Clinton New Era, 1876-09-07, Page 3All aerterea News Ito=. Mod 10, abloilgo M "Um us eat C.&NADIATT, Tbe bridge Across -in 060traw"ill UJO wiscona luatir!14,111;tho Tile 31,611611 oil t wrought iron. onie in the World. at P 11 w. Attempt till -y I t tin g (or tli6 wedding t Z rea 444"r., do ImosteiV17eE ill 010 mall P� 11011 �wllt,11111)vlt)afa Ifluder ttzr !1111, 4M f�et. Ift., 107 fleet.,hi$% m14, 's' UAL I ll� 4 A doulturalWANSASS I' ON FIR. T,,.� AS 0 causehe hail lost hisyojoe, and vA A wFuten '60 t oreditirr-1, "At'll'Ir i'J A fit, I!, ill � 011 'Itivo acril"Is the Cost 0 ro a' 'I a =414 Infin to lippil"llk tire) C-,j,;JJ;r3, 4tutl hi", woolplicear . .... . led to stop preaching. take tq �erger, ara !it topol, and nearly till the ..... . jum -K -oat "i Tow X"Au. who tiled"to, drOW4 , i� 1 i for tl press V, )Iag trom atii, ax ur61OA � AtOAMOr in ilmer, the Levlab0g, 0-, 0 linq bevii rceoveroil. TIM GREAT, MAL110' REMEDY, '041 TUR q. I)Oslqu; llaftr, on FrIdAyl wasao, f4t Uwhal"wasi allot OL114 instantly* killed The ontkiva ilt I VO fif!0. lult Provin. W, that 1*0 coulawt, AiA. and the b last Thursday night, by N. A. NN'"iremnn. idal Zxhibif iou, �lt A I lwil"'oll are h4follows 4033 r4Mqr­q Ri,71-99004"g, Jt'x TA U 43 1.0 -22nd Sel�t,, 1870, Oat sent The lattov's wffo 994f se in for hitur found him. fto4ing like a, cork. d that 6110 hall. -1forsix4i i4i IvIiirt :153 At Ottnwa in V1110 L—J AW& been havi"a forloftftl intercourse with 18,01 ;Slieep, 71), - blit a sure 4114 sixfo rottledy for Female P1111 - "m i 116 t I 'i All .41tItles alliA ObAruetiqua, uem at, lio Mail) vith 046 k AND.. LlrbOorq, tho flatel;, vi,­— u1b suicide the �11t' b. v albliongli 4i)OW1111111rallAody, it 00, .0 to ligai n� 473 whit other nig V IN'Wileaday Ilight, showa �h.t­o -w"lit alloop; oil, tho. CIA- over to the 0 leonall Caullo, l4beel" fislinp, 11.1111try, Altricillitural Was taking two'gon"o of lattasnum., But wedding tries for 18 ilelng�discovored, thirty was being colebrati'd pail$ Of ColdL -alady nained verysilld"', (t I.' 'A TO NAU11-TRIP'LAVIV1.111 etwon, Oleo. Sleeper and , pe Jrly fiti-itoat -It Will, in P or bolora at - water Wore rotlre(l ovor, the back of his I, At. th!l V. Ill.) I 84k4mio6s. bring '011ortft$ S AM14011, . L J71QJ rof"LI141.1ty. 21. 11, . a I Sleoper .1vas called. to tho I It , � -a'NV'Prk,rJ4o Ar4, eta., head, -which vol;e him up, unit 110; �re. ol PI-I'lav- k I , 119rtfoult 011d) VrA llwo� T.,.014 door by BnetTl Ilmilig And.9botil VU0.1, I'll It 5follgR4 Ana fila aqM of Norvolls and f4pbutil Affootions, Ning In tild 11,10h, And Lhilbll, 1104vinere; Xhe ifew York lentr4in- liakbom 1-1. rival for, the la,ly's hrlAwt, Qiwr ct rillank! )Uvollao Vatlp;ae ba sliqlt� esortlon,'Palilltation (if po 14%*) LIA gt, entl 111,11.0 J�ornljl for jlf.,Il�lnp the out, I dverl"$er' hand, (Itlllectoi. 6.lail - w.l C".1w, oli thoil'.h 6f An.just, li�ari. Ityaorloo, mou�,l; U 1 11. MOIL ba obt0re4 4,rKii ticor4artoti Qi fill, Al!rlo Wititni, .111)Nqh�zlltlirol so' -h -ties 11114 blvollplales Loll. Our' rfinders will romenihor awl All in,q, to rob 11na all the p5bald disease,%' oocalllonCitj J)y A tho torriblo'lloated torra ih 1872, when vor noar r, I k I f! sa OM11 1�� 11. 1 There h CA a ` Decorah, T�ow, (4, olj�ot 11131 It 0. Tnomsox died :111 week called the Ice Uave, It ifi 200 feet dmql ton. Tilvy w0i'0 01144tolle;2A to ton years in -her moaus It failed,' wholl, fill ot (00 little Lbil(II oil() Du . t fol� tLNVexi, I ty-fenr sticepsBive (Jays of, 3114 ill the Summer tho wittei, wbivit Clio llt�afflllr.N' fill. tlf,f� bailk afViiir, a Them rIMS'lln '04 known to fall woll ob-ArvQa. 14 4�bl L, 'l., �vo no'vor W iOtwbera tljo fflrootlors on. Via 2na 61 OThe. strange thing is ill age 4 it this cItY overy fifte. Nvinfor ilo TI)a 1010 ar. fix 11 parti. oularfi, 1, 0 t a 100'ritrulslu the olive 0 e, MICE& AT AS H I minato at of stilli� rived ill oronto 11171-ing t1k) taollth , avera" of noilrj� 1,000 (it. Ali. Auotlier Olihnne' Qoi 6.11 ilRt 1K flnglf4ll, JOB n Ing. Rua A?, OoMs It is rumomd, in . London Chat'. 1�11Tlo is ti. OPti 10 (if tlio6o fronj J.Jrl. Northrop hyman, Torblito, gotter4l C11 a new automatic fire t0egraph by whioll, Cain nil(I lrt�lalll � Disraeli's reafliou for occupying the i farm Lt. Agents for the Domi Ilion, wilt iuslure a bottle 1l.;;W2 Coat Nake the fire is compelted to aunollnOO, US 'hororn in dfieormit (if tho 11coyin couttiilling oyer 50 pillo by return U W NUP peerage lie lladfoxmerly refused, is that 7 o and Qeorao own7 and precAo whiln tho Mt i l:vs im d sold111 olluto by; IT; c6hib he is aboat agalw e6ter the. rtiatri� And V1. Lunisdon, monial str4tQ,.,. few yeril ago'll wtis Tbo Signal 1.9. by nientis of- fo I r thoir ovlonies W. 'tile Nurt A foTh4;J.-Xidd, ' Qarr -oi- illuleo, whieh vorwits of ny ube dire tors 6t hilockitig Rbout without t114 olightooll four Dorte&61�0 -engaged 6 the Coimtds 'a"All bra"S C, -or beat 0 E, oarcorono,-B av l0;1, 0J. e 'Placed on t1m ceiting twouty feet, apart 6?dheatei Cld, And his fian ury; RY ONX. tter. '110 8, cee off 0(01 room in. the building, all being 0 t trio 011100,on Monday fline ro, d for BU is Said to Va a friend of The a b ill tho.a(ft of sr1101340 Prioe pai conne*A with w'ircs that . run tbrotig poor was Jlor Deo.4'2 1, 1805, .". It$ Clint -on, land V, 1870. OHESTF HOUSF, a;s Oro flience to, 09 ]�Avil Ott- -A-,f 0 facta i -ual bot on each flo ei es. trom, 1)6aatur, To%'m, 6ays fm-jepa0twzu- HODGINS PAYs IAN bircults tlihirleact to the receiving '11 -ad 11,ill 0o of ardie,bles 74 the bapartiat ID E9,-. R MIL the Rev. IV.' G. 31dbbodist Of"L LS, �1�- milli ltov,, Ilia. wife, stepdaugbteri and, ilD;, mlT IN I Ir I J S woro ntfirdered* at tboir J)0XINIo4N_r, O1t;SkLX AT foil r 'f' At the Keeent execution', of two .1 atI4 u(Wheve to tepson bet-om 310 lasb Quers �N`Wlhl Kirkdale prison, Uvet is -e De'potq tio, evidently Poreo-111 by wfbi-the last ten �?/qgrd' awl 11(cre ni"'bt 'b i.al a' vbry long drop was Nyllich li'llil y � 14 folle-1,11, ill lFic �dvau tage 'of breaking -. the l3lou's Oft, Clinton, Alle mnoIt) t]JL 111 (1 I'll I I till. , -Tho C li.Vors o AloTi-. (th necks with the f, 'okonel bavb been, redci�vo clay 000 inail (Illartorod and I acted, M IV64 18762 �F A L ever, d-R-oied, tbe'Sh6riff to direeb Cie at- aild-tivo. Ify tv po8oll.-t-lie, butellery..waa CoLijwittedf�r oops in Arkansas, -ention 'Of the Governro., not (),to 11rantford J Peed ' money, ent tq the f It of0 Ott, 101hiph flllre�fln inedicite u M -filio at 14 t (10 tbab.t.bis method did not comply *ith holl nlanatic T ail, jail Ono bh)J(".i; epletz ii Oib C(p AG.Philildolphla,'611 Thursday,ni pVizo tbo - lett(jr.. of' the h4, WM06'.contpi'll- clib(1411 Ott-,tw st, '60f eltill; (('PL., C took 'be 'ind I - t1veon.,NVeodon, and' ill J"'I Jil) i)JJO Jtlt�ll blirnod, to platos. banging by the nebk till the ul� Fall -W E HOS 'City, and prit 1111�-loft, -fivd pligiIiiits of the nWom, a AT (geown 'zoqr, lie. it ) fox. intla to avea'a a b hl011, oto�. tIrw stooll Was =0, Rua -w a very, eavy-fa)l c detIr throligli it hets do�i C wondiim ia hr'ding C )""X III r 10 of &he bo44 grains In the fear, e the- Winner, At night othi r and. disloolltion of allpliwao iletia, w -e thoats, ctntj is ant Tailor,.. 01. smi-elling f0l' thO principal b-A'ciirious attempt to col bmit Pai�ide wO lum 4 rovr 40111 T - ImIlladed to tru I'llenizets' 4911 41MC -A Ttirkey, Ida ana a Ola.vqa&I t fit Once. qatriploo ban be soon discovorod the d011d body of�NVUlkoi'a, 0 if ILI$() . 1,02116 ;, drniviled. ox,�,ncllts at 114 J),milile(I I)? fif6l- (ill dI' if 4 verfo to? W- Wilua fo The.body by Starvation is attracting �nueh '0�6n- I . . . . the salt wbc heenp6int 111tilittod suir 11100 itfor is a 01 toI-lope D.6gget�,' a vn, Alig. �3 187,0, twm .01). cilli t— Il fade and wain. coin wit tell. a6olde in. of' Youn;�­;Ivorniin who. has beep employed r troublell 741A arand an Uge 'blian offied - at "ry slugl B —�7�JUS!r a66 ll.proportion. of th'd ex., U 'Sollarged � week agyb, nud darell tob tIiklech 0. F, -, , wits di 't b, f, , - portatiorl of Itwitibo'll, i6f bit. �na The ission, of NO.* XOTIry 00mul. since a ime.bl� ]eaten nothing fo' (IV J37 r tho 40 SE f HAT A ND 'CA S ila By all inedinine S .6 �L .1ri WE CA York has been -trying an ox'periment to THOMAS, Pholpit 14 LI'L ceptlowo apples., with scolaJ h n1a b A:nd.N0ltTIlll0P LYINTAX, lesseu the -rent mortality among child- JS' i Alloffirs of fil'o AM) 'D Out rio soule doubt O,t,, in 1 11, tit8,16 4100]'tg foe tbQ Do eet--Pioin, New-Yor* rewill'thAb city unc er or 1PA Ils to -34atilly villIlua Oil Fox. in the, d Nt I five years e. , would take trioney" 'frorn the -Bbe -used 'to work for, and frqui. J)I)Vars otina that the morta ity -was' f no 66L to ac. Sh 'Actotily as A iarall sonj b u t refa seg to'ask him for aid, will 1.,� - sati-if a- -ir� will Itself on hand greateitt in poor families. :,n wrrii: �n u� And SATURDAY N 11"EXING EX P, the leirgese and oo(i c6aitlion roadsturi (if' "4111 Mnda c4 11iour au,1 uV numbor'ofexcurs' k to �erd issued, be declares will give Am r arion tic c money Out'. and. At�a, C ficicetg were gi�leh for 'rides.on. the' to fulir. I�T6N 'TWr leis fill 6r th rbor. The re- lCosa asks for it. CLI. P, T, X sIMP811S. Pox vetil fbi-ries and down'tbe b. N V I T E D is giving; W. ligh physlelanS S'ly inoner. Tho:owfiorcRn have Old v, III pron)nt i6it A iv is U U tho v6v rwu office"aud proving, stilt dollyprod Ib FOlt O.kTIS. U satisfactory, p iysicia�� 0, time yet. I'Volghti . she can livef SOM shh 23 liorbiog that -great benefit w6s r6licived M & or ' When measures, w THOS, JACKSON. Til, Co On uVe t mined to filruisll Sabld Islancl with weaus of rs er 10 -a Clinton, Sept. 6; 1876. -lie L pursue this cou e 1: icroallid, of the Vwifill -ed Sailors, it -Claiv8o Whezv� �VA N T ti, which do ifea -Much' greater bxteht .'neg., year;: r bvr r, 0 JP VOU 40N "T'r maS6 of 'shifting 'sand 1) 1100 U c 8, . e A'sAulple of which ohn be socif.0-tha Nmv RnA 011101. ox, I'Fis I)O11THICI-T or D, I farm it Casseltotil. 6� litil'ill ally of the OR-Miliff witil loll - 4 'I'llis.wOrk truly could not suppor S". I fe, LC.ii .1 1d, ToTIN Al DDIL"4TON, vontainifig 'r ito oldoUbla, cohifiria lintulb pages, uua� ovr 1.(ID, sust6nc6'f6r silipwreck [lot Benson, ".,I d to do the same thing -to lumbers, �. 30 0100. 1 solitary sill t by th( 1001 con., Or -to, oil b onpi'j, &10 3:0ovg nion or P, in a Oaa its, Ivelconlo t c o w1lich'. were --Bow n Me 1�6& li� ak I I )ron-Wirett' als lace ere, oxc6pt :06 Small Avr..W, 1876. 07 ouvest11l'g was ii and 'coii ld oil ty :For Bale �pecics 'grew n V 0 1 k. tlto� aid be zoaught in trenches, oVerlaicl, With :"'OR 116 great Emin i q -Z�q 1110N Ax . L111 pie ti�rino, ti GLI NTM GAN Iself-�inaors Awol�e*men following ea6h boughs find stra*s;­� Their' me1f Oplien-Lifilit hoking bite Wfioab as fast -0 ij t) 11or" It . -W 0 JL oee'.of Poublo fol. touch machine, and. ng water 'Vas - poppliar. sell for.] will be sold olfda� to l r dash. Td- be seen, at dulible their interfer-. it procuri fire, blir tll.�; -Iilo4t important fo; lt,lilivfty Frottil lot tbr-Ir predeiolial ihltic-14�. tebe.work W boing 'llitlish -0 bf- th* s was cut: The On re cost bf'breA c followed their leAder, a- stallion, to tb at, - ibo E -C 11470. fit it t0llt'bf otar'$21),000 for lb" a work of: tiroduciniI t Plate4l roliala.- GO ing, soWingf;*,,retPpjnk,' thriiihing;- , an' lltiafla, IV W. DO R -TY - & 0 there dug welld with, t1lelf Ify the olil -k 11iinfil and im e supply i, Ida, is 0 in bible. ' Oil: CO,, -et ion Alt'laffers fror go 't4 W"qla -etinc, is 04 019 PGr Sc7rei, hoofs in the sand, nea;v'the wat I,., "M�o lie' safe ift House aTerage se I venteen, - t yield �r VhieliL.' g tadually 'oozed tjir6�igh thn't Avill. not 6nly b' 0 of A GOOD XANUFACTUREP bushels par adre the proilb will reach 4�.Co AND. p r otl . fresh. sit p na atra o 66, Irranois a�ior Strobt, bilt -Will -at tho, antfvy� ivoll, And oth4r coi livolli In a isk night wa cliers of fac"t6ri6s' sall Hy - A, --tho.,.CXJ)?Jz 6 Neit ;!eii �a c ire a ivine� be, will be 941d on.�igy torioa, part credit 110at.L. 011:0 t In ifitl( S; rr ]Eq s� . <D � ;civil to w in ea team$, - big i y coin- - t It odr, _an onges containing !�a; i nro ompli6yed during the ato, -1 -4re- stipplied- for safety h -pi 2,600 "t ok al F ..S e.L. I` utern,` pitele of on iar A. A phosphorous �about­tho -a" lit 170 0. it pea, 661 intro ed into a glass wbicl) is- -sii3hk the eole),F,%ted Asyrx tittea Jlp' Vith Ovary; eQIIVQnIenC0" hard and [30it: IEL -P Ir A- -N.40 ildspatch In Ilalfall'a0a of Pound, situate tfiat.Sultan.-Murad Rf- then ono,tbird filleLid, with b61llna Oliva - L Ap Clinton, April 12, 1870. 4 rendi'lins boen deposild, nd thatAbdul: oil'and oliea air-tijht with, a corlci�7 As to the excellence Oi, Call, Orgdns, 1`00VUtdr 22 Harried, (0ho is his �,ourlgev' bl"Otliet), Nybon ligh Istl --corl ..qii�r t sifild1he yry� ISM, iont be�n proN Ran, ':The e'v Seed. rbaioved for aq i .Wheat MrssRs. W. DOURItTY CO., Cr.v natant to admil.the 4 lot . sins. -You ask me Itly opilli yom flrst 01 -flan. I live Much pl6astiro in toll� iexpect6d ;ib has and a clear light is'Onlitited reor'd, Clio. ...... n 6f c6r W( fG in the flask. 'I'lle jilte 01. zo TL�01 "Clio tono iq vory full'allil, foies�f these: -V� le tbLe li.,bt in$ you that I consider ib a great succesi :bv Lin3dou Road, near Clitton. tounly it.is us good &it inistrument; ofitl hintl as there i's illaileili (11inadd to -clay. -1 ivocks past as likely to, happen. it diminigli at you..will meet with w1cral, patronage, nil Mt the reward tbat our, -vo.be neWQdLby a L dri iti . 0 only hope th, P fkoui varibu§*sources b a On to a in a .- I I . mmo, illy) entorprise morng. 'yours. tr V teC, "�6 'R, ly and7luindo in' &6(1 06atinliousi foi ab -a.wreck: b0fth'in bod a 1t t o a Z4. a bo n take great pleasure h4 giving my tbiitill 0 30 -Alt! 'MT. L UERIN TIlE q to tJJQ of. Cl 0 ()It of the deliriuni traniens haa.been vithou the le t libl& o z 11 -Ono, ill t ro "Yi2 I' and swoot egg of t S31ALL r iT,'8ITlJATEI) CanDtfoo Of Ilumil'or 11oo­ Xnat have ea 01' " () I) - -bull-Ilrga; rnd be dourenlout t mnAs tbolnitiyedi ft u v western' 46oantim, not comfortable mrtatit� or IL I d ate chusobf the One of 0 - ent I have ex. anticipated cittastropho, the i since, a man was tried. -and foun I 55,�.Oj 0 oi) I . iialediately, 81iing full Par. on 0 tiollstrato, '110 annotinced.' guilty of stcli�g 4 Pi,. . Tawritiny 011L -TAIIES. BOL13, Gnirn3viLLs v. 0. it to any who 2 ly, the'll'ant -of On Clio Steamer l3atida, fl-om id t1mire ab the foreman; wrote, wo 'H611S9 t6 liet. t'7 0o A vol�J)Ool 0 or it the 18thAug.t While three find� the prisoner knob 011r, TI", , - R UAUA).��BP, lea(Tor of tho-N .1; of) 7 0.) jury, wbo bad seen. the'imide of days out, 4 passenger named John the (117m, RTY i-hb chanoo 1 .1 1 - - 4 50 t.6 00 vo em, I I bfiswts. NV. Donr in Ilooth, it resitlent of Aadrinn'ton, Lan- sohool-house, tmhtod some Among the numerous C�, t Orgns I havo real' the Mny yeari Th Cshire, in,tbo spell -vardi&-but, Wll"�0'6i�tea(lntont;c-nnbletoiint4, T1111 PIT,TR Put Xy thaIlloba, torrPet all iusioraors of been a teacher of. music, 1.havo not seen aw nade ! 14 iroonig, unit iii welt.adatited. for a flist-oldso boer4ing o, LOW character of .0 ran t the foreman whispered I know that lftell, Xidnq a, and Ilowols, sut eve in- -snpoilill, to tho Ul inton. erg�n, I pader the influence, ing of the 0 o the titen i the tone, is both beautiful antl syMPAthetic, the intonation is 'perfoot, find f liquoi er's sii1e, ani lid "o O, Somoofthoroollai woul4bo lot 01ilrately, It valable, Ill fill Incidental to vemalles. anjs4ip isboth ly 3,00, fi� the touch eaqy, And infiDdo- to nomi, The worfim. tvo - TITR 0INTUP"NT if, the 0; -ter shaky, bilb you In solia aLd elegiant,lmo, exclaiming, 11 Tb is ji a fine day for a.. Spelling is sa�i uly rellable retriddy for Pad 0 SL 0 50 a 0 r)5. TJJL!cr9#,f,I1ow6ver long that i0thtng'is lacki�g. 11m, going to haye one, if t lix, Coinglis jumped OVer 6 pander t6: the. Sheriff and tho J(idg*b 0'75 A,( 1 00 thin Clinton'.. #41 DouritTy &'Co, groap'of liaikys iieltv �by, and the District -Clerk, far that's tlip, ' If, 0 32. A Gollt� uilatista, And all ekla.Diseasotti it if". 210 W. a' com billo'.01 t e cl esirablo -.1 ' ! fin I I fro , ve jut<)'. -'We sch- - The boa r is were way they all spelh If I was to Spoil a D 25, equal. Desiring to obtain An instrument that -wo'd Sayt, Fmigible, property'fbr sale ments * f I a, And swoobness. of. t�5ne,* I am -happy to Iit 111" lowered, -and ill tweritpilve , minutes ct slid they 'Avdro- to 16 TF n power, an .0. 1 11. vordi C� MA111M 4. �& - rs it, over t 61(P.;St4zT *(4 Ot LOTS NO, 10.1, 86-UTH-91I)PI 'on 1 "Rod,- from the timo.ho had umpold rea.lized all in the Clifit Organ. nivery-onowho'lic, goes Away fle, the out, the whole Jury- would bo, indiat6d it 4nd 147 north Alan, of Too of Ontario Striq man wa ta�eli oil' b�ard 'Tr Tha valuable qualiti6ir which this grgan posse nexb.,term,,of thJco".t;. nd..iv& woulattl% ijlip 00 1i 0 0 ty there, to it choice loldiftion of bilarin fruit tINIS t!r in this NV 0 85 a 4) 9 �)J kinds. f4ittiation vaify �Ieglrabla for a 144ate I roel;- Gro, on Ro4d, Stanley, J)ut. foi &io be ektlacf.� g�elj g-�t Oil Vy Ill of Booth's aatecew yon see t rop on its. denoe� AIDIY to -its of the -oil by IN', Dolle4y abing 'is known Iley, have the d 5 00 6 5 RALD, T Ave!n it nly 4JIt!7. J6 My'PJlTg Ago. OIN Having thorouglily tostell. the MCI manufactni. sSTItITFORbi. Oil exatiAniog his effectts a lar]961 us Tt exasperti them. aS, 01ley ai� thoy oat!; 028 -.a 0 2,0 Ilinton,Wno ' . . . *raro nP11.1tor nor sold in any part of a n. 1 rt.N o pleasure in saying Clint t cong'Ver Client iwall respects euti o61 Co., I tak �Ijglltjty of auninany points superior, to Any tClla i� on in th� Thd'oiso �Vlth Which a the BntTJsItGovVD-(*AP.1Pr Via N-Mrds TIOLLOWn'S PILL AND its air supyl tile Ind. equality of its tone its roadY ro- Isi's balphatically- the ago of grenb y is maintainot.1 -, bis'cIothlngi , 110'r, -W 9 bitrie(I in tile Th Spon Pofitlinoyst e to tho. totich ; thdaloquent;voicing thcreoll� Ontha .generAl woolatmism, muA malts it an espocial favoritil I h organists, publio enterprises of 011 kinds 11 liatit 0,15 tv '0 A Clinton. Ab6at -a' year �!a"'o an, accout. was would 'seem' As thou(6 the �10 0 10 a 0 10 oponda L,,l C. CRAWF 0,4D, UUM0 TOP ' it -ad TO011ttlk 1*11P, tla-4111 41"ItA11,11M Ot " 71011ow-Aylit 111118 her 4)0 1. 7 1101lowdy & e0 50 00 copQ frouit'�Iie St. Louis news It w a r'a' d et,aliofi ilf ale esi of experimeni their successors oil 1,116. Cy or 20. NVIlml -all wt1hileg to Join. ellottlI pvonli i thor4R00. ll�,.T. fnea� that city World any tvOuVe ill -the a ev � get 61 Of put- ticillao A114 tortag given oil rippli IWO; to TA9, If mmulned ri rederick ulian, an 13 agent; for Life e.tplosive, burned ib 'in a greab pr9jo.,ts. . We bear Ilow On, a the c is 11ol J h- to these 0 -till I,,. f Lyftan, ftra'& 06; 'b dooll a"PrOCIP100, an d 6 content with Lis great AlIg- 00"I . aid, 'I'lerthi'llp PA I.Y, & LYMOn BOOS, & CO EVERY PARNMEA SHOTJLD 11 AV Pi ONE 'I llolurlrc ", hurled I Leageps is -no in* othor.Nfays gati8flea the spectators or uniting. severea MIO. b' $0 �8 11 . 0 P0 ullo ob"Myl thoin Ut very h, d Vices, frufu*,r. V, Henry, trash is supplied Clan -0 or"N4S. Took, alit! this that it could only- be oxpl6diid by meo."O building the Suez Unprinslit-119 POwil vondors III the Runs as Day lI6, a!, ad61, ba n 5 00 ".'The and, oilotinone, Are manufactured iidatint eapa, : JV4 JIOW _Veaarlof I,, nive: - 1,whioh t . )REGS Ct) of' fuln shatening the journiiy tiyf is O� 2.4. i 110 31 SO cl, L AJr'L Jtjaian. and, his dyamito Ajain. It, r1in weeks. 110 %g projected d 'railrod, 0 6) L, n 0 &1, & USUIVALL- ED SUOMS3. OP- THY& load of if 0 45- n. 40 ItA star(ectfor ty oula, w-Agg Itto+ through the U�al Hountaiwp ad tlxd' tholzow I?ronl tbd cl 011 via Rdssi tvery' Brawn & cc Iraliffxi 14. A. the range' callea Hindu- 0 0� a .0 T. 13 9ana, SJ61ibl 0-oo h-10 00 Co., Toronto smbIjed sombbIling btivning, and. 8, ! f.F a 0 1 0!a 0 NVIia 'r'a�bvt.alra.t from liord, J(usli, in the Himaloyaq, And connect. 61- r G, and sat smoldng on tho front seat. and on over lt th I b.7 tt, a 1=a3 LE IAN orusilt, heAatlla� the 8awtltist packing Wag afir q-- ing with tho. reads �J'read�L 1111 111 a 0.13 heof Ill A ,a, �Il t ov W, ttl ggon to procurii water india. he cost ii eitimated, ab about I If ll' r) 0 7 50 a us, X r I LI (;,a 4 0() n7d. i;vj1tlj wiliall Jo extbingulah the flames, $200,000,000. The Russiau Gove;11- . . 3 bo V [IN biit tnada noliastei because he believed arm for Sale. A T&A c ft 1re �6t o:ff the Will 6 On v 0. 00 THRESLNEk INO .-SEPAK medt has already ordered ai portion bf Micro tai; no Aanger. Suddely there thb road under contract, lnd it seems For 1116$ i tho Villaig of 1061d. wV tvtoprifie oxploiilono utterly delnolishw likely that �l the coutrao of eigb b or '01if. 61,* 87 farin Of IUD ix,roi,, belog lot *21, At call., ToltONTO, iil,& the waogo�, killing ther heraps, Iltud years trayel from Lmidon tb'Caleubtl 1 04 (Lmilon, Itoad). On the farlix Iff a now bit It houllo, 9(;,v28, with kitchen 18utdt, two: fearna b.tma still XI? OP TnE PIrTTILIST LOA1=8 IX THTI Alit. MIMI, When 116 r) 11 it 0 g6. udPoldIdAr (1, xOMAIndev good bArilwood bush. All well Alkeila, Rod! will be. w4rify, by an& w a d �Vb,at-spriag efixtballaimf good boaritig ofifliom', Won, Abbut80 Ganada.. no 116.4 00hanjoil his fro 017. ton to .6 fteol] Qy 1) fenced Ilia in a good state of cultivation. Situatoone- n(4twator, good rd6mqy well r given it gtoat part fit our attelfflon to of eLittle G til - '. 4 -hhll 0 11 if Milo from 13fudoneld station on'tho O.w-A, RIIII. 0 Al% and Thitflighof and 8epamtairi and durilig that tillia We Art P jua belief ibout dLy I Darnite. road will be it groat eiviliz�r, fuld Awl- 11911to PaythAL16 Pimp 0 A thilts frow Clinton and Somforth. Titrieft frunid kiawn nern; of whidix nro R& but with the aboladat at fruit Itifie llitn isaltoliffied satisfaction wherever h has Wou Introltueoll,­ % hato lilemit the offtehillio 16: ever Ilrd. id os, Molubor Of orlito thbi teffimph of the. Gospel. oil aplidatioll to the pralgictolf. . trL,04, with it good lekat fence all taillod, Only, tell tol. VU, IMSTCOTT, nuies walk from t a Ilayflold �Pagt Offlob, Tbb Was - 11 0 iir far health. vonlohdo Is gAdoftil to Ville# In the 3561walon, and In the hillinda of all claggei of the fartuing toluniltnitit'leclualng nonio of'tha, most Sdoca. of - iuln& and-flarl that'.6ximUdiflatr, ag Is 8 to. the nrundeld, Aug. 2, i876,', comfoptana tan expiltionead In the use ofstie'llmitobinory, y4wo arc not hasnot ab gly6li Unqualified Satisfaction to lachasor, its the thousands of to�tiuf olul 10 aont '13.fto in it 'Peculine People" was recently tried onoman In a. ooaoli full of Dona Ills oftla,tho Atlatitio, Swiloa for Kow. Conti factara of tho tittle Offtub we have Oy 6wil 1, and 'jlj6 ljr6* till Inla the 0 'i :� ifc; ow ife C0iNVMtAX0lXG AXI) LOAN heLit news thought -j t -ffig tausod tho. death, of one st*ftlo .11, adnal; beint Jallf in adilbag such Itatillovotaon N 0 ed Qf hav walar '18hico the we r as XamoegTh l �r -01 A, �, talia the of the Liftlo 61antThroshor, Which It hag 16.9 Allies I%Wtitett ad bein th�bost �f by neglect, The .11POdd- At Vall ver the 61�or of' 06 'CO011 '60 licavy g%loil aild - 1' naM6 rg. 14 1 . ra$5 of -We have beef! Vnugftally suactgAtul the paot Aiiati6fx in Roiiio- (ant ImprovtMonch which railI8, '11ld 00 T L n� So liar P roople,ll- ib will be remon: we have added to the nuldhinc, AnIO119 Which are it tow natt Ify Oyjilltltv, CJ`LkNCE*I',7, ANID, ng Ali; inteilly 0'0!,* 012 the a iberadll ro- got down f6v some purp'oso, leavi. � iroq A" diusing the nilitinato rutiVIth littator regularity und The nixii4titittion tot, olit, fusa to uso inodicino in caBOS Of stelitub", invAlU on the b6% tV 1161(t the r6ilig or Taldill? tho bin�t,16ta gotterally, % lrgo pro", Attorn of t4o Law Anil of Irelftnil, It .. ir J%nd, LORI), find I';$tfttd IMAM Is" Pow6r 6a lanlot ritfs, 9 or a horse to to- file 11"Atoot and most Poll"t ralltdrig POW. coutantillo illomsolves With 1114yin- oil six Powerful Tr Rai ay !2q derunK Ited'o'll r &It faM- pirposod 6ilAing 610,11fitiont witl�Oilo­ voneo of iho borscii Ma, itI6na *1111I AUY Machin ri'011101% A larf%6t May i1nd waiting the Aeta of - Providence, Cho 1111ill oil boing lilllitr,�T, tile Jetilm)(1-4 of unk `1w I si. Ity i16 to connected dif6otV to the 6011a6r 4 In, negloctind Mu ch'ild, follow- the bo.% wad 60 'Weak t6 hold, th any other fateirdediata lidgang to,inofeano tho A�oo& e bava alAo, ilii4de, Roma Acry rnattAAT changes qua filafa6delrato.- T.MP-C In the'l- Advrineoel fit aV01103, to Loan,- f, Phkog. 1)royffntirg Kl)jr danger or pon up (It tiny WAY vhmtcv(r, Old tile taelli 8.4 acreed, '"o ibility Of illokir g ldvatol of. Pabliel ilolfito Dias. Dolito"th Xotogoollootild, o4didatil In 0holf And "15 A. 'At. Ml , 7,35 A to it raw, grain ;�6* and gretly haglAtillIf III roors peildefty 6f6s, and 4iow Wat; a second of hig eullar(ltt alambared o'dCtlirougltollo of Itual; rta Iq. tr,2 T. por q ThoO wmi 6 PA, th'An.18i *On all terathlog iny indlinAtion I nflIg the aitentlitnee at this. f1latll t to.dL nl� Ov we fillet that a6et alvinallra mAchlao thowoa� Poraro ft'Ate bs.zyca trow neglected, soarlet fooli�, n(l 0 With Oie Ali the uarr�v Willo ow of ilia 0( Mixed.. Alul Ginallat ra )Celally f6r P. Al. mixed., 6,45 11. AT. Iii, till k1440 bf ftifil, We hAvo Added to Ra aniln(l C114 lineg, WlJj ht wllmto, Wilifill iluprovwl (1, t;5 ,,,r .. a0d, oM 0 'illC will P. X. thrtilliali 1wWrt Ovor 10a liftaholit Gi VUGAt, (if buts 113 11 Form. for Sale. Pei' day. It Vill Dow thittih 0d althiaw Ift 9664 P41111 b6mcm. cliftrge of Manslaughter, 110, will peobab- now thpioaghl *iorrlfied borses WOPIS mail rell jkja6rieArl III, lior but the 10. )Oked Upon ttB a inal equally1fl, all Other kineloot4aill, 4, 3 will 6ontinnoto fL adr rAn ill)t Nor ic(lublit. FlotarAvag 111 41soVorl' yr nride 'e. 0 -4 ill )oil oupply to any of out OuAtolnerA *116 wish 16, the, tittlit 61aut vith Double Otarta power to bo Mtaohodio ly be Ic to 100 441960, 1000 Or 111#11,; So deop4r, Goile.tIolt ild d Paying ffig Cho P�ngq of per8deudon. There 10 bounded, with Awful dealivitlo Anil jut tfair 40moinli Ab irlomil ulod ireo of Ratio, in goad itito, of cultivation I till nollarty, tot 0116 We. J661C Ain bun goof aylet thtfied to tylinilot, with short boll., Ive fooloolin h6f, of timborl. all ofttl6iod and IMMInfort with tll& mofit Dorf�oti throAhor Alitl inglafta to dura Oovo ;LItQd0,yl6 priem OL Adult to -hlAh 6f'd' a -d a - an n Tickots that *6 its idw Ptilpitba to falf , tat-minelon in, 'n adip'llig the it bi� a. It fields. IL takes 14bo Intoutnl t 0116"mAillpa t)X VX41 1119 hgallfts b, ib funhing Rptinull t1mil4t olAnor ))a t1loga heir folly -by t ern with All.tho stref)gth ad fatra bit] dingw, dollar, plil pythilia. il,,i and rq,�urno Oof 0411�'of hiftallile fndupon those whwhwa 411aeod aoAh, by of big ttrt11% ncl Covaing Ail Alawt qholoa fruit tubif Obb df tho bAft Mora tind lom. . t anof in Jbi tousty ioi maidy. %wabuop I milmittan *hot* ttt S4Vki*"11tI%J 'D JA�l D ta a wh -ng -on e . P war bnenn Or es qu, kn e 1 11, t P I. a ve 11, AM . od I itio, to t It, oll 2 All., oy In 'n' May tnmollt, one in over, rot u 11, t th ti Atho 'fall consdilt 11 16fica of' theit, Autyerhumari weight upon, the broak, lie' th a th6 loading 4#61 k6ja 0,itto thlIft.4fliftter, of 1, Mild I I D-Owatialwill most, olibv of them, Wing am.,01, beft9ts, _AOOL Pe 16tall 11M probably ehaokad, the maddigAid atbD& In -tholl. I team obabriet, 40 one-uAlf milt hilin 16hobl"With 11111 U 13 NV41 donO,' hOWOVOP, kallill VJ6V'6J'tOLVA AU4109, TItIfIhd4�A(AbI#o App!glo 4404til *11V nto 44, pet 14, M44 wara wlo MAMRr 4441 As ollikillit 4" Wr' 1001"' Ito, �ox lb, 414ARMAN Ak IPOMOU 4