Clinton New Era, 1876-08-17, Page 2............. ..... ....... . CAN Thoulp, ds.,Oil Viirrput TOPIC9, Wit, A1000. 0=1 I I i I . I Pursuant to adjournment. The VQl met wowlsh It to W41141uot .140ofstood sbAtIll 4',11 Tintothy bity, six feet four !It MemborAlk, all present, the 1jeev, III tile choir. 114", 0 lotterwrittent thestiat- ro 01; oil tip. 'Vile fullowing. 4qj to sootAin a brailit Uinute* Of last AkAA4 special aneetings read a6d r�­, NXw BA%A b Now Wul."AT.-The first now wbeAt by oar I oll6d AV The 104, R�Qwo near DI tol band there by A olft. r r 040. in Well woll perusal alit Qopltl if, hrought intit this wark 09derioll, sud Windsor Are strucl;- Off the John Morilito , ams4lit P, 20 lb. P'l A kirproveil, VO4"CII of 110�4014 �met with that -4 V are at cosrs.Jos, A 11 gild J. A. Nollell fol ot was by Mr. THM�BDAYA AUGU$T i7j 1.870, To the 147d4or of $4 New Arm, a titoloy and settled, A�Qounti As follow$, further titan Allis or Copy ()it Tuesday list of V. 9. Qon$ulsr agencivo. Wrdsto*, on Wedn"day. viz.: J�AYI1014 to, pay $401 A rt ll 'I'dog a ail p (410derloll, tow4hbir, nol the, interest 'to.say that ib I% sound re,4sorilig nod Col..- AGRICOT4TURAL Al #10VAAKOR 4880- lof 1,1%,st ul!p4, All(I Was soldat 90 Cents per III= 84u,-1 alu very ol to hear. that Winning, Hill $t War*, a well weroollippod for mmltw# ('1010PAV01)l As the Oliatwi l3r4ga Band Are abe _1l;nowil broo 0440440 Of do illilice t49 lint of Januskry, 1876, At 0, MINION OF Out- act v� 1). F'ritin, The (04lity w tit to succumb, Orin, of Montreal, Ilave gone 111140r. Allatl from ottawlt, On Saturday. per cent. Jft�kemerlt of a, t 'ry Inutt Belief, 'Cod.. on''a0count. of their not, reol,elving o8ohotowee re. On 4, $20 wager, J. Olin McMillen pluiped 000ting the worh on Towns 1p Hall, 1QQ0IV*d front the Connell, which Is 4, perfect oliame A whillesixty feet long 44s seen in Poitt feet hIgIr, with. a pal Wallapetown. and ordered to be tyleol, 11vamrA OITAxor' Ur. W.'Yoxilvis A,; we have the iegut01011 of llovlwjg on$ oi HiAwkesbury hATbor, X K,, On, Saturday 14, of Bovera com"laroial depression ;�-januory end Ills Wilms 'of this. compil, partloplavly. vvl 1 0 rsof.al be And joll prices faj tertalu Agricultural TA I'll Buldc, I own firIn of j. Atkinson Noved by -Mr, Castle, seed. by Ur. I( 11045e, note that Btu, 01149,1 X LTON' I or DrAMI, of Coll is custolnuirly jOrtrBoIlle Of tenver Authorized to act 11 (0131 MAY or thia QoTw it the flour and feed business, re- tb a beet bsilds-in t . 0 country, Ana it lo nothing, last" The vill proanctiox's, it to Messrs. . 11 qber , fair tbo ondoo, have stio- ths e4peoted,, that Any one Interested, in, the Ifer, Djajeatylg loyal subjects, no piatter ilux or oil 14Y behalf, 6114 1 #111411 not bQ I cently still by him, but ,t ti A rly loss 9 4e4hirs,.L t vk by,law be passeoi to rAipQ the stlip 0 mpwiliiblu for Wy should pAlcoiv, � Y98.1 00" who .11 tb6 lots. ruri,liur, that oil A little boy nsmea Vora, (it Toronto, peadeld. 05,800 for all �urpoqea in tit What their I)f),itteal orc IstowliBilip, for e(lt to. all I ar, opts.,after title 4, erritory (TuokRzooltli, Oloilorlob- Bros, fly the L, Oliflosboro Mills, Who will grant f Tom the town for their Qn port, They 0"Wro. and �j Inji 11"Toll tres, proy, wurriborry, Hovlo�arid oA kale, anol Will, We i4ave no IWO maintained zlieliuselves for rib a �Q toot oil and w. pA -rent Ye4r,­C4rrIad, I)e, WWI 00411itip, upon the Hallett, 310 4110p, DIC 9 last Bel fell into 0 W fo instantly- The first locomotive of. the Owna.44 Ily-14Y No. B, givit; 101'49t,to the f9regging rry On the at 91. �,hv cox 'Poliolso 00 gbotkt QXPir1lQftA" well As doub 'abare of - 1011lar llotl,06 of tile st, Powers 04 ro, devotiu$ time and e _ease without rQ. J41104. 4.01114, 44 sqVIVAlat a gorieral stagnation Ivallace) recelve a fair stronoge., Ye go A resolution, pill 8, 9 No. !�Vy4pg S. t rAl itilway or ived ou Friday, At Fort tako, VA a * ovi4try the tolb,"ve b0oula, Ilillit9bA, cojvlog.a�eut from the town , being.always A K!nmal trust lit tou,')vIll be %yaltea on for by T"Illail. Mr. Fov Inteods, removing to All ee� x0cently . rucic the, William. gost, by Any- I of, the oropnis lie iaoses along upon i be Of trade. Suoh, has been the case in liy. a borelolly So. willing to givi'their assistance, free of ch r of tb Be t� for thelof bis'heolth'..' ' ar 0- tel 0 0 On An 00, face. It cost Kov04 by Mr. GrabIllixt, 5eQ. L At cougungpeo of their just estoomedy for iny entortaiament, 'got up fa y m son, 6f the yen?, gone4ays, and 1110,10 lraprissiions still exist, 50it Qr duty authorized supiatAut, V111011 W jiu-9n J. 91 . Mr. Crowell, of Arthor. inherils,$2WOO, . r. Keys, eg ror 1 , MITI #20. , g;r4v.el a rail, CspColally at this op� i� oeenjil, despite the liborQ1,educatiunul jill" tlyo% �600,uou has been pill bythisold, looser A Yr,�41r,'Jao. Wells. last week abippitol purposes, beside$ all public, holi. J.e that the, cooiun� of Xr., 'BIWAls it him, in Ireland al.44, 941toris are never try al- 0 deposits �%,ItAA eying on 'Udom, tr % I ­CsrrIe4 aliil genera., comil In fall ot claim be, paid, thq financial weal of thel Colin adv"t""'s iTedin ourolay Q0 " l 9 �. e by railfor 011itto5h 12 casks of ale, tp, rq�alo olaysand even ro* the surevier, go Hot V 94110 hold rif. ingis t a try Ward Beecher ]oct At glre4. pottl euveramaent I epted thusly, Mr.. Oastile, Boo, by lll Keys, - tog tion, (jovarnnient.4 ai� its ltabIq to'err no CRASt T.)PQX W04 ouud, the people of tj%Rt cla4han.-Nignol. two years ago, -coo -A. on The" St. Thomas V witioll, It as that the CIOTI; I subscription list wile. ot4Ttc4 under the, Ansp; ofthe Y, M, 0 other d -�19, not -Iin District A toy, race Rod ran, for sapot.4h; laot. fy the AS90540 to couipl 1.4 -long as they ­�Wez.notl�odAhat -Alur-tow ii-bonBiable: -had,- , the purpose of collecting funds for the Pur- Ahe 27 10 to -1 19QUqQ LOX794 y1em .0 bui r4tlwfl. I Alva or poor to, retrogr4de In. the' devI40 wen Cot I Tjjp� Sofloo y during �the past fe�v d D 0 beeo firillously bus Kill one. of all;, leading. merchants (like LQj. I U , erAn and party re4obed San ed, publication, not to pay any M040Y to the Assessor t. the TQronto last Weak, there v0VO OIIIY tWO the general 0ell-being of the coullilunity at days, lugging Oa 11 aunstrack" peraonoi but Others rancloon 014, 1VOdnonday eve large, And espo.oially abstain fromauythilig refusing to, give anythilAR, paying that Lin". ThOY ThOMilton Post OMCO Will robbed of vk taxes Are *4 by Mr. Keyo,.seol. by Mr, Castle, orpps, yet ungatilil tbat Calild, be- F ciaqg legislation, 11 t)lf, obargeof pro. The High aild' Public School's of this explains, wbat Gred. thero, It was a town land,, and ou&t to �B support. left for Victoria on Friday, Wa ()a Nov 0 il I . . large quantity of staraps aaAd Wt. t"t ORQ be paid forthe use of th %ag@ �Kajj were Cats and, like tuW4 . ro.oliefteot on the 16th inst., With (I ed by the town, and thl if h6'wer6 A mombir Xolin ]Kcme,fell from -a freight train sit Wedrill6oday night. a or, said to 40 gow;ana- they ducing, unii, - ersal olorillnercial. diatre4s and $K&D.W114AT.-We have beeit. shown a of the town mail he would b for five sitting$ Of tb8 1XV1410h Coarb,�ZCsrld e in favor of 'Wow�HAjjjb%ljg 0 extell alil large atteudalioe, of papils., TwO'Ohangoa `)il oeed.wl[taflt, by 3, 1 r. IV, n Friday, and was m Ol. We farm of A. 114111day,. North Nor- Council then Adjourned to meet at Varna, flax, and they, wma riot of tria cultural depression is certainly a, 1, been inado among flie tea oincor sample,of 1, giving the b4nd ti yearly gra�pt. To -day that . Hia IpgaVere ell o ff, ad n I've '?,000 Ovit �,on the first Mo day i4 September .,At . 2 ill, tile 117W. ollehad d1l,,ght not to be moriatned by ehers t clean 0. 113ofirle, wltich.14 actual to Any we have ontleman in at the head of the Council wiok,. .9enry Stoakley Ailmd 40 age of tile schools f comil Across. hill has �olr Mr, BI)OSsesgiad-of the. smallest thougliti the cl It is 4 good white, plomp CoArd, tafi The value of geode. exp6tted. from 'the sheaves: in ton hours, Any P.- T116 Oloo tal P& thiri' sk-innod, and resembles � the the a tioul made by the. lifjnd� I give Dominilon no naticewbatever,of =ging e -r, i6i� -all cIru - Alta cofjjj� orr, a gradnate of to University; - -- il, U or reflection. Q8 during the it cc r income, laonth of June was Winnipeg papers state till ocill the place of Mr. Briggs, in the High cas vitil -1d, we, 'Artijes who have grown it iii a rolilmstance merely to, sh the Inditier. 411,503 058 h, 'o4e WO trips thraiogliollt the civilized wui takoa I I a (I t, ow are out of employmon s a wheat stubble -and that yet UnctIt School, alid *is GruiWy, tbatof Miss -t ilierol skilled Alto, long, tails gain ll ar throl0i the Inediulla of the' on among he, ilress, the hereabouts. speaks well of ii, and farmers once, manifested' toward the prospoir ty of the An Ordinar holils6 Cat attacked a littler chanics. even being idle. the Daimeis, of Japan, A] came to the conclusion that- 110 - MICA Koscr who r6signs on ill "tistillIl our wo jy Council ir bathik -.other day, disfiguring � Mr. of a mere vessel old birl and it wQuI4 be oome, All't of"" w0iing'toi try it. can V.rocare it. of 31r, rt) a cry og "liard. I The following -iii a � I I X. Shantz L, ving, Wj or one, and hat Singular if. we, ill of 0.111's lioitltb the Public Board 9 P1 the Searle. will take this matter into consideration, h �. n11 or fearfull an(I infliotingloorions Injury, ITITe7d last week, bya, wall that -foe $8,0.00 i crop was it very po t'Is I�rcl teol at in, y6urs, most respectfull. Borliw,-wnd should be utterly exempt U01111 the [tint; list of tile Alartles Otthe plipi 10 hg,-sholrt tirne ago the a L the peas, though there is abundATIO0 f pel�iag of the sobool A IjovRn oir Mula. At. Niagara Falls on 84t.arolay, a nip he was moving, falling on hinal .1 have been induced to pen'the fo ' roguing, al niall who, Mr.. S, Pikil wiii'llrought, bb. Clinton'Ayg-14 art Francoco has late observed that there is PrARDS DIVIRXO!;. Friday )not named Weigel, An excursionist frow.Tole. ThTee ooW31got on thd Canada Central from linving of with 460"poands on,hi bao'ar, 400 the yield will be conside lisher, Farrin and XV4rva, do, fell over the bank and who,. of OR a teridatipy p6rtion'olf the press of the, ousle Oliver, Herbert IttiACaitig, fo a Messrs. V course, 'Railroad tegol, the other olay, but they got i lkleasiarifig- thof f AM-. Robt Coats, . ng liquor without a To ilteWitor of4e New Frol instantlykille iis breas. t, tt 2100 pound bar 6a hh"e below an average. )f tbetill the'Reforin intel W;n, Loligh, im the obargo-6f Belli, d., in the sliapo.'of ieces, ---?- ck, country Reave, er's income by the cl of bis crops, ricoltural. mthe charge being hustained, lie and a Wait ork �.each end, of the, bar, eat) to Ancite, I the. Sy"t-I notipp, the ouncil Jifive. ibis year. AlittleboyQUOttawa, rlanieA!tClAllernei license' and Revival erviol under -the direction w 0 and-ios %VQ10,1119 as ririe ts, !it a] I abou 0 introduci- ad a decided iltuprovement-in. the co.n' -of d 846es' that' w0i0l '76 colfilmilility,' vo clarnor for protection tq 1VTO. GAuley, got possessioii of a. box of niatelles; tile, two Baptist ministers from Brantfordi are and.the.� preoent-aud prospeptive �Tamoo Ring, atiori was-aloo laid igair%j atreet..,crossingal, by so lii.other.,woyds to force, Aliert 1101101vily McLeod, 9401;q st;hetion of laying the other day� identally set.his clothed0h Charley 11ine, being hold, and are reported tPery success- rou Tamer, their oglA., a. to's ble, tile elltQlllnf4 wodge� of 11 class Win. Smillio, jtnd �)Q rounding. theni'oti the top.' n a iio,badly Charlotte Holmo, They serve two good purposes 'whieli tho7dld _j)urne(I that he died, f a Iy- -irr-Orange.vUlel that is find will be paid for thetu, and oese, feeling sure that honast Charivo NitoTai PoIlQQk, e Iteolster. Houiy Istyle 46 not'; first, persons cair drive. bier The wol the vineirilty of litin.t.i6g. for his cattle, Sheep, qh 9 Lizzlie Chidley, ' ' - A by-law with reat,go6d �nataro, Will assist 'B to iiise $90,000 f or th. p1l t4uill Miss, of base bal wi, tliern faster flial doll, are. said, to be on fi re. for twenty miles, we feer compelled to� say that' it 01 not ir f eDod4e,' AS& BArr,."A, gaine I a Walk without danjbr at be. of waterorlia'for fir�.Vrotection W48 vated. (I drive holilo the LIVAid Stanburl, playod,6ti file Agricultural GrquiAds here, iug thrown olitl the �ehiele and On Wednesday last,'tll� an ilouseli-old'Tturniture of'Mr, W. Uar. It Nv'7i gQttingthisit Oke from it Was on at Kinear4ine, Xonday,. and defbated, -a, oil Tbuj�dayf,24tli inst., at olle -ar �n(i al- Is Crutok in as as partially aus, sh,111kn, . I.. necks broken ; second, pedestr6ris, in walking so. debse that ket Solijai be As large its ma, ed enotollis tari Ag to�dayj ('.Vhurad4y).commonoikAg at bills' a fly ,o anticipati .9 -by ik�rfajorlty Alf,eighty-two.. Alto 1)),1611 if tho'ouphistrieg dvuw TIOWPON'S i)IVIhI6i-' MAryi, and, over thern, In soft wilather need no p. Jae. ]Howson,, Atictioneer. though it'NV , be su'ffic'ient vifitll "Btri(, between thq 11 Beavers" of St t hold their pended. couple Ill. married lastweek at. Erin, of the -Xit'gglo 'kings" of ton. As the ),,a, fidling A -Villag6 �aud Park I cQd J110 " B.IuAs Sto� Olin I %th for fear of nor go through a Sopie 'scoundrels atteitu kota, three dwelling houivs, ivill have 11jjIf;Ij Ilattialosile, �efio-d balaucing silliffiet to, rope. Pted to cach'aged 8Dyears, This was 66ir first. aid four l4s, at Loadosbpl economy ..prudence to carry Its over Callbuder, Willis Mile, BQ-,ivbrs have arned quite a reputation as PrOo wslkiDg,- G. W, train at 11�aitwood few .1 )can thinkin nights since 11JI110110a Oil thbL John y lie- game Will dotilltless be 1� by fastiapit QWson, A'uet. t '1'wbab comfort it Would h.6 track, but Itimp of marriage but the* courtship had at I P, in. J..Iq year. Ifattio Costs, 'ib6 tovagpoop a, an well (is others, if our extended over a period�of sixt another- be to jg obitrijo *,t tfQnAo )out, wilell th ley tako 4 glulleo L tlia�prz �Anadrniiisionf)f tell ity fathers could be induced tQdmpko fortunately the engine demolishe hem, oi� t A Belleville'dow got lost for ijinci ol�ayai BQ ve the Willi injury to tho: train. RN As the Subject Of d0propl UPI zlinin drassings, which in slippery weathor are Illt Blde soffiAd PoBiti,oll they 000111)Y as cent ivMlo, 6 harg to.th grounolB and was all that time withou t food. When 4 'TON. -In' Fordwiob, n th I- I fancy it would ilcap oketirksion fro4v Lou- heOhmost in. almost everyiody's Willa, th Wllop% 0hplipard. -or man and Women,. a tort There was a c' It. notion, found She Also aged to walk bome, but'.was jaorMl mi. cost loss to put those crossings, -on which don to the -lealls' last iveek.' By tfie time lllt*,, the' Wife f Mt., X: , Armin-toli Of n first question. skcd�on to krato beforol tf)OyAt�U'llipt to 011ZLOgo I)y j�jja lt0nIg0mXt%' 1(4 DAT'S than skiti".and7bolies. y- Of 'a A� it I King, 0 Wig of.itino well -tilled oars caie every , body triols,'in a good state of r the train'had roached Rainilton. it qo6glat- little Moro Nrollto,��f (ka?AA, their influence tho Jiscal lialic to piyolamajes- for lkroketi-limb a6d to pay' in a strange place i, - 1; Howl tuainoss j11..Ij3�ICkQ11(Wn, (,a,. front Woodstock 'to' III , tie all .9. - J. Trapp find A, reitki bae.beett so rA1 Jolinq, oil of the- large number of 62 cars, -all find tryIn which the i r rospa city lie itonia one .111, 11fiod, ndby' being statute li5�r tax in'Guelph, � Afton al! till with you 7" on' asking,,. Canada, poannse, a- Boil whielf, IVO 'engines. "MRIRIED. two billd C -lie after I terview with'a* magisti-Ate the a, Y P, 0 Cli oil' Ali* 15, 187'6. Q a it falls We -,qllcqe F'OV I,?) I Ins lit r g.. ... 0 0( In. -ad them. tj question from theat the -lio No I ties. of 6116 in lj�o. tmore than the,colloc or sL lmost fava r i. ohn-Coolidt, d Mai 68 . finb-a a tWO,bar4a3 not noticed, t. -aill,had. able answer is, il Dal], very dll aUd hicol tll� fil the ti 11604, and it enjoys a olilli'atei despite of its b4wbea their 14'ngla,tid. The , At Montreal, on Saturday, abrnto unread thellev. David Mitchelli. Afr: wheill, of Course, it' LONDEN 0. -girl Fliltoi got 11 -ships of. theiAllern, Linil l4va tall Jol�n Ofijt%vrigj�ij L aged 55, outraged: a 6f Clliciigoi; III if we are able to pend all time in thlit tfifr6roi lia IT ill ters dulld if ai golij eral bodi- Thou. Hanlon, atinois,', oldest ,text Halils Lant. I had to back: tip il Jake theil ' :SALE _Paitioi wiabibg to invoi a, great number,of fat. bullogkol; I named. Monti, only seven years a of George Ifulton ES(f"'Lof Clin'iun to' M.Xip Drummonal - . E like, Ile locality, we find they ImIre jitated no�li- I;health and wellt4l v UdSrpe fioin thatrAll j are Allan'Hartt, � . . in propeity in the village of Loutlesborn, will described in the- Eu -8 An I)y f AOL The child was,sceiOusly ill� Barbars, fAirth datighter'of tho pestilential inalai-lam -and cliffiatio'con, A 2nip rgliph Pepsi ar 7as `IrrO -More M.�008to ing but the truth, and tile LoullialvorthiLl taill baireatt-opportunibyr.of do.dolugon.the8th 'the Anent Wat have been Bch t fra m­2kAj ekic-.4 aMolloy, P13'roronto. ohn Minh in, of Sept. next, when Jhs- ifowson will sell by 0 'keep tile Oughly we exmillo "Aild mke onolillries, th tillera of the.'soil, they hiunbsrB, Knuwx JIERE�--We Clip tile fol! A, fair caorads Tokito pitrposea-'t public Str.,jan. Whenhatii, about er in entarl, 0 0 Mart Cottle, Xul 'hg it�ul froul oneo'llf the Toronto dilies Y)r 'Opylil" so,to 40"&11 readily dirpo C heir landa tho famous exal D I E 0. ,.*a are inclined to believe that.thp bot too acres ift village Jo6k And- several houses udlicaw at D�. closed'& few 10eka longer Owiilg io tile hie MAW nto wilIjuig puecij�saats fal�, and reintinev. olla Gordon., IL Arc -.soil of Sall The pero(lit spoken of no *ohohire; exchanged a ki heaL '. it inuint e 611 Willie Grant, ano Hogarr and lots., The properties areall eligibly' Sit- ss for it vote. -,I tom of tiglit titiles. nob . yot been owri.liore-. these dcsi�6fig o L .and those who so, arld ale, Currii oonl;ug rrolj� this towal.is n(A klI this form of, bvib - legal ? . It'is hard to licaltIly, to. COO up Ii I I izabot] I, dhu,�Iiter of � IVIr, j jis Rted and 1 fL ' Tipling I , sbotild ery ttld childroji in IV ea- 1� reached, and, the I)rosl)ocb tive prices, Kafe.lohnsonj -arrested Guelph, L fie if that like the pro siorly of this tOW04 fot� aiediaii 13; tire . fro in net iv 0 1 i f 6 to. the qu 911-a Ctiolaa Wright waE f investing 'result sol r * bet fail to BAY what tile ged ToEn riwin. John Graham" attend. The sale w ' ill commence fit the nd call lo6k.hck stitis- 1XIi0s. oil Friday,morniog as- a va tilt and! 6 (�Cjack, III, Pte in, Glengariy worii extensively hinhifed. McFarlsale!s:shingle factory; -Moiriston tit] villa0 hamlel 0:11 Ivan thought -by Ii a and the laborer in tOl ial Ivo -111111 I, The prettiest girls, it lany be remarkadi, - was o� the 8tit ve 0 thelir opti- th'a ll the ibro of the on their-orowth' in 111fill destroy ire our S al Grito, thing but choering for' the next from the po' r't,;,of ifie, pant, t Nellie t to BLYWIl". heavy' List spring Itis barn�and o6iftelfits HIbmilletb'Quigley,,ag -years' an(! twd i of unsound ulitid� a(, lance in the Tireopnt dty, Bay to their Percy Alkleoml lro-i .�Hddystilae' Ontario 'probents�iLu Were deMl' both. fires are all' OSO4 to The truth Is, everything in those places Al vo been, Is, be- the w9r1i of all orteilly% pp f heir o�vji �xperieTiceim asuf 41, rolir, imt is. IA Fosse^ Wild, althouall. c: fall FAL, Siiow.-Thibillg. ba the I I — t4riburv, Iiiii Moo T-joisastore, aJjqil guaratitee f(ir their.. Bile- Oil, UNI'Mr thO fall show Of. tilb Morris. 13rafich on, fr�uf Clint have been over-i1nno, as Weil a . I G K &nnio Colp, PARS thr. 187A. join. them in, do- Willism Rel -al Society, which is -to ))a held., belre yourig.lady to- llac C.- 70ft ow, keeper, -.and charked of his ' pigglaynnVgmend, utilhit A -bo 'of t . , 'I, , 1 . ilk� r, To iiii-.4 tolvil 110] clerks Vll rode to Cobourg,' with of. Wool which P Ad J:qj8treCILq � to on tile MIA. and 1'3tlx at Oatolier, by -which-it hage gain,, throuh th 18, 19, 2(il 21. the tj If All blinhil greab j1IaliY very flue roes, whioll ill. he that they arodatermined not to be fifty benta forthe ride and fifty juar -fou Opicker" is.undol to havo been the straction of'railrods, and 'the! s (6 p - clinin"? to fOI14 Tons AleDorl sbade t page throws vast nutubors 011L -of.- plaw all(i Would BU' goll- H.111fe Walter Clarke, Ives 27, 28*and 90 71 ndiT nitfolt to the beut of the I'lace. lhl� whinot in the matter of the val losi tilne.; But the youn go.1.11jote A, I FXidliltion, Guelph, Oct. 2,3,,j 1 0 efoisly,pr )tect thetil. Lizzie Tirktandep,: ad and hn .4 lidy cause ' f'th6.i6ceiib buriiin of the Lachuto ad 0. ployment. The suirerin, Which. will f -than even with him. Site had-11611.arrest- 9 Robert Mentioll, .01wolafter, however, WAS oar settle U16reol. , The business nxCn-o- Mig Carding find Woollen Mills.' Ridinoluron# xxoter, Oot. 5 and 6, - '14AWO Olkvei Howson. theni'wift be Maigns; Other than 'for fire-. plal have added. considerable to the #kize li'st ad foe Aiarryto : ost 111ting. Huron, Smith'sHill, Sept. 27 And 28 t 0 CrODS, 9 passengers wi thout a licellS ithiffig llilrou,*ussels, obt.161 and 31 nt -dry�wo3ther Hallet 11tan Oct.. 8 flad.j. Martitst, wbod, its the it; UnItsing "110air an& 60e' is. no doubt but that the lie 'il fitied $26 and, costa. Both, took fire oqjV1buday;'th6'hpri :'Ptiiiibor'iyBrrrieh,lvil)gham,86pt.20. most car ainly takd plae aexto winter show wia and Th dwelling ot Bryan McGloan, Te London A e, mri, ol B0 , ted i f 3%fr. would be greatly tnitliclatca- if t . he7­Rbld-- fir ri ('14 re asleep, Hardly. anyChin S 111FIL I be Ailltaiubil onw�plicatlon to the We' aituad ftou adds. Harsh Grant, A contomp6ra bodied'laborers w aid accept -employ- 8J.. Cntllarja6 Conservati thiLbit inight be A y6ling 6011* 0 .0 11 -N It would be, .11. if our town fiperatary,, Mr. Hugh AlcQuarric, lonly" wlo mentidned,- at; aniuleresting lueb, s,sittc,6 die I SCHOO 330, OKS, INK, COPY 330OKS plix. meat from farmers fit -whateer 1-5660-10A id hiu b6dy- uggiero ef, that x do aevorely burned thali lic. Mal I ritit�ln would -.16ok -If r thcu It' I b CIL,�, $.PATE WE' rrannis Croll'� Geo, '- 111fiflil ofthe laA loolaildic emigrants,. vvilo 8," ITINia Edmund Holmes, �ol her rnall bolo is tho niflo A Canadian; Ineclidn' a tas sell AWING they saw fit 'and willing' to of�er. It Ivaltolo, passed through Tordato, owing to 0 Oi RAQ8, I.' If they.1had lienlailind npolver tilitil zohli Howil of troes ort the p6blio ovcrtyl- travelling extensive! e ivoicit if hn� aud :halt to be assisted by the Gov STATIONIty 01" 'LVrjtY' DESCRIPTI nifinufactin eke, T.6ttie Chfilloy, Harry I�o�,ors!. welither tjlo�'4o not 00alicil. met, lit lifillilbi'ville,on crilthent, for 'the p,,ifi, Coast Ida anyt 11t 'It of f the call . Altr . labnrel`8.1�0111 be -fd1e, Vim 'Div Ilion) hori; III proul', 'aottler:gavii at VERY COLIAP., elloquift IJETS, -ONLY must not be supposed tbal wilt be the present� *1 ohLeadil, Greely op otherwise wool.d... alit ;.113junteS OIL'Ijil ini' fi.o', and Offer as high ,is th ' have lately -:4b n than lneLchani 0 Oy ..slid njeetiw� read'aud pal (iiie of these' bub: was In tal �ble to VwvErt 1�olloik,' fact dilvisel n I U0 0 a clear bold it :1 1 All: kazillou . ra. 46tior from and, A b-anier htte��011 to inake vdlli�al cpi- Lifalnw!�Iiirtt. Nr ,y Clark Ital47 is'roijah'ed far 0, liAiE for this fair m 11101j's.iniSfel 'tuji6s been in the babit of paying, forfArtilipg. tAl fro annot be ini- al"d :I copy of,tho that purposes could orat- amp.�Pairo I - coulmen- nd to -schoolsl. Mov, nary clas migrants. its if le farm of A. Sinclair is riot going to pay as ood i-vturns for (Ito 'Cory Nlinnie Spoonir,- Which is t'�j I)o ljolil 'At J-1,1111'ltoll, 4 seed, a. of Ekrol Al to vir Cat a , 'tj find carriott that rate of t) -dn Mor NEXT b00A TO R, CALLANDER a, C IS inod, but tI a Louisa Ucillgcr.. 61). the dol- . lar, for count;y r _P. 6.' eatLWjiday, soventeen accres of 0 ;k in ti NVh6jI revf ex he the next few years aa.it 1111f; lor the past nnie Pratt, purposes, and mills on the bar;ll Ca- �th a relapei Which had beeii Pro"' of �Ib"A`6 md Huron Striett', Clinton, n-ulcut to Ilia f0orld clikOW spring wb the're'will 60 no popular pretax Half y DA tv, a '1869, eighty -o Tila Iaft years in use. I for brin Lyft Smith;' allaolutely-rd- nada Ivan in J I a n -1 There was of, 1AW 'tor oul -the traitors back to 4ric 2 for, JAI] Ir I t!y r eight or ten, as thia del ing of 18"0- ft A, .(1 .4 IWIF9, t icacion of �Crujtacu" of N(;. tio, 1876, two hundred and seve, . a. 6120 Wa'nted to Rent Avesicy (;rlgg, Emma Shipley, tjj� �� �­ -e -. P� '0 stoo1fai'ten sheaves 6ac )1hopvj C(ijjt�,Rst with lk C116',bli.all Ou be IRMO ti atithorl . ty l j8au ntures fUr;$j(,0­f 18694ere midb bYl 0� � er. arleer Will n6t be as great by the AMC the men(Leiiins praton6ol th, Irellry biary Giaelluldc, ofaJ4.S jj6rbej cattlo, she aDeposits in NIL, j,hos. sells, all - An Lila Government could have Allnule Lavan, the fol16'iii d * 1876 by 38,647.'j a greatest MA a L es-,WaS granted. i - vr i 21 LL PAP4, SITUATED IT&, R IN THE cans. ofts apoliedfor compensatwur foeloss Kr was in 1874, namel 5 ACotiatieg, of ffuron, or pruco, Xuat have Po'd kept, the seapont Of deprela4ion train 911'ectint, Jonas ehavr. swine, poultryj agei -A-- very,- destructive rain-st6rm visited , willieCole, Dlebd$ Ur(lay"Ltj n, 51329. , The - let, I's 00scul paragrikp!i from wIlid tienee. madhineS,L'arl or. befZio $at At lKh he sustained ill catting hill. oll IItho.. to,�nsblp of jigin'- ifi, water�, comfortable builflinglu, Anil be-aoilverident - tci Alffiough timeq are a -all in,Canadd, Cc�ill SlAtilds as. $927,895.and yliBiffi, in P railway station, Address lmm didtal n (T­dthet f arm ---C6ti7ddjl-d-6rc�ii�a.a6tio-iioi�tfie-mattei-. The in 1876 $1,526,2ft. --dei)osits atur ay. Mori) than twelve bridges -were tiopiarito Donald llIcGrQPGr4 d1d roo a 1, 0 � r, glying fall par- liey are not to b' the Now York $?fit he total. a compitreLl with Aft "Rundred of C '�Alaa Frencli will. obn Croll. �Pducts, iywchinery for'othbrthat, Agri- lollowitig, Aecountswere paid :-Areli, Ken. 1rom 1869 to 1876; * Ilsive were $14,983,ii �N� 0. not the 0 iter'Creek r6se to -a AMES BOLE,.Ganc all T off.11unible, I awl, manufactures hedy, .110; 56 1YO, 68 NVM, McAllister, =rawhayijin than has' becif known for is being endared in the United S64tes, ifandsxf F All Rveri-Mass.. a6. taking, re- Y11011 TS lialitr6jil.. 1 $28 T. Weifieraldi 252., There lia een very little'falling off' twenty years. 'David I or4sn, geii6rally,-baturdpl Aing. 25th., Or) Account of a depression.- All depniits Strayed bi- 'stolen. where 11 protection" has been -c��rieci to fite in the Stte Almhouse at Ada Snowdon, Collins,: $16 ; Tas. ID11i6tt, 019 -�Wrn.' Hicks, -Ottawa %xi I ere niany.61thern are.given ti okefg to to- rtjorsoll, oloorge T411or, tural prodnef a, ladies' work, fine ar a, ate., $14 David Cantelon and others,'$27.25 ; L. now dravv pek, cent.., whether,easual. or Along th� N 11THE 20ta JULY its extreme limit or in -ore than tell - theill, ilwrt lionles in C ada.!t 11 elix Hpulan, Saturday, S;epf.- 2ad, two weeks previous special The balance'due'depositors at ihe� In N& -P;umawick destructive bush A LIGHT RED Col turn to an %to Giant, . hhaaL Alex, Buohiban, Aloore, $36 ; and severalinall Accounts.. The 0 With swIlitelaii8andigthei'short tail, Anyper. Isabella M41,Prid. dero, I",, �iluable thril son giving such I iztlb Oook, to, the ext ition.'. an Thomas Straiton nfQm&ti011 as W 11 tood. Ib bar reoloVeq, one-, untr� is bettwK, ladjourned tome ou.the.first lklon.­ d' June, 1$76 was $2,740j652.,59, a 0 rs past. In the cities Win.MoToggirt": '11 r' ging' ly The :aqwke -was willbo, cOunpi atrag yea yKi I ' f@A-,,-of Grovernment, app ad Y Luz a Ragey, 3ur;�jx 'y !si jlo -riny �p it qi�qtjqnable �Iay, A i9gIlteall)(3-r. JANS PATTON, 0161C. t an eirly ditto a Tilleating nd al d TAT e es I 1YnTt of'thosb an Mr. Ala0liten Samuel Tayloi, k -N- gagye�irx 6omi far wrenca, --of . . lir 0, 0 an the S thint of tha-labororgimont oil- that celebrated- personage, tile 11fcturing and' dean t a be wl _Clinfon, Au.9.16, 18M - the4ystem-wh donal ro 1 -not, A, sea-- epe6;, that.t*d st64nisbips Anent, all all kinds of trade find earn Al rak ails cook, ich Sir John Mae Hitirlet, Rai oWiV infiab ex;er experienced 11QL;E@y1LLE all 1p, ng pursuits will be. -held i Torhnfb rdtltk�al find - Q es to giver Canada as soonas lie go s in o 1%rdry 11011and, j J�%ryxlroips paa of r Buelfcontinued'hot. weather -As has to, with the Centefinial. Oomalissio and B"everal other vesdois welill ash0e. Is! mtorycovau'. - 4.. , I .. . merce has been so demuralized. by pro PlAlOV-1111C .I. office 1he, statement that yoting lana- Malty X018do, "ben felt this year. Daring the most of 1, 0. G, � T. -At tfie last nice 0 e era from Austl on *trhe jilanufacturing I A we belonging to Yr. S6dbrcl a tPetion nd trade strilcmi that the ca gointhe tates HoJiliesvillo Temple,, 146., 4204 In dins are, driven to take refu J-10rank Arnold, Juliel July nd'thus far in August, Lbe interests of Canada, and t6 make arrifige- farmer. residing in, Goulbutri, gave' THE P 0 1 birth to' Thomas roit&" ��Xgftft 'lie eera wore In.italleh for't oftin, arter 'lamb t ilist, where there are any, does not f6el by tile Freetrade, policy aintained in Poster, ogle carpel. thernidometei blis ran,jod 695 do. onto to'cipen a. trade with tile antipod�s,. 4 the other day, having hAd two �C�'Anadfa is sufficiently answered by p6ivtina� in the sbade, ji� 61iijiadal WX.T.-D. La tho importance of which is fullyAemorl lanibs in -Tal iary. last. Thiais,vorya,unus . ha DOI' ofitiflu incli a I to invest when such nn; ni . r nTell I a) I to the. ArPoiNTXP.N*T,--A1r. Who. Ja 'Mail -iIf -ItQiglliboriiiglteptibli�itliaq'rmchO(I nalligh strated by these, gentlemen by the pkirchaRe i's Occilirrenee, owds very seldom having' r I the at) ntme IV. T.. - amb than once in s tainty exists that he wil 116100, 1. � ! I Ta B 1- evAr be Ale Ill't. of s 11rimi the All-4de. . Xaturallj, 4 grPat' At Canadian inarjull tires at the Cent a Arrore. his,place, has receival tho at) RHO t p MAI exhibition. Trz 0 N man) - . Je -ins, to get his money ba;k-acrain. :d �citcller of -sellaill. Section X casei of stifistroke havb been to art- Fraser I.., Instruct cc is giveh it2 3:3MT=) sell Te- t.er arter a; vessel that applitimflon will be made to tho.11arlja� The New York warmly Ompli- ed, Nil; in this'respect, Canadfi. haBb 14 tl!e Commissioners to ch the Canada ON* THE - It is said to be an ill wind that -blows 1111i, %rw.-A pill in conneo ion comparfalvely '.to sail di�eiii Uorn Toronto and Montreal - ant of'Otinada at ifFt next session by Mary ept., 1876.. ftjCIIt* the anzdlaw�Obveriilrl oil its markably fortunate, an blit v� at in '18th to 22iid S nobody any good, and, also, that it must a to, prevent witit the 1)r,osI;yt.erAan pburcli, of Ibis placo, few hava occurred orl illis side of the line, 11 for AuBtialia, with an assorted caru6 of nia- ane Date$, of Mitchell, for a bill of 'till'i (I onov,,jetioW oil ecesaftil efrort nyIntl hans -joining in the Var w Ill be. held on We'driesday nezt A good that have terminated fatally. Ili gothe W. fisgf. erris, nufactu red goods in April n divorce from.Xormah AdnaJia'tes'of Fron- 00 0 tinie . tiliepated, I I place!; the heat haRL*been so oppr ',-Viso.T.'Yeo, . . I be I% very bad state, * f things if no g',00t West, Wis a. .099i�o tha NT4.1r.8 tralian colonies infend holding an intOrna- fenne County, oil the ground'of' big I Entrloq most he made vVith the §eqretar s rom it. AIL1101101 -door libor.has brid to be, allopenir ly.c-0. Ruipball, ti(ktial. exhibitiot, in any or before whatever result' W1 Cut Sidney. and a the u.ndermeutiouid diog, v j..- Oduring the allyt and in cities lilOp"rjow PIX.QX-G. Swallow.' dultery, tI 14 it it in small skiff A tdril res I lyfrp�rh- IU"o.w-Apd-Vi ism, Ciiuton, ti -where t hfiltoqrer ­ '.! iderit 6f 5outh 0slialva its It Of n0a YU00, vigAig -d -,- passed"the Welfand'eanal' an Al for Do. knows more of 'ileld Ilootill, and other IM UdMId.- UnCl Us' it Will cIffsaw4fire densely crowdeol toe far, greab. youthst-raAging troi;i 12 to 15 cars of riaturtil, hiatqy tha.n he di4 Farm periority of dantidian. 'aereals we all th & B,, on Vvidty last, 1;. Y ttoit; The only -pors6--On­board-WU%- one- -a- we4t throdgh thinp. wlial tI"U plication of the bralces to thij cxtravill t., inconvenience and rilich Be erigl hhs been lico, cting in a IS ace- �OCMII ofllt�rs, th , 11 It, I f 'I ninzinqi, and u'alil lasulting Urf dage 0 all captain, rats. In it one moining lie found a ],rely Vorlidulvarai Pioalic, olgos at the (;a lal lare lifirfiber of 10611lbs VAN felt so t1lat ()a'na arlS ivila,5112,6111119, chief navigator, cook and ateward. The and handsomely iitilped anitnal caught by -1 00WOrd 9attiday, Soijteinberftd., I the O:k- it Flae,,Arttr, modo Qf living, which was bdootilim, so had arringed to apportionl to dW cry one they in . at. -111te a 6 4 1 drunk, ant countries III a certain set manner-linve: 1 craft, Now there is a hole in the Prlzu Lists, Alid"Ohl Fams foe mill th . a enwee ad tatting vaiU train it fence, lql f", am neros-4 '-,tied )Ioya on Monday 6VMessra. Hearil, ironies, of te f; may Coll firattl - About 14 feet in length slid lookA tile fore foot. 10 114, 6normous that nothing Short of tank- decided to aivaril more prizes to -Can (In Mid VA90r/TaI4 . the Pries Paid for late t others ITO W01;O ofe a1�v and the ro�d., Entering a gold where a we an strong And staunch, but notj one would ground whord a skunk anol, Ali puit of clothes upon, can be, obtained of tho'gocretarieg orall Ap-lenj verse, each, think, equal the -perilous voyage and Horticultural SoRil ruptcy would pub a atop, to ib -in some thall UIPY ])all oxiginAlly irl them was n u, than they. av, and her children ware.pulling flax, thdk stole 9116 is IIOW' Its buried t6gathen Mites throligbobi tile proy!AAW, last, werli o believe, the warmonf, dayg 31 9 'n the'lla x t hat about Completing. GAY, it heom6j some f; !some .11me Hur-11 it a 600d, dol summer, an( bad been 9tt up. u months madeqst wager in Bostbrili-tbat past there has AfTfIcultutAl &n4- Arta Amoeillti,zi. families. We look upon the experie d1his I although Ali example she lot be made corresponent boo comparatively little both ministers and people, aa-iin a great comilifillicatioll this week, to all Oil' a 4 dve One renlovell all the Clothing they 61 them, ha cobld, in.hiq skiff, make the voyage from doing in police ' n tendon, in - usull' lillinif J, The -r4ilrot, c :di paliso With their, 1);rall gAsps.-Rvary dA' tramps' go Ar6ilgir porl; to Detroit, in 120 day. This is oir*s. Ork a is tillserd --mealure -meountdble for thiq extmva, matters which all Special interesting to his farm, and the Arl 'was III befalls front the eitjr to i degree very grati, -to ro cith il:i N those eared to'be Ifili -a ex-foat qj1d upighbrhooaj- calling at houses for assiat Halt at the Coll-* the habit'61! rtinning,diter paosin ftains III lying, and drulikofirl'ass, 6�qni w1lich.ulltil ov,eAt"'a I the titil -Sine n 0i;ierq moderate 'flat 'Oftr salt, nd biting, at the -Wheels. ' 0110 dit a then sliA. liit4, he will conoltiole his Jdurn�y with $a. ietently daily AIXorded in the Poli6o gance, for instead -of reproving and tallniaL, It 18'a greal gy aye art the temperature, ver4l days tp sparo, -adventurous checking it, they ha mcouratfad'it b acildrs have not takeffs- eels -elsewhere," apparently looking ve omo�ojiiWd action 66r, lid missed his mailt, du4mt enggameir I those, scenes of wretchedness co boiltman isl followed. by a corps of re 11g. anti neelt to it that,their fuerest Ivere of thodara pitsse(l 6 -his for'work, but praying that they -won't find it. p ramon oni building fine churches.and parooDag, vor O't... to did slaves of this vice, has n1so lessened pv011erly represented, 0 -mars ate offering $1.25 a daj find cautlot find acrutineers, to sea- that his trio is per. 'ither 1) Fill y a Inord Ilia head cean oft. very considerably. It is quite common Id 0 01 Eno wager, which has also had a tendency to pro� elborate diApIfiY and Altiatributiou. of el Tomnlil Boil Of d8- got half the help they want at that. farpdad sebor Ing to the term now for those stations whose calls formerly, -Ott )ndl evpning 1014ya at lionlo, VAu3jEns, ProNic.-Sometking now In this 4VIliat fifunielpat iniggo5vorriment; can do held train Sir- to fitteelij. sometimes even apression, as the ca- Vialleis is spoi. 419 dace the present a infortnation last, the bar *td aitla rlve, on to. The city Catimate-g for the current year less or to hold in durance but one oitwo uAicii. it way n6t -be too late, as diacovardd! to b fire find had made so'ch (formerly of this town) ift 0 Wfidniladay, the 30th mat, The 441osaf the pital which has been itivestod in. thom Cxhibit I I n,, Godmich. Op, ly-fto Tit I, Will (it, to Ila hod - in 1filford's enant. or 1)y sonding a reprolaunta 'Va to do tile .,a 0, Z961and, Quelph geighbarh004:-4,f4Txl Picnic or haryes for -k city is i1qW being exhibited. in Toibri- twenty drunkards, to be altogether t ti n j visit horq, Oul were egento(I last. night, by which the ax� victirall, to, the is bOth 110IT-productiVe find unavailable, Ou r'boriespond ent says, al %�o liolle hin mliking extension prepare, use Of' h1t0iicating liquors. fire f $2,168,854, fl�ud The polidernaws j3daition. is now almost, a headway. th nothing could be removed. HAImAXID, si.o 1. pendiptire WAS ollown to bs aug AflovX3 Tufty bef fictod. upou I ith tit, cla. and the� ,*h,,o Will no doubt.ba 4 good turn. I" Col ificil 3:0 hogs, 1113 r, still oonflold in his howill, from eL v. are move ex io I IW" 11444�,nn is OXtoride(l to, sil, the revenue to meet that $1,131367 leay. sinecure ancl )to irl common with busin as! I it implements, anti all Of this YoRrys A cordial iliv may be It ro(Ittetivol 11rovious to the, lal nessiffl (If file 11) Tire -fire, is supilosed to been RVv. .1, W. xxt,16n. plain Of dull times. Lotrig inay this state, 'of matters Continue. r or the Absence Of of dropsy, balace, of �$1,037j486 to bi� cofic4ed Inert and mechal Oardto coin - financial condition' of the iinoj-)4� will -it lie is left in a vary. bA posi- d 'this amount wil warrant. Instead. of beirl"y (if file Do. r 110 of good to society they are ahSorvices ill the Methodist SEAvOnvilt. jr6 a tax of about 2A cents in the dol. Inillion ilicendiary. it 61ily doing were ito8aile(l 1�'iill the tfli),itt rdeki Church here, oil kst, -Alaol giving Two other plans wkf, prilpoialed-one crime till is no doubt. izidobt6d, to ilia TIRE the' opposite, In this fown thily llaw) t batiqueto wl i ile. two good sormcj's-mot�n ng alld OY01 hl1,1*vrtlor�q DitrVINo'-011 Blot- and to issue a 'frosh. batch of city. deb6nturos, vigilance of her pollee -for for the abato. Parliativant, if ever, dity 1pt. Robt, BOMIlt jordaill. And iteal at seatbAll .011 the oth fust�o find another to redum ouirent; exiiendittire inont, in tho vice of deunkenticsor the city, is Groatflf' Wondo loftrn- Not, quite a riot." It seeing, that a Ati-Auger nfake,4 smaller taX Supply, ely Av6i-e cliprA AV Who: r one of the moat claborat f1p ed b W.Taialq With un, V, tlioXi; Ill indebted itr great ifleatird, in, the 4hodint churelies of -thN province, ona very ujvp, c Iriviiig, at a fjjrlo�S, rate through tmwit,. has 'been spending a few dAYS ill, 61AV61" tot' "N10111tyro informed nfi6u. amcs'Weir for sell. gentimilatily illoder te'tolle, he A the deficiency. � The 6A appears. to be* fiv mob gati, a W doing, the, Ing liquor Oil snuday, and Ai I. t place to) Govarituibnt for the pit 11, t present to- a I)pill , Iled They yvare tried befeire A.8. Violiar, 111iy- file opuefit of Ilia health, I's III$ that, through gross extravitgance find. bad 6tstile Orook.'&."Let, and in the aecontl A that will iio without disparat 've Afallityro lil�flc goinen r, who fined -.the first two $2 cliy, c)f St, Catherilleo and its prntfy �tlr� ly6ir's hotbl And re6olveil. to dri manit b, file ordinary expaijoWtiro of toi Wall tile Itaull. de, ation of tilem erg )To tbo'cilnewould aoind before the offlara appointed to see the clauses Out at town beti with any C t1lis coltill. ea6tjo And dj�uiinsad file latter, he -being a i1bundingd. '. '(I the L been run up to suchuil Birioubt, of the Acl� enforced,, tot, t1jej Aholl o the Reform Atli ibistratiop; to 114 �110, other$, - 1p was Asoaulted I the holel, r u nti ring goal.. try, (and they are SuLpIlOged.to r(ifiorh - , once more (when face to, C4, If Who lia for . alsol be, ran: for jild litFition, followed by sall ity has the burden unbeaialila. Ito. to eveffed at Otta more youth an(I in file 'a t inako Between oln6 aut! twn 61oloak On Taoh., -no, Bud tro�? Infortuatioll Wag Bilao laid by the il ofill"llt or* civic hwiloruptoy have his- day ruOilling il lauh j1h, l, Nelson, Artistic garnishijag lilore t1lan -any otll(.r face ()jj tile Ir Of thaLl'joilanwith file Iner, Rome fillia -to 116 room front of twenty.rWa or thirty persons, led on by no Who Till.! , 0rt6ree�l All MI the sanle cornplaint, agpnot Alt. !*,oil. Air[ fil V711080.11(ft e:c4oind I got aers 0�- 1.116yltalve the effeoits ,11 ohn bog-buyevw The p6or fellow the altdiiiial mid the lived alone by the owing bridge 11 oWell 11, Kiaug�## Atlal)OW,0181, And gre in d0norpillation, for iho fold.'but, As' he prov6d tliat'lia wan only ' , wis nl,a 1,1600dd io asy, took refugii fit the LiVjitillk. roonI of t iul a toutiatiant I , -1 of draw.. a rolt.. 'The alan(Terera Wallr=ired of, is, tre of the tvot'ilt Ry8tafa. Sol awakened a lioighbor, to H" 10 way -of the The Of ing congre titioriff) but qdjilla tattle lint they r 6 lin brought, to bodk ab Elio- till driving fast to i hil Pravine4 wid. 4 that rijali I L .9 (10. not gob others,. the easo was ditauiosed.' with -lit inMcIntyre 66 of the room And tb� blob gatli' thirig ill Cho Aluipoof city impro6moutg. as ( rowniqg Low, Old Wounds, sores so "Modl Uveva long The latter im6ediatoly linstone to the standing. ror 1) phal the same kind of cougr6gation they (li(l cs'T" ered.4round lAta oil ther railway 0-r6singi it Colo& colar, jOj the fbeoli then rAll up Main street, the rowdies throw- Totout6" throligh bad; a ill it b44 NfAy, a flow years ago. 011. Sabbath IlIst 0. ara "lad it) learit th, 'n Illent$j bridge, Anil oil 'Nolsou pointed! 4114 All b (he Canadia COuTr.NqijnTr �keT�­Oiio evollihgo hist theL J,$V0' leading Ing sl at him" two at Which, he wore" had bear). tjkO Iliall 6mitil'insion have under Consideration the week as ituoderich ep farluerf accompanied Of the world A, gentlarril bolollging.16 41oronto r�'. go down, A cost was ouud oil the bridge congrogatiop dollsist4 of obot aur�. foudou­ struck him an thb back. on flity of Catiada properly rop. by MA witai waff going linnie frow, Ellis towil, ff an arriv6d pOrtR that lie -had a narr6w� fillicape frorn atid i hat floating air the water W1 fifibm females to one 2 slid PORTO ill glolvingtnrionrif thaand6rx 111116 te POli"O"'All Iii'll"Aidge, who 0 licit were 0,4, and ritl t� tile 'Ildtirtlational 111011gliNg lie was mat oft tiler road by a fleighbor with W80 11 ifla Aud put Molifityre io., the look -up to esiva his a seiin tliere. No to getting burned severely while- travollingon. in the, rubt-nivig idantifieft by though the yotidg illade Vft' gOOj por- mat to take pf hont lie ia not on; the billat of torlitif Not hillf life, , N11010tyro Ilext morning laid inrot"Ill i'll w1fich in �co at w na 4 ithren R4dIvVq, on Tuesday, as balongilla to -it y mt the 'U'Aareind, %vAg em file Milt of at pri�oa w13 ling r) W f Lf late tion, of tho. roviller il at r Wern: near the breach " hot of the yidtots, lild asMorning list. 13efore remliing.l%nial He folt W46 kkiat. 0 A - tftu. fat, ag,110 oni tho 411(fpu. t,f will be 1%, thein, TIC finned. off in and noar thit milot iluji1j. Ay 9,11 rdon of,fa 169, 11thil call be ljjred�ilj I'IILillXd( 110 came ollf, on to L114 frontglatfortli of the. body and it %valt to afind 1111 Iulfl by ih(.,, V foAittol, cAr, suit w1jile standitig the 6 a blil-Irfroin ad olt'� by Nelson, Uarl;s-of Tiolol wer nPi0wr 4t ioArn, T. 11, The, vortio day Nil Sinioll Vowel),' .0 dIII 6 for docolasetl,! that thi die rti011 isr 110 dollftriod 0113 0111,tCh f $1 pot, day, or the but inateaft of toruine, out 41134), file noiylv� lion njaidnft here fnr flip tire! Ycaro, llotol.keo er,'*Af raked the all Anloftb thri-ellAille alightea oil 111,11 becalit, not4,11g. observAle About file howl of bring their Civil ejiltil)g fille popitiolt of to that 0h Alono, hat in f Ilat itl a Wita lVall entiL fig btriking 26, Men, withlfa 1186 in 1voir's 146601, 'Jiro ll Aearl". ' AAL tile frain as going which, with r1na"ejal nl� er(if t1to 4Pj3taT)Ijj5hljj6tTt of ll Pwoll ashatilted Mr. Afmi. at full tipa-ed, 0111-ruall of' diff wind was very strono Bill of foul a repOtt 0 thO AtIVIAory ded try ijIL the njif it jel I I'll, 'd , Board, Toronto,, w my, Itig Also the whold' of the roadway anolhathe would 1061101 Is Ilia Wil .01 of th hars, and iq U1.40 f4flowil ik &,Uayor of the town. , The opposite Atrong" and before olvZoll 80,00108 of citizens, Nothilig als IWO 0 tol at. 1141.114 he best efluily. him ITI to thAi diteit or'brctak his wiig- ing for Stratfor(l tillit 111orning, pArty arett'Ving to break d -P . hl 411tell(led oxes, for, t. olfityrois lifid-pasaod, his seaef awl collar were in a potratoes of tho murder, which it is It y I pod ploll"Al-bol linable to 111cl t ) Which plal lift of el brillgh)LO pAVE10 JIPL to' harnoriR, behig ChA6 otlether with ld.,i veab, whiolt "itati anti be 9don 0, his 10VOCT wan beef) gbnemlfy bell vOtYlilifill cither aiatapionihip of fhu world, As t1le, othAr one, who'had plenty (it il like lien, elfeltaf A Ql1i0kaqtlj 'I. loll heIt, r, Tito a cigar or .4 Ill in' thbip nl()njlIg, liff doubt, tke, it vfwy tilli rholt in wilitig, Inall VNew Wilt, %Atb T143 0111, Wx( the t1m w6t will bo lilies dttualj6 (I tho Wrain focC thil't, ho was awakoped by aL cry Of to: agaumott trad L 'iling ej k, flie, thil; Contrat, 4 it nocoitti. timiy Ilin ll fiwlti) ill by tild Hquar hll# thb ejalteftlon t ­­­ A Cu Cmiadr, the feature of Soeibty doe. , rArtilor, Ajjfl,CAt(, 0AIT hild 00flar, t6j's, t I', and ill "fill Nvoll All11j;j i it he tfgyQr Is d0iornfrudd 1In tbil oopreLv 1k thont froin hNi. Ito tholl tornad his at- 'at tho ivindour lit Plam d ur 10; 0 LE 13 gent a Ia. I b tj a A �18 n 52 2 4 ait1 a Very A '8 'a here lia e account of a .v draw pek cent. Will as It In iItile growl ti 0 IV for the fqturo, go Aby 11116 'Ilg willo -wilty is J110 fil *6 also onditigerhig lie 11vall Pit III the h I - & Allplinsts, orll',ollo frorn flimnty is al, of tho a� they 1110 q vo milik, tilt) nofl the Above VV'to in LV110, the WV%vilig, tentioll to big ybot.; hild 8110coodod 41S6 In wkt,48 tile 16WA10 of the rivet". w1olf who olitod)l tholn iil� Ivi-ty low Inlolflo, frow, J. V. 11114 hro, bem 4 (o, ent pate, , Wo take It 1, -It'lla �aqd, ligainsi ill thd flart of 4 which wan on I P�jgffer(j oVor Ell (T bri(ldd ( I)L At Co slid, tbd4 ItAoli is lowit sy, IIA4. 4 befow It piqo had boon bon. to did notflAk dienj to havi, wboaoll thl5nifte itill upoll fladmig their own plonstled 1"hatgetl with Selling li(luor tilt Saba. rwo " bilru ltaAadk, hub I T411MUP t1lo that Via 6'spallooft ot all 01 �hftlllpiply AC0114. theso, 611oldol be I in ostter"a All(I injulediftl I thfoug1r, 11pon hit itfforrnaliC� in. 0011 orot, ro�dorfng it quito U80rogs, . ItAd ito,drownin Attel, 101V at Oxfitt'l MAW, LCMA'd 111�0114 6l6$1b1",'111bt'A6Xt peodont Without torinatidlial matett Wilt ba bol �oordty Of tflo 1111V Aq- a groat 111ny te.011. jill f t( Ing Ally titletilat 0 t been dt a itiord iiAturd 16frota tile tollolving olluil Ti� the coutity, Wall ho r6r) 0, Thil 14 Toy a V,i 10 'r TIT upinilm tilt, 611 All ! lfte, taturea fwi) it) ono ilt!13111 kill, t flitly 111;1!lfo llavil a Irlwy tw( MI 04 tlifglib hil been sotionit :1,16 eirboli that; deedilsed Toolliv0d jnptr3 t1uht I,,, �,4 ��Itsiil & W'j �gfidny tile la quantity of athr aOn this ho44 whiolt I