HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1876-11-16, Page 3.!Veto A xierfal News Items. The Nort4 Qkroliva Auru'al reports; irw NOW yQr k has more than 30 wileoof al pflos are now oftod At 010t dollArR A :r, QQWO moot tue. b4rr� At Wli:uilpog, ver froutr. 4101, 114 of 0XQ11AV$�s, S TH ") __KSON A Hamilton Post oilloo, olork is FeApoisoo i 19 We a milliou. t kin cow 1*40108 ft A, one, in ;. good XeroUrot Tailor, Olothier and Q9uer4l-PutAtt.r,,, of his ar the mi 4011ar ope ara, homes. winter order tor $10, 404 0 0 fat Oslo for nown. 'Orgaoloo p4pero Advertise Tire $10'. 14 the 084401% pow about, to close, otrawilf), rrie3 at I b cents Pound," The Moulton-Boeolier 604 Jim bee,'" i 0 t 0A.11 0&;w plNugs bave, b ue p An ?Anglialf 11 hair-oubtst, and sluityer dl000ntinued by tit I 1 ti cost of 4208,000. tQ the q`ueon" bas cotxb1i Led- 41 Q r 0, n ff, ow U 0 Are &Woo fIrs4',o1�4ii eAtis .0 utself ju his inability tq prosecute, the case in whfill orders in the U101140 ftgrtmelt X. Win, Goodwin, of Torguto,w s. I ot W 33 X4 X, S; .7t, sIl rp 4 and killed in anslection dispute, at Titus, Delawara o unty, whither it 44 been 0 'CoitS. jS Thor last Now'Yoik ban tQ1e4ve; his businegif to. kru�t had 2,0 transferred, 0.4 _US1teS8 Coat$j D Eyeryofforb is bein t attela at- otrick reSS Cogts�, ville, Ileum, o Frida . a the triat'illr th ward to make, r i.IX jbQ g put for h9pile, enough 6 hthe, proposed Toronto 9 xhtlition,. of out or house 4 h me, an 0 Francis Grapqtte, convict- 'Vests. and T rousers,, (1111.14 Centennial OqQdi, a fact, e4 of murder. in the second degree in The sent ce of Zames, Ayan, conv1Qt04 De adwooa city"Dakots, laid out but W.atertow% X. J.,, banged himself n Cut, made And t, g oub O'. f thS W013BY At V ei of wife 4n QW Men 01 hop no, w 01000' 10h*' his, cell 8 ful$ N, 0OW-T aineil in the.DET �STY N the lost oterboro Assiz 14H Vo re tumin .4r. Sho'ln' anday w g on of the ww' night, He, pond I s ma 4 aoit two-thiras ti, i t4ntif, and a full city govoramoilt. jut -he Pamo line. der, has been I commuted to himself fr6w. a beam - by� means' -of a forfife, Vmaer the Pldrnan law unniarried fe- towel au4 handLerobjef.,r n rx a The prisoner 0 F0d y night 4, man was cavght Volt- males over foi-tj.flvq iiere awoq worth $20,000, and sentence was We. have First I o otpr On Saturd ay li� wsm not allowed La.r est It 01ads OUTTER: sentenced to five yottT4. in the parlitontlary r jew. Ilery ?r be carried on to.have bee;i deferred to..,quAblo. film litter, to Of it. Who outs end f4ta ony, We employ Arst-class-bands io ew, and can onsuro.tho Speedy ju4tice, BEST,QF ISFACTION to anyone p!aoing An order With u A y*qng'qO" Of VVM,r nonCan Mates f�r athletic gamen in At Batim color. WOOLENS,' West f AT. out his foot the other day ith ce of Q ' -led. ID . poured kerosene. itpoo -a bu 0 W1 rMe Q9M (b 4, '--7-' .glagw� and lockjaw having set ill, the little Ia' Ifire at the explosion Dve attil caugh .kn ti. boiled, gra it with t follow died from its 0000,vs q vrit]A� night. Thq r WatQ _ w-bich.ensued. - Site ran,'out int' the .oeat. 0 00C Recently a wild gooso. CA oronto, See thieni. srtd The I li-66kl�n School Board have-jost took up it with. Ills flo, decid 4 fiiat tit -Q blood,uport the pavemeat--as--she ran a quarter 0wraita In age, shall shrieking along the PA 04-er Coatju=Q_;$ 3[i1fLXjLey CodUngsv has since remained quito tme vement. The and d,n� be taugbtt, in. the evening schools of r t4at city on the - Aplilic a of tw b be. slght,* irezo , t.ente passers- y� 1p%�%Iyzed by V "OtIlL'."4 rJV e<d'_4P Androw Nss, of . St. �Charles, 31anitob ul*le7 tb render -assidtance, 'ed�ed two bushels of surprise oats, and. 'The of. two' famiiies careei ppe h -had. I been roasted to deathi on(k.. -Y Tro xf�f;erings,' es;tilli.gso, The was only sto 4 ' It No"Ur I harvested fte hundred from them. . ilnirop;ed a ground,sown -was only a�otj Maine is. t WA NV E 'D Qw. Ts fresh, with all the nowe,st, goods in the trade; ana we. cart with �on end. t . three,fourthp- b104 One, - consis 1qg Charred and irmniwate Mass on .,.the Stray, C of An apke. of Nur sons and one dAnghtei, hag Mar- Wt- WANT IMMInE, jea*all of 4-- solict, the irispectiori, of ovir stoo TIOCANVASS. STAA:yFDT1uo3I TUB 9 r 11M, agents in *Very town In the 'Dorulnion A' nian narited 'rod roodritly tr neighbor's chil4ren, four ,,for # dt,, In 011"Ont about IRV laktOxUart of A1191141 Qul�y* f dittighters-4nd I 11.1 - 44i0patch,ftom, i0alautta, to. the L !�Q M 4TOTYATP, HIAT04Y AW. Tub DoiftmQN or spo,qp 0�xv, about 7years old, witit short, crumviod i 'Pass agme conutW I a Ion' qAW4UA4.,TAlO Wor -ei Ivet"in iho'-nelgl-� coathinina ONLY ONE PRICE, clon., Tmes siiys is ieported that OlOr -2jG00-4ouble ( . . borhood of Peterb6 lie, hats boan 4P7 of - C116 large manufflo6liring, fukpageeu� olt1!n# quarto'paf;6 arid over 800, lvtD Will 1�jd to 9 I) -,,,The Workla, Published fit on g %blyreivardwl. 4 v i' I 20,Q09personp.-perislied in-tbo-cyclo e varts, on a'piav bousestof w York-advortis6 by. hWii ' la wbiqli onsuroo.-ito Iveloorne to every e nooh thereftir. Ot to fill a v CLINTON, 187 M0 lea4s of their prodyoeioh.q­�Iriven - Indies; VihQ are, villing'-to Work, we li gnaraRed A -that place the loss of lives as hio,� as 40,000. Poeloanent Poldtion for tivo and GoOD I;A� I , Do P 1.3'slelftlls to 800 A thiough. t -be streets, Sometimes sending, not toil to write for out, Rainvie liRgest privato terms,. man's life, who iMi SULJ In the town of Burriabol, t6- mpibal oe Lb rering,fro A Call CQr, Out jnyM(3I1So -piles of e && 'Thip 19 a grand obPortufifty tor sohoolte-Ab4110 0 fW E ujpV boxes. in'Xon.treal, have been obliged the Ilackergunge DisOioty 80iooQ- &r6r. to'cat out, their professional duties. Thi work is being olpruns THAT, CONVE.T. ------ - -------- -___.his.tonguo;.- Tito imforturt4e, if 76U pounds houses were lovelled with. the earth, 2naRun't'3404turod iit d coot of dver 81.,0,696 for tbo literary, t an aier 111 lovo, on III of cofirse,:be Speechless the roinaladei,oi seven icet and� a, half.long -4ndsilc'Arld otiotic an formerly 00011004 by Xr, X. ntc% - toy AI950- - Tfic lotH ttefrs fit-om. die. that, . 4 meblumICA1 otlt of producing the pl�tbs, his life the. old v0114uowu,,roA&bIQ Lovell 'V�h c�rd W611 1,11,111bilwith Old boot, pality oF frilit. trew; a (I ide; th �laiiest,' A half wi a eVer'lseen on the toilt -wave,. 9 feet.deep ing add - n C Swept blishing, Co., of Arontreai. All letters from agouto. there a every cQuxenience ooinectea. uith the h6lifid. Inust boaddrosood tolibb Publishoro'general agents, ad dowu, lijilauo6 in iwo a�uujlv in, M . arranbrook, (?n Saturdii eon oaug'hh latg6 Islafid. of D. bin �Sll y. Illornilig, no,irthdrn has 'b ak RhabAS- .19 O-ws;- in ear Wood's. He HAZEN, B. . B 'N iii the wAggoll and' stAlluOutO, with ilfterost at 7 por cent. blacksailth, of Mr. John Dore; The Alass. The , wbolo 'of Easterit Bengal co�, Artily to 4 40 st, Francis Xavier stralet, appears to suffer- severely tkoin the cy. S INIVIPLL. buildhigs word completelydestroyed ; loss, �o $3,000; insured in th WaterloorAlil' �Way ljoat;t of contain. clone, and Calcuita, ifarrowl� escaped. 0 tial for ------- t $000, The origin of the fire is iink Wyh' llypo".440 Smllest 11puy ill 'the N�Orld,'if The.'reports of f4tilipe 'from Bombay To Dobto' the fullowh2g) is the- are wt)rse. feated in Wni. Merritt IngerRoll, oil the charge of --in 0� UR. Y, ounts musi be Paid 'ILI, DRESS o im per-, is -true 'llis High s the 8 i6i0SI3DV ATION IN KI G istealing on -Friday, .$2,326 froin the: NV , ame diAricts. I . � �c Lahor Joslin, allouNtanding a HARLHOLD41tSVP THIS ASS061 U Railwity wlthO tlUrt er delay, otherwit4O.costRivillbe, Pa Inc - d �f t*0114 And a belt urrad.. . Alr,,Joalln is ewpo*oreti to reefilve ra,ouayo rrested at Buffalo oil Saturday. Thq Al diminutive, Ndpaulj pony, Itt, grant rdealpts. and Met the canuaivill1e the N awab- of Lol iAroo sent 4 remark- ny, at St.0ttlia i h which is il I - A to &he 20th inet, b er 6xtrkflited, but as th D. ,.nuilkit. I r AND' e -only eight inches high, as prosellt, to xqv., 1876 money ws futid -ill Ilia Posses rxb . . ,, . . - - I * . ...... Tr the y0114 UaharajaU- of. Puttittla, Ov. lie 94ull a pr9seculacl there -for &and lar- whe�t;TreadlVr -1 . . 11, -0 .05 a 1.10 pony. Is a per RHFIUN X . . a., .1 GO bre4 horse� �an - If -bj�.tb&- Spring, hada is to have it ia'atinounce& thaf 0, I 00 a 1. 05 BBUINTOSS 1tlkZUJj(,#.TlCAJ3N0 UBEN;.� Thin hDreg"CRI11g, fo f EIR & 0. aslamPedelivelape, whiell.-ig-ilo, at Q 95 a 0 40 itsin.irt I ,, I 1. fed minattire bf a� ivell- R CALLA,vP 0 5, i w 'in .-will rDl1fivQ a6uto A bonre, =4 Lill 11414 Ivitbill pre, paratianj afid;101 -be read.1- for' use,About aleat a group, Barley, 'O 50 a 0 60- 12hou'ro. The core is RF 1) 01.1 an) o ove..is gua. Ficu Is, fvr aal oral 'frame will he A sure ouro'for yo sis, Headache, &� five. dayt; Api-ly to ;Peas 0, 70 BruNTONIS IDIGE 4� -a "li, --The-design ilf titer; b-1 F n Have removed thair Mantle to,-, th r 0. ThXP6 of them p del:" Mid-t1i 13 t 19 0-20 ow e,wbst brillanb aocom,, it ter$ �iolued, relieve cats;iIii"Brotichit'i . 0 S­nd L 6,00 6,50 D' f I v the hooLd oiueeii Victori, -and i -ill b cow rli,u+, f ay Eggs, 0 16 a0 n Riede valuable 'Modiduee Is to nodtrAll4a all itrita,vt 9-0 50 lirlUflawmatory Di datiasol can disp] O 4 Tho� active ,principl, of W7intou,. 1876 Of the value 0 U. -Thoulas TripP-. realaip� bear Icy 60 acids, gold byllruggiEtto. Picall0c. Bole.wholevale ev her len after 50 Knnry, IYATRON & CO.,11UNTREAL. N otice to Debtors is-fo 8tand witho t flinching wbile her ay 8 00, 01W or palm or, C) 00: . a, t IL NT. to �Ielll W. Y. -B 13$TON, LONDON, 0 Z TUA ATT;DbBTS pierced .b� a thistle'. Sonia -ts Ap assnuie' the appear- 4,*6Q - 6 00 T C.0 IS nEREDY Gl"El trusted the., UtOst, styles ­of the :Se his Itand a7lbfigtbY Qow nee of d-Ofirist -NoduIo to the tuide'rEigned for medt ranot be paia be.' slid alth6uah Dr. Carfer lanced iinas 1jluiu-1fuddiq&.'- In Hides 3 50'. a .4.00 Ay to,fit up pub- tore tile Itit of, December next, Aerivlis� timq. agrd, ; R; S. MURP, 1, eeps In$ the plce�'d otber 181alids Sh -ki nd iook.'Out the thist-16, ' th 0. .50 10,74 tic bit churelles and private ro�idenoag P.4tinto Court for o6Lection, e 6 00 a 6 30. witil over all) :'a a 5 V1111"T CmipyTo'. BILUSKB�S. CARPET,q, cllaw�j Nov. f, w uyld Wo a worse ana at'letigth broke hy 'th6 usnal 65eilu'r, otby a. : . Tim 8 00 0 ALL-WOOLC,RP, out:at the -,back of his band;-* eaOli nite ETS DUTC11 his, the 6,11 0-45 0 50 'CIAIPETs THRkswPLY CALRPE*,4 MATT1.16'a'(1 --- arm to swell; and threateifing Serious coil 13 "se r Bi C, empo - Ghicken 0, �10' 6s and 911anAms times eien ciii�in' Ta t6e ""keys, -0 60 I 00 ocu tar re tgio-ui ce� And at, 0 254 0 '95' -ate pri&�. '00,enA A:se6t, which wool, yrilo.doi rvi"'c"t1mr, _Rv, Ir rid, is To, bis for some'time potisted, ia S& CO a F R102,u . : v - .: St. 600 ettdi: � rpet at cust.. No W4261141, Ulm bea-d nf Cattlei being In any,prosply &E,&FORTTit 126, one . . thlo��yr. oi-d Steer, wuott4d xeil an(i.wbjt(,; one two- urdine, oommitted s6ickle thi� Amf ta.leading bu4das Street, N5 Carlibgstreet, LONDON, f,� old Hoffer, ulostly ked, wit . h a,littin *bIto'unaer ths marry- on be- svotol rul ailif si,hlto, Ialiirl fogeel -thn nanle 'of 6 0; of. d6 trin t Oatario. thelnifiala J. 0. branded 0.1 611n h�ru of A 'b 0 e 12 Wilmit-Fall - - 1, 11161. Any ortu- tea. .-regar �d -to ot d116191vilig suoh nforiAatinn as win ipa:a to We deem it unnecessary to ;6'y anyt�ing. 'further *;ith Ayalol�lls to an o no. of., th ae r �took iP. tbitt tbo,Iiusb4ad, fie, wife a, I their fecovqn general, as everyo�e is 'awar6.- ONE bi �='Lou6tsx A-'i1'1D-,`BrST niust, b6 Sabo 1pato �01 i4- Avill ba oulta�jj, !e .J�Lu.ss G` H4143i. reet to 5 I D after writing a lalter to lild lVife;: ioti-, �Oohiz,6,her �s 'the li 4d of the famil ro SiMECTED STO.CICS IN Towx,� and Sell the riihing ioorn of th&Q -y Oats a 38 Weeli'o 11otei, ;�nd Coil regs P 38 0 Sept. 13, 1870. ast" Of 68 'a 0 70 there drank. the, poison, , AS Soon as be his �Ihq*to lji� Ih other ros �otg' Barloy - 0 so a �0 W L; t 'PURCHASES., wa . Notio 5 PER CENT MCCUNT ON 44!6 digcovdred, �verytfilqg, �wws:dono to P 0,4,5 0 5(j. SH re bhu to.cons t a 'mombers 3f tbig sdot are. w,thodot doxisness,., but ivithout Iresto Butte 0 19.' a 0.20 avail. The c%=6 is- altriblited. 'to ihtem� Riis�sian C!bitrofi. r O'l a '17-. FO U . . I . I 1. . � . 1. I P.u. . - ,,, & LLs, noff.-q is bon4l Pera Co. - "-,: � , � " L'.4 t q 00,,% a rifiers," r aN CALLANDIFIR I I themserve 6 a ioz. 60 ailios' 'exiCiting ileath tfr( Ud their axcouu,tsJ3LV01&' Till* rnilq, op I)EC. Oct. 18, 1876. t ml � if CLINTON, ir r ..Sttddouiigsa) -to6k, 11'a -0--5 'a 0 26' 'lint V. sLA wo 6rothers, Aleianddr:- and iol illi Ir IGOAV 'Ts' 06rnerg; T iT -anks John Gibbons -haol fillad'theiv Noyadiensibg Prison,. of v�'h6 PI PCs inh ktod iiiat6fid'd to -take A. smok7d, journal S�ys`that 'duri;ei his residen6e' 1�: .14376. M. 00% Sing'be q is ighoolize4 Ili' _, 1 J,�_ 4. -tbe­-fdino� -of the 1)""ling givil"12 as muc trouble as possible 'and Co.; ceased, rilial6d It wv! mat . oil, as he seemed to. bo Strangling and Flour!. 4 60" a' 5 50' oil -one o�casion' bein & t6ld that he Must O"t IBM lgo to work or take the consequeneesi he Illeas, 'O' a o 67 s%tirantory rub I" 6 . blbQ.X jushad, froin. his th aild,Jil.three a a Cor Be seized tb� NY Oil* 0, 50 a 0 60'., sbatchot andat one blo ominutos*ho P, PC( 0 45 �a 0 50 I off four Ofbis defyiag,the our- force jim to labor againOt 8 00 a. 9 00 -The Oustpips officer At' s io. prisod. the other day by ad ancient darnif autboritie 'o :7 0 2t his will.- -Ile --roftised on hii death 'bel presonting herself and insisting on paying o is 0 10 Lot t -ho Teoplolnolv Ito -of Spoons site 6-00 0 25, W. U, ctko CL I N T *16, 11 * the duty -on amurnbor st�ted 0 "tee a pt,16A or, rac�( ive anyoe 1, she si�uggled into* this country Some tions .:or, OUC-6f.tis dying,-, re. --3-50* 0. ; 2'50 a twenty, ago. There was, no mistake quests O� Entrance Examination.. 60 'GhOMB 00 ' 1110 Culor=rul. 5 00 00. abbut it.' Thosa-silvdr 6 Doef, poons had t b r0if - Lot inct-dio gAme,". li3d her'droams from that day. to this, and 0 the IlMhS'ehooI, (11intm w 11 bp livitt'll), hvind got religibli, and joined the ' A correspouden't' (it, tbe", kho'Cent Val r, Oil Taoiday &'V�odneday,.: Bio. 19f, 20v suys -.--!I havo ro�ontly girl chux:6) ille, fic-It'she Could- n6t leave. thirit' 1 Advertis6,. 05 1 06 OWL 316m as weigM hn berconscionco any longer. " Shq, up'411ide'a of the-Nimmen. folks,.Ana r.0,11 to va�' -UP- 1rhe astonished collector at �0 A 0 6q must come back Iffical lifd; 1 am mor —oats Olibuld, It, �omgible, JaP.Tur b he tariff -of charges to lier a- 0 40 . a VU ited enviorth with.lighblicati' at hoe in tEsrline, than -hunt& th '11. A., footidn' and Alle w 0 .-reas 0 71 a 0 73 Menge business, which. he since sect§�'-,. Anuel d, Britter you wtdi ek.'thdn t1l'a lab Novatriber, Having -been encouraged by the ini fair Is - in petticoats - an 0 20 'it 0 21 r old gookla wMea It I W SUBSCRIBE oab 0 21) a 0 92 rid ofto moe'room forfresh Ateick, letithe 11vol Of their intention to promut theragalroa f.l. examination, alidaning - the long credit. FqDtardl an S6111"g. for 'Cash 6i, Its a q, tty �to- lo k at, I kisspind-4tite is . are pro 0 pla who look,mtt for biwcama, ioil .()ill. Tuesday raorning -a -boy, was going gin in but they are as slippery as MIN -817, free or r,the Esplanade ilt the foot of (Jhumli� P. S. till the end4bf I alon,1. when ydu f1sh f em- and' gat a bite, THE GRE AT FEMAV& REME DY. street' Toronto, ill jt�&-A 'terribly ragged HAS LAID IN ijpion thmb but. foir the fact that, he pos� you find �ourgelf at the wroncy ehd."of cond 0 JOB 310SEN PJ0U10UXCA.L F111111 postagq, � for the low: sessed the power of locomption. 46 might the hook—you're oatebod y urself Advertis6_ B U S1 N ES of for a ocare-orow, - To' whell, you'v� stuffed �erq with This welikuowu niedidneis no imposition -well liave boari taken f Such, a -a extent were his ry, doggerytypes and 3oweliiiry�t _0d armenti orn hey but a dnr� and safe remedy for price of $1.50,, P�jyable nearly as much ow you a - way its 4hay WO w Atore Lot you.' that! of, his person -WAS x-, A1jr ever-,, And although A paiwarfuly�ernady, it con. .11 Tllv' "DERs""'" trave removed.ii) its the lubabitAnei of Clitilou t1j,t tboy, I as-eovered bythela., A. &ntlefnan, cold'potato; .Loditwiad, thht bas'beon taiis nothing huvtful�t6 the Go. PW will I a 'a oIr feiouds know wh6te to find yolt.* 1,11rchaacil th, Grovay Another 14 of Dry tut on 'it nployee on thp Grand Trunk It3ilwo.y, m TAS. 11UNT1119 nud %9W vontfune an,ei -touch6d. by the %aud, wh&a they ivilkU 11leP4011to mout all the 01 y experience. - But rve' done with TO JdARRIED 74ADIES oll, rictlx in advance, All who*waa the aight, called cuotofdet-M dttd MR T1011Y )10%V 0110 4B a pkdr loin now, The Queen of Sheba, Pom. ItIsPeOuliarlYstit8d- It will, iu A shorbtiulO boyinto his office and oJUrea him . bring on the moutblyperiod with regularity. vith their. Dattanap. They hj%,* on 11tad: 0, (Italce NVIAcIl f, -.iv QC.kLITY C1ftEXPXE,9S,.. oRnn b 'bA surpassoa in the Of good parts: which lie happened to have 0ey's Fillar, and Lot's wife, wit4 C6 Steam In ail cases of Nervous al4d Spinal Affections, Afook of 0 Advertise i. mselv S -of )g beside -the pants.i �tlxn 6. I him The lad took ander engine to flold 'eat).couldn't tempt me. Pains in the nack - Arta Limbo, no his arm slid was walking oft with tb , �M,* T116 volly91911t -of K bonnot riles we all' Fatigue on aliqht exortion, Palpitatloti of IN lioppqnsd when anothet gontlerniffi, who heart. Hydoriest Sick Heada011eog Whites, 191 tms offer, sapure near O' b( t ) by, sukgested.6at it might be to well- auaIlthopailiful. digesses 0001asiall,44 by a If -,you Mrs at the old wuld; aia nsw ctords rates, Isorderod sYd6m, thoge Pill,, Willefteot Aoitb,lhaye p1spo ..; �Bdtvtn,1-7,000- and. _00.;000- alligator Of tnVA6 its jj6yit Ionic dinl roll m4t, ga to, & � 60 a leaving. ct If whari all other ineivis heia tAlled tbo loss If ya-A ADVIIM months' for nothing, eil, t Iliffib. the boy s�lus la�ro tA ea, ye4rly, which 46 eon- Coods dallverad In Any Part of ih# Yawn. Film -D ThempTills have neTar beeh knoii to fll MILLINRRY'. t*0 was recalled, And inforitia that'ho woulfl stimea by boot and shoo ulanufaettIreen *Iiare the dirootiono 06 th6 ona pitse 6i. 'a Yakpl to WhAngo at Mafkst Ptloot. gat the panta'only on condition that he cast in-avoy pop . 6 in thatTuited Stateso as phiet, Are vrell obaeryod, PAM. Thin D*epartment is unaer the' able ruanigeftlent Of'flrT4�dlftS8 hanAil"Who bli old ones into the Like AftOPPlIttingon weli as e%ported to London And Ham-, will Continue to su)ply, my customer! With VIEIMMST- NDRIOST the new oneli, This, 'reascnx only Ao alligators fortgerly came 0- 69aut. bit, the boy reft -barg. .. ! CA 6 U 1, A 0 voll t 08 FASMONABLIE TYLES ORM 'Z J:tiown. to himoi filed- to dol� -1033 N1OSUS..NnWVOUX.q0Lr, P710pallstron. o bo,to hits a wd so attached dU lie appear t most entirely from Louislittrift, and N ifents for postage, aftelood to A Colt ttqterea panta that rather than part with Oleatig Vits the gteA dentrO Of the Notthrep it 1�m%u, Torouto, Ont. gerieralfA it I dV th tin he:preferred to gb -without the good, �,bu�sineso, . The IloRda Swamps and agatitA for the Dominio, w01 l000ra Uemotabor tbo place -opposite Post 0006 could excite' the 6litaining Over 60 pill$ retum ta bottle ont, W. Probobly he 1 6Ym- -wortisses are now the bar 68b flelas" Won by 1. Vomhd at o . 11fl) and Bill, s= url vgs4 rald yL . 8.ta in Cli V. and�adofge 11 To \y of the charitable i n it greAter'aegreo in and luo ksonvil to, in Eh at 8 tat� the great icliion and V. LflJn1Jaejt"&a. r the gqjne, ai, so he preforred to Ire- 00hidloyl, rZ,, U1 : . I I Kto , ugged I'lio alligators often attain a forth, 1. Xida, UArroubrqok; Parker & Cattle Ifas Created ruguy A Nrew Busitivisr 'I . *V aill t lbetu, A. strange fenfute in the case . I I .: .--. CROMPTON'S Is the L fiet that tile boy if% hj)s iiopry light lenigth of eighteen, to 1%,ionty, feab,- SO F, E. LIFIVAerolip, Bay the no- Prequantly live -to a -very old aoe, The cldi aras.liqla gervillemudailmedi. g of the NEW -J throotHod - : 11 ellie datilarg. I tice f 060 polica, hides f4bripliefl-oly, and the telly� alic,l dv'rUsing, L I A fill r, bu f Wi MV a5'a t orfr)), 66 )I 'IItore uee bite fon n; . $qL ?f med1pinea haa, ivithatood the impa)-tial IXB&r FrQo I Rearl! RUR(I'l lJoad Id, thera Who ve 1A I 14a!8-11" 0 little reauires to be sa AnUJI�TABLE-OC-2t;'EXCOR E labolioved. Th JJA4; nintreal, under (1, linder tro. AN heourpod 1001aWf, to n 0 making It rool, 'elect nS (I front lu, do tw Willi Ilia full'i. 11 It gives choice s �V(s %'Ent, that PAttr. m�V0111O."M are continuing off be cla lity. e Adverdsink T1 _of rew (lays I TAU011,00 OV, I d . .. . ,he Ai edo;41 foliffet, a:'4 during thopi%st t, w fi,r MI! fimr tell It( 11 il t onab fish who Iliyo I .. --,. - " '. of. J -Or PIN W4,444 Jill M"ft%NftM=n"*J It fo 4M -�t, oldotivo ow&tig end the daskag6 of a Prohibitory r LI(ArI115 11,11 heell 40f Ih6 Wofl(rs .3., ti-aditioll the "t T t 6 epiton!6 attointa, om ciplada will' Aljortl� lJo lfliltl Will Pay Iltill I jl�offj Wake this 'fir best anil most in C. U. ok 13 a 0 i hm ft j YAJO fox. *6 �vlll present to av,­y RUI)f d-lber N1, 1877, a vAlich atite. tha, au"Llia 11 I atla" till 11r;Pd, IN 00, riaw Ington &UdLitftlober Dlbotug otter the V y 'r. ol" rge it 1,1, gffeel, 'r (.1 water. alwoad, Who are At vugiv CLOTHINOL OEP A RTMENT., t1lbritt ON to theirgilartl NVII011 it? f1w, Ive Advertising fi. k1t, ign pidultt, holr,�r cbe proullma fly i that tafi* liNd I -hl lit, 1�1,rdlji fig �pires �of public tho firet tit Ilvollor6hallil Worti Ijiltdo bolt regt 'in Cauad and Thia Dapatment it; u6jer-t1le Ilupery if 0111� golit till 11de,or ify tIll Lomloft illgO Nit Viin.1% wrl kmliltdrs .6111ifs ou tt d" R. zQT oil, It hag ibrift o, /it allarl F1 11�t �Iejlf a'T�t� (fill Rrm-d taily t ffitig T4 71,111,01 111lovern"llb;, and tt, "�eVVt.#IW4UL KA,. Til -w fbe 1,mntw�, lit th" n 0 ko roporta 1190'wfts, 4116i the 11,611. laiy militaka, I J'y 1J.1111C.1 11,1.. ' It 141.1 11114 all tile 1100011 114 i 1. 61 1. 11aftoo fit 11, qapt, I,P ...... SOOT9 fit thig CPtOWOL1.01 p4hittrA UlA, S4.1 thF, MteOt lelato "crablo mU'Vitv Lllmv how W in"triago 'dima pays - Particula attbffeift 'f`116' ll�at to 1�111 11n;,1dud orul Uttlift-ja 11ulEv lit jjraft 1Vd1�dL.,tJuI'plr.111,O of e :)o to� slfill&, engallild iii tho ativVeilinnoi It ItAltuboya t)f k1A plolous fit A. .11t., Is lglit wa aud A vvrr)ltg W*11to of riml. I , il to Lobal AftirSi Mthd it -pa .1, 011t�, of t'lla t1stv hal-ineo 04LIoyear feed tv- i,.ije e lAto boort snail kqthe viciriltv of St, nw. GROUIE RY rtrn int of tlbo 111114tit f6lobtl link 6vsky aud, 414, R)0 ba ill1liahed 10111elf fr1rdn'lled 1410 Pow mlrelA, pill Ilia VAIR9 lit railly'All a,lvQrCjA Paper -L fot IVO It thi Ify 14 to dWard thh it Is 11 f would ("all the aitt 'on it, . city tho on it ftillil .$ 40 ((I cont 'Owlls' 'by all atodidne, daAlorq, pt JmAftgo. .4, TJ ill militaij 61roles that goma 0100, ta rlufoiva 811A , bo�rdom, hi lullft-tied 25 60. r HY AM-,, ard d1Apoacd,.,,%monJ",fb0 , went will eliirtly, bd iymd.e, Wholt will not, t it116w6vol). 0 0 9 k 1400i lieu, Van , the last. hav6 ditto), sold Apauth for 010L 116jilluiffif'. won 110wing 1`0k I 116 fy# I Itiliould b# 41till Mlly -ab tqloo, to b,3. to the 1i I t otootled, but, clear, Anil ta tile pollat, 'TiA gift ing to ba dand 114 OVLV ONC- P"10C.' OA614,013 n1rig to Ask' *1 ftf IfIL go' frodl. A[Xy All for or 14.0104 i6d, 81JOIlt 110r)IS tootl tk$L $1ftAt0At pe)gslbld V1001berL 0# V111 $60111tty, bub 46MI us sl,60� ItIld 4bout it ' to seventy -916 to ilia 0 ilo-t (a IA titi 0,441ity (it' lyljl�)% �Vlyd 60 -3 -Ag td Uld valud of 4 silleo� 66 aIX116 wad fit tYl)by hitt W &W itto foliv difitislotd, molt '01LIt r, oil AA* 810111 4,49a tho, IL . 90.06, wid W We walit Agonto 42ttT. 1)tJIe0I8 8 tt, f lie J;t, alit i3rordonr Awl h3llififtflili' ififAb 111106,41.1 lORIN- t Si to READ IHI U IRE H.OUSE ot ilAt 01400 �h 410i phtl@ AAWNA6 .4 6111, fi)13,64 ho .fl I tkild thd toAslift, of I 1, X S4 11 Ul rt V_ Olt lau, MAI fatA111164 gall mlly 1144 tit Qft Xfw OVO UP