HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1876-12-14, Page 3Showing one- -,-of the
Largest Stocks of
ard Times. wad
ty Po.ichaolag a Parcel of Cheap Goods at the
.11(id Stock,
GOOdS sold at the lowest prices reached yet ill the ',kV
DrY Goods trade.
.... , NADI,. _N ,
0,4,A.Ntws., : amoral NewS:itthicii.
. . An Alabalna baby, Of nogro parentage
thielpli is to have a street railway, into exitetly ono-balf of 1110 bOily W111(10
Memo's. Bell& Co,i Guelph, are ohipping aml- am other half 1,1301r -
organo to LiOnlioul. Oltuadum ontorPrioe. ',.. Dririn,,, the, Centennial caeon --six
Rev. Mho Smiley oreathed, to a large,con. menthe 01044 November 10, 1876070(01.10
gregation in Montreal on Sundhi E
ay. She rie 'railway carried almost 8,000
eloquent, , 1
t . , paesengers, Without a singlo accident to
Geo. Woods, of \Guoipil, took 00100 •cat, life or Hint), or the 1020 Of a piece of
tlo that wore pot his own. Two yearin ba,,gui,e,
'Control Prison.
Three Oliinarnen arrivlul the other -day iiinging (Dail le the latest novelty in
.. - .
in Stratford, to carry on a etetun laundry natural history. One WW1 ought 10
establishmout, Riverhead, England', nine years no,
tho Dunkin At and it has been so successfully tamed
Kent County Connell refused to submit.
Izitood .3.0. to v. in that County, 'The vote that it will sing for any visitor, its
. ' —'- ' notes Wing distinctly audible all over
An old, horse was sold M Ottawa on Fri. the house where it. i,s kept,
. A pet flying iquirrel in Bridgeport, i
day last for fi0e. Perhaps 40 cents more
thro'l!ticlveaksinwg".ath'mau, Join riodin•g of Conn. °aught the diphtheria from so
Hamilton, WAS fined $20 and costs, the ehildren, who were sick with it. • at
mood penalty the law permits. crawled into the b,ed where the eliid„Iren
..- eterY
During the past two months UpWards of ' elayt
yt4140nreThis is vouch -
d Of the diseaseafterward displayed
$0,000 bushels of potatoes wore shipped to
New York and Philadelphia from Halifax. 1(1 for by a` Prwainaai 1)1181°1n' '
.' The by-law to oeparate Stratford from George H. Gaulier, the French teaeb-
the County, was voted on at Stratford, on er, in NowYork, who was convieted
Thursday, and defeated by a majority of a few days ago of exhibiting to his pu-
pils °begone prints and literature,, plead -
The Dunkin bill passed through the ed. guilty, and was on Monday senteoced
Oxford County Oouneil lasfr-week, and•will..4te•••State•-prison-for, six_years,,and,fined-:-.
be submitted to the ratepayers an the 17th $5,000„,
JounarY.--- .
A: deer, ;nearly ill Whitti, • Waslately George Blair President of the New
chased by boys into the barn of Mo D, Irculc Btato W":nkingm'anis' ABsarablYi
Buck, of minden, and captured alive by estimates that there are now out of em,
Almoote wOollen factories are all ron- H
ployment in that city 45,000 workmen,e asserts their families in many cases
that gentleman, • .
• . y
. .
-, .- • . lung -two or three hours a day. over
the. t •
are •013, the verge of...clestItatoPt and -1 . - .
HODGINS PAY,Illaneiester. iouse.
.out protection ! r.
Thi's withTthiee ShiatuS ataidodnreisss. ebdec•tohmei-nIgVIadyeosrpeOrnatet.—
CLINTON, Dec, 13; 1876.* • . • . •A man named GeOrge---Whitetnan,•-athil Subject. , -, ---- ..... • ..----- •
----- 14th con. of MoKillop, was killed by ...e no is a strange 'coincidence that
* trees failing on him while be WEIS ch6PPing gives each of two men a withered right
leg and a cast in the left eye,: but it
came to pas ii in Sail Francisco. The
first 'weiit-away on busfuess unexpected-
ly, and the second was murdered. .The
0 I A_
on:Wednesday last.
• _ • It is to be feared that'a hard, winter is in
• •
- store for -JIG -inhabitants -of • the west -coast
nd_add-iti Oh al 1 ndiicernents-. tofbuy Bonue Bay district are re orted. to be i a
of Ne*foundland. Many.residents. iii the
your Suipplies at the
T.A.111N0iir receiving a large ship4aent df DRY 4OODS,
I am offering at prices that DEFY COMPETITION.
Now is •the time to lay in your Winter Supply, • as
you can do so for a Small Siam of Money ; and as
these goods are Fresh and New, -you may depend
upon them giving satisfaction.
recently -purchase at Public. kaetion: 'and by Priyate
• ^
So ite of the Prices at which. I aim now offering
goods are as follows :—Good Satinett, worth 50 cts.,
for 30 cts. per yd.; Good heavy. Canadian Tweed;
worth 75 cts.., for 621 cts.; good heavy Canadian
Tweed, extra quality, worth 90 c.,. for 75 c,; Heavy
-Wilibby, worth 15 c, 'or Heavy.Wincey,,-worth-
- 14 c.. for 10 c. All other goods proportionally Low.
Is under th.e management.of first-class hands, who
are liarning out the choicest Millinery and Mantles
to. be found. '
'rile ()only IN.rfect - Vitti no;
This.DepartMent is., tinder the supervisien of,a first:class Cutter,
Over . HALF A:TON of TEAS recontly purchased in NEW
YORK,25 per cent less.:than.can be prirchas,ed in' any market in
*Canada, has just come to hand, which_ anroffering Much be-
low the regular prices, Among these teaS are some of -the finest
fia.voied Young Hyson, Black and Oolongs,. that 1 ever sold.
Some am Selling as low 0,840 c., 5 or 101b, lots. Try them.
.z1iL. S. ToaSIE-30Miti, Ntontrpra 3E -IO -use.
CLINTON, Nov. 9,0, , . - . .
.r111 OF.A.
881/IA I
. • , „
13ear in mind that the Claes ave hara, that it is your duty to spowl yoar wouoy whorO tho best valuo eau bo obtaluod for it,
• Also remember that wo O'er you . .
Goodsat from 7 to 25 per oent below the Prices of other dealers...
. .
We respecthilly call the' attention of the peciple to the following goods, \mon isrn HAVE BOV(IIID LATELY AT A 13IG DISCOUNT)
which xnake handsome useful, and ornamental presentg for Women, Men and Ohitthou, for tho h911days consicithw
Seal Fur Sets, IVIAnk
Sets, .Astracan Sets, Ermine Sts, Grbe SIAS, Ladies Fur Sets for $3.50, 'Ladies
Clouds in all the New Seal Brown, Navy Blue', Myrtle, and Combination Colorings; fashionable -Clouds
for 25 cents and upwards, MILLINERY, AND MANTLES, . Brpakfast Shawls, Promenade Shawl, Hyde
Park Sha,Wis, Fichus, Sonata.gs, Long Shawls, Wrap Shawls, Mittens, G1ove, Hosiery, Si.lk Scarfs, &c.
Gients' Fur Oafs, Scarfs,,IVIuffiers, TieS;-WriitelShirts, Fancy Wool and Fur liats, Overcoats, Clothing,
Obildren's Bootees.Mits Hoods Caps Dresses Furs Fur Capes
13'ople intending
net assort
ecial Dargains at
atate of absolute destitution. ., relatiVes of the first thought theyrrecog- Wp.,„grOTriuning, off 1000 ..yards• Remnants first cla'Ss DRESS GOODS at half price, 2000 yards of CARPETSNat§cOst
cort me' last Thursday night W1101051110-4101180, beino. obliged t sell' at 25. per cent below manufacturer's prices, selling from 35 cents per yd. Upwards,
that he lay down on the way, leaving,the Mrned. . The identity of.No. .... has not .
, .?
mik,youn Otiawa,blood uridertook te ea- nized tbe body as'his, although the face 100 -I -4041,1e8 CLOUDS at -half 'Price, 1000 yards fine 0A.N.A.DIAN TWED.$1, •beught from .a Montreal
pia vms so far overcome by strong drink it, A few days afterwards No. re-
ci •
was disfigured, and, mournfully biuied
,1ady-4o4oacli-homernrhest-she . been. aseertained. • ,
eL and Boy's Overcdats-at $450 each an upwatds
.-Mr. Smith, of the listeon.-of Turn- a. Bible class in Boston, conduet; , . .
• 4
berry, sold Iwo 2 -year old steers,'one caly- ea by the Rev. R. It. 1118retlith, of the
ed in Ma a '1 the et • I*
y. in her in Sun°, w to -
M 111 d* t Oh h at a late session r00 M B ' ' Suits READY M D • G •
e o urc c..) 1- A. E CIJOTHIN at prices that defy ail competition 300rob EATS' AND CAPS
gether vveighed 2,585 lbs. .4. very goad ' MI( Oy S 0 1
„, real .
when three or four hundred were. Inc, lf .* from 2r
weight indeed. $102 was the figure I . . .
Me and Bo3s, at ha _Times om o cents el,ch
t the ubject happened to be on the'
load by their sale. ' sen e s
The body of the Young man named Chas, resurrection of Christ. A well
1V1cDonald, from Paisley, who was lost on free -thinker, who happened to ee pre., • , —
the 15th'ef Nov. while hunting in Musk°, sentasked with a sheer • if there' was
ka, wais.found on Thursday. An inquest
was hold and a verdict rendered that the
deceased -died from the -accidental discharge
Of his Own gun: ,
• A.: Goeftler, well-known farmer and
iniller of Ellice, on Wedneliday morning
got up, as usual, and went to the barn and
hungjiimself. He was -found shortliefter•
i ;
any 'record of any person who had seen
.Teaus alive after his burial, except his
friends? Yes, t4no.dered the teacher,
the Roman soldiers. The' objector Wa
- ' • •-•
- A funny case has ariepti in England.
The Supervisor of Excite ..siunmoned a
• e'
gentleman namdMalcolme
' •• • • . . ...• ' • . " • ' '
S.H. ..0.
tock o ERIE
vards by his friends. No clitnie is
as- lie-was-m-lus-usual.spirits,- and,...89,14-..ltarnaa,yrresiding_wickenhaMao Black and .,,,,•Jatan TEAS, White and Bion SIT GIRS„., 'COFFEE S,. • RICF4,--!-RAIST NS
MIRRA.NTS and all articles usually kept „in first-chws nTocery. • ;
nothing to andj y of his intention. keepine- carkiage without a license.— . ,• - , r .
Summonses have been granted in tho Mr. eamsav wrote an explanatiOn• to .
Lincoln election • case calling uPon. Sohn
Mr: RykerVri finaneial agerit;lin-d
three others to show cause why the penalty
of WOO for each adt of :bribery committed
the Slipervisor, and used aaeal to fasten
the envelope ; thereupon the Supervisor
'brought a seOend action againet him fOr
• -
1 1
. •
Rentembo- that the' /eat -ling .eied .BECA US E TVE S
by.them should not be enforced, and why illegally using. armorial heanngs, put% - • . . , . . C/ '
sentence of disqualification for eight tingm the- envelope as evidence. 11r, , . , •
should not lin pronounced against them,..,old one:belonging to his father,.that Ramsay eXplitined that ,the seal wai
The number of cases alleged awainst. each '• -
count up. from One to
• Shortly after seven o'clOdk last Wednes-
day, night, j number of poling . men and
boys were sleigh -riding on. • Union Street
Hill, Owen Soned, when a colored women
namod Well .Smith.„ together , witf her
danglitericame .aleOg. '1„!he boys commen•
Ced °bathng. them, when „the. yob nger
mali thak out a revolver' and fired, the ball
striking a young mamnamed james Hinds
in the boa, belaiv the shoulder blade. The
"woman was at once arrested:
; At a mooting of,the Executive' Comniit- •
toe 'hold in Toronto. on Friday afternoon,.
a resolution was noosecl recommending that
the year forlolding We proposed Canadian
International •eichibitibn *be altered from
1878, to 1879, in vie*. of the French t xhi-
Zition being arranged few the former •yea;
meeting of lYlayor.s; 'Wardens, Preeidents
o not know he was'doing any harm
by using it, but was fined $2•0.
. "
lipHave remerecl-their 'Mantle and Dress Making Department to the ROOMS OVER 1111, S.
Are now prepared to execute all orders en-
trugto to them, in the latest Sty/es of the season,
• • business in Ontario, further steps Wali be
1/1 021' Orli tint to extend it to ,the other Provinces
taken upon the completion of the organise-
WlerecholrarresteLaLMontreal for -
the Lazarus robbery, it is unclerstoOdi'litui
made a clean breast to the deteetives,
thom a liat• of his robberies and the
nomea of his acoottplices. One of theee,
Corrielios-Brophy, who was cencerned with
klarochel in the Lakarus affair, arid is now
awaiting trial, has given justice a tedious
Chase -thanks to his own, cunning and the
efficient help of his wife, tT s ruited in
the profession for his reliance on and free
VISO of chloroform. Ile would inalte his
way into a marehant's bearoon, chloroform
hituf and then relieve him of his keys, or
take impressions of then& In one burglary,
•a grocery OWN in uppor'Montreal, he put
to obey in this Way no fewer 'than Seven
Men and two ugly mastiff's before turning
Ids attention to the till. Ho has the nein°
of being very determined and unscrupuloue.
On ono c000sion a. pat of his, sines dead,
with diflioulty provonted hint from brain.
Ing a grader who stirred in his sleep, by
forting Brophy One Of 010 1`601I1 and house
itt the DOIrit Of the DOVOIVOr, ThOlIgh &n.
Brophy is only 05. Ito is
irnwin. jail for mitering tho /muse of
Scotch tradesman of Brockville on a Still.
day evening. Vortunately, the Sootehman.
after Outing for *olitiroli, turned book told
bid. 5 inn of $700 hi a barrel Of ofttS.
Brophy rariskelted tho house, but had to
realm off with a ftiO small ailVer °oink ktow
thst th� isw itss st. isst ttIplisti hitt vipi
its gottr4 HO& /
. • emixriroN siairsiErs. .
Doc: 13, 187G.
Wheat, TreOwell, busli,$1 10. a 1, 20
' Spring, . • - 1 10 a- 1 16
.0ars, • - • • . • . 040 a: 043 ,
Barley, •-• ' -• • • 0 45 a 0 60
Bees, . . • • 0 68' a ' 0 70
Flour; ' • • •• • • 5 50 a, 6 00
• 11,outtatetroca, • ' . aa. 0(0, 021700 •
Eggs, „ • -
.1lay, • - 8.00 a 9 00
oe io• • • •• .500G aa (7,; (0)0• 0
• Hides, • - • ; 5 50 a 6 00
Sheepskins - 015 a 3. 25...
Clover , - 6 00 a ..6
'Timothy , • -,. 3 00 a 3 50
o Banyde of Trade, and manufacturers • (''ect30) 15 a
from all 'part's *of the Dominion is to be Turkeys, . 00 59 a '1 00
held in Tofooto during the month 'of Jan- . 'It AUK 111)%0311027,1:: 10877
uary, to consider the matter and make ar- •
rar,gethents. . , • - ' W.heat-Taad. well; $1 10 sit: 10 170
mill pond at °Shama., on Friday, undertook narloY• .• •
to dig a holo in tho' Ice to4get a drink. Be-
fore they had got very far through the ice
ono exclaiinefl-fliat he had found a cocoa-
nut shell in the ice, but before digging,.
Some thirsty hos; whilo skating on tho Hay, .Sprin • . 1 10 a 1.15
11'101 eau% , ; 50 5100 60 0200
Butter, •
Eggs,„ -
• 8 00. a " 900
- 0 65 LIAO 70
0 15 a 0 1(1
muck fartheithey disCovered-it to bo the - pork, .• p 00 a 6 70
head of a human being. WOrd ivas sent 13 • 5 00 a 0 00
3/1allott, who, it will be' remembered, on Tu
(114eci fee'es : - • 0 0 45 a 50
rkeys, - 0 GO a 0 75
to the Chief Odustable, who succeeded in 4 25 a 4.50-
bringing to the surface the body of John
hearing of the death:Orhis niece_whoni he • Chickens, per pair, 0 30 a 0 35
had seduced„ left his home•and Was not: filEAFORTII ltiNftIKETS.
seen sineu. • • •
Ono ni,glit last week, a Stratford gentle.%
man aWoke shortly before midnight hiving
had a very vivid dream, in which he saw
a man who was in his employ departing:
for the States, with a quantity- of stolen
property in his possession. So strong was
the impression left on , his mind, that he
obtained a warrant,And going to the Grand
Trunk station, actually found the man in
qUestionraboet-to leavo for Buffalo, taking
with him a watch ad other property not
legally =Direct The loan was brought
before the police inagistraonext morning
and sent to reside temporarily at the Castle
acroee the water, .
'At ii into meeting of the Domini= 4ir.
°entire. the Committee on Insurance ap-
pointed at the last 'annual meeting, having
complete& their scheme for conducting a
fire insurance company undos the tillipides".
of the Dominion Grange, presented their
report, which after some slight revisions,
was adopted, and the committee instrueted
to proceed with the organisation. of the
bompany, in the manner and according to
the Aet governing .inutual insurance cork-
panies in Ontario, While this will at first
only give Grangers the privilege of doing
OLINTOlq, Dee,, 1876.
. Dec. 13, 1876, •
• Wheat -Pall 81 10 a 1 20
,'Spring 1 10 a 1 15
Flour, • • 5 50- A 6 00'
Oats •• • - • - • 0' 40 a 0 42.
Pc_a s -• GB A 070
Barley - • ' 0 50 0 GO
Potatoes - - - - 45-- -050
Butter - • 0 10- a 0 20
Eggs, , 0 16 a 0 17
Hay, • s• - • 800 a. 900
Pork, ; • e 0- 6 25 A 7 00.
601411LIC11. MARKET ,
bee. 1.3, 1676, ^
NSTheat-Vallig • el. 10.. a 115
• .• Spring ' • * 08 1 .13
Flour • • f, 5 50 a 0 00
• Oats, •' • * * 0 43 ,a 0 45-
',•4 Peas, • • • 0 65 a 6 68 :
liarley, . • 0 60 a 0 60
• Potatoes * • • 0 45 A 0 55 --
•Hay 8 00 9 00 .
Butter . d • d 0 20-`a 0 21
EggS,. d ' • 0 18 a 0 19
Pork, 0 • 0 25 a 13 40
Hideo • 4 • 4 50 . a 6 00
Wood d .0- d 0 2 50 a 8 00
Beef, d , d 5 00 „a; 0,.00
. T000sTo ittArtiitiprg. •
• TORONTO, DoC, 12, 1876..
• Wheat. --•Fall d $1 15 a •1
at -Spring d I 17 a 1 30
Barley • d 'd • ;„, 0 60 a 0 82 '
WAS • * • * • • 0 42 a 0 44
, 0 71 a 0 *7
Batter . • 22 a 0 25
Eggs 020 5 02
TrI11i2, 1,11`.41r ,544r OF 121.-_ Aim fads
fOrittypeopler.•.4,hefe-etre- but felo-p-mpa•ratiotts.,
of medicines laid hare Withstood the impartial
Pylon:ma, of 06 people for any great length of
time, One of thee it Dr. Thoass' ,Iieteetric 011.
Read the- foll owing and be eonrineed ;0;41. Bohn.
am?, Farnham Ventre, writes', "I hare been delieted
withiieumatient for the last ten years, and hare
fried many Vdnierlia Witheutanyrelief, until tritd
Po. Phontas'Ecteetrie Oil, andsineethenliare had
no attack. of it ; I toould recommend it to
H. Mart, ;West Shefordt writes, "1 hare been
, grotthhit Ie.& Jiver remota,» t for several years, and
tried different Oct/Wires with little er 710 beitelit,
tilt triedthe "Metric 011oehielt gare immediate
reliefond havesineet reedit wiathebeat effect.
have tried it on horses the twee cuts, Ite., anti
f1./ 11 evially as gootifdeherse4 for Man, No
one ehoaltibesolthoutit," 4. Afaybee, Warkteovtl,
writes, " hare sold hundreds of bottiesofigeleetraf
Oil, it has done wonders in healing andreliering
pain, 111)retherla10, tc., andis worthy of the great..
egeonfidente," It, flown, Percy, says, " was
persuaded to trylViesiceIi.,,eleetrie Oil ?ora lame
AIM Which Oh Arai ate for years, and n ever faun d
anyttg likeit for euringlantenese, Ibet great
public -benefit." 4 flt Hamilton, 117442 0114
Writes1 75Jifirts troubled untk et ;welled
ankle; which annoyed Me easin•
dated to tgy Zeleetrie 00, andbefore onebottle lee
Untittefiegrai, ft is aremorkable steateise."
Sold by allmodicine ilealera, Dried, 26 cts.
• 8, N. Tgo;i1A8,
And gOitTfillOP ti IWNIA.14, TootAet
8919 ARetstit for the Monition*
tleara It tinneocientry to- any imythirig---filUlter with regard- te Oiir,istook
griniiral, as everyone is aware trig- we keep On oil Tur-LA.Trovr-A-siffigst
rs,l'uNrx, and $011 as elieup the cheapest. •
'go. 18, 1876.
•• Our 'Steck ef,Groceriss for,Xmas cmplets fit •
.yinr nAtm.rs, nnte CRAATS`) onwar nfla maxim'
PAVIA .110Sr frA.11.0 RAMEY'S) 11:101ala, CANY.1.11) 600,Dgy (IA
,TtAri-tiettr- Crop of 1070o gttaxatttood to gh,o satisfactioz
• *ti wisli to trill inieciat • attentiell to our /selection TIII8 CLA88 Or 0001)8, AND
INV1TX 1581.1i1CTIoN, as it is , ono of tlic largest and. t assortniente triter
• Adon in Clinton, '0'1.71t, 404-iiiVAt 'X'S,104., AND TOILET szlis boMg
inittV01 Di DiegatICO mai cheapness, ile not fail to see them
S.•l'o.to&tiT.A.S2nItt 00*s
WholtAgimid ItethilOteostoo
ON. 1874i
Merchant Tailor, Olothter and, General Outfitter;
. •
rir A 14 LA S E 12) S
••'••••' • :0, • • •• •
Toronto. See thern.
• •
CLINTON, Nov, 24876. '
This weliknoWn Medicine is no imposition
beta sure and,sitle reMedy, for remale Diffi-
culties and Obstruotione,froin anyoansewhat.
ever; and although A lievAitrisil ziemedy, it „e on -
tains nothing hurtful to the constitution, • ,
It is peouliarly stilted. It will, in a short time
bring on the monthly period.'dwith regularity.
In aileases of Nervous attd Spinal Affections,
Pains in the Back and Limbs, Heavipese,
Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the
heart, HySterica, StakIleadachea, Whites,
andall then/ante' diseases occasioned, by a
disordered system, theeePills will ofteot aonre
when all other meatus have failed,
These Pilli have never boon knoWn to • fail
where the diteetiona on the 2nd 1146 ni path-
phlet, are Wen observed,
For fellpartioulars, get pitittpith131 itear
3013 170911$,XEW1131't/C Sots raorinwron,
' $1,00 and 12i dents for pootago, enolosed to
Rorthrop .11 Lyman, Toronto, Ont., general
agents for the DOrditiOn I will insure a bottle
dont aining ever 501111s by return mail:
sold in Clinton by I, It, Combo arid George
Midler r, Iliolison and P. Lumsderi, 5ea0
forth; Eidd, OarronbieeltiParker & Cada
IE 4oWES7:
Albtist Street, opposite•the Market.
-Str?,y Calves.
aaamr.a.L0E 25, all Con., Stanley, about thobegin-
ning et Novernbero two Heifer Calves, ono a brindle and
the other red. 'The owner is hereby notified to prove
property, pay charges and take them awry'.
VALEXtfiig "'TAD!".
. Stanley, Dad. 5, 1875.
Stray Heifers. .
V tot 15, Con, 7, Hallett, about the end at oetotor,
two Yearling Heifers, one ted the other grey. The ovefl.
er is hereby' notilled to prove property' pay clutroes Dna
take theta away.
Hallett, Dee. 5,1870. *41
Strak Sheep.
a -1,01E INT° smiscaninteti rnnutata, LOT
kJ lityilehl, Car, Gotiorich Tamable, about the
middle of (Moiler, ENVDS dun 010, LA1111,-,
The mond k hereby notified to prove property, pay
141%11011tiltili take them away,
, ItArittVitt,
aoderlob riao. 5,1615.
Stroy Calves,
0,‘Yfri INTfi Mit
• ••••=, •
selling af-'1-c°qi 1111111 SUE.
The Subscriber, being about to leave Clinton,
will offer his well.seleetcd stock .
Graceriecies, C.ropelicry, Glasswar:,
' AT • " - . .
In tots to Suit Purchasers.
. Boots and Shoes
CI1130+ I) Out.
ivirt 6.c iTAN'TIATLY' 187'7.
XOtt Will not meet with evert dify,—
ALLA.tCouNTS hisr Pun, Most- Be r.tit.
• , C. DOBrl.), Onootii;
00, Albert St, Bast Side; Clinton,
Clintem, Nov. 20, 1876...
Tim suescrannit i/as 1311ED nOAR,
rig ter servieo. %wing cos aonar cash, with the
privileges of returning' if moose:try, .
- litzronTIon.4, 'mile Trona Clinton.
eloderish IS. 6. 187d. . • •
Stray liorse.
.1-; tot 10, Snd ton., Stanley, about 611e 10th find., an
aged Day Ii0INE. The owncr is notified to prove pro,
petty, pay charges arid take it astey. If not elaingisajle4.
tore Dee. will be sold to ccI1011ii^R.
S trolley, Nov. 02, 1570.
.• Stray Heifer. •
riAmr; ntro vxr, PricjiiitqrS OF nu SOD-
k-isennistr, alot 't rho middle of oetoberlut, a groricht
7:101:g:naltor:8:81: o. whet to hereby hotifieet td prove
property, Ps' ck,argee ann. take it away
• XO. (MEV,
•LOT ? 1, 165 001c., 00DESICE
•Stray fibifer.
• • • • • ...• .
The /subscriber will sell „for ONE MONTH
We large and welt-Seleetal Stock Of Bootg and
OIT Aron CA.Srf,
to get bargains, as the
stook tit new and 00/Ad
0.91clito• r4tIttila'1,111:k4r 45, (1(111'i:tit 1:ArIsitiilgel gg 3;'-oin:1) °StnIitt'?itill'AVto •
os r601n4 6to prove Dropetty, pay chary/co 5114 L4:0 het ,. 134 to itti evqry.' lint..
•inl',161,, Nov, 55,1(1.
-218,-Haitiers.L.O.on._Oederluli..Townehlor Aboluto-lber
beginning Of November, Fenn 0ALVImil,„"iois spotieS
and 1-0. Jordan, Goderielo E. Cameron, Bay hull, dttlaaetted luta tivd . grey boosts.) Tlia vehlat to
irdaitunriuvreotextuttguilpitorontsasat, Inrel1Y11.1.011641 t01114:17410filstirtyiyisay, shares, and talcs '
trieriludgerarreggreisuorg—riiiramidiridoodoisisortine dealAril" --t4:1:10464:114:.vigi v4,4,0,1011., 13TEIP101.14 liATr13.,:t tA13. .
11. S. MIJItHAY is prepared to fit ini pubd
lic buildings, °hurdling and privato tesidenses
with VstvoT ()Atwell, Buirssats CAartrs, * Strayed.
TArtyravCATtrXra,Att-Woor.CAiretra riCY5i1 ,....4 ,,,,,,, „.k.,,, ., „,„„,-;,s-r,..„,,,,,, .s.,,......
CAlltEra, TIIRDD-17.1! 0.1.1111=81 3.111V/11/410 And kiTri4,-h-t-2 vt7114,,-,,,4,,,Z,,,,,,vit Tali ' :At111 LOT
EueMstt Ott. Oar% II•fAti`ttA2i311. VEArittii mut iviii6 Y"e:iiing-Itilleiciiiiii-iviiiisii• if,1,,„ Neitio:i Ilf!,5;
Bens and PITMAN'S, et short notice and At The owner Is hereby natitteate tifet:te;:m.-11.7.6-,..wiw-E-1:-&-ti
Very moderato Prides, 500 ends oil °loth at 61116i:it tattlxilotta,k;i:.148WIdttY!,, •' , ' --•:::••• 'I° '•-•
Cost, 500 ends catpot at cast* -* Ile. 120
Ontario. 49-1yr* ' t • 1
Militias street, 123 Oarlingetr0ato LONDON'
M(b1.0de0t1 'orSafe ,...
•cerivorni, VilONX THA rerirodsns ov tut sus.
StraY ateer. ,. .
.A. ............. .........
1..3 seausos, lot 3.0', kolel Z., mnia.t**about 114 'bc-elar
niiirnat Al 14"111V "4 °V11614' heart•ehalka A1lAtificir on hi* forenead.- nor eno alvd
nhia of Angina. &Mt tad kat roar cia steer, with lk
VoAkkard•AAAA.,14,,A. .................
Stooy 0attie. . , Inmil'Atti.'"‘'4"""0".'
v 10;110'4 1) od tth 137e.,
a slay ha teauti, win bosuns*
0AgAinotlilltActlilaTEISTioef,),IUTSITuTti; ' '**..,"--4-• •-d.-.-i ••00
lot si Xavniabor, a ?Iloot at, Hater, octittiki ata whits.
l'ila swear Is totoby antlflod ta vtava p,?prty, pay rtiaSarettiOti, of Partner-
istteleiets the lindereigneil, has OM day beet] am.
eim,40.,ttalta thank twat. vilatal uttirsttt,
..../(.011.2t1i1....4....:11111....................,...„.„—....4L'IL„,- svittt rmerforainto Ittnttorut rItcdtxt.k
ottse ttaid Lot fOr ale. ii-
clif1065 By reuhrel tiOneent, Mgt heeittene toin,r 'refried on
,„.„„„ .„,.0..st Amb tov.01.,,ItirotITA eiretwr nt ititata by liebt. IottatIsteas,itlas wmeiratersa an
r riw:vi,,,6,40,4 76., mi .11, .vttivtorai mit to mui cots awhile by nib htle arra) Mt deflect nil thicor,ati
aieb ler 551141
14 'hod, tba.101111, "1°4444 ti'lrli 14113' h e 4ti :14i OTAiiiiit, ;1\'''llati
40611b Sardis, .^,.
13, IVA.000/3.
NOtiC Ae...
tiTtot•-/tritittirtT1V11-1/1INT-fir-VISCr`titoirrBItneix;illyriliir:luii tusu
Aoarnetna itichOf niblias altar ado datorliithout eradli win be einem
tai eller. •
Innittman will not to rocootelble tor at, netts
WILLI= ,tt. •b
Th vlithis Aecoarsta have .nOt, can
tinletto•Jot. - -cr
• • - 51
Lot for Sale. Aotttea, wilt eblide ;k:iy iottitea IMMO at otite•
..a., eligibly altritsted Lot No. 10/, Victoria Sttnell(6)/iit, . .
• .
tot•erven on which is II, frfos0 building. Will be .Heltl 0/1 • , . A 47
reetionchlo totals. a
• . ' nt1IATIOldar tiAet Plibiltil 1136tw Siti0,1
titular,. Nor, 15,. 1876. 414 . .
. Rouse for Sale. JOI-111 .$TBIEPt.
- Alt ('05)1(4, ePurtr, pointy, w)1, and ether comer&
oleos' will he sem ea cosy terins,imiit credit, •
• IL ustl, frolics artitzr
mitten, Mina 14, *tiro
llottse arid •Lot for Sale.
. A 4001'1 VittAlktil linESE, (NOW One:I:TIED IW
1-1L TintbrdlY wlflc Silt MO; VAtars•
A•1 ntheo -001,1111161,00P,, wino sole art coy tent
11411 cro(W' A1.05' t4 1e1tto01t13r4
eutitou, 14or.01, 1075. • 14
••••• atla
"krOTIOZIt 1t111313131 tilVIV.1 'Off; I:11“
.4.11 laniteniNlin will not Iv, al;ana6)10 t 4 say Ilcin
lOntreelda in 51/1ttattitir 5310 tlds dato, 4> Arznt, ri•vn•tta
to our,
Tioi*ouhbr,ed Short gong
rOlt- SALt,
VIVA 00SV8 AND 1ffi5113i11 *'4 (‚A7.' •
A (Inni3lirood .In foal *a Olengt, Salt 0311130:1110
41"Y 71411446 8441151' 5
l1P1V toat. 336TA,00Ant.
dlInt4n, 0•33.,2% 3870.
XlitecUtot'S Notice. •
rtittn usLortous 63' /2/11 ?JAVA
Trontr, dfutilagoct 5i5 ttiliteatod to gelid fit their
rie tout
in writina to tlie tuidettintion Within One 'Mouth
P etarlialt, hereof' ter nettletirdilt. And an egititta
C Se lit:latt:(1111, d
i aVljth11:414 act Oinet totElitEbt
• •
6... .