HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1877-01-11, Page 3o is
kinerf; to owls The funeral of it, R. P. Rodgers, One of our
IVO noticol parties Are oemolins y a OPOA0.
Nvould It net pay better (or our 71 oral 'ems.
(fitf 49 .
vrv ftka park Out Of theln I_Vf) 1. -law fit Wivotoll line beell 1041111' , Allol "lost rflopflefQd merchant$, too
. ...... .. The 1junkin b. Alit df,
y P. 14311dor, medical superintoudc
dof ajority of
Some persons acquire linowle4go easily, School 'trustee lAtletlifig, 4 eated by a III C, PlAco oil Sunday and was the larglo:it, w.1) Iql!
Nxis, Qgiv4du. —Tho Bible Chilati,ansj a. Allr tile 'A tile Londoll 111114110 Aq1tillil"diod oU 1 4* lieve, ev r Nee it
0 it I Seafortli, Tile pro"*%lont
V6, otbe,io. lt xoqairoa -a tend to urect A, church Orilla 011Y civillijig Trui;tvv ; vove, ro-clectol Yofxrtlay ;by aoo;w Tile 11rovinol4l XG44bifion, to be hold t1104y, J extoil(104 t1JrQQ quarter*, of it 'ail)
Spec ft Mee 0 tile Soho; oar I , 0 ill
e-% livid we fear OlAb. ill- the case of tile eflitor ninineri (In tile lot oppositu tho, covolvion, Illation. yeav Ili Lofidon'L 0011"ovionCeson selit., While eatluor, dinner in tile P04111110111 And 00t I d 'Kty-JIVQ0413 0, boultiva A very
Was 014 Ili tbosollool. holl4o on XoudAy a HOW, larga xiwrg r 0#,I: ' foot. Ur. Rogent dicil, ou,
:01 01. Tondorg tire cifIlled for ill gnothvr It, 11. CAIJ,, W011 1.11OVI 11 here, is zkth orantf ril, oil Monday, a Alai) ilAm.
.4r!voLr would be 00000- ovonin 001111441, up gari-ratihig, huoinivo directories Ili the noighborhoo(l, of Woodstock, 1,
of tlfo Iterald, &.'pile od Stoked, was chokle4l to. dwith. the of joilavilinliflQu of till)
4ary to (.area I;DOW164a
0 "n'to U's VoAts' adlie"MQ(4arya Searle and Iiiiie' NO t'r(-j'Lt_o%VIIS ill Iluram, aill.1 Avo Under. ghickons, &o were A horse was troiloa foir WuLge. .Ho will, be lQ08-roolemberN lold
VRAUMAIWITV 3—TbW olfift tbo (1111 week, About 1100, houti, a jack-knito in I tow
head. 0iiii cotoruporary cannot wiroly be In the absence of the chairman, it was of prayer throughout chri, t'e' afi nkl hu intendo-sobn get one, 111) for otojqn, Luoknow the, otbor day. The. voun who gorely,miased . a 44
tnoyo4 that Mr. Xalcornwou tilup the Chair. 11doill, it BPI-' -knife thinkslie. foolo Diptheria is dying out, We kvoy(
flyer , tvas bolit vlonlittou 1,$ 001600 .0 i
in P F4p la na to look into the O.hor follow pretty b4a#' k. A tow Cows,
question , but The minutes of, previous woothic, were rend .01al meeting 'for pr in tho.thilplaco. t,' hao got tile jack 4 tile Oases 14 the country At preson of ife-
wo -in interview with And approved. Presbyterian churph, he ro, last night ; un- 011AX14', OF'SIAm, wails for C 14" u "L.9 cf ighoid favor have occurred in
)r 'd of Bruce 1014, the aivigki.
a. few fariners, who will be rivocli, plogood Tito ivlattq of hiring. A c er wilfs, to Bout Rant f -or throe lit
it it Jill, N othcrN"Il be
A would auggest hold *her a to.night;'At eight tj inSfOnd of 1)k' illf," ("Spatoll(4d in ionaJaLaffftira, A I ford graceriliame4 Scott, olop auil, two,
t4kenu—pAtRA140138,44d. kIlLumbo - v of alp. AQVrow UY041*, ille oveni ell a 6W day's since, with A. girl t
-laid oil tile t4l o'elock, and plast pr0 ,bly to.t mg., after till) arv:Nal of the 0, T deceased 494 had been QUJ"nigod, JQ0`y1llj flaimilatioll'of the
'to givo it the requirell inform atiou, Tho ing. to which all or(,, 1 A bay 14nvea J*Z'd4bJO had Of big o whoill,
within ton miles of Sonfortil, In -
T 4". plications weris read and train, nill, in fntvirti, 1w) diupatobod Jill t 1 orlvla'gllaxmil 'O.Doou lungs is very pkeyalo at at,
MR, IV liallasturA off his wife, without a cent in"tho" world, present, constituting 4 sort
L of apA1oovf(.,,,,
fact Q
I VQ40 bOillg 0XpOrtQd is All ev 4 when it was, movoll-by Mr. Coats, second., 1-110- 4B; formerly of God orich olorbill"'. ten SLAU
IP file,
-out ad by: Mr. Ur low. nehip, 6.4 front J,iIttlo Si,noof, ,NTxox._Tho Uh Atatistira-of tile city of Tproutd
thatit pAysbQltorthau mAhing pork ,QnrvA,1hat JaLs. ShvippArd'a nst returned L
Ileolve bas bee , a living au u -oliventi - oil of the CoallAy of 1,111voll act fat tile Mr. ooeph Dain, who was oil Monday
oUor Of 81300. for tile. carstaking of the Creek,,Uflnito)v %Vill. L, Hearix, Ingersoll, was sitacked 'll"ho
of thank, a "n Wealie4flay, morning Witba 'it Of COLTQII_ 0 past yeal, Show an increa. a of a
t present priced. 0onfuloiijilivid If MI, Schools, he last, fy fo ye to( a as compared with that f or , looted Deputy RQQNo Of Yorkville, 'Jo flyr
oyol loe to tho yi, be so. for I ars, Up says, tboFrvat- Sabbath ,14001 )If pIaC(;*at ing, and expire& in. toil mivlute . - g g, 630, ing frdrn , the effects of a bullet I JoIdgeta In
coptod, Aud ail villa cat drawba,ojr041j) Thursday last. in
cacti in' ano- When Rurou was ilivitled for U0914tration hop 'of tile ho umn6vi of- Irresont was'll Two handrail and forty man.,* oluploye(l an 1870 bein is atom4o5h Ili 1872-by'a burglar named
pliv Coca, if the Upgiatry UPA been submitted to tb PoIrl; 1'44 the excessive soverity 4,1`14a, "3,075. Levitt, now . Tying A life 'poll
L Moved by Searle, sepQn4od by Mr% -Mo. wea the enlargenve3irt of the Lachirie Canal, have 00 , PY in the
oyernrollt. in- a roupeetblol Uegistror, othertivitie it is a 6)ood. agrAcultur- atillan -Tho netr expenditure. for'1$7 was A- Poiliten6ar
for his Crime.
GsArva, that Mr. ?4alloch -be requested to- a k CQU'At ry'. ill related struck oing to the, of wages 11 the net inoomLe
instead of anal*, a place ai; Myth, there )Ould and
a in the f4 f arnish fho Board. At -its next tifouting; witIl education of, tI'vo young, in by it aub-oolitrctor. 8 49, leavivi Surplus foT f aM I's rospo . visible for the
have been no -1 occasluii fur oliange, Ali In that Tj,(i,, ditee.-Mr. ifos Allailisoll, wbQ to' the 80 The Guelph Her
g ,A the year a , following : -"A few days since Miss, Annie,
gQ Of having a the w6ld 4me bew, wel satified. the nuivilber And names of till achol'a,ra, rillg tha prop fll'of tho'G. T. otrike, it is nveivl total balance Qt4
code , now is iiour;uall ellgago4, in, gathe As a resil.1t
now Is 4division of the County ttending school, villiose parents or I - I , . lading 1, Aton died in Puslinoli at the greAb age Ot
Avivat Nye w40 guard- tioned that is $
,ur representa. "r4d, storiu4lt for our catevon of,106 Orc-P D bags of - inail matter were at Qla.prodlt of. the Provivito 5,043,.
1a7___T1ha,age mentioned, may, be don tfed
for TAulliqlVal and naresido out of the to r.400 -a water, df?r tlmost quecolsaftil received at -9 . 1, 1 - I - - .'. . _ -
c)lk.y a laday 2 farmorg' sous, will be mQuiowilat more 4nTellivilt and IQF;q T)fe Bo rd then adjourned. b in- I tol bysome
be expensive to the people. a]like oe, curniqlIncod ilia seasonla w ork, ,, d I) 1 0 , . , but she
atfolidod. ornival that TJ39 00010 0 0 r8 0 Y Some, idea of till! excellence at the, road,' be q,rroo Always maintained it to
news will gotting ovit-avibildid ory.4tal 011,1 lir tbis Owl), took placo oil -Ttlosday Dr. M0111tosli, Ot AEurraj Harbor P. X bell of ilia Intoreolonial Railway way be
ac from- oil a I . .1 . 1 11 L
to the fifirmorb ThQ-Abovo is iii.i.extr t V000 io Xarlmt llca*; Of full fWgivity inches thick, We under- . 4,` A suit of Considerable interest. to grain
Ov011 alit. The im ws ill splon'did COA- L,rcc itlyrotnovadfrom, hoab ' 0
L I,., I . t . domellit of -alived from the fact that tile train which
9 anllitio'l t1lo'evoldlig, t4olli, it patiotit a tumor of caud6rous nature, the left liallfax on Wednesday morning with,
y 4116 the pal- i . li bo Win hain ill w IVI be considerably more Stored -'It sharp, A I is fill Q, bviyers and farmers was 'heard at the. last
.8 made to tile inco4youlallco by ti 0 06 ybar than, usual. wei4 sitting of the Div ision Court of Port Perry.
I a Boted in oleloi, quith allot t I "CallY solit-1 part Of which hall. iioarly 80 lbs. ilia Partly! led mails, redollod Truro, A, 4. lg .
fuvor I I k . il'oul W iiiatlloo. The 11 timber . Tho plA
being at,Uoticriob. W1410 11011V tile lilarkot sonloo, ourrounaodwith fref3h young Inair 111111,04 to of Ilia tRuco of 61 in 62. minutQ Saunders,6iIfl the defendant,
lllim wa3 larg ';in, 1, to- We at
StAistics of crimes colnin (I in Movvit; aChriAlpn, for 171 bushels of 'barley
there 1111%7 be tic nocoisaity fpr a seconki- of. oil th roal-show tho. number of prisonogs Arrested A -Mr. Avidrow Flem I,,, of Groenleithi
. L. . . I . I . . - J a' ' i eillity d
lily- gether with t1m th"O QO L Ill )lot cents, The'defe.
IIIIJO cy full hor hall, roll, -1011 fill! uell very S! -!fig the ear 1870 to Co. of Silidoe 'I * ido last Wod 0 him withL'tha
'ps (Itzzled, , coted go." ill Qodox Ill& U I n ant haA Credit
of jQa- floe, or a division oftho fur iwhito clawl "fron, last., w(fek.. 1v ill h( alit by thoolty police dat Comm lie t quantity at fifty4vq
la'a - be. z 10,128 a, viesday night, lit the AlbionLI-Iotel, Toron.
tillilil"(1 till Ill 11 o (?'clock With es, 3,606,
and oil Fridvv3 110 4 J)fltflol (I Atl till ljfe cents., Thb grain, was- dellyard in August,
psi put to. Ila ws-lifty years. of ago was. 18
1 qs, 110ittly ghi've lultless beh, ?)A#, f tile offeets of which 110 (lied Ilia, "tit th a -f allw-Ang before the barley season opened, And
be solooted. for thqqatirity towo fault(! 40W on the floor with hi throat oqt, WO e words "p'rio'43
0XIIIIISOA-4 frwsh4nad of) Saturday. vion wero aw.,kriltid for tho beat vostnuitis iora oro throe Candians in tile iiew a receipt. given contaii h
thin lie kad 1.
up tile, glMy,upon liar baron, 1, of Legislature of Michigan ; J, L, Vahtdit, The :(iroteatil illiptero a( Ottawa, atA ivipp. For," Barley ranged
Godoriali, or Winglia ' Ili 3S'O whyl,labOR0, in good bealth lie 'Was untualTiod. vit n When settled, o
question OL ll.
-0 y tilt) 10. th century. Dunds ; 11, A, Dowling, bola at d .0 -:At .-the, -opening-of
coiAro vf tilt) lint 1;!ta raU, paols at othor:skua could bp_ d6tcoito?L thord ; J. A, Yi tilt born 4t? g 40 tq 4i4o4a's tb.Q price.'from,80. ents
at)(14hoscorvidd to allow,off soconoi*-likild or, taxa !oil ofeburch property,. expressed the sea on to 55, Cdntg
Jbslilll If u- T6roO6, find ohn D. X.orxeo, born in Lion, atAhe close. The,
ilpal resiliknits. of, the toNvir oil New Yol"l,04 day, "thonisolvdai'in faor of taxing the v was defendant offered the'plaintiff the mvrket
Turman, ivisou hair. No It9h, pad e I (I the, Bull, of fJvvJ be k ffercIlt fhr i inco
and ro5idencos, but 6bjected to a
ersolls thui honored, Lq-y rate price, which he, refusaid tojake, 6'aying he
110 'Coutoar and eklirbsilibn botolcciie(l every !rho Toronto churches inakeuse,of nows*
t'Chia shows that. tb a :Brusscls poopla willo.good alit tomallrom_beinl ? levied on buildings.de0ted to would fifit'sell und _411ar
aper coNions lo a large* oitont -notaustomary -or ecasoAable,
00 It
hat aff.64 the setviOes. _' They lIpliove, in- glou:i pUrPOS
prociatotho bir nown: Sunday shown county. stocia abashed ieitson, and free ini,itaion to. dIt ti) Suva.. lid who hve a -as kill(, ft) v,. Tf3ililf I to k3ep barley until the next season.
7 Btu 'bir brass , I 1 4 ll*.i)6x.is ragin 6arfuily among the
slo. Hi udke Daitneli, in giving jud -
Ju4 tit '0 niniie. -Ali' ifilitati..0 of this w g
Ice "ospel, and they np.6 and vicinity,
eat in. tile (if -witl r. h of vifil
r rl a or aw at %w9etor,.n1 r lss A dual. Jilli ""f 'A' irit'by' the. citizens :if OlIntoll, Jior fjlo 6 urall adopt vadians ill Viatori Of n,"001111try dopellil. Uptin
fort hits b
bvj, "Vl`sloftd tile sloi- 141 men r6mar
and qualified its Jilturnl wolbli; wid wealth its 06114JAIltod or It ;Ind tctii be V o owil, - 1, approprite bocuso' inost'offootive Columbi;1. Ali of eon -made to . ked thht the 6bri(Net,.of mank
and reinoveall undallSloyed Iudiino-from the- farmete in holding.back their produp for
by labor, wbich is iCw but. 110 su fine, if he )tild got a ahaviva 11190ma OS doing io-1
tthey. won't 90. unless tran'sporta4
t aro debtli-ved -mattoy what alviouilt of pvoklitu vapablo a rise, while in debt to the rqeichant wai'
aelliEo of this placo'.)I01V 11) '()ntLI*S oil -foot, aurdit-, ilia dairym
roalizaLlou Of- otir labor Whence wine$ tbiS* pulfa06 baajz;-* , )II tile cc 8:
out 411actmouts of augmenting, if tilt, 84priv crilold Unvitalla lilts ju. 01; Ace 'ted of business and wag in a I -iVory larga-miitt-
siulply goes for the exchatigo youi ig iAcn. froul,the otorep, tuld ra olJy..(JJJ0_ Qu money. f or
r, to S"JI)TIly.tho nesin. recognition
franue a law, to ex. obtained fruin nro.working (11 by doze Ili and sure the cause 906hard time -'lie
for otherp jilsidua Of Ourse %V;Ah 200 Sacks f oil hi,'barrolftLf rivileges. of electors of Ilour. lit 611 J.00 par Back I of of ilih Service's in behalf of ram P' noviii wealthy-Urmard with money ill
-tho. In ties worb. ail- the dairy liv.
r (Yld Ill. terestg of Can Ida 1, 111 brihgin that; bvitioll -of t:
)Iioth Ono, 8hO COUICSITr011it iFf huro, p Ceti. (Itod foi. snul a pUrl), 111) ill g OleIi Station; for the'y.ear aholing De'
"(Jt , lid style, the bank, and barns full (if grain, actually
cc to ituothor, quite ning blitai, ilia othe a of our. farmer's sons to tip land. ill h oniiiianed tit the late wero;318;020, baing* a Lask merchants BaL for
livisbaildry-to. su,t' -Pr
ft0 P., not-. to pre their'. A6.
r iB, Aull Such loybly Intijils are Mauibolbii, Ito flor alitt get for any previou ry of the on, i
whioli* produce tlld.' I , is year in. G hisT. n order that they might -speculate
table, b0dy of our countries he beatl, buinc, an, Ontollilial oxp(),Bi Lion at PIA
alone in sweet Old! tbaso high figures for it, , W,o expect to Wa oil region. During'187,5, 174,628 barrels foi. What had tfiid plaintiff 404
th;'question * a,%- that are exchanged fur ovr pro M _ )tV1 i.!XIlb, of Watford, who, ware:.shipped', And- .a
Mr. CX _OL
III this inutailee.1 He bad, in effect bob
of doctiolls "ire Quoth*o, tliirLl,. 110ar. largo einigy'atiol, in f874, tile' quantity
a is thus to be workilig for us, and not f4 theniselves4 .here tbo-billows foam", Won't, to Ell -land ill thid a4 2'24,885, barielai The largest quantity 171,, bushels- of- Ilaley that 'tib
8141ANFLUSS :rU00i" Tho caily 1jr,3'ak, U 811v in- Pidtll"O t`of hopZ Us r.6 i ned. p was w price
chimes iu ;luothor, '11or in. T. Lt Be 1 ast year w4s that
Mor"ris is, h or hom, a, count,. nt off.in.any one
not be well to ex- All right-wom pg%v e tb tit JUntilton F Olt Co. arb.-maiiii oeant ot wax ..a.uccessfill, althoilgh" h'0'16BU irea, 1Or8S for tl . foweelc andi iilvl6n 44 239- Would be ]is' bet.aiid
r dtk air aill t for_
-leas felt--boots-afill shoos, , ;Lnd,as this ula. 7,.. th'O
'J'hcl 1-tailizil print lost, Ju was given (ACEPIld.
Ia a lipped.
Ilis ely on arrp a were I
find lind out WI"JL J)'O)Sit isLdfic .f 'the beit-'llo'n-conductors of- na, ta1t: alit.
CF. - ing
ivo shd arfliall ill of, others visit 04601nd, t
tjye. -non- the notices of applications
to populatiou, over canio frunt Gas on Ulm Ileat, tboy , Iust be of thel very Nvarniest nd*was in -it- thoracs. At P
L' '.' a, wit maney lot of I ".Froui Goshen Lines you,ninily 'floscrip ton, an are;. thertif 'orev well a6pted tan janQo j4JJdL of their be Pailliantent-ptiblished in Saturday'40ficial
may facilities fo'r their oxchnge beJucroas- ti . L . .
rrBol the privi . .. : .
age I- .. It his. latalyibc6n'ta lk-CA of.iomovinii
a cobwebs from y6ur eyes. "t'hat maiden fair is for this c6mitry., Tho.'jui at the., 0an- pidCaq, Gazettv, is one for.1)6wer O. lay' inton oil QIOL
ad till they Are as perfect as logislatiou I . . L 0 - will he Rh tile rill C aain. nk:w6rksh. ups Er tal8grAph NALE. In .01 _5JII inst'l. tho'.
What othing el§b than tbwn b alle in*disff,_Uis8;. Vor tonnial. awarded them I, pvb ;-of a silver tu.nitirrovy to vilj cablofr6in sonl&pl ce in Great- Britaiii to
ak L. ill' ilia C-ran(T Trti" rn Bioll' a wife of Mr. H. Hale, of. a. soil
a n
stri c. 'for- the aniondria
,YL IV, -1 r6vive the
the mechanical arts can na a ein; out Of lovely gijIS 1.1011 killo and ,Belleville, to Kinistoll, Th6, 0 place ill ilia Dquithii0r.. Also* one Frmni.s.-71n 0114ton, on the 7th inat the
ivelIville'-was inodal. Mr. of this t wn, ha be th '- d 'lls 6 may
(tone, there would A little moirb study and writing I soon, fanied Oyore ; the ity Of 'the vnic Carl' do tholn fur. sale. amt. of -the Atlantic -Cable
vife of Mr. Wait. Ferris, of ig ter,
courade such o 6rand, Trunk. CL'Tvlpiv; Y'S Chartef;
arriving at I eon. make the D crald a good political eiconbinist. i6at She has 11OAR'beforo," . .1 . ; Sta l for tile exiendingL,- the tinvie, Then -up 9oke auctiIar cfIlap - COVRT. -Ttv%,) tramps waro a B. 1111flZlitids allogoil,that'they. c6nvvot e-410OL fixed- for tho'completion of the work' 'of Clinton, oil the, Sth inlib. -ilib,
conviiiii tod er" for 20 Wife Of -Mr. A:.. Brown," of i daughter.
(1baUgA should be If You, will.. hear'm E by Mr! A.. . J. isll
y pay 1 .5wour tht. I retoct 'Oil at either Beli6vVIlo or Brock
We offer this text as. a tivviely-, onc for tile 11,4ve seen tiha girl flown ill. the 8 >f -dhys to hard labor, 66.Vuead sytlor disor. AVIO.Aviqll l4to 11 od Jlimt%v do n0fi, liyivvi4 the'06inliafik's cable, And othorwiso
W there is the in-
-youhg vvvan : "IYhere. wainpls furthling tho objects, of tile Compan.,
Consideration of gay Itay*. erly covidu0,.'-a;nd. ally nify niale over with aball a young inan cleanse ]lie wa. - i RRIED.
r , :0n the morning of Now Yo ati's a mail Says RecAtly MA
ot a chow of I)tyrd-0i that from 1,110. ilipgbaln's window. hardly lly Tho- 'de 'I
nauvall John"Colrep living about tILrob j vlilas ---A6 Day Cit
taking head thereto according to Tby.Worij. 1,-arainith ilia anottier chap with. doobtbilb -thein, into it there arrived- 10 Ottawni Post, Office a y
ate, With all an- N. 1'. 81121. tioli wiij, to obtain. a tit ti . on'Da . 2 fh, bythe White,
Uldtor on,`from.o r,4 down to, On al y would"elljoy colvl from Tlospolqr attempted .-to) conufijh "'ini lob6r fr in 0ilgh d-beaeffig. the -following
00, catir beconie,-a. 0 ail
OIL oi by out Mr.-, liez
O,ALr2m tle
nild 0 t tl d ;ting Ilia threat,. He Fillocaede,
i -a line Anil. *Iiile-thoy thus disp-ate 6kiah Richard.-Inoram of Jly
he texCabuve given T To (fi, it- 41eir re but few Wrj6 tile fac' .11;3s , liar pa came down, I N A Tm, 417 s3voiing tlib win pe. Fami Mr, Police Officer C*;'to Miss- Mary Do IC
t of.a. seculiviv paper'urginor its.-Rdop-' ard-sci c mfortabloy,: Dr. at) oil th-cly .a witi, .11. 1 - . 1?1 Til y . . nnis, of linfou'.
tnp a 6111014.0, aSlivivig in the b ftIrt"' 10 the the 7
4, it pity L, Ottv r Tow
ibis Clause, ant] tin is'rroof tit th6ro is t lite' oviudi of fl, d ill,, . 'are is .0 little for,th am to (16. bottctob, of, wag the caiiso'L of ilia' attb' twity-cib n 'Ont.,
k, niong. And sinbe,that (day these . ps- -pro 4v- . . 1 0 toet aZ r t b'
))IolIo.qy11;0A1k,fli ill th". (Ilk"Ltion Avith Cairo. -,I r a D ed with hivit th6 cc of'
lit that way, d11 V.18. IT DOXII (10 100plo road VoiniviltUtig the rsh act. Province oi QL'Ioabec ;. WATSON D. --At ilia rosidon
younc, men, of.sober, erioti U1116 bucilless 6 U4_ W the Ov re, Aineric I a tl or, oft Ihe 2. -by
be assesed, as 'it .'a t-hOughti "no' every 8unday, in cutter, gig ( clo. onin" bate, r Ileigh. rhe, oolvertisonlents 7 To ee who j wit(irpills- Iaa str6na tendency, to break thrio-lb-gli'mo rp;W h are Iola a war zled td kno ' W L6 *h6ol, the, Rev. R'L T.L C6UrJiea, Mr. D. Wat-:
-liveries.are doing'Woll is golli'll: 011. Doringy tile rP ire 0 pliz
tT6ciold(O (riv& lll letter -to Chief 11,611aild. ivilletf"
live in to got SZ is anytbli eBrioade was Cal 116 a the le,ttor prqerl (, bolon&d, but finally
tho hmills et tficiii Ing, and to know' what To re ;,e, , w- ant
si share ; anallivile LOi)e that eled oublo i 1, of Listoitell, to-. Miss F rancis M.
ereo they ant" 110 fired al)d 28- unif a ar a r a . M.
isome. j Soo R the ` 1 , . ii
n's OtAvq Ink tho Ito of l6aaog' roll. - "T J 6 fetter itself is as- mysteri Clinton, 0h tile,
hlovely'droahire ho01111SO4. 80 bave coino .Ind who bits th alklli`4 e X OU8 'is MoKiNNox-RYAN.-
ofr, a' a out rhold police force) 1. 3rd in aat -W to befill, is attending tiahpr daiv , 'It wid. U16;alllotilib of,insurance all tho.onvolope, and the TV
daiOus of it ft] 1. -if Rlly 0110 is - W ra.0,; or VO, a ianii ,
nd three reporters were an
was or to ride,.IJy'th6Rq
to Wab I the clianco of' -or ous propert destroyed or daiiia d b ,lit of
cl allictioll, P t - iv. D r" at the. residence of t lie krvid
nl_t]Sotllollt. t4.4 06b. aged in try. ing. to thd hieroth- Coln, McKinnon, Blyth,
1110 desLt):.*txctio lli'of,ilaniil.ton's 9, to.
Ineat-in GO(ler, . I -f to County Council will .4. 'bill -Set ()it. loas during 'I)Iii0s- It "1110110Y docidet riet;41f th daiight6r ol"Mr. Charles"
they I ave road %It the. r f givo-lepillp. Ry
deaths, birtlls, iocals, the 70 r, an, Barnhill, 'Co Chil*Jrolanol
r.. Ctrarcause they catilt; help:; it
I J. tialt, ivood it. ll A'"redridstla,v, ad tho. vvioniilig traiil: morly of Unto
yorell. ri the V tF, V oil Friday night'a Colored n..
cards deli from the West, on ilia troy, and IfitT-EitATT. -On tilt) 'by that'
I life in niti dia6bai-ed t%v Tordvvto, foi two400t ptschool bal Wall. -od front tit hi rtf of it tile Toronto Station T.:J.' DavidSoni, A.M." D'D--
tiloe , . - F4toil, L wIln
ellilij, it was iomarltoid. Limb the z Mod ar loane(l
Columnih to, that bkc nf!y. to tlin t" oil- the- streot with Baker'5 tar of tho Baptist. id) 11r6h, aiil
pit At
pence, Torontoi. will erected for 1hor, i , Miss Wifo. After shooUixg.atJ61il'aton be.dis- considerably to ono sNe. On in Id the residence of the b 'do's fath
'fedL the CaMSc,.-ih'WgS% L:
nent as bitherto -ttlecup e -I]'(' tk volver tbo. liAM TY A
I dopal vii.behalf of rip4o Belo 61110,11$0,) 1 oppioititla f,) 4ro-L 110 C, 1180 -of' the aset
a MethoIlis' ChUrelyf I I ' .;itminfition, to, di
b' ell'r luvo C'J' woman. Itila w6ilied that tile Won aupvorts Or bearers countant , of the' 11aviL do.
t6 Mr)1!O annIr ik)dirinh ninly vii n: V. .. '. LTc;ha bf the At_ Is too JBA& 6n VIC spiings of
ry '14 fow Ivill a 0 k -e two of'tho wheflliiC.werii. 'Trantofil lRastirigs;- J..ea Aull r was p
P 6nifortabI6 71 t1to 4plhl. Snapped in two, ,Ind that tile Springs were 0. A. Marti; Xiiqw
TAIN." Ostal- C ilia Conitivoid ronipt.1y argestod. Ttriton,. b Arw'
torter , ill tiVi$ted, all.' . Of. tilei r 11f6turiLl PJOf4jtiQ of, 1:nrauolis,
Mr, tit,
SIchdol bui! di Jobi jil jei*
a over
-bara, of stoeli- Nihich are
i tildy having
Frl.on. IC,(,. Tolpany ail it) ont. itf;,r brokell 6E.Frtivitepac, a o tiltry can now fig" .7' from lrrngements 'betwoon' tho-.0rand the, lie fourth dauit E eat- va "to i V,t
slibuld be in cc elled, to 8 ol by Mr. happ, (1, concluded- upon, tile -of tile
t anal qualification, But a short tim, is a mystery. Mile is QI;Mlod for the
P11Ww vvi brought is r or voon tho,. ono vacated. b DIED,
I all'J. oquient oi 'and it -is further pro nilsehiofi but Jt seems eve
jS .1 _In franchise to all who pos-. its tone of politi, a am 0 SOL difficult to beli
own to the loweit.fititit'llicia.l. point. - NIJ1xu tha't il lis goticy, powdrfuil'as.ft is, ao' George Duncan,
in the sprvatiye, no doubt with- lie hope Of' FTIN,-,S(
tolefable degree of education in Burritt,:fhe leirtied blacksmith, agi for .4 nothiTi,; 't, il o %hall bo-Viliell on again ;Ind all- war. con plish, so much., youngest Soo of Mri A, 'bring about a tho itil r"lntg issucil for the Mclgprchio aged! I year find 9 months,
,several yearsi ltilb6ring' L to of itii)At - shall
lish branches. 0114 ith more time'na tha prolonging its existence, .,afia:. then thf) Panny post across, the ocoavil'between 7ng_ ewa,,es is
'Ir late of tho
if property quaIji'le, Conservative press throughout the cent and the United States, and thgugh lie ra if; in their tile NDERBILT
tion is to be ad. r , land It 1 sponds v 6:reinabawdivChanked, * In'a word-, tile
somont, ovv Fridq niedit, of bered to, pointed did not sucq6ed in Ili's 615ject, s far ad Mi? tril iir hav'e ail unconditional stir-,
we think it is alre'ady afflow with a great. flourish of - tr1impefs, tli6 atiolLiq pitL-;ing riebilr bnt arzq there 0-rtly l, wnpir, nod
closed letters, are concerned, we *nvie now rol Commodore Vanderbilb died at his. reside Lot 397, Qt 661; (Y
to this'transition as a si !I of -thd-14nes, -a, nod oth er'articl es'ush ally, Ulf 6 in IrOT' the ioa; rn
11 *"ill ln S, ashinittfaSilivaro, Now Y at I I o'pldck
Ifilv . . . : I . 1, oli the 13th Ilia 11 t.. box:
about to enjoy some of the f ruit: of his lit. al" tore , and made thouf into piles in:tho Dilikinsoli,
as it well can be, in justice 'to those who .9 It V, ark' h 401,
0 l'I iii Illiocoll
and propl' cied an early d ti rs An lit rrod. Ott Thnrsd.a;,-nvornlJJgiZL
le eath to'-the'Re-, 6dr. Of them they will -be -4 ad 'a ibity tile tbry P.ornalius* Vanderbilt, likd Alexander use u a, as tl 'L lay ar . to-aQqu ick emigration agents. a(! sollye in
the door%vh s of 6f. otuiulty. i.4- froin, tratford wqs A rilpros6atativo 61 that' class of
Ithy 111011 W1
ib a larger 'to, discern the signs,of the. tinicaj 'and to L-,, If.. & B. T Yrc. Tlirougl 'ilia iustanc.oA barrels of 'lievring *oi` lit 11 . . it made, money , li -the Noti 0
a to se the franchise. The _a 4ifferanflious0a. 111-80610 a tho label-.%.
re in'every other respect well'.qualified form ad . OfC rs !ontrat of Albert gtreet;andplc bil' I T
'o tmorv-rr tfIq loft Ove
W. rogtilue productive busi'
RailtOn, flitatibn 'qfiit,o il distatico'fro-in their 11 re fill. of ifflo fmill, Chien clasn of inen who are so situated that interpret them correctly we Shall soo,all 6rrtac, 1;11islfine here, we 1ave -been fair w6re, *ri*o exe Ci HE TINDER
sea y.mcoungcon (it tla Nvork oJill will not be responsible for It debts Wilste
alid on aturd v
to exper,.onced'iti roolabuing, pro- of riifltans tiokl th-i taiI4 of about * 6ven -or,
th the following 4tatement of tb 6 trouble w. th'tt -ty to the rise irr tticted iiiiiiiinsivo. withautilie frigolj.dr,l
rvative papers put 'crh tile' habili. able parb of big vast propoi
it is not to their interest, or convenience the ConsQ a 'ant fyr ti, tBufrak). tilno on J% ftem. " Jlntas -not indebted. f6r any wngitlor,
Iest, w Y ork, -as werp the' Astors GEO. Olt
to become property or leasebold erg- ments of mourning, and bemoan. A 6 oar bu done at Clinton -itation for ty-, Ia party. cows togethor fit pairs, a . d, in their strag-'.. Duepnhon, San. 8;1817. past o I at, I ndin. -it thn ye, V and go iwiny other wealthy fainil -it
Such as clerks, school teachers, journ approachf death to their beloved confibr ' Dec, Met. 'Ph viollift, 1 . ics eey- a DM()T froo uvvfort nfo
olved Tor.fares has been .98,00q A Spy No BY'%, 2t Q'I felliph" lie rh lie nladb.i
lira p6ney,by the, risona faiI ox Iftoillcp
fO a
ree ew'11047. taifa_ out, na are
echanics, &a., all denied the fran- vation. (4 (11111 to Ili., Jlarcnts it incid&atall slid lis ho; saw Fill. Bush Lot- men in
freight, $7,000 ; in freight, $5,000 Iak. i!!A fathar'a Jlis ttention was devoted to
inklmd, —
chiefs, yet equally as well qualified and A, total of. $20,000. Consid Called upow. avid asked It-44ol ent, onto, J: ElNd.TIJE EA8T HAW OFLot .11, zth OON
beer alit' ntlin'ber froin"
nanOrIng hat 'I ti'l whk-h rg, r kol er- If in) lieirlw the inatill tticut' of his railroads Ile 410-
ing, J. NV. aA-0 TownslifillOtHullett; 5V Boren. There Ili doidar Ana
entitled 'to vote as farmers' sons. this is fliet first year the line has rtin. to gett"upf a antuci wa as pfulloititthelot. rartarino,ita,,a I
t1loto iS.aTvotbet!rAiIrOgd 1,17 nnin,, thiatown-to compete with au-Ilqual,111111- recHittly decamped t(y avoid Ili% creditors. lip y to
The following iWins speak for themselves, llillg, ing, l6on- it'll. l"'k Fit) 'Iola IfII-W killed by 410 Ashtabula railroad Dauiol. Diew and Jay Gould, and never lost HEN Y.R. WALI
ion of the franchise is determined and are certainly complimentary io 0avirtaian' thilotiglitlioplaci3,.tlieretu.1,1,is-,s,ety uoOX bar in Goderfek, in a thn trafle of a ,Ili opportunity to condemn Wall stree . . Clinton, 10, 1877.
extent , 0 . Radillonfl, . Mr. 101difth, i.i ' known tn have t oppou-
-a] uding stock raisers; lie litic, t of that flhil. thAt piell stock- On the
upon, let it be a general one, in and should other stations alo test, tile vattich.to be, fo r the boii4
'ail upon Ili.% porson a geold watch, and chain do you not,- Mr, Vand6rbil Y
of J, 1)
The Liverpool Journal q lialtice ai; -good a Compartive i4tr- irn ilia Society.' He 8tated Lit lit LIIQV Str oattle.
f ay
all trades and occupations, offly ex- sith Dec., under thn announcement 10f MI llex- "Catilt will bb very ritifying to ( lie bonf. Willillg -to llaY all exi)oIles, Wo. -think it (,filicia. ld ; ilawt, -4 allio the And, lit it singlo pock6t, a tolograili whih was thorreply, 11 but I pay for whothity,,easag(l
received tile ow
oiily, salt what 7 have got, and thos "AMD INTO LOT 10;
eluding tbe.ignorant and vicious. traordinary Arrival". says Yesterday quitah suffloient, nfimbov Iniil t Ito fond here care of 116 hall dng before It d
traliv, in (the ntNJ Sayllaia eon., Goiderloth tow-ushij, aboitt thoLuIlddle
scene was %v itnessed at the lanCling froiu the. willing 6 give them tij el %portunity of eon (if worim, itl lilightliot'bn started, -I registered loiter, and $7,090 1 of Nilveinber, Two Heifers Aging two yoaro Will one. red
Allan Steamer 11 Aloravialt" of 600 Couvallian lafeStingfbr the victor Vh( pocket,Wn,5 found -with -blve . Ile was -born, to landALto begail, life- as a And one bilioldle, Thd owner in hereby notified torotTe
-Y will start tilt, -iii thr- fte,iticutoio of woncy, ' Thig
THE O.NTAR10 LEU its when tlw trars- I'
GISLATURE. wasabout go or tologtaill 'and To4istered. lattar-in it;- but captain,. When lie Tlft six tacit years aid xoporty, pay oilarges and taket th
novelty of this iniportatiou crowd I
Sheep alive. The c6start'froin Godorich staticu CHAS!hZiONDS.,
caused oft.nuothor of persons to be prosent, unit cat ws %V.e wilit f lr tho of avadlwl tba money was gone: A.'revolver which lie conaxnaudadasail-boat;avia used to carry
Immediately after the delivery noticed oil the truck4rbe ockok I aten Island. for is
of otwithstanding the retient beavriweather in lleath one of -Tb t4' tl.rP'ra'rnI)erof tlioiio' Wits alsoj passengers totid from'
to- was carrying fii.jkis hip p I
ilia cars. Attempts to ronV contq each. In bi a princililo that
the Atlantic, they were all in
-outine roved unavailing, 1 8110 wim. left there, as ill hanging -on tho Sleighs t hat aro deiven bg fterwards used to oinphasizo to his friends,. Noticei
the Lieut. -Governor's speech, tile I excollellb colidl',* vo - pussy ), alarnibig,to sea ilia dangbr flinti buys incur ll4114 vexhily tile
tion, owing to tile Superior dad f; as supposed that whert occtifr6cl ill BON-,
business of the ]louse was proc pr vidcd in the steavilibr. flio train got lit' around towii. When Wfarn tor 1! whips be. I t ytt th'i of illo'girl tl?at*m malAlibuld u6voi- in a.business
caj 0 wt. -t remaivica in T inform the fultabit4mid of olinton Ana on gas To
ee notion, She would gotof4r. ifteraboubsix bitir Ito is a positiv If kindii i t Ifouse Belleville, (lit Thursday. bd (till not iinflorat vid; a
lJoily Telegraph of Dec. 191h says minal o Vl * of. the ioW aa 11 HE SM380AIDEA tZ090TIPULY 13
with, and after the bearing of reports tbe.passenger Ailtl freight darrying business rroundhi
11 The hard (;f 60 anadin caitlo, Jandeol, -at' uil(;s lind been travelled, ilia totill, %vile 'tile boyg'. avid.wo a4viso then) t to 4flopt.the -C) to A. vlr. John C.' WitillObarg, : thQ arebitait, alituary that bd is, all the Firok of Zdbruary net
Liverpool on Tucoday froul 'Lli'O' Doinillips by the stiow, and while tho, tracl rule while in town, andeapeck lilly oil Streets and the recording of a few moLions, the T; IT, with 4 wotkaititt in taking, fill big life. For live years he daried his to open his briak buildingi; cornet of -Enron and Mrify
farming; find i1shill noi stiolotof so An AtiationUms-6, Corwriistilon Wafevionse
Shovelled. thk Cat WAS fouud to whoro,vollic as, are ill C(Jllqt till, (404 0enoral 111rokoleo.
steauver Doniinian, w6re inspected by'a.largo wall be niotioll. (10 ffold about thirty foot high, lip libors,to SWen. Island
House adjourned., rho debate on the number of persons interested in tile cattle Ila in fil 411,lill off, Vol 11-C of oti which ihq stood, in the Contra of the bacli and forth to § Div vorki tindAholl, lie put Sales fit. the 06anty,of Harou proniptIvittinaiditi
0.041110 POSWOiA is'lld disfoolgod, sev. the greatwt dangor lice in boo Vo f his aityltigi into, the Charlotte -A Coasting V01- or 'bit iq 41
was trade, and were pronounced to be ilia Illiest l it" wL -In Miv- 1411 insf,, bitildiner. Ono of -the gup0ltg; boibq clif,"
address in answer to the Speech shown by a ollovelitut the conolu"oto
ail) and should it so liai)p.bn that, a lotharlol Ovtg holow.gaVe way mna jViu,16, Sol, nobod in thosiI days for her fine appoint. opecinvous of Uhriqtmas bolef vbi r huniatioly pro. isfoloso behind, thos robabilit V is tbIL6 lii. the titg and spac(L ..He had thenholco married ClIntinil :An, 10, W7, 4 twoycftrdtoi E888ophia Sohnson, daughter'
o9r,41lichbia.haid struck Sho.becaula the TEXPERS for' Charch
arin 11013130. are oil the bay, 114t oees.- ;f
by a leading Suotch aftlastuall or A300 for f, foro the driver of it can pull iii ls !
tivelvinnienced on Thursday, Miller be- one owtier. A pair of steers Watts purehade vurv efl them, aild unt it to a lJoighbo big borao Wilkic" t %Vlt:ell th.. borg fell desCond oil tile hig the mover, and Mr. Mass" the il much
01 flyrea ma to broak his'ektill. into V.1 bufldng
rho pair of steers which took ilia firat, prizd T.Ly CO-, D U L - inothor of hi thirteonobildron.
seconder. The on] exception the Op- IT,—No 1.0, S" !l0d tllataviiry?.
y Rv GooD Pitici,.-Oli Til 0-iday last, Death was installi.Anootii, ll his, life lie (leveled himself to business. &ILED TENDERS WILL Ilt R CEIVO' By
at the Voyal Dublin Soidet-til'o Chriattlias fat d young lady, in a ]lot C'c ea. G, toall S Lheitindarsigned, for the ortiolibu of a I1rK-(h%06c
it thoustiaid M*'8.00 pot h- 1111dred, fby- F Plooroations w6rc resorted to in age Asa means with badolmont# oil cornei lot, oppoolte Central 8011601
Position took to tbA speech wits, that it cattle show were itoportcd frqin Canada inilei; from boro, wasr laid oil what turilud qvjl klr W 't hoed, all mail ilauldol Jaintog U 4nittill iii
fk) Ir, llog4, tho united ILL M of wbich of preaIliving health - rather than in yorth. Itoutw, Clinton, up to 19 o1olock, nolonj on SaturdaY
lkfes,ws. John Bell& Scins, Wasgow. whilo'lias-ling tile jowolry Store, Us lovell'ti. line horse, but di(Iot itiolsit,214' Size otbolilding, 56 ligel to 1"Ovifir
0 give any Pxprossion an to the I ilear'1 500 ygreatly care
gentlornan have Identified themselves with tioll- During her ilt-LICEs Site was attoodod
failed t otit, to be her deathr-bed, iif"Oul t 4*S1 ')act' Jlayio, L niolbn, about sa-en ponter woik they be tendered for sit I Y,
tht * -tnt
hiabost lit, hs a Orlil ill Ori ntly. Piano and gure thal; ling boon for'colapally. Every fine afterhoon of late Par
opinion and intentions of the Govern- tile introduction of cattle frain' hay- to by igiolloig, and wieri.the itunotincemolit eclock. last, Friday: night, noticed' a Ilia years liar might be soon driving in Ceritral Parli rarflontlgal corner of it $n
it d
ing imported tile, first in 1AU, At* the High- and we ttery 11well bit
snent with respect, to ilia question Of ex- of bor dolUh appotared in a papar, liar di6playaf jowelvy in tha wiffolow, Aild be. Ilis horses were all toulamly StreetS. %'he COTAMIttals do
larnt and Agrictulturol Societies' show ill July, lly other place MAI Ill d 1
brother, who had kPISIdbol in the place an'd jar tip," as, lie alibsequently ad. ilover sought to, have 50100 to, sed6lt 06 lOwdet or eny tel 46? -
1,14, 'taxation. As it would 1875, equal to Itoyal Society's Show iv, Log- -aeica, who, I;oi Xt in top P
emptions from tit our cotoinpox MEN GIBUING9.1
lid presented cOtIATIOP, DAVID TIPTADYt
was Aware of her 'position, called at tile 0roIIy.lufh I
land. Ililessrst. 1101i 4 $Ono were also 11i'lico0tia- town ))flying, tile highest illak-0,11 04%b- w will N Ile sidewalk, and pl;k- the fastest t10-01 road, Pastor, Joni 03UPLay,
not look well to lot the Speech pass w a 6 pll'
fill Ili gaining four silver modala vifith Canadian lwhich obod died, and Stated U1116 note of ibis. Those hogs %yor 1 61 or c.114%!i vninili,1 ' Writ, it'i UP P, Chunk of 16 throw it through the the U, 8. Government a steamship of MOO
lie Would. return foic liar filtioral., Tic; sllf 11114 it, t ilia 'Window, find m1do 6 grab for a uniAov of tons, which ofosti,9800,000, It.wag 04110ol the ant some fault being found wit), it, Mr. cattlo.-Livi-irpool IT6.did folk broodi, and wero raigod by Z. '0111; oare,
tMis Was Ific nilly jglt I'lolin to, 4tl, .,I. fifolvem, whitilit Were on allow jvj hjjj. bit. 11 VanderbilM' Canvass pas8e,l Y,,,. UL
A Lovidon correspondout writes -Thero IF; not rotorn, and tile W
BUrvvood.- Fast NVawanuah, And werb oilly Atonal 'contrihUdd A,
Scottlmoved, seconded by Mr. Doacon, , itir in the Canadian meat trade, ' Aleasuros had Over Inad ng, . 1 till's Tlqgg, hst6llfid outside, and 0111141at NVOOd - in
of. notwitlistandl a6 his ton mantlis old.. Whu will say it does plot Vm Trian at lie WAS
that the House rep,,refterl that no refer- -nit being taken to secure the necessary co- higtov had been Ill for innntlis, ro4soll it, after thi4 I Go t N go (1 0111' o0xv011goff of the ' civil war, After Ilia- Arst,
as pay to raise par '1414 0011 in Tho scoundrol turned ii po r, o0g, a vile died, And when be Was gavoilty-gix years
operation of ailleallibn lier6l avid, to inaliort t is kitowu tor Ilia nagloct, its Live I UX 9,, . I An n an ord, umar
once had been made to the anbjec o least 600 head of -eattla a broad aud 'mrife f ak- lilin in tile face. lie bald him, Vol' of phy*'al stfongth 1 410,
Fiit nf that" 0, ho want- %Vcuk (1141139tho pevaoli.highly entlivem by. ho r dillt* t1iay,&r6,dr6pp0d, and then it t,;f lll 41110140 IXDWOV r; Ililtil tht) p)lied Callia lilngi IT vigor (Or a Mau
,11 ,., 'Ullf I hilly from -4
next , year, from the bolvainioin. U 14t ig, Ile "146-3
lexemptions. This was vilrifially a 0,11008, Kvid field IC Ood "a if) 'Th ill, __ .0 im opportui fly.
What I ig I to f th Wo6abnal) 'Wag gear) in WU
of confidence motion, and therefore Can- Olt London, 0A.; Q dorb
rtThe t Vndorbilte6ming from the. Plitt, d the
lt quar 61's 64,116 ddiit siderablo debate elf stillaal 0 )vat with, Ully of hisi-ohoice from her, "Southern h6ffldi or tv .0
Chu Un 06
4,. %db., anj II&Vd to
oppoottion had h6 platrarm Oil the sub -d- Us RV.-aliatice Wilson. and, Monday lot. On Sunda MAU fit; t U It ropl'V, to in intorlding nottlet it, :1141"' b rall. The ittirriago ceremony took Duos T061inty af.11utan, will A
-6 is faototy th6rel tab
OPLANDTO Ov TM 1110ft StillooL.-The It' frtho. North-West, Whei- writes fvdnl T01011 of cloidolklah, oil TU
Wer, a filsit, t1 -i . irgtill t.
igh School of this town opened, niter the lid on. TKOIlday ovellill public 46A I Otto witer who wont against the Dithkin o proachea I)y 11ay. Db . 13 1 0ounisell Hotel, 4t tile htiango hour tbli
1pab IA dalisto 4"r only rhottlorial. x0vor N7'11 be' Ontario, the Winnipeg A-00 Pr"s 609 1- of half -past five in themorning. ThooiTidlat
But on Frid ILL io be wintevi it, tfio new buildingo oil field, al 1volvin frDlIt 6,1877.
The vote At sg)q fic meeting Was hot i1i ILL wh all ad nea o 4.hilt i,ti,! UAttleforitT is tile faturo- Capital, 'Of 110 it; olfIrgyrinda wits 11ov, Mr. Briggs, Who, 40.
the carried upa"Krij Th6bitild.
r toAho polling tflaao -dtod_ i i weell aThe Indifin title for $500 as 4 rairrkgo foa,
dreen on that day froth tire birbats Of hIt0tnP0t*. ing, whiph was finis ad last, fall by the call. deliverd by Uviv. Hosato 0000h, trat. 0aivoct a chaquo 'An was A
Motion and 41 namilint, Tile ad ford, and; 46.vld &40n, jr b h',in. 1110 ling boon axthignialle(I to Lim tafrtory for The now wife of the - getitun; Ari
41100. traotOr, Mr. Wai. Little, In situated in 4 1 01,19 wo it linblif o iliav rttrU410p; sqv litty(ardalf; at' milest. orouna that lad of about thirty-fiv6 years of Ago Tit that
wan then PaWrl, Vie lion, Mri.,crailks on hT Dloqtionto -tomilsla Atill ill prOPEstat. Trio I I I Nattloford: Ia i ralleg I
W yadvId. Day Mr. hild Urai 11, V, eavillituding mid Vory bloasant I)OA10011, to -,O abotit 050 wage of Win- tiluo (,Tilly, 180), and tioemall to ba N1611 stilted
him introiltionill rt bill to ametla fli oil thil ihilts 4t, deellilln
colabilatod ill" Gott), being Ott tile brow of a glivall,hill, ed that; it In torotot taltbil fil 11% 110. Anil upon both the'Xierth and td be tile prop, an,4 Comforter of
from it o.,vu bo had, of the whold ntfltifoifflna*6 01 It TA"WS, Thb ruarriago was dhildless, 111d xtb)
4013.40 Act. ary of theit veaddod lifo. Upwards flivill vi this 401 P, :4 ig g6od for gettle viol
The 'a ty Ig-knou It ag- Ivilflafn
drotill Ot thbit ellildrony alAndehod. town Alta alld In Also wall Ali. ..,a pf 60tlflft
Amount. ratiolorbilt, has ye
of a hun 17". b.-Ang an, T ran, eta., Wore ptoont on tile 000mion, %latidd,for dvalnu, 0. It ontifidlis four, Ititil 61 Anda 011r, the.flativA ChAtgo,
RE EAKTERX QVrU y,1,427, 'ho dbuir w%3 vo,
ATION. Tho hang In tho Tavoilithp a Mated 'flohool rooiiiq, two
A Vierma sipokc-14 alliva liigar halla, oft 046,4 114;l to ba 11804 as 11
liast Insprofted tile atrismitiq ft"d Itforol 61 Top- dflply by this with a Mill. tWo illkey, tivil reparfpi that the Tolt-Itioli (Mvlerrs P called tho oplAontia. Tho Ufl6no. VD0 11, =4sotld FT ii IT11 mellt Imn it vivillin nf AM ot'. hAto ogg-Jilyorol tillfia aidk also (lay md ava pach flat, thhb.aml lid 11god to vaoito I (if doga ill thig th.4
oputrAniptita finflInfArt fnr 400,000 rile". Tile d0114 th . 0 hAXtv iti, all us not to Iniernipt tho#E 41 r6 bf 11A atd of Tin '11PA to thoir own0m, and t Turkiph arniv, in Rrilpitrin Ip rilip'lilly Inartesit. -3 ah1jr or lot flifit mvice to tile I)II hl in, 'till it flivollor Alloon of
iq Atiffod that AS 00 I-linti, frftm fill It Is understand that ()illy lit nifo 11111w (Alovill xro A11111111, Ily. Ilispomilil hill, till) Not.
-nartp of tile, rvrnim have arriverl in tbat
Iniz. 0
bef tgt fyll Rto Ill lanall. Up, Many of tholft!hAvity a h4bit (If full. ivgalngt the Ursvid TriihU- tor, loati Indov&I
PrnvineA witbin the Ilot PiRlit (lays." which 1; friltid to"U AVIL1011 140for VIM iiiii nAr bit t and -bAritill 3 d P.i Ni Ila fill ft
Tba lrer,ld'.t Landau rihblaliv by the strike, Tho Grilflg6 Lailgol, 'witiol, wood, IVA It in phyhnort 4114 thom Will Ila 116 qvlitty fref noftflv boull tho ga"go I'll nillbalif 11,
ihad obartarod A apodial train. to . can ILA In tondfiI4 tho A 0
That Rvilli'lill bAS PATtAilil'r 180,000 17064 tPOOP8
I,yq, : tor 'Elie frovitier, 1`0114 tO 11741`011 party, hambrifig Xbout two imildrd liffing 6. stoM, M-fioyhto Ovao With ca ft
into TurkeN,. The Rocip'iall nsyAl propfiratietua and g6litlemblio, to WeRtoll tor 10 rollwal do R 6 wn fliq tillyaolil T:%T.
rwa skil envill)let" All Ocilla lie oltfledtoil, The bhl is mookliva it) V060vot, t1lo coat of Elie rvrox 016 thafiliA of1ho community, no was being litrivon do Alank Sea fl,,At ig in position At the rArfath of , 6,111 $Ad forloss And 1116611o. ho-UNstonoll qvoi, to ilia Tmvileog, A if AAr NO, Whordlals, a, -AmrM All `41116116d 6611461 'btlilldiug ttiab (A 0, tirddit, rAft alit ort 010 itIA11, 1100 1301111.6 al', tho till)
ThIA DOW Inn. outhicle 111661r,16i 04 t1afloo, Tho word loft it) ill ilh otlIA01641t, id Tho tflittih- hdrao, E0 0:11% Affir Thtiv t Of U69A. Ili vih)l AltuAted for 1100 1
Im-, 1" b*tw 4.4agiA In iii tLik %VA§ thpown 01141 Oat MtOrl IVA011, aN4 awl thi) h4ka, itl t4f, Alf, shilibb tit op ImAy tlig. ltdl,Lm, 6ilf, J
h alili Kill witim te 4 1 a r111 I , 0
KIM 4 ate, aR, ig
he T vit fj
0 t U T iri
ace a y in
611 a wa b
..... . .......