HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1877-01-18, Page 111. . ........ . fwqre in Zile. -more'than, four VOW of specta 'too, Qat,� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,9me Other, on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---- sen- two frQuX, of enrawn u fi oil tuo.sugirtgat uot and', "It very Vol, XII'll-No. 3—Teims, $1.00 per anuum, NTON7 ONTARIO, THURSDAY, Is, :0.4-ao-LURS it soil. P 0 0 0 t _T4PT1,100 . G 4A.VX4 fla d(Pr they baastyucti god h t led 4 ruptiop fie . pro, a 3SNOVA L 404 BF, STILL n ro4thful unto ,th, Well Xon, terpriblo, estrus le richest gulch over discovered, rtia_ Te-ulo rilio; w�kfi to be tl 0 IF, 43V WItoroferg. lllonrik? death by A �bo ldoi G ulall W as staked OfFf. worked, alp a The follow -fog story lla4 travolled- fill ove '"'Ithia 'abox a per me, one I 14110, IN bil 0 an angry 004 ear :t.hq, three richest, under, tile fact It � J -CUN INGHAM r neorti011s, 2 00, 1- o. . QUQEY, ORADICIATU OF TRINj�rj OvQr wbiQlx tht ootil IN borno paid wall for 15 wiloil of its length ' froi� Europe, This Rqpy is frorn,a Norweglim York and in thoUnited, Stateal one-fiaofbor i INIT 11�8 FAINNI)f W. collpap, Torwito, rbyAcluix Suracou, Blytb, its month to the Very base, of Old,Bal4y'at work. A morchant was hq a ati- -Aitor, Stowar ve ooiftIlAul, AATBS. safoly to eternity, men !u, Sow Onerpolumd, one year, FOR TRE dffiQo;-OVpoaIj;q $fmq AAaflio Imit, though tosu6A by tomposto ourney and Vanderbilt-li, . wlien I* 04,lwo boral patronage bostowod� r1w the 1OW fvtoh its head. In throe seasons It ha4,pourod "comptInled by IiWdop. bag been in business, wc "Ill, Inti. blz Arequ lurroitIlh sbowg be. Having traftai.cted (]led, far as tbopublioiscolloorned, 4 liAlf 40,010 " � 40"'.Npotf" th '1... .0,1876. frofit line, wit ........ 25,00 out 630,00(),000 in dust, find Virginia, was his business an be Laoxem 4 received a toth oyQatothqui ndmor000mmo, Rolled the towers considerable goes nopprently an well without We'll as loosill, his 104 A -XD- ABSIDU 040 40mon Of mount , a hio Rolf out year, ......... 4Q.QQ qua ptemlsos recently onottit on the nit. 4PPLETONI-Ory NOE- the great town of the, rth'Wost, with a suin, of money, which, lie carried And afti ii, in vjiliao with tbolii' Neither Mr. Astor nor Mr. side of hi AJ 'X40 Hours 10ply goonpled. by Mr.1iimooy. air,, a boraO Op, 841 -fro the solghty Wiva$ for houro, population of'O,000 souls... I have not behind the saddle, ho, was now Oil bip way Vpnderbili took 4ny part, !it pl. half ........ 20"Do Oorao, OF ONXARIO 86rdsts, jiwilto the 014, Rattootity Down tile Nallo , y, up the sky; R10- the child, and 44 - la­of� -Aaho "I 4p 0 4a P 0 w ; A 90.00 3Kexlt toffitill'S 11004 S C, OA84ourth, ........ do aQ history of this wonderful oaripp, but It valise became dotatobad mid- fell it a of I life Tar EwarL had willei: 3 mouthso . a e -tit bllisAimalto--4 o-flet;Al Jinme, alon'T it , PO4M411 One a. ......... : WIA to ih o tilt). the a 110 halt iig ilia pace, or b rr 8.0 are he will keep o.A bond a 001060 "took Of AMES STEWART, 111, D., C., AT)UX1D 011, had, tho-reptit.tition of b0ingjlio liveliest, boroo. �. The man, fiever observed this, but bion in aliolitical direction or if .... Q0 W14 ING111 UnIvoisity, blontgoal; VIA H fall, SuragoLian!1,, f his fonr-foot I ad coal- Url A fifent of. the a 3%. Wt -do rind tougliost Camp* in the United the watchful eyda a sorrrathifi,,'t on F A M 11. Y 0 1 R 0 0 E IR I E S' 1104041 � � � 1TW _. � 1U - :, for the Astor voices hailed wit 11 wthertb. 8 1 -N qnq panion trotting half ......... Uo 61 every description, Which WIII be. oold*at the Yov Cursing earth $orovur illore. -plIvilt-rived-, and ot Jgnuary 4,187 lowest mtokh, A laro Iment of now goods are now Lot them. ptko% therhao a minlon, prieca for gods were just what teaders instantly alive to til .3 months, mosso, 0. f4rit, and the dog de, i 31tt fell battering the CQ11di- on the way, apd. will be opened In A few Oy* nR, REBVIQ, Physician, 8111*14,00:1F etc:, CorO114- for purifying so& aud'suorol 1?hlur waa wovth $110 termine in any Illovetfil orl when they k IS u0,1400­40tr plaboa thatti jib, , d to do his duty, Arid lie seemed to. tion of the pooplri, bore 110 palti Consplen., wor a year, a who could on fle-twelftli, oil ..... A WIRIAL 15QLICITE01 Albort4kud AIIII StTeots, ollutQii., Ssad heart, par, 0i0k, whiskey $10 per gallonl, tobacco Itilow what IIi4 -duty Was. It was to owifie otia or qtAot, in tile fight Old t.0o il' broke 44 if h.6 is 3 months ............. 4-3,00 $4irQOOD$. I)ELIVZUED AIRYW14RE I$ TOWN., AliguoO Oth, 11801, Whon tho balowo rounifthap roil, two. bits.a mouthful, and civiiilything also his detir waster to stop, for tIjB odug city though he was our largest hitW tile Business.Cards,81ines and underj year, , 4.QO 0 uto July 26, 1876. Noyor lot thy hope dorcarb;_ Mullions. A If In proportion. III A ul Orb time Conforle. was unable to dra� the. aliqQ WAb .4older, ga was not'folt, otherwise As. all moment it Gr1of will help t4AO soo f S11ANDTJr.,Y,'GRADU,1TU Or, HE ME'DIOX And ilia wildeavatorin of rate Oal 'all him The doi n Advertisements of Strayed, Lost, Found, 4J Dopartlaolit for, waa found, Otte Claim in whi 'last have bad:ronson find Puroringiroq the Wharf his, E &a., not exeeeding IQ lines, Arab morith, $1 morly of the )4ospitalo and Ided to its ird to act as he did. Running find wout thrbugl�.Ilis daily and moubtOtl- breast th y10 discoverers dfirifig the first profiengo of ini AVl?lrALV 011t, I Peace, be still P tfly"�, I . 'over forward, it after first me season 2,000 pounds of gold, worth B coilimenved barking fikriuvel; of work, as if lie warii a clurk oil Orde heits 4WAY0 fto 000. -up �pth, 50 cents each mouth OU SINESS CHANGE, isoulefits of. Fali-me alid Iteal. Estate Advert the highor Posvor aid will arid.spripgin� lit the Coll- ill the care of his.gileat prol, b sale, not exceeding lblifiei, first Ihor4h, Will That its spoptre pada Rvay, in, qu'10k succession fier OrIg thst the, per o folldwod the tinned tliis'b t ty, und that was. all. '- Nobody e. rlh�tvior so I DAocQuoll our,. Ljowititof the Collogo,of Physidam" And the peavo that wall aft.or discoveries 6f Bitioldoot, MoCldlla�; Bigh, and could nob to sea hini prontitiont-in tiny philati, .81 ; not exceeding 15 lilies, first. H)E1,11NDERSIONED BEG LEAVE To INFORU a4d'Surgomo of Lower Canada, and provincial 14eulttl- 8 omad tho A r in that 44y. t�i Irop;al each subsequent month, 60 andl ate &It(, COL'Unor for Lila C()Unty of Betile inhabitants of 011utofil and ivointy'Whb they ollwa, aud ndThompson, Silver,Boiv and, others, �COIICOivo wbat w9s the platter. He called entorpriAe, cithol.*-ty....wa�- �of and win 'at the al6 r llorleyiL was per-- - M kifi&,Ilv Advertisements Without epee lo directions hay&purehasolitho Grocery Businqs formorl 31r Eftornis 11111st-blow, JAS HuNTEU At tli7b thwtiog to bil '4uiok,. find gave hilin S or'tvitlitlio 11,,;6 of 4 continue 14, ninst sing thoir dirges shrill, r an ill be. inserted till -forbid, j'.000,L000 of -th a -w h ip.,b u Al iully � T i U cle � kiT oOil ton. Jr4ri Grief initib sting oililfi*rt% 'we klioNy, yiolded-over-$Z, ...before they were:, 'cQrdingly.. ta nt to' . have it do at a And'� w onom)4 Ititkiug*tholiiiELtot'liliaii�h�-111,, �houglit'tQbo oxhatiptod,and throotimes a bof re, find about as little for7 their banefit as a man wa a _Ay, ever am Oil barking and anapping. a 0 Advertisements mbasured by a 7 bev on an a almlou The most krittkAl scalW, r 4,,o arm YXII T-il H. DOW= M. T11t.flie'voJou at distito0tir do with hii possessions. He was wonpareii. n ge!u P not,suc e6dinglinis andevor to at solid stock of Says to sor�ow,," Ve 00 OP t 14) could dSuk,goo4N-ofOutariof- - ­ L- -, the alin I I a I to . Hausa. U General and Lying I - " liorsar,-at- length- Jambed'oft to 'it and IT-- 4 ly, a"very, rich -I tv&II-Ilis- -_ - E XOLMW & SOX.... Surgeon ot'Alugato. -in TnEN J"L blISSI- Tue inan wiWiz r nosl4si, ayafojau, Surgeon, and say, eVoE the flushost of the, peared as though JIB' would pull By 1806, he Iiii I:ftastor p roperty sblely with v! w to his Aelfilli it at just About its Albert street, oppouito Fair's AIIII. $44, we have lived through a this, ie. lli�orritori were go to the gvoaiad,, an._ Mign tliwlattor again benefit i ON, I�AAIUSTERS, All. ptloj�si Whicio"they offer AtAlle lo*osb Clinton, April 21,1870. Nigh - b wl L 11 usher in thoday,-* times ll Over tb d reproving. his Ianda,or leaving ALOOMSON' WATS Of all- desorf] A bghn appar There are no Weed YS-AT.LAW, Solicitors in Chancery, an a Aloutan. entl f struck him with the whip be atlaoilked uccor Ing only as he d' erg .4And the shadowed foars ofjpiduight, nd th 'star of the tberit unimpioved, di* mun tivo rates. Y�'Jtll tho-darkaoss file AW14.11 to-watie-.--�r�roM'-a"MAXXII)U-ML-C�f-5 ho-­bea0-.­ -th-od-ghtilis-int6reati waid1he b(Af6r airved, U _t go- A uic k, ay Office. -Next door to the now Royal Omni- We, we an, gets fo� - k building. 000 a year its yield fell to bout $5�000�_ The merchant 8 a What,.& In oeing 11 this ' becani� iIdditig nothitl to the arIlhitecturalbeauty Thus, olor long, NEY TO LEND ON HE"A34. EST thoL City, a 11 U6 apt to valuo ot, just- WE6 rthVWt-dVffi-*1l15I coape to beeill- 009, ­ The gulch ininera struck Brit f or, alarmed, And. began to,think - that dog of Z i It' L Opl�ortUnitiog a ' G., A. Wmsox. Goodr; 0�livered In Any Part ol'tho-To ho wild.,661fas 6torief ana. Wrong, ver bothin ing Ilim3elf r6 -like Pi*oduce Taken in Exchange at. Market Prices liew'fial4a,-And the ateady portion of the had gone mad ; he. loved his poor friend, of ischomes for quiploying labor or encour� atit, ofyour N do if RVEA.'ss 11O.Usilf, CORNER. Or� C011HORAliT July 21, 1875. To their. charnel house retrct all 0 and, S tore streets, viotorla� . D. Jones, Pro AndtIfy heart abali�hof%r,,rci p6pulatiOn turned. their attentiiin to -logi- and-it-would-Isain hir,n '-voily much to kill, aging'talenti Butit'sohip bat a rich pens t Chalice.. prictor.-Excollent Acobinbantlonar-11 liva,' Per Wook, he tread of their, dopartlug feet. timat-o mining enterprises,, and to the in, but he saw no Other judicious'course; landholdar?s iel6sh advantai�e requires that . 011� Of the most diskIu CA ERON MCFADDED $0,00; Pad and Boerd� per day,, '*MO. Sjuglo, 31649, elopment of Vie nu iould m4k worl; Ilia, �bieo . to bun iz tl CA SR FAIP J" 07jots.; Bodo, Mate. great quartz kill him he niust. Long- lie hesitated, be, III for utgers, "d there- , ARRISTERS &a., MABEE, T 041VAPMo FO11 EQ S. inodernpivilizas Booderiell, . ..... .. -lodestlifit Conrail ilia back-botio of the' couldE trying to quibb hira- with but fore Mr. :��toes 'iftone&helped. p'ay the :rprfr VRY 11OUSE-T. . B . URY, direction; A Coll Bospoottf�lly 15ohoitba, hATTENB' thidlit ia after W time, firlding-411 efforts 'useless, - lie 4acre's, of Some of'the Industrious,. -find to T6 fin. w - ag N, 0 In 11 is eas over ,w Bra. JL Jr,, 11rdprietor-011e door v6uth I It was y found then that.thai Ter.' Zlrew'wpisiol, ointed, it �t the dog., and furnis dwellingi for the P in iz the rost Once, hoty, eople at f Qh aof'alclirltouio are all noN4, an& oto: wit urning is eye otim iefiti; aq Remilln 11eirl the pIaC*6L-:0r4)baIte Post Oftba, treat, Milton. The, fittinp arlif, fm7iiohl 'HELik9i; Montana; Jan. ISM 1 't L , -ye t w on!t a a not oul , richly 'endow hi 8� away from his. *i ytitind j� piovidbato 11-eleipa is the Capital of Montna, and is. MDES and SHEI EPSkINS b ought, qnd 42�1 It mew 'Ifug: -gobd dog elli niight fix, - Still! ho" was not w-vitta-t _#19.94 tL9 )@,. rito an::a4uridn06 e4rigger., ihr In . r the mania. ho fools cOnflaon b, from long *Qxpflwloace, of being ablo.� ton ,500 popi nit ion. Iiiiest and most prOMWhQ Silver doiciopp- but he recovOre'd III' self at o6ce sufficient.- able citizen, prized affa honored duRfig his! to joaako contfortablp I t the mouth of Last Chance in Without it. hu In-= natif -Atwiza, inay favor him with their c4ted direct., y A for - Nontan" ly to crawl 'howling with agoftV to IIi3 M"48 -L lifetime and 'regretted when he, is dead, oafers. B154 a heVt6llo*ing up this "nyott the ianal altd liko the oitigialls, of Coloiado,L -ter, still dear to Ii.1%. tuq. ny. inp. This was a Ae wl fact Olin CiIntoni.7"O 2. ISM herd OV I udstor est inata. continhes.to,be, pisuaged mail whose MORTGAGES. "IrAS, L gulch ivides filboutbalf a ile above t6wn ind -Nevada, atirl Tjtall . thei"did _ not re- not support tho eight lie gave , is horse 'a , just about As -it was. during. Mi. Willlaorl inbo Oro Fino alld. Girizzly. At the hand life afi�jl _tL iz of nci(moid 'of 0' L 'Fine L'i ' 8 Ujif .11 all cognize the-importande of the discovery hod forward, -but 116 so6n stop- B. Astors family dontribute - eX tra at, jZ L, 'L AND OTHE)R /A ro t6llVl o, a catup,which P bi3 W old tutdie, rapidly. 'Until 18.70,Lthe Territory ,at, lao thought, have one lo.ok. Ycry little directly to the improvement of dandy: is an ifidividna growthi. life" La L L", 't'L the 6iby or t io wefar o along d him to the reatare a f the citizens. 'They lip 11111 9 of the NVIlit a ph 'V ' 'L 1, ­ * ' , ' , - -- - ­ ­­ I—' i .... f ­ ' ' '- 00,1, Securities'Purchased. 4 1. 1 L ,r,, , ­noss,in.this world' -depon deVends- for its G a 0 e, -Was a ive'L 0404 nay have -i)JONAY TO tr. NIS,"IN T"Gn OR awh` Th L L. -I it ROYAL MA IT,: STRAMSAIPS. OL,W�S 160 a. xig it,to go -on in t ie old w9, fit d, his'clothes*. W. W. FA AN:, On g,0oa.mQrtg4go'adt:urity, ati iimdc1%,d iatoB,of 014 Iod: and. the belt- of vains ruat5ing Aocrab,'whose puts to pro- Was not in night , but what did he 6bge to lionoi (it ad- deVilig IntCirolAl, H. HXL-O:; it and oini'7g' with it. %�Iis enthl6d- 6OP16. The a vbry Cuuni Ciluton Nji Q, 1874. 47 liberpool _4�0d6+� OACZ f)ilralldl i all y p 191� Gluagow, inton,Augdsk9tb,T81W. .7-tf - vide for his w, is, : at who6e'iname was, The valise was gonol . Then it occurred. to miration. They Are only iich The first : .. L. . I � . I '�, . . 11 . I . voiw was 'disoovefd., in, f864 by...n� i"n tot) the lihilde a be makes� a1w t . J�OW70a, tlatoli.. It vieIaL �d onorplojiSlyL grea.b�ItQ permit Iiim*to work. About him thatperhaps the fall, Of L hia'bag was kr.L SjoWart It tifildn Lt -y active U r -class, full t Ifteamshipo 1WARRIArxE VICENSE4 AND namdd NVII Qok a. vei �rd of 411au Line, 1870, however, the Ieeliug 'began- t6L the a siziEffuar conduct, in pub i Wa& Triletof his bizzliass. m leave Portland every Satuydg more- pply at the Town Hall, or at the rosifleube of rho' 'beifio&)�ne bf that a as reasow,of- the dog' interest No afr& ra ; him'capital% b XaTaonrt t ho Paselageri and ails at and Whitl6tell ch a Or, Liverpool; ladibg subscriber, near -the London, Ilur6n,& firtic 8 of urideribe, stirfirflv40 the en, and p.bacK he so tl4odas.to give omployineritto, -may be out wi b Are tbouqanda atole on . an QL R�i do, An L-96. F�oyle,for Londonderry and Glasgow.- Station. JAAIES SCOTT 0 1W1lw`y loan, wR6 Was acqpaltltcd ` �h all the knowri vho baz d ry 9 Im N oad intd ad d the shot The do- was not there, of people lie started'a subfi-iban City methoj] and I hiz [a of spandillig in one, generally mim- ilaii, notib.6-lionor SAIMING. FRO its, but track -of blood which! ie',followed* in INTON, ONT., S, ViDATLiLNO'. built and impr6vd it, not for maiediate. plint�p,A1141 27th, 1870, aged -to. k.et-ria -of his P'lBL L, a quickly As' A Mail -mutch-* Ifabt, tbL attiniz), to the present the-countf. led. hirn to the olace.whee6 the. dying t, but foi th6 i a �b PERUVIAN4 ...... From th with JAUrls 'HONYSON, CLINTON, LICEI craft C -gre Tiorinnu for -the. Catinty, of. IN prel)ftroa to nds lie wis ay.guarding hould d a POLY SIAli .............. 6,Tau. 20th Ak a Should d z yielded it oligh the nAtile Va Ise. F P,L yielded its hundreds of thouti, I oil 'new eantre of induatrioud homes, of q8rD 'AUC- Iraq developeditojujil:y bmdaplOnilidly,,ilnd. tuve I tho Ii Vntc' its� brip &ckL dow on W.CAmiT TqxrTS F�RTqiER­RXDUbRD.. 'thong oar aft4r.year as of '-edn- by'llio master heitid draggeit hiiii4 f b �71' M and he to ealea of ratio Stock and Real Estate at rea- ard tip as flusli, and -little by lich his.fatur .ains., oul co. 1.1hroo0red -Short. - Horn Caffle. ott, I -lie toitine a =0 Xatos. f raquii;itly h to rail with: the o4tside vibild tb�it, The man fliin� liG-self off his.�o We ACII fillia. r Mond' in W:rious y-7h-6­bxAvujfted­ MW 'p66r beast', FQ'R SVE. Aye, I I Call a 0 'aralle HL -,was 4 la. Orion the'mil)o was:worked in small clailne by d�striots its of hoping fervently that the wound:ho him-! 9. J.mi6tion of . a. vast The advantages offered by We Zitneare voiylow ratest 1, ITAS - il4pN iaiious owners who, its soon reach- aanhands b t dormuddati6l)s,gl,6aWi3tiLnioPntbgcbmtolt,09 Nita Ointe ent. for me. ui 1 iritleA Card -infliated'inight ni-b -an* ii�idiv ofitity and safety attainoplej fina, all ortekt..oa passage.' I of u an ois 6 t4a, rerld jirlvat6 ad Oat6l�4eveli or' Self had , ii1qIil st ! 11 0 0 1 11 . _.-0 it' ivLai boping in Vjtin.,� Tho�f. Sd4eb1ioi! 8.'URANCE ell R`ria:papsage 'corcipetitosigeneastigweotratelktO a all of I ionic, a Very r4!&qon- wifit of, tllo� proper hoisting machindr' And. iIij ntag prop N an' T ant; 'dog, that.noblarbiiast, thatnever-t e. ro-�6f-t a rat Intere t payu le, all 0amodorAto for, boo adogreeso-in I wishing tabrinp out their friends. en ii Jokota AU4 OvOVyA Subsequefit1k. about 1, la to romatiolio appIly, to too 0 i itor fol: t le, t, a 00Q I feet of the' -miles .. dand 113 1 76" i6lidatedifi�Ltbo bailds of -the Xa� Mr. ValideTbilt. A. slnjumoN, G. V. -R.' 'L' wao-con, , Duke of Bodford, al-hundkbd died 0 Of a a people Of INSURANCE, d, Co Of th tional Mining.an yBafs ig6;:cf whO'rptho following aneC4, a OF ot T C,, MoINTOSH, B&YriELb; . u ' of it owELV44 over thice worked in f6j givi Torkf who'li U'ow d:' 40 Marriage Licensepinder the now Act, Coyunflardoij- their-ptoperty Ey and at fba� prober] L. djeded. but nit ;Dffqated. f �r taking Affidaviti'llthe QueonlaBoacb, lor qpu� or "'One inctilifin, a Oor was III ties bi Hurontind Ifru4ei OcavQyhucilig done, 0116 its on the , dip'o E Ofi Yrft,woeping and wringing' Chore Bly"th Yloul Leages,Bouds,Contrtato, afidMortgagbal. date havereadhed iAepth (u� at WollZ me(A�eprosalng or don't ig ie leaned ovQr the fencei and t6 young ian thtWi to' be AND the lodo)of 4brillt 960 foot. Since I hav, orld !attack's Hotel,- hor hands as -il D MONEY ADVANCi .,L TATE. g the Parkinson & M -obeated out ;t. LI E STOCK 'INSUI�AXCE, erIM subscriber egs- tq tbjlder his Most 4, 161fl, Or 166ked at 6' graz: eri jfftdinclu�iri y git V Dayfiald, Sept. I gov jilted by;% girl,,' His agbily. seems ution- JL- sincere thanks.. to 'oil are doubtless bonfiftil- nA itraiigoi,'�lainly:dressed,-6ame'tO- dluriblo whon- she - not only 'throwfi, bin 011LO MU g. his Marcos otl�sto ityre will 'the ations of.,th0'Unioh,1 or plirt of it,- abou-1; t6na mutual companies only. o�e trate a,� make it Iblib surroumiliq tbwnships and. FOIVLBn, WATCH CIC. watds-her,,and inquired the reAsoia f bar overboard, Iiiii also d rival. His cited irAlmit, War Jowe Or, o-vil. hiniself. Nv.c W. public generally for their li-borill palbropage, 83,50();000 in gold-.1jave'lieon ,taken distress.� '.Tbo4ornan,'as J�alj 6:9,110,b p9bo boalnrr�h ;h -,RR Aff, Agent.- axt do t a x reh . !!! - ­ ja�vKoulsl -further noiify tkt�m- that he has Tilia Oro it; a find graine'd cbrupdot r.. "ie we hav njip il 187d. - -, 4 ' * ' I &I .. . - id t6 him, I I have a large. Q=_Rtrcet, If Bs betf r Inti sto. wofild permit,. a the happy he, has --bonig w I a', espizo 13 and the r un- latiay %ddedmoat importantImproementRAO *tobis fr�ond all tI at lid hits. o, Wmen mills 6n. An. average about $35 pe and a sick husband Od being ' the ring� secured fitting wildding ralme MoT d I _11irn. his mill titing in- a hand aseleat stock of fee 11 ton lave luvScompanybub. 7rn-, fayStock is-130iz64- and ongaed the paraon 'sh ous—'there never waz a man- yet b b h -pu whioh'be offers at r as a Is ra 1111, to, 1', gyti�i lit ti ad,, ut pay our rent,'oni: ut in a-questi rF.D Bi IC OR CA39ADA f of oyary 13 had'stright to -Uaa�hi Van-, CO,' III Ari 0 a o1vnjRdgm.nt_- Iam6_ back -we a ,goo 0 a goo 0 a'filatt goo 0 the 'Po, at hereto ore, ueed,., apa I SWO, tun Of Is lice done oil b oo 1 3 It otice sca , In 1803 a party�of Minnegotians, anionz itna: W6 uro bro.glit-to w,ruin., panic ODD another Row.. OnL d I Vlqn -OfAM%W' a- ynoli r old, 1111011ruirlers,^ t6 take dIdstlO76k.at­ my'poor cows,. t in o rosir a or 6ol -61s n.un eisuch ,ru h er. lip was, in.his,way, ..lPtO46t w . qq 4914.pbison.un d most: "dilliton, Jam 17,1870. a use lainer thin his nabor's. eply, into-. an iii you ful.nia ft'his property, Nlobtana, prasp 9 1+ Ced in; her 81 mplelala a IL,. 1 4#,v kno k hantbol!��aiad wnct #;;-At were journeying aorbsa the northern -part 0 1 -leave." The striurger was de -,�Lvolf; st at nob'so a St. Lel w, and lie - has' .90-10 is 11 SCHOOL:-L� THE CL;NTOX COUNTY ant as 'of diqtra99,+ and': ntlellilan *n mod Hick -title in t6 ma 0 m, he �rppatetli6do,first-olisaw6rk-iii land, Miqrj .,an 'tbat it will Conti is railroads an bnnl 4g t, wheril-lifi -got Mille, I h T - ober again he �po,000. 0 tutOity-orf­�FMP athY s- n xigs conse t6 marry h* C d"Twis 0 doics-64'. he hieby inh, hall G1, try to ev nas from all'parts of the Countv' aud Province eii equal I T Ilowed nP' tb�u Oil, drive the, cbws home, offering, to pot would git, square with Bing torms. Instruction is given in all the highotbianghes of Canon.' from 'th -day. was fixed,.wa .,hi elf bi'li, a D car at band Who -come next after these iif the ordee Gritts weigheain and out Prickly Pear 7 1 t meaner than ever. Partie� from a a Commercial, English, and clatesical Education, and in 6 !Missouri open the gato fbrIler to do sb, ; But at cooked, the Wedding dr ),ato I W Ixiiist-drop down the * dugalittleatthemouthol'a A a 'T,ON.AGE] �an have their gi fliver, p a oo and of millit: distance sts and bhoppiiag the French and German langaagai3. Students are pro- star notified 3 Y, day L , 0 ofmilifo"S this p�ogo�al'tbd,.*t)y�'dn'otiu.�kback; say,- th mini Be "I St Coe vei scal a nuinber of 6giloc -until Prot6otion in 06j;fiany. 41k84m13,&Ay., CwoodFlour pared for the Universities, the learned -profoalono,. and gulches they p4s.90d, and final] dam a u ��i g Miss Jentilifg. we- come to Mr. Mose m ... antlip pnisuits. i ',The cows -fire n6� ldn"- hi bipeci; OA16 a� mOL Special AttOntfoul-Jo paid ta thb big. gbr itly , tls� I wed s. Tayl or requisite for Common School Tariollors. fultleg (jell 8 Helena, ra and;E� deflate pjiCaa.* tho pro t]L m=11, ier.dis�yuat- I I t ite of -and if I drive le I n eclat and A.few o :L 'according %o`,the Lon-doti Mr quarterly terin- Students froal a df$tano& ad With, their Ill n Went out fit 0 -renin xvied a �Xr. Cathor, 'Peter thers.' Xono'.of ,b rOrin r loo ad upon as a thief—no, jo C Ile/ 00 -a not,do oil can obta In board in the village At, v9ri.moderate rates. And by trAdifight, uplo a Speeding thesels conspicuotA for much'01-80-than hi Four to Five per cent allowed tUI*-9ER. :�.XDE Further inforination will'ba giver, . generally. They had prosp ct' -atseveral Application, away on tilair,y2a], journej.� Did Mr. wealth and wo,should hunt'in idin to find that., on Deppa The Subscriber would also inform thi (potsonally or by lottei) to an� member of the oard of points in the gulch where the town now Trdstees, vii:.Ream a. if. Halo, *11. Coats"A. S. Fisher, .. Struck �wfth the liollost. simplicity'"Of ince to the"iron trade of Llerindirry. That aat4ie line a large %took 'oflumb, r "'Ost h6r','ivords, 'the strangiarr giivo her some H' I I nd d drid and grow desperate? shy nbtable m9nilments th6y have erected bei during Vine fronL' 10 XCQU a o themselves best I'Dopresged by the lie 1b] or of Wave, T'IlD a stands,'and thoudh findiug colo's al 1,6urniil, in speaking of the bhiih' AL LOTTGH, Agent,. i Rov. r ahr, and A., W He d thwaraon to be 6 hand. luot th t des their piles or atoqka ib, differenib kinds arid D., or to the Head 1amoaulnr(n'rbtuh1111,10A! everywhere; were not satisfied 'with their mohey,-an:gAold her. he'*6n14 mdutio.ii. her -last year; says - Hemlock, from 10) to !id'.; Cherfirv, bit's of IIOUS6, thou �pril, 180. 1-3� t�0 ft,, Tli6y'dotermiuod to -go on South to Ito" Of saft)(3, fopthwith proceirldd tb the .1iouse of aiid hoods, an&r gh Mr natural ro'Adtion from the swoll6ri State of luck oase'to' the Dul. Bedford, vilho wak, -h6' his at' hand, asked in murriago the hand Goelet cyratifi6s the"public witli the might of Butternut, WhiteAsh, iii4ple, Softand.Ro6k the nack diggings, about 150 miles; refits in past ydars..of'ilateil hopps and-% the, M,s� thotight,.-a griod-ruattlired sortof aMan, ind ww"and btoiks, abd has i3ice faticy for': tasefess inflition, the business of iron man - Elm" ill lengths to suit tho.l?ablic; which an- CART"WRWHT', f fir t I e6rv*Bd­nowAr".tho hgad,oi Of as Baywolod, tbare-icalaingi. was- ac- his, Y is prepared to fit 11 abl. L es him to'fill All Orders that he May, be' midlit do Somethin4 for bar t;Lld 'the old *Pooplo, to, keep the pheasantft_ Mr, Noses. Taylor, also, is a _KHA t and req:ffosed . churches anitpilivAter olicca -1 and were preparing . for ho,'atart, that ohe shoulil Call next day at Wobor -and, while- - iharo adviasr"In banks, -but We do hot hear. tifilaturing in Germany has become I -e4sonroo go" 8 &*pIred with on the shortest notice and most CARTWRIGHT. Ov 8TRATFORV, NVILL BE ViAn a hot, fetched thppjiison; It 1111 A of Asoluto'lose'to thool %T hPRO'Capi a as LVET CARPETS BnussEL E Co ab.tho Commercial Hotel, Clixitou, the first Thurs. When one�of-thb Californians, who -had Abbey, and Ask,for John Aussell, Mr.'.and Mrs, Cather w�io-ha� ' 0 1 The disoussion goino,on an ting. away'; it of him 'though:ho scarcely ever leaves pur CAB MI - Tooth. with oill 'ought to* ility of aWlishingy the, . pro a PTA ) reigonablaterms.. day auctFriday Of ovary month. Tooth 1worked ih the 'taken a faticy to"tho locality, and th6ught 14 Next day; she went barly to the Ali oy# -company �vl�nesae'd the wadding bf streets, is An Ile or, in A T T Vronrl`o 5 ut 's-TIrre P. RELT41, Prnprielor. 0 been put. in. it. lateaVatyle. need nerves troatod, filled, that ib marry t any public move to the propil t b -a. TaIlLT.-PLY CARPET$ Aig. 2s, 1870. and made As good as sound ouca. from general appoai And diking for John , Riagsoll, vra :T11 Is wn Ur, Hialcland and.Miss Haywood.. The merits whatever, whether political, aficial, OU Ofl, CLOin, MATTAASS11% FEATIM concluded to.trya-t On0-WOre spot tiv ddis on imported iron in thal Colin - be rich, J into: a room, whord--ishe, had ij�V waited 6�opok was the -elegant which. bad philauthropici or otherwisoi and he�isflim, t offi most %nd PILLOWS, at Abort not' ice and at anada Compa#�Y,Lands, and taking Ilia shovel, and pick, and pan, 16 g hall Severl gontjornaV richly'st, 9- 0. ; .. 12 w ry line !net) d hol G. A4D LOA boon lately served. in all that rogioir'. and ply known " a man who has at'.command fug the miserable state oderdto prices. 500 ends #oil cloth 'at COXVBYANCIN, .'selected a. spot apparently fivorabl.e, afid tire�, entered; among tl ag.the stir love clap ures, shawl into L A OTLANDO IN IIURO It SALE XY AM - 000 ends carpet at oust', 24o, 126 AGSISTCY OFFICE, MYTI his hands in the joy ver two A. vast amotiot of money, which he so. Instill which tho-'.4ndustry has fallen', notwith- i street, 126 Carlingstroet. LOXDON, M the Canada �)Olbpxbffy may be seen at the Office of* roinarke I get, 001ad spolton'tri )Api,the previous wilddoapairs inatcad,� of one, Me, Molt- ages I as to make it greater. fle r . . Wall, boyg,, we'll trv� m little Iii ro at ' di those d u tieso which were supposed f42-lyr.. the undarg.f.-ned, day, It flashed -into 'mind that this anan lug who atbong the to benefit the here's for the, was -no other tbR-t A4 Th,)t A liimsolf,� And. May ho.and hila bride ' It would be hard to as companies f6NvLy&cnn, &ICITOR 114 61IANCERYj AND Clinton, Jan. 11, 1871. to -top d. W . H C 0 L L R S chance it riclif -slid w a d 0 lut bU417108a,moil of to arty dr( Attorney of the LaW and EqtLity Courts of Ireland, Choy (It! a faw fee, jfn�l istracl� Its f a w th surpriia, ind numetated, only 0 show Brij divirlen raw, Life into t1jo alien of -thead 6illionaires' when whatever for. the your 1676.0, aria iho. ag- it E y Fire Inourancoo and a golit, LAnd, Loani, and Estero A Within three Ydit'84t]"O gulch had Yield- emotion like, for t was indeed lie, TO I jOAN9 ootal Agent. Prod", Wills, 'Mrs. Beesl6y, Millin,er,. aTr8,()00,000 in gold,,". grogato accounts published fat that porlod poke tc ith such k, dn Bag Slid 0 11-- now. and prob4bly the Irish and Foreign Estates Invedtigatedi and Law THNIES TO THE LADIES u show. a, balifi'6� of I�ss on 6i yontlipara- iffagoq, &a.t oavyorfy prepared; Titles, and claims to Of Ce 'rob fretaurt, grow -hp litimodiaboly' yorod, - bar, Q EASY TEI .1 IWS Dust-- desconaloo,"'that She. Isoon, r000 In a rather holra of the three rich mon'fload iilnd those Mona of 2359,,110 on a capital pf about 35J I ness in Europe tranoActo In connocilon with FIrs&CIa9s linton and its vicinity, for past favors, bogs to as. Scott, as the no wg spread, to a lively town. spiri ts.. ,'Ile thom calleA his ido %�ard or. retired liartfof tho Sauti pan Firms traced and..20.419reo Pro, lbrol them that she still continues the 110 dudP(!Iiljet w" no IbW. fieXt after'thern in pblp�,ok elt tire Prim pal Can Enrol business, at the The gulch was stakoil, all(! worked for about deraa;Kit&to give her si raceipC in full,' And Ireland, floor to file -famous, Skibbe roan 'a lion,�,.. 0hich 8 worse-thall tile corrs� padd; Party Years, Experforroo, aharget, moderatel- welth, will be their sucocAsors, to rivito funds, find for Public,c6la-' low the point curio us and �noe u libiteroating dilutor p1le. sponifli he 6 motlay, Losu� one tnilo,Aol, s;t which it os:,, to h :But it n. notloe the bonfifib-of the -public all a pantie. Debts i I OLD STAND, VICTORIA ST.,,,061�,TO ,�Itco that all wm retilmed that g balance at the close of 1874-5i t Id In par.j�.,or It an j;Otoscollooted. - , vails,callad'i I ohr4fting. 11 16 takrTs itnoftmol as allso being L195j000l She ig'Neint -for Atogara, lltdtirlolrAl' Coo European oaped front tile In utitains, and prospoetorar tIlkaft. . When hia,GTaCd1:'pat'the roadipt fow- Blythe �xn. 18,. 1676, ihat monev ill th I fedivid. 6 dnVIVv the tetld and Now York patterns of prarnigut4o and Is constantly following ff up into the foat-hills foull into her hands, he a-dalod a gift of 'thirty, from shrove (otherwise shrAft) Tuesday, on In �shofiik p ^rolling up forever, R is A, ceiling the now styles,, all sites and descriptions gold in its b 'ad 'attar' ed up,to the f r A in t 0 0 guitioaa, 4ndod liar he incloir -into her hioh day a regalur, inatrimoulal, I IT Very SOAsatidnal .Of Lo,anj ohey tb Loan. kept on hand, which she mallost prides specified In 61 ff� Yfiio to Grizzl almost -to air hot%, In 4110"'Is hold, where all,the " likely boys we"' that tije%abib of acutimultinto is not M Cataldglics, She hopey,-y strict card and atioutro husband's charadtar, ind.found .11-0 was it to contiatic to mo - ibdral Patronage, Inat directly up to where. t a outrop o very-honeat man-;�Anfl. hail long been .145 firld gli.10 in the parish -at,6�',6ji via�v, -and trai,anlitted from gAiicratio�,t� ge3oration .1-4 Wo ato all ready tiottgh, to. Invoig 0 kT.EIGJJT pnit o1914T. ALT, OnD2s3 P11011211 4PTL1 ATTENDED To, all the " instiolies" In the �oar ate'linada, th94inst tllo savage -tastes bf the RoMane purVAT UN. tho Whitlatoll Inion orospas ot Apply to Clintoldibloy-Ito 1870, bovd tobant, Ila bade hbr go'.11olne find roit that 'For days: befoiT, iliaro in quite it stir in ths who Could find �16abfivfi dti.tro%bita. oi V ZA*RAN- With hot f4firl'IV." '. " " a ngla ast It little or nothi ng was fell rid, them. Tfio dilliculty, of mallagi Clinton, Doe, eth, 2976, Chance gulch of 004iso Soon neigliborhood ,.and & twitter runs througl� 'glad ators and wild but it must popitintlon. 'Photo is a admitted proporty,l, walting safe and profitable in. BIDDLECOMBA'. fl%fiaiisled, fit least by t'ho Wilids, Who the entire f6ttiAle r li:�Dael 001 liffaii, VoatlnotltgL and arding against 10�808; the diff6rabilo of orounlat 'CHEAP word only satisfied with $50 to $100 dig- universal Stitching and boying of vibbagia - alload,� wo: 001110 1111 ftnftOylIIA! to It IlAllifJoKI110 as t 10 C d CJ'C� ajor g1figs, and- its population W41101 33tit it it weildreadna tritan, apparently about 80 'oveiy girl yoU mdeb on the road holds, nalt 0 41lybOdy' nineteenth cotittiily. 6Xhibit lastas.and pt - 1. q. so g -mat that thalinppinesii to be -got - -0 m`T0 LOAN q�= wal hdl an 0 M, I has never diod'dowd &% thar- majority 'of 'years old,' walkod'intb tho 10]gther store' her, hana.f6i a 11 aixpotibd T " Aud yoIt dfid alivitioa, *which 'diifuf Qfily III dfl�re The dky In gulch damps t boeauso.A" the neatest num VV it 'list out of it in very hifiall. aycumff those which piollipteaLtho bared 40 Pearl eiroot Witiloilt speak to a donro%tto sorvaut ItSm is a long, Inng way offwhon ineg town in the -Torritary to the head Waters oi 'Stopping to link ay quod . hangig oitt hignaig of, diateLas. Ifiatle(j titans to fifid'.1beiv ptkisdj� iii ihil,dy"n tiboa, walked I g U R N TOR will not d-08iro the th6 Missouri, 'find cona�q.ukhblY, tratinacts, Stdirst6thoacdolidatury, tharo N thill 6b ootionablo h1do to the pro- Afoa I ntitiio lot everybod sgoll!d4 of their follow.6ioll ni A V Ul; D 91 IlItI3 T11`ANT(1Xd 7118 ANY FOII a n a Q A' an carlding, Ghtillb. y IIIIIIIi W tills I)ittorm�oa6 liberally bdAtowed an him In the basinagA for tIlo whblo cOmfiluffitY­ Way withOut Ally hal" tic I D if, It W r rohialubor thit tiley d`C.L tjob bring V.ith All instance 'n voint 1144 us� obtra th2ast, Would hereby notify them and (he publia stbu- fbBL' about citary. day oe4u trance. Aloitigobliorvadbk lialitubtit; Nv just its yh6 I Ava, Caught and 11 rider 0110 ito Ile, A (law drarni is letilliq I I that ho has remblook into his now nd more Missouri is open.for IlavigAtIOU I them thd bastA)rigon Of Iffa. not, 46eb tho or y m swalf& that there wag no trarllod'i% uAtit-hrindrid your 0 60odJotig gromisto on Alborb S 06otj *hord lie Wig 11*0 Onths during the year, to Vort llon� A clerk, who wus golf, dapKolty to pile thorn up'atI4 keep thmm repaved at the Olympia Thantro,'Undoin, Ti him, ho was fol.- gho Is,Aufo to- be potificed on itid carried At Lk WIRENCIP'l) BLYTH keep on ild A large Pea holoot, higottmout of ton; 140 inilos northweat of. Helena, And Crib 1up stairs to wait 0' it Claim t6 01thir rjfs�fi& or Ada. A '"adlnj A(!"1'44'QjIa`1 11oldent, Which Coll- 'Orlwb, off b� aawo DfL the -L 911- - I'llt. )f the Charlie during that soadoh'ft 11161'0111111t9 Of 130- loved aftee.thd lapge of a minuto a6ast �uftpdn, who, athbo . III iteri, Aceiting over Pfl%t TRANXINO HIS-MANt VAM109 FOR 01driki, Waloho.s. Iawolr�, And slivarwarfli of hil kinds, plies for a twolv .110 atirprioe Ot the Clrk may be Illidglival wA Ing from the flablilg Ilix 11'Imliaorg with a riflo alld hatIM119 td Xgle liberal patronage b stoved oil Alin In the lons lay in sup mnhsP kynttand tho shraffi to Which he will moll at reaienabld rates. His stock to The city hbi tfitlee banks, two daily papers, When,. onottlog, a View of the atA an ripiIla on tbo ltoad of' A WOMall V,%Wf *arria Inrom tliom tha ho has now ah ha4d villago noar at hand, Tito AvAltiog, Is in I A, mareatittile, Itself A lifetty., mil �Soau% Of :Pormer vitoa, Ilopoirtilk of over-ir description al good line of W�s fouild to ba."000lly did, ght, Itirld would furnish a standing behind him, S T 0 0 X ""Doutlon 111 'a number in Adjusting It U07000 hbolib Ills 1100k tubjoot for the poail Of any w4ridorIng, Means of a looking-glAso, ThO. font, of clatirch "anA, . lWalter Italai4il fromthe AEST, government, It Word whito satin Course, derives its chief Interest residences. Th i bu1ditig, And, making such. other preparations sr�iat, it 0011, critne that wity, The girls; 06 'T, btDblizooklixt Atutnt, 82 114pomptuoxoputio its the infiroundings stand iri.A row oft the villago groon, under P104od vent, filoae-glao#od t(i (110 waists, an Assay Office of bria proportions oil tile . I n over prospect (it's, test instead of an i6%gififir goilth bide of the gulch,- and the citizens wouMadroit. Tlio a tran Per muot have hoon tho body of a brown doublet, firielyflowerll horror, thpugh, the ALL ing Rica publicity beach troo, There 19 1 ole f6alind Nuffidiontly RITURE 'OF' DESCR�IPTIONSI are.takin; every proclaution torgAurd. their AtoWly oppdAeNto mythl ad vid. embroidered with 0earIA, In the m6tive'spings of th rr ho 6oftor n oudh satt, 11riwevW, to 10t 'burridlit6di thDIV 11"Zilt udd-bobb -blqtl rowigh k At (111 ta The gulch workinp aro '6� rio Moans 61 dia0at that 411 h6 tty him Won' twivis- 11,13 1106., irld th6rd you" otiftib ba fnfdh 'A bUttoft f his trilakA b9sathesi with in AhLOAV ilfrooa 110011 hto boill pirlodit onla n try bolluty, with thso In d0000lb. shatitlaned, A bea-rok flillud It, now L I CA Idually lonail oval, a it, 4�, Ptoinf%bil %V1tIl(JUJL 44$1111t 4 AhlD 61f.4rohi ... .... 6ok in tha 'aybt -fta" al. W lito, jn4 by All *Ilk -builaing) whidit will gv! n 411, laolh61 hill dook Jkli, fIld tallitip of thti 41164 dhyt 11114 will 14 Dbrfaadon- ribbon" Ox,$roat oolift a a is ahoat 1% com plo who drove up t6 ant allitillivittS I - , haii 04light ift' W �4, - At 101WO d1otalice it lot of a oov till ooft S At, rjagAv# ih&y lilt -to 06tal OtIN AsIl a loohing man -40 tha bov"' as CANNET, oale, r111101 Wthilf thLoy Are dllod Atollod lid A0. tuo lmu a *Ihterf, MI Atool _rill Illflloff SU lto$ aTy to finct PfA � 16jithot *bkk. ati, anolant Water do a boon 11114 Bill 9015001 (nd. Mark A" It of, Arm 0016011 they trailipilct figa A mild) 6h found, *whloh Prot thr4t% ioll Ot lind 01dat, tly III At 006, 061tig with i6the' W1 4411W ji looZi. & ji 10 hilm, witli bliftifty with 1110-gontramau f 11 IS And P041-14, Xing Ames, 76ther tifillisbat who 10 h,r II 'AN jitlught'Vidout of Alrd WIII Atyrt Mq a 46. a a fthiftagIld 91fill of tho nag 06404updof who hod It a tba, r6d.00st0j, favarit6l'thonAg Of -Tioukin Va #A*4 at 014 'W'ffjj'W rea Mini whiph b1i f L .1 at Ml# V�t 'At Aw- 'to iftaltial -Akld (Avelvitat *4filOirigthi 11113 - UNDERSIGN ED, Zriix at tho guld I UAIller"" q #1 14fev 11 all %lUl au 4004041 to V and laluftjf, lUrl )16 liks, &1togot --dilliall PdVatty , iud reMitv rarwars littlo, at A4, Pohl, eonduo, 1�, oh th, WWAI " . . I lh4%bIMutd at 011061t Foon �o a I to khauo 69. a. fiv ambart404*06 119 404' 0! T VIANIKA IJOj1Ja6tI0hh110o*ah&Itd tibut0lem mont4l aollst4liflon Or # to tom all 1164 4 Caloluat 81160, 14 t bullflifil rah $109 ifilf dblo h' P ' Tho 0100 WAM411 At th0titAk will 611 &IP IS Ill. Jilo.b4f4da r)J 'I tho Pd*&L f4L b&V' ' " 6 ArAllim, AND inity be Ing du the giouml he the fAluo"116 Polfttoa for thAt h10h44tld'1 a erg t Int bill" tho f4thari intl tha lIV6 Au Nt dife 461A $16,000,000 Ift, All 4, priga jl� NY, Who 11aft 11166114014 dad (()I' thit dilk# otat w�allo 1AdJJ gaIA1014,46 6f tilt RobtAto, is droditna. w Virarillar'WolliAll, %Vith fldslrao. VrAy faf hcipatoL tJ%,f1 Cliff "fif thilill k4fip,1141 f1MV OWiiiloondad to mosp1t whatha lit It.' ( 4fiJr4o . ound sherai aw M006W We and 0 1 rap,� 01)m bra4kItw wo tho 4elf 4a tiroppod; nis clotbot �Vjlj IJ,#';#Jjd IeOL hdif U600iiihtloo a r 9 Ihoav hor III, hot toill 1101y *rit' flArrying oir ilt)10 110d With PAM d1am6.hl:t battont, Aqa 11o, 0 4thlonotbMillstorx4to all aratind h6f; Mho sdfli:oe antightati,hp 04 Mae 0 to t V bd 49 Wdt,4 dillifIllOnd litt blind,. ociaiiadoll f# llefij'by Abd fIttong -whe'n they WOuld all uhmlablo- baAsW 11 gr o[AJ Alld LUnoik 'Iff Pill n the, Jeffiarifen Idyr hs, from a hdr. titigi yokoA *it f a t 6 diriorillf thd46I o to,ba nurnod liko a slok litiby. Of v6dfid, littla hj4s of rol,)14hob opop up 0-iiarld. Ira IIA4 It,J x ma, tvall thitt the- fartblaviopmhpoterl Uro ho aliowhAro I fissaxot thanoy, og a tAIVIllo frotfi� Id4ho ill V1044116, a4t 4 wotn4fl mar Abliplit _VfMI110A# Ior all thb lovsj fit$4 poupg ho&VA AM to *ISO 'hil QAJ lJ%do IRk, V" All" `i �14 lift I,, 'The 9,41011 w1w "Il t4oh itt 11POI, alsdii 61 hiltuAll 11M. Thy hitoo but little 040.1 JAIAVAS tb4y I 1kt# I Ij. M FF' 016110tild, 15y, RIO thilo it# Aro. briva NO 06060 *t,its 'ho' ,we INJIt, MitIOVS jjggsl� tJ III 1110VA1,W111 illild WQL M T, 'At' 01 VIR0, LYN, Into tll#_ o(ItlutVy tt) t1te 0% V� , k fOu ot t6y IV# for 'no 1(it's Ir - 0, A On i Gab )AImbolls-VII0 t a A Ott ollall Tit AIM 613W U6114dMil tlA r to U1, Fin i mv, hull I Ju 1 4A, *0 *00o, oit. A 4 ........ .......