HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1877-05-31, Page 1. . .. .... ... A 0 1 Wit F4 3 alit r. IRS AN4 '.,Poring tho Wool oosillon, tho- qss 04 Al aV WQ AXNA Ott llslAsi is4WkTI1l, .4 0. A. WATSQX. W 00atiodly mokod, It do4 it P7 thoo *sior 111- Qw1# Oar Zoply MIMUX10141 It do,04 not, #Ad ;o provio to the issilkw#) Ito 00too * tow Uati. slad IL I& fl$uros for t 0 of the, wool grow. i too of catAin. 211 - lit the, grot. plitoo, let us C.osislolor JsQW xaggill, 4_ %irod to 10 M AUNT 0011 TUZ *UQVE COXP&;4'9.— a], 0 yfird ot'll.4vI wool Is- ij� U1 witItor fill 04 010thl voighso 04,0,�,044 , r Ore -tile arol. A hs an 40440wiv 4d. o4s;ltesiv., This Jan" I lie 04". ogot �T lightning. oloth"weig qss$ Our pound'. cstsiuctay� yar of good he ........... be made with 1000 than go t%k#.o b� thii atbtioyi 06mrsay; Call of wool. Allowing the wool, tq� bis, 7' rer,19,11111�1 LIA. 4, 1077, 49orth 28 0,64to per p9liud, thig, will lsjri�,q the Y01, 7XT1,.,Xo., '22.r—Terms, $1.00 per aumim. CLINTONp ONTARTO­ THURSDAY, gAY 811877, E% HQLUFS SON, pa _0 oo,lottlial stoolt. up to p cost per yar 01 tovr� the w -olipped oil has been from the sheop'a back it, is necoosary"to waste a greaf deal of tima, in picking �ng, machine, caiiaing fA great deal of trouble Ount heart, my boy kallsoies, 9t rrotectiwn- i and preporlog it, for the card The S*eetest NAM0. and may hqaven smilc W&r PrOPUM10113 in VI)914114- find dirt about the house. Afterf0e, w,601 Ism beat) plolted ofid freed from fore lgr �A mat- bor, sweetest novolne _;7othor Now tor1i Times I,014ou correspon- ter it in 11 Is, ffoo wil NATIONALLIN 0 The naino of roal on you 11 . , ley retorned to�'tbe table, tr, Gould, liko otootionlato AND, QTAM This Compaullo gootoorabito: of Trolve, 04�olaiav,lulla ,chat over fell oil "IcirtAl oar, "AgOlin, tile b only 10100 . At Queei(loof the question. Ile The I* be greased, w ic oper4 powbred steamship" QNV5LEY A 0IBSON, I�H)CSICIAXH, SUR, Tile love tit muthor, Allglitlefit love And took PP tile box. flet presse.A. Isia lips (lent writes, MAY 12 cost Ote thrnier two oonbs er pound or yard Sisplars, forom New vor D pormits to 1101triah kwt 01111014111'4� that w') 'import A few fat cottlo oppog9vis, Acconolusur cQ,,Allien. 0troott o rou d Seonritioa.ru'ro�Asedvv u i'rWi, Liverpool. 1 0, oto. ofti Whiell ll-avop -el together, isad (lid- his boat to oontrol his Whether. ti qlaild 4coistemplA hqvirtal - g . 911 4 see Not tes, tit a pox� After all this work has% een g no th from the, Unite gets to wattv *60 4ioAIN ......... vity: WIllilti. ­�t 0,00 P'lloo, The lin 1, 9tates bat for sibility of beingr draigpli intot))e %-�thtqftte ievrQ must be takasss to the woollen A war fit till, Still c I l?'I D.11, Dovrlv;,Xv, Al. D, A, AT. Gillsox,.51. D. ertles it,Aoth trembling limbs, A, oorind waa to be that we' the SW04 within I The Accommodations fooicab.in Possangeo loy.tbaso What pieoor�� of level, what going tot hope heard in thoo 'o4loost, but the p4ttlln$ have exported to ii1j$flJ 4110,Aakinde Of jn4' Thors of laven8o are from Clinton, Alaic 40, 1677, A Mabel, a houn OcAta:uot Its Vail). of the last tw�, yeisrajifllt A.Vo times as mroilly aa, 6d, (lay'a t I I dicallierta that the 611th ?3'ar. 4 at -Ing kinso, anti cost tbu� -ist-wer live co lintoti, Nov. 946744 #70. upward, according to the loohl4on of plooplog borths, dice., voramotimitove Ill R,4 iseefood to* we havol"Importoa,,lilid, of horsoo, - I) early 0 W isto par ocna words, otmothert whou they now ry, :Rvqrqjbmg is sif a. abin pagligussera have oquoil-privilegos I DIUATb'Or, TRINITY iholol, his bredth. twice tile fOr an embrgency, roa . All 0 nitliciUcooss. J. almony, BLB.., cit* pound or -7ard, not counliting lils lolib time. Excursion Or return tickets at reduced rates, Iror ftivis Wo Coillogo, Toronto, Phyvillviiiin 0 urgoon, ikp�, Blybis, 14 1, Yes trult rhothorilo 401A Iter lips, numbee," What doeo be., think we r . libilling, Whi0b. - Met fistgriustiousis to Railings, stod for rateqojfCRbIA out.' offloo:-Q 081to Shu 91n, ITtitol, teor state Ofoda. and status 41401114 gai4by taxing i1setsvi Imports? It hi edanywllt..i-ol)tltjt;goirtgxtit vIg(.,rui14 he Afto the, carding OorII4 tbfl The als U R i�*d §ltieragopilgaose, kRply tq D17ill, Jan, 29, 5. n Are lost avoid P, blight eo)lsosio,' VrQf000is otilssafs "Very expellsive to tile farmer., YC k I 1TW9 tives And a six—slitteoll; otild the evident stroet4 nour they ;7A 0 Avidwbou wil walk tile. glivisiviering.path nai b� sold again to Vill! tulepts"Its tile toy Hand spinners' arp Pan ill))' pitioI2 0. ' Coots per 9E0. W. RAILTON, Agent G,W.R.. number, while And 6f courSO to anflother part of tile A ea minater. have been stoutly fill litinjol r . X99,187 wherEI14 ten) AtIonalviowevoo, skein,,or 15 cents p9t pound; the f4rovar filr, D11. MViaTog.-orricri, AND RE SIDENOE- 0, thou we rensrhow, stroug 4 Intirmur of' 4,tipfijotiort ;ran throulah, the they Calm% leaylug 06 0. 0 filshing bpar(I AIR lodging, The "fiverage­- Viol House lately, occupied by Air, Jalives File, OR. Clio power Of so r (N4114111111 drove prolit to I.V, I as they were tit all early Pb VIA fJN81�RAiX0E,. Iv011ut0ii." - _Vivq� wean. ivar- Last week there 5 tile I- Flific the others love cap tijo� o owd. ra. There, is one thin F0 ollAtO., Nov, ally 9. Wera g thered up th motherla love, it 13 tile byrdtik I*1.80 par 10, 111!r5- 00 work for it hand apimser-l",skelne. Proffis-r-ontsis Aiwy� or 0gl-ifi#pRotioll, g)f S,sqlao leadin Suppoo sol. the, yaro to be, 4106 'they do not atifficlisubly liudiarst, What boy,ton, Itograto 80=4�' and hewith it view tco foroign, s6rvice, Is r .,. thro@ okeilist to the poundi, this will give ten &lid put them in b 4 the toy .,subjedb. If they co'fild, for the purpose of ES STEWART, AOr Tile boutY 04 that wondrous lqva throw ag4m, apaeva, it W 'porb is quitO ANdifautory, :&b tile er poundo of I-ar -9ek. . Allowip Ab the T g a girl1g. a a , and Argurid the than ti AND NIEW YQRK^ GLSGOW, I niver ty, Physician, Surgecoo, Uoss offspring beams 'Two 'sixes apd ould work 1"11081140 of to. usketa are lying'read ek. board td be wortli $2�pdr Week, it will bril; Act no our. list on AITCEI'lurli, Thonlau in tile path 64 BLIU40 ho walk, and export more equiiill�,, We do not itopoi I u ry 4,1871. sTio-ugh oilkive hath drivopii him to the,bowlt The excitement knew no bounds, and, ed and waltingilipmeilt, Woolwich Ar. the coot of. the spinning up to 20 Cents per . LT INSURNCE, S111111is, fr0W'4XpW Tor for Q*�S;ow, th% same commoditiiis at the spins, podo, The er, for A, mothes prayorl.; may win his a r re, The tl?e b avos iounled oA ory hand, carrying of, a eomaij - one port to ma, the price of opinuing, ana we'havQ tilio Vr Moli 8,011) p.m. ov 0 sonal. 4 its busy As do'uhle, time, can make pound for b0aid, to which Add. 15 Cents, par ETLIOPIA, u24 ...... 0 00 A.m; Surgeon, cto., Qoron call 9�omparv�os 0*7 as lie, took up the box to. throw for p4other adds to itoi'vo tile cost qf, thb N. It a . onso field op-�Atiorls Poll' ity froixl it. There have bee peal 'ttle gnisil of 05 cents P ell pound or*yard In first vl(JTORIA ...... Jql�13 9".. 2 00 p',m, AllIuo, 0 11 BOLIVIt ......... Juvsqlo;�.. 9 and Mill strow, Clinton, at hodrClikoloothor's call forgive 1kind third and' last time, was alimearly' Isof-and capital expetiaea, this trade" allow, fight; took' plac .00 A.m� Au$ustj 9th 1860 /.if. The our youth? lit. Chatham. f6r spinning: 4sily, Aft;..r the yaril has been IV. -W 9- A R R A NT r A g a tit.: colorlesa a's poslijble for Willi to be I iiAttle, horeeg, grahr flooi sic., which is tile on LSATIA 2.00 lo,siv. What hand like lie.o can lvvad,�s hok , . I tl�ijjsg di4tricta of the -garrison,- with �peu it must -be washed anti tlydol:,which wilL. warovit, 1878. ANORORL� nBox ....... 8 UO Fror4 $fnto tuqeemoo and trutli roduol� of �Canada, wire destroyed or a view -of lk With his yellbiviiiAll., not the pi exeraijaing-die troops at t6o'work 80 eas' .010STE Oi 1!11b,; ibyE-t- 0 oat at I b 4 cents per yard'for dywatuff And Dopurtluent, -of Arletoria ItIniverAvy, Toro ror Loind6n, 'to, for� Out rolled the dice, and CA immosise, of fttt4c�,itsog and d CON801A DATED BANK or, CANAM A1JST94LTA__J line Die I That over fell do 3viortat'ilar '; , - I . , I no three prevented, it would cut off. an efivn4ifisz fortified posit fillap, not allowing anythiog for wo�:vol, timetind �lly Of Q osp tals, 0, love of tuotber, mightle6t.1' i sixes, which . amount of pi.0fit which would certainly re. tion ),ill �appllanco in iLagatilt trocov jig thip rittis .......... June 9..00 a -M, CoroiOrfort 0 o ity0t 07 made fifty -line a' Ellvery mod4 tbfq AA ,Judy 11 jghb�-iroto play� TW 'farmer must broialk 4notber (lay to� a e , is Out. That hoaven-allows to flouris her . �of,.agrion'�t'ural-oroduoor-be- A is Is' . .. I .. . .�_ k - a - 'Tommy, my boX,.*I-congr�tula Us Woo 1t,A TE cause W*ould roducoo cr NOV" qtizwu has reviewed t1104,we4VOr, *bo Will eh# A G cridd the lat I'You are' %ter. your own the forces stationed at yarn to 19 TO GIs w, Liverpool, Vandondevr Scotia. 00161 ia a co .3 in point. It could not be he w� y, or -Bolf4vot, Cabin R. NVORTHINGTOX, -.P1IY8iC1AN, SURGEON, your mot or'M muster !--�-Fill tip the, neces- Alderalia. Eleveon thoosand troops, parad.. oents,per �avd for Nveaving atort 60T. �j$ �,Q gold, tp qud6ri direct, Mto 4'70, according.. Ai6ouchour, Li�60tbtto of blie College of Plikslelaus A Rh -Ilorea CAPITAL, 4,000,000., D file 'for - da6 forlisished to the3oonsumer. of Western On- t9'accommodstous. Intennedlatoand Steerage aviloW %nil Surgeons Of LoOv* Caviadap and, Provinol papers, Captain, and I -will'sigh, theist, t ri for I ed. There tire About 15,000 6T all ranks Ing is 4), tAqre time. tavot)l5iftst In taking lose then I etra, on t 0 finished, as by ink other first-chka" line, For. tteketp. and iilf000� oncr for %I two dolla�s a ton tile and Per These ge�tlomesjt'will be witn4aseg ��e clo, L t6 the'woollea mill to Is matibu, appoly to the County of Rurovs� offilloaiul We tranalake. from A. Geristj akotll of account of cost of oarrial�,a. ' This two.401lars now Ili campi Onve of havegimonton, Was lshb!g o_ the olo -reoldence,-The ocquivilva,bi Mr. X I will'ifob'attempt to. describe the scene Aidjutaiii-Major Abdultall The flat Ponta Apent� Thwaitos, Huroustreat. subjoined accomi, of ols QEN'0yJ 0. W. RAILTO-Ar, 0. lr-2?. American %favel � the tbilt'follo' ton. Or whatever.- it inigbiik be, woultl be 15 1 h the arniersituat it Etfondi, wh(� "is leaTning .14, more per yiiiid, after M IN TON A Clinton, Jan. 10$1671. wed. In the general satisfaction, dead loss to t1secoinsitsulty'. as WZ�cau buy nglish cavalry Ali ioddent, Alleged to lij occurred Enringi W cloth rom ion, Ian. 17, 1877 one (if the roughest. of the Stistaii, for'tbot asnouAt less, 140 - wor his fez, atia was thought spend- one mo�o,da Ing Ila Mississipi Oeiotnboata abort titgav looking men in the It would .0 the miM,* Now �Pep, as, our frien&, has �got poollists of lip a eigni icatill 1, Jet lie crowd proposed a subscription for. the be just yo touch taken out of tile, Is fl �ly conspictious. ind. Ilia olqtb made,;aind )lot L, mad at that the war. n 1 a . frebd negi-des. The proposition was re- the community, witholit compensation#- foi, 'Teut was however. It ad I ascended the Bliaiiiaaippi Says the, Still, It P the who)o Boo what it At - W ITY-STA LINE. ed: with -such favor,...that in less than the banefib oU thi'Nova, -Seotia coal owiain­ a III' ht havi) choudild that ls,'Russian officer tually, 60.4t,llij -ya . rd, llowing him noth- Interest from Four to Five'p n 6 oelv Ig oelits'. it Dip' ftiter, 41 p a Steam r on boied of, which five minutes, -,$50 was collocted.--Apple. looss which even6milly all must share. Pro. was prosent� for our Bervicea:artl 0pall.to ing - The oapra1feii4 Navigation ompony's Steamships for hizi trouble or time for bimsi6lf and 0 1 a (carrying UnItedStates Mails) RLEAN's 13ovsE,, Cbitmll. OF COR.)1011ANT werea Jdgre � and l3eneral bection cando no more than.tak 0 Rod Stoi6 streeta$ violtorliov, B. Q,�S. J6110R, Pro. o0 11110110Y Out all"who ihinle.wo can teach'thern anytbink. horses," 20' ounces ot -wool at 28 onits par n vania, with both of'%.vhorn I was 'cif one pocket and put it into anotbei, and Clinton, April, 1876. HANIO, CFELTIC, ADRIATIC., RIZPUIJLIC t0vollout 000moolations-� poll ilyl . t w fo,30 months' 'Ingo some Rossian of. poll di N35 can S; greasing wool, 2 cents; -y GER: prietor-Ei k Lok, slightly, tilat only for a tinie. YQa.Camfot, �et, some- BWIC, B111ITTANIC, BELGIC.­ to. - Bed and Botird,pailey, Single. brealsi acquaiii old. OPEANIC, 9 were Shown �11 that wi Indepericlent.. kkiluk out If 1a d ill 0, 5 evv��t sA hard �s going 9 U sell fromNijow York (Pie 52 N. B on slii��Dxyop at, thess'Na.tchezinen,' aiia bf ilothingi is (Pxotectiou) oiiily pro. obl) dre� cents so�p and dye - the C t oveiasu6nt tiationufactort6a. (if armo. dre� ng,-12� EY TO LOA N I gt il,gih LivilliumorA *l.TovasvAyH.qilllng ak,9oriolt the met tis on the cijobiws dirq, vents profit. The greater the facility of pro - 041 r �Yard. Hav, Ireland, both wayo The steimallipoi, of this Line Are RATTFNB`URY31OU'SS­1� RAMNBURY Yes, be.indepersolent, -The spiectatorA at the review were stard aff, 4 eeut,§j ;, otal, $1.03.] pe. there's some of.them down'in duetion, the greater'tho profit of thb consistj Ing f9tind out that it� will cost the farmer, all newbuilt ofirion'llowator-tight climpartrinints,iond Jr., Propti6tor.-Onvv door south of the Post Offleo, the saloon 'DouPb hang round and wait'f�r somebody bya sintilae malloitivto- towarold the se ON, EASY TERM% offertd-posseageto unrivalled accoulmodations. The Victor!& Street, Olinton. Theliftipga and, f1timishin Now men CA, be� else to go a sility, oi, to, those who trade with, tile. coinsi,u- un of, the march ptist. ..9 A1.031j- :6 iilao bi6pwu . cloth, we will 416ouo ind State-Roomin being located Ili the mid-ohip of thik house aro all now, find everything is Provided f. auoli'fo head. Break your own p4th, i iveeltl iscipever or Mojds:ty. can 'w By Will 618, 1.0ould nev, * �' " P . stity. Profits'' in flat " Iso ree p d_1 11 1 . - 1� - ntion to the woollen mill and a'seer- ich the piln'cipall, can, meet the wishes and wants of the ttolvilling public, and or see, Do whAt' 'you' or it. d our tto seption,but little motion is felt. waint doneouraelf. Von't trade is carried on. prepare some of '. a nglish. bi.atj� olvets; to fat k11q7d0_b4 MA49 there =-Oarcorrospandont 6onspIains,ovthe'-Iossof .-.cav4lrpi,eg,jinefite-hb�velibeli'b'e it* mail I be repaid In partor.all at. Rates- of pAssage, Saloon',480to sink gold, Return to. molke'domfortable, all who OiAy favor him witu their saggested the judge. the hope that it Vi6sture cit account of 'the congiun'tivin: of ed in the art of callittiring a Ticketo,'good for one yor, $145 to. $175, gold, adivord- will be done for you. P nemy's,ain-, boa made itt the woolle infli no prbpar�Ltioss-is 1119 to AlieOMMOdAtIO120. Steerage pasadge,to or from. CI Inton, Juno 21 1H7 I.., EA; saloon we"iimnd. four meli seated at American caide importecl,; bit we b0o shown munition wagot 16(ri Asad over th m.0 t term If iiiiij want to succibdP tak off y our all -1114i farmer;1jius tD do after isirfe he I by flisigin e a table sround neceaw Europe, at IoW�ates, F0 planof stiamors, sod other' which a erdwd si)ecba- �glovdi-and-cE�11(iiiar-you-r-own "A the witts--them. un- 1, , tj Alle a back, is to d. The four were the Cileppi!](119-di. e t r wo 'from tIle. sheep times the advaniag6 In.. that particular, in ail to re it , trect 0 the ill, i .0 Ilia order flir Of Loans, 'G. W. RAILTOX, G:, , A t, pInugh handles. der fire The wag� fS imaginary to APPLY TO NY -jou are a woman,. ond, bridget goes spite of the American tax. And therefore we foe wivio captuired'O. dasbinir ind nd'his work is gets 'heavy players,! 'lid- the-nion are not likely on- Ahat apeoinitt to - "kill the slyle by'i . the k of'.'eloth. Ito will, eOX&TON, ;Sri. 164h, 161�. . to . ell' li eri a lf The game w.tis' pok By Off.in. i. huffl' be independent wash laso party. � Th0oiy wss'ivade.wiih-ar­. -done. Agreatr1eal ofhard laboran.11 changed hands rapidly..* We ball not been. - - P and goose tliA li�o the golden, vaggs," 'Vie idea tiatic ( y�avjsd thle dirt about the bono6 is- dispeng-" W. W. FARAIV. vourg,:own dishes, I and scriilis your. -own Ao.( o extraordluar� practi'ce sav( ONXX TO, LMND� IN LARGE OR B1311% 160king qjtl� loni, wifeu one of the players, a �sbr of Aetaliatory polic� of fonr�mlllions on go6d mortgge socurillk, at moderate rates of �Aua laugli, 'inn -tier face when she upoh a nation. of forty, seeinktoi u. f1liepieeoplye' witl to -do 6 has been register- 61 %4th, the cost. -of manufacturing Olinton, March. 1876. . : - : .,� IP ecto ed at We ill L, JG' H. nsiddla�aged mah, whol'learnedwasacot comes ack', e;l�pecting to rieceivA with I froal 0 eilo tLt the inill. is 40 cents, oil Btoth;1869. er bet his lait-ol 0 . 1. idicuil' e ihink.i6n tlsu�. farmers. bisrylI0s,.X,-h1d - the steamers, of several of - .016th -tf . toh-plant r one d w ROYAL: 1$iAIL STEAMSHIPB. nton,Augu againat'th' open arms. the Liv pool, CoSt at '0 "o yArd 1170 ,Vill iIcvv aunt �111) the f the rising ge4eration are.educabod they will hand tof obe.of Ilia intagollists. or "D 11)0-111111� And by comparin 9 tbe'twostate men W T LOA, d"IL&SLES i'. 1111168 PROTINCIAL LAND SUR. Theid Ili nothing like late, even not consider any Protectionist' to' be their tit a -view to caldtilatin(t their 'ent to every in - 0510,00 .0 :,Thelati qured I . C - I showed four kings,*while lie had only,four if it be fate ill the aria�e'of awill-temliered fr1e�d.:--CQ*fdiaii dra -pa we t1oluk it will becioliv6:gppar Liveirolf. Ldndondarry 'Ond Aj vFy6n, Valuator, and' Lend Agent. Cfflao:-tv;�r -pa y .0 troops. Dar �ellfgont pers6u, that haiiie-sultdc fulled cloth N. 11,91.1sova's Grocery storo,Albert'streiit, chuW;j queens. 'He was 'dleaued'outl and rose _ii; r f0 elirijing stores r as' Bridget,, that are inde oadiant of it' criluend vw� 'tile A Tijvv� firoi-elsas, and 3rheephine. altroet, )Vioghinvo. you I the ar tlanti6 ateniners. is rather an exponaive article. 20 oz; wool at Riowereil, yde-b though- and cai p ine, leave . aebooevedra 01 the Allen r a. morn, Clintos� Feb. 1 -ed-a-val Iserviee-in-tbat-w-ayv- -6 eelyts cost. 8 it, erusaiem-.- ender liabl of mallul _-LAre-you-broke-colos &"one-,o� _7_AV%e,_n -Want tfactoring, 40 conts total, 75 cedta per -Yard. Loch Fo . yle,forLondonde and aegow., LRRI�GP LICENSE 'AND OD Ea. -A the men. -people fi'nd you' don't any W 9- N - RTIFICAT d.to. A the Ton liall, or vl� the r6ldilence of the 'help tit of 2% Cents per �y of their ey are' always eager to helo �rh'�se - are ush', ti' fig I?ptatb Spos, for. S,eed. tor 8sWin f2.0m. Qilliebee Dead'1' Was the laconic reply. owing A clear gain near the. London, Hurou &-Bruce. 1allway you. Things th'at you don't stan in.need tradeathrdouslam. A'corrospon intof fariner, 'SARMATIAN� Xever istj ; I'll land you.' of, will be oiFere.d you freely. Lon.49n. 6nes says that ' bl ckw POLVNESIA May 20th.. oeANER SCOTT Issubr. of Merylago L�Qensog. the a 6 W610- V14ARGE, S MODEItATB 'CIRCASSIAN,..'. 4 No � I edn fiff)ke 'a rilse, :1 'lio' no Bill. n1- When. you see d Auty before. you' do' it -me6t the eye -everywhere qui MORA'VIAN Juno,16th. Ol1nton,,Apr1l2. till, Hare, Poulp�l 'Ttra_ tintance -of employed yy sking. Good Butte -r.. SARDIN0,', Ilere 11HISsar?. rosposided an old ndgrio find don't itaild Shivering �onl thil bria.1c', road, aril on, both.41iii tiofth Od west.,.aideA 1he G6vern ment, as manager, of % n u rabries OUNTOASTLP, IlURON STREET� CLITON PERUVIAN, Xtine8olth. f.6 Th io following' rfelaisomobody wIll.say-somethin,gabotit of the ciiy, eite-sisive ilainors Aro'.in of'PuNid institutions, and leathreir'bi canm POYNESIAN,. July 7th; Licensed Auc6lorvec Harou -t- - a. Grocer gives tI : or for tbb County bf ie em' o -APPLY 11 erryed tro'mpne corner of the as* SRMATIAN, .:.,Jftly,14th.. Cammission Merchant; and General Braer,.Is piesiRrod I . What matters it if Mrs. A, iiiyillyo courall, of ;rdction'- an even ;ithin cornmilbic t4t1fe�i0- hints regarding- btitte� nialinLtbatzrijay be loon. the tonal schools; And,I I a uly gist. totake the whole &dVdrtIsiuu,&d,, lif sales 'Are i. fool, aisdJW1r. I3.'6xbiessea thef' opin-. walla,:noa the Amp d*iornb lid With profit by All inter(stba A xperiment respecting tile ro cit t6n,felv. 7. 1�677. that I bough:t ill Nt ez W t' '�Ilk lits is beilig potto. Iljisi.pring'be had arrived'at the Clinton, SAlit. 7, 1874. UORAVI N11 July gbth. In thil colaw Brinulliat. girl and lip ion that there in s6methibg wrong- in ybour another lArgor f L Avold the cowEl,ft6auy* wo 'it, - T 6h W0.Aiix,TidrcETa'FuRTi1ER R�D'UQhb. upper stry I What, she says I% . u I Gi what he but hosevA ilfidingo Ore. -designed., coinclusi6n that the Shoots r germs bhould or frottink t1idni bxoited.:. SHoP --:J. 33N, liontents, gentlemen, 1 11 $onto - t a o iaya.d6es not Ali as houses, for, 0 dMarent. natiOnsi be'uiea..ili soied ii�istead- of it b r. 14 T BA booked, to Londou'de'rri, C. rropriokvi% BhAving, 4*alr tu e !Z Milit in.. c CLEN TO.N KIMY.- or I a 1 no. wtill vellLilate P noel, outting anti dressing, money,. Queenistowni, Beltivist, Glasgow or Don"t 'ask overybod y a' dolvico alit)ut and ro ere �b . eocieties'. tdnbe let' 6e 'illeref6rd planied � field'with potat'o shoots froC.from all foul odiiiii, 46,1 I'sidei shelter L9111 ono Ili tho best RCylvv. Ladies'llor Aves"ed, 'The old'slogro went oil Ilia ert d �a ILI dons, at, sonkne rate sts,10 LAierpool. sold i1t:1r9 f I a to and made up, in the liotost.faabion, Anti A, mOderate evokytbibar. flave 0.1ack'linough to d6cidd tube. in uts 6 two roiling babli. Tho two i else -tile ie -ng,. leaiving in rainy wether- cows stand tip in itty-movanlor. (1,;R with tile girl atla. her young. gor youis��Il,4. 0 s..to hevon Combingginade I -about one inch­abovo oroui I, rile, ;irl' proved to be 'a stately It you. wais't.to-'buy it bushel. pile, 11 a to be provided with homes.:. for lid, tiolheoring in Awhile -to o bi corp -don�t a ' -a , sitting about. IV - free, and llsooaq�,-Wbo poll, ay ru -ime—rout a 1-� i ti, bion. t snill NAN Tile advantages offera by this Llne4ro vorylow isteii millafto vrortiaii about 35", years ol other respects tb t io.mod . of djul vii T. d. Hoe d X wborwyou had.botter 1h re to 6'peripitte' k nd 'best aceomin6datioust greatest amount. of comfort; at-: :UITOR, WXXGITA)f,'UA8 BEEN ask iig Xi Y, all b16 a b d to -purchase Tfiough"the season was very late, �the oper- 3.,.Exclodo ll. dirt froinAb mil - OX98 11140tell, 'ouriti-and safeiy attaiviablej and 4hortent so% passage.. V i. appointed.Ag6u, tot, the yplingsLei.t.wiaq a fine, intohi4pnt -loull'sig. buy ii,'or if yoIIAlldiA'.I)ottcr.wuit until , eir 'habitations by opoissitenis. .­ periodical paystiont,' ation'taking place, at-tho eniUcif Alak, ho to, pany ol J1,11glunil. -, lie is il4o, agent for. several privato, boy 11 or old, whose-66risplextoll train as, its t;iflke 1. If it 'call be at grain falls.. an b.'principle Similar t(, fhos6 of thboEng- but ri - to the j)in forli4ting' and ghlun t6 bring out their friends, 'oat lrool�ont(i,'wha loan money.. at; veiy reitliop, showed Iii not only h4d 4 fitsoerbi (hicel strained in 9 capliallni ])its tfopu '%N*bc e he will keepi.fol: oale at all tlmqs, ForT oil$ 19koto and 9yeryInformatibus apply to ableiiites., Interest Ivayable:yearly, , Charges luohleente in to be tit toll more nearly allied it . Doia bil 9 -alive to whab anyb6dy, is -lialilkidditig-iocibties.. lintilar6cent, date ri" r thau'd plautdol byth Le 6 Old rb: tile Call bio'dono withonVen coring Also Solfeltor for the SULawvolloo Bank.' to race than-th'il"black. b t You. H You. AV ssbe. the Jews- in Jerus.atem, had their quartors Ing a on g ly, to is: iltfic liatter.. , STRArLION, G. T. -R. f thud, he -was abl�,­[ believe in 'a , TiOrve, gaklei 'Job Clinton, Way &b�, 1876. Wingluun, ApHI 1, 1875. 1 said the plantel, a c-1 I 'a ay ialog you, rBread, Cakes, mia d o �)J� I -so yolt e a4-. in. mally continental bitiesIr but now put in the same ground' 4_ Tile. best way v tli6 tililk'roqtki Uils-'girl and it to 4 they entered, 'you 060 ter a' ail .an at w1iiels. Caislo Icaaie 66rn ut�. Yet the I -flin cidt at- they utmost feddaus, 41 pl'0111100LI lit) �rj-augotl fl ter. ESTABLISHED .1859. to the building. formerly ovionpled loy All, -boy--two AS— yo --u-66 fitsA- Cash for Bggs and Clood But you liow tile wurl 7 on - daily life prdperty wherevoi they call gob, it, to I' (1001 as noorproliaroato execute anywhem. I paid eight hundred dollArs very hoe tubers,, saw.., Tile altoots kepb -tialiforinl that yoor,oiiotnioa� 'hav 'Mv.0 .1, builol.where they call got. within or -ey tall orders lit the dress inaking InIGIIJOHR 111 11, AAHPALP1 lie ypl� bp takou lift* at, did a,-af1d hot list) V, or Partkll fill-Iii�71alwith bakq, 4-c., at ail five them yeaterday.in Natchez. Who will r head and be outsidwthe tiiCy walls fuld to lodat then'- trokau or bkui�od.* '.rile potittoo fri, Then I-ave*ilio manner, anti at remonaii1to iiitvii, 17111A�. -Lift it ilines, at easionable rates, Latest stvInglollowM. yive me six Iiiindred for,them., ttj o tpillk. Sew Vie 110 col r This "which teyaro to. be talion, 011utou;Jau,111,1877. lfldapis selvo� wile ever thoygot. reidences. 01k to- silik 'iridually yi)u them lllarafol Asked and* fraosdom isc'aqslug-a gr . oat *increase, tb tile, posied10 the. air itudeorno light -no gorilla Clinton, Feb. 22.1877. will orow Some One, C. MINTUSIll 111,&TPIELDI". Or tual. frie Jdad Q itisasirous iiinres Jewish poijiulatioss, of the humbler, classes. -'should be tallest 6ff Previously, second N J . MArriligo Licenses under the newAet, Coin not ouisovels.' THE NORTH'BAITISH CANADIA d q it- T di re out shoots - being tieeless. 'I'll ey sliwill Is ru slowly afterwaId er fortitkbig Aflldavltgln the Queen's Donch, for lioun. take 1110 eTile girl'swea.ri herlife if she's fties of llursw)i ti,not Drilee. It b(,Y, you have, Be at siii,-ruwa trust theus, Only lagl4lidle claim to Central Aftio - plant�d wifli,li dibbhs odso ana.1lortgriv.d. separat6d'fr6in And �ier old tried. . I - -_ : I - a to y "ivy, when kelli, at 0110 torillmn-ah Fee" Sure sho'd, keo1).,Ij.er,.wo P dij,gill-gi abdrit, tile' iiii-Idle of tersaid bo wa volliall may ti; bo feared; until it 6cuornes a little INVEST31ENT COMPANY Leases, Alls,'Deo card;' evet DIONEY' ED 00.1thAL HorrArI6., tbat-the girl is worth Thib part WCetstral lkfri llkilllc�t ni�111 Irwits fire no. J.Pngtel Bilt, doll% see TI Ilayficht, fivlsvt� 11, IM5. be Call9d the lake tjistribt, 6 now c II�nt olatter�� of and jdgo� re(lirirQa no) 11art X Cktro. to etl'lll" tit ]I. ` ice,. Glasgol)li $000nd�- 1 a�� for b6th- tA - thei IThe dis. Hcad Of by Boglaud, owtbe groiind that for urself d.poide fur yutirself"' .'r oll OWLL1i,AvATOII AND 01,00R. Cottle, tvIlo'll givo tile aii hitildred.for'both?'. covere(l. bv nucoosaiV9, laXplorere, slibjevit4 '0,000 -V The waited for a �ro - M b CAPITAL$ Aso and 1111pto ed. . . ucoverer cif, this Ili] 6,11 net door to thoZ iprerx Offlove,- Albert /'Beat in toilid t1se '8'061�n and stupell.; ,( Queen ioafr6tu V vhi-stouii an& advantav,6 fi r. it r;%te$- thill (,un r"Illell will,litit, P, Ni It 'af"ttole t street, clintonj res otfill)y liftim1tra ply, and then said you are, yourself to peke, growth,' ailowin 1%, 4) it)' N utko;l) J in HIRL flUIP. toble Mends and the j)vlblid g4iovra p' that'lle'l000 oil' Well-, I.. 111b 301 live a' , "I BOARD IN SCOTLAND, dbus'0oth that Burton, tiowli Bakm and Ca Jon% 6 rinLl%,O, Esq., of Kippen lavle"Chairmitti, Ailind:. a select 004 ill 0loc`k8,1% atelv6s, &-c - for oteinity, d Act lit such a ws'y colors. It is ptopoiabd to. ottristrifilt, knidi. front the sititio arourfd� 1711.e votat ace Esq., of Moore' J.&R.young&e is at at, that 'it r1ts. I "?rkirritt W R(,BT. Y -,UNG, ALTERAtIONS I Ill PREMISES which be offor" ra reasonable rtep. Itipitiring p -thirty ('IF what ally you to a rall1b o� fear to have the a, noirtli (A,Z'xnzibWr, t;riroLf Its 6 pit r Von May 11. THeLlitoted, % vory laigo stock of' u in his line,; done on t1v%i Otit %wv i atnIlIght of. from, the p?rt of Kilv� PF.T13 it liTtlanoEvot, Fsq., Provost ot Kilmarnock. 1. . I i eternity at kour flilishod oil the. eastern.. Coast, tit iat 111,0410"Ito rates., raitt) full upon 4. t The firat is t. sPPlEn 11.1wTOUL, Htq., of Bothwell Bank, dTajuganyikaj Victoria iml Albei, SALUCK1, GUNX, Esq., Of A1096n, Phiyfai;, Brygo & Co., tbeffrdt� throw 04t, of -"2 00 i1or itila. ot, fill I WAL h TAP E. R' hy. ROHS, of Mosars. Iv. Ross &CO -v Glasgo� 'aild creutdd do.oidoid atir, An Unjust Verdict, wlieret-y line 'kf MW J., BIDDLE MBE,, London.. aniongy all Tit Is ree, players at easily bd collijected. One Uritish, o which it's fittentl6n, Of ITO* use. ...... CANADIAN ADVISORY BQARD. : Ill being apen6a out, to k dw tabio led ia- by t in,, three chances IWtho year 1,869- fivo -men onteied- the ist is Stated to have Mfored $300,000 to stoo J,ir (Ito latural ell, Jami Alellrusticu, PretAdclit Western Apsuranoe, and Inspection Inyltbil. Ili fo sidence of a o'lorgyrivin named 80116edloi carry this schenio into affect, Calculating (in Why Sebtb W t, Shot -1 will be found to ctvvhmc6 each. Their exami %vs' Howed by the xe he I! li,11m, Watch' ad ock Maker,. spectat ra, and t tY chances were taken 'kely to- be re. poiut. 3loirst, Ald- At Wallvillig,:in Clio Duchy of Li usbui-, It and ktI (it ot. which 11861,-A 134ore the bnff JAXV,3 s C1,91MAN,. E., Q.0., of Messrs. gatilt4od, Lennan & Dnwnej.' TI111, NtEST PATTERNS fis rapi I as.t' plautep coold i�iite d6vionfujurdefed the avrovantAnd lef lip cleig ont, I 1�1 I (if wheat, H. 8, 8TIIATITY, Esq., Cashier keft-=I-Bak. tile nit I M Lake. the nioney.: Thin ma the gerllliljatill� of variwla %hilp I's 111111im ab itif,flvi fliv, SOLICITOWL-Alessrg, Robertson, lfi&u�-r ll_P r .0 himself for-Actod. The litter, Istria- tlements ou thu westoru coast (if Africho Ho tijok the Wheat of 1�1 �-ittid Polectod kerft0s, tirltvi tiff or, s(rithl ont S nallsh and 'America Iit use, The platite 'himself ever; iocovored; slid Aeolarod that amon �� slid is building tip'st t,,roat, roolonial confed- Doward, Toronto. - ' 3�$ WITILF TIIAM villn'sDS iron 'Was a. 100 slid foituld thut'thoy 'had Iivillt Roe - lift f Ilov, I'll �dl 13' wash tlio� he tho pol tror,817p aq - lilo-roilly blqowed (in him in now to two chances, And lie -was follow. thenumber of-Itiso lighaillispits he recogilj thtflitoulli,irn extromity BANKERS -7h4v RO.Tva Bank of Scoilailds T Plain, Satin r1filsh, Asia cilit, eratin" of state wouirl Federal 13ank of C%aad�. the past, would botChy notify thein and the publib gen. ed t, lda'threa fallow-plavers, who each a young-inall named Glitch, Five tillez, of that cottillon't, obtain fill vitality, as noi a korntlI.,gertisinate(4 butter id orally, that he boo roinomil. tube his now.i At th ad sow".100 gra-IliS 416,1ree.4, do 114 j);lck Oit, blitfor togtther. General Managers.-Searth, -Cochrau & Ccvp� 88 Adb6hig botight, lowfol! cash, And importg direct oommoditiu4 prouj on Alb�ert' whes onq chance mo 'Finally, throe indildi-tig Gillen, were put-on,trial, anid atilt o3ilsIddrabloi ftecessitsh of territorV,611. Paine time lie It 'J Turouto street oronto. ftolva the inanufaeturiero ketto ob hands lat9d aid nitut ovasortmollb of 4ore chnces'were taken -by the all deniod- the. Crime. Gillen evbu.tAua- the cast ard in mill-Aftien by thq annex- )d l8rt). of th"Se TWint Apriukle fon, still e.o.ruflilly stir in, Still,' Aid. offered at prices that of salb Cloollot fail to #stlefy tafltvvsjoofs� -irlgjr, ah,lat, or I., the Plnter cried.oft -the regult wt 6 as follows d town property. at moilerAto C1601o' Watches.'Jewdliy. and 911verwareolAll kinds, ation And con tll�oi butter whet) nection eif the great� !&it' i 3revney lent on farm tin ceeded-iii, proving that'at'nine oelock in elf. to oftell P001111 (it 606 I . I . . . , mit-100 grolvil groow ..'I ... : ...... '8. rates of lot erert, and for periods to suit this borrower; . Two chances still, gentlitsion Who the evening, Shortly before Cho eommintuloit, Possibly theRbediva of Egypt, who owns . whiell he ill ell at ritten, His ato6k to Will them 7, 1955-100.graills grow ............ 4 -t, 0A placa nok linve 60, He HALE* now miich larger and milea varkiol than oicr bofor#� An % of tile -crime,- he was in, his bed. However, 06 Nile, the great Affluent of the Victoria 1$451_100 Kralms glow ............. 71; Away in swpc trippeeliGn Invited. 110pailtiog of Gvcry darcAption GineraI- whisperec) gt)mWilng in notwithstandisig this, 1&58-t0j) gralod grew ............ 00, iqar below 5, derereea, AGPSTj and the oflorta'-of & and.Albert hikes, way not ba content; to, it I" llex� any' lifompayationdal to. hen it !a roady To Work anl p4ck 4or, Judge -'s 6a�, and 'then went to the -very dilatingnislia4 couiffel, this case Vrent; sod England take psiession bViliem, and graitto grevr ............ St. t grains grow ............ 95. tftl)lo and Ilild twi),ted-aollar,.'g;ild,pioco,g sto, strongly. againnit him 4thit I ­ . .. 1 in. .6. be -was, oou- the.,landh . ey bow bialon4jo, From wilith it -will be iseen'that 7. The packioir UNIT WARL FURNITURE, k W 1 XD10, W BLIND13�.Clbltdk Alloy RI, R171.6. detaned t6 duaill, Slid QVeti hib father lid-. 0 in after it- is 64o years old, does not grow, Sweet plellitgea , t d. if. ilia butter i8 in - Name, llil*ttdd thit the evidence proved him.guirty. A Plucky Ten Yeitr 01d, and the newer it -is when stown thd inore 61 or, Xgve.r mind the name, Putib*down -The ae�teco passed on the fivo, olshviots tended for Idnq keep, tile palifides houlol IN ALL TIM X9W PATTEUM plv�ntsl it lurnishes. , But there is atij bo.airtight., They call ha tuade so Is t . eor. the Wont an-, was filibielitiently commutid to postal mi�r- Thorb ill a little'towyviar'uld now in the point that wds piloved by the Frebch Agri. y . lie �Ith-w'bat I tot the airf herselfT - - proper usto of brit16'. livirl.lionlier atttrition called to the vitude J�r life, and frut the time he e it- City Prisons who,heiiis from Chicago. 11is orilturol society in A, series of trialls, and .8. Butte; an packed shquId be kiept ab 4 to Yea cortainly.1, lbi'fi give her a obatice.1 tered prf�vcri. Gillen refused all a Notice: 6f Partilership onsolatio n, statue is Chativay LoVitiot apd.ali sloneo' -on that wits that platitai were weaker', find did tomporaittiri not abemB 60 devgreas,� nor be. to soililit ! e tot Ninotte. And novr.-! find, it wile notod, nuver-i�okvtv to any of friendless and morsey lesh, he has travelled not tiller out as well. Fur hiatancill, the le,�v- ou degieoxi-and in till xpArtment, where HATF BlUov PLEASUR IN AXXOVXClN0 I-Thav's for1he boy, si�id,Tudgoa 3 1 Ilia follow�jiriswiols, Whenevoran opydr� to this city overland. tie sat Ott the Rad Rivet. -MOT H No RET LINING1 Ito the� slooplaot Clinton, that I hnO f11t`%r`d lntO'* qviietly, as lie laid twenty 'dollars on the tun4y offr6d he Vii,iroahly asserted Me wall thiva. afternoon, 'hii flood grf.)Wn n 1853 56,- did not sprofld lit there are tit) foul. odors firo.ol vegetablo's, mrs lsv.*Jtli.A, V, ASILENUEADi In the be ich near tile fiesli trouble 1�'uslrvg and prenerven the carp aall., Of the ieud; 100 -in number, gvown clatylp oat -is, r other Source, than tiny othoil. CALL YOU SAMPLE. Good I i4hoconcei. And at Iangth a day arrived loiliffig.-i tattoral his foot enattead in bil. in 1 1,854, only. R grow, aud. foui daya aftor Thq� lililk -Cfx%g - ill twavol bravo !I oriod thobo When this was to be acktiumledgecL k tow �aumptijva shops ind tio stookings_ and hid Coullllj� tip" tba' loave's lleaf, thtiold nover be uled for dairy piir� T11 planter`nnif­ libilrdrat 6f tlio,bY,swideft Wetoks after, oIle f the other hie' avowed head tuoul;h(lotle hit surmounted by a average -of half all inch Ili height, and the p, aeA, nor milk t;nown to Ue iniptire frout And[ wlph to thank thd public for their liberal patrilb. One for Tommy, which makeg the thirty:. on his ddath-bod the guilt of Issitriself And was.oavy to believe front hi.,s resolute tono age In the post. soliciting it continuance of salts. numhor of 269 ' Of- Clio 100 seedA, E06 DIEHL Noiv, gentIenion, let's see whpp luck fa. k �of SCHOOL -106K8, DLES, three of those cond6nioned. " As. to lGil- that li'e had done whal, *assaid, awhatover, Vhe ;tol, sf wheat -rown in 1855, #3 germinatod, 10. tf frovin filly ricolitlenf, negleef, or PRAYER and HYN 001' irs. Ion " be Wd he had kiothing to do vith JLLT INTIMATE TO THE 0, And- MIS' Tho business will 150 datil,?d onoader the nausis of blit4olir-d'ays after nversight, it batch of not lwrfeot, -98:pF . . . 0 OULD R VTFT f every deadriPtion, The ice were brought and the throw- it'; 'we.knew �othing whatever of1flin behird said the fipdrtor. l,god y4cluity,tb4t, having. ground 66 leaves were bat �ss. iiieli aW it should tiat be packild f6l, kovping, W reatilents of Cifutdi CTJ.NLIXG HATME & � AIKENIIHAD, e r.11 The Govornment has ordered Sovaut, hero last Satur very complete, 4'hegan. Each Chance .. intitle I d the hold or afte son days, two-totichit high, and'the uninber,4 4titiks et, rebuilt his prouiloorl on the Old stand! lb into tile laitirk , alld a0ld And with our Ivicreamil, facility for doing busineep,,we or to three throwgi Gillen to' be diachargodi 'Hei, refuse& a day night !n, dame, u 1) hero, I'va goiss � to . . 9 and ears prOduced was Na.. 13db of tile )roonsti6i tinn whilefit its I e4evindkjcb. PZAAVK A000172NIV B00ZS,F4Q0SC1AP, botadetitiywoliolta4btLtfiolyotirpatroiiage. Wodraw Thirtyisix wits tbo hig eat ibrown un,� pardon, and �iosista on big ellitonc a stay hero a c6uple 61 days, - I like it. I ria Street,'Ohn tioq to oar fine assortment of a Is ing 4icto* ton 7 LApprR und ff0pE.pApBn, vyrE- , stint special one 9 out of de erown in 1850 there wa I, iniperfoob Uttor alipold never he.mado 61 ilia holier of tile eleventh chnnoojii tevdrsed. used to, live with toy aunt in Chicago, Uy "' I LOP28, in fact everything iA - Plain -ARDEN AND Ple-LD - SHEDS the 100 that Rerit Of rather. ill out I and C1 Then a less F -Stationtry, at, -.10jeL nidell. -CUNING9AAIE AIR thii leaves fnt)r driya after appoarniuce, %Vila anc., llumbor'was thrown, untilumber twenty- A Brave Xontenegrin oman inuistp two Stations down, I bellovev. shel tontfis,.-whilo, tho juntubnr hMinton, April 5, 1877. ired Foirty-nine, one inch hod dix. I as Lf und CrIeket Goods ALL xins oV -rTJF.X1TURSs,. BASE BA tse. Mr. Gladittorna *rltea A. sister find dame out hare &'yeara$b ro I'VoKot 4, sister (of evargand ataliftl, from the suoil was 404, 1 Ile 18 almitt it, hu the'411ole of Gllifornia.- �r�qfiet Tile excitement now beta too, at Couticil Blull'al no $$..the river fro Ito alrently 5"600L nerf"g of that I)JC6m. Such as Oaalta, Tables, Bed-rOOM 86floo'lJO10129011, What V10 Forty-stine was bard to beat ; the Itighest, four brothers, the four ofccvure� tilt aratied, BASE BALU insilea flea to Any plainly that new wheat wits tile; )'7 on tecellit of Hat. I Vlorp R1 KED r 000�, 0 6 hail as inaro of it gr wl And jug 8t,%Ee� Oa his Santit, Barbara fand Is A full iselattamt. BA arq triaking 0, or eoxettralon to, a se -Note, id gri)w oemodAo4we It0 dtata­ r to vitrali. finhh, add which he Will kell at tiold,loweil k6finifteratil In the didbfittled in -the ch6__`h­' "Th wa td r anj itto tatbit.- .1. . BOLARD Again nod Aga, twr it , Silver. SCRAP PICTUIUS, 1�r eat va I t jost.jumped on the cars'n stuak. llCARD 9 in plain Silver and watdrea OV BUSINESS. Vor, until I fa woo ij, Oil Thursday of lost wook, quite . it cattle to niiiij twevnly-nin6. boihg normal, we noodnot wonderthat, we Oh, I bird wavi'lli�coVe-retl oil Use ljirelbizas Of Ift. 0 rodnettoo,.w�8 ni;lolt larger. -Pairing proMptly awvtcfedlv� lit town, SILVER, GILT anti 8 LOU yoroe turn nt4 !' leam that they Aro. atiaekod una ' warea (in Thie) put ilia off at (imahil In North Platte, It. H cllujaty� which so At. YL, copw and A's the poor woman caiiia' fokwArd, bet their il, in a ptisa oheire; they prolioaccLA mi agath, They couldn't it lot it of the boys that, it; wag 'jig USDVR8tClN9D, RAVIING AOUG1IT:qEY1 10 ujumped 4 611 'tile tu a Vt9WS OF ENGLAND, 1118LAND, SCOTLANI), igle filej by sevn; armed. Turks, ho, keep ulo off. eat I turil in p., liubu,,uh: on 11 Tile tv etOtl tIM UO it casinia. chairs resavaintedo ski, 19644 an newi T thd n4king Bogitioss, nts, sit] ing Hay LAND, AmEtsmult ScEntrt, CHN. annoliudri themselves by shoo, Stam," 'Prot. Grant sai(l t1lab a tAilway traviii,! Act, slighdy wollinded" U, ' nil Ift "llulauvel her broast,, it ilas truly Visit 110 t1119 dead the bjmi�rants gave ilia All 1 wanted. They sl fact froof tip 'the broth -era And dan�arousdy I only had fly cents travel Cately cftrrled'jil� by e, at, C. Illack, Wilt'ni"11118 bei� Agitation. - gave me 6is hot, 0 ling dav arvii flight fifty ulilta per Mrang(I tL it IM1,03M rsOiIn qix lunathaf to till of,wimiq ild o lily oit bmid throo- e"Won"t tile ll�lst, 0ok the, wounding. th,4 second-. Ther oddit a fbilr,' whoh Istarted, and I spetitthat for dinner, Irs'lleml, lieck antlail is t k of Begs to Inform th6 Inhatoltivats of Clint(m and violn1tv, ira, ool Alrohn-0111 Indl i:4, that lie intends carrying en the jLbcvvoIv all its broxichii, 'it, wo hhuared yen Aesismembar the hance for jaild 1voldalio throw ?I ithe asked, Ili. fill, but the fight llroceeda. - The wQ�ndod 1 didn't like'Ohicarvio I ITIllitotis I ft.4 Willie' O'�L� ho 1% wl"16 'fe Wisign itro and trnAtJ tht L by istriet at n didn't like Illy aunt, the nevarpit, of the Ii XaCt Stafs, llaf ' istmhor cii.ton, Varch 8.1071, jovatibu to bilsibesif.and tremulod's man loans agaillat.tho rock, aud thofjough 116 in I wanted. to no"my inother ; that's�w (if a I)r keeping, none bat griA entolos, to snovit ok shvire, of killa, tWoL Came hy f rcannot' ball 1001111ing Isinto o Gods of evo Oulu publid patrotage. 14(lo lot you t boy dirnw," replied the treoeives another and fktlil ahat, of. a lifle, with it roddisix tillga on 'I (Iml riiiltm per hour, in 3,700, 600 years; , tiertiSpA too would have more of the Turks before he dievi. The isiter yofJ going, to. goo' yuar Jig) trflyellin Isi-"dbo miles per second ill the deto web-foote(l, Allort ifeak nid r 1, -116�1 Act 10 044 presses forward, and grasps Ilia rifla And Ato a 'a and stisatlg'oty iN fact inuvIf Jilin A'(11101 Gran runk Raflwwy toade stree Vow qocd. y legil hwalloWil monse Nfitit Cago.. f threo, yeat& rAight from Acme of tile t6169-1 ell tiler. "Coma, Tonij" viaid the biiier. his dagger. At loist all are killed oil botli 4 Oh, ill h, a a, I'vol got a tit# takos 5,760 yt,810 Vila foriora art plokod vlpllm siddgj exool)ting herself and a single, Turk I'll sthY afrojill others 50 allilton,Uarch 15, Iril. Tom citirie, 0� 000 yeatol. bed In plenty to "to 'it ittillet, Tile roolest trid of CA"fli'maisto fillot Weth, VANS too ItL She aiLs for worey, and he promiseg it, therefore, Istj have b060ftld x., lfh�-%vornan p aRea tier lips firm licto Ili git, rotted, r, tinny, spe ight, Without oiloopticift,fIld 10960 stock Oft"Ittillk Over shown (oxothi�r. nnd c hot hands a It in but names Iter maidonly honor as the ptioo. filousailall lif YeArs Ago, thonall their It .1 (or (Jefrauding ft lisaft of tild!iftlue 0 00 what It sIn they n 111filton, Including DIAck, Colorlid, The b L trellabled like tin :asp . Indigiiatit,.andperolviii-gtha�Lhdla,fI *ouldn'& lot it , to. on r e.11 And E IN I 0 NL owoff came bervi jea to 'a, Alloha L-vrx "is 10 MO.- revioaltil(l a horribla pl of drink[ ii -OU C L 'filua, andso � lnoft, Silk and Sittin, in White, Blivok, 0016rid prayer. The b on, hid gualrol, 9140 btAbS him With tha dagger, to go out, 'but I don't onto. ts fnag litude iljatjg.�tor of V nd throw -thrbo II'll go dowlso OYX I comp,,trei: with that the fraild, wal dattleil, out s it at" kit) 0 thetritill,tullolloonk Los an and Afton, Clittithoo 0-ud Paintbol, At gilt RA0011, 0611h 4#6 cents f0 POR SALE. ther ice, A , 01)o,000 ofmiks from its, TOM i NW WE 14ol, a luoment. lie attired At 0 illy 1*(,, litat ions, Abd I'll tflta two traltig Ut, i'20 tl)L I four dolia"Ltioth' CAIL& A M, 110 tears it from tier hnd, thoy offte,, &ud I n Paxseapt Talos will-leiv,49 Clinton station all f �nof the die I as The is neiflier greater nor match at which the folit porsong co Carl) i, -,t lArge A tholigh be muld, bot belleft MA eyes, then, 6116. aasheit Lllu (lover tile titeeeipico out Alit) 'olght bottles Owel I I Sig. iloarls, Saw, 1i votoroys, viorniorlAing01Rbi Tilast. Whill-'s thetil-follom, chittamen,111 Amallor iltau most of t1lo Slam. mported tolliave coolluk"Od LAY.( TotOnto attio5p . t, Mill flatts,, &0. UNA aellor, woll ho.p thol,rellotter lort pight Urge g1mises of ut flown tho boXnd itoppiad back pale intu the below." at 0.46 ZZ, t6aoft,lit- 6,15 At Sttatfflsa it ItNAtEA11190 TRX P Illomtsol Wonderea-VollAt, the futUP0 Of ilia &�oung lady iollool'tottabor of WAukoll, thifty-fille ainall 1, ilftl - fifteell bottlog of ooiuilt 1proldo aQ,line, Tommy, throw agaiu,' urged, A 61piatod his crime at Atolitreftf, plue'lly'littlo yootigator would b6 W1161), so towit mouttla, the I(JsA of tile ood'of Iler 11060, ri tile plAntur. :,on Thuratlay, hall arid voolIll small and Yang, 116 had Already A Y�`tltvg Norw011illft, wilty ha"I \A,oOed Iler ht rile tooli(Ts conkided Of hot piekle Will kti tts ft its OX OP. TOR 1310 DOM All acm of l4adjr foralug. it sallo%for Nertal'I" an't frtip The thirti I'm fy.lty f Tie (fall it, vaily -hili-ol Ila a 4proji 0"16 from lillff-go, Nal, 406t to It. collanats, 00 gliftibi, li V41ltJ114 tv"41' TIj'q L t4tivs. With fled ta nil Island, ill 010 Nt'. olfl I to 3.-V slitil 11olfigiv t1.11k. %'Vllofl Ito IVITY to ea. Avolloc, . 3 41 IA4 Vv Or o%II TJ3Wf( or,1131, 111Wt" lit IllQuart 1, 1101, 111's; jl�t lil ; Is. for oruilvir lot" Itro Clio iL' b her lift, roism Uvitilla, lie g1l, to. bs, 0,114bla of criiiiso witis, tind London* fit SM916 Filte, 0616 end ott ages id lot, %ippl�to "Curfainly ' _4aid thAt- oloingtid tiAto thevmvet and. waN dr,)wlied. oyowd putA oi r) kludgii Ir , " " " , " " "' "' i"4 16 und 1, had'dottoylool her heekoty� '8116 yZ ftiotiloe#,�, "Now' t YOU"* Th Wages, f till is death In thk P lrduild A fl,60) A tot 4 .1, lro oor I6'so., illy. a ift,tho� handa of it xurgeots, and 6 is 4 fugi- gron A- MU011i'10MI 011.1 "'� ., I 4101t, . '. . - . sialf, Wfik, , %, L " T, E!A R� 'k C Ir TO N E I FAM liii&u Ow 0 h pa at I Irs r oil e b ew d y r . ... .........