HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1877-05-31, Page 4. .. ...... .. Icc IIt 14, R Iwo Whl?ll goern thu ciierationa of digestioXx PUMP FAC TORYII SO 4041011101re Aua Art, thorough t sioNs.10go Of the liatural HORISE SHOEINO '0W DUCKSMITHING 11 kn( finduntritiqu, and by'A il bnr- of of tile 11110 propqrtio�o A k if lie Can, m4ril, IsIr. oi%r bro.lVast t'VbIQA 1i r Ity"10N. Me, j'b'Q stoc); M(Irol, ho III$ lon4p. with a, 1: Us tliarik.s $or tbg liheral 4hoo of pAuCimixio tIb is by sav xu8 ;�rc Q fist Is 14, 40 #took oij many 1403yy 100tM' bil or 14 ht a r Of arst-014110 .116'tOwA 11041 fillej ojorls use of diet that 4 Z, s40,94 for i1jefrill t a constitution may be graklually built up un- i", ala to now proporo(A IQ mato SUA put lot the 44 A 131 g
b to reoM oy"y tpudcucy tol MOST SDIMMOR .PUMM T?TZ;G til strong eii"f , rathor �unuo t1i.0 atill routine that disoase. 14411( roU of pubtlo 0141'aales are ready to ottack wherever ODO thmogil 034i talm the trouble floatiog Of ovory thei fluoiaroT NoicX11 $04 N o mw musfatill obaft by 40APIng oursolveg well S no asaon the ouhlvot,� iourish. AQ place poxt dor to A to. tcy e, i�
fled svitil pore blood and ox, properly I it S tyl., uits
M�WDIVO Purm as rep What hila forilittig 11 I in PA01[46 labelled kbk-.- .1 , utl; of kur day, I perceive, 6. I (ilia on Arrit 19 16M IM%a M I x boy its" 4% , Mix, Rep V My I (tip 111019, and I glo"Y in the f"t, aDA li70, FIM411y, Londbil." IS STILL TIM R.AGZ,,AT cold -all, AXX, TRIS OPr011 To the, U,dies,i tbanking IIN atimerollo putitoluerso fox A corwrion collax or ud never bC TV education, end. h"14 of, trilloi often When ni�alectel it is convert- tb very 11borol patronage they have. favored Ulm with inind does nct vVillilglY �Qolloerit merely to ed into a nrMio ail gonlefally fatal pulmonor? hile clorrylog on bnalnepa in this town, and wouldxxt ULD TmSPzOTt�Vj:iLT I 11koliev of Clinton that he is rropari4 drive'oixon and buld 'plow forover, O dlkme� - he Aware of this, Tuln'timate tolltshlOGNED `0 0 Multi thao Irift.4to to them, And thoeublic, voiler. ith alp ey come III use Bf to at makoi. on'puort nodoo, Dratils, iorthert orit#10 him to their As ryan'o Nlinolliu Wafpral'�A orl- Ally, that he laus made Pilch Arranconiqla will do these ority if tII w a which US eus tion for jjwIt44bq1 &o.3 at. relisonglileistes, Ilia 'way ; lie will not accapt thetti as the be tained its rqutri '18 arberftop.' will be rcatly to their Advantage. Looking to the In, 17 Royal torest �11 44 pAps, ho Use ensaged, the "aryloog N ,or. Ho �%Vljl lot Over twerity years, they are AINVAYS OfflOnCIOU3 14, HOUTI)IJ all f his CA and exert a most ben0cioll iu0xxeiiQe on all the 4 74 IF 1677, And end-all O devoid"O Q 8, NVIla was formerly in this' Out, Woiring, 0- per Co-Partnerr sit down in a rude, 410,VO )X, ,h I 1p. illy iiii4ed home' Bronchial and pulmonary organs. Sold by all f Qo%� cri 4nd traes,� slid booUst and dro iutqr slid Country aeillers. mco 05 t slid W 001MOidered the,' best holes shoor-It popsoose,; CA LAN 0 LEAVE YOUR ORDER tl�rotlg o 4mouts with filling conversittl0l), And there Pli5ol h are not so , a has Also mado Such arrang rn rb,,prnsr0XZD BM TO NOTIFIr W13B a life of drilIdgery no hopeless 4ud 3p00(1,'n0t such great barlosities T. pablio goneraA rare as -many Bill , y that they have eaterail into Part- 11 IR . JOHN 'UPSHAL L, V. S., Since I engaged my new Cuter from Wo Ho IIAO fleedi, and hope Many to be found in, various narallip, for the purpose of oarryto mithebbiolonnit all fitlly 11 0 thera all, 11� Oes not Ana I g bilaincus In fill Its bran be buildino s9rutor, Who IS About to return to town to praolloo his profes. hfeparts of the, country, but we doubt it tlleYWill 0 (1hos, iu-t bnb erprove u 0 y pe�son
to negioll, as will enable him to us hiq�okilj 11 matter re-, -TOR and avvil PA valuabip to their owners as the. ly boo VO4 by Xr, V.Anoo, 6,1011t not to satisfy, TMa. might r., exhibited b7. Bgx�ujuxx ; i%va imA*.-inektboir owners IAtlug"Ixxjur�oss4d4lootxsoqQf ,lil-consider tbeiii. more valuable *Hbout th ISAA", t:�eet CLXNT.0—N, i_118ingth4wi ---I— o his, prAgwA their
but this is box III e th, slid the Yout g dpu- Irize for ! his rough Iliad wooly Btate'of the hair Where they. *111 be prepared to ozeento All 'or Ainer,oixi knuilS it." t'lla, the boluo is not in P, hoallilly con. trastoil to them, '114 a a. u(I At THE D X A 1-9 satisfailtory Manner, rom ,ORD HARROW, And heilco it is, thht, W11110 thdb Bt njindi ditiou—probftbly suiroring f yaquilfactl4ro a a IN can with confidence oloilm, for his 'IV. to the city to reitiftirce 011ie 4isease Nyllich o0oa4ioll9f this xxonatui-al all. Thistle-Cutterq, Sod Ploug 4 would state Ohriit he M putrance; in su, oth as ould. Be' tllt-y leave thq E.1rois to the mallagement xomlors and �'.Lrbln Ileave it will d unsurpassed. scale, and by the inallitJoR hel,olisilocos, will be enabled ullipy etlij arrows mlide a speciality, and warriant- kit to manufact uro thes" I'll 1% muoh,more QAtopslvt of the Cc all eases liso Darlely's ;hs, and 'Irorl SnParloxity over oil othoA, aj- M Sh
Q Ila
of j1jE.n j%b() fii�u 1,L)IIIIjIg (if purify the bini)d,' con-ect the ro- w�l to Offer thona at (MEATLY ItEDUCED'PRIOES. t�cir %vork, chief Well, Of t6 farol move P.11 obtriletiong fram the hillgo And slid give to 66 coat a Sleek and ,IiWin� appear- Clinton, Xan, 9 1, M7. VArmqrs alld9thera mav restaigured that'their orders, 0. 3one His prices are moderate, is ho much fuokl iind Thd tendenc I I . -1 : a 611,M R4oi,ntber tile. nair lind the subscriber triiats lie 101 receive that, pl��riwp of the (inins is to reject-alx%1104�jn _nd g. e, and'see that the signaturo of Hurd & Co.' is oil packge, which a014 li,Mfitlon men who "ve' `661�'eat the XZirthrnp LY1111111, Newcastle, In lf,-a good guarantee for 0pil w 4-filiguld merit, . I .. I i_ - 1 , , XeVei was there Greater Success thanin MY Order-� Cora iar.0 tora for ApId by #Ii ing4le! i.e., d9alers. THOMAS TIPLING, Speed, at present, S. MURRAY is prepared to tt up pub. -Qd Clothin fit Mrm LIM de -th" Olin if could by turning a Ilit(le Ile buil(jiugs, olaurobea ard p-ivate rasidence4 1itb'..V.ELVET 0AR1-E'l!S, 0AP.1? I T plujit ael-es upon acres in' a day ; if crops ',I F U� Rn 4T, o0LGAR?E,rsD W UTCH_ N it) growth of vegetation,111 & day, it �OiRETs TuREE-PLY CARPSTS, MATTING and H' j,jtjOLl,-a4' OIL CLOTH, ArATTRX�Oj�.%, Fr,,&T1lnR cunld -be done by steam, there is AT , at hort notice aud:4t that, thousailds'm uld flock to. the BgDs and ],?xxLoiv A TAWB N XYTM. sl,,? i I t irre. We might see hiorse. very moderato pricep, 500 eni:14.oil cloth at 500 ends No, 120 jorkies stop -watch in hand, and. '008t- carpet. at cust: WHILE'T13ANKING HIS MANY- FRIENDS FOR And every -one. pleased,, and ppqb2jseS_t6 icall-Ag4 betting on tbe grov.,th of A cabbhgo. �But ) , antim otrioetj 125 Qarlingstreet, LONDON, the Ilboral patronage bestowed on 111ra in the . I . -_ - -A1 . I I . . I I - - allis ! these thi . ugg are not so. .. There is, 42.1yr. See Us A gain. D'urlia g. th' S ring'our* hands liave L A R G T 0- 0 S ha I .. . I . � . I P perhips, the least excitement in ---- A ti. — Cultural lifb of any. IT 0 IL �s if, d. to. .*ork axtra ine e, ry night, in Qrde't.to* fact it is " belvind the 23fous, ECLECTiae 011!Ll. WirSTa Tmq Txzms ^ITS WEX074T ii OOLVI Do Tou Aniw ANYT91%13 One of the moat objktiona 0, keep uO with t L he wOrk, FURNITURE E-SCRIPTIONS m"A N agriculture is urzed in the fact t1jut it j.1bei IYo put pay I t1lat idial farmivg.�ud air castles Pai� bitinrit fitay-� �ere it is'�usea. 'It'is the a cheapest Medid .,OL are one thing, ie reality another. Qr a i�e ever mpide. One dose cures ley-11.9a,ill says ceirl-inew SQItE- --bottle" has cur6d A�lost In r no man BRoNourri ,ort s; 50 cts. iN h -has curkd an olij a�3tyles� of R OUGII.; ong or ivbo lim I .. 11 ! I M caRes 9 PILE$ and Kimy TaOUBL'ES 131X t hick need remain so). -And, the farmer's 0 lns�eation..*oi. his steA by 411 who ps' An R, NRLO' SVif .en. are be n poor, but tw PV�, t THE i average capacities slid tolerable stand o 'bottles cures,bad lit applications cure any case bf UXORUTED' thing in the Cabinetv, life, no r , I In PLES one bottle. has t Ti though prufferitig no sudden bei IxPL4Atni) BkkAsi I GF Most londuli 0 Mor In the way of BUI W-1-` R. W'A R ready short cuts to opulence, IS the surest. clirtd, Isola back of eight yeap" st�rxdiixg. D. IiEAVS tlieywlli be frerea Bur- A R prisingiy cheap during the fail and winter. Me. stock of all ways froldi-poyerty and Want to 6wii- Flank, of Btoiikfield, Pa.j, sa n �'I ent Wrt,� is made of ilix-drioa material;, put together I amorkm fort 'climb ; the temperate, frugal, diligent; pro. %il-n-'rofulcure of a Crocked Limb, by'six app�i.-- war oloud that so long overhung TurkAy. has firally burst, and threatens to deluge Europe with blood- cati(jus," A�otlfei'-%vho has. had Asthina, for Great Inducementp to Cash Ptirchasers'l While Admiring the wisdom of Britain In preserving % strict neutrality, afid a determination not to interfere, vident farmer may grow into competerice years, says I have half of a 50 cent!bqitle exp6pt in the protection of her I awn lutetestst which she Is . 4uit& competent, to -defend Prices placea at the �owesi Tormingativi rates. and every external accessory to,�bappinpii," left,and 8100 would no� -buy it.if I could get no, N 0 H OUSE N TONMN '81`� It H, E 11ufusRoblnsorr�ofXundai; NL,Y. HAS *08ci,,At�)Ds 'WAR-',AQAIN, I Young rattle -brains once said. L fie Would niore. " I says I.. � f) I I One "yodr-EpIketric Oil �rify the blood, oorroct, R11 Ziigordev of like to be a firmer well enough, if he could T13E PILLS.1 ANWITAll DETLRVXNnD TO OL1191ITZIL HIS PRESET STQCr 03?� the voice where the person lied not'spoken above And 136%vels, and . Arco t ;Ce. the Liver, StomAoh, Xioneys, in. 0 A Glassware at. cos 'and under live in the City. L H.piace said I (not Q� awhisper in flveyearg.�-L. . Rev. J. AjajIQ valuable in oill complatilto inciacrit4iteFemaio. I Oroaeriea,� e hina. an CAN TOU -US IN'. ley) THE is,tho only koliable remed*fdx� Bad As he SL ologin�'olxt t jinilia, he *wimizr respect tway,reip , iefft h Wyoming, N.'),' -writes: i'Voor Eclect lils, brangh of hib"buil A patrono arid' the "Is tb ere any p IN 'eiiviou acire nn V Lag% Old Wounds, Sores Slid Ulcers long gnera ear y rx n STQU� , 0 n, .0 e a AD Argo. a a har 117, lace. be�e 3 -aiurcd.mii of Bro ii ii' eek" stand For Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Coughs Ida, less distnrbs Our slumbers:? Is tho. grass, It is composed 6f 61M OF TIM BEST OILS TITAT IES OF -A �FEW 'LE, ATA XG LINES -beauty 0 'et Ill, ; Ties. i�Qrth 75; at 60 ; Tea woi:th 60, at 5OL;: u .bbb Suit nterual aii, for MagVO4 for bira, shrou' Qout, - libourautism, M] ian Diseases I , .. it z a L cc at. P If, ''G g
I da, o., kojA on UO es, worth r
inferior in Smell and OM . It is 40 good for i 30 et in N -to the 'cold. ARE K1 1) I.... pavements ? Is,the 'i�ater, which istrives extern4l.use.� and is,believed to e imillemure.' 'A. LAIVAENCZ. - atit(),-, Tea jvortb 0, P y at ii. Sugaro at' cost. ` 14 lbs. godd Currants for §i. 8 Ills. choice ably supet-lortoanytbiT�g4�irerma-de. Willoave HeivaA or r�c 'tor1r. 1 76, Valencia for, 5 celits. 11 rtle. ay, To a@06,.20 centg'pev plug. BeautifnI China to burst the lead in1bo. streets,: Pirdr-,thap. Yi3ii mAchutTering nia -t-spurious. lixiiiationa of. HOLLOWAt'S Pill$ Did undir,ffie xi� -Seto,- G it still -Table Set q,- 'Beatltiftil- T Od _01i i�Ti Its BnNvAr�M O*F 11tITATIONS,"Ask Dr. Th of & , ry
that which trenibles* 'in murillup 1z , , * 11,S, � and Ointment" -are manufalitured, And a tsi Griniit Taila Sdi C a ingb ssloping channel I Why do, 1) roe. atri 011.. See that the idguotaro of 11. N, TIIOVk CP:. Henry.: , Curran .eoplo,'niij 9-, -B], CALL AND q 1�9HUAP B AINS. T CASH OR 4�4 io�vivitv,14T IS , tracts, &o.,.choap, is on'thdivrapper, mnd,bion&uioofN6RTxruor-& Ly� vth Flouring, druggists, atA also by th olitft� t olz vines along the coll;1111161 lft�id . .. _.. I 0 MO, ith Py Ves ingspand Pntings to. aho Medicine Company of X 11 Fan NO OT334R., 99r All overdue oolnits, whether by. Note must Do 5 ediatellf. oz� coata,wili 31AN blown in tLICLbottle,' and TA" an Aksumoatraide. nark, like this vut av or r�ook soc why is that house Commended It $91c . I by, all Price 26cents. , North' HE subscribe begs'-to'tander his 'Most Again, one Josord ray Top, yrMal d forthe-Dominiou t0L hi 0 Ioe%o f N prospect of distant fields York, likewiso i;iais Con While of R 0 An,)ther fallow of. tho,'Class mentioned oTit. 6 . lvoiric�Saketed and Blectrizold; T SiLljogre thanki a num6loui, custo member the'S-nd�T11B. OLD XPRE�Ss Otirl . CE,'. ALBERT .STREMT. mere in tho',surroundit gtov�nohips fnd jjjq �his own mako under the name of lfollo� wa & Co., havjflg MIN"ros, May Ord, IS77,' above. in trilimph,.discavered the. HWace THE GREA FE-NIALE RE ME DY. Public`gen�ially for thoir,libararpa for a tratWnfark a ttoniiige, nrliscent and Ser-, Maxpa on 4- Gre,plt,q bell glit a. ling for five dollars qnd nis i.p, the 841aV4 and ould further notify, Wax that he has. Rol)binm, of New To�k, are 4g The SHIONA13LE CL TH' on lo; In A small book of I nOy FA sold it for three, and he' gave it. fortli, 6 j6ja allms rm-uxoplcAL PX�L-Lsi 14tely ad(lc� motft'impjrtatit imrovements to ,PQrfl0r`@- the better to doc. ' oujunbluRtiogiy cautlon -at his mill, by �uttin to gine, double the publ 011%ir.eWons affixed id.Obir Jk L EN- E NN G 0 ING LTJSII.a�id �7 the world no proof positive tb Thi 9 0 ,sei it %�as accepibd 6y S'w-.11 known mZieifie isliq 4n, -cr ber T didn'tpiy." Otconi PQzitiOn Ith 6 poi� and two run of BeivAre of Mousev qLM No O.NTI. -amj16 Difll� firat,clask -Mqoina, with 4, complete ni�vrm. 'them at tepy,low prices, and sell them tq;thq public in but a aura and safe remedy for r the world at large ;' but the in%;eafigator Ulti6 L iot.of a 6 ind.Obstrtictions; from pny causowli 0- �hant b6l to, rid in Tact all the latest and mopt finds that she brought him in no 1688 thall nestly nnd rebilortfully-dillooll tt� the Clergy improved mhlehinfiry,'tigethr4vith Mrst-Class, :of filinflic$ �bd other to the publio ftenurally pl, seventeen ra hurtful drill h iq' prepared 6 do first-cYNas work hi of.-Brio"la Worth Araq=1 they may be to -nume - Laino4othing I J. C GILROY.
dolla, through rou3 off evet; and although a powerful zoxnedy, it eon to mothers sprill RIED I LADIE 8 deoulace upspAringl�. �,AP, E�. -TO ARI U(18, : , ." 11 L L ,*ith a 0 Ort'tjM0 i-arohnsbra. should lock -to, the abel,oxi Many men looL knorodiligustonamah 1tig]Toeulfarlysuitod. Itwill,i h - GRISTING, 0 ROPPING L CLINTO, ..Xay 26, .1-877 stained vvith/,�olitical treachery or corr ' Ot pt bring on the filonthlyperiod with, rcgulsrftv� Grists weighed iii and CIA.- Parties from 6 the Pots Iliad Bombs: If the add:;esB Is n rals tbg they do on it, man staille * u 5�a,: Oxford Str6qt, London, they are th.9 fter W rattetas Pa -per Hanging. a Boideitri a with in all CUS68.0f Nervous and Spiffial Affoiction's, distance can have their 1�risti and Ch Ing lid and -M il peAC-bIbments 'If -a-, Voins hi tho"iBosik 'and Limbo,. Hoavlxiq6o,' hbme -willithem the'llame GOO our Bull Pot Aid Box *beAiA 'the' AIXTTI�sn GovMNYtift, Vatigueon'slightevertion, Follpitatida -of the 'and words ITOLLONVAY'S XEW;� PIS AND n'bighly edticiax Feed for sale' at odoiste IiHC60. STAX]P;"'W T -T S -V has bee te&,* and OINT=14T,'LON4DON, ongraied therenix. Owthe a to be a Winer, the relati a eart., Hymfoirico,, Sick Holadiloibes, �Vvitah oils an e533 immediately exclaim, thopain iliiei a tlf&ttUred. D017) -with great and all fal� dice y R L UX 13 E It Vbeia alone ill-yare man ,&y till that add' noure The Sulljoriber Aseirdered-systc _= thermoaxishave failed; And( I of se! g6lin. d bea coarse, tude farmer I Do when all ox hall. o a mmuni a S What! throtv aw that he ine in ke,'shall. t ring I g articularx to 0 has a largo stock Of lumber of oplirlona Holloway"' it 'T f 10 e ovartaked .4, OT -O.- ft. nr3e, differ with Cicero when Cherry AZ,'S.O,,. SPIXN'bib' MAU G:5, NEW LOT. Or where tfip directioma on the 2II4 pisge bf pam7- 'from -10 to .26:; a f arm well obsorTad, to. Hemlock,. I . . 64. hlet, Rol& am exceasirely d6lihted For fullparticulars, got a pamphke.tjree, 6f Butteriuj,L White Ash,'maple, Soft and a Street. W (I eainres of husbandrnon,'�vvhioih Sim, in: long . ths, to suit the public, which en. Lnrr. 16th, 1�j'7. RSION9D 'HA . VzNo�# ON11AXI) IN'T HE eckeO by an old age, aad.apI;iear JOB qOSD, S, NEW YORK SoLa. favolind with,on the shortest AOtic8 And mOst Am o "i'Capda o ar a s, -pss W ibles him to 611 all orders ths"t he may be THE. UNDP
lipli $1,00 on a. o's di go' Ex
emi d to fdradrly _y th'elato ;yl. to make the nqs&st,a0 rA P. nd Vrj cents for Polatage, angloso Tlit 6 -4i is ndt Toronto, Out., go reasonable tarinsi SOB occi�pied
of a wise mail UQCP3- Northrop & Lyman nerpl TC G1,1811. REMEDY 17A LA L T X! 0 ZZM1, Pr4 tor. -that a. man ;1lould be rude, un. agents f6r ,.he Dominfieni'vill incurs a bottle filyth, Ans. %9, je7Aj. and of n obintaining over 50 pills by returnmaji. RGE AND, S EC -STOC F' a intellectx when he has Bold in Clinto a, r stniy nind improvement villicii in by . 13. -Combie'and. doorg, tTii A. Chidley-'E. Moknon dn4 F innisaen, whol'psai:htid Itetail Bookseller and dorner Mirko 84nore is tottizi Email, Cirronitook. Parker it Cattl y devote to cultore-whild with, 41 ujoy'; the Iiiing winter -just the $Pa. Egg,, Em'" April S, 1877. 'r12010E ponum., and F B. CaMeioln, Bay ull, health. happiness, and in. s, . Jordan Gi5darinIt a,.Jas.`BonVhroI1i; RqdgeMI1e:an44lImedi L. fll.t P-CilLIO-NVE ARTE STILT, PYING don �, he rally qom.p.3ro with oatisfac. 'TO ity of FaistrViog, -hey offer to the we t his own lot %vith that of striving hu- Cal h fur 1AY quilut, �Vhkh 1. public at the le, at remunerative tit 04. manity in general'. to' GRAY�S- i . I , or N Also, Guini-sae Porter , assla, , 3�ounyer',N,, and Cosgrove 0 hoililed Agenisfo Labates anid, " Indeed it is, the ourest of liliman a2id rilis., ond 0arlazys half and' quarta- barreM, in wood,, Grant's Spring .Bjew Hamilion, and r "TON ere rd Zranbis Bacow tho. gveat Shoshonees.R, . medy Wd wish i . 0 Ull attontion to.ou 33efoorb NEW U100CMI.T. In" C LLI
pleasinres ; it is the greatest refreshment SPE01FIC MPfiDICINE) Sole gents fqr the Goderich Bnwery, to the spirits of mail. Man shall ever Sol. The sniccozo I that the,.10 meilicines ng Treimors 10ith L je() Stook of Prostritillinii W.. which, in' WERSIGNE D'HAS MUCII -PLEASUUE I 1, FORmIXOr All Orders' PrOmptly.A60rLded too, that, when ages groir to.'eh,ilitr'Pild . since their introduction t6 -the public, Some loan THE VN 4 el gancl, mail come if.) build stately sooner iroars prave'S laitily to the most Skeptical taseii. are produced by over iMillgones it the uPo of toy of Clifiton and surroundiug country, that I's '114s Alptille(I but in. the store 1-ttely occupied by blLoca sifd oloolmlic opirits; but the Spftlhe litcalell)6 Is HE, 11PARD 000PER.i. that they are inedicino that perform what they TVS-r 21 Jr."teep,Albort-Street, Clin'ton; 33, irioro. e"potiaii), tecommencii-d as An nuhaling,-tirs for ! V the are,Lter p"rfection." ornintorrairli, 11 TOX, uns 8, 1876, Bit until Ow pnpularlden, chanes, ifiltil .4tood their trial iuja inost ninner And All d1sailfteft fgit f(,,,(,w wk ft PC. With 011,W, Family. Grkeries, didno have Iteen ell tciftol. un,l have *ith-, A N 01.1
.sit t -i, vanlen ns if gardoiiiijg,�ere Aret MvicrtiseA to do, The virtues -of these in OLIN
PIVW Sto6k of TEAS., w` '4' vu , , 0 .
1,0 14 Ofl][MnOry, Vinit'. oleo .0 18 ot i -0 mo:v lo,,k on work ni it blessing 60d For disea"a, of the -Bloofl, Liver:Liinq, e.. '111 th . they at B614 by the Caddy at a rodueed rots. 0111 'Whore 'will bi� round all-ATtle.103 l4sually, a. c-irse, "when tbe f irmers thomijelveg tRke % un4urplA4M, We hive testinioniolm of xidva-vago of their. opportxiifltivo��uo -tip V �%isodg Delivered any -where 'in Town. drij je Takiall In ]gXCjjajjj;iq. t tnimxilmiq ctirC4 of th09A If ativ onu is aMictelli R G(- )-D y UNDR,
unidtlitf,a t,ingrq begin shall ,ttlwni liq . f whieh. As a rizie, at,# ray-# -,oqP4 hv 10VIAtiPU fro Pro, b4tTo of tho ltehlery I 11,1% of MIN, No .#);rcp Rqkqills, Meej -.6iscaus. & 11Z(.I4Ile�,tftd1y-N0j1Cjtedi, tak V if% true Pf)3iti0II. A young filan.111t"I -1 tbv.nll)4 7poelfle Medicine I- -!w a life s(tirl arl rush suildotilip into fartuint Pl th"V ro 70 ''IV k1l ill in the fature, All we linve datie I 0 -Mill A-1114 nr in town. -provicus aduqAtida is thery mtho I ast" 0 11 as olicall As air$, ot; ich, wo. d E ert Strost, nand 4appositi nab Oiq Hen tilat cil I 'o send froe, V 01.6' me� y not'ne"sgarv,- and tbat it does not take tIlA !A illil ath, fr,,tn i he sprville Vedirine, is mv� etr 11�!ll �vllj d4 it, I 1, -, .(� -V trMlolL. I =)_%.'V13:) J80 ERY40E Manufact u" r in, gr Com any,
brairal, for ii'lie dos he must loeilt wo', 0 BARGAINS R GLASS �& CROCK al OJT ri-cellit of the mo it. 6,10.1876 bi� Ktiik acebuot, It it; just this fact, on all'I ri, foi $:hle by GRAY It CO., saw , J. i . I Goods, ft ' I I 11 P sinart men to succee Happily I'dilin, Try Milan, awl be cotivinted 801101 - WI]24V0f,0 t 1% Ia p ace, IjOMS Mrp,; 103 ,,I;; and 'growing favi Pir ngrictil. R I E S R undor the. influence of our agriculturill that thuse inerliclines'arb no Imilibug, No tine Brd n011utoll by T.I. byl)
%rho ha,� tried the Shoish6nees lvt.3 ever lira. G G- '00e BRIE foro nthe nniinctid ,in unfavrPrable C;pljj,jj rof thein,'no 1877. wlierptiley have bwix IIA ri ay hopp that -be famil� ed Nvill be ivith. will Met )ut them, Mill Inforniatio ...... . ..... a ('11 at of Groceries ig 60mptetiar in d old flinesi'l and men will not be tile wN ond I " I-xalthy and 61)�Y, perhe,p� of tbo.qp liruld them, fly the XF. IF JW&LYS, NJ? I fr M?RAYM, LEXON-,' - 0171RON and 01?AXGB n ry- of La Scents Triil�tjtAe (jjil -t ircul�r frem Tiny Ortigg!4. ity 0 C I Y e Many. SnCII lleftftf �j , IL - ers IN Ones. nd I III M. d e
ul Ill rile V 11 E .PE0,PLJ4S G PLEL11 P � 08) I'A BLB Rt PIC , 'CANED G�00AS, d &i, Prim, of ih'�'Rexxiedy in . . . . I I AS i- iro� On.' 9' word 9veratt de- 1!1118 25 cank it bor, ........ is gcjjl�g Roia-Mpt StOOkS and 941$ng at (lost PAO, seems to Iso the 614* of the 11,xv, I beg �0 reiminl my TEM S--Iqew !.Crop of 1876, guaranteed to 9typ witisfacti scrilit.-I one of I'licul slidtatoors nud tho,putlio:gitiertilyo thai I will 96U as thoap And give Air good Value for the moe as an� Mill house in town, without ony Lurablig. Middliugs PU lfidr�j of Twpr&�ed 'MiLds,i he W 91 T 01 -filled waqati brins hoine the 700 Dozi Sold, Sinoe Aril last ripened treapu�es of the year. The bn* of Ov ptoinisefultilled spans the foieg-round of VAI 2 ko TZ 0 Z OF * 'S OlAt %. Gt?.- T�aM' C R 0 CK EMY GLASSWAXIME, C il El I N A, Ic 'cifon IN THIS 0 AGR -ULTURA JUX-M XTS'.
the picture, and the gvacionn comenant is lftsoi,4 We wish -to call Apecial att LAS� OF GOODS, AN, ON& VAISMs for $1,00 -.. 11 lbs. Sraiu.-for $1.00, Fine YouN , 30 ats per lb, ontion, ter out $Oh redepincit], that whilelhoi earth rnmainet.b. Bx�ick TiA, 30 oto; per lb, , other-reat, 40r,'5Q; 00; an(j 75 d ; 20.1lars Alp $1:60 , IMT1111 IN8PECTIOX. as it im one of the]iirjoist and most; elegant assortments over And traso and- Ir C istingis summer and winter, beat an& cold, *find The 13rMt7.k1ATX0A11sonb Pin will cute pains from Mew 8jLadit Toin.Wcoii 40 cts,, and everything else ill vroportion. 3041110a Mato- OUR -jVHIXA TZA9, AND TOILET SEMS, bering 6T0VVJ - of varioug. kinlim a day and night, and seed titn� and harvest, matisall, or other Inflammator rlwell,mm in ) 9 hours, . . . A MarVel of elegance ana cheapnebs, do not fail to sea them. never failed to ellra Dyspep- A, Full As'sortniont of Crooko ' ria vory shall not W1.11-Farest and Striam, qla; ralief iq filit to % few the Ina -t obstinate A oured in aweek. A 1.1dy waited, 11 1 75 0.-M,m,T�rs. Wholesale and, Ilatall Or000rs, Brick Block, tt'dw ms �mwmzy- -4 D TO, TTOX, Deor Oth, 1476. have been sae di 116-11 eving. bfon. OLI It is stated that 9,400,00 copies of the liftryll" L d " p I wail; caltea In A few HRISTMAS GOODS-Xew %ithis, Ne, Cutrantq,-CandW'2ecI,'&o.,, juat arrivaa*, it SALE CIIPAP—Secolxl-band Bligiies ard, 13410ts of 1.6, 20 iva 80 "bit,", 0 t , I ,, Wholeanleby R)
Moody and Sankey 11.Goi�pej 34yinls-have thy. go I I'd by g ron. to, loops, n to, Pot particular cases Pt"%orq�-Cpmer xita �pposite Ils Market, Late Shotp&Tri ding I) On algo, Stara MR UP I e Povior phine, Shingle aiid'geadins M�Chine, And 11CA'
Joiiter and Plainer, been sold, so, ad to 4', Extract from a lottep frqm Aldbisdii, Xan, 18, 1816 it The ground is tremendously dry here , tke, Mrs. Beeslyo Milliner, big rain of la -at week did not reach the ground, 1N MrITUR' ING TI1AXXS TO THn 11ADIEs OP GODEhIft, eb. 1, 1877, the grasshoppers stood on their hitid legli and 01111tou and its vidililfYy for past favors, bogn to In not the BU drank the water as fast as it fell't Sol 1 no f-Itno, them that ilia still couthill . as t I lie frat'aild Don CHANGE.- 0. SINEISSIt. .,.A W KS TH informed."' I C LIT U RA L 0 (m) STA""t), VCTftiA ST., C I LINTON- . _ * - I 1, 1. - 1. _. "" I I .1.4 - ... .. L. . . . .. . L I... . - , I -�IlGY tell of one JohnLa iieri,-offramblaij Abe to - igbtlt for , Moort. Ruttatick & Co a turop'inlo ig, �Q 14OTi-iy OLTNTO.V A.,;I) VICINtY, TRAT in and Xew York patterns of Itamouta, .Arld to Altits , I lately oArritil an byL J. JOSLI.14.& f. -Tnh'a , SONl *tlll #jIl oonjilloo, A L receiving Me now styles; 0 county, Teum, who Iiiis Just tineattlied 090 to.
000 in Mexican gold, buried murder�r kept on hand, which she golla at ptiqeq Oki E1. Otb STAND. Fluxion Strbet' CJIJXTO14,� 0 IF 8 T*R V'O'R D imax Double Cylinder'. Threshing achines, A T About the yeai 17 Lambert it described Catilleguna, She hopili, bratriet tare lie T T11 as poor and never know -what it was to have rtavjug had oonddetabla ftiletiondis in tills budness, and. buyltg'foz It thataby enabled to offoz good any amount of i�oltxoy,, batiatpill td his onstoxdOts. - Hi US now on ho ti A a we selected agammout of Combinatioa and Vibrator Threshing 'Mti ohines, INCORPORATE!,) iS74, Sucoessoro' to Thomson VMItamo, t&Aftebellf IW A widow lady, Mme, dep' — 'endowed Rural Bngine with wealth, beauty, and was MOUNTCASTLE'S Anil -all kinds oj( AGRICULTURAL IMM on hand.' .
tj Agricu" orks
engaged to be married to. a geli eman in Paris, who lately received ampnytPous revels. 01 To meet the large slid increasing demand for our c6lebrateol Threshing MAChinOX, ItOM a ---- -- Ilona reflecting on the Injolb1f; character - 00M V Xt f the Therefore he returned hot presobtlo and letters, 8 pArts of the, W.4 OEtL j 'y' into our wolrli:6� greatly Aro thootore Bab implored an interviow-explanation. 110 A rp,1311 sozicir-OD. I.V 2,t) if. Increased out manuftoltuilng feel 110BERV TAONIF 16N Purairitsir - A, .U, W11 101
sent back 1% varbal,reply thai he bad none to In a position to flII all orders promptly,, MANIS';, VtopliawL AUX. 01tA
give. The poor lady roatned about hig per- ix, AsbW oub, MIS, and returned home btiekon-�htavtad And. shot herself through thd head, The falsxi� Romombor.tho Stroet, Wona hor -of Commorohl 116tol, S*4ry h1whine it run 'And thoroughly tested before leaving the shop, 4nd..ws,rraate4 to giv Or hood of the malAvoileet '&jIeiqj%EIcn has Since GlAire sAtitfixotion. ctlito'l, I .
been proven, No uvary Salor OV InOSL lolver to & out and hang IliIngelf, Jobston harfoatetsi. Sin, lo. Roapts, lowers and, 1.1ch
U aWest Virginia has the, largest Anit toog Parm for Sale. Farw� for S gi(�Adeast Seederso good Drills, - liq valuable hody of timber of any State ta, the litfore ordeebty Mtollor iii, P00101 Order dart 6 I L filo*o, Union. Prof. FonfAil1r, wtirnitfea th4t th An � U6,101111:160, Graill crughavol 9tirwo Cuttiato, '11 '11AVE A. SEP ATE ROMI nreA Pt' i:. I., 10 k (MAMOW, AfACPtTV,'ft80X M, OUNTON, of Stown Engines arild oilers, all slzes,, 00000 flind tin 004' that & mt bid 66 4)w ot 0 Va-Itto of tile burplus e�puttsbld tim4f is Atkil a tot A v I vAlioij aud c, well 011.iloi. lilt, MV f 11ly'$M.000,000 Ill it stand3 in the joraoto, Anything thiar* *16h, ivitb6tis holha.-ftfit tt"Min I tt,a r;.61, I .1 11,1 t", I t-1, TA0n0y'_ to Loan. Vanada Company 4 % ..n. Til b �?6r gpa4j6).s fop arict 6noj &I it) Wake Worki fo oly tolom aftil
go oalt, WaInut, ashr popjar, maple, , niis,44 by thiltitic in i%tr6W,,f. f ;I 'j, timaro, and loeitat, A- WJT OF I ANDS IN HtMOR VOA 6ktla Xr VUese Filefoy WtU64 a spoaally. ehn, aye t. attil, At 91011T PIM (JET. there not surpssed on tho Amiricau oon. lot %DOM AM11821 VILLIA o