HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1877-01-11, Page 2T It X 11:1*--/ al Cf!t , . t rSurientini EVERY- • TRT.TB.B.DAY NO41•TiNcfp 41.t tlao oface,, Isaac_ 8troet, nearly opposite the Peat Office, Mtge, Ont& • . T4/018.-41.00 in advevice, or 0 paid in two menthe from timed ettbeeribing tor 4,2 at the end et the yaw. The best Job Office ta the ()entity of Iferou in eennection, Work executed ilia that -01444 rammer, on the shortest notice, Pt" at very reasonable rates. ADVERTISINO First insertion, 8 cents police, subsequelit nsertious, 2 ceuts per line each time, ' • e01TRAQT RATES, $70.00 40.00 3 months, 20.00 Half " one year, . 40,00' 411 I I hem ill 20.00 " 3 months, 12.00 One-fourth, one year, • . 20.00 " " half " 12.00 8,00 12,00 One column, one year, " half " " " 3 months, ... One-eighth, one year, . - half —ew • r 8,00 3 months, „ .... 6.00 One -twelfth, one year,' ... ' ... ; 8,00 " " *ball " • 5,00 " " '3<rnonths„ 3.00 Business Cards;glines eud under, I year, 4.00 Advertisements of ?Strayed, Lost, Found, Rze., not exceeding 10 Lines, Atilt .refe.,P,I, 4.11 ; after first mouth; 60 dolts; eaclilUce.R. Advertisements of 'Earns and /lag Estate for sale, not exceeding 10 lines, first month, ; not exceeding 15 line, Wet month; $1:501 ench subsegnent month, 50 and 75 cots. Advertisements Without specific directions will be inserted.til} forbid, and charged ac- cordingly, 0 Advertisements measured by a scale -of - solid Nonpareil. E. HOLMES it SON. 1" ALCOMSON & WATSON, BARRISTERS, Al, ALL ToRNEYS-AT•LAW, Solicitors in Chancery, and Conveyancers, Office -Nod door to the new Royal Cana- ' than Bank building. MONEY TO LEND ON BEAT, ESTATE. S. Mar.comsow. G. A, WATeoN. Clinton, July 21, 1875. CAMERON .1% MCFADDEN, "nARRISTERO to., MARKET SQUARE, . -Ls Goderith. M. C. CAMERON. W. H. MOIPADDEN. NON TO keetaig. MORTGAGES, NOTES, AND OTHER • Good Securities Purchased. Ciintoli, Nov. 9, 1874. 47 .W. W. FA.RRAN: Malcolm McTaggart, CLINTON, ONT., BREEDER OF Thoroulibrod Short - Horn Cattle. STOCK'FOR BALE. INSURANCE. FIRE INSURANCE, • . LIFE INSURAI3CE, AND . LIVE STOCK INSURANCE, 1 .14, ttrat•olass StOok and Muttud Companies.only. W. W. FAI1RAN, Agent. • . , -inlatNg, 2m r h 1878. . e .1 '111. • . , ' ,CONSOLIDA5.'ED BANK oF CA,DA 1 ,, -- ( It • — " CAPITAL, $4,000,000. CLINTQN-AGE rte. 't ' 'Volt artimra, . CLINTON, ONTARIO, rl'HURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1877: • R.E.oicov.a.x; J. CILJ NIN HAM E wuu43; TuAtunua uu, vmui.§vgi, Tug.: Y liberal patronage bestowed upon during the time be Ilea been in buelnege, would respectfully intl. Mate that be ha e trnowed to the :IOW and more amino- • ague PrerAleea ZoccEW MORI= the . • B. APBTATONr-OrlaSE AND RESIDENDE-, C*Iter O1 .4.1R.01?2'& ONTARIO SOTefS; iijo$4:thheell(''17attneltrucaviitiautlr. ytirtrgiril onutov.ugy, ;ova ' 8.1yt°4' Neri4 tOIT11111'S Ittrisilx !Store, • " ' • oebitai arba. , . .. Iva'. OlidOEY• Maio GRADUATE ofi TRINITY • College, TorOnto, Physician Surgeon, &e., 14thl Oak 08109;-,OPImeite filial:We 7.1<itei. Blyth, Jan. 20 1875. 4 Where be will keep on hand a select took of FAMILY GROCER IES Qtavery delicription, wad, will be eold, it the yet lowest rates, large aesortment of new goods are now, en the way, and will be opened, in a few days, •A TRIAL SOLICITED; salreOenS DEnnteltED.AN'XWABRE IN TOWN.. Clinton, July 26, 1878: • rAMES STEAVART, 14,1).01. M., GRADUATE, OF • e -g 7�oGIU Univereity, Montreal Physician, Surfgeon end doeouchour. Residance-BaueekraW • • ' Januat7 4,1871, . '""" 1)A. REEVE, Phyelolan,,Burgeon, to,, COrener fey County of Huron. Residence owl Qtlloo-Oorner of. Albert and Mill Street, Clinten, Auggot Oth, 1809, 7.48 ivi.knonnuiv, enAnttaTtl OF THE MEDICAL • X, Department of l'iotorla Lintversit y, Toronto for- BUSINESS—CtIANGEr •• • _ • • • - MEE UNDERSIGNED BEG LEAVE TO 'INFORM. the inhabitantsand4Vointy that -they 'have purehatied the 'Grocery Bugineas ferniurlY 0417934 on by SAS. BIJNTER,.end will continue Ant the Old Stand, where they will he pleased to meet all the old oustomere and as many new once as may favor them with thelrliatronagei.• They -have '.on-hantl-wohoice. dock of • • • . . Vatuilir errocerie • • . - Of all descriptione, which they offer at tho lowed re. munerative"rates. 'Goods Delivered in 'An? Part of the Town. Fenn Predliee Taken in Exchange at Market Pane. molly, of the Hospitels aud Dispenearlea, New York, .11brouer for the °Runty Of Mace, nArrunc, Out. •jttly.22. 1874. • 131 • Iluf'Aeenuehenraiteenttateof t118111til'onTlixtaa?•,1°E•11'' 1111. WOliTIIINGTON, <1° . and Surgeons of Lower Canada, and Pr vinelal ieent ratifaildeaCtrgeer ne brut .tilitri<gilifocify Ifouctootinpio•ailfl!ydo'ritd. fhwaitee: Huron street, Clinton, Jan, 10, 1871. , • • 11 DOWSLEY, hi. D., L.B.C.P.StK. XEMSER • of College of Physiciansand Surgeonof Ontario, late•Hnuse Surgeon • of Kingoton General Dna Lyingio Hospital, Physician, Surgeen and Aceouthour, °meal Athol:tarot, . Clinton, April 21, 1875. • • • • • ar- ()ABU PAID POR EGC4S. . : • • • • ..a. eau IteisPeetinlly Solicited: Remember the raace-,Opposite Post °idea_ RIDES and SHEEPSKINS 'bought, and thalt pnld fOr the same, - 1{013$ do LEE. Clinton, Nov, 1, 1876. e • • 4 2E704 Xis VIM , OP. ROY4.14 MAIL STEAIVIHIPS. . Liverpool,. Lanslonderry and Glasgow. Tho first.olaes, full Powered, Clyde•built Steamshipe of the Allan Lino, leave Portland every Saturday morn- ing Inc Liverpool; landing Passengers and Mane at LouhF0910,Xor Loudonderryand Glasgow. . SAILINGS FROM rolarLitatn. ruanyc. • , Jan. 18th POLYNESIAN Jan. 20th WaABIN TICKETS TI iTIITHER Ennui imp.' 'aro to: London, the saline as to Liverpool. • - • . The adVentages offered by tine Line aro vorylow rates' best accommodations, greatest amount of comfort,' so fenrity and gaiety attainable, and shortest eon passage Prepaid paseage oertificates /Honed at loWest rates to preens wiehing to bring out their friends. . For Through Tickets and evoryInforme.tion, apply to A. STRa WON, G. T. IL • Clinton,riday 4th, 1876. . • 1$.trtei kar.brszi,, OannanirnooSn, COANER Oh",.0010TORANT and Store' streets., Victoria, B. 0.-S, Jones, Pro. pridter.Exaellant Accomodatione.-,Boarq, per web, $8,00; 13ed and Board, per day, $1,00; Single Mottle, !Incite.; Beds, 50ete. • . It'ATTERBDRY nousn--L'uarrEignost- . Jr., Proprietor, --Ono door south Of the Post Chico; Viotoria Street, Qllnton. The fittings. and turniehintm: of thiniolide are all new, and everything is .provided -to moot the wishes and ivapts thu_travolling.pablic, and- l•ka-r6-018- coligaiiA,S•ircim lone oxPerlenee,:.-et holog• able - o -make comfortable_oll who may fever him with their , company. Good Stabling and attentive hostlere. • •: :Clinton, lune 2, 1874. isollonus .toarbs. ivreR roe, TO LEND; IN LARGE 018 smarm SVMS, on good mortgage, security, at moderate rate oof Interest. H. Kan. Clinton, Auguot 9610869. Ate AliBIAGE LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES.- JAL • Apply.at the. Town Ball, or 48 tho reeidenee of tho „subseriber, near the London, n eon & Brew Railway Station. - JAMES SCOTT • • • . Lauer of rilarriage Licenses. Minton, April 2,7th, 1876. • • ArifiS HOWSON, CLINTON, LICENSED' AUC. _ _ -1,IntrnEttlortlre-Vounty et- mime, .te prepared' O. attend to Woe .Farra Stock and Real Estate at roe:. movable rates. . Clinton, Nov. 18 1878 • . , TM. MET, SOLICITOR, WII,TGZAT•IclIAS BEEN • appointed Agent ter ths Securities Corn, pony of England; he is also agent Air tioVerul priiato. capitalists of Toronto, who loan money at very reason- able rates. Interest payable yearly. Charges moderato. Also Solicitor for the St. Lotman:83 Bank. . Wingltare; April 7, 1875. . • C. MoINTOSH, BAITIELD, ISSUElt OF • Mar or for taki g Affidavitg in the Queen's Bench, for Coun- ties of Huron and Bruco. Conveyancing done, ouch as Lease,Ifiind, Oontracts,"Arills, Deeds, and Xortgages. Fees amall.1 Residenee-oppositerollook'a Hotel. MONEY ADVANCED ON-II.EAL ESTATE. '31Synold,. Sept. 14, 1875. . 10.-kwa4 jewellerokr., .5.,Q EOWLER, WATCH AND CLOCK, next door to the Exprese Office, Albert . - Street, Clinton, respectfully intimates. , tolgis friends and the paha generally, that he has on hand a selget stook of Clocks; Watches, :jewellery, de., which he offers at reagonable rates. Repairing of every desertoth,a =hut line, done on the shortest notice, and at moderate rates. °Linton, Jan. 17, 1870• , lsg0 Licenses under the newAct, Commission. i Blyth Flouring '•Wills, 9111B subscriber begst9, tender his most sincere thanks sty, J.11s7numerous . 'custo- mers in the Burrow fug townships and the uhlic generally for . •Miir libera1.i3atronage, nd wbuId furt er Went that ho has tely added me'\if.iiseproyementele -xt 41:engine double and twnrnn of fireiheliss::fitone; with mi e.ni1ete net of mer- qbanbqtr1ii1dfl the teat and most imPre-gid tete 04,;-vogetherewith first-class Iio is prepared to do first-classwork in tstriliSTIlqG; CHOPPING 64c grists weighed: in and Out... Parties froni 'WIT distance Can have their grists and chopping '"'" • home with them the same day; Good Flour ; and Mill Feed for sale at moderate prices. LOUOSTIC. . Canada, bettetifel, boundieue, and blegt, AR a young nation eau picture In drumne. Nuillthe ond lakee, valee en& high mountain 0; Vint Arable lenthron reaggilleent Oration+. 1)eop torwAtElanairiee, and Olneral strand,, Ali that in Make lior feverite Inuit , 4 • Ontario Legislature, • sEssio,iiiRD • Totioxro, elan, 3.---To-dayat_.?_ 'et'eleckP. 181•-,11iFrItnirDonald Alexan- der Macdonald, Lieuteriant-Gover`now of the Province of Outerio,• 'proceeded in State to the Chenibers of ,the Legisla. • tive A.seetubly, and beingseated on • the .Throne, was pleased to open the -Second Sees.ion'Of tho Third 1?a111ament Of 011. tario with thofollowing speeCh . Or. Speaker awl Gentleaen. of, ilte. Leghtla- tire Assevibig. • . have ixttih Dleabulo n welobreitig you again to your annual duties in con- nection with the legislation and geveeh- ment of the Province. I.rejoice to have it in my power to anneunce that the learned Commission- 'ers.for the consolidation of the Statute liatd'eorepletecl their ,iniportant and la - begone nndertaloing, and that the is- le tea-clyto,be sithraitted:te'yeu. . I • lope that it will. be found practicable to (live to. the:people of the Province at- yeurpeseat'session the benefit of this work, with auch amendneents in the ex- isting laws as- year wisdeni may ;Bug. gest CsappreVe..•J3tlls embodying vari- ous ainendments.Whieh have the recom-: mendatiOn of the Gionuniisioneris will. be- -laid before. ypu. . A meaenre giying yoteS to the Bps • of farknorarie-oOrtaiOiaiesTwill bo Sub- mitted for your Consideration. •''A.Iso, a Bill•for extending. the 'Voters" Lists .Act, .with necessary moilifileatieris, to mithiel pal elections. . • • .. , 'Further progress . andimprove ment may be looked or in the great cap se. of education, now that z has readied: an - Other stage of developonient under the Act of last' session, wbich aseigned.: the administration of educatienal'affailap 'a responsible, 'depftrtmeet. fig.:Wards,. i in proving -II qualideatione of teaoheis and in seeuring to all the schools •tefich- oes 'properly trained 118 the best: Met.hod of teaching. • • . ...Reports will be laid beforeyou its.te tho working of the :law • respeethe g :the male of ferniented and spirituous h 4wers, under tho i..et of last session. Ls will be aeon that the Act .has already had a beneficial effect in diminisi_iing the evils' ageinst Which it Was .dirrjeted., A 13i4 will be offered fol yor4r consiideration 'embodying 'seine mriendment,S, which. have been suggested by eipe.rience 88 calcidated to advanrgi 1115-A5ft13ie13t work7 ing.o e Iaw. , ..,n,agreemen. lis ben arriv.ed,at with Vac, Governxnent of the "Trait sosoor...- Tut CLINT017_.0017NTZ High School is open to _puplls of 116th cexec, :rem edl parts of Rid County and Province on equal tering. Instruction is given fn all the higher butnehee of a Commercial, Englith, and Classical Edueation, and in the French and German languages. Students aro pre, pared for the Universities, the learned professions, tvhd mercantile pursuits. Special attention is paid tr, the. studies revisit° for COMMola School Teachers. n on roln a distance Oen obt n board in the village at verY ma4Pratortatua. Interest froia Four t� Five per cent allowed on Deposits. M. LOUGH, Agent. Clinton, April, 1876. 1-y ememmenaleSomes MURRAY is prepared 0 fit up pub. lie buildings churches and private residences with VELVA CARPETS, BRUSSELS CARPETS, TAPESTRY CARPETS. ALL -WOOL OAUPETs Duren CARPETS, THREE-PLY CARPETS, MATTING and ENGLISH OIL CLOTH, MArTnA88118, FEATHER Buns and Puu.ows, at short notice and at very moderate prices. 500 enda oil cloth at cost. 500 ends carpet at oust. No. 126 Dondas etieet, 125 Carlingstreet, LONDON, Ontario.' 42-1yr. Inommummonone MONEY TO LO -AN ON EASY TERMS, By which the prinelpal can be repaid in part or nil at, any eine during the term. of Loan. APPLY To • W. W. PARS.AN. Clinton, Math, 1870. 5,000 TO LOAN. PRIVATE PIINDS. • •••1•10111111I VHATIGES MODERATE. 7, MON= ltrA,1600EISON. Barrister. &s. 88 • LUMBER.. LUMBER. The Subscriber would alim Inform the pub- lic that he has a large stock of lumber of different kinds and: lengths; Pine from 10 to 20 ft.; Hemlock, from 10 to 26.; Cherry, Butternut, White Ash, maple, Soft and Rock Elm, in lengths to suit the, public, which en- ables 'him to All all orders that he may .be favored with on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms.. • P. maw, Proprietor. Blyth, Aug. le, 1870. -CONVEYANCING AND LOAN p. AGENCY OFPXCE, B/JYTIt AW . H. G. COLLES, ervRYAN91114VITOMNLLESZANUALtim Attorney of the Law and Eqnity Comte of Ira n nealogist, Iowa, Loan, and Estate Agent, Law, Life Fire Insurance, and *moral Agent. Deeds, Will,, ortgages, de. refallyprepared; Titles, and Claims to /Hat and Fort etatee investigated, and Law Btu& nose in Euro <meted in °emotion with First•Clase European Finns.; Gencaloglee traced and Pedigree pre: pared; Petty Veal"' Experience; charged moderate.-• Money to Loan -private fundg, and ter Public coin - Pinks. Date and Notog congaed. Blyth, Jan.18, 1875, Money. to Loan. RIVATE PONDS, IT tnanT PER CENT. , 1 Apply to • 0, IIT.DODT. 'Clinton, Deo. 6111,1816. • Ifarble -WoriLs, - TJ It 0 N STREET. ""v. Clinton, Od. 070. II NO 710 _ Yeetit regularly, at their Hall, nearlyoppositiKnox's Hotel, Huron Street , bu the eecend, Monday of every reentit itt hillf.past Seven. o'olOok 0 -visiting Brethren ars oordially thed. HENRI DENNIS, Secretary'. le LI - ca.E'AP U _:, 1 • • , • . Pit a • re • Further information will bo giver. on application, (personally or by letter) to any meniber of the' Board of Trnsteos, viz: Mosel% E. Halo, R. Coats, A. S. Fisher, 7. Reeve, 151.D., Rev. MoQuaig, und A . Worthington, X D.. or to the Head rilatiter, Mr. Jame g Turnbull, 13.5. 11110 a a'a C. CARTWRIGHT. O• CARTWRIGHT, OF SZRATVOICY, -trim lin at the Commerefal Hotel, Clinton, the first Timm day and Friday of every 1000 15. Teeth buried 15 the gated style. Teeth with exposednervee treated, filled, and made as good nit sound ones. Canada Company Lands. A LIST OF LANDS IN HIJACK FOR SALE BY 21. the Canada Company may be seth at the oillee of the undereigued. ,..--41intonr•Tan.,17•4871; DA.LE. DITSTHEADSTONEEN A.LANRExoti.BLYTII. /118 MON Pro:ants ron VY . the theta venerate° bestotted. On him in the, peat, Sold inforin *Mini that he had new en hand • kinds in /Median And Foreign ifax131.1 ended in -the be etyleEitild Ili Widen* able orlon. 41"10tlft Colored hdarb10 13111,* d Chi Sh64,t Notice. , A,KTS UZAD VAISS IMO VO A 'II A It G-11 T 0 0,IC TURNIIIII1EOF Ap. DESCRIPTIONS, hat lad 15itortail It lot Of the MIST Deniinion for tille:pufoliase of the Rock, Wood Lunatie Asyluin, Subject to your approval and the appreval Of the Parlial agreement. go info 'effect, the •criminal lunatica 'now el...maned in this asylum boundariee had been cellected, •a now and an eichauetive statement of the mum oE Ontario bed been prepared, and a considerable part of the documentary and ether evidence Affecting the qua- tione lit issue bed been printed;Al Most overythiug is now ready for the iaL deCiaion, within a few months, by able and ecmpetent referees of questions fer tiv0 contUries have given oc- casion to keen • centroversy, and eften to fierce conflicts between the nations as Well as tie great public h04.0 who havefrom time to time olaimed portiens ,of the disputed territory.. •. have given directions that the pub- lic accounts ft,r 1870 shall 1?0, lett be- fOre you, -The estimates for the variensebrenetes ot the public service for the present yeaohave. been prepared; and- will- be pohniitted to Yon. You .30.1141inLdliet. they,havw been framed with every re- gard to economy as well as efficiency. - trust -that your.Alelibmations will- rebehre the Divine blessing, and will re- sult 'id .advancink the proaperity and hapPinesw of all clasSes of people. Greatest Storm in „England- ' • :Not'fat. from Drury Lane,- London, is .a street called .Wild Street, in which there is e Baptist chapel. This institu- tion has for. 173 years been remarkable for a sernahn annually preached there in conimemorittion of the greatest storm that has occurred in Englanclin raodertt .times. Robert Taylor, .• who survived. -this-fearftil-visitatien- after -having been; -ekporied to B.Wful pail; placed a areal' sum of money in'the public funds to pay for an -annual sermon 'Which never fails to exate extraordinary interest. ,This storrn, for several years afterlard men- tioned not as a storm,' but as trio storm, was comparable, says Lord Stanhope, in his history of Queen Anne's reign, to the worst, in tropical cliinos. Ito chief force was spout in the south and south- west of England,,,,',../ho.:__Queen was aroused -from :her bed . in St. James's palace by part of that venerable, struc- ture boing blown clown, and the Bishop .of.Bath art.a lvotkLand_hte wire—were, killed by .the fall of a chimney stack. The .13,4ittrar_of-EtenCellege-was,1116wn rrora :his rpm into the street near Lod.' gate. 11111, London. • Tfie darntigo done et Briattel was poinputed. at, X1150,000, "Portsmenith," sayS a writer of the time, " looks like a city bombarded:" The Eddystone _Lighthouse -was- swept into the aea: Therwhole country was strewn with giant trek'isi torn from the roots by a wind such as had never been known o before, CuriSity led Defoe to count them 'in a ride around London. He counted .417,000 and then got tired. :But the most terrible disasters were at. sea: teen sea tho me, u • Admiral Bowater and, the .wholo. of his 'wor,••••••••••marri TIOLMES 64 SON, Pitornmos. A Warm liforsal.. The following details a cruel Welt, as described in the Glasgow Obarver ;—, " Loolcing over the bulwarks of the schooner," writes a orreepondent to this journal, "1 lilaW one of those watch- ful. monsters winding lezily .•baokward And forward like a long, zooteor ; smite - times rising until his nose disturbed tho. surface, and, a gushing Sound like a deep breath rose through the hreakers ; at etlieilir kis tiffg -Me tfird'all t4-6 *atm) as if listening to one VOICOS, entl thirst- ing for our blood. As we *ere retell - leg the motions of this monster, \Bruce (a lively little negro and my cook) sug. opted the possibility of destroying #., This 'was briefly to heat a fire-brickin in the stove, wrap it up hastily in so le old Clothes:as:a sort .of disguise, and th' Of a -few minutes ; and the effect was ketk!...34t... Of ttlh9atNi -. -Tt...1.18__Wek.1110VOTIL\ triumphant. The monster followed the hissing prey, We_saw it dart at the brick and gorge it instanter. The shark rose td the surface almost immediately, and his uneasy motions 8 00,11 betrayed. the fiuncese of the reankntivre. His ago. ries beeame terrible ; the waters appear - as if 'disturbed bv. di, violent squall, and the' spray Was driven over the taff• rail ivbere'we Stood, while the gloaming body of the fish repeatedly•burst through the dark waves, as if writhing with fierce and terrible convulsions,' . Sometimes we thouott we heard a shrill bellowing cry, as if indicative of anguish and rage, rising through the gurgling %waters. His fury,-lioweveri wartieon exhausteds rin a abort lime the sounds brokiialay into distance, and the agitation: of the sea Subsided., Theshark had given himself np to the 'Aides, as .unable to struggle against the approach ()Heath, and, they wera carrying his body unresistingly to the beach." • •' • : '' . . i• ee. le . Extraordinary, Telegraphic tilscovery... • • It bee often been said that the science of telegraphy is; as yet,'onlv in its in. fan , 'What it will be wben it reaches 4Airlhic_dis t . e et maturity it would be difficult .tcleg t.q„say_w_i_fdj_. cecovertailar ty4y,w4,114.0.,ukliome id7.,:.• may b 1 fo.rmed front a extraordinary -It app ars that some inventor has fou out th4 Means "of- sending pertrai telegraph. The modus operancli yet .boen' disclosed,. .but expo have been made, and -if we -neve- the papers-7with comp The trial was made 'by, tho poll‘ thorities of -Paris .and Lyo 14 ' trait of a Lyons official w from Paris by the new tel paratus, and at once re return the Lyons pot' Paris tha.p.ortrait,, a usual description, 'o just absconded with and the Page .polj .graphic portra ' athet'hef '1) ttho •13 will be 'removed, and. room will therebY he obtained for Other 'patients ; but I regret to saythat it seems that still fur- _the_t_provision int.st h made at this .ikession for tho acceinthodatiori of the insane, if your moans of receiving and oaring for these afflicted persons' are to. keop.pace with 'the anneal requirements Which, unhappily, aro to be: anticipated. I regret to find also that there is a ne- ceasity for increased accommodation kir the blind and 'deaf mutes. The pro-. priety of an appropriation for additions to the existing establishments for the. instruction of these unfortunate elapses will, therefore, demand yew! humane consideration. Notwithstanding the large -sums hith- erto applied in aid of important railway teeprisesrurgent applications are made on bebalf of some of the trifinished as well as of the other projected railways, for fresh grants. I commend to your prudent attention any of thiisci applica- tions which may be brought before you. The safety of the records in the Crown, Lands Department being of great im- portance to the whole cenirminitY,I in. - vita 'you to eonsider whether there is any sufficient roman for further delay ,in.ereeting such it Are proof' building as =ay afford the needed security in fa-. ,• • • It. ie with tatistietioit / note that whilst the laborious end prttdoritt ebar- actor. of our people leis Raved ens from Much of the depreisiort Which still pre- vaile in Ho resrly countries, their energy and intelligence are opening xrrt At+ 1018 ;for the produce of the 13.0ovince. I rejoiee to be able, from personal • to give my testimony te the fine - °out which attended the exhibition of Canadian resources Ph!, ladelphia. 'Too inualf Credit cannot be he to the great seal and intelligent efforta whioll were dieplayed in ove'ey tie • rtm-ent by ,the iteeple-of .hich-t,irgli/- eontritittted to Caxiada ng a Witte position in•its 'rivaley witb. 446' and larger conionrnities. Since Iasi; session the diftitimea be. tween•Ontatio•-and-Qtie -9011k Chided It reeeiVe the tittO Aloft of tile C4overtiment. Bosidet; Memo derive. pontl'enee on tte.- mere ere of mr, Govertesent 'mot At Ottawa by ap. /rointmook Coo:W.:AS of the Govern - drew, together ; with several: handred nierChantraeu and a sixty -font. gun ship, with Admiral Bean/I:tont on board, per- ished th latter in full tiew'of deal. Qf 269- DAD but ono was saved -east wave on shore It hawbeen. computed:. that '8,000 people *ere lost.. The -House of Commons presented.' an Address to the „Queen, deploring, theloss • of -the ' gestittigt bui1din of Or street inatra • all day, fer a " Wbst's Aelie4 wok evident! t "We ehe ica little. friend," ell plot • A, Shrewd Swindle. • bewil 'gather. One of the sharpest cases of 1411:Id1ing 'tha woman' Wbieh bite recently ocenrred in this y him for no chitty, took place at one Of ont• prorni.f'-13ass 86 nent dry geed stores. finery dressed, 131011°.Y Yot lady Appeared in the shawl department Wan ohoYe of the store in question, and, after care- organ nnt'il ful examination, selected a camel's-hair had ieateli7an a shawl coeting about $100, for which she she asked, tendered in payment a $1,000 bill, 11.6;;;;:lau.ig'ebtaii which was closely- scrtitinized by, the 4 even powers of discrimination, despatched a'Alessen- ger to the breik to ascertain the gerinne- utile of the bill, Meanwhile the lady customer bad become anxious tO"procure the change, and had epproached the lo- cality oeenpied by the man of sori when the Messenger returned an muneed-in an audible'.-tO .cashier -of -the -bank field \waS good. The lady ut Waxed. exceeding wroth, . tcr know whet Itoriarthought-that-slie weuld attempt to. pass 11 001111terfeil bilt," Of amuse apologies and mcplan- tionh were of ne av:kil, and assuming to be highly, inclignant• she refused to pur- chase the Shawl, demanded her money and . departed fr9111 ,q1.13 1119 *./.32.Y... A F dered a bottl key, rod p Puttees and liquor into tables into s Pepper over t -the-tap -of--boi bath was siren out, " Good-bye myself in the A ' ed in. Suspeeti duet, the attenda and found the death. An.* belled...gone Mid ' -erithOdunekiirOr rigliteteirs incrigno-Tion, • A couple sof hours afterwards be re- turned considerably moltfled, inidben•- fessed that she was pleased with the shawl, and that her inability to findone whieh she liked as well was the only, reason she returned; and she cone u e to take, it, which -the obliging...salesman oroei.eaa to have prepared, while the ' courteous cashier, disdaining to 'enter- tain a suspicion against; quelr- a lady, Proceeded to Count out the $900 change, with which and her shawl the lady de- Parnid. . The 'feelings of that storekeep- er can be better iinagined than deseribed when he awoke to a'realign&6sense of the factthat his ladycustomerhad, after all his Precaution, succeeded in 'passing Upon him a 'counterfeit $1,000 bill. It appears that; anticinatieglust what had Pecurred, she had Provided herself with a good bill, which played its part in the fiMt stage of tho game, after whioh it re- -tiredin favor ofthe"Counterfeistmr- Eterold. . • • '11'mm as Prenehtrsk moat tragi in the mental :child by- heath), Fox, tenyears.o 'te "mind the b aged five, ancl .•mischance she her 'brother said thee, and he ,wou girl seen-led:to ha and instead of 'Mei-noon, sliTft 'canal aide, Sayiti selves.". She f The Mrs. Beesley, Milliner, IN RETURNING THANES TO THE LADIES OF Clinton and its vieinity, for past fayore, begs to In- form them that the dill Oontlnues the Hit and Bonnet businese'at the ' OLD STAND, VICTORIA ST., CLINTON. She is agent for Messrs. Butterick & Wit ,European and New York patterns of garmontg, and ig oonatantly receiving the new styles; all dm and descriptionare kept en hand, which she aellsAlprittes eliding in the Catalogues. She hopes, by stria dare and attention, to continue tq merit a liberal patronage. „ Ar,r, ODDERS PEOMPTLT ATTENDED To, • ' OlintOD, 31411, 1876. BIDI)LECOMBE., Watch and Clock . Maier. , JEWBLLRE, &c., " V(rIlifLE TiIA.NRINO HIS MANY FlITErilDS FOR . TV the patronage to liberally beetowcd on him in the Past, Yrotild hereby uotify them and the publie gen, orallythat he hag removed into bid neW and more ooramodious premises on Albert Street, where he Will • . keep on hand a large and select assortment of Wataliesiisweity, and silverware of all kinds, Width he will eon at reasonable rateg. /lig etook ig 110*E11101i large StD1 nuns varied than ever before, An inspinitien invited. Repairing of °Very degeription . proniptly attended to. . • th'132_1-1-,8?12'7.t --elinVeCliiiiirliiatif•— • - • IN*3 ENV . SHOP. • • • new ships, this being, says 'Lfird. Mac- auley, the only opeasion England -when 18 terepeet evoked a public address, or the...national fast whieh followed it.. Daring Qneen Anne's reigri. the day of storm continued, in Obedience • to her Troelamation; to be solemnly .observed. The worstreit. i u England since theta wao 1814. In •i•t3 autumn and winter. the eea Was covet •ed, with wrecke and the coast with cort lees, On Nov. 29 'a fearful storin-tivvept up-the-tunaulbuous. Atlantic. Tho • witid raged for three days with appallin g fury. The year dosed with ,a long. -remembered snow storms vrlich itbsolut'•ely paralyzed loco -- motion throughout th e•kingdom for near- nweele. • The foreir4 malls were serif by sea front Loudon to the Continent because the road through Kent, despite the efforts of the inn acmes. crowd •sent to clear it, remitted i Inteassible. "Per- haps," observes a writer, referring to it sorne.yeao later, "sio act of nature gives so 1dch h 'conception of .a more than mortal liand.-the rttpidity of its °Ott, the subtle but resiiitleas &hernia- l:II by Wili0htile impalpable elemont was turned into a totally '4different form and qualitiss suftleient to, silica millions of Miles," Whet a myriad of bullied hopes rnust 110.Ve been. soddenly thwart, od or defeatet t Vy this Visitation, WW1) probably in Hahne indirect manner anat. ed the course as many tureen' facts ar ubli • and inereclible asThey.tosty seem, a Rat Story. • • The Pittsburg Telegraph -fells the fol- lowing! "A banker of this city had a valuable cow which gave n large quan- tity of italic and Wit! held in high esteem for 'general good qualities'. All at oncethe' supply of lacteal fluid grow smaller. by degrees and beautifully less, until the yield as scarcely worth having-,-, The farnily-' were' greatly surprised at; this, as the animal was in perfect health and in the height of herseason. It was hinted that 801330e person wboselove for milk overcame his scruples for etealing was at the bottom of the mischief, and thatilike a thief at night, he entered the stablewhere bogey -was kept, and relieved man was accordingly iristrneted to watch for the thief, and his vigilance. Was re- warded by a most singnIar discoVery. .rust after daylight in the morning;bea very large rat Eteme,forth from its hiding place, and going to where the cove' was tying, it stood on its hind foot with its fete pewit en the °CIA udder, anti epplying ite Mouth to one of hoe duga, littitea its fill Or milk, When it wail satisfied ,enothei rodes rodent took it pletee, and so cm, notil the supply was exhausted an& the .fainily swindled by tho Ounning rata oat or tkete toornittwe supply of the much coveted !Mid, The story h well vouched for." Alagniffeenee ittWhdele, • (d.on ant h°title.tan ar d. • • A Vila Outlook. • Toro ere tem ts 4,000 to 10,000 ,pee, a in the Seht tyllsillhooal regibtr.With• 0 arirraeans o f support. There 'ere .0t leas than 800 WO Wolfe who are liv.0 fl ',Jog on the very! toollest`stups on Which'. .itiatioseibli.tor.),...u.an toliVei : 1.k.hie Oen. - elusion is reached alter careful scrutiny of the becks of t lie • Philadelphia and Reading Cold Iron. COhipildlY, and after. long and delitteeitt• s' tonveroations with I:titters. and.iteekii Ignien.dLey.gy grads of Skill and 1140111 gene& Of the forty- nine nollierioe . vjiah„,,ifila eompan operates, With Its.clwii, men, thirtyk era ' it operation, and pin putt* Aro idie:.. ']very otas of this thirty ;that are in epistle- timi is tinning on thrtte-fenrthil tittle.' Not A colliery under the eontrol of tho -company is rtinteing on ft 11,,thfio, Th„d, fortymine 'oolleries, when they • aff4 All wont of Quebec agilther dittimssien, P. cointo a the kiwi; to obtain without furtilev loSe of time, .aiithotitative Min tn,Toxttszooso BEGS TO INPO/trit Tne apeeea osb f..ftop In the building 013 1114 Comma g "". 14 al' 'rad ef 1870 Wag InhAbltanta Of Mitten and v1611114,, theft Wu, gAs". Or AM,' 4 rpm live.etti, g.osept• vd, int& a deeision b- eat to either en ettlement of, Mc 'id in it, for ProVinklal othod Or tin Ointtnent or a to r the Vrovineo, to. ry, the distill. to 000ttry. that 1 to he relieved Oviiti64 hacl saitiltotorAtt gob, aI 001,14 utt ts otly DC0138 %lied Iudgf who talon hOM lig rootage roto It; ft .tonwhile, 0. tkuitue illy &Wane tho reito' :Palen of tho At)IYl‘t i a toroot • :kratAttZt. running,' employ„ AO the. 043eers of tint '.1Ioatling-,tlompOst nil,' Pram' '.Witlitinetoon Or theeo.0o1114. rio4 1(116 We havo„ In 'thdtidetki . dant ht Inch,' mmg. lotus. thou& Ah4 • with nothing to de. gat& 6110 . 606 1116111 On an.averege, Oupports: let leo then one•other.person. • 'Xisert.uillt four thonsand idle .tratts. thernato • eigh,t then. persons' depending -directly upot s tho Reading .Company for the broaa ...that they 'kat W116 do not know wIletkii'' InorrOi4 dinar it tOtOtrin frOter 4,000 idle:meat Tho 6.000 *Ifty ova at work,. Ilvto litelti iyttlt aliSlit oittioltlitig tit ;IA Si %Mt , The Chaeatiin, New .TerseY, tbus speake or one of tho freaks of a. Aire, telt() melt his motley out Of. silver mining aporatione st Pooe peeple walk oe take the hotte•cors while the rIli • order their eoachaten to bring around the carriage, Mr. Donohue gees fur- ther. Ordiriary people go to tho depot, buy a tieket wait till the text train eoities along, .11r, Denolitie orders 'out his private palace oat, end if on hie CAVO roachises the locomotives, no he would lortiso...t.ntjtop odic* patiastens hitt oar on the end of tho espeeeelraine and des *Wittig theeogh this eountry at hia pleatitirk :ft in not unuotially handsome car Outfilde, but it is gorga. otts internally, it is mounted on two gie.wheel trneke, whose spr'ingo• are so yielding that the motion of the train Mitt be hordly telt. Its general triternar. arrangement is like a Pullman 'hotel ear, onlY.thet 11 io fhmihd bff iota infit)nideently, :with dial:wont Wade of Choteo and costly wobdo. There 10 not partial of paint qe etitilleial work on the insider Xt le up Into Isar. lot, dining.toom,litakt.teemo and hitch. 013, ith all••••,the ousiliery apartmonto Sind aosoMmodations lettegirtable, with tufhoardo soil Wine.loolterfi, and twerp o u eht3set n, but this inuchwteincanya. s.r y6: Anp—portil Christianity is found among Women. '.fhey are the most per- aisten t, eburch-g eels, andthey transmit the faith from generation to generation .by the instructiOn of infancy, and in so doing they perform it--wook-rn-its-behalf- parallel with that done by the: clergy. In all times, • from tho days of the dea- conesses of .the New Tedtament to the ;nuns and sisters of to day, they have. been an. important spoke in the ecelesi-, astioal wheel. Even 'if not preachers and never priests, womenhave contri- buted. Vastly to the spread Of religion. PerhiPs they can do their work better in. other Ways. than by preaching, "So also ail Many men, who how preach without the gift of •speselr or the capa- city of public teaehing.itr. 61un. ••. A corpse _figylres..: : The Fort Weyrke Sen4neliniblishee seese.tional story concerning ft young roan named Charles Thieeton, living at Monroeville. On last Friday, Hesston was attacked suddenly with congestion of the •Innge, and.'after an illness of about two hours WWI prOdtillneed dead. The. body was being shaved by the barber, When the mot, alipped, reeking a slight cut in the cheek, frofn wltieh the blood .spurted freckly, Some or the bystandore thoUght from this` that 'Himiston WAS atilt alive, but not, email attention was paid to this theory. l‘leanwhile Hues. ton's father, knothr•t and sister arrived froin Forest, O. The body moo planed in a Coffin and put on, the P Pg CZ* 14088 train, but tho lia a the eoffin was not screwed down. Tho sister of lItiee. tort steyed in the *epees ear to be near hia body, and when ebout 20 =lee west of Forest gave ti heartrendingeheiek,and fell to the floor in a SI W6011. Th 0 train nein melted to her Resistance, When they teen& the cause ctf-dter- horror. The eupposel dead body of her brother .was moving and breathing, Thefaee, with ghoetly pallor, extended above The cof- fin, the eyes wide open, and presenting Altogether a weird and ghostly speetaele. The tiervices 01p physician were soured, restoretivete applied,. and Hqestoti tre- motted to the home' of his parent§ in remit Where he now is, The prospeets of kik reOovery tIrd fetid good, Itis fileter, gime her' fainting fit in the oar, has been wholly iceeno, relit are entertained,. that her reatiOn IS perma. neutly dethroned,' , • tis ng that could bo remeetved for the happineso and pleaStire of its. oat/tante. In short, it nothing less than a got. gaol% dwelling on vhools$ In thitl do Nal Doontua and lila forithsato riot§ tha dD18lrm 4 kits joelt haul,il th tfit, frAtiti iii in Olt1th *0101 tapit 'OA 10 , 'Millinery trade credulous' old City, Nev., is n ledge, according e Go A milliner, who wae.unexpecte 'meted to . San Francisco, begg landlord to take charge ot the shop ing her absenpe. She did not have than to-givo-him*seheduledf-pricesrand he! 'absence was prolonged to teni days. Tin old fellow was ota confiding nature, and .whenever the ladies came in to purahass feather or hat be sold the goods at their own valuations. Never was there shah a lively bred° in millinery goods. 'Tin step was crowded dayand night. Foul dollar bats 'were- sold for half a dollar Laces went for a song, and Ostrich fea. there were cheap as sage -brush. Tin ladies- gathered in -such force when ths news of the amazing bargains -to -belted was noised about,'. that the venerabh salesman came to the eoticitteion that lit would be justified in raising the rent a an establishment that had so enormeuf a trade. 'When the Milliner. rsturnei and looked at her empty shelves and thi eutries in the 44i -book; ohe felt to thl floo4. in' a fit of'aggravated hYfiteries. The /Arad el reata, it journal of hygiene, in an artide referring to Odeen Or'ove, N. it, Rays t.,01 With a summer population of 19,000 persona:, the Imo, bee who go about -with cigars -la their menthe is very mall,. and'we have neVer SOME one under the infIcenee of liquor. Iletther aleoholia bitittlants nor tobaoeo are persolttekto be sold on the ground. If used, they must be monied in, or bought eatoble. Tito reedits of thole prohibitions aro very favorable to Mot, ality and eleattline11s.1! It would, lib for. tunate indeed if tits enlightened polio* of govaitanaiti of dealing with witaliolle Rolm* cha tobacco Wlaltih prevails et Dalian rikim could IA astdad iy tliti **Mil* tritititAyi . • The Bev. S. F.--Clarditter et;olutp "rain Of the. Deka of 13uckingliare," mach ti reinarbabler Stateblent . at a iseen mddleal t-doeferetule ittRogland ' " the within one hundred pods of the Satiate Iforae at Liverpool there ,were . 'forty 'oven Publie houeee, andthat tile tetbli cane actually. strewed sawdust 04 au p'ivnlnont 118 frOtti Of tbeln, and spritibl ed rtim over it, so that the unroll of thk apirit roilmt dewy seams 'Within that doors." . • • A odt example of the fatal nature o diphtheria has jeet twined it Paris A. whole family eornileting of father in ther and tk. 1 children, where.attaelre 'With it, t, i 'carried of in. a 'short tint De. Itagnanit, who attendetb. the eaugat the ,malady, and in spit; of tl cnroof one.othis.o,011aiigues,•Pr. Bii died aloe in tetentyfetir•houre, Dr. B et• WAS then attacked in his turn, anti expired. , MeXidall, haying Wooed in volt young woman lit Santa CI •foritia,_ attempted etploit 18 tot •Often tMedatalfill olltattle of prl 'romitnee. He swooped dOwn on ha lioreebaelt *Vibe Wit *tieing al lifted tor ;to lie) :lido and rode ,it That young wotnafl was meta, mosso than meat horoltiti 'in mettle; anul. seratehed atul kicked in a vigor° romantic way. • The le/Mclean wait to drop her ak the end of half a mil A. actions indigent took plitioitt on the :night of December 7.. A d Ott sna, PhilI1p ooboo, WAS etit Ing ' to hie home in the Mato at. :ail As he strang alotift, taking the pavement, he run foul of st pats wile, with an oath, dealt blow that he 'fell prests4to, bath 'Whilst this bents' liettailatt oth4to ran to 40Lder the poor and tookhim id tutttptitecetINI lc ad, beheld [they dietatoved t 1144144mi dictiitsttd*Iviiitutta Imbed had,t,lj trAittlitit et ib t4n - akVird104 bf %US 1C1