HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1877-05-17, Page 3• e. ere. Our PV110:1,41SES A.UOTIONTRADE SALES Ow PURaHASES at JOBBING TRAtocE SALVS./ Otir PURO,HASES-for Begular STRING TRADE, guff altarriverd; and Inake-THE FINEST OFFERING OF SPRING GOODS WE EVER EXtitlitTED TO THE PEOPLE OF HURON, The greateet aseortmefit. The greatest value. La every line ye exeel in ?Ilia010t 0010re, patterns and good value, THE GREAT STOCK QF PRETTY PRINTS. ,THE GREAT -STOOK OF. EILACK. LUSTRES. THE GREAT STOOk OF COLORED LUSTRE'S. THE GREAT STOCK 'OF DRESS _MATERIALS. THE GREAT STOCK- 011 l'A.CTORT AND WHIT.IO . COTTONS. • - ' THE GREAT STOCK OF 'LINEN GOODS, And all kinds of Staploe, in Tre3CINGS, D&NINO3, Duck% flaraTiXite, Qcuirs, TABLE COSEAS, DAMASKS., deg, THe GREAT STOCK OF GLOVES AND HOSIERY. _ TILE GREAT S'11001i.:4IITLLINERY and MANTLES. Wo es,col in choice Millinery:and niake ISTANTrbes, 13oteuras and FIATs to order, first-class. • r\Vo are torniug.out Nobby Suits, 'wedeln order in firetealass style, and a warranted fit. Special. Ar.altte iuiLA.€iI• 'and all 4incliiN Of litlafek' Ckoods. seems to have 'thlien into a state of insolveney. , • Owls are nf iinnianse service as vermin de- stroyert., An Engfieli gainekeeper found an owl's nest' with one young bird in it. lie visited it for thirty consecutive mornings, and in that time removed krona it 105 rats, 49 mice, 11 shrew mice,, 2 robbing,: and, 1 spar- row. Thie was,•and Well it inightliave been, ever and above what the owl's'consumption — demanded: •• •• • . • . The Chief; of the National gotomOogioal.• Conimitision who has just closed an examine... don in Texas and Kansas of grasshoppers, has made; favorable reporM as to their being no danger from.their ravages this year. The examination Inas con arinsd the preyious theory that tile 'hoppers are out of their natural ha. bitation, and can never permanently remain though they inay do some 116tle dainage: , • Tim tote' ellti411404. 144 !Met Of the laielt neyy for- the eurretit. pay u round, num. ! berOr $44r400.000* . • Oue the 1141000i. •SitiadePtehbOla .in the 'World le #.Aintebi 'in India. The uuwber of • pnplle paellas era LtiQQ, ' Belfiat joerlial etiolates that there are at preeent 70.400 epitullee ",we tho irieb ' linen •tra49 dietrlet. • •• Ruoldan .itaValOS have discovered411 °boa; candle, win:me light ie. a tonfoki mor, limey 044 the .0141nary article,and. twenty.. :fold Cheaper. , A Paria husbend, poieolaed hie wifo for making upfeces at line, and the„„piry which, • °end/A.4 Teenrameadecl it,n 10 Milrey. They evoke of hie. • provoeattelt tle.a ve.ry seri, Que. one. . The father of Charlie Roiei le in emieultation with P. T. 'Barnum. The latter will make a, personal offer of $10,000 for the recovery Pf thq.boy. They believe, from recent evidence, he re atill alive, and that s ewerd or guaran- tee of immunity will induce big copiers tea*. store him. A disease among cattle IS reported hi ster Co., N, Y., wbieh is fatal in neatly only ease, It seems to #taok the animate first in the legs, which become weak and, soon alto. gether powerless, They have also evident pains in the he aaa symptomlike epizoo, tio atheng horp$32, -- 7 ' A. terrible drought prevails in parts of 'Ans. traUa,Nearly every sheep station inNew• South Wales has loot from 1,000 to 5,000 bead of eheep. The total loss is estimated at over 1,006.030 sheep. 4 treveller_veritee_lbatin riding seventy mileit. not a hlarle,of gran:tip- peered, where in former SOOSOIS gooks were accustomed te roam, An island was put up at auction in LorldOu. recently with no bidders. It watt Ilermrono of the Channel Islands, three • miles from Ctnernsey and Sack, comprising an area of 400 aceee. with agood harbor, granite quer. riceamagellent fishing, au old-fashioned reed." donee with a olurpel, mid anew villa; and no taxes. „ Copia and Zabor seye that formerly the : demand for farms was se groat in England thett-tenants ran a mato the ateward. adays land is to bailed every county. • In Northern England landlords are compelled to take it into their own habits. In •Scotland, •East Lothian the :garden of agriculture, liVe Try and -keep Pace.. with. the Times • TN ,EVERY DEPARTMENT QF THE TRADE. •- We sell_ as cheap _as., theicheapostt..andjio_ liumbug, tie selt.goods and take. Butter and Eggs in .eisehangarr them on the beit,of:term. ,VVE SELL FOR. And will cut the price a's low,as any ono,on that basia,.With an extra cut fora large parcel. We sell on credit to gooil.paying customers, and we make no bone* about it. We try and _ avoid crediting bed.paying customers as well are we can ' We have never been able to see hole Wolrktly easbbhoine88 could' be doncrin place•like this, where it is prieeipally an agricultural community; and money is only in circulation to any extent at certain seasons of the year: •Themlisses of the people either have to borrow money or avail themselves of a reasonable credit, and we observe stores in Clinton ihich have been most loud in their assertions that they 'sold ONLY FOR CASH, andused it as an argument to prejudice the pithlic against stores that give credit, andjet, . when the proprietors or these so-called cash stores" borne to make a change in their bosinees, they calmly:anneunee that they have book debts and mites to be.collected, and the successors agree to do it. .: , WE -ASK_ ONJAY .0:1\T1. PRICE FOR ONE . ARTICLE. We will try and do our best' to please all who favor us with any of their, trade. HODGIAIS° St PAY",'-litanchester Hdp.se.. CLINTON, May 3,1877. CHANGE.. glue i;ND RESIGNED DESIRES TO. NOTIFY: THE'PEOPEE 010 MANTON A.ND VICINITY,'THAT he lho3 purchased the boldness lately Carried on. by J. j9S1.41NT as SON. 'which -be:401-eolitinuo, • • AT THE OLD STAND, .1--rar;on• Stret OLINOIST; Having had. ecnsia*rame experienciT.in th brisiness,andhn'ylne for cash, he le_thereby etnabied to offer amid ' bargains to his customers. Ile has now on hand a well-seleeted.lasortment a A_ in ii •1=1,:0, :0 jP".41. • ---CONSISTING, IN BART, OT -7--.7- • ' SUG.A.R.S, CTJ1-4,*,,eta•?7, A TRIAL SOLIO1TED. 0.66.b$ .DELIVERED ANYTVIIERE,Ik TOWisr: C.14411 PAID • FOD EGGS. • PRODUCE TAKEN IN EiECIIANGE.! • • Remembir the Pleoe--Hurot Street; secOna'cloor east of Gonunercial CLIKTon, May 10, 1877. : •„JAMES HUNTER. o m pl LLIkNDLEAVEYQUR ORDER • —FOR .resses,- aline LANDER &Co CLINTON, April 12, 18771 .FOR SALE. or TO.LET 01•T 9111' Pt*[...LOWYNG ird.1.11.1121.E 1'AII11 LANDS(' vi • , ,‘•• anal/I-mat jytrt of the south half of Lot No. 2.), and the oast part of lot No, RS, in the Maitland Conconion, ffOtonoltip qt Colborne, • . (',Iontaining- about 3.ao aOrOts. Foeinerly mud by Patrick aftelintioe, • r P..'1 in*rox Are A..4 0118 61 ler roll toilet, elle) theft, fre5 treoteo fa a octal taro wood, -mei; ;.• bl. . 1 la • •tio. ho soil unsurpassed. 0 ;4 3' LOPTh cia WOO lout bearing orchard fin pre•ah,,s This :arm is shout 8 11111011 from Ooder rt •h, And to ty.thathlhOtAtly situated on the Venice of :031)0011. Ft r tartiall1c.41 4071'0 GLASdOWy t4.441? UPSON. dte CO. ClatotifLtaY16.107. During •a temperance. rally hithe thaiod Opera House, . ihningten,'on 'Fifiltiy, attended by over 31000 pereons,lhe discovery of fire in tho cellar caueed..a stampede. An. old' lady .with great presence Of inindi corn - Meager), to sing Glory, 'Hallethiale” which, being tekee up by thOse on the atageoptieted the crowdand order' was eusteeed°,. . A inan wasarrested on suspichm of ,attempthig to fire .the heildine„ , • ' • -Th.e.rthager,,O.La long het ill was illostr ct in one Of the Oswego mills a day or. two ago, „A--w_erkmbin;.._whose lonett of. beard is or. .rather was his pride, was at work over a shaft, .• .. n '.'": • which. caught his beard and wound it round . • and round a 'twinkling. :Another workman' . Butter, , ;thrust' a .heavy .stick into the cogsr itoping Potatoes1. the shaft, ;god the •mans neck would' ineyi- . tably.haVe.:.heen broken'. • ‘.7'• Hay, ' A•teforined man at a rident Poston Man. ket.rneds Prayer:meeting:testified' to 'did joy, gia,-,c01. .viuquished tlfedeion alcohol. ' 1tised and eatisfaetion lie 63.perienced wire he'had. Sheenskins he miserable and poor, and friendless," s_id : - he; "but new •here 1 ainwith a . good snit of , Clothes, earningmy :own living like a decent (ees.letirdc4,11, meniber of society... I declare to.,yon' brotE. ,1•141ke•rns, •ren, I feel jiiit as good es if I had e harrel,of beef inside of rile: • ". •' • In Ireidemnehl the following • bit of enpep. ptition has ' lately .Manifepted itielf The • corpse of child:wes dug up one -night, 'en suspicion- thee' it Was -a vampire the heart was.cut off and placed between:the. foet - of the corpse,"It.is also reported that ti re- lative of the dead person, in order to .break • the charm, wall givenra- piece of the corpse to eat. This belief in the' vampire i,eommonta peciple'of Solavici origin; it einbraces the idea. that one after death visits his relatives in spookish form, and snob, theirblood. The'papers have igen, publishing a sensa- ' tional report of •the tapture of the freeltable sea -serpent, at Oban, on th.e Scottialircoast, a' few days since., The." animile" was repre- sented to liave been driven ashore by Men in boats, and after perforatifig his neck with Ind. lets,'he was killed, and found to measure over 100 -feet long, having alsci all the ugly accom- paniments of fine, d4c: Tbdpipoe wan doubt. less interesting rearlingi, sinoe 80 n.auch has- been.heard:of theie 911owS; but there is fast 'one thingthat spoils the whole-ib•lisui been, pronounced a .boax, without .partiole of , . foundation. 1 , An application. was made to Sir Nlin, Ma - tell, at _Salford, Police Court, ,1ng1and,„tbe other dal,' for a eumneins to stop a ,ceck from crowing so, early as threein tho morning, . •The applicant said a 'cock began to crew at that uereaso hour every morning, to••the .great an nee of himself' and others, and he we d tbd na'agistrate to abate the nUi- sanp The latter' refused to accede to the' request, °beating that, Although theft was a. commandment that. "thou shah not he aieoke • by the barking ot thy neighbor's dog," he did not know that the crowing of a(took consti- tuted an offence which could be brought under the cognizancel'of the law: , A. ship Was gaiter; along the coed • of Breed, onehundred miles from label, some time ego, , and thoserOn deek,. when Passing a Particular • Cade for Sale. 'vet, heard meat distinctly the sound of bells, varying rola human rejololng. AU on:beard listened and ware' (bond -need. Some menthe afterward 16 was naceetained that at the nine referred to the belle of St. 'Salvado had been ringing cm the occasion otfestiva1: • The riend therefore, favored by a gentle wind had travelled .ec'eue hundred 'Miles of smooth. Water, and 0411;1;41f the wido.spread sail Of a, ship., rendered con'ca,Vbil !),V to gentle breeze, had -been brought to• locus: and rendered '11rePt•eeOf bal°h• . Abietkpiette Oecerrod in the bay at San Frangible°, a fen deo age, Which may testa seriounly, and is indicative of flie bitter feeling e.th3ting beti,tesh rind finagle. It is a recogrilfet caetoni-that all naval 4vee• eels of any •country, salute eueli other when. naming, and not to do so is: togive irieult. An English. and Russian man•.of-wer were passing in the bay, and although some of the 'crew of both boon* stood .rearly to follow the futimilcs from the town of Clinton. There le btl the euetom, neither of the eommandipg officers nroinises a good concrete house and barn. • Two ecru of' att ol very choice fruit trees, and gave the usual eider foe performance, and tne tee 00.i -spring wens ea the propecos. ',eitlo Witten. consequence .wee that neither recognized, the able, 'Li 1151 liboral. tor ehrtieularte apply te other. Naval rrirei who witnesered the action • • wm. freAnEY, on the premises. eay it is the roost flagrant breach of etiquette Clinton, Mity Oth, 1817. they have ever sein oii the water. • Cottrt of iteVisiroix *rtIOLow.0 • fiemehodY asked 14004,4n ono of the. Soe. ton Tabernacle servidos, “catia Mau 1188 bith00 and be Christian?" Hisreply, filthY ewe," Made the people Iitugla. In the lig of at -year's rronciti twentyanine were of ohildreth nine were E., teen years of age, *Ix fourteen, nine thirteen, one twelve, tWo eleveth one ten and One nine. Wm.„ IL Vanderbilt, N. T. recently oirered to reduce the rent of tine Ohio railway eating, louses ftont $6,000 per annum to $1,500U the Imo would give up hie bar. The Offer Vas aocepted. • Qapt, Kimberly, while riding a, horse in, Denver, was thrown. One of his feet caught -tins stirrup,- andlorvas dragged, In that - terrible plight he Nivea himself by drawing his knife and stabbing tho beset to death.. The Strathroy postmaster reoently reed • with horror and dismay the following Adm. • tieement ia ono of the local papers ; "Any person having 'five or ten loads of manure to dispose, of svill please send, *word or drop it trough the post -office," It is esti/mated that within a radius of thirty miles front New York oity there are invested in floriculture -ten millions of dollars, ond that the annual sales, exclusive of out flowers aMount to two Anil)kona annually; but the trade in ea itowers, is of itself a very large, one, Not longsince a little girl in Irondon, gag , , Who was going th the evening to a tea party, was sent by her mother to school 'with her ,back hair done up in end papers. The child was sent home again, 'with a message to her mother and father tothe effect that one of the ruler/ isaued by the School Board WWI that- soliilareo Should coin° to policed Witliliair pro- perly brushed and combed, • Of Mrs. 13elknaPi wiPe the leader of fashion- able..sooiety at the Capital,, the Washington Capita/ says :•-4Tpon last Friday tine beauti- ful woman ,left Warihington-where, at the Arlington, she has resided duce last summer -.-foeher home in•the west, Of all who °Mei Ic11iwe(1,-fletterod, sought, and filla HAS win. ning womari.of fashion, nee one -was near' to. say, in leaden tone,•farewell. Things are not V!bat they seem." When onb;_itAILS fOr and,reeeivem 'what is nalled,mapla. sugar he, cannot be sure that he gets it. An imitation, which will deceive the best judgee, is made of a clarified solution of brown lane sugar, a little genuine maple, sugar, ' and some sulphate of iron. The last Mentioned Ingrid: fent inaneets the peouliar flavor. The sub - static() which is put up 'temptingly in .ease jars, and labelled.," honey," is client nothing. hut a.mixture of a very small quentity of honey,a great deal of brown Havana sugar, anti some essence of peppermint and cream of tartar, . •• . Some scientific writers egged that the nuin: ber of persone'who have existed on our globe since the beginning of time amounts to 66,.' 627,843,237,745,225. ' ,T1thed figures give 1,- 414,026,075. Persons to each equare mile. If we reduce thee° ini1e o square roods, the number will be 1,353,194•,600,006, which will give 1,373 inhabitants teach square rood; and these being reclehed to: feet will give about Cement; to each square foot of terra firma. ' It will dies lie perceivedthat our earth iS a Vast cemetery, On each rood ot.it 1,373 human.. beings lie buried, epli rood tieing scarcely sufficient for 10 ,sryaves, with each containing 128 persons. The whole surface of our globe, itisitc4.od etfor.e, has b _ea, dug over 128 times to bury ' ADDEITS. • • • May 17, 1877. Wheat;Treadwell,P bush,$1 70 •a 1 80 ' Speing, . - , . 1 65 a 1 75 Oats, 0 54 a. 0 55 . Barley; 0 55 a 4) 00'' -"•• Peas 0 70' a. 0 75 - 9 00 . a 1150 0 17 a 018 • 0 40 a 065 010 a 0.10 - 10 00 a 11 00 • : • - ' .00: ' 5 50. a 0 75 4 50 a 500 . . 100 a 1 50„ 80Q a 8.0 - 2 50 a • 3 90 ' 50 a 0 65 .0 75 a 100 . 015 a 020 8118.2 rout's IciltICETES. , May 171877. IV heat -Fel $1 75 a 1 80 • Spring - 1 05 a 1 75 Flour, - 9 ,00. a 9 50 - Oats - ' 0 54 . a 055 Peas - .0 70 , a 0.75 ' Barley . 0 55. a 0 so ...Potatoes '960 , 0 05 • Butter - 0.17 _a, 0.18. • 2gg8.' • - -0 10 a '010• Hay, • - 10 00 all 00 Pork, - . 6 00 a 6 .50 , TORONTO 111ARIETS. • . • TORONTO:May 1B, 1877. Wheat -Fall - - $1 78 a 2 00 • ' Wheat -Spring" r 1 80 a 1 85 Barley - 0 60 a 0 74 04s • 0 54 a 055 Peas .092. a 093 Butter Q 20 .a 0 22 Eggs - . 0 11 a .0 12 ]PeorolLe say iiroy se-11-s4it4-40-.-oOcls Lower than any othei. " liouse ixi LADIES, another lot of those, cheap Two-tution Gloves, are o:i the war for ailroy'e.cuStorn0 ers.. TO see them. Is to !'buy theta. LIME!' • LIME! LIME -1 rnilt SUBS014113E/16 Ann 15331).0M:1' TO OP, A Waft at the hinlermentiolled stations, the ode. brtOed LAMM/0M11 08112 LIMg, knowledioni by /run architeets and engineers, to be unequalled for building wooer At • the goll014/14 td tea by 1110 CO 11:Ma(tfOrit1LStaiklitt•M 001itil 'POP tffi01001 1 4311111f*** gititik1111, In Ben tit per nnato4. 'or hather p114111810 80411140 oe WM, ROWELL, nholnaith„ Owes Who *Illreeeire end eltenit OtaittC. , ' tdite1adtstirltoy10,1417. VAINTMIA'a" „ liouse Xor Sale.. -L-10h SALE,WEASY TERMS, Ttf4TULTJA1iLE ▪ IlOusobral Lot onMary street, oiainpied by the Sub eriber. 10 rooms, Ifard arid Soft wAtet, OeIlar, Barn, Woodshed, ae. 40 Per partioulate apply to NELLES. GlintOn, .5fity3, 1877, , riint UNDEESIONED OFFEltili0E S'ALE T11REE (1001) MILOlicowS, (soon 'to Oalve) and a TOXE ,of OXEN. All in fair order, . ' VALENTINE Varna, May gut 1871. House to Rent, • T1111DERSIGNED7PPERS TO RENT- TFIAT •-•1- doll 0- tend 1g2 Vietooriliu Street, second boss below th:ei and barI 804 own ivTlite6rhoutri Its eight stable 013 the lot, tient niodotate, an t ere 15 a good rooms,, cellar, C:inton,A13 ptif70,117. 308.. AMAX -SOX. Farm for Sale. orFrats Von_ sarz Ins .1. farm, being Tot 80; sou. it, oodorich containing PO acres nf land, 55 of which are cleared, and In gad stale Of 01111111111011, the balance 10310g. good hardwood. Sittiatedwithin ono mile of nolmosville, and A poor woman wart Ititcly ilionirting a hill le prance, dragging after her a little carriage eontaining her child; Wien thirefirriage of the Mayor of Uarissol omp slowly along,' roel• mingayowerefeYah$0.13gae,Atbbtaitile kbrieptitill Vila lol tit! ign gtIrli af what was going on auildenly touched n 1-16e"ing'4 lureeiNk` "4. horse, which starteil at a canter, 'In vain fi'0 l'.?'"%m M • muarl P , poor WOMAtl Adreaed ; the coda 0 6•0110 11 1,1 I etP.4*.oillev,Itlyth, troy etb,1817. fi Cl°144" rtl none deed tell What direction the Mayor Mil . eiviitly away, and when she reech0, o. village 1 taken. At length a gend`onno Wan found who threw smile light on the matter, and the poor uf other found her child itt tire Arnereoe LT4A.GVe V• IAXE Is OTICL, irAl. Tnt 'MST firrrib'el 1. tlar ciant nr 10641(0 tor MO It'llhoi6 of Myth, Will 1164914ln Coincs RAW., Pintfordny, May 206 A,8.TU .D.ittrrit. DE:111E01N 01.` OVrtINO PASTreit .1 wilt plove apply to the 14I8SrC1gCO,1. 100 SOUS d rillrgaty, where °Veil pogeible attention lout goabbera.../, with klia le and never fall ing supply el wafer. been lavished 'upon it. application :Wrong be table 11 8(1 early date, A heavy.threefed bull Delll this gi541401..9 loth .701171 ItANsrottr$ 01'n"tor?;lei.oarf abil.frolIce)YelorPga'ufturatl,',1t)4011; d k. ,••••••,.v stately gander was holding which and guard `." rcal r •al: WAY, ,over with great. solioitnsje, titraightway the gander attacked the ball, and seizi»g him by I. SATURDAY th,e tail with hie beali, bibs wings lashed the la tie/pars flasks with the, greateat fury. ,In11,14X 0 lin i oil 0( 1 0 , ' 1 1 " t s 'vain the boll wholed about to reach his an- 1 •. tagonist; the gander wheeled with ititil, ali tile 1, „ .0.. AND felie retainte,e Iiie held: nom bon the , lid ONI AMR MAP aro, SiAttilDAY RECUR; Anti showering blows oath bia enweritii at i ` '41' r""" \l'ill b' iglit4a "Pit° '. th° sutAm" r , 4fs• malt h*„ bet A, wi et rarea eed ealefabererg 4(8011115, At with telling *greet Mon; the liell'a legs, until " he feirly roared IS itli nein Eitel terror, At /4 .;v. qiir,,„ft-, to2.1011 .,,,........A.,,A itt,lt the gamier, A oparen.13.• thil,k ing that Lie the liveliest speed,- enly stepping when ho , • aiiveriaty had sefficient roishinetit. tet tql I''''''''' 1"1 "th nIttli ':'',11'161 f.)11:::::::::::: i8A011e4 the farthercother of the 11014,-40t. ! 4.581:14i 11"8°X1'. hit, how Rod qv 1)411 f 00 f,.. L.:,,,, 1,,,,,b, ,,,...2.1. 1104,11.4. Milli:ter iutoritation 110 be obtained oli gp. . .. .y. ..c.!. wri,. ; lineation to 1110 thinipani'si egoite, ieferi i',Ar6 lci/ 414e, 1 geaggeei, lutly a, 141.7. , ' 1 0 SE OF • is NyBriL imo*.isr THAT A tA . the host time b. catch TROUT, Arid 1 knew frout experience it is the beet time to itratelf 6 EAT' 1. ALLOTIPN' -PALES. ••••••••••,•avio. A man mayget ia readinege, hook, bait and line,'yoe-and he May take bi• ovirooat, rub" berg and umbrella with itIM," and prepare 4 ',tor a loaf; campaign and .all.kinda of weather." He may get exited, restless, and hurry to the Fishing grofind'I then dash down the stream, thlnking to catch all the Tout before others 011i10* and, after all, succeed only in. Bearing the trent and catching the chubs, while another, with leas pretentious and parapheralla, but me:v.0E04mm+ and akin, may carefully and patiently follow the same atream, and have marked omen, And ite with Auction Sales. ,Tho way to secure bargains is to watoh them carefully and patiently, peethe representative of the Montreal House did recently •_ in Toronto, The representative of 'another Dr Goods Romp ie town nem° displeased 'because expoeed hitrIlttle 'dodge to make people believer he was the only one ,front Olintoa that at tended. the Auction Sales, and that no geode were sold cheap after the notable Best day. Of course he has no "feeling of jealetley• toward otherS in businesi," and has 14 always refrained trom saying aught uncharitable of other," (1) or does he " want t�. try to build up a business by running down others," (7) To read his professions of innocency, one would conclude that he is a near refative of Mark Twain's "Innocent Abroad," My entire spring stock has Veen purchasca li 80 low that 1" am nable(' to sell a . , good-ileat-of.-it• below regular -w-holesale-prieesr*Wbeneret:-1 get •ba?-igtkine.I-give .nfy .roustotriern the,lienefi 6. " A FINE ASSODTliNT. LL OF SMA.AVARt AIS.... MOURNING GOOD very Ooxilplete stock of NEw; MOUR.NII40 000DS. 1 Mantles a.specialty-- The for.riler tinder the Ole en per vieion of MISS STiLL; and the latter, lltssPannoit. , Just opened, a fine 'pssortment Corded Mack SHks Ponson's make,. The best 'Silks 'kneWrand• warranted not to out. CIL:0 rxia:Ex. isr ! • to J (7) rt, x1W! Made. to order,' which, tor stile, finish, 4,0., cAnn9t surpared knywhere: Bargain's inFelt and. Straw a 81 • • Metga FINE STRAW IIATS,. 50, .55, nnd 80 cts, 'Bought at Auction C,NeW York- and -lira -worth wholesale:, ,more than I am asking for!tlierti. H 4ssorinieizzi qf s ats cheah Will he cOniiii cheap. Rad. very pretty pattermi. • ' Fresh1 good and elieup. TEA:S froin r cents, in 5- lb,. lots,. of good drawing ' . (polities. ,..• See my Goods and price before you purchase, . . •you will to your interest to do so. • ag--,Lasb fa! issued a circular 'stating that I intendea to abandon the long Credit system, and sell at army small advance on :cost fOrca'sh or ille,eguicalent, I did not decide. to mike: this important' change without due considaration. Suf- fice it to say that the "ehaiage 'has proved most SatisfactorY to. the public and myself, and I intend to continue it.. It would, be ruinous far any one io sell OU long creditItt:the ad.vancii put on my .004, I givC , no discounts; but my pribes will be faulul Way belOW those. houses' that do a ;credit business and eve a small difoount for cash. • If good party wants goods for -a few days, I am prepared. to accOmmodate 1#111. at cash prizes; bati•if not-proinptly,pai8,--intetest will be charged. TEIWSo4.;8.11, pr eidivalent: The Improved ;Union Thermometer Churn Id giving the best of satisfaction, Mu. RODT: Murat, of Wawanosjioin letter dated April 281h, 1877, says :--" The churn purobrised of you gives great aa. tisfaction. would'not part with it for -twice' Whatit cost. We have never churned longer thaw.tennitinutes.' Sold at Toronto price's, SI gallon, $8; 10 gallon, 8,50.; • °LINTON, May -17, 1877,- A S.. FiSHER.` 1877., lt377. -T110$ . .JACKSQ : • 'Merchant ,T4ilor, Clothier arid General thitfitteri 04INT0141 ONT. itsp.A.TsLitsx-144x) 1854. • CLINTON, May 2, 1876. osemesseesembeammommisameriree it W i4 Norio flog iransplationtompor 0' (tlibOttny eiW tato *tatty anoCtrwttinndesiNO? tatake Spert* tarrying Me Oatla,ditttizawil,lf,11,18 orefireetion frith the Grand Trunk, (host Weetern anti Calmat Southern (10A inAll.elnenniig: 814(1,4!•ittliti:itritettit tisionnl glo,:wrAlteit $10:51oZritt:i ib.sir'v,Ki vaitlirdrali):0:11 Duluth, waking olosetOnnOotione With 'Welborn list. rreight and passengerefrellk all point*, o v't Neil- had Eito,66's fled Inver 514:,10814, 8‘5 '18011 (08 ,tor Anther infelnaiton sp14 tc JA(66gent Farm for Sale. mint fionSontann OrPgitS POit ElAtIt T111,11 eteellent hunt VI la west half of let 22, eth-con., ttullett; eonsieting or 50i fteree, The land is good clay loam; 48 acres elearetl, pea declare; bauble a d frame batn, sta 1110b111, never failing well aloes athe hotute, and about two aortal 01 tholoe fruit treen on the pram). Situated about 4 miles from Clinton. Ill health Of tamer 108o0 fol owning. Pali partionlare on oprillio.. tton to the undersigned,, on the pretense, 05 113 letter te Clinton P. Q. . 11011011, atoll 25,1877. PATI3/01$ 1'0X0 Vor Pie. • ,. .1,„1)111)iVotf itrA07,414.1!21kattReL,!/'tt" 1 Thlt, ,-,„itorry.siti aideli 016 a Milnber llt bearing lifluit itreee, Igood. aardee, bad sad soft trater,Ae., (102, SAM has, Statute, halide' (dente, 244 and there ie a eoinfortable *table OA the'pretttleee. 18110*5803. ApplY 10 Minton, 4'i),, 21, 1911. , DR. W°12°fIldtC3N'' 9... iY•you, wArtql, A NOBBY SUIT' Of ,CLOTHES, , In All -Wool Soot& Tweeds, and af less than manufacturer's °at at th.(1247.7.. * ' We also kecp a full aseer0e4t „ . Gents Furnishun. •- - Our Show Roomis /101V replete in till the leading Novelties .of the Season and as we receive fresh goods in this department every week, yow oan be sure of, gettlng all the latest -styles jr they come forward.':''''' We have a" eheiee aS,sortment, also rack° them up Jo. order, at olos prices. When you- ate in Glinion ball and be convinced that the sign of the 777 is The cheapest spot 'in tiovn to Buy Goods. • WRIG CLINTON, May 10,1877. Garden Plants:now readi extiTOE,14./1.13.AGE; CAULIFLOWER, • JELERY, PEPI'ER,,tke:' • • , or sale in any quantity, at •- • • ,TIFEOS, 'Next to Sweat & ilfeCartney's factory; 1tatim0bury itinfon, Mayj0; 1877. 1011•133.01.0 :70.111i .... • . •• . • . . • , ,.. • ••• • • _ Hi.;WALLACE • .41, • Rave much pleasure int ealli .e ' l MortgageVUABLE. Sal• Which b 111111 .81).ring gEfd$11 HOTEL PROPERTrI —111• .11iOWN OF CLINTON. . It7NDE11 AND DX 'VIRTUE OF 'A POWER.Or li8tei6out8ined in_itAfortgage-(whioh-trill-be-pro- Imam on tho day of hale) made 'by TROIMS LANE, and bearing date the fourteenth day of June, one thousand eighthundretlindseventy•eix, default•havittgbeen made in payment' thereof, there will be gold Sy Pub/le-Auction, 011 the premises, ell and singular, those certain parcels or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and heitm in the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, and Provines of Ontario, containing by admeastlremant, each One Hoed, be the same more or UM. being composed of lots ntunbers Three Hondred an4 Sitty.Three Hundred and Stity•One, Three Hundred and. Sixty•Sesen, 01241 Three Hundred and Sixty•Eight, in the eaid Town 07 canton, on Tuesday,: 29th ofMay, • AT .TWO O'CLOCK,. P. M. Thera is a large Frame Ironton the premissel and two ' large Frame Stables. • Tering Made known on day of s'ale;or on application 16 the undetehmed, • ' . Pinzczu Vunnost, Vendor's Solicitors, Dated at London, taw stli,1877. • D. DICEINSON, Auctioneer, Clinton, Woollen Factory. upsmiii-woRK, • The anderslentid Meet reepootiutty inform the publio filet they have lanced tho factory belonging to Er, A ' Donteith .. . On:the 18th cox. op HuLBEtT, And are tort •fitting up the place for •SpihnIng and •0. 1 PersolVselai*vingi at a distince cau ham , g 15 hj,tjahreattiCeialtdhintingclAd,oannedwwhiliteh9leetyricl 6aitt t n . we hope to merit a /Mare of public patronage. The beet oil use4 OiremNktrial. Co nut itei 10112* dtiolht. bolrito, n gi n 6 6 9 • ' It UORRTSOlst tr.0O3 Hallett, btay 10thr 1877. AUCTION,SALE —01?— TOWN LOT'S.; WINGH.A MESSRS. ttEZT & DAWES W11411 (VIER FOR LTA sale by Public! Motion, on Wednesday. iviy 23rd, •At2 o'olook p. m., on'the grounds, OVER 100,LOTS Beintitally (*limited on the rising ground eighty ma esit t)111Ptibaajaaiaatraatanareliaitai TPIo; 1:1oto eoamndatieiOftiarteiit ing 401211tri 10 Wiled, and for private resideneea eannot bo mutinied in any Towiid.....Onterie. The position of Wingham as it 1* way °entre, Its siptendidaster potter .,-,the egrioultural country ennounding * good prospeot before many.yeere ef becoming Coturtu Tows, warrant the 'Vendors in bettering that in a fest thy.: Iowa .10IItO :11:11:6 ale 044:::: :0: :10:6 P.,3111:).t7CYT.SJI, 111A-1,7833,. Hato ton - 10 1,,888 return 86 portlet ottending thie ogle, at ONE PARE Oft the ad and 285(1 01 Mayo roll! to return on the 248 lat all a Ons 08 0110 ir40Eintre601,4nn Apirotn14111MWaeantlebits()Ilna'IGInotlit."11Bsort6fTletediln7060 /1*M11100,Cinelpla,Elo*,re, rergne end Walkerton, b°, t441:11.1titel:tottwhillr anipt:061htitr64,r:edt:1:1641:nttillockatie:IA:1ht 6/to:itirt itto81f6:6:41,64141 k LWOW diallolant fOr all dash. A olear desa wOl 14* . • gnett at the Mee Of Otis. 0. tin SOOTT ea V. at, BRAeu, Automat. vinothoo, MitIO, 181., And wifl be sold at Priam. to •.S.tapieR COTTON, SILTRT/NGS, cheats end etripse, from imm1TO/61s DooES, rdain stripes and checke, 111 to GREY .00TIONS, Canadian WHITE COTTON from 100. TOWELLING.% a fell line. TOWELS, Cotton, Turkish ad Linen. TABLE LINENS, very cheap. 'BROWN II0LL4NDSr4141-r8nge,' 12f to 25 ciliate - NSTEBV76rIPYPED8114IN.:138,881100-Pdit2r0e;•-atlaftecrennetaind tlolors, from 7 to 15.:40, per yard. . D11188Pk/NTS-Special. attention is Milled to ecu' 124 cent line. • • In this Avert:ant we defy aorepetition, as we have' purehased in the Cheeped markels and marked goods at. a vary small advance. . , . • ... Dross ad- Fact ,Goolls Depgrimenf, BRthEao.flEittlenOteR,,, fashionable•, etutdes and patternS• 58 See our OHECE LINES at 05110. per yard. BLACK LVaTILES, AND 1116IIRNINCI : (MODS, very low prime. • • " HOSIERY, full 111040 in White, Dalb.riggan, Spanisb. brown and Heather.. GLOVES', splendid linos In ina and Lille.. COUSET5. Thonnon's elove.attleg, 06 node. 1117,E 00/111Fs1 veil choice lot, 25 tents, tO. 81 commis, (wpm anBUSILT,NGS, large assortment PADAntiLS,. illa'ck and Drown 'Silk and'Lanni*, 80 oeate a11..1 upwar. . GEST'S WHXTPI ulttss 811IE18, 61,288o 92.00 • OXEORD and REGATTA SHIRTS, $1,00 to 21.01 idERINO 81111119 (811(1 DRAWEES, . 600iniTioraNni7:d mERZNO 1100E, COLIARS, Tins, &ci. 01 tr18;81:85 0:3 at: iae iCHIL:r1 01:6" in"41 ;kilt ilr0 Aet t ;;Mcli ag:Tn 01:::::ot17111,1 gi,:wAicatii LI -Mot T.W.raMs. *WORSTED O6ATINGS, 640iD0LO11H8, end DOE- . 41;3:51111art teltir,o‘ tood worts or si1.00-; 1011.80 00 Ofden told 11 good ft* guaranteed.' ' nOOTs ittn SI-10.ES; Our tame of Deets arid Miatisiikooraplite, end eempite6m, LAnnes.mul CAILDAAIrl L2;1141,111; iitut.,p065Si,t,4,. 00 IE6 b1110: 11 de°. G TirTE1,1laMorst Emote, iroTitEt. F A: I X- tvZ Alan tkelt Hew Groceries taros on hood. . litreotts,1141018,13unnotor, Pantrns, Inca, Oorsaai. 'tianktWit, tttA04,, tuttY,. to. ' Reit EAU Akan REEVE, 80 ofints po Cali and get Ample of titir 60 *MA. 0014i01#1:11M Tit16. • SPICEit 140.4 48 Mry Moderate prieee, ,:tioGepR6000.CE:11,1ES.;. • • ake.w &WA 10 Mow ,00cta aid/ ggtiand Buthriskon sxchangto tairket. Stipa allotted,` 4 It-ANAL:pibk.'; at, aa - 40i0.41:40,,Attbion.