HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1876-10-05, Page 4•
reightful Scene at it Vreuth Railway New Jereey doesn't tilde with:viola:, I it Wit notieeable fact that the Con- I 11P1'8.30"t. -(10.0""A"r"r4403"
Statlea. lora of her Uwe, Those who Attended tenial hes inien great hammier, or -"BY a thorough 1 newbahte of the natural
larrs Kehler/ern the clime lone of digeotiou
„ , the rteent prize light, reloilted 103 yierr14100- -People have rushed into' end nutritiou. .and by euer..J appueation
frightful fieene tOOK place tit the tIto, , death of one, of the , partici- matrimente° as togo4o 10110 C00011111164 04 tne tine properties .11: welleseleeted coma,
. , „ ,
• !alettRailway atation,--Lyoue, -on tho Igtetei haya been- ,01un by its long and, on their wedding tone at the eame Airk tiv. h.. erevalel our breakfast tablee
WO me many heavy &eters' bi it lky
,..orel hut. A eaperb Nithien lion, in- 1 ming god each given twavnlears in, any- Qum with, a 01IcAtoy bovorar whieli way
tened for tho Bidet whieh 1,.ney ave ay r.old 1Y108 "(4°1 itt
dUenegerie, i State reisou. .
, , j. .. .
A. guest et a„Pittelliog hotel looked. i dolohnotnyconn..i 0,1-0,of who., laws
IA . 0 sollotitaion iney
_ .1 'kea', Oteliulaitema Ite0 Of. seek articles uf diet that
til atreug on gal te •es 6 •
be gmanally built •up 11t1-
11.1;q0V IliS Id ime night, 'anti wile re thet, if theword of any number glut% 1 dibease, Ru9undreds of lettibtle‘ ' ininelllailli07' ii,(0'
warded by tweinit the orouehin/ pgere
.. ..
of a wan. The robber mode iv ash. for
the lino of the ordioary--traffie, and • pet
When oe•irelied a bottle half full of able -
a barricade uroetal it 'to reticent the ' . • • .
11011 MIK lett In the statical,
: awaiting orders from (miters. The ell-
;•-:( • ..perinteudent look the precaution of re-
• .' Moving ime truek whieh the aniMal
. „
•WaS brought to Lynne to n. corper liberty, but was ,caught in the building.
under any ciecumetancee, be oonetrued Reatieg ermine. roedy to attack wherever
by any nteor mayaher aa homing ally, re, Wore m weal( :putt. We may etivape many
Seltillanclii to truth, •the ed'ender shell be ;jolt!, tabh4pfuLrebiaokolquutlit "au,Vreolvirri;Vol tfr°,:elt:
04 frame -Civil Serekn Gagette.—Solit only
la Reelrete labelloa•-" janss F.are 4 Co., 11o.
mceopathie Ohortiete, 48, 3:11Teadneedle street,
and 17O, ricoodillY. Louden. ' -
- 8004100w Ativowit str.itigoo,, Au reform, woo tenni) UPOLI,
these etepti, however, afforded only ' a• •8.• Gilmore or Floganabe, Mole,
•' ' etimulaat te-the-enriosity, of ;wine- per- neivertieee MIA of $200 for hie roe.
•• ' "10 wit° iqenou le tie at the dloti011. IWa vire, who took with her their lit-
Anafang theta WWI a cattle merchant, tie 'boy. The allyertistastent concludee:
Who was seized with an Wean() dealt.° "Tbelewercl above named will be paid
to go up to tho wild -animal and fOt tile l'IleOvery ,Of ihe boy-Illlit the
•• - cateSS Ile might. do a oose or a .W.einan oan 140 to thunder.•"'
tunt 00 sl'au pet purdiflOect He wou
A bj•bo ;moil, wishn
ig for. flu ex -
.put „ ,
: hie AMU tOsille the vagorw thio COO to speak to ts isentitiful Woman on
noa0, hub in anothor tnontent• horrible tho ett•eut, with whew he woo unaia
cries were hoard, and attracted all die quainied, Lire ky hits nice white cambric
workmen And ofliehile to tbe epot whore handkorehief from his pocket as be ap,
• op lion inni 1)coa eefelY ldeeed oot, of proaoltell her, and inquired if elle hadn't
the reach or doiog harm to oil but these dropped it, she giamked at, 1,110 hand.
, who might willingly Heck danger: Thokerchief-, melded eetient, thanked him
Bight preeentod w)t)i n frightful ouq, (ma marched, on, 'paving alio oxpliniao
The infiwinted animallintl tho ' 6,1 tu ho laughed et by Ids eompanion8.
the adventarows cat tie: dealer lietween Al ow o \out) fitodi, may bo observed
Ilia tome ;toil wee thaggiog the whole rot tweuty miles, red Only fear, while a
11Citly withia the' iroe Itos. 'rho ePec- imen bo,„ bitbovto boon int4,0 to a- mito
titers immediately armed themselves and a haw; erne green appears to eta
with Piek4, 0°Il1s and crciwbara ; but sorb or neuFralize the rear 0, and the ob.
• betOr0 t110Y. -Could force the lien to loosen ject is to cheek that..aation-as,_ for as.
his held he lied terra. the man frightfullY; passible, in whiah intinaentna haa See-
- 1°011 .-Inoeurog deeded so RS to =koala) green light
onait_was_foundnecessaay to portent Visible as..fitr as the red, or 'soma four
. amputation to Save -the life .of the miles, . • ,
" - • victibrOT liie.own recklessness.
The missionarieti NVII0 labor in -is-Ting:
po, Qhina,
H'istoric q,1 'It eme
- : are raueh 'discouraged by
• - the iidivesing love of the;Chinese for
61411316,4 were r t t in us .„„gar letoxioating•beveragee. It is -announce.
1200. . - • • ed that active efforts are being put forth
pens -by the inissienaries .to'clieek the spread
Quills were :first used for in the.
• . i„4;40,?„ . of deunkenneste It would be interest-
• Tlie.eernint tree was itaredileed:rtitO lug 1'9' knw the natnr° of these efibrta
. England in 10.88, and theie.reetilt;-----if are eucceseftil,
Pi•oni 160 1620 men their introdnotiori into this country
4 were forl';idderi
. • • might he of, advantage, „
ride in coaches,
. --DITY08-1Vtrirel by Ed-warallf, Net4he-1eriet-43f.,the woridets of the
•\,„ at the seige of Cala 1817. °They haVe gahibition have been the safety and
undergone little 'alteration sioea despatch with Which an artily of vieitors
that time. have. been carried back...and forth each
• Before tliQ !Biddle (if seventeenth daY-• Tile Pennii54Wija 100(1don') 1.18,
cen try. tea W11.8 liat needein treglifial; sverSged 14,000 P0sualgurs a 'day for
. itnti wns entirely unknown to the Greeks the, past two weeks, and. on some 'chive
, • In 1701 Yonti Itaie wee sold A 13 per vel, not a single a.masangei. has Leen. in-
una lloilki - • •,- - ------------aw earried 30,000. With all thiS tra-
. . , A„ , ,,
oUnee. ‘ ,Ill R793 monriling lenge were iltrod stnco 9113 oPeniftg c't„. , tele zillui-
first used, I ir'4,7 10 bleak' ,,,,(t beewn Wein, Compliment could not say more.
- hair ayes were atiVertised. • • - ' ' An: enterprizing .Amet jean hair lea-
trntil 1752, tho ys6ikr or Cur .1',orcl, in gaged itt a novel line of husitiese in':the,
England, began' on.theNg5th of Alarch.. vicinity of Odessa, ltuseia. Extehsive
. An Act of George II. ordered that the foreste.of oak 'flourish in tlie7gaffil of
lst of January, following, the last day
of December, 1851, shall be the ' est day
. t' •
, •
The firet appearance of tho potato.
bug in Eurepe hae been made in firm.
den, where a. number' of potato crops
'lave betm devietated Olio season; The
hugs are eipposed to have had Aanerican
parentage and here omigrated with
groin cargoes.
Orm of the eenvicte undergoing a
long tern 'of penal lieraitude at Chat-
ham rrison, dellberate/Y placed hit' arum
beneath the wheels of die Omaha on the
railway in the dock yard, when title
arm was so fearfully crushed that it had
to be amputated, •
The Cherokee and other, cieilized
Vnited States fudiafie are about to Make
a united arid solemn prOtest against tho
violatien b.€ Goverement of treaty
stipuIntioiii 111 ornoving the Si011x In.
diens to the reservation without the
consent ef the former. .
of "the Year 1152.
- wait air
that by an act Of Parliament,. peemis
.sion was given the English people ti
eat' •the Bible. 'rho pet declared "That
Bible and 'Testament in Tthe mothor
Scraps angl Gisanings,
There are something like .?,a,o(aa pan.
quir orphans hi England..
King -William, of -Germany, :only
draws a salary of: Sii,000,000 pee year.
The streete of Saeinaw.are filled with
• men lookintrfor:einiilnymentin-the irnm
ber . • ' • •
Near Summit; Aliss.,•• a man jumped. -
tiff n train to get bis hat, and -did .not
get it be'eause broke his neck. •
The Chinese are retitrning by hund-
rods to the Thwery Kingdom. Thiring.
the lest month five hundred and thirty-
Obintlinett .41.ViVed .Califortia• and
• nine hirricirod ' and se yen eailerL fer
their former homes.
The marriage of 'a negro white
• gtrI Or. fstewport, Rhoda Wand, a few
days -ago, oreated such greatinclignetion
among the people, that the marded'
couple -wore storied .and otherwise mal-
treated by the Mob. •
Two 'convicts employed in the eon.;
• struetion departmeat op the San An-
tonio. Raid at ,Seguitir Toxae recently
-_,71iffected their mscope an a novel' manner.
,.:T.,boWleoeed the engine from the con-
'afirtiction train and Jumped abbara;'. and
while ono of them held the eugiueer the
other ran tho engine, • Whelk at a safe
distauce, they Stopped and took to ,the
woods. • :
A fanner residing nearNoweastld, PA,
• recently iistovered 0 number of boys
helping themselves -to apples in his or
-He immediately Unloosed a
large bull -dog, and set the brute after,
the boys, • The savage animal &night
ono of the youths by the throat, and, in
, nioment, tore out the boy's windpipe,
. and gevereil Ms • jugular vein, causing
death in few minutes:
A poor factory operatiae.had hie leg
recently amputated in the Nancheeter
Infirmary,. int) JOSS of bleed Walt go
great that hie eiteci Was given up Its hepe.
lour, He MS C1011q, when the play*
*Ian atated that nothing hut an tufa.
eion of blood emild save his lite. One
theratudente (a 14.r. Irvine) volunteer.
ect tele bled, and turenty-fi've Ouncee of
his life -blood 'Were taken from him tit
moat seriona mid transfueed Into
tho' dying man. 'The patient now 021
it reit Way to oonvaleriende.
The .Iapeneso do net weary of ths an,
cleaver to trahafertni aapsn into come
likeneie of fin ,AmeHeau . Enropeen
--state. They no kv.haVe COmiulablo0 th
the United States-viSiting-tha -seheale,-
, intending to le.arti the heat inetliede of
eductaingehilderila, Another Outurcia-
Sion, aloo now la thje eekintit IS oteer!
mining the Iti0f0ifillei WU% hy the goo.
urentente ottlee Avenel hliar4a of
health- to prOtsft- the. health-of-4mb
habitant°, . . .
Vto trilwd in .feattal!
nod Mothers; at -lefiet 100)(1fiil Yleitera
dttring this W0014. Tito hotel" are erowds
ed with lodgers from attic to eellar, and
onto of them, like tho Greed. Brpoxio
tion, have ineludivg t160 SleeperS
In eote, • ',filo Parniayivanin Ventral
:Railroad, on Thinstlay, ran over 400
cars,out or the ;fersey Clay depot for
Philadelphia; before p,trt ,sncl molt
ear averaged freer thty intssonfsersi or
ovor 00,000 psnsongers lit one days
Every contelvable kind of oar VMS .01
reqttialtion. In ninny SNOB posnengers
81064 op rather' then wait for mother
train. Eighteen dare Were- pitt Ott a
Mill Mid Elva trains rim on rate titio in
01010 peoximity by telegraph, time Utak,
ing ninety OMB Wit11111 rt* few minutes of
(melt othor, Add `to this dm Now jai--
• boy tentrni trittio iota those foam hi)
1411014 tootle% Mal 14 Still givo sumo
A pet-clog.of good size, belonging to
a -wealthy gentleman in New Yorkovate
buriedin his. Master's lot in Ctreenw094
Cemetery oeveral weeks since by an
undertaker. -A burial peemit'llecl to be
obtained for Mtn headquerters; and
llie usiial fide° for opening a grave was
paid: '
. ,
A Boston tea merchant named Dib,
-spending a night with a. relative, said.
he was unable to sleep because he re-
peatedly dreamed .001 be had ont a
man's throat from ear to ear. He left
foieliew-Xork in the morning, prom's.
ing t� forward a box of tearwhicir-how--
ever, ail net arrive. A. day•or two ago,.
however; the friend received, a letter
from Dixon at '13e11ivtie Hospital, -say-
ing that on the evening he reached ,Nelv
York, and am he was steppine from a
frieridai door, a stranger knocked hirn
down and gavel him a eut in the throat
six inehes long: • . , •
',The Chinese always blare a Meal -tito
grave that a dead •persein may est on
the *way to eternity. In former times
it was otistornary in Nevada -to leave the
food altpoeed, and the loafers who wateh-
ed from a neighboring clump of brush
wei•e „Wont to regale themselves with
these dainties. Nothing is •so plea
sear says the 'Virgina 'City Viroitide,
lliS Operations, which produce immense..,•tas. to eon. a crowd of 'hoodlums seated
quantities'of a,ceres, which-the-speenla- 4 on a now made Chineee grave :,geing
tor proposes to utilize by pulverizing through n free lunch, and drinking tlie-
Aleeeeeed's good:health _ 'his.own,rice
hrandy. Now, however; the Chinese
plaoe a guard Oyer the grave until night,
after Which the wild...m*41s and birds
igned Inkling evened a rilip.ifir 10,18111889 in the pi -Owlet; formerly, %medal a-tireeery,
The tied
he will curpstautly keep en band lerge aria well seleetett stoek of .
Willem. and Liquora of the boat:and most reliable Brands,.
which he Ara to the public! at the loweet remunerative prices. Agent for Qaetton f4t.
eloorge iepo., Toronto, importere et pure Medicinal Moos,
tio would Also bee to Inform hie patreeis and tbe public getteraily, that ler liars removell
, Stock Groo,priOs, China and: Glassinrare,
To the prep-115os letelYemieupied b Jae. A. leen), known es the Americau 1i:sprees Wilco
where be Is prepared to eifor epeem inducementa te, any favoring him with their patronage.
eer vALL AND kiXAMINV, STOOK, 4111D (1014PAIttl
(Antall, truly 1870. • 411110K I/LUOK'
UP...Writ 18 STRENOTIL-TO preyoul, or centric] ”
dideasse is one of the grandest attahnuentil ever
aimed et by wait; and "Bryan's Pulmonie Wra
.fere" will admire euro coughs, colds, tiokling 04
the throat and pulmm oucomplaints, no war
and•peotilente will (hooray, Severe gelds if not
attended to opener or later lead to incurable
cotiountpuou, and: the strength of the fit1)011104
60011 faile if iiegleoted, The readiest and boot
means known for the cure of theee complaints is
"Deyaiets l'ulinoide Wafers," which have been
thoroughly tried for the last twenty years, and
have never been known to fail, Singers and
public speakers will also derive great benefit
from the use of thew. Sold by alt modloteo
4ealers, at 25 cents per box,
thein intOLILSOtt:Of.$101 I's 811'0440 Olt f094 -
for horses, loge and poultry, Thialwell
"1own • ' aiet of the ancient Beitons,
dolibtless • lioaseases , wholesome and.
'ittltrItiello-qualities-i-buteirlotest1-4--obili-:-. get -the benefit .of tlie l'alifiaLv•- '.,- •-'..--.,..:
ping hiSsi. comae:his hogs; the ertergefie i . , , ' ' -
better introduce • the bogs : • A -description of lafortrionfrat-churelr,
. .
aid send . them- West la I by a correspondent of the Louisville
rk. .' " . • 1. 'courier-J.41;TO: ..i.‘liotOne pretty 'o-
wereattacled in4 inn:rna
iint,i)dt nalltj,eli06:11:r• °pkel...oupgle-•113,1ailarirdavelterik--
the street by a def. lie wife screamed ing; bow born. No, intellect, no .Style,
and • :tried to run, bUt er husband '
'1•10 relinernerit, no life and animation in
caught her by jthe elonlde and held ,„,,y,„.a., til Fong. ' $6 •smilei or • bows -
her litanly between the infuria d bast ' ""- h. ---
Of recognition,. no . settling of 'drapery.
and 'his Pet:4013r tvhile 11.4113isperekin a and rattling ef fans; no .delieate Perfinii-
'llOarksojvPice:,,f- • "Don't you dadelet .g. -.,of '9d bandkerehiefs. . Nothing :like what
Me,:aarling.f Ill stand by you, even ' .
!en c. de°cie of .mbiinted'• f; o'r-trevielstlattin,gtb elil'd8 'selling ;16:1141r1.8" '-u136di -1"elfTo°'11711ean‘tril'en iP3' - dmratjeses ell
141 'co, ,- Matiy wearing sun boonets,
man' baffled every .attempt 6f the fieree all err i nt gloves; there was a dogged
•bruto.to get at him. The oWner Of the r ,_.
look ofi ea.e.(y face:. I 'began to realize
dog interf'ed' "a, 188 the 'eerie 'net, -how the..eldergrietirte,d -polygamy. as a
Off, the husband Was heard to flay:
you had only let that deg. bite you, strieteat dictatee o •altity could urge a
Matildy, I might have sued the city for
h$alv00,03i0040dharnseengsepo;, ,I3, ut, . you never. d
• • . .• . •
id man. to Provide for a half dozen cif these -
dull, prosy *omen.' '• ' ,
The Eigligh. eiethoa et dealing with :. Forest Hill, England, was he Scene
timall‘pcixte easentiallydifferent front the of Inuoli endiunient recently, b .14:to'
'Canadian:. There the'process is tine of ari, adrertieemeet -in O morning paper
effectuarstamping out, AtBittninghava etating that a domeriticated young lad ,
a short time ago; the borough ' hospital. Was wanted " to Vadat a lady in -her
for contagious diseases received a small-
pox patient. He was taken in and
oared or, the authoritierf sot to work to,
diecover vtheuce halal come; and with
• whom be had communicate. •. They
traeed him from Blaoltburn'to theltidg-
Inge he occupied until be'avas admitted
.to the hospitalv and then they. took
-every possible Montle .A0 prevent any
dangerous. oormequences follewing crew
hie wilted with _healthy citizene, . The
pleiript ieolation of the patient, and the
earnest oncleavots putiorth to cheek the,
disease had the. °abet of Ootifining it to
ofie individual; -• ' . -
projeotor fi
to the aeorns,
the form of Mit
A metric& coup
Woohr abieeee.-Wooly borsee ere not ee
rare eomenv eupPooe, ea such great curiosities
either, there awe many to be found itt 1.0110133
parte of the country, hut wo douirt if they Will
over prove 44 1,411.141110 4hOir OW11014 :WOO 0I10
exhibited by Damien ; we imagine.their owners
would conoulor them more valuable without the
wool, for this rough arid mrboly state& of the -hair
indicated that' the Itoree not' in a healthy con-
dition -probably hide -bound, UL. suffering from
some (*case which occasions this unnatural op,
pearanee ; it ouch -cases use Parley's Condition
Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy,' it will
purif,y, the Wood, correct the appearance, 10-
10048 all obstructions; from the hum and liver,
ahd give to the coat a sleek and slurring appear -
a1100. Remdinber-the,name, and see that the
all:nature:Art Hurille-Cle- ort each package,
Northrop At:Lyman; Newcastle, Ont., proprie-
tors for Canada, pmby all medicine dealere.
'SION ..01? 'THE -170--
77-7 • - (esrashisiran 18044
Verge stock' of good Household Piirnititrei
home manufacture, nunie of seasoriedmaterial
• A. fine assortment ofimported work; such
as Wood and Cane Seat' Ohrors.,, Sofas, Loin.
ges, What -Nets, Cradles; Mattresses; Spring
Reds, Carved Brackato,-Rustic Frames, o '
Pictures framed with Gni or ROseivood,and
Gilt Mouldings; Rustic Frarnep,Nood,
ed or plain. ' • • •
'Good value given'to all" who niay parchasii,
with moderate priees; • • •
religions duty. For nothing but -the
This diverting piece of fiction was in -
stented in San Franuisce.: Edward Booth
is proverbially opposedto having. his
private ttimpet blown, but a little aid -
dent of his overland trip hi too good to
be lost. It amnia that in the same par-
lor ear With the tragedian -and his fatal-
ly was a lay More remarkable for the
loudness of her idyl° than for her refine -
meat, She repeatitclIY 'mated that: she
would give a 'Mildred dollar* to kits,
Booth. Al Omaha a poor emigrant.at-
trated the attetition of the *ovation as
they returned tothe ear After dinner.
He had started for California„ but had
been robbed ill le !Weep, Booth's oyes
fell upon his go. 80114 admirer, who was,
standing Ilia!'. want up to her ah.
tuptly and !Weeds., .to Did' you gal? you
W01114 gin 'iv lAto4o4 4011r to kise
tne I" RS •OSP1thily 41 T did, and open.
ad ter purse defAantly, ad Pone hi*
arra litallild -11111111001t, and stylus her ilt
itottntl1tlft.41080); Ile134:4311V.1111-:hari4lor-
theres. Thieves given, Booth whasl•
ad avnon4 find, (MA it Antallto mitt-
grantfs haul • • . ' -
The 141411,1mi hare bun learning
01)4 deal of Weitern tivilisatiOt of lata.
yaltefii frolt/i-Ot *sftr.
luveangstion to the dovsiopnitint af. their
conntryvith innolt noon*. They hove
got, with all the strides they hive been
aeolred ats Teti- Any ;wreak.
dog of the rulvenhigos of free tenteelt end
a froe press, While lioUritalient
after a . i. la under Va.
fitriotina os scree* AS those whieh gall
crrean and Vesnolt ;',paper life, and
when edlialre'tranagraire tha tliol ?Bios
down.,hv,authority, they tt1,0 made
to fititteiir 'nine,- filgo, of the *41
Aldiepo, has been Sent to prieowfor 18
ysar rin4 i half Ur. Troklyeraa
marifatt 0116 A three menthe tirtlit for
haeitig published au oboNaorm ertiele
in Ilia Alohn.(li/,,' 3Vbi44l44l4(, and the
editor of the gronjiat .'tIs»1i;;,i 111 Just
bitted Mr, nip in rt prison •Whert MX*
tten Other _editors tire- con /n
itedllitaaI OblitelitiOn of tbla kind we
bagin- to dotatll 1 holloptli0t.010 /4011041
bA4 betel Oti
Itti)Stit 115040141i
household, to take ihe place of a lora
neiee, and receive all her advantages of
salary, marriage -portion, and future pro-
vision in life, with a, conifertahle home,'"
An earl/ train brought down. scene
thirty or forty elegantly -dressed °young
women, nearly all Smelling fitst-claes,
and the nutubee of applicants during the
Oral, day is estimated at 500. A similiar
number came on the followleg day, and
upwardof one h,undred and eighty let-
ters-win:4i received by ,poet, 16 appears
that the advertisement wag praOtically
For a maid of all work.
A Boistonian went in his buggy on
Sunday' from „Boston to Charlestown.
Returning, a train on the Roaton and
Maine Railroad ran .over him and broke
some of his bones.' He sued the Bos-
ton and IVfaine Con:Tarty for damages,
but failed to -recover anything, as, under
the circumstancee, the law of Massa-
ohniette wag against him. The .court
decided that if it could•be.proved. that
the Bostonian's buggy ride was "a work
,of neceasity and mercy" ho might recover
some °ash from tha railroad company
for the *ropily. of Mt/Smutted bones
but if he took a- ride for ,pleasure on
Ibe tord'i Day ha went at his own risk
and could recover nothing. It was itt
Vain that,ho !plumed that hs errand to
Charlestown wag for the purpees of
examining bop* with it +dim to Win
If it would snit hint for a realience,-
The agurt deckled that lie need not have
gone to make such "in axamination ,on
tilunday; and ho was nottenalted! •
' Raya eXr, iTantitaitirs
World, Talk ebont the growth of New
York and Chicago I Xt 1. glinting ti the
growth of London, new city eintoit
half se loge 0 OhigitgO Sgsrag to be ad,
dad to the toetropolle of Ptglenil every
two ofthren Vviri in 4 train
lae1in along A ratty milai an hottr, It
Is long before we got palit Tiondofi and
Ite ittbilebe and on the flalliannaa.mora,
Zitensive distrleis at conutty, whialt
ramarnbor only a taw years ago without
4 116440 Upon there, ern now •CoVared
With- thiolt rows of vIl1e8 and well-built
etreete the hogs city atretehes Ulna go
Lar to the eoutliward that ona might
*oppose there eould not possibly he rattail
gowth jj 011y Other gamier, •yon
go northwarni or eastward, or westward,
,entl then you And that the greefi- brine
Ott he,Ing thrown 45111 141 all dlrentions
like those of .glgentio ootoptirP:4 •
fAl 03 tcpt...ttlitt 11CM BO taine 11X0ollt
in on ivwa 1/66 it in notional* plif snots,
i,tr tor surioleteu
dtr tnteds with 6611111 111; 411'
.011 firal *reaping useptnees Wrote; as
int 103 1/00 tile aat Valliti
t 11(101i4il411843 Pfilit 10 411010dg
1433 te)tiolag pato at rlIeiilultlem, 1163141014,
iy thiilf/* filta !OP!
Of 114 t la t4tinw
their bitsineos (rem aleesre..tiliepeertl & flavor'would hereby maga. the inhabitanto of Cain -
ton and that be Will contittet., the sante, at the old utalti4
OCK. OFWithitt,.o leaKwilAnkopposten olianFd InFlowaudliNseyleCt
And as ho attantle eellieg.eiceleeively for cash or produce he will bo in a position to sell at
the lowest remunerative rates. alaving had eoasalorablo experience in tho businees, kilo
confident that 110 0014 give satisfaetion to all favoring lam with their patrepege,
A Teta, setieite4-00ene Prensnata, esettverelt anywhere 114. Town,
d ciaaafa*avialatia apctlain 0103=0=1;:f) COW _gr,41.aLVEUEita:aa
0 teroar, Jane 7, 1870.
. •
Wish to call the speoial attention of their friends and the public to their
Splendid Assortment -9! 0.,Ropicpy, omATA ise,G;,AsswAAE.
Beautiful China •Tea, Set for
iutt received, ft large consignment of 'Self -Sealing JAM JARS,, at prices lower than ever
GLASS wxrsit JUGS, &e„ &o., in endless Varity. CALL AND STOCK.
.wmaaala and.Retnil Grocers, Brick 13100y,
CLINTON, Jnly12, 1870:
• Becemmencl the NEW E& to your friends, and get
them to subscribe far one of the . best ogxpAii.
. NitsPArnRs in' CanadaI gies inore fresh local -
.matter every. :Wek,. than any qther cimutry. papeT.
Its' seleCtiOns are carefully made so that nothin
improperfincls its. way into its columns.
. .
To toy cestomere and tho public; generally, 1: would beg toloity that 1 brie
opened • ,
r.T.1 04.00
l''' 01.1
An elegant Hearse for Hire. A quantity of
5 P. 'is'as* 7.4 *nir " g 0 • r4 Q.' r-1
very fine,Shrouds, cheap. Funerals attended riTj ° c° .0,-'01,1- tal=iz 44..,93-41±S t....bs - 7,...i. g '•,;
sna-sti furniShings bupplinttnttAgswionable------ ,-"1.- --ux=','"va =1,..,..M..,'21-P...1----------er'- I g-4,1 14:5,g•trgl"-- i-w•c„,-,,t
rates.' A large stock of Coffins, moulded and • .2. ' re: ...I 0 l',:i''.,, ig .., e r,3 siso t4 2 ,..1.1, y..;.,.,cr a ,..,e, N t,, 1 • IN 4
- Reinemlier tlie"Stand-7-Albert street, oppo-
silver-plated. furniture or otherwise. goo._ 1.4 ..,...i .31, i til°' k-ro ,, . .!.p§7-r.og;001„,,-. .5.,,,,> : , ir, •A'+' , ,
plain, always on hand (trimmed to snitraelther,a= rizi , ,e,t , 7. t4;.. 02... ..0....:3. r.:=, kirg •: 3: A:' : . .8 : „ :0" . : A ' .
site thellaiket. , • ' , , ., g :,„-; CS 4,) 0 <1. coo . ki, 0..Pt ....,-• C C3.4 „; .4. i.. ..i!
GI a.... .... 1--s 61 .. 0 to ci.,J,-. p., 7.'t *F.
- .. THOS. STEVENSON. Poi 14 .73..?,:.32•?,44'cl = q .2ItSg•44g •Fl T -$ IP b
m:11 :14 :at -';43: 2 = I.. • 54, !;114-4;;.9
Ge.41 4. co es—,,ta cowl. 0:
40. A
Ltot of* 3113ersaitittil ilavocleet.
Suitable for the WI and Wiefer Trade, which. have been bought very Leif, and,
as, EMI, Will le oold at very
'OR TO GOOD rAynsm ousToxERS,
w iNoi Fs.. '
HAM wide and Retired, at the loweerprices Seen alint011, 0 any other town
At all prices., all qualities, and all color; eery low.,
FACTORY COTTONS at any price, all widths and qualities, °heaped eat seen',
tiful A.1114RIOAX BLEAOHED-COTTONS, One, thick, and withoet
-;DUyiFtet:1(StliiSs'yeGar i!v°er,rp laSree.. and liandenrue.,. and rengea in Price from 15 16
71i °elite per yard,' in all tho noWest colors and makes of the beason, BLACK
LUST:RES, too, are very low with me this year I have, some really PhPiCe
bargain s ia those geeile,; COME . AND SEP, THB:51.
In SHAWLS AND MANTLES I have 'spine" delightful goods' to choose front
Ibis season, all pricei, makes and (parities: My stook of LADIES Ku( TES
18 very nice ; pritlea 121 0, to $1; in all the -new deeigno tor Ws season,
coltsETs, sit numbers., GLOVES,all, sizes, at 'niece- to suit the times. 31.:AcE.
CluETAINs, WiNtrow liottopms, :,cotonED QUILTS, TABLE:: COVARSL HEMP and
Woof,- CaltrerS; TIMINGS, Deratzs, all albeit; usual. low prime lave again*
opened a new stook tif BOOTS, AND SHOES. . Raving got,rid of all ray old
rateolr, have nothing now but -what is new; fitylish and froth; in sizesto suit any_
person, at any. priee. Ail Wont now isforyou to conae and hipped My stook,
• • and see for yourself, , ,
tr. 0, GILROY, .P.401111INTORI
re e• • a, ss p„.3
..... • T..) 'et .0;;;13` tar, .
e ,8:21 14,
E;11 vse, --==cc 1 2' 3 ••_ 4:0 „ 4745 7913,3=: ,11211 :9 .• v. T. lp.3' eri• " 4;10
0 ' "
c.a •ir; P-1 „ift Er Ta, o
r•, -JE 1•3:a = -4.. pi .5 - 2 .4 *-E
2.0 •:„:4" otain 11*La
o coo .41 .4 lag E..1 :J..- cx
si to. .ao
44 "V a st ^ "C:1 w 0 tO
11 0 t 1.• " ksst 2-•,.-4 se, .
ar.m g at cap • o t.i
fe",0 talel '4 a 4.2-41 3
Clinton, Aug. 20,1873.
Gro.apt.,Woodor of:Rodoni. TWO.,
us PILLS Purify thoBlood, correct. ell disorders of
theldver, Stemdch, ItidnoyS, Mid Bowels, and ere in-
valuable In all ooniplainte ineldentel to Fouled.
TUE OINTHENT to the only reliable tweedy for Bad
Lege, Old Womble, Floret and Ulcers! rf howerer long
etanding. For Bronehitle, Diphtheria, 0011553,Cobb,.
Gout, Ithenwatism, and 0.0 Skin Memo, It has no
, •
I BEWARE dr -8/11EAN D I
r aeon it ma date to abate that toy Pitts also (hat.
attar are neither tuatitifactured nor gold in any mat ,cit
tue 'United States.
Each Pot and Dot boxy( the Morten OtrobutottNr.
8135,31, with the worde NOLLONV&V'S PILLS.AND.
ortyrniENTa-zaNnohir-edgritvol-therau: On (lir
label le tlao addteilly..631.1 Oxman StnIniT, Losdow,
Vile. Wag. HOUtiOUS indiiitioni of -4' II0110waY`if'rlirs
d I " manufactured and
sold Under tho Immo. at 'rollaway & Co.,
by I r. Homy, Our. ren Seri., druggists
of Now Pork, eilth ta ,assinoes trade,'
rk, s in Canada the Min,
ei p al Wholesale
Counterfeits are
Diadem In. theke
yman, tare & Co.
Northrup & Lyman: &Lyman Oros. & Co
who obtain them at very low 'Mow), from J. P. Mawr/
Outten Co., or New' York, and oaf traah re aapplies
to tinprindipled Retail Vendors, whe sell *hominid an my
genuine PI1144 and Ointment, which. Ira nianuftettwed
only it 598, OxfOta Street, London, and Tete la °hints.
tid from the following Anne, na.-4
taventh Menet & CO.1 Montreal,
Moms, Amery, Brown & Coq Ralik; N. S.
Moors, T. B. Barker & Sons, SS.Jrthst, 11. 3.
Arians, Elliott &Co., Toronto.
Who impart diraot !moans,
TUOM40 rtAttOW4Ti
331,0tfardilireet, W..0..„
Landau, 4.144104h 127e4 • •
littron Strac43 CLINTON,
Priiin a6/iidttliifigllV/AaiViIffue orroli.
4TVPPt hibilailllrdeatif OlitametS bit
the very litktPatrarape too hire laorrl Uri 911).
while tic crMiamianin Gla tmil mt wa a et
ele oemot etiaueate to mat, et4 he lidtilla Strap:
tub that a ;
haa.ruado Utah arransaremsta aii Vitt aiiii
!otitis' errata him id noir alippari, air he 1111183314 It
ma to nutty to 414610 Ildeentage. Zodslug to the in.'
taraat ill htit 431(1804, 310 bat etiligitato latth 4".
MR, Nit 74L7.4z A It - CI It T CI a ,
'wits ess formai-It la 1801131141 for Menai litIlibt d'aini,
inti will fansablifed the beak hem lamer it horiatiaioul.
II* bilk alas inii4e molt err -engem obis with
Ult. 101111 1.t1114Itek.r3tiy 1/1$.4.
'Who la 15.1%1 01 tango fa teittli to P40166114 I/Patel.
0140,6e will 611100 Ilim la 11113 libt Milli in alibtAititall)
. 131 in to 1911111431iihil ditarillat at hailer fast,
:,..,...., -
Doing filo whirler uf thir 4» lir for
Tillt 3)21Llit01436 ItAltrt0Vit0
tto sail with eshrolonee Inaba tor la romitifaatura 4
itiphicrityover Alt inbate, and wawa% nett that ilit le
*5.834 tit alitinlidoillth Nord no 9 ionolt Moto "Oltletteite
a 6a10, end I., ilia fireilltjoa l'rft /1(ANhAffr•N Will ho„touiliits
es eeeriziers et Coital r4 4if,0,po11 X,I4i0t411.,'
3.F6411101140411141idia 14161 NA liestiladhat ttheir .drileWl
*I 1114(11,4 pratiii:e el itO,tleitt. Ink prit49 iti fliedeniftn,
1831413,e einoetilin, tried.; ite Wilt 1160106 tbef. mitatliko
numerous Onstotneyer for their liberal patronago the past, and hopes by clew aktontion to
business, to still secure, a large share of public -confidence, Having fitted up his machinery
- ' ia first•class style,, -ho -lo, now torpaicd to
Card t3piu3 Weave Vull_and Dress Cloth; namaufac-
ture Blankets, Flannel Shirting, 'Cloth
' Yarn, StoOking Yarn, &c,
A largo assortment of Tweeds, Full Cloths, Shirting Flaupel,
Blankets, Stocking Yarn, Gray Flannel, Striped
. • Flannel, CEecked Flannel, &C.,, '
—Amon ..uu- TRADE-rOR .W0014 011 REM CHEAP, 'FOR
The eithscribetes personal .superintandoinio will bo given to the Custom roll Carding, and sa-
titifaotion linty bo t1io� on. Pollens living at a distance from Clinton, play apoet to 'get
their Wool carded while they wait.
'Wanted, 20,000 JJsofgood,' elem.'', 'fleece lirgo.1,.
-For which the highest market price, iri oesh, will bo Paid. •
CraO\inai,, alay eerd,1876.
a, ••••••
Pretnise.s;formerly occupied by the late J. 33, Racey,
they afar tothouthito at-thsloweet-remcnerativaretek-
Guineas. Porta ,f Rads, YOunger's, and Cosgrove's Boilled Mr; "'gads for Zahait's
and Oarling's half anfi guarkr barrels, in wood; ,terant's ,S'pring .Breistry, Ilandliect and
tali Agents fat Oodsrfeli
411- ore.16tTer-Ptiornpily Attenaeat to.
01414.V.Wi 4118 1/170)
.11011801 W1LLI4MS111111111CT 1110 CO
0 1# T.,11 A.•T'W 0 R --
iitootionAtiorilokloc000govo to TII01980tt lie' 'Williams! efIllt,ehell!
ricittltural Engine Works
It01111/PV,VitOlktill•WiltatatEENT Ilk:WI/44U $41. V.0011Xqt AMMI
SatasTratas, 1 Jr 414D7011,1)• Vero AMMO IT• 0011ClOBAN't MA4t4544t14.141
..#Attltor; ,
. , .. .. . iActItttas .
Johnston , Harveetere, Slogle: -Reaps, Mowers Rod . Comillied Machines,
Areadecteis Seeders, Seed Drillo, gOrit0 PoWira„ Sawing.
tlealiftnie; wain olt,vglaita, sttava cuttarsinlowar mole istovar
ulider$ or Stearn tngl.nes and. Aca1erei:a.11 eizesi
' , VATEtt Wttra.J1E$1) MX 14$N1)11 Or 10414 NtA14,1xiont
., . . .
orreafroolo orbii no gogn Atm root*, 4/.06.yor 1Poor Works fai elaes, iamb* nott
wilays, aft itat gang Resieeto itte Ohdtile P415* illtisehintlw n gestiaile,
:, •ittli
, . . 4))1111g1) 12014801& Nitittakla ItAltIllitIttllitit4 COI- atIATIOID tgli
• st
CLINTON, ept., 1876.
The nudersigned bog to inform the inhabitants of Clinton sea stirrounding country that they
have entered into Co.Partnership for the prirposo of carrying &the btisiness of marinfacturers
of Carriages, Buggies, Waggons, Sleighs, Cutters, in all its various branches, at their
• old stand, Thiron.Street, Clinton, under the style and firm of •
• •
avx slrA
No.p!tins•Ivill be spared to execute Work eqiial to any in the Triiininion: Their long, experi
ence inthe County enables.them to fully understand the requirements of their customers, and
they hope, by strict attention to business to EVe fintire satisfactionto allthose wile may
. favor them v;ith t 'eirRatroyage.
Sir A large and select stock" of the best seasoned material always on hand. .Ordersexeouted
• ' ,with despat-cirr"---Repairing done on the shortest notice:
.0taiereae, July 22, 1874.
lifOL;Oltios SEWING
' And every furnishing kept in stalk. . • • .
o TEP .A,I-R I N G Saa o:-,P.7.-7-
Seiving Machines of every, make repaired, and noW parte kin:it' on bUnd:' Having engaged a -
practical machinist, all work dont, here is warranted to givOgood satisfaction.
Charges moderate. H. NONSWOETHY.
Huron Street, one door vest of the Comineretal Illotel; Clinton, dtd.
•• •
.- 444**
Clifaix -Double dylinder Threshing. Machine
:Combination and • Vibiator 'I'lireshing Ma ehines's.
• .
And all kinds of afalitCULTUIAT.;tall'LEUENTS always. on heed;
Towed the large and -increasing demand for our_eclobrated Threshing Machinee; f
payts of tho Dominion, vi:0 have,: by the introdnctiou of the latest and mout approve
machinery, into. our Works, greatly increased our natioufitooFing hicnitids. We are. therefore
in a position to fill all order's proftptly.
Evdry Machine is ruu and' thoroUghlY teSted beforo leaving die' 8110p, and warranted •th give
• entire satisfaction.,
ear.13efpre orderiny eleetultere eircutali 1.na Zaders. Order early.
' TOYS AND - '
BrUt Woo; Slipper „patteins, and Ber,lin Wool. Oboe's'.
4.11 the latest Papers and•Periodioals always- on hand. Alio Agent or the
DAILV AND NvEttcur ar...013E Ax1) mAxr,,.•;.
1.1y „
_ ,....eNinsammeneelemeaseemassaggeemegies-
Comm, Oei, 22, 1$114,
G�iiimiaii 'IF N OTT DRY
Tho Ooderich Foundry and Manufacturing Co.
..• • • .
pug wowtho -puhild Alto dal ah prsor to tingly .
rEl4,141.161V,G1414TX1L6.4& 13011(.4E11N
Plaits GAO kills, 'Stave, )3hirtgle Ilia 1101064
Maehinegi /loop* -Ninealtes.
Vita add Vroodan Plogithil, 'with Stgol 12,6,0440_ Gong PloUghtis 0,01611011#0 .
W Clutters, &.,Sttlas and Potisia it eider, Grits, swat tile*,
t:1004111ki PatlOr end Sou latovee, ef varlone kintbg,
Also, Voluted /I OttatLeA sect .iiusnitanith Vogt,'
Yibilffrt ?Ma 411 ,Ainda Poietivt riono on $410,14
Allettiersaddresied to itiatampaay,aaSte wilfroeSivs prentptattontleg, '
AllOgrnAti'D ECOD,GE• I it 011ACII )101tTOX)
thlortitAry mid Tremont,. Nimble*
08 61.idii utitruit, ettniv Gintilmt
64bs h(
• 14