Clinton New Era, 1877-03-22, Page 2A
100 00" 0400 0111:11111
poplgis of 00-44 -4 XXW rM4 X49$ big hillt 41 th.0 0004 00 7141.11110RA R Y ;1AY)
'Store, Of LAVOX11.4114 4'. X41,11, 04 X. A. 11C110. tpind Avilus"t. county QUAR0, CANADIAN N FR WS. The lacrobitilto in tho'botandolsoo trildo'
Aio'900*0. - � 4) .40, . .
Froul tile rogalat-16Y Avith ullivh . ..... Nrrc It. Jowl", of Sealorthi foullil A live ro� lit Stratford, ar*j.4#tAog,4, wait to, litatlug
Tboro bou"1004 it good aeal auld lately talo bito 14 a potato, it (44 daya Vince.
�Vyatiytg utliviiiapargi-gr6ilt And- bill ill 1� Copy 7, that vitfir )JIM. ill futvro will 0 InArked
ligntlors froill. 104Q,11 otllcJr, latlir t,Aqi Tgu-biumtow w W joll, I)o qvritt F V flo.,11"oll Wilk r(-talled 4)11 Cho otroots of
a ing iticlustr and 4 Ott Olt down to 61sh baoittakill if crodit�igi &en.
. caollot
vie fidl to kn(Av Olvir falnellooil, it would Appear The NEW UIR A, is'now
'Up T1 'it 'If our bruggli Cla-wroN hati fivalawyors, four luilki0ors, atorting a wag", )It 1,114)11 it cluto Oil b"ciihtY at Ii yo conto
it will bo limitod to thirty clays u 011 Coll
the go�qrnqleu� blatned foo not linvaing thgIlt there igg all Itillopi; thViff, to Stoney Ortick villipg, gi,04 41"'11 1fIqdgQ# ditioll thcAt ( --to the
And fulirduotqrs.� wingbitill will Booll4jave, five Allictorst.--Now liot to,k,wlI 0,;IIIIIAlly, t toll por outit in 44dull
29 1pilig haild, aw: I we, Cho, Q_ onglOurago (ilia aolitbor it) &hut way; Porliapti. lasued at 2 0"Clock P. W. It haij fqur laveyors itud livo ministers, wltll youll,, ,loll wilo P ice of tho article for J,l)q 4901101 Illodation.
Ult Wilil-c dro8shig x rt)%v IV few ilay$ 4414) , , flill'I.A. move in tile light dirakiln).
W. SPAT,. X41W 14 1877. 111001184 lie' they ))five t1wic ordow front their chluftain.— indulge 44 tile, lit,wing howl. r
.00,, J ()so Plitt . subh 'do exist. 4011depa A dep-tiso.. , : AtV, jt
1xitist. 6upp uSDAYAr, TER- oll""f oll'b"tol"J's is N-11 iclont, pi000 J� AVIiIialn(l, one of 80afol-th"t 0"" Xillgstoo is ilia oldest IfigIA School lit 110 0
onTRY P 'r , f( Ilowi g if) giVe.114 as �Ija JuQift roeollt
It, therofor In the shal .,in Sir John Uacdolkal-I aliall have inle. vou'vit AlUIV ario4o, the Ilrovinoog, dated, fruln
0, 84 NVIg Thowt QA rublaoilt"', Ili about removill"', to (4".grrW 179J (JOrosOhIl Swindling Impostor' vr-
...... .... coaded, in fortgaing"Aii allianee botween the Marc (till still got �it 1*1 Ifilyeroft (�, Vorgullod (01a
yo pilipol, 10 moon NOON. 4 f"ral' .1,106 -,. Niagava l8og , Prock.vill 1818 0 t. Ito 110 '141,44f for big, child, at
to be raligolgion of Ontario and tile (!40101fols of a. till 1,11,111 in C.Ltharilled, .18'ft %
. start- of a f0i . indry. or mon-bina shop, c onot () loluotiol'o, Ivill link oll,. 'rly of ('1111toll') Irive 0 4
MfdiclAdroeate. Alto it ilow OX_ Vi1tting the liquor toul. two,(Atawo, un(Wrta1wri, And lkroQured
4 0 about to 4, lots, wo, would advioo it to pull ca "]ant, ail(I ill Mowing tholl iou(la of protootioil d micts to A14ultoba, 4414 Lowry Taukilk- WO If
to 'oil go. PrQoper in tile locat I !Olt where -0 11. ill., tit U Is
p,raneo. ity-n 314 opon hostility to Cliff Ui,vek a. fr6lit moll IV silvdi. lillito, atating diat lie,
,established a 11plitIlk Alit. (X'. �V.Iu'rla,6 lert. for B Tile J. 0.1111pbell, Lorl(loll, ia, soudit), L?Q
"I'Alautl Hotel, We tile j)iirpwcJ (if orgquizing a Jull. 1)(tolilo (it Nol�illiijl t1iIV41"4111) artl poti-
he. nit whore it could in 0110� 1,101111 JAI 4TWINI thtl flOOV to 011i�o wilt be tile Balm blall, Club. All illkkwotited l4oicao tla Ing, pavitauleatt for, a 110A virwo, At Dayls, 1,1111"V uld. all')w thur'll to Ills wife botdro. baviug
the. t4o me -remove to 11,111% tow jtt�v. 11, J1. 1) (Jr 011:1 tolvil, att,011(l. tile')) ougrAVoll, -110 aid riot return, and
above iteols. are ba , 0, And �Yldo opoll. — Voroliff), TrIl"'Irain. ifloavortul, to sell tho, platea.
ii-olilo o8k forprotootioli. has 411100, Of
tit) 111tuter, of Clio 11111-oll road, voltv
tor profitably into, tile map AMI fVOInkIlQ LOIld01l1'IiYf PreallivIl bl (4rovi"U'A CIIIII-ch, ('r.—TO-4ay" Air. 1). Muldus %ol
upon anything fit. surgrgii4b, jyj) en NVQ JJJaQrlJC NJ, . (lit I Ij M.Ika W.04it to (jalifOrala oleyo It is avoirod by those fAtililigir with the
-vililq � 11 yo.;rA It JI�Iuy, who aVrjY
C not, toll ; but it i� 0 reaping and Inowill" In. 11111vs.. Wql tb;�fi so lollip m 'Mr. Altilghollilo iplu.kin ill oil Atoll(14 it% I!, lioxt. envorlod Rioliaia gara6i,,- ot Loudegiboro, C14, from, bondoll,
all yidont 'there Are 0, tic I o�o, liam returned, 011t." hvst V1,0(bloaday gg I light ill sl.404 of made in w1livil Clio 8uspollaicn, Drid 0 1
some; who d know 1414t 1111101liuou call 40 jk�id dOVVII polver t4oro i4lould Do veq fittle 011rut for hil. Bit'-, JAIIE."i DIM1,1111, Of 4110 l4to llelll Of to, jail, Nrincurring debts that; lie is itiot" Jilra. 0'rystal chotl fier ocin8trucW4, th4t, it one-quartor of tile Ro-
, o oe e the rurooro real ulifirtition purpotfeo,- but that ff thoTovi"if not; y
osire ( evelill & Alillcir;, )Rt for Katisats Oil '1100- 4,10, to liquidate, I'Niarililig 6 impo , shatlonly'm Vic rest. WOVIC, was fatully Injured by a; trftli� at
lierb aboid its cheal -a 1('k tile QxPenill tqWsll C�l I Ill Ilk) royived. Nyo -ro lit) bitends to itiake Ida fut,�urti 611110(io, debt, a a . It dollco of bor aou-11141AW? A. Migittsy, coil, .1 Cil 114,ntlt 13.1111?alo all Thurs4ay inorning. tuat 4trongtil of tho 4%blou Iyore gone, the
ized, find tbAt material and p0litiQal oil- they coul(I be lay, win Ka.
sul!poggo khollngdialk of Viat is thaboll, e.\hiting (Trey, i% few glays slego, JIM , oile", gaya ro.- structure would -still POB00as it iWitaining
cl mauufacti:irod here, but rauchilles, TO'. . C , AgQ11ts 811oultl bgl (11"Johargell so Lhat Hellet'la-survicell-aro laoing conducted ilk. , Alivicos from NV' _410,43 force oflf�gul to. four, times the ordlaor .
position should be inatt uratotl. i ph vililgrRilt rlisl I I t, tile 14mideaboro Mothodist (fliuroll, by t show of tile �kligfpholl and 11— Afellaill And, J'attoratill, formerly of tho
1�111. If. L. 1�111'XrV, 6111110tila $train put ulooll it, It is. further k8gert
out, gwil ill theril Illay be, more vaciallt bortlits for tho. /,� 1'�
fliot, quoutly break, p.,40 wear Ili; lilNo. (jounty oi, 11ruco, %Vill Open in th
of these ploc.oi, regardless of t1lot
writee to ellolo (VI)IjimlWa 163 1)arty. WAl", baAA of (Aintou, Iflit reilontly (if Qocttwieh, dilfft 'tttiv,. Alt'. Davey, and Owl at Clio OV41)""Q t'j" an the l3th of"Al5ril. the livat cheese f, a SPV'u9 that if there were Any t1gluger of 11 giving
tba actory ill the Vr way " th-0 r I 4auld would I I 11an . ifoot it4olf. ill
t as coninioroial ventures they could. other Nvilys need reptiles, ;tilt] thell Clio, tp [mirov. -4lit w0fin soddonly itiliulitioll, afow dayn J;ilwo, .1111 1 tikll, 701 -aom, (luclorielt Vil, by the Jtave.
A. Taylat, IlA4 bimgllt tit(, eotiikTonco of IV
']'Ilia O'how illig I) 'onto Telf,lean), pul.q it-, I r.g.101111111a wor�g, int�krodat (,Ioclovich. lo�,ars. Alillikell (%Aid Ilor.6okoal' wh[ekoy 0,
Vatt at Mill' tit() '0101140010n Of thO. wilros whou. a, com.
not be profitable. A 6=0 -many Poo, difliculky is experiL or having it of �Ir. U, Aolluigun'.. 010401,1611, for 1�12,200. . Mr. 11'rogeborn Ivan flued. s8ao vind conts, picia
i�Ulr, M-vorl,31Y I'Vobillsion got, A.% exellaugo thlaks that, it Is-ould lie V KA."Wak botchors of 'CIOS Aiihoson goom,to 0aliforilla, for Ills haal4b.
ovor $10,000 tively heavy Amiga, or wfli4hill was put
ple up tertaill the idolit, Ahat, flono o3lioditiort8ly and reakiollably I'll and tile -otllQr parties wo'ra discharged, upon therrig ; but, that, a critical test he"Ving
por to Of)' I Northern Railway CompAity, about c; iCal. 1,1,.Ik file , teachOrs to dovoto a,* 1411IF place have hlivayll Shown Contra :e, .1 ohn, �kileon hn$ solf� Ills farm of .50. lit rooborn. has loft tot, pi
that tIJ0. uJidst Of IlRyi1lg itutl 114%�V(15t VIM6 ill being oforar4weg salary nil IlylAki oilt, undablo Ott.
hOor overy Inot-11111"s to road thail"oeliol.irs terpriso ill pr�okiring bliporior, stock for bo6f aigres, an 8, 1.1allett, fat, gj,600. X0 artj boon instituted, it Nyas found Chore, v�hs no
publialiing.o. paper is it pleasu oil) and, mg, balgowo- for - Ilia -Algonilf t'leetion ox. 4:a Oil apeciat Occasional and fo places of tile Ifourg Taylor, is. the purobaa�tgr.
t , I xtraot,�s froill livAl, ss* liuwspapora. IV MISS Anno McKenzie, wh olongatlQu,'and that
the, expense oonlActed thore,witl0s but 110 Y prt-Oolls-to it fgArluer; but tile Pauses, Hie John l,oc-4 11(jr, voll, nolglibori Ali a was ari when,tho' strairi or
tt I . -it lug
'Ititt" lieNt DIAllodiit onliferu'lick) will Ile itanio, Sim tire fuvoroil. with the . totillitilig, All pra6l1last wook-for stealing A borse weigh
0 0 lit f"I'it, 0 Cameron, Q, Goilerich, wAs i9movq#�, tllQ vilblon-returned
trifling, and that Any Ono with 4. fidy Allow Ray. ],is, QeilhlItn, forillorly Of Qlin- will ))a wit, -nox from Ldoyil's livory, in Longla irliorinal ."condition with the natural -
otoppage 'fwork tlir ugh down 10in f6i, takiii?, iL .8ir �Jol) looraols," placed bofiwo tillf,poopla Cro Vroscoutor at �-lgc M al has bean to, tile
I'llo Iridl docaliot atilidellill oither NP, Rob- naks'(1, to I iddle
ills (1111ttoll, to 310111411, for another ttirin ill Mr. III Torwaloy lina Introbasoa from begin in London on. committed to jail
share of education call easily perform, a. millohilio 11116 cousitler, 110011; -OIIQr8ig:JO1nI. 'Vito 41/((11gotNJ.,000� Bit, or t AVoodstoick for trial, spriuk,
all '0 f �bli toll,
k Air. 11. S�ntgll., it font-yofir old Durham Afolidayi
lloltl-hfais- I+ A 04'nicotl
4-iftikol 4ltfvrgv, -vf Om, QhIcru"o- Avqtmo Churub, g ]told at XaF11-1100,04 TrRliii
Sale ltoglster,,
jr(� heifor, 4hat--weiglia -in tile noigirboirlit: `0( I�O votI6, Ito -sod day"'by t lotat mail, it was unauiluously.
ullity-11 )Od of At
0 -thAl'- at r (It (10deriali" two,of thig agioctl thl4t ill aso file Donkil0jill %vas -I . gl�atook, ko;, of Nr. IV. Coventry, lot so,
uld---pltr=�N , It 16 ollo or tho - oilditivl�'Q� Hir John Alagg. 0s Ttlazday ovoililig, alwnwy 81101'v 0`411"T' gest holfor that. wall evor alaughterod'. in fin'"t Dovou crittle Fai
quelice of these orronmlys 2,000jba. Tin is bellovoki. to be -ilia Ilir. froin, drglall
people become diisatisfied witli' 4 60t in, accoilgipallied by 0)0 ulitioual. pbo- wbi0x wore eyer mised Ili otifili6od oil the lat of MAY, Oloy IVauld
u)i boilm luitnuftlottive, tit; it Nvould tic to, dminl(I's otgreer s A that lit, con, S, Ifullett, on thp *27tIX inst, �17 mvfi fill Ono (If hiti, own, fulloweril, I IV. (Irtorl, to the Colin ty. "tVIloll aninial Thay wiligh G000.)�.G, - Llusu their 11011003 to tile Public. Auct,
'eilit Altiling, and be- i
opinion or ext) their A0111VI1.3, Of thnilclor anct lig Aur, Charles ressiolft of some' k6ovo tilt lijilondluent to his (Hir Pro - Itni if I y I I I It ko I i I I o 1.) a c I , I I I d, I J. o, d a ubt
Coro ilia Iraq over ik of Tha order of tile British.13oard tit Tr' tile Pasturage of Olinton Show Ground Com�aay,
nsmall plaw, Choy iin- llbl)O "Istrilimlilig 1113116filk!. faction. natty Ivilt bo cagrOr to 80911VO It rust,
is in ravor of surgeons, posa6saing only Calla, mediately tall., of starting a �Japer - Wye, it in some will lit A
OACe4 Ing, alla Oot Oulburml, having. 'ce tIlo t3ucill'As of. tit coibitig yers ohl, 611�f omapt,
to 111(gul VO thtl� we libtl o DO; reacingled in consequenoo of
10 to Cottle, lere, whore, 0, t Both It , or.
!" tposition to the offender,. that they way' doeU - ------ bi front lit" to
11,not * be in* v it i 1) it t r6 1 E in hit It, NT agive exprespiogl to their 'vie AT �Ulltlay hwt to ImLIcri,,
ws, and _Ll in 1; tit it will tVa, Oil Tuoad;ty last a.contust took place at 13Y Private I' Aor from Obbiw wb loarii-that G Blyth, on the 7th flat., the wife
ft'llourielling.conz John nd Ilia troulia Ot 'of Mi. 0
sometimes a fand is raised for this pur, the establist'ient of. a N)Yre seeking to Vol J10t, I tile soasoll. It -is a jot, thodist the Minister of, received fKou, J�ro_ 0 U
it farce out of thollrottgation. movement. DTile, in. consoiltiourco" of WO Me . A farmer.drove-a load of hay on twarket 1 hn, f a,so
black, 4 years old, atg�;l 2 sident Grant; It handsome gola watch oil, the otbox ( kty, sotti.iD
pose, and, 4 printer, who ould not At. rern. 050 JIM ' Churph there being detdrous of purchasing fit, Land MARRIED,
o6i ropart of''the 14st.'06 -ilitgot-, the 4eapbS6and b Several times darilig th
1111611 - Oat argon Ili t to miar�at. i I - I - . ..
tempt the u"ridertaking on'bis own i -181c A 1. says . that 010, �account at AThe, fbIldwing organs wei:o'ontered, viz.:— x6ligiiiiis, for 'tho.11fas, of the rew of da ho' -was offered $19, -but: lie t6s. Ada, St. Goorge's Chureb,
I; it is. y
r ST, i1q, Stated aly York,. "a-, Lako HOT6 I in rato riot to be beat down
tiolif. of coru1nto Canada from. -the tile propeller N — GaIrEN
Sulith � ' St. Catharines, on Wgidn�sday, March 14th,
for hotgoo relit to (Luires, Nv!lsi Este � by the city folks,
and resportibility, ucceiits. the bait, and States still continues, And is IiRoljIto contina, re Y, mado, in, Brattleboro,'Vt. October The. a Stem. witider At 5 1-�, M. IIQ,iold 'it for 7.. by 'the. Rev,' Henry Hollan
Th " result generality is, Tharo still' aua- `foV'kornetimd.' The farniars -whollave boo(k ioctod, NVo havo�'bowl retIlloated to 'day., Americari,, , made.. in Boston D'u''Julillon d, as4isted:by the. e with the followillip inscription Presented
llid� prior to the meot�ng ado in, :U In bly the pi�aaidggut of the U William Green, Esq,,
ownlativillE . nited St4tes. to Cpt Tile,. body of aki infant was founil.;t 1�01r.- Forreutor Holmes
that insted 94 one good, pape cortaintyiRs U) vlfa� will bo tllo� final. clatn6ril"K fo6rotection rent,vy as R in ) ; ma, erqliant, Loudon,'. to -Elizaboth Hastert
r ITI)IT. 'fovtnuato that their domazids were f,iot gmut- of the coun6l. Clinton.- After tosting"Alle t6ae? gicti 6,0111 Qn. innthe Carldian oboorm Non Sunday, in 'the French Paris, oVed -to he Yount est datightegrof Josiah.1161mes, Eeq.,
a CIO i isslie in the gliffict'llty between a(], is -oertahilYj f"911 audJolim.Blleby, whoa
Benting ilia place, two poor one adding a I glut� t( tole and.bollows, tile -cominittee, And also tile far I'Li% exortidi,gin Saving life tlicAutevi. church, Ili a pew. It was real St. a0likrines, Ont.
17 it. 'file follmAng front t4ig nioneyin this town.racently, lld. 01'6ii, docided'iinanitnoilsly in faor of and call Nov Yor);," -The oaptain hairt, (lead lyllore an .,investigation was
Any practical mun knows weIV enough Thiey.ond her depeudenies� Itxett y ill gi,
veala idou a., the bna wore cotnalitte'dAb Goderich for trial, re. 'piirchlased the Olinton orgarg."-," The B were eli-I ilia IvIetbodist
ow� bg�qa noti loa of the'receipfiff th a gift, and,is hold arolter, but no fat,
8 ag' if tbe,sick port-ation got)](,, Olt During the incititliff'of Church, 11olmeaville, oil the 21st inst,, by
mia appoar i3elved Ono da�ls impil-sontrient, judg6 Mi ev-61 d4i at tile reasonably proud of, this' rogogglitioll of Ills cited ckuso -of-doath.
that in the gveitt majority of towns 6f the present'yeary 40i - argiille, er veil a , 'me ato t,
Jonuary an, the Rev. A'. Millike4*, assisted by. the Rev,
villa -es in the Province On is really till' wU SO fglr 90110 that therk NO"Is 110 POBB'� 383 bushels ol,earn, Valued At believin this to be sufficient; is they had Philadelphill.Exhillition. Duringthecow.- bravo not-,.
`30 , o , - The mother.. of ilia James- boys, was at W. Ilendorson,'11r., A. B. Nesbitt', 16tu
bopli entered at ilia Amberstbur� Custorn beell.ill two, week's 5waitin trial.. test the qhurolt-was. crowded witiv000plp, The gnin- grown Ili goo(
I r I Katli;is, City, Oil Frid.4y, and told a ncwo- 'GoddA yotinges son
ere con oh1,T'P--,' h
M . . - d -8tatell for. 'Voting v tl
that call be roperly supported, and bility �of chan for the better. Th 9 .1 find -they also p xilc4d iii,ftt prof repute in other parts of this country, if we re Paper im', tb t,4igso, mid Frank Tames
House, intportdd from the Uoite A Pnraisxr, of our. advartting oblutpliq ..D Wdat Kcat llesbila IN'hitby, tollipily Jane, 2gid,
feeding-prn,poses in the townships on 06 line gap', are. now', in C anallm , The� 4rw among the an,, o. I-Tolmeq.
that when two, find solnotimes more, at, news -fiont that �Covtry uch as to oliorty O�,( to judge'frain the action of . .
evoal som 13, thing of into Agric An; r of 1�qlv A. ill f
tllAB IV 06" NY ill r ro*t,
-tedpt, to gain fuvor,'. Sonic Iu6ral Sailiety. 'noted itrid ildsperatZI burglars, high- Villa
-the Southern 1�aihvay in E§sox, ankT A fortl"gLt Ago a lot of: mst ad-totbe belief,'that it is almostin a the $title iinia'sliwin that ago- LITERARY NOTIES. Dead grain purbli fgr thgg� Sooicity by Mr,
Fall§ -twice -thro ',It bare chants are in'llo resit eawigmon, bank and expres robber% oil, the
as �Jnueh ha$ passed u, the roilden6e -of tile
oct behi
Aute of anarelly, and till [lid those of Thomas. Holplas in tills. in
under. Tbe-western part"of -Onta. Wre�itjg- in'the Sauke time,. rqAttifestod oil $'t. Iillolha; - -v� I, the brUo's, sister, Hialletto on thelftli b-
with.:rofer6noe to
and, oill: r poi4ts.ptill.faitherielastj not
than it ro , 0 - - the ReV. 11. Davey, Mr. AN711liant WArd,. t3f
has now moe papers- really411" ulti tilO ilOWUl' ea � Of tion large quantities for the Toiollto. distillert and variety of'tb6ir spring�.purchaae!�Z.,_. Lov'ell. 11'rintin and -Publishing' C',, w4mbors. The; grain - comprises, 230 bushels :..There was rilcontly cut oil tile farm of
TIT Itoivn Council facets r . egul Ai I 0111F�647_wo have roocitIed 'parb.IV. of spring.-whodt—red �cll, Nfe, two ya Dark, ps, a monster piue� iihich DempoPy. of.:
ffarga r needs, and more, we believe, than life, i ery grettlit, :auil constantl �in- i6s. These inipprts will contill tie ill tile 14t arly�; nil
Of this hisitiryi which gives good evidence 1.19ties well The,:o' Hullott.
t of blay, at Idaat,' 016,first Monday avorging of every AN of a:,cilriosity. Ill% lias 'COOER . R
otbe part of America 'with th 6 6. the 'bon a of groat oatlay-and skillful work in its.. purchased by'Mr. Ifolmes are of the "White —0 t r creasing, -A zid Sinew of he'
The'11%stdIl :Post'saye 0stabliallinelit and the fiflngie committee . the F Aday four 'feet th'romyli at the butt but Solne n tho,dit. b If
proauctiozi., It contains. two. splendid. -�Prolific"` Nvoighin'.- from 39 to 40 Ilia. t ro population, And"to falk of starting h 6ught ;to biion 149yed in
itd- :.., � of reciprocal , commercial relations - between ovening proviotm - T110 Common fifteen feet higher it fee
'tool 61igmvi figf; eases af to the bushel. 11.0' also s6cured a quantity of cil 01,
-ftt)d 'Canada is a matter that, Trugftees�inaet on the last Monday'evenilig i,*With the liken (I ter. 3t was cut in a f Goderiell TIP,
ditiontil ones iii places such, aR Seafortli, t1ke production of. the neceswies oflife, COInt"Y ir John A., CeH. Allan, Gatti !Golden Yiue" post.. nd �a half - in mig 0 t -lett to Allis: Eliza Cart . Pr I a
inight Profitably be (gonpidered at thl.q titilo,, Of*ovdty-limthl V thirteen saw logs, nua.ta:or� three cords
orsoll,having:busing'ss 'cc Dorian. .14 promises Tile lVinghan;l Z)4ea renirk
Mitchell, is perfect nonsenso,' find is lindel' at -111.9, ftnduOw COnstlyll ing. what an(! tile resolution-thiit Was introducca-in., a not An of hInglo bolts"' ED.
6 of to
before its Il.story of the Dominion, Standing'thig 11gard Do much pratod lov Goddrich To
0 they.
Would, doubtless, eventual] her need. : Tit eY -A' or Nia- othe y end.iii oanot now, as oomunsaxonva t4oliqnirgi into the"practiontilit; Claim Th.urday lqst, AIr... About. Wingliam. everywhere pro 'ats inica,
en i n t pbig place'. tions of Still greater and- more rapid. a0uggo- gal'a 19esponsioll, 1.13ridde March inst,, Henry.0raig, aged 60 yuars.
ruin. - T'he publishers of every papor I have be' he Ilabh of doing relilQril b - d-adviintages, of all The deceased abeen -Io, -tlte of -
a and- rolational. ouglit;Lto
. . 1� ..I IRIU LLIETT. time. to dome tIV.
Allotion Sile't)n tho fari T, Af,,V Mont for,Clia: yet Dean :801, 185�. It ctend6d from -share
ir' r I)y borrowl6l;r -for .no bear'ftiititfiirthot�on. The titiagg �to
between Stratford and Qodoricb, and, the exche(Ine liott, 5th con t ming st1litter 6, N�oig' 32G' to favorable to greater freedom iii tra'de th"111 we b0 proceeds of that tilt) farid the CABO',, .-TI10 a' Shor lied (3rAyon, i
ill JE 'it 0 In. I'f* 11 issigi coil, have hall for a, long t expectation of 0,1114fillted' to xiaatlk, As tling nggarToranto,,and removed to the Huron
London aud Kineardine whicIL'' Ibe mori tbitu ever activ6- —in improvements A inds Th6 wolil 1810, and emigrated to Canada in 18.41), get -
practical. 'llicitt workoji only go faLondgggboro,� � a talo the - pros , poets Iva a resulting from
Ile in Fit 411 kinds; and f q, tjrop�se, w nd i'�ores� If to tonsia estimated at. 590 tons,,, to which
e :a nviving buiness,inight receive quite'aninig, L last Nvook put up by auction. and bill.
printers, ir we mistAko not, and a -to m'ninbainAier arnly on It will! n realization * iE oper4ors $6 90. llas a been Bola to Mr. -J. Lashani now hare with the indicatiorgis of w-year.ago, Tract ia:1851� whefe he resided till his, death.
c,lig Be 'ension Being,it mail -of probity,' and possoasill'o g"0'0(1
Ithon I tow. could ba. iodu Chat the rc�11106f.tllis sitie'�VAS V11 pglrmn�nt wei"lit 6rid t'
pritsto coMmerogibetwevit fisn, "Why the TeAnCti6it We kn6v not. we illould any that, 161y to-do, ave-tho drultarrassul alJy largo. ountingf to:. 1710 tons -It the uggost of Client have to roll lip, tbeir footiba" wIlicli she'appeUrs lih jA"to.vemergtg;'niade -dnrbi� the Xant year,* I �, �soci�l qualities; lie' was hialily cteernod at a
. . 0. .. , . Sionof tilliscountr lid gift, nearest net Lit qame;aki( --ad I sleeves -and go to'nork pretty,lined-ve Tit rkoy-Nv q1t, 1 or
says IVIliteholicl contractote mar-a1bat 6aii perform. greater wonders. in tile., exceea what ]tits bee - a. done inan -while de6ailgo. . Ile leaves b6hititt a wife, four
venture Life Ssortion that Yoe few in, :.Will ha,ve sli�ll all exhallijing jilflue:llbog tiallio in'Aiarp -contrast to the comparative ypropedhig, Afew days sificilim mn
ohicking, lift& than any other beast in the Conn- sons ana one daughtJii.
y dullneps,60fli which 'we have, sullrqd, and Oil �par. Iiia(lditiotitotlieltrge;tmonnts,N�iiiah 11pritid 331ft rom London Township,
I ly spe I ing, she eau. staud. IS, eVi'leat 110 eXpenacid in ontc;�PiBo, . 0
1 to to at . . I . In SbAala be J�tli inst.
S of., waif sleapill bar 0arig or's ujion her resources t I 'Will lilti,- he'Wriety milliciigg h1lich rueasafe. oil, prcmt During ]I n tobs, y" on t
th gilgove-nientione'd district are doing� 1 At B116 hin, boad and - kick straight lip, shF can lie
f rails', five
of; S:)l � transactions inijbt be' doubled. But -further of tons 0 apore Privte liatni-c' tile Council -bave-at erz nallan MoOregbr, agod 68 mafel�,U: A e 110, down hrid.kielmtraight aut, and lg� p ' Tliorticlillo, a ruan nivined ATcGoivan , ont dh Moro than paying expenses. thall.tIlat, hstowrf (Irills, nli -Bults, bor. 1.1 ving�. midti. stifiicievit _pregso it grilor c6ugai(toatiarr the if ijo, tl! uV7 ,I, alke(L lip to Blackwell,
:�etto.Nyatoll6,nimagin.arylitio; and rocqi�vllig .,00nf 0 to I -he 11 orhit Ono. of It ciff, coolly, pa t it in. 11) is airtl of �Goveruucgeut offlicils other Ile 4196 a If YTF-soni fire, ambitious to become kind lrtust�shortl a auititblwsitei a d tile crogg iu�, ofitigirtited fron
Y�Oc( -ire 'ectian all liar owner for somo. Ulna, 6. of a towg�a hall and ktailtot building.". -)ck f alkod:but so'�B- nainfng, for a short time iWE squesing,
moreIrt. salariestlilin they. odileet ppJies will be sent wonlct, doubtlets slell liar, at I% slight increaso 0 -book nd ly 843$ jet
tj const% attomptod'
newspaper managers, thero-are,plenty ' very materially reduced, it. notttbol- by It) And then rernov6d �o the towliship 6f 8tailley,
wlilic'h b us fo NAL, it bias ]I, to captre wher lit, resided till his Tie Wits a'
r altogbtli6r.' 'Small 1pliticiagns might POLITICA-Lif .&Cp McGowanj'but so far havo file bring-- -a
.of -offices for sale, where tbQy wiA have, k MRSO d i
iimc boon advoeatinWUPo 1-1?votqc. have to go toWarlipbut tile. very :ohangelf that. -of sterling wor�tb, unobstruskye ajl some, was formally closed - oil Moada. eveiriz I- ally, of tile 13th con., Hul- J.u,s 'ca.. aqiggutnip�, but always. ready -to perform Ilia
ample opportunity' to display �heii 4ggpii�gga them, of'Government ailaiiag, ivauld colloncy Lord Dufferin" is very 11" the 'no -tionist" - theory, still Ao.pOssess, 'establish conditions WAt would iniko. tbair--iii- a 6 Idaist lie - far -,a re"'ards the -connooti6n of latt metmith a fatal allbident. RaDpoars he much bettor, although -he is not %bid to be Thq.piivilbc�o of travellin onAialf fare parb in'those - sociLcluties,that; go -so far to-
ey may IV7
wonderful gifts,t'- and while t1i I. . 4r i
co th��,Jxllls:not gpid duggtr� and that of others the bdi�T tliero thi tile 8anl& will, be 0' ' lidd igonig to the woods to �hop and was onm
sufficient sells on. - lit cif bed... 1-1caufar Do, pal, save Whon years A
�h , ko, Ito$' 0. to s 0
soillwAs by-tj, gaged for some time'-'wholi tNv.o yourigmen, n e qllesti�l I of protection to 'I" the' 'Ozv honi st6i nifiliatinoa of: Cho Gospoli, d
find a pleasure in some of the d ti s of oves. booh f.q !Od to him to mourn Ilia depkj* it wife,
th6glitterg, and thopofighpiIolecti6il havo rented the '1' -all futuied. F. " A� - Timblyn Tabbp . went to i)d to-iistors of ehitril;y, by thel0raild five sons.and two daugh�ers--.
. I I was, firtguig4f. to s4laro issue Ott Thuisdu :'VC i uses '-Hii -liniggirial 21�ijesby 06 E-alperor of riliv
an editor, they will also find a greater. Kolly's bit busioss-, find Icarniiia that lie was ation for., these� 'Botvlli,�bl Clinton, bn-the 21atihst., Martha,
promi -Wittl6i realized -fit) ilighli in tile housd at 0onf*rrions, the re out c4OtJPlngt.Q6c of tile" alliel
t. him a Croas of Knight'
-S hilm- Russia has o a a
I ie. ablo. suat by the wi Hi I
0 ull in 0 1 ' .- half -fare tickets must b6 i NVm. Bo%yGy, aged 21,;,'years;
p hard w rk than 1*1-ioll be, of ti-inds but raceivi
s6sMucli; bp stilt bam: Illy hd applic
degree of unap 'reciatid lie . follovil5l; ig�g.tfiat ilia ievoulgo-II611cy Of Clio Ail I lug;no re3ponse, staxted '(36mmanderof tho'Or.ler of St. nne upon rtiado to thtif local -V�rifo of -Mr.
it, 0.6 kvitti�,w intoilsi ta ifistril 'Ab'd they have any hort, ex- . . -was abiod.b, off in scar6b. of him. "k couplo. of . dogs'that 3)r. A. AL Ross, of Tor6n a,' in'rocileynitioli - IL ,
idea of. A s tration Bust. of, 10q'to. 73. milits t agent �Iio than aj)ply to 04 'General,,
But admiraille li'thingah Protection is� Tiler diviifin occurred on the Illation of 11 of their "i vi tig it, ilp -boing, tlaatsofra,� %X1. Arj, jVi Ell, biln .111 Zo.tht bac4b, fulon 1�SY7�
labors as It A,;ont,at Alorgilroul for t Ia Ile, Vrtausu
Jttg� Coasury Catarine Iforgi a late Dun-
perience-9f the varied duties will knock iT
the �jII61erg* lcrg� of ilia l4ttorr)s Minis Vial volichor; which must,
I ug all 2uproasol of the ilf"OtIll-CS, l6a"'o t0wJ1f(jr'.h.JVJIiJc.* rood IlO%VJing, na when lie Mr. 'Belford, file 6tta�.% itthe romance out of their heads, find con- thoCiAted S.iates. �tgl otherpiotectidil coun� ligotliabo - bo. sl�own at tickot offices whe apply" Fail ForguKou, aged 88.3rearat itnil mother-
dut�. oil, mail 0 � 6 1 ang.
and as the (Ifiestion Was thus brought tit) sSel.,ouggly ill with toy regul
Vince them that. there are emploments ries iiiiaves that even�un&r that syatonv 'a ated. by -Bid 0 190 re4cho(I the scene of tile .'bu Tondent of, tile M
fullday's ork and-proper,picy".*tliftyj tioi, fl�b i�ote found. him beneatli iroo whidli Illy. 'crysipelai in the 11ia f rionds -arb -or .171oketB t Tod"Cod,
. in-law, of Mr. D. Macpherson, of t1je. fir
iGlaggo.w CIL'
re plea' maas it trictly tlici ti4 I1L,JlaV'I (Illy d1ld alle, 011JIiIII, ))inch grows 0
sat -it and profitable, than -that.. ggitain intevvaIi,' b6comii tho-oxePtioll In- Anictigat 1to 7 if tg�h , lors , is Iol'A] 0iough IX : A young mail 2 years, old, .1.
otile at Ile bAs L Ofil the jyira_t�
nllvit, Itolly Vt!ry low, A- fr W
9'd n sp* Stood bf tilo& heabricl roupe. 1116y to dt-aw Ivry 104T. VV 60. years ITfult-
11' ow aper."., be fciti�lcttliu, nattgasof 12 ortura' 1, y lic tall VOH611,to be in tile )16 iL, �gggd I' boon for sov
'11bo & 0. '141 3esides It file AliuiBtryJ' the real rylling 0 do n4 roceivo any, 9. b bors of* flitl 0 Position all Ut'O' Other 1) lit too'Allika" )iVo rovct Inuch, to �iiuounco tile douth t C,Illl OST,' ONI SUNDAY LAST, 8011EIVIRP1113 OIN
P Sleigh, 110 was to� t1le holm". lreal tratto( sulqklo last Sigirlday ljb1(I'4L10lIL
for the rVettill" . I y his L the betwoeu - Clinton and UsIllold, a
tionate return Dille there m0ra tile gilauld'of ohly.ona regu. v Jill but lie Oil I33rilTA, One. volibig by taking a quantity of strychitillo, JiL
oG LON 111111IRTAN 8HAWL, witfi. it red stripe running*'.
Ine OITOIJQIIC aI tI`L 11 Lo qlelld oil ,tit (if theill railleff or And diell At ab,)Ilt eleven tile lcno�vn of, WeStaru 01, on the place in which hibroligh IL Any 41a fluding It and leaving the Hama
Ijell f ta roul.. le 8 Oro, t �,Ir wiLli JolinTolutialon, buteller, 33ayfield, uu,bo.
of Priii Tj� cc, IA. - -"- - , . 1. 11 "Iy" ]a surtil' 1,�d 11,00ple forget- that so. wqrd: Island.. Of til 78 who voted for Pro, ^;ut III& .'Iyllich' off Nflion: ollipt It mila 11 ls a1 Of�th() fA0 tht It. wAs.known
of the word m6doriato.0onserva- a' fli'll' io The g-olizi ttaa:o Iinterest of -a a CL NV left o inod to put all ond tb' Jihn,
P� cc 18 "tiv papbrg:are bogtinuing - to Show LbIlt:. Quebec, Of 101111ing 6110, atlrrk)UITZ�ad ))Ile ot logs Oil 6iday be able to Sao
ntSelf. Shortly -.1 Ild had the
IL1L�(g'IiIcr6 gupportarjuL of tit �Vlliall tile ctIn man -hiT
endorse the aotiolis*pf (Ito,' five all, It t6*'tllb- Oppa-tibion, froug ain., 'at an(I '01ion, about �wo-,tkiirils chopl)od
,resb -of it nei�spap dr, they do. 110 t ralkt; dc,� 1 -co of k in (111 fni,4 ti H P110& r
her occupation, and to Iva$ lit'Alinij.' by t,110 Vlarii'lie 6oic of ilf it had splif; and mviing routiol, tri in([ ined4nd id, Ilitt. it too 8,000, f
of A. S. 1-lifrdy'was sworn in oil Tile,%
youne mhli dying 81:
31(fil wit ts lit terialitit f roid British Columbial 4 y a 1; ily Ali a worgibor -of tho.Ex6cuti'vo Coiluail. late, lealy after., t. b e Lumbe
itA oiw If Ito evov rglthougli� ho liall. m, luit -oil the Bad knocking him be.. (AH per bill,) altio
a Taking the,vbto of caull 1) 0
ao �g'lcd Of tho of Ontario. I [a roturris
nwise, indeed, -did. bI k0i the� oil* racter of o.very public. fr'om tClIgftqfJl ill oneith tho.log-ii. ' lie bad apparontli struf j)�Ilgs Data toachor"O Oat in Ilib.
! I Province ileparately, that A of hisni4icllf ABOUT 25 BUILINTCHES OF St interests of We man .01)p Q4tivio, Atood 49 years. buwho happens to bo to Appear, At, Via ill -
to 31 �gftinst Protection-; ot-Quebed, 27 to 3.1; tural Veatetl al Z Illctl Olt the 2 'L doavors to build filed oxcw, ild then 13.3 bo- Otilifty, 110 ICUV69 !C'all take 901, P"ll"Ig IVIV 'e1C Of boforo a Miti:ball
11 'a loss., lator. t Olootin- of't,ho Consurv. to
ponent'.alul we hilro'berbio, gi�eft O),�- of Now L mylek f65- of.Noya cattle 1:1, Itivo
Nr oil 113atuday la'st, eivo the to OL DIMM, Cabinet Uaker
cordial I ; of Prince Edward Island, Was gOf their Ox :_ tL Till'"llged tOit
Ito f-'atid of BrilibIr Coll aert of all iliereln;' twollLy yeart; ligo, which, ho' Created Go"citileft rOwsslilp., resolved not, tO'cippose Ale Iiardylj-61mfion. of tho ,god -soven
ressiori to..-tbat' ofreei. -A' short time I to a; in of Uo flat t1lat Clio verIP. thitt they 111111, alld proiiliBO Iluntor, pliator Of t1lo TIO a It very Ill ul
. fi - .100
mt foot tic in -any regolat fit Y!'At (Allroylls., r _personal liffL�r- a fail" diarli of labor far years to (;OILIO �01 lIi(Itool. section, "No. Ift, oil till ag6 tile 1�illstai bed a' -story, b ilia remill; inay fairly a re- Oil
day last, a hcourse, Of Ilia SlIbil - of tile!]!
fire, perhaps, as
ealuso $21,000 hlld -bOGII IhIlid for �011* t1 regard" tile attwitlance of vJ81bora And tile Se. You id
Ont a-abor, thore. Jongwal policy s well as ou-the- hvo catied to Ile wll-11 wrappors for ittid s ceedud lit gottin'g, tho case im X
Canal property at St. Cat jAki matter under lit 06 far na r of tit(, different A num- Said that ill till) e custs,
with ticular, 1 tlIcd,'hy Dalo paying $3A
11 It -1 ' orl le ticine, flicin was coneartled I'llif OpilogAtioli, lia a tile fleliblars gILvo face of nd Clio latter Ii6w in. ti Jar'
. 0 (10hato ou fill) a -i -lit lialift yr,f�
by starting an. wbich Mr. is'aclo.n bad! some -indi* ili-. eer�ahily iiathiag to The re-mit wazi - who fellow ill (Ainton. prollarnig Illfvrni. &till for ill a AL Yllill ruirs tit) lt-niny foe tilt,,
oppb ition.' terOsty 06sum was -brit'c in Cavor of thlbAlinistry with blue in vt)lor. lit (if f1lil tiv.d fa blood, JOY 1uhh, hall ])a school alid ll(;v ill tho (59 Stock:* 4f 114101H ell
with tho facts ll well t1w Coa who advocated Chit Of It; U-4.
tit all I),' Of tilt). 11 ad, it fill fill r- - olit V., Hong], oilal ich jand Miss If, Ind
-*V 'd the thLIn'(AfC0 Ll� in A(I al.pullishniont wore 1)(116ring ll ilila t to
ifeen giv6n foe sorvices, rutill(jilog it 61 ille Wordil llwstw of %tyflaill, astlioted ill tile singing, 'much to DIRECT T&ATION. .]'here if' . rtbu at orth.
1;,/.l r., P dibamY01VIlli
all tj &C, ho St. 11" 01141 Thn tho Aolighb of After thd cin oAlitlIg I toll
, it) IJ!J)"
ilieshigers ore ()it (lit" t1fat iii-tho Ottawa VIVIloy,
We copy the foil act from have dociAcd to s6mo of tile niorli , family nmed which consists.
owing extr pre,4sion o�iotiug in the te1�)toachousc,
the London Prec Pre8q, oneof Clio 16 d_ concludes -an editoril with the ful I a IV- -At one titne-It wits said 1,114 tItO fault Illy as0 The Atrocious inadift by ti., file fillniiy's Ilona,
ing *Cry beconill injivarnally f the Conservative al)d tile ing organs a party al)IO to State, t, IN ST0111 Nw. 0001sa
otwouty-four ae11"t, 11 -1!,
prbVo Peat coliv ito dul fit Ivill tat Of their "landerowl to 0 L
iEk iendhclet, Of �tti A, title hitudireil old, wits us d crltntl
Canadian,, known �131 Cho 11 Tobijue Slander" Joi to, first
and commend it to the careful. poruml 'There ip no Sense in lintiffliq bakligloss Avullill rigilt thoulsolvgIgg. %Voll, Tji'p W, T tho' WATT IORSri MA119 I
0 largm at ptiblic. men, sod' ti OprJ have And a line, wetal. 'Ttiouday aud. usixt; ia Protalfied --to the effact that- inonibers-of 'ibe 111riv Wenty (if Clio famil are all boy"'Jit, 110 r1IJIM qVU80ltTI3;VM 11A13NO PUROXIALS11D AND to -day five cencti more Y 66 irogg I JL� Vd-litledtho Shot,
of those who' boli6vo in the honesty of tile A.Zaills; course in this, as well as -other dolbir is oul� N6rbll Ono (Jr., tile riellost, inusival Crots I flat has i4111riving villago Bit Council bad,violatall their oaths' of offled Other tWbL being girh—tivins abo.
read, vino'infortnatibil. of l)t0J30g3Q(J- tariff tvoolts old. 111he tile lot Mllqt
qver becu nerved. a jvgli�, about fouk ilea south..ds-f. b g
.those papers au� politicians of that partly matters we vot of� %veil be questioned tile diky, greasy, ))Ill (It to it field ,, in (If st
I ("Itaiton. 'Tt formerly rejoiced Ili the titId. f changes to their favorites, will rive t116 be a ta bit ifia-frinilly larder. A tit
e Oppo. 'ban pied- I# Go' C#
by Chase having tile interests of tit' tad paper dollar." Vbt file', stil and onc I'Vilich hf nob ftnd cannqb. be giVOILI pa .. Dobic, Afick stff�
Illourn'tattl rdtusd to to cornforte(I. 0bliol's Oftoos. as pos3oils a large sharo ttN�op pportl
who are trying to make capital out of 8i,,Iou party at heart,"' t End,,, but at a Illeeting of tile majority pairs Ili which it a p arod' .111 0. . Illity inarkablis case thalf the abOVO is Chat of
I vo at the
Argued, that silver coinage was till that wits reliteettuIll
the protection cry. The prineip�e that of local Illusical fahillf; ; without this ilia of Clio loading business mon. of the place they to prove it, or gat down Oil thoil; lalcos., Vital 110tvift 'And Ilia wife, who Ii , Intimate that lie hao opoiled out
eggded4o- mak-tIm-need-fil"iange, and eir r. Wat, vaIg a large and v�611�ggfl6dod stodIt of
of Ot, rugly doctors 16iftured load and Imig upon the fiber (if characte a could not lie quppliod ously to (ronfor upon it 'ilia Atrg(�.q thoptipors Mentioned are' tile Sa et, Their fAillil
the Prce 1'req-q enunciates is qound, and On Saturday lastArlayor, Mller, nill r -utianiul y NEW SPRING GOODS
And the oil uses rouderadj , From* tile Ito. more euphonious, appellation of �'Vatteravilla, hill, opoitintiI 11f(61 and Londoff numbercil' twoutyAwo boys and ton girl,
would be greatly t6* the beneflt of the tawA,,Made a CrVpiW peoch, to. tile 'inotu-- value f 11 a. liative silver orop" as tlitg� Barest or inh offor of our roost prominent townarnab, There inrly be others.' The' makin total of thi0y-tVO, 4carl tilt df
lieks of the St, Patrick's Society who were I'left"S to lift thonation out of the mire int; 'COB Clio relidering of Qtloorl Va. ly GY—
a Watters, who wits, Iva b6lieve, the e 'urso-of the Govdirattiont is -VaucIL to. be whoul. aro� country if it were adopted. Now, as *colebrating their national day. Ilia ro, which it'llad fallen. Millions of silver cuv. thor in Other . places � we learn that tile all- 1'4,- - Striple Dry' a inhabitant 6f thd place, 16 contpius a 0 i'lldod. Tordaire loncoths ofalandel' The c- will be rcnnsmlic�red in which Ifati and and hoes, ll'of' gbod senile. litid a und- factory, slice shop, cheeifa factory, comn a
it , ilingby are nw allct'yog tile car('- di011'(34 V(lr6 dolightell, wdh Lite Ifor- a' inarka were 0 IV61611011 Illember cot,rd not wibmib
that paper says the sooner this is brougli � Itterclai dybperia remains in Ali hggrnV.ktcd formance, nd, I flat it ill' htic6ead wherever to whidli its thd of Dun, livittlan, lot, ea"ll'or jrqttdy
advice, , Ile tool, 6c huralt, and A, school houseo -whore the young �Cllei elves lov ho,will Noll
lit, pted. " sea was silefl. by Mr, 15, WteLoati, wholeal
lot it be consist6b cry raised Of 11 Scotch ascandan4", -and ty avoile,-frony at, " adverse- baliveo or trefle, It . I daily ",biling' taught, to shoot"
about 06 Ightter, fdrmi A-thirt. sellooltang Iatt);o dillieu ttain
casion to.deprocato thig L disholitJ96
glub-tif Toronto, foi obtaining
said. lie lioLd no sympathy with the demand V01141drr Co. R Rob to call ana aseertain. ptleoR, as goo4gwill be agild at
and throw its influenco in that direction, and that if tha,aports could oftlibe tilade, to Lawron;", maall(I
On Ina0r. it gagall ftavarged on cost.
reqeutatil in the CA- lirg.4 recure(I front. Whitellan, E,�q,l` have riilo6 akdgd of theL LO.GX,'Whore to )Jim, as a Rubacribe
vegled tile iinigarta till %roultl lie high-couk-a-
made for special rep,
and not run with bare and hunt with binef.9 ofAho Irish' datholio population of' contractor for V) (if iucT�Iber nrotloiug allinfliair '16 is 611110111101-a 01 It McClure, Talt, wook ioct infi)rWtiou conglorninty'the Standing ONXj,
and n diAm time would proslint itself. I P .1e, 01,qjto. VjM][CV1_
the bound as ib has be Ontario , Ito showed there was no �oyfit Tbat %nil influx of goldI t114 pro. Pacille din, 00fitract Power to pr6enoto good of said, order ; alad a ett from. Ingerzdllo,' golib Co. 4)f mlo. NVilson, which fildt0d hin), to 'give Tivotible W 19110' tv 0botl-4-
on doing. rov monfifac. gry of art, - wbieli all those having drawing,
I oco , rimants of com taring 150, ti -ticks for dumplitq care, JgaIlL vraciaca. to pay for TO NVilsau go(;ds oil credit, and NVilson-boing
was alone open to tfios�� who lind bility, that could be Apared rooms to furnish would do well to patronize. horses Tib had obtineyfroul farmers.' 116 it tilo ttalo worthless. . McLean lost thle, road to political preferment, but that it setit ifself. -L, rg it. That the raising of the revenue cagnp i �;s,, wheals iti till. About 150, ton of Nyd all toliave ilwat officoi and then left a hotl.keepor ill for some 9200 beir. 8500. t the Clinton, Mareh 2204, 1817. weak After week, an(I -en' ill) iron ,Ill ba used Ili the and the job I ya,lilL. of tile goods, some
be tta
y 110
irect taxation would bo tile most coo, character and onergy,, Iva have no do'NbuTT6 Mizeas -%Vill grant a 64 money ; a rhillor for alargo Amount ; fri' I at Toronto in December, 18'Mt the
d ndhe c�llrgglicllcgl tile ea h )r ravi I all ; will last bout, throo Murtha. 116L ow a
bretliron,rath6e to resolve that -they would W110TO tire 0311u(it r c ( FiftYi10f&, liborgi banns to the Quebec railway,, which, '$200 gala watch ; another iiry, gave a, vordioFfor the plaintifrfor tile TNTOASTL'S
nomical there cannot be- a doub! nd yet Will Wed Ship, Of trnck, a jeweller for a
'win high public pogfitionq by their - tlloitts . - ; have 1:0 be shillPed ISVI will soon be necessary to"Dupply the growing, hottil-kedpor for e, largo n mount ;-st bi-oker -MOt
asaidnity than 1) Ilia& la'at Lit. contract ig'all .1611116080 ineretso of trade andcarty ifig otirmatai . fAc- i -till atrionfit claimed, nd Chili Verdict was
there is alvoady tile machinery in raw and yu outsigjo hilluence 01 - it t, profit. lite coalliblied ta: for $100 ; besides goveliil hundred OpIlar,% tiplit-ld by tile fall Ctilitt of ing order, and it could be 'done at a Yfow.a.dAys hearstif a ages ill ortler to keop qpOlt, exerted in.their bell If. 1:10 nobody 111),cl, 4LIfout 30 Irgiloq of 1110, rolite rung turegr, NvIiielt we. trust will soon rank among,
tile Methodist vote ithrough qr)li(I roak, will hava to lie the best-Itt. clqgggnda,� N-Vith thfit f1wifity,ftfid borrowed from diff`og�ent pAttiba Ili eniall in",septembot, I&M onClto tho'evellelA 115,1,bor.At, ifprim. (if . a
Nil in tilt,
'in vor
mbre trifling. gazaitional comt, and then the,, Presbyterir vt 01 1.1a 0�1 hve g, he horso, Tit( 0 0-0 W. S
vot . 0-'f dad -lit tho puq)osig. 'Sayflelti, we feel confident thntour�tllago will payment or t by tile, Court of
been ndf thYino4t keepor foil wocl AIX'Juro -to 13ufral Iicf.instico 11,
-Waving" rom. field dl 1181lavinW", soon -becollne a town, 8114 tholl, cite a 4. ;�ppcal on Saturday'L el
th6ro ivorlU b theini' menge that it shouil )a a With rofi�eoflca uo I lidecstaild, will got obtifh T, CLUNTON.
con 1 '6 rigat�oi !lie 06urt.
flourishing ouiporiains of tile 1 00 0. Masi atilm"from t1i
(lie abolition of the Custom, House De. the Catholic' vote." speoch wag iMl im reallpe a true profit. -Ileal estate in, the, tract Itt I ed hF
I- constri otin- ilia Hro boll-,
iocclived. Wwaa; Perfectly free irnin fifty Cite vitios have fallen to )IftIf proviong values, to drivo those (I rills. It, �foLnren; of Nowbury, sold Ilia 6 via who wall a pmsellgar 611
partmont, with all tile brokers at evei SnAFOTill(I recently And Started fi)v A-Veltigan with do'Expross, which ran off the
ly appeals to national sontitnont,� lire- aml %trisaipabla at tliat, wlKj�(Jleid. 11 o, I. chicag nal' elleapa is present, Xeall, Tho followill f, floill an excliange, will J.faw hotel 1.3 ilia fluest call, wito and family. Ott arriving ab Ddttoit, �rack ticial, 81mcoo, on the Air Line, one povt of entry. Tile thilig is too goo(l"to Ittilico.- fio'liilu wookl� mos -ovory Satord'
iheit i.Xt Gwt igiR 7%latLors with it% have not 9 q othilr (111,
.while Canada is gound, andiehliggilloss ISBlow lod i flegs in towl), he found itnecesslaryto ratutato �Vill day Iasi week, states th
be brought About easily, for there are 04 a l 11(, _�Vd A fancy dross social far the bollOat of the and while there he Iva$ assaulted by, it Croodthemstivefroln tIla wreck theyfound had so,orrangoa thilt
oxomplirsdation of Ilia 'collie to thiJ c6n(lition thattio,onoknowa wholl) 1 Y that Firognall's 13and comes off to -morrow evening,. young mail, *who throw -him dowly-and 'took tit a loco mo ti vo fandhig one If (in drod yatils A SO many, interested in itq continuanto is on Cho city cheaper flilm tile coall,
IV, , to trust, not- in'whb direction to turn for re Our ruffla are closing down svi there is riot a Bmll amount 6f , money And a AlIver,
that it will require the most' hua tabee, tv�orgtyyaorq �go, I oil it advanoo of tbo foroludaL -car. Irlid all. E.
0110 -good. season wollhl licit natters try paper, 1110PO ortourgh of grain 16 tile country iii Iceop them wch� The robber was rocagnil/ca A% it 1! th
*bably noyorgaw Cho— going.
enatter. This mail pro gincer, when lie discovered that. nno'o
lie Was week ill in 016 prow 1.00 * back n9ain n1liongst; us to-whera thoy wore, U01, S A SEP RAT
labors to bring it About. ni, it", v London,and i6 is whools of tile tmiilai had brokan in pieces,
411LI it that iil roail`�oa all Nvill go N7011 Or lie woula gillailgo Ilia And eyon The cemas of tboown liag boon t4ea with laDespite all that has boon Said to tile and had to ba on hand 1?y. four o'clock lt,,t njorcfpog�ridgq Wvo- if they did What 114 (Ia tlley� give 1110 vlow (it is grant licenses to that lie n4nokaxt MaTiaren thfulang fie had instead of putting on-tho air brake Aggid it A01 view OfNale, mot �gili b1ii oil
& lanytiAmouriL of knotiny in WA possession, ft
contrary we hold to Clio belief that the go. iii tfic yovill g jo got t1i tile, dlidtl�ln of Ifel sonal and, relative expenws will you silly honto nowst.' such as more hotolq. wouIdlinvoutilloub dIytItrowntG1=
0 f�grnia of got-ito Lucily, hotyd4r, Ito had given Ilia migney tllev ivisligo 3VII110itt bting ligligiot
neral intere. A ubil.t, beloilging to
qtA would be beat aubstakyed by ba, lit ordor,. fie thift solvency play provail, Ana obtain from tile Country ? t Ono upon tha 4 to opollotl Clio throttle
III and to ivorle theln off. It tl� torriblo Anxiety that so strongl thery notice Jour churc.11lis, hoArm brokon-a f0v,dayff Ago, (tall liter of Nlru some $3,006� 6 liarod lit a tro.wit,
a ve Y libumd tArifF, And that if the 1 inance valve, Ind ilia on-itto brakii -away froui tile
train,'leaving the *'Cars '.Ia Stop more gratin, spq. ts DlkV
Minister felt ilia need of supplies as a call- did'hot alipear then nG if be wits to talko life ill the st6tea be c0tincibi InectIT19.11 I'm r(wv.o. MOU0,4h,got, liar -right collar bone trolcort, And
man got. ilia fill
Sequence, tile am�ut required it) moot ta hhilil of 1r. Lo�t giuldetjoint. at lAll. Tile a6idanf; fortuntoly occurred
Monts, and, Other Ilvtttoxt fluch ft promineftt, positioll as llo. has : diRdeftLetly, Alt. lit town and, All within A shorA., tot hougo, Rood the Oil perfectly IovK �0011utl, "Clio 4%tatell 29',1817,
the interest and sinking fund incident to Oil Tuesday last Mizboth NVordolt IV43 which, V(Ittr witholit 1 61110 of Ono ano,thei.
foITTI(lb -battle -of Cho. f anlily haliging In Clio Cutter, 0.11d contained 410,1`110 roulaincil oil th
the national debt nright be collected from dohe at Ottawa, b.nt, we Soo Oiat in- It ws a common a�Eo
Orch orhor Inother's Ticitiao, alt Dowilio'. a sucgi%l at, lectoro an(I 11314 for a local, after heemail" two in tile duttor a,11d 011e 'four pamenger coachen wore, lyllut in VAr.
the goncr&I populatiot.1 through tile ngoney dustry; pprgovomnca an& Wegrity Will -IA lotpl, the, Le. bkothe"If N�'l 11 - h�tohogl in bobwoon, tile shalt, , They w6ro Oilocomb
of the municipalities.' as IV hard-Nvorlk gg�,Ctill,, Saint) other fillwato priat Your bit$ 0116 d, Auction cal 1 V
'rho.systoln 6f d" do, and�tl)o, hopo 18 that Inally I0H (61- iqgjqatrious, good goillf, An!l lity callso eall ba -, flill Charles limit John, of Lowningtah' from.tho Bentley settlement,' noirlty, Si ws lylog, oil iLi side, amt fts, tracks ggarn-
rect taxation is it) fall opdration, anlong clo W"a refuso you ? Do they in Clio
- given for,tho r4all not. mado- 1,600 -pork'barol stavolf in, 8 1, hoUrS.
us ; is in fall operation, as toxialling tile low his Dxonlvle'. r )r 6,11torptiso, of youtlown -or vil- milots �way, and had started less thil Illotely Sint4icil, 1vore piloa ill it heap 11 poll For, Saturday, 24th Inst.'
nog Tit* timbor was otatiglig. '10 1
income tax in Fit �necds brib, Tho othok , .1 Not a word, Alon Who P08600i I,digtto before., The trip ws the result of tile platforin of Cho car allod of it, LOT OF
it iul% 'woInaft wife
and it
A well regulated li 'loft to loVy by moan4 of Tho counneroial trivallm ot Torouto works in JaIM I N1101! & Solea GOr6 PaPoe such Coll vlowa aq them are Ilogluld, 1.8 % stsEed that a ft wagor that cite Of them could haul,tho A brakeniNti anX one of the passengers
a direct till that which is Ilow got by Clio hvotatted It class, Masi poor. AIMS,, Difflaaa;.W111110 clu4nged in llieldng it till Y Iva is holding nearly all the wheat in Atoro ttor two to town,. -and lie won.his mopoy %vore tile only persons fli3lirody Arid they q_J1 eltponsive And roull(Inhn't molholl of atill 'm 141an "j-150 in flio pacLat I like up fatik the IIJ*gost, Ab tImt-lioltit, al)(1, most of that, in milwou. in stildildid, much to the flat 11 Belli out blit Sliali Tho untallelit Ildruintuorly 1,04s; found fill le After tho first a tom houses curl ports of ontrj. Wli that was;bagl onolig)), tv trArollor of All old I�qii of forlued Pllx.b'� or booia ill the eo for Elm illy. 1;ee,� 4,11101111 till to between toil nud fifteen of pooplo -01 tilliq thq, way, And to th(f hact aubided c livea, Am, who was oil bbord, 141ANCY GOODS of, All kint1q.
of A of I f var" it rybody � I�tleef
complexion we have no doubt it will arrive vototid i� till, thii Artit bf to agg which the CA1140, tIlpy CoA a:; tha 11.111011 ligiltill. bliqlIc q, 'Tile market obecil 'sarl)risa of tho, a ,rowll citiznu '10ity. e down h116 at litat, and Lite' Soollor the better." Q6 WAR 1116 Illelc girl. or fliat litte'd Mill. �orcogl up by thia rotalad Ilia carga, fiod'for-their 'Trl
till IT taFLU