Clinton New Era, 1877-06-14, Page 1N.
V104ppiropr Latior
Uollotkori to 011arilay, god is
-4, Naya, - 'tile ac -
Won at Wo
uo"Isy To Tgrip OR ar,04. JOSTA-01. tion of Dr. CuYlOr's,oburoll lit auspending it
0, XAio00lW6O1K. A. Wallow. l?.roalhigat mop ,or for Aotorlou
Ist deal of Compit. .11 it.
were 4 vq Ullusulk tb' S lor a ditirch to 'd;oA
It ill certainly to be topall that such acts (if (jig-
ciplitia, Aviint so Tara as Ole, notice this one, To-
q0tyas woul, Wp R0 it 40 easy to 0?0 how A
small slid, ottitig nlr v
hurch Inigilt Ile
MON ONSLL, vordwleb; to relax its divalplirl9.14 yiqw of a 1jI(robeI.*d ppst
ralit 1pgotivq aqs14tnll(!t�; laid even
F0K Risks tolled at 76 Q0410 per 00Q, flir the t4vill, kow'st, strop %)no ratt glarink to4ilt motpoldilig
otwyciaro. VAR Conipgoy lossby f1ro. a memb , er wrig was, calla to 4 I:y wony tonder
or imogo brlightiol 4N, aria fox, ail got comirnitte(Illoilor a powerful
he utwoot. irq
OitfllcO 14 t 00 ( tiYa of finaticiol
yorawleh', Jai, 17,1077. looserreqn to emphaelte.
the �mor(lllties of tho,
Goopel,audmaki it 4istinotly undoriftood tlla4
1 4936.114
Vol. XTI—No. 24—Terms, $1.50, per Allnum, CLINTON; ONTARIO, TRUBSD A '-r M NE 141 -1877.. N.. HOLUES, Christianity A44. righteilaun
ON; PAOMISTOA0. ass are one. Av4l it
XONEF fro to 061NO it were more fre�lxentlr and leryvutly urg(d till
Poverty is 1.10ther a lin, nor.4"fault, tatJ 11141tr
t ople okra Act 4 be desplavd, 11or evolt
I00rMAt1QA'AboAt 19[a Vgnepessary 11, ye orie . poor pe
French WeddiVIW84 pjtled,' but. in many cases. - tn
derse6ot,! lie
N1 0 RTGAOESs 'NOTIESt NATIONALLINE - UY JAINXES 13MUM11, The Winnipog 46?rve Preas, of the 26th May, Theta appours. With 417 MorOTespect and honor thaa Omit- Hell,
�oi be a good deal of idlooy The prelarrins, having been neigbbora, it M
In nainroS wide 4ud vast domain. publisbbath.q f ight pjjqij)1v. flo plimptijill,, t(
AND OTI(EA ollonyIng very useful into
This Compapilo float oonsiste of,Twolyot first-class$ In,., 1-inthVoitod Ili hoavvit above, rMA, rampant in the Couservativoi press just 110W-� scrupulously gone through with, ndit coin h 9 pr rage (OrM041th %V1014 ICA.&
PaYSIOXAN8o SUR . as c. ock Ill ey4leut C
powered 3104mallils, T 0 (III)SON, tion. in to.quostions received by, them.
LlVero J.X exqNs, Accouchoura, &o. OhIca, Albert Street, And b0i'LlO op tungol'a downy win.40, Thly after day rumors the abieurdest ate- put tit Cation 0 1 W
P.. qu of the Wedding, r ot
In Now York far 90L oppoolki F AW4 X Is the ollyaq thread of love, ove interesting 0 intendin ratbori_ ea. PQ 104% to saorifict, livolth,
Good- Seouritl F S4111 Ill fro which may, 'pr 9 forth, ad to the intentic, of tb$ Governv�erit ding$, for our French couple Must, b, 17011404,
NOV , .: A.U616 9.804an, Ilia. omigrants;-11 lly . I I a . 0 Matilda consoie_cal suil Oven 0
ENOL , .01' H, Dowsmw, U. 1.). A. M. Ops0s, 9, D. it comes froin that otiernol source, . Person. eiAlltbon �earo of to order gotteral elections, to oummon Parlia- twice over, once. atthe inayoralty, *
W. NY. VARRAW�. INV Kilo .23, 8,00 pm, age may �Obtaiu a free grant of, 160 adros of in Accord -
SPAIN, �uly 7:4.40p.m. Clinton, URI 10, 1677. 4 Remote from 4UM47 cyQi. n1ent suddenly and. impeaolt Sir John A. once with the low,.and C, ce t Church, -Too Xothy Like Him
Dominica* lands its A. fionrobteAd. a to 44,
187-1. 47. o xadlsto this rare o tears "A
TOA LONDON, When ail aro 49ont a dili. T40 an- Macdonald, prior to appealing, to the people tisfy religious scruples. This latter Ceremony
A. GRAOEY, X.B., GRADUATE OF, TRINITY ' transe fee -is $10. Tbrog years' bmiaAde -real- on a lively o � b o means essential At, &pi
'TwAo love that moveil tbe-stin of o. . patent , rl of Conservative orookbilneast is IV n, .. to the legality of the
1E To leave the Rlysleu ophoroo; 'a, the and goodness . powd how many other inaniteo. marr but, not,to, be married in church is', an endeavor waB made, to, Cate,
HOLLAIN14 oune 20,10 80 pill, - W* College, Toronto, Pily , odt , God dence thoretiptitil is roquirod, Th 4110 &Oeting in the West of icotlaritl
X00p.m. Ont. Offloo"-Oppooito shaholo gotel. tTIS love returned that foster's faith 'unipeg The Wildeel, a
AN Tile accotowtolatious. for Cabin Passengers by those thertiastle nearest I volution. of the inneic noo.louq- consitgo
stolen Surgeon, &oq Pljt4l,
N'UR Blytho Ilu; 20, X.875.1 4 In Ilia J�y# oftut ends to. Wi area a'proof of irreligious and republi, once society llythq people. Several halt Fpok�
era years, Open to. homestead are. from thirty to fifty x1eso, of the 0 Coition ad
to& pro r ru see, Tharatetrotpassagoare .itor spoiling for a canism of the most ultra, typerr�,Xqwvomco ap, Qu of the movement, The par6h inini tor
In 1 0. location of sleeping bertha R. APPLETON.-OFFIOW AND, RESIDBKOF 1�11 q1112RhIne OIS(140119 all we op flea distant, Hqpsw are, woroh—ative,
7 llpw. 0.. 4� seirgatioulogoo enough for circulation, andthe Amount �of - bother which; t9-,(?I;r but agent till near thoolose, -114
a voo &I privileges 14 the Saloon. DTho Houno lately occupied by Mr, ;owes Fair, of)- Ana cheers 41folovewryhours:1 firpts $60 to 410o' -and importQ4 from $100 to public is 4oluEed with -concentrated noueno. -simple idea as rogiidi marAige, appears to be WOO 06 good Man -an ad
'FIRE INSURANOB a ergo 1. 8 the'Wosle an Church, R44QA -y $treat, Clinton. -vooAic of
Conrillo r It pts, trodupedratos, Nor fur* posit bar And oil the brow of bea�ttos bloom cows all from $30 to Q50. Shoop Are This sort of t laig aray 1W
t Or Ind to t 11 a, d�. ter rates of'CAbliii Clinton, Noy.7, 1073, it plants Ito ctiolocat flowers, 82001, All well enough to At ends, stupid and unirecessry, - .,qPeoially so-called and could not ace ly
t sparce they thrive. well. Turkeys and geese -'a I souro of t 'a a noose, '�A
0 Ike 'Tin it that first unfo4lo.the all mo.h wh6ke feeling the. pr It 0.1
RoIly sary
proliminary too*thq civil marriage, the necessity for; teototallorii.
aftor all had spo-
LIPPI, INSU are scarce, Think- there �itre lid gniuea fowl oeason,.bqi itis bringing Oposorv. bride and groom must arm themaelvils with ken, her said a little in fik
GEO. W. RAIl4T0Zq,.A0erit'G1W.R, RT, M, D., 0, M., GRADUATE OF Whiohwo in others flutt; : a ive Journ-
Theparrul in the oaritry., All kinds vor of temporlince in,
Physician, Surgeon and �, that ojoathly chisel of arioultural !in- align; into contempt. Thd Government is more half a dozen documents each. general, denouncing drunkennos. its 4 great
AND Clinton,march P, 1.877. McGill University# Montreal And literates the mind. First,coules
tile Alloquelaeri, Roqldbace-Bilum plemento Can. be purohqoed hera Cheaper than anxious for a little rest W43he, pie, nio sea -
'It shincs in char�otera of gold de naissance, or birth-pertificato ; oin�'but adding that he saw,ne) need of mln�
�8 , imigrants eau bring tbein through from Ga- son opens than for the turinOil Of on eIOQtlO4 thentbe,004110at in. writing or both parents, pledgeorany association; that each one for.
4, ST, L� herod', Which in my be staved 'off, for two - see or, if either or both of them" be, deadi the himself,or beraelf, should be � t,w Ilia
LIVV eq., Coroner for And oterootypqs In morqorio's bull
IFIR. URY, Physician, Simeon I The actions of the b abased here, They are a, good many Indidus even. skipposin � t tho.b f. along,
Iii first-class Stock and Mutual companies OV. 11 Uosidencoahtl OMee _Ktivov� egmaing o the an I proofs Ihoir deceasq,.,and the consent of Od ffis of God .-without abusing tbon. Ito
F County of Huron. , Opmer of but $hoy are not trdubleiome. -1ife And, Pro- has been Of I
$(JOW mpts If
YORK OLA 1b pro! 14 on to generous note bythoso Who have to do tile groudparento or guardians in th�ir ate d.�- 4 au sooner sat dowiftbatt,q drupkoi weA
gent NEW Axiolket 9th. 1809. And leadq 9 to exolat 1W a if V�
W. W. IFARRAN,,A liorty-are as, safe -here -as Iii-mity-other, part of falling -when the tinig'bomei ; and no- you are, sixty yearo of , Age, and have -parents er staggered to his feet irl t9e butIv of �1,6_hall
..,the Ca
diintou,'Marob, 1�70. S011111ga from New:Tark, ior t6iftigow. R. I 0anadar, Bodies of timber are - distributed dies politician is too W din on to,
.00 a.-. GRADVA'iH OF T MEDIOAT, 0 royalty, wqaroll of tame I' mono for still living, this written Consent is itill indis. exclaiming That's richt air- ill at's ...... 1 9 DDeparMbout of Victoria Unisrsl�.y, Toronto, fof- goo6n wake !ill over the oritire countr,L The moot abqudant office till. the Is t gasp to be cradi wi AD
ALSATIA 0 y perlsable,'u�less, indeed) you g4 through the ye'r� on Qor,slde. The Wni;tor 6ro a on the
--of Hospitals
ranlo, Ont.'
N.SOLIDATBI�BA AN mariv -$be _�alid :.Di But boal t, least wet* of.1ed-lu* or, 1 qpI r. i ire %ut;i-pole aud,undir-deep-emotfon-,- NX,Or-C _AD. atloje gracefuloharm, -a a o -Ago
...... JJ�INW lbatiftil'. IuLj6ar. . . forniality spectuewe8i Insti
.. C Fit co- any boy; mothinks OR' -Ii a parts, glish 'Liber�
groper for the County ' of Rd Ayr sieep, Oak is alab IargO hri.l. Mr, Gladstone aud.the En,
vor tendon. Inly 22,1874.' each other's arms. which consists fir 11 respectfully in tonQ0 of great solemnity: ,It I atu r-il
quantities of spruce pine, -dedar rind tama- 413 out 0 -friends your. recalcitrant paronts aide,' air, Lim .
...... 9.00 &A0. f) oxiateh�o. Our hysterical is three -times to -show wrong.,, , itThen Jet me. ail uffited be raok are found. Potato bag and weevil, are �may'rest assured that Mr. min Point with bi& on, that (ittestioll,
-CAPIT -.ii Eo TOTON, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, With our stati0ard Loya unfurled, D too wall satia I fied - cause why you should not. espouse tite belovdd
U - Arl. ,
AL, $1,000,000. DAdcouchouri Licentiate of the College of Physiolanu To help to wind the silken chat u.nknown. There is no pea bug.,.- There ard tore With the hold 4011 of your heart, after which yott, Cali do ail you This-tomperauce tbeor atto
to qhlogow lqriou� droughts. 'r4o'grasshopper quos- ''to
Liverpool, Londonderry, or -Belfast, -Cabin, and sqoaoiia of L owor Canada, and Proirmied Llooriti- of 4rientImlilround tile world. nok the reing, of �offfce they enjoi'to invite any lease, But.stigh-a y was Be , al
proceeding is looked upon winds before the demonstrative pow�e, of,8torkl
$65 to W,�gold, to London direp6, P5 to $70i according,, ate and CorouGrIor"the Cbuut� of Huron, Office and A6d soothed be be, withinhoge breast tion is 4 14 dead issue.!' There are some beais Chance
ot, an opportunity of itfthik down with go pill
Q4 clio or by F
to soadrardislatious. intermediate -and Steerage #8 low residence,-141ho building foi-modyocoupied by No flowery doll. is founI4 and wbila they o ok 3110tho oxp enee, and the practical result was, tilat
by guy other ll.rkt-� Rug line. For flokets and luf*x� Thwaltes, Huron street. y 16-iri'very extremeeaso,
Who pleasure 'mono the a I Art mix Abundance of � door. r4iiia chickens,, and outi Ommmn4 the ba -' it is Cal ` rdsohoil a, If -the associa lon.was forms(! Ana the mini3ter's. .
LINTON GENCY' go 11.". -as
A a mationi apply to Clinton, Ion. 10, 1671.1 Aga glorilas that abound. Wild apead and 4ucks iTe plentiftll� The lak I ing of a ofiffloiently numerous outonfierie -yoa ulte an, . omcor,'ja tile army, you Must getr -in4file beaacd..the of memb r
0. JfrJ charin ior all, I hold on* -to their advantages, - As t d s.
RAILTOX, Agent. rot �owaty bas -A and rivers Are well-stooked with fish of various they wil 0 the �permiasiort of the Minister of War -to your excellent varieties, principally whito fish; Oat- impeaching Sir -John, all w to soJe is nup Will not grant it unless
A olik-tra Quit wing the heart,' a have
plintolov Zin. 17, 1877; sto no snakes ex� that it, i tials. and no
Ana love's best %tat his ovar b fish gail'ieturgeon. There a a yory cations to find the fleet hint of the bride,pDsooss GIOMS f Th6ug]0-
Interest from.Vour I To find a counterpart.. as offh�r a dowry of'thirty
to Five per, cent allo pr6d. copt gaiter nikes. Occasionally the ther!
Anything of the kind Corning from the Conger- settle
ort Dgposits. thousand or, a income of twely" -Liberality makes
mometer.xuuErdo*n 6,40.q, though very oel-, vAtive side, of the political puddle, had it in- hundred fraircs a .. friands of. c6oibi , plide"
yedr, All these Consorts
OY HOUSV, CORN or Con3ton"T. dorn, It generally ranges from zero to IQ 0 ., dicatole aluxurifig exishence'df thot ap akes.enemito of friends
%-r suit Store strele S-1-tt."S �01100"Jp eqie$- of obtainad; -next" m
M. LOUGH, Agent. io. 'Clerical Embarrassm9lits. In summer it sometimes runs fiqui 90 to 100. -conscience. which is its 6wn accuser.-Olo comes the" pnblicationof the
April, 187 _fiZ week Men, like.bookfi,. have. at each cud.a igauk
Clinton,_ 6. ROYAL UAIL pirlator,-Excellout AjeozinodaRo - d, The Rod itra AssiniW, iao rivers are both na- treQ'Rear, Coim.ervative. bausi Which takes place not only in the church :
100 - Sin 6f leaf-7obildhbod -and old age.
$6.00; Y304 ku� i pisoopal,olorgyrnan in Oonn�oflcut re-.. but also At -the mayoralty. The signing 4
An E vigatle, Tbe..markeisdinnotyvell.begiutied
8 la, Mato. the nt�a' The oildrttWof a*piiaon wllo:ldvcs to pralio;.,
ool,' Was a boople of incidents a tly illuskrating�
, �bW 060 ed obis the next* formality10 'be falfil-
XON ___T__ff___L0_A ra ments undar Nich gilutlLomen with farm piodu6e. The increasing immigrw an, led. VgualV� in Paris, thia..
FNa,�ny, the ember as tion,will t4kQ.up all.the surplus till such tio a , , . . �- R ceremonial is. is a. o4usura sufficiently aster
RA.TT 11 The ftrat.clalls,. fall powered, Olyde-built Stearriship T"I ocloth are often pl ap L exportation. An Wallace mide the cocasion of, a fmmily1esti�al, and ekes old age sad is not titit oiij. j ii s
ON EASY TERMS -7 of theAllau Line# leave Quelonlevery Bottirdaymora- r;, kropriatore-Ono door-scuth of the Post Office, ofth aodd, pro6aed thOY its ficilifies � 'a .Wliat M
[Averpool; lauding Passengers and, Mails,at Victoria Street, Clinton. The fittinga abd fuilabdrings exist for che In his worklon Ruaii-j spedil.dress-is.pr6paTedior the bride,
I aregift I.with an ppreciai6n of the built very but that our-hoplis. ffi
Ing for 3 hilig isprovidedtoL. industriops young Man of a practioml turn of an coaoe�.
E;y _*T1CIh the prino dorry and Glasgow- of this house wto all n4*, ankov6ryt 0 a. very one has felt a tendeno Melancholy , iottire of th6 character and teabh ofteaL a f Ad mile of - the, wiedding-drese, oqly
Ipal f y on CO. Mind Weigh others as you wo nleat the -wishes and wants of the travelling public, and w ' ith. ;1,000 could start well on-afafrar ing of the 'rack Church, Superstition seeing I
-the slightest in some delleate'dvening-dres t1in 'nat,dd of 'a k3ailings fr6lia Qlxe-bee -he feebrqouflilent, from long experience, of � being able casions, of soleirmity'to. Intrall at here, The smaller fruits. do wall. L Apples to be ar�mouut, and the abuse of -their sacred, white. The notary reads sic
to make comfortable till who. inn him their thevointraot, scales ,ou1dhavc_d's.ia0-
Tuna loth. at t�, incident Oxidulhted to provoke mirbb,.and the :been' -thoroughly tested, - but officil y the priests4s proverbial. Vie forin of
Vk have
bt,- repa.1d In part or -all At MORIhostler . 1. 1 t ad
29174. h shares this goal- after which. the bridegroom rises bows to the cure
Good Stabling anti anot yet I
amon, with Ilia lay brat ran 0 sign
tina in on tor of phris -are 1`renBoh to�bclieve the bardior�miotiea
tm.,2, 1$74. th 8 gddliness is preserved with -care, Uut,the power liassirr attic -
PERUVIAN, 31111080th- - - 0
Ugly tilue during the terM lag ra Cox �Ora viould sue'eed. . Theri-is itio hunitAtioli as to Of it seems to be gen�rally lacking, , Mr. Wal tire P. t . 9
POYNESIAN,�i.. July 7th. C a . n , hot. She signs in hor tuiri, and scope-attheirown,witlitIrb meinstrument
his'elevatea positionof i6oilrio'ov'crymovew ;it ally pot- la�o. thus idescriba$L religion The -
of Loan. SARMATIAN, July 14th the quantity of'IX&II.-broea sori�,01 Must thri'linfid the perl"t6therrotber of' the rCvWrsbd br not at all.
ABSIAN, on can ptirchnao, L No one *person, how 1tussiall peo Ay to church oil Still -
CIRO irify 21it: ment amopg his hearora is. noticeable, Ana 'h-3 It would be well' ba lie: I lie
yle go regidla
XORAV14N, 24th confess.. that it often requires. an effort to days and -ho idaysi, cross. themselves repeatedly' @room, who*muA give itLin turn to the mother
A P11LY TO can purchase more than -610 acres of, f we a less uo
01 - . . . goyerl when th�y s .0 a church or Icon 'take the holy of.thabride; These'little points of etiquette., more ar�s ; .,less. Cant nijkl pioro hUCED. preg6rv6 moedatecountenance whoilitnessing Mont land". conimunion fa' and I
W. W. FARIELANG vrOAvii Trcxms FURTHER RE tile tricks 99 restless uiollins 4r the actions' of t stdied'seasons, rijorously.abstafil7 'aie, strictly oheerved. . All th other rolaiiioali, less aw mild more justice.
ryl 31ONEY To, L -S1fAL&S-UMS, . I
END, -Olt
PASSISuffers booked' to Londondir on good at moderate rates 91 eccl;ntrio individad1g. animal food during the' appointed tests,. tlien:81ghlin'taUll aCcorling1to age or station.. niortgago'security, doessional-pildrimages to holy shrines, It is considereil'a great honor to obtain sow tvorda IlmvL
Clinton, March, 1876. 4aetsiaslown, Beffhst� Glasgow ori.Lollk- Interest. H. JuLp. The instances to which be-Tefors as-particu make , e..
I pariptiliously' alienated a 'chfl& foolingi, And
— slid, in a word, fnIfi 'high porsonago ntract ve of horns.
a corea as a* witness to tile Co' 0
tion, at sa,me rate as � to. Liverpool. Clinton, Auguatllth� 1801Y#� 7-tf Amusin, were- due -to the pr6s'ance, of Many t tim
Jor Glasqqw every 2�7hirsdd�. Wly At ten,o'clock one forelloona, man wering menial Observances. which they consider ,.,had 10
S - Ifthere is-w-J14a-mew on the occasion, the
dogs, which appear to, have an unaccountable' sary for shIvation. But hdre there religiousness
AL:LAXD SUR, m doubtful look appeared it the windowin the elf-reSpoot W01"not 8aVQ, 111111
U;000 TO LOANx sailingS F. P116VINOI corbeillo!or woddino-prosents.;of ills :8
-Linb ate verylow rates# sJ vgyo Valifetor, &lid R&I ly part of ends. They are generally profoundly ignorant room d I tire i the bride from ha . Wu
,The itivantageo ofro;.ed by this A Adont; Office liking. for church0' L During the ear postoffiO6 add asked forL�a� Post alintoxioatign, ill[ the.funialoiu.
- X. Rob, B' '0 aldard A-faw
best socQuamodattlinq gre-atoatumirent-of comfort# se on's Groea4 Stilrox thert street, Clinton ub... the on a Sunday in Lunt, a oaucy- tit religious doctrine,artil know littI6 or nothim; Ali YousseaIras all, ate exhibited
cillAies for writhi 114 was 4 lop of -Hbly-' Wivibi_- 11he.corbeill"arbprises show-], -A*WOQ
ago' g. _gJ:ime, get-"uOsts;:__.
Propsid passage certilleatoa lowest rLateo to Clinton, Feb. 14i -1877, tin ready to put t6d'o-'ard, -and he otc., *together with a put -so
'6 - n-a-rae tire three p ni�. r
iihin �tob�lug out theipfrionds. main Aisle, 'Ad eucoilutdrod'a. hat just out, if he croons of the Tri Jawel, lopes, in It is one of. thp,most beantifill collipensa-
P R I V A T E U N D 'the I halonly madd a stroke or,two whert -lid. cAl- ty, replied without A, mprain't's hesitation, 'Of Containing a sum t" I . sitlearely.
For ThiPughulketo and overyInformationt apply to ARRIAGE LICENSE$ AND OFIR IFiCATr aide. one. doors.' fokfiist smelled of'monei, ibeiihdle, �tioua 'of this life hat
T ied out: 'enolose4fir A large and elegiltit box. or in, a
A. STRAITON, Q� T. B. -Apply at the Town Hall,or at the rooldetice of the of it cautjouily,. then iiosea it iroandL for course, it isf tire Sai ioUr,,the Mother bf God atfa t
How do you SP4 Vim ry to.bel ' Other without'lielpin liftrisolf.
. p llaq St., Nicholas, ho mifableworkek.' Of theology hands Tire mIu6 of thig. pro-
ft� 1876. subscriber, near the London, Huron &33rute Riiilway� cl itla ys Picking it up�An is omo�w6rk-table, Death-is-tbe, only subject upon ivIrich every-
anJAMES, BOOTY "Why Xi-ml,of coiii a and of what Protestan&.,call the inner religious sent is usually supr6sed to represent one per, body ap and writes without a possitiflity
Mmonth shook i' ' Orono y. By this time a,!, Allow red t4o
ItS. A. II. SHERMA;�., lately of Mittiholl, will re- wry" .
. ..... v ark. peasant has no'conception. For cent Q the young; a4y's db' Calls
S MODERA n April 27 h; 876. -the dok, a--,
TE. t ge�6raj pdfsons eyes on life, the Russian f -of having experienced� what he underfakesAo
delve rupili in 'Instrumental and Vocal Music.* Cltuta.., IlDon'tlook.asif it was right, said -60 hir�. the Ceremonial part of religion 4uffioes, mild
the 86x6ri.oaviie tiptoeing up the aislo.iii- par. ; . he has.the m6st unbounded cotifiJ
Forteri�s, an(Juire-at roulden 6 two.doti a wesitof the man,as -he held up the - card and s'pratinized Coca in diti
Findiag his, Theta a
MOUNTO T"V,4.T,. LINTON the -( seA that 're uu%%bolosome:
Weeloyarihilroh; " , L " " L a i . . X - L L 30ThE, kURON 8 suit, while )WEej of L the Its seized his rig affimy ofthe rities'whiiell he practices."
AP1'LY TO _E' for the County�of Huron, t the al�� he word. Sure You haven't made An MiS*- are-Sitiratib�0
Clinton, May 842877. 6 Licensed Auct Cal 'and'p6ked'a Happily,'there are Protestants in, Russia, -And Tbrpqdoes..'
S. Commisgion Match Ircer trottda take ace says..
and General Broker; is prepared the'most robust constitiftions, &lid there
t take the,011010 minagoment, adve tising, Oo,,ct. Rules situation un6omfortable, the car altho gh few comparativiely, Mr. Wall' to
tat! 0. 1 .. . -0.That's the way of c6miseill growled a by-- u -niO AdvMi pursuits, th an -or-,
0 leisurely l.,tO:.th6 pinfurnf,-tho-YoWe EIL
Canad 'dS. I. the country, at reasonable rate they are rapidly spreading. ".Tbey-foirndheir�
COM Prof6ssiolis An&
�Ily L
Barris The London, Min 'Ire At'a ,th a'! be 76tibted� that the tilrpe'do is� Ous Oven t
Clinton, Sept. 7, 1874. a.. P an. Clinton, Filli. 7. 1877. no the side aii1e, shaking the stander. o* else can, you soil ther name?" . entirely on th6 Scriptures ; the Bible is n it, 0innot to hones men
By. 11 , slotig to na down. a - 4 d Tbat's go -how Could I !" smiled the man, open book, and their teacherskriow itbyheart." destiuedto,tovolationiie*uavdtvirf6re. The The training of children must bb,aili with
LIST OF LANDS IN HURON FOR BALM hot -all the way, with evident satisfaction.- "I'll Pat. Ahe Cauctle. Company'Way b.c.o6on at the office of - E NTENNIAL BAMIEli SIXOP - Jr..' BELMORE, as lie - look6d agairi. agmingt -N. ert runnin I g . the tI ry cradle' to'be,perfect. The saying,
on6d assistance, and an ener ally
TJN_ STAR LME the C Proprietor. Shiving, hair cutting ano-4ressing, Other style of spelling every timo� Now measpred'Mile in: Stok�'a, 'Bay, is withoat-ex-, is a bundlo'tif habits is as true of ba
WHI a itud6reigired. The sexton strumn Lightning, which has' jitfst be
It ALZ41 done in lle, best style. LsdiekRair drosiaX, curled; getic but quiet chuse,Wa.s organized, aoms�rlot ti e1 a oit, A car navy, and only bids so it is of grown Children.
do u� in, the Istont fashion, and at roa his other AAfii6-JJoz;4i.-VoII,.IEnock me down A Scottish RoinMice.' cop on th. a t I ip in
the oceanic stearn Nov eakfaillips Clinton, Ifilli.17,1871. and ina to di4takb -the sel-vices, to which,' however,
gotten compally's St
�rstes. Comb uga madA,up in any niannerAeoliredi IfIlia�eultforgottenl Whyj-hi eipbty-fourfeetinjength�-
in the congtogationer6 now gtying At. %rig it, I bAvb, A rofusiali of civility is Al . rilost as objec:-
(carrying United 8tates Xafis)
PER WEEL Clintoniblarch I, IBM khown him forteh Years, and hov -I -can't abo, t' a� tionS16 is a scent meaiure- of it. Thel. ono.,. X AT 1161121. tontion. * Nbarly every face ir! the licase was x W r6 man tio story is bein o, told u with: Whitehead's � torpedoes, which ill be
DRITTANIC. BELGIC. $�54..30 Samplmsnd Watch Free, tq mill, f his L U_AMO_l Them I iv. discharged from her forward.deck. The latesi
think was until4ate -a danciag-masto
31. L111MT, SOtId.TT6n�W1NGITANf, iiA,,�-.limEN -elther_lightCld-�u� by_t--sm1lc -or-alstorta&by a ly. belopgo to the traiiners of r,:
Addreeir,11ONTR39AL-NOVETY CO.- around in a helpless 'way, Ono - prove.ment, about this phenonional L Missile
r1"tL1.NG8 or WHITE srAR LINE., J t appointed Agent for the. Colonial Securities Coin- and the a hard, a Ing a Aliss, Macphersoul Graut,: orte of the 'in
286 St. JamarBtroe�, Montreal hall thb other to thosil of a clowfl
Julie 26th, 0 Ly of England; li614 also gent fo'r oo*oral. private grin, AsAtall epowd firlally.6miaL_. ii -Scotland.* -Oric,14: is that it can, be set so Ili tbretfirii to. the say.
11 6pitallats of Torontoo who lotin-moncy, at very, rosson.. �(1ycu.eanwiritd the mossal a and.think of face' at half-cock and without eirploding'if I t Say.-ir 'or good.
to restrain. hii omotions as he *itucosea the, wealthiest heiresses. othirigigspectingyourself, eitil
�al till, 8 a.m.. as. ItiterestpayableyoArly. Ohargo�jiioticrato. 010vbt way lit which the dog agiii. And sin the'name-afterivardo." ally only the daughter of a Scoteli.count'ry. bad or indiffiernt; nothing god, fir tIv- U b4
Wittattle, let, 2.80 p.m. 111ae. rEllicitor forthe St. Lawrence Bank. dodged his Pursnbrs, still clinging to the,%st, d f iniss the object ditnedat, and.- tbualbe safely
ra that his' became by a raga ar train o a
iiii from Now York (Pier 52'N. R.) on SATUADAYS, -is by-, 6 nts,pole.heiress tohet.unolo,.-an Ind, n
1875. wli;ch. W, thia tim6 Cal SO -I cin., I Wa i ' a ' howling ve 'a the surNee
Y A, wrco� olita lit to say,to Iii picked up. Though fliea from a ick above v y.; nothing for that I'S allb'CtL t oil
�fo cur maae his Cleempe, wife is stdk abid, his landlord octor, she i 6f the scao thatorped nothing indiffereatp for that'ia silly.
Ituil front LIV&UPOUL on THURSDAY8. calling at, Cork,. hfG, -w- lliHU. VANORN: G isifter inallyj t4L arooua for rput,� and that he'd ;botior COM6L' nabob, who, had made re -fortune in o Will atrroe. 'fference between happine An
Ir land, both ways. The steamah 8 Line are HAVIN .. restored, dive down to the ; distifice Avished, 'and'tben The di- -
ire of th, through in* open door Aad order im a groat, Ail ths, 'the man who thinks b
all Dow, built of iron, in water -tight compartments, and Dromoved,to the building forraoil�, occupied by Mr.. home. , How'do you.spell.We" idia last, coutury. fte: formed proceed in all'unerring line 6 d I
off 1 -to pa4songers unrivallid scoommodatloho... Tho Wilkie, on Vfet6ris stirebt, is now pr6pared, to �xoauto But tho Cm -for the clorgymair atleast,' nL its mission of hq� i. I
he dress in taWrifo answer'e friendship with another lady, and the two death And devastation, it being dalculated-to; p y W
&luons and. fitate-Rooma being located in the mid -ship all orders In f eking business In a satisfactory C! 10 a moment whein, in, continuing' d. the clork., *bile It
t 'is, is
Huction, but little motiqu Is felt. He coalan't; read 'your shearographyt" �y would'�iVe together for make a -breach of seventy eet in burdting.
H...WALLA0E. Co. mAilher, and ab'rearionable rates. THIAL - otlCr=.' his: reading, lie encountered. a warning refer 11 ati.. agreed that the generally the
Latest 011ie followed. w, said tliq atianger. ial,isn't much on a the -rest 6f, and never marry ; No viessel, hbwovor. bdilt; could long continue If we scrutiulie. the live
TIAttis (?I passage, Isalool), $80 to $100, gold', Return Clinton, ion 10, 1877, dogs-Alatthe xr., 26, In running
-Tickets, good for one year, SL46 to 61751 Wit Record- Have muillirleasure in balling attention to their his 6 down the page ho'ffiftnnaely detdati3d. cation,: ana I have to write just as poorly as I Laid 'Miss Groat named be'r friend as heiress. to float after such a blow, �h$d thd domdraliz- w�'shall find, that activity
cou or lid couldn't make'dut a word. . 'Loss as 6
raXTOSH, DAYFIELD, �- ISSUER OF, ofore he words Coin-% to Ilia lips, and like The compact. 4as bbserved' formany years; ing Offoct Of such. A die ter n the rest of a their loading peculiariti
Steerage past I sage, to or from dy - w fiect may be easili imagined. . We shall hope intim',
ing to necommodat - ions. a Do I wAnt to start off with E S., or bub, Cupid pro�ea,iteoager th - at Plot dati� laboe weary,
For planof steamers, and other 00 sI�urope, at low rates. el :ftirrJage Lleonsdamrider thvnewAct; Commission- i flash *the thofight occurred to. him that to read
itif"rination, apply to Ing Affidavitsitt the Queenlo Bonohp -for Court. what or for thk to. bear that the navy will soon inclade, fift
Agent. Spring god Sumffiefgtock. ies of Huron slid Bruce. Cdnvoyancinj done, such as this, after what had happoned,,could not fail. allid the-6oinpartion gave himself up. to the y them.
G, W. RAILTON, 9.W.R., I should 'say. You are walited borne 'Lightnings at ]cost,, tbo Whole cost of hi
is unusually, -oppopltePollocklsRotel.. mrors As the �osb courso out'of eto her 149tild. ))a but2250,0Q0, or about halt thaf of a
Leases, Bonds, Ooutraoto� fills, Deeds, and Mortgageh. to pf�ovqke merrimont both 'Ott his part%. anti at. once,'- if it was'ine,�' suggested a tc.%m4tr tempt6r, maii, ati`4 Ina From. ithat W ion, They who he, 0
CUINTON, San. loth, 11877. Face small.. Itesidenco t1lat of 1;is be, who Was after a stamp, time Miss Ggan 6 refused to' speak happmess in the nere
rghod, tire man, abaking t1 bad Yi 20
. ev
Bayfield, Sept. 14,187( the dilewniA,,t "Twouldn't do si and though they had lived togot�er in vi in
CMNTON BAKERY Sole.' tionable sentence, anti none of -bid Jidarors person" 4 their folly is
well ded ail-Attractivel, his hoAa; ,,I wouldn't dare* spring tho thing' game'llouse, and Blept in the amino bad �or
'L. SFOWLER, WATCH AND CLOCIt- auspectodtho trite reason of Ili.% stropgo ex. in ew'
. mrxn, working aeller, 40, As., pression of count nd, faltoring, tono. it oil Ili suddenly; or. hell make or the other rustily �ears,-Misa Grant revoked her wilt Irish Farmer in N Z�glau
Aid will �s liold Kt inais to suit the ilmai.' next door to the Express Office� Albort Bills. The place to tell him to -Como home is' -And left not a penny to lier old friend,'and Straws swim upon th
tbqtinlo. 11131itaconquared,,4utncktwigiiin in Sh6
zStreat, Clinton, resppuffully intlautteg down fiere at the bottom." died iniqatate. The rosalt is that Miss The 'Boston. Bulletat says lie At Ilia botto
M. L 1JEANAN9 to his friends and the public oenerally,, that lie has on tujmdtl�mAr, second trial, grave. the sexton rigig "The Chang
hand s, select stock of Clocks, Watches, Jewalldi-y, &q., orders for ther furiure cogaernifig dogs, where is somi) Ono Asked. G rant's cousiti, Dr. Proctor.� bor -Doxt of. a in the character of mill operw common eye, but. solid
M which he.offors at reilsonablo ratep. Repairing of evoiy'- Wily, tilister My Cars- kin, has come into one of Wo, most bean-* at;iveR, in Now England, during the plist q '_ Covered by-tho most ac
Sluron ssroef# WVP041te Knoxgx Hotel, do4orliltion It his linap done) on thu shortest nctl�c, Rod ter of a century ig-well known, Until wi uay
Only a few weeks afterward, lidwever, and thin human head and hum
at moderate rates. while the Affair abovp related ws atill-fiabli orgotion the place!" about tiful cat4tes in goDtland and money to bo-- that pariod The 16v . a of 4
Wbore lie Lit] keep for sale at all times, Clintonj Sam, 17,1870. in hiq memory,, Another Adventure of tho same I'll bot� You've f twoon $250,OOCFa - ad $400,000. 1 our other they were mainly Aradrieling,"'the
sa,the-teamater. female I help',- Princi6ally girls, trout theNow osteatation is it
COTTON SHIUTINGS, Dandag and Cornwall limudgi nature occurred. . A coillat0y couple came j.i,ln, Iim , LT.i-w,. Jim, and h6's I in -in- relatives, who wer0 in: poor cirounrabano I as, England farins: To-daythaiclass"Arealmost. Cairo to excite t a envy of
checks and.,stripas, fron1121-to 20 ate. per yark. into the city t6, be marriod, And the servide come'into about $250,000 each,
Bread, Cakes, Crackers, &c,, X -i -m, NMI" gqspdd the man as he looked entiralyat of the mills,and their PlaC09 are- the wish toshar6 beiotit it
AMER �rorn, brown t�fll, drob, was perfored, ill tire, church. Accompany- 'filled with Trish and French Canadians, The 3, wi
stripes and checks, 121 -to. 26 he bride- around with air appeal in his eyesi The crowd. fort to apooar_ rest, withou
C"ii for Eggs and Good Butter. ing tire obtiplo as a brother of � mentioned twonLj diffeFenb pla�cos, 'bnt lie. With -Hovels. last State carious show'tbab a sitirrifir Vrocoss great in reality.."
GREY COTTONS, Canadian. and American, 6 to 120.8 CloCk Major groom, who brought, dog with, him, f the' shook hie Ilid at each Ono. L " . .. . i zr Part;� -WRITE COTTON from 10 conts, joXcelled value, lq=, Watch and 1� groom having 'one Also, and both having as- of chaage*has progress in Massmobit,
.v furn;ehed u4th CaLe, c., at all eaped the notice of tile sextono 'The brother If y'dit can't think of his and carilt Th61ondon -01w. says: "It ili notorious setts farming. The reports pablish.ed, I do act
"TONQELLINGS, a fall line. remember his; address how are you going �o that the poorbr classes in Ireland are, infinitelY give those 4otails, an(I ai yet it is impossible Sorapiii� and Gleaning -8.
at re.asonable rates.
TbWPLS, Cotton, Tafflifi and Linda. seated himself iA a front pew; ard undertook sand the card?" asked the clerk wor.4e housed, as a rule, , than the most wretched to state' the itiakiiitude of the change, but it Over 125,000 bari�la -of Americaft. Apples
Clinton, rnb, '22.167. TABLI11 LINiNS, Tery cliap, tile basic bfooping both dogs. quick Atfirst . , i I a, of the English poor; but there are few amongst igry large number of Massachusetts faring are were eaten by Enghird 1"t year. -
ThaVs so -how am I In, sighed tile Ilia
BROWN nOLL&NDS# � I till range, 121 jio 25 Oat 111LE THANKING Ills MANY VRttNDS'VOA they-woro ill thwaisle, bat eventually Lbq U us who could conceive, with a near appi-oach to 0 OVVme4 by ou'r Irish had Canadian fellow- The rasshoppors ate dying off rapidly'lu*
per W. the paird"iod so lilldralky Imstowetl ort hit" 'a brother lured his *own dog. into the Pew, aud " you wratdil't send it, would the truth, the eal siate Of things -as shpivil, bjr u W he I iiative . s/
Y O tile. ]met return of the Irish Reilstrar -General, citizens, who have bought out, t 11�ebra 'stations disease, like
THE NORTH PA171SH CANADIAN the past, would hereby notify thern and thopublid gow, blocig, tile artimal'o'head'between his -ktieeir, a, from A mi.
STRIPED HESSIANS, 20 and 23 gouts, Word
� star yt that be his removed into his, uo�w and 11 I'don't think I vould,� Dr. Burke states im.his opening -remarks �hat-itr ana mrO settling down to 'steady agricultural
INTIEST31ENT COMPANY— -14DW-PRINTS, 800 different patterns and colorot from commodious promisee on Alborb Street', vhRrahe will hold him fst. Then be endeavored. to (9itice ; "Then I won't. - If his wife think of' air, that the lifd. It is a matter for regret that to,15 ate. parard, keqp oulandu large end select assortment of- the other into the pew by snapping his Pingra his is necessary to reiterate and Como
name -and ilia place he is, she'd better simplest laws of 'health are.comp tv%!gnored age *Yankee is losing tho Patience in toil f i Vinglatill it i's not considered in good LaRtor
softly and uttering low Whist Coo all of -wbi6h
r 121 Cle6its 'Witches, lawalry, and silverware of'411 kinds, -y.1 'he
DRESS PRINIS-Speclal attention is ealledto on write it.01 in many parts of the counti �11 gis;,rar is needed, for agkioultural pursuits, but it is to wear a black dress to d Wadding, but ill
Offler, (11rugow, &otland. tbo clergiman cold not avoid noticing. The Whbn hu waikoa- Away he carried his hat for A16iintmellick believds'it to, be utterly im- gratification at finding flid for.' :�ranoo it ispermitted.
Which he win sollat reasonable rates. Vis siocLA4 stray Animal would Como as far as the pew. offact �' 'he acquiring ilia habits of coollonly The world ought to run word i
6110111162 We d6ty competition, An we have now much larger And in ord varipd tbin over before. . in bile liand and scratched his head, with the Possible to *Okk the Sanitary Act withirf that n qMOAliy
In a d athe scrape in whicfi his owing to the Constrction of the hoydi I It it
ni -kets anti marked' door, but then, seeing It J -1-m. with a great ' g t t, hioll ilia fact we have m6ritiotled than it does, since it uses from 31,000 to 85,�
CAPITAL, - a9500,000 Mi pu ch'i'li!,ed the h, aiiisit mal description other, and mttttoroa i aistrict lid W
4 S�ary r 4ayalflng' of'ovory
'a, drones
pictuptly'Wontlod to. companion hall become. involved by over con.�. big 'Xi aria Blister 'my Rare with'a -great big. itt which the people live; but very few Of them sta in- the ground' is the best 000 barraig of orudd or
BOARD IN SCOTLAND. turn tall and�trot Away. Then have outhotses, and the -pig consequilatly lodges Itizonship, Ownership of At V lordoca, rizdiiii, t6re in a restaurant
DIbliLMOOMBE, AmizAT SWASIM. X1, and I ought to havo 'Written his name with the family. The manuke is thrown � ift �teo I godl, or
JOH% STIRLING, Etur., of Hippendavio, Chairman. followed a renoW;il 6f the Whistling Arld finger �wn front of the door and left thereto rot. Af,,Hol- k kopt 6y A ChinamAn, with a, Moiloan wife, a
ling & Co., - d on the door or some -where, - Loss see I real Z.too- a men conservative and i
ICOLST. Ymw. Esq., of Messrs. J.&R.Yo eflion, May 81, 187i� flapping, until at Idst'the clergyman Could aria ha's hir and he dlsmppear� 1 roved the �uality of tlibiebitizensh $0 a -
mount, it plemeantly'altuated village, lit Mayo, P ubgro dooko and A whttb man for whitar.,
ofifire it nb longeri and cutting the toncity a -up the street. t to Registrar fond three onses.of Mitlignaut Itather v, mixed aisbjibly,
liM FUL STUrtnocx, Eal. Provost of Kilmamo__. Dross ranc od Re Me
1, 'f Bothwell Bank. I as posgible, flea to.& side rooe
It IF. it ItINTOUL, Esq., o CRD OF TH-ANX-S- as shot fa where 4511-F.T. OrNN, Esq., of Alessrs. Playfair, Bryce & C0.9 f AND lie could give *out to bid kolings. Ile says diphtheria in drie.hoiiiie; two of th victims died A N Ilevening. school is a
U11090W. DRESS GOODS. fashionable shades end after a few days' illness, find an inspection of ew 1?4aturO in Racing.
hat sined those two affaira lid has never *all, ilu the placewas then made, In'one room of about n, flfty�kdvaa' years old, leariAngto read,
I!oi%, of Mesrs. W. Rose & Co., Glasgow and .. to 90 cents. t Getting SqU00 With the aptoll metured, to proodod with. a gervico *htln eb dog a liteerefebt bYtcIVe feet thekewerp discover- A Cuti(JUS Clago of horso-ricing has occurred and Ono 10AY Years did, studying pritn'iry
sea out 000C LINES at 25 cto, pat lard, Notice Of Partnets P ing ofil. a the owner, his Wife,.and their sick child hgow, which is now exciting much AflbhMOflO-
r,ANADJAN ADVISGRY. BOARD. BLA01W NAVISTRES Aim Aovltxlxo Was anywhere in eight, for it would be !in- A good story. ]ilia been tol f a lisp No xolNa poqsible for him to keep his mind conoontratail eat having been vidtimizerl, al brotharfileer tlted co-%�g, two pigs, and ;,donim, Htlxrera,oi
110�l,tOUNMci%LL,nnu,ir,PresiaeutN�'eRtertiA:Oour a0001%; very low prices. IN iNlo latrolt. afid is likely to leadtct, An Aotioh�at- Tire Wit'd of'Dt, Goorgo 11 Woodbury,
I PLEA91mv
'ROSIXIOLf fall4finge in �Whlto, BAlbriggan, apikillsh to the people of 011utAn'. that I �have otide Into'li on Ms 7 --who ivas notedlor big cool dolibor4tion and 9, like 'character are shm n to axis in A most law, A cattle -dealer And a farmer laid, 4 methuar. Mass.) gave birtli'to four children
JAINTa., '39GLF.NXAN, rRq, QX-, ofiragsr"towatime- br6wivand Helithen. TF4 In t a part; of tho country,- at Limavady, in the ofX50 each ort who would first reach,19 certain lost; Wzosday � nigh' t, Three didaafter liv-,
strorignerres-aad.ut big 4"gottiag square" every I
nottli, diAgd9ting losses of'Aplitherfit Word fro- !nit in Linlithgow, driving fr6rd-L, dinbargh. ing About three hours.
IOLOVES, ople�ndld lines In Kid slid Lisle, with him in thefollovVingmanner, Thetool,
if. It RATHY, Esq., Cashier Federal Rank. nvz. quently brought under notice, �tvhllst typhoid, The moue�. ws daly staked with the inn.
-Messrs. Robertson, BroUtunrldh 'CORSE TSj Thomoollo glove-Attlug, 90 *auto. ROCER ad Mckuy h1poss r--�Qaptaiu :0 -was alway I ': in' I ravated forms, was of every day Iteoper, the day sob and the Conditions writtea The Atreotw it% front of employardn b ofilou
t;01,101TOR13. I A Yienn W6. is Most 4
11,mard, Toronto. 811r�. SCARFS, viery choice lot, 25 centoo to $I. And wighAo thank the public tot their' liberal patron, occurrence. � nfortur
BANKE29-The Royal Bank of Seotltnd. The All cla,.;scg of soalet� meet In a o4fo, there. the prosoitt tirfle compel landlords or employers. full harness, seeking work that business firms lately pot! -
ling tho lisping officer, il. lieutenant, for his lately, tile law does not At in San Francisco are so obstructed with mon,
!rvousness', and said one da)rat preset "Wily, . OtIt,,-vl2,, the first At -goal, ill
COLuRs, ilurps And 11.1uFFLINGS, large asoortmon 690 in the Pilsis 0011i"I'log a dollt1finalloo of same. i6kall nonsense -, I tell y6u u g of to reedive 160. One of the Contestants, tiouc
reiltral Ilank of Canada. is just tile Plano in Which to study Poo, norvotlens to,make adequate piovistoft4ot, tile h6usitil 'a the.Chief of Nlice to keep a passage
PAUA901,8, Black and Ppowil Silk and Zattill a,. fore it i foresooing he was likely to be beaten, Adopted
aerteral Man"16rs-qcarlb, CoclPratr Co,, 88� 2, 50 � The business will be carried on ntider the name of lid customs, It is diffordat from any- ravo Mart'le Over nervilus", Well", i'no laborers,.'V clear.
Toiontostrea, . estate and upward.
t, Toronto. P, have in Amoi-ion, and takes the plAco, quired Me' lisping frioud, "how would you the following AtrAtijeta --Ott starting he
OUNINGRATAE AlKVISTREAD, act, thpilthing it tbell with an inth fafheo A allowed himself to* g6t bahirla,. an�4 on coming Borne of- the florists whose shops ate near
!b?"161911t bout Rats,
Asoney 1pn t on farm and tovn property, at moderate no respects, of out bar-room-tht is,
th our 1% �,r doingiluointled, we I thoul"drop itt' elf in a wallecl angle in which up to Ilaymarkot Station, turned in Where q� $(,I, to keep dross
as ff lou.. efit, and for pd1odn to suit the borrower. And wi ruped facility I you can. got all the liquor you -want, but you Ila of flowers oil geavea.
Fat GENT'& htronni;6. WwAr&W you,ltaa laken shelter front a Company -of Parig, which iltilizes everythittiro' Also utillies special'ologitto and, horsobox stood waiting, by
H. HALE, 76dr. op Ad attention to our hilil'aigbrinfo# Pf must drink it ptraight, ail the Austrians knoW th&rpthooterth, Ana where it watb thertain if rate, wh'ibly, exist in the city�by the million.. In means of which borso, gig ark4 man wo�o 00611, drosses are placed flat on the Mounds, and are
3 AGENT,' C INT0. wino Dun granTo, $1.25 to $9.00. GARDEN AND FIMLD 9$33IEDS. 'nothing ril; I t Mimi drinko. 'Brandy. , tit out your motl ke yould gob r the seWee fastnesses, an artily - Linlithgow, The other gan4omill just the longth.of the gravtbs'�
achnApps an(I absy'ntha are tho* only liquors 3'01 P' eppered ?" . of, hunters pursue cardect to
lVing 6n,'Elthough surprised,, an look. A r6mar.1cabla foadnego for o
OXFORT) agd RE.CfATT4 SIURTS, $1.00 to 02.00 CUXXX61IAME ATAEXHEAD, which aro 4rank, As"a kale, with water, while " How ?" said the qaptain with, a ook At his tholl for thp -of thpif sliflis. D044 4nlillalgi kept dri allne(I yster$
BtXO slants (tudmawsp, ClInjon.April 8, 1871. of a] it:iads ate placed w ipri thek Can. got 6CM Ing round, tq ads notliing of Ilia Opponent h%ving been notice among the 112ma
li is taken in 6, Adiall glass: whicii holds rother officers, tak� it cdolly, and 8 of tho�
COTTON and It spit on tire tried," The party broke UP, and as' an aaa�.Way of ilia ORing of the 'refuse flash Surprise gay'o plate to rage when he arrived Alliany jail, Ono of ttko koo orA r�ia an ox.
ME I EAWO ROSE,, TIPS, &a. - =thimbleful, When art Austrian,feals umber of and sectin Wiable, bones, A tol Atthe inn twenty ifittintei late, 4ittl, was told, amination, tha t p Ca .
all iotifod. The next morning a n , alar
nq it he noodod. something to 11 brace up" on holdiorgNveto mosombled, on "Ortradc, when 'Poillid, surv�taidet!l by a mag8ive Atone wa 1, is I been elainjott by' vkT8 and an, All �ha 104(uug 134811sh Rua American 'tied for tile �iirrose by the city tho money hai � f fl6fia-- 1916 if W"Ifffi
etakes, is bltdk Coffee in&# 11040fiant, Lazily provi it is t to regular laording'd W r ills other wished to make ri-jo
alopg came, tile 118pt of I'mria. wind J I a It 16,of tile wholty At'Queen Viaborias drawing -room a
lVithont Mill. 'r itho -be hungry, lie it � eswIlito 4(fair, ond offdred back the stake of $50 ;-4nit
OUR, CLOTAING DiMRTMENT to no* filled with, QofteQ his dy�d, he romatkbil to'4 blande'Of 'of 'those In- ebrKe to renjoye the be4fitifully lady attracted dwmidbtablo attdution by tho
a choice: 491101 tment of � Eno - -.-Chat ia, WpAll milk and nagar-arld officer#, ,,, Want 'to try Alf-ttithpariment polished Rk6lotqo, Of course, wlien thas pa rofased any do=- "able combitiation. o
Mont SdOTCO.And CARA lid who, had driven thons remark f colorA in her 6693,
takdo a lbug itiol, of broad, which he puts in thith mornil1g, 411d. SAO 116W e*400GAirily cool perad, tile rats multiply ama7ingly, and', there. promiso�. and ibteateng legal proceedings. She bad oil a, A%irb of deep -red silk trituniod-
WORATED COATIN08,.BAOADOLOTES, and :D6P the coffee forsoak itl4p 114kenoy Call be.,' Saying this, he fore, once in a wbile a gr iq n6cesur 'th, black lacei With this she wove a train.
the brand Acting'Ad 4 3
ILE UN, Xt RLTINd BOUGHT OUT sponge, - This is not in exceptional case ; but- Torn 1 And batftwi
the BAkIbrf Business, ry ono does lb; sonro even break the broad of brocaded $still, of & striking vivid Yellow.
DERAW, - 0, IltollAcliberately into the captaila's,quar. to 'redixec their numbers. The wy lit
wo, urn still In If kood OVITN for $11.00, Misspent 2veniqgq
T W1,11110, / , green, edged W1611 a broad Tuoh of velvet
torg, where a Ara was burning ou the- hearth, this ilfdonducted is curinuq� 11olrizontal 0
made to otaaz, &?�d ft good At gnatantood. 'Cland, wring it with a spoon filtn, A, sort of to bored all around, in had at tit() toot or the
Lately Catried Oil Afto 0. Black, Mush which does not look lit all inviting. ana, plabod in. its hottett part a powder can. of Ills, game Color..
niater, And instantly retreated: There WAS inelo�ing waliff, tire depth'and diameter being The boy, who 01)0443 ilu liotir.'al each ovcyt�
'ge to inforift the Inhabitanto of plinton and VIhIbIly, e itivel3t the length and thickness of it ravo
But ever Ono to his taste, . *ng loqligigg idly the �trqot Corners, wattda A. writer in , Germati enginearitig journal
OOTS mp SHOX's. that he Intends carrying of% the ibovdin all Itsbranchoo. thdoolirac, of: s 3,64r, throo, blindrea and
-of OgrAs from the qua r.11,111T.O,( Pon the Morning of the ballue, men coritta4t tile bollavior of different anittirds to-
ebut one door rtors, and
and tOrAltO otylot Atioutiouto that Opened tipon the, parado ground, Tho 4nd 11e,
GEO. DIEHL I , Abate of th thipaw, kettles, warda ateam Art o% stfokA in tho etigiticer's
Odrof good a4lolpol to, rAarib 0, occupant gave one look Pit the moister, coin, irkstrul IT; in Aixtf.Avo preolow; hours, whlab� if Applied to rt
not t, � I I Way ; (logs till% about the wheels, of Aa0pa
public, F160utlons in 011th 04t�litl 11002, n LAD1118 and ClutrinnN14 LPA%11199 slid PittiftLLA, profientled tho and ill 4 MAM00 brOA-, ThA WOMAhe' rats Avould, fairilliari7e him With the radie
nLttrr1OTFUIA,Y INTMATP T119 -the familiar sciences.
TO at ranatkably low prices, Wds t, cheap made for thp 4(jqr, bilt,10 w4a n Of Ift train, And, Odom' got hurt, lArks often
( Clinton and vittl2ity, t in the era, eltioAli oponih q, whic t, are those In the monto of 41olost any
W r(oie hat, holtil Itsaad iddy "011 door, N Mir yeto. ra opide. rl . bulianadot railway switched, and swallows
robuilt GLIN's a.tITE119F Leather Ana prurittlao TANIKEE allows, circuses, the doutto of, ustice, hauging,4, Outside. 11 ClIarloy, lot mo out, if yalt love gllllaollitt thego, whC large, onough16 Contain it to adaition to wasting Au hour -each- oVen-, make ther homes, in engine houses, A Parr
);to promlies on the old stand, TIES, 40, nd. Ao oil, In all otioll ggt�erlags each rate mo, t"'shouted tile captain'.. If Thpit Ott, the t died Nvill not Accorrarlodate thdr tails, ing, he oponds toul Cents, for 6. clg&f, Which is
Q118 Ate tooll ornamented -with, A, vista i tho amoillib Chad worso than
clinton,Matoll 10, 187-7. Contrives, by a �totesq of electiva affillity 66 canitilter !" shouted he oil the. dtitsido, Not: and the usuallr1hil onso have for, yohtt tested their oung in &Very
Vitoria Street, Clinton., M Ly GRO by fl�Self, �JgXofttjoli$ AV40 yeb public , of - tbose anatomically superb member#,, whisk. . 1 010 f6ill, and ahoth& pair built 4 nost hi the
congregatc , , moment waq to 0 ICA 'tlkd captain had at . WAst6a would pay for ton,of tho leading. porl. ir
PA I 04RIES. and Are never qtr�a in the remotest ri !rig about like Animated icicles, *.Then Arrives 'HOY4. think oftildger paddle box of a, 4otmor plying botwtou Posth-
0 i HOUSE S IN AINTPON county thati. Aix or goven thol"and rot onatchodp, a blanket. to cover himself tho ta scionfwt iq h 04'Loalo of the country. )lid moady
itiblLernBworlbanda, L� . -1 .191. 1 with ; but, som drpping it, he tAiltod' the with admirAblo dexterity,,, , 18 things, Tllinl� of IJ0W maell to ftAjifi.
L full Ntook of New otoderlbo ;Ivayi 69 hilid, T�Alr, )COPIO Thoy ate intemely SOW& t 0 on ant TI About& eat l%R6O*wdg6fPertOnq fl6o'ked
RVOARIT, RXIISMS, 0011RANTA. PACN29, R10tCOft'k)ty window, &act out lie boaded eang mrything i1q, jetka forth Old 0 hk Att 10 tit rot(l, 'yon, aft waktin nrl(, foi- tfliat?
ALL XINDS -it 6gro, tot instance, 16 to I)o IlAn tat 40' of 6�tioa aftoftiod Y tho l'otiftgooft file corkier Or, to 8 y4f PrAft6b, where 9, little boy saftl
0-V V�RUI.Ttli%r lai-IrtO ftlud W-0111Wbillitt Vklqpe usimlly bag peliglaill servirer; ill hf$ coll flaily bat a very thorb Undergarment, All(I'thag, and dopogiti� Mui bU 0 0 r,%ut, positively he hall soon tho: Virgin, wboi m I moing 601of
Call autt got sAroplo of out 90'eaut Unr6wDkit Ti uldoat on end 2 116 dq4 Ifty r 18 tile ci ar In not 0
I bolff,liatoroft, domptisingoIg ht wook Prior 0 the- ADimitk6od, tittle. 4phow wl 6d Ott tty 4 001.1der.
DW011111go'DoAr v tlpa�adogi'hxlrld. b's iieltle, to t - ]a �ilot inanigo7in them, vit4- things tolct bimto BwAllow some Pebbles In a
Auah an Cnairp, Tables, Bod-ratlia goto, toungo, What jjgaf Jy)L4'Jt syltUr, 80csolo Par licIfoll. r6oftf, begidbN hAwPoilatof &d. Good 6611ftri W01. hponed to tha public, rti)(I Ate tbkofigel by 1111 burtf4a , you Ott stream, the healing p6WOr of' Which WAS An -
&a., of I ood material, 62oollent wotkinillofifil end st4billAtid tJJdJ T Yall acquirbi
ot �, And wl-1011 he will 6011 at tile 10*00t fit'110116141ift Find iRrAtaolf. 0 of Ilia own r4m. (ill tile adaffold - rcie lilt" br4aglif out t1lb Whole of tho occupants. b Ito a ate a Cott ant At. And outtaotiously inju
tat6q. in# Ana flog '- -Idto A�ali wAstdal liabits, wixi6h; Will dliat to 11011060a; MAnYstAk tro Iloilo, which extrmet groang of 4".011V rom, of thd bviAokq to Soo hhab was thd matteri f6coll high w1bes tot their fur" Aki
416 Collcourao", fronzieJ ))y the Apecelt of- thp. id the dignMod, cn�t&in Pulled a sergeant 11 t
6f�vd ima calt. AVo troubld to MOW 07,0WO -(109. lj-* good rramo 4,6ttag6o. 1611 fivl I the latter ( otibIlloas appoariftEr it, the rostmotaut� y6a witIl circh year. Yotl mav, In und trileaculolisf 46'fos ollowatt baths Ana ab.
side# pantry and cellar. Wallf Wooashod, otalife, &a,
ugxlall.� but llatiorig. ':evi L�m6totm Iraq no* Wknow-
qaote J)Pides" Aft nefa of load, fairing it Saporta wigotAblo, aid trait 11fo,
wine, warl 46 diderotioti'" Peorlo t 10 11AVO - thotho vomptly aumdol If% Hylatiff Are tholl 8�1% to Wild Ait'g, �116 CulOrOd you thipit oa it 211 in(Inlrod - tho Iiid Edilant, J%fo life ledgell Ellat hd ilqot sim t1lo vitgln at all, ana
if oiB00AU86. lboro, Wore my RhArp-sIlootors ill Avilt tomain with you %o. your dying ?
egg, VrAllso Jxqng#$� vith JXe hIto simply indulgiq in,
I and Oplike takonl* OXON 6, g"To ioetitorq Io' niffiz. 110"Ad 811600 th rat; flegiv 1A 111 LIV of a joke- whort
Od ti,it 066d ftb*w 111H livolitil 'Jig of th bqV0110 (10*6 tq teo�, tile r%Jt1V her. A
gorag p
by f
Ault biquest olar*66 WOO allowed. 00vau I'domof oft A conveniently VAll y tile faIll 0 il48' Arlied then fit tfine; And togolve that, its tlle 110 praorld6d to, Convorgo with
. t ri-646 to 44) i rotnttttll tile oill),
cseotertil a 11vo got to trJay': then, said 008 is gone. ford it 5100 Ing y6ath, boarspontia Idiot Vor
ieftforal lots toe tolle Ana Cott age$ to I r 'tht - that jti%� Ilight MANY IgAvo Pre udelfi Ile to! n4i#. will imptovo wit ono, had thereby foatsi slid at 100.0oa
00. it, Oil they All Atta t t Adh
anoo, We don fit �Ourgolf for 1166falucs Atk4 BAPPIllows'. irdw boon, doffiluitted to pfilton, no to OAIY
the holy A t
religioug ininik aelz I