HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1877-02-08, Page 2. ........ .. 2­�—�J—!" 019594 TO WOW str a %ligro. Jug, A.- 71—LOTW 'IN 0. 0 volitli 1,10 k:,, fly. pUblic olianer too)g; Place la"Ablixtoli's I noxxill EVA xv tot ooqt� I'IIOQ -)estilly of tho Barth altd It$. lnhalsit4nti 113, gig., joarrall. (lf'tllq '211d 1, Tba 140nd011 1101011 10. Of Oorn Worlit I I The Don 4 (I'll, IWO, 13al on Thiargi4sly, Ab. I'lit, In T, ' lll�t.j 00involit laoqw I 1,,,tlt oil Lord Did- I Town Vollnello A xigulm oftho Opunty Or4n Lodge il the B(Iltor qt'thaV1a!oig.4Tew Rra. Toronto swarms with ossousplol guep tWo Weill for tho 440 of forints, rcoent, Speeches -ju Toronto,, took I'laceat Exeter oil Tuesday bol to One of gurou'a 01400t, plouggerp-Dr. Mal F4)TTo4&-1gVltlt year kind*perailsslon anil wil whose litook of roddo"Iroul Avool lie game to this, county it) the year The Vinvii'Oditoflul unnierettes tile datlea, The replar Inolithly meeting, Of the .04 al, I de4ireto olve P, few bijef.aill- '0,ystors call lio bour4lit (it fifiy-ove cants, �L% th4oko At me to, Messrs. &, Dish Jouncil took pli0, on Xonday, eyoullIg opa s over. since oq 'ad VQ4,4101J4, of also to, tile I)uMC1rOU9 r03aOV3 Of the WrW410,A, Q,ln III attAlviled t a We position ol ad A. M. Ross, M. V. P.1S, for 18931. Anil 4;,k , QaVI , 1% )VIIIII qr i the- loyeat, price ever to Axr. willimix And ataboa that L'aua 4udvbtedto1"3Igl�Ikd thu Mayor in the chair, and All the Ingisitary papers. with marked ability 't bl�. oil the ditatitly of our, planet And its, bubloroug i lie Ila !a lacullieve vrosent­eXcopt Mr. D044; Kll),- WAIgJol were 44110II.Into .114.0 trust. in the county - plAnot reached la Lite city. dai gave birth for the appoilitnignit (it a Ilijtty alvI able Cto� , '. last Weak prosidea at'blic, ()qunty Council 13l for a, ighavitallts.. lirke 111141 destilly of noI we 9AIVIDO, vornor, and that Loril DulTlll (Inadfloations, utoo, of ill !meeting, woro read and owing to tlie thaw bavi, g p vtj Ily i's a t1fiestlon which. lialkititaresled Its itiliabit. Tito, atonolor Goo. I'Vashingtogi. tire preel t I hoge demanded by 010 I)ftition, A 1) a a cloatiod number at years, al by his ability and fare. sit dopt d, . . V antain ovory age,. 14olopeo antl pbiloo6liby Ashoro to )a ac a On,,balil it p the ro4d; ist towa of allow. olght was iiipliel� inatriatuental in projil a a 0 andbecai �btato nower to the 10"ay 4isoo 'ny Poat say, ­I,o A �xAx with it bOil shoulollil oil' 811p- Clio loll't while they'afford much deeply Tbe J11 4 rd P111(orillhes 11�110 $tr6ot Corninittoe then presentea lkiyo beou invoked to f lirulsh.Arg a total wreoh beat 20 lives I Poteravil VA00110 P01101,4014 frOVA which bill County is problillvi, , A00 bll$. The fgM evoule an enthuslast In sloeatilill; About the their report, Will recommouded, ll peryW­4.lIgq.-Rxchov)zqe. Wbioht eanothat now d4rivin anal A toloo bolt) nging, to Mr. James Corgiore (I.Appropl,latiol)0, �to if 116 ilippe great depentlegic 'giotly **L All UrAl intorglistiog And. aUal blo infornog, their braille to know w y lie goverall, And the diltles That $600bv the wall ddQLgY",,b a WQUId be 1' oyoar", rfi%diij."Iran, a4V, ll 13 m won a 0 tiou coneoruing StrAford, broug-lot to Mr. Corcoran"a mills r 104t he fallilliz. ftet has, t��PQWA 11101CO fir 'of prove _ t , at,. 1; IQ. orgAlVe"past 1114tory, for . 'J,. B,, of 1[lootg4esborp; The chair was silly filled by D. H. Ritchie, -0 tboy Qa4mily offor vAl , If !gIt" tbO be divided ainong, the wards occording'to CoultrOrwx visa ,a log,�Ooo day . The 114tso"wilil tl 1)"PlAv life a' (la"aila with it the Aasoised vilue, atill to, bo Lf 4Xpanded the-futut nod us,. 3,500 foot of limillor itiAll too Alliaocii for the a p 8. 187-1 .4111 , tisus in the arithi , tio I giovuiiilp�, IV tp, 1,40 tuxlwo toil of a- man N010 liall It high correp IIQ a lilsq., and on his right the Ruest of the even ciartainconjootares. 4ndwhilotbethaorlokof )last week. P01104 Ilk 010. 16terlor (it the, warols. Th 0, it .414ouliX halve In# ;, the vice-ol Were, Oocupioa by Mr. SCl scientists allow. the %vorld. but A com, A4. ygynalipton, on Thilraday; 4, hatobar liquor traffio a S. el with worl� a - E datlilis, oldow-alks. aud,,on1vorta, ion 44414 of $taggloyf�-And, $impoon, 11glev Mr, NV, ltoo", piiddl(pf this month, the 0 If ITY 10. MEMBER 0i"tioa in LgIRJtgn(1'- ft -114 loa%l bolen 0 b(l where Wo, Said; 25 day oril Offat , OR XDRX g: ouropean importalloe been 27 days, of StAyLkleyj X ,named ("Fra'sby, of 114toinporate babitqi com. Illwo the Doligillion, liken tll� soll IQ be kept up out (if general fund. I believe Is; ii3ho inten. Q 1044 t jo.Q, pat down to q%ligtiCra in migli 1), 4,%x &T I wo ty convulsions, others Ali. in t Ing al Lord IL)POoria. dinner, g.. Initte(l. suicido b Ing the 14th iool,, A few d t Session bf the colonists, and inwo to talk libolli untoothing 2nd, A to be laid froul I tion, of thop 0.1iotors Dramatic Society to 6t iv in 4rat 011il by the hQqt, by sItinoting biugsal� 1�0 aya fi go u, seoxia Oeotluy of glorious progew through The wifa of TIAQ11111810. 11OP4, Diddloco, J.Jqbns6n,Lsq. A gra%knnmber from Boa, ujatol(I=tooCl Batwhiloplillosophera' tile political patlia. ITe frallb-ly expreqfios his label's store to. 11rhiceall, strootl op- give a, performanco !%I the course, of a il are rea g froni. analogy, or forecasting the . There were five hors' was delivered on 111,14ai rniir'a inill,' 3rd, That A side� 1"woolitsi, which will iorpas4 Any of their' . Pat, -ings, when oxerclaing his idMlt for Pl 'POSite X1.1, in oppoetunity ut spending o, pleasant eV011ititk future 03 Sold oil 'hq! mar' twobol amlorso girl. s .. Legiploituro. took p1tico !It relation to the IlL forth and Clinton AvAiled thomWires of, -the a tlaa�sto, and-*�fk,doubt Call, After 6 Y, tho average spoell Lord,Durftl llatIs no'unvonteol- walk be built from. U. X Rii.cey's qtoro. to', previous ontert from observations of physical facts, and liot equaw Mitchell, xopentl latto j4deroxifty to-fildrabers, wliieh nor doubt mple jas4re hAd beend 0 livin one the, 90 14 thus constructing their hypotheses, the Q11riot. of each being $k.00, , Of (;a ,it but the boyi, Who IV bible lallatiol-5111 iii,the polliti,141 life of Canada. , Maple, iitreet, at Dr. Reeval corner, 4th, ; drawa large Audience, uroe the, heroes ore Ookon things provided, the chairman, in a few brief ian Asks, "Does notl1levelation. farais I as with. was prompted by the stro!,)- aqA­p­O i I 0a a I%dY,' Words, -proposed. 1, si Millar to the $ianiesp I wInS, V�l -I There the Varlialoontlit "�Jff are 1-0119111 That A Sidewalk from, A. 8, Fishor'sooirxier­. Qvl,,p A,�,,I' Opr were past their prime, ;he health: Of the Queen, some delinito infori4atiCna upoix this Subject '?1' 11" y wlieb 6OIR, to Ptidsworth'a lavie be repaired and 4ugh A Jima bUraOr.na41' lar -laxpre4sicins, that bEld. been niade bab present a, aliocitiole of 111lit The Dotroit',Bo , ad, Ha�an, it it, town, at one sitting, liad,4ixteen telith' which was duly honored ip rapid Oggc(Ibs"Wgi But here, ton, we 111nd that invoi ard of Trade on Off AV Inad pared Ni-ith puJillo disatistrion. in some'equally Pigation (or Mondgl� It,, (It so -parts 0 new Al it. 50), Tbal, I Ygloo and, the relit Of more prioperly, misdirCl Invelilligation) has adopted, hN, to tho, Canadian Al%�. , miles north. of J mllo4ol I reoliuro 1.drawn, and All without the oligeof , Ally, diT4,, -followed t 16 prince of ) , , "Or . arvis, was found dead aghinst tile incrells"rer gll it was young 6filltos. ' Yor it ooloil (Io %I, Army thol A 'nor barn on Sunday nigoKR�6g, 110 V I L I , . 11 It -61dowalk Alms; tile'. Clintolu Hotel, be the RoyiiiFarl the 00yerigor-Goneri -yillfipi -ios of Gol intofiticuis ooA - Q 'at out'., dirl'blout liatiolil vltwqd�k proseats They wore o,1rawl% before she' lOgi, tit theoi I 114khi� tllftt Cho Welland Canal, be toitlito barn and r.oli ret was said duv� Ado iw%v, 60, Whitt the, Citilvert oil the and Nivy, the latter- being responded to by. agnmi"i the �ag.tll, h -Ally received- �,ept ollun-on. SundAys, I I 4t. sossioli. IV, but 3 it 0 t "I wa. 6 goinei urning a bb paade. In h woutlerfill dogroo of harl4o!'-Y� sit ;eCiirodi or the night, b V wont P $am on Ana, very able Manner, Th" olit for him, and, be old ashery, be riiised happ an(, " a hypothesis MAY be Stated as follows -1 111, death f6and bial lyhl o f dourse, no oi;,tside 010bolics oo uvt ilit, d t Imiail i, b 0 boundary, near t On d I", , way li�ck Again in the nitird- Ilientlan th "all Ove'rIftating, G.' W, R., named g dead,, It. ing"the discusiloil 0 r chair Up, in a very able id 6, bagg issopposoid ho was kioked t)y the ho.raos A, and sidewalk ing, as thoy,wow* ber.-�-fa,180 80t.. Speech gaye the 0 Quest, of ;the Rit'aharda, who' rosided At' Windsor, Qoxn- State oil tho 4 ties and- coven is to bo ilill livoitleol p4at the dphory be' gra 4phero sl fth n1l. ow 'Street, IllittO4.LaW can tell, but it tb4tt ing tree And th Voods. occupied.. taide � Aturd it* b ao. Thompson, fargaol liv last NVocl The reply of Dr. V atthe last (lay all the good Nvill bo, 14%ally ngrIII the at Cnilvert rigisod, 70, That the qulverb Thornhill, w politic:11 Anil relig Oritoganion front a. %,Y14o'd;rQIa in the cqun,' About an hour we are sorry wo cannot give gabhisa _QRb._4f iLo ajabo".0f, r as attacked, last S d -be "'razo -11 1 11--- - - dian renil )!a mail over main, drain on Rsitohbury street liattiba M bt t ill a tovrsi. to, attend the the opeeoliii fullo Suffice ICU say , two r gatherpoi. in that:it and blo oppoll", � cacti 61, er ad that L . . I gh otevaAl blessedposaill boare", NvIlill is thought A now weekly paper, to be called thel afidjeft 1 11 . 1 81) oo I thur one of th it fair y broa t nd insonsiolp, il, which is lost it) England, asy walic on- that side of,the street can bo car� funeral of their decoa.ped, brCl At 0, Dr.'s best offorts by tbanx to be in or boyonol the sklos ; aod with P1. Xing Dol so editor, is -the� a WAS folln to stood followed to' the down the holisd� bit a wav, 4 In the morn-, lle'Out of also . Arr. clialoo of Segorth-, sang 2en,,ttio car will roturn. to its oroginal chaos abou* 4 to be started at Tordn o-, III the ill, isig, aod noi' commercial co 11111 Clio drain., `To be do Vioe_olgl Xr, Simpson, lz dissolving tcroato of the Licensed Vichiallers, liesi. a verrprooari ; ous ,.qojA- .01 1) fit I b large' number of friendi "slid Killirnay ; the ,Ot fQrm And Valid," o -of, Canada, re- o -io of a yision, Leave Vill the basolois fill it 'Ichn. N. �he of wil 1110 1;, It4l'y geaeraly in id n rillikes I �gid, : 8th, That 4 orossilig bb leg, As 110 lilid j;qOn long a of the (wvernor as wrook 'JWt . some are m . iwilla 4t W, Q, -9111plu"a thrash A geatt'611 ia� statipiqed at tile fo�;t,qf ug dono %vroLn,, III -lie luroil atteet,'at Xprth Street spouded to b f Baylichl, not Q a 0, 'oncil Clio niore valml til 01"lowliall (to, dent in the county; - 4;id had b sit, n _ Mr. Keys, Reeve a from tho end of sidewalk on that side to' Mr. Robson, Clinton, Mr. Kean, Se4forkh, Mr, ing. to, auderse, thol'Above. ing, near Parkhill, ut througl 'BrQoke,atre orouto WaskllockeddCll And altiong 'slid Mr.'Morrison, of Ma O.rangonie for out 00 years to or T14o vryf list lit, rtin` 9th.Also recom;nQnd Jackson W�raondvllle, thera"is-yourliumblo correspondeet. Thrpugh, chillo 900 btlafiels Of Oqt ;hours. and rall. OV r b a, bra shunting, on Mol the bollefic S ALI)l Acoll)x �Osi I 13.y the 9 do not no d to be toll Of that a Alvert Ise put' ill on Princes&. Ary at, NT. Thursol�y. rapid -tile tolompops, of - 'day, the Wheels 0 t locomo heit, 010 foe't of ertho goopel glass f3lth.L4lI6Iy Thia wia Elt, thQ,,r4te 4tkoe bu4hplil 0 tivel passed l tile po- me an L were respon iny for tho er 'i it secl-e6 is, in 'of a near the High Schoolhouse, it being cou� rning last a YoUng rean natned. Morriss. uccession, d aed to iu a inoke think they behold a different dest mitlutt.-, Salb, Works, right over hifgi ea, no t sider0a muill ployed at, the -Stapleton ableanner than;is usual on such occasioul world'evis; Whose ok all'thel attel his brai sower to -be boilt out'ot. 13111 ganizatioii'!l �orth, by Cl KeliLld of All in all directions a oxnplotOly 655liffll, 0Mt. it WTO119 land, arIll-wil littybq the Alto of can. . general f u n d the gr�fcling An d to, met ith,a. very severe accident. While Mel Cline and Carmichael, of, Seal . ?. Samuel 1rdio ooV,,e 9A4b.AwkedArAll ,41impses of tile- f or I CISOLD g . one -of the pansi . at.. Singing, adaea voiy mater in o1q, - QQt II'Moliths, to th6fr ially to thb ow (11 Is Orvas til tbat i C the st�e Q011116�111 Whom they tire wore of ward AVilrol -a plank _Ip , ab p`jf4d A - I ollooll, . ion, i joymClat of the, Iter' singing Auld iir'e-tdkqow all that may be known 46 rll eath last weak, . The child -c�ughf h6ld, of- A Xo0trQxLI, French paper Rl that practil il 4641, the provincial it W48 then moyed by 0dria. Caution, slipped. in by a Misstep, . And both of 'hii . . evening' L A 7 tAcn ]sl ' is silgion, fuld, Ic ere immersed in the boiliti gco brig the copally. SeparatedoLlIaVing jag earth 'a promised. blessed and at 6 the ton�kottlo and pulled it over, the.whjole Q e TIOWl* strife of alit] ORI'lls - those oec..by Colin. corbott. that thd report be f0et­7 Long, Syixil Will L it th. stu'dentsoftheditT�it6�imadicL�l'sbho&113. -adopted. causing thu-bicidt peel bff his itikleif al., availing.- o vom%- Nor be easy to olippross t 6 'of the boiling Cionitants-gofifg,over it . g h a into regular body, are formin" t emsdIve ' e alent's, 0 t le collutry AS. lkhraildo They purpope Co' spirit of investigation'thas Awakened by ap allidabas most. before. his boots, Oq be k mo e' t14 e v d. snatching compa more I'MIlly axorcil C )loved in anienditl by' The Olitalva, EXOTAption Commitioa have L mslg�� Ayterjr 6i 14 WOW 00 popular'opirdon that nothing aed now, (Jo, it 'would not be talven this,' ill broken ilia tLq, (tf continitity bindlu;,- ec, by Cooll, Of rre uron, iidloy,,thagi tlili:i report be OR TlIZ.TOWX.�-.TIgO, c4eobot-of decided to r6boiamond the bolition of q hig visits'to All centetrios, dead houses orloftl: 11110 I)y I F higeVni,or'that iny6ffortto'gill exely Chas, any -place in ore ear,etojnl�gcof tIlo1'mi)0L6anceCif.. l'or to the bilit I -feat This Preslill hold tin adjourned sign- of 4 faQb ngell let allowing any money to be taxes for this town has performed a iptliinili'froaetatAtio� 6xoopb I the vaults And. dit The j,Oronto ofThigradwl under 0 . I . . . . I _Vl such knowlodge is a eresy, gan, hs ases o 614 11 L ' !no may. be placql xpl on sidewalks. out, Of thd goneral Chili has rarely, ill been Anno before, f.public Selig It tAiiii. rern, o I , Ing a'bPrussels on Tuesday last. Oft ilia re- an inborn desire to know the future Anil a and 119spitals. INven, IN the Ill 0. 4.11 no-. tho.town. The anionditiont was* hero or olsowl" f fix part. of the deputatioil gppolnl t f forea, d et NVOrCh 01 theGovernor-Gentiral's incotho su6 y y lie howling "A fit 0 1mill of late .4 to visilalue-' tste, by faitt), of the p aowersof thb.,world to rs the. Mr, . Claiion of Detroit, is travelling eth6thaslic6i) ul Clio l)st by.A. maj ot-two. ahlie b4s colldetpd-overy'dollar vAle'and E, adie's- congregations ith, a via* of come is caloulate(I to stit, ilis passion. to its 'bada for through.0i ng We call (�oovogrnor.: ulilittoo th ie roll for the pa upiting these coil atingoarnivals. Daringhis- Of (I' 11c pot, in filirneSS, heof th at was Ilpon. tt 96 year, Igjag&tiO)3S Into verydopths, Nor lihdClod-overroproved the The Montreal oitj 14ealth offil makes, costmes, for sk r po, said- drdiligly. anxiety, the purriloo 'of letti nt as follawa­ 'That the fol- And haalso -succeeded. in colleqtk'ng some agregation, were,.aap of his. Ort, 'ateros to. t -the otarbling,�annotinooment -that the poor tOurfor the J�ast lOw Weeks hof(4 161it tlx� book pi ublill III iTablit in 1875, on united unileil pastorate of Mr. Pritchard. but ratber.onoou�a-ed it - To the' -titedolu. poop 0 air water ral :"fjonglon, JsO costum66 t �ei- Iiiall rating, therefore, Nve it Accounts be paid ; K still, that WAS UpoRtho roll for the year prdviopp. and Wells and the I ithable to pay th jra fotlowinj , I IV m .3 the Ill Yalolhlos of 18-17, isprivau the follow, dries, $15-08; Harlaiid Brog., Stoves, &c., The Council hayo. acted wisely iii ril 'Mutevale. to pay as a. stipend $500 -Eadielo promises, . Thomiigs, 4 .is �essional coiltipennation should. *11, obligo�Ctto uso-�inriin - 3va a' ning 0'; Mitqlsell, 120, Stratford, 25�, g extract front it. -JeCtor to the Author $200---iti all, $800, per annuin. A call was which if they illoro inystorious in g t r, contaLl JL Rom. conloiteries, 063.8 Poo no�5.. f6rL hall, $32.71; charty, too Routleflge, pointing him. orgavic is,. Clintoll, 40., Gel corre I)on( in- rl If the 0 Q, tained from Dangannou and FortAlboll illeirwCl do., -Squiers, Talboto� SABrATH -Sao amilen. otel, and several cases of blood I)oisominct this in. favor of Rev. It', W, Leitch, of C and 'lated to awakon, bright Anticipatious of the -ITo -as 6 -C� ��-Icl ptu I uburCi. -To Taral hii give lint oill to Urim a11vg1stet.. Ott 6'ra-0to-, $1.22 �D, Er%6 fitoui and wood ifor Rout. 27th, inAt.;: a 8iibbath Sclioql 00"'�n tiolt III Shaffieldo., Ifinkaton -Soilytery.' 10v. A.. ha*q roq61toil from this. hope S L bscg�lptiolls were Belit to file ("m . conoe 'l . Stevens 4V'Miller . lumber oti6n with the, Presbyterlhn'.0 hurch, Young, of Nallaiicei wad apippititilid, to Jay the' M14 at'rovehlool'thingi to co o present membe rs, file No 11300'6 One oublioriptidil.of "50 a, The conamilitoo found, oll looking. heiredt is a%- mattor-bofore,the Pr nd (Je i an fivO cmidil fobtlie local aowill take placu in this town, esbytery' of Kingt6n.- by weans of visions eanas. Ana wiiiliI III ' L , ;zrosentatimi, of Fro�to Mr. Jas. re , nac are in the fill .peoted,tliat: de voitition of RuIltitt end. the, first To lost,. land tlid. I-attor have ceased to sars. BawOon and Calvin Are esp6otivol' lois 32 nd 3�1 9th Call.;. zgislat`g� will P838 gi 606 eatilo frOm nuotbil nCluyinous donor, -into the 111"li So atter, roftiried to 11h Act a new le, .1 1 . - leptes, ftiiuj.,�ocjo�tiea. iii.a. The eprayer 4f ..the oto'reduce the last meeting ot Chia 0 u' Londeillor6asklair f6r separdtio a net. James ne igidelnaity of and fol -years the Committee kill 110b Who thola"Ab the' Wide circle will boproilsdul T IS program. from; Maum. convoy roilia�le'or authoritative revelations of tile r. 'Odarloh Top,. oil th 15th I' that , L , . Roifoi�n slid Conservative, IIPMIIleos, -a have receiv6d. in issued Was nc have in �phgqo it writ owson, Auct.. thesveollerolus 11d parties Chat tile i[igh sullool b0iii cheater. it Iranted, i.nast�ach as tlle� the DivigioNvilli Wp Alleit me, of proceedings an $4,408, and tha. 'd otipend',ollbrad by d MCissrs'. William Murray, Dawson an vote ; but I bil alwlvs� IL 811010ioll thiWWO t there 13 a balance of 1, d Oiicus'- Prosbytory r'ogar tell wbrol,tho­rocord'ot the promil of Jebo- a LFarm.Stook 4,600 Thii. I., I . I , . ' contains snbjeCtojor. A CfFesse3 the congregation p 1,0 . ng, viz, $500 And -A vall the ultaralliq0S of. "holy4noll, of God wggosior. -will run, oil the -Independent &a., of Mrs. M.'. giver of the L duo,thwit yet of the $5,Q00. voted for tb6 4i6n:thaf foresha yr grounds of ru slaspicion"Wero that. 4lurillf, the (low -'a 06 arldill- hsulletti-on the "h ngans(j� iadequate. In a(leordal With whol spaka as they-- ere inovad by the Holy LIAX9NT BUILDINGS' building ond lan4'and that: pr q 'fie' It of - 010 frery heard all A51011. , - . I, L ,, ­ . , t l3th iust, as, I�Jowso' ligs 0 .1).Q( 16 or o Apo I tho Ibith School b6ard ill'require the, titionfrom. Blyth, asking that p2 Pdtoir, i,'2i.' This. blossed volume Wlaiting f or'aead ilieli a lops Is' said o we UO)Iqmei Tnr f!-BLvTtrRfl litl first No, Sal congriigatibn be sepal from Belgrave disp rillousy-lisked, to compket id ob, thiI glel of the I ature with no uncor.' bo licor work, but an old reBio.ent o0V-akell Sleighs, Waggons, BvAcherL% othe building and v ll�ay� -in annual still $800 And tain light;, X6k call wlil recall any instance bedding, &6., at,J. W. Rosgos Cli ton, &A by Mr. .4., brief - 4eba:t�riii -the Olit I riO hood vj$jtj�g il Of the IOCDIitiC%.. 0110 will of the Rovietv, Publish, th, L. ., ' "I ruish, il seats:i dc�ka,'outbuildings, field, near Ottawa;�died"bh Monday wi Lord Pafforin,, en vory yOl:tlg mall, ho fog I . I - ' -in Blyth,'. has been 9qocived. 1.6 is neatly a manse, )Jlyth hnal[$e1grave itrate separated, Where (jod rebuked the desire for knoW4 J�Igting hisLwill tk. � tgj)�n. the subiaet' of' ne' thosalo-of the debentures and Rev. Mr. gind'hisrelativek, have on.ihe 10th i6st. j' 1). Dickins gillullod olniboognonl it, fo�ellii got il�, Atirts 0 ­McLean� remain's the B1.iqiQfei-* ledge of colnilig If' we- are told big at V - L' . . O!Ir if 'itig. it good advertising lrl.,ld ' ah,_ wrettilicoluessa.iiiI %I-hich lie, 44(l Wit., roidired $1.475.50i aod Idst year's Cbu ricil, stnep foinid hooll N Now Cuitteig, property ofM T. Hicks uilfling,s, the fact 1) its be I patronage, Melville church, -BrussOls. is not for us tor linow the times And sail �15 ll thA 3IS, Of Clad de. ag, and of �1�th L .. r. W. he Reform 0�,400 in d. Otloar I h6zlril bord ohn allticlipatil)6 al at a ir6nt NValton,'and Rev. Mr. Ferguson higill. tboTather-hath init iq U14,qw.4 po)wer,-� P 01 tMairuat Squ, alit the 10th inst.; liessell tile i6yal The are, thp present buildinge'. with fair MeirgrAllo llikslilini. all old bonturea, Sum in the itlates. rettlatuo.iiiiiiisturof Melville church, w'lth.zil �or that secret tilings.be ong-unto' the liord it A collision accurgdol on T66sdaelening Jas. 'Howson, Allot. tins, III the 81111,16014 tho--oamej they -there- -Aginual itivend f $750, -sl a niainille. Rev. '.is witlt;a prongise * of futui-6 light, or 4. refor- nditure for do wough llooso, V. co'liul --pnWi4Ur ipg'.�yenturxug its on the NVelland Railway'lietwbal two Great 9 joballi -year 100 rojo - ro6ouirgioinol that $592i the a a.,06nilty 80 thickly dotted already w Mr. Tltdwpsou, 'PUINfuKlOW accl theL 'all to-LOXSt'ng revslat!Wli furl�iihfiig Ill Weiterit.froight tra both of W:hioh.-Were. some. .W illod qv� BC)Rly, ]it lottor wappe'ra, is oorninmengiale a, to say all prosontoil to him by tho Bruceiield coil. 'teriallor our utmost re�es,rch,-Deut.,xxix, wracked. iTs to fjome,� '40 it - d In" yet due, be. 1hat Oil to the Beyon thofractuie. of bralg6ili HUI with no er is novif disposed of 8 1 from Lord Dullrin, l for all 4rgwiview', MON lott, on the 29th Jao fichool. board. *-They also reboan'neind e1094L ati6n at -A gbi�on it is, ii Our W#ofily ather,has ith-of 41 that .. . , : , . greg it, of 4700 a a,magil 29; Act Dqiing t1le disaud- Ill talto PIA, odncoday,. nbr reproaches foi thoisci *110 long to possess art tl'o- Tim H10if SCftOOLo His induction NY b Was the wife'Of M Monte a .-which m*dbsPqq8l)tl,/4Oo1C placCl hiti hollo, "00 Of the, ootinliitte forL the Oil vil 10,s, no injury to fif6 OLr'lim r.'A. L of I opeasialfied re r— oped that it would. and '1301irs When thV:.qpj1jk;jL=d,A mexi-him- —te -11-ligh. 8011001 d Fall. A C. -th"r kilrds--of-viidoral yet his--shaxpl — ii3la kk Hall 1, 10 Rov Mr Me pro 0 1 - . h Ing -ii from 9L -fior­187-7, bel unaii-boarol:egn.'Affonday-evenz -OA About to WAY( iurbp . I I -sion-at-tile.-Go j.. Wld-- to reside; Rov, Air, 1%JcC 10; t bulges thpsenK o sockfor kno lq� lijr jumping ad e` trail th"Rpxap go- of con - Ing;-ahoomL -millistel - house, it was stated a 113 OR �R Fg events oyaogiii or delusory Q qill _gr. -;lot-- co.1][I.Slon Qaegs=rr!� rA IED btiof:�disaussion-d'pon4ltak�;VaTt.-. -iug of the high school fitirefies of's.11 to and Rov, Ai. leopl. Me, Wliilglkedeiiotindesthob�,�Rogoafter'4far�iliar obliyion, thp,.orolilo refusCl answer. and llavilqi bi- idjroln till other There are eight.1-thr6o � c -On the." IlAnati of the ropor'relating to the HLi School' �,that the. incoull eri 131SCOX-RATTENBURY. said,. 'Loril Doll are you the, the riesiganation -spirits, ancL-wiz%rds that patio and ragatter" 4oplifilinaticins in, Toronto, 'divided as At the re'sid :06f the bride's fathe 51 W h . , . 1� L .. ( t jag cut'liders, iioll some in III)OPi-pplIq8til sourcOs *as all fliciatit to pay the salaries' of '90 enc 'anonymous- -doifog, :pf -4 subticription'Of i, 000 0 report char When a deilutation oCl while 1a iej)iobates the practice of the 111' anchors ol'u'ring the past y�ar, with sisti , F L iving lows : Churclif o Z rigland 21, Preigbyterian ie the 11clief Committer'. ws adoopted. 11aftll w - the7 Rev.. Dr.. Wall - U T. HiSco. the two ng of 3ti6n of the dead �" h6 isks: atial ofgove a6d he -seek for instrull 14, Mothodil With'a smild lie rQra J� 'Alli6� 'for 11 halal of'$8,� .10, Rotuan Catholic 8, Bsp­ of: TACil 6 ty-three years igo siniply Ali acco.unt f oil Madiesni was-appointoolo vttho'coill Should'fil a poople .seek -onto iheir Gdd I iso Saiah,.,young t prop a Ciiii-of tist 8,"11rimitive itigh Moi-*,'. dai muni.cipal _brty, replied, is rererr'bol to t a Wo t6wn lia oyall the, I - 6 grega I it 0 0 Methodist T'L Bk Ightlor Of W.m. Rattenbul Rs4 !of: PC speak ad I am;o : J.Abft witlg� feelings bf 1; iih. - W - J deal, onlof 01ginmolville all. thdu tter u-nd t' T . the law and to the t6stimony: if they ... ------- he � eno t.of III -th ker&bx a -I! -in I- C1 —1 i latEvill 1.'Dilgledi i. it -1 1 thod' admirading. for-thoi mail-$' ii6 tal -Ahat, mmalk; ilotl �4,At-ls-bpeause­eer , ey� ' ilto.,. . r Jona -a 0 A D -whiehl i0iolly refdrij havi T6, I --ls to; osto only t,piovide school.auco'1111110 a-, is iicl in them." vifi; a_, we 0, a d the purchase of ng is _In lon was se 3ured they, would WAIN EST. he 'TILE EAST.' aillon is b6th hoped A 0 test. we submit our doctri ci as Oran e ew now stOy0&f6-r1h6 towi hall read -'tioll'and lilt 'It 1. cept ine. ale bi ita ex�edtcd,-th )ratio� of 2nd:of a B69peratflo.', ]BY it wp p -to tr.,v Sale rethren I,.. olfor' inat., by the'Rev. T. Brock, Mr.11. W, e at. under the opt �06ilqte v,ed'frod:l:th6pfdq,ent ur--' the toi�4ing of others� ''A. Best botliof Hul- aih& East 4�pair to bave taken, it Allen �to.Misa M, to 4S40rt41;J'th a P, a nita a of: as th" cop 1 n ll 4 worse. -A despatch froga-gy?""', A doputskipp* frow the MaclilAoso.In- Q TOWI(SRXI), T11F, dol '. Do 10 new law, illat ejually as g6od a h turn for tile, 8.0 DEATH Or a, -- pre. thi soilptures of truth" con, stituto �waitod up6ii;tbog r-,!oqn ing Will take plape.ati th I D' anifoncea t) lil, itfia.je- utin-'the resentmifiter in sill and Of a XURDER ni ll tal liformatioh of God's purposes conc&ning hAt the (lileat fur a' grant cat -year. some oRho art ern' tat pie�ailii­ja Abat lty,4fitl t or the TRE VAESIDENTIAL our world? . Does he intend that, it �Igall bring as many, of the L . . . 1 1. . I . a a1 tEVIV -place and - 'hi:�to,�o *y owls� av, been noticed, ki`6j'.bF Lr fol Mr. Turabulli Presit , " I ' colony Is Pao. Ild'�rcpdring to� loa (&16o institute us,scoundrel has bben report- forth thdins-Land thistles., W�iii A. Arctic. 6r.,'sno Ift A,!*I,tl,cj* SVC . on 'Of the �Lpoedk denlairdtidii. of "givili - 9 of accoont,of its agaiys. 11 OL and in'sovera'l. places they -are olfar64 'for a bri t b -Q i;q4qgil Although mouthi have. elapsed Since hoO, Appears ad d that ib is sell, otoril enAb p6isongiiiis miagmaL a its at- a 6th inst. owhat. bavid Wriolik -South, age r i'isoned ii ir0u�ai, to Cho of ter which the Council pags- akening, udging'' iospliol lway.to'bC impregnated with dis. Sale. . This bir rgrely able bai an unusual religious aw rSL or, Al e Goiries so &r � tl�e integrity of the Wlole ad a resoliltiod grantin�, them 67 f lowi 'g i ae Is tly' NY on, the - 864BOU pititailliag . . ill . pase, and destruction C Are qonvqlsioi�s and and it rthwhrols Hullel' the*' t; inst. ii. van:. for. the' Ow 9 as that aro%boltill i don bt ul if thel election Of a by the special serviq -neW PreSidont, . . z I . - hai sit &h Vm.. Fraiacis, Son of'i '.'D. rl�ht of tile. i=d ih4ir tl' Me4 be MO sit: ducted' For e'vel weeks -both go ever, -should it be truoi, the ii�r(,Kwill -be �riol Storms, to stiqlicol oacfi other t irough'unend- an ordinaiily Severe that nol - 7tlio day of' his in 11 ititerfvio fit the, internal aflitire Of lariels a ? L age# 7 yeari and 7 months.. and al lot tho:dis� wad Bible Chri ing age. Or is cheap, br annihilatioll no ow t siian ch'tirebos of of'aillolifterend few ind6d will to rot it. they make theiraDpearance. Inblontreal i -the 4th of 'Mare -is close This illit6iligonico ':this town have ival Iii0olt-: augurat on h ur t it [6 b6 re-lippointod Cleill I bach lioiding* rev some SUPPOl be its. doom ? However they attract.&,.�teat deal 6f afteglit.1b 8 aginoundemebbof tfie olialflisl of ,The MatansorajL(Mexicl Be C It 11. MOUNTCASTI U, HTJROX 9TREET, OL qar- pzibli'a a much man 6iay-diffor fif their answers to these aro-mialn;'g sad liavoQ A rev v pf $200' 2nd `l Ittil ix; 's, at.which large numbers have attend.- sparfowsi E. Licensed Auctioneer for the coll 0 at hand, the decisiot�'as to; who Aong ifouricas the death, at an advanced age, of all Are itgr'odd..iti'dissatista.�tipa.'witli of that qity.- ission Idere, hant, and Obnoral, 13rookel I Aad Troilil at rk'palagr Angelo Townsend,. ona,,of t1JOL nCl earth in its prosout.condition, And, iq the hope. take the whole inaragovil adveras 811111100 h t" ljo�ftl` -To re -al" ack cupy the White House -is, ."iPlirbsitly, c . Salvos �q, 6,0I1,;OrtfJ,., ItO < , ' L 1;1�qbt.' A v. Mr. 1.�avey in t is. proach $,1,00;L 3rd, T1 i a noWledged them- Comm ydespoorado6i that Oyer infill that or any. Oin ilia future, either- herd Rev�- Alexander SiAliel int'4oeountr$�tatrapsoilalgdratati.. ro' b -arri Assessors" at a.w,- sit conad6fitig si-iiiilar ;or�icas sit Kin� -and - : Clinton, Feb. 7i-1877... 1p - 4 prose -l-the ry-Treastirer oethe'M6thadist far f in ved at as. ever it wo U, come out, It appears that; hi� I 1� 0 , oithgib' ltriy�4113111JWILOROQ "in'ari ar l he 3 'aud'nil hxpeoilil enter is 'I 4th 0111 m I% nit banis gi were the resulv of his a] lary of .560 Clach IV. it PaWey be p bulln, An% vo,upderst4�4, c6gatilr4plitos lireef, it n0'sQmthing like laws ' - $ . . . I' to.,a $f!iri lafid, " or, as Risall Si)iiioty'.. accompanied li to Clio 8ultan's *!Ahoa in the inattee of the- pointed Chict-Conittable, coinetery SOL, otartingalsont1idudoigboro, - kerylce6�b4ve- agan ts�ward. of. t0ol Ol'1lIto:'- _ Aid. tlitl singa, 1! Bey6nil 'thlb bonds of. time. Plendbnn ng, e f Mon tre a] " ah CIL %V, H. party that has the ss:6rtest land pew rein I roast and to fil of plob carctskor.9f town hall and Coluwc;L room, !)can commenced at Blyth, by � the ' Rev, five ydArS, ago, the Muidor' of. -a post- Found, 11il space L000k,foinviirol- to It heyetily place, �Vakqrj bad�an interview'with the' Minis - fall the Sultaji'�leplsitiqn. and strel iriapeotot,'health, chinin bein T -4a il 'secure abade,'o'' "Ant by , the test ter of tl rnt6r!6 Amonrr other things, Nr Wile owner can hill the sain 1ho plavation oy, - inotl mastbr,iii a sinal't town in that country X. CLINTbNi.(5-.T THE OTIl �ppear- Ur. Philp, are held atGooll by, p I the most iinslru4ou� oC the ex-f3randTivier tio the Metationst-1 bread, fish,' Wood and tell bark inspector, the R in Canada We4t he fled tcMew Yorki V EAA office, by proyip Foilmr, e. M!r� - Hendtrson, -and, willlsb6n bo owe [live 'indicated we shall show' Vial; thoise. in regard td th6cosidlti6n Of the Oka In. g in- to bave the best blionce o 'success.,' hoiv- Colla6t6k,pf- licenses from transient traders, started Holull by. thal Mr. whoro ]to restolod underan Assumed name, wh(i ch6ri,,11 ll hopou all deiitiiiod.to dissap- they asked that son a t n enbene"f-banislimetittakiii jo� a io b ta- 1511111 on., forced to abandon that'city ih order have the,oleareat testimony keri, Tligi d6putatiou *are 1nformiad'tbat 4G� g -t -ho place -ii,ciics a0d,phows, 'k eVor#T pailties avael .0 Alib usuel emnation to the, bowstring.. af atil and imcape pirnishmont for a duat murder that the enjol of th6'fiiturq life. is tobe, the GovdttilDeat a 'llell o3f r' to d no Juris'dictio-ill a( call iiini, Uu toile 'oils, yes, were olTered large bribeg-to make- committed while engal a iowwlth but under the WholL &-av- 't11 LSe pfi� P fimatter, and'that. the question SLATIVE NOTES, -1ker of gra, engines an( t a would,hav6 Wbosettledbefora thal CoaRs. returns and -then egain, a t L water flitnks,! a 'I 'a a holls tin, this Some Sal Ora 1 0 of proilitibution. ' ;&6 tlfctjlq4 Cho gili6ilIg rel of Illinois Din No ;)I?, Tllab'dr iii, M, 14 ; nev. xx, of lalagly,folr all dttlid .4bov.6 mentioned du- Q -41S have been flatly couttsidicted. on';oath. t1liepatrono,of the Lquid6slitilro'clice's fhCl fnihished ad iis�him lot thiose desironiiof L VILFA gloriouitbiligiritaneb A Meeting of t III the Ontario LegillIlatura onViiesday, t1fe ties �oif $100 a- year;. Ifill That be also be with he wasli�L n washold no rob. 7,1677. At their annual illiecting, to bb hold tb6 Tjfii- to exijoY it, is Colic 'it; Toronto; last wook; �to co�sider what f taXen 4 L What the end of. this. ol lffio�il by �vill be.- Roil... Alr,. Oral movell. Cho recoliti'll of. appo,inted collector o t a s4lary of ascaping rotit. justice ;'and- thither'wovit no one can tell. $50.-, Gthi'That J, Halt', 4oi)oleallipio, on "7eb*, 9, toi n3el hiring' out 'un'der an tilssnined t8 all th'.1 P'?f)'P'Q ot' psbe taken to drive the China- Stray the License Act mendments Bill. The salo L. Sheppard b6 111311l at two o'al6u4 P. in. 44 Ale. Ifain Itl is a vibar comas to SOCCilld''Cilre, -That men,; who have of iiquarsby druggists for other than medicAl ad bell ringermba salary of $70, to ring. the good sp&kdr on 'this matter,, it wil be to tile s.a compositor in tlia office ') this worl4 ia lit) starkeol a ladudry on Adel.; iv tliqjo� f1go dominiiAn of (Ja I ]aide z4oilot, out of the city: dl 0 410 die. 1ppe4frpm Ali loo lia(l. hy purpodes is subjeL6 to itringeort pro-dsions ; bell the 'same umber,of tinles ju. Irdn INTO THE 8 4p itini) Olt Af ter h Shall day as interest of the pi�trqnd tago and beat him. I Sin will, f ho none Who Lot 89, London Road, ab ing it ro� Q , rolm d ut vlgD C the right of search iq exteuded'i - ial last year; 7th; That A. Brown 1) a New York ekkefiange - ofTeriti 86,000' b acussion, whioh 4ho teirn SEVERAL' 'Conservative plipierg. ba'Ve easier t6 bring home the ollill of linficelised 0, appoint u,�aii wif 6%ist,. I But; ll,fis. -Tholown4risherilloy and, ad pound keoper, the fees as salary;-;, The 'ill Clio 'apprehension Wono- Angelo Safan (of, tho ungodly Ill was frequently Applied to John, it lcharges liquor selling.; atte6pbs Cal sell liquor without iIitteo stated that they have givea gio publi . a ral wits decided to request Aid. -Pipoir been in the habit, fo.r a length of titne" nseI which the Townsend) indicted f6i murder, and giving thisrule? ttlu thell;'LaInhina God created the tfiA64 a HAuAon IS rednesday nithb, at which a complete description of theL fl was hedieus -and tho-eill-t4i-, him; bri6g the nidtter b4fore the. Councili and of Saying that the 6,10b he dicta- Act is in force are subject to severe penalties, siderablO7 nd attenti tri, 'was held liere last M mendati n of $I. le Riaff of officerese handed (to be by,tbe editor The earth the f alness there. see what shol be' dones.. T III the general debate which - followed Mr. aitale qn tp the re for the opinion was freely expressed, resolution is thel hp rf omen tor of the Refool party,' �ngl that- both coiilplain that 'aleatials are itlining Tenders as' 4 'b is absolutely necel of Said pligoor, bno day during his service in olIt is his, and lie inado it, When did lie Crooks'. r9marka,.tho thoi spoecliel tho current r, 4tid that, ir, their juag* a4d Cltheiwisei, tI14t ifiat 'a itillidiolat grant of Mb&.V ffi a ild finished the " taks."-and NDZR9 W;LL the,Govemment and its: follow6rs were even of Opposition mombets was in tii6 inain ment,.bal selected the 1110 -St Cod1p6tentL Say 613%000t III VO ever-make'tbe conveyaue� of i�s title to the their business, �d thus' provotipg i urcEl Iveli . TE *.bad of the'lizarbor -a devil, that it Flicald �o at the 419poslal, of hills from obtainin" t 11 hood legislation -proposed. .o man availablo, . . . , . - �j tilelcly repaired to hid [All that friendly to the bb laid out on thoi sholire ptittin.on.1lis oAt can DMIRSIGNim nil 1�0 4 but the shadovfs'of that sheet, afid were - survey in oiderj to complaid 'the works ancl boa I I will ?. We �j'�VOVOt 11A is. it usurper W done is to 'he Bill was duly Oa motiork -of. Conn.. Sinmrb,.Seo, by 19- lodso, and; po iiii afteAs", . 'grin'and beat Won of SGROC !a eednr loft the city. 1118 sudden disil from Victoria,, B.:. 0,, 'of be ll al Tittle a compplied to do its biddin-.� Waslg�uld rea(l. a second time. It Will no doubt Pass Conn.. Catitol6n, the -above, report, as rginaer tljoltgrl�qr soviceable for the Most a - hastily suOdeod,to prolvail, foi'a seasrpi, until tile'tiiiii 5, Township of Goder t dl adopted.' rypurposeal'of hlivl atidr). vesarn, At. 6. of the Gentiles IS ItIlAllil Ilia doom is ,a, the'uh. says -Mr. D,'W. Hi, finally.witbou ifficulty, po p- -ins, editor daula thinic they will 4ow be fully, delivered I . Canscrogil-QC�4ohn. Ways, Ile9va Oi Bayrield .. 4gl ovoifeiI suspicion that he was th� inilunced, end even nowinipetilifs el his head, $1 tr* on do,,,� wis refunded to Mr; Aid John R pa o introducqd sin And iiiisory lnio,6ur voloniat'. An amusiqg scene occurrea in the Legiala- n sson, Coutioillor, were appointed a iion 4escriboa in the notice of reward, -.Ire,Nvll of the iun- ng'burnad in rI 7 181f from that, foolish liallucin iOU wherto tive Chambers, oil Thursday fal t thritle ]as. and vigoroas ioarch was at once instituted worl oftig in thid city last nity1it'by-a mbb com. -his deputiCion. to wait on the- :Dominion Oovern. -well as Ilia dupoll experience �,l as it it�d been aga6ased t6 by the officers. No'trace-jof thel Will, as V086d mostly of II they oee witili. whalt indifferened' the'la-1 o'clock, the houilr.cominancing the PrOcod. Son, also. The agico6nt f Mrs, - Snowdoof ment with &view to obta-ining such a grallb; 4y lblifLt 11 oil), 101011 W is finished, bringeth'-forth idians- itild 'arys. ' The 'froulge - Jingo of the Muse, the paillcor 4M several of wila referred to � the charity committee.- was discoVeradi however, except a report doath."-lsa.. it lry. 'Destruction, final and lOAuSO Oil demonstfation''wasthe refusal oubraltions of the Globe'ol Few.sif.bi eatis the, ministers Worn Absent abo a committee BLY ing, to nIII 'a in t. a. Way ly a e -appointed I igh that a man partially, Snowed the del- COM letei �-atvaits both ]it *a. ork the 001o'nist to 9bato soparation from r SUB9CRI acting, and as Il covisl be done with. 7$Ohooll maend 111.1 the torpor I pq I qy -had-hire stoarl bol Mighty 'Th w1liit th. e, RE)ICIYAt,-�t1r. M Phillip ok'oli a.M 6 w ll�b rt.. hitillielf, C fore the publie are treated both by. t�() voted themselves into the anT, nolill be refundool to IV. 4, Paisley, al. has raniov6d his, co ihslabippi -for dud I ovesispapor 4ga demon' Tho let abritaing neirl 0 hid fano3 *sv convayool the, intill, aeholds itip'tcrectl and go of Jig. Rennicks, d2t 11 r go640 'bugloogs tq� tho stqlld ZNW orleftfig, ker J!aii Ly p'l-oial cholce itait tratil and ly, increased the in. the appeal aw 'it 7 L -Ii tiou WIth busitill boichp. Ile �Yas; do bel to dertain ones who Are called "Jidira the houlv. ministry and ille Reform PfOsg, and how I the surplus Tho*b I ' fq the ap�qititizienb Of oflj,� 11 l6oll by Mr. Pal all w4tohq fi6xt hoard of in Now Mexicali ma ", of. whoal tfieSon of ("rod, I$ ridlculo,.and roapoetable poopla of a I rjar,. deminty to members, dl�ida,l an of Ood no exditenich Califon, veb.'01, 1877.. oppose fthk -antrol all P Itona pro, to 0' oil nvoyallad " persiptently thley mab­� bora r tront; year w4o tljoni6glid, Mae d MA identity fully, established, Here lio I ties condiainwit. Thoro' is themitalvoill w hief.-Rom. viii, 17, AS Yet the co i 'but all are lookinii, forward oti� . Fouill ii0s 9Ezrh,6',-A four day's me the head of a small batid of despar. cesti in. proombsO Cl as none of the hairs iousl t'srs. The Globe, witit sevdral otIllne T0. iculte to therni and. fell A few minotes bad A -pin8nd, . I baing hold In, the, Methodist Clgqroh beca 149 to with gmatsigoolam, 157ex4derstnd that after Culross, 'phoarrivalpf the pealcor The council then adjournoid. adoe, whose nl And robbiIdas, are have recoxytirl possession, , But whilao'-they to 131H 0arnarvon's reFlj,, vollioll fir on the Farm in ronto papers, advocatod non-oxemption, and josinistors'oanzil a rsh to their I da7 r4actings tire ended, Signing sor0i 44IN Of rOCOOd in'thO Otilbid4l' aunab Oi waib thoic title is,, Inololo sure, by 'Wth the way froin London, E 4 tive Seats, Anil tbo ppoper wellt oil arrhid on for ii few f6t 11girritory. ' (ined he was ap Vor -Tho follo�iadjs.givoll its an instance TCOntelisloot, of Ctilrol (fibir oceliploll to all prop qation of new prohended. ram Wish Lfraylty P aby a �oaxo of Ciffigiers, and. tak6u to Gelves. it is Willi refQrollob to the I Wel is q alatstine, 'wollilso givaii. to Ellabjustico ove Hutchinson,) *Ilf bol lWir 04glaNwr Snor.-Mr, IV, talne Is o?n favorable terms, pol are '110 filtell Is Tl Wdll , within throb fillieli of Te parlianionb - buildings, and- 01)VAed, t1;g1 now busy eraoting a now cabinet shop and toa for trial on tho obargal.6f murder and AbralAam, concerning the saintii� four years aoo�, IN at, a lawyer, of Act6r, Iiiter Pill il of Wingliaml andeolopriseh 100 a0vo ONAL, FOUTMAL) 3, alio* �room, and Intend arraigned At th, raln God, will! aonr Rontrea. Waassaulted 'it! a �gcil bizagiiiihilih about 40 are with ira bill granting th-o Aght of voting to fallin- PEM sprizig nosixos Will ho ljold*ab Code. a Opening out in a Short argon. While J o,ygry liar,Cif that it is, said, �Vhe ag more v4e �91 11 1 . t, the coutt,18 succeeit6aling tiakitig his as- abundantly1to show unto the Iteirs,of piomise l junbr by parti . on unknown, Atiplyto �iohj oft the 2th of.Aprill sliistlagi*Glt Pblel oroUs in riars' sons in aortain clilgfi.09) ['14111 104 reparidd. Chat Sir 11ugh Allatt'n bollevol it Is t6 in'. the immutability of his counsel, confirmed -it if 4ALF" Clint cap6--;not, however, until.ho -had stabbed andithrown Into tile rivor 6r�dosad. He Cif loin# -Pab. 7%o 1817, datillItor will 1?0 inarriod within it couple tontion to formally olgaiY-tU64ow Ur, C, chilroili, h hat by two immutable things, . n Atil it. will b0* on Of Ano4 0 this heart the She I lit Win- n oa" * '� ng procebolings'against ofie' we L Mailable -and others f3r, conlraitting An, d7jos lia Was then Caki . J �J) Il rl Uri U's T000day the Mayosi on Sondaypext, who out for Qo and c6als, for assaulting a haws strong consolatidni. w1io have Farm. fo e FA0111rbuT109iFiT pAI)AVA hill fV6q11U11t- nagirdigiol himself on board of.a tiading veh- refuge to lay hold, upon the hope got orva their owl) Jull, adultery with tllb wife:4,�Of named r Sal d, -reaching '*lj 17, Is, The �miil ITE UNDPRSIUmb orwxn$ rory Pasco, "Ji4villy 00. very successful anti In act bound' tot Vera Cruzo an efore. us.11 Thiboaq,.­ Am, small 'r ingline, eso persona wen �-pa Am tc 04(asizia. dotbetiph - blade Iiiq read T quIlod fabulkis wealth Ili he torelating ton. maotillA, OR1118 off at 061619 lip. that He ifiborposed himself by an oath," pox Scott after, though th Fl of 76 lol befog il hall ' "i Oth con., and ill part of let, 25o on t 0 4:4 raported dal tlnV�11 *as like other esal to ilia fastoessoa of the Western Or- orrogted on �saspiolon, yet the cAso for the, lot; about 63 a het 7th Thiefftoti iont, l Thursday ovaiiing last' ou he. (10i of noxigio, wato ho,agall called atollgltj Bl Feb, 2. 1877. in good a R Il factories, ag dita'to proteitibn ort, tha Ono stabasm6p tbrt illitlit be ilarrivil, Nvotild lie li'411 isf the §Ahb4th* Plihool In (To be cobttlitida.) Crown �roko down. Detective King Mara tion; ronialudilk good hard buil oo* 09110111l tl;4yl ho, tO1(!#.y IM(I ]to Although the ifolli III �ofnowhiit 014. 4half-d67611 09, more 000AP011 OOIIVI'Qtg t[ Bill abottir, and house ; , T1loi'iMond4nqo ik.aa liloito, AdripolIow, Ontl 04-st *tell on the sill For ful arotaorltl or It, h hand skud frois Of de ItTI(I pr�eilpod 1yho 8,1%? in 1111110, Wiifi� nwivoill livAjoil Ilf Peir, 11roley 4114 ah -T, Close, of Iialtilorston, is no* which 'Forgot was Strnak, prolieletbro In, the form, or by, let of t) linto *hA following oll frota"the ro Mrs, , Ivritedonigloli- teirlslarlY Of this 160all, Of t io airoult, P fit .ailtfij Of, visliqllt 4fid, conj '41 I-dAddr. Doilln� the j6411ingout, a Rootonco of twonty days in boloigging to Tia Mrche, p6tlt.of IDI the ro 090164.0 (X I goul b4 flow of Stratforili vill rnaitel; to villog, and a InVal of Mexico, �Itgwnsend 0161%. ga,011 a 1; If aid -.1abAr. fo r stooll it) g � A� fen the gliefflold Chanibar, of Commorda froaty hiayg; hAllavo the thilig lu wot far 011hi. thAt's , It - n06 With I% accidgint Of lefthit hrigand, retreat and Joirigil-th6 dhiiie to, o owing sonsa lost ocCnlrraC1W liiifallt -Avilo 1 W I "I r 11 hicarditia ranks as tlfa scond shippi ifDD Win' � hid, Clio Oil tho folloiking avollill moolol i�ao Ing Tar6nto, it fo%v ni since.. - J n, - Til _91 ilia toinaloing in l'it's i4ervico laitatlogi - .- . port on LaUa UP TY fif thoir- folly In tbq trafll� If th, Ininfo6olit 0 Vito; a 1141d, At l at) 0( p4tillila customs duels oolliidtod: In 1.810 (1 hatiging out of A third,atory window IN Tug Atlourited fea lioliordor statax *101 In tl­ Whevis it's' It ra (l ili.11l .11de five (16111`0611, Ili, he ropairo to the olty of Moxigib, brokeh to $2)327,79, oil York of took, I 'th A, r AAn At the and in 1,644on for thilr 01166644 tho. 01,11111-611 44 r( 481 ra, 12fl. aalti"tilit'n alsout.1,409fU: WtI1-AAQ,Aftg1 VOWX -0 P- Lt 0 a filifil" tile oI&Y, iff.lCivdil, dolloclor of Inliku, 411116 t street Atiq x-immau 1w, hoe he PharlblIr Of COMMOVOl 411 tillIril Vnvil 1trwA)iPP% Aix alloodoto" I i4q, &1 claidepich, Anil Mv, Maln'tol hanging b I y );at two hands on the ledge 114 r4gotitigaidtho A rot4to famliio ostlq§ ilt,ilia a urj�g his l4tap,yaarA ho, $0,106 ID QTTAItiit Aoll WITR D'WEttTAq­1 woritt4on whith-otdiamir 8tibIgarlbarg "Zillof toli waddillf ht t pilstoing at xficar, f TWO ta.III4416 mia I); an lftils4tapf a 4344rit 6 -at! hur outside. �The btbko 110ftbe thkirtioll bn, Vidtatia SOW.. The houillb doz. ii, 1111alf at!] at of the h6 46) a suabeedod or the lowgif trade W th Arliqlast, soid OU84 qjt* now Wylig ititatryog in tho 11kritl paintigiAl In re'latool In oil Artsorloan l 01114togh, Aliddlaton'd Vorilar, fin 44011ky OV 11. Han Tiuls T40togill all his digath od do. talus goo6zll to well IAJ ol hols ovary a 6 1111all, 11is 1. auunul Ana Soon oular I nara a Be WA It is w1114, W49 V69y IP40I.Y 4ttondill thoro holoo a unron, al till,'rOsal her itil lind h quantity of tgult trol 0a,t possful Amarlaiiint o6mpotitlon with vthiir 000l Provintiog 4; 34 d6l) 0 4� Ito aliallgo;, Of tha bAriag 0 tal wit the prompt anboorlp. ul Pr011gaig tilst 1 1 S,4 Is life, whioh *is pall., Piglet Shill wokpl hild not Coble Up to probable thAt it, 1i tho oishe was taken Bond Bill 1:\,b other toigg# to a' fin T -�iftdd 8tatois ddty oil tiong, 'A vigitor to tho 06fitanillfl, froal licistivS Ill to, Avid the Affigifig by tile tile to toll her 1W Is refidirl by duotofiliard, Producer, who, Pa sitting fadiii, fall all, The Aildroll wara 4t4 14 00tinobtialli with Cho. tinflatiodil Tho Ith=nytioliginab ' A% WAII Or'illa Zririlgniorl of rogsnty, in LNedligrigg � chair, A41i4oll PY tit U.'sa Andellol, xtig;st4 of of PavIlAiliont for Shot- thoka patatocig, Ilielit (it hig'adaffif in tile ..,d -II1111, gold, Okla A.1bitI401, aclApetitlott 0 21140099. thil anstorn oltiog are all Donint-PAR, Irl tho Iogt hiis f4ding (polo 71 Toron's My 011al Feb, 7,1971, rpi4.d)l tlrUd It rietaryl. I)SI'll alld llsfy.-i)f al a nonall oil N 4rouhil will' a a6w4 of-raon Who waial trying to r 941 bogiAl th* An1dritiquis exagIldit li�pldity. D44looll Ara trod trritiorn, 4t w(Jul-I lo# itaou, roto 011 11044y 141ght 6 yowfig thut liattlod it, i glIpFollAtion. Tha thiguagag (4 the aftir 1% J9.14l 1% gi "liar fit, tilt Ot wil, riald. ift and VIOlato sSlid �Walf -trying, 0 a. Iligifft(ii � oftuo 14V 4 1" In sail olpalitletwhoro votar,41umber over .104 thalt adoptiotti, of havin ff , iot As vegu4s k6 dape. by means Of-tho blaitikets outfil 1, Mad WAO, 11116 A�o lIqll Tutfory, 6nimiltad 44101do t4l, :lk dt46wd Grod A ink Aa Primarvold 9441144 in njbdti�.' 64a fin 4 T..Afiq,.A 4 Ire,141 prolaighoi 4 tompof Rtor, 114por, Tho to allabold tll4t Otondoil tholp cf�ortl 800 wore not, olornplidd with-ift the Town,, 1461 Ing to fl lama. is, st, We 't�q r1figligh n0tilmuto tot rijoralTA by 41TAotiqu hilogielfl olag ton "prorgil tadt'l—t I Prom j.001 611f; of Wirwick, whore the t6turninst- offit, About one hut) drool,dolegates, to gliftstnishad A'I)()Y tiM6,011 YOAP4 Olds 110444 Prod, car, rbfuglool� to lot cortaftl voters k4aOtol ing every m tin ox CA fit tilt, their votba# thus- tal tho bomber to o6pC Embro�i at on Priday tit Tro'nOATA,;­Th6 NOMA thts4hAll 11110l in the 00 E5� to VaRbind, gull it go gold 'th6ly title Impartod 144:%g rolyonlia U r lie 11ingsilred NvIllpil tho ea4tls i -i r, Vary Isad atato, W116ro It dr-otilit UIW14 ron over is A Oil, To A, 14,1 1111ft not 1164 1)(It 0"tjtii(�,bJ6U1l0J t114 hhOW, OW,14P&to 'Otoatol lisday' 04ad hAd III under 800i 4114 blohod, il the beet PrAotioal m6isutes to' atigIllorl I$ W0111"RtOrgo), to Nei N In. 14d1of fre, 4 406fillo Ut jjlt� ol'to . poll after two to eoniff ithitigil th6agalyox R444 On r 06414t of R11440110, 00ar leg� tit -olv.. 110 walig tALOsitt; 'is'll 10fild, days, alinto affect the Darikill Act. r 4tV0 bo fIl aflt4. of M. cop[%. ali(I died a tow holla A 01i 4010011lit, of haril 4114 at, a rate fWar 044 A wllklo 4arto 0, Itya, Cho philatith manefif; was tottuod tor on iliad britak. moillaar, J111"O'400, lropl lady pori Of %tp oonaortod aotiouja ease of'&ny amorgoney, PiNgoiliga 6 vaill Old t)pbeal 1144 r who''hal �Oioilatl th6ugands a ofilt'l 'bag Art'voil iti I'midoo fl 1,0404 14,111 661kh g le ( I !I- lwflii it, at tho ViAk of otihor Arnash pq 0, th, *at. qgTl 6 41.� fiva I 'Trili m e it wo a Sim VM84 Govorn. I it) villiloo 'fl.. givinq Clio atiollpfult tho ly ohildtan and g1lin by bringing tham. train And earn itt e it ok t6r the it fallooll 61614410, (11841ii; fil-0111 graill 11 till ilia]. throuph. 0 A a ly, Tol lig, alitgo VAgov, ili tish doqw6rf If t1lify f)r roontvocl, alt Wolfe 101 lar violafty 19fighirld to 04naCIA" writes to the Londoll poop of Inalang arrAll bmofitg In t4oh and 14610 116gotluf thg/614 ll tho, 11ol qo.rp, Anil 014 ulue 1614,611 n? lial is 0yolid gi� " - * I �1 . I , All t t)o grotort, Il (It thly tililf Aulml porhongf Golder (sh, htatwl that g, ono Wall 'WAA Tim A 611 the 18th ul6q,that. of 480 $Outlg a fd%144 fie olitiving toly)pt to snake utgoil t Iloo ovtk vift(la, dhlUren adhilitt6d to a Moteboplt4h 'a* for "proilaing suitable 0000minods, 4,10 litfitifir A J;ilof ts, to III? Toringt, it d.tb P, L�6 hava 411it , wvl o l tiplild il ?of, fatty it OUR Af London gA 0,15 11� X. I 4� plol thoill formed An At tho 1�wg Am, w1k0tiq to .1sommAit Diiij 61ir 11 his liMe NiRgara man clatholid ofphatiagol 409 died. A as th law thka livill 41fiTtlL t9if III)% wilms t i6 fillil In Am lujg� -agilliallhil Ity flA wcrA, her tainporAry hoings, Avelluo 110 Igh, tf those who vm kol 41 use, travbIlorS, tin 00ofi as thl� law tikka A now O.Va"A � publia 'houses Tmina Vill 0*06 ho 41 A It to, Atr6ol P01fliftl boar London, u I Id douthiao to Nridsh thii libbuisa nivotty0fil. 1fillith 1641 .13 P. full" filrihwa bolo 1#0111t 110 11 rl� it frbift fliss I Ot hills Slats ry Ill wo � itibh6ft, re 0 9, 611 eartallily. tPlifyllil. 1111OWd Raft lint flyr thly �`g NI lit) ity I I Ithiell to) tile llll� didd-14 foul, YeArAl ifiVatiada, butaflo'100 40�01tmbd 16n, it fir not intended so Inv , ol an a I th '' 6 '01hig Is 0 "I'4111:166t, thus Is %ill W�)Il t0littl6d bY h1it -611W'15 died its Six Us' It %ll 40 dy omato IN A wk 404t IRX bJ thd NNW 46AW. bo 04. 1 Wio bt pt6p OR 06hor, h d u k t g 'not. If r, t fc 17(i -V a' er in (011h ers C, zey ion To OL ity . .......... .