HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1877-06-14, Page 2A
v 0 ox Ax 0 V 0 11)) 10 X 0 V
Tun following ollangoo lla,*0 Pro CANADIAN NEWS.
0 woo 0
doiitw wirlon cabinet -11 awara
ol.� IQ wil willIr It to Iff 01111vo 40 Roo
Ili tbQ 1)o A copper mine ha% boon illsbovotea oil the
'Noltes Inodlihif f )1014 oursollyom roaposiFiAblif for tuo oplulous; 9,X. 4
j .014L.fo hAor be.cn $Worn ill &q Pr (!A10041J, sixty miles from OttQiwa.
esident o, our Iforrolopots4outm.
TH's most r this, Itseigh, -0
eopot 1114gil" in 119n.,34r. Annsud, Canadian Vuligration
9.0gusef to-ilallif :;low RUA sulay bQ)IL*d &t lfeo DQ.C'k 'Llifist Multi- DOMINION DAY I borhood, is the arerival of A I
t 1 01). It.
oisro "Pt 10410. 40. ruin AU4 'T. A. X111"L 03 arqq detach. r1a ItAilway. Mout In Unalmd, arrived hi Loullou Ott Fri.
Alms obvto Wick, a eqntm�j# Copy, 0 torof Justice, 410 1101.1. Mr. CauQ11.0a all mout of mosquitoes.
THU O;MBDRATIOX H9RIL day. � ban Uora a . ail I br
Uveriho. Mieso Alin -
'D, till McGregor Ilros,,
%171 10" fur 60010 As intinissitea litt our lAot issue,, pri opendea, with Ilabillfig..
i geo, have befoAl Ill colitempjav
11 Istler of IaLlfa R . 0. `Njr, Railton; the To 040 Alkor of tho 2yeto 4114 % Ap"Lm"ARILN"' SA]OLE"
opaia. sarliai ageut (it the L, ;, 1i - & U.' 0 this $in—The prop,of 11forouto are laboring Windeor, have oil -
ticilis Are bell) unacto for the. propov obser. Once. left on Tuesday, for Michigan,, whOrfl fOV 0110 QOUgtrOQtiQA Of a railroad oblinoxion the extent Qf �70000.
time, find have boon OCO40101,144 throuch foe of this lay, in a m4nnOr'llevotofov enclingr fow I weeks. with Ottawa, to illich city the, Quebec rall- rr
a val, , a be PtArposico OP J, Tulloob, 4. 8011100 t011Ober, 1146. 4b9condoll - I
as J trinti tile 13tr ttle - of 4is ap
onoqualle4 in jilia ( Mn� J road ip noArly compl.
TETj�.USpAy, 4VXg 1 1�77. the, continued ill a ot� Mr. BlAe, who 0 As AS, WAil, ea bqy.at staff. This Iiiie, between d of Watford, lift
....... . . go Toronto AU4'QttJtf1A, 10 tOr'OQXIqaQt the GyQSbL from tbQL neigliborhoQ or box.
110able W "qtqin -tile oeve.ro falls, ou. ganday, 51onday will be Clio (lay naight�orhood, has be, to Wtittoba'r �Cn- ifyetAtork, Qad th l!QWIq$ I'JQO.'Jr*M big r rsj
GrAllit Valley railroads with,
T#4 gvw, cowsIM110Y. strain of Itibors elitAlled, upoll 1111A in thQ 9f the, celebration.. At 6. a. a).,, on. that oxalaille It).t6 its. capatil,litles-for stock bhio,Q4abjO Ilief Toronto Paukin Bill AssocWtou, Dag
lie, and thuo Complete the pute,
Morning a Salute will be f at 8, it pro. jqg. 0 been or AnIZO4. L They are confident Q;at tile
Ired. from, the Detroit to Ad fib. Lswrorioa Altar,
portinvot of Justice. 1, The (;#rreat ATowaslied", will -1ijonarp. Kqane4y 4, Ailliderson, and also to or the tralflo1rorn Qbiq40Q 1114jor Y.
Act will -be Carried by 4 larg it
Aviiii pit at certainly, either M
The think Cession Of
tako pllio. A0 9 o'clock A now feature in have put %,%5wt. a the ralat's thioligh Savnia,- NQ�Y, this is or crotskail Tile uOminlitl6a for QIouCQ8 TO
r-',, I-'. Kelly of Blyth, lid light bas, Of! I . iter, (AlogW'Als
thatits readors.1have very Uvrdua, wenti t Of con, between tbq Off r and now tit route, a Ir 13k
kliziog its Itirs neigh borh d�di� ill be introd, nce Adbosond. town e ud inyolves agreement betVveelk tQOL donotittionoy) takes place On LU , W
a tin(
O.r.that they -tire not given to JIM 1,4 It possible oauflidal;e for Parliamentary slating i f a and 'tho, bene suarly Companies.- illy.
'Trad",. t vellinapublioreall at of their qu. kelectioni''if necessary, ort-thet2nd, J
a rlog one )-dh allpiflior, for honors, in the 06riservUlve interest, for proloossion, in w1il®rb a number of tile in- ra Whon it was 404ted, "What to 4
rticles or -qo in pro terprise. . .1 .? 0 to with Owing to the. newspaper advertising business
Xorth'Huron. : Patrick is a.9061,. Plelabilig Otistirleo 9f tile- town will be represented, 04i,�ir the surplus 9," Mr, B. 0, Wood, in. advocating being �O`dull S rV
Nye find ip its Ttteada�,-'s issue 0VO articles 0 4. T I lit Ontario., aQvifrid weekly new$ -
h railroads,. matlo, galas comp, to 14410.
ilr4day morn -
that ale lacoll6itent one. with another artisans, and machinery being at work. papers have been coal elloll Sp reduce Chair
- fellow, And clofilItless foolp 'Ito has a Claim This procession will clrl�a around forabout ing 1140, ?VVIess a. Samuel Calbick iindl W, again. this R'seavino Sees AS � " 'L
rQUIL Qdy,)) of the States ;, size
L ba, f on the residents, of ilia porth, but we opine �\tNriftt!unl Of erich, the� former a son of bat. lie overlooked tile fact, tha� there,mqp� For the purpose of insilillng
Irat is Il Overtradiogt.aW 4. an - hufaii, andr will be, a Very pleasing 14- V. of tid, were The Bible Obristian 0oriferersoe 'Commenced alterations- in my Store, I have devided to clear olit my
eta out with a wel -nown And, ostab- 1114 'not be. found aufficiently tore of the clay's ofitartainment, A r base lei-, H&Imegv Ili, . r . r tbo lines, wareL t4rough olies, a
and a ffl I�ft here b.
; -White Itsannual meeting (it r
claim,. will. G, W. R. f6r California. Chiefly qupported, b 3xater,, on Tliurp4ay
.Parliament to] Only 10031 last. being attended by, 51 ministers alicl 2$
lished foot that there Are, too many People ballmo, i will take place between the. Blue .7 Loutoide traffic ;
powerful to carry )alto into here, laost of, them would be �ones,
T,UD QIAT4APILLARS and, potato bQgS,
stccki�x and Diantless Clubs. TU the representative
and therefore havo but,% small business. a., Entire Stock, of W,&LL. PAPER)" BORDER$, &C.,
engaged, in trading, this, being limved by
If boi phouhl bii,�A Successful cand.1date, the" afternoott,-the customary athletic ga�mqs though still Unmeroas, iro not" 4oing tile
the lurge numbs of bankruptcies , -tint 01 the appropirsaticina from -the surpluo, The Bruce County Council pasoea the Dan -
Government n4glit, as. well hand- in, their will be Indulged'in,' several good prizes be. amount of dA*mgg0 it was At -first fiared nothing bars been Applied, for :Provincial inter— �kin Bv4law DY.22 yem against 7 r 'nayo It
when it comes to point out -.off ayrWoulti, Vigilance in their do tion
a remedy it ing . ered therefor, In the evening a 'th ots, at so,faellitate outside travel thrpugh will b'a aubmittoi!l Soma tYrue it, ruly And most To C19 tills In, no, short. a Onto As possible, 14111 offer thq whole, AtQok of
'resicrn%tions At once, for Degorra,
promenade concerb a a 'Strawberry festival ; should still be the
falls foul of its c-ther article, ini'tIA0 very bioh ty of tials . exetaiiied, for therd. to plea- ountry, The wealtlfof the country boa probably be paisea. a
eXt Column. It takes rip .,a oldret, . ry 11011st thicot 6atnv that At onst,'� would'be will be given'ih the Town Hall, Itt, w for inj ury Tot. beext sod 'Chat may none
n frittor6d away on lit,
The'Dunkin 4ob has been the mering of mak-
the. now islamber's threat. good talent will perform. At the close of . A CA-TL.—Wo miderstand that Rev, Z of them pay, and many of them pot even run-
por'Sto toft tljat'Jt��ls'
mig Napanee Stich A torn
encouraging manufacturers fvr the purpose of W1144
a -111� nino-expenso%; as is yeC the Case rabQ A-911SIX1111d AMerle.1 Flit -in, $4 611I.P4 �JS.j
tile copoert'a balloon asoet-14ion. And grand- McOnal.-I who has, boon -prAV61r And
now Seriously Ulket,
giving -emphqaten. -s -'will termin rable And in. d, of reduoft the nil r
-t to-die.laq, ail her tioned,thst-t- thci-l�r' ie (C. R.) Church in this town of the police force.
of )a- Ili n w1or -dt9p14-Y7',of -fifb --iiorl�- Ate ti -for Several teroolonial. ltlbao been a mise
oasont of the day, O>The But 1.3arld, famotis game of grAb,,-w.ithout any protest Ja 0001 oltirinar Ilia
who are not willing to eng,,qqo in, agricul� at Sever, -nics to be an'"s tog jears, fine reciiived a- call from the King, the Assembly:, -or by the, press. There ill an Birituni tog'kr
_4 to speak al Reform,pic in about
will head ilia Trade procession, play on ti a Ocia Con og4tion, but an yetnq Action im
ture. matflay�r 1, so of an Ontario I ine, in ocinaii.xion with that twd days' Stay in Toronto, And. at 11amilton a
grounds (luring the day,, t T AOTUAL
pa agr
li, ill d ifferen t arts of Clio Province. and at, 06 Coal boon U ill the Of qa0ii6q ;',and. Some , -time ago au Agent was man sold big coal; vto�o in ord6r to purchase
The othkir,artielo i's th n Why aot, hold A, dewannstrattou 4oiiiewliere. cart and fire worl;s in the. eve IXQVA$T,-Ah inquest was held in IiTar- itla6rating'the Province �ap )ailing tolbe tow tickets for the bliow.
41 finsalffration to Canada,"I And cal 11. ill this iseighborh6od, and have Mr. Na ning,
'.10 �)D.A-'VS 0N
nithey-Qu Mondaflast over the illegiti- nicipalities' of Collir Gode [,,-I�e,,
mefly for.the periodical destrouti�o.
Awcount of . tile Immigration 4 a a) el �t"Ia(,) n lictizie I.%. welf As. other promilientL taoi,04- Wr ate ohil(f L I Bella Butcher, that had,.Eee'a trolls. hud Other placis, evidently not know- fires in, Canada, the erce ad.
11tiron Tiache'raIr A000!Oron. 0
b6rn tho night. pi where tc run his. liue,'and ready to locate- v.1-tes.-the.
of -North it Inberland, which 111AS twail doing of the party pre5ollf. Although the Re. bvious. After the Ox. inisarAncoicompanies to-'agrife-met. F.
lag V'
to discontinue'llikking. Kiska on rows of Ul LL
ood servivo in the way of brluglog alit S' A me -pubsidQd to a-linebetween-tbo wopdQn buildings'.'
f 'CA1140 is! Ity tie m2ilns writTing iii this 11'beofisnuil meeti i
fog of tho'Huron Toacb� arninfittion' of two or Atree witnesses the �*vywliero?tl�,at'bon�56sooul(lbeg6t. The tually
9 if,. thl& town on- J -e On it- vement haa
C sty, there 110. vory Ilinny wilo -would- rxL asoplation WAS hold JilryleCturod vverdief;Lr
t want and, Gxp'osure* ion
Is. to it I On JAmes Vineenli's farm, in't1ke
lim to -bear llinl.. oy and Saturday loot. OnL a doil. It by capitals of tile Picivince, and of tllq Do . 0 . Township
meni ad,
tornooll 'tile 'Illeatiligg wai called to order 1)), with rbfor. throtigh Patprisorol. Chicago, is PIC Sft� to .4, k��fj
of Ayhom, is an ap, tree Qn. in Cie. cHiton BOA I -
Ad Country. Tho fullowing itf its Coll. No arAvr,.rocoiVesd-n letter -V-0 g
find it is possilAo some OU-tho ad 0' tl- ---
Kr, Dowar, vaiid nftor ttle.r read hilgr of Clio Vagne'lMuCep lojZ'lljob t punitire c cxawrox, JU40 j
inale of inatters if 14- Is' -qui a inct" a r 4, 1877'
nooL.60 10 0 road. work on tween that city and tile 'Westor 'spreading briinohod from tip ta tip, is 351t.
174C., coildil ivil tho Inlowing ilk tile' tho*lfittib.- of.contra ts fm too sllsd� of
.4 0. Slisipipard, �ml their adeptiOu kly tiler. lith by Iva 1 4.41. and is 37fto high,
rllft I)llidilloa, ), bat Ila Britain to the E110 is a be, derive r d by so in the 'niemb�rghip for' The Late Xeeti�g -at Kingston.
I!icllt ( villi -11, tl)(. of oe 011v llo4t, we ea no bollfil; t The Actual increa GODURIC11 TOWNSH.W,.
u 1JkO ni(llo 1" 1, D;inlar read I io essay (*)If lit surprised Oval; this -in only b6ginning the Yeaj, ill conndot it n a
VIAIVISIL i0il Of likellt fit (it I, r - 1, it longing the discuorsiou, and, a's Ah r ter i0ft * 11 th 0 J40 n C oil- Fxxao.-�-Whila at. dinner, on Friday last,
W',a Arithinetio, and. dxI i 0 feronco of the, Methodist U (ro Me .9ditr Mr. Robt. Our, OfCba. 3rdL con., �notioed that
I; %iifo to bti . 1 1 bit (1 (111 forgets. to sign It -is iiatile to, ilia ComollIal. to'be Add thaktile-,01'anicroo of 'burets, after mak. the Briti-sh JJ1149') Ivas
if tile Vulavoyltig, these i1nalotilik Torritoribs is to be no occasioned by re n e 1ii birli. on firei Hurrying there -he man.
old 11 3 Voition,'we'withold. it froni pllbliQatiuu. - br, all d6ductio' DrAlt 9IR d 'd-the-.grea-t I:solffli.
sto taxed by wsi.� to onricIr moval qs� doaths, was 2,232. alitdemongtr�tfo�i of Wednosday night in aged tQSaye ond Or two articles, being . badly,
iday -fal� 11�0 'Christianity, inll. nani A, Macdonald, and burned in ab r
lion (4 a [IL[liel � val with lit) it) all 11' 1 V�hioll I last w vbich is silliv, ad Clioeb�LQIAQ -while, favor of -Shi'J4n. doing, 'but the li qL had, made,
train wise proccedilit, etift Tiorn" its'prdgress, could not
91truction but 1111A 3111, 13ti-all" posed -to be 6111, religion, Cochae solf-abub� walking on tho trtf,4 through the kin-A-aess of a friond, obtainod Stich headway fh4
from cornplinionft, ill I I lilk Ili and Literature aifucl cotiaidarkUpil L I . w Qf tile Groat. Wostorn, 'Several livialdied buslielfs vf oats
31 .1 , ti(i I liar( brol. g4tiolf, orL the elfaro of Olair 441nge'ou Friday, was -Orm, so that I heard
I the (4, IV, sta 'it draw -head, b6 stayed.
i -.Z- I e , hilil 6001iioa� tile platf
asOnild fell across the traflc, ofiiialng two Othtra; and Common Sense teacheg that what seized.witil A* 83
alulost 1031; ttl f:%JtII, t'l Imill ill t itAll, v and Wwas a )AS illy train �truck distinctly every word ppoken, and Whqat, And A.7number of implaments -were
fib nd it
for fwf5y S I "a -ationn I -im! tit, in in' (it w was. a -6troyedwithtlidbarn. a
gonai Y t)rf; cd tills class were ll�)b 1)reg�. cars Lo.run offtheitie. A..bt; CS Avs is best for the greateat-Aumbei is besb for the tile imfoetunM`6 hian, kill de
_,Loii )ity tht - , iug,himiustalit, -Vary, o6wd6a I,
L I At jile mewhole ;, and4'tbat the clirector the. line once and 5ir John received
dktion, And ill a I Ili! po-k of jotlit (If. and he, fea*r
V $ C01- log it) theL London Cavan), 11 vory... h6arty w6locime froni JVA dio&1 is not known,
tk) por
tbauk God, our fqujerti eitil, forlis. jury jjj'ed 'do Wit,' Tho ears - weIre left risloe, thp Zoie likely it,is* tO b"' cling kno I' liau'ling gravel of es th,
After 9, short a0yess through -the Prol Situate otVralbbf 9b. London, caved. iu early -fr-14087-0-q or on Ris no.. no (in ret'isters from M. Dawar, the )it tha-8146f the'l,raoir,. anti the train pro. CtmIit and' distaliCOL Competition' ay I mqrni.0 . g, I ill, boolon: left, n y
6 S.b. on S��ffird ying some, of tile count. Tho general inipi Gth o6nL, lai'fweal, Mr. Robt, Beaoo&.s bor$PS.
i I op ir 1; thh toe 'n Stich direct line bQtwee b inran�wayr., H was thrown: out, -the waggon.
Ifeakers. was thii, that if what seeing over him, aud. intliotingr
or 111hi'd by the ill,
a relies and, Buropoi ii; by Sarnia,
We hard qo tl�jlll,t. of Illisis. aTsocia ion djoilined tilt Cl ceed'e'd .. '�,Iitaball sleeping inniatesl in its rdini. F a
t1lat, t he no damage. done, Other than a some sov9ro,
be, towli hall, was* 6hargel,sigaiiist Clio Ministry was'trae
whilu ill Y"UTkirur, munmRs'. ing :Soutll Of Simece, Fenelon. Falli and Ob-
tf)o title, all'J go;C t-,)�:r re'-.aasem bled ill. t I Cillsoll on his
(he lecture and itness d.,jwn stieet, a few 61 'Ple no_ iey-virere dsot-csf dyea, tie
st eniagg aince,� -the greafdA jac�liabied
. . . . .........
a7byr. Dr.'
tilt. trr Left by 7 "A'do not ropeat'this idea with any hope -of Ale. Rainliford hold, his farewell se�vj.' or greatest t1raitors, to their trust OrL such in
Inelits ill - to be giv ad two w,ell-drbssed sud'apparen6ly y6s�
whichispattl 11kre to lubori:7-; and t�per. Ile A an mado it diAtirbartee in. A.Lousclon
: fr, :Sfr, P13d ]�a-, 3ture wii tility ilistruotive p �,c Sull, i oornpoun 16 -arid th b
r rl f. I I licisliseq, inters 't y6ars" its being adopte.d. It *ill be ignor6d and,ro- cos'a.1 St. James Cathedral, Tara 0 oourt,-aud assaulted Violently tile officer Ns, Q.
C,1,7011. od. interesting, and thi.,experitn6vits wbre, , -not' more, att�iiiptiug. to sittokoi Slated, -as was *the location. and construction of day'avokiiug. 4iI34 �ooplo ivere present by indaplible no the ivorld lion rirely*w ituessed, 1�tbensptad- to remove,11im. - Thb� Juage sat'(1
atives, all alld qe I
�Orls, a a d about 4 and
A more strik-7 tho'Great Wester L. Over 1,000 were tu'riled lut, without', entering into Psirtioalars, we ilia ecadfict of -Clio -rioter was indefensible, and
vocating tile of doti �l to el).- very brillimit and attractive) and the, only from a w6ll-used clay pipe. n. 14 September, 1815
an Actual coun
-oh being f6itt, theac were the titteli. seat It im. to jail flir seven days,. The father
a�tllAt th rSL not o ls'raroly We wboo 'and 1"nab �hat 1,,,lla.*bd,�rb,,Io,,,tl,,,,Iitn(3 ul"Coulmencing d beell
reemenbwas made at Hamilton. ou: the parts Away, the chin blookcd, to,tho d a 0
couravu the of Ahin-- rausb.r in labor
IA' iegr--fted,r,4i,-GqmiectiGn-w-itii- 413
-ILitv 'TI a, the Sir A' R. A] nces of sure-s6ulod menj 'who Ila at the ' prisoW subsequently came intcs� court
they should doa esee foi the construction of a' the see I'M,
era here to cu1ret, Ili netjy, hna witness Chain, if is tot: ti) the - creflit of that we Cannot be Charged rouied-horae, foob,.aad. si�tille . ry-by I t.he and, Asked fdr a mitigation, of thoentence; on
Wjroad� from.the Detroit River,, to diverge,at 'his
bUTers. The a -.-,,i is tb it the pebple'of Clinton that such'A SpIgildid yrith boille, personal hi thin". A.large party Consisting of- between forty very men, the a' nine n fr6in the:'-Waar the bittereat 6 aong time.in
-Ord Brie, anil-A-0-11amilto
Ait,( –tcLY
quienstalt ferritiomild haVagonson, oeeKII]g to anaud farm ara I s.lfr 11 -ab- ai: aulda, and had 'imbibed Ai�eri-'
d -with him,
f (if. tile' for tb(, . m t all ch st:,einall fee. for admis- vicinity ofT ordNvioh, left on 1!ridAy fosi Alani- the-reputa4bli. ofate4"Of5a who, Ila deas, * lab he had import6d' that they can form 11., of the tin nally �cutn plainhig that the wa�'ioa giVon at; 'a stopped-, and the work a 6 over powered
nc.0 ; 1312C 116 Wag. d:to hii t, r
fil G jo 11, at t 11 a C,.J� pe 11*8 3 6 fr th e aSS 7' - . r a toba,. They tool of 'he tidg* iva Chu nover,.
by f�mers are but if i nathert they'lla. stock, and farming. utensils. Th IM Iguoill-lu U ugly froms-, place ofid power., argumen yelea . s a the
p -was ubt began till '33 e. party Core- a' W* ho four S;e- coiggonted to the 6
ara had hold in thein'right, prisoner.
overty and U Life MCI It t'lle 6-011. at tile dpw was not $Iii- are able t, pyised some of the most respefted and enter' ha
iriih the bletbodibA Clon. pa�y. A14Y more than at present, construct; rji� 1000 Line, -in order to be .able
laborers ; ri, fhat-they art-) ill wtllh� t110 Uhallgt-8 1311141 bl?$11. ftient cover expenst�s. We- fear'L.the l7e fhil'tt, ace how they Itre. to,do it. We to compete � with th6 Sollthorn,� wbic� - li�,o ulsing of the inhabitants, and will, be ads this destiny of Canada, but sud(ren-r,
all ac
613portunity of WlitaeGoll3i,, R HIMilar'display. r arnier n this mightL not hav6. been bu arritt A Of with, a.
protectiou. l�indvi frolli the flrat:'draft ate,illfo nisd bf one f quisitiort to the Pmi�je Pr6vince. ;y IeftL in the House CLINTON M,4RRETS.
rs demoralize and
will not arm woccur for a lelifth -of time. a now paying :25 a m6nth idest beeii carriedL alit.
Islost Imst person, Ito- Jame,-, Presou and A; J e�, -boyhood Chat I $ mera handful. Of foll6we
The bill to submit t ie no0 a GAtirLy. morri t 10 A and'boazq,l, t�k;fi- If The diVidifigL of.busi�qga bitwe l?.aukin Acb to- "dismayed). el " a
asoclatibil s------ an railroads it yC Y_t
d; Dnof� da�bl:�T6 h, sifther and
a Ion
in'-POS68 Olt I6S�t1D4he4aiir6jAjj,- �r U moat diapar,66hate ifidgei of'Chij
E,. r
'at a'( rying below Iwst,,
towns of
all, th arruffs and Ddrham, excephing'the
raent ir,f .ill n1imited -.111101int pf r high prices lo'the traft. Cobourg 'charaoterg they portray
for ilia ensuing 1,eai A.ray. ga�,e ter. fs`orei to theJaborevs ana Port Hope, waacktrioa to its Second r6ad.
D turn' their. forty,
-f khe IN 6ithor of, which are h3jit- Perhaps the most 131
grailfyind�infor "ation to'
afurther uperi I�entg, a d:. Mr.. 31�-, and -hire themserIveq ing:by the f0unty Call S"'r Sohn'sIiWe heat, Ilia sp�bolroon�, the thinking portion of the r Public is,
I . I .. 4 .. , noil,. by a vote of. �4 t.o that the
unkinites zubmittella'patiti n SigtedL dhiefly-'-of Same Very Pard611able ciopk are-loohing welland prrigreoiing most fa.
.g . m otlipr in. M,: A., -A. Zul of Gea'forth delivered ail address oil r tb a
- . , . .1. 1 . L- I . the lateshowe o don't*know it there Is any pa�lio �,, 16; '-TheAuff-D torest to) bo llui 1,11eued Is the �, Centre of Grarity and. - -Sinith's St&- nst the motion berin� ever four nd v6rabl�.. '*Ale word fa�orcl d'w6a.
bunoitni, interlaided'with mdoh 'renl'fiei- with'splandi
the town are -looking now,. of -an3t adrocabin� 'piibli� inter- Og- a 'thostah
0 and Us ad- �M. local ones.: ther in the early Portion bf tho.s�rirfgr
It Will be souls that ilta pal Ezra 11j;dpi, thi, of *ti 's," H.uston gx�� a., brief 11, all' killild, C vo�,etables 6elag� ;�f;S Agr coptrd-diisitiTiguislisEl frLo in ibr put�
Igg?ward's he. people who -bad loyally. ting-jorthe seedi so that a . large broadth'iliras
a6scrts tht, tile (I.C.111allift r., I.,estion' Teaching." it to 6 this, The Alebropoli'lan J?resq,'to wilich the public ; A ow a 8, bi farmee in lVeit -Nis'R uri I.
r lla word forward &Lily year' fliffin'last! � i d ys:' go, go . him th'rough ev.il and good.je sown dria-plautd(I rill first I 'Ord
graph plainly is g�.htifying to obmrv�a the. interest III L tot-. the advoraci of Provisicial cauilit-three-young partridges, and as.thoi rs, and in, some cases, the' _C ass
* A , . 'Progressed. favorably, biit the
labor is beyoud th'a-s6I.Ittly, id but, A!tlle saine. date, aii&-wd are',gladl to iio-. havitig a fatho ey er. For It
it) the i;irocoediUgs.of he" associa� ie --a 6 69K. lion who had recently beext disappointod, in grandfathers ha short tilie ys arcrifi-ce Chain. f6local d. done. eford.the
pin I larger joxtent of. groond weather followingit was fearod. gifiat in,
ment, 'at IF This wa impuadntly wepplified in their late her family, 61pci;hatio bf eul6gy!4".r y ir wage"3, Ila, lid pros6ilted . her
iotl:by taaallifri.- Xs they:are by this lileal a at16n of. t14
is brought i v
e 11 with the young captives.� 'She -bagerly adoptw' dthem they a-vo t
y -. To iie'the large number lug I
oc0slv� d li))Lii fig. Isl.� seno ury was d6ne but we Are glad to may, noth-
eB -tit ing -,better 'prRparat 1703,
t applicant. Wo ftilly ondurso I Is Dulig 0, maL larnationi Against oxei i
10111011 , 1,116 Iec ronto to be the ad them, and they as eager y receive silffered except the clover, which will be
timent, but it is tile %-cry 61)" ins0p;tion to' the Children onaer. their and �xtetA f the PoAaW pai;66 ill find fiatertnined To I d bar pto short -and brong . ;h1b . o taaturity iather'early,,so
rite of 'VI ... . beat Skto for LII� and- the whole Pro- parental'pr6tectibil. - The little stiangers are
Xiticardi tit; 1111178.1 The officerk..61ect are AIC� T-uppo's-8�0ealkAms. to tile 0
towii one would itinnost �un- Cc Ba Up'n. texed-tm buih it ill). A-isew doing.v�cll and getting quite'ti heof� 8i
t late.
Ilia Mail leas been lit tho the that thd tim thy that ig-groWing with it. will
at enough could. be I -lis
Flitil, llresMon ;, 31 Sellar, tit 0 that point being r John, of not 130 fit to Out ore-Alle clover is beginning
Supervulmi-ary rlianiatit 11ouie find t1ler6 has Insp6ctor . Davis, of Vindap Ilia trans ell'atal abiliiies
emstantly chat, lilt, tho Mackeftto Go v' S, I'licks, Dele�ate' to. tho I, r, Cojleotor aand noble rain last Swtarda-Sr,' :and r Aga a
g 0 , I . I .. Self- 'to spoil. The i
: - '% (if *ithput, needirig'allyfroll) best, a Clamoring thsi't a on the' of'Goderillb, rind offnegr Draig, of foretfullness , of abnao of ever
13 d VIA Assopiation. tile: formers .
To J& t110rlJIVI_ . r . Y.one who oUStiticlay night, has done an i6amense Amount,
ernment with so conducting tile. aft'aird of Tuesday we visiied. tit ietbe corporatiuis.
acoit gli fill b, a Aloudliq. slilzedan illicit.- in opposed. Sij John , �of the gretit Oonsery I or I
lave and,. wcll-oviltivat�a ',logo of, I) 'there. In the t' ' t'**' r
stilli df good.-all'tho crops'are. looking nd doili
the country its tolhtow. thot"all"1111111W1 of tit g full ofleraticil, alo.a sitil b0ai valuarl t $200, ti
VOTOaO IOU SO I that there
employment, Huron ilrOs- Jos, Mliinsoui and saw, allblit -ve"a - old place insist yet be '�'usod-, and tlia (itiostioi2r vertainty, of ri is
oti. l�iL-v3sIiiY,' fift6en miles nuAh Of South- 41ioii belfigf, cariidd7back -.to PoWerr -will bar good Or helall wheat; we think,
�ally 'for city
A. Mitchelli-M. -4.1. -bytery rueot'ln'-Knox 0h.urch,"4odo lei thrat � are ask the , evev I I oo ad befter, If iSrnow otit ill bead;
r. iaopelied-whother io'slynot. umptoll'. they also captuied'the 'operators, ',olifi�tant Show
By it little exertion we can savd*4 largo per! . fer, SI . sla rd of July'. ex f. tto'.6e ery be found whero' 9 tire two of . whom wore. findd $5,06 esich, And sea indignation of oli�ofierI6 And ble all ki yi.-IThe pastuies tire goo& dud'
H. Waddel I - Zo lot) the,S n ders' of'electoirs a '"
])a Wall forwar& and lux... th
tion of tills class from the ienipthtion alld gkowing final
. HORS a condition,, Al'o obtained apecilrens Sol= of a:, e.
noble, -vices, and Avo can real, V us. -A cr: load Of -'fine borsea, urf6u loss. liabla,IO.. the destruction which occurred, tolic,C(Fto. 'six nioutherill jail. :the Produet of D.Atter , Igigo, Taken altog
a tile C;f 1812, The'lMteliell jgno�
�16111 up 'Ill$ A,hQ2ld--A. INtilliken. 4wburries, poiat6cs grbuteful publid and her 'gave JaV
Cc B.� r, 'of peas,. 6ti c,, in 'it' ther the countr.y.has'grgelt redflon to rejoice j;
-loyal, P )qr 30ro 10. a Pro- - (�PrbAl) of the utteri-indapacity' aadl,bare� the prospect of,goo& crops.
pabeod soutb'(;vor the1j., I is Montreal pa TI
-ducated, sober, and satini "d n -0 uj) Witt,, . ys
in Great 11ritaiii is, day, for th6,13riglish fortark�tg. -y advanced ' State. fle has rhubarb ]a, its Cho.
Rov� 'Mr. wJ16 lias.filled tile liosi and voilelon lValls ®t lit'"till
The -cry v& dea, bid, palp�b I schbine is, othor -retain young mail in,*t iii. city, *110 is tOdvc"-, fvw& bribery And wholesale corml tibn of,
Chia of that measures' 'Chide feetr across the 16af lily 1 therloVe for li A . bdi; lie is eing�. P.
the The -cry in. noitor to the Cliatcla church for the B,kTL'r-Oa - -Monday litst; the advpcaoy Or -notice ijr� scarcely to be lint) V I . , qqor " :. � . ... : WOOL
'a . nd fbirty inothes. long-, -ilia tbd stalk.ig far But it llt�o A gf�fod, confined by his filou'da. fle'admits that cvdn' bars 6 ybars, g008 to difforezit; mom
TAigratioln."! We wissit past tbT4 Dauntless club ofr: this place, played 'a nd those Aithough'EtOme allcirt,time has, 'Already"
of Goderich, 4,o;es the stale slitell issuing drom-a saloon door
Premier downwirds." But callinj to mind,,
�Wo .,,va . tit Iaap,�nS, Y6u'iig Actives at'r(Jrode. largo it. proportion. , A visit,'to his garden �th`c.lgnoro it are not.,irliends io'Alid. those -bing o elapsed since sheep shesorm9i, commenced but
if atch'with the.
gusearg, p6rieO, od' to Sarnia, � %A;herii� be ling 11, viitl be a treat to the lQvqrs'o'f hor twilisits-so strongly as -td;*o6mpoIhim to enter. as I did, the girsiia
b6on malde, chlair. rich, reliisilti rin f6r tile. latter* -ticultue. ho ro8iA it are. aiiemieA41! humanity, 'Ali u=d the little wool has yet been brougUt
I ; . . I I , r . . . . eyed tltq iintsidso Oro - fee. way III w it
a all else, we want' ulan (if the diotrict, victory Alld 'leink, and.bo ob hich every imall o 1i
A Wor Ole C.tuTlo,�q.�O fluently that ho-latoly suffered fro6 delirium. c�eaturd' throughout the country WO, d,,'Ie,; ,a -offering for i I t, the'Oroducer think"
Mohdaj small in --ths 4r8t6dOub-t'bwiIjg to.tho- Ce tfi t
T. 11'. toys. We therefore, the store. standing 12 to 13. Son, a faroio� of tephen
and 13articularly to lf0R1lF,,A VIAICITOTtA tongue and. tiried"ti) hound down Mr. Mao,
. . . Heavy. Raino in t J -ing1t; -too low, And that. if'priceirpai(i ip past
ural Deprtment, Jle West'. towffship..callod on'tis on..his-way home ke'llZio" And the c6citial means- lie took to� years are ink criterion to go.by, it must car,-
-'cultural Socb(itl Rattonbuily,� Brrucefleld, and from Prince Arthur's Laridin . g4- an(l 'AToLeod;witb ninety'throo rechilts for . . -ad 1
t tfie Northwest mounted. p&ica, ' - silence the wretch . was not That this 0ipectatih is baied
Bl-ytlj,-are purchasing borseso fill ail or- a' bo' say a few' words by wa� of Chari y aitilly go. up.
Pat, - for -sl awl wind sioriii, �o�er all Kansas And the -der fr6m- Mr.'Whitiallead. 4oia;rtfi6la Out by.tbo, stc=6 Quebec on Friday. 'The quito-so readily offectoid by the Charges S. on an unsubstantial fouildation vVe' feel to be
pqr It I riti arsons ivho may�`b alhpoap� CC, (if thd Yov
tile expiration 8 a Oro on their souls cortitin,"from iill the Aaba'*o -anti glean. For
for -.4114)m a-; faiv no Olijiba 'Iirovall.7 ni�lie to �vork on tha� railroad. Already lit Search of employment on tit eldiatillout i -a foIr thrae years, at Ciao ur6rind-mo, wh b
nwho shall hourq, 'Aro over- they havo obtained about twenty-five, at 13 . 1. fre(Inently sop in thij Contivil. report t1i'qI ft are on.: 1ho.c6lorell spectacles' of -partisanship and *Inerly,the Americans wanted. our long bomb -
their 9it-asition,' owing their und. some vi' railroad. ome time since Messrs. Ityan !:ptiring'satemb6i 0
cinitie'l Cram f4et that 1" it graut,of ()lie Itandred an�daikty 7dislike, Lie.. Tuppor!g Bibooll Wag
to, title ing wool; but no*'tliey are using thicir own,
tancrindfroux $115 to t]504 Purell, Contractors, advertised for a lo ninell as Charity." it acres of la of. 'There were over six hiindrod 'elTect plit out flieso Clumsy. which, �CbOugb met 86 long,! 19 SOUes� and Moro
.116413 are Iodc(l and; clit; I 11�6' fears. prices I is not intpos. If
tertaitsed of ny al.qrming damage to t)ka ACAR Ox ' Ffht,-On Monday lait, when iiiiintser of Mail -to brlc on a portion of tiOn. to dibtate� t6 tli� Oharity Clommitioe.-who applications foi- -on the jaj�o in an- for- the goods hey� are.now in
t are to givi* to; b(lieve, Ill positions mechartics and. this Minister of ]Finance and a"' Rnufad-
r-. $;war to* the 'on tWrbugh6t&1he Coll -
growing dropqe th6 noon train going South, on the the' c. P. It". in reply thereto a icn, oil Ioiohe Iiiiiidred, recruits. -pa enria'g. The depresH
ty;, as"a, ratepa e, v, to en is ati. 6 mein and w 0 a ak st
Clip pqt*forl �V,� B. ay�riv�d Lbor�rs want up. - Whatt sy 'low 4' tinent has enfo6ed coo Ay,:And inally
X haroi A was discovered that largrio number of IF Undai an, 'act j�laoed oil file statute IsOO14 can the thin& 1101 It av;
great iloportance hours, thirfeba And a-lialf iudhes of min' a4tsit.,car,'Ioaded with cedar potIr, was oil they,got there they, found that. 06 wof-6 some time the Toroato,police magisfrajo 31 been 'compelled to make their clothes -lossit
Ad is greatee than'l should he i Mi wheie, noliv Dr', 'Tupplfr,mado ,I fow,gooct lilts, n'd much longer than forrnerlj� thda,deareaging
war ffinde fell. It is fearerl that theerops are dmaedfire. It had not made much headway, were nob. Sufficiently Vended last week innagiii4teil It liew erd by fining,a, there Was all occasiiiiiaL p6sage which, ma- We- demand joy w6ollen goo'ds� prices
and colvae- w of Are III to w(frk: slion](I lilt in want, and if
The saw -mill interests nit Wolf Rier* bive however, and f ymliat�, As r0port be triiP,.th6r(- ai-L-some who reAnlarly xe.' man. $50 And Costs. for carrying a revolver. it
eporta that coThe Inen damaged fly f1boils to tile of 'R, fo, ow pails of,water*soon ex- uently �oilijd goet' -no dinplo nifeted argumentative sibilip7l SOMOpOwet! tn'diftabehl markets vairy,.accojaing to the
Ifficely to be roe- tin shed i Supposodto have originat- 'any -o fbe lab tit that ie 'It is very wak'argued tha tile prisoner was justifiell, in'
inf . orers had only'sufficie' celve - of satiro� and onnsiderabI6 'literary finish quality of the. wool produced in
pay t commonly raported that one man, is ton ring so doing, lit e ngriArlatc.lield that t the neigh.
ed A spark from the engine lifleaq rto heir fare. up, and dall get the t awhot dolilltv in hi iolati f �ut, in general, his, y
1' ussians. have lint areas- "ST. Louis. -11eavy rins in Western lia. sliclecli're6alled, the 15,orhood. London and Guelph apiJear to pn
recilnen 8, IS SOITLI �4 lilF"� a T iolati of lo how, and.no other college
urf and Kansas have Caused. great daytinge' A CWTTEtqXAUlAX.-Thfiira resides on' nothing what6vor to Act, thoy are left- at nd (Its ikcg� and if articles sent him, that ordin- bckina blowsbf rather the highest, Orlces,,, ranging 'ffotn 27 to 3
8 anu a, at tire said to be push- so� aff a -on o Iii 1, ):It to inflict,tho.lowest fisle,'
to crops, an(l. other, property. Tilef'rai roads tile 51:11 bon. of Edst Wnwnosib, an old Carly destitute and almost starving. Mr. aiv i�oulol consider good food, are not -whi h b di , - , . ; , .. . . . .
I . ng their arnis vigorousl� in. Asia Ali ' * unts 611 it gay gentlemn by the name of ohn 110over, Anderson Stites that, ritno of- them sire ifull-table to him, are returns i . I. It is also Stated than tfie ]Cecil, iacivo. thinsta of Sie John. cents per lb. Wo aro. it4ormed t1at Clio best
ll snfrO. Latet ricco -idly 90 llotaj- wool'in Canada. is proilaoisd In the naighbor.-7,
thoit this certain person is.as able to i�ofk.fisq any n. Still, he wits:liory fluent,,and seldom I
that is to tile Vast of. Constantifio6lo, bn t'hat tho,Milifouri Itly.pratatid below who claims that heJa 10G years old, arid 'Sitffering, sovorely.. and would g.l. - do aIr 4j,9kead,.Obt&�va,,,4ftS phipped-Afteen 110011 of thaso, places. The oro� believe
r ]calls of lumber, live rifivhich wore pla* site word, and Ilia
Oiby'ls still rising and, doiftf; great damago. one else, but, that'ho cn Nedve CA nod, tated for tift appropri, we
are not making, 'pauch headiiiiny,. Raniffts states that"he hall a brother did it' tfier mm most sf�n�thing tq got Away. As the boats )each abotuad; on the whole, -a , decided isa, heavy final, As- the, num�or of lambs solil.
Tile ivater.is hlghei flisin fit any time gilleO of will, not bring from the town, refuses to do anyliard labor, 1f toAdiralia,. T.W. Curriolr.alsosillplie-da '01 last fall was:not as large assome years P,e.
P Nviiieh, E do not say is th6 'lot of sglies and doors tit tit,) Salto time for success
flood of 1844. - Tire town'tif Harlem OP' E, ngglish parents, and resides now witha Ilia pay tb6ir re in 46aaco, or give 'till Case then the, legs as.4istnce that is re . nderod
are constantly beingcirculatiod. that ill�rif 107. He was born 44 Pennsyfvai the -men-backi thloss'thoy theso reports bo true, ."and if not 'eloq6eilt, p6rhaj;ls the vionsly, therefore they aroyat on ilia farms,4
land will eventnally' 11 tile Ivar, posite Xanea is about six 'set under Australia. The shipments go by -way of Boa� Oqcasioa hardly allowed A. 'I 'am, how -
take part i v, destroyed solit If he is as, old as he Claims W be lie equivalent, some of, ilia met! prilwzi their him' the betterwill it be for the place and him- ton. The freight on the lumber amounts to, everi Of the opinin. that the mind O� Clio but why' she should, afjU wliat glib, wA1 --lynte , .� v forous for big age,,for his hearing and clothes, nd thus get down agitio. On Clio sell. ' Merely wishing to. ))rill.- this inattei- before
The railroads lit the �icinity are, gre,03Y diil: IS if, 0xe attention of 6ar councillors; aboqf; $105 per loadi or $11- p'er 1, 000 fcot� A is.eiisentially coinionplace, and that, The tendency of'prices formin sire down -
,a doing we fail to SOL,. Tile be
gain by r St mag4d, by. the -.M.41i-ou t or subs'norged, traoh-S. umpaired �he isStill,ibletfwl, Manitobals roturn on, Sunday several csin1lo* �t remain, yours, large trade bts spraiig up betwien.6ttsitwit aria is hardly cipable of triastering any high ards, is, the highpricas havi drawn Cat more
'A grain than as thought t&'be in ther liands.of
course to pursue is to let tile two at pro- living an the bottouis Along Clio Ali� ino'nS. Ue,'akuderion states ustrali, shicohe oponiiig of tbd g. walk aroulud. quite -activoly, only being oo a woruclso 6D Of Oil nuciating a
to tile tstking ohnionailly tr.oribled with rheumatism. that lie to certify to t6 truth of une 1.5, 1877. exhibition. proditcero,- and also - in consequence of' ilia
-aged if' policy I over satisfj'iny Advanced -Atively little
I it figh't it out it] ietheso statoment.4, and his only. motive in
sent eng oand. which wil
A -lint, property they. caiiwith theto. i prosl;ectgdfgo6d crops. Compai
As indicativo of &lie bersolits of publicit It was T6rbntoi young; liay who Was in- studbrit of political obbrionly. To me tile s being bionglib in here, farmers being, -too,
then -when. the fiiialadjut;ttnontoonios.F!,tl,(,r- '�A yl maiiag the niattep public is that. others diteveto enough to Write a polite. little uoloto speech was a diaa�pcfihtment ; n6t'so, Wtr
diapatoli'frodi Loroyj Ill,, ayu a forrific -Ind also to show-bbw i1cmd travel round,
land can see to it fliat her intere'stn nro.not ov6 -that p6rtion of UoLuan We litay mon-tioitIjitt we have icocived two red tile stifforin wljiclt lie found Abortions;' the Rov. Ali,, Itillsisford offering 'lilm ber busy in putt@9 n- head. for root crops, and-ift
John's closing onig, for thoogh almost sub- plaidghing follows, and'in other ways prepat-� .
County. mlytln� ap"
ignored. us, OA# fictio'sa roveronit gontloman ill x,� i ,, at that lJoint. Will our cotIampo" 'To 11ir Bilitor qj' heart, hand ana fortune, . The oVAIJIg6liffb WAS little in its qopliigtr�., aii& aid1dishly ridicu. iqg for haying and harvest.'
se�dtiit itlelm-, goi aml Another frolls. a' persom iii entries pass t1fin-itcla around, -, � ..S. n k Itho least. Ila merely lous in this nineteenth co*
p i--Thd public re continuall slI;)OkqA b3, r, niarY, in the Wheat) Treadwell, bhsh,$1 40 a
Ili corn sent a isibly to tho-young lady, coomi ail
Kansas with reference i9-ALrobal itela taf, A HARD people form alfillinst daily RCCOulitk of flonle " poor. unforta� 11 d* enunciation of ita princilos, I IV -its they' pring, 1 85 40
. 01 , la hole to 11 fdv6 her heart to- tile Lord,. her
The Conservative Planic in London,.. (t, .. .... S,
80010 Little ago,apisci4red ill out, Coluinriff, in Chair 6pil)loll of* printers ill general' fl!0'111 n natal"whaso, Ufa lifts been talcou.'"Ill tile attempt oughly stimulated b a 0 r) t
alloont, Inivo of fiflinfio anti frulf. C us, to tO Poor, and to koop y the, keenags of' its an oats, 0 50
both of which cases (lit) ritors. attention pecitnoll Chat, atitiliAlly v1sitrf n almrblost., or who, -foaritig to face tt liar haild lint) , tire' its wit - and hatnoe. and ')Barley, 0 Ole) 0 00
On Tuesday hist, a 0-pim(rvtivo Iflullic ItIftl cr)la (if Choi fetv thlym, lilts beell to I)i c4ftilhitl a double urflor'by some One , aska,4: lieu for ik" Good. sound'
was bold at Lotid(m, tit whiit 1 was drawn lo4ho pioce by sooing MIT* botintry town in. 010. provisloo" fuld w1lo her.shu Sparkle, and its Startling silld fi�boundad cas, t .0 70 a .'0 76 iir J61in A. to I'll Ondt) lit t iking.lior ownJife, We know, very, well CIA comillon scrAse &lid wo liopo th.0 'fair
aV, CIIQy will to alovallize on Chia stQcab stad delivot. It licillily one will hced it donfidenco in tho titter ignorance of facts lour, 8 00 n. 8 50
Macdonald, ])I,. owl Ifon. NViiii Cli'Ittob Thilrall f his 110.
arerfl. NVIly, thca�
robt li6,. 1 an
gvoling8 I', pt 10, I cr to a pvcullar of, 0ofIVIUdO 1,11i'tt, tilay ftli-e-n lJok;l Iolt- ]lilt W6111d 119vO bilt little 0000t, fOl' 80 long At the amul r, -016 A 0 10
McDougall, find 113cin . At nitletifig 'Olt Wedresday, of 0 55" li .0160
have ijo sire pleagntl fn' ..N one is -n aJ.oullo nifEusissid bvo,;1tlR wvril floll, flictiob, Rod Ili) I V snian exists in -an ituregancruto State; go long tile allawholdoW of the I' ank of Uoutrdal, Afr,,
�ud unsy anything I Choose hosed,
of ilia Lood and 1)(imini,,ri 11misis or.tho. (;Ilut,ch diniAg s4orm, Che riv�ti 0.'rtr- SIVNIMI front A 9 game, ofinf, Ceptiotl fi.t Iiij, I if is, ;ff,'g to will inirittitutis trulaa6tiolts (if tills stature oceltir, A.,Robartsou said, Cio adds, litlsilI083 of III tile favor of their oathilsiasm, me$. r,,ggs# o 10- a '0 10
tile stilt! ailyi of many buing to grati- t is morizo them into ilia b-oliALthat-slay,paulI. ridings contiguous wero present. Thp osClio, I a 00
-I vilifto a �f- ille eriti)4-wharehy they spore ctsrpd,.*, wholn wo allildo is woll-lolow . .. this Country hit(I toucliere )OU011t. By t
alillual ho InAtel, wbat safrer- 5
fy t6l 1, , ike tho proper thing. Aad the
tendatico was 1grge, said to lie ov tdruityj a few j)artictilara %Utlf. to. lit tuity angun to their victims. Ito nioant tile inilsor1kition were. now wnhin nuemy are -Ali
aof 50'
)ople, and the speecliv;i were lei of til ing. kill es.1 Oil.. Ilifin li);rniterest, wit maders, His timing lit tile flonamid and that no Oiango can take plce Nationl Policy" which ho-repudiatod on- Clover
Yllito I manirbsod 1 8 Goderich it young 111011, lVell. is aourg,d. Moyer, btif, Ito is fstilliIiii-ly Lhl:i Coullbeti0ti; gotiVilily passes away ts, tit(', in tile unless fee Clio bobtow, tile. linrst tile hustings hate, its tho-til.4 Tj Ob 50. a 3 00
tit by
Ifall Joys: (.'T.qflll t g pt knorwa in this now Rtudying I it u 414 'eth. IW! city whall it01 1, Gourgo Pi.*, 1,19 gods about is forgotten, I ivoili(l like to, hitviiig boon oxilori -Ott, '-ionic weig,0 Is togotlivs: lovely, And furthwith-that is,
t; il rainistry, occuplei-the Alethuditt a few wordf, ChAb might posrlbl seb, pooplo 466wiliod to this opinion, as Rabortsoa Jolin 'is a
Tifpr. I;oh made cluLbed lit a laatjuo� 1146 Woold lead 0te 'ay rofni r,.avil that is to
A uries of hill pulpit here on Siinday lastj proactlitlep two and lead to It bettdr state of is (ilia f, the loading ary-g6o(la mOrchallf"I be t,).iiiori,oivt;-tiv(3Trytlliilg BOR No
tdref!s to; ei �dt a ttfkttv4.in Iter bestir. The P.Cory it, sab beLruar lo 'consider lihijOlt to' ec-k nij t1' This is it (elicate guibldet to talk abollb through tiradCioal sermons. This p; 0"" f .
tjf�lt file I avid Iscolutiful, w. -Y. drossod hita. ItSo.tit and wattill alld, Ott And every one and Jones. it] to be
10101tift" a T011111 c( Cn 1)rt)(111co the (lea* it
Aelicou of the worilthicr of M. w, -if speech" Bo rd of Trudo,
Us" t in the cogtlilne Of Pr J-01apof beint, a useful anot able m4sinber Plaianess ( wife of Mr. Wm,'CooPor, of 0, son.
eougregation. 'aro f.w' astrauge to iiig poraun aq ItAira on ti, btl� tilt )a Indulged in for'buil'to pay two conto moro-fov F10610thilig la�
ilA3 Ilpfor, the fall, itifon unt., of file elty Itates of file MUMMY. .1all, alld when C-110 phirt ets io such; gulf, dildthat, without being -otiiniii, OuubL At l4ontroilf, on tile qC01stial which4claca owns, rttict we tire all to litit;
guests appear ill fill) 14-ondetborn, has hm bocoino it uotorioiw fact that; It great-mah plfil glled for Liv6sflool wit'li sevonty-olio Our hands into ono nuother's V±etif, ex.
QLP garrzion, istuhig front isinaiiii.r gate, old Clng eattler, t&O IV 37101 oil the CoLr
ers are offerett mp calto allot Cc! d6gues. of filthiness its to shame even
a VON, �i parents it) the ilinva, Abortions like lki-forated than the putil hea(I (If first. (if
Tersation talou tit(, (if tile alor" serious fell upol htitlii another Otte is pulled oil over, It; ilod. change ativ oonbe, and gro Goderich township, on. the 8th
-- tll�ul Ifiarl to cillutry illtending to be absent for abut . re aware of. - arid these nob merely ftoloof; We- cSfilluo end Xoopor, and a 1`7 -
Portion of ster it id 6,'by.word anyong printers, tI proceeds. 1b, n grand ideal A far- tit &both, Ivife of Mr. It. Cole,
y a voill 011ei t,q ?.ix weeks, Oi]lien Of tile IOWCV but A113011F, tile 00�CAIC(I 119git Aligiug to 'Alfeezra. Rogs & Co.. 'rile 56 asOne 'etarled tv Vork it%. all of-' editestled and pfined, pergonq 'who. art] bold IsIgh rtaclift' policy ! And, like Sir Johals
Doubtless wany will be inotiner! to At a status will. d n6-bayni, Tntrtz will be no Service in Eli ato Iso oil Uoarct twelity a 'L'V1eLbc- ftoin thiti County hhVing fivomllirfs ofl� ill'sloiAy, Anil are church onto atuer hall Aicioyj in' golibral, an original hs it is pro� Cl.tsirn-In Soaforth, on tiWath think this new departuto till acceptat)1e, McPh6lson is Sait I*f iiat chureb, on 1�'itndsiy next, ' �1 able horuess, tch of which fire troUer, . A
SBveral ywirs sir�nc he WAS and 'Chics al"Pear ("" many, ti) bo. F( And thieri too, lit tile race of, "the " both, )Vi16 of Alt, N, cluff, god, 33 years.
one, but we are quite sure it little'ellil(I fell 4.1 frolA RMV. 111E. LEXCIm, of Godavich, will mul ectil re, bat'if tl key will tke Clio tr6uble dolibigilinallb tit, ibreq lialldrod And All (3 .
gettiry loevea Up i;vor Ilight'll6to, Ifivo:0006, ('tot tht th ,t is no employment to be had - XtTTm.-In of. :1lay, an*ibillo of a b0atl� VIVgoll ne., reach in the Presbyterian church, on 15ula. tit, they, will that, there is too' 'hatcs of the great Union-, inqb.,, Unry I�dttlo, 65 years,
away from file true spirit f!)I: th fit it, at3d let, ttioni inolitira into %he ently, rcAllioll the Iii
to the -Tenor. - 1111MY hast. c4rrcne I Illany of theA
A, onfor it bead (if perguosi"to ratolid The wlias'l was on 11a point r age to. Ilia wild atift ev�ort of their )oiu� to, Much dekliepa atnotig NvItilei ib ig stated Chat a BeIldvillo buy. Umt tho pooplo,'of Nevad L
.itiducitiL fh . I - ohipment abou 'on " YOUNO, CORADVATH OV TOMOXTO
it the Rty, Btu. Grxv.D jia� a, t Wo oatite' time otern gtarvation in Clio -face, rind depressi
child's head, asirl to have otoppeA to lift ilij 110 neler paLrollizvo ft�hoti.,l or rilro2 inau of our wonien of the pr6atit, time, suiIl 0, "1 itbY reealink6h, on Sunday tnornjii� Im his arcs Ilia Carkil
e aloulfrIt �rr, N16tikeral ill ov -uflosbomj Onfi.
'01 to lots ill OrWhOro Ill' do6rf; ofsht ot tho Terfigerane-o Hall, 'Lo
for- spiritual advancement, the very fact of little alto would have lit it and Rev affairs ivill b(rVevPalloil of which they had $14900, Owing to fin inferior quality of 60cf, And dissatisfaction rclik
Oil Wodll�lsdiy, a most -brutal assault urfts thd most prot6otod. eliaUry,in the World. LotidouboWf June 1 .1677.
their being re(itsired to appear in 'I" fall. therR was left 0 Pave it,4 jife, i -o rijo till. 'hit or, a Stahl; his sleeping blace, ana-flis I'll previous 001106ptlon. There are severalw
btlitatingl put hor loot ill following relliarkS, Are, train fill liti put, ,,I An abortioii-Chrough of ill- Only Cwb days go n, wonian came
evIevitig costurne," will have a Collirl larder,it wro or bakd bhoit,-whei cornindfailt lieu tho 12 nrilfi Creek nd near file
ry hands licAd frill to the irfeb--s Alueticat, PITiodicat d6votbil to prbiters dllase� A, few ilaceseario4y: carrylag (lie' navlo lieve, the tile btiilgo Or, IV, 11. M,, betweent aution- to Trespassers.
tendency to whal is dr -sired, ronoiterl. tri, perhip6 on her son, v it) hall once worked With:
.Until the Wlg oil was stoppeq. The child waa ftn4 printing and ref0t to tbd around in Ilia breast, And any hii acenumb of being fein flihia, to injury that, the Amauagod,24, ilia, to kilow if I Coulit not got, 901116 Oily-
Iner. Ind his wife, aged 00, fron. ploy
ever does, Which is little, ig OP ravelled all 1`111M. VXDtnStGXHD littitty NOT19=9 Tits
Tl6kod tir lin'tatt, b0 the i%viour bad lieu inther of 0111: 68teetue -Y,,. w�ro walkitig Along ment for 110 hAd. t,
I JL poibl(d thatsia porsbustotishil iftepstoging on bio
Tnz G. W. R. Iollitiyallco tile runniag Oat dud froin pain Anil Rate, Eaq either bv a river side, of, ovei the Stove of view of these things, we may well Ask tile track, whon. three tile way down to Wand In rladiana-tho Dt6porty, to i1oh, or for othtr patpofoot, ox'oopt, oil bust -
to combined fainted euof giall Joteplim Hale In taiel t6 Ile tile sodo, frindlypriating office.. 1! Wh;thor &ro we (Irifting V' Sool6tv fim degon- men Cnto els to thom,-and, used Abusing lan- great , iortile Indlaust-bub lie could not ba progoduLed to tho (Arnost 09ors off tho 1mv,
of a Sunday trin Iletwkon bravory NVAS! dosic, Cratu�l gmatIV wheift f+G most, proitfina,16 item guaga. They forcibly1pok hold of the wo- 11 t flAhcomnamto fifsa*aIng iltxt mouth, p3litic"o
Port Stanley. �q flin leil for place, iA bidett oman gilitor ill tilt colinfry� i Ila. tot of Comnibli,repott that ttOrth bara crta,vaiiidet their, usibon 6ffq�ring, and ilian and arggbol hetv away, Anil tilt"ll, whabavalseenin thehabit ofgol�gthord, *I tiloittir
Oil the 24th r.1 la�t fiv4 of Xiqwport, Nsw ttlqi to- eidirablil 1-bohey, and thel ofore. lint illy'ler 6omt -dublushingly ielfflt Of it.- WhIlA Isola liar Lutwgetl liar twG in tile e'Apr tht-ftolvall , I
—- Tit(;$,
ly a pleasure renort,* imm nre- gopry cn. Inng hilown sta TA)la Roul;, at mr�vo.l to twtoll Avisen oba w4tr, tile. necoggtty of Nding tile g 14Y.1410 W&re handing inAi wild tnonuv to )nps%6 Chocking tiall to,, where. Rare people grown rich there by
the Company take the step thoy tit), D1.1 I0 ),fffps" 60 airdfelt the rivIL Pull ollife be llwo ha,�p 'A t towatflilp, Zaes-II, 1877,
r. The talo %A#�ii4hk1dI1ParIY,qI%tY tolis, Imnif Up to 1670', or -ten yoorg, until It. was antte!d %vitll, tie ay, aal to Ista 1-11ge fteld for yfioirk giong tho tivi. t, (latbat.ines,. yilnegood other than a financial one, will drqlit, Ito it tolOd, lie tlooi )lot either (if our Isiud, It i wbovo thev worty arro3led, near Clio 11vo tilt')) stay � venao At Is and. Ladles'
farv�d ullon, 11. 7,114 part, Nvilich fell ou iii "Thq w,,ro brought, beforo Police Dud they calibe no inialixj by Tiver fain, tholipad yiinaos, b6n tudy'd Book in Philaololphia, Slid, one thill"; ChIldron
%�hcft tralfir Wo"r1b to' tobacca or 110 I-mver 11" 0.11V f6,J)0jtJt not Au, tfilother tokprovide A 11611le-
from this innovatiou. Is to that beesims thev literary Mitor of tile liands (if fconind t led for trial, of illy politiostj I Itho eo rt t
Clio look, oonnolidsitod ulagizine, And Ila,; hold tile p- new Clothes, by-thiq tinflo to. The vaoody in this in Qi4 Burns I t a 3 hom r4r.6ftoh Kid Boots Yat -
through, and travel (ill Sliallay liat Al., lye. ' COL 0
the re4fi having, ill, (lit sition ever tihas let now eigbby.two-a quired a �'n , )t I-, iA the watter be t Iked about, to their raln'through theiv lir
lit aboat� thpin Ishow 110 Mtertiltou eurvespoadent 1, , 0 the . ojad"'es' "kee Tiest fine Lethe dnd-
C� asary, little ca aht ill ago AnIT 66tvict, atill vtva. nlrfm,� but lickle one we . If, is Is singular and hilools unaccount. 16 is t(Y me, living Ill lay n bet'isaid against it, 1, 1839, ar purface of thu Ila rival of'Br t1leir of 6ach All wro"If ill aiw, !
when It could easily be Avoided, aroltibit. M, I your lito able Inots that althoilli 6ainewhercs approftellw a 15ir John antl to Adil Prunellas vory low priced
tile alio of half ou aere, forwin, 0 91 treat L6 listen to N hiro
J Clio bell of yous, in, bo, y Ana ttronfin anti ahl;otol bick tin hito."' Ivorisr otg iavem re;4�)�et, bv avoiding the 00clety of al 13 ll0 hor
.1ijan �Valk, doL st grptw floal of hat( ork, She ling ivrit. .4, 4!411 k. lifty , I file, dxIltsuldtall, persons, alal)v of Client Ili al J. O.'Gilro, Clinton.
i'll. t Jig Tud6ter; 106 ur WN1180, 1661C UPOft
re teq %Ila 00dipiloct about tweay-fivo or tbirt;j, 11tittok Tattell AWN, Cash.
should be onterod against tho breaking uf tAtect into Ulu laist"Onca dhasoltl below M I)iruql inebriates, ilia total -,Ab,1Iw ellilol-bearing m ail hotloianatob a burtim; h011 Upon
act notice I)IOdge rAllool Otto, great 1001(od upolly tho wh�lo thing no aple 0 Ot
the Sabbath in Chia way, A countryle #0 Itiahl fOV , diatillice of Miles Volumes embracing potillat N1111411004 ' Alra, Birb, At An Tritillb" vio%v woutell in 0, M&O b b. AP
urnola heoffecto; in tile itattlefflato 000k-boolce, historiou, nd Nnferieuco in oa.Th plda� t, rX n aloVeallnfi bpgaft haro oolliq wookils ago, Ibo
0 1" 91
-k of art The esidee. oito oYfat woikg ill klatiLlfed AL ( r - 'rescuilm X1, 1. said (N.Illy thell, jQ111 r& o'hatlgoj '(Lit' the ]letter no, borore Clio Vollco
gfoatneog, to some extont, doponda upoll rosiomblbil, thooliou P I abot Wit ita due 6baervanco 6f this d -I, rianning undoe thit bank corq or frolly the, d6ned elylldran from. ori"In Alld, trult thestl brier thqu, tOcala
Trivitin, qllk4 thVi Pull, stall N3 101*11.. Ov UUM
bavv 441tood, tile hill, allook 101011 tile, ortatioll (IONVII to Which, Avith 11000st. thabollollad to b*a oil tho Ott TIturilday f,
vooat.98 AM.
6k J-rifft b
a 8ta
y of
in a Id
or --whom Ire
at Oat
It Of
on ti
inhope the Company will withdro, the tvat esl1lailtio0y tolt, throo, "Adioun matirc 011,116? Rog, filso coltiplef iffisAll the 11biett toe wlileji tber Arn writton nuesin I, rock straok Clio en I'll goloo, 'ill lit Njovu, Tlato n -1 tiuldQ oll for tile both for tile sako of its oulploycleft, tind, inile ffolix tit($ filll, '150V60 of tile tree& (110 ))life Alin, Iffilo is to. 01111dren bad foull(I lion)(,$ ill 40ing ul'osis every illorning thord era froul five, to, train lifts'booll placoil oil tho. W. It,,
yeal.8 .
ift rnnlfbousaud
also (or the Ilifluenco it Will hoj toott on Clio fook,%rot Ism soon uta%ilill pight of thoul. 'Photo are Certainly tuoroov Plat Puna from Wilsolgar to the Snsponeloil rle oil 010 0 � u 1101 1 ri R , 234, Miles,
the river as croot &5 101611 -In their nilll:, ady"full r6eollootlom Of bo. Allits halt Ilan lilado for childro who 01116 thAd there word a t, ti a wintory And VA; n lit 1064 than six hours,
L4 9
t4a tho has mot during her bVisy 140,11 out here, June, Of 1877. 0 Y to
1=414 Of 010 POOPIO." �Plaoo# oil th4 tookt. Aro llim plot i Olt a