Clinton New Era, 1876-10-19, Page 4too NOR! ofo - ---- -- - WIM0 0i I om IZII$104 bk expand CANADIAN. X'SW89 0ener,41 News, Itemelt on, u at gentilly and A CLINTON tOR' wqrko,iluring th UZU0.4'PAWO 41100, XOPU04), '.Was brou. UqLpopulat U N E R Y AND MANTL9 on into no ' ATQU4%y, walit, and 020,000 At 3000,000. It has Incregoga in Tha, Xawovorke'm. waro bort-1110 n a awee young 1%4i om MM r Mil. UAW was oleqtod by a"lailigtiou t4a oil xvgion Qr Ve syly i otreBpeotable OMQUag, on It 1% MA M , on Ark'a is. : - V - & 00 worth ot Josvollary qn4 M411101,144 otolon, opite, of the logg or 410900 And'Urrai"- rftellk da�. 4 One tl 0i W D 0 y Me 1yorth $20,000,000 roore at, tile preoililt tile vtteet ouIII the L00111 110"Isq -fsoatod b� Xv. Voter dale "Ilan it, wits, three outliti Vigo, OW- #0 Gow. N 10141ok fd C1010re.11 blstrk isuld 01 as 4 4,worilon, 70 years old, and the,own. lug to the the oil tra,40. Ryan, iy]0 murdered lils. wife or of $70�000 worth of. real estate in AnD MOM iviioll�);BAl�v A034=4 VOA �9aa has been arrested 1xi bar(? -Illat apring, was oil 141 trwat tile poutints, Are, said to W, Starving 0,141A t' :Peter* in one of tile. Torkialk provinces, Batak, lconvictodt. and 0ontoncod to 0 o'ud for begRiag, -7t--49- -(fit iu," .1- . . . , I ­ I I While the h , aryoat Ja nbundaut. . Tho It has an or- '$took, of Q's"bral cry 040.0s wo, boys over till , been aecertaineil that withill. the lRat WQOU Ile logo', than thr$e� 11'"Ohish Government domarkils A, pay. At tolit MANCHESTER 8000, .4. ganization of beggilra exists fa $ew, UAJ[X3R]* porw)lla have. booll shot 14 thil streets of U10at (0641% Ally thr 8 Ing Uamilton, tile viatims. in every case tin I 0- York city, over by A. , wOrpoll, tit tile Claims %V0 pala, �4 I nditreasurer. W11110 Ali. u0nQW-a sneak, tbeif IWAOA' Clinton, April 12, 1876. At, AMA Orgik, on Uoilday, F4 young mail Dbblng Fifteenth .0 rl treutj I The afirman Oulpiva 1140 now �As o18 yearcof age, naluotl Itobert Drod fivo school$ of sub'-� the 000fourOi us, te" a New York,. ltesteu� , jl(tilry I . brakQ4111411 oil tile Q,,T.R. fell from t Q all. ri 10t1i, 1�10. Blailliet's F 004011 1,4111011 U0441 11' .4ets. Your ildill. Rine, gild had Ilis 11044 govoXod froal, 44% coping over 'Jie front dool; fell under his alterns, and nine of ca, tiQnI PQIIqQISL for subalt6ras 4io Soon. to ody Weight aQ rolldd upon, him. He, dWd me my opinion of your firstOrgan. I hAve inuolk. pleasure in toll, b bQ opened, 1,110 Afagglar 0011.oftor. Four bandred dollaW wort4 yon Illat I consider it 4, groat snopoos Oaptain Tile tono is very fa)l.aad r0h, and cer� & railway llo�ter ah 114yoorth Tfeatb-, it is 41 good all instrument of its kind aa there is mado in Canad, a to-dily. I of ',Vowonto, meaAnVing all, 0.1811 PUTOBS. of 80len, jewelry was fOaad on him, aonly hope that yon will most with 114or4l p, 018, And, Valued At 810,000'.0rial lgden,�jB loide 4nrill- a lit t 31) , I And reap tieL reword that your. I n tyannall XIODGIIXh� ik, repurtoatollave onodown, with all hands, that, i of (101irium tremens, by walrowing 9 NVaaliington Silt nduring a passago1roln 0,�wogf) to th;it eity. now O e Illy 4'a to the Illbition fa file Centel) UeArlY tile Whole Of AIIA11r)t-pago news- p eas. or 01 4X a) One of the, Clinton. Says tile Cxeanb� Gia-etts: Pod dling�00f- Fatherf his Country sixt d=11 ikndl Iliah . that Cho take era t I Wor f sweetness of toile, in argi by tile 1034 is,me l,oat p1laso oronter" Darintt, a panic in a. public school in q111411,08,; of.'rospotiso to tile t9tioll, its well As in, its It A's 4doitledly 0 sonle -apperior, to any i6stillownt Tho pod4lor Grallby waf4 New Yorok, O:kused by ii,.olmn of fire- , I hato ox-, auorin ltb� a place; people (lid not die 4t any- Amitled, of whid .1.1 have, liad know1oll., t4 W011A44 4 is AS near porfe0lon Mine i n lk, diffaren b t;b Rik-, in 9 Tol' of tboin being 0110� of til� to-lollerg, W)is knoulied 4w4 Jt It Oea patterria of 1875. Aq it oanwoll be, Allo.w �io to sly trie, I call alleerflilly it to%lly who gh, and be -left oor viOa-1.3 ill disgoat, ill ihe1111d fifty Or .. . , ren toq'4iro %il ap, skim in - aytr re.agot t'Lll o orne owns op, overy orier in ilia hporgeot ek ed over her has been infortned of, Ilia oo'cossion to a for. bition, at tile *11), 'U, tun6 of Nbot �40,000, by ilia 4o4th of,hiis An' old failmer, of- 13ristctl vellbor says will not have, to be wound . 2 i6� W. NEW TWEEK-COATINK VEST100% FULL CLOTHS, f father, ire, E nglkilltl, �Tr� 111) till(, once Iwo, ;.giving oftidea Colton, Seefity xea� o ago Among the ligivei vei,n J116ag tile lilany ye,m,a have for 4 n$lairlain afew wooki4. f on Tileg- been a teacher -of inasio,. I Jawo llot seen any suporior to the UJIntol, ozgaii, Tile 'at otocli'alul rqOpectrally asletl, 040 illoat coulAto tilliel n tellino the, who *As we'll off, 1ung hialsel 611AVACtOr of ilia tona is both beantifu�lnild sympa&hotic, the is perroa�t'and The Warl who i4ohargod with ki4entif, ilia day of the Week, tile holar of day, beouso -be. va4, afraid Ile would having caused the fire, at St. Hya thotonch to none. The workmanhip is botit great the day and the minutes, It any- become poor if e lived mucUonger, ill,% 'Ing is,1404i inthe, recently, Iwo 11 1$L 0SO,%,PQ from �191 14 6*nshi of di 14a.bay one of these clocks ana The w i f �, of B. k oi,'r ILY NUOU1. the ggo�lkl that Vladet in company i�ith an- 'a III(, ZAY, . UtO44r SLOV:after ruiluftig only eighty BroQkei near Aughrim, went dqwn to the MrIssits. W. Doazmx & Oo,, .MNTox, ?ther prisoner, The people talk of lyi�ali� irg%e improyo Igo, and Meanwhil utor� $04phata River, fok,q pail of water, CUNTON�f Oct. 4, 18M Ing Ilialif 140. is captuited" re4lio. riuve; on 4 :64ould , §aturd(zy oybiling, and: accidentally, fell into that I hava The lookmip n(I Co4o'll 0hambori in 'die, is. thab swindled er.go Oakv11le ivere tota))y deqtroyod�by fire oil, golull to got redress ? P . . who vas scriotialy. ill at' the� time, cliod on lti5.a to. and -his wife, formerly, y.uosday..morAjngJ. t 'T --H fl-6-kil, the' negligence or 1110 Whbso nWorse acts of tramps, six of,w�iom were in Analielol, 041.,:threat, Lou -by NA, Dohor!y, lodgqd in it iii llt� don attracted sqqJi.atton cued niall eject4l from 4 9 :: p O.,lba; peasurq,in�sayingthat .* iIrCibn aev�ral years ago, have retired fiom hotiob becallse' PIrrent Was not paicl many points..Bap Tile 110thodia of Cand, th� drier, �o any reed, ins rumentAll ilia Marko Ike cso. with which -in's mode its air supyly is ill p show life, and'built a fitting iden�e andth� poor n: of V6.1geauce aintained ; the qualit of its.to %.'85 or ldeniboi�' into tho diO�onaq, no; its ready I Roallei - yen to oret'into tile Hell spouse 6 the touch ; tho el.o, And the powfeebioll. 0� its UAP. t "14 )I ne&r tor, X Y, CH. Fund for illb Ilialliterkance f i man's lialiwaY especial fAvorft�'With organist$. Grea, -. , ;Ch qv ill. the Bermuda 181=46, Japtip and desti-' 'a blilf feet Sbo is ail taller, 'and die'thoril aA0. CRAWFORD, Mu ia Teacher And. Prgoeutor in C, P. Church, (,I��to Lute pal�ts,of the hundred, 111 Dominion,. This. is the and each weighs, eer fout mail in ivishilig lately to. jinoulib'given by in the WIS.- The rooms of their bo'uSo'ftf' —AT� -THE pass a jolt e -upou.b is ife, hired a. coffin, w 6 far &� iniown. p. . . . . . . . . otid, W iteen feet- and tile (100ra, twe, I've .91, and placed. himself in i�. at t Two voll-ImOlYll ro$id6lits of feet. tau feet long, .Of,h�av j ..he moment after afeiv dqaabsence. - 116�ort RoVortion. aild XCIVU11T Coss! Oct, 18, lo 'For Sole :J and all t4c ftirnituN 'is pi�opor6ionately on soui ot . . I the ng , io supp MON""I"REAL H ftU U Sh E; aC 1, N T 01 N. Wore oil Sunday;-killad an the Xortli I onn- sl e fall aloil -their Ws, to,pllila, 5 tO the hsincol era , in, Nvith it slightestlAvgneo for iolne Icilids, IMMTTIEST LOCLITrgSIN ITOI� OF TI -Ill -h�as peas and oats, -Ai'tho cold N�otitll6r� of now,lionso, DAra. so%'- ci� 4ho A anow nl�lting ulaellino was viatent- been.a N 11 0 farmers Are beginnin to borg .0 forin ()f car while ilia train va$ �issin& ed'in the' Ti.alted, States abO'LlVbVv' wc06 I itudkilonty ofimiro, irool And llealthy'gi" -two th19 r1i tiventy Tholi(kiso contdins eight good roon) s, well in beef, miatton ago, by' Which the inentor, '101014114, and, pork rwr of soft water; yehr.8 of ag�, nawed'Lt lien at A Slightly higher prica, tbah six "arcs Of P1 two and One-half hiuh Aro sor �ut of -fruit John M Uawkikiq, eltlim -call remove Mullaghnaore, ueilil� Orgiaglia, got her 4t.tho cowinoncet4eut of-.tble season in forillei A good pli)kot'fsnoe Ail rotiiid, ()alytaumi. --8ince the 20th of .So tember I have, abandoned the I o, 4,�, A vertlict of has been. ro- *hich is held > a be ns"here is every' probability, thar all nutou walk frono. the Post. 0111(so. ho Wtua� ea rs. wlio� Shot hib-'son at Dorcheater. In.the ra pierded by an Mia:teur The girl's Vag tion, for bcaltb,,ownroji and is snoon1l to credit Sstem, 1111d'have been selling fbi: or, l"r-1 �1t SUOL' to,one-tenth he expense of 6 kinds - of farm prod oco bring a fai r on010 e%ra beqAme-inflailldd. it few' da�s aftel.- Kent-il owie ho'micidb case, at London,� the hieflioient and, unsatisfiacto , All Aageyincethish .' Vat oq&bein lt,:or enquire of tied ;1' no bill At Sb� wards.- :Tlie-itiflarAma"tiotl'�kidnaedtD fill prices as 'Meeta tile ViJBWS daraftl'.b yer$ Gr�nd Jory retO a 168, at 11 u Tile' ystera of cftrbing—D.6way. The Wbw fier neuk, turned to -'erysipal 82.8 as' and sbe Whest,Troidwoll, VP busb,tl, 05 a 03 1 05 a I 10 !was acquitted"tho medical ov ous Ut g caused the'death of.Rog'er Murphy,. Joing, is all oVit Vc 'perg' Allude t"t as die on the 6th ulti I 10 a large business I have been onco that I m giving entir idencelbein", an,i vention li'kely to be and 00, H . e.. to stro ve, no ngly in Ili tavor: Ky., 4th a wlcO3u3foD`ol7g`THltEr1-STOUY BU I LDING 11a.vine, recently reeeive Ii Such being the 6(se it 0 ­ cravin4jor, liquer; after sallin ar ey. 0, �5 gnturon Street., lately Ocoupled by Mr. Villa Satisfaction, ts ot goods, D. 0'UGUT The Cowans Observer. tolls a- story'of 60t, of great benefit. - g, every- OL65 0 '68L 7 CLINTON. D.r eas, 0 65 a O., 6181 thingof vahze. wherewith t4 n rifoo yomig donple, in indigent ciliouniaWic6s - � I., - u be t ece tly the 24 rooms, and In well 44 d for A fl�sb-oliss boarding r1our, 5 06 O'do aptb 'TEAORD P-11RIE S I' evisin a Varris E or, Ili the stimulant, took .,Ilia. few nIOkltha,'QJq .... - �B I I- rate re e in East 13oltoll;- who � desired I Miss- 'Sunle Of 010-roolug would bo let,'hcla ly� if give. th, h77- utter d ,to id Soma' course O� big revIsion of li$tS of esiraIl. latrurioliy, but onebunterg child and irp vor the bar. fdr -,a ar rked 0 0 a 050 Stir oyi rig., rerh little difficulty. ill fluding a parson willing . voters in West drink -of whiskey., The obild-4*as Agent for D. ingratuito ly tJiO noccasr - upo, the iiiiiiitelligible,in'4tiiiet.iii wbioll 'ward re4emod by the mother oil pay'Ing '0. 12 a 0 13 Ounton,, Aug. 2, 187& *41 50 UIRS r 'Were4 I k to many, Determined not to I, ro, QnQ Gre"att! 4 1,0 (I've I tile WeiS lid Of -the' lists was written'. The Over- f6r the liquor.''. 6 .700 r'he '4 o oo A—ent,b Wal '7, it f-Ilist readirted—to stiaitgy, and the gear Stated that as an'tvai; -a 06:'ieIiart.thd fall Hides 5 Ited D d n NR fxi an & 0 n, p, Could, nd that the Othar ovoisoor. could jail Mad to� no moiitiou bein" Of thb� urds ill Canada '.First quarter of 1876 8 eapokins rVO SOLTOIT oaDbRi IN Coj?tM h 0 5Q 017$ LA1%Q1* pe, do I "A G Photographs.. To. a Scarcity of -faildB-Illitil ilia t�4. not write. t all, to the., sug-- utuber liabilities sccon;I Clover 00 ., A'. b cownitission #91 be p".1 r -PRI 1 ' 00 all 4 1, S 0 - W A X T LEASE 5EE- -M DS' CES , 0 89, fillfilly -iliattli Oro 46 no dangbi: of gestioli that iho aid -of 60hOlar sbolild quartor; - fionib6r 381, liabiIiiies �TlkijatlljL tjw—, W1101i'the InInis- ofie' have. been, ird q it ittimber 8, . 2 a L110 in, lie inbiiat6d:Ah6t thi after A Go 0 FO ill A young lady, to fittouil ti) roception'ro, as r which i iB ED F 0 R E, BVYI-Nirx ELSEWHERE),., his i U 4 i In) riti oil ilitios. of' insolvents tire �onstant I ly do- 0 12 -'a WAD than's fula, IWO, wa3 'pt, -of.1875 the, Clinton SL 18, l8m. e0'25 . � i an a�d - ros W iaii b kle, r 'd , ill, - DO ALL THAT 'IL sj '1160i , iintil the all B/I �DEITERTAAINED 'TO 1:&2' -A .go being por a b& The young mail thell ill. I' 'r iris" tneaths of'187(;, ituni- $lieu] tdo hbar Iliabilities The ro�. 18;6 0 and. lie was obliged 'to got a h.aided Nybell. tile animl 160 i t p t for the UtAted tabos 8110�8�`Irprdvo- years ol", And gon, ind two pow PROM S a de6orato effort �o rais4 fundO but with- A. renicutg by it o5, I 01) SAL19- ON11 'Out al I OCOBS) a Sul) a's h'bl'Q- person to 'ba r6outiltY for tile tra Seizing; Cho back of Bell's u -5 re3ponSL amoUbt before ho' 00uld;6btam. b004 Mail' . leo'k b OU -1 on a loopor, living,iii Wortli Caro. Peas.. - 0 6r) 0�08 A Dr. I as 'a C"a Olson_. In r coae, While. out f o A oes 0 �50. y4Lar, it London paper dowti, At c, sig for ek .45 Speaking of 0 or vions on the Q. W. ar0 or). 6.6$, wing him nplaodd4 Would: a; niquao'. then, bro a. de%dly p o 10 etc t,t 0 , - H. ti X wit him or L oyls STY IS11 A0 EASH110"N'AO'LE' I by thoside wife's*ctip A JIB PI aiid r6peated. the a armingo' 6a6ment� th -called suddenly'.,�'to, 906 a Zggs, �O 32 0 13 all roozon. ratly- astonisl� some, �eb a t be e room, iveno and other convent.. 7.00 a 0.00- 6400#o will b000la on Disy terrao, part dkdd t, le, t1fat iis� fifany is 26,314 persons Were $Iiell liabient; aa,shewwas'about Ha %virig t mapparently volkto� its , I I egrried from London to Port Stanley dur- to Pork, it, bectinio drink hor coffee;­7espied. a' fly in it, 5 W a, 7.00 truzoa IlTimst ing he �pnsit season on: cxcursi6n trains. 0 25 one IA, 1610. The lontrad Ho 0-6 i ap t , qui&again. and set tile oil,) asiO, drinking from,1lar a 026 in -Beadtit W 01 9 'D -is dauble the numbor that were car- whita,whale, tvhicll'�was cAptilred This Tile ' 4usbands. This, doatei, biAlmikipirk ipd-dilvirig any other similar period. Lon� off thecoast afLabrador last Suly, by othe . . ell, his, ret6fi Strayed., 40 ;A(mitself has boon found Ali o6ject removdd1he fly from the of at- nativ�a� has I -in tile, Now Oct. 18, 87'6­� pen 4rabk most 6f -the conteutsand- �0- BERISREUT ZS. LOT, 07, 06N. Vh . . . * 81 03, 'A I CL OT11 tractioi T7orlr it vva,� Ovought, rkom Cup -1 a 19, Qoderloh Township, three head of Cattle, Tefr4 ING I to, ininy, �nd no leis than- 0 1 9 inul Spring 1 02 onotbroo-yr�oiastoej, otted Jrod*and white; one two. Th QVI alaile. In tile capt a Mstarn in special clt� and all .410bg Flour people *VObre biropght 'here �n ill' died Ili a few lli' eff. I 00 a tdit� of O�cnrsio ' r. old Relfer, mosoy rot , vith a little whiji under thei nial% The Q11abev 3 4117 - find one vour Out Helfer, spotted red and white G 0 0 D. the 'why the Stations -WereL crowded, by AL, correspondent in the Sion%voklutr -oits railway o7icui!g1oujst% to Hamilton, (I�Uolph, y 0 $3 4� 0. SZ� J1`JJtI4J8J,. 6. brAb4bd On'the nigh born, Of 6ft6h aga� 'GS.L. 11ATS. d �CH to,'Sarnia "d ricavdine atea-of 14, nners age, 66, a 7 peoplombo insisted 66 soding'the ocean writds Thii sy T, nab Information as will t6d to �A 068 W ar ey, ft�elr r000iry, *ill be Suitabl rowArded. ran ii.1 a tank� filled with eems to b' littl .',inde, Ptaes010p 118 to 81�' on: uBelt Which, was Saturated evey -taiit'neWs it, -to carlied; aii Iud' Goddrich tV,,.SoPt I.. 00 4- 8.00. poi IND, HA pill -r P V a iiiiniber has been 22i341. The number es W—iiiiaga Ve or td1l -minill v%-41 rried, as stilied bas thus hoon. kee tile S,,ill Oe. .......... of persolinc, 'I).. tile Solt kinSy �UIOIA.t and nilp, mounts one of the floetesh of their Eggs; 0 12 A 014 loss.tban 76,404—which cloes not in.' young one Por .to k 6-00 a 7 �0 aild, o-floveral"dxcarsiong,on various pris from Crackino" IL: was a'. 3nies, -like the �vind d 3 *50 a 4 00' Hide's ADJUST andis eleven feet in lelllath! " It i4ill be until -his horse re4t3 ires. fddd, - when e. nitro, and all poin within THr!,. ABLE. of�tiio lin'o of a more local: hilid, which 0 -NNrood . OO 2 so. 40uto Ulin in 4h fed d 80- ill be nods afew times while his horse satiii. boura. The cure is oertAIUAndJ)O*UUoUJ. afid wi L givqn TTOZ;IS DICGSSTI�VR, VLljl of ive Cell__ fleSL .5 0 600 co R,113?,� each -time a',half - bdrrol his bune;cr froni. the luxurious inea- IZynpopsld. out* Data $a. This is the only o�e,i4 the world 94 ex. dowi, whei� the ride is reno wed. . The 8�1 11 Franolsoalks.. pay' t1la A on Q n L) ree Prom guys cmiMtod, tboy ill ralfavio Ottlazzli, mariza4l, Wi runtior needs nobliltI4 for 'his pork, and year for'their i L Bronwill and 0 incident ccurred at-Bro, Huova. All Inflaniniatory I)IMea10q. ThS Active pritteIN-tti iTh� Xing of Fiji is mad, fA T A J7X Ita11% ii%j�jnjll whild it pine log waa being talres pothing for )I' elf Imt his 4 The Otside gltkb qn one board 'he hau beall, ntsod�by ileUld and -Nvill in y -,�Y 0�1 gt maner ave b2it few prevaratitifia had been ent.off, and whilo the w6tittrion'l th of tile 'Bri L 1131ISlonarl.09 he admiras "Idioated, ridil-fto or tbreo' days and were turning over tile log; they ware Sur- of mad aines which i4 L largo of the people or any great leageA of to,ad- poke Iris head tile pictures 4ii tile traug, an(I tbinki 'lilgim, Over from sixty.to one Farm for8alp prisel; o b kindred ini los in. ditch t won ty-four bolrg, tinte, One bi thege is Dk, Thomits' Oil. out llol n which lie, wa im�edileil,- that the baswzissionary Society is that Pea4 the be eonrineea. —T. -qobhtw fid where boj)i *10 ;cst canlo' is reacbed, Ilia -Velih,e, " _ OrY2,118 VOR 8T.r., TIriT id bareV escaped being cu b 0. When the. n6i oft,, Famhdnz, lhai-e been itffl at tile of London Alissigh c --has a story. is taken oftler radiansignil 701th r7lettinatism fo), Ow last tea yeaes, and hard pph tip by the saiv. , 11OW tile str4li"Or g6t (1�esivea to aena t6'J)ri 1)jitnining too Of n to Millions 6arried iTi every direction. 'J.1410d OJItl In A I's it y; As 11.0 was co�lplotol st4f � T11E .11,10�SIT OUS'Brf 31ANUFAOTUR. in flils, avinner' .11 ( 1, jon, r4light De. 211koyiao Retietrie oil, anti sive thenhare had fall �ihm** prin4ol otimmot fallow, somolall rr -which the u;iVs itavel' plowilig droo. Thorn is Oil Ilia r1heo a encsed in the wood, ivith to possible way haTh6 Speed with With A N tolcon of his appreciation. an lie reg-ulaf,3( A's tile the lag wXq aepiuds tipqn� its tut 10,thig It it, 4e hard been. ieThe siye a -or tile djustutile straps,,aud of I 7url, W Vilrd fi'fi6ni tlii�'biftt oF the tfoe', ibe b to the bOuR6; S"(1 9 acres of rond boIng orihari improyos t'ho appearance, ana gives loveraoe'-of'Viiji kindly -to, grace, to 'the -Cho fbor�& orfif �quosted, tha--G eattlia telogtaph, '0 iidjusted to fit any f0vin. atloat, 50in: fhrWilj�l to go6d- D,r.­.A1%dl.P1z SeV61. dig�u,eni wedtolnea uhh U -1/f 61�Jno be-wellf, wilieliolvatruM his paiifflon must havo carriage. Vase, colliTfovt and ducability insured, Ask for the DtIPLE, COilSiM ' 112 their flist repb�tu, if tbov ome ji1l:rer&i the R eldr1ria The ffir,t III woJ tens,d v; 60,feet from. tile ground, gild lie has no Y' outig woman, as wiv'eB, and tho incom- Uh direct, dre ustially to be r4ed itpon.— role Godolob W�D%3 1�1, doubt grown up with it fror� infallay, bo. prilhousible refusal of the Governor liis hare telediton, honns io, the caat ditto, 40eqhnd tyth 3, In' ing, prob.ablyllhundrodii of years old, The so iiicansed his twqe9tyJ so irrltit6d. Ilia i ILY GROCE R-1 'r -OW alld frfth,:-� T them$ (JJVlfa fi%t'L &nil nearly Afi large .;orta mciliouldbe A, Afaubre Workworth 0. A3 LT6 uctl near, I t F y lid ww i( -S, that none -of fibi It is tht. t113 gran4soii of 06' --fiRt , awdunah, lbLid1io, ii , tho King of ltalyj I'vinuo, RumbdrVo son, Oil, it kna 40m, waaaetts iii heatIqland izdoils� 717 P FLO a tilaills liand: i parfootly blind OASH OR oPRODUOrm but whan no pain sorethronts andis iyorthyqf thellreal. 'r2jo hVerUgo daily id1revilaill lit of )jig imb3 to, crawl away�' The troo wAs Me 0106, W aboti b six y6mrs of ag#, is b,touglhb # '0 :� Evelljoil, tar 11 ts 12,154, be* arfcofly sourid with the exceptiou; of a,de- A,fow davo,grico vaA Stoai.of nP, in it r,009 MmArkable ml=or, - The eraua*4 16 telt Rbiitas' TER of 4bout a foot in loug,th below S g Vall;y, Backa coutity� Pa., wliM Only fo�dja 110 ;S tftll�&llt is ot,10A, IPA 1)0J. p1tiPI Ik4hell JJA tlio eity. L Wild 0�ycd twot I prin a , v -toter. mything tilegiffor 14 the ho, ,, place in whieh-ho wiii imbodded, working lit his mills notie.od that the Utlglisb, Nvil11 IvIliell lie is all ma CUNTON, Oct.12, 1876. 110�V di(I he ttid lie lot thel,6 1, a ' ndL pubtio bengflkl! A'L JIt. Avora" m�ahinerywas not w.60ting as 16 Should ably Ioll it�quaintea,' agl whA le s 0-oubletz -in tIK04LItSrOflttohtrotLI live on I tc-mastdv hefdvo prodeeding-ta-a o er, 411k'ld, 101tiCli aA110114(l Ift VdJ'Jt 'n 11ell. I Jffl$ JA' L by 00f)00 clplet, a 41%.V, goibing slawov. � Finrilly it, dd,..arld iteplkl 'L . L I' "" ' ' Oil, andbeflore 010 bqlt&�-Ivfls� .00-particlership. Notice. A, thd Stratfurd Agsixon 1g.'st w6lt O�o of L almoHL' ippe Ile immodiai (tV6Wli1g pro- 0 Ing been duly ppm,Aated by -ality to i, iv, IV a bavi tilb ivorA amb of brut Ig .000 thablIA& Atl000 thism 41AU ho We ato the Maud ind 0S Solil-by all moilibine dealers, Pdoo, ots; OTIM is H =Mlly TnV by tXU:r.*t'Uor 1411rlautA N the Stone;, his relatiVes. nother lateresiing fea. 8 X. TROMAS, Phelps, X, Y. Itm '01retllatfolk u) havo eedWA.RRAt;TPD bO1111110T. VOU SAtXA,T of, came before S il d ,,, a Button cat Lain the cause. Astalsed JJi VIVIIAZOVii Ito cq-pattnerghip to " : wore tbroo dificrout ikoklo#,rt the earrFing oil of the carriago rllldbg busfuc%q tit (I aljtll a iijy. Thard is 'Toronto", Altly Ill-, its bisualies, In the village of Loildooborti. anateol. O, Counts ju, tile. indictment against ilia pri- aud'dict other ture of big educAU011 is the Okit�, Sole Agatits for the Domittl6n. Cr*49JAltr. Fr JJJ.tJJ",%Vl#ygJU1 ' 'tlte STOVE AND TII�T- SHOP, CLINTON *a -trround WJ1jJW to Satisfactorily wkdouteall braMllftStVa lgt$ Ailliclously wounding with in- things �vitUU6 avail. V I silly he- went to his by all who st r4titt IfeW olitAletolld Oil censpelitorim IC t, EaI� ba file ignorance ill 'Which like'llag ont to gild, UalilolouZy doin, to the raised it up.— Lonflosboro, cat, 11, 1876. for Sale..,:,- gVievotis bod�ily harm wittrint;nt t* do rindfng that tile wgtok did Ilot, flow' as so .'Ur boArk poA$;jJJle ftjt(1�8 TH13 GREA-T PRIVIALU -4t�116DY# I'Alult, U� oir Titz, rto M soma othor, gtFovlona bodil ligial'i Ord, f(dab gg� it. kingship. Tile reault romidna to e the comes. Tile ion 916MIZO 119U10140A16 PIXT.11 tualness Chaiage, stray, ep- kCJ0UTlX 114TY Or LOT Is, CON- It', IN TIM Nfali�ioixsly doin grievous boUy harm tho race,.'tind, tolia horror, pulled out - w4ett olo - ONVJI Mlealeine I'S Ila TRAYtD PROX SUSSORIUMI's I?Ur1XISr1'q 60 Acres, 85 iacleAroa, good fz=6 bam end stable, one of hill own children, 'aged about prils.-or is. saill to'have grefit tasto This well k S lots 14 And 15, con,.q, Colborne, qbnft� fog hougo,A0 orchard. The Aovbfrnils situatoebodt of the most.rovolting character. It ap- thol,21.8' of Oliuta and vioialti, that be tWO Miles iioni thd vll]Aga of Londegboro, whote tboteviS thro.OL ydarg' Jb'wJJS toa for me6llftnival S�adlles, which mayproo -of, iat. tile litigbanit appeavalle�RP s7 daiLies YI, rAvo LIWES. ZVOLA1111 , and I it, station Olt t was of a jealous the ,A , XG 811101' P,- tWO f th0til. hANILT 101A tftfl.q- he London, Ituron & Bruce Railway. . tor Poared ti ill a dead, bub as Ild was.eavvying: it to the userUl to 11110 it any Untoward event Ily to nature ; that he lockba his wife ever-, and although a Powerful romadYi, 'it don, FLOUR BUS Xb Any one giviilq such WOMAtift ILK Will 10da t0l &lit (cy, 'antl 11 1&, I , . 'Do 1AUL9 Agento would o er tino notbitightirtful to the couBtitutioM roa0vorX, will room for four AL' n ho Ail- house Ug nose began- 6L bleed,, ana ' the shOU14 dilitu LAWY cattlea oil bvqi, Nv. X,*bv; Ilk th' $ulllin' J%.aork 31 4 1 - ARB19D ZDIFIS a any one golor came back to its fhoo, The clilld the 90verAtilent Of IWY- TO U to gob out or go a r 0 woyl Et is pe lifted. -liege Shop, 0 IS go PUV Colborno. 0 4T,.1W. ' dullai 4 . Jow, tell'o ]liw f -- 4 I - d" ­ YJ And'th4t, A tcr ted," J%r� is a pre rin W. 0 N S L t3 h10 t ce t 11040 In. Im. Diol 63:10tillan 112. 00 12 �01 ILI, ratus In 'the Pack And i ill o V, 1, (.)At okopr6son %tiorks, tile poot wouian, came sutov6d it milw don I%do 0 llrhns hort ONE NVO. X- &Ud at 11, i tho wfttet�vo one 4tiom" Pail lie on 1511111 10 o F� I liudo At only, dight ileatei Ab raoill a iUS, At S Mill t 11tiffillft I- k6liati. FAFKSTOOK A. 0 V18=1 It, t W lioart 11yater dic 'R4 Mail q Ity. 0116-thoSdruo. I hboing,fip nMillinery. the W611, a% it Jadthing ilad ever A of liar Ilia thteatg. Row long th& little olillil h1d boo' in ad p4rig, r I, 1F(Q. 2 even more brutally, thail before. Prisonor OAA, IUS Dr. ilTho PRa cokr�oponantkt, 6f the. T,I'mu tnombers of big mlite. amd: folln ana all ilia painful aliketwed occa, b vxDl; --. ut off liar beautiful hilir, under 06 int- rt Count 0 L an. int6evlow dr04404 rLtigliallm ii 0 adbuce I I y Jlesqra. W. 11 on, do their tolegraplin itil Clinton, Auct vroWton, it wa's allogod, that Abo was.. too fidlaa. pictures. them, Meng po of allowe hlin to 'Whe)2 all otlift Metal orool hu4band also blaok� with an o loor in the-% ., gyptiall: . artily, Theike pillo ho6yo nover beezi kn6wA to Ull nistantial. -dotaili- -of 0. li�il The *J;l (16f, bill, IS'JO, _C ratilain" and, boin 'able to spdak 2dr wliero the attoationo 6ft the giapago ot parao lit a I'lidf n1l(I al_�i 01y; (,at) be scou; Ut the Of Atti Irtiftit Stftct, romailloa whieh h0a tokati Plied .......... da frow Ion A, 3u; till (our 11, al'i Of Wo lftolca( 'tllllt 44 little rittraotioli whialt 10 0 obts Wria, a - t -bo, taken"hway. Ito also threateed A-byssiblit 4ating the' �ttowptfl bf � t*oa with 'him, The Dglishman. W44 vor fall Aski 0, vmxlphl� t ()Oil aflfiliAng, The a ivoskoo NEW YoUlt gott N6�16*6% 'kill 11 or, all il A eld lie vou 14 do so b u t6r and vary Intoroating, '04ut, A quantity ? 11411, I' I . In it oattal w I'llia Atotj yl)t,to. bl, Cis 4y as a .101 onwx, and stAntilb have �oou two $1.00 4nd 12J dikhts lot to f td - Trunk RunwAY f 1 n (I aporl 0itVy6$, it 'oh, . ------ itto laW. All atfoillpt i"I ty"Otle' to offidot. that Gr Clio wife had been guilt 0: projitiatop -of both train JASM). T6roXktJ> Talit le, Farnus 4)r 8 1101VII 020(lkidaii .—Virab, WbA himAelt4a -the Northrop A but 110 cago wag Theatir );lft4r To"ehip, oil, Ober lit abionoo; totlivartia a V kt of ''ill 06tJ)bokJ 1816" conal$tIng] and tile loco 3 dwW1611 will"Inbuto A �OUU O' TIMN VAS SUI.pljklad in Jofild of sUbJ400t. it, alid, the 'Ity on 4110 t1fird aild tile foatil- of,411000 moil, wall the 1000MO f .4, 9,06mbis and daotg# A. 00 �ill% an JQJd ill 011iflft Ji I , NLQUU a Ilailf no a Juago gelltouco(l ilia pligolker to two Ooundel, and, to, the hist wark. Owillayl. X, Ufa "it wid VA tulagd6n, Ais. 9136 lk�. 31 Wle, 110 4ee()44 6V .OnII shily, in II& yoges! 0011 fill 0 luoilt in, tilt) ped,tion"Lt YoW lot 6.- tJVO %lla tile Riddfoordiltrooki Pqk4r CAJtIbL Mail, ... J'ba IV. 45 1". X F1 . 00iftihilla at Xhigzlton' Ildtition w" oir. Zanuary Mat. U, would be tho ad& Vi 10.-Mitk, Go4stlolq 9', Ito P. All, LOr" 4 tontlat 461d)r4j.11LO 0, tI10 judgfq to illidgate "in the %in'JItis ill. 11ebi'llary fb PI, �401,v By I'll'rilpialy trAyoriking the Paris ovorw smotolo aeateace) bob -4 dt'vory fow O%9- 40rle of Ooltr& vjtj�cdtq. 111MIAg P161)ty of Ohot. till lie e i4 000 mo4 boing killd& The AbYssle- Vokots tL little e I elthtu I VIA Ddtile I o That 61 Illy In ;4 ,�;;% xppn�, , i,to ti�& both for too, thoUsalld NUO& r -,aptcd al 41 by t1r, . Httoll, 1, by aviollou, 0% ' 1114111, frAtar L010, 10 rMp AN' prigonorli ollarailtor or conduct, donA6qoik,t- !alt kilig thrift 4I1ApV6,qrL Its V0 010fol ejtl4g6in Vst- azid-retu Ing tile money troaguror, atorlor, and, Atoording to the I J14ndi, 141 sovoll Iititle oil hN wq,taliingo Por% bas. Topoated, IV66 ho did in the tak, frotu 6ppoolte th* WUW4 fff tba out Iil6me Fit itolloill fobil Tiolkeft to #d4kW"*th1%4 r prikollor 4e,fi � I 4111t, ot froft 011W)OW ISO A064 by Apia 40UU VIM Anob 46 "O MOUNIUAIld oft., about, 1; nin is 1501146 offico teklit,out, oOAWf Wall tehim hougot to oil 1000 10# 46f a6undel Ana 1: 4 ried 0.1kwo, tim but hilk keoper 'Ann troMptt, 06114 at tilt twillih tuom lm A Ial ieJuki lebo" AARIVAU16 Awtu till WOW 6A AANY tarho follow64 him, #Ithedgh he Gill, 4"ilug an aviny tif t But i AIMI 'it tffibliiit ot U11141 (14 of qjor viotitod, Olt roac 7 Dof Volitt divitm0h *44 foutillic to rdili %Vlf #fi4ta$4 'Wilk ArJAJ %J*t%dyj4 it I I -. S 4111101 bat, 1% I A ILI I U AS UTUM ..........