HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1877-01-18, Page 4Diwolutoloiiof Partner- Itt whiel� equal 9.6 4 a lbill, � tielil T'0 C, A 9, B- U.Y E 9 �t')" oll tudayl, W(bough, Ito ofthe title S . ,pps'lihs 110180111; cut out to tartlay, joatoly &Vvc by tag, IlIte trrIll, and 001;e4to all it oil H'i with it 1101 bovoralto w1doll tally III tutu) 6) by Ilktilt, who will 41001 ro all obt. Ile ttiko 010M to 0-0 91-6ut 111141 ' 4116 hI Ile-, wilil pithwes of them whila t, . , , V ! city, at 00 k1to juditliouti 8o, ol, bilolt articles of diet botilt tit), ull. FITZ31MONS. 111dillievil (likelOsing tile fact that a oulkstitul tile )oullo folko. to til strong rositill overy ti ladouta to are dlboatso� f subbla muladiva fivr! who has. spellt twelity-folir .1 %nd more 'I reatb. to littook whoroyo Boots -and Shoes. 11..'et ora. i Ill) tilioititvrs of the I floll,till, .0 in, it4iafb b keelilug ourolvas woll forti- + lliv, �110 flays that Ill via yo"Irs tile N now ny -y At nit b 11dilig d's. wbog lie Nvils 6 TUX BIG U, ilto tribe. a I -MB,ER (� f le I 111ore oloorly illuliti nwhau R M E gwave. loll, has Ito rola- to, 4H, xii o trout, 4% Eng), ted 01311 toy IV'. imedical of- 0homill 40 I F -urn to it, .... .. olootily ome nimialifotura, IIf now This sColorado'$ CtO lstory one ol A !ilia 43401-tinont of imported, work, un(lb, attell(led tile wal;O Of sy.1vilt(gria lit 110111. 48 Wood and ( larlo 80at Sofas, 1401111- Mill v ,k J)Ijt a You can bn ,lo,of till Who C000titly dje& in ttla! od ot .w e - but 14 uojghborbood� She bad[ four kit- 'Its Wiley, all -vad- Bruokobi %N tll town (foui typhs4s, foveri, lia'Ve beet) oltidiould lie earell for from it Iturstio Fr4opos, 40. I tells, undoo klu soon as tl 0 Able 'to 111PI Orr well with (A let MaR ley wer by the same diseaso,,allfl that elN,111111� 1'11.1� a of it yan's l"Wturosifra , 'y rLillil lused to get 0 tosewoodiii1d iGood -ilokoluo given to all who may purobaso, 4% �j W , ing two 0 901,C) $1,s009 ly boliove toke core of theniiielvo -led will ot(op �tlle backion IvIoulding-U, It tatil, 1�ramcs, a -wood, would� to Jewer Ulan- alrotud few 1111111hQ3, 411d by thir influeoloo oil with niod.orato pr!"a. for erto elich of her frtnel, i ilk left it, re 11 with, herself, 8he it119 00ods a ',oules Will. coutdr dettiorti. 111:1ce it soeills, to oticl re goml, ho takell ill thoo. ;Sold Ity ll VrI ocon, or cating his Supper )aro they are only lit to judgs, 'NOwij either ued tile a Xliol!Ao last Thursd Cut to'his4loard- All who hmve Dou'b Ili Scotland it has for 0, .long thao. tifind-1— 0 0 'S FED E's 'ob, g W mate�Atruck a cockiloy 'Stolle Ilia symbo*r, of, Ws 'tratle. nd -titin ith Wu room. tho Opinion that 4 1 (iondition. 1"olirdors Ilis room*- and Ara Ilovo I's' StIloorim to s Mitt 09n so it Dualbla 11 0 in 'the bliryioo, groun4 of theo triato joitwd in! the '11-Y'llin, and. lift, y ouYLIling of the killil llorotofoyo or lit 11 Ithor Ilay abboy, of those tollibifolle Which tire the 01101,116 was peaclied. -At thq w )rjls ll 1190 for C ' ough, colds, thick it r Thotie ANNA Condition il- It on nriuM thoro is, iaouse., nAs PER CENT OFF 'VV.RL00 froul 100 to 200 years -old, it, ila allarp of it a ,enly d I by tile, fourth nio Otis markel, (be Symbols Afartitrbad sud4 U ND E RTAKI N Gil utlthiiiglu itwbIQ4 call i434W I%1Vu`lz,ONVll0tIlor ts ng in low relief, A sligar couo b" a rovolver, ona Owl; hi6salf, * -There sick or well—nor need tho. horso be kol)t froin Ali elegant Itearso for Him - A-fluantity of it ap, . Vanorals attended Ates the graq of a g veor ; tin axe W43 a love a4ir-at thC'6 whildusiugi x krtielo A of. the ro- working Ili just tlio line Shrowls, Clio a saw, wit ails, oc- volvor, VIkicir 411 who own horses require, and whioll all, furnishings all "plied at reailimble h hammer and ii, rhte, A I they Hliptild -have oonstautly'on build Re- argo stock of ofillis, mijuldtd, arean always on, hand (trimaked to suit) oith4r ma� nbez a on the grave the than at a ny oth,.. dw There were two, lawyers in'Oaailer, paille, and see tji at. the sGxature III 'Yok, with the peouliarl Mie subos�riber sell, for ONE 1401LITH wise., of d f, I'and, hammer on that of a Shoemaker. Ship in New )r I Co. is on. each package, North avor-plooted furniture or other a y-nanTes of Oatcliem­ Y' rptx. 4k Lmanto.-, Torontq,'Out., proprietors his large a , n , d w , ell -selected stock of Boots and Renloomber1loSbn(I—Alloorts e.,.,,p o. An 9.c man lip arid Cliotuin. forCn,(,,. .. ...... I Iiis way to !,some place 'WI t RED'M Iarke& �r at, o People, laugiml. lit: seeing, these - two XONIOF� fo PEN 0EX -115VO , .It a T: T110;3- STE74N$QN. s WotillIn't crowd." 11(i said that flaulos lin Jyi baptiti - on over tile �Oor OFF V0,R OASH. ,Oliutero, Aug. 20ylM,o* i. crdlods-. h a� : - .. . Ouse m I S or fifty y6ars ago be wdot to. live On th o �d . 0 tr . tt advisable to. the tXimduri , .0 E an lion:Q1,41 hifisertioh -of bei -W9 name p, on the Ist SHOEING -WOLAMMITHIN81 8 on.noarbuylield, containing 149 -sores; about 100clear. This. is a RARE CHANC game,'was. abundant, - and t1ke. solitude, Christian name , Mr, Cato I - A superior fargo in Goderich Townshi NVAT A a it load in% good state of Cultivation Boil, viol%, clay 9, 8 housbtAtorge frame barp, fine El R1100 HOUSR, an, 10 I'S progreso-'drove ]tin) (?t1t'fiDdlli,- and Ile new board wAs ordered, but when sent, lu'r)'e"h'la'vdlogfrguebo'iecoonfox,ruoitto, ft. Price $65 per aproi xn�jgrated 2, A first-olaiiii farm; In Godorich Townslop,, oil ill. t6.' gpt;baraains,,,­ as the Jan w HIM about onto mile from, 'Fu I ing� to Oregon, hore, be supposed -to tile it.' as found to be tQQ I )n Jlohd lie wouid in that mes in ilio acres; al,out So cleared and under oultiv ilon. two is _.aeW d. wn on short to, admit, th' Christian n. 0, Wily.. houses, two baiiis, and other outbuildings, Poll good b k ,and-ibomi. o t, To his surprise,.u, few.yeal's 090, full Ion -Lb. I rep Put clay lourn, two orcharde. Price $410 per sore, lo�ould toe 7ho painter, thevefo lip. noticed that civiliz,ation was efOi7d. only t6 iniials before thd surliames pill, "I sareg with one set of .1 bletein ever� line. 8. An excellent farm of.100 Pores in Hilliott, on 13th ing him again—tlii8 time to wiliell 11 con., about 04 *area and tinder crop, Boil, good o3o 3,'ou I -bink lade the matter still worse than clay NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC the Pacific. Nwil 11.6 is Oil ilia iv a 0 for. t6ro nqyy gt�peure-1411 idam, fraute boazo, lairp frame loaxlk,-pod- orcharilp &C -per acre. 4. A wooll-Imprilyed far y in.of 167 notes in Colbortill, on qli beg to infotin.the.-Inhabitants of Clinton and surrbunding.coulfitry that they 11V wo %1.1, the Uniblatid cono, about 5 into have ent 00 .11po rams. ored One, Sunday afternoon,. reou iy, An. A' nern-6 was found dead'in. GoorgAit, olea! And CaltiVated, fill) Ado 'is— It( roil hous* 11 I 0 T 1 n6villill for thelUrpo�o'Of Carry' ,Atlo barn, orchard, &a, Vil conic Ing on tbe business of ilia 11fadtlirers c Curriag6ti, B119908, Wit,990739, _Meighs�,Vadters, &o�, �jfi all its various n v i nIg n n his eck while The above des ma.wI It s n easy terms u n hirtion the stair the little fallil "and broke I AFTER TH bra cheg,-at I Ault I air, Villiine of lvva�pwoii�Tront, Wt frable f 0 d stand, .1-1 ro E FIAST-or, jANuAny T11V Strbet'01 ton under the style and inrih of, leaving filing England, 4 0 11 Nw Q. childre ste. OM a L I- rooA.'' ton. V sohool" otiejittlfo- follo: a;led eleven, 116 H.' RALE, ain uniness Nvill be conki.ttoted on- H CASH Huron 8troet, I X 1z - ME 33 wits a clss'leader in- a church, - and TO -Ciffit ll..Skopt.20ilk, 70; itr,A4 ; ., - * t, , -11 -.7 I, . . . ilois t6ashig: a gir alld pots No,creillt will :13to, given. g her (It . Lor, in preaching 'thd ftineral, iier rvift suBocitirip w0TJLD TkXE 1111 -IIS OPPOR- Nq be spar cute work dqfial to any in t a Dominion. Their long experi. She told �ilu t5 be q'i, h let, and Pushing mob., was , �othored by the quesbion _L iruli:cri 64 thanking his numarovie cusibllicr$, fdr once in tile County enableshem to fully undoi6tand.the, ra uirementsof their customers, And isNX T1 NIto Atecoop,to have not Leon the very liberal patronage they have favorod, him, with 4 age L lyq6tilipgthe maino at lu . I , ce. Iv 11 0 Carl I 'to list]) ess; to give �-eiffiii iatisfactiond to all thosewho may at him with a�l uiiibj�cllatlae where tile soul of the detad brother ba(I 9cillor - X �c lJy,8tr16t4ttci)tt�h b )ad been duxon* Rettl d,'will obli, I ylug- on buBixtesh Tri this town, and wpoi;d dentally ente�ad Ills eye, aod ]I(,, fell tin-, :gouo. ".His woll-kn6ivn piet the toinfo time utlin'ata to thetiolandAlIQ linbilto gobi 'said fay(tr - lIth-� with their patronage. rV1113 -'C1trDIT6DLS '01" ally, that he Use made.ouch arrangements p"Ill RtIli couscious to the s taken the ren dicatei, that lie died,� 4 JL Inta-atiho Town of Clinton, in the on fid, , He Wit 1) in ISAAC 14"r,11110111 foorther �oxititlo hiria to their snpport, uA he bdllovl go ind oclout Stock- A o INst tea. 10 t, county of He! . . 1\ Df the bs# kentioned inatrial alwiyot mel t6l; aico PC tile-shbok upon. dh,ristlap�; yotAbere- eircuu1stances 002 on --.or-; at) wfllbagrodtlyto their a(l�iLntttgo.'LbOkibg,to.thdiu�' it t 0. -with- jkletoPuth Asy of September, 11 - t' t lights patroxkFri1e, bafrougagod thd'sorV1dd4LQf d4one on th.eitiortePtonoti r4; -0onnected with: 0 -that- 1877, to.pria by latter, post-paia, to Aftsm. GAullow. UMB&LL ig4l ell t I V �alte� iyer�- -00 F-FT4 A -d It, A.D., W-1 L L I & Al R.X,C. d M R ell with's, fit, and e ortly-afterwaW. fell and.before he I4t RADI, of thoio��n of abdorich, in the couxiiy Who was formerly In busfixess fori'd If- Tog TI elittio boy. diod alont� 7 6'clodk th litru'c C -the m-olind, lie r6peuttid -iX ilig., of'Hnron, Solicitors for the E.�evttiw" of the sold Itiftau Inso 10_111q-Tpwp,� i 1874. 17 t polioePsod, w and -was to .an(, Iis TDO their chrilitia-4 nnnioa Pild 6 Ilellao0somaillis elk arra4gomeutli with there can be�� aRN 'I t1ler ljot,'4j 6nco 81 no qnestioii but that naiyiog,tLdtleegges,,tndticKci,iptiolls, tile u it ------- 7-7r7-7— . same evening) catell UP been confined to'the house owing to thc h in glory J but ,:0161-f 'was of thqIr of their a(uukkkt&'L and 4,be- 11_11.: JOHN UPSIT.&T.tt ' V S 'it., aild wagn? I 0 is .now 1, ilature of thastirctlen (it any) hold bjr theia. and Intone. ClInton,,Dea, 6th, 1870,.-- Wive t� P e 90110 noe * f tile sudd n double.6�-raavd­ mighty little tinie for''llim. to �iliink- diaiLly after.0to said Eleventh day of 1piibrlory. the- us- .'..b 8 0 114 of Sit ill Ilk- al I.M a t li,j. P is. oilld just cich, it", kilon, meuL eased, will too Atli. the pariRi biltitled trigreto,'. hai�lng re, latizig to injuries %ad diecasols sets 'Of the Haiti, Is-milliAttenbury doe E W E, -DEPOT' S ww.-IRG ACHIN 6er bilt. al; I'donly to the olallaq I - ofwhich.olotieellball ve'lleen oXer I oing the winner of the Prize'loor usur Itly of a whic if, on v, 'Uto t ut -IN( . ATACHT le, dat]0 Onlaha,L ;at received, ato the tittid �0� t ised by Oa.ndlit lrs shall noY looliablefor IV ed, or any ,ilart thevoof,.to-Ally J3rGS-- `LVAVn TG` TI The _AAA ow'.. terrible . all(I every furnishing kept n stalk, in ing, blow, 40 the it ii perstat (if wh6se CIA1111 fi6tice shall not have been rlocuiv. lloiked the shop ltoly-oconpied 110 In of -at jobbill P. IE PA I. 11 O.P Call for his reankifa,jurtle have rogtil tea it net 1�411 for *1 by thoin or thv1r,snJd�S,,IicJtors sit, tb& it .dlotrl- Opposite the market, for the porpotio of gotiel: Tud hiodee is In purtniftoloe of() Oonfooldorifyovor oil pthord, and woulil stato that ho'ls, oeVQry In was ong, 11 tiiilely. k4116 the Sta� snob, as rlWring furnitura, inaking sb�w casaa, grin abOtut to ulanufacttlre thdin ell It meeb rokorC,,.,ttctisIv likfon no ge tto uIlli vz�parts kept on'lIdild. eugaget P,28,'sec, 21. Ing razors, Potting and idaillotinipg Peale, tindbytbefsollItlesho flogaloARcH, will li& bld� work done here is wralx �d to giye good s was ws loan- hhair with lcoliol, -4ATi1lOW R1DtNrr`U'RST Paws, repairing unibrollag, &Q., 4�'orvlliOi he ivill dif Ili PRIC10% .. 7-oliarge ith 11 e " r r Solicitors for Bw Iis Modbrat:6. H� NORSWORTRY.., i ii - Il, a rd .lia;i 'thrown evel, 5nix.Ue ra L reeti Dated t Qodoil4h, this WORK SOLIC1100 oil thali theizoAerlk Itiviroll'St' door �tiest 4f time mcionitionotercital Hlixtel, ClInton,,t) 'Will Attqll.0011. IlispricoPnre odor to, or. h"d III14 hailging down. , in front, 1 Ith dliy�of Noov. 1870. Clinton' Jan.. J877. nt and�ibo.9nbocrIbeY truti lie will,roceive that patronage fiknd� wbild In this:" positich, site which strillLrllettotion to lookoiniask; and alon6 axporioncoL co'lltact vdth a lamp in' the' In R -a good guArtintee for gooilwork-shouldmario. L_ TROMA-SVIPLING irl, hnd the,:.alcohol,in I G R'O C 1 FR Y, Veterinary Horse Rhoor,. a PEZOPLF gnited and blgzed'up.. ofib..1 L 4-her�burdin'- bitir o.ler ber! 'As' selling Ilankrup . 1; Stocks an I a , selling at Co . Fit pride,. seems to be the order, of the doly, I UPC to ionnind,xi t it, hung 'down. be� noW ollk�tomcrs and the publiogentortilly, that I will sell hea� and give no goCId,,johle 16T the Illoniqr, as any, IN-ri ii. 'K S un CDC Jlerj�aads, face, Ifqad,-s. . tud i Mit.11(out. tiny bUxtiblig. E XOTICE or U Io;1 LT.: ,h_� moment v vel. y pitab. o. ery badly S0XV' F TIM PIMXCES� ev Clothes also totok fiVe,, 13 Ihs for $1.00 1.1 Ills.' SUGAR for $1,00 ri !Ile T CAUXG . RV�o A, 30 Cts,- �ieer Ito S. Some wl!eac'. TXA, 30 cts, per 1b. ; ctbo� Toliot', 60, 60, -P itring be IM, 60 for SLUO fine V Z� ilia, �40LACJ-, TOBACCO,, 40 cts.,o and eve thing elop.1h pio rti ax nder "Thi 'h* achinie's. -ive her '10 42-11 lo it CIIHOOty I It: I far- Fy 0 on. es Ing,. M C�ifn Double q1i und. into 04uham %It Sol . . . . . . A'FW1 Ass6rtinon of Crookory 1, 01 .XTPJ 4m is boyl ttr.itiie. t 4I:ia, GlIsswa a linz vb4t Lovi Onm 4-1 lo� mill in the pla do. ittiout lorts or rni.q. . On -M r 5 Q T wa a ill ei, and has loft, ten tbild mn" :VS, 7 WS. y W d holt it. The inan rather 1,00 tilt,. ri I%X.L--.LVUUJ�V.LTAU..L T�3 qpw—sy ..And ill t1it., r� side o 'OODS"New Raisini, New Currants.. Vaildied Peel, arrived f'hiS body iilSteild. Oran soy led to this. Wit 1160 it IIt 6 H Ila' 0, fliscovAi. projee abinit four Atril Is 8 ify I v RrugmnEu Ills Pr,.kcx-C1.orikor store, 9pposite Market, 1,111te Sheppard Voopc;r.. r. To meet the lar a leb�ated *Threshing go and increasin demand for. our a i, gootf by oil 01,4 N(AV %V. H. RIX w.r and it nikt -C Ifiligth. 'Tnst�ot(j Of leas lie ba$ eblJ_ L . . , L , .. L I?IA -it Bribrin AW parts -of the Doulinioz�i w the lilte� -lolovt pprt,� a have, by the introduction' f Yes. i13'. 1810. t; and n t fli to inake coasti 6f New in, I ac I Mary inta -11:11net is Ills III Ur wckr�s,greatly inciaised. on We are tbareforie'­- Klie b6y'5. y r maufacturing fatilities. 01 in a position, to fill, All orders proulptly. arb 1111de savagei Of," I ILG riel It -it] haV(i vatorned fr6in tba 0'enten- kyl)f,- wholi e twork) J7 E. S y Scraps and G eaninas... where be.ws the Oloj(�e CBR 0`0 '-`00ERI iMgg. 'Everymaolline'lorunhuilt arraut di, n litiiii.s. J'he 'It of lots It r orou . ghiytootea�;f(ire.le&VUB�he�thop an:lv q(1,.to zl�&- btly, IiLld intolligoJit LTf Batost w0dor of Kobn rries are I itle—in (1difurnia- Ceb6rti and ��O#n fill bat 11 Y3 __ 110�'. satis StrawbB �tock of Grocerio is complete 0 811 %V women tbe leg thigh of.a.ma fi who ia(l*: Cos , not A youtig vian in Som 1op Ithqu as fiwt Ila all oralnay� perdoll pu I . I a. ny CURRJN218, 1, EA10 N CITROX W'lc� 01M.ArGE, L OIT A, out one of his eyes whilo takill" (:till walJi-, Ilo d Oes -1-it'lli I. qOODI 11M P, lit .unothev - -sntoks-dtiotl I 6VXBD shilit itn4 human tan Ili Knothe Ore r 0 LZ�odf 6 . , hzq 6180"w7jere iletid oV Girculas 490, Nglerg. ,Order' earlifi. jaw. of Ille, satisfadtion, Pressing Clio lwif� betweell 'i's TEAS -46* Cro� - of 19.769 .'guarsfutead "to g­ivb Moral -Never wear it shirl. by lie Counted thky4iva bone, 11 it, arill till IIXTONL. and wurnCti. tq� Ellen A&CII CAVL�wrlte I,y Pell I 11, the PILT.14 Ptiviti, fire Inivisti, Correa till dfit6ritersof GI�ASGOW, 31ACTIHMSON COO') CL the islalld,4, holo trio Liver, Do,webt. and are in. y L CHINA. fatall flurried at fler Cl4tbes lie cdaitroun thrdughout G ASSWARE19 Sallie inanneV, all(), by'.the Nia., .caught file while she was aelcell frorU1 as a religiaila iite, but ani �rdivaiy lit ,obd bfil-ld. Wo �%Ils I 0 call special atterItiod to our selection IX TIJIS CLASS Or, GOODS- AND TITL� onerin,XT44 I 1,a uil- relleble rionoody I B a pipe which she had.*hiboa Stitching. .111tians of 4111ISIstence. The rlativfis� a0 - - Sf.l 0 INVITE INSP-190TIONO as it is on& of the'Urgoiit and most elegant. a9sortruents eydr Old WoutollN ttk;t Uleen of hCoT1Pv'.'r'1.4, t Colin, A I Ot Mauried, to iurod the tha, 11.110 tit, t8 A, r ela�haVle cd 9(it Olt �Cf n10111- tien- in Clinton, OUX.t 0)KIN)L, TEA� AND TOILET SETS boing Put, Ilro fliplit-Lorlap Coughs, Coldo, n'in New 11aVen i a little Guilt, Wicunuitioiru, and .011 ii'kin Viieaws, It has no, 1AIRICTUING gfirl g THITHONSON & W11. 11ANS fellow in tile clothes that all6ther follow heretoforp Published of s' race af tailed' branous Croup u a marvel of elegance and a eapnobs, do not fit to see hm'had bought for her, the latter fellow humn b6iugg wet, I o1rue,, 0 . .. till wero cer. boy months. old. is 'O .V T R -A T F-0 D nS. &Z 00. Tile recovory of the child Ihaving expected to mrry licr himHelf taill that these strange creaturgs we Wholesale and retail Grocers; Brick Alock, �Iblijo and a surgical opera- CLUNTOX, Doe fth,. 1870. 1874i S Cossors t0L Thomson &WIllidniso of Mitchall, not ino like V. scoliled imposi On a pa�ol in It Aurell -wqll in Val. Wall decided tipon. A hole was Cut paraiso, Chili, is. a�puJnffiI—r-L1yresent- of the'acoldents tbat aeo noticed OREL A -iEn'gitieWorks the windpipe -allil, K behi tubo ilisert� 't-operor o inany it for Ing tile L nd lit -locid tieWspapars tire ititet �xl W -,LIQUOR it' F, ( Ai tvv, Inside of.this tube wits one I E a oticultural y olitty to 9(ati Met mi pitt'S'AND OINT- tire Ocildthorlilanufactared nor sold Ili any part of Prince Bismarck s(plierning in tile thei." 'noVelt3l, Jollit 81lawba 11 01, size# tile- two Wing Recousavy in Order . . . . — . I I . I : U flames of hall, while tile devi'l is poking 'Lebanan, Itid., 'accidentally wounded, to Lee ("11 woh breath tile undersignoll baViRg.Opsned a'Liqofor busfillessin ilia retrflW6formqrI tea Voliled 1) the-odo lbran" V 1166d air a 01�0 pry, - 1-Inchplot nu(IDOX tile )JItITIM11 bIRBOTORS the Imperial Chancellor in . tho, baCk himsilf with gun, lie - i '61) lie *111,constanily keep on' ballaa fit bauir.wellioleetedsf6akof (lovxIltuarXI, jig Nvds. carriell on fred from s rg TAMP, With tho ords 11OLLOWAV8 PILLP AND ROBERT T'HGNIS03�, niEsiDmIT - A, 11, WILLIAMS VicE-Pass, 1 ALE.V. 01AN'T, 0INTIVI)STo LONDON, clogravoil thortoom On the - J'. MI)FORD, V' MOW -AT, J. COVCORAX� W. WAR.' with a red hot fork. tile vioallobil, *and. a�socoiia. bauel Wits! -tiojis of blo6d and membrane which Wines'Jand LiquM of the Wit aiid Most, relia�lo ZralldS, label is the addrefis, Vill 0.xroxill STIMxT., LONDON, S2o.,T . ARA . a., R In E ngland they are getting nbWelil diublargod, hitting a wohian who stood- wol-0 given 6Wi' coligiling. . The tubes whicli 6 offers to the jublo it Imitations of xio=owAs pills n t, - gu Andmw B. Wwci, A t, for.Quetton St.. kad Ointment" are I- f of that dreadful disease, by, Both died. w iii use from tb 'Tuesilftv noon George & Co.'j Wreuto, importers of Pt t ifilis, gold kinder the nom of Holloway & Cm, OF to the 00 ,.qre manufactured and driin nne8s. At a recent temperance coal. minor -in P41tston, 4t luck. a pielcaxd until tile Thursday of.tho following He ould altobeg toinforni.bi�-p�troiis,,AtTdtliopqbliogonerallytliabhobiiremoveclliis byi,v. reur ,ur, rata & Co" druggistaL In Of Now o0r, t in assented trade, c', and for-fIve days the 6nly our- St60k .0 Inalk, t lig n. 0 s ets, M as Combin lachi �ilg in Ilia dioeelie, the Bishop of. theburil a thin -Wall 6fecoal between Ili �Vbok f Groceries., China 'and' In Canada the Johasto bAry Ar 1 4 tit Was IV it :14 go Ely said that be attributed drunkenness and it aftoaffl,'atid illt watd'r rafi,on.biiii ishilient administerQd to the patic To.�he promises lately occupied b Son, A - Vuill, -knoli as ilia Atildrican Express. Offlab Counter citf; a in poor 'men not to it deniria fbi, I ad -fast that be as almobt drowned.— -a little milk.. Ef I f -j-- - . .. 'Broadcast So-eders, Seedrillsi Hcor'Ejo Po*ers, Sawing but to the comfort. of the �ubll' il'uosre' Davi& darvin tried to 68 is recovery , s romark- where be is proparod to offer qpklia inductimahtd to any favoring hilli with their patronage. Northr & Lyfil Cape f1*6111 R 618, o6tisiderAting the exhauating 64e- Acr, CALit.AND, :PXAm!XV,ST00X"AND COXPARE PRICE S. V4 & maphtnos, Grain, aru4hem, Straw Cattdrok Plov;s, Gains roio,�vs) &c�., their honio cell lu 0, Newport '.police station by ao.wr 'of hii diSeage, . but perfect audedo 10 and tile discGulfort of eff, aft -i 4 A It thLymah Brad. III ollin bin, g- -tb*ro,.u-gh' -a bole over the doon' -attandea the hazardous opiritton, N. ROBSON. ho obt om at very low ll-feen S, V. Tronry, Builders of'Stearn' Engines nd Boilers, oil su6s., A woman ba maile a heroine of her, Crran &,Co., of Now Yrkf and whteh arto supplied He felli Lis feet eauhtj iind -be hung Clinton, July 20, 1187.0. IP410X BLOOK to uninialkillohld 116tall VorldOrg, W110.84111 tile Rayne 4A AIY W-AT90 Wq1M LS AiND-ALL KIN8 OF MILL MACkiMlavo fit. -If in Afarion 111. 8110 'a tile wife of a )lend downWard until he died, Worric Th6 tondon Time$ keeps It no P14 Ilm and Ointment, whililk T I 7- gonu .111668f ------- bank casbier, and one night robbers on, rrporier 'toe Lortl '�t k I on raeW�# 6r GA�j and 94lo"' a top ele, A soqfv aflie Workafor o1dai townif G C dd rom the wir Ohliesid 600"J A N ei I , son ; at3d whenever the, Ptime Xf- vilrages. on the It ry, a spatalty, drnn11 ro, Avery, Brown &Co., Roil tax, N. 9" threatoned to kill her If Rhp did not nister may, be apeakiniz, there you Will -N R,O ERY IN''", C LIN ON Moll Val M.Satket & songo st.40111, 9'ro. IL 1`10T N11 them wboro the keys ot the bank aud pat A booked into. bio pock-ot, an old'gry-heaaed. man, Rb. gold. Mae= Ellititt & Co., Toronto4 AM88i TROV8.01 &M LIAMS. M�IU Ma 9T.19TIon Olt, went otT, and totally woundtid Lim A aso TIM 1tA-S.VL1bM IILU.�AUAh is WFORMIXG TlIn MA81IMTS who ,expert direct from here, blob: Ism were kept. ';Ila screamed holdly, and I-Imineil apedf;adlea, with his,'zioteboak girl 1111011 While ilhAting in ' of Clinton and guirrounding coufitry, that he has opsned out In -the store" lately dabopilid by nurf ­ And ponoil. 'Re is one of tho beat, Pei.' . .1 I . the robber3 fied, arter artiolly beating tha poiatealmd Cofa sintIling bottle. Mr. 1, - Ailool),Albort Streit, Clinton, aifl w, olf worn at h6to belt) lishotyateil lip The present lit gallery; 4nd it it. a ho.ke Seleoti6ii of Famil' - Groceriesi., 0DE-RICE Ou DR hogtoll b , Vt G 4i a remarkable that liar to nialce her keep silent. haps the writer in the Aug, I t-3 Ito more of a sereral incheii. ,in this gelitloblan, has It Thordiog Holloway will t than Ills two Pro- lilmstlIf �n a - bane thtiot u maii d roppall) told lia over ilord will be uAtillilly hPot lit ili. firit 611%89 Mocory st4ra, I -Woeept wtviell oh.hin ))ell Ylt dooessorg who wern ethconod laut spooch, or tilmook'01ory spetich t t Lord lit thin coInktrYvV0 Will IN Aida batno 1410ligi 'Ado undertake to prove, In a Court 4*f'La*, that wrary itAtem Ho halil VuLlifily tnuoukird that I'll 01180 t4a"114 lawg., Jugt an M ling W. tit'. of .4 0011,Vdhk6,J '1;JlyVJh606 �1 00410110it 'VAhmili In 19%thimitwel" mout tontainod lit the obove g(lillpt, of (�,killIM669, 11 Xr, iiii. A�.i I A lof Wfir1oll himclell! %V 11 � loall 1110 ariby k%r Oftft and ba tiall.4 that'.1tilthia. mrit, lie will tb? b4 De Dogtoii, Bavro Anil (;artinar. raall!g wituitil, AP60011 in tile Musa of L1 . �0 it 00.1 T(liefifilto, t1.111. L I ' Ao� Th .4 nudry Irtitioll - M111, - i -a Itiffli-6*0 wag by fologid-ph, Vii 011- wag 'Ad Tog PLAN, .Albor fibbtly� oppositi, FelOr The Goderlelvor find If lvafhe Ill Or 1110, oult. Addall to 0147 utlstr illogilea With 111.0 fAitheah Aha (if nvory fulth. JC lit) floubt *,lift at It Cori tvillo. the'diobliAttolis Pt. the report it yd%t Way 1RIL11f, thd Chat the Turk will walco it ficron utrug-, lin called �hd o 910 U R1141a pllaiiW ;tivivIta his 9611, Moment bkMra Oil -aDJ1W0n- In 'llJ) (L The polita Ili il, 2uratngili county love, rn on inatl That bila lost lite thoot rallL wR51 diwardoll A Ix. Lill& in cobedlenne to tl;o (lying Injima. n log, to Vill; exhinenoo I h6lin w AM ri 6hiogle allaltIng 110nds molth Mr. J'N 11 ,E4 , rr.0- 11 t1lat 44AY pn�till At VM6111,116SI, I -loop, UsAme tiou of rlaothee , glillp Ith IL inayatabral Otto 040 dnly Ild'od that I illoill. K1,6 not diappit. h6 1-tipar toil sa yd%l hpva vapott,o litil lit tho i d od mq\to N,4 Varaoll lki hAd h' ;A Wiuql, akfug, chli prailk, lint lie %044 151i U43 WI)adr)n A Vol Ills dghth litd whis Cover, mill tll6t I Ill *011. Aipbrt, t1jo oily t1lot twide in V1111 ftlblyt Ild b4a I'mobat) thel 61131, W dtittat'g, And. �'Oy four mollitlig to to a tay t1lN gorb Ot nbiloo, Its 1161)64 Io ronall, 016 Idghoki VIX ITA70 X610W CAV tilt I bi;;"illah, 02 1,1�61aoii U643141flgl- V"16*1 AT Utl diea at, iiia oiam6 day, whldbt Ill war$ illmilhalkPongli, tbitig, in and All On. and Pt6odat Position tbht 111i r4ilglIN11. li'lorlati Wrough tbo- 0.11601it litcow6tel'y Kats Whe, glo-triak" i4ill'bi4l dompA1414 ift ilt� 46ta 11144 4,%rl 101dil, stia ill that poilltion the 600Uplotl.by t ra thoy, lk54 rNithild - 00a (ItMamIty fiedhJug- �-mftdtilotl hf livg Ana lilaba lJy A 41419 ijuative t a 011tiatitil *boft thera IQ NVO thim this, who fiorky W411:010 tnr4ltlon i *611ro i legal prodfinli botwoon hiP4 Antl 4 qlak thfJ7 oftlamll Pull tile 0tontion of tllw tilill IT611 go f 2 - 11"t Attbrfley tri. tG I oi. to to ionie a Wie got ovor, thd w6rao4op boirt C 4 door of tile allourt of jultdoa Alit Av'4.,nber taptil lit thin laWt polli.4jr,ai !pIlviog Joint M of Turks who rtro fbi, il, livibo, to �� Joaga, twhothor. 'Vatto ot ttsXI"Llio, ilia N6.valua wilpt MIbloh thoy War to tilt, ptablib at t1lo I help the cliviAtiall out 04 bix Abd P0110 Way' Would be Ajlo�vod go IAV 49 we 1498 It In 04"14611bf, "u"00"'ll' I fir for ollriolling, Our, 011146 wit Wi. Ala, 001104W p6riff , r In other warda, fliny aib thert talil 06111 f4v matidmijil tol, of. I . trod, 116A ah ap h N f!lobj. 'Javilov, fit Iflohd It a r, _J, A living by Lpblu pbVillpt ibb butwelitiovi &le OU r whrit it�e itrlii; wt 4 "i) t4 I a.4040111t. tile Pritto TA6 Tell thow i Ito "wtly A* 16 1114a 1011 ars a I UN lr%14 JkliIiii KIM 1414 41' the I I i h, Ail WA1111. I