HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1877-05-10, Page 4: ........ ... .. i7 IVarietipe, 7 )1F4NC1LX,§J1 fknd 3, 1), A L E S —1 40T A thorough nowledgo of the natural IAWS of digestion 17 quartorit—TVI Duty, fivo ctol;iti ter ad by A. oaroful applioatiort 4f this. Sao propartiles )f woll-italeoted c0000, pr?ror to iiql �oi ro o IQ( ro afiviii providol cour"breakfibsP tables 0 It is no ;in 19, v V ps, it 'Play Ell, ,,r WA'LL' =AADWAR & ST *14 "r` .,4#tit)"0 b4avortently 11 Into the ptivo no Vanity heavy bills. Itisby Xk, 00110940A ateg. to0i,-h iu� the Judicioug use of such artl9leA Of (hot that Atto Far XTRU99 4nd PordednG, A constitution may be gradualIx built up. ult- til Atroug onough to. resist every liendency � to ok gooa way to -make 401i K00r. dibonse. Hundro(ks of quictIq l"AlAdivo are ad witil A man tried, thi 'A plendid variety of Newnd AttwtITO $Pring Goodso 'floating around, ito ready to attack wherever 114,4 ON IIA*T) A IMI, 8T009 OF the. Ober doy'. autt the. ben 1; y immedititoly, there ji. A W0AlL We Way VQApO Many -NAILf4o LOOKS .AINOES, SOSSWOjro� 'MON, r 0 fatal $4061t, ft keeping ourspl.\ tittiqle"otoiltourgeltove T3 �Vell A 2 small attendance at the funeral fled, with Pare . 199ti and A. -properly notirisb- . . .... The ople fG"Ite—Sold Only TAINTS, QW3, QLASS, PUTTY, nxa:43 did twist A mulo,� tull. in Paeliets labelled -04 JAMW EPPO & CO-, ITO- ALSO, SMEN11111)r 14AUM Nxvir';,ow 'or. INS -eadiieedlo street, AX108, 'HANDLIMic SPAIM $1 MIOVNIT,13, FORYs, hheso r _athiq Chemists, A Th) LAOR,,CURTA' A rumor has renal tr9tit up therii part of the country, laull LAMPS, I B3AO.K in the not l7Q;PiQc914 I.ETO RUANVMYS, ASK TOr"BEF4 OUR LINES'AT 25 CBN f4 ta ex: to', ibbly be organized. A common cong t or colo..6hou d nevei be TS, ,at- pedition will pro% Iii qjoturo bika or wear the brQlie out. trifled, with, ofte" when neglect0d it is convert- 0 6s, vil 111to, a Bari ninainitf; gvnoradl�-fatal- a S caffiales, fqross Wagoops M ext tc� the. delight experienced,by the ladies, aisease, Tile loorm 1wildent, Awal'o of'tbis, id' home oicapipe -OMoP the )IT0. I I, I J. 'der. LACE, .-DEPARTXB Pultnoilio 'Also,. Unware'-of --or made -to or pleasure they en� hich bAA sustaiu, joy Ju teWng'their-YAU040418. AW visitors 4ow ed Its,itiputation. for V a , 'a, ii�llioaoiouR much they ba'od ficsoill, Ptill haVe to do, J. A. S _IGH �'TO ED GOODS. over twenty ileal Y Al it is, thin ying AWAUe llihts trying to -tie, hilluence oil 0,11 the r oi-gans. could by 411 Whotosi a �ltd Retail I$ooksaller and corner ATArkpti Sq�nra torulizie wbetiw to leave your loituno to an J31 XAce 25 ots, SAP FAIL$ $20, PER13UNDREI),, , a And 61iNvoN, ApAl 1877. S s$lkira or a home for oli.l. tifien 410 . ipei oWOOLY TO P DUTIONS. oya, at rare A&RIAlly out was fonit of go! oitber, there Are, loany to.1,4t fo wl in various reut't6- big Pon, who UABL PROPERTYlor S mporum, wv im out� Lit V -bat I think when parts, of the country bilt vi -ti doOt 1031le-yVill VAL , a ry morning," ovc6r . pro I va as vith .9he drive me air to sphool ve inlife to their ON% it Old THE SIERY tile. plaoq fc6ir b hi a groat ouricisitios ALE Eog' E. a . . .... H, exhibited by Ilarlliltj� k NNT 1111agIlle their owners Iyou r TOWN 03F 0 1`11BLIC — WN ARE. 41.4 -�qli TIM R UP) B V1 R AMT COMP40rY, Qathe. son _quwox it John," &slid a doot;r to 0,11 wool for this rough a0dlooly Atate of the hair boy, 11 aid Tdro.—, got the invdioluo I or0er. - horse is not In A houlthY 000- F WO QUAUTZIR ACRX Matoll, 1, lfi"t(il indj�`Ato that the T40TS, WITH.DWELL11f on tri oil "I goc8s'.P110 did,"- was, -the, dItj6h—prqb*b1v oi, suffering Train IV ia house Cott, V. talus 9 roomm, to well' laid out. has every it - -hard and'ovit ET for I 0 %IV orapd on- 6e doQr-�llob thia oomadidesse alone foundation Slid gooll oellar, Wo wilill to call att(ftllon to -our CORS S h cseli Ilse 0o I A"" willico, in sUc, libi criti n. quantity of fruit trees on t10 lot. Aldl) I � I cil � SE E OUR FIF TY CENT, LI�E.1' ftwilaro and Arabian Remet) bud k, t will One lot Ith Cottage, on Bond Street;* hard i Q, ro, whr, An Other convenionc GROCEEkr Ipurify blie blood car f Groceries.., ora, " cridd MIT, RfigiAhlil, Aghast. Iit fitted tip Nicith every Nice SO& o THETE OPLK'S why did you boil. tile -potatoes without re- Mons frtim the lillig-1 All( livi4r,, abovowiti, be any reasonable time given D, JAMWIN. g Bank rdor of the d#4y, I 11 the rijill-le, nd ove that the Mtoluczrs and public generally, that I wlllll as aboall And give its good value, for tilti-money, so. Any nd-Umbrellas moving the eyes?" Sure, Missus,�'said.Nora alid,i6ve to tlio ciA t a slook nil shinitig appear- (!,In . i T.; s , 00 to remind mp tor, VA. 7,1877. Aa iielli r Stocks vind�golling.at Cost I?rloo, Booms to bo the o with a smile if I 'Out (Alt t11040- anco, 1tamoinbel In Paras'o!Er' A. taties, eyes, how will th ey1eo Cry beil!"' of 1111rd & Co. b oll A Xew.'Stock of T -EAS, ia.town, witkouli-Anzr Ilumbrig. WE LHAU-THE TRADM IfteED PRICES, . ...... ... ....... I= x0=04 0 S 0 WE OF TH331 eous urchin s lie draw: Tits TA F. qts- 'Per 11 leaves' of his fOr'$I,M;X R13 lio buildings, 'IzA, 30 ots, per 1b. otilez Tea ADES .cuts I" repeated the achoolotalter, nA. he�,*lal is, 40, 50, GO, and 70 o. 20 ban olPor $1. 00 to- residences cc and at SUNS H his,cane Across the ba9k of the Mi5ehloyous With ATTET CAi1PF.T13, I)I'LTssr SoLAqp TpA* o, 4.0 oti. ov .ythingelsio in, ppoptirtion,' ITS, ALL,w6oL0AR11P'r9.DUTC1i E XEL. urblild.' O*Rplifis, to t1to Altuwi Adwo, have 413no- Wil7 publio! gAnorally, th go:Ltwnt: of-Crookey aiia- Glasswaro, which -a s ENOLi$11 Ott, ny other house in town A florist *.is shoti,lug an Irishman dvOr hi . Old friondo slid th at b hike in the, past, sell as cheap Bite, -Tc:r 3R life ostablishaterib. (it the Got C�:Ml establishment the other day. 11 NoW " said tpor of y�crtoris .4 'CROCKERY -WARE 1�ojsins, New.-Carrants, Candied. o &o,, just arrivcd� 'a OF 11 I Streets, whore he is'prepared suppl the;h 'TIES I ,)N and:. ),LLowi, at Short nufloo, ft)ld at i 1.1,14 011 -too, , W K Ime er very moelerato price. -, 500 opels ail'oloth sit. wi A A SI SS be, we'll jut Oak in for Inent at the g tit . ow ell Il LA .. . L__ , minatindhouse." "ThaGernian'atitighouse,' carpeh at oust., No, 126 SPLEN EEP FrAcil-�-rbruor sto�e, opposito.the B, if 74to Shippo rd'k T is it ?" r plied the g Lb ar. Troth nfid I tosti. 500 elide Oystpris in every -4 -A PID VARIE Y ,ildno streati .25 C rlin4steot LOND6N, glad, fo t 'a bungry am.". On tabritc. Ott file oh . at Aotles. Any. M, H. HIM is partof town. - the post'Ofiloo to tuo plabe, 0hIlJTOXi I Poe, 13�'1$76, A Mani to excuse the iion,appearobbea of h EM�!� !L i I . . . I , . 1. . pies : . I daughteri-at school, wite has run -down and hur Strength oxosted, Sibe was Monev: to, Loan. (IlIntola, March 2D, 1477. Six last Sumer fore ino�iey Nveaks alad she lins. TI1T PEXt UNT pgozc�tiquctj And fa edwhemordliredo ARE CHEAPER THIS 'SEA89N. RIVITE VIV;jDSt AT LIC. out -the Aperen'ts of a Similar tact. gntle, you,p pply to,. ERY N millcis en ROC Thanking his frignils for the liberal �ftlr 0 11 da to'n, De6 6t o MIMP, galb. 7 _'S ,. h, 1876i tobusinea%!1l,aud A rou'liness to noomill ISHII\T�G ,eozo 'thut hins our " _�, N115 URN. The kifid and gentle hi IN d, RL __CT r lak3liort-, in IZESIDD ove& o-ou'rn'blic osts� iopcupidd by� cheek, and in -the ottid V.-Iole", T 11 ju UNItSI6 D'HAS G OBBY 6 111. I T., S.kT,�, of Chution'and surrounding country, that lie has opened, outain the. store late 60ODS� ONLY is the same, powgr tlisCt litt,s the coat-tail of 39�. �. Steep, Albert. $tkeet, Clintoill the land, and betrays 4 light�tio,lcred patch DR 110,14TS' 71.�Tt qATX M T 17 B, In UrATOo Myth, 1.011AV430rO or. (11111t fill. - am -W 11 " I I IfOR", . I . Wit], .S1 1SS WORK' bi ac It. pA—tr-Af '000's set in the seat of. a i%ill.bli emind its I it mollie0olove a d, - th' Flot monament to i Bly i ng of T 'ily'. Grocal Ithe hard times; al 11 a r africultnral pery'store AN. EVER.. A'oofr6pondiint of HE aubscribei-begi to'teuder b ace I' OWER TH. is 1;10, ill a found all articles usu IY']EoPt 1 a fir tilass r TO d thanks to his. numeronu ust a that after a -lop O- je�porienoo no finds th at a and the morq in tho aurrounning-townships A -call clIftalv Solicited, .4;o The science of agriculture prograiiaed: U D E A 1 b - TV 0 V T D R T,,; P k", r,,r 1, UL T, Y pblic g6nerall fop their, libpral-'pAtronae, L Jk U­� B Tifintimal.0 to too ladlod-of C!Int�-u that he is 1, young former will soon be able to take his gill oil abol't tinfi., would further -notify them that lie has ttreet'­.n'0af1y. '00P Si 'BF 'VALUE IN'TOW o le" Mir's M111 -al Aare. Switch5N, At R THE PLAM . ST N, out carriage riding and Row i 4 Lately XlJ1IL%d Most important improvem6ts to REM. EMU gr . ain or 'a of potafaian at the 11. T1011,0 nN, ul Bitrlwr Rbe.p. 'Aiiii mill by putting in a' new on ble pick five acre. gille, (101, me- two ran bf home ti , thils combining lillru ois,wit) 'tho pecivor he'tetofore use'd sure. and CLINT . 01 . N a rk' 2 Ia di es.,Kid Shoes, 6r S pper :700 Dot. Sold Ilu et MITTON, ..'A cooinfi@y pothecaty, nat, a little. diatin nd injAct all Ow Putt vlost C Ole WE EX0ELJN. 0() 70TES conceirting a Young whorn lie, J- TUNITY61' ich"Itkiia his. rrist6mora, for SS ave fpmped btin w�th ' L lu Kul GR ve'GE RIB S uished f6r his haptielanall, in lbbi. hope of slis�! firs asA luillci-o, Ill 3 is prvll�red �`Odo first'class work in oto be a mabu. of sinjul, i,A In, this to- ii, Anl Would at Ju the presence of a, large company,' atl pill)- J 1. I . ]�Ad es 0 to Lhom, Nail'thopublie CT I ODS lie assembly Why did the patriarchs of rikits sveifiod - I u nd oil t.- Parties from.a bill 1jrLK wiplo 01101 aswillstill Our SiooL of eroc6ries'is 66mig or in 01 hours; ate in IN WHICH, NON C&N BEAT U S.'- old live to such an old nfte To which distamice c��n )iavo'their grists and chopping E -44.1 so hThe ioure ME clergyman replied : - 01" hoine itli them tho-suiric day, Go6aFlo)',r Will bci 16 C-ir 3"cli-Xing to the in. �VR gr OV &URBANTS, ZE11M na 0)?4.4 Ill", 01TROX a Will ili ri edd-f6i �jlo. at'"modoraitif prives-. cases of a w M, 'G A- have -bean saved fi,-)m A16 -linger nn- Driver," Paid. a'gentleman to�� .ha, ckma ollitlei Catarrh, ILL14 d�'Apdllgid litia it few patriarchs took no physic.' MffD �d 0M. ',P1'CZL -eni .1 ...; �,- r Sold by drnggIstm,j)rkOT)0 et -tits. AVholoccilloby Wbo wat; lomilerly In buii1rcess for himsel i '18709 - I .0 f "i Ehior is&ction Dt LUMBIERM. -LU WRER. gua'anteqd to.* gflve� oW E AS. -New Cro of p Fosse . � I I. . ad ongaged by the hour, why. i 'ould also I for'm t�i ub- ade stwll ar P WE ARE* RIQHT whom he It, Nablup Lyman. Vor The Subscriber'w. and'wli� (wo., it, the more you5 beat you'r liors&a the Pip Iwar libe W. 11., ilo that 'he: has* a laige'stack of lumbir o C I !7 R ERY they seem to proceed That's 'cause I U 1) IT A L -L V. INAic -Dric( Fa'r'nj in CI.Lilrose-1 A P i'd ne. has 'am trained," Nvas tho reply. Qu8tiotied diff6ront inaii. Aria Aeugth3 :� Pitt. fro�t.10 X R, J0 GLASSW AR CH :to 20 It.; - Hemlock, 10 to ,- *Chor�V 11 Es -further, the that� whe 43ion All wil Venable hqu to u,,.e his 01.11 in ll ititerition io our-selectionjX THIS CLASS 0 MODS, AN . D �veed s.,, psone( iny oimse B n and ais�arou of I,,) co, zoo . P one of -the largest aild most elegant assortments ever.. 0 a 1`11HAT-SVP 0 IN, THE, 4th asuf,the public, whialrell. I N VITE INISPE (;TIONT. s it is' t r u 'llit understands I've' got -it -piirty ivhat� travls by -L Concession, of Clulross, (now occupled by oilin. r the to 11 in Clinton. �011*,m'011-11NA,� rJCZA,� AN -Mi. 'T01E!r SETSboivg WE CANNOT .BE BEAT.�.,;,­- t sl 3� �();v lb" ititein le I whi I i O WhiteAsh, inapla, S&tana Rodk Hutchiosou') Wit 11'0'rders. titat he may be' Allcrg the r'siloor of the priv"o-fdF the hour, and so hu earns 'is oats by r, I a blos.lijm 11 n 'I, ,,I 'three miles of Tees: e vvorpd w to fi a amarvelof,61eganco.d d.dboapnebsji o not fail toiAeo-tibeiri. Thil 11 itl-t I h on thb,shoritiab notice,and inbst, Tii:p: good lanil'otWillch about tio areelmrild; with-from6 ith S D 0 a recent sel-v'ice at a'c6uut�y chuibh water and seven of iViztglin*yi*,'uijaeozmtiris6s.10D Acres of r -00 A B 0 VE- -A�LL AN tiring n -T -:kxt -sr BUT" VER A a onable terms. 1.10 oart'WItIc claim for life m4nufact�; wie t ircentor.leftis derk'for-tho'i)urPose of 'house aW� pth or lmp!ofom�lltie. Apply to. 'P. XELIcY, Proprietor, over all litherbr, and- wotilil stnto that he. U rcL'I-nW,ill9 the fire. He blackened his build TI.;, aillticii, lyth, Aug. 29, ftb Put to tooL. on a inore extor)SIvo 1 Dee 0 1 Ill, 187 r io. -ati I oil, wi I _qcialo,and by the 1`1101111"Iell & I;o eiablail G S t a d 111 Feb.'cl, 1,977. II elit' �r!ShlonA 16thino,'we do the ju the Opel Itiout knowing. it, and 'Clinto to offer doiq at OREtkTLY 10,DI�UED PRICES... nfterivrlig ivilied it cross his face, leltving a )%r4ort, itildotbors'niftr rest asnurpil that thol . r . orders large black murk behind. , Wben he returiiii will reecis�a prorazitattenipt; RLOO HOUSE nd- I �rl _V - 0. GILROY,. FATE . .. to his seat he had to read the first t4rsco of nild the ttint patfonsge. the.b. whichstrangely onoughcommence4 which tichtobultuess and Klraig 9 CLINTON,'.April 26, 1.67 nie porionas 1. . . I I. I 7. with Mlhold the briglitil6liS Of MY f4ee,' mom" into ghter. '1870; A wage a e- r was made by two corn' 40hrin 0 ngt4—by which the -little one undorto it EX L.. E 1 a4ciburst -TIT the whole of the cougregt6 MiLDNG, one of them a close set, little,man, atill the other a. tall, huge axis, grent, boaster of, hi On apa urter Noatisibi,, march o, 0 _40P -two seeks of w XT0N* ONT, L heat a consider EAOST, EX �ress, 7.27 u �6n6n Goixc able dis 10.55 T ric C, h Backe to oontin'four bushels— THE, MED BEdS To I'M= eight. T :i1illabitauto of Clinton and Xed, S40 ilk. )Jo line London at 9.15 P. �f. OF , ened a Cabinet Rhop. in the 1koliding all the OoT one enct, And 'Our bushels 0.80 -PAM I!GWE D Zx�l I I 11 AVX- QN,-HANI) IN THE. - It, and then, dr,"Vin ths� other ' T'rabes will arrivo ati follows; ontended tlxa and Expresti, 2.130 PT' Bliffalo.andLonclon. froinToronto OPPOSITEFAIR'S MILL, forme0y pup. ed*by.thela e�,T._.B.,_Ra 9 h& carridd fluid - I. .. --:. -, . . ­ 1 -11 14 P�e ses. t ilh�ls,, which with Wherelieill,koeporchandA Mi C 1 oholaotdocitic-dtlit�tbotli,qaoks If A LAk"'WE - A F aed over. at A sfiturdiv Tiekets for Strail Drill Uoderlcll� ar " !q , oil,: alla the, I 9' t ge'Al�dorhnent of Furni ure: li�'Wfltooll at prices'20 �iflie; ceiall loweri than those dvorofteredin this witicity. Acharlifirilott. t eyed three year. old was seat. -A, STRAITONO& Agont at Cliclimi. (-.,ql initlif all ordoro, entrusted to him will redeiro pr9li;ii . t RAI ,chair At the dinn or table— 11. 1877. and satisfaOtOrY attont [on. T_ 13T aced hiiii annily up wtho, %-/..JL-JL 10-.4" JL N-/ JL_J A -A a In got his bib, and succeeded i lifischievous; bonds einiob and ATT ENTI 0 N 1 Which the w.procooded ush!' when fathe TAP offer to the public at the lowest r rativo fates. g, While this' ws in pro. Ifaving on hand a large A of gooff-MWINFI, . . . . . . . nf own mu%a Anti imported, zilsob# a large A lio, Gutriesses Porl�t Bamls, - YoungWo, and Co�giovii`j Bottled Ale;'Agenls for..&abalt'i Grant'g Spring Bre y, Irdinillon. I and hubby inide-a discovery.' 3t stock of Shroicids, Of all ,,,it Toy we Mug now Add of a befter clasis of got VarlikUls, haj( and duarter, Wrre4si, in t000d plates oft -the table c�icppt,bis is P;1onotally used for that Urp h 1 ­ I . . . I I wet q. in one pile t 11 papa's f i e I still now prepared Sole Aivenes ficir flic Godetich Brewery, to A cOmplotil Alicia to Os ft nd NO arAls -wit h Hiarse, amed, to lifitt Pub theic to gb style, At'about ono.hall tho� prices to rm- All Odc-rs Pro Attended.to.'-.* tbo solemn%coremeiny. "erly charged. thIg for the 11 Amr-fi" he bal1l. out t I I A. KE N SHEPPARD OOOPER. NETTy be in habit hands, By, i -I A R*. L Y PA ay on my late too. Clitilon,',nnreh 1, 1877. OLINT.. 6N,, June$. 1876. or -30 4. All EnglLh clergyman mud a Lowlatill $e;ts-� strangors. but the civil.. - RICILARD. per PILTA Ille, 0I ni TOUNDRY Tlloy were r 'in 1, at his j:.li� %, i I 11 f an visited a school in Aberdeen, Llk,w-� Stowii-h, itu'l !:!:,t ore Ill.- valoriblein all iciabir. ly. and inquired, Wolild you prefer that otantli,nict. ror I: Clintoi, Unroll 20,187. Tpg4i Old livound.l. should spoor these li'>ys, or that you should speorthern yourselves?" ThsBAglisholergy MIT= uItheirralt:.=, :,Uu. D. man, having seartraned that to ARTME OTTAWA, Ych, 2, 1677. f t meant to clitestion, deeired -the maziter to pto. v ceed, He bf d.4 $00114 - *1 _A1 a 0 n 0M so with great B�acessl nd the nhffep, 5 poretilt. -f U. actorily n6metoua ititor. 1C.R113F 'r; . ITRt, ail Dil, boys answered. stitisf, H E 9 VA. Ut .T. OHN9o"', ;hp 1VI, U 0 1�1 iny ro-116ted the 8 9 rogattone as tqAthqAxo Las o sr elite$* T L fro y hei elerg man an said' IlrIWc� to undernignaili havi, gr&tti Pl8awn In too -mtrits of Me oul w ul be lad in his turn to a an at on -a began, 11 ow i 0 tzAvE' Pit P W WN Orgaiis, as the one from thein. for St. ureb, gim,; entire Patiifaetion.­ r6itrectfully fntlmatt� fli� imtruments 'it w-hioli all the art to be found. They excel eq,00- ore wo a dead silence, In t is diletrims, Wtiull Y. I kill) FlICIP'littely OCCork(I by ft,oloy, 1%1,;O Abe Vowland ganildman interpogdel,., 111 ihink� withiblic 'j", AiI WAV_ P n!L V aflyltl purity.and swoottiev; of One and respond to tho, Most rap matliv air, the boys are not aciout rr,+ V, WATZ, 11tiptor, tained to -your L`ng.. rp W1 iliture. silo n r, O ow liall accent *- lot me try what I call mal -o of XD4 W- SPPING GQODS and ral. ro, oet in ILLES. Warden St, Paul's Church, TIN RIDQTTT, rollas, Il NE them," And be inquired in his brbad 8dottill, i,- of aflsvil I thd, 'NIATVrB,N PRESTON, % RACM -and. Fanol Dry - lln rprompt all dt V do 0; eTic. . 11.91110S.'and. 11 t Styles Roo did hawroah dca ? Again there wa w1liell fli., tLe to 1, . - 111111MALY, . . a dead silence ; upon which tile iiiaster said. an(? 8, 1871, IV. SITEPUERPI: BUMMI, , I them ai vpyy Ir,,V I.ricoi,aj%4 L-vit Vieni publio 0 The Orgatig arriveA all Tiglit; ; an examinatlinn, And your bellou"I thy, lifitit wF�t ever law in of ecl Xind4c. - asn't'6peer thene 'Willob he will sell for Cash f -r I U, ,"I think, gentleman, yna boys ; I'll show you how to (to it. And he Yourhotijon and reedfiare, large, produchig a tone rewinblin,� the Pipe oilarl 7our ceaded tint earn dto Phavirroob ab his Kg' Of famill- n t nthr��- biffies, And I-, 1 lin rnbois n6n,trally Lq ft very ejoul. of all organ, And Your full, ivory -fronted key . 6 are fl, thab der end Thabos Ail. d'promp' 'AV Eirno itswore Pdaler InPiaiio� and orgawtWno JLA JL E He waig dfooned nnd, fit, 4dition,,ii. Amart a v4neb oil Cost. tLept. friiulls. MUM& 'UR 4MIM MT:NTS XT f and ive orgi . Ms., a sale. AGRICU little fellow colbritan it,&, Oily lassie could, oil Er. r U1 la, 11,14, SIGN. . OF THE BIG MDSTtAD. Purelasors �Iiptilci look to thei Ott (ASTABLI191M) l8j4,3 tho Poto mul If t!lle adcIrem) Jsllotc, an S%0'FE0, of. Various -kindff. Brass 4nd:lron Castj.*np, , oil , It A lArge peach crop in promise& in Do lawar e, ZRIOR nexA, kTVF, Rp home m1nufacture, made A E hao told you that." Oxfol a S�vrzt t1tay a -y C -1a iitmro 1, SEWING M' DEra Serpents never food upon Anything but ani. 0 lattint 1677. A flito amortmalit of ililpoited wc�irk; FIT43tr. Tviti thi 110TAXiWAY'S ANO TT1*ND1,D' TO. tllomnn. oil th mal food which thoyho m solves Vitt to ciddt,b. i 4 splendid smortment Vf first,olmg EW11M allvayo,ou band. . N I DIPT's as Wocidin(l Caue Swtb tputA_ AN'l. !q the 5* and gireq furnioKng kept in atook, 8 9�11 30 About three million fillis were shipped front Cradlei, Afattromes, pring i��* rortii,� Icy iondilrei rf 0 R f4 A L E ATL�Seeoiid-hand Engines And -Boileis" of M Bedg, CarveA Brackets, Rustic r, ranion, 1101 lm ny Di h.; auA Oin frice n F, aq q ruy goo*� Japan in 1875, almost all of whiclt came to E S 0 R EA I 1 NT G SIX -P 9 to rappared And pow prta kqt on hnd, O' Mono Powor 1hobing, -Shinglo Ad Heading 1106hine and, lf�!adijp the United �t_ -,;. Pictufloeiramed with, Gilt or Rosawood,and '10 ruako, Aball. 11, SO. -Wing 31wbitieN of every m6ka A Also, Stava I Tax is paid in Ordah Britain on a million Gilt ly, tro'bil alarly lbeirnamoic novor ilf. Jolute andPlainor, I -dogs, beibg A licensed dog ustid praincts, Wood, in Ould, � #, � plimtfeal machiniblit, All work dolia here, To warranted to givIc good 4,%tilifaction. and a quarter of Aixtioll. 00ms ed orplain. "' . I I . TH L,ULLuW r. Charges Alodeftte. I I - . n. NORSWOWITY. . . I I . . I . to every 25 inhabiitauts.� givm t . a 7' 0 all who Psgold &net silver heals, and real 136arl bookies, I" omotimes even ubies and aiamond's Ard TRE Gr.l,,,AT T1 A added. y 1 The WAlmoutta, Mass.' "AIED '09 WILLI ilrik6 Of will operi.- Rolob wookl� & evol, SURM tivess about ended, b6thmonced rebruity 11, 0 ir, S.T. R A T V'O R D lip '16d allf"Ag the itti0"Al the Operatives 1036 $137,500 of wages. 190010MATIOD '18 74, J�u6c�ahjora to Thotneon & Wllile�ms, Of Mitche it is st- n A L K -S .6 A G, I ON, LT U 11 atea that Queen rgabolla, liis re. Work, 4nested the Pope to endeavor to dissuade n King Alfongo, ofpain, from couttactink. a. LANES HAVE A, SEPARATE Room. t _ ..- 'A Marriage with a Princess nob A, Catholic, L A ibultura] i Bngi e U N D E R4 ^T A K I N 01, The abolition of Me detall Penalty !a Maille A. has had a I curions effiet,' if the stad8tioinnii of 41slythinli; 01e:� Wish, without bi�lijgf htribl Ali elegant Hearse for Hire. Aquantityof Dqiub Cylinder Threshilag Machines, that State are to be believed. A6ording to horecil.by 1111zlietir in it clicap. attended nuel all furnishings a� plied '46 rootoonable, Combination, and.. Vibrator Threshing Mo cines) ODDIM THOMSON, PnE81tri T A. 'R, N'FIM XT their figures wilrdersehave inoemed ton told rt :AMS, Vier-11RES, ALEX ORA &o , j, W, �IOWAjl, T. CORCORAN, W, MARSHALL' the Principil. 'part Oi the indreaso being ili 1)AZ' ratet, A lArg6: stock of. offins, Moulded, And . ..... esf to. ratruly Mura&i6r--th6 killib PlAin, ullvayi on )land (trininidd, to tax 63hor bactonna Afidall kindd of A4=dVLTtJA1, nil M XTS alway 64 hand, 81 ' __ - ` _ I I ­­ � erWiAa. P - , . . I . I I I' 1, At the Ilarnslq (tili.) Polido Coarf, John ifA: Rant, a labittret, wh6m. the Magistrate do. ItetilembAt 66 Stana—Albertatreeti opicid- ansin". 4 brute, has been, 96 Co-Partnielriship. site .� I *r1n of the ominion, we -have, by the itittocluctiOti Of the lAtibst Ana Most Approved. 11116 TO- NOMT TRZ therefcoro -ad s tallied to thttce moutbe" Imprisonment *Ith out Works, hard labor, (or eatting it. d6g, into an , engine 10 generally that thoy havo, oliteroft flito part- clintoll; A4 io, ISIS. oin n Position t6fill All fire, where the Animal wig burnt to ashoo, lippoele of eniqinj on ther blaellomith. Pro aCleaqt Sdeftrg, Seetl�X)rIll$j ri-,'OrSO POW61`13, 811*fbg lbg business In al 10 lckaflehA, ift thot limialtorotma'- #99clarAbd made, by mwy agovitoveity A villa, nrolof (1071affnafrom Prinoexill Mary of Ratlovor, After- tallitic lyr Oeoploa by ill W bugloolift *6 flunfoli'. thil, and fachinies, dton oruelt otg, Straw CutWrg, ZOWS, GAT19 And foeanP 4ht months to make* up but thos6willinkNow6rk call raptly - hor Mind, hall ISAAQ 'Strecti, MT d6lott do bits, 4 a K"Ight. fit m4by$oArA Of ilk (118. onAlly toft NTONO isafirb oatisfAction. Duild ers of Steam FngineS ised, the hand, Of* Ixor couAini Ilit; 106ti thq wililid TiftDibiol ta 0'todnjo all orders init tho P Own 'gave U& tacing 16 61PI4111 JbOts, nivita, I -lull pqrtlelital'Ac 111 our Ica ulphle't, IV bleft wo (16: I an�-)Boiiers, all siies� il Hightleas the Duke Anel. thlatod to them, fit it pialstaotory roannor, And At Bucifnqo pleiinanii'mul Bonotable, Women, andboyA VnnO, 1 . 1q, - 66 Driko, liltwa y6ting mft'of spirit, jtigtocl(l Ault girls Acacia *0 atmon. We *111 WATMt WRMS A14 D Atli RIWDS. 6.V 14ILL MA0n1XV'JMt-' Iv,11t, to woik ThIstld-butterix, Sod Plou-bri, And IMU I , Ott , 911tatfV4. in ftel, 111AU'Viny. -per 60 f"Orit by of Moping About it, Ii ebuidnbta ti 0, ! OR60 'rhall oil r, "and oy I 'Cc GriSt d9d AtOW MIA eoinplde, 4146o Wroto Tor�-1 tor diles, loom aoit, islioiilxllt�. �hlug el 1)6 I'll ininediatt)l .10, Ni�o Will b I �%?. 6011t of tho. to got up a grata bacildlors, tfill, Wra 611ditob ro t Waga, w) the Itogy sysidi n. w chifud Pattotv Od UhfillftaGSK -den'to d a ffyiedalty. t PAY. lift$ *here lie oldanoda odbie'trottlile on t M. wona and X1 0, 0) , I orcii 04, 111' .1 I vorord 0) 116W1106 Md fo), 19th of.Aptil y1th the P6640st dAughtors of atllg , work at hom Allonit ?It, 10 lit itna bicifn all i0oilt, Sold h0jintnl by ADVIA 190MR 'WIL. taL f Ila'bi I % .... ... .... .......... . ... ...... ........ . .