HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1876-10-19, Page 2MW 0A
61, 0 A, 10 oo 0
4— RM 10 N 0 oft ol OP
-10010W goesety. ISM IF!"A. 17-4 XJ #
"too of WIN# Naw SO;& W_r 4 Aisli 0# Noe be4 71. Irigr XorrJ0 W40011 AW
mmxo"ro "AY11101,00. AA4 lowrty -�.Ankjklpx thip asout4l
land. PON. Awl RA
ou 40, to
"11 viso. &S. A, Xqut Atka ;� A. 1104%, ldolp�#A, P401ally'llipon tile re.
IlMostrat, W140 0 gonto ror torT. Thi,oulwal fall pillow ill - powle6tion with
A w.ritell to thil, London AJzl8r480?'-,' 01AU d the risk t44A-;-J)Xyl0g 1.1 t iltiptillt-,
fi,oto 3"Itylluld"wittits, A brign(.1t line 0 in, the 111tel-oat Ot tbsp Company A1000-4110 lartin 11`001101,f As$ , 0010011, I'mmAx skvxviil� alow, hange0i 04V go. tblft 00010ty, wait lield At Illyth, on Tllur;ulay
May it lingor loug&
option of A. tbrov,foorths' Was lintAxtioll, T)AQ 60)41"Aunual 900,Wg 04 bit, belil to 0o Coll-
rMiroad blillt froill 1140 L4 1Y. P., 1%ear 0 'but
Wit italaries- oll requirlog 091PT14b, services
%It real estate iis� sullooil ougtou� ou ril,74yaw sawralty, 10tu AW NVANTR A Divonvo 1863 V606ript JLJL K` S.I. ),N'
of AI a 4�. 6. uont�r, 4t podo- '0014, irldob a Jargo num))Ilr of
,yQle tc, 11 it f will, bol"lln t, ill tin iii. 104,103tho fulLoWy days Ia A I oassjp.� J�Oma jutiot Kay, ou o4q. eiunl%; of FAvitly, tw 4-milawat Hunter Inarrii�
of tholia oxp�dlexkt* hitV0400en more or less. 8how. of More
hant lhiflor,�,Olotbler nua Genentl Outftt
oat I
disipo;%Ws� And are all of tip If", Vill give 0. boloWilrops 04 Tho Alt 0 A441114W.", him to Chilifornis, where they b9th. went -gee W,
Ill V41 -y'. 0403" rartjipularly�ln tile
Flooutlonlo.o� vror. 1). Q, jiMa4l We of DAb. doll, Ili the aallite, year kittl piloplip were on tit* grolItild, Or,,
oln, in my opinlon'.
COMM I -11,4'U it It 4 haVIIOV thtlt All) nation oltsiblo legislation x0loul) 04 bq A silo givo 4 num. into atirvice, depositing their 111tittial earn L I N TO N
us 4 bwal ampiell,11f;uitli all tile 5 witu. x4ot '41tor wlit 7411lig clasus, the lit stipek, bo. it 1%
bei Q1 114A4,110as4, U014 46 11101 l)GVU14V hiltl' in tile bank. At'thol 0114 of tWO Ywilra 14, njore plotloonblip fn title line, thail ally,
thAt b as boon ouggoatod to Aty mind wonld, bq
big camallit-V of the wrt Ituabodw, lialolnU. the quactmout ox a law croating'a bear4 of are
commisiplonors in overy-city A411 town, With 411#49irs. 4011t Mrgarot otgor , Ails dWplay of Sheep, piss Una Oxen, .... ...
9tiou,'wbon, Zffl :W *As Also SQ04, some quipartai allimato being.
L 'All `4 �
""fintoll Wou
Tbomw, reawirp6i of bil4incaa fire 60r. Mority,to make pc ional i4spo 2,ano, )d soon follow. $irioatbonshe shown, but felt, borlied 6ittlo, otit�er thin *xon'
tever And w1wro �or daugermay W approb*f- Pit lao I,# has nuior soon AM )ilia IlQar4 but Varyr little
1, an 3 whose duty, it, Should, be 0 mALQ Im., 86,U040 rusluess, ofilim, A good many jillple.
t 144 honor
THURWAY, 001. 111), 1,8761., W14 Very on oxhi'bitiQu, alad tile 'agonto. JU ST OPE NTIMT P
Pea4detala of Q
froni luedlate Inquisition in *see of Are, A's - to - Ole )0 Wayne, Circuit 00urt Will-9VII-Alt her theroofWora' 4. J
W.1 wo rilar I. y aro
oltusoul the Are, obaraeter Of tile lisk, ROP00 Of polegato to prorlaolfil 404041'a004. a divorce froul, yet(% linerits of their respective lititell !noa. , lit ot I tr.
A, 140M SUIT.
AY�101( Ilat no Cilpltillltsta emi be tound the on rrent cash value of the property burned, PbY40#1 Sitbuirday
Infirancoupon the of 1,14ges And wftgsoug tile display, voilld be
tit$ AtRptint of 4 plants, When, Pan A.A"
Q warru
Jiail 1.11a w1tore, And. by whom the ingurance WOO; et' V.,'W.�Loat -o fiteir vil.
-For duo, the Xrw F�Aik liful- With 'Isuffidont faitil, to �W--)ievo that A last WOOL-, our town, was Visited by Mr. Wit t faeturevo seemingly One 'ase E60M
fee tea, and report the faets to the clty�or town Smiill a d0le
trade lar-O'enough 0ouIll be hililk I%p.to oti,ve engaZed by the metdiclil, lips jog no palas Or exponse to mal;
Lbel Suit, Clerk, A44 In All cases Where stlapialons eir. 0 AT V r4. a A dental anil pharmaceutical societies, to lifolos of the very Anest description,
plealim or derbintlins 9,4, X,
wit rdilt; the -bolliling And nil'aluk or, 4 citinstAmea are'dispovered it ahiould be their X Tt linyna,T.P.B. f0t The indoor displty WAS fair, but )lot w1lat it
Qt,laoutripto r6at tit in,by;, rot out and punish all ]Parties prilcticioe
cinio 4 at tbo As .9 61d ill 10j, is too nelle, an4� the duty to notify the insuring company -of the. doneral W,Olap Reoptera, bY A. 1.P. S. in th-.se'professlona w! might, haro boon, owing �9. doubt to ttm 1(kit T.
thout the legal qua-
iigO bein,,� Algebra, by $. JTva%ntqa,. B, 4� beillgA0 latein thli Season. It-Walpippipossiblo M911
0�44rlqhlaso weel;- laid vail"Y, (10"Or feet, that Payment Of the lois mry be st4,yed, lideationS. Those of this towa� I!ow
.0 every to keep
thore rot' "Ilippilla a A -l'o-Ar qwnq. K" being A11,4p to the m ploms, grapes and poaches, and 0011.
flwllilles� 0 and forthwith prgoeed to, 0Aintist
A glad. to add, n I z B 4r)C,1ljefOnI1j4 no SeoPip aq
t $1,000, and, We gro V, e ry sable nielini for Ascertaining the 8, y eleOtly but few or nose were shown,
facts: OM I I
tbAt tile pleftaure was very stiWiplit 'to 11loo tit! tll� u'r luents. 1`040 - for his talents .eve. , Not so, however; in
and farroting out the guilty parties, Irk,ad,l -rsopis PrAc- Wise the fruit digplftY was good, In butter
s tire now ov r, and ya other Places, for of"the eight pk,
Tor FALu. $now and Clieeso some good Specimens were Shown,
J ai, quite ter,, ST1w"`F' fl- TS.1
f thk metiwl of (lillift-44, ' We - are dition to this the mi Id. h4va
li (� j it ry re 41M.0, after it seloners, Alton tirter too i0eth. ticing dou6stry in Suron only, three, those Tlj9 bldlea, seem to o the, greatest t4tql�asb
e g Standing offisr of suitable OCR, reP
)f 1,,aglold authority to mal;
ill the, coort roozn,. 4WAY0 01.1t, the lalitltlilantq Were,900, of Godoriolt, Clinton and Wingbam, pos- In, tile indoor -department, Ia tile, pro(Inction
t I -(�wgrao tor"such, itiformatiozias via wia to Tot COSTS of Nowma.roh's case
be. well 'noodle wnrL
-e Ionslon At. aoss, tbe legal q11411604tiolls. 'It MAY of all manner of Ignoy iind orna.
1-14b Part be. the APPA id conylotion of Any P
h')ld great expPetliti0fis cf t etr� not $110, As lastwo'ek stated. est for) freely In, mentil.0 articles, coverlets, nibroidery,
verdiet 6V tile defendwjj�q, for some grocors not to JnN
I oritninally ifilplicated ill call.shl= ,Illy
its lit 110 distant'A'a " it bubor of TO rUNT Is the pencilled. sign on a articles propqrly belonging -lit flyq- drug fawy wreaths, Rol, Doinf, APIV-0li In 4ban.
over pepur.
honso in town. Of oonrse the landlord 'a bubiness, lost they receive ilia atterttlots OWN,;, runny iii the 4ruc evi, beilig of excellent
thila liNc-m-ont "i
a art Irlohrliwi- 1poNt dit-no Ite!cAlls arallad.
14 flshila�, disfum eipoll overy,0116 who t'litertilillit IV I I 9N to he LeAdero TRA"TkS.-We Are ill4qb Air, tv L%wronce had oil o4ibition a, got of
bave beep dpring ill that t! to Bro'Jor i SaNs or Tvpqrtaw�%ra,..At tile last rog.' b,,.1j,O9ia furnibure, which drow tbo 4441iration X _X, Oct, us"Im.
�6r ft Of 11150iOUK gr4pell$ � �of Clinton DIVIttion No,
(]Mvoot ol0nion , bt6 ill 01)_tli, W14 ular ineetinq
a I every, little' pond and Wom for 06 In one of tile lett;r_.t1 ot.illo 016 Toronto it as it wa.5 r010P, a flail 41A,plity of aach IKWmm
86n% Wifiii "I'll, _,
wfollowin officorp
alraps of 33ews or the, doloctation of ill ft1111411011t i-orance, the"
o 'Ar, tile ere r rospectivit office$
Comb w Walled into thol T119 opicers a( 010, Society ovory' arran.
Iaft ran idleness of manY by A. B. QuicAt complelboi And did 0, our m4ovis., �Nu lowe w4hllt3ld, this, itcul, J oll ell to lily foll6willi, is givoil, vOlielt spoilks for itself Wis salt blool; 0 is' their power
Orrand Con 0 add to tile success of tit
et, d woric-, ductor 0 show, whilo the
The Ic4ership of tile OP. has, 00 M. P"4 fom thern beeil3o wo �Ositloil i anlatt, ide, -hidefatig-ble. See otary, it-, it �CoQjl
to croke nu,inlall tile corro4pondoneo ill w. p. -.1 a in o 4 j4
Oil arrie
016 (lay in tho A-010
g 'Ounds 1111011 wilioll thol &tilt dolusion, -fidtilld (10 It I% n(k. tl)js ilisim will be , found au iilly, for W. A�-Xlsji Callanglier,
Olt all ImmIS, thab $4, obn .4 i 'Nae- discharge of.his duties,
pob now.-IloW 44 ponition (lid o0ollIetitfoli by. soine of tile f;kir 3ox, M. C'. were so frivolous t1jut illueli loplt.-(er bo.14 the position.- 7 George Wat,4) The following in the prize list.
intlerelited 4% tomperalivo-shoult) Hoitssp;�-TNXVY DA Axe Taixin marea or
It-belloto we wero in eruett- ill- to]J4 sollio Lioarly all'tlll) Partly flevlloo bii bralt-li bwb attiallt Ik Ili I
A� 8mid),
Drood wqrO, 11J.
Ti L a
as. 0ell Ilia lobeC oratprl rovllswlli�r tim 110110 illooting to be held VT A now 2 T Pbse J�r r
00. "vot 411ry t0to etjnitd Ilaye [Irk .1 r Awlerson, 2..i
4 A*R.oroQp 2
.'anyt1illut bot R dealt veight to tMe TMubulolid., One
hul $Onw little Coll 510 era tion for Ue
vsrittl � 101 yr old gelding, D )NI atsow�
)10 " Old,nifill. ofth, sfa." Ile Nvill lunalliall Alld Z11 -in of vr.old filly,
1J, �
OY jid tiariff- W11c) was, Once Ili -... � - . 1,- I, '
,V `7xiu9zf0A) aaalo, 2
ailil ir [Oinu or Im- alit it 1; ro
Up Cmwfo
4 '. rd.
respondent. und fur some time t4o' ry witlio t:n
fveir 011resonta- I
he would 1,10 achlittod by not talie GE20-:11AL IT T'
nrosr. _04 �_ti
worii. Sim, t , llarell Ot
'Vag a
by the e, llowevol., tbat x Ilifforout deqthly.has Al& C, Wig -town, P' big 1"f Mr. G. Atintgon discovered that illoVoty, 2 W. Dro6d ware, I D Robortso
wid droll tile gui( been soleoteil Vd, tile fallou, 009flai6. 1-16. 66illbed'a 'nietnUor of tbo-:0001161 of the
nioro lake-saillag ves- litedii bddlv eioligh, and 11145ro i no one (1,ur thii WgYts star. Tyro geldin I -J'Sorimagcy
The facta of tile case. y Avoitterli R1,00 ab the 611unril $01: fruit troors, stripping ur ow, I MOO Of Ilia qe4inj it at the 11"dS in L I sypplk,
;l1s. �1` the kii 1 00
e. Campbell, of 5eilfortb, whiJ4 overnor.-General, wboee cocle,o[ hunor, 4togetsoll'. dnQ yr 01.4 filly., 1*:
ell itlaticious 'son,
�Viljteeil illolloa it) longth. Tho NID E R—
off the trinik. for a. fuo�,'to
as our Correspondent,: frequvatly. gewt tip by hinlsoH Call, 1 J Woli:itcr. C A L
vrould. aut admit CIE his seading for, or) veteran alre purchasing olror seye"n hundroil,barrels deild bad 1)eon dono. with kniro ; 400k. One �r old
ty fir ridleowl. I'Ving . entire colt, J Mason. items ill which hiN naille Gocurrell the A pinuer* to fohn a Cabin 1f tf), fill all order IQ), a Tuouto pefistills Ila-viog Won, aliggaged in it, 1161,608, 1,T Col,
t, evilt if.Xr, JAIRc.
r" kanzie Were forced by.vai;ailvorze vot to "ro- price It , DO St. 10 per tit aliarp. knife th6othor somewhat,
'V�aio LO beca PCs- a . ' G Stewart, . Oilo-yrold gold,� 4ayo omovqd �llolr )laittlo, aild to tile Cho, paid be
to attend lit 9a
ser, One yr Old. fill- I Smith 2 1) -sail, y of accidental ill -hkvo not the ltio. soon aftei tile. Arrest and punialt,
Juiy to, tlia'j)ol Ile though I oinallest, epictwo I "I T
el�' the P
ago, 4110 ftb4t Ills, EitoblIoAcy's and fe Agn'elv.
Ctct-of Iris being .,tile autlior 0 AWOB i0lo, so Sort.
V_ even �bi pat to, such: tasC A shil:lIusu6if abeeit from thiapl4te, and moill - of, :40ino of 0ATrixr-THor%ol;G1;rrr, rD, -MI011 AIT� How, prelmrtd Well, o'doparture of Ia ell
of w1hilealses-th ouoly a8saulted Ili ll yvi iie in thii �Jiscbjllrga old heifer, 3
Oplas conliog to tho k no wledge Ell' one 1.11d 1111d The xellabilifatioa ivhich Sit will recoir.a r8q, yt
a-th els 0-1:1, Reiiii, Wa tho I-) 111E. In hitest Styles 6 the go
it 11 Rem, 2 J Wash' trilsted 'to theJ113,
in the saille prufossioll, 111 sttpr was oeilk, other at tbobandr, of ilie,fleople At thepoxt electiod, UN 11 .
N011 be, as Iii binl6i f- ifell kllowi' lit SlAto' mTkd rraouian boit�g tile pritiaipal: btrrqrs. 06ugbb. to be dolls Uy'sones Ono or, ifi
$ton, , Dll calf, I T and by us so 11 lVe ;bf, worl-itia
PiNiblied, iii 'i ich Lim t Ire, clow, the Con at tht) � lVast de. n0 of tile part�) 'in 3, Spirit of re
oirable kiiI1 He ill. be routod, horst, foot %Vito re. rhe council. hayo Of[ored $25 rowa.rd, &lid 2 It Shortred, Afilch coir, T AddY,' 9 items were hown ill) �� rididulailo, 'and that of this tow it, I ainotint; for the ir- 13�441jraito, Two y
and 64 aimil
and if -be sta*49 fight, a r ol
lidi(dr, I J,Sbqb.�
berikly wbtt: to E�'ngland wHh a oirg� of t p ItIodd. One yr old heifer, 1, 1his conduct r, not iliat of �a gentle, Although ic iliny liat be lslvas4fit, to spread. bolit-f that he Will be so is tapidly bro. -rolib ailil conviction. of. tho guii y Art bs�
iw1oad of livo stock-, ariired Sit Liveipoiyl Ic teifor calf, A T Addy
aticing in the public mind the e0jivic It is ti) lit
tion that. will be brouglili- to- IN -dd, 2 J'Wasbingtol.- 't
tuall, at least �lot that of a pto[Liiiroual b� v evvil t(01 b.bi% with thela ih P1011did only los- 2 T.Ross. Yoke, tWo,.yt old
I frow.tbe Scene of his "ir I itahpIsli, and his diii.
gentleman. This charge Dr. Callipbell Injilding ot' in our midst, there 18 Shoblirook, 2 J'
perihittod to remain 11 .
before thit time camell he will: jliaicc, for,if illob, perselis 06capia and are steem, 0 Floody
caN tog one -by othor of hi3 mort yo�th- in" tbVktRft, &Y tlb of lawless- 01ming. Beeve� I T, 11�osjl, 2'1)r Slo
four 04 th Yoke 6ne yr old -All .0dirs br th, 1vill .10 tik
thought ill too serious .6 'llat *J11 �ft paio�d.to, cry pr6bability that a-,spi An 10. bf, bal)16, y(it )VO igorous )ieutenasto to. reign, 'In Litt .11terstral "onderod., in consequence of SIFFEPm-COTSIVOLD. 4god rain, * I And. a. J
passed ovee in Silulice, a InVeti, to' 6 cad 11,V11116t; *011-a Havolia zopently, by wl�itb save. d6ming.' Shearlingrazil'i I -H S
sljoulkl bul(14 mly so diall by fal��'ely 6t , risk- of brinjing, guilty.'Pa Dell 4r aQu, 2,
ril, bt Ws'Tibi NTseb brouot.- rb'0" to oH gnolA -
dQuied throkwlj. our I'or their misdoods, A biAloove r
trait .8 Gumling. air gad owesi J Cut p*
The r5ill ,. , ..'' , . 1. ) I tl e0 lotTh4'abDV6 shotild be rohn, 8 MUM aiwery ofio aShea I'
"trait I,. 0 CO.�;aY allYblingJul ir
is 0.4 uncle of thle TtAv. Petor, S eps.1 Snell &SOB
charactev tui�st be vindicated tbrov-, 4rit, for 1116io is 111) telling Pal ' a. yollo. sftWarO th4fi_wc kpop ftL,
d"etta.like at, r a, I, Cumizig, zHotbor. aever oi TnE tot this -county tiff ii.od'Prother of Mr.. P. Sr"rai'lli,,of Uliato I. I Yroll
�l _Llkst Avo-ok Mr, . Cu J� Bell AP 011ie p s b efiQapos L
r I to wliatbxtollt raw, I IZ Shortyrecl; D STOCKS IN
the court. Ife, theroro o, doulauded tb ue.v.e bq re, ich Ltot Week, Chid 34stice Gwynne it lilijist Soon L a zl;.� T ri NN!, ;: al
niug6ito shoWea 44-.a ouclinibor 'of the lie
iian2a of tIjo writer of t1w letter, %Ybicill -A large. number o Shob, roo ca ing rain, �R. -Son.
oscd., I, alnbu� jwhidh were the RA16trizi Stullicy, Drunelt Agricultural a lamb 1 Sail, .2 0 Dale. Pair
wo declined ivill alid. ill new. California. variety,;. gi I PER -CEN DiscouNir ON AL
Oil account, a PWOS'.1 Pir OASH PURCHASES.;..
n1vithtgogtib- * lig Owes on; 2 b IWO.
ClArli -00, , I , . .- -
Jor plW. by consent 0 P4.61-6WO
iii circumference. . 10 Says this
of out: refusttl tile suit wits 41 paper Verdict for sub-. and 1. l4'1�rajjcli'.Agrl6uItnra1. Society W.0 h'014: a J\r
mbs I and 2 Diltl
section canuot row iiiatlitnoth ve"ciablOs -tyr -is & Success' itigs, 2 T Eadic. C A NDERI
by' 0oulmissiollor a(' son -for plu.; 0. Soag�or for(lcft.�. .3. jeId,OIi1XIihrSday.1Asg,ajjdW. LLA
a";Yy Vs D.OYLU-Ac t Ila �Xpxbl- both In P0111 of 0 ..d. uumboro-in at- ��D. 0�r, kiiiij, I cf. V Oaf,' 181 .18'6.
he Na ti('& I Coll vei:i- a -we. mil onfieil Our plea,'which, the verdiel; f to for crim' , :
B �*;Ranl jmllire.,at k intoiest as goni 2 ar llrood.aa ro. c11arrisburg, ISla co: r
jury abows we were rih t * in ho a�lltd le.. boir _0 16ale. Cr
Ifling, tioil. bell] a few dyff. atid in I iS611 foi P10, as a corrop�ioa, that Miss: Martell had roa, IlnIinCLA(Pl3tyl a Soj�kvs-Aotio.n 'of; c4iie' Mr.' Ste0en si, was, that the letter was nothi on'A Ooial for c I 'Ito iioliy, of dr."folos wits in many Iullbbt ;4 Lashqui, 1,6gdeabord D Match
119 more. lia6 been 'cal- Vordick for deft, .. I a DiiZED-8 I I . III 1p plkh",
Jr. T. Garro As r supej;ior to -that of former yo%rap on -�-Agcd boat, f J 1- S. is proparodt At r�
p W r VIff, 0
than Wr and bonafide omiment ilia Waterson has since received t Crosier, 9 1 Clarke. 33joit og n6n, f3heop and Pigs, bog residences
u on Calneion. Q..C. aiid S. Malcomson for- d,6ft,.:, I," t 0 11 buildibgs, chore
:led-f6plth in consequence f tbe. enor- lie table -�-W Elliott, Last pi'S
The following presentment of- the 1�y Mr. Stej m8elves on the stjoco and 2 T Anderi;i6n, 11rawanish.; i Scintlicombo Hill. With VELVET 'CARPETS,
the correspondence and- wl of he the' is 6[tlio show: 16r Young b6ar, I and. 24 Gorlel S�lv, I
:publisL the T Goiei. C-kRpr.T
inous ingre"o in tile alnollrt.'df. PropM Grand Jnry offered 6 on' we must . re-' seyerAl reasons, we are unable to... DUT01t
plaintiff, and that the aa -L credit- hot with thq honor'of gainino, the 6a heir, I
a a,,m Dairy Pi ENGrsil Om cLO'XXI A1ATTR.J.SSk§, "Il'
Yoilng boary
.,an tter a wecul .-)I, (fie let. Grlz;D -Ag6a boir- J Blood CARPATS, THR731-1PLT, CX j4,.
by;Ji' d 00AF,
on, -ris an�l
tbati Should J Robertson. So%
� ye Goderl6h, -Oct. 12dr, 1870. ao 'he it CU.
ter was full justi&d inw1kiii, 'can - I And 'IAdien' liepAi 11 D t��notico and at.
son.- ", -S zicqS.'- t)0o6�ds'oiI-dl0tIj�At'
o -His Uonor Sttstlico Gwyn'se, Snow foll on Sunday 6youln4jid, ftt.fth Imit., quite LVTI#. h
did, and we in- publis-hing-4. pvotazoly tot 0, while-tho amrileit kill of $now IAU!lr 7� Robert or of out $overeigii ril�ly the p6nuty �jnco G) Pourke b3t, ; 500 ends carpet at in -Y alde n� The. G -rand Jry tilN.-�Fsll wheat,
a-Ai.0 b ? J - Thero-pre p0l.apa IV.
inu . �: Queen. on their oath',1jJros I . 1 .1 1 1, T Pesin Ahi cOutity .2 X - en
rl- -ilk t ��talnpd by solve, that cc An 'ini Idad. 14 Me� Duildas itrq6ti' 125 , Street, L
That the suit'-termi- te&as it: did -is ent that in the perf6r- All, *14ont, X t d bnngrat ti C." OB ques, ion alance qf their duty, they. inspectea- th#) gaoi, f Huron, that have made tile Same Gow4n, 2 not.1tilow,i, , .,%pring .-Whplit, fifi%,. W no far c jitti;In't oh. and f0tifid th4t ille4ponitboug' is cause 6r- ulitio' by -4 -t'the',full of Clltov�-"atcb,
plibil the timO is w h' er 'am. Mont during the vear, 4Q the Y-Alkgo of th b"
gaoliir, Ui, C
rnfin te any year since Last
pAigne, has. o all Iyth. Oil ovoj�l 2 R, Wdd. Arley, I It UbIld, 2 X Beft mish'
'h wh
well as urselves, for if it, te' t earlier thapi� hirad p
st-tillish - some -bu th
otherwise who would dure to make stric- the governmen6 muit charabc! hisdutyinteepin the gaol. clean, year it. nowa�i, a 29ad of Se t., ind growing ptespority new OUROFI" an to, I arge oats, W '11,01q;,
-in 187.1 on. the gOth SOPt, Ill anov� storig; being erected In. many portiond of it, I R 2 W Ross. White H6u$oljolj1 fuhliturd, ant' 'maikeb sepidre; Doz*f;kl�L.,-In Clinton, n the 11LI
generaf insuran"c'e" rinciple, whereby 'anil in'cating for those cohimittedto his charge..
tures upon the conduct of another, iao "itioa to find an old man eighty.' fell in the 'monih ot J�iy, biq it of course And-doonsequent increase in bu E(didll oats, I R,'BLaIdIjiw, 2 J Taylor. Small- They were piti siness, bqlng Clifiton., on Satnildivy . v. 2.Ut�, Op
obrybady would pFoperty in- two years of ad6,1acaroorated so A va t in very rapidly. 0-ri-the"10th of Oct. noticeable, While tile railroad liag to a great lims, f J Owens; 2 3 11C.Amish. Lslrg6 I James tile wife of afri (lee. Dougall'
maiter h W Opposed to puhlib interests? of a son.
grall me Is
stireAl, And be taxed p�pordingll', or-. in- consequence of no other providbas being made, Sit iaches. of Snow eitent Stimulated the present kato of progress, .0 Fiood�. Barrel I 2. ITACOrT.-Ilj 16ndesboro, 6) tile Sth illot"j"
got. of 0, soft.
oi.)iospital In contlectiOu With the prison for ch is clue to the energy And it, in. implements'of HASTV�.DEPnquuz.�Oaq day last'week rose, I rt 13' aii, 1.1, t1Q,;Wife of Said 'old. It :PlWmsteeI,.L6iidon (Al t
perBODS, in deitltatO 0iT0Um5C%y[0e4.' habitants, who are'doing all'in t ieIr pqw.or, to ,i Smith.
THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE, 0. & 'Everlitine; whti has P`4000-4,� any kind, 1 -1 ii ell,
-groatlyenf eblsil, t a persoh named.
It in, 4. it a tiill b able �to, loslu ta, t matt IS - C. I J inati, A a e-t�
Ibr q 4 tile zil0st Of Lal(I4tFi'2JS6ilth. -Pleldcarrotst T in. on thy 2'rd
tizqe beer; a4rryiti
helpless, roquiring-,attln g44 ospesses Severs Important i,h, 2 Dr Sloan; R ect garden carrots, I'W Go. J)Ody, and quite vilagea. It
-lack of some otbPr Th'orei callnoi -Of doixbt !)lit whleh 14 not onerouso b4t very unploilitant, el rasunfactorles, and has 4vite a numboiof Wr- Swede tilimilps, f X Cum. Sio011, of
For the 0 V niii4l; barber, shop here, 'left wn, and
tip to the &esenb nothing. has teon.hoaid trR I), an tho-1.8it at
-Ing a, in They, tile Grana.fury, poider it a great in. flug ga ma6l, and should no' 'untoinkyd T,Ondri Road, VocL16tsmitli, -on tl)6 25th 11. 'n
tho Conservative pre3, are ni.ali silinice I � bnalne. _ W Beets, 1 J Co
justice to the gaol nuillorlifes that they sliouldr othis'whoreabouts, Several.ofour-towns- event happen, Blyffi will Sony. b6come Otis or qmbs, 2,.D' iii.t., at na J. Drine, 4k-uct uc00d, acd. (;3 years.
be c . om to fitive Interviewed him tho,b6st business �eatre% iqthia,coll kip
great ado Ile litario 00 6ra, p6iiea to look after - porsonsi of title Men *ould', -ed' 06
Pr6pert bp* Pumpkin' 0, 1140 A"' Varm'sto6lr &-c pllbii'JtdJ8th inst'
0 31r. Ttm Quigley,, I t
'Q a_ 9.9, itlea -, , __ " I P
inent Jo not intend I o call 10PAI: lQ- clasia. The�'sl4o felt that it WAS to lid ilogret. pr4v16us'to.hi.% de�rkrture. Ills liabil. -Ult Nfr 1, 0 i SOSO h Land6A3, "aged 20 yr, 1 7 mos.
range '200 and 11.4111110 a, P qX, N g a:w r,
tea tliat tbo'county, Couliellhad'not avail.' from $150 to.8 gislature toaetlwr (ill -ifter the. (Mrlst.; e 06 the. 15th inat'"
nulloo in I which the 6vifer.gn4 fli-vo ilhdrq) Vw ix oIps excess of ell the selves R9 the power, wltl Govielli . 1;
proportf n e -town haV- we:W191i It to be, alitinotly lindetatood iliat we d6,not Williarn Tuiiidr, agoil'80 yea -s..
inas and ne%v'ye.%t- holid lie rcal, ill a )1AS hifested thefix, 'to PiOv.h1ci A were Ob enlikely'-ilestildte, 1h I' stbo1c, hounctiold- furniture' &-c, of
ay,�; I hLegisla hutteiv, 1.1 .10 Ing.
14n*ovil more Dlili� S. lot 2S, 11th Ill
AUMOntotl, And aggrf4vate(T t I than comfortablehom'e'tbr'th'o'(1�-st'itate. " In your Ing to li,ro"Vide for them� bson, 2,Nfisli Pollock.. ok. . . )n. 'fill I loti.l.*
they. lire scarqe1y. any other gro: nL v; I desbructiou'Uproperty Lonlsbl& able 'Una 00 2 lutte , b jo ithilint. as, llbwao
u r'of to the. on tl
aily ar,the Iniquity- resulting from (l`randXaiy you. enunciate It the o�ini(in -that PAP.j�IG on:-TILIVrodgy rallor, prin, s
complaint in consoililence of tbig nori- I,; -bilt a it IVAILL thil.. prietipe, It bettet la�f* had -A til _' Foil -" r -a -da' morning last I.Vlr. J. Holmes, 1161axesl Po Ofe. Vltor- of the. "ray-lor, DAiry choese, Man And lob, belonging to Mr. J
T Anderson,' V Aptat,choese, . I aud 2? stralth meeting of the,local lionso thali tllqt -Ville, lIa4 a hdrso, buggy,two sefsa James
It amon,, p4ople Who rank 'unn;a4ssiy 6'tf;� hirtbet 4di4iniattatlou, of J'* �ft JLjollmond, '116rde
"t Oct,
alloll the, jilatica, liam which the Jurors recahed the !h8t6elp�;r ifi (I lit IQ Howson, Allot, Qubh)� va.ilAliz�noom Von, nzkTv. Lu -
I li set W46ble au4 IIIIrticithfiral sltoW, hot maile brAd, .1 r 12 T Andefaba. Broad, from I will for A low an old prinailAe of' 00 ditizo3s. it, tenTs to (101, d neirly all bf TM
PlIblio 0101�Alj. 11; is a. r preln!"Ill (in impression that.thera wai atrintimation �bhat it hirness,, stolen, from his preinises,L.- The fird ancl 4th, I frwiont�y beard 0OP14 SAY balkees,D. Jeakinq. 1�lllac lot No. 5% Albert Wed, at� J NN7, n1yer ilto 10jole of m loga Atoo, or jaxie,
party that the nipeting of Parliament Uscoffol Ilia p�tition 1, folta zia not; your desire vik's elicit forin thelu -tin .jpres- � thieol; lift, a note pinned oil the barn do When ViO'01119"my` (Ifttl9litei's C0110646011 01 .0 . III into or, fanoy that a person of her Age could. I Dr $loan, 2 On tile M11413t,
should take place as nearly as -possi it c6nIpeI4'lxojldst poolijo sion of opini6m o4 the subject, They t1lare. sayiv� that the horso 'would be found At a11 at-ldt, . - -
to 'a borough At A -C V -a A L '0 O -S T
pay 101) it ita;.ell, , 6 vs"', Rusietq,'l,TCuming,�l-IS)ierriit. .1b lulfiialft life. foro taLw (lie liberty of' present) not produce the quantl -, rifid the'grea
9 08 aMl have this In recolulnell at the saine period Wvery*year, nn6 now a ilo not tool, jastilled,i td'69 'Ile ' blind, for tip to the present noibilig has oty of articles there ok Ited� Tiliat it it lift.3
a matter of largely I )let, work she musb emploz the 1011010 of her 01.0h op6noa, at W, limpog. this -Vonq Doityhl (61d that they are in powir thily look �or Ue ; t1lek own 'Abolition of rj� system bt $'tell 10mg Otailding, "Wort bekril of Lhom#althojigh lie has tole- lialn1g, mid so] 1011;V1.88 1p�yo -S es, , time in 4nd. lor. .:1111011010m14green-Ingi, IJ par "all Are now. Wered. at Ills Co.
no of iiialee to know, And i4l about It. ls�087, sil', is or(Ter to plus, J Ta .0
is crii-oftil ttention th3*6 , , , Mistake, I Will b4ok, or the t lot %vore. told per
pec I . A. VVILL.
ilpliplo box, %vaic ly
-get- the I her bf 17
carrying out of this 'inciple, U G the iiibfc,oi, iWil tial to, sponre, t 0 1 fir4
right null proper,its usurano� tile Tile jroa�tar plain 7ray, '11, Cartoe'.
a general -thing, But the'llfet t1labilio-Ill , os liiown -* r 11 daughter, 0 pro uce, Against 41W Pal] pipping, .1. ;T $her-
-f -i;ljd lany ) njif, that light gear, and tx�a(je bi nughter or, not- wilro thao 25.y
mll be tile III aroil , tile Subjects of , . govor" fafmory� 4 . 011178 rit, R, Cartel'.
that this princi le shoula be adliered. to' orIt tho best III,, their llborUlvA wore zecue�d 1)y a diversitk ley, 4k of 15425 11V otliol nictl varlety,. Hobk Crooh-a ally$, of, olltatio
p lit wor wit _pf White of age. In tile whol County df Huronj for any '11 dirter, *1 Achodls of 520,006 childreili of school
'6fo Ination 111.0 will load.t' fit oile handra(l. 6II61libnagid dol� Darr�' Fall peam, and not tarinta of tilt, 8111111 A. pro. Irililloah, Okla that thoir libeilies were,.unt is ofl�ured for I r $alit it() to M0104603a �TOr' ftle
that the Portion oi taken m -or bacol)16 losses, 1elipardised, by a linjited '.tile recovery, of tile articles, not less than. foui #pWinleng from. each age, WSW, were on the toll, ov about 81 E4 !�QUXUE A7 TIM rlil 0VVr0E
loymentIl 2. T �kjc-
the meoting of tile ljol;90 tb. quit tlle�r till4t, M - agent, jilto �tho tend to ondear thpi of . tile following domotle clail por dent., but of. not, 6nix-balf 'at-
* &WAT. -t i fl,owers
p tq tilt iusti dit Tuesday afferilooll It I h(tit j Cxoelan� t'Odblie§j TIArr." QrLy
hig 11pe AN'lill all alto aoraronce to yotir Latialy, Cooling. Meats or Poultry,, atic 1-1 41,111itut I ridiod - 100 day, and dile-fonrill did nbt
b0cf thrit tl)oy aro"prointl loterests of Ilorliek b6jot)djii,� - t6 Afr. G. 0 0
con,ronience, irroslicotive of the o 1" 11 . of tile ('0111pallicwtijoy Solwo by thole, 'iliver-iii- LoednItio's -060 10 Op poutrar, k)ia Grand Ult�os, Colifectionory, Rxilft 1roservelp, rn,tlit huravole, nd cousortualitly Im-go collection, of Tit -Mt, tnqii, lvhilo willes, udllotlii*4 tham tiventy varletios.-of Tricles, Wil
and conveniei3ec of tbo wholo country, rara beg respooffullY 0 redord 06fe 480
of,cow, to, tit eir comullesiiini; is kbovo okoreoped, aud aloo to fjreaen� that 11i �,Iiioh,wora lv U 6nlipty ljayrolji cook! I.-ttlics hilloy slid -310641o, lily ifiaoxthig,
tbink the i fright and rati iltiva�,o I V i -whoop for days, and all tile cir'll.
but %Ve 'tticir opluloti It that ill: WY 'ilia abnVo ywatly obiffse, OXDAX.p
Which �.%g tI9 It IV, '10" lwytost notiocand in the bs14'r
itibif"o 6u the lueoting,or Cho housei 'Illemont (Ito ap�gijioont. if J%J1 tog boon th DOWOS. 'whicTilhad lallea'upoli it, alive and app
poil i6 which i1fore x Illall art3r. Cot, th lloP;
ag-rdnile Col., P .. % I I
to justify themselvou I thickly,11jo vouipaiiy JIA.vo ojily w, rAiiiii tile' liburly for p6nturiO4, a otitiluot be s,
ey rates � aq ford foot tho bdg#y,,: knoolihig ofit, 11clitly well, but 6u tho fouioth ditty
;6 protoct Willis tile minl� a reasollg� Flud that j 1116 00ilorloh, 000, 1)), eOff Pbr— have talcou. This your 11joy willp 110 Inunity hal�- lJor 1 calcily *at, build, Itild ulust, aiiit toatons, UAW u1joit tile priticiple of ocond- irvillan Ikud ollibl, litit, itut abriotialy llqt�lvg
d6h, 2 It Doliglass, Troll boam I)Iouull I
Nsllgh& itil The 8t.' airrell0il is 06 only r1roritt Vie lldborl;Wh 2 T I,Ai�rogolp, �11114ity 110 0.0tolice 22 initl 2Z3 VOV,�qa, publid dl foe.$ auViorctom -flubillit 4o, iq, sli'ould be coust I to the ehowso p4ultj not (It
bis may $(,qua lial-d1ils" ju:6 I illi Slibisnell 115011yolk , I foot froin tile. hugJyj rJud the litlrite Aftaoll. w�jrjd W11joh'onjoys tfin Y 1 0 'Jys of. J)ray6j.
0 Kaotue� - -V lbxo tutlrtio, "lia.
a I till try of 1106 hte Ifon ro 4esigimted 1; stivo, broke, tog us i(ya J,)OUgtitlis, 8 8Abblth 0116toll, toot, 16) - 1876.
counts, lnestlr(m, rot girps, &.0., flilly I by eL.!10tVatiUjj RW 0�j!fijiry` on Wto.tho buggy' bucofu'llig re it' I a In'r 'or tbai� it" ImL1,11A tschools
UPI-J"glit citizonsi and toulti'abLAWalay the 4totidar ith i L '04 1onrriop . In& buggy d AY
010 ellitito aud I g4fly 111juL 11 On haeljflortorniod ituloball & Lelille 9, 'qlater & fin, Sermons arc, woommondod, in add4i�n
libe haraosse
Pared to lay before tile house jwfaolli,� fenota. oIlilln Ail
U0,46 will 0, bz-xteip, vurolilall. o tho 010 oftu'i'ttitigosiEll, rJest. SLU910 1144firs ixottordlo I T �Vataojl, .91 DrAni;, thip usual oxorilach, as woila$ a hioating on
Atlea Vid - . . ShOP to LlEkt.
ate Itu ill flid llj�tll In I 'S d ...... ge, � W1114 L1143 olvijer tit fbil bu claNk beavy Waggoll iff thd Awrb asiluji. RoLiday Uv011ily, for tlio (Jelivory 'Of R&
ly aftor its opelling, so thab 40 (Ion,. :Don )to; litlAW ol OPorl, blin Dru
a, ro eat, L Iiiity fol. , A8 for the dtfm�auiL thutj lit could ba 0yorad' T V.Vaison. Sob Jiorn.o Rrelitoo.
wi)l be Wst.in wpijug )ftpot.s, my tlIi- In 1(ilitalloog jVJj0J'JJ" I lut .,Ii Ital I dayall tho, wo for those r oil bl;'ng ta� 1 41" ff6m Aboes front Jones � Itullaball & tlrp, XL v bu o
a tause(l. them to bu lJoilded thab t1lele AgmAx W oxcollout
44 hat; often tilt nm tbu qI14 J)ut tog tlie Xz,# BnA.,oilloo,
iling billiju tJJ
tllT' kiL
W Joffardoll, Itanxiltolly Avas A4 by
Long. letter to tho'Virlic dated is goingtheroutAK bit Thiltsday frauddlent, loasoo, A Oak AAIIIQ Ill .0, " OXII Stra� -Cattle,
ffituituro,'J 8L(osiol,, 'Grlidu drAdlus .1 o Arancis Al. Aldon, froin tile '(Tnikod
That it Would Lin hottee.ft)r ([113 Ice, I, belive ill evory rot-urilf.-il fly lila 1, 06ya Doubtless the gdperral hu,- Tho trallt Wait rullIA1,111", bawoott Ouderiolp. sta� 3011 1 Tarlip drill , Boll & Soil Tito i lilltt `ra ear
ilfor,thil r4newi%l 6t herig ld that Russia is og the ere oilial oflioes will not.bo hold us formorty.. Owl. autl harbor, Joliq Murray# lirakesnian, L,imtsl Woh,.-- who !Was drunk, efrera,o P T 1, .
house to meet flow,- so ifilit it' 1111AL the loug-Willbed for struggle 4ith Turkey," the 511111julpid L, 110 10*0 11 %-/ Lot 10, 2na io oucraUy -ohm e 4_141114411 steal,
Wof 1�74 �1'11 Ill, Wrilind off his tjal� oil- PrOcOulit 0e, the be-itak. To yards, ltk�ud,
ell 11 cloth, I MISS 0%ourke, 9 Miss ts-
atlotj%L lj;� r43(l*1QL White belly$ Allod about two Ara. Thdowner
iioula 'k
6diourn botdino �Vept that culliflita Ic
tloilliti ilwO(JJ Ilan-' and 10 heyaby notirle(I to. Lhil C"Ittse, - Cofifiwf fflon. 0 ates against .1y.. colfvOlitioll listo boon aollblu4od' bet*eon tile 'klll -
Monday Ili. 11ornItTer, illit 10. Otis atJ4 I -T-A, I. aoiiiOp 5 iih POL116OL-, I Tilib luiii 'it Iminion houge, ill, Roumanian atitt I'taSili,41k VailWay cunt tog 0 w AWAY td atfolu JJJjj )A. by Wilill file flannol'aulI at 1� T idergan, 2 Mitt
.11 iold fit 'ipakiog 4 low &Y's Ailloo Mr, Abel %N�Sjlpor Wns Pair howe mailo All svotil bld)ikots, 1 Ifflaff i 06t, 16, Japf,
respects) ospecially or, ftitw�f undertake to f all "", ubb Motidq is 01166tillag dly, null soon after. to hisAluty, Alt-lon. fired five times V111498
seI tal�ij)g oflook , Tile. hrlb
is lil at, t Aql�lj fir rtjoct� (I fentaittogs At flio dig )lpsal of R00114 Alifliolent assixting to put. 111) in zilkloll, and 01Pourko, 2 'X ndarson, . Pair luitso, bill,,- allot
J)dr3 an JOPPOrtilfli'.'y of J;J()ra r4l tab -49 11; lit tho trallIaL'to trSUjpPjJj`6 fouil thousitsia tro6ps daily. Clio Iloaliun. It,,. I Ails% tw(lon tho' AholildGrs And ealao
'y 1 faltay; tile v(dumt, of Lions tire to be hold oil the precoding pri, for thill purpolio litingbisl Coat Oil kilait. lit keto, I Alins Patch qui 110tes Lo6f, -
portingtheir proeodiliga, %Ad, 6' 0 1 0 ':2 It Qftbr.- L6 'U quilt) I Xiss Out AtNkol right brorit,,tho othov two took
ii, - A I 1, 11 0 tile valuo of tho p two 110111111. When, lie viont to ilut Atunbli, 'V. $AIII 1 L effact in tlra logs, The ptiont Ilits ailloo IM, conzwot y 114itredn'tiog illroligli 416. say$ ,-There ato itulicatlojis tbat tha Clio �kllldljdlllout to !11(i I.,, wilsim,z N Ctlullug. I -alley quilt4 . Nfra deT,
quently, $1 Una I, Attla. of moilayi 0, PagilClp 119111ML PUIT11481:190r nCgl)t1A4!4 OX 0811
6ittry Inlow )Of -of Constantioblile regad iva as uli. I),, bi coat, 110 fo t Dodds, 2 T Agnow. Coverlet, I
W all bq� ]lung. Ot Wild, by T. LAVO, for $103 cojo); twd noteft
a to, vyltich w" in ib wh
.3 oriil�ot( The 'b. ThomAs. -Mm oy
IV, ra1proi6nf,%CNl0s firMtw Icut) ttfit it fraudulaill .o. z I � 7'A eighL-wr
r U t
,Z. datwl
ph the w4ttor VV ithout Aslay, The tit Ix null y u I 'Lill in !,IVAI
fini, (ing ' whoti Chit list a01 -
I at' J'iVJJdj* f pitek SL rallh to be 'fifl#jill S tl%V V ', 11 in tile
But it is possiblo 6bat 60 lothl) govor)_ys laso, i tpt�% put Stand 1,41 , -Avorilge date$ hnpo
0 62006 C a Ottawl; SO& �, Thora live$ blyn, 2 J Brown. (fauntiott blitts, I -Ails$ ioul Wt
ment, will have their 'Ph lit till doillig to )r6achis of caud, tht offlial of Ak or, titiar Clio villAgo oi Wohmood, Ili this coun. Dart 2 Miss Pollook. :Vitir mittal, I Urs
aommons J)r. West; of
Y, offiallIt 1.1ijosla; assemblod 'VIOW f1f 110 710" 'U86VO, JL)al�jety ljf�)vo L All& 0011noll or$, ty, it Woulall "" 100 ye4ra 'of NO, IV 10 totdullco. - areftageluOuts so complotd*thot the priu. atal tfluxt tille r1t:II: coittlil y el Ia orkoll. crobbot- w6rk I I
le��Okou# atid the HCAL of ltdr Aitoolla ohlilhood, t1iijo �JVjjjojj, 1) kreftkitill, soufaca it Xandy -r-W
tile J)()0y 111diVA(IIIA1. 1"ft'hijobtly, Jlfj �lrhlay, 11114,111., 1 weif
cipitl part of the busixim'wilL bo filijrirk 6t 0� evidolleo Olat it tlm ttito aud places, 4nd ill tho Wallow, 1 0 t 001, 1VJ , tort Iforns,
a now oypinglit hiiti boo# r star d', il , 4 all okk, taill �T, 'whom Ival; a Widow
ell era the D tit �,tljo huse�of gfiAt
. Oki WhIl Aliss oaddon 11ouo ulileig, nlitip w�julil o6t, -031viat blul - of Atli 111011 Ia,] �Tqehs will, of an"Bilgligh inliVottlby, SJ`
Mrs It ewlrtcrit fe, artill-ot itair IS: tip vou Ilk 116400UL TWij:r,_
111511ratlee c0le 110 or War n6_.�6141urbill silo t
I ITV 11) Ul'i) #X,
evalirl 4 1
'Of tot, thwAy-4bMilin WqUjit, tti rot) G60" to tosu . ...... U'ditors 41% JJOIJO- Embroidety. Youlig. hiaid1fig bu Silk his rain 'antl is It "Wrock AP
9stbGrod, ITO feel conrldt"JIL t'llilt tile hau filt individual,;. tit woxt easjr, tbar(s, road� for shipinapi by thono()th lbst� Mr. IWO, olipross ttgotit) tit 11rautf6td, Ate a, NVifsopl� Braldn�ig oil
be J)"SWIA WIL.1 WOr 60ttoll� 'MISs ull"' ' "11116 W1 WAR A
fOre, flfey� flild, to, pay loglips tllrj 0114110 of'llit(I all gulug Into Ills offide on Aland v Ito Tho Yi wag 0%oarkd; 50ta attilldou, -4iss IW06� tAg weeks ligo W411 t),pljoi,11 too � LSI;'�Nj to J;J46rJ(?f AU4*10no SJ�Ija;t
pay, for lilwavi itifflog. to pty lo606111� (ra 11 . .. *Over Afla'dioa a 4 by nottatu
its M4. 6(avealp worb-, botiio havilliourd of (tile e4itor I'll a p6werfultuall nonlingoutof milk Miss 110060. Ith oar his, Sunil4y AiglI4 .1 .01 App"Ito
wa D' Senk Wag )� the Vaulti 4' scall1o, anguild, twd both, toll, Xult Urs' DdA 6, 14ir ;8outlobAsIllIg lild that of t1le lit rhiladalpilitiv Uailtkda, Is rhe outhorl
o bolti, lvw sknit lVotpi. 0A 01011(16y who Viltikor Ila p6dontl 416 but Clio Lob* tia ulucit Alas bookil, lf 1141'r, boirso bootai a !40 boOv b6 but-od last ov, I red,
,lot accord, and that Whorl the 1101186 )JAgt to pity, twd,-if ilocogii4py, (to the sfidipp on the j�0004. whio vbty 1 ig 000341011 to � taora 0*0 f6itlIrriti, 1#0t,L'fJ,)qbJ4' Oollditl on ng, 1111
I $'how, 110 got it friontl to rtql, bruLo looria wi�rpd., Mr..! Jifitlof goVr. 140tioss 4 T%Jk,,-� on -of tho houst) Er
'noots but littlo, if thlything vitt 6 pilti'd Alaipler rouiday, lillwayo ayoitablo, ilt,, VA16# Irivo, 154 SWIG hariloss, ll ;fL allooldag bdyol%4 vie and Lot fOr Sale.
86id f6olitl yamitig Lo 00r, staked"41bov 1lat, ailid succeeded in ing
About this jug Via r4to.4. It IA W404 W%reforo, MItt Our dout itlibull AkII 404410, 014u4dA is out tfix �Vlj, atilAb not fely too WUUII ()ILI bonillAufralp and 'Allfulory, to aory dopswill eat litut lJoula, 0,80,ftl% J�)jit *4116 klia agatit *11611, withloonlo a%. of, 464"t pail to by 4JNJ)'to3` ()I; 'TIIVI; WrSlr
to remedy I Wonla not, t1on jillo hpill blloWft her �Aft ljobly, ADa WJjAt.L fi1attLno0,L ho *A# to &�J ito, 0%35 01 de 6im 10 yea at Ao t)f vitiotix Sirm , (Iol Xo. Tile lot gon,
6 06, 1 1 lt64 th h3 4, busily' 431124904 "llyfila 01F tflo tfrfpi list, 04
llowtvdr,. be understood by, rolpilyk J%Jr OV4r ship likii.totid o all 1) 'of btitAl#Jil %JfAnlIlJJ$ Wefd n hilr
�IdQnart r ie. DArp oil sodu oi the 46J)pirtinailt i0tifloo, In tile 6thort Wild is sofnii0lat of .4 814M-fial'. of Agdailltuvtl implouteutd; llit$ hoo.all4o Attkilly is 6tk� that day. ouquirliof 0I.As 114TITTv
d on ThuridAy Th* . APOSIAl Doltr4, Whlillv Ill- 0=1102*4 f t lit vlt,46 tiphyl In tUf ShOW of h6j�jtlpj 60 V, - bg ftL,)m the 406 searching for sonto Unto thoy &ulyg tor contou, or rogdotlauk P0640541011, Stoakingo by- lAdy uot luoro.thali; x*14 oilya, W16 go
m1.040 0 410fore ratutill n4aaftlat Omules .14, 6 0pjJtJ$,L droV0 lj� a WJ4 aut the' 0 a pa Nrrott.
qt au]60. 161low Ilk to got 116ma 1110 the 4 0411ou, Pat �14116 to tho With a atwor in
writiol thAtIg sarmia6 aora'Viiial6s Wing WtvladAllyj kil dogip jifi� 21 P, liillift took tit ellttd boAJ*d Work, :Anot olothon And, hat, it
JM40 is kitolplil thi if Atlas i4mong lit Abo hAt V401.0 Wit alot show at X Twitaholl. eak ;overall
?f a siltit,ay dolls t644h to oab4f
V oftOP64 libithl to no#, bolog reAt W gerlin w6a, Wtipaill, Allit It with blood, 4longilido il,16 i
600110A toloutlip lift$ woola bift hud 014 sit hold kor own I no*, Itt, thit lAttif altr4yo At r6j, if Id Jh 464i h4w to hord 114, took, fint, pflo for boat ' algiar. Sohn gad t
ftkixali In With aiplodid Sh6woffru it whi4b, 114V bfi'throtgl' h1A 14ill"I noxf"I a 400# .1011 P144.
lt Ali01%lphlp, 86JLoJ bo dragging for YA While in. A110 30, Mtor
-tb 1 *01# doll4wei 404 �hb Ud 114 Utow, lik thor $25 Reward.
The Ia thb PrOAN0111:100 of 6y0641A hAvo 4uplitit 4 t11610 wha worip Ilio h kind, hiAol drooiA filtill. f6lina hill Lady Wltlf tho thrj� I
J4 W4y� ereek th
Gtobii of a0lb"t"y flAnOnfili" tLat th ol
the Outaflo LagislAtural *lilf not moot till lifivi 44alltiI4 on tho � I 6n of otti 66001. 'Allo so soo -vAillAilipil ot, Ap r rf6tlL randl skimma I got, Amos says lie hit@, J��y IM"XIII At ft Iff OAP40 ty v6blo I I'M th alit. T1119
04 fop th 13011
aehaIlls f.lots% 81"M
th, 0, t 041, 441 ffirwiv Cutter, Tliomooit. at,tht %-lift Ino" It Jighb pIrAr harge, bliviog ts %Dittt,
to thil ptolilot op. bT I
Alai th* on till f4farAt d )I plot IfAtlaittapi of 4004 mital 41forAI hs At4rWn I 64t, h ill
it uis pid"Ot
ti 'I'L uno 10, IA[p,& iloot,and It gdar tin tha A g1l A&DI, sild *11ft(l
IAR bt WjyL 4,*MJ(,
All a 'JW 04'
rflfobubd A a I mfitia by, th*t I liptli
A lI oat b## qA*yer, thil, Ito wit trouble�j jo, P1616ntl whatavoil b %099114101% M* lit %4% Dixg *Ado T!
.49 1101311 bit quilt dan
411,11,41n, t 6 t A$ !W#1 t Ps 1 4 J�!" mild ca dAgel MCI. Vill joila go Vid VA66#6Y Mom 1449,
SAWAtzo I it . do gtli all pollding 'in tho
t I
6ule of tile ito.610