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lei 0, Pill -000
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Itall'yJ 141 the ina 3, QANADIAX NBW8. Ageut Wantea.
was. A. FUtu owl .1. 4'. V01168 itt the ;JJ till' ('oilril
# ni.
"ll NUN!,
Vlmrt, b"I'l 'It (141,3(rioll Lkt t uveh, 111441444- vinu,'.
I I 1.ft .. 1 111 lit Imn-II infl-l'I'A itorl, sk,'Intlit-il Ail - - 'r0jr1l. Vull '14141-1 Ott 41litifi-ifinp III Jill, d
sa lax. o
'file Weoft 61kile 011 iti linilrovet APIAsinin 15104411full Nly 4 fow- 11100 0"vol 100 I'llutto 11111" wil 4,% 1:111, oftli.0% I
I fill iis fiIlulil in [ILI. S
closis to"Alorvow (Viltidayl. I I'Torry up ll that Messrs. Pollerty &. Vill of tilfit Clinton LloklWiollitlll MILI-I'll tit (111101' ktiell
ailcil'tu 0 vv Ifull(q4, -I I )it nit 1119 lluoai, 111-C. W. 1670,
had, N ny V Orel
InlIll - Ivill bein -ffmw
-JrqT-"lWtiWW vous"41j"In, guill V of voollow kNwill, 11poll 111(itiarivil of
4 W ly
W 00 A 4) o a t n 44 w v 1W. -, I AN AvImuiliev, Tilailitoba, to 1111ild it
illil Sip, brow1liting fievoral, pallopi tiolkii atto fortuettz- it had ho'bito to 174 4 chul Pill)] ie'vitcoil lq?l arriliory viliffill.4 evely Putinni-6. I'iavfln do, 4114 'Jilled Ill thiii
ativaueol` The price of thL 011 IlIll IN R Ill ' I' To, t TACI.Jea-
of glass fl rrjYvn oll', aud they Are bolik--for $,,week. Ill a e,100 orgau. This ito cortailflY I'Vily V401.1 44 4)le wall that Up plitilawr 41til)
ticouraging,to the Oil lind a boxiso and wtirli;laliop hiMoiltl TK
poalia welk It
WF - orl,
the 111341ti(I IV(ll 1104,111l allv[ liql0looll tilt r
W0114) XV:qq,
f St list fit prizes, last TU'agell &ol,,ava now beillf; oralurnod. fit Ita'I t('tJJlA ft.." 1,") 1;" i"11110. irt of Ilill of 1,H110411. ill"J. Ip, ill,
for r1oilify of tileir ofgallo,
weak, bIr. Ill Vidintire ill antio"111coll. as .1vil-h 11 tile fat of tile lakid", piopseRtnry to cattlo ill T"ro lito lwlog fil till for tile Il"lig- wbi"11 tit'M:i; tit') Ju'li"i 1114d"!
rX . tho wlitel
-4 FLORAL Ull YOR 1877 is %itot"A' &,m,, A V4
VICK% 't,witititIc r4t,
Aa tile Scallion bills arrill whou it be. liaIll taken 3rd for f,%b atcor. It obould dolil tile throlfis of tile 114m t.o.\, 1,I)ftl
pnintletit )it tile 11 houds of fat I. b lords of Me "oil. Urly by Janlra -oy i") lltqlilsvk, lipil otgah) J. A, 3 1 . T14bil le. r4litoll. ilarV.r. SIX Ill,
n 0 Rua haInd. It is published list t Ut,Ell
conics in Vick I'll Ro011eliter, NA. is, witiloilt, A forwtiiL If th I A(43;"464 Al hill(It'll t; (it k 111rl V4 mv . i tv w; May Il L, of (1ill to) Ill.
ATrn1V1.TIob- I$ fflrectfi(j tp tile %1yeril TWIPLIlll "ER Ill—OU.191JUday OV031- a Sonnint, v jflill i lt,,
lies" to ]it,, b), their customary Chriatillaa exceptuirl, tile neatest 411d beat prilliell 'riliti wal; it vlv4s J olJ"(.ojJVIfl fin.
'Carlo supplill hilth Its regorM syllo if 4boll 1, to XO, ill"I 1103t, Rov:'T, Btloolt will proltv-11 atill tile tilt' lloplii, arl, happy, al
find NOW 1011t of Mr, A. 71, '941t, -4talqgue Ili, America. It oll ll t Stray Cattle.
TIRITUSPAY, PtO. 21, ISTO, Mal 11 a 14 ow Is dilatroyed by firy A. int)n, it, tilowAlleth '111kilblin"l lit -.4. barlwr "iflop ill ("1111tvii. Cull'.
0 w011 Ali &110 `141" w 150 thwoull val'JaMle A4144 lqoru"Oly it. Ukkilig 4 111411A froilt in ll, 'I o- io4oll 4111114104 ;itlt I It NIP; J;N 1")
rount Il"Jiff, 'of-i4f), Ilvilry ro"etrilo. 0T.0 C V. It. lot, K).
rhio with reference. to thil 1wh000 Adt, alsort-time fil Vclt or totilperallil
7 Vo car in -our colunius, Illay -tilt 1`011-TIwIlerlinti011 Alusut t4t vipj ill
app It You Want to nee r. big lot of ilqlatioucal cillIcImINS I'l IfEvvii1ill Qlt Wkifllwl. I -CArD and hix. Ilmtlf;n ill pol tifory. Thit 1 i0m. haviu,; tnalle an InAr.'r 013431AC Novetull it whili, V1.11raph Il')if
WI)f WISU oury 1MADEUS be opportlillo. elev. — . - ) -F, Aida ritit ILIA will
pArlil onillown 11 4 "WOor iA, It, roby 11oll to I)rr)yo
alul 9vory Afternoon, go to the pilot of., day Utnt, a, licit belonging to mr..W. Mile, ll lit ilar!'Air?n fl (A f!0tJi.triw0iig of tile Pivi. 1,&,v chlo"lliv, KIIA tAU, I 111im awa
iho i"oncral dry-gilodl 1111n, wo have F00WIl 4C. MA longsbwo, a lllilii4frr wall
ll AtIld waleft ilia i oullwuoll(.-6 of thme 11"1110 1;, t4at 11.44 Won Sitting, for IiI otiort oilin Conrt boillidtiriou lie boar(l. (kit Friday
tilt 1114111 tillip. tiluo, brought forth. 8 014#411, 44 OhiOl ll fileilval oil bil of Ill r evetille4tu [roil . i fl P10140)l Ile- aftomowi, anfbo tlih'Cy or forty inagiotrale"
light Ill nter, atandi lig arouna 0311tilva, for ollill tit IL futioraltill JOSE
it's a it" pay, WI looz, ,o.
4 1, - A, pl; The Flolihi;tt o( Mr. VArrao, (A k
'Alland6l. 'ifit 'r,
A.15. Itiollor,J, 0. (lilruy ailil it. C [0 80-iballt 0.vilrillIg Midi Ail ovourrouco in tho ailddle of Jl 8, 8. will be bola in tile School or
Am'. t Xol 0 - 81 -Il s w,Olil I I. . I 6usli, of HOU. g ra at ("llill foe tile ul)ovo lairposel
00., lit wlioiic lltoroa will bofoulld l (10aig will preach .4, t tile I)JAndag k6hc
!text, tile Rev, FlIl No bor is A rAriti, 11-191i'll 00414ri#Alt township. On Q10 I ovoning of, ill
I Stocks of ilry gooda, Among VvIdch way W the'Ohildron ofthia 11proll To tr%A'U6T14%%. -%VQ WIll 004001. 41't ')all' )al' Tea at Op.' Ila, a 0 hicIA will Ila was rcull, ity Clerk of tile 1.10aco fiewiti , 4, 1
ft rw I
0 found gluo3t Ali,, . opired. either 01"Pi" Sell you reeltations, oddricsilies, Ito,, 1111160 by Works,'611 into ia, vab oflidt watOr also til potition front tllo illbabitalito -of Awith tho law in having tit -
for preaqlItsorothorwisb. Aalaa0l000lkas bytorian 84bbath. 8ohool, of this town. - Admission, I)$ cents. anq was s alflod U91w VW nook do yll, Ile )NVro%0tor allill I (awick for A new DIVIsion, Nvil WilikWat.",
call of i 1W qtwot to ti 1111641, OthOrw iSO thOY May 01doill"011 1011t0d 117 the now fitmatianrill. lu.-
-a u AQ9W,' 41140k thIsil A cannot lourt a -ell-. lit
NotwithqtA 0 Id Sol C 1; NI"itixot A wwlaittaq wilts,-ap
Arm stice wl leb Some r, wo live.
pocial indozoinent topffe, l Und, therill in the possession of our tolil W I boplit 0 CoNt
advise our friends to read their, respective the Ladies Aid Society 'of the Notboclial poill.titit to IiIolfmiaer Clio roatiork; in question, slid trollbio. nyordor,
has Wen prolopgod till the Ist. 0 -Coalst"Ib, WWW"Ill,compel tll lt_ Ill bl'bilid in the Orange R0411, 1 .Iyth A drl laborer 'naliueii lWaoli. nt Til CITARLLS MORROW,
advertisements, and Aftorwari;13 ruake their 0hurloh, il 6141, At 40, re4derl of'ATV.-, to pay w4i9l, ril1wrted ill favor of rQ-00tioti-JACtIoll
next -the Qo4.ferenee thAt is now being bases w Quills, ibis dearly on the eviouing-of JTan Ist, TeaserVeill routi); DolmLy Ingbootor of 'Wei litti tuna blos,mor
was on Satur4t ly f urtd lying, on, tim 9
pure here they'think they can, be J`. ]Uddlec <Thnoday) evening. for their neglect. P. in., Aildresbes will be deliverod, musia'far- a And the forintitioll ofil, now 1)h !Slou (tourt
treet with h14 head f tilid whiskers frbzoii to, cou'llist'll Of' Will village of Wriixotiit
t1goplQ--the p beat suiWil NVO call 371000111MOu'd thOin fill y Wishes us to state that ni I
)illt QAARI&A 1 10 't grill iltOf ITOwiCk, to bil kXLQWIJ tile
hold at coustAn OOJD FOR. CLINTONtr-Well have bQqU Ju*" s'lied, azid everything d6ne, to make the he nd.
id good storo-ko pr1cps. ll on tbe-0 rill present hill
good Stores at epers. foinied that the lintl noxt weak Jill Still with meeting intirolttittg, Admission 50 Centel, as
A largoly
Gooderhaid & W or -Tolrouto, during Vinth I.XvIsioli Court. Thera was oollsitlar-
claritiont; of the trapollor of R11801111, while, also in, mavket are such an to draw farralirs here the customary New -Tear's Address when ,is. of
Ill qhos; JAckson, tailor, able excitement over the'quostloh.
I "come 4 Ill Ill the year'-colisilil of WgIlt Inonths, itude
4yontl WingliAln." Afay.:illu6h con h trust theYwill 0 ;Nndsomil - 0 0 It R 10 010 $J) E if.10 E . -of 0w. (4ib
and tile freq6nt, telegrams t4at the "ille satno line, inaltef a Speciality of gents' from R t Nig nod-p6titioir in faybr .1 SON
tintle. . . . . I.Y.." 11 Small favors thankfully received, wo:11111lion anTriluety-s* titoillawid gal-, b other of out, worth member for East H,4ro
)a will not be diistur6ed f9migbings,'Of I l lie bail A vary choice I I I - . . '! . -1 - d I -a . " . . . , Iva 14911 it to lim4lAtIllotlyunderat ona of - whisk
peace of Earol 'fltook, 4s At inspection wiltprovel Tat STAGE rtinning between Wingliahl large OID04 I proportion. 0011 that wit it, lJoh ley its olork of t Pi RE. OPEMN04"
he. now yislou was presented.
there appeoile. e j;W d fe0lin" Those reqqiring anything In the groce, And now Soltin Knox lials beerl all
ry and this place took seven hours to,r)llftko SAwING CONTEST. —()ne- da, III our gorrespondent A. Anil read. TINDERSIONED Il TO 'NOTIFY HIS
ed, a policoulart irk I John Wo have room this week for, more, of old friends and the pgoliti, goll
V JUSt Wil
hat Dusuia intends to line will, be constilting their own interests the dtStalice, on, Saturday last. Ciull t'wo'yopligmen-of eil -,K. Me,' lanAlton, and will
of suspi0ion It to- _, thet he
Bull It Itiollill. 'Nyllat the Qran I tfu 011 him entalillshunignt at thti, coyze ell Vill spa
Wert they' t lead 06 carillit of Messrs. S.. tho storm , avevage tinie, three viil R A Donald And 0, H Vo Me 4,11,107, of ill e OU'4401& .2yel" Z ra,. Keep A a tavern in I Wei vilesentmont than thd.foll
on;,p oil it
make an asS4111t; upon TUU.el and is Paili t Qo,, N AioWon, IV, d if ., Hine, is tile world co"011ing to Cull stil oil
1. 'ti th , j & and jurord of a.
Aer hour. wagor,toliall l%QVQ4s!0Ut2aW from the Dizoil SIR, I Your last a isgue. wds In core Ott Irv. a jilt!
only pursuing., the pretended pacillo J. Ounnirighame, W.Patton, 0.. 0. Dob, W99d, betwean An a I call of a y , rbilentation, made bk qie. 8 turdaY.next, 23rd Inst.
T -P ld r realteits should log,. thirte64 cordis o Upwards tot foul. thousand1arrola if C both l8tiper or and, Inferior Court% ilia Ora A
CHRID AAA , il 11 .
o, as eadi of thQl know, Just lmemb%iil of 'th6 HolmOsville Church, to the na4i4n all
Ups &,Lp ovoucaeA vulipliihwa With
course at prq gaill t4att. At aqy 4i3d thlit frs light'aud 4,uik 24 werle sold ill tile 1410il)(191 Jary are fall t oonyiuced that 'intethPO'NUM16,
tq ot, fail to. visit exhibItiod-of fkiw ov., fr, Millike -i", -FdSy,'tfi`4W)thX6.
-Ford div, . - Ill P -ill 011,
*41l want il, a,444o( -ugly On uloofeen 'q6tdo. lit the allotWil, W As there were a iew.in is. wholesule. -Mutl, SL
US oullectiq-d—wit') Oy teiis, rU_
Il All if not the pa 0, is y6t closely o evelr3r y el. .
rate preparallions foli hand t4eat, made the butlobvilsi Iva, think is good work. -'Whg ca ei,t,lt t tatheii.j takqthe 11berty'of corre6thig them. yeWber. J>riceg ranged.filtim f6tirteal -io Prime- idmos 'Wlti phases, and they recom-.
days. They Ar6 ll to sclipser. all fortner Ii wil 9.tated. that the friefidli and.
ried on hy botill parties, on r. large Scale, T4606 who are in the habit f ularigapill 4'. " I malubeis'oi' sixtbel) s"Aillings Sterling par barrel, mend that all]aghl p0pailie taken, to s0ljpress On the 0hortest notice.
Nvr, SHOULD very much like tit seel'i dopy _01
onthesi occasions, will find all they require t401101wesville Churoh-iirewhted. their PAS.
ust as if neitber-pari-V Nieved in the 6f the NEW DRA aft r itpassiss thrpu 31r. Coliester'Dilapai, olle-of the pritleLpiq the same,. NVA11--the-view of preventing, the -
f h,
on ... 1.
istake. . In the first place, the coll h _d
e'_Stums IDL shopaw noper-1411d" tuat-it-is gh.the, tOr'with-Abandmorne outter, which was acr. 'its, syUich-almost-inivs, -!-
rectorial Will a hands of Olde f bar c0tetnp;ries It tatinly. a In busitief is nion'tif AVhitby,,d1I4 last Satur, forinal of IdId bA.b R h
'Imesville folks ay,n
sincerity of the 0 i(Ar. N Robson. the'Purpofl theJusp na - f iperforated as, . rd- ps y- was -not -qOrgposed6r HID
th st look nbly lead to crinx`e n the part of the 7outlh'ol.
W f -_Ake I& plea," JAC While presiding at a church Il oil lifuld, and
. hile AJr. Is, tLep is i pril I melisur§4 to, 8"Wree 'the law in,411 cas@8 _- 0 1 this phll mud elsewhere, the Graud-Jurk, families supp'lied. when oraqr il
heir Oar. on a, Is am the Several MlCetlaig last. Mon ny eivoning-,
60ot wliore parties have, f011 to have t or, the liberal ratro u
Now that tile urruistiou'lil rge scale,'judging by the'nudi.; #1911 -ti. " some: of., the friends fr d i4a would ut-ge upon ilia p ctper'aathorities the* ' Thanileg his fried. f
tenlat more ligid dkifo
'ficilyQuItt Uketo tiv 14 its cohl nas. istppintigents. wore prellorit,by Special, in .Ita. stru(& with parilysis And n rer lzl School Act
ber Of extl "Inade frotil ago extend.
shop, oi else A6 hh tpuz #., he Ill 4)l properly tested, all e110 ver, we are jeld jq 4ISO that, i tic,). In the second lace, the Outte I r. Wall rI6,emont 91 ilia cil'to him before the fire$, he UnP83, by strict littentil
Sel.; Which empowors"them to coil a regular a;t', to buslue
is up possibility of t ling wh . v b - SP been Kiven for ab'dolug.. Art ittivarti4einent 0-4 T.hursday, in obnoton"A. 1044 rettdi eui to anquintodate, to g,J4
I.% great flooli, q8' Ji os t i P44. or. by.circult satscrill-tiQli (and not by
ol at toll iwreAders, akpillacinte if tiloy, . Weill abO1114'' fivo 'railea eolt Llbefteld; tondance of1itloge Of. the pioper, age during "I"Ilit-yrl"b the EuPPOI.
libr 1. olmosville, A
anitiont of it, Is e faund'in.wiot do. 60 ve liscir9dit. latmeut, as Stated') A. T,'SALT,
tile il6uvernmiatit of 'R ell
;JIg T'llom4a Clarkson, in .3 (Illari-el witif David 4 hours, 4lis w as the Iltue
131111 like tO coltillill.
Aghiu, refereno,700 the music of ilia eve.
-klorlbod by hViv.
th4grand. 4;sp)a tJ. Con. 0: doubt it was worthy of commekida.
huld Y t flivor Turkey wli4sii it tide rdand i nya have'lleconie impalir- A Ta Boirs,_Cine 4ight last -Go4ild l , str(ick the I illll g
tiogi n CI
instantly. tit oncegve hini.
nitrahalae's, on F
tion, lll they Ili 1.1 it 0 Visit hiln, hia.: will, rr or's teato, that riflay and SaturdAk, *be. tion, but not,conflued.to the two pianists ns,
eutributing As.'wall. Dour oil-, 'a ods*
ei sl week, foiii boys took u fai
v fL-w, are oppos- A Chritmas ire ecoll ofAited,"'othel co sell up.
49 all wm stalldifi;, on -the Street., ancl' d amaged fqi4 d? Ho a -
f . X goods;bll a the above. expla. A small boy
ell to thfill al At XtillaVe hile A a in a
Ll.I)Vnrt. of rtirheb.l sell IlionAelves k7y -a s.hOA, dil arouill 04 kind. Ins$ I feel jA duty. bound to giv I . 1. out.
at! wl ILI
thel bettor ties ther, an one of the vpR 'GREATy
oldSatititolku dcomplaint
w'illi' 11 liantly illdininatied. Grooeries very cheap natioll, in order to . relieve. the J Ioltnclmvill 4 f tilly disolargetl a loaded ll tijtos t
ug that it Should lie I p
and unners braVe,'throill 0 it"', New and
bandsQn of raisins foil 01','aood tea forJ30 the inconvenience of wearing lalirelis Cathe y 90 -Vileful Artlick
0 n lie' old iiii and pi4pared to start a u, -silddefi- ex.
)a lot of gcobds At ilia i w ' f cranberries It 0 7 '0 'llicts, -weni 1 --nesillill Books.
if it ig zill ot maintairilacr I U. I it on 4.: J , k. V Ll Rl h it ttv, I) of them: Were fi ad &s. per I,b.; a large Ojuantity o ip--.expedse of their bre ,hreu, Irk ref.6r, i an
Lif !:the*fine being impoSed to upt to.a warning ; ing'POSitiOlL , 0 -tl
enlid. iii the presentAtion, mud )Y:tlle of being Hui Site
4na tile re, aer oil
at 12 cents a 9tiart eve a to the ev 'Afr. altin
txister,il single-1mrided a- inO to Citb'(-.r boys in the.future coat collar ali -)RIl
w. proportion, 0)4dlil 1"]
q. Sell on the U_ ei011ing fOlIpWiTik;
it L &wLt nee cl The lalest- illforl 11.1 ll troll, !,their lines of busineg,4, should' .49. to Disl-LAV.- —'Ur. X U; Itacey Ill teriad.416 badk--of liis k 7zinad and Nw Tonil
re ft -Itt'sul
tI woull y. it was In I in ramill till
'tit , Il Si (,be Q _A"o A,: -- --
is to the Street thitt Iland cutfierwas driven Ill in she obscurity. for do 0- -sent= rTha_Ue7n=nnZi
alioulice- candles a hineFle lantern.% la the will. ubtless it y p of cave ell SOMAll 449411QIACIAG suit eyery-iAsta and"Any. pt co,
of oneofaurhoteisc;i1in I e for As or -frr-4t7Thee-v6iiiiigwi-ts:aFont sorall after tcuS,,_4IludaiJ,' A I Ivitatioli is liftended to everybody, to e&n
-men L appear !ratepayeis ht, Hall n I ind ex:
le f0friter. -agent it lily titpej 61 B 11A.0 TIFUJP VAJey 0 0
to the necessi ,j of 4' Stri 1. 1
n ll'wo can heartily rpeoibill6nd time ; when 1 0 -own or of il I last Friday evening,to discuss tile 4dvi,4aUity, ODS.
d clue whot I (111y t As oil former ccasiong, it will Or returned, it waal the' mania And. I Am "Ire Of tile liquor law, s they aro, of opinibrij
to. those watiting omethin e4 found-Illat'a buffalo, r6be, S. IlawIL find Ill the holiali of one of the. mcnibem, As illi is styl I of maturing a schatod for btitigng tb - TorOU.' I HAVE
it : * -- -IMPORT101)
L'lcie- I i v to I - - - r, that by so doing ilia perpetration of '0 Railway, into Winghaln.
be inade very rittrAct: IS, hd o6r,rod atothe public to-avill, themselves of tile fr(,e exhl,_, h4d b6ou Stolen, and ll Attempts arn Q_ k or t i ll and Bruce
tbeir whereabouts were The o. enjoyment, not- did .1
fill, 1AA11111,10 Nflill, 110 ll .11 firta who expend ireat laor aifil tinle, ind i the . lfolmesville lie in a great 2neasure ong and. eapiest speeches ; ere made tuvor-, English.and im, Grican, goods dlrecf
bition lld'dotibtlass, will. frienda'Isil L.in providing Tefresinuelat for, the On-WediiiIoday at fariner i-anied n L In Is"Sit quantities, for the bol trade, being prbi ll
0( of1heir anti -.I flirin whoso tel-keeppil gave what asistatiale lie could i . le. totbe selleme, fid. 4 committee was ap-,
The certal that ii -i snotiessor - 1 f " M9THODIST evening. As caterers they 4iil not fail to re. -living in il!i1i4etI.to till
, success fi the"re,41t 6f effortst j or searclihig for the firWing artiole4i Arl Uui aly,coininitted' suicide 196" to select Only the biltst of enrT4d.ue. Alystliek-will'.
isterial inter st be. pleeted it the'present S i ity, of the.- Methodit chuich, held a . tain their rephistion, in fact it Ting -soril Till thus b, a 61 1 _f - - Z
a p h4ap, Worthless trA it
fll' OLWn i - by.blaIging hiroself int ]its barn.. lie w6lill e y re -ir;m
ebee is realson call Ndly rwhich'they desire til ruturn i It or ortion o( like she ul m t
cle c Aull limeas 'Lia it on giliting somethio.
if this' loaves and. fishos *a out in ilia health, Barric is nQw 5 148.
a ell was certainly ver,Y'cred! iea4 about, far one baSket suppliba time for Qu bavilar l)(1 fcstj'V%1 in the. t, hall, On- th'ii value, wlil The population of roe d
she Governinont'liassed. over.4r, Conalion iiii4 t Alobdiiy evening Ilie the W4010 urabla and useful,.,
has nominated Mr. LetellieIll de St. Just W the t -titan oil Jill company, how m'uch ag6erl Wdro talken not discoveril till eming by I ty in, 'Act has beim (lof6ated a
Self tile, bamar a*sqccess, Ice WAS itabld to him, ATIL, more -fr and was Pnuk JJJJI&J IOf Wen expeeted,_. . . I :
I ost. -Yet that Catichon bad Iiiin I .4 . . I q, 1, will net pretend to ally. I rit' son. No Ill Is knoivn.wli . lie, oorntuit-' Illy a.iiiiij6rity,of. 504L,'
-o'dispo ed of.- The Rev. a this tail tile
ittle F 61'CQ
articles A I ut u i ce', for
to do with the action i4. likely cnougb. SVY -BIMP Y for-th , benefit of donors and f i Ann 'unco
foll6svinly list are: 1 0 ment Winadil thet commuta.
0 w
lint a4ew of the are C ant tek ]Ile sIieIved,-JAlSt-yG he -were not forkupatc.,onough CO. 1, tibn of - the sentences of BeTcher, the Col-
I- your I pol for Th6 ourity Council of IN' I I S rT`R
loused witik o ir ' nictehittit r, intrt 'ling 08.011,111 ill, W L" By finding 1-06111 in. eutwortl. I
periencearis Speakoil the Sonatfs ga-vo. hill, I d in wigland,, and lien the'one thi qhester inuia A. REAL.XM"
a distaste for that spaci6 Of lluicilld8', and ])a ; dtic ig coal-stoioi and burtil coal instead- CT:rLE. FOV It )V11 he O91mmllois done the John f'OV.J!"tt 0 1.. 11 Kirkpatr1ok,. their T ren"Suror. darer of Jefferson, the Hariii1ton watchrriall,' OIN
to, A it LT DIE
abandoned Ids Sonall if) itlld throw. 1pilli., vp 'Y ', A I Uey have.
of A lil berod.that last w",k il stut dll 1) eparo&.a. hnge Chriotins.9,1'rei, i,)twed
as ci)uiitry,, latt.,Jyi the gogthimill., named-Pard-tir -Avhu -lives
y were each IV00
elf once more, liell inell,1410 the. decrease tho ftir:i0od 14 thereby Dayniont Postey took Sever, DU, 0Tas-_r-X Oif IV 1110 C,oink h t Ave, III
near Lexingtou,-Micl I IUO I With
Vane Articles Ima Toys, Stilling Which 'wJJJ IJi,OJTm
Jiglk ill thcHouseofComuions. Byelievatbig wl Ili,, gratuity. Kirkprzti,ick has een..
CA ey y Trom Sarnia the.'ather night, 11,114, when a. 'Handionie zlble ' OvVering tile price. jz j A -t &4:_ " .0 of
NIT. Letellier to the Liout-GaXii show l the vulity for hearly
- . (111 e . stoyes In I ns place, f :O V:.(.
ity of 16 At heavy fainity, ilot being 1' ndi9fl ILI 16 1 i.1 I 10 1141, t( fliers, to -al littlibit Cot I Beml Album,
tovefunicuf ail xtraordlix y f aW.miles froil Il Hdroi), hailing several
wo do )lot fllilik yea I Writing Desk,
and they call fill I -itx-collea ftle's V Cotlimil bel& tl ra -hundr I Mears RUMT Pa.
ed dollars ili,, IiM' pocket, - had:
i tbeit Y.), Ao.f orn an extra aniounil of fut but, 00 116 -
J ts : thToc 3,6 ,r (YI& ll 1,015 lbs,;
"the long Nerially, W60 tho pil#Oli 'of ivoo(t. 0110 Of count (if 0104, hoightand.tudso6lar deyolp., I '-ThL Rev. Mr. 33caudry,. a Iontreal liorse.stoppeaby tw6-moll, one of whom eellary, .00
in the Sertato froniont of othuding dt1,5ch ind, tile Well'bovs prosent.
minis reser%-o-oflivagi,y.ipl)ljcants. tha;t Cal) Pil3litas of 401 -mor Itill i her A'knite, de
tile liriholipal cauges,of ql c o od (16 - two yt ot there a' ber, Sid in a - Iiiiblic spe6ch tht'ho prbse6tod rovolvil tile ot
09 Wore Toad Dolls,-Xulaii (4011, Picture Iuookv, Toy (f Ill rioQ1
ing. Ilia. roolloy, Pordit coin nollobd' (ire Imtellier himsZlf is concerned, lie is likoll tp 1b.ii, .rhey,will f6o altow a,vory: Tli know of''a, Roulan' ()'Atliolic. priest! *Ji6 nilthd
mand.for )Vood is I -ba 0 gkv I Zr 'Ji, I ioinail,, A.t .. . . .. '' . , .: L I , une svoint (,)I, 0 ) ; a -vo - to by ri; ling-a' revolver, and
on to whicb 116L has liabn raised 2( 13 y111 tile positi ing'ulk tile tl61d fat lot Ilia scripti
i jth dignity and effect. Mo W o Oil coal 1, th I-ce Whim, tivo psetc." was
0 th: -AlIalli 04 other ilia ic ugrcgtiqlli thouglill tho,wo-uld-be "Xiiii, Cents will giv Atir,nile An_o,l,on:chs6 for an
L73 14. Ion the thre6dollats, . and tie evoi 0
That isjust the cas all the "WAYL ilia merchants does 'range 'wood. to be 'QUITY, A the per- ',Ma'ry. i praying for aSsistarwit foi. tio Itly tho'nihnager. Tho, withdlaw. unedilpmovionsly Firtlelo, I ry article
e . , l .(Ile f, L" . t, Additioil pL f , * ., ' , d troo will-bil IWOrtfil.af least Ton Celits, n and can
oro obsionlAIL 7orsit , tradir recently got less than theit'raolloyit worth,
qui 6 exciternent per, 110 Ild 1?8- allilltained by loiliia of the bon crt -i n 6 Wil list] it pellson, he g-rautod, ndibtit the chei oon WrAl ('at lbrough no watOr bow good for'lil who bring it nvt kst for. sail ,Oil ft ng k 'r :, . JoiAed on- by Liuutry ll 4g a W rrison, Anda -E ONEII ALL
ivii%g Is niac (3 ioli, set" I m Dr, Kill odI)v T, a. the Village of Ha. COM
pointment or act way, be, theduisolv0s for if 1* 1 cheil,p6r.for the -mia- wa3 a nionlent?a t igali Ill I1,- and the fatinarn inakii 'A sfIa- till %v a., into Ht. ed itil tioll 1 Several Ill green wqtill: in 6h4uic 0 ugilj lia Intill, Il'U" JJ3' ell;ibled to-. l waming-l.ille bi -as widdil illurrilinaed "atnounh Of JDI;0111 Vy. 1))AeridtC 0 brae,i 0 0 rg n r in,l a 11 A-
le drove . oifo h being the judges, the ConaiirrQve,lil to it ab that 0 Year 187 sulley, aild loll it v
it, whic Nat=lay 011- Mili0pti0l'it- Inall I lit) Grrivorn r'a.Rnad. Tile I cry fino, Ill ono be
il .f the v' but. very feli;'Oeraoult Sfokcd Fee. by J. Ile: XUILL.
re determined to fiod fa114. b he'is compelld to do-Ithrough coth. ing fliat a building vitals. U'li-roner bold nit - ififl uoat, anti tile 'itfry'..re- hind. Ifo' 13*143 -not low, there uritil JAMES A
rro n 4st- inatolied f6ei" lie" fl
'regard-lesil -petiUon, If wood and. other farm produce 1, aqe their al r hats, Ono ;.,eve Oil out! Ill Ilill the 10101ving go"Okullia Iya pitl Vi, In o0a,11stion .8truck 'ill) a tni 1( 0
AS, ab(l %-hat f;w ther J. vil I; o, died Tro farlilor; gotting i ctluf
wag i a - lower price illan it noxi o ))Ili ib.was
rush fr soon I
seni4aiiiniatedidan UsnAlL.dogrike. The farmor, iiii, doubt. . 20-. W r on
V1110 Ain (i Irbullate 111411 proveil
titc.i(I of a ut n -)IS, IrL WhiCIL.P Jace
ena r ' Q 61r. ]iri Irleft 0 hard hey ]I
the appointment of 111r. Letell kr. llo.tbe n I le dweller ih tliat it,. 14ii Weiely on I all I I
r T. Widt, SS"for vul. arill n6j., d 0 IVAI known. alow .1.3 atit
ffice of LieufGovertior of QaebeoL i 6r;: 8. rice -of articlea p'rbduced aticl- sold botil -andl they quickly reuin dl to talk p,-,Iificror Dunkin all they glavlg
hatur. n b $6. 75'for pL .n 9 r il'ya
in toll would Illy' a I qw or. t cir -ae&ts.. file cold houlder, and uozn& ood one, wbyinake false a. d foul in- a ot bbot-herwiso is now so, thin tbl Ill'Ire 015-11 ilitolling-,$,- j1. r)*i,(pn'
aeu'fhat.tha closest calctilationg tire malle A NG, Io. T. T. llv.'- 2 aill Whenhill AtonfroLl Ii P.111 tit inuations because e*to&other appoinf. (Or TOPKi 'lit' Stl Ill
d as to. the colit of livil:l wagell, and 'POTS i6l)(1- fibir ltill.
Made. L d tbatths G,T,R. authorities are aboub fill tht6y wsre:sa(el seconad beside I
ment was rill Instsad.of i 41 . I IIIA stoic. . * 'Ths " loll-, 1 $4 is -call ther e-gperiiies, that no.one can suc eed in to , redud6 the number of ty-aing--at tig.4nid this for dltchit'K COO. R. ll 16 -1 FA 4 t10 to
ll the liln:lt epual ob- for ditobing 1.2.13 lot Th'
inoss, withoutl is able, to econoluille, y 2. J, _8 iug the character, of the premi in -the bu, of Clip line'by'onii each Wa , and then nialre VaA evid' if thm' Cit.
$67 for work lSid idid JlDt
13g pe'raou. and -work tothe beat 'advn taff a in every aoaanger and freight Oil rillelvalt- I illltv iii. pa"
opinion of every right-f-bluki all the f rans tip Ill p. flicy cil rini,.fail, fn. Ofice the L
ill for
effact., Jtd wag cil indeshoiO beitiatia6wit. doll to Ila', bil4inos but liq Ilivt,
f,cari, w6rkwell is to be act hilGt We fire On'this,w6od Wbether.t4is will. )10 (!;ill ]d f`zlLO in placo Of 1,141
the above paragraph oaly refi6cts 6 tnutQ labor-, D, Jackson, $9 for inspeotilla f uestion;. we iroula jipt. mentioh a -few Of as from appearances we *sboqlrl think hid wi ulil tri'delay gm.inaila,bab tjiors 111ill of its I L tiliterns, A, Bay, 7 fot nurrcying illiad f. S H-0
ebased and sianderotin the difficulftea that wood consumers have tira, and well known in this nei-bborhood (P
takrn fro m4t 4-,con,- 12 ; A.L Ioilt
ant ow' th at -irn any
elvery , effort %v iriih ifire manufactu r- ir, if 0
hot,. dfifieo, both, to I I r pllln jor 'P TO.I.NrOlthl THZ
o' teir I.- a'- Unnarm. Harris &SOD, L,; T, Bioestleni for I hill,
farmers'ars awarit nf t1iii-xi f r wb,,have 'rap Ting elilverts-and norelpers 'in -I'llu hill 011 horl which lot blutnts Ol''Clititon, &till tilat lie how
act (lit t - Cos.
tuent and thelt,;ople. hoinf 6n(Wcichang4 .13' niflirOl, ititolld," heard thern iprlies th6irilifteenatioti, about ra renIOV ILI)g thimit wi4 in the bullat he 4AX
PERSONAL, POLITIOAL, &r pero. r JiIl paill the 'matter.. Ili. tits f Chrintritialf nlunAli Illore
irat place nste few daya, tl"fQL il Tfltpremi tit MOTO,] hillol. Howson, ace. by, nd chilr
Hon. John Young', of Montreal, fimbeen e .00 sing c6t, four fe,3,t,. -it id Ill btii iIifay simeemn attand hirki. I'll rNiviallaut be rain loll the a1vol outer it, filln' looking three
tilnes. . no6nore than tbeco, feet, (lion, in. 3f. (Lhoson, forthary editor of taxes for 1876 on I all III OPPO ITEFAT R'IS MILLY,
appointed.5ole Comfilissionor for Canada at, llr rsa y of tha Preobyieiriaq abb*isl - . . 'A Nidl y bilirml Thit fill() 40 for hill?
l 01".) -Ell JL, ifid*Qbove the amount on I liti ljjovl the Sydney Exhibition, stead of 1228.cubit frist of Wood to the cordt of Chi,; place, was held on Tucaday P.v,,a. Ilow princivAl of A16 NYbernho will kenrl on hand a
a ToeentlV tp. ll left hio by the afisvbnor if, is 70*ry often the il tbA - 3 00 %Chat), .-Clirried. ge, Assoftmenfof VUrniture
itw- latif. - The weather bvin; Ivorble NaPUPO Alex, 'N.t t;f Zci ') 4 hilAilo'l. tit, tile 6A tn'tioc how i1i 909 Lar
L 414irl, fietrio The Rev. A. Vancaull :of RecIll Pa.d, to clo'ClUty for.thit joll re,but by a little To w;'g "FL IiIrge schol4t loointod editor of tho eonsec, I oil tho tarmer ho will gall at lirlroa,_10 per teent lower
has accepted a unanimous call- to tile pas- rl fheir friends, Clio latter, IT their lit that the anunal meeting 6f the ole(q(jis j t1li it"t eiri 1.0 but foi-tot tit c4i, and.
jact it, piliu it is made to Oo)u;O tip ill) tile 1p ' artion of oandill I . b4orett In thim cou ty,l - Veltil a practi-
0 lne 4131) 'last' Townlil . for thc nowin tip Ilik; Ili'% k-4 '-
I-orate of.Eminanuel Cologregatioual Church' i"Oull find 111 ril Jill t
iiiafidaid, ll agaitt there is a co zidor- Isollue" Showing tile in tho Worshipful Mill of ilia all for tile oJIl of Mail I)c1nity fron, Ile mi. Ly tho ico l tho, till t thelml of j.1 P
of Brantford, to data from January Isil, motty, l Did, : 'illgr dr,)wn le, ndable amotint-of L . y, limbo, and School. - Sove&l r6ports were givell, Show. ge initliat town, i ll wds str(! 1!iolle soft wood brought to. inarkot, and soin i]to Ili.-; horsiI, Sleigh load, nd 41:0d river $100 ill lion. Mi. Latellier do St. Just.. Minister that tile schooi is ill a in the oil londa.tLic-,2L)o4 bg with Ile i(elditil
tile notuilikk v 6vo Oil I; . holi notice Anil at V111tV AXA11OZISOLIN IIAIJIS.
ifforont'Altinill officars iakes Tht, th-and
of Agriculture, Was on Friday 'afternoon who make contracts to tlolivbr wood, man A numbo of prizits *are award ))so, Ill al; noon and in case wore th ta drovers; who'had prev ad of catl 'Order
tion of the d lously boon soparato(l
to introduce a few loads of this kind of for tho.recitation of, verses. Addrolsliea IiIace to-nl6rro v, butlittle visible interest, n 10 and managers have to the. -and made, to
.uppointed Montanan t. Governor of Quebec., A90 the necossary 'IfumbOr Of cndidates voing froin 'a drove. (if 51) ]1(, Reparbct
He will leave for Qnobec this albernoorl Vntortunail ilia conduct ot these wera delivered ;'the. procoodings*boitig ia appears to be taken in the InUter, as far purposed at*the pleetilins be hold -on Alan. Sheol ich. 1. employces of the (Io Par4ttare.
all lost. ITIPAU'ly, stall in Call ant! see the PAULOR FLONVZR STAND,
ing places, Stu
flon. Neal Dow says, in Answer to a let -dishonest Galerain fuel tell, to Some ,dc- terspersdil by,niusic, vocal and instruirien- as wo know, only one person is Spoken of day the Ist An. 11877; in the follow Of 1:110--ateat Ili trftdc
greq- 9 ascertaill Hardly any YU. Electoral Division. Ne'.1, juscholele Un Tuesday last aq Allen I%TaDonald, of '%I(' the alinoil' in IJ%a. COitulniny's,businoss, TRrjr
ter front Mr. J. Ill Manning of Almonto Against the honest Ol -as--weft- tal, and at. a seasonable hour ilia athe -In t - to be A. candidate. -ad that Jelin 11"owler be re. alorriiion, Ont,,' wag rotorning hoinalong 0
.1 themselves. When th6so things are tal-ea hall, ginbattill a it Imal dotoilninii' L -to dispolitinu a largq
,that not from one-tenth as much influor. is - dispaised, woll, pleasil with the evening's
Into accoinit A' i'not to be 3vondered at I . 0 '0110 aupilars to be desirous of holding office, turning Officer , Eloc. Div. S*o.- 2. in School the 10th con h b t b 'affor tho 23rd A.-'-E1P_NNETT#
now sold as was before the pasgi (re of. tile entertainment. ' ' I a was dse a pack of number of ilia trai ,F* OnOl
a, and tfiiro o6ma td.'60 likelihood. f WagetWo. r; turning oilider sevdii -14 a inst. Tito redtil CAblatit 3104r, t1tilt6loforor, ana. Undorfollor.
law. that some give ill) the lio of pood for -coat 'tile a immIll f ly climbed a Amount .,on vill, it is
'0T.DoWX IN TIIV On offices. seeking. candidates, instead. ;f Bloc, Div. Pat, 3, in BrUnsdon's 18'4igon shot) t to ab(J ll 20 per,contl the train ser- 011trion. Dee, ID, 1876.
alfill coal may be somewhat tile iloar N ree and. watched big atrocious and blood -
A Berlin firiq is supplyllij a endidail selikiiii, ont6c.d As -marl rate; Londtsborci,' 11.,-Wallaae returning ofil cj,; vice, which viv h,aassltaiiI a lrgoVadhation.
Portion Of est, which we think is tile ca.90, withold a Mondi gVening, last, while a' number (if pay rSJtS ghll and . Rlga Div, No. 4, in -the Tem thirall l6sallants fror nearly ail hour GOOD "NEWS FOR 187-74
young people . v savor to be pnanqA Itl ing for their supper ' It A as not lintil a ill the numbef"' of Ongind drivers, fliameli, train
ire is deltirett con.thinally, and that] coal jig v6re practicing singing in ilia
the United Statba? Army will felt, over. 11
on liand to finminAe tile ineall capuble.mon. tondeq1toro, &s. Campbell fiffil Ing tofficill liduds ud oll 'lots 6niployed by th
shol And yet Conservaill paperal the inast c6tiveniont. Preliby,.oriau church, of this town,, a yotil .. . 1 11 'neighbor with. it tearn, . daino'lil au 0 The propkiefor' of tho
lady had occaion to leave: ; sh4rtly after, As thil will he a imblic meeting in rice, Div. No. 6, in 96400l Ifollio X6. 9, A, thus the statri cara,,it is stAted
our manufacturcsrs cannnt compete with 11, hy-law lightenot an to give ever . y cousidera.
ft 1 them away, that they lofb who
those of other countries, the young man tile town li ll on Donald returning. officer, and that 1 11 must be Olken t j
who'llail tot- a longd t into, ng ni 7 30 be prepared and passed to confirm ill MoDotiald descended frow his tinplotaPt Mot to i'do claims of tile old. empl6yacil and
N *PW CAIiI.NET A. 13il a for tot givifrif ilia candidates 0 same. F R E E PRES S
l attention tile Ijurp so Carried. The by-JAw, was that, read and sittlation,
The Stac says the death rate in Montreal' pialitical workman, has opened a cabinet been paying her specir hirs, and, a an I r f: of oxpreAlng 1heir Ideas, d that tb* a reduetionsare spread ovei thd various Hats Inuith pleauttre, lit Announcing their Pul)vaar Week.
[top opposite 1'air'a mill, L where he ( - PaIise I grado.1 in c(luital
and a , Lie cppo turify make it appiut to be there An with MCA reults, ..)Is proportions ; hat tile ail-
froia'almall-pox is forty-oneper week )fflms out the true state of aft 11 110illy otor, 17 Nownpaper fat 1877,
q %
reliable statistica allow that of every huTid- furniture at reduced rate . 1;Is will likely - remembeAtig, that lie had enting"11' singing Moved ItyT, Irowsod, sel by J. 11rittoo, ns, orst Avery unliortant bodyt claim fit this* 'Tito chief aim, a, Ito conaluoton lit to itirtilill thii
eed unvaccinated stricken fifty seven die, receive a fair shareof patronage, Rl for One I'ligm., started off After & object -tob,clir theni. thlIttliecolleeil time for coilectilis taxes oactirred in Clio yard fao'c respect Ito show at all CanAdf4ti Patina A regil0tilblo All tflIstworthy weekly
while of those vaccinated the deaths W lot his affectionst' Par this gallant action for tbe present year lie extended to the 31st at Mary'. oil evening. It a- I tailuiplitrion; ril with Informil Anil good ionse,
vVer. advertisemobt elsewhin'e- pertr wing to tile ffict that Owl* belong to an or. anti tanae udditionvilly intoreattig. by thd b4troduction
age unly thirteen in the hundred. ho received tile, loud'applauge (if hid fellow. -of Our aligonce, part df -the week, and pral Ft day of I)ec. .3,870# and no longer, api galli? terary inattor. Ill
ekets ation formed for their nintual protection -or a superior Hill of it The Farm
choristers ; 41101 iva'ahould"jadge that of business the remainder, e did., ndt oved by J. tfAdOn, sea by J. N 0 Under T. U. if Wlilo elldclix6ring to slintit ,t traitt, Illol NvIlioll is VeTy. olle. ewide Ikepartittent In-ogenta. Week Ily week, luittt ra of
Tile herbrooke Vtvii Sill "In this to 'Mointreal atid east 9"i's the ames.wr lie paid the suth'of $1.75 fail all got his Not eallght-111 one of 111a llfroggf ,Il ii roportod that importaneo to tLe Agdoultutitit Ill housewife,
feelingsivare of a clads thlit live inore evifly. the communication of Mr, N
I a feeling that' our' fellow of Belleville I will fie i4sueil on the U rand Vilkle, whill dlaruthig ii lurid of -intormudout crincerning-ttle Province there I., appeared last week, perusal Ing the Voterla Usts Coott for held A switch, extricatil 'it angillcom ititelict striking. at M) O'clock on littlefts Ito
aoined than deavribed; in *Cliviton, -Carried, ltlineutill, Andgonerathusbandryl togetbor with.
Conservativea in (iritario bavili not acted TrUnk' RailWay,,011 1,'rid4y and Saturday 11" before publicaion, therefore we hill to tho,traill cadoto along and nvjkg tarday nigilb Itil IpaViog jIleft, olIg1o(.,I at :uil hiritmotihousellota econoluy; not to befoutul.
with etnsummats pradenoe'll That i next, goad to I-Anth by up to Jan. 3, Fare Tx.teft6lxAll ofi-qiulttld Ill . Moved by J. HoSOU, Sec- LY J- Wilton, left foci t, laverating i L torr! bly, pritab it) tile Wilattiver statioll th6v rill be lit ilia tinle. -Isawhere, rrom wZck ill week ootteetirsport" from all
what every all person Lhiuks, only A They will also fssiie Christmais holiday prodalon says, yon are nelter, till (ild -to expralts Ott rogret. or Vill r it lication ta ihil Wniwick ba'authorized to,givill Chris, 1l,,11t Il to . g ading inark4ti; tire giOnj etiablitig the former to
it and frituCtirlir Cl. If t1lile'liliuld tOthe trdvellerg'abouttht, '4 1,
lko le. "' P good deal more m. rot ra at ingle fat,&, on tile 22ad Warn. )y proved in the -think hl in About thn, hour lidgla,
'Aldo New YQar's ease of of being
art Anil 615o to state t A a 'balance 'a 'all 'or building ell the All alid there will lie miny absent ones irlita,the
heointit,,.gooti, till the 26th. Ail-dAtiftla 8 ad (if this ill As Wits' art notivol. This Vas recent, Poster, an order on the Treasurer -for the Oulu ri,',Iit all Cooke d time will LO'litit, to cOuS1460016 *,incortyleoee, ha 0 In,
Arthur.kikon, John Junkin and Dil fill I ialnual -cont tile letter Widget on S. R. .15 -IG con, 11, when said t l I
art to il nd in
- )lave heart i-onvicted of cortupt -aiid, hlood is the custom wit n)uyjy "Put sual chriatIfiag
ryotlng man And hall 0111Y l"joart, M,,r. us'the ttininter has been broached, although in anunplIll r ' ),loved by,.T. Muscat see, led FRIENIUM 3PICTURE.
Putter daexotirsion tickets, on the 29th J or . LA the .01 Ill complated,-Curried Sobe I r t 0 =17
pi sed ces in the Linvoln election 0 fin -ad $1200 till the 2dd I:if Jan.,, lit single fare. Throvigh. a. OlLaantit Of e jli i were ulively tinctilltd far A tter bridge i r about six weeks.
11 t rick, that Upiece for eacit offence, aill disqualified lot- t` ketS to Ali. P6jill the port-Dover'I'llie. time, feir U90 ill f to or Xot having ant manner, it glyes, its anj'oglio the, Not" of 81 60 Collected, tot tile L PUrpoge 1u, Allaitloil to tile splendid attraetfous Whith the
le th pack them, they were Atinity of ! kiL . Tito Dritnt btT sr,yg havitbeer, Iu.
vight yearg Aiken must pay 81000 ,in. Tickets in Pil Levil $11. llr marl in which of paying for -'eatiatruction of bridgel on Tile cltnt6ft 110tel" belotlgi Aueedt b3, the istigtactory. itiltroll Jillich hall b0ou
kin &.100, anti Pottee MO. p!ftead ill.idr, unleeched aglie, the lady tue.ntionitig-4 few facts that t 'a wil At). (,-off, A M lot 2 ba depoited, by Be luel. to a ruined life was el"Jaeted fit the -ng to
Tn the Tkoasur. W. Turncj _on 4
Polic; 'In ilia :80,to their subscribers for 1877. Tbisis aboillitiful
.A.If of ttlese i persidnot to be aware Ott Instill of Mr. . Awarded thelff, in lloque Ft IrgAlfirenil War -platurle, 2 X
tire Conservatives, a substl livaliltses, on, tile 22nl
thinking heole woidd anatter its I er i the Bank aud got apart for the purpoob Ded. D, Dickinon, Auct. ' rime P to Mee
P & of the Of telinpolikiloo , Doherty applying for exomptiono,frout taz I of pyilgg for th& said bdage vvilen proalictlon 11, ter the CO 096
Yardwell, It. 'w1ifeli tookpace oti'Friitay last, will into 11,88 completed I
'rherontem in E _JlAy1ru '.0 ation for Iiiii dock appeared'Andrew lltit. jn, csno,of lier called r 1 T ..'a or
as ierininated 'no", organ I'd Ill 1106 by the present contractor. -Carded, Majelity's Jilstices of thell Peilce ill and for Paral Stock,: &c.. bpIll !to the SeAtIS il k
and oli 611r first page, a It will be Sil wbic was paintpill for t
SoIJJQk *halt. Wag her a4aniAlituarib and vex. Iliwre of the fact till infornle4 ilia Council 10.1 6 0
Ill ilia election Of Nfr. Dalton McCarthy, tition tri- finrl that they were nearly all coo- Alloved by J. Howson, "Red. b J. Brito the County of Brant, to, answer '.,I charge OfIto W.Tarn6r, Oil 018 25th luitt" and ill 800riptive of AD ItifeatItig opt do.-
lConservative candidate, by a efforts will bi pilt,forth; to bad gra ited it. And, although tho.footory, Tit
tvira teuipprance 'fro t (1, and uuf that the Council be paLl for their of" drunk and diabrderty,! and illp. Way AtTvirnoriallptal, Varna,
na in tilt di. reut (Iwll Lt. for use, befrig tainte with a I services As Ing maj,nity (if 280. Tile Riding bas been re. 'it they bail boen dipbod in wits blilit too late to be: Subject to talmlou follows Fi;p - Auoiolleer. -
il at the 'forthcoming cloctions, The take As -A, V nteitfL 20 a a the, applilrotittly SapT T t nst1l even if it, wlis, tint eXeinplail, this ?erday, 945.00; IT. Warwiek 2_0 days
1 relietkted by a etinservative since it was oUK h con. Staulty, 0611t (too to tiny halltetist; Addris"It comm4telchtiolia to,
asation of the Council, lifts regelted. insti rpow, it Is- quite, certain wn all derived theb6litifit of thapniltlilt DA
V1 or t is u 105 all .104 21, north of yfiold,- volid, Vzlde Press rintitfir Il Lov.dort, On14*.
firk' ennatitutei, and Wig in fact been t6. haing temperance men to increased action, () dui;'ut qfti-ie $3
ghlrd&e as a close borough by that p4tty" (L all W106 I r *666eir J, till -2 U0 ilia griatiu And saw-rai).'i aithes oWonld AdVililethe 09s. C, 6(X-Carrietl, t longing To, estate of. Ttiliaer,' -at Vall 50vil I Mo W-8non & -C
Well ei 22 (Iftygut .k Asou till wio one of tile inoit a
a .8
residence lirt town'. qS.
AV be sell at4ho pnIls, fil e I'l (I. , Ileas (net], a inelobor of I large .2fti(I Der, , 1), bl'okifiRon,
Dunkin Act will assert that huy ilro, proparsd to al N10'rod by J' %'ArWICk, See. by' J, ItOWA011,
a good deal to against Lord Dufferillis withatandin, PkAol W Ii 11 i ikiply as thmp.as asheis I tradiell: ront the calaillation that the Ti-eastirer 40 pAid the p'nill of $40.0, and lockative trittle, but for tho past few na, an tile LIST Op WEI# Boozg,
gy tile opposition it; niat with -at 1) vftrg he hs woottle so debased byspliltu. Atiat;
speech in Ill $ _. -bat *a Itoultahold, furiiiturs,
ths gis 11) L I . their 60aino8so' onHill tiorb as to balcoule A nuisahoo, to at). :
(Jartlarvoil, tile ("Tilonal Sstv.iil for ilia port()d by it lit tile alla A VfRNV TO hilvil thdin It'gaitist, ILA, it to fbil
British Government, Says of it ill a dil -Dunkin ct, moill Il aulourit ot,140,000, Add also the dil tit $4,10 016ty.. Ili wiWatild ehidram'We -been. - Llind, at his tasidil 11atti 3ribury, St, to feelAnd, Mayon mnd Spltzb6rgli a. By Ilia Ex.
%;aa1Irir6y (If nti [Ahillrt. Clue $!)ice two 'Qodsrlal youtha ad wouldt Chili Week, eroWd.out columns t6o On HArl of puitotitit Governo t-donerx! of ibe,
fog to dadiirloh tolad til driven froin honief Slid the' pr' petty, Clint `110 on the Uord ofTan.
'cannoll nLit 1110 til with per4nnal atirty inliney.-Carried, dissipatuill or de6p. Hall. I Vol, etdwil eo, cloth 01.60.
patch to Lord, Dufferin for expensts in go he' D. Makin- Doill oil of qfuil -Authorhodail limrated 6,11 -
Vey to you in A(I fa for. ' sever, is either
t (%linell; will, t al ll 'have it"Ott 06 60ii.6spondentap with A. view to matri. to ilia pliblic.. The letter iihould fioi have Counalf thel Adjol 400ftilIll
tion, of the abillity-wft"Ifidl- I in tt ly ol '11011 life,*, Rill
ii-l'i 6V 6 i1eil t fil(.Utorl tit; exiiAnoe 011' snhniiftip the dt. irue(I to moot agA virrilsed., Y is of the VoIll Al:mbrosl
esolt sho%vea thut their was 'Appoared Ili ilia Shape, it did, had we faad Accord to lbristopher I ofeggot-Johii Wilson.) 01-
inoril Thai Ing law, -By L eill l
with this very.Aifficult quolil (live, thmil all tile, credit Choy Aro,tiiitiflutl either aigroaf 'failgin. 1161L
, malty young Iddias'desirous it, slid Ill rel ovl I IT. 13t'XIT11wiln, T he itallow ifig rolnal' alkla htdry is tolatigill Clinton ilia idth, incit" tile Wife 8,vo, cloth sz(xy.
A meeting of the RoyalOolonial tristlCuto to', for wo t1iink they will need it 6to they f..ot ejqceing ilia 111(trillatl stall 4 millib6iI Afloll Rill hirn astray. Mr, Wilkid bal-also bYltho OttrLwa Feeil 'k loan in the Covau, of it daugir ter.
h HAtoli. Author of The, Vol of
of tIlloughiless il liparontly l4up. 6,11AII in'to Wo oil three other orilor. The city, tells oil ilia 11th 111o, !Idk rifor highly enlog
took place in on4oti, Bag., an lIfolIdAy get'titiotigh tho- fortlii )t A, , A prifila of life, night. There was, Sas a cable doopitch, everytbing pfirt4nd hot (;tic. p6ploil if"wbulfl tic 11 Snub (1111, yoll 4010W." t"Votliptitill t1ho inallry. Atop to tile following Woof, . -About a fr6d by tb 6 MR11411. ;Irbils"
41 1 )1% Rita the wife of r. R., 401jennill I), ot n. dmighter. 1,vol. 12 Am, 11tion $1.iiii; itiloth ilil black
A larRO and digthigaixhod audience, ftr1flK ealkle off )ollit fifty 10cferel wett recaived ilt allsil '$ft to oyqte n )IS Idlic, ITNINUIl trio yearortsu Illy lw bitwiro'byapath, ;th iiij.'tJJ *if 6 'ft'(, DPTtr."Ta Myth, On tho .1!
And Time
kil Awl al 0 dl ItoEL re UFI it
Dr. Donald Fraser read is paper on Gaitilil In JIJU town oil Pridr WtJ I)JIL to th6 Ili ex. ft fpli I I kill, littriday ovelling. they I;miii! of Urt, 11, Birth of ri poll.
I coribad the countr itile bille(WifyL fjf' tIlII Il all
in which lie Jose v ha it, wo liIA front. Itippoihig t tic exe.olptiati, kill ont- wnr. 1W C6iiiiart In .1 Mouth or two, 0a Tiioq. d g6of at tile Iola wore ok blit, T111 8
storilly wrintlier, tile t firolhl Jay &idli A(iisintane'llIe 'of being
I hirty years ago, Anil cotupilroa 'it.% colid I crp
=144111111 ill Oro val 616 I WoOl otherwi t-othem 11 WfItte.11 tilt Elly RAOIll 6POL-0 4 1110ftllt it. 110' Ulllild It) Satin Ivait t1hia fnilinot, wife roupliclil to V 11 fina, other trmtlo Ulil Ily Chas,
tion it that titue with to piloRont State, , . 11. - V tll#L I,f. ' 4 n it I Vol; crown 8 Vol il 411,75.
hdnthe UAllerl Hall, bL in the fdrto
n"(10 J)oraoll (I arror kitli rell 'to gravelling tile gireets —U o of the Soll
Ootll'An, -Tarr
Ifincy for 01611, otgau Will 6, nRe Spoke ell ill 11 iagUcAlly, of illo doutitry, I rA ittyinfl 603 .4 bulovil introdtlood to ttkill 0011tavy I bill), toill Weill 11, 1 nitt, tbO roply tn4 Or ilispolin rif, (I A clill at t4o tvit AnX 3111ult 4, 14 its resources, climate, atildpolil I ilyat"10' ail pjlljj jl Wills, All )ill, of flimn witai rin In R, rix illat '%-Its (tolle I'y (Ile aq ril .4111W. min it w ItIll wiluill ftho WhI$t)0r0(J wa, &-ndrow Plintolt, Aged
sL to, 11s and 3111flig, Iloulo, by tiol I Vol. U MO, 010thi 61 W.
14tor poltitillel woro litio Are(I thiat a decoaged was of olir-Ntlly pi o. It, Th
ill f; (-fill it 011, 00 Nlil -a ig to, flu Auefill ild tits talloatWal Of thil RAO, Urtho 0113, blAt the forill alid fall aountry thirt cents.
ft 'Jilitoll tylight, 01 bit 'tit are I. rrl Ilia Aid in N%ero J1111611 liberal lJftV1rf&t Battled iLfi J his,
arifyin, I. n, J Ie molit British Colony. t VoVll
noll -tit ono ll flJo thut Vi We have it,) 1.401 0 -611 thil blitilil (if tho rna, is 61,
Q414 t, I'llo philal V 61 ton
itiolitilitl W101 1,61 lrosliml N
The coIttlat betivtou tle rival Mwepalors wcll.taug it; Wol. ldra, Yilfll, tit (40 111-ineirle of ozeiripiloll utlowill lit 164we Alld eto vkllff Ifirld ltoln Which Ai. I Mon , Theism
.k it wonlAu,"i IVIE11 the P100 110 UhlfgItAfed i:ll 1 84% - Ming A, inan I
,V I )nblic "t-VVI,IJJJ 11; geola.tJOIAIL Thlix(loi btatia-Ill
It "ath Carolino hreomij)g ta giw Ili'm 'III' l4lZitlg CINAloty, or iIII,, 6ll offArTidogr soidutlAd i1pool Allen Thilk WIG
Itf, 6,11. lilluth
'IV 'A 110
ill therlo is evocry eppritralleo of the aki. but, N#6 vinvo porooil that (in in 111 AVE, linfil, 0110 of ill(lildry, pradollot Anil 11 tightricas, 'I'lil lillIfttlif UAO omlt(d m4k a
llof lly, h, fair one pawled him Ill Clin. he 4livlM thly raspled b of it, our eiiiOt Xvill bV gliA tit har tbein fiaiii 10t 49%,11 A4 pnognshing pr%yelollq little t porlild pilbil Of lvd.ao
flafttod niti A wit(4diilijifirl 4l In at 411L Uill dealt. Ival, ItAlitlanod
'Jrly dfl Mr. Mill 0 A(ItIAP, youtt irlif rAror. lot gleirtoLd Itt),kilf" ka mywry Ill flolvod, 010 drolill hild ]lot AM, 1U lot, thrown ffola r& loal,
(or th4o d6IjV6t,.V to film 61 thd $LA 11 Its a ('lfigll r%JJJ 1"NLI, qIll Poillo parl,ly thn wAlUlIft NVI9 wooll which Oi of X ral "I inall of
., tj
Sbate Rouge, Meolt. 61l To thi Vhamkof"L tio,il lifilf I iqCf,JllgAr 'I trillio, works ($11L Ajl( frorn-thO bmalli 4 f6w- WIl AA,O. f,ftollwbo, lilra& 1,110 "tilt, of Iviled to dcrattle As fee 11iffel 66 thAt 110
twXin Tho (ft , I ill I -bo IfIft, 1`41iliod by fin ailltarll of U0 ialidity of jil flotf go Aroll, it
]JIM Oil galibinalori, Performed bri a til '11 1 il - i 111i it it 111rapi 11 or Imirl we t ho illi4olif 0)4 tit I )Ntty, hilealuo hQ til'o hill filattilihia
Stu I vy'a"i; o a', I I d Infittil
. , ,V, Ili t ani;' &Jfty Vlth It, fliviller ;lly X11101L IN14 Walt tho ilii)AUX W44 !plj? fAII14Y f6l il to, 3110. 1 t006113t &
Id0 11 11 "1 it OF 1:111-ir eilpiwilty by Ille - Il *4, filliftil
iiilad.' Tilt 'I Ill
t*ddr, And highly dolighei? 66 e4jil Ilitil Oat A it It *Offll thing W6 11five to Il bill, &II11pla Of '4h;if ifa W41 66UP 6 AIl *q W1 '(611,110 IV41 04tififisd till his Ell winter,
ga wh
g 22 10
th p fo