HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1877-05-31, Page 20 A 0_11_ 04.1 Ot Mir 14 0 ORA I ar ON P IN 0 1 r"i's Now USA at tua 10fook. on, wil 'Yovist Tra otitutfg hal l On the,%lk look., the folloWing Wo Wish it to, tijotWoolo, k im r ru _u .9f!A* of to TRA PIV all 4 . " P I LPIT. At As, 4AUU41 meeting of tho' Mechanics' IQ 10 1411 111110014 h ifelvoitroazotblefcor ACh uh At It Po ta t t u it r, B, uy ,kpf 1.,j &Ieongthy article on "The P,436.' toyl Qrooro ; w _4 --.-W Y LQ480 ofxurou, 1. 'G. T., ROT, Mr. McLean. 4nd Ur, W. (AA ogg, lot and, 10 vootiou, Iro send your or printiv,, to. 4he Xey) W the 010ba, ut Vriday, 10440'a the Evil v44 receli'd !1 DO held bete cin'thot 20th of June. offes, alinton, Ond Vice-prov. rospoctively; Dr. Sloan, Sao, Vo, f4e 4 F,.ra whore ftl of r1ouo 0 dope in lailor 01 thoyefo 41p remarks" vhle arc. worthy 4o Tito, no r. 1vorthinston Was goo!. a; a4ontiov, 4?14 b me of P D. 13. UOKiution 4(;;- ulp ve t dointull oinittool frvui the Ila Tress. ; Pool. N t4onslit'. 9 u though, all. xxlilji, 14 kt COO mantier. t -of. flirmors, pirectet, , r' 1 04b' reoembsittlotof the Ooderich of tbck ;1aQh4QIQ%! 1144-kit9te, 1010 Week- & is Dr. GrAg" towilghip counoll.it waq yap .( And Moso Qlvg.l to $too to. WQ ;)draw, W. Watson and, :. $00, for the purpQ00, of opening up that Ion -ery, it i$ tun oQ -offifior4 and directors met 41BI, little WOO anoceil, that sh ting mittob. S. T. the X Dunbar. The' promised road. lying botweea lot SchoolTo on the evening of tho. l2th And selected a e80. Sletang ol a t Cost,fior eas *Oquir44 fettle And won iselioral gAthering And Ivoture. on, 0,00. 10. exten4jift; tllqrofrowt to the ZIN'TAX0111 some clivitie who, hT ox Fridiiquil $AtUtday, the Oth anol 9th Xulle, number of now Works, I am -hippy to, be it Popularity In one obutry, 06elv9.4 and 00- The shoQtln4 match -on the 24th, u ad ablili to state, that tUo 14 very- wIth4 o4owrooloof 0 , auspices 9f the HqroXLR , qiituta, is z4 oration, of ('111loton, Friday, 25th MAY,,, be. i4'(Q removo to Solna -the" the ifteAsso6it4lons - 0 opto 14. ltivitoitl _ DoAmomm-10 vW be #,gp by adver, flourlobjug copilitigno I that It 14, WSJ A qoMpleftle suoWss, in eviry respect. amen Jhf flu kbQ day appointed for lit 0 t-te - - -The $40r -of ), Lorcl?ip,'Sapper will g ' UR Z N-TIAL-STOM-0 -UNT v On 6 , d4f; the jobs on TO such an extoultistbiathe 000, YOU 1: URLI difflOMIt ft flAol & PreAtIhOt 1 -VbI`a Milos A" tho -Cburvh next Mr. F 1 YeA Tho-sho, was i4>04gon4cloring tho; a tidOmOnt that Miss $' - , S'jj Draulatib Cotap4ny wi 0 0 Ing &groom the range. .11 Play here he dflp6ussol in tM Pr4abyterlant 119ti, rea.ve, toads. their appearance, a tool vo qr 1411wrius ia p a wipd OAS bl4w oulture ; day Awl Taesdoly evenings. Sabbath, oa which ocono TgIVAWAY, XA.Y 41, 7- whet small Salaries aro paid, incl where the alr ll ,,, be f9grod the. Snores of the f3 rot 11"YA Mull too Ror. Mr. FrAser, about tha hour of, 0, and, after - thpioui;illy Volow, of St, Ttiowws, will,pregit;b, and also Qu So'bur' - Inspecting the road tiley - - 1 -.1111". 1 .. ­ - . . w AUA ork partalwe lorgely vt WhAt may 40 Called eleven in both motolles, Rev. Ur. U4tiftig left clay! proceeded, to lot the Its) )DrORSlux 0114"V 01troausq.. 51400ards'_ Book_, easego. 40". the physica . lit, NATCA_ on We iiasday,, to attend tbQ toeetiu!f Of JKr, 'Lawrence, has givon u 4 jobs. 'There being lots of men Vr9aeut, the ,I drudgery, of the pro ExteqgIon Tablesp $of4 p p000eselo . of St, 1,040gopo VASY efisirs; Julio like overy Other., bt(ldiog was of the most, apirited, c1fantctcr, 1 lie the uQuefAl Assembly At KFAIINX- ROv- his old shop t9 Vr4 Trowin, who'b4% bogan to Vane antil Woo he we 400 Total Pr a I 'ho have mlota ou, their M. 00$ but AllifOrtaustelY It wom made, Asia, generally seat ebfttri X4ttr009es1r SprJaIr .'22 5258$ -Io .... 40$1 4swieson, Q Xail, o Tuesday., has tv long article A ofqndi in men m ...... 04658 X ;981[n $ayfteld, cQpV7 III* make the necessary c1langes to enable hina, to the case, prluolpaill by the, most qurowpouslible, W401 Halt Alfolks,, U411 TONS, &a., &C citI44, And therefore, while there, is net, 04 0, Grows14 upou the cult"V ttign of the beet it hd the, of mou to 4P4a-,Qt,­V9 A pulpit <?n Sander next, occupy it itgagettillo furnishing establishment. And, uninterested aiiia present, Santa piopea the whole,, A IqmAr4ab,10 scarcity 255W-92--ta 4 Q_Q A new front is to bo, put in. We ha4 6tormiiie4 to Close o cavau ...... 8 AS, ­ Qo of ditching were ran flown to aliqu, An61. short d'stes, our entire Stock 99 4agat fronx. it, based, upoo I destt.4 of 0.0 Pon XAN;ToR.& Friday last tho , ul for.044b, or.Approved notes on Supply, vaqaucl * as, there. 3. VMb T. I I Ur. Jenkins to making preporation, to oroct of Vt;rbitare; Which Is largo I and well assorted. Mostolthaso *q It Itle often, .07 900 follow tramoly low -figure, that those W119 intend goods"arfo of the latest. A an MAY upon the . o'llbject, written. OY Xr- men 41 marked ing persons left this place for U411 A tinildiug,,liorth of Mr. Trowin. ho plilpitis on H. Scott ....... 4400-19 tallin,g a part in: thedi ging of them will oan,, most and recently manufactured, ftobt An opportunity fo hosing. Asserted that the power of J' I '0 tona :-T4us_L"o,Jas. Ross, Robb. Wtppo , tlyi lfi rapid strides, Judg, Vtiruitqro Use never Occurred before, in QlAton; and probobl'T no Qokgr of tliq Depart;, tle 11 Wgt. VeDoupll 05500*449 is advau0jug:wIl Z. A. i3artlard, D4 ther walue, and there is gartainlY 46.t a lit tuittly earn their br& by the sweat of their var Will" _84 100 son, 1. IV, and, a. ThurptQu, G. !.ing from the Licensed Vlotuallers' capons.. b;ow ­ 1.84 Ye 0 not %,is,h to speak a. dill, In. the Tenet; ...... "$a-17 aam-17 .. M piritiog word to those r4o, have it' to do. . I be 9 One of the beat Duel..' V'11 juro, Quo -ho gives R J tIltup to 1pol9co ths 011e 80 a 4"a . And F, A 47 wat of Ag 19 bo tip oara c 9 1 Murp4y:-­­S2&26-I , t, I d. it'goi w IA: and T. 8 p ou n yr', About, a huntirid Also, for sale, our. present b tte Opinion is not gro.cooll0s.. a weak woo the inorgase'r Waroirooms In the 13rick Block . in brief history of ..the beet sugar iudustPY irk 4ba OVItPiN P#*T9.'-The mother only trust that those parf3t ness otoods in town, and Suitable for any general business ; Is 22, X86, two. stories III %ip teadeUCY440 bit regiot. ULTO;K; of Xr. ow Opinion. of Malay ep 0ovo "I"red cellar Wapotit, There is also on'the roar lot P, frame WQrk-obop, gh, with Surope, which was established b Ave notbidg to do Total Prize ":"Stocldart and Ur to, dc?,not 00 x 48, two stories hijit. Franget tid, but with that We Sell No , 0, Goo. Duncan, of 01 PCEIPIELP; , Indulge !a the idea that Also, 4. large quala rror otit, c, orajqiqk_.2ws-iq 4748 -91.-. - ..87 $10 OD' be permitted to hunk they wi titt of soasQuact I umber, egitable f9r furniture mautifgotgrInk, WOrk, eateat III thia. place, died very suddenly at Egniollid. vral;cle in dblng the, It, and carried on under. thQ W04690110 PrAD' even those who bays the gr 11 to fore qu.stiouibil- its 0istenco, * Ii. llebson ...... 50"4,-.17 .... so 6 W elple of proh.ibitio _lgA manufqotut, do not think of d 422 64--ld ville, oi Tuesday, of last week, She was. BroIcefielil is o -at vil, -.or]; they have Agreed to do, As those inter. TQRHA 400 ongagdolin her clomestle I cluties, when sbo no Of the pretty rot I partloo. Indebted to. the late firm of DoAx IfIr lk R, rhe age is. A reAdicig rather than A lis' ;' L ...... 9 20-94-la...'st lages on the L, H, & B. Railway, and has a, eaked. Ara' ermined not ta; have the wur Al gait. He A t him c H. Scott ........ GM a bill oxxtR-i, will please call Ana ad an ropes the 4 oulptry is tenInS onel 0,64 the iitlwOT Of tho.press, soon*. W. 0ampboll -482 88464 _19. , _bs re population of About 200, Its 0,14puleatis fire. left in a partly uuffnished statei,1ot conse. 8 00 1. cdivod, a paralytic stroke, from the effects 4Q a the 04149 At 0400, And. a4vi ociate. 'Inj And religious. book oild, p'arto. a I W, ap*ro. 11, afian, ....... 822$c- A 44204-19...." d., quencia, be as they more favorably situated for the production prill 1pally grai 0 "Ono'evi. A 42948- 0 825Q0 --I5-;80 100 of - which she .4 and, cheese., The villagers may. Now, if such he A. 7011 Almoat instantly to to be replacing that 6f tho'01 'A. Stpitb . ...... 6242-- 2403-12 .... 80 275 have rticiently formed a stock company among their intentions. they will, decidedly, be de. Q & WHITINO. of best sugar thim Europe, a d. tl -The following themselies, . and aneted, A gialq warehouse at hat Several partleo'havq May 30, 1677, ,kerefore. It elvool, as I learn t A Aence'of this is the groat nutu er Q1.1eatli W, 0. g6ong 82828- 4,=8_14 .... 28 2 00" ATA019tAATiS . COURT, at this indastry should be ft, I -ly successful pulpit divines. htooilaX 802A 801M-14­.27 200. cages i vere disposed of by the Xqyor, Mr, the depot, which 'is relited by Scott & Arm what. was specified in the e4, vc-rba, concludes tb and -often 1310911 11, 10 of (hn. Their intentio plans book tere4l. upon here. or ii wl. 0 xrostdo the ;adopt, that wool."' Joe. Daily, assault ; fill 41,14. Blyth, 'there is a. large Cheese fa6topy in tU' fh GORRIIE. Potato bu a should be liandidd with gloves. list; ati6ther is the toindenoy to, paatoral rolP mud Malcomson, on. dilrerent days- dtir strong, of Seaforth .-- and. P- MoLonnan, ns Aro# I bellevoi to w4tell, 14cently a born Witia JoilD, a subject to fall am woot rigorously and report, it ueoess"Y, The Abingle.' factory 19wned 'by Messrs. -manufacture. saga irom t. and disorderly -village, "Mr. MoCartney,who. last year so,- 41roler WAS poisoned, by beets and turn to the. finished. eXP0410h Of Base 33all costs. 3as. Shane,. drunk tpwaed by to Bfr Steep, who also intends keeping A L oil, and the pied by Aho pests, handling has been made in Canada it 4 in. Several of. Do, riodtail or 901nO vOlume shipped about, six car loads of cheese; tber4 is, 1101tous watch overtbeir works. 11ee&. as machine shop occi and big recovery is cloubtfi.il, SO' n found in. Rome pel good 02 and costs. 1, Waterson ; drunk s a LoodoniAper. - Of sormons, r1thertlian listen to i On Thursday last. a splindid game of "r. f! an , e'd States,.but have all resulted in 1 ;110 unfluish- and disorderly ; fined 5 and costs, also three. , general stores, two. tailor'suops, Is 06 w4pt judging from, what I Itaye, So Lowrey &Clogg, were, destroyed by fire oil Say the Unit ad a jered compWitinu Of baso. ball took. place, between 114 Young hIT, possessed Of - g 11im, Monday he insurance. p.d often badly..dell- oboe -maker, builder, 1;jsiolau, veterinary ood judgment And 'Very early on Wednesday morning 9, ilia Act. Dltt,19911A Kixcl must be a profitable bit. aginable.11irmness,,io,tliat we have cause to failures, entalling heavy lose opon the par- BOW4 ilicumpeto.lot Or ives, of. Goderich, sad tho Dauntless surgeoii, and. two hotels, The , Vaitool. Pres. 7 -.oke Qut in Montreal, by which about sixty ties who made* the experiments. 00ut btie pulpit.," U10 of this -place The Score At the end In induce 90 many byterlans have a very fieo6t brick oburch, . Jook forwArd Witt a houses were destroyed in 08"' to to, enter it, as, is .1 full issurance that the and a large quantity, of a 8 to 9, in lumber., The total lose datimated a. $150,0Q0. Of -tile ninth inninp ai;4 cling i di,,tod by-tho Signs sCattered tlirgugh-. to We& opened Mt Dacelnlber ai]id, cost work will be obmplete according to, contract'. TtA MEETIN A very successful tea meet. ing -has..seatiDg accommodation ior .8, hold, At -St., John's Church, ffolmes dotillt that Lord. sixteen or eighteen years ago a Dr. Nav favor 'of ih; lionle team. Clintert, winn, out town.. We donlb-know how many $3NO0. It Not only have we such a man in. BJV, 4$tQqp, ing wa G, There, appears. to, be no, phegey induced a large number Of far'4161`8 WO NOTE% -boys to tbo'bat, there'ure', but the AMniber. tnfUt be large, 376, and is crowded every StInday. The coh. but.he is well su'plio"irted by oar worthy reeve, Dufferld-eill lea the togs, sent the Goderich ville, on the 24bh lost. The attendance wag, ve Canada as soon is- he re- aear Paris to engnp ib.the roising of the erect *A now brick manse Mr. Elliott; - to whose, exertions, large, as may be gleaned, 'from the fact, tV' at turns froin Manitoba, He. is said to have dig. who wore whitewashed in thefirstinninga. R8 onb is met on nearly every ]land witli, gregation are about to Ooe of d , assisted by Chargeable seryants, sold life eq4p 99. and the, words 41 Dre s7MkkLng; e 11 for their postor,'.tbe Rk Thoma's Thompson, r. Steep, . a we attributd the opea, o rajsed. , a . - _ ; . - . ivas -The-.good Ing d-Td-ltiii that' ] - bT ladles oftbe neighborhood contributed. very f6b6eligipid in .uttig his- licniWin 6rdek._ 40o bt and also formed dim P;lthy' tho_qnd ?if !the -fl, I of t4o froad.- 'W611iruki "The—to is -also -Ad Ross offidates , The Aletbodiiiti are about Mott I It to possible. some q pas ipol obtalft the -proper, itta" th blost tilct is 6tood 3'to 2, in fallor of tho boys, 461eqdid' around -and grumlole about dull h matdrially to the 4aboess of the aa hg- onsiderable demonstration erect buildi Vecce 8 -to, r. E a giving universal pbi ,ing being do6e.ou both side, evera), tithes, while your-ne chineiry to carry oil the of not to join in war. ighbo)r-aiid competitor ommence the"building of a ne frame church; tion, whiob I find by -oonveraing, *With the ing, oli6,6h f pbpular go 041wfil will wark the close' of . his as,' &a,, enlivened the eutbrtain- I ' a. 1.)r, linudrud 'Jowo. hal;cf beer) of dutil)lo plays by,tl - 14h,irne ton"'I were luildly iii. business is' crowded with trade, all to cost About $I,QOQ. Mr. MoGregor, of the leading men in parts of he. towitsbip,.-w.here cgAbornatorial career hero. finger but ttll cattle to grl6f, awk t, of I uded b ' I less was.expacted of, himi and that t of nvigation of up y the arge crowd present, who br6ught about by advertising.-, Let the klicir livelihoud,by.. he clos be is more Rattenbury House, is building a two-stor meating9t W, belay Congregational 04uroh left the country.. 'Dogtitute,- housel(i MAI rested a hig interest it) tlko gattio. Be'- people know wh iyoi frAulit 110'ajO, On. stone foundation thau.,upr. to their expeatation§, They already -the Panulid, liav6 &t to sell, An& in whicK on Friday oight. ReV...J., RQy. Vto retire f epni; -in, they N' ous enough " to ask h.orn . to come lie in Ang Abou DIAX, 11FWS took, place It is the greateni folly'for any Call to la inot%b otarviifg in N-N'idkl A ilia scoro, for wbi It we'Are iudelitpol boobtirt tends residini, be expieso their willingness to wpprt Air, the 11 CtL , L El pastor, saidi, in reference to the now platform. A fuge undtir-tbo wails of' ibit Yo'rtrksh 'And see yo libit ia,the right ur goods and got your pnow. of the Church, that the class meeting would', bor to catiblish file inatitifactur"o of. beot . ol businoss;-0br., , Lohdo?i Free Prmq'. man in the -right pl.ac.e, Tt' Ninet dogreei in the shade at Obtawai on bombarldient. might be wall, Up, Pditor, before A closo; to AV(ADUWT. -Qn-.Monday Speak of the necessity be retained, though attendance would tiot be root sugar, for ovun If,it 'tail nade as: A-Yikiine; despatch says 01 '*811014 1:1 Morria, C ........ r, 0 0 AloTaggart, .11 '1 4 last, Mr,' J. D. of the above 311011thAn9d Saturday,, walle compulsory. go announced tbe affilitiori 4 1 T., ITorton, 0_ Pavid.tilot. wi ill R paiilful agotlelit.'. He is to (1, In the. first now me here to thii Churh joll, ulleap as catre sugar, 130 Ono would use it"if ilia (I Mr . Nfackenzic -the plactora of of ninetpin I pro'claitinug a hk)ly ar against. HULLETW. place, it is a schoofroad, ending Jacto ,y, nd And lying as it (loss at present, doliare all North York# about the let ol July, Ausmost simultantifilue announoonterlb. friam. 111 0 4. W coats; 011 ...... t I (;QURT 09 RZYMOX. f making total of eighty-thr which at Iotth, H.'i 4 1 T Dinaloy, 88 .... 11 0 ed in 'Sautt'a b in they could obtain the latter tit th.0 Battle the 9tutinople that the departure of 1. A Donoglit N. 4 4 eup 0 he first sibling all the Court bf Bay, families living east o 31to 16th con. from the The Governor-General is not expected to xapresents, with their families, a congregation . oil . fit] norver cad b6, liar, haou decided upon, A1,31'pri4ne, all 2 .0 0 wh 1. ' vroiking (it a pirbular loft T sion 'for the advantaggs which 8, as it is not as amonr; LF 4. 1 hnU i6- the first Townshili'of Hullett,wag hold.Ah Lon4sborol'on the' ore the Arst week in of 240. 'It is stated that several suembenof price go a tau fuj ho DanuboL. caiu4' I, S, No. 11 may, afford arr yeAn.Winnipog bef to show that the ofAbose, whiI MA), risen, By 4 1 H Cc is, 1B ....... . 3 1 thein, unless they'perbgrinate around tho Bay,, A a ,ujor bing histatitly'-cub off neir thojolint, 20th may, 1877., All the members of. the. council pres. other MeO botches are joining the As* made as good As the cano sugar. th C.De 4 or If will, 2n ...... 12 2 'flng " jel dolist 0 116112, 8 1 It coa6,Rv ....... *3 0 naining fjligo fa slightly i.njurbil. :eubi and after havidS boon duli sworu.by the clork, an. flold road to Ite4nedylo Corntis, and turn A well-known Obia, post -office- official has Church. The no one would ask higher dit ties oh' kiigar hvil lo6ked. 11011111 tile tored upon tholi'dutim' Joseph Howson, chairman. wa Boardof Church ollicent were north about one mile, or trespass , on B1 ' - been sii6p9Rde& oil a elected for iheensuing Ye 27 18 ftowB#81Nuss OvnRifo-,s. ..Tho Hirr ' %,he following appeals w9re board and di p sod of so Wheatley And Mr. Plewes, by orossinig.thisir Ing money. charge of mis ppmprlat- ar, -It Was decided. ihan is now0paid, in Cana&,, for the pur-' aouondaucy Y follows;-, , . . . .8 o! - DAY'S rsviTcu Ini3ingo, 1 8 0 Lludiey. Theatre -Company! aro one, of the J(rretL'Noblc,'1J, j 1 7; propertv. bare fields, the latter. generally being th6"baso. In td worship for the present in.the A:oaddmy of tectingL and fostering tbo.:pro FRI '13 'of iany f,rd6poaufferiog from 14 shoitu duced $200; Henry Walker, Z. J lot 11, con.,6, to'be oii- the second place, it affords Aocommodatl6n'to k1lon. Xr, Mills Ad Ilon. Mi. Pelletier w Music, Montreai,, which was obtaiabd for $16;- - age, uhar,.N. i lot Inpany flis Excellency thoi Qovbrnor-Gon- uncle." '._76y were"Ilerwoii,M6odiy and 24 and N, A lot 25, don. 4, to remain as aekosso4; -W.. 4juctlon of sugar in this dountry. ' The A6cording to a, dispatch front the B691101i D itleset, 1 0 1 1 4 1. 5 5 0- 18% essed to Archibald Walker; Win. Farq people living I wiles. to north and South of it 0 each Sunday, uted if ItL commiglaiioner'vvifli the Turks in Asia Y-oung Autires 0 1 10 2, 0 1. 1 3- from c.)untry would -certainly be Zme, Unipi rei B. Horton. SCqqR, ioaday eveningi, but'r d ulholland, W. park lot. IQ, cola NY. Jackso .sooi.vo Li'poor. re- 4"t.0101mkill As assesq. ho.lftlk can. to. tho-Lake Shots, eamb. lakhtar .-Pasha has been utterly .-nnablo to. OA; Robt. Smith, -8. W part lot 1; con. It alproptrby ling memo of them to save as in I nab as three I -or did so. A farmer will totake- more Monet - match -was -pfifltye They" iaiigo d scarcely enaugh to Winnipeg 'doesn't know -whore to put her 30kN. re tico by feeding his beeli to ca t Stock- pry t 1, t -the wife hold.the mountain pa-sfies between K rg and In 1 $200; Alex. 17 : I e af tern oon a 'bb rd SWth,N. partlot 1, con- 12, real four miles- in their journay to Cliatou and cro rLds.of-imiaigiants,'ar to provide sleeping Copit-4ii'Clinton, on the 29th lnB Erzaroutn' (T the. Turls 9'0 010igol to re tw etl the fivid ihe-tlue bill, bui It ad o leave wibb. report , reduce 260 , John Shebbrook,,S., part. lot 19., r grownany, tbAn by--!,.Iaklt)g-kug ov. QAt . of t a 'victory I Out .. is in- thi S ton. 1, to re alix as assessed; Jas, Cartwright, lot 19, bacIr --again, litaideq being -mvahw- - 7 uarter for now arriva a. ok . of 'soni., and attributes reaultitig.ln. sk, or Ao bli c ariii r a of Mr, A. Co a the iap A, Ru h t the total by tlIe follov 0 lqsi t a, our taybrawkeep D. lot -rho above'io b are, ib.is paid, t tii if inc6ln, county-, Ce'f he viDg score bore Mrins assessed,, Joseph Latch ut 4 - brielsynopsis -of the ad 0 L Cc a Ivin 'bit rr feroad4n- id 0 ligition Oil th on cranes Arc, sent Course (if ID, con. Io, to re a as assessed; John Newcomb, 8. have died' in'th unty of Poet fately'fro4p pit the'2 ins ii ot C, Y'. 00111 __-_*.. :g,r by pursuing his.prf ----.want of* etheicut precautione'ait the r "1 2 3 4 5, 6 7 8 Q'.' A. WARNING. -&S obbn'aa t6e warni '808. vintages it vvill afford.' Thenkind yo Ur, t & - i Ot Innings, . -1 1.103 Pirtlot Noon 1 . n4we iusqrte4 on roll and bersonal u wonder, hant, ..of ason. fartniug than he could waltle by turnin, its thei Turks. e Will Dc)t-ba Dauntless, 1 3 1 2 beenin the'llh ho, uso.6f, their own liquor. fears Wzeroum -13, son Approaches, boys have .3100," Gcorde'Biyat, X. F Editor, 'for. your tliae and space, property,'reduced i. part 16t'15t 11 14 aable to h0d out,6r miy length of til -he, con, 14, 1 dog struck off the roll; Alex. -Ewing, lot 27, At. Xingston, thd other day, a, farmer was attention and labor to. beat growL 81no 8tookino,. 0 2- 1 2 1,3 0 2 bit of going down to bithe in front. of Mr, I remain, sugar. manufacturing. f mine is, I i I con. 4; to remain as ssoessed; Henry Carter, 16t, -42, fined $2 for off6riqg fol- sale mutton that had d' trictsi off, Bosnia a .0.6 Ransfora% exposi 0,;F, IlL many is .. . Kn..,pro. d con..Ia, real property reduced A AQreAZI4 $100; Win, - D MARRIED. threatpning, A raligiolio.war hasbe lig thbillsolve3'. an I STE IN THE 4eon blown'­41f.'at is, plifTba*up Witla air' RrAi) Mrs, H,' Shertban's, Advartiso.. -ing',anuolaudo theroby. i Lait ear:Alr Jotililica, lot 9t con. 11,peroonal'iroperty reducea sloo - My29,.1877.,.- . - . . .- S . ng L200, WELL --- mELCOAT.-In' Tuakersolfith".L 64 'the John McGregor, lob 8, son, 11, roil properby, reduced' The Toronto bri6kl jareLnaniberl 23rd inet., IV the R'ev. Mr. Clewor6h;- THE PAATY ORGAW.' lRansfordhaittwo' youdlis. filled for trespass. I)aringthe past few weeii weazur-ics lf v, .8200; AVatbir Sestopt. lob 17, Leon. 7, real `prop6rty lug in. 'xe ake,on a strike. . The wage's fire $2;50 4 day, istei in the Goorgia toy DiStL rict,'at the 'this manner, and. lie wishes -it to. b6' difeed 8 100; David - 1-loggarb, E,.J 20, oon. 7, t 6maln The Montreal Star. which, claitus'. been adopted for I -general, mobililization of Bl l RNE Post Office I n't lie 66W nshiD of Hay . I .' L . I I liinl understood that all pailids k6iUg qsasseosed ; Thos. Hugridge, lob,29, con. 11, too rome. n Bayfl.eld.Agaill- but moister workwaif consi4or them ta high, residence of the briao,a father, Mr. A. El. f.., the wh le Russian Army to Crush Tiarkey, by has been changed.to Blake.' an assessed; John Reynolds lot 19 oon 5L I bitch Coat, Mr., aitiao Snell of ull* to-Mis independent, but, in the. opinion 0 , 'most probably pat' On, his premised to bathe, will -be sUrnti1011: struck oil the roll'; Chorles j1oIcto;h,' loi 2g, con. 6, TO t.4e Ed)' The 6nmnship of Hofi,:X. BJ&ke is said to Russia will I tq r of ehe Cli w Era; divei; -fit- A,vzRy:.neat signA by Mr, T.,, ed before amagistrate, $200; John Reynolds'and 0, alon Ne represent that DE the late Horace- Greeley# in Jails ElOciat." pwiple, is -a good Conservative* lihould receive rao propertk. reduced attempts tO.6rOSS_thj in,forC6 tin 'Warner, lot 22, con. 5, to be assersed to R. c. a.Sohooi; - MR. EDITORi-S of terance. to the followiu4t . pii i lab ua`g*e the : , Copp, J -Miiler's-verindab-. , tnis warning, owe --time Since I wrobonwith that, it, is coudderubly iniseellatisoas"aud 'JEN N -a :reii-en'ee the - .9 middle of June. Robt. Walker, E..J lot 17, con. 21 to-b&.asaesspd_jsai.1 referened tio, -the - Bayflaid assessor, which he -has Jrxiaxs. Ab th ajs d Brialoam, Thhr day 'TwRYTY.1045W I ofi&ia were received ill d t $1600, Ulobaol nanuory, N. wb -lot I Oon. Iddrok Y hi bride's father; 'Huron Road, Gd A telegram ,d n, LiquoR Tiieiaay the igappo. r:",, t flatly contradicted. . I said theni and say'now, P G ' arich town. proliort noc )0 ; Rdlit' lorrigon and Wm. t with rof sreace to the Mil and its roanage r A daughter of one of -the section an A ship, on the 24th ind., by the A evening, reports tb Russiant; yesterday. at _. to the Presb'v-lifriau ClArob bore., on Lad, proofto hand. at Winoweitt's nntice thdt ev, T. tot of liatoses Burnhaoned five -of our. hotel Wsathardto 13'r 's BEG'assed Kr part S. W_ part 89, Bi6ok, Mr, Giles Jenkins, of HoInjesville to ad. a d if, subsequently, he hos made it -on 'Saturday by a 'passipg train,,,sho having Hannah, fifth daughter, of M went. As the Mail started with a Capitil iaAod K Two aesaulti *werb iopuls day last, mis io ,Appeaf before tile Mayor" and .,.I set A.*31omtoith; ohn he did assess -A. B;-Brownson for 0,350, al d,.Prindetft, on thd.G. W. R., hada legeut.off v7 f6ring on des The M 20 bii6ea r. Win. Jano The 'botu Vi [king, I property, reduced Q 0,000 worse re wa bea v . , I I . . ' 8 pirs nh' Mael,,L8800, a result iz unknown. Mr. Farran for violating the 1icenso Act lic 1; Robb 160s,'iay Aat; he says III of $80,000, Nad is ndiv aboilt wag celebtietitol, :here to 17, con. 2 aaaessied in place it is a clear stra ad oa the tracfc ngr 'ameroll L apparing' c? Val. 36Z 5 t8l y their 361, At- tlid, 'terdolancii -of be ofnel'ai fietl3l tdo ot as icr In Mr.; )tI. C. C n n a E. IrIt. 16, proof of,his inca?paoity for the office of TZw:AAT­_-Fow1En, -than, othirig,,the-Tia,wi loss . ton no lonal'ur i ) I The 11 6 I'M re ads councillor 01 nstrae insteenth horse, which,hdi eibhor;been of Alstaittill- its existence at that ate Of ..py.anti Austria have reachlBol an uaerstaud- diore so. _S tin eavb had to remo hh, I_ it VAML4JLUMLUU 01 r, TTliri)nL Cod 0 . Pat Quigle at !$600; rr" -the-Lacau--gang-of- 4634 eased resident bffr -killed-ot-b tho. rincip4l E, lot llf,'oon. 7Lj .1 =a r ng, aitol the'war will be localized. . !. .. witness Un oue or two Oi. at 85OU -; :Edward Lundy, V - J lot Moon. 141 assessed Smith, oil t Oth i4jt.,b I et'bf ten to no effect; for'he adwitii tht'he assepsed this peraciOes began- their onsla ht, hid its, throat . S.. Jjy the !proporbyS100and Cfaig, Mr.' A: 't r, -to Miss --gets control of it he will likely wake it, a I dos Samuel Barr, lot. 112, toll. "7,. fi ' %roperty for 1180. This property -,L be it rb bilt oil Saturday yet, noi irrests , expenditure above income. if Pabi;lracn. am, says.-- A go Foult car loads of excursiotiiAn 'the- Cases, the inagistratog digmissea the reniden t rpal propqvty, 81600;,I)eVsona night Sale, 'from -London *to Charges, as ticit being provedi and -then the at.; tabard Downey, lot LIS, COU, 1, a-io-sed in ment on - i no t I ered, is rented for $100: per annurn atiol is have b rvp ry Ow assembled tit 'Plymouth. eon made, spurting journal exclusivoly usand ficirso.fitailk for tra L nsiinit vessels Are 13.,on Thnrsday. luBpect6r ilrop ad the tbe.L,aiida de.of the p remainder.' slace.of Jae Ataxictley, poroollal proierty, reduced 4600, -cbeap a that:, $100 annual value -,relJresbrits: Collecite . r Cavon, of G n an w" be,U L de,,Veted 'ab Woolwich. by the confraik- A MCOND CAii n6w.runsiAo abol-fronrihe as Cunningham a. IN lot 88, eon 0, asgessed in place 81,260 real value, it -'eight per-ciint, and' there oderi6bi-and officer. A day or two ago n: aunounoeta t as 9, .'R. jififormedthat of a J, Walkertoni gSized tw6'itliclt still I i bride's father, On the 23rd in4t., by tho r. ' L. .. . I , . I stati , a Toashm;Watter: arph ,WpAftlob1$,q6nI8an4 lettlie-reaclei compaire tbiami% the. $180; s Craig, of a. -In made to the effect that unless the Conserva- td sins, having bee placed 6ii the* road PUtonLbetw on Loll W J lot 11, eon 121, to he A.AAe9Ad 1. -T.paa with Wm Reir. J. Ross, 'A. Thdmps6n to -Bliss by Mr. Jas. Apcl ,rsou. new express, train Uniphy.; Alex . Gorrall, I-ite a made by the asspeacr. Tlie'law clearly. gays full, working order in- the tdwaship 638 - . I Toronto . -The'Pope his ordesed prayar'a' in the 110' the. 5 and 86, can S. I bitch ciiii Sarah B d Mr. tive party comes to the rezone the 'to be run for -two W if L roll; I .12'IL'dog 'that the'rack' on)hiilay. Thebtisinesswaicarrisacin some' 44,091!,Stauley, Man L Catholic Chardhes. In Bosnig f0T the, But- dcla and Kincaraiiia, at? elfor Milo. lot 14, con -rent sball be.the aluo tI Mail must die. As the accredited organ of rs. efizies s o strnek ce roll; Thoo Cawler, lot P, Manchester a # si. . The -Bayfield harbor:contractor reque4ied the what exfensive ly) thate:bOin fl! Av's irn NICIIOL Txr P' -On the-,22fid inat., ab the party in Ontario, the. Kai? ciould,not be- o4gs-of the Turks. TEr; advertisement of Mesa month a trial, atiol W I - -I - 11 f , roll; Win. Brunsdon, let 20, a . . g ODI SO.N. Whiting, in I this issue, is worthy the -Toorli- he businasit ar assessor to place him on the I role' for iw6ame, process -of fermentation. the Ceintril oteh, Exeer; bythe Rev. J., rafits,its Continuance, i'b:wiil b6- kep -if Was that 600, judgment raserved;, Great.Westorn 17 CnIllrany T lands owned fit Hull6bt. Judgment re Sii ran the. Itasca's Bay ColinpAny not supposc 'aired, ib hot "I dvapaed am- b' the Turkish iroilelads sal those Iftioting f urniture.- but the- inswer, he got from the asessor -was, permitted to die out very easilyi and wb do o not, ihwill -be -ithclrawlj ' '.It .18" Carta W.. Butchor, Me, -Alex. Nichol, of Hit)-, I.bly served he fol-, of thatL widg6i' fto i that, money boing..req, know about: U lot Miss TaneVitempson, of Stephen tot' so"overn assessed'-4oh what d4 I ind placing, a pedo tW6 24tb,' itr: -very c6nvefii4 6 iraid for'tII6 p%iblic; and. will not be fortboomin'g. Bab we think that 6114116Riaulie —iT-90—afoith" T. klilleir's P con -4, a o4 2A yeazs; Win NVIIFtm, lob 2, coil' 4,24 QCcosionally..-even he employeas,"at.-t'he Lower Fort, Winn peg, olised o' one,, blew -A up,.n6,:with&tRndh3g the heavy we hope may, be petalai d1lbort . orst-of-mm, if the Mail is Lo be a sobs* rgan it, will trottinj horse Dr. Tapper" tQok-the first. lent. Qui(;6 aaum fzlillohael, I&A con 4,23; Waterm0fillan,, vill let tlis'fruth slip Apublic, wei:6-killed'o'n tho'24th-, by the pattial.'eiplo- flire j the Tiliks;,noi a vestige of the boat .21; '%VmFattAxson.Iob I,cnn0,25;-, Rubt officei: xn tiqeeypeot tAibe crititiscd and reviewed Sioncif akegof daniagea-guapcivirder 'wilidil, -NEW' ADVERTISE METS: n the pal by viltich keepalt going Any, 1 'in. the tbree-;mia66 trob,. and SZCI)Lid. bar avail thadmoolves of its advaniaies, but. Wag loft. Armstrdng, lot 2, on -25; ),.eon by incap &so there is plenty 6f rool.4 for. More 1 8, , Wm Armstrong. lot s and if he fails, either -soft), or dishones-' they vvire,playiug with. Two tpati are 1 , 0 1 1 . 8, 25; John Armstrong - 9, don 8. 22; Wm Lo-, rfs, t 0 progress and be of',value". a., 410wo. tl *DriiersTrot. . . :. . - . to dischargd his duty- lo the satlifactiott- of- -ealiected to dio. Phe New Era 0 aplendidfacilities fqr: 1 net take hold of the publit by it"Wa. A Bucharest Special fiaya r4mors of peace is ati 0. T. -lot 4, idn 9`t 22; Win MoCool, lot 29; cdu 9, 21; charW the public, he certainly abould.bo hilaled over. . this excellence' are.beciffilingjrldrd Clearly -defined. rt "Tili season for tnowtug inachino.ac i- A066L. -'On Thil isd while 'Mr Ruddell.'Jot 21, don 10, 11; John Reynolds,'Iot 21i cot doing all kinds of zd fiinarn ntal.prj­ Iter WtUfesonj E, lob 25. c6f, 9, BB;, 'rhos least sfigacity' parson, 'extended[ j. bogus, ikra'aetlfally M lot 27, con M, 25 ; Woo Toyforo lob Ii don after comeitting 'such glaring mistackeg,' Inv not retain that hold by tlie coals. - 1f,the assessor bad the Some,imptiden anagement. - Whea'a man has not -0111f; 011' dents.WiILI sion'be bera,,an I lie Davi ing. Ralei 4nodiplaitf Foried thi t nc, rntiati d tfi# feei. _iVj .-G. ay hi's subscription. to.. a nowspap-r, have to. chron! e better wil . I it be and M6. G. E. aof. Gpdoflob, itition io:tbol Sarnia Red Itibbou Club in BeAla for i1he cesentign of-hostilitice. cle'th Pay,, of -Clit.tan, 10.22.; JoReph Taylor, lot 7, con 10,281, J(,Iin Drinlop. abould hold his tongue. The law made to gc) emperance), 'tar, visit Dweit on 'fliurscloy-, he SATEfR] lace, the seat bf th v ry ktlicit, and if they fail to -,cif the s :36 PEREEIC AT H0 113. Ute towards keep! D4y'Jii. .. driving iii.tha former p let S,'cou. 9. 22; Jas Southcombe, lot. 28, -oon 6i 23' amcs8orwis e asillogilteits of, their Dotroit brethren the baywitker,and Wirvester;.therof , dre be John Scanlin lut 1 oon'4" vern . 5i Jas 41eyunlds, lot It'), 4o by. it' they are am sa'aples, ana watch 10rio to all.. a and use- A Vienl s spc fii ca, thr6wing, all out,- on 10, 25 -, Andrew 0060 faith in its lufluene rumors the formation. of careful. rriaLre turned ovei, -can 4, 112 omi Is if) it'penalties. If &rniatis-'went- and Addiesi,k.()2 qTiIE-%LNO.VBLTYCO.-' paper 03at speaks, alona to him' an alliande between Germatiy'and 1taly, Miss Davi s'fell beneath qnd, Wall Jainsontlos 28spou9t,27; David blounataiti,lotoo, the asSellsot knows'wilen llei8 safe No wouht Act 6overed thit1bey 4afl'beea moiilt' 286.15t. amiqs'ELtrect, Montreal, -P,Q. A I)EAUTIFUL -display Of a0rora-bore4lias ran bve,r outfageolle on, 9 y wag visible an Monday even It The courtwas then adjourned to milet'sg4in at Locdoo intert AM observei. J:hava; no ill -fooling tn- airing it speak is'n I o colcul6t d' r&ff The iog,. the- sky ore npir cont dict the plainest I 'iiosed j.411S.*'A. M SHERANi lately Of MR611611i'Will To - who -with- him have to pay for the The Situation at Constantinople is extrom I b the vii eel lont. odt intiall 'on 11, 22. - ra truth$,. uttered by a (]is-, ion he t ifitial. ` A state of. sidge -is decia - x d in - the was. done to her haft ber borough, on the 10th June, 1877. A cob belonging toMr, is Haiisdn,: Xing- j. delve Pupils lm in trumakital and vocal,31II41c. do much in the way of forming' carrying of arm"e or. assembling in orow6 i's lo,king as if a shell. bad pl. ot %vards'tbp asse8sor or ariy fferson.Ose in -ijoui Ong, Ire t re' Idence, two doers ivest of the t continually running Clot ing,, being, torn., The othei `cvo w 6 COUNCIL, XEjCTXNG. neverth&43 I feel a I -tytoo and Nvill, ston, tavo birth to, a littet of . kitletis, am For tarraff, n4l ion, The Afail has failed because, forbidden. Contra, waves of ligh. t liber riticiso:. Wesleyan dehin.1 a. 'It , ' , -- 1111led its promise mor or less brised,.but notseriously. Council' Meetiilg who then o.)ened, Moved by the acts of public semnts—' -wifidli ras oile'h groat ou'riosity. It, has t*d Clinton may 81,48M was asThere was- a brisk engagernent n6r Nikol in All directions.' J Britten, scoon odbyJIlowsoA, that the fo wingic- Yours bo( fr '-m- I thd sUou!der down, seven . lo Atkinson, SO, fox, A it, k Mdy was goin' ate be paid, -vb ., ug g; ay., an organ of A party of gentlemen. p9lis, on Vriday,'betwou a, Turkish iroa-cla d 4n,'did n6i th g -to, -,be DRIViNQ PARK, A meeting wits 11614 '" . ' x OB81-:11VER, two tails,. twalabuthsj 0 tQngaes,,Dhd four a, the prospectus promised, a mo, and, the. Itusslan 'fortifications. The- Turks el do oon it 12-18, lote 1.5; if Fl,iody, Otif. for hilinu. Ba 28,4877; 'w t: Such a long mon6b, until Wo glanced at the on Monday eveninglaefi-hir the formation gravel R 20-211 cou 14; a Foster. $ ), f, -r drawing eyes When the -old ca b. ssW 46w tho kitten. 001 .It was to eschew , perionalities 6 elifim re ce decency it16 the tone of public destroyed theearbli-works', and th -date on,tho,olft8rdii of the -NEW-BTU Mill .:Of a socletY to ptocqre'latid aita'lay out 'a p an f,,r Afobtl.haolls bridge; ae Wooltial 40 eta, for treated, leaving 4Q dead oil the field" ek, and found that it was plaaed At -.91 driving park,.when stock plank fordulverts; G Fltutoft;, $4.89. for plank fordul- To the Eitor of the Ycw Era. 0AXE INTO THE j?REIVIISES OF TIM SUDS0111. It wi's to adopt the higheit'. . Advice's'-fPcinaCrete report a terrilife state of We, to thd extent of' vortp, a it 16,16, con 8 1 Jas Gilesple, 835i for making The amesat' 00inwall, on the 24th were %J lass; Lot 26 tat-Cou. Stauloyt about the m!dale of affairs existing, The Turlts,bave'comblaed d * a. flowever, mistakes will happen." $500 toias taken, and it was resolved to* so. J 12 111, lot 25-20, and Geo liuddell $10., ro'Clinton to marred, by . the . fearful accii- ay, a SAY OOLTv aupy6sed, to be about thre; years AY oulverts con I Dviix -Sin,-4n, takin a trip fro a ournalism and pave the ay, to earrence of a old. The owner Is herpby notified. to proie prot.erty. rid better departures. evening last core fr6ol'Mr. Andiews, got making onivirt con D, 1.0-11, lob 21.-04rriod. Holinesvide hnd 116r0r's Hill, I was surprise(] dent during the, hammer ilirow'ing cow s- peyoharges and take It sway .- It wasi in Against the Christian population, and, are A Rovo.-ba. -Thurgiijay 'either by, pae.- Moved by I HowRon, see by J 31godn,'that hLo petition set an example to the partizan press , I ch ago or - lease, 6 ft to sio, the impi,ovoinditts that have iaken tition. A girl age-"WrMn years,' named 'horrible while tbo'nigb t express , Was. coming up een ac?* -s of land just" of',D Shianithan and ottidrs be granted, antl that the surn JOHN H. PEAREN, Committing -outrages. 'Women are irtry, And bring about -the reform being ravished., sud, th efitirp populatio' i ' tram Seaforth,.having on bcierd -a number north of the Flax Kill. We believe' it is Of on, dollar pot *ask be paid to Blichael. O'llara' , an place in - the buila i n line, with in the last yoitk , -Ellen - Kavinagh, was struuk o the, he d and A !§ in- old and: ludigaut man.-Cardeit, '- i .. I . teedeth then, and which it needs the -greatest terror and, excitbinent. British the intention to turn the Same, itito a re ' Aloved by J Lasltsm sea by X Britton, that the . Vs. mially from, Koh-nesvillei Ito Porter's Hill. in'stantly'killed by'a hamwer hrown by' R. an ever. rotvti6h lids be (if excursifiniBts,scitne of them pretty drunk a g-miatea, -and Vt1h A E;gligb church has een, mo hpion df, the world. CAUTION. th Thii was the line which an solicited. gular toWn park, if possible, bnt.fiffli6g tition of Walter Murphy wid otikera occ rred -betweep a Clinton. an T the promoters of the Mail laid down,'but how p a ro% that $10 be granted Air filling gravel -on con U 12,10, built at h Ala niflg, of 3103.3 $PATCHES, in'thW, it will be used merely a The last batch of convicts sent to Kingston! I;as it been followed? The history of dieva. 0Aj'S DE (3 ode b.' AS Soon as the troil 5 a. driving lots 14 15-10 to be path o4t of t tw-up, ropil tions for OlInton. Bin Win., 11,1 ch has improved, big rich yout p a I 0710P IS TIERPUY (IIVBN TEUT THB BRIDGE A Vienna despatch says the Turl-A Attempt- could be Stopped', the Conduet6r bahticed Psrlt-' that Part Of the tQWU2h1P.-0Arrl6d- the creation of a kitchen Pehiteutiaryfrow; Elgin Jail had.a very un'.. Novorthe river Alattland, known as Molvilla'a. Bridge p r best answers the clilestiou ; moderAte'at place to Ilig usual and roundabout trip of, it. on the road loading from I. Concession Road 9-10, to the a ad for the fourth time to estall The ilouncillhon adjournod to most. again -at Landes. nous -e, X. J. McKenzie; Wderich township They were first it soon adopted. a style.0von more vehe. 'king 0AT9PILLARS. -A, ireat.many trees here- 1, put on bo gra a steAmer At Fort* S liah their batr -the Clinton boy outilide, and he, not Ii b6ro on 31ohday, 28thi at 0 o'clock a.m. banlsy,, ta.*- Village of Hnrtf6rdo in the -Township of'Hullo, t, In the went in its political vituperatiiduess than, thi terl"'-OPPOIlte the Roumanian position At Tha counbil met it Loadooboro on the 8tb, pursuant doing the work. The neNt 'new hogse we ken to Tolddo, In Ohio. where the boat ivas County of Huron# Is dangerous and. unsafe for I nblic Globe. It 0 caked up all the - The P .. (he undignified, ut-just manner of his at, gbouts are literally coibred with caterpillars to, inotiola of adjournment. All the mombers preseal. cotne to is Mr. Jobu 17co's, who hao a Vo I fy travaland i ,,,!artrag travelling on said ridge do go. ippaared tohair 'l 144ez, olumanian, artilleiy drove them p'n1sion,, Went for a brakeman iri pugilistio Th 0 wson, the list loaded vitit corq, and thonpo back. over Lake , their wn 'j. By order of the litimicival Council of bad examples in the course of Canadian poll. way, - . 1, do not confine themselves to any one Bloved by J Britton, seconded. by.J.Ho and the -fine place, built -by 0 Al Anning.' r, . I style. For dboiA five' minutes -matters . to a I plathawaters, fonoo, viewers,, pound, keepers, trio; through the Welland Canal And on to. the oald,Tbwnshi of Ifullett. tical journalism, and set to work to excel species of tree, bitit all seem. nffer $rom 0 Procter is also building. In t14 dis6an Etipatoria intelligence aun6nnces that Inost revised road divislonsig now read, s passed.-CarrAod. I, them in personality and attacks upon the pri . :f the families belonging to the wdalthier waxed warm, tbe brakonjan bulng to beat their depredation. People, are trying all Alovod'6y J Lashem, Bee III I hla;ani that His clerk cq' Xing4ton... JAXnS BRAITEEWAITV, oitherhaud,ve see Mr. Coul,'s and Mr. Mil- Township Clerk, be Irt o9 roul off the con ricad 10, 1 1 o Mr. J..L On Satu rday, Courtic*b's fine now residence, which is a mod'el & Bruc tr4ili,clueat London, wag going 'down Hulls t, May 29,1871.' griag. pow4er into the tree,'other satnia. All the shops are sdrtcof schernes to destroy -thein, 4ome all ot"Y T ler?s now -houses' We then abr4o t evening as the Loadon;.Ilurou Township diork'a Mae, vate characters of public men. 'Its lftngu; ge class fled'into. the interior. a retreat, when the jUlintorliarl* proudly rhotpii to not y.Thos oon to ramove the log t was not that, certainly, of gentletAeu, but of shut ; the merchant ships have lef b; and the silirveyed the battle lield, and started to occupied b tishwives.. It pandered to the passions cif the smaller -vessels have bash 'sduk or, haulcol. ting rage in coo oil and *burning thein,sowe ello*gon, that the Wyk, farm house, built,by Vir.-Mackenzlcf. The, the incline cast- of Hyde Park, the eagineeir There is-a-porceptible wallbof pia. on 1ramove aliffia n6ticad a ma'wlying oil the, n6rth side of bho 1peopl S slignk od. ly 11, t worst class among the Conservative 'partij ashore, OFTTINO Mg*svnsD.-'An Anietioah. Pa.' 1'. to outy Two 1 nbit is th'st of Mr. 0. McGrqgoi, who, liab got rcP3P' a on S R 20-21, con -lk- parts of the town in, the. evening present obstroptions that he flat placeMert -anci track with'Itis Kead close up against the rail, and its managing editor ivag not ashamed to' vlsii)ns,.'- per sitid 11 the tradn on 4 Oertain'litte, of. ing the appearance of &amaft torih light Carried, a real neat house, T, 'gtirrisofi Lie. say in a Court of Justice, wIfen giving evi. A I corresipondent 8tatei that-Rugsla's war railroad was last week delayed at a station Then c6mo)l Mi,, V. M as Instantly Whistled I down - reaks,'l but S4311s his G o6dis: Ivolleasidn, -from the nuinber of flaming Pdovitl by J llowaon moo by J Xaqon, that the clark. Kenzie builders. be authorized to notify 11obtVartari the pAthnaast6r, -on - Dougall, who has had oreotdol a largo now before the train could be stopped'the. cow, donee in a libel suit, that if the mail -aid not on Turkey Was for a two-f6ld,objeCt,.of gainm wAll,the conductor was niai-sured fdr.'s ighti visible. Everybody, sholild exert riad cUvtolon No 42, to stop up the road over the bridge barn, 1 suppilie one of the largest in tlkq town. catoller struck ihe'unfortuvate tan in 4ho itab some one undee th6'fifth ilb every morn- Ing the right of way to China, and, by oper tuil; of clothes." This remind's us of a ;fiernsolvoa in tho-destrucitio'n of -this pest, known as UolviUo'o bridge,. on the road loadini1riom to collapse. N ationa fit frocing the Pan 8 'pi built by John McLennan, 'son ing, the paper would have 0 sell R 8-9,*t6 the village Of frartford, and that the clerk shi T. Hun back, and throw him off the, embAtilcment. rqak-e Constantinople a free coslav'c Sto to"' to M11111lar incident that occurrad. on the L., f6r if itlenot, done, groat; ipjury may an. -Aloo advortize in the Clintou NEw EnA also. put iip a neW barn for Mr. A. Ble., (Y being picked'up, it was found that he was 11Y. otheir wonder then that this concern, started, with wnpolito pofrt that the sdor- artles tra. FL a few 'days Btnce Two exprea one to the fruit and shade tioe. . It, W )Uld, bridge Is mAdfo f6ri'Mblid travel, Imd'tha6 p McDougall.. Mr. C Oryderman h.as added to the worse f6r.liquor, and conscious enough to PATelft: rolling.6yorilaidlirl godosoattit6ir'owariski-Carriiid. so great a flourish, and continually- belying its h<> in Joni alab'_be Wall, if all tho will, the, appear"wice- of- hid plicoi by a- no* visiaii, Say, I yo tiitt ises, bag -runk into the -dust and. is ob traink waro to gross: at* odrtainL Stab dvi ltna-poPlar - 7,TQVod by Media, sedonded by.1 Lftiliam, t4.db the Ikill hle,' . gig. In'.; ol to Call u on its iharalilolers to Come to d ti a in I [)idea of tbotif *At back. serious. &rgo.m A emolistir, vot' RIIWO, tooL and foir this tle'poso ons frees ter replaced with me ]a f-Alowing Accounts be Paldg viz., 0- Hooking, 90, for dah, I do not think any other,three miles in J arle's are no 9CO i, p , as Ph'i great 'lie other te, pass. ate produo a 0 a largo portion h P P 0 a- - On ThursdAy last, Mr. 1). D. Wilson; 6 at Belgrade, oil Tnosday, Tho 31etrtipolititil ti(I Into &giding to Allow t ditching oil don for Gooldfich townshi Can show each Im i v its rescue. N?1e believe that there t for Rusian suecowi bef6ro Life Whi hig backed u ditching, 06U R 12-18i lot 89; T Atkinson, $t2, for gra- Seafofth, laid the Corner stona of tho now future before a truly Conservative roVeparer otrered 10 hot p a knight of the irvils-we now hatto to,hglxt. against. vol for. coil R 12-10, lots properly conducted; before the fa;t. even, if I'lince I'll PIT-jaegs of and all iumneiigo SI)garn wad busily, engaged: taking the eon Moved by YlIowfionj Noe by Britton, that Cho pdl A- IIEADra, Presbyterian 011urch in Exeter, which, thicagh Tenders Wanted. 4will seriously undertake td retrieva its Course. crowd, Ott the other band fill Lho Coiviorva, doctor's njeAfioro' A HAPPY Olto'wn.-On Wedabodil our Hon6fohu Walker and-othartib6 granted, and that the -Bsyficlo, May 29,1877, the enterprise of Rei. Air. Hartley, bid elders live oppositi6u ilanditlatas have', been clooted tot- a suit, oild upon coil- S9 The Mail may become a power, which it ohlilklig, the tr4iii started oil its onward towfisiteolito were SAWN Surprised t a statute labor for the present yeat'lid dominated At the IALE VAWDERSMqLl, BE RHOEIVED UNTZ to of 0 per day, suit the money expanded lit ballOng and the baembers of his congregation, together 6ur o1olook PAC, ozi 111canday, Idite 1191iq for by cleansing itself, and [ley, rAdwalks In the villtago -of Uindosbofoo find& the ditee, ayAeld,8qu%blo.. -with'tbe liberality of the Citizens, will be erec., building if Brick Manodt Union Church, Brudefield, The never has been yet, 'a the HaPplow"-fitary to tbo procession that.enterod. at aid The .9 endeavoring to carry subilis. the palide firit Bight acamo]3 knowing what, to inalto tiori of the Led this Summer. Mr, Wilon Wag prestinted olondl.brlok, and plahtoring work to be In _ put Life pro&tmme Q01!RT oi, Itt, _,.Vile C ,rpent.ingopA(nting#&o.linanbthorcontriLet. Anyla. which it originally laid flown. W1111 man O ar( Jojro . I . 'Ourt of, no. of A4 bilt'ria White vottla And glaves h6ve it) Aloved by J` llrfttoti sea' by 4 Lftsham, tbAt a gtoelal The. 61lowing, from 4 S4 CatIlarities with a beautifill silver trowel, cit which we up rnan Who- --T ,11MLYnt bifV,. J, -for thig edivu, sat on Alond4y ovbn' 0411 It 10-01 6pposiffil formation ii tdapect to plan and specifications can be Th# orlobli, Ittiv of $46 be tandii, ter Op6m oonsclebee oil its staff ill not eight, the f4at tlitit a inarriap had boon, rolis .1-2, of% the petition. of AM mith end oth rs;- paper, nittyproveof interefitto ourreaders, inscribool-111iresonted -to D. D. Wilson, seen at the mange up to the above hour find do6toi whelk -tender# *111 be opened Hatl9factorti "Sodurity- nodes- "ondeacend to rib-stabbin&aud who,4011 can. a4mit toteigiloirg to ih-service, - A ourill;er it itig last;. Mr. Squireni of Ouderich, acting particularly to those directly interest, E s4.j in commemoration of laying the cornbr or Was going to Ila, and, sary. The committed do notbli3d theradolyto-to accept rin.ro- iati Church, Exoteri 24th day. the eat to employ language in paliticil debate Bugligh gentlemen, who ,hava 1,;W ex go coutisol oil blialf of the tclwil. AS fill if, If, Life fbatdrOS of VIM] Mad byS llowa6n, ado by I Brittofto that Lb a sum i the roicent dol;arture of Mbiars lowest or any tender. :omewhat eloiated above that usually tir!- ill the 0 It is one of. of $50 be expanded Ion roada and bridges of thd town- col it gtono'Presbyteri in. Life a ce of the fairness aud.. Wiladbia with lqo of May, 1877. A. Y. llartle , pastor John JAMES DALLAS,, So. I Oitaulau, tot -cog. that when a young couple get married, ship durin the prhadat, year, as. follower, vlz. s 1001u & Ei Iliotkfiont Dayncid, what *so nown An word No I,undor th% dirochiob. of (In 1,VedneNday , bvon,llg last Aboat Anderson, Bool., older; l?. MoKay, older. Brucoad1d, ttay 25th, 1871, meSIX bated to coal-heaverg, men who. carb more w I'll ­iays tbftt C' iih re A Viefina. dispatch UorttlArLwAs 4 all their friends fr miles aroud aro'hivit- 1.111itton; about making the paper a thortiughl.attrat have only to state that no more than ad, and the largbr the or(iwol"Llid greater '2anov 8100 on ward No 8, under the directi6a. of J Ile- ololook -tho, ropellife Messrs. 010annor and Ilogg, barristers tire and newsy concern thaii st there Slander- shollool for eight hours oil Nine Oceanl-rived fit tile Itell Willact $100 on wahl No 4, under the direction `f' J Mills basin o,,tdpd witli, whoA, 6,000 bushels ho osailing ships vVoira audhma, Steamer Alteratioiis wera.mada, and they of a triAing honor, to the. COutile, 11) t1i, i6l4tauoo 01il igifibam, sloot on wata No bi undoy the ditectiou'of.1 ahave received instructioAs front 11,n T $6 GREAT 'SAL ous hack, there is no reason for it Slaking rharnetef ; otio i#ao the changing of, Ow pair Mast be'lleld N',e0tavey, Ottawa, to enten, An action Against banicrdlitcy. Bob so long as it is conducted of the Austria Danube avigation (lowVtiuy.* ill 111 ;Ul 65fit'l4tiCht (Or ilowson, of which were consigned.to Mr. S. Noololi , tho.ObbawA Ave Preli, on Adetllnt of allog6a i fld JM606 troAsittlerb6tuithoki2ed foi pay the upon its present principles anscrupulout and Thd Sdberlf ot Blecca hai flacrul the treas. assessment of 1-it'18, from James Ferguson no- less ihan twouty-six paqlages fortned tome on 6 6 ordere of the sloressid douncillott, for their having been ghippeal from Bayfiold,' by his so long will it be unprofitabla , Alve toad divisions. -Carried, libellous matter contained inan editorial' par. urea of the Holy Shrine at thol.f8ultanIg dij. to A. Knox, and the other tiva, was 69 ro- the lino. to covet, hills agraph, which all stored it, that joutnal 86mo Clio E U E Bfave(l by J 1,44 saa, ate bir Z JiMon, that the w . 6661110 this firm, Who haa a storo.hoitsol at Bay. K PICT R S People in Canada know a newspaper when gteg4te 200, 1 t),090 Juing. of lots = and, 3o2, beiongiiigto xv. lint rultiv fit Like laolten Oero so good look- tatuto labor, its wossed on the a9bossrudut 1-011, they gas it, And ae not glow 'in expressing. piastres. mitbi $50, and. reducing Thom. Gibbings, raddeed rind-liatyand fli0ali ' field, wore supplied -with inoiioy by Mr. X -ea, oys ago' The &M49ce Ate lo'd-all $100,000 - that wo almost onviLd the'.youn- mon a Insist 91 years of ago, perform ous day. The paragrap TIM, Ithdartigo6d has b on inatrahtod to bitor fot Advioes frola. Athens repor, I; that the Greek atawthent, $100. Several parties that ap. it . flon-afisdas. d ton to purchase whoat; on his behalf and'shill h read as follower: - "It is stated Aftor Aollig Carried. salat his Auction Alart, Haven Stroof Cliatoio their opinisa. 010i Ili to st, Catharines. J106 is given short, ni good authority that.fiat of North Shore for a short timoo a largo collection. of Vdry 4110100 Blinisttylligtesigned. There is great 02bilis. t r positions as ebeorta. plia(I to be put,on the aegessinout roll were he -to nj they departed as Moved by 4irltbaill add by a tjows6n, that a bating of Railroad qontractdr under the Quebec Govern. The following appeared in this moruitig's went among tho,population of the Islafta of parties mkktng wire fort000 on outline of their can rota, of tiltrehaso, which fias refused their req'ilest, the court'Cornloi to Adfrig gravel already appeared -in the NEW E nA, anil e went, 675%000 are not aocouilted for b woik OIL PAINtINGS, -A meeting of the 111a papers . tithe 11 ahste. Crete. Vatrloti6 wootiotto have -been h4d at the conclusion that they had not the power no approval -soon as thti batik diA... cloti, in any way., It is further stated that a holders to -day, It golutiral dehird was 4 vilic *hidh lb waa decided to wait twenty dayp,fur to do it., They will lbbw have to islY )Iy to ptailley allow drifts therefore omit it), So' ery Istge-partion of the work done baAboon OHROM.0so eta, .-lists ad answer frqui the Tutkish (tet, Abor Cd6uty -Xudgis - -aftdt thw§-Vot covered the had been vioibim!7,ed ed to hive the papei, to d h' k pial iilri, made at'Xlrilf6ft" likali isq'ilail F, 1; the arrosC 6f $6hu X4-qs' ud z0nofemne'by eorAI36tent NORA INGS T, t 16 crotans: irried,otlo an .--Ateps, W 10 An AP, council inot, at Arua at IL illy Irampa, The platneff ard, now sna not Great erAsking for the ap have been issuod, fl6fattAct lot D Illotb, but the veatillia were -hot, to be found. R& broke out at Walkerton, oil Monday, b0411fit' evening, And privAto, .6ourt; of Reviioll, UiMAUNIXY, Ove 26th last,, and Ag- foad'"fook. notion said overi o L Anction pricoft. will be taken at once t meour e tha t W 'Ile They than endoavored to godare,tho wheat destroying nearly half of the businose portion 6*61- 'ment of Mr. a(labons under tile, title of T#0. alw#s a at 10 cielot1c. p, im Wtnbem All prei;ut.- ill the sold The shareholders priie4i ex C-Calliod" before, it should be -to oil in Mr., Noolortla of the -town Twenty stores and us many pre sod a wish Prince of Crdt#. pleasure to notiop the, dvaueetuont of The following 011.0816 ViOVO ontGrAd 4944 1 . Autto owoun, lab any path f If, Iran VoW4 db%vn in dwellings were btirna THU96DTig I)tS?ATtH%4. the nowspitp0s of the 'Province, shol 4r- the toll ; JOSeAl IN Gout , D, lJohinflon, J. TY od b.0 J f1tion, Roe. by J mill, and the pherlil o 1 1. The lotig being odtl* that all shares might ba by Mr. p Naster vho has any road s6rapars fix his division, out The sigot of Suitivals ultituatell taking sk tioulaili so hon those are situ Allen, A d 1. Aggiy- of repair, bo,lostruotod by, the atod in our D. All lag being too hasto aftfie iti arnica ith the mated at fully:050,000. The fire originated ,ned$tst oldime(licr to have the sathe, vepaired, find that 11 documents, Via tried to got tha wheat 'in"a atalilb of an'hotel, and is 8upposed to o Patteiou. It oiganiza(l itself f-ej 4ana in, tbg, war 6deatnulale. im'06diate uoitilaborhooa., A, visit to the high's osep.sea, The cannot 7 To Wn' WIL t -.640 411 Air A Court of RoVinion, -by tsktn and sub' the laid 00undlIM g0b tka a rorairdd at tho roost On, itito t1io elevators ab Port, Oolborne, but 0 pt, 336 - 111AOIQ , A London special says *6 Augsia ll ad Vence ffic(# of the Lonaon Adverliiatr and tho . vqlaui pl*m-Carried, 3 low is it prirtial list of lossiog --Samuel gingg's on the %Lnuba, hag ben pottilonod, phrtly b a ouvinced tit ItoribitIg the, McOisry declaration III that be. C.'Outioll thou hdJoUrfood, to mast gqAta at LondoiboT6, Arabia IWNUugh taid his orders wore to da IT will be seen thab great doStructioa is Cities, of thol interposition of diploma6y a. P11M, a low days ago, C half, liver the, wheat at St. Cathatinca And, tbAt, Was tbobol, $3.' 000 ; Schartz & Gtabill's black. Big- that t4o hard tinits 6d no nilliatial y ti- -an tho Ift :vno, that bsfi4 the 411 arpolulda to bold t The astagitn6n4of.- Robibkoo.'anclJoteph tilt 0014404 COW Of 3101016 being made in savorAl pj oos li firo and n . whore he was going to take it and did So.- smithanoIWA9 on shop, $1,00; C,B,86vono' of the distinguished English Tragodiatelf. 4 6 '106 WDS AbOu &it iutea raMiettabot, & dompitra- JAuEg Whom; tho p I . that it behoves ever# one to.pridfice the rvw en Eglatid and Russia. its,, was reduced sad J, 1). Allen,, ropol[0 WAS At the dock the 010. blacksmith An waggon shop, $1,100 ; cunios, tively short tints $p, w1iou the AdvW,#o at _t P; dwellirfg alico store, and oiflices, $4 00. MiSS SOMM MILES, 'fig thi'd dry and warm The Rusgions yobtordtLt attadkta* t1a, Ti0k. bod of an old' _a*id aomnioncoot to fak6 tho vvhot out pretty Weeks, farniturb, $500k; Whyfe's Zo Utmost caution dari $6010f J nos Turnor iliplication to'be inq4cotivash*14 near 4ift-' V.6 -or %Ud lifib Into the vebsol struggling very a f6v Lbe hotel property at ttactriald. burn, illoi 22u,a inst., on tL ish poldtions at Batoutil, a tr eliste naa named who dita Gaddoo. lively, wbft, Mr. Tatoog A. ilillor, tepresontt bh6p gapportdd by the weather. It would be well foi the Inipbo. 'blij larAe forco which the Russians brought -to noo, n Hrallksomongtth6 which hs ,has ourebatied, a7w4tioll itanted. $1,000 WSri of t1le Ptovinco. It is Moved by Mr. Allrenhea tee, by IV, Me- IV' On the 10th fns6., afit! wag bfiridd next; day. ing the; b'ink, And ing; $5,000 rosidenco, tor to make rk taut through. _thti town and R DRAMATIC COMPANY. attack, And their anistonq itgal Litt the Otto . shop, anol tolegeaph office, $3,000 ROYAL STA oompoil all to Cleat, chimneys and SjOV&, tnan ArWIS4 90or itt"try, they *tr6 fibally bright, sharp and spicy, And ably adit6d. Xfnloy, that, the olork bolhOrnoted to tntor De"AsOcl bact-tome from the States som6 thno Jrj Yeelob. 1 116 aneg,' -The foratef SoNvellee It I I . ofoildfitri. 'Large and rApid'preadeg turn out itg vAr! it pl ed 4go"'Apd had induced lag; 1104ill, with WhOnt forlitol the wheat, be tig taken out; and' tho T. P. JO natoilld qtook and buildings, $1000 ropulsod, leaing eat fitubbore of dead And - the nambadf all i pipes, and do overithloo toqul lts to'l mp f, lasted tau' bus, editions, &uA the thor6foi on the a86otsfin6oi toll, In flia proper b 13 rogdod, to Come il6ug I with him bit thd letter Said it mast be 'taken 'out, Then, the McLean ct 0 o,, livery, $3,060 ; Mr. Hoaly, h4vugagaitfaut number of employe" bit$ *rtbill its iti accotolanob with the Act; resli6ottiag Pf6wi6il that Its would loa.-06 hit pk;1jZY th Chief of Nlioo i%nd three of hid SO 9 And the dwelling find it ruitn'te, $2,000,; Rife's lively' W019DAT EVEG, 11=9 4th* the risk of firo. walls givo; avidocce of Her Auccess. Ing, 61,500, Davidson 'a drug. htorfS Wk V6r isut friend the Preo t,06 in, 6 less 611fran6hishig farmers' soas.-Catri#d. TcGUI allkjs doath4 'The dead of tho pr6pov. ]BIApt, arrived, artaba witli. rovolvAra, to ncy frAgedy,14 Avirlidtfl, Of jtro. and dwell by ft6M the alol man's name to gerf 0. the Pele and ("ofored the and Itinildifig, $5,000 Gorger's bik-ory, dwoll- 10, acotordatigs with the foregoing raiiol.tifl6o, Ittiture stoto Too Chatham Plaita, the uam6s of' twoutv-eiglit, parilong Oft. onao Vored to, pniveit thadion fr6ul 511OVOI iig., And #hop, $:1,000 ; Gdory'd ft 11-A M L F, T I PAPOr. wdet of' Toronto; givait it it atongtol, hence the inqfteaf, ling, tho wlidab, but, doald not otop thd alavi%- rhOPS, 02,500 ; WilIKU1800 & C 0.'S S' 01trong ad V60AL6 of protection, - in vidw of of Btugftols Attiltit at Wool -6,6 the toll the e6urc ityll tho Groat sougatfoA Iford doold6d, hdvahtgge whith it has tint boon Thath resultild In &Z parfiog fi lively tio.;o all %300 - Nom)" WilA" lose Am Ott Jolt& 1 oft Tiits&Z Croirdsaf (,rabled. at om lots, sifd,thot6 Ivl .1 very ', the Itibalup . " , , I Parno fil'tho ft%tter.- Dwola Block, w(tli Bank the pfounh, beiltlea ttogg AlliClilp.1, the cago of Glasgow,, 06.t , t b1fiv 0Y lutprovo, It is now plittilig,in and after ulls b- ilr thi in -11, iii. After a gooil ilcal Of 1010 talk, M att. jaildin . u0m, to rfol 161 ('1111. W.. fuom, raut to the offico of tho mill, (VItero if, of Coinm( WN 1w rspoken of last wer6k, admita that agitioul. I up the Intierial duil pr osqos AnJ V-fll in it llnenG ,rda, 08:600; o(litiOn TIOW, (1., 06 Iatv. cents, Double seats, Wile coine but in, flow dtes.1, vilij; will dry goo,ls, $I,. tojavoil dating *6 Likily and gottl4ra0l, 76 tolato, total inoplemout AlId 66*11*9 Whollindfth- I 1 rd thot 81-1-e ..ffi (.,r III in? III 1111tvibc?"61 invitatlonA, 1 n d ew1lbat 61ioultl ho tran'l. 000, wova it moft ;Vef, all r 1 onta in , A1111 to tile tnill,' and tile courtq decide who blipab" Mott & Co.# Meilia ,n 11311.41 .6 avo been i6trad f furwar(la - -9 bock 0 o not rqtkit6 pr6tfiatl6ti, Thtil ifi IS 0. 1 111 or 600 IIIth6 tecoat labor a*;,%uJt3# his li pft 16 is u good jjii it go$ tho flo*dDspoirs thou adiouro-1 to wat at, ato, iny t,3 tod. is.legally entitled to the gfaiu, Mr. 1,11 led, On $60or . when they coutiti d6wn to, fittii, at onde 1116re raigir oogotr Blos" 1962ktr ank, and So qui they hitto bspbring, because it is an ovidoince, Varatt, oil the Imt ho Us ant. overno i of that the laftr 014i6a alld at, 6 y'luf3ge P itter cloustattoot. t4wtf reaWtll baTtka of, 4 Nvellaul. VA114, hIrdlyorol §3$00Q. 1nSurAAo;g uill horn, 014tog"11sr off 1617t kw 410tWAVO Wt W IAAW"414 iMl ;4 arf ofetilbo !A bo pxf N 0 Abonot at Tro t N, Y, 0 r J I d a be 60 car p r"oo, 6' 'the a o on oA ' 6 we p 'P'd P, he aadI ado o 1pfp h fif the for 6 P. 0 tt 4 h4 - 4b nJ f4 0. 9.,6 by m, . Y i. If. to too Part isb 11. a be I -be h a, lilhil.4 V -to to b aac10 Iadea I" a by 3 I ... ... ... .... ..... .. . ....... ....... ......