HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1876-08-17, Page 3WAOMA I *00 Torribleftenea fv,g. Qeaeretil' News Irepas. eoof Buac4ns. 04rgo'of olmoks in tbo hold ond 4 heavy �A di a UX Tile 1jarquo Wry% ivus . - 0 I WEE rrwj of Yarmogxj� NG T X4 Dig,' (�Q!n Boston for Darbagloea, with a foil (lack load of muleK and 611K'p, Put, illto mont migglater refusA to tile *ri�ast River, NQIV ):Qrjr, afte having mber of big r marry 4 young rig-ka, a, age experle11004 P, ugoot. perilous, voyage,— pharoll, because b1s, btl4othgid wAs act a, The WirgAo started fom:rooton ''on July professed Clirlotigb. MA&A"InlroVe BEST - VALK THE TRAD141614.ud for three days, she made good clergyman received huexperiencing n1arged'.11. tillyidir; d ficulties, thirty cents for,a, marrl%g� fee the other ThO Ruilluals on board, were d q. packed together in an inclosed pen, witil 0 Tile -groom offer6d him. twenty at Arst, but 6nally A dded teh, tongo.va, abou W 'H 1T M 0 0 T TQ_11,.N . , t,. and be, tbouOL. it. is hard times." two*tbo pen and tile poop were stored the Was of bay 14Whorever I go" said on, elderly t and Watel �TS OF' -00 1NC EAS[NG-------P'.TR-0NAsE .T�. FOR THE, WAN R 0 R K Y 40'0 T TO N So barrels. *On the third day, W,hegg t4t Oiler the othor dal. "I find weA wear-. A vessel was urider N.) one 0. out their old clothes and flat sailors, passing the the jadie�, almost, without exceptiop, L U S T R K so PI . a06-whero, bay li,No was stored, dropped ti. spark froin his have brand now and expensive -the. other h pipe. It ignited the bay, -but, as he Lord Litton is to resign the over. 'While, many are crying out bull Times, and othing Dothg, w e, on ilid, ARE DOING A wS R_ -0 W -N. T R R thought, the fire w4s at once exting - -Gar gl 't , �uisb nor teralship of Trid! early in Wit LARGE. TRADE,. __9 _Oaie m -adv. " -pe, rules Ile dLl(1 not cc for Coax, of punishment, I 'r� 'O Un - on Thqrsd, 'n 11 a TO E T C-1' 9 ETC111 oxt 001 tile fire bad llot. been. entirely 'i Itussin lady fire(1 ii., platol. at Prince Ki NJ ifigulaligid';i but snioniderinc; - tile afterno, on and- till tile foil illlriug Gort;obalcof� the Rusian Minister' to —0 owing night Switzerland, 'The Prince eocape�l un. 'When tile inato gave the alar mention tbe-oircurn, months ago, Erb UR nil that tile 4 jjrt, and tile lady �Va arroitekl,., �easei MS re. The 0 t6iaq TTr Onq-� the. largesb-'66""" -W06- 1, u- ro� �ftf, 1 2 -6 P1 I t 9 P 6 r rd E on u. mm, PTf 1 T i vea� of' I t 01 V10 � ever brought f�otrrl Xtigisil,s, vRs a f -re I e U S, e most ­ MANTCHEST 1.11L . ew CO3�ta p 0114 8 vigorousofrortswero..made to discover weeks since driven froax'Captain It er )rard,.wrraxited fast Colors fbie gidities, A�D LUSTPEIS, t 15, '30) 4Qj and 60 ce4ts per Yar - eg Ility were, th rancho, i I 11 X 'FANCY, W111 tile mollree of tbO4_sWQ �Q,- Several bull- ( re i-exteps. . outity, to lia=s duced 1 per'vent TE, �AND tliaji. ordinary cost PAN(JIY PRE 88 d,OR of sitabilld6ri rown City.. Thil ber4ximigboroil thirty then RE1)UQ,RjT). IN'FRICE, 12-1 Coat -GRi,,�y AND 13LT41AORp -per yard. ovep1mard, The wind, was and sand lionied -cattle, nn(i needed, say ,�j) COTToN rednceil.ta 1�,qen.ts t r, Iligbest-priee pnitd fallned the aftloking bay'Into fla' . on . . . I . I . I . . Wanted for shipment, �000 tube goo.d but e hundred drivers,'- 'Pile Qoffit al6iie cot HATS'-f4t: 111F, .M11AR'.01 all will, The $10,000, and tit Ve -have O'clittle were lis' W, inade --a large* pin e wM alld BOVS 14. PA Y. cattle Oil boa'rd bebaind l'itntically at $320 000. udimt1le ,"Leadin' Ainede I. Styles. 111. Fur Mid V Ito The tit boi, ulity, g al 4 .4 of the cattle pen were the )text to .Catch fire, and this- e(I Its almost clean P* 04 olit by grastil "libiase, at:-,% ' edu-0tiGn- '10f_�35 per �&ernt to " -e.W. York ­a6d ir'e'� atte, Linp.olm.-Pu mrphm par North Pit .,havep -p-d tbe5e-gooda.dir qt.fwni_a�N I I r 111111ged noise. of bray" 13 .wee ago, -an wholes4l' Men, an rices, in'"I d'. tb6y e ary liatum off6iiing th m at or'din an e. prices. dd B 9 Sti:� w H_ts t. C '�t ll%.cracliin� of loirning. ntirely destroyed the coln trop, Oat* l . 0000000000- Kileating 0 00 and `,hie sboutj�g,orj'7eXcjt,�'j well t lks' claili to (110 grou rd. I h0 1876o.' F -A Or -mD k.:) 0 "a,they.-battled bravely ith t . he flames,. counties -the nre, con I iparativ GO G -D TWE LL 1870 , jri, . me ns jai is.desdribed cis being 'i"litful iwehe ex, treme.� )Tany,of the niglep. broMb "Hot joos6 Wetbeil-seenis to make 6xioin t 'S ajj� antic 0 aeoli, -an t- as. ex ravagan t, i di sllA tm` e d ats and.Bonaets,:8itt lly.ab rut,t)):� V a e A e 4a rail fl is isai,to 1! Pr, Paragols', t �Red e. ric 0 0. a his rqn�arlp its La 0 � rob J � nLr.,�hades, G o� ing frightful, confusio nil uhiiiiatefy rha0 into the soa.;., Alanyoffliesbaelt London Ye'legl' ih of the'., l8th'of Tu To -JACAKS IN, C) W6re-rdaste( 6 b(F th -th-a- Wit ns A W 11 6 t w a or, de- r -p flatiles:were got. unddr-contr -a large. plirolia f 0 e- ave 'made Se -E-4 S 0 a -become it. I , � I .. iDrUrn.e a. of til ves_ Qlarbs tb4t Englajid..has L Cheb B OT xia 1 y aia MERCHANT TAIL Rq, Clot lir and Gbneral Outfitter, AD. 2 0 0 i3el had sustaigiod serio' da A vast gilglilol4j, 'with .'thirty mil us mage. its, .1b. - I.. ;.1 - or price c n n ot fail: to: plea Se Se was serio y 11 q Witianied Gibbg rded wwricas f) il.10 on the b, W'I 6 them. 9 'Oiib' of.- Brigha i Yo g ildf ji ' '. 6 "' ' 16R,16016r-of tho tile; aranow iji 0 tin 's 'N V' Ron$ is N Bell ''ue`11osjiit4'l, Ontlie mornirigof kixown.as Prindo briggY. The Gentiles F, j "Xj� 0 IWIRESII ASSORTAIUNT - - ----- QV OP,L 'D. 0 the 15th�,11ofillioxtont of,the darria-d' 0)5plain -the title- waR,acfqiiiregl -se. -%T if TV 0 0. Atibseqqent advefitnrc4 illustrate the old "I" I kalld ix , ey torso asitift his I TE8 0 C r 116, rodo in a coacl beti!�A GRO 0 totheydsspl -is Vora during -big s6jorlim 0 s discov��&I, nd it wt - t in 0 - CASE, WORSTEDr' OATINGS I 0 6 Ue'roselved torgiii-for.Now Ydrk. Ile' FINE 0 UGARS TEAS!—. AN Ghi E oil one ode Ing tba initortunesn cypre inou's 0040 white dtiving thraiigh :the,�. OTC EEDS.. NITheiiii.ff lly 200i, atreeto,of Lpigglon, disi�ga�66ied the &nd -TW com" - 0 illto by ggga�d of tl,lr6 g 0 the unfortunte bal-que wits ri wirds to give the 0 islod thq olliqer in,charge' of e kae. 0 n e ant Fi H &'ed: Pac of q, o 0 a .9 ca' Tlie bowsprit rod to 6r Ittoyal .111gl 0 NE IVE ST PATT.: C, S :LN T fl- 1�' . '6RAD iner. ­ . J iuoss and attd' ;hed, aild Iter .1), WS Str 0 d ched B tt C e 0 The sailors tile sLea to ask the name of the 'O iner was orowt e( e0 0 With p6pple .111d 110'attem(A IvaVinde dis.titigiiisli.od trxrig�r, "116 repl 0 y was, V mar etr ices', i 0. :any W W 0 Two GOOD COA MKFI�S-'JAVANTLD AT 9 4,9 dF, htghesi k T sir"Of Utah.,, 0 to r6dei asWaiti ce. to, tho tinfor- "Vin 1111ca 0 Clinton, All 16,187- t nate i eii'on board the barqu6, It A singular 14jonomenov;: - f 9. 0 11 Ill in Otwith in tbo.fudi' 0 was witig great difficult; 0 ail Ocean, tile rL Rged to ranch the Rast, b ivor,, Oftilso of'Which'bas not.- vot be6rL scer- OQ0000, .0-C)o,00.. .9 e 'fhdi'thie -n6w6W9`o0'--d n Of r- smin e Grod 'tie n B. nVolit 3,0 ' 0 tojj� 1) tie isCoric" off. Malabar PAities wa iMillinery, Boots and'Sh'b 6.,' s 'O 0. ebd lost liar top, g. )O_ds, r . the most - . Ciro e Mast,' aiid� and' ill eartaiii spotR along tbo Cq' mall- the large.stas,$brt M"ents of g( aiid stylish - od atthe 16-*6�t . pfic 'th - 7 Vo till bilined !id. the can- del s, at.� e - SJ111 the, sea .-every wee it Y, nrec6iv6 go cids k,, consequently oiir- stock is. alway. th:'the, mewest and,choice�t gotd§. The ed'wi h(510 burti-od' find abun Our: laqro ]jlOney renabl6s.-ti-to 'do this.., The,, eope' gre earr d- > sale's and, ready Lih g -that. - I'llctilres ftlice 01, J, UO r d, ti-111111111lity I'L-olit'rolleh'. arge ;incrOlasie. in' our %tronra We isotli,acgg tile all( Inar ildi4- interest- tb do their tradinj with us,..,,hende. the' 1 oe re8�.ebt V11 ik' TON-: OR CLIN GANS,' ltit surrounding yWE, Whicli.tl*)o.�iiiiii�lg,-��orolicil)t' b ,yr".,rj.,,,,,i,b each Arfid ev ery. one. to, come, see and se.cure s0iiie of thEi big. --bargains e, are. n0V offeriniz. ALL to.brcod., The ADV 0 altnd.A her 'tiMb- EIRTM IS DONE .AT THE T exact ca,ase istenpe % , . . of the e% f these XX0 Y scoechod'und lis rdilticed to. large traets of' sc-,C in w1liph tile Mild W D 0-H. T t ]I- .0 a. 111orb stilhip of Wood. -lilts ill sollitioil -is* it gn�str two- t ir-1 y ri -lie -mo.ot MANUFACTUPLEMS'. dRGAX§4 uoc��an is so ilit bf,rtho OLESAU ACI'Mi0 ror, -D GENnUAL wig N . . H can run for TON,. JUIV -19 1:576. a -6lice there, --licirgio-of our contoinporaries seang.di OLIN & or STER U S -_V xi,- VN- M. -.40 _7f jr Is- shbiter into 01cir Mid t, -,i -pesed to quPstionthe tnith of ouf State- s saf6 as when inside a broakater. ,'�l d. are. ri Who ffient tbat a. negro.,uia, A �011ng Indy school teacher,. E �.RRMEDY ug. A JOB 1' i)y lightning a few days ago in Campbell' gl­vville 'IdOntignA ,vFbq 'UO R S,01's ulity hail'the letters 11 G0D" 6n his Ora NE. W. -',LIkt baorMa�104 'C ;%0%fTreaa -90 a is nt body. Dr. Thoma"s E, Moormanj This wolfLnown inedicinO i ) imposition.' 0 9 0 98 -ie �q former y used as a 'reentry, Clinton.April 12 n �,! 4 pe r u a, 0 n t rw T)r e I i -ess is nipbell, ahour-in'the morning r! t office dilt I It. Zion, Co .. Q� oiijil It �: ho tvill n and well, selected stock 'Wri f i n g ' 1. . ..1 ... . a c6ities an d'Obstrue tions , fr6in �ny cause vrb co stantly ke P on band As to the wccel Couny6bo­Rldhiiond �- r . ". a .0 0 lence of our Organiq 'reaft the following T4Atgoo e a powerful relied inbi'of t :SPA 4 A); 50 ever, and although Q an ftcc6l Con - pf -'t Alid ost reliable -'EraAi1Fj,. es afid V Iraged [lot-, nd 'then out oil t he'r It 0 quqrs, the b, S In circumstances, from.' ��Iqc i Nye extract.' Ongde 63 .Xm3sas. W, DonEsevv it co�, Crmirro,;,., to 1wevept Floug, ou-i % TO MAIMIED LADIES ITO prices. my opinion o your first Organ.' .1 To- Ut r, 16 9.1 -10-M , 111'sallortti 0 orge & V ., Torcnto,. im 'cin es, 17 , telling, and -left ber ly- .-You ask f have rnn'A pleasure in tell- 00 fb lowing : dT w I q .0 poitors of puro Aled, a! t r a on tile floog,; IV ine �AU 3e0pliarlysuit Igo ill, 2,, Ing ular ing you that J cousider it a great succe! an( Po toest bl' ohth(;la6uth1y orlod -with reg ity. Ho.would also beg to inforril his patrons. tile iltiblic generally, thWhe as' ( Bit. �Tbe tone is very"full' an omove his inst ite fiin as .-d. . blackboard iO writo tb affair out a 0 16 Igi all cages of Nerv6A p irgiotious I tainly it iias'good an xwrgetit 6f there is m4de in Uinigda to "Y- PoiTy Jones and George Brown, colore - a,auaSpinal A b that yon[ will meet With rljbe�gij C, d 9981, 0. I hope patronage, and reip the that;yblir upon it, and was found. dea Ilety, iL 9 ()o Pains in �tho Back, iRd Limbs, Heivlgge�s,. �s only -mbo, nororiously the most , profane gl�by the pit. '17 -a.nd- ours b ight 61torl;Wil-, P41P.1 enterprise inerit jWk- �13y, e oo, ratigue-ohilst IN. information, rt.* Hysterics, -Sick Ifead hites,' To thi protnisni lately,.oiceiipiod hy. jas,mA. ��uiji, k n 0 .4.50 06 ea esj as the Anigiricin Express Wee - the' blackboard a vigorous Hides, - .1 rio 400. . andalithepabiffil dise e on 'a - by a wit Ore- lie hi'brepared to. offer illduconionts to,aggy JaToring'hint with three OtHer 'porsollsi took a! ill 648 a 4 with t e as ro givinge gini t6stimorly as to th6 Oxen lence of 4he Clinton ir, patrQua I take great ple gi institnted, �rtnd 611 three. of' the MIS, t acure'. ST 011C, AND' COM' d' -ALL AND P PARE FRIC98, r, the rain acedulpanie by Shoop, Otto; .0-60 disor-aerea system, thqse.P'llnLW* I lioweiand sweetness of tone, in' rdfune, itig .0 25 0 creanto werdeaptu red* before the . :, I arrangements, a, gpoa li(, h* C'lovq �11 .110 r brtfilb(i.And-thugida, in y rose 6 .10 whoil. all other ii� ans hove failed. ent, I have ex- IN (, These Pills have iieer been known to fail N. F.013 n on lan of L ed their. -home, -though less tbaii three Timothy 8 60 a 3 50 so a-tobacdo liar ti.113, it,-. eol miles fg�ptn the scen6 of Clio outrage. 0 .10 & 0 5,r) -where the directions on 2nd.ag6 of 'pain- Clinton, July 20,'3870,. BLOCK. ear p6rfaction . Vreasy irto any who - Turkey 0 76 phlet, are woll obilerved, 01 Fiirfull partioulake, got ai.pamphint-ifroo,C) ly the Want of- _1� several positiogi$�011ej- Tlio.yacht rac'ont Neiv York, onriti. 0 1 2 a 0.15 I. ITO o of th ne,(Anierican. 'JOB: NP,,* YO.RX Sons PnopilinTon. E M anbw 'on lbe Atadelei uld:-h thouglib tW' 1) 255 a 0 25 agent. 311, leader of tire 4'ifetlio Clinto OVA'LL and dist Church Cljoir, ird Ill as tile Countess of Dofferin oblinrswere in more, and the tb* $1,00 and 12j dents for postage, enclosed to much danger agj6lin and Brown woke. rais'ed more interest tbangrly race'that a cen till ring the many years I have, ISIt No.rthrop & Lyman, Toronto,' Ont., general as their Custom was, were oil harbor for it long 0 a 0 9,,,. agents for the Dogniniiin., will'insurgi a bottle Among tile- numerous Cabinet Org' its I liave s Ila,; taken place -Ili the OftsTo. THE MIDLIG GENER- - 1jeen a tilsolter of ninsic, I liave 2iot The -Fall ALtr. Will pi�pase take notice that I hate remoys ecti any superior to the Clinton: Organ. c Wheat 0 85' a 0 gcontaining over 50,pill, y return mail. - ' ." I 3a eilrg,jl. C1171 wearl, ff/jIUy gjjddejjl� �The ex iternent approached that Sprigg� C OR. IV 1 17A to that zi w store,' vikaraoter of the tolle i both beautifuland s�mpathotio,tligi intonationii 1timsd6if, Sea- the touch, �.as The workmanship ii both solid and clegant'lao hing decende4 'upon them In o tropy in 1870 101 a u r, 5 00 a 5 2.5 Soldin liilton by 4. H.Combe and George ,y, and inferior to, none. tho;racos for thoam dhidleA. 1. Hickson atid lei K OAU 028 a 0 iorth-, T. tiad, Carionbrook; Pui,kor & Cattle that nothing .. is Ind big� and I 871, The Madeleine voili race Peq 10 Coror-of Inn -and ANN'S 80130, - TT�, (*liggtoglor and w ilo tile Other - a ..Nf, Will uninjured, -Toneg 'wits .kill,, 0 �64 0 65) a by teri'Minutba, but the dituftillan yacht 0 46' a 0 50 cri6b; E, (13amergin, Bay E.NLARGBMENT. IV. & Co., Dooit ro find Bro�vn ilown proved 16 be n fast 6ne.. Ifild not her. I 00 a I _rp eleodgery'll1milind R. CALAXIDPa ()Qi �Toax. all the desirAble- ing it that wotifil i-ombin, Ratter . I . , -1 . wow'd almo retuhad theta that I 0eairing to obtWn an instrunici and alinhat, lifaicks fo� A 'time. ITO' rv,- !gailing njugtor iiiade two or three orrc6 0 15 it, 0 16 W power, fulumAn, and swootnegs or t3ov, I at� to that havit item, alla Scott a goo. "_,I an n th7. wtin llears it, goes aw. ffii 00 00 THE V I y Op A Pity facts. and Offioe.8tationety; g P. IIV6 l Faspir, 'r '"lo ssep, artl InIlehppreeiatetit. Ibis it seetne(I to have rogiginod all of Ilia libiy the titile by wbiellsho"waR 'I lie ValuabIq qualities hich this 0 I be possibly Nrk, 6 5 0 a '7 1he peopli"' _'Thf).e aly 64itr jsjo prepaeations Notice' *to conthtlelon. geopral filvarita ill odi-family circle. fiLron-t1i wits dtitab Aln titp)), althouh sho 0011141 0 25 a 0 2G )f wedirines ithiek hilec withatood lho4mparlial A due of the latest (Wo. I . n ) - �106 di; inind fov lioura. The li,ditnincy 1111" t1le madelpine in th judliment to/ the pelople jor aliv ilreat length of illIrlisit. Canadjan Abilgirlean bookil. e time.. pae ett ibese is p?, Oil, 11aving th(�rongbly tootedtfic merits of tho Organs manufactured by -W. DollArtV tj Le race wag ile I ad ot fire to. Ilia clthin nd 110 wa.9 liglif; bree7e in which a d. Ikad 11tefonotchwaira be AL90, , 4'op., I take pli,asurn in saying that I conAder thein7 in till equal, and i;t write$, "I hit re bten qjtkied *CY GOODS IN 1,;NDX,9S$'VA1UETY., many points suporior, to any reed histrainent in the inarIcet. The ease with whiall i a Chast and 16ft sido and Tj a bold' tjlgg�jjlor'frOrgj to 161th rheamatism for the lait ten 2tearg, and have 7SItALIII)Ttllqbr�till'AD�nrq4T-,UTOTI'.I-8",- (k*,TAhY (It P11b11C'W.,k, dor its air supyly is ont6ollinom an(I equallt�t of its tone ; ts ready re, ALUL before. tho, fire was extinguished. Mum, 4'ohnsen, has jtiqb suceitsfuliv. IINATH WOOL W�tLt. NOT tried alillrelief, im tit firied awl erdriiKoa 11 Teii "arHIng, Wslblth Catl Caoea, Ladiss 0'ampantoug, &6, for �he Cornivall Canal," .111 be regf-fivecl at thk OfflV10 FAIN Ift hiS lanilio `(i5bris to 'free bitrigelf crossed ithe ocean in ,v4mall skitt, til thbi arrival at the Moslem on ;a"t redetvad, an, sponso to tile touch ; t)W elo'quent voicing of Its fancyst , and,tho perfeetioly ofita thus till 10nday 21st finit. De, 1111014as'peteetrid 011'andsincet eltharchad V organiAts. . I dreCoInmen go (111 general intahanisug� must inalie it aiii especial f� nrito with' from those who Were restraining him performing one- Of tho tocist 'I glntoniAlig 9th, 186.' 0 in, no attark, of it;Lr lvoar WADNESDAY, the NINVIDAY OF 201OUT, iiftt,l irlat"ense fitook at' lFans -ibheupil CIIAWV OR Uusio Taftcher and Preoeutor in 0. P. Church, Clinton, notpwort iy (of (if i� neW pre- y(artj and 40"t 0118-1 the inviler enj of the 0111- tire skin was rubbed feara, the burned feats hT marhin chl'ohl(l I0 Stleks and Can% Voqueg!, Cetcka. flesh and fnesented tile f6llowi�g ebari, ManAer ill which lie burn tip Oft t1l, Pligible property f6r, sale braol the eouni!iiatloh, Of tsv, Lift Loeks, WAsts- tried diftrent iiiedieines with Wtle, or wo beneft I (glitz ase pall Gotids,melp p0lerns, till Me P, elecirle-Oillooldch qave immediate - actero" GOD Verj cliigo rgilresents. ago is testified to' by fligi passengers CONSTSN, 0 OF - LOTS NO.. IC,4,' SOUTIt S11)k -relief, I Ila tv ShI& -used it -with jhe best ejeci, I ` 'The wdtLq will b�, let In (;f Ontavlo Str t6qd 17, norgh aids of !r6wnsead hare tried it onhorses'in the ran, of. the Tuall (if th ta Pat Akn6r1eitts 'Auon6Y U onicht ftnA a d. tion, to. say- the least of them,'of 'the lately -from �E'nglantl in tile stearnor Street, botitaiming e"Iff ditto, ae,, ait& t Of the line, whieb, t6gether ivlth h. an aers of land, on the"vroperm jh ink a., Y00djo). plans and "Peolfiestiong of the Varloug wo kH,, can be teers used in'printing the name Greece, In mid ocean th-6 watch tit the ty thero. is a choice seleatloi2 of bearlug If nit tradi of horse atfopman. No. seen st tbl" Ace, and At tile Office of-thL, O'nRl Soper- Oflee of the American Expreig Ok% al] kinds, Situation very desirable for &YATsid i,6sl� A�jlt4bee, Wakv�cilk, intenden, oh WWI after FRIDAY ho TNVI-,'Ir EVERY FARMER SHOULD HAVE ONV 1 olflpilt)ftelilo, *bile around and betWeqn bowepocted to the capWin ifiat be,des- doldt. Apply to ioriies, " 1have sold hundre sofbottlesofgetectrie TY-Elg,�TIL OF JULY st eftbgr ;AUM A.� YTJILL, th rig the skin '�vag -unronloved 'algiil alled-mLliat seemed td be pa of a t printeil forms of toidereiiiiUobtaffied, gad np- , V. NrA06NALD, STRATFORD. Oif, it has dohi -ted)fders in healing and rell*cring , of which piAL 6114.4b,.Tufto tot O, pwrgiitly'nob burned, 'Cho ab'ove char- wrack, As it neared the ship the ob- pain, ore thivant, and is, wor1hy of ihe qieat- en doutiactory sto requoste4to llear In m1nd V ­Taud- estcoaddence.10 J. rassan,Perev, says, will not be donsicteretl onless Ynade sti I a0i Butchei I actors ooc6pie.d. the angles of'an equila- ject wits discovered to be �a 'Skiff, persuaded to, fro/ Viomasl Xclectric Oil fora lame dordAndO With the pAtif-ed forms-and.lis I BoyVanted. teral triangid, whichi -as - you are doubt- and in - the darkness the figure of one School Teacher Wanted.' . drin�-ojcditpithgroatre,attethedtbe aawal VNIUVALLEX). SITCCESS! 'Or THV kn ee wh felt troAled4ne for year.q, and In ere'rfowid the mattiteofthe vdcupafforriandplaetof residents Of. ahythhig like iftfor. euriv� ItisavreAt ch member Of the some, and fuTtl%er AXIMD IMMSDILTIILY, YOU SCHOOL. S9G- . sil acceptea 0 Apply to less awaro, was in ancient djiyd the nian wasdeteried. The Optain imina- pubtle beneAO' A Vamil&", Warkiuorth, es chequ. the W itrox 10, East Wiwaboalif a. Mile leabhor, bank ojulbol of Deity, This romi thein. up. ia�sly gave orders to stop the engin(IS' holding Second or Third Cling Cartifloilta ; t6 commence ivritpi, "Fbmeeeksl icaa tr6libled with a melted'' rn of Foj ' TV0 11A X)o ARS, 'n"At Acco'4' Clinton, Aug. 2,1870, 8 LITTLE'i -GIANT brandoil 'With the and to got the. rop, s re dy, to p0l. the o9fill4l th of August' APPly P6z"O"AllY bit bY litt6rt to ankle, Witeh qiilt�yed me much. I wat in. 3 ach Tender, whinh shall be forfaltsil, If the party pears - to have. 0 it 'W9. STZVA:TiT'3hYTl[ P. 0, :duced to try Xrclectr 'jr 40il, ditd 6efdpe on = doellnes o"ilails to enter Into dontract for the 0 boggle W08 Irk (14eator in the' bymbolie man oil board, The neik was rurgning anoill,Augg, 1810, ghe o 6f stibmitted. name of Ilia language', it. may be of his forefathers high. The skiff catne quite neart to the Sold by all medicine dealergi Price, 25 ots. Tile cheigae or be raturnedto ,a thousand years ago-, -an& in 66, sbip, app6aring ana aisap t.6 , . gife. MtxiOTV;L Ty or �nrr 8, X. THOMAS, Phelps, X. Y. 036 Are not accerdd. pearin ai in Farm for the t.tjV V THRESHER AN D.- 1EPARAITORN 'printed languagii of: the nation'to which tervals�ho"iv on the top of An im ilensid ndXO11THItOP LYMAN, Toronto# tot the dae fulgiment of the c6ttact, satisfadtory TONE! ULLETT,: C.Quit of'HURONI D orygus Von SA-Lg w 0, t Sole Agetto,for ill# Donginiofj.',-,, s6o'litity will be requite4 on real estate, or b deposit at I 'Ile belon-s.—LyneAttrg Aws. 4 netrized, motley, pubild or mlinjolpal socuritteft, or bank otooks# H. . lu"P.11srOixg arid P1 wave level vith. the di k of the vessel, Tnf h ee rM of 100 acres being lo6 21, lot con., Tucka- to the iminink of give por delit of the bulk.4unr of the "i the next minute idden from sijhb in smit1g, trondoni ndadj, on thd farm Is a iiewbrick a awitraot, of which the sura stmt In, Y�44 Ton4or Will. NOTICE 18 AftEBT 61VA0. 7111T 19E t16t li�l�_ lTha . Captain C"ll, - j hottod 28t98, With kitchen IWO, two ftaxa4 barns and 00 c6nAlder6d a rart, "of all criono appisfing by the WE r4ittied aggetz -OTC" r -9 -T, t ,.� a 1119 .0 outbuildinga, Robd basring orobuita, well, &a. Aout 80 . I , to be,intivad to vats brok Ninety par eiitif ( I -will is: mdntrollgrtlua hald municipalit fiagde"gagemen on I the partielt know Ao'wa in t1to boat, was answer- sages; Olesred, ader good htriltrood 11nuh. All moll Houe,for Sale. nly of tt6 trc�rans eallmAtci In tile SO inunfelpality it elect'iy. for inembers of the feneod Ana in, a good state of oultivatiom, Waste 61111m, pai.j until the d6taplotlon oft e works. - LorlsIxtive stievilply-mido, putinaut to 01 The, 140041 For itte last ulao yearswa tayi) glvm groat pstt-6? a& Ationtloh to tb6 insnufaettird it the Little Mart musti-r14ul it all presents.,. or their :Wortlf ed i I g qtrong� German 11013011t I Brigablield :tatloli,op "to TO nwat be fitteabdil. the k4ttal List Act of 1876." -was firsi Potted UP at my OMOO, st '264 OD YRAUz Voust, it; CtN t-dN. WIT11 tallos frotili OlIntan hod 8 Oath 21106 , a ig n ohi Johnaeitf from Gloucester) Ma8so - A loft footno, aellar, pantry,,011s and othor bonl'6111- "Ircs Of t*o Tie% of thA T6wnship of 11allett oil tbi eiiiiiih diy of Angusto Thresher in4 Separator, and daring that utn6ma are, gl&(l to sit), that it baff not with r6p%rUbl6 Atiacosd and ou apolidation to th# piopriotort �s I I . Wb A,D. laid, ana retaigino theta for Ingleotioli, 11604bro of the Dominion, willitilf.to ban or be 0 has given unrivalled satisfaction wherever it has babil introduced. We bait placed thd thathlita in oraq pm- Ill be sold OA oijty terms, ptft oredit, I'll, as the 411, P A correspondent, weitihtr to a eon- Ila told ftl�tfi& that lie was bound t W1%1W2ST0OTT,."' a* . r$jjjjr 011t Of an at. 0, ' Itruedhela. led v ... ' * Jr. 11ALk, ftVAOR STUIT Jori".406 of th6 VrolkS inAbrgtrd in ihd ablitraot, omlosldni or otbol, oirrora art f6ana thordi, to tak4 Ims in the. Dominion, Alta in- 111"ands: that hs skiff was naiiied Zane 14,197d rs 041104 upon to 6%fitnhis the: all list, 404 it any e h L as no temporary, 'a. YR.. t1w t6 have thd ofld streirit 0ortkot$4 This Defirtmitt dodi iidt, howtviv, W.0 Itself to modiste all ae6opt the Accordig -tuithotitits beld obnLractors rospotis%lo Centennial aggil that lie , had been out Dated gi;en anqualiflod gatlafaelloalo the purthaser, A14L ill ghongfoldn of Ajnfi arm for, ale. day iA.D. 19% Pat -to of the Country will f Mill. rkoffiJ110 timn Nre tile Ina"llf6efuro orthe Uttlo0falit wo li&yg�' lkq, the I iVO3, 'Qfjlgeiv omployedsi as is fifteaR daya, Ito asked tho captain to giAXES VsA1TH*A1TX, For Sale' I PAI�T, 6y LOT 6. �dtt not b6mi net' It (bo timog Anti he 6ble'to re- ddiiid' "in -hecident4 woulit be compare reckonings. His wigs ]on&. A, ]BEtNa SOIDTT TLAND Clark of said HilisiglPfilitti. essaty. to Iffop pn�e WIL 0 100 kor6a, InciiL0,6jolead; sQtaff DWELLIO llottgt WITH TEN 11602dg, tain the nante of tbe Little bol jong Ounattitineil is being the bent ill Con., doatkinfag SO . . ..... much ksg frogitionti The following hro lat. 80 ; the' eaptai 8 was the same, olearod ana free hf atumpo, in good stato Of dniuvatioa; Afiftiia uly with every cotivenionde, hard sa $oft on theeouftent, We havd 1401 UnitlitAlly MleeeSqfal iho r4d gweagea ill-soine finpoi gilt, improvenic-uts; arnber; all tualowd iad wen.fnee&, f iii6 With bait, an Aeta, of grogind. Waste oil Vlatol-19 Some of the pona�lciea to which, caelass Tofingeli, inf&mo t tile captsift that 110 ql of -failing *01t"t,0111 ; Apply to we hava Akrl to (lie Machine, aniongg wticit am it rew PtA light goining to aylindot, I I AAA, A fonedd, bivae, In ioutri; two never near the G. T. R. U. cotlEraetor ro liable IF a worlictnr 6loVG by i1q, iin(l bofor(t going to Sleep' rnItnIng ApVingg of Arq Hub :till, 187d. I esusing the rimebint, teo ron i0th Ilroatoriegularity 111A oiihflC�w. ThA 601MINUhn to? Alir DO11140 Geatad t.0jftAis*kter. 'Aloderatobonad, od filvin ImildInga, jltAt.alhll# ogilst. slid dfthtfil of ,arM# 1nnim, to to thil fghteRt 11114 most 11000.0f. froullng pov. ralls awl isIdIld, tho, coniracLor is o1j. lie took Ili Ili,; rudder and took clown or for all firni giftalhis M pruout Tamle, TImmain ligoil to O.Vi)61180S, to J)"IT P, sleet) * Ilia, eta �11 his L'S;Iilq ;. tiont in th6 a6litty lot A taboy togideado r 61 and with any maelirfie, Which a, knior rltfq, Nvish In 016 143adilift igravol koad 601fit, tht 4ital'tors of 6 W1148 . M U'd V A,t-I T unk R i y full, YARRIng Ito differhee Whaborit an kxnuttit� to th� '�Vidow, suall aq will %vth the 1rd NVAS from 60(lorfol, . ,.,a 6. e -talf gi from 664001, *I th fall hoGontonoial Bubor'Shop.,- Grand 0 ht" Vol,li e k4meoubActed dimaly to thn oylfficlAr patIng WWI rotlp 11141 Fr 'A na tile 11tefeAlly of ti by jgL ill(Igo, afl(I t'O ined A Alghts. ild 6aptain made vlow of town an( lftka� THU fildlaputatla Xprly to OUNING UNDn jt�qtONPD BF 0 9 To nivoll,Nf Trlr giwrolt. -v6ty ell"llgies timl aleVop I flear 61% the H T f1!A`2ttANTR4 OfOlintoh Kta' 061NO ing up. the obilAreig �t hiR own Iti8b lgj)jjOftj to film to cotxjo an board IOUN IMINTI"'R. V j1i violnity,thAthehaffopen- Gotlid, ilfkt. ,I I itionq fn shop. a na vai, eu, isrevelif I na or po�Wblllty (d oboklng� Or eloggio L, tip Ili Any \Vny WhAtevor, UU(if *5 the lisirbor shop, In; the Now ritemiAlm ,jr, Mljority. Tr'tjj� Man, atnti = WANXtING ig rRIPIND9 V6A I= Ualli .: � .35 A. 7.35 A, M. A I well A. relfledyinig Orly Indiftsi.joa to tjli*j)W paitr olat, An4 Imlitpef)y dorling the rO lio woull pro T ' n him dnH actf ddor to 0. Coles Ontario Airbot, J W1711beftl pAft,Onar bdstomd h 0 *hare, be Vill bd plosAcil to say -0 all who inq tartt bita �jited , .10,35 A, jvj,, Afigif; , 2, SOP. N, With tha abovo I 6�eta 0 0 ` nju a .1ppla, thaeoli! 6ably rogrob it when out halt bedn 19 1191110AN Wall dveareaffn1l, ll. with, that 6itstbm, 10 omphaticlly Ate thatbeliksyl6movoa to .in,la of. 1, st or -of ouivi ioIil of renall. 11 atho. a in 101 L raln, WIN Mv(i IVA6d to Uk ihfuiliin'ft jmv�r ovtr.100 btu%hebt of vitt 00 blisbelit fgea,to pay �rbr.all, For":Sgle We ll"flibilt aftor PI�igla tbe' "I"W 111;4C thevegso as to ot alo-do P"Midds -*4�621tly trddwd ob thd A� trial wolfeted, Poe ,lei. It will now 0116RIt mit d1d'ot, fil etilmi ill,4111t liocvom! 1)(10 anti Itaij bngh�bt of wh6m, or Ow to Im r0'0jrgj)jOy hilly, an(l gjV0 ftn'a O', Rir, wj will cobtfrilloto HOW mum In, I EU san manu A� 'j In' power *an 50a b c 008 0 On 0 0 0 0 as 0 As a to guec an 0 peri6r, to any to in. th. n th t 9 id ill.dl' I' d of _1_.l I il.a 1�uow it _oil 1'. 'All esaythat II -11- inity net thellDUW k 19, 187% Italim TIOWA, t6 dodor(bb, Stntfoyatr T.,Oild(Va, itink bashols nforits prit fixy, mild will #111allffl nil other kimla tit ginin. A A WOVd$ 110 'giVing his llailg to tile ind WAS 1110111agir till tt6ftday, tot 0116 A0. lipply to any of our ountognova \'9110 vidl Iti the TVO Went With Double Ware(l aw6r to botWitehott to, 's . �V Tuh ParTrIPST LOMITIES IN soxt to V111101 0601K AtolOf It OADKilt. A fi6o�bouie, bara, to*- lbrogbervith Ads to Pick (," b"ll flOOr 110 th'%Od 10 t1X11"dor'#ldx sibott lAto antl Ilh ilost, bo AlliTor0d.. Aq, lo,,t to eight, ohnson satn the detre that %Va Itrs no* to (orklIvIl 1114 faM090f Our ii4vog Dooligilloft wah tbo most potfoot ill) J�Xul& Of tile bitrefulftoaRL obRorvoa or Ilia boit, w1a, a iamp burning before afldviftty of'pnta, tPeth Aft(T. WhOV%Lho.Villkso.Doi�h&tLdi%ottedittoakof Hollso to. Letxl� Tickets to Philaddlph* gloaveof., tu'mo, Redueed, adpitrata at this *10. WoUld ell11101lao a 014PANA011 with Alt githti, thnsham of A. WMIlar oliss, both ill Frimed, it iq stated, that at, tho 01a- 1111n)"exposing Clio, (IIAI of d re what seemed PA M I LY 0 IR.00 IMN I go lap, 001MODIOVA b a ratigui., oiftrploneiig of oompsoinbast, lighfilow of dtAft nil 4orga, OAA6 of h1knallbg it"d rat. iget#ft'ng utol Nitta, Isfoly odadpjL 6d by 30. D. Forb �al of 1; in in. to Jj6'r4'gjOfjjpt%aS'.'* The dddli tkire Atid C"At Of4#6ty d6 '$'a a tht Vttr On It 04, (110(b, otro Dafigo� xovfvikll� *h1ah W1116110 i 1i V 102,isynnitt porfoatriad bt throhIng anti deAnIng sit k1mlit ftild 4*111 thivsh 6 16.4t Undat t 11 . ft ad T16keto to '01 [Ito ­ A 06 UW #*.�'At Vithdift.-Ad jur,A(i.y. I ork of onibolliabillent'llaa aft, Was covered with eaffteli, t1fidak .... .... ... d6mmmeww""0010 dsi��