Clinton New Era, 1877-03-22, Page 1A
R*F . r - W 4 - 1 �. -1,1 I - , - � 1.71.1, -1;--'-, . w.-, . �.. --i � 1� "1 00, lim A -I, "NerAl I
A X404 ftyloot
0 oil$ W1114 tor
noodol 040090 twasiod A
t of -the Ord usury law* '.1 Ae woll-knowssibuoi.,
ZVERY years, ou4 only succeeded Jq glill it lo
on W I �. -Nall,
r a
Aiving hie noto.tor thIak'amoont 9.
to A, loolilt Shyltick at 4 per cant., A month.
The broker allowed the poto to ran till. a ti I. Isaac Street, nearly uppusitu few weeks, 41090, And then M040 a (10104041
,at othot, Clinton, Uut. took out alli . omdoution and attached A
divollins-kolige belonging 6 his difilittall-1116
T $1,50 in advance, or. if liald
WhQIQ after 401
ft�%�, IT flon, tiefe, Of subacrib Moll*W04.0var6900, Th9unforlm-A
dbloy,!vrho had. not-supposefl. the NAW
Tthe year.
wusu'III. Jb Office in Ula County of liff"'i'll I. Work executed in first class CLINTON, ONTARIO, TURSDAY, MARIGH 22, 1877. VJ for bile
'fie alsortuat Uotick-, da Vol. Xf I No. 12 --Terin, $1.50 per unnuw. TOR& offered- hins. 94 per cept, 4"" ad at Vary Money, biltoth" Wkerlwfv. I LOIS.
the 01410 went enwo poor tilitin's econsiderabl
ousii, to
Where Can I make a Raise I Lynch Law In Maryland. Not an 1604M4 Clase. A %ugulAr Salcih.I m -um, cTiros
for 001-Y the a Is
T.11 me, ye tlyiug cloud, mor4ll his
L I N E A letter from Chestertown, Kent county, A CODIPSTENr SIDOXICHeran LIVIVO WSW The Nlag1ra Flails. Ga;#
ANCHOR Th turrougu tile Ileavensallar. 4ta, has the follow..
af0&X MY. OX TWENTIrt.98TS & DAT Ing Although, rather oill ly in the sea,
I tire b oeuLb pul Lille, is there no spot ou earth gives the story of a terrible chastisement
IlLid tifiLd. uElt per J, (III NI.II_,U1tADVA1'P. ol' THINITY Where " Itar times" are no more e nL
114VI, " tight. Inflided upon ID 1. Lort, the physician of Pon the Animal pil ti sla, and,"I
C.Ilege''I tU, I'llyslabin Boric Where I""ney's not a') image, of ould,be
W. Ifilytil, -1 break," T A correspondent goodo * thli to the Now puicidgy to Niagar 51 W
year, Be 0
One on $73 00 Out. MCI-: shuniti'm Where merchants do not that vill be doctor had betrayed a ails seems to have
a I ers do not call you foul i.t, T York Sun, heading and All, 4nd it'reveal It I$ said that tba,desuassEil for Ivory ils.'Eug.
40:00 1 0 Myth, Jan. 20,1875. 4 Lion all your cash they Take girl Plain aylor. Onithe night of a qonimenced, About n on 6n. Monday a
3 ulontlill, 25,001 ANU itthe 19th of Feb. the doctor wail at home a state of depression far bolpw onything franger, apparently, about. twentyfiv9i, the 44th -of 50,000 igicy clouds hovercd it) earth so low.
conversing with Mr. and Mrs. Pryor, in 0ana4la:— yeart age, dressed In dark clothes, 'with Ar -049#11Y.
une yo&r, 40. UO I litouiol lately uWulaod by far. Jaiiae,l Fair, of). I Then sighed, I a pity, We really do net 111OW Will you please, air, giv , alpoch, b4t, an
half tlool NEW YORK & GLASGOW. I when a knock was heard at the door; Mrs. 9 M6 letiough. 4 dIenuffcolored ovor-coat, '.00 Tell file, ye distant lands, Pryor responded. and four men entered. to get aoulethinjito eat, I havii had ootlso hip. face smooth, with tile exception . o An
3 luouths, I .., '%N'4v *tiara tlio still grief down, ona thouaAnd Crowns to Ifel
.)000 stouLlixt-1. SLttnr(tay, pforliyard the tosrs,.
ULIC Year, 1' UF tbt;.e In your putts a plead One of the men inquired if Dr. 'Lort was Ing to -day." I turned and lo,.Aod -at the auburn , oil a Ill or perPrice wojk,
-200 unipAny's Piers, '!U and 91, Doi th river, ew York, 4, is in, and received an affirmstive reply. The speaker. He was A youpff Mass, irstelli,% gate off P a Par -. for mitt half - i * I, i W 00 ill if III vi hit), bluntl Cal; phyiciall. urqevu slid Whaeu " bliq unknoTa— he, A plie at t
I run, C I of par a The Danish,
3 Luouths, 8.00 PRUPUSED SAILINUS FHUINI NEW 1URK. Aoovu�heur. Some dear, dclightfu dell, entire partyL then rushed -into the hall And gesit,and clean, without overcoat, Although of in red an .,a a
ne ailr, fSome vmllry I %be West, -the air was sharp and bitter. -a ter payi fee, ent a grant of 125,000-tbalers fo arli I 1 0() SatiELUNPUN ShHVICL. p.m (,L.LIIUUW sL Jaimilry - - - -
Y rey, Feb. 10, fit 2 81ttardliv, Feb. 10, at 2 P.m Where, free fruit. tell and Wolk, paefted into the pasilLr. Lort's face blench. He had along the ho 1,444 E�VBltoii'. . 7
alf 8 1., 1.17, 81�w NE, Psivalwilin, Surliewi, etc A weary man fints rest? ad with terror as cooked revolvers were gdod face, an honest face, And. as he walk4 toil -rano that ellipties-it the rivbr. Ali- A4, 2 p.w Corvuor for ! .
U() 1. 24, 2 IT in I�L:e --Curnor of From "'way out Wodt" I hear the answer come", . . . Ax is pai, in ran ri Am on 4 sim low,
3 ulonths, Ill.r. 10, 11 V.1a I Colauty.ifflul-ju. k'A'idou.0iluatil, pointed toward him. He offered no re- ad beside me down Broadway, he kept a aftache of tho Pt ionmed do- to
1, Una year, 8 0o ti�l, I 1,.Iu I Albert end blillitrootti, live kuow*of nlle--yould J.ettfr starlit home. Irk Walked down toward Anil a. quarter of EITIgs, being a lic
sistance, and was handetiffed. After be- look of anxiety upon me tie e tried to the stranger for purpose of directing every tweuty4lva inlla,bl�tai;stg.
hAu4luit 61th, Ibt)9. 7 it
R A T E S 0 F PASSAGE. Tell me, ye wawrm wild, ing handcuffed Lort was gagged, glaced in read my answer in my couritenalloo. him where to obtain the meek attractive *A letter addressed to. 0' gobert Purus. pioot,
1 AIURI II billows ever l4av, a light waggon, and borne rapid y away. How long have you* beon in the city viswa of the sconer arou*nd 't
(it) I'o f-flasirow, Li vIrliocl, lUdQUdVI ey, Or BL Elealon," lately rQAOhed the return letter
.1,,8 lines and udei Is thero,'iuiot utesu'll d -i th The waggon was driven to an liked. Hill attention was attracted &8JffoWLIloPt Offi
$L0, $6U, atil #.U, fi,-ld, necurthug tu D'I'artuleut of Nivtori, VilivoLlshy, 1,
Intermediate and at b-tv ad by tiny uthill. first. rowly f file tIlQt4IA Ull-I DISPOUSItIrled, !IVW No Wend; far away unfrequout- from the,man- branch of tho GI Cut
1.leuts of 1701111d, I at 11twiLli I witterellusol-up"Jit'lletinflud ad woods it short distance twu Three months, air. I came fro P the
,iiug 10 lines, HE tickuti, and luforlustiun, apply t r A, 1111011101t. and wIllaribe turned he was In the, 12 months ending 31st March, 187'
111Curva, vt I'vi L ho- 0 1, i it I) I it To!&. If 11 f 11, L.1.1, (Jut. taide cf thii
Jill --,A, 117 1. 81 cores a 6,
50 Ceuta ea,�ll RA / L H'. It, village.. Lort was then partly stripped of West. I thought to get something to do thunderytrack ell -see this. stranger wading there we're 79q, viotio'
NY here " suspension" isn't sin 0011 na,for illicit distilling
'eal E,It th IIlellts of Farul-i ault I , I t I. 6otuo place with 1 tf.ukh" not West clot_bLng and informed that he enuld take here, but everything has seemed to go out into 0 rapt a. to 6�e, in SQatlassid, aiii III
oxeeeding 10 Ii it 111011011 -fait. 17, V477, IlIti I
tL'L."""'C')Utlol�or&l"('�'Ite,�"fl"�y"ioillt's derce waves broke upon the rocky share,' his Tboice of dyin by his own hand or of ugaih$t Ine. I lodge in ames atTeot air
ouse, bifice, you-&�—a fool,, you will -Huglald.,
THE NORTH BRMSH CANADIAN -4 I..'Yer suit PI'VVIIIIIIIIII LWelk&1' And sighed, -'Ju ruviit places stocks are lower!" riceiving a terrible castigation. Re otiose at fifteen cents & night. 1wetfinylinerbill—P go over the falls pi, T.lid * only is, P Visdo
attentio gaseats brought inio Vranca*
I -lit mouth, 50 the litter. Young Taylor was assigned to a bowl of soup and bread—for tive cents. the, mail paid this grittuitouq advice inquilre4 Mublusionre dootors,, Asked
a without _Y ot:,It, Tell me, ray elopty purge. was
1'. ..Iellt 11PAN Fricri of I Ili -go " bettor t1olag." do the whipping, An had 'provided for I have niade out ver well ; Will; for two to throw himself'fokward of). h
I N VES 131 E�N I' (TO. y is Vace�and, wh he tbought; so., he ref
I'LL, till forbid. Is I L Cre III, wort of pl"e
JEW'. III, li,71, -poqe a new whalebone whip. The nights I have had to istay out in the atrepto 'r this brink of the, ca.
-a I am i raise the " dimes" the put strike o0k.lustily fp., Iii; lda�d And asked aFtlelreah'that 't ley' At
is health.
i 1.4 tilPrIl no lackyspor, victim wa; securely tied and the whip up- -and then I'stayed in the H-earld office tara0t. Just below wherehe ontered7, wits The 94on's stiftli . saloon on the 60at.
Where I can ralto the go'd, most of the time, and when I got drowsy a small oascitdo, oVor whi I ch he
was carried Wativin. Railwig, is made ontirely.
D. plied vigorously until it was completely
Olt!IIIIPJY� II'LI) iilldlt 4 anil') ur,coos III t Atillotlit all that Wert! nLy friends
lotc III)ILlic all In happy days W ohl. worn out, and the blood was at I d go out, and the ali would revive me. and Under thb water out of sight f
reaming or a we. o( boiler plate,fib�lrso flood And piidd,44 -that
gild AcI-1,110,
r HOL, STG. My empty fluirso snya, 4' FrIendo won't land," from the Dooinr's back, which wall laoora- I 4qff a good bookkeeper, understand ment When he emerged 4j;a.'Isat was.,99, it the upriiago we're to solover ail
PITAL, :12500,000 cut 0
double and single entryi but I c1lin gat motnonk later he observed A fobthold wATso,;, BOARD IN SCOTLAZNTD� that he was then struck on the hand witl nothing to do at it,. baye abovelled in Ilse rapido' 0 cuipants wuld,asoape uninjured,
i And sadly &,144 ted in a shocking manber. It is reported and And roll to-tha bottonj thif Chance
and' stood up waish-doep in. .-0 1
I -LAW, 8.116t- faiming water. t1acho, Th Prin000fWale.sititendesbortlyvisifing
C I, A- 8IIIIIA"., snow, put in cosil, one duyt1iing I could % a
Afritia's Diamond Fields. the butt -end of the whip and knocked in- Mitchell, the p rk a
sensible, in which candition he was left on get to do. I know there a great usany im- had by title time reached Proape I ot point AxistraliA. And Now Zealand, with a vievi 0( -
familiarizing himself with"colouies iirbiokwill,-
10 LEND OX I IT( HII.I. I. Kil narnock. The following i4 a Byuopsis (of it lecture the ground. After the assailnts returned posters, air, but,sir, I am not an imposter." where he had hastenad in hop6`of fibini in a fb* yoars,.'be under his aw"ay.
I,x ri livered in New Yoik not p to 11171seafras at) alarm I gave the potitioner a stuall. pittance able to reach th * ft an when be
allitIde 0 wits giveii, and a catrig"dow-u
vul�N;A, (IF Co 1' .31 HA NT Dr. AI,,rton, %ho has recontly returned party started octor and — V he 9.0b:1111y;lso land at libe Cape, bf Good Hope,
in search (If the D 80 small that I was Almost Ashamed to the stream. The'.stranger, standing in t
,Nt, -re 4111-- 1%, C. - S. pro. I, His was grateful, very grateful rapid w Uitohell, an 110ing, visiiQd Canada and the West Indies
-11 ild, Pot week, from a two ycara' sojourn in South Africa, removed him t) Me . Pryor's residence. 0XeV "a d divining his o6 t
sere will then be but fewrogions uiitler'Britw.
I:,- Io, I 1 -Lr da:', $1,01; Single INITilo, gave all interesting (Lescriptilln of hii trip flis womida were thought at first to b,.,f for it, and still following me; went on to jQct instantly struck out a
gairs, "w's][111111119 ish, rule of which he will not Puma -
from Capii� Town to flio diamond fields, a very dangerotis character, but afterward say I t Itauk you for Usk, air, but lustily out further frifiris the. shore, 'and 'personal knowledge,;
011-011gh AC'13111elf Of Stir- found not to be -its nevere as at first appre- for the kihd woMs you have ivea illy placing- hinisfiElf. far beyona Aid
III, imi. it, AVe,ib:n Alistannev 9 'too. succesaft England must be 'a country of far). cied. in.
1:"I, Q C., -f . . lice, passing beauty, and at others traversing There are itupoisters, anil am thought to
doo, Mouth f the I" of the Astounded inan on' the b uk., 3 utit
SNELL, Fordwich, . T I Il0U8Fi. FOR 'I fit' N Y i A)i 114 h lllIfuu,8iT`t.,t1)1f' vilids as well As, bf'ihopkeep@is*if Wore is anv,
7 it) be One. They call me A
it at I t 91 immenso arid plains, where 4he road Ibeat, a druhkardr' as the stianger r6kchad the brink, And As -ineaningiiii iho'statensiont that during the year.
of Pi -.1 id pr.IVIL: Id I , (I . .
marked out by tho bloachod bones of hor- llit is hard ; but I will not'givia, tip. f -he' went over, 'he doubled himself 0�1), -oudiog Marbli, 3
IIst'last; the revenue of 242a,
iboiuurublo-�Ses and Oxen. The diamou(I mine, The Ten Huachbacks. J&hd
, he I have the usopf a blacking brivill, and a clasped his hands over'his hon : went 166 *asi Collected on nearly sixteen'..millios,
I, %,rF said wi�fre dicovered by a traveller, John i ray, tell and I keep mysnlf lookirild as re- down to his death, Of course tho body of end boxes' of piti list die
D III wilko 01 I;. I, ),fill etith Their.
by file e me I CIL Adil
BANKER6. 1', if I; '.!. I711. Y petrated the other (lay at Alonours, France, me g,)Oil night. a suicide has not beeq recovered, and the" Wine, 'beer,. land spirits t.ali:cii
I. I It. .......... I. staying for a night at the The prticulars of a disracel'01 hoax par. spectablo an I With this lie bade th
17. 1877. 1 -A a u ...
houso of a DiTitch farmor, observed the at
t a s I peo*1
are given by it 1,,eal paper. A young clerk ficient a horrify any do�tor,- t t It 0
(,(11101'061 DalII1g(3I*S l6idren soine pebbles. He There in no clue histever to the identit
eta (Affify'S Oth"� ill th;tt, town took it ititO Pretty Good Wages. of"Lthe E:16 die, as
IThoau tnight. tic diaitionds." Tito III a n ranger. in elders IT, letter to tell butichbacks
fainicr. 1011411ing, replied that if they were his head to solid 6rqodisi" were unknown.
IfIlk-nty lIf thwo be rolind ill tile 110i"ll.
it:, boll I'm variolls Parts of the country, whose ad. Few things are more significant of ih A Toils'om Tou A,Loildou -p4por says The latest ocoev-
1, y I'l, �,4). IN I, k ].I; of: SI I dresses he had olitailleti, "c(illestilig thein growth of*luxury in tbiscountryin the past
b( took ono of ilia pobbles, rAey tri.ity, next,to the new. yell6w� color, iia.valu.
TGAGES, NOTES, 11. HALIF3. ITT attend oil is c,;rt in dity at the offico of his twelve years, than the pric Able to dark beauties and fatal tis fair. ()PCs, is
and mbse(piently wild it for P� es demanded and When the Denv'er� Pacific train "arrived
7 tuployer for tho purlolac of receiving it ' id for Amerjoass beef. 'DinneyWare arranged for the
AND f colonist ho had Tifton communication Ed great, importance to pa Mrs. Parars. tevens, a In Cheyenne Mondaj'.afternooss, tho'con. i Is
purpose. -of tasting it ; Infacheoni' are im ro.,
all StMW of gilflilav deseriptioll in hildy will) would appear to be it prey to dtictor was iufi)rmocl that an *Ajed lady, vised in order- to expatiate on its Iderits.
-_�ccuritics Ptireb Afr,iil. : _. . . I
Blyth the h,llIdN of It Ile, sou-Ilt oilt Life theiiiselvos. Attlie hour nanied, when the designing sorvants, having been robbed of with lice sell, hall starieft early in. the dill Doitiesof. kittillens are.appeased by. presentfEv
I)Ian, lliII) 11 Ili C;I(tIL4, fi first hunchback niallo his appearance, the I
a orses, alid her jewelA by one, and of inany other valu- with the intention of Iwalkinj to, Denver,. to. saciliticis the. a
ITh -fit] of the firm hppened to be engal0d, laiinis of the tamily butcher,
hiET iflot I I er Ito- the gow, and sold it for ablos by imother, came into court on Tses- and that they see filed- to be obj�cis of charity'. and house -wives undertake omnibus journeys.
fterward IL)COU1110 I and ho was asked to take it soat for a few day to resist payment to Andrew Godout-
till ITIM-Iti AIR the Star, of d returning train, And ilsets, i6iity miles iflutly bringing-U-4inCi sirloins in: bas6ts- to the
rrlr kitli I It 1: I 1. 11 I 1� It. - 1 minutes. The other hur:cbbacks then be- lattily iis. her service its cook. Shifllostifie i I
ill tile, AIA tile gan to arrive in rapid uonA second that his wages was- W a-_weAk,. alid that south of Cheyenne discovere'd the old I I ady horror of con I duct I ois and the Annoyance Of*
U It A I1somi criti,rod, followed by a third'and a she had promised io pay him'82.50 a day and her boy sitting on'the and of the' tie. � feilow-passengers.
turowr notify thum that he ham A Se(�tllil)Ll liellit.1:1ti,ill %V;1.3 s(,tIll up(,11 the
fourth. Tht. clerkscould bard- for extra Wf)rk. Assuming this latter to of the track. The. train WAS
Intel ium.t split. 'rho dt-spitti tlivir proteqtp, stopped and' -k woman ifi'it'Fr�ncftr village vAo 'ai 4nito
y 117�1. I w ,
illill 1,V puttillf, fit a propurly inval-lud, aiiii dianimida ly keep their c0l"Itorlimcca as the four have taken place twice a week, this would frbe ride offered to the'vity. , It 'took ill asid,.efintined.,to'her b6di on� evening in her"'
FI N hunchliacks dailcod at Lach other Auspici- bring his emolument to 810 a *eek, and but a moment to disdovor that Jhoold'lady hulaband's.absenc6, wi%B, allook�tl by the sell-
ll�i I, an't two rull (If k1i PIN:. I.I! AT I'. or fai),atim, itt,rtlf, they had
lir,t-clrlss stmic, 'cith :1 lvto ret of Tarr, never suipocted, c�irrivit Fiiialiy " usly out (if th6 corner of their leyes, and probAbly hia perquiaitea, in the shape of was not onli nearly '6iind' fr6rn coristapt ftlers apporsiffiriiie',of a masked burglar at'lier:
twhnall avalanche (if six more litinchbacks' kitchen stutri, would Amount to On week looking upon the sn6wv'but her tramp and be&ido.� IRO, deranded her money, and
iniprovell tt :1 — - 1. � I � i.
Iry ith i -st -cl -7. di'll"te" fly a,'inoxing thowitiro dia- de-Wel)(101-1 On If . To (441) its !I b-ily the effect more ; since we knew of a FrAch womn, privatiouP hadr nd ilireatened Lo kill list, if. she Cried ou. fte
aered- her edfpeble -ibat
inillct-9, lie is wits overp(tworing. The clorkA could no it, th _ - . ai'd - "You Aee I am unable to moye, I -am so
1 1. A if i 8: 1.1111, 1 i�f;l: r, I I I N 1.1 IN co-intry, find proclaiming a service of a wealthy merchant, who else had to be lifted into thwcar.-' Is ' - nay is in the Cellar., . In-thd
i VE STOCR I G R1 SIll N 10 1) PJ N G, It aii It was nut long Ionger their grarity, afid even the recuivea 4500, gold, a year and in nine tionabl another 'night " . .. ill ; bat t a oftri
y 'a exposure: would dellAr.floorybu will find i movable stone, raise l...... fir, Iit city that hA3 iiitii-o '.'Iiiof clork himself was glisito unable tit Con- years ties never spent a Cant f ha� wages, h-.xve snapped the � thread of life": 'd I derneatistla aag_of Mousy.,,
"" f - , I.. I. 4� trol his, onsotion. he only scri I . an it, and'un The
Stock an ;,fill 1 lioplillig in t;IltII a iiito ons per. finding her porqnisites more thstsistifficiant doubtless the boy would have , met a iiiiiii- * 4�;bber deseentidd into t6. beliar' ithont himi-
0im' IT I Tilit lochirer dwelt Ilp')II the Rong itilhe offico were the ton Imilcliblicks, for all her expenses. Silo) salaries as these lar fate. 8�'s6o -real, was had tation, while iihe Oringing. from horb6d abut
rs,as, a short
It, 1 H76. L'"d fur sa!e at niodcrate prices. mixed population (If Kim. who, seeing that. there was a " mystifies- with board and lodging of the best, g4 -j to the woman, whollisil,mvinu wad�.Mrs.-Arirla. to t1le bolt pf. th#. 66i'and gav� an alarm. - .7''-
all'I tho Wandering tribes tion," lost their tompt ri, and in st,!iitorian snake an income which tholiaxtids of highly Miller, Aged fifty ei.ght,ybar-i, told to: a T6 rfeigbbora,-.ituh�od in and the., man . was,
R )!air ices gava vont to their irritation. In the educated men slid women rokard with eiivy, pathizin a triiamen the'skory
`lN kl) k LUMBER. L U M 33 E itIfl. 1. ;if who ponv into it t the rate (if g passessigers,a secured.
tIfall, ,I t1it ye.w. Traveling in parties of meantime the notary, alivrine by the fen -
L110 11116 and in view of tho awfully overstocked con -l' of their wamo.- The-distails w6uld fiiak� Same sailors diod tho otbor day in Fitiiand-
Subsci inifirm I sit, .r lumber IT lift, -en vv t\%enfy, oftLii over a diTstan cc (If, tiqual noise, rushed into the room, and was dition of the learned I
io that 11- largo I_prafossi( ns, "And V 0 isteriesting-.and tbrIllinj rea4fin'gI; � $ix aftir eating, a piarit which. illey; bal--itlisfa -ed
thunderstruck'at findinn, ton hiforiated rarity of good cook@, III, I ies and gontlemers vi eeks thQ twain started, ffeout:. Ran.
iiirt-l-clit hilol-i lill lull"ths ['fit(, front 10 a thousand miles, in tho oitirna o(_which for"wat�r-crbsg, t() ,o ft,; fruln 10 1., >;,; (lierry, himebbacks gesiculathig'and gabbline at wh T, are o.)nsqtous of a fitnosli for the culin. dolph-ccitunty,.IndiflElps, to walk, to thhll� vi-' . &her plail( deadly poisonous, whiob. 91rows in
1,000:000. many (if thein dio of tliirct nd starvation
alld Rok if
icpL atiflurvrs culler the O, d usty, fout. the top ok their voiceo, while tho clerks Ary art, might do vrorao than buldfate, I" cinity. The Ut Iii'money with which they streanss,and:.whi6h is very apt to be mistak6b
It, (-It- . . I into
irl Ivligtilii to Suit thu NN -11, h urro ai,d all thin aa rails. Tficy appropri- were absolutelY enTivulsed with latighter. At the present intimant an extremely hand- Commenced this trifirup E;f over 1,200 ile' f.dr faiit, oolif0ifillally fitil i w
I -y articlo Poll I , ay
abli;R hirli IIs t1lat 1w lie A III, rlit, the some young Englishman, a perfect linguist. -ebon gone, find the ben�vqflence' 6f lie the markel; wit.h. the water -ores V listim-
II ordul atill c�igorly ever %1):),t III they can Iwas
ENCY IVIt!Elt! A)— S, r ji.c 1; it flints, rom,
t picl� up Upon the way oneappearaiiia hat And graduate of Bdliol College,. Oxford,
TON AC jomd I lie latterf; they had -re. -only -atify- ithe. true Cross from hil oth
r - , iimalf
ple, along the rositq was their om th-It the at 100is r aliv� a
GLT �reasollablc withwit any fljr*l)t:r c-iverniv ; atiolhor ceivedret1tiesting theirpre3tnico rittheof- sonofaisto distinguished oluciul, is per. Nearly 0o andre distance was oiada u
Ifice. The notry, with ltliflyapolog; the base of tfi�e stefiIi,. nod the larges
by ildler I ell, in- forining the duties of butler in a family foot, and through the-sui;si storms and'se- top, Tbi)-poisonous plant r
m rim -own of some are 1 formed tbein that th,4y hall beoii are, And the gentleman with whom he lost verest weather, savei-an ocoaai.�hal i
I wat& The b; rldis on.. like the leaves on the rose tr
Four to I v per ci fit all -A ( victimi; Of an ill-timed pIva3antr I and that lived red thl;s; -s-perfect a aeritailit he -a was;gon aind-much- lv4s: ofLon tbe,asaistn' t1lbf-dilaissigh ili _,AP IiIt I y of I I I nvi P i I ii,, %v i '.if t h o sk i rts of y
the Culprit,
,I bright, rt:d Eii-41:,31i itsilitary cost, while When diacovert.%d, would its. a t regret lack of out- ance renLred bygenerous birid! cAr'lisen, atom.
othmi tire In rust their claim to accOlInts, inary knowl)lVe, which ruight have e,tabled who were motlon the T-Tilifin Pacific. road, corresilondent Won
surediv be di.-miliffbIll- BY I
"ewility on the if a torn p1per. however, lie li,%.l not beefs (letectp 11, 111- him with the)toul, and discriminating pxl- -the contractore -always refitsing. N) girb A— ia;ys tfivitAll-other da
I -y 1, .
Dr. Morton lite mariner thoughth,_-Iiiefolerk "hai his ate which a Wrig acquaintance with'the art helping blind. Thua they.plodslad. ElitriateL EL in-' " 0�e- of t'lie
U "IlmN ITU Fib It 1, 1 i
It!, 144,4 If-- C I i,f working the inittea, which, [to says, is I __.4. of dining I"Is given him. tn beerime a roff-don antit picked,up (in th0..D6n,VeV Plicifir, superlist6litEling-itlio firl"
ST A It Re kr-Tily dove with the li;rctl itil (if Kaffirs. Royal Appetites. of the Cuilline'-N. Y. Still. without . money And with very sevint cloth. an old- w'oniant was see
Th' expert, thiuve4, and detipitt., onlinlylgoorin., it
The Navillatiolk sNambillps I ing. The old lady b.,ild a tititich of gill ran
A. tho closc,it Eertitiny, tho diamoodw get into HOW THE RCLERA (IF EUVOP11. SATI-IFT TEEIR A Moody Incident. seeds, howevor,41tich she had brollglit all About. , Rvoryb
thvir pilies, thoir thuir m,)uth.9, and tile W as she did iint: biTl it-ve seeds stortmea ai her, And
,u IAN] BALil": Mill They call work� all,doy N., obtained all far fro civilization. without emict - iihocol
WIJIIX IIIZ4 MANY FLIENDS i tikI, I I I k.. After a recent meeti-ig, MoollY was ah. 0'�`Esl file. 1!1,,r.1 tin Lit "I 11, 1. 11 1 " , , with between r (yes. iertn Victotill is not a great cater, but ruptly addressed by a power . fully -built A purse tok $10, made up on the train, snovex. At last t
NN'111 N.,w Vork I Pipt, ii in the Coma fire," I
t'll'i inf-'rilli tbuni tlwt L- bit" nukv 012 All, t Diaiwalli of flitt first (itiality are very rare; she likes beef And pastry. rutigh-louking man, with a boo)
'Vr' hmthe;o ;,i line kill I that uxhibi.a a flaw bulif The Emperor of is fund of game arm. this city they � parted ivith those' w(lhfit lia.
01- Z I k uuder his made nie need goocl. and at the b
n 1 1
wftti,r tI,,I., 1, of I 11,Ik, that 11--hilil I'll
It G E 'ST 0 C K (�Isough to ri4k h r
Wirs unrivalled all hour fter takeir from the mine, (I trust tho is no plyer on words) Hera Is something Ulat will show you proved their only friends' on, the -froutls,' obe rplio
lo, It ...... II11,pitirmw %nd, if left until morning, will be found in Ile. drinks plenty of Bargundy And chain Is )w to preach," he said, holding out the blessing wilhout stint tho goner6us girerii. matter whother a f'bu
little -1 t ;I 'I Lee, ati-I
fragments. Such e6re ulwally wrap- whothet- Ulwof hut
of White Star Line Stesiviets I i, 117:. oThe 1,%dy a ia she had a w
rho 1;mper,r of Gormany drinks any, What is it I", said Mr. Aloody. nCalifornia-,' but one unwilliner 'her- Cub -
Proposed I!Ings ed in cotton and in oil by the miner
rectnt; li
FURNITURE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONSI until die nicillielit (;f sale. thing-Haroobratiner, LioUratimilch And He prit the book in his hand. It was dition phould be made known t9 bar, Find 'Cians in Vionna
s1Rooderer. Ile iq a aimplo-hoarted and tho works of Tom Paine. so she braved thii dange'ra of the trip and- tention ten) the 6fiso
Famous Weddings and Brides, merry guest. lio likes beef and sweet Mr. Aloody held up his Bible. 11 All stared starvation and doth at
ITt ...... tocoissfully in fit of ,', bus
IC Saturdar. March 2-1. v Tntbuit
if 4 " - I oli'l o the time I have," he pleasantly but ear- the eyes. Ile hail
1c, 11 1 1 at. I lidtOry MILI tradition )fare handed down diaposigion, a
'24. I to lis wondorful acuittints of the magnificent Tho Emperor of Austria is a serious ent. neatly said, " I give to this bo(yk.11 ITarzogovii1a to 11911 the iffil
A I - III(% .. .: 1. fltJ 1 r i. �, d I I n aaA To! I ;. 11, I,. tile Sabbath Observanbs in:thd And All ir-11 J hio pf..,-k I,y oil vLo er. Ile preforl; beef and mlittor. in poultry. TM3 stranger made it savage and bills.
cerenioniaN all( Nont which ll,,Iri,,k, filln4atian wines and Bordeaux. pliamous rejoinder. 1*
T,, t in tl,,- lnili,-n I gorgaous rain He wits arrh%tod it d looked up -at Sessisna,
nai%taTie. have signalized the weddings of bygone Nr ictor E inmanisel has a strong appetite Fixing his eyes upon him, the fearlegsk A Canadian wrifes' from Denver, Colora. 01i ditt?rIng his too there one morning,* the
v -born dames small hirds ; does not touch the boars preacher exclaimed, in a ateM vo 'ted Commissioner found. the young inaii covered
8176, If Its' Ft F.,Ik U% tb, y .,:I I." ( ffil,ed our- rates Adays, thwigh some of the high
,f ib,- fall arcl wm!i-r, Ilia stock I VIJ I- glVor �,Ij ice, : do, as follows :-The triorals of-ille 'Unit with lilooll, whone ofis ayes was lying on
.1 kut, drod ruftl�Tlkl, pill, togpthar in UWL'Tk- Ill, J,ttLt-rj I - A—. lrl�Ip r L4 tlip, If of 011 have Str.otl :It the NIZIr Bimply av- lie kills. l3tirgiindy is his wine. Iron are a very wicked ma VI States as a whole are nat ab6vo,par.
RAILTON, maurtir, and will Lear cralralexaculliation. It. 1;. A.S. parelled. When L,Tuis X111. married Here IT 1.4 lie Was PlAced 111 the hospital J. h,e il, F, n,i A. %vorthinett"O. The King (if the Netherlands itfa splen- The infidel was 'cowed for a moment ; but passenger tristine'run very Suhaa5;, tuails ulldiI wOro porfool h9alod,
J., IfAb. I.,r77. Great inducementA to Cash Purebasers. M 1). 11, 1- 11 A il Anne Of ustria, her robe wai whites"tits, did enter. Give him anytbing rind salmon nuirsisioning hardihood, Asked, "Hovir do are transmitted and ddliverred, overy�1-6r. Trio%to, and tire wo, He a at God
8. A. 111 by BrIptorriber 20. iserted, t
and her hair livas simply dressed, withoul, with good Old %i,le. Iliq cellars are the you know ough.has its Sunday morning papier, many, haa.cotritnandett him to do so. He did not
Wl 0 N E Y T 0 LOAN crown or wreath. Isitlielliff, of Portugal, as finest in Europe. I nee it in your face.," said- Mr. Moody, and in fact, most businqs4.placea tire OlIfill, and .. thought he would recover bla
C. CAFbillWRIGHT. the bride of the Duke of Burgiindy, vv(;rO The King (if the Belgians has a al:omach in your eyes. Your life is written out street cars ruts'ai usual; and ther4iei very sig'Ilt fit some future day.
ON EASY TERMS, a dress of splen,lid ernbruidery, a stomach- no bigger than a aparrow'a. Cannot eat there. Look in the S n -d see for your. public iudignatiotil has bean excited fil Bug -
I II 1; 1,11 ortl), WILL III: little except the ringing of the chorch belle
bp jRy %% 111cli stlie princilint Cats f1. tha fi-A Thor- itis the&bbilth,day, Al- 1,,tn,j by tbeL treatment that a poificut vkth hj�-
or of armine, ti4lit sleeves, it cloak bor- lunch ; larks will do and old Burgundy. self. to remind one that I
Nut altudod .,.y 0 I'll r 1... 1". , 'I icn It I u,As. t N1 In the dared with crinine fallina from liar shotil. The ex -King of flanover likes pheasant, The man-chAged his manner' imiftantly. most every Sunday evening there is a conm, ciropbt;ba readil-od. in the Glasgow Voyal
be sf-4�palld In pairt Eor all At i h U.!r%,,s frestiIII, 1111 (fees to the Alrourld but she hall no nrua- frouse and smoked ham, Rhenish wines Will you pray for me ?" he asked. cart, theseifrequently wind tip with iIt bat I A 40- Ptirposly Pub where
9 1 or InfIrMarY.
a so yon-vto, g6; al to* lie e0tjld 80
III else fL'r bit., ahronda, &r., kept on hand. Intents, arid'her L9 white mus. nd Yes," was the ready reply. 11 Let us. aassiob'; the papare Ravi it, go that tho surgeonsialight too
Esisity time durling III(- A. E. FINCH Iin. When Annic of J'ranco, finding the The King of Portugal is a miserable kneel right here." any public entertainment. -L-tsk tii-tht, a the ofyo6t which 'was to thro him- Into via.'
of Lotan. Archduke Mittimilian tardy in his Woolng, guest ; eats little and drinks leas. They knelt. A fervent -prayer went up theatre was hold in'ball And si-conoerb foist CoJalsiliins, . His troirtur of Water was
11) Ht'ArE TIlAf 119 rl k.9 vava herself ind her Dornitlion to Charles Ilqe ; yet they pouroft water from Ono Vag.
0:. hI,P W, y IN] by Ni" Alphonse XII. has a brave stomach. for the infidel. He rose, put his book and ball In Another. I havo Soon the band in tt
A 11111,Y TO I-t it u I nA 1 kot, fi,r tii (I pu I pette of gone ral Jul it VII., she appeared at the imposing care- set to noter in Ins bearitig, aiApprinkid.1
much I Plenty of poultrv, veal, dessert and claret. once more under his arm, and said: 11 1 of music Marching throoghths streets of'a frdin the ensuing
W. W. FA-RRADT. is tmonial of her marriage in a robo of cloth Comte do Charbord has a large appetite. western oitv off the Sabbath, playin , his fitoo. On reGolveling
�N IF -4] -NAT hig ililp. am coming here every night while you y
r, p4l"na U 1l,0 as, -hi,Ih he will do to 0 gold, with designs in raised embroi- He at, anti drinks what his physician or- preach. I want to know about this thing." tbitigtheril Igs, aria w nou cu utififted the! r 'ektionineritit, by fanning
against tbe,ortiolty'- batil'
Clild'T1. March, IRM a 01.1 1111 St vir0allonable rate. Jery op,,n it, And boriloroa with priceless ders, slid is all the better for it. -Sprinofiekl Republica was made to thb Mayor-tha oe a end ng in his fnee., which. made him
And lwsable. anios 1. nearly ruined himself in The Comie do Paris does not despise ;am
act them to the end. I Card playing all illooberont fill -11111611L Tile Larled sayfithat
*$59000 TO LOAN. order to Celebrate the inarriagg of his good innErsels, and (loco not even m nd light bling, ton, ales, oAr' ad oil without. efitftc-� ho -1181V 10100i'ledge Of tho: rliaeago 6ould,be,
Elizabeth ; and Francis white wines. ri 09 his. there 0. 130
aughter, the Princess A French Abernethy. tions. In nearly evetyliotelorsaloqatrip, loarnoA by thess thm,, so t . t w a
Dressi'llo, efermined was tho opposition Alarshal MacMahon is frugal, and never 0 beL Seen a set of Ision. at noarly overy.1sou for them, The 90geball to tikely'to
1,rcat find d. 66
subjects to tho marriage tax makes any observation on what is set be. A French journal says that a famous of the day, Sunday. or any other day, oil IJ3 prostioute'l.
1) I V A T E F U 1) miss Ell. HARGAN he raised to defray the R.533,29-11, it cost. fore him. He is not a great drinker, but French surgeon, lately deceased, who was jaged in card playing either lor amuse- Mlafll Cora Diell;:ion, a Young girlvf 21, At..
I The ceromotly took place at Whitehall is very fond of fruit. bruT usent or inoney. tleitisisr do. they have a rived in Paris thd Ott:
INIIIIINI 'I IIE LADII 4 oF CLIN- quo and unpolished, found, on entering ior day fi-ohi Soith
SHOP. u i -I �,w c-ointry tbi! mile ia torp- I with so much pomp that it has formed the All the lietty rul6ra of Baden, Wurtem- their g
)fall 1%.,rL m all It. moall Eli his house one day, an old priest who had secret room for arnoIs-thefeuntroorn Amarldi, -lice life line. been a'diflocItcred onfil. 40
Ilrald, Switche". li'voluch procedent for all ottinr royal weridi , been waiting his return. 11 What do of -15, tirok.of tho. filonts folly. of' rill[ 1, 1 1) 1'� 'I iIng" In burg, Bavaria, &,o., eat much less than 10139 with open door to the'street i's sybore thek At. the ago
astict 4 Itiqlailits-4, mad, fi,im Tither Ftimland wi6ch have followed. The train you W "I want you to ), silo ran away from her father'i hdu3o
C I I ARG11S of nild %i, i,.,! .,. tl,,kt bo bag I they drink, for beer spoils the appetite, ant of me III look sit. Yet right here III the nildstof all this hons(
Rh"l, itI'll 41 lit ., r f,i &fly lihs ; Ia. 0 f the brido's drean, which was silver cloth, at this," meekly replied the priest, taking apparent immoralify, thorn. is 0; but for Witt' A 'argo fluns of money.-. She cut her lialt
1 ,N T 11 F I 1 1, 'it," 1- It- I, IjP4 I bc Ina 1.inl! of Illtir WE r."tb4 aild A ior 0
111".1d,w.e. next Cost 130. I lur hair floated on her shou I- off ab old woollen cravat, which revealed Your lilquoitivorsdozo nd anti-Probibition- short; and domied a. boy's garly. After be-'
APT LY TO clerk, Elora, interinixed with pearls and diamonds, Very Abient Minded. upon the nape of his neck a -hideous tumor. to 'on a 'Cab' boy�
I L L o lastalorA in thaDk 'coming 'I' 'fdcoo"l
R. MAIA 01140%, A, horse don'16PI, she thrneid up -I
anvi R crown (if g(dd wits upon her hamL 14 Yor have to die with that If O'dolly ro. minion will tell you thtit n'o hotel can 'be' !od'tha linny, aill diagalvM.
161r whero silo ente!
er, file I-Eirilrriage of 11enry An �Offiewm;,- tainif 4 bar, mul, that prohibl- tingiflaholl 1101'siltih the doiVift, ed
Large Assortment of Furniture J. BIDDLECOMBE, 1'erhaps, hi)xv4i% rie' "sn's A withoM 1, She dij a
1. with Matilda, (If Scotland, carries off tells this story about Senslor (voldthwaite, to?jp &imply replie the aged f Bt, r(* ticin means the abtlilition of travelling PC- liclstng��a colonel. Somb riiiEstitho ago, at a
20 ifier vent lowor hepalin, ris far as outward splendor ill of Alabama ;--Senator Goldthwaito has placing his cravat, I and am much obliged confirsdation. But in the west there is. %in- ri'flicers, sho quarrelled with one of
II NT 0 �N BA K onoerned. 11iiihop Annelin performed file long t):o;ira itod'with absont-mindedness. to you for warning me, for I ofta. prepare a cloittrary.- It iA -not Very A disel f4owed, And she 'hiill-
Ila IT PIG proof to th those present.
Wat6 ad Cloc� Nei, C litliculty in keeping track of myself, &a III,
Ceremony III presence of all the beauty And Flo Intel. 110 constantly lease lov all as my poor parishioners, who respectable here for hotels to itavo to %all Tod tier aaveraary,� � On i3tamiaing the dead
chivalry (If the realm. The marriage of his wearing ap a me very muc on who whiskey and digArb to -make it atisten4nod, she, found -that all* bad killbil,
AI'LE N N k IdwArd I.. in Canterbury cathedral, was his Coat or his �iat. One or two pages are was never tiatonishad at great. things,hOOk, and vory few of them (10 it, Out of tile bee full eat biulierf ho bad left home4hoss,
U IT .4 U z? C; '�tlo IT— Margarot Tudor, part of . she was, two, yevis, of ago. Horror-strikkoxi,
fkN*y I nirm)� rot; It ,I oisignillcont. I kept, ruiming a good this time to ad In pon this priest, who received his death the.boat hotels here,, porhaps forty.
d II, I ... n it, r6po niFirritul to Jwnos of Mcotlatid, stood supply tho ge tlemari's lack of intellect. sentence unmovel. with amagemont, and slier tstw heraolt At the bishop!s.
it Wirk. n slitirlsolf. oppotelto, 04 1- 111 -11 1 1, 1. 111 I -so, a larwo itIIIII-all kfol aziolo tomparAnoo hongos. In Atchison prostlisod, to In toreado with her fattier.
pro,idly at thill, ris littr noble lilleago if lie goes to the litruffe, lie will take his list said Come to-morrow,list olgist ()'clock, there wAsonly onto hotel that had it bar In
Ilia# -It or .141TI of III[ I'llreft. ArA my Imira
'Where he will It.'r f,r Nal. I ig 0im All,w-, be �Iii wifirranted, a I rown on lior lifind, lie ]fair find Cloak and be sure to leave one to the Hotel Diets, and ask for fisio." The onnection, yet th�y lit -o arld..trivits all of Common$ h4l a 'Very
hillight-, bowafh it, coverod otily by a Cp or I)oth of thom oil asofa fir oil some main arkabla twiribdr in thb pargon of IW4 Xa-
pries� was pronir well as in emnad'is, npp�rorltly I)eitterf, gild win;
r 11 In a @pe m, and In 9, tnonth the of at' "Out (am"
am- I"111 the P"re, III h:A,1s, ',If itril A% ith perfirlit her nook. ber a (18ML, I Io 11144 Often lind to wait for fo I a ioo The surgeon procured keep good bousea.and 4411101604 tables Vislitilgh, 6, Country
ki I Althoughr
Cakes, 'rho illf.itotl oni,in r)f I,hilip still Mary wiw himrs whila pglifs and messengers were man want out culted. - Whon leaving he Those wtin will and mast Intlulgio their AV r atills, lie rides, Ed eivoi, And do6i
at \\ inchr,41ior eat lifulral an im- hmitiiig ap stray gArIlloUtR. 110 Also has took out of a sAck thirty fraflos-in small silicon-, of w1ilch log" 0
ror FfrwA anti Orli I� A B E 14 N ETT, r b -If r.. A a I - patito in this wily go ta tho intlood,snord thaii. All, most mots,
r. I a rittod tim wivorcigim of two groat countries. tho hFkt)it of taking othor people a ooats by a'iassge. 11 It's all I have to offer You, Doo, there are mAn. flo, asid * his dexterity 'is %fach AS tor lead t6
f"harleit T. villovi iiini-ried by proxy At Notre miatisko, particularly it they happen to tor, " be aaid ; III camis an foot from Itiction
@a the Gotialnuioly t1litt ilisture slaust htwo given
I 11. lognfilizo(I his inisr- hang near him own pog. (lifto day a Sony%- in order to save this. The doot6r looked Illm at this gboulkloTIL. Joillt.0ohlothil
I ITT 'Do ng \01101%
'I A A well-oduailitod YOuiig isiall rilitilod.
riAge with Ghar1ritte, which took tor winfied his cost, which flail ab011i, $3,- at the money, smiled, and, drawing a hand -
r. F.h 2" 1 41IT 130uyuo has been
[AEE ifif mif. amola' Tehapel r,,yal by Abolish- 600 in money it) it. Tho disappearance fill of gold from his'pocket, put it in that to twouty yoAra VAth hard P,ery ljg Illatly thin prActicnfi which then held wall atten,leii by atich singular oirotimtan* bag ailing with the thirty franod, sayiM, Wilma alit- Ile wag born- 'without arms
labor, alld tivority $Ioard of "ima
a rialat wont nU. or blit ofs(lowe(l WhIr ituall Dittraor.
I-Ew whi,li woro (,pposo,l III modorri cog flutt (lie detectives were (linatly put 64 It), for your poor," b4 th P in A Vail,
I i-lillp., t1, ri 1. 1 fir J ItILAto rill'i fooluiv. chapal han ilpoli tho trail. V,)IIV days 1111101VArd 4 aW&y,. Socus ye4r4 Ifit tho aukloon, feel. Voillailtivi tilt olluai tinill, detdrity Ith.0 Ila atold,
\ III I FT II. I.:I.j$999'" In ItAilroua
ITh., been the soilim (if more royEll mArriagon in Idottletivitis willed at Senator doath to he near, bothoirghtlibli rolid tra, by nuato do, almost t4o 861-64 All
modern (lays than any o(hor rli. (401dth�%,iilo'A hollso, 1%1111 ankild him if ho 0%, at, and wrote to him. He 4ama at e40ho liDA othor 11611, MIT tooth wem of$ i%mazlngly
nped aud a.iiall. hall hill owo pr"E gtroug, thil,bq. llouill liff; ton pool-,) of Walk
MATrrk though it is cral vmt, - Aftiir searching his and the anligrion received at his hilindi
IAJ � I] - .� Tho '66111, filutt with -b Is feet -could 4heoNv Is
ir ifif, III ... rf I Essen An To Anti William IN, - wilro wed- cinitet for A tiato lie returned, bringing th 0 hurt lionsAstion rif religion. �or (lWQP1bTJ IlLils, othar Inell lliteY, fiftflier t,
60o #I, -I. iIIIi Victlat Tkm Alm Ed Wbf A 016(l
,mry mi-IclorattT I-, it,,- 1ti2ad hero, And he, a Gauril,i I V. was married i(ist c,,At, wtyiiiff, " This doem not took - ! " , go lifts,
-rest. 600 isucla ntirl-I't St "Ill, "t l" �wiln 1-. it. au,t le4ruallalitivit *a a Ian 4so *hIch iho do VqTALI. I.- tl'W t th ok 4 Place. ml like 10th of reUtuary, quite lika fifty coat." Tito lost money ItInd,4114 I mll tan alt liiiii diaaoillth by f4ded w-itli t onkil, At has AU A6#110
Dan4all AW111111% 125 cathhostl 045: T'l 11Tits I WON foond afe in tho pookoli. Ape 8#4 Us.* doid hallusillitid,
C NT T pp
so 0 And
11 w lk d
b ow tie