HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1876-09-07, Page 4' Varna, awl Veriwm. fermerli Ilellik.AIONIt IQ Make Dellittlf111 find Al11'hetlY00 •ItreAlexander liydee tenitincia•the, -,-17,-:-Tiotoon•--thiteintpetittat4AMecte. ----""_.,..;2,L,Sayet -- . • , Zire•ter4.•0'0,.eas,havi teen: ne.;.: med.gfebowing lLttLe taste -,in the erection,of theirhougee and -•other *go,' • biuld- au4 •••u thelaying 940 of their tegrOund§i« Tha.accoeatien,denbtlees heti 2 04040feundatien hi& truth," atia feirmerfi • 4.1.80 avo thia excite° for the eeeming 'flegleot: et •theidva requty that they are generally in pod 1:ato oirounietancesi -• And jn planotner the 4 beraee, mut on :7•Plitti1ieir ponies rather then their tastes. - malciog ell due allowance for •this Abate ef thing?, lifre InWit .eity tbat 0100 grea yonrginior impreV,apiellt in the Adorning 'of.- foniers" hones and any. • Oundinga,.'" A more eultiVated. Nate ie now -epe •At cut, It is:fatted that house built an .eye to•heauty-aad comfort _costa-. h.0 Mere than rate to which utility is the • eide or leading idea„ and : When bunt' • the eonwe'oiaI i net the intrinsie, valrie is twofold, it, la foitnd also - et a very- humble house atit a little:die- play of taste in 'itia arelitteetere„ a few shadetreea- planted umlaut it, e green - lawn in.frent, rosabelli, tar . woodbine climbingover the 'Rut door,. Way be,, • .and in nine 000 out a ten is, the abode . " of refinement ttilial miltnre: SO far from being manifestetion of -display, these little ornameutations. are evidence of an • aspiration for a higherllieanclexert ..educational influenee., cM the- family, which is of the utmostiimpertence, The , home is the focusof.Chtistian cistilizetien and it is scarcely possible that leo nnielt thought can be bestemed in tnakieg.ia attractive and its infitterieee of the right kind. .. • " • • • .. • Build no one story or strata, and ahalf. hot*, if you can pbssibly rise ftuids-, verY little mere is required -td raise. the • building to two full steries Ma neigh- bor was once huilding-eastory and a half house, we advised him to strateli 'the posts four feet more, and theirlie would have some chambers •fit• to sleep In, and commanding a pleasant look -out„ hitt ho • thonght he could no afibrd it, • though the carpenter said the •cos t Would be only twenty to thirty dollars more, TE a. few. years be wished to. sell, butevery • purchaser objected to the squatty look • of the house, and the lew archedcham- bers, whith rope u_p_ into. the • roof, and *ere as hot of a summer night as- a, baker's. oven. T Li irty dollars expended.' • .in longer -- posts and larger- 'windows. would have given- our neighbor's••family much comfort while he ,oeoupied.• the, house, And at its sale .wettld have, been returned .withintereat tttilfty per cent.. • A simple .portido, Porch or- piezzsacao. be built at little expense mad Oddiamuch, beauty to the hone& -and- miteir:corefort to the fanaily. -Here is .the trysting- plac-e of a seamier evening, where social- interco reo can hate free flow and Mimic can lend her clutiMeAteicheerdeinestie life. The laborer forgets the toil ef the day; and his tired musclestind cabalist,. ed nerves are refreshecl. and quieted by a family' reunion on the , piazza -There is something in .theopen. i r vJichgivos a zest to social enjoynwilt, allbe, Oer limns and. French outicaate,ed• this tniicb better than the average,. American: ••• 'A • piazia tempts us. outdoors . into the. free air and light of heaven:. wherrothev. - 7-wise-we-would-ontratoyairi---clarelerelee iowns; with little exhileratioo or _mind' or refreshment of body. A bay window is scarcely lestineceie. sary for winter then. is 's• piazza for Suln-: mer. This catches the Sunbeams and Jets there into the living -room with an their vivirying power.. In winter "the • days are short and the sun's rays fell ep- .obliquely that we must. contrive to make the most of all the light wn canaget... bay window in the living-roont avitit southern exposure., hesides.being Orin- • _ !..Loheart‘winter,of, ita• gloom and is a fruitful • source of -health.ancl" comfort. This is also the place' •grOw a few house -plants; -which ' givenn • ad- dition of beauty to home. Bat it is • not necessary to•specify the. • many.oroamentationsaihich.- the hem° - rniy.have. The good sense and good' taste of every builder will suggest them. Dcin't,forget, howevetateardortrthe-Walle of the house 'with engravings, which the sltill of modern artists have made se cheap. All cannot afford oil -paintings, - but chrome's are no 'mean substitute,. and a goottengraving reuctimote desirable than a eheap.painting. Some of the color- ed lithographs are beautiful. •A• land•• scape, or an historical picture, has more edpeating influence than most:•etuppoge._ A word about the surroundings of the farmer's -home. We now' and th.ensee the •barn -yard or pig pen contiguous to the house a This is heathenish.; Dotch • stables are said to join the 'kitchen,. bat. they. are only used in whiter, and in Rummer are scoured and whitowathed as h'tough they were .a part of the house.. American civilization -demands that there be a free and wide eirculatioe of . air between cows and men. As for pigs, whoever keeps them under his bedaocen widow ought to' be indicted for keeping • ft nuisance. • They are. not so dirty an animal as some • would like. tO.,melce. them, but there is little that ia congenial between hog and man. ,Tho pig -sty id alvetty a deformity to a place whenever • the atench can penetrate the house. • About the cheapest ornamentation of ft country home is tram On this point we can't do hotter than quototho words of John G. Baker, it the Traimuations y the Massachusetts liorticultural ciety "It is a fact -admitted by' all per; sons of taste that trees add to the harrn of any locatiou. In ,etuntoer ante they protect it, from. the tracifelting rayg of' the sun, ptovkle pleasant anil cool retreata from the heo,t„ rind in winter 0,ro. of tic small valuer .in protecting 'oer...honiee from the cold and pieroinga blotto. .. Trece aronnd a honsnimpart hotnelike. and . attractive appearance. . •A few taaplee, 4, t‘eu a leri" 4 notiee, bt treea require thee for SoWth. A well-sbaven green turf is cheap beautifyer which we enhinIerid to eItery farmer, - _ ,..§qrape and Aleauinzo.____,, -• Dynamite hi commonly need in Scot. • land to Oleer (May etUMpe. Sabbath breaking in 1,4o14on 0013a. efauel more profane than in Perk, and tlme more of h. There is a mill at Ifingliarn Ilarhorf Uttes., which was built in 1040, and la totill in 'running order. Canned beef,. pregerved'14 Uri natural juice, is now sityped in large quarititiee to Ilew York and to gctrope :from the Iaiver Plate, South America, . A California paper eay.$ perk-paokers tbe east are sending to that oast a new wOrikle"41i orno4eil meats -$=111 pigs being cured eatire, so that the pnia chaser obtains from the same [wimp • done up io octaves, shouldere, and bacon,. • BepOitted exilerinieet has Proved that, .in school rooms lighted by windows on • iloth the children suffer more or less from inj tired vieion, and so impor- taut has the subject been considered in Gernian, that a law has letely been passed. forbidding such windows in schools, .•' A' sinart BriiiiliTyn boy has taken to cleaning the itereaene lamps in the city • stores, to earn seme Spending money, •Re offered to-do it for ten cents a week foe 'each lamp Re qmon had -so much. business that he had to hire an twist- • ante and nii,w_he ttvo to help, while his weekly income, above their pay, is Variotiea. taiioolbey amino- butterfly round a, field, ohouted to a ley who opened tug gate, Hey, WM°, but the -gate, • au' no let the butterfloo oot 1" tlartford physioiens can't be a very well-educated ,Bet. • Among 'the recent death certificates sent to the Oity Clerk these causes a death appear; Colre in- fantum, scholafer (serofille), sun stroke, applexy fitt, core fant4tut, infoside (in- fantile) aheesse, direai parletie shock, reustism, (rheumatism), general debilty, •hearth diseaset earstplets, long fever, paraleals, Young •feovar, spinal. mene, gates. •• •,•• -• • • The Boston Traveller has the follow - Jug car incident "You aee entirely .tveleothe, ineanavsead one of our item t- eous citizens the other day,' as he yield - his seat iit the horne-cars to a young 'quid attractive ligcly. She looked, and so did the listening passen,gena--aa Entirety welcome -entirely so," reiterated the cOurteous citizen, "I did net., hear your thanks, bUt--yotiare jusras' welcome for all. that." The blushes of otie passenger, and the suppressed titter of the others indioated that they saw the, Poiat. A common idea in regarA to light- - ning is that pewee are safe frotu its effects.• when sitting aie the -centre of a closed Poona but at Stow, Et few weeks sgo Was allOWn 10. be a fallocy"..- Several ladies .wero seated arotind by tbia ,Walla aof a room clitring a thunder' stortn when the bowie waa Istruelr by lighteing,. The holt entered WO par. • tieUlar YoOrn through. a wall,. fortunately totiching-aibody, and rolled into the Centre of the•floor, where it exploded, prociticing intich smoke, but doing. no injury to those present'. . • " A poor Irishtnen appged t„, one of the overseers of the pobr for relief; and upon somea doubt .being exPraissed.' as., 0 whether: he Was a prOpee abject *ear. parochial relief he enforced ais suit with ea--xe-uoh-earneatness. " -0thrgerefaner," said he, shut p I'd bo starved long sincebutfor,nie cat." ".13ut for what I" aiked the ' astonished, intereagatae,_ "Me eat," rejoined the Irish/an,. "Yotir cab ! how so r yer,b0„„,,, sould het elven times fot- sixpence a time, and she was alwayeireliwberoee dins, lindens, or inonntaltwitiltOS, with the larch or Norway gprnee, will render the humblest horno an ME:le:Ain sPot.", , With all clue respect to Blre Baker's - opinion, we ehouhl aubetito to tho while ' pine in place of the hire': and Norwity spruce, Ilegides being moll hand - ;tomer tree, its halsatil is a frilitfril sourne of health. • The cheapest or all ornament:di-in»: to the farm hoase, end otte ot tho best green geage. • Flowers and. Cree4:97&& boa:tare' theie place wo thank the creator for them ; hut a velvety Arson tor? is ono of the nog natisfying t'itngato tbe nye, and seta olr a home.. vt0.140111 not say better than anything as nothing olso dee:» Where fiver we emit woll,Itept lawn, wo know them Is culture in thh 'lions& Vitas •4n • H ll itirlitatil thisi le*A.iM could get there meself,,,.: S,hould a ship canal be id acrose the Isthmus of • Darien- atits narrowest point, it *ouldbe thirty-two miles long, and 'would' require& a tunnel .1.25 feet-high71rti. seven -miles through' solid rock. A. veiset going from lgeW York to San Francisco would save 10,060 miles of Sailing, and could afford to pity atoll of 43,000. In the one item of wages, a clipper ship of -4- 600 tode-btirden saVe -$2;000 at least. It is estimated that the, work would cost t$100,000,000. A trial was made on the 14th inst., at the Moss Creek mills, near Carrolton, Til, to ascertain the time to which lire'ael could be node from wheat Stand - log in„the field, and with the folloWing astonieliing result,. colittnenOing it one naintite after threeo'elook and-floishing at -twelve minutes after three : • Commenced reaping valeta 4,.•4•14.. 4.4.8:01. ritt,444 XMPIng.,3040ats4a, • rIVIr I8:02 - riircieneed threshing 'wheat •"8-05 Flubbed threshing wheat ($baie1..,• 808 Commenced: ariudteg wheat 8,04. Finished grinding "'heat ...MOS ItIrs. Lawton aoinmeneed making broad.. , Finished making bread 8-08,1 Commenced baking bread • 8.00 • Vinishee baking gridalo cakes... • 804 Finished baking biseillis '.... • • ;842 The'Butictin of the French ,Anti.To- bacoo Society, hi diSenssing a recent ease of poisoning in 'EAT'S,Irecolls at episode of another celebrate:I ease, that of Count Bocarme, in Belgium, who was aeettsed of poisoning homy years ago. While DP. Stets, a Professor, of Chem- istry in tho` Brussels geoli) Pclyteah; nigne, engaged ht examining the intestineg of the victim, be oalled ont to the students pregent that they • neust„ ccetse gawking, est ho toula snot -endure •the gmell of tolauleta •lurtnia, mit no ono was smoking, hut 0.ray of light Wag shed ppo» tho hitherto obeture Sat° and the appropriate tests being applied; ttitsotiue, fito ingtroment of the crime, was tbeeevered. 1fad .Professor Stag • been a Stllektir' this •deteetioft would •UOVer baVe taken place, end the•culprit who wee executed would have. escaped, 'Arany yeto-e ago a More:dine; gentle, man had a mule -s� .vicioue thet hie groom& mid gervefita could Iterill,y protioll ap- il without etateiclug a hich or a bite, Jt$i magter, after tunpleying vein every ineenti tti rilliafff it more tractable, reeolved to expose the troll,. tura to the, wild boob lu the ineotagerie f :tin) (iritud burin, A 'fell was to. cordingly let loose, wilnad thdking would htive frightened any other animal but the inele \viably retired \anent thew - int; ally sign of fear to a e&n.nor of the eourt, in whit& be could only be e,tteelteti from behind, where hi greatest strength and-tliere aweited the attaelt of its Oil Orriy) observing -him ell the while Irene the corner of ite eye, end peesteiting its crupper., The non, sensible of the nullity tUf- 1' ths assault, ereploYed nil hig address to eetelr big foe at tileadveotage. 4tIonglit the tottkilotzed An °ppm:Loaf, ty to IOWt idle go violent a kick that nine or ion of hig tooth wort) broketti the fragments flying in 41.1 L�tIIOnL Tiro king of 'Iberian neknot;lodge$ 4 rtitki iliVefittlti tti higtitgi; tij thti 11414, It turns out that corseta have been Worn for thirty -Ave how ns us woman who bee 'WM one that long, eila. we ahall believe you. plateti she return.your love i" asked a Byinpatbizing friend 'of a aisoonsoiato Yoo, oho ; ahe Beid e -he didn't want 0, laat'a Wbat'Skillini Pee." "00w tO, get rid of a cold" la being discussed by the country papers. • 7tzt littiat nitro-glycerine up your nose, then bit it -with a eledge hammer, and the cold will never troahle yon again. "Your nose looks like the last rose of B.PrOnler," said one. toper 10 another. " 'Well,' said toper* number two, point- ing at his companion's inflamed naeal (nom, " oirat left hloomin' alone anyhow." housekeeper (fent Bridget out ene. •morning to buy :some }made of lett:lee. She -returned with postege stamp. - When. asked how she made the niiotake- she partly answered," An' sere, wesn't I told to get Ueda ef letters ?" • They never use a bulletin board in • the Stratford Ifera.14 OTAM They mere- ly take the insole out of the editon'a slipper and lean it out of the second- • storey window against the eidewalk, and chalk their despatches Ota that. • 'k Speaking .of shaving," said a pretty - girl to an obdurato.old bachelor, 44 I should think that a pair- of-- -handsome eyes woua he: the best mirror te slnive ." Yes, many a poor fellow has been ' shaved' by them," tbe wretch re- .. . ' Thompson, of. theVest Chester Local Rims, gruvily cautions • 'Young, men 'against inarcying a girl who can't do alp a shirt. Why 'didn't he contitme by ad- vising girls Who can't do up shirt to marry editors, so they may never' he troubled •witb Atoll duty• I •Arr American backwoods 'minister, alluding to an anchor in his disootirse, .described its; use in. the following lucid .nittener An anchor is a large iron instru went that sailers carry tci Sea With them,. and when a storm ariatail a they take it on shore aud fastenit to a tree, and that holds the ship, still till the storm blows over." ' . , •• . , Safitho, is yotw. nmeter a gootl ferni- er, ?" "0, yes, massa, fass-rate farmer make two crops:in one yettf."- . " How is that, Sanibel' "Why, he sell allahis.liay in do fall, and make • =nog once; den in de spring he sell de hides ob de cattle dab die for want ob de hay, :mid maketnoney.twice." . • • " Look heah, .`Dixey, you ktiews a Whig -fir two. Doesn't you OM* from 'de cletidifltatiOn "Ordo atthespliere dat wet have rain to -day "Wall, 1Sanford, 1 doein't xactly: under- stand gistrenomety, but 1 -don't -think it " Dat's jesbLhi - but .1 hsveile laroology to 'sprege .it. Ise neliber • studied skyology. 1 ••, • ErratsCloccetee-Vaineetramenaloxeomea "By tv tlioroush kaowledge of the netural• laWir which govern elle reeritioue of digeotiou AnanUtlitione ind by a !careful applteation of the.too propertiee A .welbeeleeted. cootie, Ur- Epps has provided our breakfast talges with a delieately tleVored beverage witielt mtey eirlitAtirrnatty ireaVy 41,00terre hills, It is by tizajudiciowt use of ouch artieles ef diet that a constitution. may be gradually built tip un. ti i strong enough to resist.every tendeney to clb.eaoe. Unwire& of subtle maladieo are nesting around us Yearly te •Atteclr. wherever there to a weak point. We may eseape many a fatal Omit by keeping enrsOlVini Well ferti. ded with pore blood and el properly nourish. ed frame."--teivii &race (lasetteASold only in roolgots labelled -0 ins Errs $000,, go. urceopathic Chemiet% 48, Threadneedle street, ,eicl WO, Piccadilly, Tiondon„" 'TALI= Qr lintitez-T.4ifei has no value except in oo far as we use it in perfecting our souls, or for enrichiug.011Y Minds with, noble quall. tleo and for apreaping happineso around us: but we have daily proofs of the great.value Of the "Canadian rain Destroyer" in subduing the tortadug paine of rheuxuation, neuralgia, bre., and removing pain of every nature from the body, For sale by all druggist and 00110. try dealers. rider) 25 cents per bottle.' WOOLY Housgs,-Wooly horsee are not so r4re as many snppose, vat such great ouriesitint ether, there are many to be found in verious , ports of the country, but we doubt if they will ever prove as valuable to their owners as the one exhibited b Ventura; we imagine their owners i_ would eon er thm m eore valuable without the weal, for the rough -valid wooly state cti the hair indicates that the horse -is -not in a healthy cell. dition-probably hkie-bound, Or suffering from some disease which oceasions this unnetnral air, pearance; in such cases use Duriey's Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Itemetly, it will purify the'bloodvorreet the appearance, re. move ail obstructions front the hinge and liver, abcl sive to the coat a sleek and. shining appear• - ance. :Remember the name, 'tibc1 see that the signature of Hard es Co. is on each package. Northrop di Lyman, Newcastle, Ont„ proprie, tore for Canada. -Sold by all medicine dealers. Debbi, (who is a jolly old bachelor) and it bright yOling lady acquaintance were bantering eacli other abotit mar- riage. " Ob," said , she; 44 you'll get merrier' Moe of these days, 1 know; and zioti'd have me now; if 1 would wait•for yeu.' " You'd beve to wej_t_urn_a_my.. second childhood, -then," skid Dobbe.-- " 'Well, sbouldn't_have long to wait," 'wan' the quick repartee froni the WV -7 A correspondent .writee te:-" 1 abtend- eti wedding a few days since. 'Mell- ing. to say something befitting the • oc- casi)n, ',approached the fair young bride in the course of the day and, after con- grattileiting her. onher departure from the state of stogie blessedness, 1 wished her a pleasant voyage down theriver of lire- '' She said she hoped :tee -but they were going_by railseft " Just for the fart of the thing," a citizen stepped' up to a countrynian, • night or two ince, and asked him to lend him his hat, a 'dilapidated 'affair, "placing hie Own glossy -silk tile upon the hushandmatt's head tisatiecurity. UT then turned around andbegan talking to his friends; and on turning about for his hat bothilt and the green youth had vanished. The citizen coneklered hirre golf sufaciently'amused. .A. bey who Was remonstrated with by the minister for not going to chnrch, Said he would go Ulm fere allowed to change his seat. "But why do' you wish to change yoUr seat ?" said the minister. 0 You eke"- said • the bey, eit-• over- the ppposite shle of the meeting -house and between yen and me there's Judy *tars and Nary Staple's, and half -a -dozen other women, With their mouths wide open, and theyget all the best of the sernion,-..and When, it comes to me its pretV poor ettiff." ' ."'Your visits remind meet titc geOth of h suceesght nowepaper, said Uncle Jabez leaning birechin on his cane atul glanoing at 'William Henry, who was Sweet on Angelica. ' Why 'SO V' en- quired Willian2 Henry. "WeB, they coin:noticed own Weekly, grow to be tn. weekly, and have now become daily, With a*Sutnlay supplement." • " gaid Ilonry braoing up,„ 44 MA after we aro marrhid nla Will labile an extra-" " Baia Angelica, and thisa they Went out for attro11. •Woman la 0.-4U00r • alto iltt4 company, caPecially of het own 'eek; she will work liko t slave tot...4Iva • beforehand brewing _anti baking, load her fable down with the best of every. dinner At for a litallari ritripee ror-.-and then; with downcastiooke end broken voice, deelare She hat:nothing lit to tat, ltoptv they will OXOUtair attd Ili tin OIL itt t .WOUlil 110t bQ tiara to, agree with her. . There w.as .ones 0..farmer WhO Wen noted ea a epeelter ovexlitirtor tneetinge; on which oeettsloos he wap moue to tell hew great a Abner be Wati.- .11 Was Ira very well until; on winding up a long doprocitory harangue, „neighbor got up and 'solemnly 'endorsed every word that l‘fr, Join% had mid, of himself, As he tatt town, &font* hireod out in a, lotel whieper 1' You infernal rascal; juet wait till rater meetill'ntid I'll. eettle with you Y. Mat . . 44 IfeAttett 15 lintrilturli,--Toprevent ur(arillor disc/mils one of -the grandest attananonte ' 4Wer aleledeithy Men t eita "Bryan's PuIntowileVii. fors" WIll a4 sore cure coughs, odds, tickling In • the throat and lailmonsty complaints, as war andpestileuso destr(1. 'Severn tell& if mit • attended to tower or Igor INA it) itstairablii nuitIMption, ails) the sittengtli M` Mpg grougott •wan fa& it logioa01. The readiest enf1 Wit Menne known for the etteiltirt these reatiptiver 14111104'A Vt1111,411Uilt Mrtilltgii y" WIttai !Win Wit bhruugb)ytfiell tor tlis InAt ..twptit,',V•tierk ipeod. steirer hitoivit 1;1)140. rUti. tilA3 tfoolit 4,11 ti bf irli up.0.10 t WO pet Rot; " LIQUOR The undersigaell hevine opened A Ikuor buoiatteeitt the preintstat formerly u514s a Grocery& • he will constantly keep on hand alarge anti well 'ideated; :dock a lithtes and Liquors of the best-ond most rellahle Arend", which he offere to the public ab the lowed reinuneratire pricee, Agent :for Quetton 81. Q90•00 drCo, TOrinII0, impertere of pare Medicinal Slriede, He would else he,8 to inform ids patron& sea the public- fp:orally, that he bite removed hie Stook, 'of .Groceries, Cb.lna and .Crlasmare, To the prenditee lately °coupled by - -YuiU,/mown as the American Express Office wherebeie prepared to offer "eclat inducements to any favoring him with their patronage. • 0,ALL ArtD EXAMINZ STOON, AND COUPARE 13BIDES. ,11.013$0N„ Clinton, Ally 20, Md, •131400X., PEOPLE'S GROCERY. TUN "CNDERSIONRD, .11AtING VIRG/RASED THE O1te)0BRY DgPARTMENT their beldam from Meseta Sheppard tit Cooper, would.hereby notify the inhabitants of Clio, ton and vicinity, that be will conduct the same, at the old stand, •P COli;sTETI, ItATTNBURY 41\Tb :A.LBERT STIZET• S Waere he Will keep on band a large an select STOOK OF AM. KINDS OF rAlv111..Y oRooERIESp., And as he intends selling exclusively or cash or proauce be will he in a position to sell at the lowest remunerative rates, altering bad considerable experience in tho businestabe feels coafident that be oan give satisfeetierile all favoring bim -with their patronage, A. Trial Solicited -Geode Oreinptly Deltverett anywhere in TOWIll. )0441t421%. dii:42:Ktb-E12) Cure Lencorrhtert. (or Whites), .Pa/Strol Melt- striattiOn, Ulceration of MO Uterus, Ovarian discuies, Absent Nenstioattast,. and all diseases known as Female Weakness.. They aro prepared witli the greatest care, underthe persbno,ls0Per• ktistou•of 8, physician who-atoi-niaddlemalo 1366'6 11. 8Pecia1, isiudy for ineuryears; Alla they sly) a, alealiet-a-LovaRWItiiie3140. AD;,84 : . :an depend "ra the ?tour sad .litne.of Ateeta'` exr.unleiting . • • VglIALE,r REGU .1.4'1'0E; Ill(5‘Stild.by all UragabaseverPvliere. f. • • Price, one hoz, $1; Six boxes,.45; sent by mau free of postage- securely senied.frons observation: Vor full partictilaritvilte ror our pointillist, Which,. we Flu send in e scaled onvelepe to any rinetress .Dzt receipt of lost stamp to pro -pay return 'viten. Address all l'etters for pamphlets or pillsio • • WILLIAlit G1tAY & CO.. Withlsor, 7 Sold .•tt OlintonAst' JA11S 0. COmiihian Sty arugghte eretrthere. btortatoO-0 'reroute Witelasalekaents. • • • 134 Su» ATTlaiti •GOING. O.;s:I. NOW 4,T. GILROY'S Ii1,770$1400: tipuse, TwvDs, SHIRTS. AN» METING, COLLAIIS, TIES, GLOVES, sppics, BRA-OgS, BTO., all 'gold at AUCTION nuoEs, to make 400ill for • .0141.*ttr, aeme•', •w. ifmg, 4 PALLISER, & to' e'en the special attention of their friends and the pidaie to their • Splendid -Assortment of pROCRERN, CHINA &GLAss*AB,E. Beautifttl China' Tea Set for 4.. Also,. receiyakil Jorigkiesisigment of 45 elf-S:01m 1.A.I.E.A.11$rat-prieda -lower-then-ever= lbefere offered ; `GLASS SETS,. GLASS PRESERVE. BOWLS, GLASS O.A.ICE STANDS, ptiAss WATglt JUGS. deo,eie lin....endlese variety -CALL AND ExAMINE STOOK. ;SIGN •THE BIG BEDSTEAD. - (zsramtsuEn 4554, ) • . 01,110EVIsT, July 12,1878; Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Brick Block. , liecoininend. the NEw ERA to your friends t and get them to subkeribe for one .of the best OENRRAI NEWSPAPDRS in -Canada. It 'gives more fresh local • inattOr. oveky Weeic, thau any Other bountry• paper. Its *selections are oarefully made, so that nething •improper finds its way into its eolunans. $1.50 PER YEAR, FREE OF POSTAGE 044114.211,1411NO • Large stook of good Howieheld Furniture home mannfa'eture, rnadeof seasonedmaterief. • A One assortment of inverted work, stieh as Weed and Cane'Scat Ohair74, Sofab, Loun- ges, What -Nota, Cradles, Mattraies, Spring Beds, Carvocl-BrackotS, Rustic Ii7raines, tte. • Pictures framed with Gilte-fRosietirood,and Gilt 11iiuldings, Rustic Frames, wood, mould.: ed or plain. • • • : Good video given to all who unty.purehase,' with nititierate priceii.• ' • ' . - i 4 rt.S Fkal • • • t„......„ .;60-1:-... 0./.4.:! :: r: c:=S:t ,s W.: ,e !•:. g 4: We4: :107 0 ,T, e ...-. e Li -1,a .ca ., .6e,.,::-.-...0-_. ...,...tp,.., ,..x..,,, al -el n 103, tr.4,41 .ii:kr-s: . :-. - - 444- 1- $,,,, , . ,-,i.rstiocio .--- Itr.. ,ea• 4.4 FI 9 Id , .._ el . _A-. _. • gl- 1 0 :Ei 4 5'"4•rie g -SE). k-7.' '7_1: ;',A" bo!: 173:42-42'•f:c-7"---: • .-17.,=•*7:5i,"6.17'w42 ::;;I:4; ••!2''ilth5. . :* 14(7112 P1401 9... gi .7.-- - g .0„,, ...T--- ........ - aa -•• .' a• a - a gi sr,-. Pv. ' • I'' ''......ras..• 0' 4"44-' ". =.-.._=° .cA:4_ "4_1......74":11.1-4----s-F1-••13 gis ''' 'Pr 4415" _."--111)•. 1'71•.... , Mai oso,, rcl .:5.-....eaot47,. .,... ta;,.a..P.. es cp „ ..r.0 . ',.• . A .Q.. .. - --... P.16... •- 00 .2.,0,....3.▪ -., ......?,,ve, ==. „,,.,..., v -AP -i,.1,....„..0 ce,t5i •14 L_..,..v. .,,...:22 e. • .. 4)' CP 41 '' . • , • . tit ?.,..-; . ID :.... : .:.: ... ,,,,, .2. c,...., ,.....!..., ,: !, 0. ::: ... 0. :fe: 1 0, 4:: iril:i . 'ia ' : . 4 1 . . . , d ., 51;B: ._ .. i _ . rt. ,< : :.S: 7 ,., : z. ' r.:P .7.1 ' , , , . . r _ g ; ! , ,4 ; .1.14 1 _;...ae:c I . .i. . . .; . ,. . ...: ;..4:4::44.:,!: 1 4t1:16.4 .i.54:1 _,, , ii( yi 4•. . ...f,,,ff ...Mal "<., .m.=. ;13.4.4. 2;',, -.... sz '.,, •••• • . ?2, ' ..t4 7, 0 0,. ,m/ g.: ,LI ..1.=4/ .s. -41....4 43 MI • AC... 0., • • :;•: 41'9 italt :4 . its. • ' 4 gig IVO .69 .1. :' . (214 91 • 41• ri , T OT LADI woild aek you tio attend We Oreat.Sale for you 7. , WZ•11-SerVr.' 25 -'fier oxf-rh-iro"iv .compio.4 DESS GOODS F4RFT.1141-4Y. MI' DOWN arsTREs awful iews. .v.A.R.Ascas, LINENS, SHIRTINCS, HOSIBRY, GLoyus, CORSETS, RIBBONS, LACES, TIES- and coLLAns,,nt exact coet, to make room for fall goods.. -,-Come Boon -and.get Yew pick. . GILROY'S'''. CHEAP CASH $TOREI. ,OiTO$IT-.T1-1E• POST •.00$ICE-..---: -crotur. B-VrTin J. C. :1:3111IROY, PflOpRIBI'CR fr; UNDERTAKIN G. An elegant Hearse for' Hire. A £juantity of very fine Shrouds, cheap. Funerals a,ttende and all furnishings suppliedat reasonable rates. , A large stock of Coffins, moulded and plaini, always -on hand•(trimnae&tit suitYsItite ifilver-Wated furniture or otherwise. • :Remember the Stand-LAlbert street, opp site theMarket. . • TliPS. STEVENSON. - • Clinton, Aug. 20,1873. • MIRE aubseriber begs, to tender his most 1 sincere thanks to- his numerous easte- rners in the ft urroundit* townships andthe public generally for their liberal patronage, and would further notify them that he has lately added most importatt improvements to his mill by 'putting in a new engine, double the _power heretofore used, and twe ran of. first-elaes done, with dcomplete seVoi may chant belts, and in feat all the lateet andinost improved machinery, together with first-class nullero, he is GRIprred to do first-clase work in. STIN C.EIOPPING. Sso Griot' weighed in and out. Parties from a distitftii can have their grists and chopping home with them the stone day. Good Flotir • and Mill Beed for ;ode at moderato prices. LiT.H33Elts—Ltriditleit. The Subscriber would else inforttt the pith - lie that he has a large stook o lundier of differeat kin& and lengths t Pinta front 10 to 20 ft.; Hemlock, fronflO to 26.; Chevy, Butternut, Wititeaash, maple, Softand Rock Ulm, in lengthe to' ouit the intblio, which en. ables 'him to fill all orders that he may be fayored with en the shorted aotice eat& moat reasonable torme, ntLfAt ricer'eter • • Myth, Ane.sa, itoa, HORSE StIOEINiandllitiCKSMIT111110 III:iron:Street, CLINTO1sT. T11/11 annfinnirifill wot;en'Taxe ten»; OPr011. TONISY at sleeking his ,nomoress easterners, for the very libseslpattessge they bara favoroil lam tiltif *Idle; derning an buoloosb la lido torn, isusivould at ike Ingo 10110113E1;1ton' to thore, owl tiff atafflo gown.. 7. that bo boa mode ono% eriatig.teossit As Win AM 4Iii I ythrt eatfilo hint to theft fuipori, as lis hellos -flit V 111.4 itifillt to las& fah onive. toor.loir to no In. itregt ut hie ;agorae, Isis be attogoittliesautteee et At It . W T. t T/ Z. A At ill. It I GU, Who eim1 aft1710-Ifitilhas4 (y0111140 In tiffs INstos, sod1.11proetilttiot4 um, bent t Isft,s1fior it tiorairioto .T. A 14'., , tr1440411elt nter.101o6ftEn IvIth At it.,, J 0 It 11 tri)WIT A lib, V.N., 'Who ifs about to rellsro to 1..a01 to 't' I,1, prow. !foci of itlileani.labim to Mar big 'AM in ell vat bite to. toting te 1014(104 loadlsounso et Ifororehoit. „ 3.slas 110 *lime ,r6liiseistIA. :IIII. . r, ZOI.A.101024M) itAtt11,61XT,- mit.0.0.441, orlutblettee aleter ter Ida Inifrotteriale a eirectialityovur sil irtiert!, -nal truel.1 sten 1 hot Ito Is about to toosnuintiare timer ifs a wool; soon% tolver *6114/ MIA by Ulf iffillftOs be posoPPIPhI, 44 01 to refiqt4 vieik tool:to:6 Imo erf 0 toitto7011:44yTtXot litttloi, II srii,;;;IliiiIhsv 11;11‘61iiit 1oe.i.44.(i1 0. int ftioyfvo sovespi, atitistiflii, lila Vs WAS Ater IAIIAASOSti ,a04 Illiiiiisboorlbof Innif bo *III toerilto that votrocaue *bleb 044 tateetbia lif loit)Offof foil along ateolltUS la li'411161410**tialto lot itibal*otk ..*Istos1.1 soffit. • Titt)Ittill Tttlittr,41 taiVilliWit /14/0. iltsfll ililli ' ittli • • - - • 'UBE SIDISCIi1BER, WOD1r)D Atx7!... OITORTIJNITY OP THANKING HIS numerous customers for their hoard batronago in the past,. and hoped by close a.ttontion to business, to stillsecure a large share of public confidence. 1 -laving fitted np his machinery " first.class style, he is now prepared to . • Card) Sprn, Weave, ]u11 and,Press CQth, .manufao turo.lalattkets-T-F.lannel- Shirting,. Oloth Yarn,_ Stocking Yarn, . HE HAS ALSO CONSTANTLY ON A, large itosrttnent of Xvieedo, 'Pall. Olotha, Shirting -Flanne Blankets, Stocking Yarn, Gray Flanne4Striped Flannel,,Checkerl Flannel, 84e„ ece., • WILL TRADE 14011 'WOO, OR spui 'FheSubscriber's personal superintettdenee will be giv'eu to thh Custom Tn Zi Ataraution may be relied on. Persona living at a distance from Clinton may expect to get • ' •their wool carded while they wait. • CLINTON', `july, 1870. 0 li lave entered into Co.Partnership for p rig.'on the business ofmanufaCturerif theig—.---.i4atiolsoefollioar • The undereigaed beg to inform the inha ,aton ria. surrounding country that they o Oarrieges, Buggies, Waggons Sleighs, Otutters, clo,, in all ita Various ,brancluta,•at their. :---aaduaardo-W-tron-Street; Olintoii, wider the style and Prim < T.1 'iv( 13 A. ILA i_4•1[ E. • No pains will be spared to execute work equal to any in. the'Dozninion. Their long experj- ence In the Comity enables them to fully understand the requirements of their customers, and they hope, by strict attention to business,to give entire-oatisfaetiOn to all those who May favor, theinwith their patronage: itgr A large and select stock of the best seasoned material always on. hand. Orders executed ' _with despatch. Repairing done on the shortest notice. • RIThil3A.LL & LESBIE: .P1ANT014, July 24, 1874.. 17 General, sE s ING„MACHINE DEPO Asplendjct assort,rnent:o• f _firtlain,V‘ING IVIACIIINES always on band. NEEDLE'S, • • and ov furnishing kept in sleek. • • • A°4 R G S' El 0 ,P . • • SciwingMaohinee-Of-everrMa cTepaired,--amd -new parW3- ep on TinfC. • Having enga3ed .. practical machinist, all work done here is wmTanted. to give good satisfeetion, ^ Chrtrgearlifodera,te. • .• ••-• • ' • Huron Street,, ono door west ef the Conititereial,Illotel, Clinton, Onf., misesennesionosi. lee ttf r•- rf 4allee -,(ar WORK Climax Double • Cylinder . Thiieshirig. 11/1aell4nPs Combination and Vibrator Threshing' Mt -whines, And an kinds oi AGRIOULTDRAL IMPLEMENTS always on Ilan& . To meet the large and increasing doinand for our celebrated Threshing. Machines, frOixt a parts. of the Dominion, we have, by the intrOduetion. of the latest and meet approved machinery into•our work, gre,atly picrealied our manufacturing facilities. We are therefore itt a position to all all orders promptly. - • . • • aaaa"-- Every machine iS rim and tkoronghly testa& before leaving the shop, and warranted to give • entitle satisfectiori. • Wanted, . 20,900 lbs: of goffil,. dean,. fleece. Wool, 'orwhich the highest nutlet price, in cash, will be paid, etalvecro, May Max 1570. ' • g CORBETT; NEW • CitTOR ST()R tlitE nxnxonsita* 114iVE.ZIOW obi IIAND Th 'big Prothietes fbrmerly-000niiiitl by the'late J B, Racey, A LARGE AND SET4OT- STOOK OF •. CHOICE LIQUORS. • Which they offer icAhe publio at the lolit reiralliorativO Vika. rlublefsca 'Porto' ; Bass's, Younger's, mut Cesgroves Battled. ofte J•4yeM9 ler Zatitt's .atul-Car1ing'4 Acqf and guarter barrets, imicoett; Granes S'prluty Brewery, Itanalten ; tout 8610 4ge4te for ,The Oeuterich Breton'. All Ordors- Promptly A:tt4rided to. ?PAM COOPBR. MANTON. Jane 8, 1876, TN THOMSON& WILLIAMS I INFER'S CO, , or' .strAATORD) , trtCpAROZ,tATItti 104, puocaaaora to TIldnietin tit M4.011611. grioultural a Engine Works riXitECTOilS• THOMSON, I A, It, WthLTAILIS,` AVM, 'Ste,.1`arAtt, ; J. ltill)VOILD, MOW" 1; uncoil." W, MAttrlitAtiti, PV.17;tr14.(t.03i,tritt.ttg iltilinston Ran/esters, • Slogki Roaperk Mowors oar goolbinuti Cilia, Broadcast Seederi, S6ed TH11, !owert. Sawing • Ntoon000, Groin Cruel:bre. Kraut outterel Plows, Gang riowa, sze. fititidors of StearrEngines end xoilers, all ilzesg wgrun wntilims ail") ALL RtNI)}3,00 `Mitt ttAtilltillAtItt Natearturoifor Orbitall Seila Milts eemplets,: Aloe let, Iratei Werke/0e atm, Mulls awl doritic MA The Joky Nystenz, viitag rddopti litnetetarry a ilpectalty. Malang; IllatOtilf 4 wIttimattogrAGT1111110 Orb, gilUill0g13) 01311 1,14!, 15470, ' • Before ordering elsewhere send for Cireulari and Posters. Order early: • GLASGOW, VIACPIIBRSON CO. CrIxTo.s.' • 1•71MLAT.J WRQLSAL AND RETAIL DBALER . SCHOOL BOOKS, thSCETILANEOTIS BOOKS, • " s iv -.A. z. iv- 33:1• ,. . WALL. P4PER*-----VVIN-DOW----SHADES- ' •• TO*5/B- AVI:). • FAXOY goons-, . VIOLINS AND cr.A.sus, AND **13/%01.1,, PICTURES AND ...BARS, TRAVELLING- SATCHLR, Etc4 . • • • ALSO, 'A, LA.BGE ASSOItTillENT 01' /bait, WOOi) Stipper Pattern. 9., eat4.*..Rerliii. .Wool (1°611 • , All tki latest tapers and Periodicale always ea hand. Aleo Agent or the , MALY • AND WtEiCLY GX4013, AN1) • ' 'AMBRIOAN MON-EX BOVGIIT SOLD, ar I:him/nigh TUE NAND AND PLAcmo-A. •imax "A. -NELIIES, . CORNEA MARKET SQVATtE, , 1.1y • et.11rilli, Oat, 22, 1874. GODERICH FOUNDRY. The Goderieh .Foundry and Nanufaeiuring Co, tseg to wool ilio.pohno that they proper, to imply 'SrkiELxEIVOINT.:0"S; jEgoaxiamits #10tirp Grist and Sticw 1/111.1s, Starve, .Sh:ingle*ttnd- treading • Machines,' troop :Machines, von Iitud Weeders 1410110th With Med Rottras, Gang° Pinnate, OultientO alOtw thAttara, Zoo., Sum. nd Potneh Itettlen, Grate Dare, &de Cooking. Parlor and 13ox StoeeS, of Various kinds. • SALT PA:N „Al; A D-11' T .011DElt Mao) /roaand DratteattliTgas and glaoltrraith Work. .B011411 anti tZtt ittlintifg denid Olt ShOT Aroti02) ittlaiegitetborth tionvemy, or hodroiary) trill toady% promptattantion, ATt011111111) trOpat ELOBACE norrox, Socratitry ataa Voaturat, , President • ItOBERT 1101CMA RICIArt Z14.40E114 • 0 tat it :