HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1877-03-22, Page 4V atm and .11'annor. MAU 0014 Work . 1.10 beetnetat in Which there are elways, so Manybenienera as forming, mei theee, w the liesiness or tot old. hem/ et V** Tfillimpapp„ofAinktally coming into Inttien. Wear it hi it neer fedderplant, sem new variety of wheat and cern, anew crofts ef Knott domeatie animater a new melt It well to try any protinsing neveltesin soocessfue, it la afterwerde goy to. add to. the stock, . Tull co= or DA4ii.u.00.ran hardly ever be lose than kt fa no*. Lebo. le very low, and thee° who have improvements to make. and have the money, or eee their way clear- ly to repay it, if horrowed, epuld teo better eipportunity than the,:preaent. STANDING WATua„--41, very impertant work is tiallet.olf any water that accumulate:a attention, and the use a the hoe or shovel. Whether there is a crop in the ground or not, it b equally necessary to do this thor. When you tiee two roll eineitt arm you may bo Rum thet ono of atm le wife, nue, alas 1...uetteiti etre it in bis W trete., etyle of .bonnet. A lady inclined to filet Heys west men are like a cold, very easily caught' but very 'herd to get rid of. , "Good. housekeepere hate to pat off wasleday. With them it ia " soap de. fared that inaketli the heart siek." " The scriptural quotation, There ie no test for the wicked," does not apply to the feverage nem of newspaoer„rte More than, 50,000, grapi vine eu ttinge haVe been, Old/Ted toe Vinnee from (1°;Nrigpi:*etrawberries hom the South, are now tie New York market, eelling at from $4 to $5 nes gnat re Nona neat St. .Lonie gentlemen% who bee just returned front tihina. etetes tied there IS a railroad running met from Pekin that COOt $7,000,000 Per Inilot An ordinary Ameriean rail, road can be •built for trout $10,000 to 030,000 per utile, This Chinese road was built by Americane ror the Chinese was teaohed, there was a' loud crack m the floor. It teas found to have settled badly, und Would pratiably have, gore down in a few minutes, Tile„ bride, groom, with the rest, went to work and n *editor ter:tat:L:3 thee eineternsine 1,7raced up' the gear, and then was out of a huedred people made a great eplWecl himself. • rolf3take when they out oil a dog's tail, Lest Wednesday night six Chinarnen in throwing dway the wrong end. etnployed in clearieg land near Cbtea, 1 e el their eabitt by a gang of Whites. -Three aseerts plant' paper makets are the greatest inagtounet of the after fitusluhg their werk the goirderer,t 1.agtt, Anti emelt 'as' they tra 'foto= beg•• set the cabal en fire end fled. He then gar's rags:into sheets foreeili tors to lie on, It is ettey for the fellow.who has neVer had hie favorite cern trampled on, and is said Roma b.ok agente make $0 a day et tiler bugler:toe with both hands oughly, else the soil la eoaked, and dries hie nath, gait lO Jlifi Mali/ ;-••••• buy for every farmer who permits it, a good paper and raore lio.ike than he ;could well otudy in a year. PAAN•YaltreS, espeeially, should he free from water ; the wash froni the reefil Should be carried dr before litiefs soaked through the enema and dissolved all the Valuable la ta Ad it. the Use of the card, or smooth enrrpgembe, . should not be neglected. There an '46. tation 'the skin, which.' is allayed :by brushing and carding,' besides, the loose hair is removed And doea not reb ofr en the to every animal, for a week or two,, be helpful. VEIIMIN. —As the waroi weather Comes on, lice and ticks' become active, and ennoy. parts of lard and }soreness° oil, put on the back and britiket of cows, ealyes Sheep, will have a gciod effect. Houses that were hard worked .threlialt the winter should have' a little rhat nefores the spring„work.begine,- -The -loose-Oat should be well bresised net,. and genie lin, seed meal giveu in the food, te.•Iselli the 'shedding of the hair. If at night the feet are muddy and wet, waalt with water and • seine aorip, mid rub dry with a .piece ef woollen blanket. It will. prevent 'cracked heels. As the days grow wept] lnek out for galls, and wash the ishoeldera with cold, salt water. Serape the inside of the cellar, and keep it, smooth and hard. C/ows.—Puris water, slightly' warmed; with a quart nf bran stirred 'bite it, is an excellent drink for cows that have recently calved. Garget may be prereuted by milk- ing, before calving, a cow that has a -very full bag. If the udder is hard aed hot, give two drachms of saltpetre daily ; and directly after calving a drink of bran gruel, with. eight ounces of Epsom .salts, And sweetened With molassea. If the cow will were shot dead, the 4th died aeon after, thesii th being beyond hope of seem -von' and the title wlio was slightly Wounded escaped by feigning death. He says • exttngutsbed the filmes, and gave the tannin The. murder Was in cold nloodientid unprovoked. Viet e is . no The' Hridgeport, (Cann.) - Standard Bridgeport mother 'has sited a youne food and.lights wasted, as ehe evidently considore, during his courtship of her bobtua thole baelcs, ' daughteee said courtship having 'hem . . orooa morning, youneily bent, brought to an. nniirnely close by the your dinighter lets it. baby ; Is it a boy or a girl. O" ' Slue, iniee, 'and its. me. self no doeent yet knoW Foy t bet life a melt has hewn duly notelted to e rimer." • Stephen 8. Jones, Chlease, aged 65°, Lies., el a 11 .1 Nre-tirleathe 4V,Eitir tow. 'The new editor or ,the BoUlien; itosop \A 1. anti. ruhx. Railway: fouraals, was shot dead in ine oillee hint; that *Jonee sedueed his wife, end • -iandiatix op boarder 'who•htte passed lie' prodnoes a confession signed by his '11* "A" "11" 3.4-10}11.1111ii -Mayen o. Ferseug4r leave Clinton station as iolIciws his OUP oil (4i tiraOrt)—" 71: clo two- very wife to that effect. Mrs. Pike conlirms ne eonne, Mr. Sreith." . Mr, Smith her husband's story,. but the Mende 'of Stony-hearted. twain in elute of the pro testatioue -of the young, holy ,and practieal 'mother. The- coulee off before a judge in Marche and the you fig G400E111. paintrupt %nee* AltIlleit At Coot Pride, seems to-he•the order et the dish I Iseg to rewind WY oeatowerti owl no puling $044rolly, that X will Fell Ito cheer end ghee is geed Yates for the money, as lay p,e, R.trstee er et. cal ; 11 etelee Ler $1.00 ; Fine Yorriar T•sht, 30 eat. per lb.; OLIRISTMAS GOODS.4,:cew Balsins; New Ottrralltg. Candied Peel, do., ILO arrived. apianaf elm Pt,,ten.-Cerner store opeetita the Market, Late Sheppard Gooper, cQrkOC.E.RIE$ .c+RQQ.E.4:1S• • par Stock 01 Groceries is complete in TEAS:,New Crop Of' 1876, guaranteed to *give satisfaction,. CROCKERY GLASSWARE CHINA We wish to eall srial" atteutien to bin` selection Itt THIS MASS C;F' GOOLS, AND seereinininton,. OUR CHINA* IrEA0 AND TOIL 1* SETS bims tweet of elegance ana otieapness, do not fau to see t em, INVITE INSPEO ION, as it iti one of the largest and most elegfli aseortments eyek Wholesale and Retail GroCers; Brick Bleak, .,1 FlION OF THE BIG BEDSTEAD, Owe% eta en it 1854.) home mantieteture, made ofseasonedniaterikl: A fine aseortmeet of bnported work, ouch se Wood and Cane Seat Oliaira, Sofas, Low, lectures frturied with Gilt or Itosewoed,and ed or plain 6lood value given to all who may -purchase, with moderate priele. An elegant, Hearse for Hire. A quantity of veryfine Shrouds, cheap. Funerale attended and sal furnishings supplied at reaaonable rates. A larp stock of Illroihne, moulded and plain, always en hand (trimmed to suit) ()Wier sibreeplated furniture ;Jr otherwise, , [nothing Gant omen CLINTC*I and vicinity, I HAVE AGAIN OPENED OUT ETAIMAING EashionOle Cuts4 and Tits Warranted. ROUE SHOEING anti BLACKSMITHINt THE UNDERSIGNED 110- 3111(111 21.4A51.711E INIZOOriftli THE RESIDENTe of Clinton and eurreenditig ebUntry, that he has opened out in the,store letely' oiscupled. by • • With. a- Choice- -Selection - of- Family 6rocerres, • Where will be foUnd all artieles usually kept bee ant elise Grociry Stera,- Geodef Delivered nib -where. In Tawas. irons. Pradnce 'raises. In :Exeloonge. _ A call Respectfully Bel Wiles!, 0 REMEMBER THE PL,RCE;•••Albirt Street, "nearly appal% Fair's tion can be chewed by their 'a groan, - feel," It eats into ebe ealitor's ealary fearfully tO got " stook" ..with fPul. or five such notes io a week. When I ete williug to swallow flO ituch etipteble• of • the alleged crime. Ail nightgewleil, his room, and went to' the W; Thonippou of Westfield, clerk wit h seyine t " Lookne.berea N. Y., Wile op Friday, held for trial on, losses this as ,i liopoe, mbek,3,,v dee a charge Of uttincethe Mails fraudulently so& s. misses If you can7t ell te to obtain money from the relatiees of up, I cloth wane the. blamed thing in Parties -killed at the late Aelatabula. died; not drink this, give it theough the drench. , rciona." . aster, hie :inocreca Operancli being to Write for paturient troubles at this time ; but prevention is tefer and, easier than any remedy. Scraps and Gleanings. , The entrails of sheep are being tail, feed in California, where they are manu- factured into ropes for hoisting appara- At Philadelphia, on Thureday, -the degree of Doctor of Medicine was con,- ferred on fifteen ladies, by, the Women's Medical College. Baldheaded men are so numerous in Chicago that an Mullet:me in that city ie said to look, whea viewed from above, like a cobblestone pavement. Att exchange thinks ",it is almose that some- vigorous Midi), should •of tbe religious newspapers ear, hear. Oregon, James Divehi bed by masked men, • d burned his body in use. What Davis Duluth has fallen 000 to 2,500, and 500,000 to $586,- ty incurred in the ons being actual - e who had • daily; aa boosted out of a , Friendship, hurt, and has In Sprin MS., a stranger opened a stae, pa out a sign as a coin- ' mission. merchant, sent out circulars far mud 4,idzo•soliciting consignments from %knee, shipped it to some unknown place, and now has disappeared. At the Oomraerteement of a meal the ancient Greeks' took off theit sandal:3, washed their feet, placed themselves oei . the cushions, washed their hands, and then began to eat When the entity; was ended they again waehed their not in the hebit of drinking 'anything. While Mr. Beadier was leeturing in grey cat was seen walking deliberate y 4own ono pf the aisles of the Chinch toivard the rostrum. She /mended the eteps of the platform, walked up to the lecturer, and vary familiarly rubbed herself against his legs, to the great a antenna of his audience. Mr. Beech, er simply stopped and laughingly re. marked, " Well, now, atu beginning to fool at home." Dr. B. Jones, an abortion practitioe- • .Yho was arrested a few months ago for procuring the death :of a young gitl; eenimitted suicide on Friday by °kitting, tittoat. -Fist feel -fifty years he Par- sned his lefarious calling, filegant style, and his family Moving in eood society, On the table where the liloody knife lay were stocks end bonds titled at $50,000, and his Mate is es. inflated to be worth 'shout $150,000. iris death created -a great sensation.. A very pool ma a '1St a ,ar,,,o. cm y ting that be bad in hie poseesion eertain. at a etore in droveton, N. H., for one dollaret worth of apish, islijoh le_ took of ii stipelatect sum wetild forward the articlee, Signing his mare •Vietor Ben - up as fellows e—One plug tobacco, 40c:• eiatChes., 19o, ; peolr„ ef pj e •: d '. I nett. ,The prisoner off d r An- r,odeSt Young 'lady desiridg: a -leg• ..Fir' PG'sC'oco-CA-ar • f''' " ' of Chicken -at:the table, Said : "I'll take -..:."ge a thoroegh ii nowleclge of tbe natural laws which govern the rperationa cif digestion draWers '," A young * : gentleman 'op- :.„,i t, e.fie-p _properties .,f well.soicteli, obe o'a, 1. pesite immediately saide, -" I'll take l'‘Ie.rt.i:Eappeehatslprovidea our breakfaet tables 1 e y ad Illi Mister, tioatins stoOncl. lle ready to attack wherever .-was the flood., :Among • the first Cill064 ablielt'OT Ilk weak point.. We MaY escape mauy -tions put -was, a Howe did Noah under.- : fa, e a by ..it,e0piu0 ourselves well fortie 'stand that there wee goipg tosinee flood `I''. tied e‘vith aietteablood an.d a properly noutielx- . A Yank.eo ,Couple celebrated their an 170, rweadin911,011don,'' - s said that they newt exchang- ed a trifled wit14.often. when neglected iriS•coe‘nevierts. talinto a- amens Red generally. fatal pulammuy harsh ward. ditring ilieir'wedde,d life of (team. The there prudent, aware af this, twensty-AVe years.: - The. Inoit ineredtd_. promptly toe Bryan's. .Puhnontetewaferee a et , OU8 vvill trelieit it when it iS Stated that rative which has sustained its reputation fOi. Trains will :arty° as follows ; . Mixed; 0•40 AM, , f fore Stratford. Mail end Espresn, 2.80 P..lt.,. from Toronto. ' ' c.-1 : ._ • fl"t..1 P5 i e' L'',1. - The editor of the ./Cansas F stated that he had. taken all soiairsmoerf thinge in. the way of subscriptions, and that now n man offers him an owl for six inonthe'bf his peper. The. editor says that if he eau find any fellow who ie out Of ewl, end needs'orte, he'll do it. How deac to my heave are. the.se.enes of thy childhood, when fond recollection reeatis them to 'that mother had carved out of hitrdwogri, to wallop my --- troesercs. until it was hlue. . The old oakon shingle, the iron. hound shiogle, the moes•covered shingle that hung en the wall. - A dandy, with' exceedingly slender legs, passing nlong the street, the fol- lowing dialoghe, in screeching tones, ,writt indulged in by a couple of urchins ! ' Say, tiny; that feller'e got a limn) cottrage to risk lamed!' out on such leen ." "Alight freeze brook off, ntick in his body and bleed him to death." A Man old West had a teeth drawn. The charge was fifty cents, and he ten - tiered* two•dollar bill, The dentist haviog only one dollar change the oh- liging custotnee deliberately set down and had a gonna molar. extracted to Tor seine one to say this tooth-oot story When loft soo a youtea fellow steads., be tolerably eure'that he has just begun Oyster8 in every Style. keeping house, mid that he is mutter. On'the shortest wilco. ing to himself, ••" Chopping bowl,. tine I, over tiventl. years, they. are always efficeenme. awl exert a moot benefieialinfluence on all the Bronchial and pulmonary organS, Sold by all • rare ea many sunpose, not such great curiosities either, there are many to be found in :verious Olds of the country, biat tionbk if they will ever prove as valuable to their owners as the one exhibited by Barnum ; we imagine their owners would consider them more valuable without the wool, for Wit rough and wooly. state of the hair indicates that the horse is not in a heAlth3r con - Powders arid Arabiah Heave Remedy: it will purify the blood, correct the appearance. re- move all obstrechons from the lungs And liver, alid give to the teat a sleek and' shining appear- ance. nemonaber the name, and.see that the signature of. Hurd Co. is on each package. Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., proprie- ,tors for Canada. sem by all medicine dealers.' • For Sale—cheap. good cella! with over acre of laud, end etcher/1s nicety anuatedo; the TOSPIA of Clietont not tar from the Canada Company Lands. Li LIST DV LANDS IN IlUltON Pan SALE Mr -ca. the camels Coutpany Ditty be seen et the *Mee er it UALL. -5•.'OPENETD log on a '47411 kinlis of Pastry Cakes &c eatbos e --4,1;g6 the thumb and al A St. Paul paper sap :--;" While Governor Pillsbury is preparing to im- port peas from Canada; many fareners fear that ineradicable enemy the Carta. di, thistle willabe imported with the peas: Great care must be exmcised to prevent this energetic plant froni gain - trig a foothold in lqinnesota." The eo. o Canada than it does to the Muted States, nor indeed so much, 11/1,Nfifig, been lira introduced into the letter country. Seeds of all kinds from Commie. Ara locus likely to oonteiti foreign Admixtures than are seeds from any part of the con- tinent, for greater. care ie exereited in tiu taulog of atom • be-impend:whim ordered. t t ember party the heetrate ' °(`:'h!at before tile fue h tattemosa elate Milt; 6 6°6' 611161. 6°6°1" Mrs, Mot ay, had tio epoon ;for hiec soup, II "at" 1"-)66 4.1 1676 and called the attention of the servant R, , to -the faot. The Than.sertrant, who was 1, Jar's. BeesleAry 1/1 an eccentric old charither, replied to Ids 1.1•Tenttitooti - tiler; The eloping eouple in this inetance ,.,.et4 .1,, le no ,.s,..,,,. eemtaeca, and is remittent were overtaken by tint girre father , at ii 1.07.01; coank oilati, 1 12 , an sizes 0 nd deserixtions ore filed of himself on a reCille.'s hone, II ' "1-luloil, nay II, task. ""'IL T"' ler le rmgthunto iten't5s Masi pagog514 Sod 6°6°1616' mit of her lovet'a waggon, I started, foe home.- The toyer geve eltaeo ' f4.„ ; bet his waggon broke dos le Di'l Lie 2•11 A -Ff pretence of mind desert hire in that 1, 1'0 lui$ 4)".ting at4 lot* rto out, of he et their spare rao. , )1+!2 easily Alto •f:ore ;.f1 rots tea, pm, analog. emooth hack of the mule. , tete I lie Ii:1,',;,.1i7;...01TAIttilitglarga;';?:11;.Ttit'sgtiTaraa:11"n' Man. Then till young (3n motultol Nat Illosaated Pabliottlaus hILlont bgt !luta. the mold rind ilea, • • 1 .414 gi 0 /MIN UNDERSIGNED see evert TO. INVOItill the Inhabitants; of Clinton and iveinty that theY have parchseed the Grocery Badness formerly (girded on by Mr. jet S. HUNTER, and will continue .it at the OK Stuad, where they will be pleased to meet all thapld customers and as =ally nev7 Meg as may favor than with their patronage.. They have on bane e omelet • • Of all descriptions, which they pffer at the lowest re. coeds Delivered .in eny: Part at she l'emi.--Favie ,Kir' CA .§11 PAID FOR BOGS, Al TIMES and snuevsents botight, and 'Mgt paid • 7b0 6014 Since April last OP tanti sin Cr other Inflatenuttory MIS hours. 010 ; relitt.ie felt in a few'. hosing:: the moit.oludinato . „eases. of Dyspepsia. cured in a w`eek. A lady. writes, 11 T. have been saved from ine.iingerine paint,. • I bad bre& , • 'chltiet catarrh," end dyspepsia, Cid was. cured in a few Northrup & Lyman, Toronto FOr pertioular eases SMO ERS Wo have. again to call year attentioxf, to Myrtle Ilavy TOBACCO.. • %At 33 IN GILT LETTERs, le On each plug of the genuine. LIQUOR STORE. The undersigned having opened a Liquor busiaess in the remises 'formerly tined as a Groeery, Wines and Liquors. of the best and. most yeliable 'Brands, -which the offers- •to the publla at romuheiative-pliaeif.---A4cit- forstetiet6ii St; ' lie will constantly keep on hand a Urge an well selebted stock of _ , ' George it Co., Termite, importers of pureXedieinal ines, He would Also beg to inform his patrons and the public generally,•that he has removed hid • Stock -Of Groceries, China and Glassware, To the premises lately` occupied by Jas. A. Yuji', known as the Anterieiin Expreas Offled where be is prepared to offer apecial inducements to any fayoring him with their patronage, ewe Cafita AND EXAMINE STOCK, AND COMPARE PRICI,S,. -Ma N. ROBSON. dlitacut, July :10, 1870. BRICK BLOCK NET LIQUOR ST()Ii, ;PEE bxneesiox.sn LIAVE NOW ON -RAND IN Premises formerly occupied by the 'late J. R. Racey, A -LARGE AND sr,X.Evr STOOK or ITO. I 0 E • 011, It 4171'7 711 Which they ofter.to the publie at the toe eat renitmerative rate', and' Carlintert half and viarter la wood ; Grant's Spiing Brewery,. Hamilton ; and . Hole Agents! for the tioclerick lireteerus • • Huron Street, QLIN'TO rrnE SUBSCRIBER WOULD TAKE THIS OFF011• • TUNITY of thanking his tumorous customers, for the very patronage they have' layered him with while carrying on business in this town and would at„ .the SalTIOttons hittniate to then), and the'retblio goner - ally, that he bail made witch arroateementeas winanif farther entitle him to their.support, 00 ho bollaves it :will be -greatly to their 10v:tango. Looking to the in. forest ofhlinpatrbus. he has en -gaged the serviebe of • • its 1.40 Also made Shell arrangements with ' slot, as will sushi° him to use his skill iu all mitten? re. the winner of the.prie for .• lie • Celt with tonfidenoe claim to).- MS fainufacture.L., Sureriorityover all °Mora, and would. state thathe le -.sea • le, and.by the fealties he poseassas; will Ise enabled, Femora eadothers may rest a -seared that their orders *to ofter thorn at GREATLY REDUCED PEIGES, . which aerial; attention. tobusineen and along experience ' in it -a good guarantee for good.work-sheuld Merit, Veterinary Verso sheer. • ' Olin A Xine assortment of Tweeds ti; ,eloths to choose from. 7/weeds - bought- in, the-- Store, put. Free of Charge, A. Trial Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. INTOR, Feb, 15, 1877. rpm., UNDERSIGNED EEG TO ▪ public generally that they Miro entered into pert. :nership, for the ropes° *1 carrying on the blacksmith.. ing business in all its branches? it building Godley-. ecomeed by F. Jones, - 'Where they esti bo prepared to r:cecute au ordera on: trusted. to them, in a satisfactory Mariner, and, at Clinton Jan ill iss7 • Greatesaoller of Iflern Times TILE PILLti 'Pnrify'l lie Blood;correet all (Reorders of -theLiverilltomachrEidasys,- andllowels, -anti Ara 104 • valuable in all complaints incidental to reneuee run OINTlIENT is the only reliable remedy tor Lad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores null Ulcers, &I however long standing, yor Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Coughs Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and el bhin Diseases', ir'hat1 no • atta filhtmetit" are mantifactared and cold ander the nerds of Boni:may dc Co., 3.7.41'05,1y, Curran &Co,„ druggisto, and also ^. the Metropolitan of New York, with mark, Ince this cut. ,laydock, of New oft eonnterfelts of the bamo of „Iloilo. an assumed trade. Again, one Joseph Bobbing, of New York, aro agents for tho same,' Theae persons, the better to deoeive you, unblushingly caution ihe patine, in small book of directions ardaed te their medicines, which are really the epurlette hullo te Beware of Counterfeits; Unsernpuloua doalora obtain this:naive-5 low prieee, lied den thorn to tho public in Canada as my Wanda° Pills and Ointmcmt. I moat ear. neatly and respeetfitlly appeal to the Clergy, to mothers ot families and other ladies, and to the public coneraill et British North Atomise, that they may Do plessod to dation:leo unsparingly thege frauds. Purchasers ShOttld 1001z to this Label oh the Pots and BOxee, If the fiddt•OSS isnot 533, Grtfo, rd Stcreoeutn,tLeropeditosn, they are the Each Pot mid bears' the Betrtsu Gov'mvcrirer STAMP. tvith the worde noseowere PILLS AND OINTMENT, LONDON, engraved thereon. On the 11'1101:0 510140 they aro tudnufaetured. fa- Parties who maybe dofrairded by vendors *parlous llolloway's Fills and Indium ao of my genu. tee, be iltuply reunsinnaltdirfndthsiruamea 'Meet, Blood, London, Jan, 10th, 187/. AGRICULTURAL WORK Climax Double Cylinder Threshing Machineso Combination "and Vibrator Threshing Ma ohines ,Ansl, 01.'kitaltt. of AtellICtIIIITIIAL oxeye oil been, parte Of the Dom:Tido, We hevei by the introilattlort cif 'the lateet and Most apptoved machlnery lute tier works), greetly int eased our manufaetuting facilitio.e. We aro therefore and ther0101111Y levied before. leaving the Blom, ani tern -ranted Le lie Every nieullint 1 goi:011aitat ay JAMES 31. 001110100a 13#111 strttatlott. "Accra (Ito, of V10'81(10% .0`.410111 I' • CLINTON,: 0 T. arigiNaraea Jab As te the excellence Dieu Organs, read. tho ing Testimonials : • • theta, for St. raul's Church, gives entire liatifittetiOIL— Thq axe instrinnents hi which' all the desirable improvements stre to be found, •They excel eal3e91* pgrity and sweetness of tone, and respond to the most rapid'auinipulatiens: . SHEPHErn E.- BROWN. • The Orgaus arriveifall right ; on examination., find your bellows the hest we ever saw in nay organ. Your action and reede are large, producing n tone resembling •tlie pipe organ ; your swells (the very soul of orgam) and your full-ivm•y;fronteil keys are ail tbat could he desired, and we predict for those ergries a large male.' Celleral SEWING MACHINE DEPOT. A splendid assortment of that -class SEWING 'MACHINES always on band. NEEDLE,S , and every furnishing kept in stalk, • Sewing Machines of every make repaired, and new plata kept on hand. Having engaged a • practical mactudist, allIstiork done here is warranted to give good satisfaction. 'Charges Moderate. . • 'trams Street,-; atter-welt or the leommerelal 1131otel, Clinton, Ont. ODERI -NDRY • Boilers1 Engines.. and Mill illachinery of .Latest Styles. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEIVIENTS STOVES of ..itrieus. kinds. ' Brass and Iron Castings; Mit SALE 0111A15-4Second-hand Engines 'aifa Boilers of 16, 20 end 80 'Horse PoWer ; alto, §tave•111aohine, Shingle end Heading Afechine, and Heading ComatIcri, reb. 1, 1877. • fAttl,1SED LADIES. ,NrA./41/1PA07.1.711EllS 01' .11 jelinston harvesters Single Reapers, Mowers and Combined Machines • axe. PAS by all Drunlastretlettfiem Droadohst Seeders, st3eet Drills,,Ilorse Powers, Sawing hitt% (1110 'NS, s4X, litqf pet t ,tn Maellit1013, CPUtherev Straw eaters; Vows, Gang &e.t cee *mem inn ...ealett enweere to ate else e, t(l.treel Niers fer poireer or eel, I44 • MILLI, St (in ae cite etixtreettv?"0? rift etnet Self4 Milk temple*, Also: , f6e Water Woph,to; Mite, tows .6.44(1