HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1876-08-31, Page 3too
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'O R'.. , Y c,i�� O.7 T O `.. . S ,
ETC„ ..I
: ANCH STT R...Hou's
o '7[.. i''" o 6Ela E °,..
'planted for shipment, 16O0 tab's good .butter', ' Highest price, paid
" 1a1:vTITI . Aitg: -1676.•
. O000000o0Q0o0oaobooQo.000000O00o0o000009QOQOOQ000O0000Q.'
O . .W
• -1876a . :P' A L L, .
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• CAS. HR .WOR$1.'1WD COATI1'.f $ J08 -�.
o • And SCOTCH TWEEDS, • `• -.
O . 0.
MERCHANT TAILOR,' Clothier and Gleneral. Outfitter, §
CLINTQ N , ' ` CONT. o'
- ._ irirsr ori lscn .fir----- --4 . 0
oo Fy Two Goon CQAT MAKERS tVANT1D AT. ONOE. ', 0
o Clinton;. Aug. 16;' 1876.
1 RG
0 •
amoral News Items,
The mint in San Francisco coined iu
d''uly $4,006,000, the most ever done in
a month.
Australia)). advices state tlfat that cold
season iii Victoria is very disastrous to
atte ae Twe millionsbeeldyed
Reverini. for Want of grassy
'.Vhe 'bard, times .aro felt severely •viii,
the ei aller German towns, au t it is.es-
titnated that 2001000 Germans bave•of
late gone intoyrtinee after work:
Mr. foody received a cheque from a
friend in Greenfield, Mass., as a Qom..
pulsation, for bis services there last
week. The revivalist 'ii1)mediately re-
turned it.
The Bev. Arthur Watson, a Protes-
tant clergyman at. Killowen, near Ken-
en-3i Q e,• troland, =has-: murdered his wife -
by shooting her, she being, under the in-
fluence of drink when he'ehot her. *
Potato bugs ore trying to steal their
passage to Europe. A captain of a (1on-
'neotiout• vessel says that they came on
board in soh swa,, ins while at lies that
they wa—w olose'tlie'liatoiie
• Willie Dunlap, a. bnp 13, from Co1
credo, was found asleep in a, thrashing
maahinet in ICeokulr, baying run away
from home, made.a trip to the Denten,
.nial, and got so fin bask again without
a penny in -his -pocket.' '
A despatch frons " Berkley Springs,
W. -Va.,1 says S. W. Graw£ord,-the quack:
doctor, confined in jail.. there, charged
with poisoning Wm. Johnson,, was taken
from'jail by a body of masked men on
Wednesday night and hung. •_
An impressive scene was witnessed
on a recent Sunday': at the St. John's,
Methodist Churcl, Newburg, N. Y., on
the oceasion•of the reception of 300 Or -
sons into full membership These were
the fruits of the great raviva). of ,last
winter, •
A. strange marriage tools place at New
London last Saturday. When tlio.cere-
mony was finished, the. bridegroom 're
fused to fee the eleggyman or to .allow
his wife to be hissed, and told her to. go
her way and ho would go his; which
they -both ;did
An old pop corn peddler named
great N` has been made out' tr, u,y
Emery, at Old Orchard, Me.,, was. 30
accident, that O'CCl7rred the other day to -
much ' chagrined at . losing his 'basket a fast train known 'as ei• The . Flying -
that he crawled wider a locomotive, and Dutehotan7 on the Gr at' -Western Bail -
put his neck on the rail; :close to the: way of England. it low appears thaio
wheel, slinging , 30 persistently , that,t`hatr b thns:rtza regularly 'for fifteen
several men hacl hard 'work •to get him leers`ween ;London • and Exeter,
out. F 'maintaiaing a speed of sixty. Miles . an'
An old lady of •Dan'villo, Ill.,: pro- hour, and without a single casualty dur-
oeeded to flog her son (a young mt.n of : ing that tithe;
16•years) for coming house; at one O'elOek . Ii) Nelson William.3 cellai. a 3Pider
.drunk. 'The son' resisted her efforts, had prepared his web'betweeu a: barrel
and in the:scriminago U.oth' mother and and tab,. and there, suspended..,from.'the
son fell a 'distance of 12 feet lift' of.'a
window,' ,!Glia mother was ki11ec1:'` A hound,• hung a small snake- about ten
corner's jury acquitted ' the, boy of any or eleven inches in length., . The thread ;
,,of the web had been inuenousl.v.ti•
•A peculiar Qase is that of a $olyok0
boy,. whose spine has been weakened, b
illness, and is consequently obliged t
run on all fours like a. dog.. , .. „
brute nanitet7< Sarah 1iioks,
iirentwapd, Bog, ' ml�rdered her thr5ee
year,old'ohild by breaking,; to aius and
lege, and letting it'bleed to death.
, . t'1r><xtA •'til- 1'ewarlc Liu just °sake
Stove seri tho•?Urlited. Estates 'steamship
.rR T'ulton" whish weighs 15,000 lbs.,
and. is inteAded to cook for 850 hien, _
A piece of NOW r ''orlr uptown prep.
orty, valued, at $200,000 three • years
ago, sold for $50,000 cash the other day.
An instance of the decline in tho'value
of property~
,t?,, resident of Tionesta, who Veasatuug
by a black hider some time ago; is re-
t --.s shrunk
pQrtcal.p have h nk :to a -of
Emaciation, . and has not been able to
find any Dura for, the insect's poison.
Beef and mutton Dost about three
Dents a pound in Servia, a turkey fetches
a shilling, a pair of fowls may be had
for six .egnts, and a draught pr only
costs' -fro $10 :to X12: Neave"tobaoao
and wine are similarly cheap, but, bad.
A .company. of Miners, , nine in num-
ber, in. Colorado, lot into a quarrel
Mout a haunch of venison"; and resort-
ing to knives and Plato's, three of them
were killed and two others. mortally•
wounded. • ' Thew survivors then made.a
oemfortablo'meal ofF•the venison,
graphef, a most remarkable photograph
trees, now petrified. The pliotouraoh '
in questien attrapts much attention.
A week ago, a German turner of
Tremobt, named Wensler, Was 'pitching
hay from o. ,waggon' to a stack; when
the handle of his pitchfork broke, the
part he was' holding falling to the
ground. 'At the same time lie lost his
balance, and falling upon the end of the
broken handle he was piereed.qhrough
There wall be no pews rip tbo s`l'ew.
Boman Oathalto llatliedral la Fifth ,Ave.
ilue,, New York. Worshippers will be
accommodated with chairs, laved in
groups about itA; nu nerous Altars; and
Tow fashionchango..l Two centuries
ago�a fftbhiconpt;availed among the ladies;
'of ornamenting, their taco with black
patches cut tato grotesque: forms, such
as a coach and Borges, owls, rings, suns,
nMoons,:,orewns, cross and orossletii.'`
C rt[rrro1 r;&I If '!,'El,
Aug. 30,. 1876,.
1<1'arkets are very quiet at present not much
settling in, and the appearances of things ane•
that they will; remain quiet, as business pros
poets are du11, • Wheat seems to be abundant
in moot part of the world, audprices will not
11kelyga.iirfor sometime to'ooille. 'Peas alt,
pear to be to good demand and bring a good
Price, considering other things. Oattle mar.
et io quiet. and will so reu)ain till tiro quip,
Pain> to England of cattle is: perfected' and
Made ;regular trade, other artiolea are quiet..
'Wbe t,Treadwell, bush,$0 86 a .0 90
Soule; + • I. Q 90 a.. 0 95
_.,S.pring,,-_- .r. A} 1f5,`neFt/2g
Oats. ..029 a.Ear'o5o a'
Peas► , 0' 60 a Q 6],
Fleur, t " 5 00' a •.6: 00
Batter, , • 0 15 zv 0 16.
Potatoes, ,• - 0 ti0 .a 0 60'
;Eggs, , oto A4 0 10
Hav, • .
00 a 0 0100,
0 ,
Pork, ' '0 50 a 7'00.
Beef, - 4 50 a 0 00:.'
3 60 a d •00
(iso er ki e ; , 0 25 a. 0 60
6 00 'a 6 30
Timothy , 3 00 a • 3 50
Geese, 0 50 a 0'55.
--Turkeys < -. , ' 0-75 'a . ,1,.00.._.
Chiolrens,' • 0' 12 a 'th 15'.
Wool, . • '0'725% a 0.25
. 6EAFOIC I[N111.41NET6:. -'
CPheat Tall Aug. '•30, 1876
_. _ - 80 9.0. a 0.'90
D la R Y-'-.-1&tg: 0
AND. otNIMAL wfice,imen-Aortess .111.71i
Clinton, April 12, 1870. •
A s to the excellence of our Organs, 'read the follow,ing Testimonials.:
SI Irri.—YOU nolo me my opinion of your first' Organ.. I haVe much pleasure in tell-
ing 'you that 1 consider it a greo.t success. The tone is' very full and pleb, and, cm-. ,
tainly it is as good iiii instrument of its kind as there is • made..in. Canada to -day.. 1
only hope that yon meet with liheral.patronage,,and reap the :reward that•youe
I tole great pioasere in giving iny• testimony aS to ' the 'excellence, Of the Clinton
Organ, manufactured by W. Doherty Co. In poi-er and sweetness of tone, in
quickness of response to the touch, ne well ai ia its mechanical internal aiwangements,.
it ie decidedly equal, Mid in some partioularsi Einperidr, to antinstrement I have ex-,
ambled, of which, I have hoe knowledge. - • It .0°1310,0:me that brio near.perfeetioa
Re it can well be. 'Allow me to say that r can eheerfullY ieconimend it tO any who,
may require an instrument, as ono in everiAspeet Weil...fitted to SITIO the Want ' '
IL. ell -LANDER, leader of .the Methodist Chnich Choir, Clinton.
Among the numerous Cabinet • Organs have scow Git ling the' inany'yearS r have •
been a teacher of music, I have not seen anysuperior to' the Cliinton Organ. The ..
character of the teat is both beautiful and sympathetie, the intonation is perfeet, ;an& ,
the touch easy, and inferior,to none. The WOrknithuship is both solid and elegant's°.
that nothing is lacking.
Messns. W. Dunmire SI., CO., CLINTON. ' • •
Desiring to obtain an instrument that woald combine 'ail the desirable improve-,
monts in power, fuleess, and sweetness ot tono,1 .happy to .SaLthitel_C hate
general favorite in our family circle:
Having thOroughly tested merits of the.Organs manufactured by W. Doherty
di Co., I take pleasure in say g that I coesulor -them in all respects equal, and in •
many points superior, to aify reedinstrtunept hi the market. • 'The ease with
its air supyly is matntained ; the smoothness and equality of its tone its ready -re,
sponse to the touch ; tho eloquent veicinpf its fancy eteps, .and the perfection of its
C. CRAWPORD, Musie Teacher and Precentor ht C: P. Church, Clinton,
ono. STA:NBURY, London Road, Stanley.
implitati011 crime: - around the tail of the unfortunate rep7
A, conviet rbe:eseaped from n Noab, tiledtud it_was• evident 'that ballad bden
jail stepped -at -rani bade, drawn tip. front the grotind. The spider
and•told the inmates that he was an deemed anxiously • watching his sc.inieut7
officer pursuitr-of-aIngutive, and had ing victim ftom one corner of the web,
put on.the prison dress in order to "de- prob4b1 waiting for life to lie orae
Potatoes 0 .a 0'60.
N. Div, Aug.. 28. --,The Mark Lake Ex-
Elarresting is Progressing satisfaeterily,
and the bulk bf the-grain-erop flits beeiCse-,
°tired., ' The wheat yield, will he less than
at average, and: probably not larger than.
that of 1875, Thia result is disapppilltillg';
however, theluality is Atm and the weight
heavy: New barley is' Saijsflictin-y.
ceive him. ' ife asked. for a reVOIVer dila. The'snake remained irt this. •
and got it. --At another place, by telliog cariotis-.attitucli3 for thirty7six hoots, and Ili GR F. 31 .121 iii'El'Ii)..r.•-•
the same lie, he borrowed a horse:— than °Seeped. : - • atiii "moans .4.4itionnup Pirilei •
Several blOoolhonuds overtook hun, bu Tho teronau Wise, who .has made a ThiS well knowLim-aedieine ii(lio iMpOiliti.011
luck, Ito Was" captured.
he shot them.' Yet, 'after al?, that:good good deg of: a. sway a ..eleotrical obIttiaosinio.,rnoaend safe rpinedy for Female Dia.:
went into Seoterd's barber shop on Fa.' storms, but that Adel ivofe,,,are an ab# AI la '
useless in- etgetiied 07:erl enaVtIonigh a powerful remedy, jt con.
Pr. RenvY lw'ora; ottjlornollevilio„.:,iightuit1;•;-roils aro tams nothing hurtful. te the constitution
day;' dna-while 'the hitter was -itbaent-solute protc"ction: Hs says ihat du•ring -It is:ocentiariyanited. It wil1.ina sheittime
getting aillaii of water,:the Docter took a recent ster m Soieral flaitstaffs were bring dn tho•naent lyperiod. vith fetal:tray.
e# In aire.aees of Nervous and Spieal -Affections;
a taOr and deliberately 'Pit bid. throat 'shivered down :to the poipt of contact .
m the Back and. Limbs, Heaviness,
from ear to. 'Om% Ho died in it few will' the metal' roefa, when the. damage Fatigue On slight exertion, Palpitation of the
rninutes. ,',11nies well cennected, and ceased., -the field dispersing' Over the bx- heart, Hysterias, Sick Readachee, Whitee,
occupied a high posiCion hiw proles- pause of metal. '. This corresponds to stadia]. tho painful diseation oeprioned by a
sion and in society. He had ono ruliog hundreds of.other cases that he has ,dytoornditegodgelmonet,antriFlialeilfae.f.feet a,oure
vie% the love of strong drink': 1 -Te was ermined ; and he'declares his conviction These pills have never been Itilown' to fail
Unmarried; but leaves an aged mother. that " the lightning -rod, as a proteation where the diredtions on the 2rid.Page of 1.1am-
The New York „News , give's the fol-
lowing picture of destitution in Now
York City. It Bays :--" There really'
are hundred•of cleser 1. mous
Men wha are suffering for the nodes Series
of life because they are una.ble tO obtain
work at Emir' price. All ottr public
eleemosynary institutions are crowded
with' the deserving poor. The Sitperin-
tendOnt of Out -door Poor and of the
Bureaus of Charities and Correction has
More appliPants for' relief. than he can
satisfy, and there is. riot a charitable
family that is .Without a corps of 'pen-
sioners suffiCient to consume all they can
obtain in, money or provisions."
The march Of civilization is well il-
lustrated in Fiji. • Elevenyears a,go the
last Cannibal feast was held in the Is-
lands, and six men carefully baked in
chairman on the Occasion, and doubtless
did justice to the viandEr, has been. don-,
verted from his dietetic heresy and
taught to appreciate, other food. In ad-
dition toihis' and to having 13econ2e
subject of Her Majesty,. he has been
honored with official position, and mow
sub-whieh,ie Very cheering arid -comfort-
ing to poppies who have not wholly given
up faith in, human nature. "
rty the loot nino years wo have given great pert of our attention to tho matifactiire Of the 141110 Giant
Threabor and Separator, end during that Nino wo aro- glad to say that it has root with remarkable- atiOesettnel
..haa.given. satinfaction wherever it hambeen inttednood. We havo 'placed the machine every pre,"
rinse in tbo Dominion; and in thd Ronde of all thistles. et the farming community, Inoltiding terse ef the m6at
'given romnaltiled satisfaction to the puraloieer, As the thoueolide of tostimonittiii imontaneously omit no from a%
parte of tho country will testify, Fran die tinso wo obranioneed tho .inainitaiturs of the Little Giant we have
not boon idlo in adding such improvdnienta as We Met:toile necoolotry i6 luios with the tiewsi aaa be iitio to re -
tale tho name Lof the tittle Clog Thiidalior; ithieh VA 16Q sines attained as Doing dio best Parnierfe Throatier
we bac° aided to the roaohine, among whisk ore ss now and improved light punning miht. goatiog to 411t,f6t,
calming tho marhina to run, with greater foolhardy and ovemoim. Tim substitatlen for Mir tioarad
rewer Junior Pitts, or8 Loma power, acknowledged f0 4110 lighted raid most porfeetivinaret Pew.
le for all farrn INtipacreA ratrlOrli taltdOo hiein shaft rung directly athlete.; rover, earelooting at elates
end with any inashine which a !armor may wish to run malting no inflamed whether 11 timidright or loliabout
It is eonneut#4 #1trectiv to th'eryliader gearing with rods aniteoupling, rivekling the ilocoseity tieing Wei or
any other Intermediate gearing to Motorise fhb spied. ',Sire made sonic vory Materiel oluniger And
A arOil nu romrdyino any ineltmitlair to .tirroir ;frau ever, And greatly assisting hi Pore perfeetieelbanitig tho
grain. With tho abovenfetitlentod improvofeents .find that after ameg ill° mashies the niers* ROVOCO *Nita
I or day, It wit; now sivesh one la mod Old% topteen mat 400 liticbein of wheat* of 800 to 7(10
bnellobi Mita por day, ithd will oleo work equally ell Other Icinila of grain. ASiteretotote,lte WM ((entitled Le
eopply to **Lour more/Pero who ntoll ill the tittle Merit with'Doublo dearod powor •tio attathed to
thredior with rode to hulk oil hum Poor and thence ttl"ellifilier With Mont belt* Wo teal coottaent fa saying
asparater en thic continent) ana caum aiiaaatga teravarmen tom att eater Wallows ot Similar dais. NM
;Tames Murphy, aged 10, was hung
Dayton,; 0., for the murder of Wm.
Dawson, in August, 1875. -In. et first
attempt at the execution the repo broke
and he fell to the floor of the scaffold,
It was at first thoughLhia_tteek was
broken, int it proved otherwise, and in
three minutes the priBerier Was a' second
time placed upon. the ndeath-trap. At
this, peint "ho• made a death grip, on
Deputy Sheriff Freeman, and it required
several men to free his hold, This
time the rope was doubled, and in an
instant he was dangling in the air; and
Malting desperate steuggies.for life, but
after feVe minutes his straggles ceased.
A few. hours Wore the execution he
made eonfessien of hie .
Si. B. Coiiil; who has heed a clerk at
the Sault Ste. ttaiie canal ordeal...it-1U
past live yearOir abseondett On Friday,
taking a largo' of fttitda With
him. 11 was Teamed that he tOok pea -
sage an the prepellor 'Collie, and par-
ticular.; avert. telegraphed to intereopt
bina upon hie arrival, at Port Ituron.
the situation," Made arra9omente,
fare reaching ,port, and aumped over -
beard in the lake 'shortly before rooli.,
with him, Ire left the following nein
written. en at linen eollat* Captain
Xile—Dceperate men take. desperate
()Latium. I will fiend You the pay for
your tite•preeereet, some time, if it only
(loon good. Adele° now, and ..taltee
ahotit to 0106." It SON344*
tIlIed that orabonloniont amount);
StArdt tgite Matta tor biro on the arrival
of tho otentnor, but to eine could be ob.
possibility that .}14 -May lam boon
In itself, is of no mOro, valne tham .a phlet, are well observed. • •. •
bodkin Would be to ward off the ball For full partioulare, f(0* patup1alet free of
fired ilDr#1.d. CO di 11 nt.
Boman Ottliolic priests' at St, Wen.
del; Gernian'y, vouch for the statement
that two little girls saw, 'in the roods,
a vision of the Virgin. She alipeared
to•thern three' times, and; :when they
asked her what she wanted 'replied, " A
:.chspelirhere peeple may pray and the
sick be bettled.". "Within a few clays
the bush in which the ()Miran saw her
was•carried awaY in bits as relics, every,
particle of root was transplanted, and
even the earth -in whieb-it had grown
was preserved.: Three or four thousand
excited devotees' assetnhied, and were
dispersed by ie military company.
An engineer in Win .Prancisco exhibit-
ed to tho Academy of Sciences 'a week
tlitantittidirwithin-10-40" .8.
calculated its rate of flight at from 100
to 150 miles pee bone, and thought it
Would be possibile to cross tho erin;
tinent in it in a day. BuOyancy is
$1.00 and 12i emits for poetage, enolosed to
Northrop a Lyman,' Toi•onto, Ont., general
agents for the Dominibn, will insure a bottle.
containing over 50 pills by retUrn IXteli.
gomin Clinton by J'. 11. Combo and George
Chidley; E, Hiellson and T. Dinned -en, Sea-
fortheJ.Ridel, Cirronbrook; Parker it Cattle
and F. Jordan, Goderieh; E. 011110.07a, Bay
eine dealers- .
ntalirifieo',#Mich, hare tetthetood the impartial
half/meat of the people. for any areat. kautlt of
dime. Otte of these le Tho»las' Zelertrie Oil.
Read ilad following and be eon eine& ltob In.
with rlieumatis»; forthe last len pears, and hare
tried many ',media without angrelief, until I tried
'Dr, Thomas* lieleetr ic Oil, and since thenhare hod
no attack ofilitt; reeoinmend:ittosal.!?.=2.„
.'IriirT; est She(ford- writes "1 hare beeo
tilt 'tried theEeleetrie gare immediate
relief, and I hare aineenseditwiththebest effect.
hare tried it oa horses in the ease of cuts, dle,, and
think ii e4uatlyaa Noclforhoree ite for malt, Aro
one should be withoutic" A. nicobee iirarkwortii,
, an great power is 'furnished by MI' "a" 6"6 1""fide; je"Lilianet let -!1,8 igereetric
gap be operated 'penucideanteoeir'yr Basilan', Percy, say8 " nous
as. ern. The prweilers
e use as a motor. Fortreekti, leas troubled "t1
A gentleman recently sent his- set%
Vallt to a druggist with a physician's
prescription and written request for
tile return. of the original prescription
by the ,bearer, Tho druggist refasing
to comply ati,th..the request,:tbniervant
returned without the medicine and with-
out prescription,' The gentleman then
wrote the driiggisb tci-enquire ',Oaf
authority he based hie right to retain
the origami prescription, which* simply
elicited a rejoiner t,hat he was' entitled
to it by lat,v;,•• It is satisfactory to say
that the druggist is wrongt a distinguish,
ea lodge of 'New rork 'city havilig
that litijre is no law entitling a druggiet
Mow long deem it take ,•to tratbonit 4
message through the A.tlantio cable ?
simple he it lecke at first sight, thoro
are many eingalar and interesting points
is applied to tho cable at'orte end, two,
.tentlis of it aecerid pass before 0,ny effect
to felt at tho other .ona, and three eti-
but the tonoting ones, gq throne/ IRMO
hove boon soot over the Atlantic cable
In one minute fifteen can unually bo
ViCCIS 1311111,1t6 Is a-gooit working t41.0.
1Vessages tweiVe Worth; have boon
sent 411 the way from Now Yokit •to"
,bondon In two minute% A tett hot yet
explained by the oehuttioto 114 that tho
Olbetricity doll. not mow,. tto rapidly' iota
ankle, Ieltzeh artuoyett Ste. ray melt, I' leas tn-
Sold by all medicine dealt)* Price, 25 dm
Ont:,•Sele Agents for the Dominion. • .
Countlea Of Huron or Erode, lima have 'good
water, comfortable baildinga, and lie convenient *6
railway station. Addreee iminkUritely, giving full par.
'0 ' EOM elineasviraaa.r, 0#
,Strayed Or Stolen.
Nor with a whiteface and rotifer ahort tail. 'Any por#
smile:tog math taionnatioa as will lead to hor recovery,
will be, attltably rewarded.
Seed WHEAT. fOr-stde.
Of the tarnottit
bormidered briterli, IMO of the' bast grams bilittiO
ket# Will bo told At $417 reasonable ratter • Partite, do.
airing toed ahoold fit ogee, Samploe oat be seen
With the anbeohiber. Ala° TOrkeY Red and Gold Medal
Wheat for mile,
. 011otono Atip 20* 12714 °‘ "11111
A. the of alinten 444 vicinity, that be
lata the
Una, On UNIV. rextli(016 boildieg
Where bevel 00/15180. come. neva keep on haat
all Riad; of moat Aintree) omit co Pettliyaietry 504.
tiratsiii moat, Coin, oat, Ind Pio Mimi Otte, Pete;
Park, *so Whioli1;11 it so I it ttli land Varmint!
14 eh Aito 11
MM _ «.�1I ST,
The undereigued bevies ;opened a 1+iquor buuiuose in ilt@ remises formerly ueea es a .Grocery,
ho will constantly keep on band a largo ,nus well selected stook et
Wines and Liquors of the beet and most reliable Brallu is
which he offers to the public at the lowest remunerative rices. Agent for . uatton
Oe ..Lo 0
@ 3t
are Z
t or ,
e 4n ter u
8 dot a @'
, r lvl� ro 1
p d i Wines. � @a.
'11e would also beg to inform his patrons and the publiopgenerally, that ba ba! roue/Nod h's
Stool, of Groceries, China tnd Glassware
To. the premises lately ooeuliied b• ,Tao..E Yui1i, known as the American Ex • eas' Otiace
where beia•prepared to offer speeia inducements -to any favoring him with their patrons o,,
._ A Aei`'0AtL� AND E.LI:A.111CD STOCK,. AND C0AzPA#t,E r.E.TOES.. g
N. . N. R@Oj7B� �Q'p(.. /y��}}
!•Il }...1...- T..7.. AAS .:.pbR. 13ItI01ii 13DOCIC.
them to subscribe -for 0110- 0.f the best cnitpaAi;
IIEWSPAP4ItS Canada,. It. gives mOre 'fresh, local
- Matter ever3r 'week than any' other country paper.
improper finds its way, into its columns, : ,
.rai. six rooms, collar, pantry, wont, and other convent.
°noes, will be sold uneasy, terms, part . credit.
Clinton 4fine 14 1870 +gra
For Sale.
fitted up with every cOnvenionce, .hard and -soft
water, with half an acre of ground, situate on Victoria
',Clinton, May 81, d870.
Seed Wheat. .
SCOTT wupdtm, price $1,10 per 16ush.
London- lioadocar Clinton,
House to tet.
on Enron Street, lately °mph* by Mr. 0, rerheo,
will be rented on reasonable terrus. The house oontaios
14 Moms, end is well adapted for, &first-cis:es hoarding
house. Soirm of the rooms would be lot separately,. if
Eligible property forsale
Street, captaining half ati ROM orland. On the proper.
ty there is a choice selection of bearing fruit' trees of
all kinds'. Situation very desirable ler 4 private reel -
.OST, STOLEN, Olt STRAYED, amok ,f.o.r 54,
.L.4 Maitland Con., Goderich Township, Mr -Sunday, the
Oth Aug., A. BLACE liORSE,16,hancle high, white star
on forehead, and white on,both hind feet. The above.
reword will.be paid to any person er persondthot.
return or give information aa ta the Whereabouts ef
said hots°.
Clinton, Aug. 2S, 1878.
farm of TOO aores, being lot 21, 1st 430n, 2.`ackdko
BRItthr (London, Road): On the farm is a new brick
house 20x28, with kitchen 1840, two frame borne and
outbuildinge, good hearing orchard, will, .04. About SO
acres cleared, rornainder good hardwood bush. All well
fenced -and in It good statehf, cultivation.. Situate one:
half mile fromErnoolleld Milton' op the. (1..W.B.. and 0
miles from Clinton and Soaforth, Terms made kubirn
on application tO the promietor.
Farm. fdr Sale. London, Aug. 16th,l/AL
THE PILLS Purify the Blood, earveet-all disorders of
- valuable in all complitiote incidental to PoniOes.
THE OIN'OBIENT ia the only reliable rernedy for Bad
Lego, Old Wounds, Sores 'ond Uloorerol however long
standing. Por Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Coughs, Colds,
Itheurnatipm, 'and all. Elkin Diseases, it has no
mENT aro-neither mantialtured her sold in Ani.part of
tno United. States. ,
' Drub Pot and DOT -boars tho DRUMM GOVERNMENT
OINTMENT, LONDON, ougnived thereon. pn the
labol draw address, 583 OXFORD STREET, L014DON•
eo d under the name
by 3. PolIenry, cur.
YOlit• wit)
aft WhoTheolo
Counterfeito are :=••
manufactured. and
of Holloway & Co.;
MR *CO, druggis'te
.rr Canada thp prin.
Dealers in theae
who obtein thorn at very low prices, from d". D. Hong,
Curran & of.New York, and this trarth is supplied
ta unprincipled 'Retail Vendors, who sell tbesametas my
genuine P1110 and Ointment, which are manufahtured_
only at ralti, Oxford street, London, and-intij be Obtain.
lid front the following firms,
Evans, Mercer 1O.Co., Montreal. '
Messrs. Avery, Brown Sr Co., Ilalifax, N. S.
MOSAIII• Elliott & Co., Toronto
Who iropoit direct froreloro.'
(Jot., contend/1g 108 norm:more or leas ; 80 Korea
okayed and free of stumps, genii state el oultivation ;
11 acres of Wow ; all enclosed e.aa woll.fonood, into
running 4p/quo of orst.aoss Water. Moderato hence,
good form builditgo, ova -class miler, and Molina of
200 ehoirm fruit from • One of the boat fame and loCa.
Atone in the county for homy rosideeee ; situated on
the leading gravel road east, throe -quarters of a mile
view of kown and lake. Title intiiIrropilitioNblIo;u:s.Axiiptilly .10
Tali of the tollowing varieties of grain, Suitable
SeliCef.t,:furkey-Red 0)(1.614)10d Wheat, -
And BOhem.ian
Those. are varieties that have lately Condi irate iwonal..
noel notice on account of their superior quality, being
considered by thoroughly competent judges, the beat
the subsoriber, giving a good yield for tho amount BOND,
IrDll can be obtained from him. Price of -wheat, $1.4.1
per Inrshol.
dents rn ovary town In the Dominion, -fa
over 2,000 double eoluran. quarto pages, 6314 OVOY 300
Superb full page engravings Tho work is published in
Parte, on a plan which eneures ite velem= try every
English reading family. To energetic young meen or
Permanent position for two yeare; and Goon rat!, DO
not tail to write f01. OUT eartMlo pages, private terms,
&c. This to a grand opportunity for school teltAbers to
make more than double their Patrice withaut interfer-
,ing their professional duties. The work is being
manufactured et a coat of over 020,000 for the Merely,
artietio and mechanioal work of producing the plates,
by the old' wolhicnowno reliable Lovell Printing and
iPonnliolwialsiLng Co., of Montreal. A11 letters from agents
28 and 80 St. Promole Xavier Street,
porenege bedewed upon him during tho,
tiro he bat( been in„lundneas, vrould rospoottuily intl-
. pate that he has removed to the new maniere comae.
dions-Premisyertoottalyerected on the
Nest Book Store,'
Where Ito Will keep on bandit eoloct stock of '..
FAMILY ItirtoceniEs
Of every descriPtion, whioli will be aAld At. the vor
loweat A -large aseortraent Of now goods ate now
. ott•tho way, and Will be opened in feW
'Minton) Jaii2d) 1870*
tail 'AND Ting Vittrati tittC211:
to that now store,
*1"21111.586t6 dr f ton the Olit stand
comer of Roma and. Albert streets,
Rim Non re 14 Getneetnnlja 004 grenn.
1 would ato settee Ondre, iho1 hive undo litge
tione to my stook, 404 Uri now ou twat4 firet.cless
aeioament of
*Plain, Panay, Ana Office Stationers',
etastadims beak.:
Puente) WentiOlt Coed 0M1011. WWI COMOM1611111 4:6#
rimi ham Bag Rode, flow j)atterno
stroti room
sto,o0O ()Fun Kiln IN ritEkitirS,
onE0T11.tbrioorsorneintlobtionnardallioncaulttiliont/seeetSgegoterhativa:_at Termite, .,§03,
Horace; Cattle; Sheep, Swine Poultry, Agrloultitrel
Grain, Field Roots, and other Farm Produots, Ma.
citatory, null Mairefoolurea generally, on Ok before Sat,
TiArtionitural Pro,loots, LaOies' Work, Pine Arta, ciao
an or before Saterdity, September 2nd.
man 0. THOMSON,
Hotel. runitture, Etc.
D. DICKINSON hart received instrnolione from lire.
Houghton,' (late Airo# Pattereon) of the VEEN'S
IIOTEL, CLINTON, to hill by Public Auction, ail' the
' .11onsoliold Furniture, Bar Fixtures, &Cho OR
Saturday, Sept..2,'1876;
table, I -10000N 1 largo map, IA bodateada, 10 wail.
Manch; 12 looking Alastair. 10 reattrosaos,'10 pair of pil#
lows, 20 pair of cotton shoats, 10 poir of woollon blau,
kohl, 00 quilts, 7 feather bode 11 wash tuba and boarda,
70 patient bedroom carpet, 80 yards of hail oarpot, 10
cote bottom chairo, 0 bar room ohaire, 8 parlor obaire,
12:4o/union chairs, 1 intr room settee, 8 hanOng lamps,
l' sofa, 8 dreseing tobles, 2 centre tables, 1 heroin, 10
bedroom Sets, 2 dining roOnt tablee, 1 sideboard, 2
kitchen tables, 1 et:inboard, 1 ;towing machine, 2 nook
otovoil and furniture 1 bar room stow), 8 parlor stoves.
a quantity of erookery,- glaseware, cutlery, window
Da 0.04znli can7Ae suuoiii:22olth,e:87apirel.eit, all of viral 'Wm be sold
Salle at 'Peel teleloclie Ai Mei Sliarth
without rertorvo, as the proprietOr id giving tip busineaa,
ing approved joint notes, •
For gale, 1114a Village oflayfiold,
hotule, henlard, islaodo, and plenty of pare, freer and
soft water. The hods° omitting eight good room& well
trees, with a good *kilt ferule all round.' Only ten Int*
pace walk from the Bailleht Poet VAles. The, attn.
Sion. for health, eatutort awl tomenlettee, le_seeetid to
hone .hie side the Ationele. Inente4 for 01,909. Ornri
And ine ft, ittqUivi 01
004 • PliVvakfm. 011v#