Clinton New Era, 1876-11-02, Page 210 I'll, CAN.&DIAN NEWS. Incident or Navolleoull; vareer. Sale flegl8ter, ad ebm Ilullott VVIIII(Ill met. At Lotialvabor0l oil I ouil, X. & NOles is Tit t e 'lot a -a Sltlplw�l frolu (Itiolph, f1l'o J?j4rjJ; 0 o .4", of, 11.3v, If. it 1 UO , it.; all tho Members prosout Vitm orguito, voi -0 Wr, Nin't I"IUW -whother thim la fidittl) totes of road 41111, Confirmed, l Vviday for Atiatralka, 0411 Uarrtm writo A IJOL'tlon J)f JJiJJfJ;n, At J):I3;l10IJI, Olt ill() :,rll (Jr. We lit )Iotico (hat 1,11b Roo, 01 I . Nelioul Trustee, 14 4 1 1. 'N litlon,10100T in outnuicti.or not, W�wq daknow that it' 13 Aloved by Geo, �y J. J30446'. Afelhalgall, Allot, I.t Tow Thumb and hN littlo finger. -s" for art AN 1,60. Vronell bucalwo 101-alleo wail in pre.13 �jurv�etlqu at tit disagrecablo still fol liste"I in Cho var with; Uvrin" Varif 9 Tito. regular monthly m1o3tilog of the 8011 Qtlobuo. Wo I 119,10ti'lleills, &oq ok 00i. Por - heir oxplcwil kill of sit lJoard w4ok hold tilt UtIoday ovvIlItIg 'rrosem A VIAIAN(lo.-, Mr. J, !Ilg, to fultil lild et litra-4 ter bulldlugjk bridgo 'I'U t -Urwh 0011% Millif to It Oat ill Allies, flunter has oil coil R. "!?,.3, ]OIL 11 Clio 110(tim Do allthorized L'Adiets 141 Qklobeo Aro, Ill 061)"10(ttlenCe, of '�y is I I es C " I(A 41). cot). 7 _tllo Ullikirlum. and Messrs.- Ralsoulsou sea of his. ltro4wy business to: Alossrs. . thiS cQlII4tfy tor ,IV011.1 t�tljlllbf Ily "Vich.towl 'llip, 01 to onlNulli-AL V, (JI;;hicroo, (it Goatilivii, a,s to recent outrages,. afr4id to walk thd atrooks diteel, patt bi, tho J41-i6forit question.- ciii. Non. Ub) r. Ilowsoll, Allot. le" whut step lot best to, be taken In. tile wattor, ft . - r - ----- 4to, Leslie, �100 Dry$, sos. 4 er clark, 6� pr(joht)l FAI-Illatock" Implement", Archer, j4 V lle, '416�crct$ry. I 411t, Will, no) rot;elra a Lord Oltatlilall - W.Ild, wholl 1,11 41 U11114 tho,001110 nd-ropurt to. A opecial Ineoting Of trbi%_VOtJo_ - f4 Doe tCk,"r:Uik.1.1J w Ito woka Convicted foi. of 11twuLk wor I blit faintly dtiveloped ti -Ile eislililato of M4 abi y Ing wore read ikuLl coll0ritiod. liboral patronago, 41 to be held oil tile 26th lost., --varlivil. - 0 1 0 1 Monday, 4XI)V�, th, vrtalued, 110 Chat they willollp- � A number of opplivAtiono fival -tile Tomb- -2 Aftei, liasohig' oome small acconuts, tug Cho uxurdogr Of)JOntlio1liltnour, ii At tile I. With CIO. Zliall *wbu Citimut appirecinto. 7 - it Auct. or 114, Cot Oro, for appolittrutents for tile year, 8tral-by, no- I lorilloor of' JV'Aleg If0tol, ill (Alorrie, 0 1 prn8(JrVJng ("coallell. Iyaod a(1jOUr40A to naeot agja At'l4oll_ wilit of dvatIl in tile Wilgotoll Vollitell- the itktoroal; of I 1A 44 -ilik-bla. advauOy'd _n, qNctlyll -and sAla4, were r4ad cilloplialled, A%lobor . r r_ U - 6A tho'Kili oil toll 141tvi- t. ra porb him lm�flil�, - I I 'inpire, 11 not U. yeo" Allot. .1) t %_ o l I wit Opper house and free tradep iwQ princi. al�d laid On the, table. A Iso letters were re. superintend Out of ooYeral ovIlosges, tile Ottoman B I Tito Council to trillikent, Now Drultakvick Claims to, Nalifileoll ILved 1;111111 lt,YQ 113 re_ 110113Dau(I Lot, bolot coslyed from Mr. §11QP14RI and Idiag O'NA41, ltlya4ol, Ad Possess .9 iarr Jull"ll, i0flit"a, to Mrs. 0. voll. SO to, V.Aimda, Ott(] Undo I Ir Too I ationo. I cities lit this town., In i fely oil tho,200i of Qui.., g1l tile moluberoo, prooe"L traillod mouso that h4s"trottod a- halt )))Ito ))is, (lt Harltot S(Ittaro, chutoll, on the _TAI,JJJSJ)A_V, NOV. 1870, loo or greio$ i1ppotutut rot tile of giving 10"tructiol-1,3 Ill 11114 Tho'Reuvo reportod that '�Nl, (A, Q111nel-011 all- ilk 1. gat do 11011ohmell, all(I tholy 0110111il ro- illst, a. ilowflon, Auct. P Novelby Mr. �Oatop see, by AU'Ledle, very important, park -A od"c4tign. inuo UjoJorit-Y of tho 1)ePpl hattl secrootor be instmeted to &$certain vi'loal tit, t the 11" ectuentwith J. UoLellallol, and is it . uw Lut)tuitoa t o trqt it Alwillber this. IvIloll A]Qxander fr ........... 01MAIT that br-jolig'.$ bor anil tile allil; 14rak Stock And Implements, of Iv0d Qu that IVW. Mr. I W, Doherty "o' "'i Thu cattle shipping firm of Ailso Craig It IAI(It tit.' Erfurtli to vi lot (I, 110ron, Road,, Goderioll. T Cole, The ubu;io lie hus -r000 Ary, _ 'is freo froin coollvc� and that lye still retain till tile 0, ofrorea, Albaito Bill just. f. 116w4oll, oil tile, .06a Only 49'eli to - 401,1110 ally dawagos that Ila$ 4, $3,000 Cargo Nolk tR fU stabile UkeUt, 110 ""uriti's rCr �ml t4o fourtillor It _W) cars, that Cho 01,311sorvativo Ili tioll with tile, Vniturre, a or Illay he 10A of cattla W I Ir a 8 it ill, tho Marooll, ilia islands, litia tlq- intends plittilig all engine Ar)d tnl;Qbiaory flastaluell. In collwooluctnec of ilia bridgonot be, had abipped to 4igland lately, have m000 tile subject or protpotiolk the flIvUlor biltubility alld� true worth, 411 built. all tile cattle died on board qllip� even 8yvia and 114',gypt, in return, for sohoI4 furnituro, Pit X3,rlWt,Sqqaro ad doyotlu�g his 01111ton, oil tile Atli A. -into Ilia orgalk, factory, And maid plank of their lilkaprol, 111"011. U not. to be expected thattiley wolt t, t. lovoil, by J - kYarwick, � see, by J . lirlWil, 0 11)4tr. Jag. lJowaQu'. t , wllolo.olkqrj� ilk this, lillu, of buialles& t Mr, , Ro-orto O'Keoro tho! well-known Constantinople. Nottimleon, -thokigh, 11 Auctiobeor. . ) appoilitinont Of a ally hat in consequence of J, MoLQUatill failing to 1) r Of P 6rinito, has roc ttaollool, tho-greatost importance to tho Fitrill StO* household fa which they liayo tGketl their st4lid, Itud 1ll0aUCd* WhIl ill( MAC114TRAT111p; CounT.-A. pedlOr 11-11110d fillill his contract for building blidge Oil Con, rowe eivod pelva to A tbo'gilestioll Ito Ore t1to of h1I, lotkruillg, ilboraf alto A40 Jag, ged by Will. Paisley it. ".1.3, let '.), that tile tile affect that lie bas fAllou heir to All East J'tta$Sian though ail the jol f Writ waz char agreement, uith the tit Utillman, lot 42, 2ad c6ij., Ejoi; are now puttlI6 with selling tibdm�-Wltholl aid.folla Uglotilln(l for.building India estate valued�at V44,000,000, Next, con though Austilq-wak Waw4nugh, Iiiho 18th in t lie alillul v, quest of Spa T, feople ill overy evilcolvablo, Fbnl)Q, priliciplem, ga opposito to their Ow be now tl)Rtr tile Clork; be anth- Mr. MIMI, M 11 a4jr , Choi oonj AuOtt 4rought before Mr. wils act. uIll, 1�oltig . mizad to' notify o, V,, having boon sivorn ill R11mlill, iiist I Igh-10 14"Vol*'Y'little caulltry ?f that ll, Scol� ill it Cabinet )CLat is V 1 14 � $L alhl coot", being lot oft" 1,4118 in n(l9ftlosame, w If, I � . ­ ---. - --- , __A oil in' thorCotInt or Q, prourialuto ruvoolflo- to fill tile vitoalotcylballs On F rl h(tornoon, W4 tella to Ing -Omido�ikiioii P y 4vards, NvIiiia lit exilo,, (� Alexander'll Xell, lar, uU licooso Immediately. to give to this Council, tile plan And 91JO011110- 0othwoll Ikao. been fixed for the itb tioll') of ot4guglits were dincted toward the con. x1god 17, Wbiler Coming but of ilia Ault city Organs jig iJIO fact is tryloff 16 And tile election 9r Cho IrAll'. ebost Ut tile Inaollilao roloin of the Xapanw FAKKK SOLD,— -ATr. D. Alourtoo, Movoil by J_131-ittoil, Soil, by J tit, qttest, of Turkey. . We bad Dimly dig - At it 'Filter Mills, ill which lie that protoolion to tilip?OLivil 'of hf1trineig till cold his farm of 50 acres, tit trio Work he Authorized to. na.v4flao tile rv-jot; While R.rilan Ilainott T. pf $Vag wol,kilig, ws this 1600jitta r eltsiliorks con the ubject. At first I was ' Eapt, Wawanooh,. ta Mr. It, Tron8o, of this loilig of IIin tile baro, was. going to Hamilton, frot chby ilia nook and bilad -by- tbe illgo, by tot 11 Vall, letrimontzil to the iatorcats of Mr.y. (XiNVOK XL,�Y aUll tile 11,!rpoo t 'ta- ing tor, and town, for $1,000,which, is Considered A good itti) All field, oil V_ . ____ V oil till I bills oil tit ain, enst reau ab packet It of ilia roqt crop Competition Turks shoult.1.1lo driven from ,,,do, t ily Q _ b reador of ot tt d 11 LX IlrCiall a tr Last week the Times an XUlls ralplol.rit is IlOt lilc011 Boil Tile fg1ria ofl\Tr, J. Sturoix, 804"Coll, of Ili$ Coat IvAs on b out while lie Slept, lie auspices of the Taitkoramith out- Go�di)riolk to�ynsbip, has boon sold for $4.), NoY.od by . ilowson, by. J. Uasoo, - Mr, Jacob Englgharts'," of 14011doll, hag 14,11t w1leA I -reflected - lipou ilia 001380- Branch Agricultural society, is as followg: article upon ilia* subject, Of Such a Char- V()uI4 rcfuro any ttriff legislation cry, 600, "turd, ar. being the buyer, r thAt 4 Uttholland be liaid $378, for building und s�w what a rid fr. John, 14 ence.4 Ono of tho.IqMqst trades in, oil itx.,C Oranco Of f. Would oiiii, 40 pu 1. , iviiight of power it -would, give to Russia 8 roit, 2ad bar kidii'oux- Ing XcUo Act's bri rriod ,acter as onIX to Show the ign Oar ARYT, mpin Oro, 3rd J. Dickson. QvQr7 I 'ke, toi (liabone of, ' Council then, adjourn the writer, or -bis blind slavery to I very well tile pill wells and large distilling works At Petro- I refused to conselit, for, tile equilibria, M�Cngcolda lot money they would 1'�i ed to meitarkey,.2nd1t. Ohair� utoWo 4 barrelling work in ]04tiropo would have been &riots-lst Robt, liAn'd vent ick tO)J, a . are indebted to this they would Lovide4bomi on Saturdl,,,�, the litli lie, Anil treating An. a at of p6.wel term 3174 9114 por4ou n fit ku lat, Add inuch tor ill() h .2 O'clock term, 2n 3rd J. Dickson. He says llg Pro _AP�jn6SSof tile proprie. :Lcr. uexb, at Haluilton.' Him shipments 'to Europe are Ch,',,3rd fiesne destroyed,. I tliat,'with. Egypt 41,rhey (the government) refosed the 001111, Oil gl��Iil) NyoUla not bouo�flt" Ilia ita. torn cif t iq journal, if they would deposit' -TAu' Bt%xrTnv=13, Cleric. ItLow from..4,000 t6 5,000 weekly. An unknown, trampi avi hina it try its most earitcat l4acitig-on the Syria, &c., ­France would- gain,mothir , n with, hit -ilia T6io'n'to` large white lit all it,with.. dAt-once. If they cannot.muder- *aid,.' illolog, accosted' lotioc such A proteotive tai-iff an i0ta, esl( eS being -a groat'dra The mail Weir, or in comparison to what would be gaillard r -'a citizen up aged the Sunaldgle road the other night 'PIG -notorious � buloglAr, who broke b "USSin, that tbe,,bar- and that it -would be linpossible - for 'Lit, frie) d i itrecords of the I t:r' fl) , r CANADIAN NW. S, Y'll (11 0mdiall milling an 5th to expla.n it our oflloe�- tile other side of the lakoti telorim, intu Ametidan.Fxpress'Ohlea at Brantford lid asked him'for.a match. He %vats asklil ter's 16tho I *as ba�lans of ilia Worth vr6rer . already to Ada their gooths, and inj are this linaflicot as tit Ritpunivitspu the coibRahinfoollb to be given V'-'Vid 33, Boyd, editor -of tho. Lucknow -the safo,- n October 0 too ome across for it, and he giving it to him OY [a Ma,- pawoarful&d probably', in. thcouicsil.,of. theolog blio 1001- -Wednesday -beforcrtli Lave ill the town the ovenilig-of e heart disease., lirmight, up-ona a 0 a years hithertai-lifiolisairved,'@prang oiie gi�trato nd be te cad o fo r im-1 OYcrwb.e1m all E tfvopo, ail.1 and'amiagely attackea him. Fortunately Only* thilik of it, a Cloillesd wall of. last inst., when Prof. Bell will give a locture while teaching a Class in ilia. Methcidi6lt -6 be be fcIIIosvqd'bY4 Sunday S Kin' nowthilik: they will. Austria alto. dy knifei -and, and all elective Senate, it is rod a Of 01) tile Art of Ileadilig, to elloof, Cardillo, oil $tknd prisonment tile getitleman a Ilia ]I AT. . . .. '. . . ". A with ilia' trembles. ; -Bassin and Prussia -united., thishe*plunge(I into the: briltil three times'.. protection stifficiently4ligh to prevent gev.q severil 0ioice piciles, underthe auspice.E.nDf- , A telegram fro Tit body of An linknowil, lliali$ the cowner meantime standing, calmly by. posetl that lie will -be'. tinder the nece in St. Albans, says of goods, so that mftau� ova ilia Huron, Teachers' Association. The �80ciet propa it out,'wad foltondlyitig in the street 4.astriii falls,'oknol. E ngland rations see going onin NorA three cnpre- 1.10 finally Calla a air Ilia. dog, tile, 61'ti4 of A, -bill to tilat effloot ammes: li4yq Ana' an, 1he it Vermont for-tinother Fevialk, -ar-Ne-wo i e4rIj Wednesday tiorning, A eut it' progr 11 This, daingar ilOW threatos�s. 4 -exact what PrIOR nouncoisuch,au "infellopLual feast') t1idt Zen- N41ked air"aj," conioiderabli frightnaLl 2 a llleetillo� of the H aoo f Canadirthis fall; or early In the lroiz4j-, evidently,the means of dostruetion'. vvanqp, lthough ClQsirolis of avoiding it t, sr r should not-be'rais.sed. ` - . : . . " - - I � is Thd trample, infaii, 411) tfx � Its .110sv ble ill (Sine lyingnotfar dli�f_tfif, The.clotlies"pi thoi to 811OW III si gild �ollsisten a report. unfound. any Complication I nihst add that therb "ii9rt wa undoubtedly robbery, in iywx ito in have the assuiall, o -to give utterance ock Wednesday deceased will be retained for idep RXCURsacls..--Th� �Iait Ox- �as pay day fCi, tile, Q4ind is -not a paper here -whose opilnion. is big con, tj Such Wet that respect,. There is no dotilit th I to 0 About thirty-five dollars in bills w re hinpartiori was to -bo of assistancti, ds, when Choy areo.at�terly torsion of, the �easoia will,bo gNenovor ilia Xrtinic'e'�iipleyeafi-st-Str4tford, the la 6kh lif&ing �Vhicll doc, not NwIto ill si�olpe,lleen seen ok� Ikolrd of Soon I its bil'oee$ i -on Saturday. next, w . )loll 'a trai a 90 found'on: Ilia person.. w tit L&"cauntry zipe for arnoplit of $21,02 b4nd paid out, which I r. of 'the infeyrity .;of tile Taicialt at vaxiance with-tho liawill -leave Hamilton At 5:% ought to roll -extent tile finark. At Brantford, on. While Mrs. eas . rriving ovp tQ some Bingham b tained. - The. 0-911 - patrons and the coil' . lire, *hich we tollo. it will. b HoCEfe, Empire eing main Utry at avy clal stringency, that.is*ii" a lot Early,, landlady of ntennial grounds on: S�tinday after- OW . x 'us that o4i� BORN. 'fore: long, be will lilt" a o it, and sant noon, Persorosji6m,�Ahios neighborhood w4a'Aitanding'.0 4 3�et Ris 'no -so ai I I , Ott Sundaykorning, a Boll. of Mr. John: - . 1. . . . : To catch tile farmal them. Jar, containing -which she matter - to ilia wife J .. . . qati,socure, tiqkets 'at tile -enh t1l 0'an oil) illy Of -an irresponsible Se BAllip, Pal, 01 of NV R. Miller,� the L.JI. -fiF ck her ands, by soie lnearks upset, (We Frenchmen, fol-ty-six yeai% ago,, join bl, thQ Cry foi- proteoti oull aged folirteall years, had. in on,- he speaks B., tlid 16�there find b4 wlis. i�cidontafly' shot by him two smaller. Public aclibols. of a stlil*, '111 this, land 9f popular government,. am this place, being placed at $11, brotheirs'while playing 1�iiha. scalding her in a fearful ��aniier, Slier-ivas* t6ok Algeria -and n rue. to theill pistol. The'� ill ow milliar'ds and Ought to e dying at, Srsfi, b'nt soon after tIloat (101114'. come to an end. roll, hall took affect fivilis heart, killing him how many men beefi'ciloligosd.-to MARRIED HALLOwglgx­�-Tusday * night was. the ver' consciousness.. irou"h the. buildirig up of .11krge maliu- and sactrifide. to tanie itud keet) in Or er so - One inde o To anniversary of, this 'ancient and-somi-bari.- BRAiTHWAXIIE At ilia reiti 00 on yen deuce of the brido's'father,, oll fdoturing, towns iIi 't,bis-.conn U few 07hesdiy a ini a special t6i .9 Threci:Wvors tolegraia.-ol! recent �date -Alu se a; Cali aided 7y a barons boliday,and. Any one wl.io happened in, con - in of I his entftrod r"e, -to be- alircia taining Mr. Hickson A days gentleman repovta 'having tribes frorn, orroon and Tani� 1' ult., by RQV'., R. -DavoyI Mr, hear him d crid not'need to be told that uA, claJ6, of. sleig the Grand Trull drivoll 50 miles in a. all on the beat lie ca inet somet-Iiin unustitif was going coh,'Th w -Miss Ahli 0111 For installed, at the paesent time'tlie joice t bi b6p k, made th6 viin frdin, lociint winter. roads he hid -ever seen, 150. miles, Clonsitantiriople meiiiiinced, things would Braithwaite to. olittiei yba rn & held I I high o R awa'rd.to Stratf6rd, 80. miles, in an.hour cst daughter of Simock Xovif'tio, usq�, of butter ti-manufaphiring town west'of To. As,,Ou authority on Constitutional arnival," iemoving tiny l000e north of this Olt, very differ And three quarters, Actual r, between Pike Lako wild assume a 'ent-aspect.'. . The routo is 8 o cents poullol, while ilika town, a icas lie is, perhaps, as, ble as Canada p 230 article they could lay their - hands on; . and running -time. a ; a calin nd1logia debater, a . n Carries o4ed reports tile lakes, few miles distant'.,where there are: lie mann- k, 41n Wednesday -morning ilia ictims of tile This rate of a eed is not ofteiik,' excelted in r _. .:- p ete,ly frozent byft d firm frien& of Liberal 0 �provious.-e�eningbadto hiint ur. litra" Canada, coon ice 'two inches' rise- an 'tl6re.w6iiltlbesiloliastorfla�43 facturing institutions, it can be If . I I . ... bong . lit fer 23 inittee thictl never was DIED ceats." the -fullest; sense of the - term. No bet er gates, signs, &c.i -and remove Obtrutions On the farm of w.i nessqcUll Malcolm MdXell.or, 'lot W411. --7In -Clinton, -on the Zbh Oct. Wil-_ a tion could baY6 been'ina.dc from the rimt A short time sbace Dr. Gilrdour, of Wa- fiointlievremises. Itwouldno613eso-bad 0, con. 9i lit the.* tiowhshlp.bf Mesa$ X. -May, aged 0ye" 10 nwiltba. Can anything morasilly 'be written ? of the Ileform if -the bois c.confined.their.-oppri; to the more tivinjAcIn 4% Bro. threshed 800 -. bushels t6floo, wassi%ceeiisful in extiading a needle s, -In Go6rich rthe l8th If butter of tho same quality as hat Meal lilt E i fi- so ill from ilia hip. of �a little U'ughter. of Mr. R, Purpr removal of art 0 PlaQ8s-wci witithi the short space of six hours; consist. I me: 'the doet'r7says there- cili be* nd F,:. 13-1l; wLieb� brilags �30 clenbs a pound call be Ond'tliat.c6iisiderablo"iiij�ity has be'en done Ro a Qct ip A Nut.for Protectionists. ere, ing� of peagi 400. bush6ls, wheat; 100 bush; 31 Eltori ays lie Was Called t6'soe'a .aged .3 �y,tlioi breaking 'of removed propertY.,* :also and a. This being by- doubt, that. tho, chill swallowed the needle. F months afia 13.4ays. bought for 23, only a few miles distaiit,­ and.the s 00 day Conti;. 800 busliel far the fastest threshing Of tit several- months Ago, and that it worked its man named I-Iftry. Hoshins, a.�Sti�te, on the,'> li.,A years: An -to-Alir.-MocaYls-golulp-to Boston, the a season. llotlkinssiidsth, Itt plo4ty � of. the. -skin without strilcmig'an'y miner, aged 45 y Arm. there is no doubt * but W11 Mur o� his stard SsMost this anelcub-Now age 2' inora is ar reviv",�Puro reli- way he little girl was a r purebstaers-would liff footind-Ti7t; it S(S-Chor laga, foiir logged ducks, the play he bad:gorle to woik without bre"Iclaitt, f.?,dftya. glon' that 611411 be persuasive and poiverfal enough to Ill( Bach like, has given. Ivay to big vit"19P111trto loolley of tile Covorlitnont was tile call About8 'clock. bho stock otiltl soon be exhal A Itholl . tho roach and 411r,to its ptofounder'doptli; Clio poi)ular II1ODCIIs tlld. it's October which age as be;had not folt well. D SAnQUTTLrn.-0a 186br at Stuart, ISted, of tratle. Although th lye have too lusuy pkrcioll oind Riji)brile-itil oxoltb- Ing Valahide Agricultural Sobic Bit ovei� if I butter i4 building.- heart. likely to be tho4ongb4 The it�'sued he 4d drank some cold wmar,'ind the , lo*a, John Seeg i er, f' too low reylif;ls ropohiag do" thrbugji (he a oil!; m, 11 oxinarly of Gr'o- od.36 years. aUrLuq,�Oii6 night last 'a amount � that they Claimed Ile , undeipaid cad ll pitc(s, .Ccil win. that Eli olition It.' .013srlll� =biltt deell RICO th, in rail Ill) MJ.. Gillett ter twority cents,, bbini the hi600llgh set in . so qrb ., violoatd . at�ffrst, bu, a few cents it pound Ly ilia pr6xi-rniiiy of.il)i,6tx�t�tivotttiiil'foi,oiii,itidustilI as tile wpek, a large tree fell Across Clio track of, I society." his haivokbol out uf ti N for admittance to the grounds at ill& latilil 'subsequently hedid. nob mind it as. touch. Buston. is only place WhOve Ali& I id I ­ a. YO tOWD, Wbktt does - i inly v.-ratAy for 0 ruattor of; beJ4_ Ill & B.11 -ill Wade'& btisli,'n entr tit is )rl ge or, .,Whose Paper a.ra to a a �show,- -ho, Ilea ' thinking. it wotild Soon. disappear. - Itald 01 P ALL 111APIP, -nib to ?I lar,1, lielt�ly tile entire Consorva'tive pteag place. Being discovered, IIIQI1 -Wiciiii Beat -a revi"I is ' noddeff, ai lmost ovorybody 0ober 9i. Mr�., Gillett considered. ob, however,. and- then ho� tried. sever -a beptelle I And-thqu thO. 0-66"cii0n, its tile will. Admit but Clio �Ilcstiou is 11-61y is it to right to enter the groiands - As often as, he D t,) I A inet principal I lank -to remove I -, And -it In I -One ad -lug -41M A Moolfi, I . . t . ail ordei�d to flag ail Ilia' ill nanved Ismao Davisi; ailed 60 was 11 th`�-Ir phttforra; a of the;,in 'n'g train, it un'der1o3c, A 0 . 4 -in alid who will, iijitiato-it I foil, Chose for .. -price Of issioln., Tkxdgo oe ioem, 6, a4ch aa diink. nine N ORPIS-TOX apLoacIn but ..wits dii his residisfice Oil I-Itinter street * ' * 1 r0*+&if14ff'fr0bl Mglaiid, X will for a f- weelzcfiL Hughes deoidod,6 ha,.uot, 'so ve to tt it headway it, 46 constantly publi Torci to btirlit t9 eath. Ile was, alone UQwf1 Of P nacefti owever, lye. wbuld C' I butter maker wcould have to. Ry the ex6. icney of tbuir pit '' h muc flag4dd aud erO P -bao; k0ict'tbab fail t d offer the whoole o%'iny, Bnglislk call atte Ilia baclo, s, ell like' viVall Papers. tra f efibottliali fiow And Riolcindi& :611111 Loo Y! of Slate hours, and uluch wore lc� omme0 Where the cobstructroil wapi.w dig 1'4 . isoodL for tfi'Ofurtl , iiii�. otath 14P session appom -enquire., ulla . I An oi�izootib tute-broken out ill the a Ile became alanmed for L6 follt,4 re ' - -AA t A C T- U A �'C'O S'T ver) ongst the Wn or evoryminute.— the and'this . committee, in. order to in. tile into ilia �uses of -the depressiQn oftrade ill. .:6 p ance of this, lhat,'atid ih6 other roliji6ti a nurse, and-thq,latter ak,a -dervant His .0ra part 0?,,L6hdo*TOwu8IIip, a eto those who had caused f I i, was fortuaatel� remcivo�d in titn' both al�erkt. The former is oil taTk accident.- in S jettinj vemic price of butter. The r'eal j). ob) C1*10,, 44060' lilArojazi 6V(1jIiJilg.-b h ses, of i� Uloat it uon-thirrood with renewed,vml Ut mer" As, 4AUgUtel: lott 06king, his, , Oro come to an iat6lligent*decisi9a:0iX thiibibjeoi lo When Ills head iQugue becoilies paralyzed, and &;;ell$' dolrolused a nuohlier of t I promineint Orr, the prie 'I tL 0 advised -tp, cliantable butter is not fixed 4y. the .1 0.03 wan alulost. was _go It nro b ilia In" Iona c trulyo-to makwoe shave that-tho do.oll- �ouch ail extent tlia�., the animalis' un;., 9 Y, 0 iri fii6fiego men,. amling cot ord-to the well-known master,!oUthis t6w*n; has adoepted ill :boss. His wife 'mada.' Win 1161; coffae, 0 Po tT, a pb e� 40 markets of ilia large to S J a$ w.ho weiri do.' able either t6 eat or drink. . From the per wn an citi' of iialiticat ecolitimiA, Mr. J, S, fooroii, sitioti of heal mastoir of the it 0 _104, t IS an Intel] 01111 Th. Ile'l�*d��Ui�ln�ia-0f�)II�.6�.1l't'�)-�t� 10 0 n cd At voted to a llfwof Viety.; but, skill flit-oo fact gosai of il' dig "0,.L !Ito: tciilgtic�y Ilia,: this coun try, but by ilia English waiUt high school,-, tv which Via 'tQn'd'tOr WAS'A ill* I- - tiC thoi iieiib to every clogo cobairve�)-, tile. an's reaon; for not rough manaer that bid-, reply will forbi the t , Ile eaW dical aid alTorde.,bot little relief. -Tile iiii r ilk'as pq appatito was entirely. g6no.-, I e bogran 0 at) 1L in Wl'rosll , ' ' 6 ., exclusive] i8of tile repti close of"the, School here- forlhe Chrlstw piety Iently'Yadical -cllarac- ar a fire starting' lit lixalls in the jnost�evilruciating the to X . � y. The price at which it its has A of the, conitilittole. lot of aguilicti 1116cough was s bad 'htr;' case holioltiys..; By lll#­'clalioirbur�j ter Cc. ppake theta hon6ilt, truth -loving and 'at OhIlia, Ont., re Tito 'pain, AMoore givesas the principal,ci�ses. bf the pee- _Qlinton tongue 0raing. perfectly black.. ve- as. ever.. The d6dto� was sent for. Ile H ING b1spOsElli OF-. ray-�OROCERY-33U NESS fwllossrs� ]R�Jld & Lur, notice Z'fl L hereby will lose a very -efllclent�teachei�'aud Carle. 16 is to be ailill, mith�a lok of lumber And cautly t y�� Clearly d 0 94911 that ail partl�a indebted tonioroUfit caRana set. sold in EnIland leaves but a-sma�ll mar- . hil sent crisis. iiethe Stites (1) kover-production in - a from d ims-a6rving spirit., torivaries have ito the to -Ops .0 gin to the different par War , (2)an irrideein- '6011 . Place willidcure-.& moister Of no' mean able r�perty, was clostroyed. Tito. jury df, no admi'istered. ti6ilty .(It ties through -congequenop, of tile late hoped that some 6no will beilduild vvith- lie their accounts BEFORE TRE MUST 01, DEC. able paioc�-eurrency.evar. . varying . ill value ability'and titerit. Tito -�;ciard have ell . 6 'd Ilia oelfishroess W,LLS The fjeA 'bat 150.1 -volatile nd fifccien of other in -JABIES ILUNIXE , It. , ff , L I �Je. Site xpfficio�rrt Courage. to,raise his Telco list gat whose hands it and the difference gage( PPavd, AtIlregalit con' the fo of till ge,* so )y ever born, lit flensall CUDCO21, No'V. 1876: And (3) tho's6lizeless fiigh protective tan and . lth rmalit� afil vice a a of'so re censtive, i . . . axatioll'of ail klect the Common School, to. fill its appearalice the other, 6vening that did not do any'good. Tit braneboa .6f in daistiY, togetbei with, the do- the . positiori thus vacated. Miag OoNiJill,- Th jTAa all L anapi0joa$, marriage AL tile ftilhor: bbing ill the cost of transportatiom bet 7 eon the consoquent opjirossive. to -0 �111�410 JU61islrd Blatchfotd, ail Wind , the other diy�, Tito I tried i0­d-inr1:1hq__aIaii'u rilind fvolU"' h*dbred Caffle" for hed say Clintom.and Toro'nto, and Clinton, Coiling iliall liarts'ottlie world, He also of the Common School,'takeo the pco, -U0LnESVJLtX, iialt--was -so groat was ilia enth-usiaim of Mi, Jag. it, 1. . . . - lices ion I Otte girl, 11 arried another, Vett� -6a the advent 4 the flrsh baby- into u to -pcool is the tit ' at -frifle. ell rs into an extended anotftbaustived, 40 611ga (I if? b tlb'whs all to no purlicisoJ.' 'Ile than rRs FIV =M) OP, and Livin ere niCf second as Istay with It a dasi rait, Gff t . lot , s,E1DscRIDEn OFF sba of the each of..thead causes, an an h4ty."Arolm a . DnAuATic'. -Tbe. Clinton Atuatisur Dra Eli eg so hard lici Ole Ilensall, lit made hitniolf the.dollok clavo1beln! of JL (10WO Butt Jn strviifg to I)i An. The pyls. in Durlinoutso.9 for Said. , Three of tlijom -ova that the American ref9idtifee to tho - third nome people- cannot * proville. thenisith;eo with a u silk utribrol. of $j5 to,,!�rd's As.au indu8isiniiiii; to� '.�ncl drove 16 w t6 I)kddaro fpw.dap. - Apply to ivalid�Sociosty are rehearsing hard f.pr their 14, sohVit fon 81.25;, -1 -for pirts tile p ate t . co - I . bio, Was sent ll;gll tariff is, such -all' expe-66ivis luxury firoli"ontertaintaigiA, which takes place in eae Is 6d others -to tnigr � , r vibilicine., S41,01odhic.-cough coil-. GRANT, Londoa. Mad thitt; the burden of ahirrede6mable Paper cllr� in Ilennall, Ito 611eri $10,16i tile next, inaiiuf�cturerd,zan unt:191--sell those in houe:;tjy with the n a8aii scof life, n(Ithcre The vvlf6: Cilia fore helped themsellv6s to about '26 pounds 0 anc inAlftoen minutes after the reli ey is faig a flen I to i A"wo three'weAs, . and which. we, thb'4k; fion, -whilo the ilext tho unibroll! I this c6untry, hnd thereby close Cl -bito in compAri%pon- beef; oil t. of W. March' a. for the 11 ith ra. ,�Ii a kito: y A little judging from ilia neiv�pceiiery dnd 098. oil arch thwoUrer i bi.iftlie'rition, . 6n Ivouday', 'a Is- taU0, plae . 6, witlifil o Debto 'am U 11ta trove that the,-greseot high. lgL Thl, . N Otidet.. r a kills- seeilkled ill every ho entirely dep'tts front thoo truth. Her fattly debars the, United Statos noto' rafacturers'.tu Inez corderdoil, will be the,'Sest giien by Will likely Iti%ver a big time oVer it. V holpil. Glibliatir, want int -a hket for their surplus prc-. therm yet, and tberefre, no doubt, %' full 0 . . _* OTZQE Il .4 EREBY GIVEN THAT AM D35BTS from finding war Toiouto,kno �Ivblled says : W0JAcbok9tbem.- t --JAWCritma in: btbor countrigs,'alool as a natural wit its tile Clauibridge� a greati.claal houso� will greet tbela'on their first akpilear- ijir Sllorl'-011e day last -week, Ali. Scott -a Tit the of Port Wiwi lives 4 fa. title to the undersigned toi: inest outiv.6bo Paid 1: -years the a Urd otiap, and askarl'for dinner. Ile beford.be died,-aild be Ooiiitiiici fore the IsC of. Docembu-not"ther In one ilistance it only took a few liloolitils in the course of a few nce fovibil seas Tito, play chosen Aby. I n hamosdWhIteside. 0fitheNth,abotit pub into courPloi collection.. ! honialuarket mroWbovorais over-stbokid fit) of the lIuron' Road, ollot -A door -whidt. was -tell o'61ock Ili the his suffe'riligs "over_'Poes. _-XITOLBit. to do this. The Dundas burc:w Compoloy T. 1,.,Wilkes, outitleil, The Seven Clerks, alaking'for flic, river. -. lie mAolo a rogmaivailly �Irasiold to Awl dinnr ivotildshortli ri were fo Ile ready. Ile sit rl(Avu and pI . Clinton, Nov; 1, IS' reeLl to succural), owing to the two rand bait libell, played sllvb, patting tile ball through 441 be ., filed a left her home to go to a neighbor"pI Idikving, 74 American factories flooding the market, while tile industry of tile 66uhtry is made bankrupt. tirac cities in 91Y�01111.11 iltesged it *eighed 80 poitude., piqco of nioat out of him p.00ket, Vrocooded. ttee-little childroa behind her, the coldoid," our factory, wbiuh gold -out it) i fr] 4n, soncle of the I msf6lluwsthoprcaentePIf-__ . I I Papps luttl lnr to 'a a boy uol; six yean Of ag, nothing whatcy hom, �oulkl do a unporritig certainly of tile great guccess.n. K-oxpeltoo or,trb-tible %vill f. Ile soon 60111111011ced to vouii6, a. -After bain-, To Contractors or acro�s ilia lines, owing to-tho '!sit policy .14 sviih tit * A falso litrw, extra.duty of 274 1)(ir cont., whiell had to Ile lwA of gravitation." It Air. ooiro!s stift-, be, aparea, (.6 make thio it most eiijoyablo thiAlled, Ott tile farm of Mr. J. jlayti� Trum -nod ill about tell inifimTs blid down aud, left alone for scome thno, ;�,nd the a) llirZ L Of fird C�ea'fOtf_- _Paui-E acy 'Chiroliscothoatre ISan Fran6isco" last Monday O'UCLI IS 11=13Y GIVIRI;- SEALED. entertainitiont, and cluothat, will woell merit, rowl,'sevanty bushels' of spring wheolt lit 95 died. g0ttiligi cold, tile boy tried to light thei firep hi -ht. * The building Npa browded autl Clio Tendord will be received ley 116 undersigne paid on their goods," 111011t rcgardi�g the'rosults of a proteeLi minuteg. ny pora�ll. who Caft I eat thlol) we d, lit J -I-Cot, it io'difflatilt to itee how the -the Aupport slid patronage: of tile P�, tile, various 'i Lorne shipped fl-olli and lit olcolug go his clothes b�cauleignited., by the- -�Uilionce'io bly the, hid Office.. ul), to Noon 9,C title Mitt of Nov. Instead of. it bein- as lie states, ii al�o cot wtotild like to beat front. for buildhi# a bridge on 0mon. Mead 2.8. Lot 2 towriolilill ar'tariffin Cnda should' Cliklon. Lhip eumitry-to liritdin', and Mdell pro. Ho�radhltcojlie street screaming. and' a miur' . I .. f- - 13RUARING T1113 SAWATU.-SOU10 Ifidiall-I ail 0 0 meaus of exit, , itumbor a, persons wero ollrul. bridge.) -bletlY antl 110 lithev, li�ftkd U d threw thrown doWn aiod trampled Cot,' Tito' police speelficatfoult emu be soon ab his officlo. The Council do, was quite the contrary. The Durtilaq Offset of:rolitivillg�Oar in- DAsz, BALL. -:-Tito foillo w i I ie is tile record living,iti a swamp, near ill to inisag to -bo -one of incroasilIg iniportitneo, Youlij girl tooit a pll of wittor Iot6 (Iodown ad X01[10hadl', 11 sigoill Sorew Company wits ja a floutL'shin' with wbich-they 6f ETa713Iu6'1%1obkihg baae'baR_�Mb­of this forest T'ing with the" sound of tljeir axes dn muit,bo ranked Clio apple orbil. We aro' it over -ilia child. Ilia clothes were %I1 olvaggod out the bodies 011twouty dead poisons not blixd Ch.onscivea t6-iccci3t the lowesE or oiny tond&�. are new. Cowl), for thd season of 1870, which is very* Sunday. St)inal)eraoniwoiiiddbiir4tosen(I VICA91)(110 notice that Seaforth is not lack. buriled tiff him except li.is,boats and sto�ctkw a6d about '�ii6g4iiioiiumborof-,voitudecl, The BAAITn1VAIT1,3, condition, And ilia American compally t filgin eitterpriso lit this particular, 'Mr. ings, atia Ilia body wits literally rdaatcd�', .(-!hin(!80 TOititied to rentl6t, any aosSt.,mce Ana, Township Clerk, good 'consierin;, that this is ilia first year theta an.alm.anio or this Uft 6monabOoll thio actors Continued tile perform4l) found it could not manufactuio in the pr, of A. Malcolm, ofthis pldco, oil Wedilosday, Tito little sufferer lived till seven o'clock CO until orlifig, when death pah'an and to. they woke stopped by the liqlicc. Hou�e-�6-nd Lot for Sale. SONAt, POTIM L, -R.E,0 IZ4 X D E N 0 9 shipped1idia Seaf6rtli station 27 carldadi ill tho'OV I - . 00B States sufficiently Cheap for foreign lle 1h, Clinton Too, 11ruceflolds..,46 to 19 3,780barrels-of choice fruit, Carefully so- hid horrlhlQ sufferings. At Port 0(4hoT ItE 9URSORMER OFItItS, TIU11' CdNVEN1_ Ilia resignation of Ilcon. M. Geoffiion- Zuly 80, Clinton To. Goderiob ....... 2� too 8' markets, in consequence of the -heavy- looted and paeked.-.4caforth no, oil Monday eveningi 'T rNTLY Situated house and2 lots, ororrinclosgsticet, Inetantly Aug. 17s Otinton vs. St. Mars,. � �.25 to 16: i0ewimV It to lie aistinablyunderitood tbatwe do !lot A very singular. Occurrence took p Ace was accepte4' oil Friday, very re hoildvatselvqsreoponsiblo(or the topinianiailorosgod while a -niati named King, who w -as in - 0rinerly decuplotil bK Arr..T. Ittodp for $1.660. The tool .-Mackenzio, but no other. course oblicton ot. 11ruseeld ...... go twoll byouvelorrespondents. Sitturdayncoraing, an old, traniy, with a, a Grand Trunk other charge of the glycerine %used in the' ll�fb . or arowsillcovoredwIt the lotat quality of -.fruit tIcog, and duty on steel, and it therefore parobagea Ili Ali I)ZrEATS, ci�l ill Railway the huge bundle bn his back, called at Mr. ol�y. A freght trairk-was proceeding east, improvcinonts,- was after it stippli at. Clio theta is every convenience cohnoetea'vilib, the bousei �;as possible, as, Mr. Geoffl-rion's, health Sept. 114 Clinton Too. st, the Daudats Compny's works for. the ill not him id.continue tbe d"ares of to 2Z. or of the eta Pia. Notmark's houtio in Vnion,rodar St. Thomas, when near what is I;nowii 4s "iBrand'is" mal'aZine, itift. explosi6ritook.plate, blowing IMSIS-Ouc-thlid dow IV TO the gall tlluenool wilirint purpose of manafactu I th,* * r championship of the. ar Porb ITOpoj a ca n the Contra of tile ilia mail. to lijaces, coal riug screws for ex. ofr1co, The cup or a Junico begAing for something to Mra. Nor- no y a few fra�merlts,of" County !a. held by the Wroxeter club, but. 1. DicAn,ft,-As a new election d Coattail- iinkilig ^him Ali objecit of pityj told train broke looso from the rest, � and ran'off, bo4y being found, It. shattered thii brib APIA31t to portation, because material could St.John Talegraph,-, Ve did ficil; know. lors, to,rallreseut tho diflerent wards ill town ClIntont Nov, 1� 1b7o. which legally 'belongs to Cars) As the And 41d* damingo to number, -9 be �ob, y haid hia sit down* - Ana brought him is plate lid track Arid down all. tiallankment into work of Clinton, will shortly take place, wowword tained cheaper. llat all tile -p�oplo of Ontario, Or even.& challenged them several times to plai, but witU bread alid bottev tond' A: dish of per. ;he lence, witholat.boing noticed, Theris houses in tha neighborhood, and broke ninjority of tbem� were Protectionists. It its they were'very anxious to hold ill ' in regard tothe same, MAY not be athism. iIofVp8, but be waa not saiteld, )eing a clown gradd at'this point, the p Strayed alve'S In connection with this su�jeeb we they ar,'ik is singular that they. - have go a cup For tile last, few yeiliss 126 imp.013tande flag Arising to art windows all ovor tho-villago* Tho'osvplo. the season, and knowing that they olleotida of in"ielpal of for I '1406t, with a 106 hab was detached kept up close to, tile Sion was heard for miles in'over direc I., UY TIM "'Mr - command the follc�wing extrual; from' it many,rapresentatives ill Parliament wh6 . beel, ttached to the - ' IV k of scorn, lie aiii1i I I! Would suftor a disfom4t; at the hands ficers, and me!! whcl,ku�w no qb tpuoh that ; I want tionte light sponge mA14 train, but on reaching a level the van Callao Of tile eXplogipli, inyit' are Free Traders: of our morolos" a Cwc Ory� 1-7 lenabout the 20th ot Speech of the late Lord Palmerston). to club, they alwaya put it off by making some schoolboy ten YjAra Of age and are not 10 to d6 being accommodated ilia *old was nolicad to be nilcoupdaa* It ws re- At Torciiiiii, on after October, FIVE SPRING CALVES, tvvo tonn, cue ankil- The X, Y, of Wednesday, greatly ed, and. proceadea to Belleville Ir, no011 two ly whitailuia'two red Ana wlijte� tour aro.oicers, nud(Ale, the calm consideration of projection is 1;q, says Leta Do, ..very allin excuse, which I& an unfair way of re-prellent'a place half tile size of HOlmolsville, ,sitaflor went away muttering his discontbnt, collpl b(IVis Ilanled Mathew 'helfor Any poison folottug ouch Infoeicatipa as will lead. 16on4n. hag, met with A warm hldhig-their lanvoli;, have been elected. 'Clintoll ig IIOw` i-igill 1 0 oviAelitly'con5ldering himself ark ill-uged where tile Cbriductoi counted 4to qNTA aAd nd bliarles aucobs, red 12,'atolo to thil, be suitably rawapdol. Wily Is ilia earth on which we live divided Welcome homot andsiliat he said of the splen. be a town of some Ana it is fliall found 6401 thlohAva 00411 hdt WhlAey fr61n: nt�drtinkeli.niiij, and Cap. into'zoliesuad climat4s,.. Why do. dilletent, !li(l MpgatfilLP Of - 011110A at the C014011,11141 psat season has.not- bean time -that mail of some cifergi unit ciountritis yield differaut productions to 1) wus adt inappropriate to anah it us COCA. the I ku . oat . prollitious (or c6esentakers, for, Tolsh be jury,, gin anelle(l to otiquiros Into* the, count for, turing alittle follow lianiedPatrick Conroy, placed at will atteu( to tile on Mouday,evening last D. Adams And sa�v 11 y6argi old, Ilel sion ltq Ilia -grooting to the peopljoyo Ottawa'. beaidea being tin unusually dry one,- caug. intgrests of the %Ila do,the bughieto ill 041190 -of - the eath, of - Henry Thomas of. hil lilt thoy a Thanks. experiencing similar wants 2 Why Are tIldy, . t I e intarseeted,by inighty rivers, i NVO should like. to be abld to Accuse 1�jtn Of lug A short supply of milk, Cho price has lie naturalftllgh. the flo4a, And GiLawilv'roturiled a vardict-of suicide by and put lip -At poured. ilia contotwt cofthe bDttl dowlillis ways of nations ? Wily are. lands moist d1s. I Gastit'g, but %76 'bight 68 well Confess that ruled low ; bift,' totwildlitandirig, we un- act have the piece aisupietl bylitich a lot of' hAngiag while temporarily insalla, A,,Aosr. 'LairdIs ' Temperance Hotel, -About 8 'throat. [14. wag taken to Ilia lie tant from each other brought Almost filto-con, It(, Cola the simple truth."., , arm in this neigh. man wbo-have� been sitting at ilia loarol, for idi. of, Miforhib4t I ro said ink come iiiieun- .�Po the nolol ol, the '111olit. derstand the manutaoittLe a Circumstances a' O'clock ill ilia dvotil .1fra, 'Adams had scions, And die(l. oil Sunday, Tito two faetti;-Proi amt tact by tile very means which meant to tlivide The following'pift hontenco is. front the bothoodhave cico&4 tile make with, I% fair the last year. td:.,liavar brought on mental dopressioti. Occasio I n to go- down street, but Iiall lip boys IC-mungh and Jacobs, have boon 'ar. (10,; of, them? NV]iy,Eiir,iblsinoi-deriliatl'ftalljnhy Pointed JJCU of Afr,* Ocirlwin Smith : I have avisraga, profit, both. to themselves and their. To give you all examplo of how business is wrtstol*a letter t6 buo of Ilia sisters and sooner left.tho hotat whon alto was, seized rasted,- but worts aeflivitted.. OUNIfLUUnit'-pleltoll so'cept; iny thiallq f6v the PrbTft13t Y6 dependent upon man ; ib is that the Ox- read, ivith in the last six months, A� good deal patroini. The factory, erected by Ur, P. aouo; the,following will show : &me time ago a jollosville to by oome persons u own audgatifootor inau�or in which your Adjustor ling this changeof commodities may be adcompaule I tiler. to'a young lady - in 1 nkn arid dragged In. 14itshill, Scotland, 6110 uirtwn, A, Agy settled ani Pam my Alton agaiiist,7vue Cornpaty, gin not 1) oratory, iftirticulArly that of this Cone StrAithA Son last iprlilg, near Blytho tand our Town Ba;na made an applidiftion to tbd w 6na he was engaged. - This it,�he second Around into the stable. of the hotel and minor, fifty years of n6I b ' �for Iona ilia ditriage Sustained by' fleci on the Roth 09 by the diffitsion of knowledge, by ilia exAsugii servative leAder, ell the subject of Protection, conducted by, them throughoti.ut thi BeAscill Council tot assistance, and ineteiA of bringing visited 'by two 'men. She finally ascappol 011110"Ma011 a oi4o. thab has been Committed them ra, I . ... 0 � ItP. I of mutual benefits, engendering mutual fid tha opinion which I ba:ve fdred is that the matter up and having It tttlly� disoushed, it '-distressed by iloinq no!,, 40 wot Clotted a few weeks Ago. The busindsis uOtIod what thin I% few (lays, ind A third d4s& is- ex� to tho botlsi'and informed her husbandi ghboris gosgip feelings, multiplying and confirialhi fdandly -it the politicians who about for Picotectionizin doon6 has been o' was treitid with contetaptandi$ lT1IOXA$. n a settle that waallatlifac. relations. It is in order that commereemay tildxyl xLnd who shouted Ju9b as P I I think, 1i 'be broughtrto-ligh very. shortly, who 6 once had Wm. Fitzpatrialrutralited- -4 loadly. foe _no, taken of it'. This,. 0 ral.'Tayl6v on auti i * ' ' pacliago pf'dykia -v 0 -power t0h to on pic�on. his house 4 Ue, about ivi Ar. coolk n, sr., j�jrent, ClintoU. freely go forth, leading P&tr -gentlemanly liationer, 4n rre ome, lilwarrant And NN. hand, peace with the other, to rander mankind whAot, to do, t We Ats Qf a iispiesirits to�morrow, theywould not know those' whii hatd had an Opportunity of test" Sho"*,ziactly. who, , I tillett, t6kei'the Is diYA 8&'-' Yd" in t air g6ko rl. Harris Una Am 'is- And would brod iby doing nothing. . �Thd,Coift. U 'TO. latioag, �nt its the woman rSir, this'is Ilia (it Jovviii-Igon who irp ignorX df the first cod a niece of liat, happier, wiger, bettei rroloolooce- it oicellenti ilia his, wh� diz I Of, 0011110178" Entran.cie Exami �10n, pensation of Providence'; this is the decree of gervatiVe le.Aer cannot imclude English -goods, TV, I y endorse, having, totted teipliss of business#, And who should, never W 416 agoo 4fid he has been colald not id'afitify the Accused, oviidg. to tand that they at 16 Allowed -to sit at 0, "Coundil Boat& The -'ill 6WS of hotL 4iath boolamis. the dir"E1161111 At the time 'of ilia. petbatm. that power which crotatecl anti disposed tilt anil bari too much sense to glange into a coon. lit q -lit, 6 Ituderi strum to O� match. Loriftig Over blib XIMMUIRATWN OF PUPILS 170DAIMIssfoU morelaViarwiththaVilite def 6 * 'package 'whi(Q) 'he httd oil the too the Ilfgh School, Clinton, *Ill bo 11414 (I)XV) 1A tion of tb6. ontrAgoo, it dism ased:r_ A universe, Away, then, with tfiosa who, with ulfilisix will be Conducted of! a baud has bemi isthiggling to keep ilIdDING106 lcuoyr On, earrogant and presumptuous folly voul(t, fatter other -at till otganizatiou, Allit it h ghru"d lie lihted the' "strum." At Notwithstanding ilia frailtioIncy, with, fat- oro oxtoolibliVe toile, i1ext year. The tog ilia b6014 BrtuMs Post, t the inborn Onelrgieg Of MAII,; Who wt)ula got up 'Which the question has come up In the prection Of a failtoor lit* that tibighborhocol, Bug iostold that a subsooriptioi liolt be OnAid in, !a,. wo observe be. lit 86mo boys ran t6viard Tuisday wodnesday, Wei 190-96k tn6deude man t h. their own mloorable legislation to oppose the be totally 11he r liolieft, but this I ao not *htbk right, Ale tild dies A 61000r' 00 a oaf Vito hill vlo. It," Acontila Ddildoin, it i At. courts, some, persons appear to �z a fortuilogto thing for the foliorts theie. 9 timizod many parsons I X00p great standing lAwo of natural tHcou6 I hiLve �Alwilyo helpolit the band whet taze, Wnk for, a moment that to - putvty nada, *48 at- , bac unaware of the"ibillortance of communica.' . uill, adorrill totted in liondom, last Talsadity evening at "forthe or yott will be 09TTUXRY,�Wa, have again to w000r4 asked to do 010, As It is the plajso of tho'cof Aeut, hundreds of thouiands of -to the 'danco of -a Clergyman, whora he wag 'blown into. -eternity III hdjured T1113 EASTERN WAIL (trig all ehang4m in tenantl"&O" the departure of Ono of Huron's dest Nat. all to give thatil. o; yearly. grant r i6lr sup. rc1s'b0,a to be sacriflceid,' Would they the rest Thus goad, aster, compatileti in Which the prop6rfjr is Insured.' 01 '1110 a atla litjonslatir that t6,provide Rabil,trappings angagodL with A: select circle of ladies) and the boys dia keep back. Not I�M6 then. the 19th q tiers, it the dedis a f Win, Ay * 0 port, l6geentsiotranp1hat, The 0 1�-;JVeMher, f A party mayea=1 has not inf6rmea the It town 6t t6 counf;y,mith the cl*6 a 0 it - brought before the Pillide Court, Ed gi!0a 11 the 95tht qt a 70' Y 4 Ila hod become the moda there is 14.9arrad 0 It is stated on trustwort IV tilt au- d mou i �- Ask - of a X, u r L H I U Lab t�Wlffusmian ultimatian hag been - la be 0 &V 41;CII1.041J) J)DWA li�C Clio colutiallY would not havio It I gkily thirty, years of6go d And wAS At allawlefully, an it lit 6 11 pold when rioted ofiligatern. It hit% 'been statiscl himself 6A a son Of-tho organist of St, ly. S. InAptator, accepted, and that 1 lablo.for-thil amount hituradt, and It ii-ould once iont to the conlinen and became one We have a now Council, that so a Provision good Authority thak,thera, is much 'dan. London, En'g. 111s; kog�eAa iroin 9-1111thry A18011plino in Chill% is vory, have tbatod, with tile board to tiny wfiethar of Wellington"s soldier whom Ila will be made for their Ali or gar l' -such a result, An& n faco of' the 'Quebec- it is atated L has boog, Ono sories: of geiOre, ately, AS a band of soldiorg has been ootiolude(I-botwesh SL'rvia Ana it glioula Ile paid or not, 7xistire Ill o knotherma6terwhiolia ea thatillarcAlwof I� do. the town materially is, that no finiascatocils or growing domatia fQt fe %theta, it i's vroorth Impositions citi &uZoal itnl 9104�al peopU,.' Wiis J)eing mtkohod Cho , tow %(jkYe4L till AfCDV' the b%tJl4'76T_W&ter1OO' BUSU Turkey. 'The prospect f6r D'ofted wall to bear in mind this 0466 fil poll it, 110ing soul;wllat; of A, tuAllip'st 1"an, ho was OPORP qrogaf up for P while asklDC whether fbAhl u slilkIl be par- Of Whom Ito ina4d tho -6, oblio libliday-A, nd tile OfSOOOLOW, of one of the the Oplycortulliti ifills ft'Ifoord. ponds on aft - case tit gro.A crime Avid de r daLloh boon made gergpillit and Attached to tile town. is oouseqllelitl�, degorte(l. by mitwd to destroy the bird population, f6batkaythaill. Rahasawidoknowledge Mark wa's attradtod bs, 01 of Clinton ou�a tlict they Surely that "men 6f Can4dol Ate, gractiful of Musloal mett, lit Englinil which, Added T`m ed her. has coma to light. Yor gotuo,yo ta two or oommissistitit whereby he wbo�, if, Choy had any iolMoutagetivent to stop A pleasing address, gave li Prince (lortseliakoff intends three iagged littio namild 108lie 0104ped, the suftrings Awl dangers of ilia at home, so, losavitil m iv tilsAj li,04061Cthu libotty, have runhand tile Grocery Buloiqpo forroeltv mouisy hotil, lJoidgh lit tligmsolves to toqulra! no bar.. to by,, It At thd Oil$ #dcifntilani, of foAtheraj Alioli As jile otittree to soclat�. Oil ouad,.,� last ho of patting llok-clleo� ao'.110 I;as4od. Up hey Will bo pltaotd tO Meet kit the Old aethe Wauggeation for a contaroince linva heart bogging. about - TAndou And ex� teld, At tfib 010#0 Of the WAr he 'was, Old stand, WUNY I JIONY ones Kid MAY I�Ivbf thoill Olt�ng Charity Ity-their forlot'll Una stari-ed was Aisoliarged, Ana Ito then Commenced ito Mr. Holiteir tbAt evbi5 small ROL64 in this uses of African bid ludirIn aborgirtoo altO Od 1 0 organ ILE Sit, Paallh pritrig 010 Ontragod lady, Alid roj�) Jed oftetonteri'And &A M&W parVof,the 00111,tiy gan prolflf of tt,61 Lo 'litailea mail ozilibition,of Ilia Ili 'good Set ildviln� iT110y hjy6 vl% hand 6116160, of the Powora) but olijects to d repro 416 , to for t1jo tidt�n hn(i It now turrib. out that, their fAthor blihinesif fit Londatif- mi& continued fill fStock of IL81 oAntatiya from Turkey being .4dhiltiod;- is all gbia. I)odiatt gn, wht) flag 2, 'When Ila oinigtated jo ihi# countr Nintolit llgh)g thos only exceptimi, while en- Wets, tio was ilklroduoo'd,ta �hb family turoug warriov to, a 'Lit cr 110i k f6vt Imdiag voill(I at VJ o r " 04 f lie botter tailway facillues than most of amol. millao, SEW Qlllco� tit tile, top of ber ill�llfva voice. Tho ofll.� it ig expq0ted, hilwovbr, that 11bosia will keeping llfiug� fill; wife Wing deAd" And, gottlisil, oig the lot, on th6 llueon real, O()Ywi 1) g 'S folfipOdf, 4114 806 '66116 idelled 'A Iarg6 lixim- 114 f I think it be PIACOol fit and t6ok from tile rest or A011011 they 690? tt *at. Aid JbAt there ate 6thor Able inam6ers of ITO bill which IM'YoAldoct tilto; toso. yet agree to y6ars ago. folllil ill till 6 000tW. These abil 6 *0 Choi oldobt Aet rot find 0,11 opork glass. 116 do6p 6611votood' lit Ah i �fj WhIolh Wilt to- llor� the, poiled next yoiiv, ais)Wip4*111 lid Itut. coil, pteppod till koff ifltolosts on illarotIgIl g lid ft' (1 lofortil'! der of -that road" wnd Will to Lava ionic Araugo )ritAont, vago for JoAthor boo J114viling, wooltill wlig 0%riljolt. olk,skg. Also Obtained on falso - proton odiivo 0 b.(Jg inprdar 'to Alipply thos. TeA0#8 behind P460 ton. - Ttttgtlit� Produca-Yak6ft In Exdh There is some prospect of tin lArgol dt(iwd I quietly tbi) patient ; it itt drAIV a Ke 'I'Don'tbialto nots father bond, 'Clio wonihn *till (66V - pty tho hardshilld th4i 110- was 601AP011ed 0 At(A ton Uluelt';cift y6ur Y&I'lAbld At iho barlb()aj. Ptotu Me, ones, or Allist of the 068011PA. �rl t �0 � -0 6 obill to ment of the diffietilty allmili Clio tl in b6ilig "nI Of littlo'birda Alit4l JA & AVatilloo AlAthodifft. Ckoh, Ird 0194d6d, Tito soldiers Imaged onv, tix 4 1W Stang tin I in, AV it 4 t tho, windergo in the ofirly 86tilefileat. '61 illio, 400611 roloally, gation of tho armistin ut doo 40,01 tho finior Put to balt.4hi Of fth_ h0arL Q6 MAU,# Ilice of tka POWAY& lie Iwo two 4cifit %-44 ihot blifil6it, datL gl ' till, 18,114, U441*044 fig.1 01ty '0011#4 ookulfifth to Mom hit, diffilm tatuist, SO Mon kld� tiioaroti' 404 "14koily &I With ;rr_0 D 0 R. la tva been t' 3'. D C y h u l b by le Vo be t a . .... ... .. .. . ....... ...