HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1877-06-21, Page 3* 44•44.4.44444' tt I.ROW1s4T DUCK OVERA.LLS, DRAB DUCK OVERALLS. ' CIIECK DUCK OVERALL'S. . BIAJE DUCK OVERALLS. COTTON TWEED PANTS.. . BROWN DUCK AMERICAN JUMPERS. •. S.A.ILO'R BLUE FLANNEL STIIRTE, for Black- smith and Carpenter wear. wboie bale Qr the, 8•11)9vp geode, ail of ,A.tnerican manufacture, inst reeeiVed, mut at tuptputous Low inuags. Black Iron Grenadines, ----Black-Dress Barage— Plain Dress Linens, Check Dress Linens. • BUTTERBOUCi-I-IT FOR WHOIX aurggR .13()ITGIIT FOR HALF QOM , strrm BouoaT FOR ClOODS, AND 'HIGHEST'. igARAET RATAS —AIROWELV -,` r 1-10t)GI S 8C PAY, Manchester House. °NIA- ONE PRICE. CLINTON, June 21, 1877. . 1S77.1 1s77. Merchant Tailor, .Clothier • and: Oeneral outfitter; CLINTON, O'N'1% 1E,W4.2.A.p,lcASIILIML) 1854 . CLINTON, Juno 21, 1877. CLINTON WOO -1101.... THE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES' TO THE PUBLIC THAT HE IS prepared this year, AEI in the.past, to do ' • Alla kinds or Oust:in-1 Wtiik^. .and Manufacturing • • 'Having added more machinery to his establishment, aqd by always giving his personal super-, intendence to All branches of the business, he hopes to give general satisfahtiou. , . . . The following prices will be charged this season, which will be found, as lovi as any mill in the County :--Carding, 5 eents Catcling and Spinning, 13 'nide ; making Plain Flannel on Cotton, and i to find Cotton Yarn, 25 cents per yd. ; Twitted do., -.80. ots. Per yd. ; Full Cloth, All Wool, 37-i- e. per yd. s; Blankets, $3 per pair; Horse Blanket,, -$2.-75 per pair-; All Wool Flannel, 30o. per yd., sto. 1 will give 9 lbs. of Reeled Yarn out of every 10 lbs. of clean wool brought to spin. The following quantities of wool will be required to make each yard: Piaui on Cotton's 10 oz,,* Twill on do, 12 oz AI' Wool, 12 oz., Full Cloth., lbs., Blaekets, 12 lbs. per Peir, • s • . I.keep constantly on band a largo stock of Breartisars, risteletbe, StirwrIses, Foil. CLOTH, YARN, &es , of my own mannfaeture, also a large quautity of tine and coarse TWEEDS, of ex. °silent quality and durability, all of, which I am prepared to trade for wool, ,and will give the highest price for wool to alt who May desire to exchange:for cloth. ' FA RIVERS OE .HUROH,-;-Olintonis otte of the best Harket Towns in to Oottntrof Huron, and you can always get Crash ,for anything you may hove to sell ;, aoclone along, and dispose of your produce, and wben you are coming, bring your Wool.along,"autl bane it Carded and ready to take home with you the sane day, motriule it for cloth, or leave it to be ,nctimlac- tured into Blankels, spun into Yarn, Made into FUll °loth or anything you choose. • fleet 1...arel-4.>11 alwayi. ustoel on all ANdlite • WOO•1. • CLINTON. May 23, 187-7. E:CORBETT, Ithp:Ortanttcy:.:ForOttire..Buyers,. 4:3:-Tvarv-4R,- Eu•sx.nr .4ss Selling off at Cost for cask, OUR ENTini -SiOCIZ-OF ii-JRN. -.-CONSISTINO Ore- Parlor and Bedroom Sults, Deming Mee, Bltreatige SidebottEdz,.,,Book eases+, SeeretaryS, Extension Tables; Sofas, LOtingeS, Easy Chairs, flair, • pane and Wood Seat °chairs, Mattresses, Spring Reds, Hilt. Racks, Hail Tables Bo. z. tee. • , . . We have determined to eloeteout for cash, or appthved notes on short dates, our entire 'Meek of Furniture, which is. large and well assorted. lidost•of these goods are of the latest and most fashionable styles, and recently manufactured. Such an opportunity for porehasing Furniture has never occurred before in Clinton, and probably never will again. Also for sale, o'nr present Warerooma in the Bilck Bleck:being one Of tho bc; Mud. nese stands in town, and suitable for any general Imbues ; is 22 c 85, two steriee high, with cellar beneath. There is also on the rear lot a frame Work shop, 22 It 487two donee high. Also, a large.guantity of geasohedlumber, suitable for furniture manufact4ing. Work shop fixtures, &o. • • All parties indebted to the late firtn Ot Doneerv & MesztEs, will please call and settle the same at once, and eavo °etas., •ValifornleP10rn9 eelltug le New Vurk 11000....011 Extonaie bnelt fires aro raging lathe town.. fruit atotee ;t each, 'ship fif ilult. .Fifty of tlze American clergy left fot Europe The crops in South Ontario ere suffering is Saturday's steamers, and many Mere aro to sevoroly front drought. follow, • General Hunt and four other Vetted States A phenomenon is reported fromasiaplea. Italy. offieers from Pembina, who are now visiting at is that for throe wools days in ono Week ,Windipeg. intend applying for leave to geom• there were no births, out of a populetioa of pang Lord Durkin on his. visit. MAO souls. At A mosetingo. the Nerth Wellington Re. The President of the Tinned ,States is in. form „Convennon held at Mount Forest on vitIng tho leading editors to Ilrazhingtou for Timmy, Col., Higginbotham declined. 3 30. consultion, He thereby reeognizea their pow. minatien for reeeleotinn aa the representative Or and of the riding in the next Parliament, pleading I Outbreel; of Wiens has Occurred le iltabinfy owIng to private and balnuetta gage - q• -14.10 and Ortylon Territeries, TY. S., and en geseelate. • • • almost indiscriminate slaughter of white set Last summer on of Canniugtun's magie. tient N the reeelt. Numbers' of menswonsen. tratee Was brought before Atwater J. P. and and chlaren hare already hems killed, and it fined for dig ing a Mess of potatoes •on Sun • N feered many more will suffer the eagle fate day. Now the case is reversed, awl the lael nieetioned tnegiettate is summoned to appeal before tho other, abused with pulling taus. tard on Sunday. In the year 1854 a stone Meilen named Alex. A/Jacket:tele, edited a ps.per published iul ton County, called the Skielel, although at the Pause tins e ho was working at hie trade. Now we find the same person tit the head of pule lio affairs in this Dominion. Comment is un. neceesarY. Preparations- are being irl'Ade for a Deultin campaign in the united counties of Nortbutn, holland. tu,d Durham, An organization meet. ing was held at Eiowmanville, last Tuesday night, whoa arrangements • were -made- for a thorough (mumps, and the ante of three thou- sand dollars snbsoribed for the prosecution of the 'Votes. • • . • The, party proeession qaestion' is again ominously looming up its 111ontrea1 as the 12th of July approlielute. It is as yet deubtful whether the Orangemen will walk er.....tust On, that day,- and it -is stated -that in the -event A- ct preceeeioa the members a the Irish Catholic - 2,500 stong, tura out and meet, the Orangeden. • • °Tithe farm of Mr. ,I.Bowatian, atOopetown; a large quantity Of genf-diiiiiseak barlid5h-di$7 Covered, covet.ing au areo of rtearly two acres and extendiug downwards to 110 unasCertaiited depth. This peat has been, dried and ,tested by ta number of those Who,• in old Erin, were tlsed 19 handling and • ',turning the getudue. Irish turf, and,. they all declare that the peat is equiiPto the'hest they ever saw in Ireland. the appearance of the village. Ile bas de. •posited one hundred dollars ill 3. bank, which, M At London on oliday eveulties • a VerY with' accumulated interest, is, to go Hs the man sefere the trouble i$ over. Re'V. Perry Hopkins•atid B. 13.Xobnson had a fight at New York, ou Frislay night over who should be pastor of the Methodist Chetah on /34th etreet. The police arreeted Hutu; aud judge Wartiell decided that, llep. kins was the rightful paator. (What a eon. gregation muat they:here to permit either' of them to preaele Froderiek Hendricks, a wealthy farther of McLean Co., Ill., brought a gal home on Friday and told his wife that the girl would take her plime, She being his wife twenty- five years she remonstrated, and he emptied his revolver at her, killing her, Hendricke' rbeovcloyivwearsifuo thmisti t alined] f. front h The N. Y. Tribune says a well-lcoown town broker, a member of aponiinent: 'firm, and a else) and society man, has confeseed to steale ing valuable jewellery from different residences to which he bed been invited to attend social gatherings. Financiel preesure compelled hint to commit itlio crime,. -Vim-cite° will...pro, bably be eortromised, b a fireerP,1. v Se:1'001i°- Unniailtlye4rewfueilse'dkna°oweoA•raNmeowdaYtiecinl at the,Grand Union HOW, Saratoga, the pro- prietors-statiizg that no-Jewse:wouldsbe enter. tainl etlish •themm re this season. A ass eeHng Of thojey people of New York is proposed, • tocgoitrtuatesort,eci esponuatio1.Leir feelings.. This in a A resident in one -of the New England town has hit .upen an •admirabie plan for improving largely attended public meeting was beld• to consider the position, Of the Os W, 11,-, in run- ning a Sunday excnrsion train. All the the speakers Opposed:the aetion, and resolu- tions ceitilemnatery thereof were Unanimously pesseed, also, to ask the Company to with. draw thestrant. A geed deal of newspatter. discussidu is taking place with refereuee to the matter, 'many, of course favorittg the scheme, but the Company will likely stow' their accordance, to public eympathy, lsts iirg.itsofT,- 77' he Inequality of J'indiee adathlistored in • the lower entinisal courts of this bay has often ,been a subjeot for comment. It is not always possible for the puiflio, or even the represeeta; tives of the press, to weigh extenuating eir- eumetaueett aw well as the; magistrates, nor is it likely tho prisoners' antecedents will he ep welLknown by any as.the judges on the Benob , yet there have been many sentences pronounced which intently challenged a compatison•-' .Y.estetday, a relliata for attemptieg, to oomtnit e daring highway robbery, a peuitentiary of- fenne, Was Sittply. Ithed by the sRecesedee,. who has the bost-looktng road and ornamefl. tiellrete3ree,Ls. in of his premises at the end of t H. E. 01111(19 tho odueated Hertford physi- cien, is Under arreet. for setting dee o foua buildings, at different 'times.. Hohas for year been the leader of a gang of young men • who robbed and burned m East Hartford, to an extent • that dumbhuntsled the citizens. Els Motive acorns to have been pure deyittry, Jar he lesdsue ittek Of fu-oneY and realized Very little fetup his crimes, • Ono of the strictures act ou fire was a church. confesies that the party, when arrested, bad planned to kill and rob a merchant. The probf that led to ltis detection was the imprint of his ,corclurtty trousers where be had in a ploughed field, while running away front a fire that lie had kindled. ' A deserter front the United States army wont into business as a barber in Oakland,' Cal., and. prospered. A 'former comrade rer eogeteed littu, and extorted bleekmeil by, "tbe:,teain to'hxpose him to the authorities, rcs••1for si- whThe liarbr paid egularly 5 a week ile in the Police Court the day before, a lance. .1 hen tho 1,51aelt mailer took into the sailor, tor helping himeelf to food from a ship's a -plet.h,fnentlrwitossbyeelmile.rsthreates :stet -83s a week. •Atsletuttli a third fasted jollied in the attack, fled the.barber, .soeingthat hi pay .roll was likely to inereasebeypodthis resources, resolved to kill off the: recipiented his:money; lie Shot one of' theni„ was (*tight' in -the got,. and'is'lloW in- gaol, Wherh,' awaiting preset:1i. ho is at least free, f rout proseeu tion.. • . • . • Areextraortlinity tragedst•Secently teecirrred at • Spalatzon; Dalreatla, A Itollsehelder named Tondo,. im alit .df rage, killed: his wife aod.folher, and when the police eamo to at - rat him ho barrieaded the heuee'and warned thein off witims Musket. ITO then opened fire hpon .lhd• :citizens* and ,hilled a. Man and w'OliOded•a • woman. '.,A elergynian preached the hottee,and besought Tonic to fat leasVgive titt toShlin 1mucm1,iml, 1.nit the Wretch , ea:livered stile appeals bY.:. iltrewingssMt,sher .mielitt Pecs The .polfen -kept guard for OVO days.'and fmunlly," by kcepng up n brisk lire of etoilett'at •the wintlowe, the. Mad - :men 'wee driven pit t of sight, when a rueh•wite • made he was captured; • Altogether he had killed four and woutided • fiVe Pereone: -kitchen, was eondenniedin t.efl &WS' iinprison. meat at-hardialsor,--Monfre4 . ,• . About !Cur ta.cdprilc.on Friday morning ,Fa. ther I,aean, the pipet at Ola, discovered a fiat in the rearlisf his betties, which had gained considerable headway. He said that About thirty arbled Indians promenaded around the ehureli.hed prevented any atieistance' being rendered by -him and ethers. The church', the priest'e residence and stables were in' one building, and in less that two hours the who1e. structure was in' ruins, • The steeple. Which tontaiued three belle, fell With a ttemenclei is crash. The Marble church fixtukee and valu- ables, with priests house furniture were mix- s ed excepting the chureh organ' and other fi: three, which eoeld not be readily moved. The granary, whieh contained about 1;000 beehels of grant, the etehlos and &tacit ehteisc, with • -three Veluable 000 and Carriegoes Are &WO It' total kite. Strange to say .the conserrat, which eras suirottndecl by the burning build - escaped. not'however, withoat the' flow. erineidel beinggeorched: The library, whiCh crinteieed about 10,000 VOIhtnes, 11 i;uinbe.r of; which were in the iedian language, was con - sunned., 'fbe eunnery, whioh Is but a few yerdsoff .escaped, fortunately, there being no wind. The church, Was 100 yeas ; tie insuranee. . • , . " • :The .letlitie ZilerPki§e, gays : learn that a sen -in-law of Mr. Q. Croswell, of Peel townehip, had a mostmiraculette, eacupo fromn being killed by a bear near ParrySeetn•t; on. the 4th lust, It Appears while going thee:eh she bite)), accompanied by his age boy of eleven yrars and a small dog, ha war; att4.3kod by a very large bear, which in ltu•n .w.ts at, tacked.by. the deg. The behr tnt flint.; 1.0 gra rid of ihe 'troublesome cur, the man sumeeded in getting his little boy rtp a tree, but before stotild get out of retteh !himself, the. animal ,returued and seized hire by the •foot, puttine hie teeth esimpletely. through tlie Irlot, and MENZ/ES az WHITING. CLINTON, May 30,187/. subscribe for the New Era! Gituid Tittiiik Railway.. "Fatin for Sale.' • .4. • GOOD PA= FOE BALEL•45 A.CRES•-05 cratansn and in good chltivation. Winne tank Barn 00140, comfortable Rotolo and duo yoting bearing Orchard, sit. elated it the Township of Colborne. Por ealefit a bar. gain. Pot f arthorparticulate allot to ' • WHENILAM & 001415. Lotidesboro, Stay 24,18/7.• CAUTION. lakb 161, .1kTO TIM IS IlEttEErolvEtt TWAT Tilt BRIDON it: tiaveerteiggtviltirirtotl'ils:st an8 IV e!'1;, toll! : Village of Hartford, in the Tovinehip of Mullett, in the Cenrity of Moron, is dangerbite slid Unsafe for imbibe # raeolo end that tartlei travelling on said Midge de, ea their own risk. By Order of ths Ittentotpla Counellot 'seta Tonne* et Hullett. JAD/E8111/1AtTlitWAITS0 Towne/4 Clerk, •• TOwnship Cleric's °filed. Mellott, May 200187/. Farm for Sale. • ?Tin% SVIISCRIRLR drPtft6 Pen - OAP. lire twit, beteg lot 00, 6611.11, Clodisrfeli tottneldp,-• *containing AO 'tares o1io:0,115 bf *bleb are eletirea, era in good state 01 onitivAtion, the haTailee being geed hardwood. SItinttedwithin one snileof font miles bona the town Of °Buten. There is on the ' poet:Mee .good Ornieteto honed _end tarn, Two Ivens of eh oreherdp of 5 cry tillotne !telt aaa t *6 good Spring wells on the promisee. Titleindliptit• Able. Tuna unarm, rot partiataire, waszay „ WU. erAltranit, ezi the proutres. Oth,1477r. •A] Change On and tarter Montlar0 Morels 50 • PassongerTralue leave canton etatloa se toilette: dente East, Express, 7.07 AAL,''re'rriving it London 10.55 £t.L,Toronte at 1.05 P.M. Mall and Espreaso 12,55 P.11., arriving, Toronto, at 0.50 P.M.. London, at 6.15 P.M. Mixed, 8.55 P.M..arriving at Ptratford„ at 040 P.M., tendon at 0.15P. M. • Traits will arriya nSfoltdWf ; ,mitedo0.40A.M.,from Stratford. Mail and Espreas, 9,81) PAL,. front Toyota°, Buffalo. arid London, Xttpreite,9,20P.U.$ frobl Buffalo, Termite, sad tendert. Saturday Tioltefit for Stratford, Goderielti theory which Would. regenerate the Balkart end London, at Sin& rare, peninsula by the help of ttelf.goverauft Belga. gen, flalbtiiaEictirslon tiakata at. ne., mans and. lloseians. For all that he happens In Newton County,Mfr, Jessa 17. Lynrh has beet) eentenced to aisimitHethifuent stif 00 'Years: 4t1,1 hie wife to one 33. years. I.,Vitcle was.tho founder and preacher of a ttew reli- giou, and pretended to eurcteiek. by the lay. ,Intsms..ef halide, -.The cmittle -travelled with, a Child which was taken sick. Lynch Mt tin- ed that -1b was peeSeased by a,devil, and to drive out'. 'Veil ass' epiettIm 1111,1 hl wris., "etched 'lite sell ibi aerose; the • ramp le"uacl° otoinu: Tbo ;tam. 11 i ng TrOtilten fly MI, nbrilt• ing the floor41.11ring, CIO performence. At 104 it sI reek n; joist Which. malted ' its skull and en Itfiled it. Tito lanai ice wem eereereil iInd though' a-plett 61 insanity wag sot op they were enneiOidd. The woman in iviirnsetitocl. toba of p1epon4c0elire apimorando, and entirely under the Control of bee Intsband'e . • A. veteran dell; in the Qamternittater-Orn inanglIng the flesh in a (manl ma nne.r. 5, Oral's Office e...inreitred suicide at Washington, vetal times 114 Succet;dod in frecii•g' hituseif en Friday', undtir'sineulertiretunataucea. The from the brute's hold, mei .khocking it fromMao, Richter, hail a ettiey little home and the tree, when be gaid it would coil itself up 'a: family of three Children. „After dinner he and relsoahd troth the ground liko a hugo rnb. went mit into the gitran to hoe a little patch her ball, and rende, its attack inore fiercely of Omuta plants, and While so engaged he than over. Before ho weld get secarely up took offence at the depredation 61 Pomo pet the tree, belied 1°0 ono of Ins boots, amt. 'a kittals ni Mts. illohtee, soda darted into his large portion of one foot, which was torn away thereto hell, He called dot, to his wife with the boot. As be was florae :distance in "11.yen don't ksep. theSd" kittens out of here the bush,it was With difficulty that he reach- Pa sfioot "ern." • Mrs. Richter rotOrted by od his place of abode.Ho peeled thpough saying. "If-yett tench those kittens I'll tear here lately with Mr. Chas. Croswell,.hy Whoa). 1IP your old tomato plants.", This'remarlt so he was met at the station and convoyed to ineeesed Richter that he rose from the weed - his home,iMPeel, *here we believe,' he is do- • ing of the' peeled, went into the hose and ing well, g9t his revolve, whieh he pet to the side Of . Ins head and fired, killing himself instantly. a'"---"+.4110-• The wife and children,' when they sae, him he- -irmtended--to- slioot the kittens, and hail no idea 'of hia dreadful purpose until tlic .weapon was dis- One of tile French journals relates the rle,, tails of an outrage by a' band of 'Christian in. charged into stagenta. The story is short, and for the Instruction of those who still think that tle,ekt ON MI kit 171'S Christians in Turkey can do no harm, ;while the Moslem_ is always and everywhere the aJtme 2I 1877g- • greaser, it is welLworthAelling,---The cares- 'Markets remain inactive and unchanged, pendent of the Republique .Prancalseolo hater 4nd but little produce is being brought in. 01 liussfa, no blind sympathizer of the Turks, Wool is slightly acl1uioing and ie at present tells the tale, • He was on his way betvveat quotations time. tho p!tteee Mentioned, escorted by RediffiW — that is Turkish militia—when at a spot called ' LiheaPlavinm a they were beset bye nuerous r11-0.' • "olat: Tread.wellobas101 40 a 1.45 ,+ - 1 85 a 1 40 band of 'Christian insurgents. Three of the toldiers Nll at the dret discharge. Then**, says tho narrator; the, insutgents inflictsd ,on the surtivore all the tortures which the meet AnVage vindietivaness, could devise. All shad their ears and teems cut off; two Itediffs had, their oyes torn. out; three others, who had •mtitle a stout resistance, were hacked to pieces. Five, who were still more fearfully mutilated, Weed aiaggod by their legato the 'edge ot a procipi9e, .and llueg dowu. Then. these gallant aterenders 'of liberty .set up a shout of triumph : "Boo severreoga strilm 1".--.((iod save .our northern uncle)—af• ter whieli the Wolveit seem to have nutde off to thole dens in high, glee. _A04, &Amu, it should. be mentioned that tito IA -nehmen Who thus Raw his wort tortured mid Massie:red; 0n0 14e One, tryett his own lief* to the add. - dent that he could speak a little Italian, and that the leader of tho brigands, Who seems to have been a Dalmatian .Slay, underetomi that tougeo sufficiently to moderate hie sanguinary orgies so fer as to opera the Weston, Euro petal; Now, thie statement is no eensatienal rentaners got up by a correspondent who has been gent out, to traduce one side in thecon.' teat, and who ioverite or exaggerates to whets over extent May help the imposition On pub. lie opinion hero. Ile is the enemy of Turkish aerate and a believer in the mationelit'y - Raving very ieoently seourea the services of a FIRST °LAOS CUTTER) I am prepared toi.exeoute all °view for Clothing On short o doe, 'which, for out, style and finish, cannot bp excelled ill fill). • of the • large ()Wee! • • stoc.k of Tweeds . _and: Coatings is via), ZSSQtOd, comprising a large range of choice naaterials Etia patterns, , ?least) See my Tweeds and Prices before. leaving • your order for Suits. NEW c.A.a7rizi9pocis, ;rust Opened ! ITttrox, and Tattitemaf. Beautiful patterna. Also, a. fall range of STAIR CARPETS. Qy.it equivalen.t. The Improved Eulon Therinolifeier .Cliurit Is giving .the best of sdisfantion, MR. it:nip, *wren, of 13,7noz.vanosh, in .ft letter -dated April natb,isnotlys_.,---"-±.7nte--eiAr41Rtirehased ot pan gives giant, tisfaohon We wonld not part with ft for tirioe wbt it cost. - Wiltii'Ve never • ' churned longer than ten minutes. , Sold ab Toronto prices, .7.15 gallon, $8 ; 10 gralon, $8.50. , — CLINTCR:,•.1:nini 7, 1817. - • , 30— OLE MEWED -TO-J/4y ri11013M . 777, • A LOT OF BLACK KID GLOVES, • Which WQ are s'elling. at 00 cents,' worth $1;04. ALSO, A LOT OF THOSE HEAP AT $1.23 AND UPWARDS, _ At the 777 Cheap Cash Store Sle tho::131ack Sillt AT LESS WAN' 'AUCTION PRICES, • THE WELL. K-NawN: • • ,For _the purpose .of -.making altbrationti iti toy store, I have- dttoided to clear oet'iny Entire Stock of WALL PAPER,' BORDERS, &c. To -do -this= in -ea -short lertime-asepossibler-I---will-offrnt -the-rwhole-atock-of:- ...$ . EAglish. mid Aliterican...Plailf, ' you ao 1).,1:54rs ' g • tuttaost, June 14, 1877 Satin Auld .Papers, CI'Lli.t.kt COST, ILL, Clinton Book Store sign of the Sig Sock Opaff6n toTrespassers. -.1 jinn tzstrennoszo JX70EB2: NI/TIDIES T1115 •IL public; ,that all found •troakaatiukt on property, to llitt,*or tor oth.r purposes, eforpt on Intni. neon, will hs prosecuted to the utleont.rfeern of the law. An theii-dt en auf fonrn spawning • uoxf utOoth, Tor -tine mho laavarbeen in the loabit 'of uelfig tikere, wall nettle.. themeelves nedordinii1/.• THOS. TRICE:. Tfotterieh townittip, Inn; 14,.1.177. Itenel tttfeff . tiI01100111 Molehill/Moder STEATON, Agent at Clinton. Martin 1,87/, •0 -00,00.00, -*00* 0,0.04.0, .7-,7m tass.,..0•000.00.0. Farmers, you can get 'suit of • good honest Tweed, very handsomely made atid real cheap., at .T. O. Gilroy's. nutlet Taktint Cash, to be an honest narrator of what he saw ; and this he hag diaeottered, not only that tholes are outrages on both hides, but that the woret of these are perpetrated by the ineurgents,' with whom,, as with the Montenegrins the mutilation of helpless prisoners ia chen'shert practice and the torture of Turks a Inete,pas. time, So Tong as a mistaken belief lingers' in the Minds of a few worthy people that the Toth isa,barbarian tind hiS 14 Christian" fel. .4oW subject an opptGisatil but peaceful civilized Buffeter it is tonessary to reproduce imeh tm. plettiant• testionmy as that furnished by (ter Paris antsznporary and disseminate the facts as Widiq the lietibild,-+-bonddit trekgretpir. • Barley, Peas, 'Flour, Butter, f Potatoes, Ray, • Rides, - Sheepskins. - Clover. Timothy Wool, - - 0 50 a. 0 51 .1 0 55 a 0(10 • 070 it 0 75 - 801) 0, 8-'80 - 0 16 o 0-10 • 065 a 060 .0I0a 010 '10 00 a 11-00 650 tt 6,00 . 1 00 a 150 • 8-00 a 850-- ' 2 50 a :3-00 021 a 0 284 NW STE MIME. 'rpun suBAoarnit aN/O :re•fitted the :Mann, • Lately. occapied by G Cklbcrt St.,7 W01111 reveotfully intimate that Ito has oponed:out with A loge aud wsil•eleeted stook of e NEITAT--SERINCLG.6 e , • —Cel'AISTING Sitepte,i It4d Fancy Deg Goode, a. roeirres, fatand Claps, Boots and ,yhoes, Wssei Iju ant eon 1,,r .eanta nr refbly pay. ' . , ine-edir.e uttrottasrrs 11 ,4 if r•tbel: ;$.1**Irf'• Age 0) 3.11 n• 4 neer:fan 3e11e4, ue e. 'pa, Will he no) nf 87 o 11.4,1 navsn, (+oat. 11;. No Trots:1110 to setbav ss'Ciosal • ITS PLITISISTEEL. It PAW( BL,N.IN, A ram. STIINET,} • thM inten, erdf 212(1, 1877. • North West•Tratispodation Colivany r**14 (LiSITRE) 4411414 - •tate ttesitty ttt Witittstnel.nate Superb. . • or it • $'arrying tint Canadian Mails in connection with the Grout Trunk, Great weszora tma Quasar', Sontbeta • ' • . Rad...nye. . .. EI ,..wo ., , r Trenton Goderieh on Saturday morntuF, at, 8 o'eleek•• SEA oRT The boats leaving Sarnia call at Godericii,iiincardino,. and Soutb•mpton, the following wonting, for Brine 21nes, Sault We, Marie, 'tiilver Viet, Tort amino, and Duluth, making close connections with Northern way And Ititson's Bed Myer steamers, for Port Garry b'rolght apdpaancagers from nit paints, at lowest:rates Pot indigo; information apPly to TIIOS. JACKSON, Agent. Clinton, tras• ara, 1877.. TO LET FOR SAL1E or . . • os -- MITE FOLLOWING VALIIIBLX rum ;Axes, viz., • • 77,11. C.. Gilroy. is running off .his whole stock . of White Piques 4114 'Color- ed Dress Muslitis. at Cost. Secu:r.e sorne, Mutter 'rotten tut Cash. 'Stray Colt. . • riltIg INTO THE ',BRUISES Or V11.11 81111SOM. bEft, Lot 51, 1st Cott. Stanley, about the Middle of It/eY, S.BAY COIN, supposed to bo about We years old, having white Innd foot 'white star in forehead, and white spot on find of its i:toso.• The ownot le hereby no. meals to prat eroperty, pay charges ma take it oval. ToRN 11, VEATIEN. Stan1074unc ,1877. Ilouse tor Sale. .r.port TEItitS, TU.Selratt/Alet,t .1: Ilope and tot ottlfary street, occupied by tho HO. oriber. 10 rooms, Hard aud Elnit UstPt, Cetlar,13re, weoashsar zo &s.. rut parasitism apply to Clinton, ;Hay, 0,1877. • ;•• A. NELLES, • ilonse and I:Jot for Sale. • SIIDSCItttetrt, ovmus "Tlf.Vf CONVENT.. L taItIt seemed Ifouse ana Lot 1o.244, on Princess Street, for solo, a short time atm use1 ad the Methodist Parsonage. Apply on the promises. WU, DIall 8D M. Oaten, Mey 17,18,7. • • The soulloeara part V.• the south ladf of Zbe NO. 73 and e etml owl of Lot.4r0. ia the litailtntei .0oneemlanr g'olon,9hip of Colborne, Containing about 120 acres • Pormerfy owned by P.tdck Wallet:tees • Over Seventy ores are elearea and fit for cultivation, and the timber on the, balance is a pod hard wood, •ekinity beeolt t.na maple. The soil Is unsurpassed, 'There is• s vorylarge c.nit excellent bearing orchard. on the preMisest Tide font is about 8 milts front Gode• daub/41e Very bandeoniely Situated on the banks of the Myer Maitland. ' rorpartioulare, Apply to ' • GLASGOW, luofir/Er.sos ct co,. Minimums./ 0,1877: * 'Stray. Pig. ‘,LTELVED PEEMISES CP SUBSCRIBED, 10 about two weeks since, A LttliGE wurra sow, bating twe horse ghee It/Wein her tame, end big nut on •hind leg., Any one giving each information as will lead to her reeorery wilLbe reverdea, • JOS. ALLINSON. Clinton, ;one 7.1877. LIME ! -LIME I LIME I ftit StillSOIITDEtte Ain] PutrAlltIr TO DE. i. Lt* kit at ihn undermentioned station's, the eel& bratod LiSferfoirft's edmv n'ime-otokeowiedged by: both arobitects omit _engineers, to bo unorinalled for building par/imam; dr tho following rates by the oar load t soarorth Ntatlon,1 bents per builtel. Clinton Station, 17i Cents per borsht:1. rot farther particulars encone of t, WU. Itouter,re Inteleaulth, Minton Who will teeetve and attend, to order: :, G. rAmtritra, timehea0et1ta316, oollen Factory. ovsloiEwonxc ihoundorair,ned most totem:afar inform the ;mills that they have ratted the factory belonging to gr. A tfontelth, On the 18th. Co. ov' litsra,nTT Mm4 3.06 It019 Mang Itp the place lot Splitelng end Weaving. et, 1,•11 plot Paegonw 31371n37 81 &aimed tan Litre 411 "itli1 their •Carding dons while they wilt. Velma thorough* pract'ent Imada, and> with s flint at, Leaflet to business, whops to merit a chine of pliblis patronage. The best ell used, (Eve us a Wel, , , 11; ;N101111180.1 4 CO, 1initatt, /471004 1611'. , 'IVIRVAN.EGM0i4Do "r)CUNT NOT TO BE nrritin TIIE nEst. op tha bnelneen paid:rot Senforth, nets en inn, et, end semis* extensity° improve- rostitie in hie Irastchistt•rp. .by introdneIng a untidier of the iftteat Improved A•1110:lben tietebinee from • the State of Massachutetts among which aro n OPMIN ATO &M IO:10 l'ilaeninft: a entr•Pnvantro 1Ltini8sc, Yaltn MAnttnotn, Ac., by tho 080 of which better AM evenct work eau dono 'than by the old MOthOd0; Ail inspection of my machinery United, large stock; of Twei4s, Cloths, Satinet; Illankets, Flannels, Shettings, Yarns, &c.,, to ..x.relzanolbr-wOoLor...gellAhettp...fax .4.141.4 'LCINDS WOOJILEN GOODS made. to : or 0,1.3DING, SPINNING, WNIVING, COLORING, rut,mro, Daxssiso, &c., done on short notice. .ROLLS always carded to lake hOltle the Snitle day* . 320'17t S, mug al...eg your work, and be convinced that .oe can and will do better work than you h ove over got done 'before, here be esiewliera, A.07,AN EGVIOND, Proprietor. 04th, sane 7,1877. The most Fashionable Goods in the market And whi-Cli WO are Selling at LESS THA.N TRADE SALE PRIOES, AT TilENOTED -C1111tATAJP" CASECI'ISTOUE• CLINTON, • May 31,.1677;. 1 CALL AND LEAVE YOUR Valuable Lands FOR' SALEI ISAAC RATTENDURY ESTATE firiMill,EXEOUTOES.OPFEU ron SAIE fl pitr. • .L 'VOTE Bale, the TOIrOWInif Rands f • 1.4n ,TOWN OF CLINTON. Alt Ma unsold Ton Lots'hltignorth oi the tal1y/14'o and the twenty Pre peal to the Path of the Railway. 2—Ift Town otOODERICII. Toro It Nos. 50 and 57. on Lighthouse etreett and Park Lot N0,15, i oott. 0., containing 81133.1 1011 6100 in the said town. 3 --In Township ontanIey Nam tote Nou.ii mil 4, north Of the Ilayfteld Road, la Said Township; valuable wood lots, adjoiningthe Village . of heytteld. Title Perfect. TerMITe one.third oath; balenee its One and two.years. with interest seine Ate oet °anti Soo.. ttAt,a .ma rimul akvissayarizoA,, ollatoa ; 6aa thi; amittegatia,, eoamitib. Apply to kloliir 11,trtnittillint, ritt., Inninaola 1 Its, !'') -tit ,i....) oitt tering ea tO Credit, may bo Made, • ri , "n664 "":'oi&leeiteAribtloNollelinere, "r '4-t61LV211' °-11: .29111 46'1)112 P*41A744 6#(121):4"4 ile401e11, lone ilt 187/. ani Ot,f.trtatt, troy Itt; TR?. , / Miner ROSIMS th C PANDER CLINTON', Apri1 HARP W4At & STOIE,IMAILE. „. -03tlitware. marturgtottntc .4:04 VAS 011flAD APtILL STOOK OP • . NGts, SoREWS_./ NAILS, LOOKS, HI PAINTS, OILS, GLA.SS, PuTTY0 _ A.XES, HANDLES, SPADES, SEtoVELs, FOUXS,. LA.X&aPS, BRAOXETS, 4014ito/NIES• BURNERS, ., 8&e., awe Also Tinware or all kinds itt Stock, or made to order. Large aliso:itibbut, of Gardeditig and Uaryest, Tools: a'