Clinton New Era, 1877-02-01, Page 1lo� 4 V
a Ali
dW wh
L I Apirolog ox. ow",
by all 0,xoapt t.
friends ofthooaft
4 RAd mm
4 tk1V is 0116404 11130W. �T 11
tionslity Are told go
PrA0090 91 Mr; to]: �p
in camparbow vith *I'
aoromi 09root;
0 the llue'and in otbor oou
At Yorly VO4 XU—Xot 6—Teliv .1.50,per anuum, .1 WoNlic-ONTAB10-i --THURSDAY,,
PE13RUARY It, 18-71% 110 L MR S SO' -to happy'U bollovQj and iltid"d ws�
-oil by those who Are in a position to
I lowl, 1'' 1: All I
fact Amply capable of as , t
1., 9—
coots par. line, subse%luout
0. per title each time.
. . . . . . . .............. $75,00
........... i.. 40.00
............... 25,00
.......... 40,0
............... 200
oliq the ............... A
............ From
.......... 12.00
POKOON SERVICE, ozA000)y asuvicn.
....... 0AU'dayt ripli, 10, at 2 p.m 0
iturthly.rob., 10, tit 2 pint
that, 00 �*k,- wp4m -37 Sam
, : 'AW ;, Li
one. a ...... l� ...... 8.00 10, 'gli'm W, " 2 p'm
X, if "'. i R:m
7 .5.00 24, 1 Pilot 144r. 0
I me. tho . .............. 31,00 R A Tiz. s Q f�]? A% E;,AG E.
ap,61i'ies &kill under, I year, 4.00 To Glasgow, Liverpool, Lop
4tm4erry, or Boltast, Cahill,
,ments , 'of t',Strayed, Lost, Pound, $50, $60, And 070, gold'oecoraing to a0cQm1loodettlowl.-
intermediate and Steerage asloir by ny t or t-
qC4 J0 lines, first month, 81 ; a as a P h fit$
50 cout lass line, For tickets and Inforincition,'apply to
a each month..
ts of Farms and Real Estate G.Irxi" AgMt..
exceeding 10 lines, first nionthi Clinton. Jon, 17., 1$77..
15-4i"es- firatillouth'-61.60;
ISO, moiith, 90 and 75 cents.
. 'A Z z
e.t&uts without specific-,directiong 4M
15H6441 forbid, and charged ac.
�kijpasurcd by
R ;P-HOLIVIES RON. Livcrj�ool,. Zoikdondp - rry q?td-
The first-class; fall powered� Clyle-bililt'Stilaniships
a I , thorn -
lug for n -leave ortapd,over &to s3
SO", 'BA IoNdrpttol; Jandjul;'Pa4senger, and MAJ16 at
in Chancery, andt LodhFo lowfor ondanderryfuto laog
e-7Xe iloor to the now Royal Gone -
'ATE. JW C.A: 13 1.1 "TI C K I,, f`UR'I4IRIt Rruilj
9 'Llg�N n ON IWAL'1141
Illare-to Loiiiiloft, the saitte as to.
The advantages offered bythis TAlto.ard vorylowratca
Rt.,dO too t hol. a o smouh () Qo foid, Be
6001tural 111811ralln Compalh; a tit and 9 1 ad lntc�b Haft listiNago
V Irepai fiRsogi; a 6 A I fu 0 tilt astzatesta,
1)crRoiiHwlo in, t 1) 1 it the ', rl 114 g-
lut T roug "to L a ever Liformatlou: apply to
-14ELL F dvri6h,
Clinton, MILY,lLb, 1876,
go Akenjit 76 cents per'$100, forlbo term
pany insures against, tells by fire
THE N6RTHd:11ft1T1$Il OANA61AN
Pq. '. , I .
Item (41ce, iiiii,,igow, S!t�lfit'ad,
CAPITAL, - R500,000 STG-
130ARJP IN-J.9.106TLAI�Ib-
`07 JOHN STIRLI . Not E . Sq- of Kilfto i , idavio, Ofisirmau.."
Barry; YOUNG, Esq., of- DIQ 9. _J.'& CO -1,
$Or .11; Y012119 It
42', PETEn ST1iR110CKl.Zs1.,,3?.rovost of Kilmarnock,
t do
ukqhase 1'F�TEItICIN'JVOITL,E$L(J.,DfllOthWO)IIIa��nL"
SA'Aluvra GuNN, n &
4_rq, sq., of Musilro. Mayfair, Baoe , Co.,
��S' %vow. W. FARBAN:
wbi a
Boo ,oftlesorw. lVil- Bass Co. Glas ow and
47 London,
CANADJAX. A13VI96iI)t t'L.)ARDak-
a gaft
T . i company.
Physician Surgoonx &a I it ytho
Out, Offige;-Oppooite $1140010. Hotel,
Blyth, Jon, 20,1075.-.
Thc'Himea lately ocoupleti, by Mr. J %map Fair, or),-
tiosite the Waste an Church, Ratteubtry Street, 011iatim,
JAMES STElivAUT, it. D., 3ri, (11INDUAvin! or
McGill lUtIlTerolty, Montreal; Physician, Ourtiolut end
Acomicklear, Ue9iLhmOe�BqUcFV1,rLD, ,
January 4,1�71.
Physician, SorgoQu, at*,, car . dust for
August Oth, 1860o, 741
DeppAniont of I'lotoria, ltuivorot�v, Toronto, (at,-
morly of tlio, Hospitals and PispouRarlos, Now York,
COrQuOrfOr the County Of Huron, BAYVW.Ll)I cut,
Jifly 22,1874, 81
suit Surgeons of Lower Conada-i end 14rbvineia],Li�cliti-
Ate and Coronet for the Comity of Ifurou, Oftloo atitt
dencei—Tho -building-lorntarly', tigaupled by- Bit-.
Thwaltoo, nation abritot.
DH. DOWSLE11; M. Ili, Ljf.ox,sjC., liaMBLit
o of college of Physicians aua,SurgeouLi of Ontatitij
late House Surgeon of Megaton General and Lylug-lu'
Hospitals Ith)-elotan, Surgoon� alid Atcolialiour. olkaom
Alliortstroot, oppositoFalk's 1%1111.*
jotel 005.i.
slid Word Htrcots,� I'littorial Jones
prictor—Extiollent pfn..woLk,,
$6 00; 11ad outt Board, pt;r day, $1,001 Slafght,11oals,
37-alm.; BodS. 50(ts,
ri.i I T R 1) 1114 RY II0W1A,—t.A(ATTU, ZKBURY,
Jr., Proprittior.—olitidoor tiolith a(, the Vast 061ce,
ulinton, Tliti litting-t; an(I
or 0XII4,11ouse sro all )low, alut everything is
lincot OIL Avishog and Willits. it , nd,
he feelp o0n][111 ut, froll, long exporionatt, of 1whigablii
all whit -way lnyot him witli thehl'
Clinton, JuLto 2, 187.1i
411 good 3110ftlltt�'O 8061LI-ItV, lit 1110116ittl! rates, Of
Intercot� Ir. . . ... . .. .
Clinton, AiNgustilth, 1800. 74f,
31, Apply at Via Towi
ii tile
fit iber, iieAr. the WHICLU, 11til'011 ik"lleLlot! Rallwity
Station. JAM1,;8' 800'11T, L
C 1 4. Itigual., Of MILI-riago Liccusps,
Hilton, Alti-11,27th, 1870.
TXoNLidti for the County of Xuron, is' propgred to
satiable rates..
_IiQ althy sim.,kil got
that there to a I
Aomember—lKels a. Ran, And says gat'd among 04117 k�o intellifilt OlAss"
had always, ikoticed that, whon tIlere were "A� xispouri Trago(ly, - f
whim you, Rev A wooled torizi cQuyntunity Admits. of no o4bb. Sto
_-Auil�Wftnt'a,lipllfted eyo, 1311tox Wail wilayor'. all may 61te. two, mail runiiing after a, inastor,, wages.
what tax,liful done ffir thei, are maylyiiho, upon the *11glitppt 4qhs at
TiLillk you are bill follow wurui* A44 tili obtl4ron, diely led, seetned asif they wore inclino4-to go, down, A liorriblo. tragedy occurred on rl ridAY boing iticApablo of eulluArig pol . a, o , to
Before you pass, Ulm by. SIleging , hymus for obarne(ulbrood, �buk whelk there word two masters kvl4ninj, last rwfir.lho banks, of the lilatto River, peculiarity of jioryoui; -organization, copil
Never isoorn in Jliompous pride, 0 . a
T it 114 ties of every ittrop � ftor One frian, wages. seemed as. if they Mi4soiiri, snaesthotiol,or opiates as Itbo only Tom
But r4leabluit, If you cau lin.-1w thtIr little usitatt toot. wore going up,. (LAughtor.) That.was a moved Nto Olat neighborl)4od, bringing. And took off to thit druggistia
Soon you may be al4o by aide -
A man, (Loud cbeers.)' Anil Own, lopking is 014 '$eligible wq4vol" an obser
vailit weaver. with hint a.wift" It little: bbild'.411411lis whipli, !it too many caseo, is ob
tho'growth of crime aiid oonipirkolos -Zat, Bub there were ninny mork in both HQuee.1
sister-in-law. I 16 secured a o iriall piece of facility perfectly, alAr , i it to th 00 a 4P
,F;out out the Lavern real, were constantly fifloat, friparrection, which of Parliament 30 or 40 yearsago who. did, land, and orectedi nPoxi it 4 poult two story of the dangers there y incurred.
lie thatolf(ul for lour better lot, wits lookiiii, forward to by tire people as a, not- understand as plain and siniple a. Proi, dwelling. of the extent to NY Ja
And turn not on the teet;, Vor tt tittle. all things Appeared Account ..'a . m, . a i9ok.
ments are indulged in
Go, warit, him of the droadia giass, relief, he Addresses the Anowlit monarchy poaition'as that,' Tbat-took about seven to go. oil nicely iohido the fainily. mansion, t.ioxis of
And save hire Of k1lig 091111trX, And. �4ayEF;- 'Vito lJoite(I States,= A
But never georil 11 a', '"', pass- years of lecturing, kesobing, and arguing but it (jooll I)VOaluo those' th ay. pp be misabori,
tubei-.-lil"n .11(y before we could g6t it into theird it 11 heads. grow intiniate tvitl' tho Airmses that there mud may tend to. warn and deter many. wti
Rome .1. - -a 11 What oligli, broad for thee, l 1 .9
Venarablo movillrally? have not as healtb� ip thp vikAttor As.
Who . it you sea a colored q1thi, Drattino of evil, spat -Ing eight, But if you look'all over the. country every was a ski-lotoli fil, tbo bouso, And -that all aloterion . % as la the Zoe of,
Oh I speak lit a kindly tone mail, A44 woman of bo will pea, 014 there Wag, 11 1 OVA% lobely its it 41 ould be,' Thero alootiql in tl! I ic,4 forknii, and sAd as the fato Ct
Porobanoo a heart, may beat therein' d In !)can Aereat detr6loptabrit of tits oil
More tender than your own (Ohilers.) Ile'know, and ev6ryboi,y knew rl, wag it. col-lotim growi.tiq up, bet,w6on hus" the Tiotirp W v. nicions and sedlictivI6 in-,
ITIR true he'wits with- *he comprehended file Charnel: I orandopera. mon Of t a -olit On I encias, it is bmt, 4, it feather in the bal4lato
letters bor1l, wages class, The (f7inarypiol band kloil wifo, o(Inallod, by an ppai
But break them If yen can, tion.of that law, that if it about Refoilm AlmAtift'Ck," A book possessing a warl"th oxisrihg between tile, boalialld altil 00111pared With the sla`t�v to OPiAM for, exam,
And give him not on d continue
. Q look of ifflorik- vast, amount of, useful information, con- the sister-in-law. . Tho neighboring women ple.i- The (1runicard may aiid floes reform-
Ae'attember-holo a map. to aftliot tile People as it did during the
taina a few figur "r . never
th'irCy'years of its existence, there Was RR as which will toll here wNit noticed tbat. the wifo apPearoil. Uteri in the Opium take does. The'strolligast
Wlien youtioe 11tharough' barilluine," institution in this cotintr --mliqu- with regard to 0V ollaryged- c=di- tearsi vvas . � tioglectod aiid Jeft oflprovIded mind is powerloseto ovaropme its fssoiki�tiiyns,
1loomearea with daily toll, y, not ovdill that tiory of the pooplo� Igo, back to the Jor�. whilft Iier' '06ter received* thil smiles and his, linal, destradtion is bat A questl
OIL I nel'Ot at A. (11141=0 fitAL111, venerable monarchy," that could stand witl year
Par foar that It allitatiA Rail. 1W,aiid then compare it k, 18.7-5. Take and cart's;Iwa of tho husbanii. NVIyolo days Little, � Wi6eqg DoQuincy and
Ile will not bearto be despised, Aboattlain which the law would bring to the ortiolo o ko I I iend the account of their awful
'6LTbo meanest never cau 6ar Up3n 0, f bacon, wiiioly was not-allomwed the %vift* pa,,otot,) aloll,A), havi "� 11g, QfiWP3JJy.,
_b-- (Cheers.) ' Butanotboir*fAot n Jdlib 'a Jj6W lea
r,()veu to be " patrotiMlil' is shown )y -the fi I antics to" which I refer, toOotileintothia Countryiat allA11,1840. sliive tho clfll� i, a brightj golden-hallied girl
Remember . -he's a man, which is tbal not �illy-palipenarn-Alld--crime Last year therp ;vasa 'Consumption Nvl�) chin -to bei-, wild in feabie� �mindi to OVOTOOL119- 'ti
enemy ? The subject of the o
Whime'er you, most, in lifit'i rough track, increased rtea bacon of 6 lbs. Oar bond of the ft whose vxishll;�6 sho"llpileliiied to live and
but morthli.ty increased almo I Po boerl attracting the notice, of
A brother gone astray, or 33. millions of the- inhabitints of the tiave ber beio'g,,- Alt I oil tho 1001 of, press ut intervals, conpiderklily fo,
Stretch forth a )tend to bring him back- remember that W Fox, lwbo was som*e;- "'n't, Oust
Turn not the omervan - time -member for O,Idham,. itk-A:aPe6ch-.whicIr_ IVnited Kiogilm- Alkaira�was_ NO�. rt lic 4 all"eu-ii- co iple of�yaarw, � an -4 they unai:ilm
_4Thero Is np. shame fli humble birth,, -delivered on this 4itostion, said : 11 The I lb..pdr Jie�d itaported in 184Q, as agafnit ly (lie 1,� lt� wal,4 otiviO4,11io n . 6xi; day. -a -'proper degree
he linitwleage, .,and wlib?,llbo
A Then help It you flan; five last �year ; Cheese; one I as -1 against rude oftrintry
nd o'cat the meanest wretch on op rth-. earn lawls the harvest of death as *ell -as finrial, a, bitter colil,.'north c alarryl; Qiat ivls increasing through
fi� p6tatoes,'none agaitrat 16 -rice; one wiiiii; IC401'elt's irof,6' and it cheerless g' ooutitry,its gr6wth 16i i y espocielly 9
Itcimfuia�er-_holi; a map; ,of %be'land-owners, and'Monopoly says, to rave,
tea, crashol ti the Now England State hode Islan 1
'Ph , t'- brqther.�' 11 "
Corruption,. gainst 11 14- against Q sugar 15 in ovit ifir a spirit and, broke her
'(Qheers.) In 1846, 11' r t Groiern art, 'v, -the spirit of Cain ing'the villenviable re tatioll� of
nde men a ainst 53; and, in 1840ithere was 42 IbA", of lie V14;6 it iI m that
FREE T RADE AND, PROTECTIOR. of, Sir.' R, P41, that law wi . is repeated, and Wheat per head imptirtdd, Whereas in 18'o 5 appearel to tilko posseu4ion of the'liusband. greatest consumer. In Providence.
ull : -eport a mon a
three yearslater . thd duties On these ar. there -w48197. the. brought into thocountryl *He frmliion+.I�; 'bont hill wife, drove hot druggists 1 oki less rapid ine
At Roqlulhlot on the- �rd inst., Me. J61in ticles were repealed excep . ting, a shilli ow, fill this has been brotight ab tit with- fr rr� hi., b�d all(I f ill 66 iyar6ot of their opium customer*,
9 0 orced ber to oequ PYL & . 'all a can
�'JL t phjg�cians, find'that female -patients can
triglit-spoke of �le Tariff, L DntjO!l,L Free per quarter o . n corn, Which has be6n re out tiny violentie,:insurredtion, or disorder' miserablij siraw, and lindc Pallet On the Idt-
me . I _1, ill o: he affeated by -tban-four-times a or4i
TraP, arid'Prot toot Lon. ., 11 o said, ;-Tq bq, recently iWli.4hod. The resiilf-hiis beery hutsfit ply by tl)e -pebplo I)ecoming more ch-etri Ilo.) r-. w less
I ) thO (lose of morphine ; in other words, tbose'
intelhgerkii� and Pairlinni.ent bqoumint, mire plico 101i0l tiolon'tea 'to. her. At length buts %
a man M All he milst have food* find to be that there has b6on itw fall in. the rents voinva, reltairemore thin oryough'ilf-
a healthy inaft. it is natural tlia't )to shoulil. intelligent and -by i;ievoly tearing u, to' affect them than would kill
throughout the kingdom . pfio`aperity� has two tile wift4, drivni to doiIllnir, told the Htdry narcotic,
have jkjroq� f t or three' foolish 'Aots of Par6ru'arit, and, of Ifor wvill,'A ti; Allis. 11081L DTO(luire, and , 116altily men ulia 91
_otJQr the 6)lioic'a - OfL his, increased, And t -bo rents. are fic, const' tied to-itff use. - M
food., To be it workirranho, in"J"St have infi. hi-he'r tbau.tboy were wtroix the accilrool pooblo tbuir natural freadorn, she laiii tilo" ltwjti�)r'in OR- Ames house.
6 la�V Was in t1lo-f . " 8 1. aq(juire thci h4bit-when it is taken to re,
torial'to* work o6 'a free market. for - th cX j, op V buy and, sell where thiy could buy'and hold J)Lif If, lk(�_l. 11114ILlf'd, and 114) AO:)n bud. ''Ijain duritig.,groat mental Ads oOL 0
'it (tri , ; Wlltlo art'nont I
aod,�a- trod '111aliket for who warp ;i1ways-Oolliplaining whilo tll� sell to the greatest adVantage, (Chedra.) the moii,k; tho n6u,10jorhood worked up--obliem from in inlyerited-6-aving for it, 'out
to, tho pfrilif of .1vilollimi J otheits still whilo 'endeavoring . o 60�e of
is products- 3ttilly poople'L I Ilopo ard lic'n6fiRtural
"CIT! I law was in, force, have.riever been hall . to
a din,i-nishim, nwilbor, think that it-�-Wag Abolislied—.(Ghear h drinking liqiiq�truly jumping 6 oft a fry
- i"' � - ': -A Hilinorm Duel;-. ushamd, Thor ifloi'Wd the house, and',
jllOW ua L to solid. all(! Laughter.)* Not only is 11tis go, -bot . - ': ' '101t)" fl`6'lojjfJ3LtO'r is racte
Other countries (to, 'lot ixotilll linve "brit for the "'91'an"'Lothet're' Itsusd notbilstracte
istic, of any find class. The contra)te 'puili
our goods fre6 into their markets washould the wa,"Ps'.oftlin, farm labordl-a lin�e at$() �A ifilm I bar of ycifiago it was-cirstomary PI fling3 i.1 %lifo, JN%'llin woni down oil'
not aillowL . . g. of It . I of Lite o�o,: thq sallow count�nanil - ei'*the.. so!
theth-AG-opinktheir 'goods free, risen in illady. cases. as. 11111011 ,is 0 fty per iti Ireldrid ito add theword. I' Thei." to t If, ]klloes: In,fore t1w ah"'I"y crowd hud.beg,
I , Lxpresqion, the droanity, distant, loOlic whi"
in a ours ; !it othor. wor �, t iat, two ba A %)'rin who.lind at) wrong.
t "What is iyeoLskary to Ila gathered narries of persons of royal 'blood;.An d to �i I'll - donate the opium cater, are found 'I
�tro_bdtter�_tliaft�onc. (lAughter,)' from the charigo to which I IlAvo be tk't at tho first, somid worlisholl, Anti the factory NV -
oil to- dress any 0110 possessing! the, t -i tie, witlibut
They remind. file of what it -would be it a fortiring isthat our laws L must bo�basod oil usifig t of dilifigrer Intill 8�im'_'11L`srif'�tY in fli"11'r L110 (301111tinli-roOln or. the. b%d
be prefix, was a serious breach of end
11111,11 having had 61le-Lbox oil tfio-oar'wore fre.odot'it and justice, which blesses alike courtesy, and-goneraliy lea d to a duel' A Tleighbor.�, the poor wortfan I a 0 . pitllfi-(�Litcrs -buy Of, drug- thidogh
to go about that z6 Cileworild him that gives and him that takes.; '(Uear, writerid the Wdw. York Sim gives the fol. APP.01.11, "OlIK-I(I th(� riil�o*frooi' 66 man's. worth.� agent, wboad tongue is Eealed,
giivio'bira on'tho other.sido'of hear.) -.1ti'llas blessed all,tho manufsetur6 14*ing account of -a doel beea'sioned by'.this: lieck�'Ali(i'MA "11ioiL To any buta. man. pay ;� the poor, listrally bay theirs coverti.
the head- L ]jilt. let l.13L ip bac1c to 1840, At itigy districts with ' a attiadjuesh �possesi�d lt'y it dtlivil.thi.q *woold havo prov- tile overing, saying it is for s6me oyye�
of - am, My friend had%printed upork. Ilia visiting
that t1luo there 'vWs -t%at ' a I istreag in-Atio ployment and abnndanc�- that th-eynovef cards "' T14-0*G6tinall -Malkoni,ll, -and left ed a warniwe t4m-tywild.fia"ve turtlodrilijil. Sonillo' trip. -to, conceal their pukliage
country. blinsad noti'less-t them, as return balls., upon . tho, letters of into b0tt(Ar %�;tvs, .11, (hug by boying it hi differont all'OPFI, 1111
e, knew before, and, itlift,9'I 0, not sd�with Auto,%.
0 . L , - noIlt the ii�, hold cityllits been gone over,
w6ro almost.beyond countitign Lboliave very classes who in their dark' laole'lice upon the -death of his 'father... ScLarcefy had the crow(L di�persod'whco be y
error and coi wish to collcQal-t-be �.ablb isliniVer.39,4
-era were at least 1�200 aKiclas oil ihich blunder Alio6ght 'that the " ai� whia-Ke-lip-oxii6oked the geat9stL
t,h C6jlIdL werit fo tho Ntril., -eaddlod his horse". and ay6r takon-as . jiquor� . ov drunk iiiii
_i)Or til-Ilis. li" be cmtsietl Li a new- thn himab itlCa ioavy 6till'i is
tax wore-leviedL ab -the ts-of-Li-yeepbol-, -bone fitted* y
)a * I`
with,jolvial 9.0111pailio6s; gad libre.111
E i
-full, Glaspir und qlsowhore. so -cruel -to tha bulk bf their country 21 to �Jin� arid bit prayer,.
-mail. cards be placed fil. tlie.'Ietter boxes of oiy4 .-of its, evils. -grain�of-opium.'
E fe-rythilw ' w ai'§-Jaixod-,:� -eve-myllifligi - was N6v� we will just turn for a each member of t�o club to -which, lity bew wii'll a plynti),fri;Aph of It 1" dead obildin her
o I . I I - eighth of A grain- of -morphine is a do
JAHEs UcLENNAN,1 Esq., Q.U.j 0 Clintou, Say. 18, 187ai imited and restrictied, xjveii Dre OCT I his. wiro..: Jn an instant no b,
Lannon & Downs)-, . ....... ... Act) the moment to tho article of lug�ar. These longed. In the following Nyack lie tisit nal ti, lie egiuner, but tile. desito ailid ability to t
Coolm -ga-rapidly-that "ben
on fo.0d of all-tho people, waii taxedo -are the great:lirticles bad struck Jfi5Jeet-%Vit1t--tI1 -bit--- -ftvo,'�and-oven
NT , nd. that6fore.I.if6af d' d i �ny members e ,
I ONTola H. S. STRATIfy, Elld., C1181110i re4ertil BAnk" M.-LELT,0LIG. BEEN Willout iiiner inye,.afi. ma grdw
lie suihir-WIiiell. Was -supplied. are a
saluted, him, r to '.00 of tile stairs and are takbn in' a day, perhaps in three
BREEDER a S. tig4, cow- per a m6re hiirlily than anythinci lse.: with them. T so,. 'book handa,', Art da (Ved, hel
appointed Agent file the. Colonial geourl tb ) tbisi country-rita, period a little,. aftei
wdphuyOfB ugland; be is ago, agent fox several priviite. -N&W may lmaggioe�llo you canno U spectfully by his name of rak. Somo.ofltfirolift the floor'btiltiw, er; ])a An opiiyin eate� ifl,�rotildeiyce; some ti
capitalists of Toronto, wh loan mpn,4'at, very reason. * . 1, t bat hen, the Corn Law. wits aVolished them, hiiweior,'Iaii�,hod at- the card 'of, c6Minfted to beat her'wth-the bridld until, ate drie hundred' And twenty- ve g
BANKERS,-Thc Royal Bank of Scotland The-. ablerates'. Interest payable yearly. imagine I, __ 11 you _nvriy- try to im.agiub— -t iii twentyrfout bours, and
Horn ta -to Federal Bank of Canada. Abio Solicitor for the St.�Lmyroveo Battki what kind . fetters All opr..iridustr� Was cargo mainly froirk-�%ast Indies, 'bdt the grafiiukatioalre��fl distinction.. O'Clormark lird �tiad depaibed. In the incautinka'the
AprIXT,. 1875. chained inut the tiine,' and yotit' may' try, principal supply:osme ftorrt Ily 'sister bad returned from lier bidin�-place. =a �offae-oup full,oflindanum.
ALE. Gan 0 was a spleridi.4 'I pistol shot,.but a gentio- fatal results.' The r1tor'repilember
Tqral Managers. -Scarth, Cochran, & Cov 38 ter in, this da y�u cn- diark, colonies aijamai6a, BarbAdoes,'Antim' matt of tiniatoished li'pnor'. Having select- 'Ao0ior liorse:.iras saddledi- the, bod7y ot
ronto street, Toroutd, McIN-TOSH, -BAYFINLD; ISSUElt G, y dy
@J .. Marrlag% Licinsegunilitr the new Act, Commission. iilt�d store, �purc It-, ln
T 0. V 4�wyritlZroo . ry
not imaginio-%ybat Was the arnount of paii- dia, and other ad three of the'raost, promincrit.niernhers Wortiati was thro mornin"
across the sad- farm and town pr( er:for taking Afflilivilto in the Queen's 31oneh,, for Coun- perism, and suffigrina,' an4 bjecti misery tfirib,,forby or fifty Y64ra tha.Lplanfera of th 6. h ise and
n @club.' who had refused, to recognize dle hind,
Money lent 0 )party, at motaorate, the, sister riding OQL ise seventeen gro
S-AN.0 Eat rAtes of interest, and"for periods to suit, the borrowef. ties of Huron and Bruce. Convoyancing.done, Knob' as pd 6 the dose in bis.mputh,* an
0 to time throng' leadln,�, the 'other, Miles '�Yalkbd alongside P
prevailing from tvirne 'ut in the West I diati. colonies Were in a very his,distiuction, bwalightly ktruck-his glove
he n
Losses, Bonds, Contracts, illo, Ddeds; find Af it off I . This sl3ind man being
Ho' HAUE, the -great body ot the: working class6i -of peculiar, condition.. -* fit tlid first plAce they across their,faces.' forth-, and Irlild' tbe b6d� in posittOil until they soraq offence, and �Iacod`whero he
ArONEY A)cv�k_$O]WL O—N- tha-United inirdom. I sugar cin'6 -by slave labori with cliallingedhifia, and he as' -matutidal 11-ilerve
AGXNT" (,f4j
K 'v�ilfi only' rotor' dultivateil'the, uae- arriv(W t te where's hole was. out to 'p
Bayflatill Sept. 14,1875; Eoi�kro his
w in theli'Pe a0d the bt�dy tbrust Out Oftight. Aigil a, - miseiable death. The gain
URAN-M to i,bem. .ou ml�Ly, therefore they stole, the'lab-or-:1y . hich Opted. : 04j'arman -insisted, by his, second
th re- they. g' WW friary, returning home saw I a Parmi
DICILcox- ILiArn. what w -11 '-No doubi the ' upon fijhti�g them all. on the following ties jCL h'* said that in the cage of a folusle,
S kLER, WATCYr AN as. o state. of things wl raw theiii,crops. y
RiWer, &0-, &0,, gard. to otberb.' vTh6L two I refer to are kept their negcoes alive, barely, but thoy of tile - first rn,i g hala
INSUR . A.N E, Oil Mills Working Jo in !riink, one, aftdi the QW0r. . t.� Blyth qM-u6x-t door to tho r _9 tly Q 'rL d when. he h o.alkly, made, her up' 91
01- iIxp r''fip to.-thb: �.aaT846 whfch. Pat no Wagres 'Ale a a acellstoniod to 9 ci'cl'�i, oth r At 10 o"olboki it 'a afiti 04b.ho.had goric, which sho,
d sugar kialibi
AD 0 an a n �. . (r hey W*Orep nob�patisfibil at Y1 o'clock. The field Of starto
balli�or seiectia aeon, d in ZVOI
tobis friends and,the pleblic Lonerafly, that lie bit% 6ir Corn was� in.'reality, consider W�40-3 T A number of a')qw
aHE subscriber bc6s'i to tinder his -moit bond a seleot-stbek of Clocts,Watches,'Jewellel rOvl'en_` 46certa
Ind arrived affil
X (a his. n :pro ibited froin, witly stealin; J;Mr w -41i which they grew as a, the ei�ld Of a lmyo- lane �.h the coun- purgult, a at the riv' rtba.
1VE TOVIC flia'nks t' unterous . custo. *bich he offinix tit rensouable iateo. . ito �iaj 1-1110 of otitory h a d fin ga, r e 0
description in bigLIJM from abro4d unfA munddior An _L 18 arany sto obeiref
eve in the sErroundiul; townsWPI11, Wid the' Alone oil thu "Liorto4t notice,. and t our own pri6h iad-riatin thoir,crop8, but thiq asked thes Parliktryont- try, leading',i zirchard 4;11, s6mp:.dia,-. as, th were. i, ject V
In .6% 0 gain theiridely�evA
pttblic�&nerally-, for-their�liberalpatronagej cit + f hypoderiftic ay
.0 a use 0
W. W. FARRAN, A elit. and would fuitbor notify thdru that ]to has Cop 0 b gan'tol And to star, upon to when Aulai drew ievolver,
Ves i�,�isive� use ofhe, English ii.iket s.i,that a bravo find humoilous rnarl, -and resolved tin inptrq ant ith a noodle point
j I 'lie fi Waa to- lately added most intIlortant improvements to na thon it iis let in it Very bigh'�rlcoq, they. Could. se.111heir sugar bore -at. a prico as.liesAid,-not tokill, butgiinply tollwltygy). And illicit into T . h
SCHOOL. - THE CLINTON' COUNT1 bstuck.. through the a�in, and t ro,
1876. his mill, - by putting in a now sill WHIVIt -School to- __Opoft to'-papila_ Of the (foilt, woman
�iue, double all In itigato - (46, Aigher than. they' Could jet in.' Any other' like so niany birds,, -and he was
ill _Q940,' degree, t6rhad, by.i volley and- the g0ilt
_Wko L� the liquid is conveyed direct y into
0 the power frore ILIJL Pfut"'of'tho -arvafion'ana fie. faluirro to (9 market of, the world f 'the sure to'd6 iind with bi hair fell'dead frofn lier hor ugh the Physiciatio, and � there areo it is
-heretofore, used, 'and twoirlirl of County -and Province on equal a so sboVp r
btl ATE DBANIC OF CA14ADAL at our torms. Instruction is given in all thithighotbranche4of
first-olftils with 4 complete act of mor-, a L tri�ggor. pistol. cffo had Arranged with !,is neck. Thf,- man pnb'� -11 s to 1) 1 Se and
: Xd* hat was the quantity, of Corn' planters being, people of, Commercial, English, and Classlent Education, suit In tiouB. impblitance and r is Who are �ddidtcil to its, ube=adop
ending influence in Wk lotity-frk; and asso ocalic, in the * ii ., or- nd
dli�nt bolts, and'hy fact all the lateat and most the F touch ana German languagits; Students arc pro. that came ia last our, the ciated second au��goon to. ]tire atia' linvo three Ltte, pted th 0 it a the doctor is known whos
improved machin6fly, togetheziwith'firsts;oass pored for the Utuiversities, the learned prafoosl6nii, and last.Soptemborl It' is actmethitig pedeatlyL With Ourlinded I JifiL'.illa turialtle shotbronglit his nni if�l w "milldrs; he -is prepared first-dias-sworkin mercantile purfluits. Spool I attention I" paid- to the . pruprietors, being iiuxial-heaiibs And hortus oil the ground, spots, goarred,like te.,traces-o
boo. nishing. Theris wore no loss than 118 samb boat'in regard to and a a 'from the ra�rO of iris, morphirk6 6
CAPITAL, 54,1100, Rtudics reiinisito for Odium school' Teachers. Tuition and �;ead, OF with ooffino and fanerai pall, is for dead tire mqrd rar* ' ivaii captor oil w
Ad the, hould be Me)), an(, to be in th6 1104
P IN G,.,,&..,6 Fees, $2 per quarterly Let Studento, from a ilistiticit iong of ivit of colurso. it w' Tfie hig'h'cosb�of morphine i
G -6= obtain boaril in -the- -villago atvdry moderate-ratai, a. of Articles ood,finpart its naititial. th Y-0 ice before tli6 il�r4ilis provy6d ry r oor -people bein
during , tire - yiiar. � YO- hadra Ifid unord, W'holl
Grists weighea in and out,, lRatties:* from i Vartbar information will be giver on iLliplicatioup OC -fifailtS,iiia(lirtti, rfso7,reaIly p unable t
_��d elloppIrig. (p6I�o_dzf&llv or Uylet0r) t* y member, at the Basta of amount, in �,cv)ts. �,t�L sively use an article. which Costs ioverat
NCy. distance can have their gris16 coines 20 m4ons ".)f fitcliki expert$& as''thoy Were toLthamselves;, the long Jape, -leiving their tkrria�es some. thq,'w roteli nadi)'gconfosgioy" the.'
Trn too$, V12: M0801 ft,'lro 'Nolei IL Cents, A. .. Matter, in ounce,;' neveithologs, with the ha
NTON AGE home with them, thaame day. Good Flour �iy Itbeyc'T Rev. FIpI MoQhslg, aik . These are the' pirticuIiirs.:_:_- therefore, You had; in; addition t6 iho curse distAnce'ftom. Old: field. The thre; parti, -Poriit-pd' in
a.A. NVort6ington, quarters. L I . 0& ohief points of w1iiely formed, every dodge is resorted t6 t
and D11-11 Feed for sile At moderate prioesi D., or to the Head Master. Mr. James Turnbull, B. A., Wheat 5� million Cwti. !or 12'million qrs.. of the corn Tilonopoly, a morkopoly.isome. :eaell'other, as. to. the'hour-7-� the- abovo stintomelit ; nd 110 ftq�l�er stat, -
war" to= no I rafto�r.� Ofcolirso,O'Gor-' ad, h�,t tire sister t his' wifft baclAdmini I a- it, the dranktuils. ell -known., subter
flour, six million 6wts, Or 1,716,000. qrs, what dirairlialicd in sugar , and what was neither 101rocure his 9tinatilant, noi being rail
i Jyy order,to , ' .
lit fr8a Four to live per coat, allowed LUX.133M. L U X B 2, R Indian corik,�34 million cwts..or eight mil.; the result ? '. '(it 1810 this country import- 'ifiliaaa to continub 6n4the field to fight t�red poish)i to lice little riiece,, tbariltis b6ther's in ruji4o'L A r
The Subscrilitir Would also inforni thet pubi- .0. QARTWRIGHT� lion qrs. ; harleir, eighb.-millions of cw-ts. or. ad mainly front Abroad(I meawmainly and -rived. act ]'or odii of 16 nil that they wore funk WIto Y.
oil Deposits. .. 1 0 the triplets as they corisecutively'ai Opi -eatdr, has couritail'thii
-he-lu -a-large4toick-of_l�mb.Er. of- 2,212,000 .8 almost entirely from' our own.' colonies). o"clooli place tho iiiiii-ilor of-tho wifer tbl t they y
lie that Oats, elevoill *nlillioiT Cwtq, Atiel doly took and Ph a fernatic manner, on" t
M. LOUGH, Agent. different inds a -0. at tba Commercial Hotel, Clinton, the firs4 Thurs. cost. 29,- O'Gormaut P dId " wing " his opponent and might IiO 'it) nd lengths : 1"ine front 10 , - 101,117 11111LAOILL -.%(r000- -4-,ODO-,00"o The 9 aniolostorl tag - other. In'this Ir L-86 itfoolile wolflabu
'6.; 01herry, day and Friday of every nionth, I
*ton, April, 1870. I -y to 20 it.; Hemlock,Irom. lo to 2 Tenh Inserted In the , wts. or 3$7,000' (Irm.. -, �nakikyq,a total of 6 did 'we' import last year T' unharmed. . Thereupon the tlio.v woro provented, bv the, inob of'a few dulging his habits, itud th till
I majile,'Soft an d. Look latest style. "reeth exposed nerves treated filled, 000"000. kvim was Nkriself ' - 8 ;
and made na-good its Round ones.. Ab� In the year which ondbil .1 t1iink,, in -Sep- a Ii6ifore and 1hatAie than killed the much towards its pure as
Butternut, White Ash,
E Im, in longtfis to -suit the public,-*whichbili, 18 milliork.cwt�. or 20,000,600 qrs. woundbd man, having been attentlet.1 to by hour
a may be will not takolnuoh sirgunkent to allow yon tember, We imported 16,00,000 owts,, that the surgeon, was pla'cod,"In thil o6flia and Thotiopowawthroft papor lately. sent ont it L ropor
'AIR LINE. tables hint to fill ill orders that Ir the matter, fonrid that i
-00n is,. fo up-in6y4ho4yearse, -tha-diat - I
Calaadw V Laftds. tha h- pall -ovar.a. limb cc ur-Aimes. -lift&
-favored with on,the shortest, notice and most I and 4840, --did-nob. - - hin -ad (if IIL� ljl7�1; instant quiveiiing JnK !v,.a
over xi' -a -drivew-duwaltha-lan'01-an �;3,
Ocdoosteam finvifittion Compani's aroililiic "eso 6t6fff apon the liIarch�se 0
(carry *r. EY'Lly, PrOprIeTa-r. Atha Catioda Company may be aeon. at the offidii. of
who weril well off ad their table j List as cost four timagAs much 9 it cost 1 1840 a ei Oct.. hotly was in. tJ%o air. -Several
ing Un ted States Malls) W a B, when about Italf Why, met, no W logs then rolled . together, bruji invested it in this noxious article. A
IAAC CELTIC, ADRIATIC, REPUBLIC, myth, Aug. 23,1870, th3 ell furnished us, now j their loaf never it did nio; cost twide as much ; hub instead ad, -the tan. o'clock. party, They suse.. w,
It HALE L -the insaus.aa�lryrkks also allowed, that t
N19, BALTIC, BRITTANICi BELGIC. dwindled oi beeaMOL lois. They �verd al- of n;000,000 it o ftmat-es could t
cost X17,000,000. If the and.pionsly ralliod their hats'in eq set to piled upon flient, ll callb-olUthis Ca I eir i
4jil'6an ttont New York (Pier 52 N. R.j on SATUIRDATS Ways Well fed, iiiiiiny of' them suillciontly, sugar we, imported. las% year bnaboon ink. A b9dy before them., two boitias placed in their tuidst. Lanes to the offset..; of this di L dion.." It
f. LIUMPOOL on TuritsDAYS, Calling at Cork; CONVBYAN(,IXG AXI) LOAN -do Of 1840'tho- t ' It L 6 doll" 1, who.
flip of this Line are mos6 of them luxtirlously_f Th6 stiftr ng hydrites is one ofthe latest Air st Web'
j)�itedattho,oy000poly pri Driver is corpao-is that,, with no A juniob was applied. to �ttio pile, and 411
Oth ways. The steamah A GE NCY Or, F 101B, )3LTTII.- 'Mrs, Beesley M1 larl, file sfidt'atld-tl
in water -tight compartments, and was antangsbAlie wages clitsA,- find tire mi. -16,000,000 Owls., woold have -cost 36,-' -coaches following VI tboy inquired. that now rettlailiq fin, it have come popular use with the me
JolliaAmengers'tutrivalled accommodatioup. The -f INETURRINa. TirAxim To iin:% LADIES or 8 va con- 000,000 1118toa(I Of X17,000,000 they actaii, .410h, by St Patrick V' the driver replied, tragetly k a bell, of i0i P4_ prof4ssicri, find, according to all accounts*
a and Rtat sgory and abjeiit.'Lar? tion and oll4he �dbr§V.,y _VO
i, -floaticur, but little mottatria felt.
fOL in- 4-Roome being located in the raid W�- I Is
Vell Dore.
%.J AttorucyoftlioLa*anarqtlit*yCoiirtootItoltttido bitairlook, at -the -with, moro and-more--Aveight; it came: that-thdabolition"of file pripteieff ki,-uporr man L has -sent o his- long-. -home. very doadlY drug the nuinor
Genealogist, Land, Lociii Slid J.'atato Agent, Lawl; Life more and m6re to the Very humblest and' sugar has j ustliall the gains oted its that you ate party No. Qood luck t o by it sufficiently prove, and wittily it, is known
ngs of wh-118 Sta Line Stesulers,' 0
in iiow"i'ark, for Queenstown add Liverpool. and Firo Insurance; end General Agetif, Deeds, Wills, OLD STAND VICT0111A ST., CLINTON., A yoiiogy mail called, iii entiviliany with dial; even inAer tile dir6etion at the most
3w, frod Clafaca to She fit agent lot "Miloora, Buttorick & do's European poorest of tho*pOople. (Chcerai) upon corn. The quantity imported has b-atyou'll find your lidarse a -waiting for
Mortgugdo,&c., carefully pripared; Titlea,
Saturday, robA a so P. in. ad, a andwhat. Wag it all dono 86 ural ottier- ontleman, upon, it young skilled physician it is liable to Play falsbi-Olvii
receiving the new Styles; all Mitt and descriptions -are pr6tence.that it was necessary lady., - 11 ex die at, toas,
IT 24, 2 1). in. to all -our has been in ari extraordinary degree dinkirk- 0 a went- the second pa v sorrowfully to
Ic Saturday March 10, 2 P. m. greatiAgn,
ftoutntitainitig tho callers, -He to sudden
t; on hhnd,,*hldh she sells at ptitag specified in tkii ily terminate fatally, it is evident -to
'to iriteropt They did not ished,. T�ord are1nanyisaiesin this frieut- the field -, they fought, he was- witigod, As
I t� 'a catitlogueg. She hopch, by gtriot card -and It cultural a.
04 17, 0.60 a.m. a daughter's scraplog the most obtugo how, dangerous it. is in'the
24, 1 in. 'It about the wrougs of the landlords., ing who know, and I daresay thei6 are a had -been No. 1, *and in like triannor he was lie handkoftlionoviLe. Probably deaths through
4 h- a!, Ea a 0 v slid New York patterittil of trarmaults, and is tondtautly for.? Under the been enormously ingreagod, and the price you.
WDum,1110 Id, P. in. a I r , u 'I, O_wl ft ti.was, also pro.4a !ng to it.q..peculiar ctlaft.upork the heart, and
a and For t "n , nee,
a can
a pedi
-0 la
�1 it V bit dill not share
Eu 0 FI G aP_
a a, .a to continue to merit a lib ral patronage, say
5 ay to Lee to 'Alfiz� 'ORID910 PILOXPT4 ATTENDED TO. ralusb tile llso-fif spit'Rootie'd rinks, for
0 It.m. Panic. Debts and Net.. .011 --ted. becausbithe lailalords, hod passed the I aw great many huallonds who know as much collined and 4earsed as the formal, duelist ag itihafation of chlorotorny result raostfre.
I IS . - P
AIRITANNYO, April 7,12.80 p,nit 75. )our6d tIlO
n but tb&landlo�as' rent were the first W)n About thoso thaiga no tligir wives, that su- bad been, Whitt nearly out of ilidlane had witio. to ofror, Tire l nently i
0'ef�&ssago, Saloon, $80, gold; Return Tickets, out, and would lloon have been drank but n the deiiti.Als chair, kind,the recent �1'
sideration, The second consideration ivas gar has within the last few montlys been No. 9, the It ot�clock, who had Alread met, aboth of ayoutliln Italiwiy, N, 111 1199 Again Old., Stacrage passage, to or from Europe, at low . -WDDLECOMBE, It ' f the farIder6i in order diaii olienip as fiatir. I recollect At a No. I bear,,,, 2 with tile the yotin ladil aslod-; "Did you call fupo &lied forth the on
Steamers. and other infoijuation, CHICAP t a prospetilt 0 About as I I A .0 laments of the Press,
W I - I me or UP011 VAP:t ?"
iia able to pay good rents , meeting held in Stirrey'during our agtai, second ow me In conaltislory'it thoulil be remembered that
th sppos body
'or, 1W. RAILTON, G.W.R., Agent. th.oy vlanturdd to spesk tion 30 Soara ago, that 'a gentleman stood tow dea safal in both bliont *gurigns disastrous, ifflotmore'
11,11. 'to tile tiger a's alcoholism I and that the
Watch. d'. Clocklaker An& SomatirfroaL hAt I 016,rallan U6�, Gallantry, if Tinthinadlao collipollod I habitual lyarcat,
IR= to Answor, 14,LNli'ti tipon yoti." -
1 ab6ut the agricultural laboror, though. it upolit the platform And nWe a speech. I -to (!note 71,
-ho- 6aild-1-
OL Walk We act. Yea V irshpondedL the driver, 11 and if more insidious-' irk:
was w II-V.fio*-h4he no- -aind ify now' that 'the wis a strAngeri JPA 'A T 0 LOAN JEW Li Itt have lanionadit for iny callors.l., the ilriuking hibit the medical froiter'nit are
agridultu rol laborer under the infliferice, Of iltisinted with sugar rowing in -different -you do hot admit him to be Th VOorman t(l he ftotlSr td' -
a tather urge , li i by All
"d he guosts to'ddnk� observers
this lavr wait in the mait rulgerable coridi- pattg of the World, Ati he said, 11 If yott upoli the field, you will raboarso the game 'Jidt'hey were undecided, Thoounglady" blame for its producti
-EASY TERMS, 1118 MAXY 'FUIE, NDS FOR ofat any of the classes of laborers itito abolish protection of gUgAr'LLaUgAr wit onewmetho 41 obloral Jklibit";
W tho,patrotialid so libilrally bdatove(Lon him In ti V be, jragedy at 11 o al6dk, go the others did at 0. ddtor
t YL Uf It
th p at Wtiuld hereby.notify them and the Jpx1liti gimi Added, 11 Remember, it you call'upoh the, and I I morphift didestell being noW
Y, thot.Lba had vemaybd Into big new Anil, mote than you t1rink lomonudo, i,bnt it q o their extensive repoetalro at
�jejl tillie prIncIpall can A. 1i which the Working population of the Collin- as chbap as turnips" (choers And Itughtez) 9 and 1 10 A.M. 0 1 eArso is waiting f . or t,n ps tell ailment#;I d It
commodious primillea on Albert Stroatf whoig lit will try tran' be dlitilaod.- The law destroybd Wall, it Is not to cheap its turn but id find doule
keep oil !land it 1096 and gdeok agifortmentof yow., trade, You could nob receive things is go cheap that i This, second dialogue clusild this att pa, "I I
In part or HIS MANY 1R=X.D8 FOR
HIME, TH IiO ha )s1# great it you I' fly, it' that Ca 0 fig. to
msve atille Be, I Ave h behoov9s thoin to got f6 work at
all at, means of prevention.. The low should put a
'th which these
'6 #dring the. terin of all kind'o, the liberal patronage b6stowed Ott him In the Clooks, W#!dhag, laWalry, And tiliferwara fimn abroad your; for thioliast to the coalforl; of families, and to the osw pirty to reflodt before they reached thollold stnp10 tire terrible facility W,
'The wInO,gIA88O8 WOVO not dowtv wilth
'Which he ill'ooll at retuionable roles, Ilia stock Is
plot -it with which other things"fralta, tally In the form 09
"ithk A#Milm them that he hilif hOW On liabd f6l,o could not buy from you, 4nd whilsit. tpid expe6hilly whiin they Came in oikht of poisons Are produrod, c1peol
f atyalranob lArgerand mora varied than ovdrbitfore. An irtisad the price of year fbod,fi dimini6hitid �are iiyado palatabld. captolally to child- the third hearge, the coffin on tfia'grilunilf their contents untagtod. soothing q rl1ps# Ives and -what not, by
A L A It G E *T -C Itiallootion, invited, Repairing of every description Ihe demand or� yolir labor Anil lessened rep, But what has-hopp6ned with togOAXI And the black pall waving in the wind, atiter leavino the hougo-one of the piwty which so fbany Poor Innocents tire hillod into
'r promptly attended to. Now, ven. t( exclaimed, 11�1�hat is the most ofr�dtive -sleep of doath, And thus 'Prevent *# uu.'
t. the price you received for it. those people, whose protection you haVe The seconds Conversed'," apology wag-proG
'rt. "'To de�trykoti6nofayly livoli.�Jronfrgav
-o-atid one in ts
turd gay hoir it say thi ikery away The colonies have been on thaf fored. whom does my adversary 1W. :FARUANt, F years after the event thin a that, 6 whole more than lidoteo
i u ired-Ahat-kin R ascend- Imkv A -in, �'go odg tio TPtbqq
MITRE OF 'ALL �:,DESCRIPTIOISI avo eon urt ul t' o the ASCII riever b%VO Any pOtitiOtIg to P4rIl'AtnOftt ant himself in stature it monirch. fix took r sprangr up and is n6w bearing airoal'stioft Of the Loadon Dally
..of Some of -those, Who ativ 6 ad W14- now setting forth the distress of the Pla!V-_ ADOIdd4XO to,.,Phg O'Gorman X fruiE, 0111111110 young tnair from. whom these Tbo sworn
10 fthL short,,, VILA ar, Telegraph,U now 200,317 on all average datth
00, 0 Opp at 4 ptinal a.
lot of t1lo tesponi the ithe (If all -
facts were obtained broke ofT at one
a 111111 to!! laii6tou tote, tors.= No 'day.' This i's th6*lArgestflgdrbL evor r0d0h04'#,
AvaAk tin
0?"TO:z: LOAN ilifil � _... ,
My 'Zod j%hd Ithatiolossod its and otirfamilies'll" n 11 it oft- tire record of any L di'Vill Y L) ad- as Iwa a att ol a to The American paper 116 avol now his format otftd. "A family
It Ara WAxing I
foultidly 0 hriatian people, ao aaLounding,iL irtg that great article of food At a moderate cbrroot gratring on at college, And I ill in relathag the following gtbty I "a w6uhl Invite all, iflUpbeEl6n (if his litOolk by RIT who n, and'holds in rlde tit rontorabor. , WrIlop
want anything fq the Cabinet Ware line. tho soattrity of the acivern. nud retisonabla, pride, and1 bollovo it has aintiakin,,t a I totirtiolo 9 he' throog] Post hl; 0. (if ten pdraona. All Ardwil 11111 wo
D FA "yont 'toolf, alld'Againt �tho p6pulatiolt it not dono t1% 4inallost evil to the bulk of Cub my life, slid., t io)ady who Rva ofoll , ftil(I atill. rON bollfdd APPI ail At Itadlitilltsip
lt1FA,e$ th6l will -
be Offered, our- V%%hL called upon, to rule, As. th6 (Jorn, Low tire popolationa of the sugfiar growing oolo'i. They returned to tho 'club beforo W116f, hot
fall and #Ilytin, His Atook at tllo word promptly tilmad oydtl t6 tba Ovorsoat ot
11.1yofi.U.P11-1H14 put together 10 $Work, of 18145, by Ad Imperial 11,tIrliamorit, nice, aw lot me ask You'to lelok the hearses hat1l. boon purposely. d
VAIINET rivork and oalloraLah�llld not drink wine,
111421111ko bannov, anti 111111 bast 6ritiod 6urublatiod, of this country. If you Could tuto bAeL to matter froux another side, You know thati delayed, The motillidra not desiring to,bo Tilege poopla originally halldit fro4
rides if 118f000,0()o CWt. Of Corll and 'Ilia rsc41ls oF the 14ros Artia oxilodli, CAnaditi- and Alto Olt the WAY to NOW J61tey"I
ATE, Great IridW` ow,agOW Ca ah Ottrohasers, &,year of buntinut liativeAt And low P 16,000,000 otimilat birds of �isiago, gooked around the InstaAd
SHOP* No A14 thoil ttirn to -tllo'Ye,%r 184() L owt, ofaw auar (I have ,at tloalb with viocar, open hand saluted Win as. tiondo not boaront the theory maintained they AAv,
OrAlluarsit,10 rate#, Ity b some tlla�, alooli6l is A potent sustainot of flintfling them 4iroot to thele (16661nation, or
fVitality. ff4itell fn6t, i keeping t1lain, itoob tly6m 'to BuffsIO Of
or 1841, whoh f1to brvo9b was W abd food ilia rolhirld sugar, which ig it vast (Itianti Tbo O'Gortriau Mahon I"
a NrAllSt TH9 was doar, yoo Would; rind three things. th4t, Come into this cowitry from, tho.pArtit of . ..... . .6 44aii-� oftod, tileed, tire Iltiftlo, Authoiltili" at*
116 lifill 'Pity WOW Ought to be cloArly displ4iyod upon
would Appatil to of all, that aii the world #01110body haft to for thdill, Tho Loo4on -pspets record 414 estmotal. T doulpaltial to take care of thdals of got fild Of
t1fib piticois sirg i 0 T1 mail undeV40irl- kinitiflual hi it, trui. thota, its thev AN withodt tiloado, go thtly. Ao
weve :r1sing the linevoit tagod -, Volt biiy yotiv At! it ilia all 'Do, 40 "Ary 61moting foAt eddratea rhoutly by nPon Notiotfidly, Clio Ilauporisin througholik Ad alwlikooper buys it of 1410, Wholesale, doAlor Ile nnell, 41alAlillougadda P11, a below 3041). Oil Nout 1,loohotorw a bollig tly(l Olia-Ailebb
L16 abrus,4 ; Ana pw- tile :llitr y, tba oestifirnitid, toagotaleiroo wity to glit Cut of the diffidnIV. Th0tarad
I, ,wbolo ofth'a boliatey amoligit dur InWjit- ot limportoro who boys i a Ar
Nyllata 116L Will Wit all hA a ailla'Alkloilg4t tllo ftgrlotoio 'triont is' MAde in L thfk_� lsoilolaS WhIoll thO )i1od toviod lit tIto 410. 116 Naloot6d RoMe ChOlIgh 10 acted jo t1lo hat ' tie litborg AlItl tlying to And t1lb jiatiyla jptia 41
tual labovaiv, wo 11foAdill ino6walag 'aud wophttlan, of Xhglan4, makw,,hritt wtllo� 404 'of tho old OddrglAu colng, A% belika lickylor hVilAhlris t theiv aticaPartiolls1i. fill evorY
tarp Assortment of Pu Ito that, hilt otimo of evbj tild. rolugillod in liout: one City th anothorixtitill they'roAch-Abole
ot, onIr ry kfila Was omploeinaut tot, you ill WHO 4u4 In rakulto thati ihi- moaarn: btontiol pladox, atd loss l6t4nOO 03000d 9011"Y, I t It- tharoWe, to be' otught up by the 0108 4 Is doditledly uirifikiri th60611
21111 whi4bild will itill aptiaNsio liblegotla dip inoreas tig at Juot About f4ofoiesof every kip4 Whpt must iloii like) bc�xltlj, ' A inar inatual Gore. cap wrt� for the Cat
g1loollftif)aa to tolt
lau thitA6 fattet Offarad III thfil count. 110 of, A TIT101' tivait at thik tinjo Oat L I tablati. ut14oubtaily a all
tho aawrily'lio tho rellilltJ Why that. thdro 6111 jol4lag throw. okoh " o Teniplar,
A IN, f*, nny
vikNITURN 311k I a '60,11 vactfil All l>,tdorit afiftfthiddto hift *11100 Vilictoirlpt lot A4 of tholt 0601, It 16 ItudA&I-Iffoo that
6 whila toll a glodge Jotitilley, Alta too� grog. # L.C,
I shaffloltl root ana the Coryl.Lw rhyinar, mild be an olififiniouslyl inoraosod ileMAU4- AuA(JjAI%
TUNITI vomovild to the buliall) %otmatly occupied by ri and iiatisfacEort httlititfrip" 404 an ho &to(( to wilytor, ituidr.44 dth
iTi6tovid. Strait; to* pts or, wroto hi* bambig,,wid scathing tiondomiiall for 014 laborGhho war4luall (,fioAr, �btiit) Arter tills Ito: lo# his Appatite, oe
lillot V, thtdw Mr. potanoll. 6064 with small shot tile P�60-bfulsel in thim %M4
dtall ma , Ag In ad "Odata- 111t oysf;� Q110 f Jbo 100, 0 hqvo r0freallilig A1601), 46.4 was.
him t u, A11611ded, J)aolt tl$js doolatial, As Y60 avenwhily , oor 46ak 6yor t�
111 101 oftlats ih t I tion of i I Of You horo, at#, f% 0,11+.' lie 0her tho frontlat, 1111% makfila,
noun 6 1. ulanuiti, ILtid N olvits tactical fiad atvalty USA40N Tpit, 1141f A
tithitiftablo A 411A A$f" ilA ho 'Ja' in tlia A[14(106 P40I)TOL Of thoUnttelt Stfltoo pity lot t4ir
Lattast, , doalkit wworst toncoci.,41dri li't
files 160 fallafta. ftmituto Uo4l;4d land, M64i to Otd6r t%Vonty to bot Ally 00"tfid spaotr
A[ 011atb Jan 16o1877%. of *001, b he WoulX1 intilp6dill
me alba tta(168 of ifila town. ITAVO 7611 Monday rilarililig, tou or twolve, at W2
IU blan And, wonlo wokild bo boalking %10 tO hit thoito r *oll. But they' wato inowill WON
aust ittil W. OA kilaxas thi PUton VtOWIXTI AZWD" r(Ad the toualling 11h6w with whid oilly 01104"i0to 6ampail thor Aaarvys Over 141,tp cialisda, 4hil iloonsiollsilly, �Vbdry 1114,
;big nof it OtAhli
rolon. �0- this quostioo 1 116 shows dw falitor 14 1 ghbothbods ana Ask# Witt Nalsood. tt Ur. Vdatioll-hpil witil The tostimility of botill iltlmliAnllosi grittib6ii o66 #4 borflon
own U* Is - toluch hataad. thbris in la 01-4
to Loan, P1L(?ykklj4t, This hal datylora ivad illolu(16il, WA4 M1011- A fatrad Ablpliidit 61,dr 410 lldbg 6941h, iig *1111
:4, the
do ; wish 'that that Avdavot itiousl Shall& "61 blutingo, 411 vrostpatity, atia it I aban orvilig, Out; atimillefits duv- tht Now Jersay f6milr! x0ottlyA)VO, MIZA
Ablily la 061tiaA ilia vallitt" h kliatthIr to ititto wad livint who'-wholl Wall lk Pallitrasit. day", 41 -they r1liphatidally hifitea
Itit 0 h no WOW 004140 dollo upoll valls Avg,
It _4
4 ro