)s M
4lipatently she has ljob earod to flit jo? Ittily jkEptit g
shopo'were takon two ot tiltoo year, fftndVWbcr(, tber have Twon ua!d will be uitll t6toderait t OW3 JSTANII, VICT0111444'rj
lifor ones. r which to btlailititg lind alofig 11 lual 0. ft 0 (1 oy 'TreAtiff Anil of
Her ox-Majilist must begome. I)AH101dall-t tollebing the ivie, arI&L',jo Axpo rotwor
=,th,e neigliborhoodO iy &ba" all 18t dnd Retivftil "d
%noft-110o fix U --it reed allarAhMe fox goad wtirk—oliguld Olt roMw v lrettep W,00 Of
I . I for Got t,4 icompkI& .06fb 0
71mly of-thow who havo, AtKed tlivul, by t4(cilrill", tho ' . '4, T111TANG wil)(hol"Ont atills,41*106R, Biwiflod III tb6 - Ifitfultatb to the 1A prepat4ld Volly. gysteln. ir chow, Actov -VdeA'","y A*P UV-
Itir charm.1 is gatxly Tfmflsil of the Ciroul'tr 06111 any DrII'i%b III doh1hP,; ittia by till a han", brittriet dara and nuonfi6n, to hiritioll or mtke oil abort hotletio etirlS, 11ral4a,
to Dominion. Pep. Ilrive of tho INW;�y in Oral lintr6ithp. at, viiipitimhable ral�a. COu 8`11 '11041 DIV'
1 .1 Kotthttiv & i A
rillt WOO* $1 ;Z113 25 conta'a box 4, 11ORTONt, Itoyarftrborfil
rob, 0, 160.
IlAtOII4 �Out, U loll,
If SO that Ella TH" NvOT"
'111411"', 10, "I'll
W1110, liter,
A", Orill"ift P1111"A"111"
............ iL, � L , * , � - 11 -