Clinton New Era, 1877-01-25, Page 2�01� 00111! !!.p I! 1 1 0, 15! 010 �0 4 1 11,0111110
'51 ".M.l !;qlws PIP
MKO", 1119 1 N A 0 011104 00"10004 1000 '1110 �11.10111
1: 7 14 1 i i li N I KOO lteg(fltor.
A 'D X, NEW.
cony,06twoz. A NX IAL
IMU X&TIONAL FAWry." two f - I kwsla rootionoo, lit doilton, on
A. NOL'o., Ult. M. 1874. Jan. J$th, MAYll And Shingle factory, at Myth,' bo.
I;, -r, JfAJt',%JX.J Not'N a,
Wlfloe� tilsyl�. The new printer 1136 omkions ,,be (,ounty Up DlinhIn Act half been jDarried lit lolighw to It. 11nnsforil, Olin;;op, oil go -
Is Abli"hod 09 of nollTlY
A 1peotillat, of dift Va vallrd Alut 11my tile 111y1l; Review All oll e y, tile clexl� !It. tile chair, Thefollowin(i Dratit olld Oxford, by niaJi-riti turday, Jivil.7 2170. G. X Triteinal),
114irty Nyus vlolltreal In Our :Kigh Sehool, ves �ol Quilt, rospor-tivo $00, 0
. : filott awl mothir afell lit t1moll 011w'. 41.0 tile reproselitittl llfoatitciatl' 'wlii one ;f the last 4ur. A
Ikrao comyoution waft, On T116"04Y' vivora qf tile early ablitlers, whose oxer- 11. and G. Arlaistrong,
lif Our villago, 1111licipalides, Allot A
hii fiows rtkg�%W. I lot lizz fit all Qu. 11 olltials.Awl toolc their V"t§ - Itelo 14to 1�0 I ( Goiltirioll T lilt t1lo
'1110'. Pre"441,11t feainti%4 By reftrenim tq no artielo in 1% 10ther T110,thaw of last woot (114 t , I hola lit 110ton to oppose tho. proposed. to- ii,0115 'Illainly holliod to, convort thd,614 1 let III,
V tha boad of Qvilqginto Ili- tile w1cliv rkboat here, allil .11ow agwiltim 1014 ;!t4,1i0J1.iU1;111)(:W4OlI, Allot.
11rollmoll 1111W,01-1.1 i f till) - 111*ty. oolunill, u It ill,
CIA ors4 mail 1110re of it,
ill'y thl I POO of tbol Actill Wince U'dwflrd. Ifuron Tract into whlit fa�ay be Joitly
1twiltbomoon weather scouls AV ROW. 1yoliator
Ale. 11 --fwao home to 411,I)oi j,he other IssVocall. Mr. Cohlkrlaw 18,00tt, of POIllware, 41tcxt op Ifowaloborn
'it ork tile 12t
tThmik thi- m -e f0r l4bot in I* that tile higilf 9011611 of this town rolika - 1,
I)OtAtood out 11141), 4061low,consus of BVII08014 sholva tile
V Alrill. B—Irput till lift tile ... LQuolon, (Is It jot Jan. TJ
Monday, % b4ld eagle. it -weastired apv,11 14
fl,;P(l by 1mv, wid )tilt to lie loti.3 than With allch plappo li's Lollolon, Xiflgsatolli, of U . to, Pot. The water wrl H )veil INIed, 10110 11,61ow-K iNIULOOKIll. 1� bo 1,209, an, increaso of 51t,
�Tou. Ob ley. feet bevoll inolles frow tip to till of its ll$ry,lsmp� 1.16 received q good oductition
Cobourg., 'It. Thomas, ftm, (Ind thtit it will (Itilhi, or, a time ongsgoll in bilsitiess.
I)VQ. tda, Weet0ill tile 000l;:s a$ y" bnt the t)tatoQ4 "11111,411101 754riul U101. 4wol'. atia was' for WOO the flisi Elf Uny., !aot year.
ro l e thty t I thkirefor(A rvvelw as lukloll aq ally one, 6f ikytiro licit, there. So Cloy, liall 6)'4411 Oil klxetorr, LU a RN), induced by, the. glipwing desip Swootflbitrgr, Q.11abice, filral3beS al) eXA10-
to oyep to 011m: places, on'tho basis ofillspectioll. It 11 byviltl ALlidelipeRv ;ilia UiaQF4 0 " lilt " Classes uildoi: Out^ Tiltilch. Motto. Diall, at, hobas been oil tr1ill A St. 'Ill I
-6 only six Sol," Ivil did. not juil"t oatoki"which Mrs. it, , said! (wavridi'l, 04*1018010111. ljorophNVIhitely. i y4einthe, ouL.ruell with ljettiug,oro to titgt 'dons whioh, the mgnagora'of tho. Cam PIQ for landlords in Ontfiriacowltioo, whilih
ri, t,'ai. !"ll'T." T' It
, I ivill'alka) be, uotiqe(l that t1wre tit flat ax;
Q J-1 vent., if llvt�flei coulpany wore then spreading of their ''have tilte 1hinkill. THII. � Iflie Obserrer Says,
sallools, or collogiato illstitkItiollA Ill tile I Olt 11 hall been found gullty� soven yaaro" wq4tertr ter
TRIVUSDA11 J A �N. lttI 1*7 uQ114votari.111 ritorlos, 111) OWSrAtea *.a this Our polialici hosts, Mosal 4ppirl sod,
j:4�, that will Tozoolyo njoro than the . M(,03rs, I"rayno it. 000 T !u p, nitontlar Ili his aol�tcixiqo.
hum It will thii's be Seen that )iow vabinet shol), And V�-Ilt allortly Open out ITOW14 �1101111 )0141 1'rovillco, arid in tile spring of tile follow- Px4lift oil their licenses Woo canoe
ILOW 111ollb3fli it %N I it t bi+e if. wo, t: oi I I ftall-pox hai abated ut, the loolanclip, yea), took 111) Itis abode iu'thll Township . 01100 got 1)0046113 f0l' tQA1f)0iAI)CQ. lied, sit
Rlillett , John,
I fljintou ha4 great rokkion to Ile I)rj)lltl (if in tile farilitil re litio. IllebUlan, soilln'Almou. Ill, Manses,
rito alattlealexxt of (Atilli" b1t4,
K, notio, K uorr. the mortality (It U046ri�b. mholiaes for u. pi6gle,
Lotq of I Villagers. 0t -111dillhily, ... Tile ITurou 11oad, Willett Wait And did riotolose the!
all ba at�fw�t! iml-1. W, fixer hi"01 school, find alor) that a now hnildw tillilklolflont (!or tho J, )a -
ell IV kboxx k pponed, wAs," the oilly.ToAllway . Va
fuluily HAvis-L I day. most ofAlip�AA". P trg-illtha—�--
-0h f I IATII) R i Y�1101,vtm "s
tir 341-itl it. ,
J��; -it vithir 1141gern were lu'ro, 61* Wothiesday Ito) 00O.CaRtle. UJg and Punk Wands is very groA throp the Traot, Mr. Mun0astlo,por 00'60y followed the salno W100 cour4o and
I `Mm Tearly, -
11 illagel'.A.� to liapposoa now )large disc I�solvoa to o
'Rho Dow uio Do-ard or "rt,ft(Ill sat Ill lllt.qlj�i ;t tivit(g. Id -b" i1row tho A 'Alle liall, Alld tile i'drow TI farm oil this road, about twomilea thereby abowod tile be. Ile
use, W111011
sollip tit tholl at thk� 11311, guil oar balld, pro� otirriall'o0mveralvalurt le bor$ia In 1111up. from whio lallow tbooitQ ofoll4toll. 'A"blit arid law-ablilm", Citizens, find Ilosy, We tvrQ
durilig bmt %vm*k. lip�ilrvto to) if 111.1111 1.1fil miximy* 13111 S. VI-Ack. -to, Iron b
v. M MINI" .1shlog town W44 then roproscuteoX by f
ottkk,W4, for 401ror"Ll Assooia'tioll, juist-R IIH a gooil con 4,ert oa wolitip-Rdily 11ext, I'aborliv. x,ollikavdtfillitm DA ingdon, tqras Out' to, be eoiul4ok typhoid, 1100i �Airly m2dor the reignof
i. :::`. "Kill""riv - , it'ry . P
..v Ittail., Ii. V ill surill"la. 4114to lievid(i a 'ItIoNvi, n �Ikir Yh,
avev uW-r -it 11ila 't'll 0 Vto. of!'Ifolldill"s Anil IWO M Wait. do Jog Shanty of Peter Vanderbur&
Mt hInk llojlg�ollow ;Vf3ro -all inholdtant W. WoWaamill, c4q.84 by alvina bad wittar to the animmls. ",a r
and 4jecussud it, ,11 Ili. ;i. th. tod.4i moutlaf, t -,if I Nam I ......... 1�hiollll receded Mr. Rattpubtiry'a well- MARR
K 111, (If c loft Mrs. Klizabot:
If(! colill l'o, tllilih� I it, w Imlivy, iii, t1do 11111,11 Ml�vhmllivs' Amoviatioll took plwe tit 1118 villago that bt� would 11MV0 toe'.- I ....... !A, U U Olson, h Gillespie (lied oil, tile 1101
A beari4g upolt the ititVI-0i" 'If t - 0 1;x1own, 'Clinton Rawl," Air. Nouricas- the rosideno.o. of' tile'.
of I"ni, till tho oycilling, of tho, Ilth inst" fov tI1O c0loicir" alono.-till1l, Avritten alicillt tbwa 01, lin4t., in thO township at Xforrihigton, At
try, am ng IvItiph' AVA3 tb3f p4wilA VIVotioll of oillmrs 'for III Th 0 clorl; then requioafea, tile 0olinlil to, tlu in latoi years was accua6ditio(I to givo.. bri 0
0 ell ticks, fistli r, bi. Ild"v, A. XcLean, (tit
�%Tlillg �Ycqtr' ali(I tbe, great fige of 104 years. The *ratford uyely and Int0oating a�oounts, OE-tho trotl� inst., Mr. d
agi'ltl- i hat dWy caft. UO- till, tralwat.-tilm of otllttr IluBilioss, 'irlio, trelc- Well, Waraoll. 'Ith
Tralio vs. Protooti=- "Idst "OtO' 11ii,tf NIIIII!J1. . Thf'\ fshil.401c ox ikilht werp fallillf? Mai 11nutor nceordi m6yofl, 1800 by j3gavo?� 0411" "Or the oldest re3ldont tit* 'of Illos Anil triAli whioli the i1rot sebtlerx Mil
141014,� , t t'homoa M Malice from blat year 4144 villoogio loco."ed U1 ffurtlu District, 'RQb0QOA,,1lArr, -of
.11 - 1�0%Or - . I
rthy foLot, that NY k,I 1411"Ll IiW alla hat GSI�T Uroaliwoll
wo 14, inado "'t4lawtht, 0'il, nf 'A H iniies. It Is kin awful fluloo. Mr. iterfaing?, t . K U lurtITUF wbIalX. tlioy
(1,110 -of, UTUP I I worked the! If,& the -
M�-L ij I go �r way manfully to oomtort Ana
Atuib , Ole debate 1� 4 411at 00o vofto:. [wilvVt Of; a Wgionor XIM�)): Ile, AYMIM
9 pia,- silyor mul bronze. - 'Diw gold Ono is to- 4y 1AVUlop UllprOilt yean . V H.414141A
UVOTIAlig fil 1, w1lich buil. Olt, competence.' Ile inaaci a good oleffiring Church, Ivill4rhilln, by ROY, Air. Davis -
Ir4r; W, hiollv 0211 f4el thit, 11141m,10wo lill; eye bollocith Mr, youlig, tot on,
k v kit, eolltikolvIC fill, arid 116141 til-rof) clonae6fil;lyd Alovoil. by lill" Old Ilia at, I r .1110c, throwhous, Ilia farm, and'qjec'to
tiouists, Ocilla tal Flol'it'd lmo I� fall'bion fookil, AW oflotolilb, d M comfortablo dwo,11 Oil wooluesday 24th lnat.� Xr, matk J�U-
0lit J. L Tito marandor at firs
:Ilikiis- t, 11 wed which, ill later, years, us his yourfg� chfition, to' Aiss, !an �Touillt Of joa,
elotiasatifilboat.a Vill, OlkicsLats (,I thd� woll-WA IwA tilliguil llog,�Ior tho atirronit year, . . fi.- t, bul, ill a
h4he 8 ttl V I= III), becairia a 004t1of refined
ohl Unald- aftor Wbiolt tile ritle.b411 Ili th4be sottl it, fall,;
The Votor was: ti a
ts, Ineefin, atlJottraell. The ciopA)ally t1lowns. am
rility lluckico. fell taken %.a follow
though tbors Va% I In fill wil, I# �fl Ile. HAIV Ilia U Alit Nir. 1',opicI6, - 'Mcfifira. Wilsoll, Of U -01V- At ilia agrieWtUrAl, pocility 11100till- at And hospitality, tire f66 ibrance
6 L;parw.teilf thil tit of which will be long retained by, tile,
ik.ii n.nd 4 i1i tilt! 41941 t' (I , (A Aferrickvillo tho excitemout cotiacquout Many
about it, bvt IQ M1 1111111111111 dim)or, wltioll. hall I�voll got lilt 'in Ox. Will"Ixtitt, " erptill oclawflakoi; fell, 151 . roro fi4vilegool,
oll$)", '11AUrlot Girviii, Gaunt, Illach, 11.0gatht 11.pou cipilosijion ill tile clection of otlicers frionds, who Ni to enjoy it. B ki, t,. Ruflatt, Olt tile
Tito I tl,-t `,% Qle� how -,,f tull "Itv I Al r K, Mo?jor(lie I An't frojilo ljio lhoi "relied 06 5,04 224ad !Pat., Nvf
LAI; Wont 14. 6o soviety, 610141016 chair, of)( I'llfY)III1140. U -Arra '. Ta lei!, 0roanwoll, Xorr kilielfamoa, was so. groattlmt a row was itainitialit, arid Fiudiug the life 'zi a farm not congenial to
pur@�7 O.f a %elf
% ;,11. pre. '0(1 -j " y 0 4.
lit Ball, ar" ag
1;1`lkrt rol cpc�� 'vlpli- it I, libmt gionlo,", Okki call TO. oU to fillor, him, If% roillov 0
an irvill, ri'l ad to Godorlob., lie' ]�,Ltn
ptnti.,. .""i fol 11 11. Lovo tho viov,01111ir, T110 Uttolidalivo I "'Onn't v Ito Kaino, polloo wm o:)Iy rostorod. by'aalling alit tho uy,
NOT& Scotian$ Or -it you Mosars" V Ullutail, oil tile 1.qth.Jnqt,,,
an Alubini, your fietta r Gresslvoll� -I opened orwarding all
-wore rQpro-
o Or take it 44011c: mill flin yor litcloP .1,"lliott, Whitely, 11ocaliltall, LooMe" a business as a f 11 `10111�. L, liza6eth Elloby, aged 18 Ilrorlths,
, Hill. ll,oal, 0,114 thoro
round Ana iniu=�! If-, r, " �q In
rout-itivi-A fruill the luallilfilotil ri rig firlivl" of -j- .111a toil I thitt JuJAIL,14 FlirlWyMpikiroplivil 11118sion Illclqi0hant. till$ ho.was rolllarlt� tile 21a�
A— gAn$ of Nvoll-kilowu Alneiicail (I I-, 11�lflu ". Ilcillatt,'011
go'. I -1blo to disp
k1w0), flalliitton�j-ftar- Keyes, 111111taro Jewell; 11ounin ably: gu6Os3fVII;- inil. was, 090 of,
-throo�qar(T-zaoqto all claughto I
Joillitstoll, denco, moix aria 0 all E om -r-of Air. J
fl�al livillUk
-ill 7 '41 -.tllq businoss Ili a short� Unlato� od-ad-van 6
'I'MM -11 Wt 171 P.
I lf"if 'ha7 ''hii
A. po Iliird�' J`61`ifisfoii�K`o11Y-A1P1 -aifa lkrifrl 6 b6,1v�orklil�, r10 fililile Nit, molloi
t *K011t, dL ell.
The mombora. tago., LIr forritig Cliritolt, . frorn i.�',s Viaini .6
M,o; ll�i vikak(ul 'Ito i's X a BI tit, the v Ilia W4,,
ason,. .24. 'SI)%' C 11 Mild -.I afl, -1 .. --1. `1
to ttirli, ili rwu�' ;. and i3liott,. I.-III(Ion,. 11,131 1 t'114 INT riasswoll, Was therdf0ro Inmid. Trunk, Or i ri In , a
tng-tba tat iff railled HvForcll vl$�lx flit, sKmok oll ory, 7 4o his -fa emtocl -t4l :Mfi�.J.j
uVI ra geah
doelaro(l oloutoil NvAriioil 1)y,a,Illll1or4y of toile, railways. Trsivdlora batl
Of df��ILI.avo-J`i 4JIii). I'lay 0 Ostablial villago. a 'good -brick-stor
toot' Waii ii 111-06 111418,1".. -don tllill twilt Ii tit lool".41it. fii� of, Aud-
I A few of th 1111�11 tilt vlol it v�a,.4 romove(I and impa i tim 11"Iflit otVill rokIlt, ft"llil,10 elmo, 1. - I ifoalmoi b' airiess aa;� wheni buyer. Jforq/ years.
7 i" �*, � . - I t'hor bimar clonfevroil, Oii Mat At . Uzzilt.--fil GooloWch kikown4io, ti
bore spoke in fAyor of pvotp�,tillg qgri�nf-'� I,:; I l!Al,,0 :"'011., �llt will w ticaro nct'how. ell iiio C61111611 for 0 :1 Wook, afraill b talent J On, 16.1
Tlin IQ�ctootij oft Ili tho4lArk allioug. t1lo
114t", - two wan tile tolitmiltnes vrom remaril: thou.81lbsci-ibeci wi� dot-larati a (If At Jlio Assizes Ili Toronti 8 alld thO I'ligil ToPntstici� inst., 4V%ry,14411
t 11ma hIl Of C�Iwa hilli, h: bo niitr, thi. pairildie. toaMs of izaboth Blair, A gW. 12
till been broi glit for fair dealing yrliloh� I
'o David IlfauLairo who 11, lie
turists, but 6no ifiel,lborlaald tjll� Wweptil;ft , years...
I 0'r tho 'luft, tlay' of I)ecowbor front Qhi*o to answer to a 4hargo of for-. far
el I" . . I � filing , 4wimultnity%. made him Oqually $ue-
Xndfliin Jravr Avn till late *tkl 10 Awl aI;rro,Vcld. lid aftoring, u choloilo-for $863 -on tile cleastu'l. After
-as tbo, m
- t. 11 1A, I'll Ila. voji;,ral 4v Do
possible,' arket I 1volroxciall I
lli.714 itankli, irlth Itelf, , t
I'(1stialidell. to Ili -Mr. R. Mr- gli , , Wcr4r One.., i
It, lhe� -olin rot, Xoniidg�iilty of uttoring� tliis�thlioJb a a ab a which lie hadr .Very. Usocilit td r
I)rpdu'oa* was L ivert;ool. r, kk�or r 0 "11 11 i: t, till 111i"111111 -tit adjokinloid.. Ban1c, iyAs v Id, le tarn
A ft t�00 ul A., It llls it S �n
ix"r , or, .-- -ioll.- There, Ilion
]IF taideldiv, I tiff Tit Ito other wlffy, call a porsmi 1; -kr $o IaVg
a) .1culturfil [tit 9 ol�equo hi owii it to bavo been Stolen. ad tear Oodox
A.11 _to _et boo
R teal P cl very little iponeyk as to a
able dis6aigsion, mailliftketlidilg [I Ureneral =,with. Ilia son, Ito dirOlOfad, .9 3 a xpoud.
etuin OT ow alestine.
A llitc. 1114' potitt NOX110 lolintillf; rounX,
alflloA -ilullifed U 1 o. w i 4 J C, I I to 1.4boo- ;it M : At Arontreal, o0londdy, in the ltile)�t for
0. 1 InIl ill m4hoad, amil j . . .. W , . . . , . .. I I - I
Monts Attached, whiA TLIT(litu-Jed in t lumlow t3loy collud, tie 1.16BIVital,-Dr. Dralc'o porfopined.0o vary saw Illill, AvIlich AvAs subsecitlenkly romoved garn'lIg What to do, to d() it; and I'low
than, t] rcreb. r Dir, it -ill odior words, to have h1a bra
Tit rhii�,bar 1877 is lik* to ao )'for the County Of B blit help
Ill roull%l. tU%tAkk(k1, lliticl anofiv hold iely. - il
00 of ittrotriM, JOY400, - , - Ilia hands, Ifere ip;
Ul 114 Ill'alla, !flit] IlIGII if011 lc�y I'la'Ted kljj� ,A) n(I promised its two Jackk Ilgill-cf, critic Ito toligue,
(if to. 1�irilongj ill
000 ofj� I 'Alomillastle 100MILAV11410 had erected other arla way; to. old t1iii-, The,
t, it, Iii I Ili% I knilow ijoveaff , it. Vill probably -tvitnoss i IvAs ol�ilo
it, a resojutiou. VYW3 Pa5sketb ...... 14roiogors if Ili oporation 4 cuttiag on* t
�Ilo. biell, of of a young man uaivic(I Led I mall. saving qr extrA prodilotion.-of less tllrtx
to 111AUlIfftetilror"', I lie lillivipal i lintitiltion'k of Caa. finally roWritcol
to I,J b allil Welled Itrollild, to pfz§s thO,oVoning of higlolay's' produre alArglo, bealitiftIll,ro,
boap JO lilt , or all,
Thvxv; in tile ii)opfilng ud,� ell anud in ordor,jn - got -rid of a canclor, which bu1t11,,1is,,s i,,I, 01
visea protection w, 71'likit, S to tow 110,lf a Celli; of ' ir'3 cpnts'a,weo1l;; Nvil(dow
vote stood 124 for) q'i and 4. 1 '1� " "� , . When (allt ovolflo (Ili tlia�p - I .., 1, ividi.l.... � .1 1 . .
';LulIIVV plat Olis tiflow liftokoll MU .
(if wav, though to. -day tile signs 1�ro. threl t 'd out.'s. Iiu� ur I f
4XIS)iWows " bift they W111L be. "N a
if. "Our, Allocit. 01" flillbll�-Ios childr6n a This* af 1877; s�lfindiffly'lllukftrate
born. lVatioll Wal dtid ciily.fri6nd, . oyer 600
wilit biqrsf hAd OV(,rrJJjg'�Jt illovii 'ngraytng. %ver a
19iist be rewoutbarrad'ifiat, i4l, I �J E 4, auk.1
61 . . . u - /vill one, worb, 15robal;Ily two;--tousti* Uskatolt ofbia blisioess career will nf� Thousand
-Part in tbo dobitte 1XIIII yotott �vk�
(jolutnum,of thaxery best, plain, tiractical, tirlist-
Ita I r tio al and Inatorillilly �MtCCWI IlatIORW b0` '81;Thonias, ()it Afouday, was,staii owow to tile oxortio a �y worth� information about the ver7, dai in-clogr
sovierain Y,
lakitii of ott6lfill , "'t " ding near nor, f 'tile 1�jora cloor- 'atid oat -dolor Nvork axii colinfor`t lif 0�iery h file,
i r1nilL jiliAy c etq. 6ry. t,)aAt,. were flival givi'll, th -wheal W'ifih t1froo or fcAr Others,
ties anct towns, and:.nollo f.�orll wt� VI pi the NvIlole il�ierw 1) In withill the U
-itli 1"ongs by Mr. C will Ile,relififile by 1Psiglawl. - Tf;o 0. Water
anklichaol, 'Mr� 0 ge IfIvatod, class of onii it, County, 'Vill, told City. � Th,
Ir�fit. fuld 1� tlpi Illollivilt tilf-i fridilelf Inot -,it IfolluosyllIc. C411al ro I lie lost Ilia balance, Mail fall: into th . rib fees, but
laged and farm$, Whom 010 iut� to AW Cortscly"- A. I rr (0� -*Iiy Whol . 0 i�s not pIrapared by' mere so b
Ijo I 5t1k iiikit., aoccirding, to.,su - clork in, 'llo , tile Solo;, 1qr b
Mit(11141,:11iiI otilels. and; tba Ilrocco(lillg4 news iyawpublici
Jklir - atn to , at Ili tilt underta
or . i ) cl
11,1, lirt , iiKing, .'of Egypt with lllllil�.of wIteal, ohig killed instailtly, 'ings 4Arge forov, of intellig -Avorking well. arid wo-
feelings are adyerlso r prof �ctitkj). T) w 1.6injoany ispok ol,110 Chair., PVIco I.,coK9,A)cipilly'llocivo all( 11100% t0e Mori took a warjn�*filttfri' kilit "
a ugliablatill and the. roucivating of, -04id 6f Ruddell death I arid the�
hfgbl�, -11 flit, ;or..6oXM, by �)Ifl tile , filest E 'lie", wlick k3low i0lat they -write aboni,
Papers. a-1-o-addilig for the general good. Ailloug Ilia last pilb.
SidilIg" are assisted bil 'Ilk-iilly cithora. iybo furnish infor-
Protectionist, Cullneill0s liariclbtl In ter lilD011t, , I'll'O 114011. ill8tID(It occurred at lVallacebum A thme our -
If Shaffml� tho lie acts-AV.u's tbat ('If
qUarlIfleatioll :Intl of ofloo. -, thii l4loyli,took III
0 tlleirall� 01, tile JON$% Jilts forefolt -Vlla� i's doallug. I old lion �of! Normiln A10joan, propriotor of.
Tlatly fdtlg 44t, 1�', v, 1,11� cbai�- Inillotlos of hult mooting Avore read-, fill' y�ohra of ago,ata inooting hold among hig 91d �ucli'
ther falsehood t bibutf.r. is xI lUiln", fj,) Av-! 11 it if Loin.' Vowlit t ilia uIlLieting narkable the 14 ' P,
Q . I � tIc0'NWkiL Ritliiig.4 his neighbors Ili toAViiihip of Goilerich, to An nz�nl Pol boonure, turted 35 y r
ia Jig port of thei 'oto tok y6li 8(flue � Ono ago that 11 rot
cruatiolial Ifeitoli, S
Y pasooLL TheColl akoab�llu wq,golng oll alming ago as a rur*�'
r Ile tf, al)"yl ol, 0 *6. N�tlrii iinalife-ro attdx�o he dillvk�ri 'LP oilljod. 110grl) r
P J� ()(�Joty, Wave -father,. c3iinbed front 016 )),ell davl� 0108nu� ro'lnoto the, constrile'tiolt ot the" L6lidon, i'lif"al, 11"t ainvegreatly crflarged fradipiprovoli,
tinglailial lin, u
6, go-'ati Tilmot of if:,;, 'flivipforil" filtdolito(l "to "Vr. "ititiftit, ud!Wir Ole It Ulat P0414. arid that - the alglis of. it AV to suie'the daily Ivanti; of I every r man, wornan,
oro ob-
.8 a's Sgockild '111flAcin:)" Joti- 310, 1
Und that is that Is. 1,00 mld.i : (flosoll JeAvill1i lie 0 Soo'
I ol Hik pUtev; agic,nt. for. b,'A ;aNqor,-A I act-vablo in wany. it, 1,011;, day nickrning�, and g'Oiilg to A likir6all r6Adh-` Brucill ttailw, y, Ild-livall. t alld'ohild in d okr tho,
No, 8 Sello() Seutioll'; , ']ill(
Clni.,44, Av4s lidded otktV.iId here Ocl a bettle of ter, gulpeddown,the cow the sedond raiWay c6niploted t g k er, the Morchant aildWo'
tion is. --growing and nAlliffly iner �Uilqz�' -all, aud. no qil, dou. .�A travelloll, who hill jilst riner and Gflrd4n,
rtho��vk t , lj.,,,`N, pav� s and 1i entire,-- 'Olk� t opi'llow-tovinshij), whG11 NV1101 re
it a and didd I rout iunday�iiight. ii
010 11litnYllit La folll)d� Wolf bole,
in the country,. It is (loin g -'rioth itig ol� in
't, f roin to liaorsheigs oro%voi(iaj�jtIJ ',ill,lledr fllll I)f Ilso-fill. info
;id(T641, t�o , 'No, N4661 �,
obileerned 1.1o"ing _)lkat t 41
04, �)Ila cif,tIlo Inicti; plates of tIxO.()jr'co of a rinition that,
it, 11 ty &A.bofore, 'hall but VVa.
bXra livery one Ought tki'llave
the , kind. There is not I tUV,�, 8001,f;ty�, cit all, or 11111�11gralxt jlcilvt4 J�lira to,11 pArtR of tho.�rorl$l. r6iiil within its Illitits. single.hints
`3 ItIP'l) 4110 m1rucf1l 0, lo `Ii. Ilk ti) I NV40A, IRRUDg Agruidl ei it tile -of CtOrL 06 Georgian Uay Laiiibqr Yard,' Urravol gron
tisQsightfUl No ellan"of i'l rilord than a whoto
r)jjer 'but 'feted, Isd Intl 'Stia,,
and inielliaen�b ril 'T I rqaparor Vlq Mason-, bave, 4flasod the gatharing. of Itoad, AfOlyfigii6veraltitniaoi a co iAlal rengrA
M403,8,4 eaclij ". . 1.111,; 1 9,00st Of the PlIPe'r. US orig yea
tor Ilia JZ0,kin.. tic noll ym
The iviiliu�l Incloting (A tho.abo�rj Ilaine 6(jr $8,,) ;,,e - I J ilml Jelvs tcv 1431(l%title- titcf-4ac-4-is vorWit. , A' le pa�illi Mao& of -ti,10, peace, blit, oAving to his if I
to the lqineiple. d blleotcfe; ,Jlo, . . . olive urlin )ills reVia-riced it uo'doubtr fir uti6n of t 0 hoat 411, not I s`v6' Plallk for Ifilildillos,and Improvements, Am ll.�
'Ut I , brlb� dwi tile, 1;ntv�l I U x. it, . -ails of co,4, oto,; arid coinalon-ionse diree io
1�oty Ir I ill the". tA)Avn wer a 1)orf()Qv tire of A- wolliall llo� regs
WhAt it opposed Cations, lie d
i;'OU WAS 10 flall, At 0 111m)kititi in t plo I Zboopt, it, un tit in t
nit96 nal hopil Ito foilli n
Swith's Hill, On the 10th inot., to I receive, of the 1801,081itu 1100 a )if 0. Ilia sterling integrity was a4know�' are ivortiffAr moro than. it in b o . e
rly; 1, r I AyliI4 ---
zoo �.)a th MW , a till a]- mprits-63t -afulTinz
-re it . I i
-U=16- a 1 3 1
-06F�T r(iflid., 7yV9 M�k 2
'es hi, that it not be jrioii in tbo nttoratlon -a eyely lilt
of protection t& =An1if;iottR Mr. if. i'. CAI dalifyinill Sall $a ci A �tl pass and ovennoss of tempo 611 y-, ivor al to Ilm ol in tile paPer, Xta.:%
yef�r, fur the election at officar and for 1arly repeaWd, to q tbor libilml forniatioii -br roproselfitation -is, to sa t a
.11totly' 1101)�6 t(Ir quq .0� tion tliere of aofmvish roptiblic.,or'o ckilmtallt, peralatent, and full-1posure of a JAUI.r
will proyif�fa a b kfk� "y. the tinustietion of geuoralbtlsiziti� a. the Clot] - wag paid, *a- cff,�'
ome, 'M�rufkf't fm , , I�Iq z at alI7 carly (into, Clor I rogaid.. 'In p6fitj�iFlx wa it ora,
41ITUte pillvt kkf.�1'15 tfi`i,y vi?o Coverl, 11(jilt. � illit, plioposition. ja� one likely a -very curiotts'piw, 6 titki& (If Hionlitigi nuol � s%vincliers, Alit"
The ltwet�ntr A zided:i. pet statute, -tilo, f�he� Georgetown,- (11; It,; 1.) Adrqi maintained Ilia vieww".-wi uites !in �iorbh, far moro than i iii
proauce. fro shbw bow Wallw-thia-%S- 714a Very 1"iVi"bly. -4ttc eest (it, :rartnieipal ole to si� d like wildfire. � Tliu,ail co tot. cost, au4 holy
;aivred if) the Aft j xillcttaj�
cirld, by. 111111 lAid Over Ito tho. of 40119.1.0
'4�4 �f 0y1�1Qlig by artioa frinn 00�00011 and (lox Tristiall Wol,tol. -irvill At opeci reeciazilre. tbo, 1110k6s some startlin regard for tl�b looling of others w ich, so. 'I ts r6solori arid to
sertion is we tileed (j�ly 11amt, to tLe wm 01 Y10, v'will i'lldr ti'll" fOU Jlto)[i Miller. Indigent, Was, g statonionts resp -s. We
Ulintoo, buth-tila�684fii6q, kleair4v pus I 'onto myiii It: fo��h to fillill pr6pbecy Ing bijred tbo.eatoem Ot, th' o, whosa" opittions that would have �niiti into the hands of sharper$.
kec�llelkl �T qfliarikj are Co llointod',J. 0 balld strdte all
rig freCorla 8 W "of irron6y co he ambuilt,of salary, paid to teachers on The Children 4r
'reports in tb0aaaUI11M1M* Althoti! 4 lit,' 'if I me cm of,citlicers, �hot Avon lit:be:5iry granted 9 amourit ulil be raigoi -t liffered from his own. a was 'especially
ket 911 Why this ios �A boal, i Zre"clectored and finy the -...monist, others tbAtibo p�y eff� gtrif N;ery aseful and elitertMlaing. In .0lort, the.
tVL t
Ito 0 aad Inclindol to retort C1
t6l. ifuo:!1 ,gyl)t
avor tho viotoiiowi place ivith the show. 1'. hot purpoo. ' When r
ill umi�a,L'l . eacher of the higheat class is only :53
I to he paid "'C' Lovott, Calvert $8 t, us as we
W4 Ivan CQ,a -an lit WIVI it Nvill Iseell, it inay-4 liou hor-40MO".
there are not uffiCieut �hi falh.- Tho iii-ot' Sylia are tak too. -it oti6e It. I rbae round, and that beiefit the poor.. As an' itistincos,
�k�&Sw4t the ',ills ary to reduce A Thilf,
lot o
this country to y ave fov there A% lcefillli'�ity tot, I loolat Ing to Ijus, oio&'� to% r0for&"(1, i�2 Jl' )`1' �T0IlU8tGT4 ers'who have fAmilieji t6 tho prao� pilatiou is qt� iflego that the pi,
- 'Ill rhish foully do
to r6flo tho�. So i t U
r $11,20 sup,ply it at 111ittle Above thi
uuoildiblo,' 'and ought'to bo
statioj)OTY, �41,60 Hour 0-1n, th, Rgkl
y xabili to &)rakir -.0ents'per day, tie 3 ;r;
Of thi Coach
liece" bo-ment" necl that Ilia, objected to r;
Ii bAh
waiifying to 11 fro 0 0 'froal its al,- -of wearit will , I
f t le')z
woAd bas bee so lobdorbed.1ii itearet
-of -starvation. ent postq�a*
still 'a Li&ho ber" E, KoIlV" $3r, John-Paidile, tice ig rnqurnl�g, ch 'often
kiva of farm proaw to have ricitiocitI, that Arallift a4pori are l,'ept at thd point poilmr.. _or. $1,60 a
why4 ix. Q i Alm aul y a thibusines'.5.) copies $5.0,- Take olir advice and sehc�Yolliv
'�kbe' f i�nd la�ixb in I
E( 11 . 3. J, affairs a's hardly!, areila 6f civil NV*Ur,�elacin- [�Vh a they roidain 1 caftsea�,npedloss fixilonse to- iflflowd and or-� yqar, s 0 1
Jiue thoit thl'Y'Al !'Juost tlsAe . fitifei); outting
price is paid for o Duilik; Ui4-don 8 to lipt! t6t". educa- Itibitiolli b jughelffi P, tf>r, clog tiwe refund. aria fit: P,6� tln16 - whatt' they Are least . pro-
log taX reffirlded, $k il, 'for If a
p f Ils es t77 (Vol. to (11c
-61 in tba . - fh�'eQ it U�j4
ilionfll * -'treat. railway car$ hav6 ared to ails ai Oil big death -bed lie an- Ne Yovkybu�yfll
almost 01VOl"y town arid, e '4411 02 ails -Vo3wANr 2451treI4(Uvy,'r %v
1,11e pelf- '&rr� Kilapyson, (log tax'refornilod"§1 J, (Ialr-' a ',,unningr. 6iving tD the eltiz e
.1 Joine on is arnily to find 4: Anil !)IVY 1yel't'..
i lip I I qMioil (4theyJ (11, Inall Ili I Pay,
-f t ]if I ',it IQ 40i. f IXAMPler-in
nl�, . jJ%e_f011' ;ridt, 1j' All. an alySill''df. are t is rog cot, r6fiaiaing -from 094 411-
iountry thAn in the cluty of .11ilmilton, hall thor 0 SI I
A/ tu'rpop"In itho SnOiv 'into Via ati�ott ru�he
N1r. I kili 04111
grsvofl;, $6,40 inoclfiiinMr ()h 9
-fv�ietl- to thil 'YIQ Ile (,if I so(ledch 'ghly -lat
o ulat: d, e, ists. The- evvLeo' .4 myttlJorit inirell, rL Iva piainlred (;O'un� . .11 1 �. +
Where a large 1) p w 1 4;61il t�;%Je,' wak thd' V413'-6 fov thi -coutes- ha�iilg a'1i%t ind , I , ", 22 likilohants', .1;�) a-6. yq-- dis lay
t tario Legis atu6 edlmijiedl�i;tely
'4i`�ffiqvr� print be 11rok" -A question n Ar"'s (�O
jar thei.kt -: -to the sidewalks,..: 1. It
I; '6rerencfa the price -of vl;g, Ion 0 . ori r.. -.&Pity
W 4llvgqiw"W A� oil, r( ad, Vviiiial, t6y -iircItIfitbil .0' theu adjo3kurned cglituristal, 18 14wyora,10 dootors,r) ItitnlTer- Ow W, 4,1t
aligh 'JASAIA�vrox, (,Iork� 1' '4 " to wbo wi)L�uy'ths -And friendly to free di6cussion.fivil i A to
wold UV v1W V amoug tho Taffinbera'ituf-ii Aahlield 'tie - , 3,.1114nuftiotdrars, 3jourDa tots, til�
I Ill adl�- - - that th loronte dnrtJljd:,raOSt important 0
t(? a4d- 1f*WiItOz,.*1th �kk �rytaenl, 4 miners piinteili, arid 1 PlOY64; It is reported a T clug all t0016.
paid at Toren -b3rtse find WIlWaIni"Sh, as 4811 AS those Uom. dai IRS, nxtrrbN R�Uonburjfiire�t,
ley 4 ZO r.
I 4�a 1110 .4,8311� part les, - h.63a, natues 7 Stroot Railwpy 001ripany pflar 6,alipply
t pilid in thifir vtA0, - 119g;- W 6111.1 � I I., .
tha -tL& -R& 'oll Smith. Brit he rat a decided believpr in
11A 810107k�' "6�
NALre, On t1l.41'rickof" wort ! violl 1cri w The U. 6 uncil. nieft imrau'lint to statutli. in'M' -1 -T� R.$ 011`1�01;rlwain.tiuth. Ilia last utteranbe, after
c, u- and 1.
by the Shipping f4cilitio:ui of t.. Would ��Xr. of. the, Ur.
lie Abovo i'altilif eer- -�o W th,�;w;Ighborh ich, Okay ITAII Vain n N nday" Jfl�. 1501, at 11 a. I 16ftr on Friday -Pngland; on business 11amilWa railw�y. .0--�utijon
.000;t, of. U odii -tender leave of his ',family,, and
am" d t'WO Cities. '-AS a-f"t1k&� PrOU tainly be IvirVtm o;--.%rq ifiti, pra"".1040 '14td it u, a 410 for taking, so
U Waived th". Altil6st yow of the 'in The Q1oiv4i* guittlemeo,hriving taken - I a WQqV/U4y riainad'Uis. seddiZg �ffecitio"6 'messagoi -by name to
CIA wUlkIll 1'exhu'. of 'lit) of " ',$�a 61 `O9Ti`xedted*.with` the f6ad, wVl to 1isdiloo - Tire havad OJ IRZ
thatprotec);ion is nio"t a 'fifif afbo�s of thatiecti(m,"und were., there- I)t miarnill. was burglarized at Anifierstbu many fricandi; viIaft -it patitiow to Divine 11
n Lkled tr mirea vt URI att�ara with the Tiewly elecited -Pragiao 911, PArflid that she will net be teollomiWil tor Anj
10 Ili) S,'isuday. - Mrs. K 1111 was, gag 0 Oiacoj qlilcilt'ha ploaedby repeating, in hp�sisvq by.hior huiboo
irf *-'sittly iiiall AVIjo fore, elect:ud. 'It is t- I lie -holwd thley will alio%,un office, took theirrgorlitg, Vill" !n Mr, Sargeaut, traffic inalla- . i
for thprpo-lutity u� ',-rl A Iiiiihm
Jagde, Difill-
as to lArgo oul
and that nearn Uilrou, � Simp%on,'Rebire George -road alldboulld hand and but boitig !a r broken-, accents, the Lord's Ir 3�e Ila
e n4l t011n.31CO th(k ho Z�tlm if,019611" MRS. A..oL1J4f.
bappoted to (lie witlia awement tyf tile
11, VVIID know hii sin Hallett,
borbon( .0 of the FgaInfist ar
RQUYI.- Petar Dou as, John'MoKinley and ger) 4 estile.mati, in (I -alone, she mansbed ts) loose u *ell u�jplled to 18%lo,
inaterially liel the' than il� has'llbrato- k� rowd
.,does not ad; Mituttoo of during Air. Ifiekion's SO= Is, and. junip, on� of divindovr� then Itonra.the Vera
-V -,.- Moved kno
it r! e, t
o 0(1
to] lowilig wanNo. t y Tarm fo
W111 tor t'lif,- I)eo-
foirmovs, '. 0 tr &6%riag ilia alarru. Mie buglars made l)fr the perfect man. and bihol Sale.
a riod'r Moved
so(:. 1) NKT� � Aikenliewl, that
at -.the pi -ice pf land i'l this!"' ple in this section is
to the f a�t th )Vill. by. acclamation. 11,01)t Poid, Ila Treasurer— ar wiU., lcnglla iilwollory, but ill: their burry to for tile end of that tiiiii in eac
ThM a iflaj if 11, Auld (ii'lilgors UIA fial-nill. VA esc�llt Ili. j,aft lor satil keli-ping" � IVI)Oli
ent-W, X. JI'vdarl. Second 1, ailtle, � UQC" b5', Mr. itsoape forgolt
county io'but a trille lowir' thia tliat-in N ice Ieemifl �kj lifiltibloy, that a-molSt, fantistic girall, tho plate, w igh,.1licy� jj�td T Illifillifil eligibly Flitilatila tarifi.boiliog Wit 34*aAafI;,
1h, a tils, il-lltW.IvIUQy, no Viol., iind Also thitt'Tectalas F, brotight in'sho %Mora prapaied, for earrying ciff,
the neigixborhooa of Torontol higb- -4 oro"qP.-il Cq.,l t'l."TAUP., J,('Oui�er- Plunkett be Clerk oth eon, Godotich IN
Sn"OlL, � ;jCrfi nil had fora, veil a piece of
toy, ,L Varcoe,-- Tr6nslirer B. Soro;tr liai'lis Ill) ililditor. :11110. Redyet ap- bf.patchwoAl" a
_-It I fired laca, ourtain iyhich gwyd liar Severlvl hie OdleigjaUlaWtutes: &lid High Schools; the' fliheon" Ll "10$ (rOn' thO f0ron.r �Tb' furni I
1piq loarilis *and Illy- thaber,kin
iTcl, se. a large,fig , U
or than most' of tbfii, Which i.,lirrousidel liar, 0 . io Barber at-
-v, � ...... r-1 Alleti's. -it i add 4,pear4rioo.-Sitof(fl. houses tak 1 if,, it lesson- from tj all kid roads abutit 61 nifloolrom clintoti � hoe
it; Njr. (4, tie, that John Artristrwig ft'
E2-71tl MulthaIii, 85tephen Androlwa, Wm. by" jk$ I I f: GILAIT . T OR 11 fln �lf,�Kjfl Affect Of wateris well fml
1, dvitrad, altogelhor, eonivalleo one of tho i
JMo0ior hu Sulkelid, Sohn, be Also that 'A..',4 A deadly 41 their amployes that if All of orkshat iy3,plckxktyqfbaV4ing",rkU bl.1.11
Hamilton. Titer.11'eal tmt4, i tinc,"410 1 1. 7*11' r, 'havlbr Avar�)ed-
tl, 0 'clo' 'COX' jo taker at tbv -ill ar; London, The 111,11 lifilloons,' likowling -all oyg, or' faribli-iii tba fi)wklioblls,, 14 acirell' tinkilit tell wllkikk�,
iW . fiu�oll be I I
if, 4 being, ty' G fomia arm
zmkin At
Ot afected all aw irlited Just a !Cornks'llbeftf, ItIld Millie known On to
;� 'Trie 0111cial Itogalatioriq ot tile JWpatt:,
farmer is n it., Ily,w) Ulk
Moved Ijy Ur t 10CialolY t., kil AIr...Doilg- vietifft was a sinall Aor�laopor nanied'Win, �ublw billiard roomil, orlill. * toling, P. fasit 1161
wai abotit, to close Ilia place' met 'ill School grant plidelialt, Vill �Tflla'
JIDJ�lk I , 11A
50, fiirwork-olahs Dyinond, 3, 1 h 7 7.
the people in this 00111101 lit3p 00 Ur� Peek be paiil "15 they. will bo'disc'Urgod. Theconsequenclo It proVide that ilia Ill
P (1,15111 ("rosbou mid not flottle(i foin -(.!d. Movoo has beefl the I)alt wook an. ex.,
Farmers are now briaging ilt lyliwit, P-1um Fatnity bell Ritigeri, td: iught, At Oil of himilless, botwoo.11 ton and olovisli wolopk", shall be distribuied as follows
Vin! Mr. castl by Mr. AikollhanA, that a Of kraoirdirilary ii)llsix to 'the. 1110mbtfirshili of' r, A grant *in the payinent It fikeLl '11-
Tflyqx Hall.. and was entirely al 6,i -A, s6rangor" Notes Lost.
fifsjititto'in Toronto, the oftell Soliciol.
o' Soo'
---peas, batley and pork and -piiop oi' I -.if I . 1W lit. to eaell, of thoPoitlirnill'? 0 cut build, whoso faco was almost coverud thd Ifeelianioll lb 0
',ill[ (11ark's Lw,, at the )life inn. I
Svyvilit, sorvl�oes are hoitii conducteol in hiff oWn-Itull 1, 1 3 it "1011b is
those articles is depL-ndeiit, upoa, a 'fiel- with a inuffloi, entered arld looked around r0crefitIOU 1-004-01 i� hiel a t b I I XL A giant on tho btlais of average at- LOST, OR IMMIL111, Two XOTES Ol� 11110),
It also th,4 $2 Ile paid for tire dravulailAvor onxilvirg. Thunipgoit & wiluallis,.
(It Straftotili ffor V22 vaelf. one givell by W. Brow1k1tok,
p; Itool b use wbore tbo.olodti it 4 1
niand bid- him'good Qvell- orow
eign ularket. of exe e Dy I
of this lilaces buth of whioil Are laraely at- "Ile (7, ing, but the other roplied, Va a spi 0 At 0 ttawa, on 11 ard Itawkina, 'Iff, of 15lyt1i f0io other -by Allan Okitilf, of Moot W li lick;
I -raw hall!, And. $2 for. a loolt Ini thol. liall, v t
Ii k� *.r: v. . . - I I
We bave repeatedly. hCod, parfies , r-. aguil�fft you," aud. dashell at 111m. with u A tailor ihrew'a handfill (if oftyaritte poppor I V, A prant, ati the results of the Inter. h9roby
N, � t, "Itt - I
i: Path-nifisters for 1917,46froloh Wild, C,Wild, glIalilit 116gotititliflit floci(I notog, no payVackifit Of the alwall
make use of the argnment Iin fwor- of In ' 'a' ' , - il will ba A� Stitlitig. X R, WO"Itiake"P, Voinhalo, Ni wootlelf, otilb, with which lie dealt him 6- into tile faw of, T. Buc;ki:tt, head cle? k foi- 1110(iiaic RKatub4ation. likig been stapplid.-,
-owirit, tho poppor' t1oder boad JIL1110 I
10 tri Tbirsk, Wfu, Adaillarato, Russell & Co, After thi �"Vfknf; for the lafit
f". MOsgeau, Ntrl k -`11,
[if- half year of18776, viv. $5,000 is apportiorl-
protection, that it wculd calls?"tIle Coll- lielil kill the Mitt 'bore, oa'Afondmy evon- j,J),JJ, r I ".,B% c1l;itol', Jarl
to%, Strlif;jld 4115
lion Ile
U (1, but tho ruillan-boitirf Ito rabbod it into U&.Lett's oyba,
Ing next, A'aw6ber of prizils are, Offored C r(mdor,A, Campholl. J.
fee coati)m6s, of which tlw*a-will Ukely ba.
14.1nnier, W, TWhIvell, J-.401calson, I soon ovor;, fla
f, 1-*4pfek, I . . MZ ilia 1110tio poworful Inat initiation sot �ii atill lie will probably logo all Its followi.:
gumption of the produce in this frotiutry �,. ", 'it, 1). winegardilly, in, For Sale cheap.
Jtl0l rink, Win 'hii sight. Ilia a6why was tarribla. Ifalir- .' Six. soll4ola Oiall receive $1�3.13 each,
.17.- Aritiortrolig, K,. C catylo Dymond, and after bolalSo
instead of being s6nWway, aud it coul(l, a large number. Tito bu,nill. will boin at- 0 a
a Dollglag, 'T" se'Affer, s. NtaltPide, f. 11,rrof*, J. into a state of so6tWongibility, 1) it Ila$ been arrostaid. Tliv dead was douo -namely, Brantford, (hilt, 113fullforl" Ott Iv r, r,
io i�r7 - N= -W 1, roillfeed a 4cill i,V�0-110T?813 COXTAINbW it 1tOOAIR -
1c. " I, f.. " '' "Jobill
..'r, 11 1 stillson. If. link X", Warl.
therefore tilrn.13a t : tht'latId filc 616 -,V". 'I., . . 1 -1 . . 1 %. .: 'to Pitt jtL Into '111S 111OUkh. out of roveligo wa, St.. Catharines, Toronto, �flflcl �Cllllr, with Over J nere (if lefido a
0s, re 0 1 1 . . I I . ArtnatFoitg, A. lid tried ,,Pn orobalrd, IA53, W, A.kfaClyraorit, J. Reid, W. RVitt, Sat. 114 him und-his limbs TI'irfoon shatl receivo $118 ancli, namely, "Illy vittilit(.4 inAlte Town ofOUntozi, 1at train 11'e,
fi'loltx Buft To Bja,)Tai4 -onillt."I
*]laps of J. voebrinp., kg Was Placed Ott Itugsall to disellargo HaAvIchil; fropl,thoir I
Forest.,(": �lldvi%41f, "90
all of I'aSt WOOIC the o"4igJtffJr had P, piece of 1, woio it(, the rufflan tuok tho sum employ; A; 8. FISUEU, ftont,
asing dotoriotati pol 4 W, Nzoll, 8, Rcill, T. Mills, farrylor, I .
annual ancl incre P`)Utq under this oft 'on, boarhig the i of qf)(l fir I lett-ttio shtig, Collingwood, Kingston, London,, Potarbo-
51gr 0,111 Ilia person aw
I: u:;n 411n 'ti Uarys�
'Swith, J. 140gal:
wAd datect Chicillgo,. J)Ie(lI,,T, INV"Farline Tile affiviv attractid no oyo$ attantion, a&t
the soil, forgetting the flieA fliat. 6#03. kture (If "Iftibernious;J1 I W. Ame�' W 116l)o, Por.kPorry, 8
Pr� 41 eae, Appoweed in' W.'.L IlIggiall' J. Niellart, after Dywfilal I'llitip'l -6. _,, er
77. Tito a4ma pd mn, J. fill le "lid n-11 r -cal� 'Tit ail -
like Now York, 'W4 'Tan.;. 18 0 off, I ga Ito tall OUt fo 1"Otir �Jiall 110061vou
und filtrillarly 'I., N , -, n, , I all by a t Iiin, tic funti 0
-w Zt;L ok,�r A yeAr algo, 11, forfurtata intut waot tilt' Ilia Way to InUkot
tha IM. tile us secure
11, Bfil Vill 't, Iliggilill, W. 14,00te, jr., '17
N14 "14 to- 1`1111T, V.10134,10MI-3 TO WITUll: TftZ
situated,which., contains, with'thilslir- liermot, G. 3160611414, T, Pingli-Mo,1, diolp, Tito gag wits oil go, firmly that lie Barrie Xalitmoo, Xeivitiarket, 11atia, X. 1101he gribelaliv that (hoi, Move evipred Into part.
A,. F� 1), �f�t horlila alid oleigh, and full. ilito a,
rounding cities of Brooklyn, J cr3vy1 lo- w. thil Kompp.LL,I)., Principal of thili yollng tuall AIM receive %aasoll'unnielyiI lu'rolial" Ion! ilto 1,1111111,110 Of ear*Ing 4,11 tile b1fiekstaUlt.
[zlotardi Jo,Ueed000k.' W. Atur. c6uld not-disallgagb it or Cry *01]f" So 11" Jl()rJ '111, ,,1, 1
y', T, Ntoqaaaa, kt� Trfwlf�#oto, kuooketl at tile neighbors' alternately . 0 to) al�o 11" lijolonto, Uelloville, Brampton Elora flit' 1111910PRK iff Ali ff�4 lW411410k, JA the 111111diffil (OrillOr-
a 'lie J. Ntdkikll� way n1ollo'. The w6lgal mistook tile track 1 $ ly tiedillsie't by 11r, F.,halwok,
to; Li , 0611agis, Brantford, will preadh two Potindkowilon: pro' y, atld who,, OrodurielijIngerioll; Mucat'dillo, Oshawa,
boken, 11attersoll, crid W, Stf\111ittry. U. Talbot, until. 1.0 at last found ussistallco, Ito for thof roacl. leading hito tho fuit AAU (JIMSUO-Vt,
ard J'anday lloxt, (Iridrn- Gralififim, 0.
ri, cov
I. Of it go alill -Jilltli vv,,t-j�J% ;1, to t1to trttill.101 a4d. driver ()fffca Slitiild, Perth, 14tratfoord, 81ratbro- When- they wilt I,, Irrarnreit ii* ov�euta alrora"or cu.
A, C, Ii, al' eking mpootaclo, bein
Ing alul ovelling) ill the Pres*tetian allur6h, D j("ita, 1) tile glig.1tost eiuo Ilia �Vatordown, wollallit felt to tljo.oly" ill r It
rol 16hilisoil, T� Ittidoolli, A Citme. with. blood. - Tharo is trot at
)oil. tathe tullinkilsidentity. Silvoral peraong
by shipping it far o u6U IV It into fier-J., Ott tlio monaa oiling follolvin D" Roso. lf, Xitchall, 't, 901 were illstallf 13.1 Wolf, IV"" rtfi' 81�gll ;#us
rot, S. Dio
y be hotd in the' gal, jilid A. 8�vftn, Ponce-viewcm R-�Nvat�
rftetinbY will saud-pieces.'
to piayout it boing a, quiatialeal t�?� J I" ti' sua�.atftdlfof having, a spiiO-,Against Dyfriond BilIttlated I A* ' ive I .'ea(;Ii,. v amoly j Tbistle-Cattevi,. $ad Ploug
lace, ab' Rov,,U. UcQtzAt-' -Fitfu J Dowsol), W, VIPUoUt, 't Vir Four �sliull roce S52 1 Ila, and Iron
oo Ivouka agii there- came. W Harrows wilde it, spoclality, and warratit.
l.1i',l,V! 4'rolitch"I Saint p: 0 Waro totfud. to 11AV6 bear%- in, thoit bods -,it Abell lllsby,' Vanlqok-
x� Itli mitqligall fir rioll., of Winghain, will be present. trik.
'ilmoro. 'arroneq, , *%
fill ti, .. � I otitatio, front the Ullitod. .14titw
Av.".N6(64, f. NiltlOfnll, 1, od utisurpassed.
G I'M, tile thlia 6f tile oca I
tail(IV. �%'Uljffil)g 111. %�%y li4ll receive 130 ciiach, wilnolyi
WARDEN, DX*ATll.- -A, vory'alidden death rai"thig -imilora 8114 fixylig their, salliripil. word I'll 11,111sonburg recently the Dfinkin Act c1lunt OOUTTS�
U1,1n tile Comity of ficint, 110 roil"al"' Onalpli, Atarkhaur, Park 11111, Ilichracklitt cilriLOU, stizu
AllA floill to owurrod (ill, the.3rll. oolf., GoAfarich Tovvn�- pjgsp(l, b Or' tile w&q 'voted otto A bet was made of $100
ell thaie direo and foil illjove With
-port 'tit flio, ast. While tit 'Iturtlity ill March, at two. ck,alock Is. in `�t'eg that olle of tile
roteranca to otir. rc 1,'riday evening L W rat h
Q�klljl "i , Twelity-sovell shali reevivo $24 oltell,
Ci t oa tabla, tbo ivite*of Alv..D. IlLtsitzur, Clork.... "twoo" two 1)' Thoy
reaty, ting nt tho* t onavgcU6 supporters of Clio Adb iibuld not Auction Sale
county Council. 1)ioC0&1IxIgff, - it relliolved to, Ole ' arvillf" Where Ito sat "UP ilainely, Amprior, - Aylknor,: Cla-lod011iak
I td if, no, iiii,k)LE14- Mka 601d, aged 60 Yeate, droppoid 13 or head oto for it till tho'Joy. of polling, Tiler Or
I, sh()p (Wirtuo(lita, - Iroquois,
q9on that G. X. '11, alldr-COIJI11 aJ1(,4dd busiflegg. Things Droillindildvill
'UroligWAIlir All Ill Alathows, of Brant. V
Wit t4i,*�k-?, UP P... t.'4VtT; ilittirit On liar bicast 4ud instantly expired, 110t, lix-Mayor 1. morixii)g solootdd for jothig w"(8 44 lovely
lit I that had I)& aquinat Mr. prospered. linfil a fOAV (143 690, WhOft thOy lvllllcl� Nvoj
Tuokeramith, lien been pli-Ai Ili NVirljo liaving Rufforad any provious 111nost 840 ford, die OXIVriclay. Oil.b, und. ilia mAl I ThUir )lot lii�,# !)all cooled , it
of % -alitary, oly SlIxt. �'Vlxijo Alaty 41oastrosser, U, IVAR -.,a votbig dXVV4 N601irp, Xovllroidd, Oakville, Pornbrokoi Ill oN 71TTIM11, ilttilf- TIM, l4i it.
UT , ti'lrjo no ich Cot Jk Ili) LO WS )IOLISO Ittit
for the preocut yoar. y, a, very larga number -.Wouding bar to, pass betwooft tjvi)� PjJr woul(I tot staml. the strain (if their quarrel, T41' "Ak;L'
i'011, Ileill, of tile largo Anil ardall weigh' NeW60 In.
t�g,' W1 li� I lit! Z' ill L t-Ldvilr" dit, tions offvrekj to drive him to tho polling place. Notall, Port Dovor, J%i�ott; sartlift, Sim.
pal toil. 'tilitlivillo,S�r okni, T �`Illn , ion wAll I [tit 4111) toll markilt, Nvill 'be Aola ty
froighe train that wasdat"hig together, was accepted, bf�X, stratigo to say, aria noir May tire coo,S _tlenlv horold, Tran� ot"il
NVhdll till) no* JIM$ at . 'llrallipto"t 18110 was Ualighl; 110twoon Clio ho' 21;1�!Olr ofthe'. bu hall Djonstroal 'Var says 'I'll Oro is now tonj Nvatafivillp'. 'W"Clatort": Williamstown
OnUriols Vin..ancial 1,au.kda ;)y P. Witil. 011 ilh. rin. CHAMW, or Pil M.5 Ott 'Wadhosdays - Fob, 14thii
it and alilloof histAlItly. t M little way iifr aw! all It fil 1)(Issensiolt lit Dr, Thigas, of st, 11011ri,
-I JJ"fulat" fmol. W U I fill. Of tile Urand Truilk 040tu into efroot 0 ra , killed it note'to pulloo M waitkil)p Tho remain'th, lleboohq 11.0 ontitio(I TOrnio allit: knownpa 4ay of of lit,
tvf�,*(,F t tIqy audAtera wha, plenty XV),111ablo relie'ht tho'form of a
Tini, Toponto. Ropubiq 7 ,qll 1A., .1.1 r. .1 ' I- 'L' , I r , I . ". � 11 � "I � , I
1�11J!Uflg I'll, �, I W4, 6411,olgkl��Alq lta Such w 0) 0 1 tt -t -
?Uu,-a s0okkagd"M 2rho: fallowl lota�..hl. W, Lvilim . -baf-itievely- f' A
talf;Of taxatifill b-titua would cotivince ilia Godorieli Mun(II, -Aa sointy fir 6f ti -ZVT1 tl,b-#i IM'c16-iloharhi-, .&J�,ftfj 0 1 rr".
Ablo. -of 66� x
it- but 4 allot of this, wook�, cou J) CorItS. flat
yLixie, y the Trapurar, MvWrAl A vury scittfl th, ))AGGI)iad, Anil �n drivo ships, Le Palo lietwillo, in whivIl'taciplea $-wo cabit 5
fAdtory'state of aftaira. w6rp wa i tii pal thdia., ail't jilcl ('iilwit "ItMolo.ft; tho 00111pany of the 11000gaity" f a thatsud" So nento; 110ni, 4�4,06 late al'ating Con-. Tile Dutiltill filawel
Ventura t4 afty Aft OVOIJ tilt) llji)lit r vii foll"', otboriliar. Illy opflo, ifIgnt", tolar(pidahle, ai� rilike)-. of Ithmic fittooll miles, ill opito �t W4,ro. . cartior IllaIklo Ilia mentorAbla voyagd'co thih unit of 4verage attalultwee, and any suins.
tit the new arrangomont wag UOYth Wet, ;Iilot %vitIv ace!
mol fi,r n %,;roifit f1d,41 (it CaW f4w" I ivill g late 'wilit tbellibrany, Ono Ill the- rosidtod.. Tito other pArty CotintrY, and uailett flintwxy4m awarded to.tholn. On ifio*ie-
of tho I'did limlibt Ill, Its n. 10, G
supportolto suited to,thif wants (If tile P01 o tih.
Would be t"ho, eago'. Via difen (Able, "lif'oll, hor�oh and Int tiloo of, plaro, tor 025 a'Aide, Il had m1do -tile hot by thill Utoo Ilad treat Ronto '100 years ago" Tito stick iiiii -AtUt—a 4 Cut fiderniediAto oxanlinixtioni
yy 110'"A
tfailltry gwug to i,ro.-v 116taivi It ratt tid to 190911ton,
hillittly AW44 that 110d 10011 WWI. Anil tile PAU- dorstawl tliitb a 116liv.tablo will go iiltu 01toft 0I kilt wilvit of tho Advoiltued atul detoralinad lirosolitud, to a progoiltior of Father Mark n4wely, AlokmicIrl,
Qr, (ci 0 Nowt 0i it ywvi. ri-eipromsy treaty, woulft botrilly Ullortly, wIlich V011 roatovo the trainsw M11011 bytio I ',lay or Play.. In iva of Me. Do 'All(T 1, L B-8,
purso W r6asoft of Elie 11haral liffuliN tit to 'I tile' little guntlo, lie wollb to a To t gas, ato eWT Urailford, Caylign, 061borno, dorliwalf,
o phittiga. Thii 0 tTjO 6fampballf f)rd, olyll IT(JITT",for I tylo "Allot :Pionleh
Ilery, Que., who, in tIM1,gAVO it t
railwisys, it is gratifying tro hilow 11lat the Lail w XOwl"hig. (La they were 640ro th 11A.414iiiii Tait Ito tom),und 0 rs�L tit
Gin tilling tha 00 '1 plan Who had t ohathatn� Carleton PIrlet
oil title; I civV011 lialoli, brAnall Danville, S.
Illirgo surphlig, whiolt 1160 befin 14(io vkurifl4lly' ltn,ij, lf;tv�llg, 0W aeolleadit. 11aniallo Doetot� If is of, 04k, Aild still ill good Varinbrov.1110, Vorglig, flawko oft 11toitto (111tramo ovot Tbil MOW 10 ficirmulid.
ft exilliffilift allot tillblidaill
Wcht ofiliedially boatifittot), All thilibitif), b0aft At., Tito Autittal, mfiolting of 010 8011th Mlfft 'b ItLyffig 4 big prido Ningitra) .,
lwapl?) allot Milt -evatitually over, zolldif!M-
husbArided khaso thrile yonrif pitift, 01W;4zr*ts 0 , V, WAO hold at UilutagoigIt of h(F I )T,Avorkf on ioud Is
-1)1,6 f';a. IWO pwit'! L"iri'llawbilo moRt 011ift alit fre"I the outlif!6 worla. llomb tkavoll, (tit
A the Map Nil, 4, an' -Itntiln0a, OtAtigavillo, .1101't aibr. It IR 1lt 15. We 'Rolla thyflo,
most What, 1,114 o2votiflil. - HOW , br000llolet, bit Weflslda ny 1401. Tito if,ok the. got hitn' Out of boys"of subool-Rolett Oakwood, (
oirwl Tit a lililixttgof will bo h ;11#' orty) V
rodr sioatils td haya '11tem Tdlft",:xowl,i�l I Atiia %, 4434 him ttl- shard, t It t pluv"A practicill lake Rowan, Packon
attomfoilloo of. inel Thok tspotb ItAra, Itlintiow, strentavilTo militil, ishrolaw Imil ther 13t)4T(m Wzu ftY.OLOD1, a largoli
n, timily, doey I* ndirl; paimt, with lakdoilif.
drova bapic Alid 40411Y Ott I oil titindor of) Or I
IlIna to ISAVO booll ifilicla I�Ijflj A W140dit; fl� U ti, I I'le �ifir 01, all e4oh 1;1444uro, '09 the D40016'ra iiaw Intl try tit# '400tothry, I ,I,
ve p a rf allst, uxbviilgo, Vion till,41, ellooil, pitzcla, illiviialorti, still All plipulor 460".
or, Mt
Atxy!440f. IfT, VIVANY.14 ti4il RWC. 0 ?Af. 411ppilantly at tho just ilir hiiij lf� or x1foh"'by lockipgo Stirl, Smith
roodiptI4 %G,f'st -,ill; �:'J 14.111thO ltdV To WT T1lA1$lZ.4 6O1A%t1TlP4Wy adoptA, .1horotulh,10 hoo. ol 1110(loo, thd Other (lay. lliotdok, a hilibEh1q, tot ooly do JK
hfirdly a babo'bairg olvPtrui,l L,.,f t, oil foavIsgtillo & �Xnilhig, W&rds hom the Rovotill brA11011 Anoidiii" Vote nill�lltea boldrolho 1,16tit Ar plo'ling, t tile solloo
tho all,
16 We loarn. that the Taotoloro- Avibilhig MA hot, ba, noa)y �`illrl;g Iteit thele fail,, tlr,,, ge,,,td 0 Ino'nills, flit If ARMIERWAntol, Aadmoriff L
inion g1vott,by Ur"Gutliptof Q. 0�) (ir'ODr,, 919 lirkohingtoft Atfolot
11441, )I0JtIi1lS`kto1 JIV11,4101APt!) Avill You 11driAln, 0114tolu ior hint, all 400tually him Admission, ntill
I CIO lauch to. �Ake ill - . hostilitiot, of i3ourae, * Thooll higto,
lid flindit, 411d *JI 44 If yet$ Ima trioll 0 200kire a"attle, by dil, SMItIrk Noolat.V h#'(1 li%at Year 688 1110111berg, UMI cqmt�oliioo(1, ' Tha hatchati wria d6utir solicitor for wollf J)" was that
thilt. thif praddlat 40® Wa., phict 139. - at
z); t4o, 41,a- ...4, toll; W1 it fill this view of *6 Ifiblillhols, Anil paid 42a,76 In lil,1000!, 8tailloy 9046go or� pounty 'i oil' tho boya imakitig at) any morchant or trader 60111a 011 five gal. S
roldigid in It% tuo of t1la u. kai vo,,) "'430444"L i6 fw�y 1;13, le'lat, Aplillopht, f (loll$ Ing, 4 laily hoWovet
4" 11 ;St4tj,�l. or ot IL dozen' bottlos of Aid or
poopla to t. ho'cli 180� OWMbfird"AI)d �Vftj& �J,� a Ott *4b Awl'i Caim atisuell. Olt tile fol- tells of, liqu
j2 JA laiWYL't. ', Ila 4J4?jr d4 Olt t t I
fit U Mora thilh 114JX4 Wilt 41W 011lezoyl; X4,J%t&r. thlit;inditoos P11 MOKE
robAbla t1il .1,11 a A 116tilic pint,04 APO Ogy r Without any license wilhtovor, W.
411., , at -jilts wilil. not tho call thoy WoU14 iltillpholix akiii Utbonlo bactAo I iflowli0jo, Thi to her office wa, foil 1; lowilig mbrningr, it appears, Mr.' Xnott A. AlciX,oltIltio, ao)lioitor fol, thoribotItl,
Wily 1,6114y P111railod lit ttkikqj�tjl %64 1
6446 Aud thitt wI1v4y4* A t 1.'*. 4 's, Apitclo too kwv Tiff 11 PAY111a yon g5tildthing for nothlug", Alalag 00614typAid tit oil tile 4odry 11 Gotta 'td My hub4as had rogtottlia his 10hioncy, -aild was Bell-
;"I'li li,D-4 'el� Iq oko"0604 "'Ir giiiia last yoilir 4800,.
. � , I P. 44"p 'Phil dorevolloo bowalla a J,Jl ot hJ411%hoo of r
yz!,% Iml *,440"Ut bRok iiii 80 IV good rod# under
M 0 1, ". . ; r �., �,i �, jilleWn Uy t iii TrOliAlitar'# V0001, ttlnll' il ty, Of floroal, hAg instrootod, tho, 41"Ilroll
t tho 00uniq will 1 4. 1 itawspopes, pubi, No blid tia stov�)
fidar mt. orkitoko, A t' , , 4 or i I'd lo ., 4 01*1 lit a 611AIII(te otalmor.
0 tt 44IN ky kk1A *II k%, - 0 k1rigalli -.040 146W yea%, 1411 AtmewArdn MWO 'we sl4vo again to 01111 4afthtitf6ft to
�11'0104 � - I t.. !*lot, i"14"k 141,Afor,i. 201 461101 Drill that aud i1i'llmo tot with whieh liq WWI tJrI,,,rd,,
011161 1144tiagghnil b "rim tollowIll, 01WOrg ward olfiotoll;l "git
4, p4riy; of Sao, S�Joq gonsl Mt namerO14 irallatiolla or Us,
4vil JIis.144y 0-o, 1"J, Ill'.1 114 4410 wulilifilllihy, whila Ola othor 0110 .04,44 15MOU, Ift, tot th6 bolygl, Tiverity-All, of t Alto. An unknown Anlerieffli,
V # I, �4 litv ftwighlOW14 ii) fi�- t I �Vkit� , IN't, Nil, TilAorgaillb,
RAN ft no. twou W 4444& 1 it,40, ji fffo�a IWO&,or "it lol)ii 4 �, . ' r , I A majokily, gut, thi wannori,
itiatlav, Ar,4 on �kuu, i4Ntzr ot, WAV 0011616 hir 011(f 11408till, v ViAikaffi, VIUllfar, lei is olergyism, A *POAMANtally 'k alituboa to t1ill tuadolptible billaollea I)( U10 -Mt )lilt d6th. 10
(4 0' ily4p'.9i" vsVititAl WN 7.14
AZW.1' WA,.* �.N* hy"r., 'Y'll-w, 440 i*, Lot tho roblnsv%blol MAN ill the fioulaqI, kill, oidlildifixt, yolingstam wero
Aittkad hl* io" - Iledildifilt; Dr. ColtinAll, tieAloit1j, god N 68, protiijnwlt groiarf, aild gin twip. and tllo made to all! pod w0hr, loall, of potatoes fro" st, Myrtle Xayy TOBACCforlll
oricagilkIng tivol depArilif Y iyfdhld"A� SAInklel linutlio, k4sitiffew Joel tilat Me, Itnobt wiat not toy be foll iq ofal .
-4ylk 6( � 40,1 thosybiew of :OOV thom frollf trosevitig, 116 Acoofil.
"i0ragAw.411, Troltilka#r. *Ith to It
1611"Ar kalitt olliltill4is 14 lalli tit 444usir Py I glijbilftg lid 13,46, luld bAa r, Steve PlIceed iii t,
410161of whin tho Ully, tilull. 44,;,,k 'fit rolhA. TUU STAMP
Vol .44pild loll w6fik. 0114 4? 04 pufy-�Adb
4 It ablil ta ihdsga� ,4prgj, Gplj� Jwiksalci', gag W4 tile Daftfitli.01 A I
afar hil tnal, Vill Aud a iumboi attha aeltolm ptinit(I gle hilict Ij%d -a atipply of liqAltsr
of ti 0
otA'��i and �CaOA4 rtai4w
far y
o extra,
, i "
F 'areaft tile IV r rel
r w
s� b
th a
;.0% �;.4zltvf, Ai" Vi o4fil, ana Will laipposed Glilboil, f6b
ulid t, phands, Anil brolight 40#4
Whi'lih illi "M=#40. Co frill 'it) 1, 41mator.; 114oliAll; I Ooi,,, N 1110, XR00 Isla IttlarMlition figAillift hit%. boffto ar ft on b,
wl*4 1144444; RxjrJJQJ J%filslikilro w -1.2241 tist6t,"#44 ?A 01AgI#trAtj). Uoloref tbo IlotjVr jot tfaal
*41411hy aS pragpoill-120 "V, �Njit 104 Mar 40 train reikelloa 1,
24 'A 14140t,ol ill. Iliall 1 6 i it) upd *116tv t! 41041 Aamm 414
on %til$ 41#0 110%t 1116 tjig ISt
'a' AV&flidi 110WOVOY,
A 91 bro)o 4 lia MICA ill Arift(
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