Clinton New Era, 1876-08-10, Page 3BEST ,VALUE IN THE TRADE,
OILS i]I p•izzacv;
Wanted for Shipment, 1000 tubs good,Intter. Highest price paid
CLINTON, Aug. 0, 1376.
1876.- , SUMMER.
Just opened Today, one Case of Hats
direct from New York. Without doubt
the Finest Goods ever shown in Clinton.
Clinton, Juno 29, 1876.
W. 'D.0 II E—R7TY•
: 321SrjOal7- 48..t CCI'S COR,q-ANS,
Clinton, April 12, 1876.
. A.s to the excellence of our Organs, roaa the following Testinionials :
- • .
STAPLETON, April 10th, 1870.
MEssus. W. Donzurx & CO., CLINTON ' •
Sias -You ask me my opinion of your firet Organ. have much Pleasure in tell-
" ing you that I consider it a great success,- The tone in very full and rieh, and cer. •
tainly it is as good an instrument of its kind as there is made in Canada to -day. ,
, only hope that you will meet with liberal patronage, and reap the reward that your
, enterprise merits. • yours truly, ,
• ' •••. .4, • JOHN RANSFORD.'
I take great pleasure idgiving my testimony. as to the excellenee of the Clinton
Oman manufactured by W. Doherty a co. in power and sweetness of tone, in,
qmeluiess of response to the touch, as -well as in its mechanical internal arrangements,
it is decidedly equal, and in sdne paiticulars, superior, to any instrument I have es,
unlined, .of which I have had knowledge. It seems to me that it is as near perfection
as it can well be. Allow me to say that I can cheerfully recommend it to any who
may require an instrument, as one an every respect well fitted to supply the want of
the times.
R. CALLANDER, Mader of the Methodist Church Choir, Clinton.
Among the numerous Cabinet Organs I have soon tiering the many yeah i have
been a teacher of music. I have not seen any superior to the Clinton Organ. - The
character of the tone is both beautiful and syinpathetio, the intonation ill perfect, and
the touch easy, and inferior to none. Tho workmanship is both solid and elegant,lso
that nothing is lacking.
• M. WHITT, Chiltern.
Desiring to obtain an inetrnment • that would eoinhine •n11---the:desitable ipVe-
nrielitrin po-v-verTfiiTheiet, anreiVeduesiiiircakr r
realiz,..d all in the Clinton -or -gm Every one who hears it, goes away pleased. -
The valuable qualities which this Organ possesses, are much appreciated. It is a
general favorite; in our family circle. .
'GEO. STA1FBURY, London.Road, Stanley.
Having thoroughly tested the merits of, the Organs manufaeturedby W,'Doherty
& Co., I take pleasure in saying that I consider them in all respects equal, -and in
many points superior, to any reed instrument in the market. The ease *ith wjiich
its air supyly is maintained ; the smoothness and equality of ita tone,;„ jts-reati re-
sponse to' the touch ; the eloquent voicing of its baby steps, andatpeffection of its
general mechanism, must make it•an.espematfavoritewittilifganists. .
C. CRAWFORD, Music Teacher And Precentor in 0. P. Church, Clinton.
The Undersigned baying opened a LiquOt bftsiness in the premises formerly used as Grocery,
he will constantly keep on hand a large and well selected stook of
Wines.. and. Liquors of» the best and niest reliable Brands,
which he offers to the publio at the lowest ratilindratiVe priedS. • Agent • for Quetton St
George & Co., Toronto, inIpOrtnTO of pure Medicinal Wind. ,
Eo would also beg to inform his patrons and the public generally; that:he hu reMoved his
• Stock of Groceries, China and G1a4sware,
To the premises lately °coupled by las. A. Yuill, known ,as the American Eitpreas Office
where he is prepared to offer special inducements to any favoring him with their patronage.
N. ItoBsom
f Clinton, July 20, 1870.
Farm for Sale.
Con., containing 700 urea', roomer less ; 80 -gored
loured and free of sturnpa, in good state of (whit/400n ;
81 acres o_f_timbert.eli_mmteeed end,„well.fetteed, into
Irlfettle. A tinged lane colitre; two never•raling
running springs of first-clars water. Electorate honset
good farm buildings, flret.ofaes cellar, and orchard of
200 choice fruit trees. • One'bf the best fermi end lode -
Mono in the county for a Miley residence ; sitahtect on.
the leading gravel road east, throe -quarters of a 'nit%
trom Goderioh, and ono -half mile frotn Aohoel, 'with full
view of town and lake. Title indisputable. Apply to
the proprietor on the prettifies.
• TORE noNtart.
Goaotioh r. 0, July12, 1876.
V V liberal patronage bestowed upon him during the
thne he bag been in bueiness, Would respectfully inti -
Mate that lie hie remoeed to the new had Mere donate.
Mous promisee recently inettecl ort the
Corner OF AL.tiEl?7' & 0.WPA1?10 Streeisi
Next to Tottra It:0;4c Store,
Where he will keep,on hand it goblet Stook a •
Of every deaerlption, whiell will be gold Itt„ the VOX
lowest ratee. A large nseortment of noir e.bedstithellat
on the way, end will he Openett in tt IOW ditys, .
• . batIV1th1u1 ANitiV112314 IN TOWN.
CItatbd 11114. 6
General News Items,
A report from l‘tieltigan, !stye Met a
young man caught in Grand river a him.
with a full-grown live moue() in it..
'Thirty millions of rabbito are con.
minted yearly in England. The fur ie
gely used n the nutonfauture oC silk
hate. -
At the Buffalo roc( 0, on Thursday,
Goldsmith 1V1aid trotted the three fastest
eoneecutive heats on record 2.16,
2.10*, 2.10.
. The railway war is still being con.
nu with Unabated" fury between the
Grand Trunk Railway, Central Ter-
mont and other rods, against the Nett
it York Central, „, '
About1): o'cicalt last Wednesday nigliS
John Xlingtneyer, of Rufftilo, cut his
wife's throat and then put an end to his,
troublee WAS the Cattae. • They.
leave thirteen ehildxen. ,
A farmer recently purchased a large
farmnear Edenderry, Ireland, and as
soon as he took possession received let-
ters threatening him with death, • This,
affected him so much that he became
Eraser.: " •
A, statement ie made in an Australian
paper which geed to show that Victoria,
with a protective policy, is getting every
year deeper in debt,,. while New Smith
Wales under free tract°, has a oorpta or
£2,000,000 in the Treasury...
All the Mille of the A. *k W. 'Sprague:
.Manufacturing Company, at Baltic, R.
employing ten ilibusand bands, when
in full operation, have sinit down, and
will Pet. np 'nail the market
The United.Stateri postal card manu-
factory in Springfield is runniog ten
tionra a :day, turning out about•600,000
card 'per day, and is3,500;600 behind
it orders, The number Of -cards print...
ed during the quarter ending 'July let.
.was $8,00046,00,. an increase .of nearly
10,000,000 over the, corresponding quar-
ter for .187,5. . • • ..
11000/1t itlftIPOIRtiOtt from Chfna goes
toshow' that the crop of tea for this
year is very Peer: Up. to June 12th I
last, HOrkew had exported: 21;872,81.7
pounds of tea; while Foochow -ilea -Chip •
pea 175,000 chests, principally to Eng-
land..and Russia. It appears the
Anieeican demand is chiefly for Japan
teas, and that .the.-tedp"--Of that ountry
generally:finds' its way to this continent.
A London correspondent Says .that
there is not woman that enjoys more
.robust Iieplth than trigtieen. 'Victoria
stout, with Somewhat Of redness in
her hue'probably was. never better in
her lifethan at this. moment. :She bids
. fair to live wiling as her grandfather,
the third George; did; and if she 'does
the Wince of Wales will be a gray head-
ed Hold 'man; ' with grandchildren, before
he'cornes to the:threne, •.'
. 'A colored man named. Chris. Porter,
near: Spring Went :.te the
bouse of kwidet.lady , antHrerliiighter
on Saturday night; and after knookino.,
die daughter down dragged her. out intt
field, Outraged her, and left her 'almost
Iifeless., The neit. day Porter was 'ar-
rested, and. when :near: Hope be was
.met by a crowd qf Men, • vim took ,him
frothe Officers and hung hip to a tree.
The girt is expected to live.• •
'Aii incident ata,murder trial in ..Glits-
c,dow is recalled by the London World.
medidilTelpeirWas7nsked Whether
there -was it poison that would ,kill
out leaving &trace; and he replied that
he .could Mention several; but he refused
to name thew, and the presiding Judge
sustained him, . He afterward , received
.over a hundred letters asking for infor-
mation on the subject, sOine of them,
he • thour,0ht from persons who intended'
-to, use the .knowledge criminally; .
A child,' 4. 'years (gage, the son of
mon nanied Riley; living near y.filford,
°eine into th:e ininCe-7litst..Week. dairying
-a rattlesnake -in his-arms-II6,-Itadone
hand tightly clasped about the heck,
and the other above the rattles seven in
number... ,Mrs. Riley; the child's mo-
ther killed the snake with a brooni.-
Her husband then led the boy to the
place where he had innocently .picked
up his.dangerous - plaything,and a fleet
of the:reptiles Was found: Twenty-one
were killed, ' The child was not bitten.
Ile cried bitterly On losing his pet.
The Buffalo Express prediets that the
new'suspension bridge over the Niagara
river is going to fall ono of these days,
# .:any...defcetJu oonstrnction,.but..
simply because iron snapetided, : either
horizontally Or vertically, ultimately. he -
comes ' granulated and. brittle; and, in.
this state, breaks easily by vibration,
while to this change, in :structure is to
be added the inevitable, weakening of
the iron by ,the alternative contraction
•by •cold a temperature- or 22 degrees,
below zerooind the expartaion by a heat.
of 90 degrees above 'zero.
it Armand, AND -tilt inatIO OSSEO-
Attie, will plead tithe MAIO that I bare ramovoa
ant )300t AND .STAttolutinT bueineet it:oM the 014 stout
to 010 now store,
Cortigt of llortm oilillbert streets,
NEXT CittANDNA 1.4 0e/1 STOUg..
would ideo voided Main that I Mire made large addi-
tient to my *took, end have now Ott haul it Anklets
, asiOttreent 01
Plain, Patsy, and Office 'Stationery,
11n6 selifetion ct the latest
18itilyllia)if Canadian & AMetteart Wok..
VANOV 60()DS 18,1111188 VARINT2'
loin vaned -ea eoons. salsa* for pretente, snob, all
Pureelp Wendt, Catd Caete, Ladies COMpinione,
JErst tociatol•itn
Minim ein 46 stock of Fano: cheap,
fratilso Mae and Cane, Croquet, Crieket,
and .8tioe Bali Motto, new ,patterea
in Window Papers',
Altniteleate llitittiek Slotted Ishii fielet4
°Ada 0" the ,Asterlotin P4pron Co
di J141111,10*
" •
A. baby in Troy sucked the eolori0
from green,veilg and WAS poisoned' to
A Peril) despatch eaye many of the'
reporte from the seat ef War are 0141411..
faetured for the purpoeo of influencing
Phao .232. breweries;
Wiscontio, 232; Ohio, 210 ;New York
208 ; California, 202; Illiuoia, 230.; and.
Michigan 149.
In France, out of a: population of
32,000,000, only 2,000,900 live on the
rOtreette Of acenmulated wealth, the
balance depending 411 the TWOCIUOQ
; A clergyman in Indiana beat hie 14
year -old boy almost to death for reading
novele. The •fbther will now have an
opportunity -to study theromanee of prk
...E1914.fik.0414*,44-i)9Y21,-,9141141.-:-.----- -
The nutuher of boogie Indians does
not appear to diminish at the approach
of arrangements made for their pun*
ishment. Thereare said to betwenty.
seven thousand fighting 'Sioux,„': • .
A natural purioetty called, Indian
Well; in the town of -Ifuntingdah,
is aboiir,W6h0.. -fea. deep, and alineot
perfeetly rdiind, and it has been hollow-
ed Out from solid 'granite . by, the aetion
of water from a brook..,..T7
An artificial chicken hotebee .is ex-
hibited in Cincinnati. It consiete of a.
large glass box, holding 400 eggs, ',silt
wire trays. The tenmerature is regu-
accurately that it never. varies
half a degree from . one hundred. The,
machine works well. " • : • •
' The., 'Wooppooket ,Patriot ova
that the Blackstone Valley--eXtending
&ma' Worcestst; Mits#4.: to Providence
-hoe mere idle spinners and loorne than
ever befere in its history:. At least fif-
teen thousand :cotton and weellen opera-
tives tire.ent.of empleyreent. •
. .
• The New York lee men...hitve over-
reached themselves.- -Pouting by. the
comparatifely.shortT crop, of the cern.
niodity in -which they traffic,. theypot
the price up so.' high that their custom-
ers 'discontinued , using, it, . preferring
wa*kter.end 14p:4d:butter extor-
One afternoon, says the. Richmond
Justice J. j:•Crutelffield sent o
magniatient tiPeciMOi1,. Of Jackson
water Melon to the :Bettina Statien-
house. Nothing like it was ever': seen
in Richmond before. The ':inonster
weighed one hundred' and twenty
pounds and was as large as a
It took nearly the whole of the
police.foreelo 'get 'awayavith it; and it
was wOrth.a fellow's trouble, It was a
novel sight,: though, to see three, men.
eating off one. slide,: and to see another
flaxen -haired policeinartholding n.piece
between,hialegs like a bass fiddle, and,
beginning at the'tep,•trying to eat' his
*ay down: ' ,
• The effect of the great .depression » in
thc'. mines: of eoexiWall,. England, .haa
beetrttry.eAce not only the Working
Miners,. but .the ,ismall sliopkeepers' in
the inining-distriots; tO Alio borders . of
starvation, and altwhotan raise money
by any . means are emigrating. The:
breadwinners' are 'leaving the „country.
by htinclieds, .and :leaving • the Women, .
Children; Old and infirm to be supported
by parishes. It is reported -thatin One
parish alone there are 500,.*Orneti and
children -thim left; though • many of theta
receive. _aid.. feeii their ,adult' male' :kind-
ied as S6On' aa Money. can be 'earned else-
where:: .Groups ef , emigrants .may,• be
seen almost daily at the railway stations
on tho Cornwall and West Cornwall
„ .
lines. •
• • :
the Hartford Churchntan, replying
to the frequent taunts respecting the
dullness . of Sermons, explains- that
“preachers not only "Jui a rale,. but of
necessity, preach down, to 'their. hearers"
as a lawyer, selects the weakest' Of bus
.jury . as tlin.maximme• of his efforts.
We don't be1iecin tJie theory..
best: preiclii4isiiion:-"e too 'good for any
congregation: To be powerful and in-
tellectual • does not ienplY a departure
froth :Simplicity. It is a mistake to
Suppose that any ministni Can afford to
preach dowto a congregation.
should he rem em hared ._that „the- aierage
hearer is by no .tnearis: a .fool. If it
weee;'possibiel.thot any " preacher could
•he tempeearily too good for an audience,
the -congregation: would in timo -Hee t&
thelevel of the preaching.. , For a min-
ister's awn sake and for the sake of his
people, id. him. not adopt the condo-
tibion: to anybody. •
A large establishment has been open-
ed in St. Louis, for drying eggs. It is
in full operation,•and hundreds of then:
sends of dozen'sare going into itain.
satiable • 111BW;:: :;tr110 • eggs are-,taiefully'
candled' by hand -that is, examined by
a light to ascertain whether good or not
-.-=and then are thrown into an immense
receptacle, where they are broken, and
.by a centrifugal operation the White and
yolk are separated 'from the:shells very
much to liquid honey is taken from the
tunnb. The liquid is then dried by heat
by a. patent process., .and the dried ar-
ticlols left resembling sugat,. which is
nut up in barrels and is ready for trans-
portation anywhere. This dried article
lag.heen taken twice across the equator
ii;shipi,• and then made into -omelet
and: compared with omelet made from
fresh eggs in the same manner, and the
best judges could not detect the differ-
ence between the too. Is not thig
age of wonders 1 Milk made.solid;
eider made solid ; apple batter made
intnbricke What next
There are: very grave &Oita Whether
the Centennial .may- not .proreAritilure
finencially, .although as a grand inter-
national exposition no one will deny its
succesh. The calculations . originally
relide were that the number of .visitorit.
Int114 refolz at least' 1.0;000,000, Half
'the time has passed 'and the imbibers
admitted have I3een but 2,545,000,' Z)t.
peetations are indulged in that the
cooler months of September and 'October
will Witpedit a great influx, and we hope,
they Will. be realized,. 'Stilt the de.
ficienoy present 81) large that the
prosprt 4„400 g yery hopefulone. The.
mei:leans as it rule have not•shown all
the public spirit in regard to. the Cen-
terimal that might have been expected.
Trlla, times' /tee hard and peoplehot
very flush of money, but the forty
millions" 6116111(1 be able to bring the
thing up to a paying point, , The rail-
way eompaties have net yet, shown
meell 'Notably their present
cotOPOntiftelY high Wee may paibest,
bat theyhave interet.t; if a more remote
One, in the 0411W:twat, and might do
Moro than they $etJ»iavo done to pro*
moteite sticeesti finetteialleV, there
is time yet for a .aliaago o' pansy la tida
hapoott .
It is said that last year needier had:
700 invitationto lecture,but dnly ao-
cepted thirty-dve. He was too much
engrossed with his law trotibles to ec-
opt such engagenienta. His salary
being $20,000 and his lecture fees, if
tattled, $40,600, he may expect the
handsome , income' of $60,000. This
would, in Some men's, hands, be_an.
enormous sum, but Beecher, like Daniel
Webster, could spend a million as easily
as $20,000 if it wore placed within his
&tell. HO has a very expensive family,
and it is doubtful if any one of his song
earn a Irving. The farm at Peekshill is
an immense annual expense, and upon
tho whole there are few placeo (itt least
among respectable people) where money
is more needed than in the Ilona() of the
Plyinonth-pastor. •
Says it telegram .from Si. Paul,
the damage done by the grasshoppers
on the north-western, western, and
south-western borcterorofthe Statb
calculable, but the amount of crepe de-
stroyed so far is inconsiderable, counted
as a. whole, although' hundreds of indus-
trichiii;hitrcl-working settlers have host
their all, eha hhve nothing left to live
moon. .The Pioneer Press aonoludes an
editoral article on *the gabled with say-
ing that " it great part of the region,
, of and including Seamen County
to Eastern Dakota, and sotith through
Western love, is eovered with devour-
ing heeta, and our reports indieate that
the entire crops of this region are being
oWept away, and that hiany of the dis-
couraged dettlers aretemporarilyleaving.
We record the sad feet as a matter of
EOWS which it would be useless roily to
attempt to eoneetd, for it might as well
be understood now, that thlt: North-
western. States leaVe to tight tliesegrass,
hoppers' to death and get rid of them ab
any cost or they will Make it deaert of
the,wholo region *sat of Lao $10higitu
birord why tom*"
• is
While many are crying out "D(I Times and Nothing Pofng," we,._on__.the..:OtheTchand,-
-LARpEr-VRADA --our—tash, sareia adVance 33 per cent of the corresponding months of last year.
, . '
And, in order to do so we will sell B4AtiTIFUL GRENIMalgO for 121 cents per yard.; ExcEntENT PmniTs reduced to 6, 7, and 8 •
cents .per yard, warranted fast colors ; fine qu.a1ities_GBE*4....x.R. putoic 1.4usTnns, at 15, 20, 25, 30, 40; and '60 cents ppr .yard,
reduteed-15-p-er-centi-PAInct—W-n-ift AND STnirn Diasi—NICsnnisi at less than ordinary cost prxces ; FANCY DRESS G.QpDS
I REDUCED IN PRICE cent GREY AND BLEACHED COTTON I'0110ea to 10 cents per yard.
We have made a large -purchase of Sample. HATS for IEl and FOY'S WrAr
the leading American Styles . in Fla' -and Felt
116,Ve purchased these goods -direct from a New„at a.. re d u 6tion:.6.t. 35 per c ant-, -4.44-4-'' are
offering.theinTat-o-rdimary Oatfadian whOlesale prices. Nien. and',Boy's 43braw pricer:02,-;
. • . ,
Ladles Trimmed Ilats and 13ounetg,..Sun Shades., ,Capes, ,Tackets,'*ana Parasols, at R.educed. Prices,
We have made a large pureliase of LADIES Cheap Prunella BOOTS,
. Which for price., quality, and style, cannot fail to pldase. 'See them•
WE 11.A.VE
want Five Hundred Packages of good packed Butt6r,
!or which the highest market prices will be paid.
Parties wanting Clothing,' Millinery1 Boots and Shoes, Groceries, &c., will find the newest goods, one of
the largest assortments» of goods, and the most stylish goods, at the slowest prices, at the 777. We
receive goods every week, condequently our stock is always filled :with the. newest -and:thoicest--goode.
Our large sales and ready money enables us to do this. The people are learning.that it is .to their
interest to do their trading with us, hence the large increase in our patronage. We respectfully ask
each and every one to come, see and secure some of the bigbargains we are now . offering. ALL WE
.Cjienp .Cash Rtore, street, iiearly oppoite .the.11.11.E!,r1A.rell
July 19; 1 -8 -
A correspondent, on whose statements full
reliance may be Placed, sends the followhig
from .411rOra to the Mai/ :-On the 3Ist ult. I
was walking' along the side road between con -
co -,Ions 3 and 4, on 14 II of AVItiteburch, inT
this county, when 1 came upon an old log
cabin 8 feet by 9 feet, on the side of the road.
The cabin was constructed of dry poles and
:Mingled with boards. There wen no windows
and only one small aperture to Id in the light.
As I approached 1 saw silting in the doorway
a young' female' of almost indescribable ap-.
pearance. A few tattered rags covered her .;
her hair -was iPatted audrshe was flotored: With .
1th, A boy about eighteen, whose appear-
einee-urria—Cven more laorribTe than that of the
girl, sat near her. • On entering the door of
the cabin, I ea* an Old woman, covered with
a few rags, lying in a corner. Nothing in fic-
tion or fancy. der pictured to men forM so in.;
human. She seemed to be a visible spirit, or
rather the incarnation of the Spirit of /Mb,
if snoli a thing there could be. She appeared
to be about sixty years' old. As'ehsrtroved--
-her arms, My eyes were fastened upon what 1.
°Romer& learded to he a huge cancer. It
covered the whole of her right breast. Sho
was totally blind. The girl at 'the'door, who
was also blind, was the old woman's daughter:
The frightful sore an the•breast of thedd wo-
man was -shall I say it T. --flyblown and liter-
ally alive With vermin. linen inquiry the old
. Want aninformedlme.that berApanerwasjviree„
13.-Qafroy; that she was the mother•ilf thir-
teen elikldren, who had all abandoned her with
therexeeption of the boy and girl 1 referred to;
that lihe had lived in the cabin over two years;
that fa' over a year she had been confined
helpless to the straw pallet with cancer ; and
that the Township Council had refused, her.
'Ettiatfitithee. The neighbors, with the•ekeeption
of one old lady, had never crossed the three -
hold other den, although there is a family liv-
ing Within eighty it'd:3 of it. She said she
supposed alio would have to submit to the
most terrible of deaths without help or com-
fort from the -Christian coinnannity • outside.
There it no furniture of any kind in the cabin
save an. old stove ; and the old woman tells me
that even in the 'coldeet nights last winter she
hed to leave thehole in the boards (which in
the daytime does duty as a window) open to
permit the escape of the c-moke; otherwise elle
would have been smothered.Loommendthie
case of most awful misery to the particular at-
tention of the authorities of the Township of
Whitehttreh. and to the bollitideration of the
highly civilized people of Ontario generally.
Blood se a remedial agent forinvalids
is becoming quite faellionable in Cincin-
nati, An establishment has been fitted
up, where at a certain hour ladies and
gentlereen congregate. to drink blood
fresh from the cut throats of steers.-
- ---.7:177T °N BICAR711:18.;!-1810•:
Wheat,Treadtvell,V bus140 90 It 0 95 .
88P6rjulbeg6" . ' . * ''..' * OS 289 965 e ti4a 890 889 900
ate, *
Barley, . 0 45 a 0 50
. 6 00 a .6 25 .
0 63 ft • 0 65
' '13:644;:tifil'Ost
Begs, .
0 lb a . 0 10
0 15 x 0 16
1 00 a ''.1 :25
• Wei+, 0.
. * 67 85 08 aa 7-008 8 8
. Pork,. , *
-* 450 a 600
:heeeet.pokwin * .' *
. 0 25 a 0 50
3 50 a 4 00
6(10 a 6 50 T°0141°M:Roeotroli y
i . 08 1658 44 6 °1 0505
., . a 00 ' a 8 60
• orkeys, . ...
illaksalt, . #, • 0 Ig a 0 16
- • i . O20 it 02!S
1w°°1` oilt41.*.011,ti1 AtAttltifts.
Aug, 0, .12/6
Wheat -Pell . - $0'00 a 0 06
• spin . . 0 85 a 0 00 .
4 • 15 00 a 6
S ' * 0 00 a 0 0
OJO16, -
'reits . •.$$ 4 . '' 0 04 * 0 5
%AO, # •I, .. . 0 45 a o 50
Potatoo* * • 1 00 * 1 26
tatter * k, 0 15 * 0 16
got ' 0 0 it ..0 10
aHy, v •s e I ' ft Q 00
1 ft i *
1 * * * * '1 1 I 1 1 IN
Notice to Contractors.
/-.7.1tETARY 01 Fublio 1Vorke,, .and endereed " Tender
for the Cantrell Canal," will be received at thia offiee
until the arrive of the Actstern and Western mails, on.
,WEDNEBDAY, tho xxnalt DAY 00 AUGUST, next,
for the formation of elleW entrance—south of the pre.
Went one—at tholower end of the Canwalt Canal, ern -
bracing the construction of two 1.111 -Locke, Waste -
weir, de. .
The workewill be let in one section, as indicated on
thump of that part of the line, which; together with
plans and specifications of the various works, can be
seen at thin office, mid et the office ed the Canal Super-
intendent, Cornwall, on and etter FRIDAY, the TWEN-
Collimators tro iv:Anted to beat in mind that Tend;
ore will not be consideed unless made Aridly in se-
oordanie with' the printed. forms—and ' In the ease of
Arta—except there are attached the .actual Signet ores.
the nature of the occupation, and WC° of residence of
each member of the same; and further, an ganged
bank cheque, or other readily available security, for the
bum of FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS, meet etworn-
pany.efteh Tender, *hi.% than be forfeited, if the party
tendering declines or fella to enter into entraet for the
wake. when called upon to do so, at !berates stated in
theater submitted. •
The cheque or money thus sent in, will be re'tunted to:
the reepeotive paha whose tenders are not neepted.
For the' deo fulfil:flout of the °entreat. eatisfaotery
Remit, will be required on real elatflf6,-Ot bv dopOSit (of
IMMO, ptibli0 Or ratiniolpalfieenrittoth or bank etneks,
to the funount Witte, 'percent of the Milk Rani a the
contract, of which the bum lent in with the Tender will
be considered a part.
Ninety peroent only of the pregress .estimates will be.
WI until the oolnpletIon of the works.
To cm& Tender tenet be attaohed the wheal signs
tures of two teeponeible and tiolvenkpereens, resident
of the Dominion, willing to bonnie nitrates tot the Mu-
rying out of these oonditions, al well as the due poi,
tantalum of tile works erilbraced In the oontritet.
This Department does not, harrow, bind Itself sto
anopt the o r oTreanddr,er.
BRAUN, Searatall.
riepartment of Pubile Werkillt
• • .
N$1.60 To Tan 44nEw nue
OCE, otaz.mox, AND GET
Ilutcher Boy Wanted.
. .
ovaispiptlAttrci.tioltk EXPERIENCE PlIEPEERED.
Clinton, Aug, 6, 1676.
SchOol Teacher Wanted.
vtratirro trusaurnar,y, FOR SCHOOL SEC.
kliVainrecolitT 10 tO17;4J'cigitiait yet -o=
on the 8111 of Atignit. Apply persona* or by Utter, to
1VN, STEWART, Barn 0.
Iliet iVaVitisoith, Aug 0 16740.
Ite,opening. of High $ehool.
hewn nrcir Sertoor, OF TIIIS TOWN' WILL BE
tp.apaaila at tho close of the euminer holidays Oh
Wednesday, the 16th of August, *beta it is hoped mat
allelic pos0170011 will present themselves on that day
f°tflp"eogilitltrbliatiplirtrutities wili be offered to blather% PO'
paring9ilt of for tit tit tel.flae, rati• o
trait CO11I•161510//a Ttlitt/t•arbIllf
on moon stroot,iototy ooduploam,Ste.n.Tetbtl.
*Ill be routed en niasouableteland. Tite ROM mashie
Id tura, and Is adapted for it Arst-tdast hooding
lie. SoMe of tlallroorai *bold be let separately, if
' ,
01h(140; it', kit*fer
This well known medicine is no iinpoeition
but a sure and safe remedy for. Female DR&
cultieottnd pbstruetions,irbm any (muse what-
everi and although a powerfulremedy, it con-
tains nothing hurtful to the constitution.
TO mannign LADIES •
I tis peculiarly stilted: It will, in a short Lime
bring on the monthly period with regularity.
In all cases of Nervone And Spinal Affections,
Pajili3 in the Back and.. Liras, HeaViriese,
hFeattirgth. eHoyiallirgiohot, exseirdtki o eraadlaegiht itetol,0 novbi ttebse,
and all the painfuldiseases odeasioned by "a
disordered system, theie Pills will effect enure
when all other means have failed.'
• These Pills have neverbeen known to fail
who're the directions on the 2nd page of pam-
phlet, are wen observed. •
For full particulars, got a pamphlet, free, of
$1..00 and 12i cents forPostage, enclosed to
Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont., general
agents for the Dominion, will metre a libttle,
containing over 60 pills by return
Sold in Clinton by 7. 11. Combo and George
Clhidley; E. Hickson and F. laimaden, Sea -
forth; X. Kidd, Carronbrook; Parker & Cattle
and F. 6rrito.nO I-0 0 der led.4.00.,K...-Cfnuerortii:BEI
, field; lifs,ildithron,RodgeiVillkitairell Medi*
114:147' THEY, SAY OR IT -A few facet
for the people.—There are but few preparations
of ntepeines which' hare withstood the impartial
judontent of the people for any great length of
time. One of these o Dr. 2'honutas""I',electric Oil.
Bead the following and be convinced;—T. Ilobi n.
,,Parnha»etilyemforent r e.owieritt '1` la,eccoe bveer,itasjir,ff,f1
fried many i.eviediegiokhontany Wulf, ttg;r '
„Dr. Tlunitait' Pelectric ;Jo/ ,
no attack or it ;J WV, d 7V16)Ivitla.1 11 1) a"
tr, gUt,14 Wag 'ikeyorci, ,te .
troubledwitlt 1(10 00 co njil aid ,,br sereea,
rifle trrt grclaltretliele6 :^1t1;c.ii 0'1603 101,41
r•eltef, and hare dinee used it with OW 'Jette:fe, t.
hare trtett It on limes in the 00/0 01 ei44, 11
think it 01,041111 as good for horse as ,fer Irian, fro'
Oneshould be without it." A. lltaybce, Wart:Worth,
writet, " hare told hitnoIreils of bottles of Ecketric
Oil, it has done ,wondera in: healing and relieving
pain, 80it throatt, ite, and is lora/1o/ the great-
est confidence." J, Ilussan, Percy, says, "2'140
peredudedto try theintai Eclectric Oil for a lame
knee which troubled me foryears, and X nerer fount'
anything like itfor euriug tanteaess. 11 is a great
publid benet." ' A. 2if Hamilton, Warkworth,
Writes, " For weeks 1 vat troubled wtth a swell'
ankle, Which annoyed ote tery much... teaki
duced to try Pclectric Oil, and before One visa
used I goat cured. 'leis a rerdirkeetet
Sold by all reedit:in° dealers, Pr*
-For Sale.
fitted up with every Convenience hard and soft
water, with half an 40r6 of ground, sittisto on Motorie,
Street, nestithe Apply to .
- Clinton, May81; 11370. •
• Flour and. Feed. .,
-L and Feed Store in the building just south of the
liEw Bno. office, where he will keep constantly on hand
and for sale, Pionr,,Oatmeal, Bran.-shorta .
estery Other article generally kept in enth stores. 116
hopes by keeping good Articles and selling at a roe eon. • -.7
able tate, to receive a ahem of publie support. ,
• • WilL VOX.
Clinton, Ma 17, 1876.
Eligible property for sale
V of Ontario Street, and 147, north side of Townsend.
Street, containing hall an acne of lend. .0u the proper-
ty there is a tholes eelection of bearing hint trees of
ail. kinds.. Situation' very deeirable tor a pttrete
denim. Apply. to
. MdCDONALD, Foundry ofebo.
Clinton, June 2Eth, IBM '
OTTAWA1 1y14 100.
YOICEil until further notieo, 10 per cent.
3. illiINSON, '
Commissioner of Custonnh
VOTERZ" V.X.3)11,!--1576.
t".;,•..i • :
' •,0
447:, ;•• • A; , , m -'00
, • • .1 .•+ b7.1 ;0 ex. .
ttl4Y:,•Ar 4 .4 tat .ho :4r6
I ret.r.-11, 1•. vih Co re. -1:e ;it:be to hos
d 0.1.,vo co-: ,otcs 0;:! S, 7.t,,
tta, litst C1.4 •.,1 4 ;Li , 0.1610..
4.. 117',
Clerk nt 0,1 ;..•intelpatit.yr
:The ,Celltenilial Barber She, •
ittatutaNts of Clinton antivielnity, that he hail open.,
ed the abote-nanted Barber Shop, in the 110* /bromides
next door to 0, COle's Tomperatote Mule, Ontario street,
Where be will be 0)4,184 to 'erre all who may favor hint
With their onetime. Shaving, eharapooing, hair tenting& '
aild the dressing of ladies' hair at their horoept 4oni la,
'tba twit styi• er hisfelision. A trial noPot
And NORTHROP & LYMAN, Toren 0. Eg
ESTTNE‘Profeasional Bi.nberk
Ont,, Sole Ag'ehts for the Dominion. • Othat011iJaiyno VW&
Novi,*-Edeetrio--Seleeted and Eleotrized.'
.2:Insolvent Aot_of 1816
th the matter et, Illa tlifilrteiSe
NoTron TO- nt urrorts.
Hause for Sale,
A noon ynAtin nottee, 117 ilt0INT6NetT
xi. sir rooms. eellar, pantry, wall, and other tienveni.
etas; Will be eolcl on easy tenni, pert orodit,
11 VALE, Oonos StliesT
Clinton, Ione 1401874, • vent
:Farm for Sale.
farm of 100 Wee, Whig lot 21, lot eon., Tooker-
etnithr. (tondo, Road). On the tarta is it new brit*
bongo 26x28, with kitchen 1846, two frame barns end
outbuilding/Lona hearing orchard, vial, At. About SO
aorett,oloared,..reroainder good hardwood bash. Jill well
fenced and in it good state of oultivatIon. Situate ono -
half miletrorn truceileld Station on tbe G.W It, and
ranee from Clinton and Seaforth. Tet.tas mattolitoir4
n to the proprietor
oft applleatto, • •
„ wEstiell.
Briioefiel/CAng, ' *et
Chimney Gone,"
Io Nore trotoll..Tiamp Chimhoys,.
trio densofttritit NAS ittentttn. '14,1161'
tiongigoitot bt wan (1111111NETS,,Inade vise
new Patent lit Prince, Whit& penniti Of almost ny
amount of )(booking aboat Withbat the *lightest leer of
bratkise, aria win also !used a Welt .dogrbe of heat vitt.
buy tutor, TRY 0.1t2.
DAVV4, •
. ifitolioUt Ititatom ittlit IMO flettell
4%01 CM 141.09;
of the ebilve•rianiett Inholeent, era rostiastes to •
pay tip within thirty dare, or their aoaonut will he
pieced in snit Without fitrthar nOtie6. I hare anther.
teed *Ir./doable to receive the mine and great rodolptee
or It oan be remitted to ad: address, Seeforth P. 0:
101417 8. POI1TZIE, Assignee,
13osforth, Yuly 12, 1676.
Grand:Trunk itailway,
dont° hilsTi 001114 KRIM
7.86 A. M. Mixed,. 7.66 A. 3t1
Mixed...0.86 A. M.' 2,60 P. IA,
Mail), 1.08.Pa M. Mixed., 5.46 Pe n
Mixed.. 4./6 P. M. Mail, .. 9.20P. Iry—
'tam Tioitett, to 064erleh, Stratford or Londen, Witt
sattuasynn Areheay, for one fere* .
Tickets . to Philadelphia,
and return Reduced
litottern Ticket* to kitailtaktislitts
Porott:at littaltittsd'
3. NteltiOg, deititalItattit
APO al
t $