Clinton New Era, 1877-01-11, Page 1T H 14.; Chita New Ora IS til'ULtslita., THURSDAY MORNING, At the other, Idea,: Street, nearly opposite the Post Office, Clinton, Ont. TERN'S. $1 50 iu advance, or if paid in t (twills ffolif tune of subscribing ,ur$2 at the end ul tho year. The Lest Job Office tu the l'ouuty of Huron 111 c notection. wk. elleviltatt iu t 'list class viatiner, on the short ,s1. nutter, and st Very wasotiaide a tee. AUs L'ltIISIt4 IC .11' ES. S cents peIILue, ubsequent leieitious. 2 ,..cots per line u.t, tii•IltAt I ItAle:S., t ttit• iti it. one )ettr, $7 5.00 •h dt " 40 00 3 iiioothi, 25.00 flali 44).00 • hall " 20.00 " :1 months, 12.04J One th, one year, 20 00 halt .* It! 00 :1 months, S.00 One•vightli, one year, 12.00 hall " • 8.00 " " months, 5.00 JIti tttfil I III, one year, 44.00 ' half '• . 5.00 " 3 months, •. 3.00 Business Carils,ti luiem tend under,1 year, 4.00 Advertisements of .Strayed, Lost, Found, &e., not te,,,eeding 10:hues, first month, 1; after first mouth, 50 °exits each mouth. Advertisements of Farms and Ileal Estate for sale, not tAttettiltlig 11.1 Inn, ltrst 111011111, not e‘ceviling 13 hues, filet month,1.50 ; each subsequent mouth, 50 and 75 cents. Advertisements %% ithout specific directions will be inserted till forbid, and charged ac- cordingly. Advertimmients measured liy a scale of nulat Nonpareil. E. ,m Es & SN. 1,w==inmenimirimisionlint. Nr A 1.1.'1 /N11-11 /N 1 Si WATSON, liAltIOSTERS, TORN S AT -LAW, Solieitors iu Chancery, aiol Co in et. aneere, ltifiet—Nrxt door 10 the tieW Royal Cane. •tittu Bank 41ii41.1. ..8 na.iL Lirire• s. Mor, ..e,es. 0. A. Wets, 61, Chmon, J lily 21, CAMERON & McFADDEN, AltIllb liEltS Av., 51.1111iET SQUARE, 51. C011.14tts. \V. 11.1114tVADDEN. )119XEr TO kOdelre MORTGAGES, NOTES, AND OTHER Good Securities Purchased. Ciitdon. Noy, 31,1874, W. W. TARRAN: Malcolm AleTaggart, CLINTON, ONT., 11111,1111El1 OF Thoroughbred Short- Horn Cattle. ssle telS Fill N IJIIANCE. FIRE INSURANCE, LIFE INSURANCE, As. 1) LIVE STOc K I NSP:RANCE, eritesile, s...1 Mut Intl Culnitati.ex (mly, \V. W-* 1‘.% 1„ CON•,(1 hill 1'1 1.1 )I" (1 NADA CAPITAL, e' 1,000,000. CLINTON ' intere.L (rota Four to 1.14 r per eon' allowed ou Deposits. M. LUL:(;1 I, Agent. .1'.ri1, 1 -,713. 1-y CLINTON NEW 411 Vol. X1I—No. 2 --Terms, $1.50 per annum. CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1877. E. HOLMES & SON, PitorapT00, REMOVAL. J. CUNINGHAME, 11C1 1111.11; TIIANKINU 11141 FRIENDS FOR THE libitial pat, mono huirtowed upon Wm during the tone he Iota faun lu Insaitreme, would respectfully luta mate that he has removed to tlie new and More ensaututt- doitia ph:united recently ',meted on the Corner 11/.. /.1 II a ()STA Rio Streetd, Nekt tolYssIll's Book Store, Wh.r. Le wall kerp On hand a unIset etuek 4.11 FAMILY GROCERIES 14 010131 deneription, inch will bo sold at the ver luwuct 'ate.. A lento assortment 01 tater goods urn 11 w 00 tile Way, and he opened in a )OW 1(1) 44. A TRIAL ISULICI'PED. 1.---s-DO01141 DELIVERED AN YWITERE IN TOWN. Cliutitu, July lel, 1876. BUSINESS CIIA.NGE. rime UNDERSIONED DEO LEAVE TO INFORM tbe iehabitaide 4 Chittoul aud ',Mot) Owl they have pureharted the Grocery IlusineSs forluarl) earritni utt by Mr. JAS. MONTER, and will continue it at the Old Stand, where they will be pleared tu meet all the old etintionerir and an many clew ones 414 tuuy favor them wItl thor pittrouttitu. They 11a30 on hand it choice 1.14oCk it( tae4 1.•.t.leaerittatt4 Of all dederiptions, which tliey nffer at the lowest re- munerative rate., Goods Delivered in Any Part of the Town. Farm Produce Taken in Exchange al Market Prices. cAsp. l'AID FOR ECUS. A Call litspeetfully th Rememoer the place-Oopoeite Post o14100 1111)E44 and SHEEPSKINS bought, and cash (mi)1 da the 801111. ROSS str LEL. 0'2 ROYAL MA IL STEA111SIIIPS. Li Tool Ll11ll1ln1rry (Ind W. WPM% The tIrst•clavs, full powered, Clyde -built Sicamships th. Allan Lino, leave Portland rtery Saturday morn. for Liverpool; landing Passenger': and blails at Loeb Foyle, for Londonderry and Glasgow. -- SA111.1 Ai 11S FROM POItTIAIS D. PKRPS IAN.. Ian, 1:1111 POLYNESIAN Jan. ifilth VITCAION TICK ETS r1•1:1111Elt EDUCED, Fare to London, the stone ON to erpool. 1)' ION-ante:yes offrritd Ity title Lim. are yet-yin:a rates bust accommodutimis, greatest amount of retufurr, sa curtly unti safety attamaule, and eitortest wee pasaage Prepaid pease/re et Miro:elite imatiita at lowust, rwto to pertons wishinit 40 bring out their friende. For Through Tiukcto aud every Information,apply to A. STRAITON, G. T. L. Clinton, May Itlt, 14176. - • _ Blyth Flouring Mills. rise II E subscriber begs to tender his most .1_ sincere thanks to 111.1 numerous custo- mers in the sarroup--.ing townships and the public generally for 'leir liberal patronage, and would further rt't, them that he has fately added most "ma- ' .nt !.mprovements to 10s mill by puv.ing b. a ',11M1 engine, double pewer koreeofore used and two run of I teet-elste stone, with a eee.piete set of nier. chant hnIhrTirsd liTirgs.11 the latest and most improved machinate , together with tirst-elass millers he is prepared tort° tirst-class work iu (1•1.:,,ISTING, CHOPPING, &c Orists weighed in and out. Parties from a A G NG -ry. I distance can have their gristsnd achopping E . home with thew the same day. 4;o041 Flour and Mill Feed for sale at moderate prices. i LUMBER.LUMBER. 7.77.7717.7. prep/trod to tit op loll,. it' IturviloS told private resideliees ('‘i Bi,, T 41 I -11.1 11:1•1 1 1.'\114!. 4 >l'PriI 31,1.1:1-, To hi: it 3 1 thit I , 31 VI 1 I Isl. and it u 1111 'i.in, 11 311111-4-4 ClItiti Ifl it, tool Eli how at short 11.111ett hitti mt 4. 0) mod, rate priepq 5041 ends nJ 'hIll at . 'et. ...,40) ends carpot fit 1 list. 41211 125 Carlingqtre, t, In IN, darn. 12 1)r mmemNiNtlimaleleincom MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS, HI IS 11101 the principal can he repaid In part or nil at any time during the term of Loan. A I'PLY TO W. W. FARRAN. In' n, Mart 11, 1876. • - 5O00 TO LOAN. 1lVATI FIJNDS. 7 onE FL STALCOSTRON, DarrIatef, 50. aff _ Marble Works 11 N 4>T11111T."mr • Th.: Subscriber would alto inform the pub - lie that lte lias a large stock of lumber of illiferent kinds and lengths : Pine from 10 to 21) ft.; Hemlock, from 10 to 120.; Cherry, Butternut, 11' lute Ash, maple, Soft and neck Hoe in lengths to suit the public, which en - aides hint to till all orders that he may be favored with on tho shortest notice and most reasonable terms. NTS, HEADSTONES, kind° in '4, wiriest end Fornign Marble!, toeutsd >44 ths beat etyle, and et resann• ebSe tricee, &revue Colored Marble Illy - di on Short Nottee. Illvih Alg. 21, 1117C. YENTA AND 11EA5FITONEA Aran sth 0 1'. KELLY, Proprietor. CoN VEYANCI AND LOAN AGENCY OFFICE, ,\V G. 1, I, (11c":.' \" " l" 144 4.4 _7 Att. ur, . the Law eh I f I...; it. I. tyyt .1, I.-so,mid Avelit, Law. 4.,?' n1,111,10,41 AV. 31,1.14. 14.4l3•. It. fol • r.; 01.1 , 1 it les, and claim+ ti lriIlst..1 I" 14 stab • 44, .r.010010.1, atel Law Pomo ner. 14 1..11r. 3 ali..“..•• .1 in •11,111.0e11.41 with Fii41 1,11. 1.••at, 1 int.. , eittioes tract -1 end Pedbtroc ar.1• Forty VrettY dyperuir.re; 011/111444.9 moderate -- Mobey t., Liam- reale !untie, and fur Publla eon, an:... Dottie eel Netee collected. Jan. 13, 1875. Money to Loan. e)10". A IF. !UN AT- Klan PERCENT. I .443 .3 Iti C 1411,111'7' ClInii t,. Jor C.11, esteem net. S. 8/8 11-1 CHEAP rUJINITUR LA. L. Isio. 710 regnially a. thcir 1141.1 01,13 nppiaita 1-1 t. ;, linrYn Strret, 00 (10 (111 1 Mt tidily of 41,11117 r .4 th et half pee) Flar'r.ri n'el,elt p.m. ger VIeltIng Prethren ere o,,rdtally in• nitsrer DENNIS, SArretery, 1. tt *Wad Olarbs. ltir .1. OltAt'EY, ALIT, OltAIDIATE GI" ITY V • College, Turonto, P1011101011 l4t11)(1,11, , 111)11d, Ont. . e Hotel. Plyth, Jall. 2.1, 1815. 4 A -in Ill. APPLE 1(141oFFICh: AND hitsIDENCE The 11.0m0 lately occupied by Mr- .111111..•4 Fan', 04, - pont!. the I'Veslityautibui ell, Ruttenbur) St Gait, Clinton, Nu:. 1, 1673. 1; I) AMES STEWART, M. IX., 0. M., OR SDLIATI.: M411 31 University, Montreal; Phy ryciau, 31141 11114 and A cuouulisur. Residence --lit:Vet:YIELD. January 4,12311. 28 I41. REE V ete., tIoroner tor I County 4,4 1111.0. Residence end Oilleu -Comet of Alberts and 11111 Styrota, Clinton. August MIA, 1869. 7 tf 4'iTAN111,11a, GRA DCATE 01."1.1141 141(41110,41.Depurtimnit of Vietmia tot• tuerly of the Hospitals end Dispensaries, Kew link, Coroner fat the l'ottilly of Hulot', July 24. 1134. 111 )1t. \Solt Aceoneliont, Id, motet:. of the f'uoy:ie of Plocaltios 0111 :411,10.4'i/11h ..7 1•1.111.11 Cull:tali, 11111 11...N1111.131 ▪ 11.112 l'..1..11..1. 111... .11 11 ill..11. 1/11i and '111i.. building futlaurl.) 4,4,1,41041 It, '111, ant et moo Clinton, Jan, to, 13431. 111.4.1:1.1.14/S14', 1 1 S1.11VI,v13!,..ilif,.,.. 1.i.,111.sC,11..S. Nit ,I.,:Sit141,?: lute llottae :Son urge4,1 1,ingston 144,1 1.311413111 l'11181viutt, Surguon and 14 1 14 IS 14.4(0(0(0141, I titittialt.i. Falett 81,11. elintiot, 4111.11 21, 1878. .td tubs. IRLEANS 110141E, CORNER OF COESIORAN • and Sluto at rutdu, Vittoria, 1). 4.'. -S. 70008, Erse prietor. Exrellent Aeitoitiodutions. Board, pet 11 11., $13.1111; ited 01111 Board, 3101 day, $1.1111 ; 61353e 37101.. ; /vile liATTENBCRY 1I44134E 1. liA 1"VENPUItY, I- Jr., PI oprii tor, iniu door south of the Pust Victoria Strut 1, Chute!, 1101 fittings 1111.1 uf this house till 1111, anti yverything 13 pro, itleti meet the a into, and want, iit tint travelling Put111,, titnt he led.: emir:dent, fliati long xpecience, tt1 14.10313 able to maim comfortable ell alto may fasor Min unit their company. lioml Stelling and uttentoo lu•stlut 8. thltit, :1, 1-74. tsreilancous ittb5. — • - - - - - le ()Nee To LEND, IN 1,2111114 Olt ;,SI.41,L b CMS, .1.1L tin :10011 loon -taw seettrit), ut mod:rate 0,1 s Intermit. 1. II 41.8. Cnnton, Anjtial :Rh, 1869. 7-tf I.ICENSES AND CERTIFIC.V1 ES. .11 Apply at the Teat, Hall, or at the result 11.4...1 1 $11h81.1alri 1., near the LontIon, 111100u lirliec 11.434,0 1.4814:4 Seft I 'I', 1.stic0of Mtrriage Licen...... Clinton, .1(141 1:71.11, 1876, . _ A MES 1141W44I1N, ('LINToN, 44 11,.41I.r.n for the Count y fir 1 1111...:1, r. pat, .1 10 4.' 0434444 2 Fariu Stud, and lieu! thitaty tit i• a. 4' '41111110 ('111 11. l'Ithfun, Nov. 18,1873. 31 r 111, T.EET, somccroe, wiNtillaM, HAS PEEN 0.1 • apt...i44:1 .5,, lit (1.11 U., 0,1. not! siettrgo • 4..m• patty of Lngland ; 410 111!1•1ir fur 8•,J1111 ....14 11..eont1', 11I,(,,*1 looney Itt wry n able rates. 1111.1.1.1,4 ii/1)11111k. >early. (1180.4u31 tuoilLrut• . A)ytt Solicitor for 1140 Eawyeme 114141.. NVinglium, A pit! 7, 1872. C. MeIN l'OSII, ILAYFIELD, — 144st '..11 efi • Marriage 1.10e1,868 tIndur the new Art, Cumin', tom er tot -taking Affidavit', in the ylit.f.11',1 Bench, fer Con:I- CA of Heron auil Bruce. Con vc)aintimy t-tIch es Istasis, Ponds, Cuntraets, !meth', and Feet: small. R11..1.1..11,11 111111, 84,1,1.11 ADV 1(4. itty 014 11(41. 1.0 0.140, 1187501,1, Sep).'', 1875: 4.2 1'OSVI,E11, IVATCH AND CLOCIi• I -ft. `HAKIM, Au., , lir 01 thud' 1,4 1: slut's,. 11131 ,•, Ammt Street, 1211111,n, rt,3t.e1 fully inlinuttun 44, 4140 friends and the ptillie generally, that litt has 1'11 Fiend a 4r1er1 ,tock t,f Cloeiot, Witteheit, Jew, 11, ry, whichlo .41 ro at reasonable rate.. ut ry {14.41 in L., fl, done '1! 1) c 3 11....0.4,111.1.1 rat .1101101'011. rat., CblallI1, JIM. 17, 1876. A. LAWRENCE, BUM NATTITT.F. T ANT ING TITR MANY TETT:NPR Trill V Ilia l'herel pair -mato beetternd nn him In the pvit, infurm them that he haa nnor nn hand A LAIZGE STOCK FURNITURE OF All DESCRIPTIONS. it MU ;tot linpnrIn.1 a int nf Ihn I I 1011 SellOoL. — TGE, CLIN'doN_.C411'N (V 11101 rgfill i 10 laird, eg ( •o, from tell parts of Gm County and Irmoee.11 1. ilinl ternia. I menu -Pim is given 111 all the 111,..100. 11 C..lrinter,i111, E101e.11, and ClaRnleal ,12 the 1. rt•rich and fturutan lan.“1a4t 1.11... pared ft, the Cillier,ities, 11... learnt -A ppd. mercantile (''1000114, Special attention ie itattl 1. the studies rtyploote for Comm -it Sehool Teaelieee. hill $4 Feist, $4 per quarterly term titndrute front A. distanoe Can obtain hoard in the at very 'molt rate ratue. Further informaten aill ho gi,s-t• epplientom. ipersmoilly Ity 1,41,01 to 11115In...11,11, 1,1 h„ ,,1 11. 0*4.' 41. Coul , 2.14, 1.1.thur, J. Rem., 1". megninn, 1 A . M 14,, or to the Head Shutter, 51r. 7,11110 • Turnbull, 11. A. • 11141asestes C. CARTWRIGHT. Net \slimier. es sees./ nee,, ,„„ s. • 01 1 11. 1. 1. 1.1141..r1, (by fIrd I Im,• .lay 0101 rol,ty t••.. ry mu), t 11. 'rum?, Into rfrs! to I lip 1101" .1 ''f .111, •tutd err, (0' treat, .1, 1111i.-1, ttiel math. riP wr....1 am .4,011.1 ,,, Canada Cor_npany Lands. AIds i• of, 31,4144(441 (31)14(431,044FOR SALE BY the Canada Company may be acen at the 0111co 111J !In1io-45ne1. II HALE. Clintnn, Jen. 17,1911. — Mrs. Beesley, , Milliner, 1N ItT'ICRNING THANKS' TG THE LADIES OF C31nt.41 tool y, for paid (0'''l, 31033. to int tune t Itrin that mho 0.313 cont fliers the Hat atol lionuot brininess, et the 4/1,41 STAND, VICTORIA ST., CLINTON. St 14 agent for Messrs. Butterick 41 ese Eurnrsten and :CPU. York patterne of varrnente, 140e1 le ennetan11)- rereiving 1)0 (14.0 .4))11..• , all mere and drarriptions are imp' my hand, which she Rolle at prIera ow:rine,' In tlie refs!. She Impep, by at Het rare and attention, tit etallinne to merit n patrnnegr. • ItA4114k4 PRuMPTLY ATTENItan Cdettd,, Stay 11, 1876. J. BIDDLECOMBE, Watch and Clock Maker, trW.t. • : JEWELLER, &c, NV/IMF. TT14.444t44G 31(01M %NY rare\ ns Fee the pair, ag, ttenft,w8,1 utt him in the tow, the,n And (110 r1.118 4,,• n relf y, thnt its hail removcd Into his now a14.1 0,, .00 cromm YrIluea prershos Albert Street, whein he will keep nn hand a 111Tg0 arid aeleet asatatment Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, and Silverware of all kinds, Which he edit aril at resennehin ratre 1Tl0 otnek la now munti larger eltd tenni varied than von) befure. An Inapoutlite 1.813401. Iteratrins duserirtIon promptly attelidert J. filDDLICCOMEE, Ar.ntter Marna, May 111, 4)4711. 7\11EiNV AlliOST1C. Canutla, beautiful, boututleen, and bleat, All a )0111.114 nation eau picture In dreams, und lakes, :aloe and high mountain e gat, Arable laude uu inagninuent streams' lieep (01,640, plan -los, tuild W1E101111 strund, All alttl. Call imika law mirth', favorite land. • • Ontario Legislature. SE1 oSOO 131314341O44 1111111) 1.1.1 ItLIAMEIcT. Tinto re, den, 3.—Toelay, at 8 o'clock p. tn., the I Ion. Donald Alexau- der Macdonald, I letitenant-Cavernor of the Inoviitte of Ontario, proceeded iu State to the Chambers of tho Legisla- tive .1 steinibly, and being seated on the Throne, was pleased to open the Second Seeision of the Thiel Parliament of On- tario with the following epoech : e 11 ,1•1 (1' K1 a IV th, Leff • I have inncll hi welcoming you again to yout annual duties in. con- nection with the legislation alai govern- ment of the Province. I rejoice to have it in my power to announce that the learued Commission- ers for the consokiiiistion Of the Statutes have cotepleted their important and la- borious undertaking, and that the re- sult hready to be subiasitted to you. 1 hope that it will be found practicable to give to tho people of the Province at your present session the benefit of this work, with such amendineuts in the ex- isting laws as your wisdom nifsy sug- gest or approve. Bills embodying vari- ous amendments which have the recom- mendation of the Commissioners will be laid before you. A measure giying votes to the eons of farmers, in certain cases, will he eub- !flitted fbr your consideration. Al.so, Ifni for extending the N'oters' lisi Act, with necessary ruodilicittiens, to nit pal elections, Furthie. progress and improve went may be looked for in the great cal; be of tette:faint), now Bee it has reachtel an- other ;deg° ilevelopernent under the Act of liee session, which assigned the adminietration 01 educittional affaioe to it ri eponsi I .lepartment, 41 Ls pro- posed to ask your fussistenet) tf1 Wt11.4.1S improving the medilicetions of teachers end in securing to all the schoola 1031011' >'' properly trained in the best itiet hod uf Aching. Reports a ill he 1i,1 befoie you as to tle, working of >lei Loy es:Teethe ; the elle 01 fermented and spirit:acme li pone under the Act of lest seasiou, 1t will be see)1 that the .\ et. hes already had a benefkial effect in dirninieleing the evils against which it was dirr eted. .A Bill will be off'ered 310'1!' embodying some arrienclmente which bay.. been suggested by experience as calculated to ad v3l1r 0 00 efficient work- ing of the law. e.n agreenteue has been arrived at with t,10 (;uvernmeiat of the I )oininion for 0 10 purchase of the Itock- wood Lunatic Asylum, subject to your approve' anti thfl approve' of the Parlia- ment of tie Dominion. Should this agreement go into effect, the critninal lunatice may cent:mid itt this asylutn will be removed, and room will thereby be ()Nettled for other patients ; but I regret to soy thet it steel's that still fur- ther provision ini.st infule at this sessien fbr the accommodation of the insane, if your means of receiving and caring for them: 21 filict,1 p0I3101181 are to keep pace with tbe annual requirements which, unhappily, are to be anticipated. I regret to find also that there is a ne- cessity for increased accommodation for the blind and deaf mutes. The pro- le iety of an apprepriation for additions to tho existing establishments for the instruetion of 1,11F -SO 1111fortun1tto classes will, therefore, demand yottr humane 00043311erat10n. Notwithstahling the largo 4:111188 11101- Tid10 applied in :Lid of important railway enterprises, ureent applications are made on behalf of some (if tho unfinished as will as of the other prejected railways, for fresh giants. I commend to your prudent attention any of these epplica- tines which may be brought before you. 'flee safety of the records in the Crown Lends Department being of great im- portance to the whole community, I in - Vit.! yen to eonsider whether there is poly flicient reason for further delay in erect ine sech 11 fon IPTIOI 114111(1111g RR may afford the needed seem ity 1.1 fu- ture., It is wird satiaftetion I tird.) that while the lelicrines and pru,lent, char- acter of our Teeple leis saved eg filen netch of the depression which still pre- vails so many countries, tho ir energy mei intelligenee are opening 0 PW mar. ;tett; for tlie 40 (11111(104 .,f the Pc ovincs. 1 r. jeice to tie able, from a. personal visit, to give my testimony to tL.1 cries which atteeded the exit ibition of Canadian resources at Ph! ladelphia. Too much eredit cannot be gi' "ea to the greet Tttai YHA hitt efft irts which were disployi .1 i &Vey dells rtment 'by on the very s ritallegt sums 077 whieh boundariee had been collected, a new and an exhaustive statement of the case of Ontario had been prepared, and a considerable part of the documentary and other evidence affecting the ques- tions at issue had been printed. Al- most everything is now ready for the final decision, withirt a few months, by able and ocmpetent referees of questions which for two centuries have given oc- casion to keen controversy, and often to fierce conflicts between the nations as well au tl e great public bodies who have front tine to time cleimed portions of the disputed territory. 1 have given directions that the pub- lic acuounts fir 1870 shall be laid be- fore you. The estimates for the various brunettes 01 the public service for the preseut year have been prepared, and will be submitted to you. You viill find that they have been filleted with every re- gard to economy as well as efficiency. 1 trust that your deliberations will receive the Divine blessing, and will te- sult irt advancing the prosperity and happiness of all classes of people. Greatest Storm in England. Not far from Drury Lane, London, is a street called 11rild Street, in which there is a Baptist chapel. This institu- tion has for 173 years been remarkable for a sermon annually preached there in commemoration of the greatest storm that has occurred in England in modern times. Robert Taylor, who survived this fearful visitatior after having been expoced to awf ul peril, placed a stnall sum of money in the public funds to pay for an annual sermon which never fails to excite extraordinary interest. This storm, for several years afterward inen- tioned not as a storm, but as the storm, .vas comparable, says Lord Stanhope, in his history of Queen Anne's reign, to tho worst in tropical climes. lts chief force was spent in the south and south- west of England. Tho Queen was aroused from her lied in St. James's palace by part, of that venerable struc- ture being blown down, and the Bishop of Beth and Wells and his wife were kiLled by the fall of a chimney stack. The Registrar of Eton College was blown from ,his room into the street near Led.' gate !fill, London. The damage done at Bristol was computed at 150,000. "Portsmouth," says a writer of the time, " looks like a city bombarded." The Eddystone Lighthouse was swept into the sea. The whole country was strewn with giant treos, torn frotn the roots by a wind such as had never been known before. Curiosity led Defoe to count them in a ride around London. Ile counted '17,000 and, then got tired. But tbe most tereible disasters were at sea. Fifteen sail of tho line, including Admiral Bowatei. and the whole of his crew, together with several hundred tuerchantmet. mid a. sixty-four gun ship, with Admiral Beaumont on board, per- ished, the latter in full view of deal. Of 269 men but one was saved—cast by a wave on shore. It hail been computed that 8,000 people were lost. Tho House of Commons presented an address to the Queen, deploring the loss of the navy, and suggesting the building of new ehips, this being, gays Lord Mac- auley, the only occaxion in England when a tempost evoked a public address, or the national fast which followed it. During Queen Anne's reign the day ot storm continue d, in obedience to ber proclamation, to be solemnly observod. The worst year i tt England since than was 18 14. In i aMumn and winter the sea was covet ed with wrecks and the coast with cor; sees. On Nov. 20 a fearful storm evsept up the tumultuous Atlantic. The wi tal raged for three days with appallin g fury. The year closed with a long -remembered snow storm which ebsolu. tely paralyzed loco- motion throughout th tekingdorn for near- ly a week. Tbe foreign mails were tient by sea from London to the Continent because the road through Kent, despite the efforte of the imi noinge crowd sent to clear it, remained i eipassible. "Per- haps," oisservea a writer, referring to it some year) later, " no act of nature gives so MO a conception of a more than ruortal hand—the ?timidity of its OTT% the eadele but rese dime. eltemig- iey by which the impalp able elemont wee turnei! into a totally inifferent form and (pirtlitif siiffinient to. cahoot millions of miles." Whetei. ruvriad of human Impos must leave beets goeldenly thwart A Warm Moretti. The following details a cruel trick, as described in the Glasgow Observer :— " Looking over the bulwarks of the eohooner," writes a correspondent to this journal, "1 saw one of those watch- ful monsters winding lezily backward and forward like a long meteor ; some- times rising until his nose disturbed the ataface, and a gushing sound like A deep breath rose through the breakers ; at others, resting motionless on the water, as if listening to our voices, and thirst- ing for our blood. As we were watch- ing the motions of this monster, Bruce (a lively little negro and toy cook) sug- gested the possibility of destroying it. This was briefly to heat a fire -brick in in the stove, wrap it np hastily in some old clothes as a sort of disguise, and to heave it overboard. Tide was the work of a few minute.: ; and the effect W9.8 triumphant. The monster followed the hissing prey. We saw it dart at the brick and gorge it instanter. The shark rose to theeell.deoo ahnost immediatelY, and his uneasy motions soon betrayed the SUOCE188 of the mantruvra. His ago - ales beeame terrible ; the waters appear- ed as if disturbed by er violent squall, abd the spray was driven over the tuft rail where W fl stood, while the gleaming body of the fish repeatedly burst through the dark waves, as if writhing with fierce and terrible convulsions. Sometimes we thought we beard a shrill bellowing cry, as if indicative of anguish and rage, rising through the gurgling waters. Ilia fury, however, was soon exhausted ; in a short time the sounds broke away into distance, and the agitation of the sea ubsided. The shark had given himself up to tho tides, as unable to struggle against the approach of death, aud they werss cavrying his body unresistingly to the beach." . Extraordinary Telegraphic Discovery. 11 14011 often boonsaidthat the science of telegeapley is, as yeti only in its in- fangx.. What it will be when it reaches tleillP,e of maturity it would be difficult to savrith certainty, but some idea may b formed from an extraordinary telegrai >hie discovery just made in Part It appears that some invetator has fou out the means of sending portrai 0,4 telegraph. The morlus operandi yet been dieclosed, but expo have been made, and --if we at; 011 lieve the papers—witlt comple The trial was made by the poll thorities of Paris and Lyn trait of a Lyons official w from Paris 'by the new tel paeatus, and at once re return the Lyons poi' Paris the portrait, a usual description, o juat absconded with and the Paris pal* graphic portra the thef v at the facts ar ubli and incredible as they may seem, a e no doubt atithentic.—.9andard. •161, A Rat Story. The Pittsburg Tsleyroplc tells the fol- lowing: " A. banker of this city had a valuable cow which gave a large quan- tity of milk and was held in high esteem for general good qualities. All at once the supply of lacteal fluid grew smaller by degrees and beautifully less, until the yield was scarcely worth baying.— The family were greatly surprised at this, as the animal was in perfeet health and in the height of her [Dragon. It wee hinted that scene person whose love for milk overcame his scruples for stealing was at the bottom of the mischief, and ethat, like a thief at night, he entered the stable- where .-Imsey was kept,- arra relieved her of thri- milk. The hired man wae accordingly instrnoted to watch for the thief, and his vigilance was re. warded by a most singular discovery. Jut ttftet. daylight in the morning, he FIrkR, a very large rat come forth fvom its biding place, and going to where the cow was lying, it stood on its hind feet with ite fore paws on the COW'S udder, and applying its meth to one ef her 1111ge, eneked its fill ef nidle Wheu it was setisfiell another rodent took itit place, and so on, until the titipply Wfla exhausted and the family ewiticiled bv the cunning vets out, of their inernint.ea • gupply of the much coveted Tee er deft.fate 1 by tbie visitation, which probably in sc snit indirect manner affect- ed the co-u—ree careere A le ail Outlook. story in well vouched for. Magnineence on Weems, The Gaaa.V.to, New Joraoy, tbini speeks of one of the freaks of a million- ' Tflre are frol le 15,000 to 10,000 per- aire, who mole his money out of' silver firle in the Selir 71kill coal region with- mining operations': " root people walk od any means f support.' There are or take the berse.ears while the rich 0.ot leaa then 30,i 5.00 more who are order their earseltinen to bring around the earriage. Mr. Donohue goes fur- ther. Ordinary people go to tho depot, y buy a ticket and wait till the next train comes along. Mr. Denolme orders out his private palace oar, end if on bis own road usee the locomotives as he would horeee, bat if on other made fastens his oor on the end of the exercise trains and goes whirling through the country at. hla plea/etre. is not an unuenally handsome ear outaide, but it is gorge- ous internally. It is mounted on two e i a- w heel Mesh, whets° eprings are AO yielding that the motion of the train can be hardly felt. Its generel internal arrangement ia like a Pullman hotel oar, only that it is finiahed off more Reading Company toll ne, 0,000 men. megnifieently, with different kinda of With nineteen of thou oollia de4 lale we oilmen and cooly woode. There in not R partiole bf pairit or ertificial work on the 'nettle. It is np into Tar. lot°, dining.r0010;etate.roome and kiteh- en,with all, the auxiliary apartments and acoemmodations imaginable, with eup-boards an.I wine -lockers, arid every- thing that could be noneeived for the happinese and pleatture of Re occupn.nts. In short, it la nothing leen them a gots. gene dwelling on wheeht. In thia do Mr, Donohue and hie fortunate gods travel &bent the t3onntry, Tie has poi pone tiko way Poin unitemlig blit fieftitity attptik OM Mit" the pfq,1,10 of Ontario, and w Lich largely 1 nontributed to Cites la gni: og a roud I poeition in ire 'rivalry witl; olde and larger entente nit Sinee leet Renion the di fferenee 1'.n. 11 ie possible for 1 oan to live. 'fhi 64/4 elusion is reached after cerafal sorntin of the books of t be Phtladelphia and Reading Coal Trolk Cowpany, and after long and deliberat convereations' with A !Shrewd Swiudle. • One of the eharpeet eases of syindling which has reoently occurred this vi- cinity, took place at one of onr promi- nent dry good stores. A finely dressed lady appeared in the shawl department of the store.in question, and, -after care- ful exaruinittiOn, selected a oamel's-hair shawl costing about $100, forwhich she tendered in peyment $1,00Q bill, which was closely scrutinized by the cashier, who, doubting his own powers of discrimination, deepatobed a enessen- ger to the bank to ascertain the genn'ne- nese of the bill. Meanwhile the lady customer had becomb anxious toProcure the change* and had apprdached the osllty minded by the Tann of scri when the messenger returned an flounced in an audible t cashier of the bank said was good. The lady u waxeci exceeding wroth, - to know " whether ho thought that she would attempt to pass a counterfeit bill 2" Of °muse apologies -and explan- tiong Wf1111 of no neetil, and assuming to be highly indignant site refused to pur- (these the shawl, demanded her money and departed from the store the very embodiment of righteous indignation. A couple of hours afterwards she re- turned considerably mollified, ,and ctn• fessed that she was pleased with the shawl, and that leer inability to find one which she liked as woll was the only reason she returned, and she concluded to take it, which the obliging saleirman proceeded to have prepared, while the courteous cashier, disdaining to enter- tain a suspicion against such a lady, proceeded to count out the $900 ()banger, with which and her shawl the lady de- parted. Tlae feelings of that storekeep- er can bo better iinagined than .deseribeid when he awoke to a realizing sense of the fact that his lady custonier had, after all his precaution, succeedad in passing upon him a counterfeit $1,000 bill. It appears diet, anticipating just what had occurred, she had provided herself with f,00d bill, which played its part in the first stage of the game, after which it re- tired in favor of the counterfeit.—Boston Herald. Women as.Preachers. tweet). On4a, i.q -and— Quebei; ; have con-n1miners and worki, loon dt every .gyade . tined tte reoeive the titt-Je tion of the of shill and hitelli genrtrio e. Of roar. (;nvrnimnr.t. Beside', mane aortae- nine nallieiies N thleit thia company poie'ele.r. en the subjext, n lembera of operates with Its 4 'Issn MOD., thirty. are ta, ( lovernment me+ At Ottawa by flp- in opoenti0it and nin At0011 WO 1(140. ',.. )i 11 t MOM, ti, Com niti.c. of ti :0 Govern. Every one of the thirty .that are in opeea- nient, of Qaebec fled ehrir discussion, a tion ie running on thee refourthe time. coulee of the sire ',en to ole lie without Not A colliety ender the eontrol of the fel teiPt 1088 Of Citi10, RD , ,i1TI,Witnt1V..• elnlpittly 1)4 running on fo 11 timo. The e ft• Lod (.1 I 870 was forty-nine oolleriem, when they are all 'ed, Iii,li a denisi.m I., running, employ, so the ohleers of thu eta 510t4:11 1') Plilif-T 4411 et.11, 1110111f Of, thn Id in it, for .1 et.1,1Pri7oi ir titInI ointmont of rt eow the Province), re ry, the distin• to oecupy that 1 to he relieved ovision lied son in terms TTIE rer.rne'ineee erne 're INV•iItS1 T1117 Inhabitants . lintan rirh1 vintrht.r, ti1 110 ht. (10011R1011,I itpOnN1 Cwhine-Rhert In the bnilellog lit(1 Coas,44 %ng ' er !vcass 81nears, PO. tal 1,, Ala oently lause.re. 14..esti gnished , who wn, conitien 8.03 reermate, row It; n1.0.1,anwhlie, A The d o u e the case for n, but this much we may say: ieupport_of Christianity is found among women.. They are the most per- sistent church -goers; and they transmit the faith from generation to generation by the instruction of infancy, and in so • e e theyeperform-a-work-fla-its-b parallel with that done by the clergy. In all times, from the days of the dea- conesses of the New Testament to the nuns and sistors of to -day, they have been an important spoke in the ecelesi-, astioal wheel. Even if not preachers and never priests, women have contri- buted vastly to the spread of religion. Perbape they can do their work better in other ways than by preaching. So also may many men, who now preach without the gift of speech or the capa- city of public teaehing.—N. I'. Sun. lieve, le roiled manhole, she tbeneand mon et work, fled four thous and men with nothing to dn. Each nne of 6(140 men, nn everegn, suppertit uft Ines then one othet persen. Then es, tit four dummied men there are (Aga them - persons depending directly t the Ileading Company for the bread that they eat, who nnt 1.new where to• boon twall' illy determinedpmotley:la dinner ia to come from tOfIn f the roan eutIon of the laegialWAVS As '1,01.11) 4.110, men, like the 0,000 who 4,0 rel. et a former tri OM WM` What, 11111 14:11etiss.11.0 1144111 teh• diva 40 'itiltalnit of iptettiti Welsh, with a slieht opaleitling fit " the ,,,,„Btt Am* 1,k theti tiltat4 ets AR *000 1* hiatromon in-on00000. .411 ,cloy; for 4°41 VV144i'm Itolioitar or4deniti taatito abac*chtimod, Wile hoar littlat frien4P Off ,0141 00 bowl! 'gather, lite woman him for net ',Fatis ii money yot Wear ,pleye nrgan until iraci been rea elm asked, an, answer, res.; away, laughi A Fr of 1.4 1 dared bottl key, red p matoes and liqnor intb tables into pepper over t the -tap of bol, bath was filled h ant, «q -b, myself in the A' ed in. Suspecti dact,.the atteas and found the death. An in he had gone sud A most trag in the mental child by beatin Fox, ten years o to " mind the b aged five, and. mischance she her brother said ther, and he wou ,girl seemed to ha and instead of afternoon, she t canal side, sayin selves." e A corpse Revives: The Fort Wayne Sentinel publishes a sensational story concerning 'a young man named Charles IIneeton, living at Monroeville. On last Friday) Iltveston was attacked suddenly with congestion of the lungs, and after an illness of about two hours was pronounced dead. The body was being shaved by the tarber, when the raznr alipped, Tusking a slight mit in Ow °book, froru which the blood spulsted freely. faunae of the hystenders thought from this that Hueston was still alive, but not much attention was pod to thia theory. :',10anwhi1e Hues - ten's father, moth, r and sister arrived from Forest, 0. The body was placed in a coffin and put on thel'itteburg !wells train, but the 4101a a the coflinwaeraas: not screwed (1own. The sister of Hume ton etnyed in the 313(4)405)4 car to be n his body, and when about 20 mtlee west of Forest gave a heartrending shriek and fell to the'floor in a swoon. The train men melted to her aasistanee, when they found the (muse of her horror, The suppose.' dead body of her brother wail moving and breathing, The facie, with ghostly pallor, extended above .the oof- fin, tho eyea wide open, and -presenting altogether a weird and ghostly speetaele. The services of a physician were secured, restorativee, applted, and Einstein re- moved to the home of hitt pareilta In Forest where he now is. The proapeets of hie recovery are said to be good. Hie sister, since her fainting fit in the car, has been wholly insane, and foara ere entertnined• that. her reason is perma. trendy dethroned. , The Mora oj Health, a jeurnal of hygiene, in an article referring to 008ati Orb% N. 3., serf "'With a ammo population of .10,000 persons, the mita. bot' who go abont with cigars in their medial is very mall, and wo have never nen one under the influence of liquor. Neither aleoholic stimulante ttqr tobaoco aro permitted, to im sold on the gronntt If used, they mast he etnuggled in, or bought (maid°, The termite of these prohibitions aro very favorable to trier. ality and eleanliness." It wotild bo fett tunato indeed if the enlightened Witty of government of dealing with tolonholle %Wave rota tointeee Which provoill111> OthdoolatIttrzot eittid be **Wiled Win .44 teirline-ry trade credulous old, City, Nev., is n ledge, according A milliner, who moned to San landlord to take ing her absence. e Go was unexpecte Francisco, begg charge ot the shop 8he did not luiVe tim 1 1. • 1.1 : I I 1 absencowas prolonged to ten slays. Th old fellow was of a confiding nature, ant whenever the ladies came in to ',unites feather or hat he sold the goods at thei own valuations. Never was there steel a lively trade in millinery goods." Th> store was crowded day and njght. Fou dollar hats were sold for half a dollar Laces went for a song, and ostrich fee tbers were cheap. as sage -brush. ' Tie ladies gathered in such force when th news of the -amazing bargains to be hat was noised about, that the venerabl salesman came to the conclusion that h would be justified in raising the rent o hmeet-that-liad--ste-enserm a trade. When the milliner retnrom and looked at her empty shelties and th entries in the cash-book, she fell te th floor...in a fit of aggravated-hyateries. 41: 1 8 The Rev.'''. F. Gardiner, " et-elut lain of the Duke of Duokingliara," mad a remarkable stateMent at a reeen medical conference in Artgland " the within ono hundred yavde of tint Sdilor HOMO at Liverpool there were forty seven public houses, and that the publi eons actually strewed sasedtist on th paeernent in front of them, arid sprink ed rum over it, so that the emell of th spirit might decoy sailors itbhi the! doors." A sad example el` the fetal Want% • diphtheria has jeet neettrted In Davi A whole &mil v eonalsthig of father rat ther and ti• ehilditeti, whim otttioko with it. °anima off in a short bitn Dr. 1:.egnaolt, who attended: the oaugat the .inalady, and in 113:1te 'of id care of one of his eolladgu) es, r. Bii died alto in twenty-four boat% Dr, a et was then attaoked in his tarn, and "Vh:11,11eXio-a'n-,-11-1071.ag 'wooed in Val young W0M4444 ill Santa lioniea, • .0 fornia, attempted -mob an exploit a met often ettedriatiftil Mathis:kr-Of Pri romance, Ite.swooped doWtt 011 he liorsobook ayiho Wail *hitting 61 iTiiiitiosdyohuonritow.ohlo,rast woittioni:10,ren rode it than most heroined its noveii, and scratched atni ltfoked In a .olgoro romatitio way, 'Vhe getileart to drop iret, at the end of hole omil A options inottiont took pl000Iti 4441 tho night of December 'I, A d en mon, Phil* Booboo, woo 104 Log to his /Lotto in tholtio i414 Tao Aa ho ewung tho rovoniont, ho rim font of, a Tete who, twith att oath, dealt •11101 11 blow thet ho ft1pitOtiatOt kith ILII okWilliithileitdtlio:btoittttialloloafts1:1::: others ran to 'the tat tho. 1A,tif to and befludd I iikoy tilototorod lamed fait 11 tLthi)/ bf tifti a oolit ti gsti4lintbr yert,t,,,u4se