HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1876-10-26, Page 4'111111111.111111•1111111MIL
Scraps and, Gleanings.
Tltere Are. 1,50,0°Q11 (14.11()Iile
• Englaue ate 500,900,000 fresh .egg
—last yeSr•
'Ouglaters tubasse costs hot! $13,900.:
_ per..yeer.
Virginia p.tys .$12,000,000, for liquors
The English dog, tax last year realiZed
Calitorttie matle 13,000,000 gallows or
Oltipago sells $5,000,1)00 worth .01;
jewellery every year..
There is eue elergyntait to every 700
Porsono lo the States, . •
The value of property inseredeo Lou
don, Ong., is 4540,000,00Q, • .
The worth of 0,000,000 bermes ie the
United Statise is $000,000,000.
There are 700 worIcingmen's clubs in
Etigland, with an aggregate membership
of 120,000. ,
Toe inilliOns of oranges are eaten in
Paris every winter. Their present price
is ten•cente each: -•
It, is a.stigona upon a Ulnae() family
if the daughters are not married liefoo•o,
r• witting at the age or 13, -
• Th_s Paris jaklin deft Plantes has re.
eently received -a Chinese plant; hitherto
unknown in Enrope. ehangea color
three times "
A Poughkeepsie wide* has obtained
v0r,diet for $S00. damagea from *the
liquer:selTersieliti meld her Imsband five
rin ks ef .cidere.a.andi wit hie efteen
There are ;theta 120 lawyers in the
English. House of ,Conateene, of whom
unly Heven are ,solicitora, all the, rest
eeieg mentliers of the bar, 'There are
about 18,040 lawyers in Eetgland and
Wales. . - .
• _ A Texas newspaper avers that a man
*Ito deliberately strangled iris.' infant
at the christening was aegtiitted by a
• jury, becareee he proved .that,. the deed
was committed wheelie wes,.eritzed by
the,sudden discovereethat hie cited re-
senibled his inOtliereneete,
.Sometitiees it eloeseet pay 16 deed all
your property to your Wife irr order that
• yon may not be responsible fer debts. A
NeW Yorleavife with $100,0,00 in her
name hasleken it over to another man,
• leaving heteliusteind impeisoneti• on some
• trivial chaige for the want or $3,006
eeeerne ;Ideate. geittlemett verve '
Every one, yenta* arnis in Welly, bet
. revo Yee iu. thole pookettrwhen they tea .. Ley etvey the Nell duetete. put the '
. . Q... Hi
V. bn11et) of fifteen straw bat on the nail, for• the rude
are aimed with it at Ole leetnrea in dr autumnal, bluster heralde Winter's hitter
Lyceum ; latv has no foyee--every ,one is wail, .
ft law, to Itheseir. The -Military are • to Beee mktrried woosett'rights 1' mike
i • "
poweilese agaltiet the „ thefts, assaults, an exchangq. We StiPlaWnent Of) lineil••
tid .morrifsra net petra Led *.itt, the open eon asitow t,...„(t. leave . wee.
R •
countey. . rod Men ?"
An Engileineati who insulated Ma
bedstead* by ',Whig undereeath eavh
post Woken 1.4 !Nate eaV13 he hail nut
been fine OM» Cliellinalic gout for fifteen
pews, and that Jo) beau to improve
hionediately after the applicatiou ot the
insulaters. A. paper quoting this, wise.
ly says ; 4"Therces many a fellow could
euro hia gout, if' he would break eft' the
bottoms of his glees bottles in time. ,
Dottiel Kuittel died at Feu d Lee,
last week, great apparent des.
titutiote and his body wa$ found cover-
ed with n horde of hungry ats. lee
kept Ivo Old cobbler's ahoy which he oc-
cupied as repair shop, eatiug and stoop-
ing apat tment He never bought cloth-
ing and but little food. Ho had. $00,-
000 in cash in bank, aud $:30,000 worth
Of city property, which he willed to three
nephews ru Germanyamiy_,inff, his boat
to be huriee by -the St. JOseeles Berle-
VOlent Association at thee Society's eee.
PenA81)%tit two. o'cloek the; morning
man roseeup at it Yireinia .faro table,
• where he leid been sitting ate) losing for
honie, AO laying a twenty on a card
said, as he dieW and cocked a derringer,
ie If that doree win send you, to -.,"
The dealer raised_ IfIT:eyes, aridlookat
„ bell Y011 Ser 11,1111111 tryiug to glean
PAPP 00thet •with. a piece of robber,
you eau make up your mind that he lute
been bit 1)y -the hard time,
" Boerd ellitier to
Hibernian permit —(4 Was your buy
burn • in Olascae `f! " No, or ; au' 1
hope lie never will ee !".
A lady.seys it no worse to etieircie a
lady's waist. to a hall -1'001U Min to 1484
your friend's rester on the back etairs.
No worse 1 Why it not half so good.
" L say, Johnt whore, did you get that
•loafer's hat 1" " Fleas() your tumor," said
John, " it's an old one of yours •that
inissee gave ine yeeterday whoa you
were in town.'
A. farmer writes to his country paper
that be cured Ns daughter of the Grecian
Bead byRourtug Water on, her andliold,
ing her olib to dry in the sun neat she
warped hack ,again,
, There is a man ticeen,,Ettet-rather a
facetious chap -whose name is
He numed bis firet child Something; as
it was something new. His next child
was eellett Nothing, as it Was nothing
new. • • ' ' •
eA' yoneg printeee.leSeringeWaefetrethe
from undei the -broad, brion-Of hut slouch - other -day,- to -set -up -the -well -known -liner
hat intoelte reezzle ,of the eietel. He
didn't even change goler, hut carelessly
-remarkinv -4 %It ;el f fleet's all -there is
beat we may as well go on." And he
did. The twenty wont -Virginia City
Chronicle. .••.
• Matrinebuy has seldom been perpe-
trated on so extensive a scale as in New
'York tbe other' day, When sixty-four
thoughtleee people were married al; one
fell -swoop. They were Bohemians. of
the• Czech variety, belonging to a oniony
who only strived in this country a year
or so ego, As there was no priest here
eompetent to perforrn the marriage ser-
vice in tile Czech language, the colony
sent to Pragne for the Right Rev. Mr.
Habeizek bishbp • of that city. He. ars
rived on ,'eaturday, and conducted the
impressive ceremonies prescribed by. the
ritual of the church.. • After the reading
of the servieesthe mbthers of the brideti
indulged in loud lamentations, in ac-
cordance with the pleasing cestom of
their natiye land. , •.
• The daite„is the great agricultural in.
.terest,of the State or New 'York. • Its
. 1,500,000 eeeys oboupeeebone. four ores
each; for summer and whiter food,
• ;0,000,000 of -acres in retied numbers,:
• This•mayet befCro ti rely aech rate, it is
an approeffnation to :the Nee': the`ati
,nual riaetTprodUctii • heilig estimated ,ht
$60,00,000, • .• • •'
An eeeeeerje old getitleman who law..
ly died ni Paris; hasierbeldenin hire Will-
thatprieetteshonlil.efliciate,at..hin flirter.
alfeor ,thatieltis heirs, 'oeetinybody' else,
should foljew his corpinto the grave,
Will eleServee that posens.invited
to funeralsOften ineoneeeii.needby
being withilkawe teem: teeir••1 esiness
t hrepg h a..4seessity foe., elle* 11)e. respeet
" tenehe dead and his arnh Ii isbes
sPOre them War io eon v It
• tielse sayiethet ettcleguests 'though Wear-
•.1,reing a melancholy aspect at residence
the dead, beeeraiiiiiey'clieerfetrei the
Way tieetb-ii cemetery"; .when yo. i the grst
. and sometimes upeoat,.
ieso at threend of the
• It seettie.to be.a penoliaat aniong our
millionaires to squander eheir moneyeon
• • hotels,. e.l.tera. eousee, and ,fat women.
SeeatoteSharon bite seven.seery palace
hotel, 04141whielt he is lesitig4hont ,-
• 000 a gel eSeeator Ames tette a news-
• paper odic. Roman bath eeteblishmente
another inilliettaire, has
built -an opeea bowie andli5itq, ata cosi
of $00,000 • Jim fOoittr, atiothet.
inillioneire stock •brekare bar ghee'
•Strain:mph $30;060 toed Osumi, upon
which he peomities tobuild an" eeetalian
° • opera house r and jasper ,MoDonald, a
leadieg bear, Iniejust. taken possession
°Lexie our eetteitig- theatres for moneys
advanced. -San. Pixtneloc6 paper. -
The N. r.-.Oraphie says :-]?ori,he
lest half century.. the ehief ambition'o:
ravage nations hes, been to -obtain
modern weapons! /Ma "" fixed ammunie
tion," and chide both on-thes continent
eserid in the.Eriet have -granted to their
hubjects personal privileges . at im-
munities as a premium for, getting the
bestearms. The result of this is that
the Ttirks are new, burning New Haven
and New •Jersey powder ; the Sioux are
. armed withRemington rifles Abyssin.
lane boo Manchester 'weapons to
slaughter an English 'detachment, arid
the Caffres drive theirDutah conquerors
, down the mountains with beeech-loadere
.t.'hich those' same Dutch brought to
Africa and sold to them Ate five tinlea
theie value,
Ree. Dr. Hatfield, Of .Philadelphia,
sent tri. the Avocate, • a doleful picture
of the moral arid social condition of the
South at this time, and says he has the
documents to. veeify, his statenaents.-
He elecIares that black men are merrier.,
ea because theyelmose.to• vole contrary
•to the politics of their. formiir emasters,
and that politicians wink • at
butcheries and tiro' Christian people of
the South utter. Ito word of proteat
• itgeinst thee° thingS. The Wallin= is
erosoribed, clenibe. an oppertuhity to eat
his breail in the sweet of Isis face endis
cheated out of. his see* *ages. • • He
•lis' righte that the *tete, men IS
hound to •respect. Midler. :Hatfield
thinke-the•attempt to redeee to ct state
of peoeege valise the negroei to take
,up armsein thebir ewit defence... and that
sanguinary war eif- rapes in the South
Will result. ,:
• One atilt; Medea -of' torture • resorted
to aitiong ihe Turks ifeinipelthe. • A
correspondent of the Louden.- Tintoe de.
• scribes the process e---" At • the first of
tbe military stations we observed some
sharply. pointed stakes, about tw.enty
feet high. On inquiring weat they were-
. •
intended for, we were told that tliey
Were used for impel/ay* the Christian lit-
surgents-of ,Bosfroa, 710 fact). any Boa.
niatt Christian found with arms in his
hands was, .and is now, exposed to ibis
-treatonenh--The—Vidtita's --hands 9,nd
•feet being fastened, 140 18 raised aloft
and•dropped e siteing posture upon
tee poiated etak"e, white) is thus driyee
itito itis body. There he is loft tee writhe
inetteony ;teeth pute ,au end to bit
auguish, which happerres ou the average,
at,L.the end of' about. two days. If his
• potre of, endurance are good, he may
•linger for' three days,"
'rho toodou Ec.leo relatte; thee when
Prince 1#ikunark was in • 'Veresilles, he'
•nig with a inau who, was singelarly
agreeable. -, The two used to walk ebouts
artn in arm ; they were like Intothme.
Riskier& found thee' his friend eagerly.
entered: into all his views and sehemes
as to the polities of the future:- reeili-
evekpossible they addressed one another
" Du." The dominant characteristic
of Bismaroles friend was his bitter
Jestation of Boman Catholioism. One.
day the Getman Chancellor said to tarn
in a soothing tome Da not .vex your.
self so Much. about it ; in a few yeare
there will be no Catholicism. I shall.
destroy it from the face of the earth,"
His friend smiled grimlY and eadly.-
11 Yoti will have to be mesh more clever
than I ern," said he; 4/ for eighteen
centeries I have been working' against
it with all my power and cunning, end
I am obliged to confess diet I am just
is far from allcoese tb.tlay no when
drat began," 14 'Who, then, aim you
be 1" asked the witoniehee stetesmen.-
" I," replied he, !II am the devil,"
•way up among the White Motintains
an °V bachelor lived with his two
maiden sisters on a faire paid for and a
earplug „elf money in the bank, who
• teaches 1 ; aoine incidents of his life the,
l't He if
va na 0 angst y. e said o carry
. his boots under hie arm to seva. wear,
his present pair being fourteen poem
91d and geed yet: In hie early life be
eat up eights to burn cobs to make crib
melee. Fifteen bushels of ()Orli cobs
would make one peck of ashes, for which
hp obtained twenty-five cents per peck.
Recently his maiden, eistres were pick-
ing the gem in an open shed, whoa a
flurry of wind drove off a single feather
into the air. The bachelor seeing it go
met if they had seen'a sPeekled feather.
The effeets of tobicao smokiness de-
soribed.by the goientVe _American, are
dispolormg of the teeth by carbon ex•-
ammonia, headache and lassitude from
the carbonic field, disease of ilie heart
from the carbonic oxide, mamma from
, • the bitter extract, and a feihting of the
breath by the Volatile einpyreuntatie
substance; • The system may 'taverna
used to these , things, yet it is made
liable to consamption, iiervotta exhales
time, paryalyeis, end oilier ailments
To sum up tho ovihi, ,g Elects Mi
dividuala likewise effeee comnertnitiese
thein turn 1111101160 lbs NO
porton that smokes eau be in perfect,
health, and au iMporfoiA otgintiste
uut reilvaduse ftpepiso, No. There.
fere it it logietil to isonclude that, were
tirdelkIng. ti I pritetiCe Or ovary It div u n1
lita,kuttioni then that NV4iild de,
glitittii hitttHor r'
AT gentleman in this city is the Wrier
of a email Scotch terrier that shows a
decided taste for iatteie. A. young lady,,
his daughter, is taking Imetorin on a
piano, and Many 'Were are given to.
Practice.011e tleY. w.ilerleile
,dog was
in the ritorn he ehOwed.great intere.I itt
tho lomp.skunorottableAtol:.
toahed iit its-rao.uodor and arottnd it, and
u i.fl inal 'peeredinto ir at if
trying to find tut where the eounde,
CAMS from, One day, when the young
lady was playing theAlog tried to imi.
tate the notea. Vterwerd, while she
was practising,the dog A1l/10d daily
hoe, as dogs will often do at the sound
of belle. Although he ootild notpro.
nounee fa, sol. Is, me do, &e,, ho !Mr-
ceeded in a good imitation of the soonds
and could 0511e0 hie voice to tette and
fall with the notes. All this was at
PI thu preentle0 'only of the yonitg•
'lady. 'When aloe told her ottotiMr, sna
ievited her to be Priqic 111, Lio* dog would
not, sing, 1 ty and by, however, hit;
(andiron Air. Weald overetlitle lois fatal,.
Nineties and he would slug itt the pre
once • of the two ladies., Afterward.
other membere of LItti fciiiily Were Called
10, and now the dog, hAvisg conquered'
his modesty, and gained douildeue4 itt
Ids owu Jw(itIff *Hi itxhbli hie MOO'
teleitte heeler tategitlect ul efiy vflUitotilri
*VA*)Pil,— • '•
1).11,1., Ats Comourrnio
tinansgh towle(b•Je tire llattli'al
laws. which govern the t peratione-of tlizeotion
and nutrition, aw1. by a eareful upplleatiou
of the floe propertlea it well.seleeted eocoa,
Mr. Eppot providel our. breakfast- tables.
W• D 0.11: E' R. T Y... 464, 0 0
witlee tieliyately flavored, buyerage whielt May '
%We tui many heavy doctors' billierIt iS •'
the Jedicioaa two of such artielee.of diet that
*constitution may be gretleitily built up un-
tiletrong -enough to ecest eyery tentieney to
daintoe. Ifthalreds of oolitic malatlieS are.
floatiog a -reunites ready to attack wherever
there tit a. WtAlt: Wie.mityceespo.utany..
a rasa slum by keeptu,1 ourselvea ;veil fortl-.,
fled witk pure blood. and. a properly nottriell-
fraute."-4.101-Sorriee Gwalta. ,- Sold only.'
itt Packetil labelled —0 ilaurs.Est's & Vo„ lie-
uneopathio Ultetalete,- Thrcatinvetlie street,
and 170, Piecadlily,,Loutten;” •
Slave, I have set itty npon a cast .
astenielted.the proof-reader with tee. fol.
lowing -vereion.; " Slave; Ieltavelse
Iny wife upon, cask !"
yen come well recomromeded, I
SilppOS0 1" tend geneternen to a, boy
who wanted ail easy place: • e Oh, yes,
sir. The man I was with 'last reeotee
mended me-ehe . recommended me to
leave, aed get Work far more pongenial.
to ray dispositioe."
*" Any children 1" said tlie proprietor
of the hourtee et gaunt, harsh worilan,
with yoiee you :could grate a nutmeg
on, to the 'proposing teriant of her build-
ing. • Yes, eneam," • Ineelelee replied
the tenant,'" but if you desire it; •ef
course•I bail drown them:"
• We are not very realistic in our taste,
tior•are we disposed to be hypercritica
but we cannot; help protesting: that the
artist who painted The finding of
Moses;" now on exhibition at the 'Cern
teonial, had no 'good rection' for entiae-
ing the feet of the infant Moses in A pale
of copper -toed shims.
• Popping the - eteestione-ec Charles,"
said a young lady to her lover, e there
is nothing interesting In. the paper tce.
day; is. there, dear ?" • " No, love ; but
I hope there svilt be, one day; when we
interested:4- -The lady
brushed, and of couree said; ,4.7,,,or shame•
,4 whet beats a good tug) 'Of coffee
said Mrs. Spilkine ice her husband the
,other ;morning at the.breakfast table, --
He gave. it up. • Two cups 'of coffee,'"
said elm, " What heats. aseod wife'?"
• qUeried she..
She geve it dn.-.
"Two gooe wives," said Spitkies,. ad
then she got mad, and sulked; nobody
knows: Whr. ,: • • •
• A fljftfl. recently . eeturned ,..efeote:• the
Center! ial fied ati-titipleasakt experience
*idle there. He took: tip 'one of the
apples oii she*, arid Was walking off
•with it whenkt: policethan .walked ole
with. Iiipi. . Ile explained that he wale
Only joking, which Wit& 110 dot& true,
:but big joke cost hiin a night in the
Pititadelphia.Police- •.
.gentlemau said the other dey to a
uegroservant at the hotel where be wet
staying; Bless the, Sambre bow in.the
name of wondertlid you get im Week ?"
" looket here, mosso, de reason
aw dis—de day dis chile were berkl.ere
was an- ecliflate Saint° got a quarter
for his •stititifectory Bele arm tion, ,and;
after griettingethanks couthaitad--"
Id! you what, die niggee may be
Week, but he ain't green, nohow.".
•SPechnens of Western oi•atory are.
rather stale ; but here it; itebit, related-
• by a trustworthy authoi ity as authentic,'
which las fiot beeii in print before
Wliere is Europe *t14 America
Nowlhr 1 'Where Is Great Britain 1
Nowhar 1 They caIlIilcitain the Mistress
of thee ma, but what makes the sea 1
• The Miesiesippi River makes it. • And
all we've get to do is to turn the Missise
sippi into the •Mammoth Cave, and the
British' navy will be floupeeting in the
• •1
Ifs:writ re Srneeeeite-Totsro vete or win) tier
deem le One Of tit° grandma attainments ever
aimed at by mut ; awl "Dryan's Vulumnic Wa-
fere will as sure ettru coughs, colds, tickling in
the sweat end inemonere complaints, es war
and peatilones will destroy. Severe colds if ltot
attendee to etionor or later lead to incurable
ooneirinptIon, mid the etvoeselt ef the otemecet
Omni falls it neg,lectad. The readiest and best
mane known for the cure ef these eomplaints is
"Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers,' which have been
thoroughly tried for the last twenty ,yearo, and
have never bean known to fail. Stugorit and
public speakers will oleo derive groat benefit
from the use' of them. Sold by all medielne'
dealers, et ee• cotes tor box.
ky_IRAM—Woclx borne aro'.not
--ctirQ 6,8 InaliY' ettPnoiliT;iiiit such' great mirkiSitiR
either, there are many to be found in varlotui
parts of the (*entry, but we doubt if they will
ever prove as valuable' to their earnOra MI the One
exhibited by parsam; we imagine their owners
would eonsuler them more valuable without the
wool, for this rough. aud wooly: state of the hair
indicates that the horse is not in a healthy con-
dition -probably hide -bound, or suffering from
some disease which occasions- this unnatural ap-
pearance; in such cases use Darley's Condition
Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy, it will
the blood, correct the appearance, re,
-move all obstructions from the lungs and Beene
lied give to the -coat a sleek .and shining appear.
ance. Heinetriber the name, and see that the
*maim of 'Hurd 8'6 Co, is on each package.
Northrop if” Lyman,__IsTeweastlis, Ont., proprle-
Sad by ,ali'mediCine dealers.
many a superior, t an• y reed instrument lrt the market. • he ease with which
its Inc aupyly is maintained ; the' sineothness and equality of its tone k its ready re-
• sponse the totich;. the eloquent voicing of its fancy stops, and the perfection of its
general Mechanism, mutit make it an especial favorite with organists. " ••
• 0, CRAWFORD; Music Teacher and Prece„ntor in 1.). 1'. Clairol, Olinton,
AN» 0444114), wIsihanAtE AdriNTO *05
.11.4.414SPITY 4.440 CO'S
NV II 11.9L'INT 114jj
'JAIN-UK i?'11.A,N.<>8, •
Wric,11311411Et Ape.
(-Them Apiii 1870,
to tbe excellence of true Ovum, reed the following Testimonials:
uzssus. W. outunar et Co., cum.rov 1• STAPLETON, April 10th, 1870.
•fitas,--You ask me my °Olean of your first Organ. I have much pleasure in tolls
• ing yea that outsider it snot fitiocoaa, The trawls very full arut rich, and eee,
teeter it is aa good an instrument of its kind aa there is made in Canada, to.day. 1
ocitittlyeriptortiseatuhloartityir wilt moot With liberatpatrollago, and ecae• the reward. that Yeer
Organk.manufaetured by NV, Doherty de CYeTrIantrptiolY:ver and::ReblitneistisANofStiOn°01:Min.
1 take groat pleasure in giving my testimony as to the entelence of the Olinton
9tirelinolisbif response tO the teach, as well as in its mechanical internal arrangements,
it is decidedly equal, 4134111 Immo pattioulars: superfar, t� any instrument I have ex-
• amined, of witiott I have had knowledge. It paps to me,,thatit ho as near perfection
as it mut well be, Allow We to say. that I can cheerfully recommend it to any who
May require an instrainOut, as one in every respect well tilted to supply thewant
the. time----- •• '
CALIANDEB, late leader of the Methoeist Church Choir, C• linton, •
Mesita, W,Donewer te Co.
:Among the numerous Cabinet Organs haVe seen during the many yore I have
beint tettelier of mask, I have not seen.any superior to the Clinton Organ. The
eltaraeter of the tone is both beautiful and sympathetic), the intonation is perfect, and
the tomtit easy, and inferior to ;one. The. weremanship is. both solid and elegant4so
• that nothing ts lacking.
M. WHITT) Plint011.
Dearing tO Obtain an instrument that would combine all .the desirable improve- •
watts in power, fulifigis, and 13ifeetness of tone, I am happy to say that I have
an in. the Cilintou-Organi:- Every—ono -wholleartr"it—goce away plepeed,- --
.The valuable qualities whioh this Organ. Posposses, are "emelt appreciated. 11 18 a •
• general favorite in our farnily circle. .
. GEO,MANBUJELY Loadort:Road,...Stanle.y.
flaying tIkrotighly tented the merite of the Organs mantifaetured by W. Doherty
• & Cor,'1. take Wetmore lit saying that I consider them in all tesTeeta equal, and in.
ma ei t
Teuiy eitutumere aud the pubiloi,e-teraliy, 1 would beg to. say that 1ittrye jai&
4. 31,4olt, or l3eauUfui(40041,
Suitable for the Fall end' NVinter Trade, 'whiell have been hought;vory low, 444
11411011 will be uold at. very •
Oit TO OOOD 14*Y.111G cUSToiviEBS,
dseiour,e4, at the lowest plices seen in Clinton, or 149y, other town
At all prices, all qualities, and all colors, very low.
FACTORY COTTONS at any price, all widths And qualities, cheap.* yet seen,
Beautifel AlgERICAN BLEACHED ,COTTONS, •fine, thick, and without
dressing, at avvr,or. Low ParOES.
My etoolt this year is very 111•17re—iiiffrhan some, an ranges in price from 15 to
70 cents per yard, in all the emcee colors and makes of the season, BLACK
LUSTreEs, too, aro Very IOW With me this year, I• have Boole really choice
bargains in these etiods, COME AND SEE THEM. •
In SHAWLS AND MANTLES I have some delightful goods to cheese from •
this season, all prices, makes and qualities, My stock of LADIES. SILK TIES
is very ince ; prices frosm 12 e. to $1.; lit all the new designs for this; season.
CORSETS, all numbers. GLOVES, all sizes; at prices to relit the gime. 'LACE
Wocae Ceureerse Teeeneos, Derriere, all at their usual • low prices; I have again,
openade a tiew iteekeoiROOTS • AND SHOES. Having got rid of, all my„,0111
stock, I have nothing no' but what es new, stylish and Netts in ekes to Ault atty.
1:89-0 pt 'i-ce--A11-11--vmant:osee
cC-. pip) aftrat
""'Y "ek;
TON, S014.1,1876. J, Q. PnorarETon.
. - •
• (teeertiesitee fefie,) •
Large stock of gbod household Furniture,.
home manufaoture, Made of seasoned material.
• A. fine assortment of imported work, such
as Wood and Cane Seat Chairs, Sofas, Loun-
ges, What-Nots; Cradles, Mattresses; Spring
foJede, Carved Brackets: Ruatio Frames, &e.
• Pictures framed with Gilt or RoseWood,aird
Gilt Mduldifigs, 'Audio Iqeines, wood, mould-,
ea or plain. •
Good value given t� all who may purchase,
with Moderate prieee.
elegantHearse for Hire. • A cntantity of
very -fine Shrouds, cheap. Funerals attended
'arid all •fornishings suppliett at reasbnable
_rates. atocli-of-Coffins-tinonliled and
plain, always on halal (trimmed th suit). elthor
• silver-plated furniture or otherwise.
. Remember the,Stand---•-Albert street, ofpo-
site thisitlarket. •. Taos.
Cliidon,:ag, 20, 1873.
• The rower of Music.
Chubb hoe nee. mud. et Mi. -ear -for
Music, barite has spent aConsiderable
sum in having his daughter' taught •hciW'
to harmer a piano, and: he is• proud of
her accomplitilaments.• Ile wag talking
with tie over the 'fencethe other day)
When a serials of dreadful' sounds came
from hie pieta through the. Open parlor
Window'. Presently: Chubb rerneekede
"D'yoli host that , .3ust listen to
that, will you That's what. 1 cell
wide. • ,
Then' 'there wait+ a few adeltional
banga on the ineteitment, aficlerish' or
two, titt4 then mere dinoerclarit thump,
, • .
it.Splentliat :haul . It I" `said Cintbb.
"Mary 'Janet buatIrt' the, music+ right
oat of that rnoh1ne, yon will'observe.
Theine the gtrattso weltsee, I believe)._
ehres rigid witknow: just lietete"
We remarked that, from the energy
be really in earneiti BO Whether ehe
tilt Open rettestiOtte .
'1.1 don't know Within' iibent
observed Chubb., i'but kin tall the reel
thing when I hate lt, argil Oen sit end
hear Mary Jana Play, Weltkaa. and the
Maiden's Prayer ithill'it• Makeeeme cry
like a child,"
,•alifiertaid that fati played those.
eompotitions MI the Wee doing now le
*Uhl Mace anybody cry A. (hod mots
would shad tears. : • • •
It Listen to that uow,will you V' hs
oitolaisiodotsa wfl4 tntlltlit of smite'
came from the parlor,It Isn't flint
splendid It didn't know 11 Was
Miley Jane it-toerlit' ammo' among thent
•Willtsilit, 1'4 (11111k 11 Wag -Oho. of the
lore who play ni the' tomorte.,,, Letle go
n1'0113°111 Irhire''' hew Slaty Jam,
Watt, nowhere 10 he tome but to the in-
finite disgust of tillubb -tbere wits n tot,
halt MI 111411, Willi a list as big tut n 100
sjf "wool, inning tho pluoth
ral us nut in t&I sitybutly,,tmd.wa welt%
kisiglid e.oislIdtlotsf nod
MO Of filtthiff
TILE PILLS Purify the Blood, corr.:et alPZisortlers
thi'Llver, Stotnarit, Nidneye, and Bowels, auit ere in.
valuable -in all complaints incidental to Mei:isles.
THE, iiINTMENT is the only reliable remedy for Bad
toga. Ohl Wow:de, Sores and Ulcers, r 1 howevet lona
standing. For Btourhilis, iiirhihrrm, Cough'
s Colds,
Gout, ilhetunatism, and all Skill Olsea.;os, it has no
,• . equal. •
&anti 16 MY ddty to el etclhat
lay 211,1,44, AND disr-
usNr ATAI neltherniauufactUred nor Bola ta any part Of
toe United $tatcs.
Each rot and Box bear:, the Bur: rentflovtanintra
STAND. with the aerds-ifooLowAVS PILLs. AND
LONnort, engraved thereon. On the
ubet iu the address, Mgt Oxman 811194T, LONDON.
Vila ,Ana inillittiolig of " Holloway's Bills
manufactured and
of Tfolioway & Co.,
rau &Co., druggists
tn assumed trade.
us Canada the prim
Dealer:I • in these
Lyman. Clare & Co,'
• and Ointment ate
sold tunier the name
by J. F. Henry, CtIr.
of New York, will,
mark, thtla-----
eipal 'Wholesale
Counterfeits are —
• & Lyman Bros, So.Ce
Northrup So Lyman,
witp obtein them at very' low prices, from -J. r. Henry, •
Carron .4c Qni, bt New York, anti this treat, is out:plied
to unprinhipled Retail vendors 'who eon the mune as in
genuine Path and oinitnent,•'whleh aretnantaactnred
only at 5110, oxford Street, Landon, and any be -obtain— .,
atom the folleying firms, via:—
Evans, Mercer & Co,,lrorit!lenituitm, N.
Mars. Avery, Brovfn aCc,9.
Mescre.,r, 11. Barker & Sons, St, Zahn; 11. PI
Harem & 004 Toronto. •
Who Inspart aired from hare,
Mg, Oxford Street, WC.,
Louden, Atel.10th,
The undersigned having opened a Liquor business in 'the premises formerly used as a Grocery,
ho will constantly keezen hand g large and well Selected stook of , •
Wines and Liquors Of the beg and. most reliable Brands,
wJuh IM offers -to the palate .at thitlewest remunerative prices:— A.Ont •for (bettor' St.'
' • George & Co, ; Torento, importers of pure 1VIedieinal 1 ines. . ,
•He would also beg to inform his patrons and tlie public generally, that he has removed his
Stocl. of Groperies China and Glassware
Tozi the premises lately. .occupied by Jas.. A. tnill,:known as the American Hicprese Office
where be ie prepared to offer special inducements to any favoring him with their patronage.
Clinton, JuIY e0, 1876;
• •• • a • . • • •
—lieccuurtendlhe-NEw EitA'65
themA to subscribe for one of the hest GENERXL1.•
, filEWSPAEBS in Canada. . R. gives more • fresh local
• matter every.'*eek, than any othey cbuiltry paper.
Its selections .are carefully made, so that .tothing
- improper finds. is Way into its columns.
. .
their biisinese fritin Messrs: Sheppard & gobpor, is hereby notify the inhabitants of Clin:
- • • ton and vioinity, that he will combust the 'same, at the old dant!,
. .
• •
.. •:Where he will keep 00 hapol a large and sided -•
And as Im intends selling "eielusividy- for • cash or produce he 'will ho,in a position to,sell'nt
the lowed reinunciative rateS. Having had (magi lerable Impericiieniu the liminess, he feels
confident that he eau givo satisfactiou•to faVoring him with their patronagii,
•k irini Isiolleited—Deods iireniletly Delivered sawn ;Imre se town.
',, • eta .ez.ete Eeseeee 174 seia3zosteepe • ,,...i4***tcor...tra„
ay. IL MN14.
tft,Orinf, Jquol, 1870.
Wisli,tu call the special attention 91 111011 friends and the ,publie to their •
• Splendid Assortniont of CROCKERY, OHINA & GLASSWARE.
Beautiful' China Tea Set for
Also; just redeived, a large -consignment Of SeleSealing J.411/ JARS, at prices lower than ever
GLASS 'WATER JUGS, &c., &c., in endless variety, eau, ant Blush -so Srock,
• S. P.A.1.a..zsaim az
• Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Brick Block,
CLINTON, July 127,1870.
Eut'onStret1 CLINTON,
. tiutuo• ."
tritft iitYiletinftinn woutb Teen Tine °teen,'
J. seittsv a the:skint( We untrierOUN anitentere, for
the Very liborel OfttrOliege they here favored kite with
While cerryfue to tummies in this toWn, end would it
the mum Ulna intimate to then), and tbo public met.
Nattier' entitle him to Mello euppork be bollevea14
trill he tereetly to their .edointeac, to/dime to the ha.
tared of hitiefrone, engegoit the setvlo,ficir .
VI' Pe . WILLI& 1\1: GRIGG,
IVIS) eel formerly In indineili firrhlinselt in this teyen,
end WAS SOnsidered lila beet horse 0004 ,posseitsd,
urbtsre.te Made knell iltringeinefl I N with ,
Whoa ftlault to Ofit le tiara la inytattehrg 00014.,
lien, Itlactislite him la rite his Ada Is all model rat
• loins tithljllFlu8ted ithaeara ot WOW foil,
, Wing Mc admits, et the 'price ter
11111 DIAMOND kiA.R11.0W4.
Hlm a ewan Oirtiht Ter lilt'intinufseteres
teliorinill•Y over, 1111 1011 %wail slats Ifs lir
sheet 1,1 OthililfAiAntit then:4m a inuell imorpAltoligiv#
Fo44111, end hy Les Saint lie lid macresersi, yin 118 enabled'
(0 1,1111' Chum 41,14 NE d 't 1041)tfOlip 11111C$49,.
Veneers Siel 101118 11151' rest i.4.410rAil jlifit dear orilere
Cif reoalt it prolunt RUIN anitt MO 14,11. Allt nueleralst .
Ind les Matiei, leer trusts, he will vs idle diat 48411111180*MIA slitel (dinettes tti nod shine oamtatice,
• 41
41retnises forinerly occupied by the fate J. Racey,
" • Which they ofroT to the public) at the lOweet. reetineretive
Atop, Oninessea POPier ronnyer's,.aial Oasyroye's. Eotile'd Ale; Agents far Labeat'S
and Carlinrle half unit euaelse barrels, in woad ; Grant's Boring Brewery,
Bolt Agents/sr the Ooderieh .Brewery.
All oisders,. Promptly Attaxided to.
• 111111011111fiELLIAMSMANIFACTIMIll
INCOAPC011ATaire tia74,,littaccsicr4 io,TboTaion etelltinite of ettteffell;
griatOturatt ineV::, or
Rot taw T11014001t iltirotburco'P�*.?,.
.,,fAllt/PACITtlitErtb '
11610StOri hatvostgisi SngI Reaprs1 Mowor anJ .10mlimil Itaclootat
Broadohat tteeders, Seed Drills, TIOss Powers, Sawing,.
urtowsp, pealn Orutilierre letrew ChtteriS, PIrreisto Oattfr Plett'St hsba
t3uildcrg or Stf:arrm. Engines, and Boilepst all size,
wAvyin,wItuDris At•in Ara, 1Z1ND$ or !am NiA.ontRERIt. •
AM1,111101V,411 Nu and 4Z Jingo eompiele, Alen An; Wale Utdiebe AV.
• ulteves, en the Relly NOM. Jor MOO P4rtery;01:0ehleeey epetialty,
tgelinol rutictiii kAltt)1011100 iitaAtIott at,
• u
s. •
NO:r.rj:CE. • TO T11E:
The.undersigned Veg to infOremihe inhabitants of Clinton aux surreunding.colintri that they ,.
lurVe entered mto. Co.rartnership for 'the purpose of carrying•on the buiinese of, manufacturers
of Carriages, Posies, Waggons, Sleighs (Maori, &e„ in _all varioue branchee, at their
cde stand, Ituroneetreet;Clinton, under the style and firm of
. •
1r.:TWX At. 124 okfk JIB S 1-4 JE
iste.pains Will be spared to ;eremite work equal toany in the Dominion. Their long experi
eves, th County enables them to fully underatand the ,the
of their costorneroo, and
they itope;^ by 'strict attention to, businees, to give entire satisfaction•to all Clime who may
. ' ' favor theist with their patronage. • '
air klarge and select -steak ef the best peasoned material always on hand. Ordersexecuted
, witli despatch. Repairing done on the ahortesCnatice.
Cramer, July 22, is74. 17 -
Gesll.olreg'SEWING MACHINE DEP.01-.
n„d askortment of firstnclitseteSrEyWurInNaGuilkg1tOpHip'stEaiN
a,..aag yon hand NEEDLES
Sewing Mlichines of every' make repaired, and new parts, kePt on hand: Having engaged a •
• practical machinist, all work cloue here is warranted to give good eatisfahtion. . • •
Charges Moderate, . ••• IL I4dRSWOATI7IY. •
Marini Street, one door *est' of the commercial Motel, Clinton, Ont.
Double : Cylinder --ThreShing•.• Machines
” Cbinbination .and Vibrator Threshing •Mdc'llines,
• And. all, kinds Of AGRICULTURAL DIPLEMENTS alwaya on hand.
. •
2o rued the largo and increasing demand for our celebrated Threshing Machines,' from a
parte of the Dominion, we, have, by the introduction 9f 'the latest and nibst approved
machinery into our works,•greatly increased our minnifacturing facilities, Wo are therefore
• • . in a position to fill all orders iromptly •
ti ery:machine istunand thotouglily toted before leaving the _shop, and:.ivallented to give
— 'entire satisfaction. . •
‘•)=, TA'
.B.eforo ordering anewhere lenalo2: Circulars and Totem.. •Order early,
' •CONEUTISAS AND 11.11trES0.,
Berlin Wool, Slipper Patterns, and _Berlin, Wool .Goodi
All titillated Papera and. Periodicals always on hand, Also Agent or the
dir ItEltElIBEtt THE MAME 'Ailp PLACE,—
. •
Ciasereer, Oct, 22, Th74, •
.11.40..fiQfkritit plindry....4n.d....,Affinufatturing
• ,,
ispg 18 inform the public thet thsy are peeper, t� eupply
• . •
ILZ ENCA-114 l'..141i1'.44 ASir
Flow qui t. and SDAY,41144.1.4:04.....SlingleLand-liteatlixtu•.---
dOhines,. 'lloop A/Inclines, eta, \,-
- •.
• -
di . .
Tran m. m
vosadsu ottos, Noitu. Steal tortrde, Genie Pionehe, Celtititte .
• me' w 'tluttere, Ste., eitlear Mid 130titillt Kettles, Grate Dare, &e,,
cooking, Parlor .and Bea kitettert, of WaritlUil kliede.
........... . . e
SALT-PA,'1; MADt trt) a•nti•
' • • ,10,034,•tr6tiiha Brake elettigge, Ind ItInelestalth WO& •
Peeit$04 4,14 ail_ kiftda o/ Pepairg done 641: •Photo4,Xofice
fl, •
I:Ail co:ders eddresied to the 00111041w! 'er
• AlICHI•BALD rtaDattt • Srltetery, willteetive pierapeketeetiOni ,
,r .,
It ouciE noxilloNi -
460votw?bdsTfomrs.t, . , P Wait*, •
. hOtggiV littICIZVX hi•
thilAti XtAllitiMi
iiiiiiialif illiolostA41 rit life'
s. •