Clinton New Era, 1876-08-10, Page 1I T. it I,, *K 11 Pit it L ag Brano!k,144 r4oroad insavor f4h. autbd4 pJarged.. IS V11111,74IXUD EVERY Pullman hills, t4hreme rqUe Tit, tOUSDAY, AXIORX IN, 01 kUQW of here, 804 im C 4,4,0 tile 9111160, Tollao Street, naally opposito Tbousana Islas of the St.,, 4 -110 Ilost. 0111co, ("Mutoli, Oat, . . . . . . 110 'Will waritto g4 thow fill ther on one small lot before mAny y 11TWA9.—$1,50 In a(tyauce, or if pult.1 in said t1le's"difor. t wo, montlia front tillie of subscribing r 64 Nvbyl (10 Yom thig"k the rilllro a ar. At th endol tbaye. will tilrow, off on him; 21, (t Yo The best xob ollice In: tile, equilty.of Huron 11. I -61PAP -V ot, permit of any a in . ch inot1b.ils, it q6nnod executed in a tirst LINTON, ONTA liAliner, on �tho shoittAW notioe, and at 'Very 82—Terilas, $1.50lier auttlun. RIOj TRURSDAY, A-U;GUS.T- .10� 1876. H 0 L K B S, SON2 Pu o v Tols. tim halrablutttly, and, thiA Xr. 0owen, -Prei, T 11 ourl-of golden halt- at the back of UJ).9 and Mlyils of Life, W.A. HTNZ$ 00.9 yneinlint Youldeer Life, BrIgalle'll the Plans for' 'the tutu g jt,lilroad, Soea to., alooket. ',Chat chita 1 04, if Jib could His, sold AIM W the core of the questlilla� when lie Says U ThIstuoliIQ Institution, wbich haii boen the moons of the'paat!. lfhQ bad but A Pittsburg, Pa,, paper tells a queer 44 to, rotioll wav York. that t�)O much o0miletition. 1,146 11mile. U cql�ts per line, a bseqqOnt GARRIAGE A D WAGON soving, mainy Wool from objPwreA olueo 1.4, fountlation b.'al; now recall nd he said if nothing Iins Or t usortions, 2 cQ 41 PLP1,?� line Pugh tiM InUN, tied a, oliprt tin (ITtACII-l", U.B., GUADVTROF TIUMPTY oW wall- 1111pos4ble prosQatciI to It, 14 1672. TI . LO ypoken Ifirldly und forgivingly, that story. of a young plan whet 10-tely trit I Uk Atill take tile t nXW ItAT1416, STRE, Dl" b Mp, tu to WOO college, Tqronto,PbysI,?Ian "r usra. k y D9011 U'A( OU51 IN 5 IN 3n� all 90 to, wNw- ­ r 11 1i tT3, ifPt; ISI1 TO INr Viudlilr U 1 76. The w1utor storm boats Woo, WvD ............... 40-00 W Clinton, And farmers of the our Mallory Myth' JA .2% 110 7eyiaim out of -it box -oar by an indignant pon, 4�ia mai!y (4 ',a t his gi shame and 418g hAVe fri011d$ WhO Will -Ilko kilt, verVillix Of heOvid V? evelond:, 114" tbittlboy bovii opoupa A a. SIPop In the, AND n- SIDENO111- a soft and sky Therkwas, as have pibl' duotpl, 6, the train neared another e open lukos op4oix IUXQ4� 0110. 40-00 Vitit home mud oomfork left bohlll4 we he -,0,00 Fromites-f9raterly oviouple! by W. T, Holmes & soniP The 11011110 lately Ocoupred by mr� ;smoo, Fell The writer thai descrih6s hini ail to the West give toQnif ti Oil rorth venture, unillsmayod, It cowprlud the atore and house- �IQJA outlet ton, 111ough 1014 LAO AlAt and fleroo the Winch O44 MQU ... ; 12.00 Whom they will ))a Vrepa)rotl to fulfil all orilors, o3itrustcd ]told 110 ta qt big cost stopped at his for the Ilefore the wai, we Oily 'The cillioint goods, and , included, a horse, wilich Dirs, Phillips' W fourtli, one' YOU,, to there. WAQGON 6 Anil OAUUXAM constantly kept ) hAd- no vest, and a red-flantiell tride. Pid, 1 Ire oil tile Frll tier. BlOne- o onbouilRa4forBole. UHP h flies on the lo giii r� AIRXNO promptly nttoudgil 'S STr dont, .... 1210, DIE i,,WAUT, At. D., 0., At,, GIUD'UTVi OF I had the fo.116w-* ...... to, at roroonablo rates. JIM011, University, And iltrevoitilt and hope art) 9-041r, �w to bar, and 'which 110 ghirt gleatned throng slid shivered Balls' a rent in his oil four, Scott three or 1 00 was. white, -but- lint p�Pii t tat -011 U4 cattle taken III 03-0bauro for 1prIc". JouftrV tr`W1 to Qpe.eiglitb, One Yeal'i ...... A'P, The n0loVis spring agaln, : *4( 'A heart, UlAt had, been converted by hard. times and Obi 8.00 JThe. Map had a tender spot in his 41uns. mutilated and to a are 40 ill: when, the pier 4rr�ye rturea a wounded .......... r 11 grat, question, when tile into a dingy brown, Ills, pants were t5.00 Dll� ItEl�yr, Plijolait,%. Surgeon, e4a., Corinuor 0 Will ulog joy tuireviesis. his koa after' all, � His aniontill county oiliuron. nositionoo sua um I; . whom, they had captured - Oil will) the Grand Trunk one yeark lbert and Alill. stToots, ollutou, man. who bad been his clerk caniq into not as much to*gng for himao his coat Ing tilt arounil to Nortl). LOW' utiroao likii these. while nt SNO boars the "lot'l5ing following tho Irattlo of the .1 Aug Old Stigland Wit $a young - arding. hotioe, �sellpd, as the coluvan wttf$ 113 1809. his solitary room. fib , bo ivas. too. short,i. na, tiitive was a brazen, R Iof' Such an abuil- ................. 3.00 X4 d* 4.00. T NUTRY, GRADUTE OF TUR MEDICAL riti-BUrring deeds than ilivira the night after the Bale, was, Shiny 1091; about his wardrobe that. iiii4a from tbe, place, 6f,the bivouile, tliore slid Fq 'k . No poet ever oung I !a America no y the 0110,41 1 )0st a Advertisement', -of �qtroiyed, Lost, Fouiid,� Department of )Tietarl% Universlil, Toronto, fOr� ht Fleetwoodi" loudly of an intimate acquaintance. wi dei6 arcoie among t4a rod allies a sin PS. Ay�' R the Ifospitals Rua Dispensaries, Now yo, Unst I Eind them rodityi U14'. 'ROY AIAIL w ; Tbet we who p4le so, )Ionic (1Q.ptay_ 4f Who, boila th . ..... W I'll the c(Aunty of uuroll� x oarti,— Anti loPyinoy nyi4 ryoudly pray. glll�r exoite4out, One of thein 11ad, lo:uuep, fimb nionth, I L ATvrSIII &o., not exeeeding Coronot, fox IIA�J?IX&D; Out. I- a id i10 ap—, Sir, He tho, oil and tar of onipty bo world. Ter, dollars for. excu'l-sion after first morith, 50 coll-ts ctch 1110It'l- -July 1.12, A 'atran-er.. tickets from New. York to .6114 rras ;ind ReftlEstitO 41ire7j)9ol - Lojt4mi �),V and - OlqsyO wa .0 , Man cafrie out in.familiar ac, dai There ; wfli,o But the voice dvertiseltiOlitS of F, dlip io`�' iluk object-ly-ill" Nil and back*! Mlev we Irst niontli, UP "WORTILINOTON, 1)1�'VSIC14N, SURGEON, Lers there, and Strung I did notlearil the cents, tbroujh all that clond of dirt. anol ocopOlut. Must for sale, 15 lines, first MOU o of bim,wbolitrohasod tI . to horse, and'an, ptoil Q be stboata, f0d. -,at i til, All d follow Stich prices, The Poll ilikli I cars not ox cahig 10 lines, f bb, $1, 50 -class, full ii6io) -built Steamships "D o0he Owlmor Phydfai"s sat afid,gzed Wife first Aecouoboui . I "i after ethers had joined him" they all not exceeding' of the Allan Lino, leavio Quebec, ovoxy Saturday marn And Surdcqlta of LONYOr 05uad I)AXI(NESS A, M LTO t li ok at him dis 'Adyirtisementil the. h . .110 was in the house a,good pa' Pr4nk Gardiner, a mah,.wl g -wildly, togetlww its t1lo -Solitli 'ji subsequent montb,, 60 and 75 1 4i, Aled. Provincial 1400401 mn' lery re --v ry,liwivy,and.mash up tboi roA iLy of 11driiiii, Ofitoo and ooentg, ing for Liverpool; landing Passengers . auti'4ailg at torlho,0011 TTOf the.. directions Looh for Loh4oniderry Tes'd -The inxililwR 9prin(m C I ttebd�4 without 01100, �� by Mr. —You '.Ji fQ '6,ant; American mon­l;eyBwhen-tIwy- Los, noticed that he bid, kt ife cif.ad.vePture.'as extrava' ;':d 71twal 0 0 V % in -live Ciluton, Jan. 10o 1,871. 4- P will be inserted till forbid-,.-alid phar Qol' ac 10(19T SAX16INGS )FI!0111 QUENIPC -aT0 no son Of illino frlai, this e-' I number of tbings,' 'b ing CQMpl also. inas any ever pictured y.. t o naost Jrieo ropinquity snake. oeL LXNT3 I not har of ai tll!Otli _D Yil ­ 1 _6- -fro, Cordingly. 6 00'' AdvOrt4em.onts -hope Tleotwobd -has w1ind-, was- 10SA, yq119w. vere.1 � romeWsti,­ .0 oat .......... alh_­ they- dig�dbiihted' and on -b-iniggitli and disapl nioliplaeo as the -ibes a igh K ........... Aug, 12th. ox college of Rysiotaus and surgoons not -V grade"d . I to$50,00011pie 'i we qe 'Into liouso 4rgeon of,Kingstori Oaxiorikl and Lling-in' ier nais, it es6t Approaching, i solid Noup, oboryeq Mr. Phillips, after' ii, ioked L -9 0 X'. word s -r in h es balatioed' the ` flv(k to fl fly �t I,. HOLM ......... kialidon tina4colitiouicut. orpwn, 6re those f o t o It' 'a ma who",bas a.,goore o'f iim hSAUW� TIAN .............. Aug. p pause. *au uch lying dewy w.eigh only twe'at I y t ns. , A I ................. 8ept. 2nd, of, any -one still'barder Cc thos' I 41i 11al MOUIAli e ciintori, April 21i'1875, om 0 of 4 The. cleik wiis itig,.,but retured- himself upon the scales of fate when the the �o litio.'alladow of' a ................... :go 1 .1 N TEIt.5, A1� Phillips was a proud 'glite4 Wyerse tre g -MALOOMSO MxATSON, 33AUILLS TNESIAN .............. SP)lPt. 16th- father,�, obil road ran one Pollman car' wbiali co, tPAW, .4ter tl'ghort pulley with Snic one a t - th e all mor meant deabb. to, stoopin at TORNEYS-AT-1 ...... _sovk. 03rd. 9 willow, the most, horrible. ob ratell'of that babinet Couvoyancors,Ofaco-Next(1400 mail himself of big -family, r last.'saw him be j,cb that O'culd_mIlet t - $i�2,000. -U vory so or 0 Itoyal Calm ......... door. him. , AvIlen: this W�Ito - le tk daili y work C08L, you ; r po . Chot-bo`6k to ropair it. Sail Now, the burk o .... ..... Cat. of tholroput4ion be had acquirodJbr ere's a man, Sir;, who vish'os, you was.06,nobob. on' Ch-liforvia str 3101MY TO LEND ON At-,ALZSTATH� 4th, .. Franalso i t-lionesty itua rhdealin�', and -of Ineet'lifin at,the house you Coca!) d He bad- i f. the k1lalan,cars*vill' C(UMIORANT t was weitine, �und�r. the knives O the ast n I hie, tbis'evening." kqq0 irer to b nt6y -people w o at 0,0 , 0 good gold. omei-dilesvipefors. olinton, July 21,1875. 0 find Store Argete.-�'Ititoria, I aPi' .0 S, MALCOUSON. POLYNIFSIAN ...... i..,Oet, 28tli; it OF 10 0 IrOuilt very o_s. Jones# Pro., the notice hi� weiv. ed from, half4pi dollars, - d III :CWdAl3nT Tx�xuPI%'FullTnnit ActionlodatiouPt.-WoArdt pot wook, wero i list a stop hirWer 6 the. laddev. mVensive dinners t,the IiiPoodle Do eight Years, and then, inch is $0,00; Led andi oard, Ifu day $L00; �Iugle Unstop f, �0;t What' cau any one' waub of me who, in, the latter 'part of' file had & MeFADDI�N 'The advantages, Lfaa are. 9,71tit4i; Beds, Weis. 0 lian hipi%IfA. To increase -ubbed a.bar. room.aud been womided-11) 'k- I Sb ,P N there said Phillips-, W -i thi all un-' :,Yesterday lie act amount of comfort, so. tine "t it 91A p'. Boa pol curity and stifety .4tteinall1o, and shp piasmago, big ',wpalth, arl, to bud bailt.. 'There are between tw��tlollafttld. rkepti sea I it kitchen, ana Off th' refse 'Qfa left for dea,(U.- ImPIPTUNDURY, By torilig. the, 'turb _Pf wt, tlio'usaO of thorn, porb the post omoe, gi,oum (own his fmily-, to' tlJo L Jr., 11ropriotor-Ono door south of a- atale. 10."Of Ing ou� clinion.'. The littiugli end fun id Issned.at lowaQtif6talt to q I cannot tell,, air' I di ot know raven llairfrom. his head - it portioll of 1 persons Nylsbing 11, C. CAMEnON. to bi pitifiul.1%nd pillchilig stri bw i I which lie t Tho c � lAtal of blid company ii Say, sud Qv Xnformationispit n private rom. the ditaglance I had yo a a rewarc tifion of illiS 11OU30 art) all nbW, and QVOkYthing IS, iPrOV1`3Oa to be bone, fi,aotu�iid with a str.oke of thn., P00,00,0. Whe tfiali Construction to aton6'for 6xpenditores 'to meet* tllb� 'ai the door I Should it Was the mtIn r0astOfl rae0ourrt Clinton,.Way 4th, be 6onildonf', fron., long oxporlouco, of boing.A�Iii tot 'to th' brain was Ia*id bara. 'Aiid`yot� in the, is 1:44do m I),, find. tjb e railroad c6m who v�aa­b dingtutionibi , duso�wbovi I all vito ma�; fav6i;�hhij with their public-gazo:,%vith Bh6w'bf rl& - thati ' ' Ap has boon 01 11 uns proceed 9 a566gtly:16olongeolato,hig. wiKe and child-' 'Came Awy -and 1116 Sam Wlio. ong -e and, --to' fre'h ab,)nt' * repairin I I . lit WHII, fcrtyncit� chances be bus shot into -o was e the Sava, still aliv and gladirion m Heldest-1-10 riders b. h will b.e' roii�ifor tll6ir ordinary comfort.' Flectcio�il.l affluelice with the apeed hearing the tramp of hdrse8 And boliev, %Vtis llWe II a �gtora whore with tl�e: same 434anceo t 146T . A I allpl)ose -f Ile. is of ns his tribe had beaten tho Wbibes jl�', there wore �magly other. clerks. ': Y. ont' as fallen as preoillitafely as the atick, gjlll%� ill AND OTH11h. gentleman, 1,6ould itirdly think be .0 1.1 It Aa'�]Vawled out. of tl of the.itischarged fireball_ At.aNteon, scanty clot ea him edol, t desti- 'Would expose M0 1:6 the pain, Of lie lay -and calW', Illinnio (wkiter) to 'to Withholding gi� Chol,e. XD, IN LAft,%lu OR SUALL S (11118, 01 itis Purc.lh;laed- To Lr, meylie was matriculated at Oxford, -and in a dre W who. lt�a pa6aed , an'(1 , who, lie on )pa mortgage security, ab niiiaorato rateti'of ahnian yer �,ht he ly thofight. § a 81011,1<'. Ther oth a p6 I 0%ild liters `bii fre penhy� h 0. N;6�ot in a boyish 41 W. W. FARR'X 121k, Phillips walke"ol'to"Jiis, ndaubted own hmisb fi I ollowin gave fredk, with the re th his advbrsa�-y, so. hs to� 51,616cato the 47 mbliny stoos. 116 1�oked -old e, his f &rperioah,paper;gives Clinton, Nov. 0, 1874. with, tr6 his neck. The iinfortun.ate youh wa:s row turnol at] feeble,lik-4-ii, maii. who 144 hdalt- wit'i -reference (o an a kes- A. -D pqrts of, his I 1i or's wealth ; hSITADIILTON,33T,)CT.U,01;T.,LIOEN$n � an d, feal,ful ji�j. Six 41iots were riecol lillbQP Auctluji0q for tbo county of of Farm W'S some 116 aotbiit place of boblefamil�, 'and Qa stuck, � Ilea Ebbato, &c�: atten4od to. 0 reasonable times tonolled't rdizier was traps- the- protitrad fig Ciro, Thp b tid . sixfoot rat p0ted for life. Withiii tho first yearof Ii MeT30"rart a e llered twierehi y'aia Ile reached the Malcolm rates, in Sainael Phillips':4eart by rbproac Ing doot% that oned opened 'to. big .'familiar the d lian o to how l'orip" 331 tb, Now 0, ISM: mbs, octQv him with So d4ess, t at. New Ze AT . . id i his colihnolnell aland"be oi- thd floshAt ti -lied and the* bonva hewn t,co ld-li , -%vitb61it fo6ol. At -tbo end GUNTON, ONTNI - - INSE0 XUC_ Qn(- day—a cold; wintry.Aa . y—a 71 . ittle touch and riiin,� �he bell. . -The woman Capord to the,linsh; where he wasioinpol Ut:11 theii 11 ve CINTON VIOL 0 W1118 T l (if ililieteen mout At ant nine a s to h I a Y. Of 0. e cent: D1 tote (it re o OfIns tiiiscrableompanwris I'lit 3 , O: lZng: kept his ._b6use- opened �Lbotlt gi "for the Couuity -ah'iton. ii prepared 1 illoher P mrin and. i and ush;ved Ill nizablo as 'IllAnialil. infam, ioti t6o slildo f"r gi*,l shiv;ring.and-pale, 'int :_ 6' by ri ii r col store. Her wan, biu6 16OX tollobad It" and for yo4rs the band was a terror to and for recor'll, 'Clintoll, Nov. 18, 1873; 18 from years ago,- E6 bad ordered A-pricorwas'ptttultoiT W Ittoll hy 'a t .. t, he Pl4iod the' ghastly elimx of .;oryor. E9 AND 0 1PUIPICATM- his* bo� from. his sight: foiio� ho a boy. f� L 'tar not :big head-, 'and U but it w, wnhis compauions,were offer- 111 0 -111 Win , an wits FQ'R SAL�-, thonght. d-' . a 9 all illu'stration of-th Bondish fero- 111 -t-ill it begsin t6 b _ 0 Says a TjbVSic, 16 now 01farin.1iis splondid stockr-cif arni coulzi-11 'Scid hot, away ? He' tllrrUSt oil: .4. fit 12� p'di:don to deliver, hini.� up to r JAI '3 nto.bet.b9nd ih. a.tboriti s,.� HP. escapod'to Wel- f6&g. jBill, 'in Son or near the Lontlon, Iturou 8, Uviiqo liallway Ult� of the pbris Indiunallave ainsb their moril Aivid froin the 6ircums 6 f Ill two �Iitforitl- Wlfdollaidi fhao of- YarrIttao Litionso, - Ile I removed 6�t of. itgr he Sio.ux practfc6:even more re- -allill, 66iv 6uC the pbisou.by put Xtig Ive. I N BURIDi TTS, rTAtLt,$, OFAS, SEP WHIM,' .1 " , , . =1 WIG ani! 1)%y,. some'.wooa. botirne, *b&e be Was apprebelided, ll'lid fin Clint,on, esO. . . � .. . place, and. setin-. the lbiddle -of Col. tbbir �iciims coala aIt' I SIDEBOARDS C1Y,,RB0ARDS, oidinary 6ev -: The monoy lie 'thouht w(ifa--6gt- replac- g, be. a second time took. i tli6 most ekquisite -ti 1�ak 71r. Lr T� SOLTO BIN' gain esoapin e tou bottom .1, 'CHAIRS: c., &C., 0, wITORJr `W)Xallj�'Al, 1148.3313 i od ; blIt he wa .A-nd a' low - chdir 'directly in . t rA U Of C16 T, 'a w4iolled by a O'the 1411 0 ln-�Ulst' lia. the.-.sh' Nrilici ep.� & lad pr a front of.it, on wbiall SLitnu6l'Jix, in, ffigni'more (it doterrin f6 tollindLI arobli, At a dis I - I? N CE, bouni of Firtoon-per cent below former I)any of!U. tighint]" he agent. Or r 06�orftl IT t d leaned s,� (lid the- inner I a tb el w a io w6l. large,veint on. Ila eig, unit I of an'6pportt i herds were friendly to him, and one of by every'art' ir o r., it I * I pr!�,es,,, ibr.,oasb, rind,will continitti-t1lis-shlo tioj)Italipts of Toronto,.#lio:1oan. money at very, roaB01 who was glal ility- 'to I I ' I hi -left th weepi he boy, in. as. tl Join Oi o f . We Wheil� the pg. cap loting, SAY . Bill frkqu6utly LIFE UNSV or h nexttiyo months, an inducement bA yearly. Min, -and 'cash sttles MiSel, 61k that, night,'bad 'left lif',ii' lo. da-�; broilght him, the fl�rp� 'in- come. relief of death. on should xot. be forgotten bytilosewho want Alito Solicitor fdr.tho St, L%wr Weve made, young Carroll igencio: he had recei�erl -from home hi virdlow), April 7iI875i Ili) that night, the Cornell ofthat rattloinikkes-whan I a boyi., low'cifiair; tell good ilild dli�ap F.11rilitUre. t6ilp(Ltbt the-rnissing dolliiP, a nPA AND over tif, through, the 0. MeINTOSII, IVYFILLD, a0en the fitther'8 -andui- iii. � 117h rup( as if,to d6 the 116, by.. Bamuel Phillips. The. b6k's. tion bf 'his tind in A�ugust, 1873, n9 C� t Woods there a 6 night; y6a Ailt your too h aing` one qol , the largest i"niliffil Aflidallislu the Queeit's Uoiieb, got, Co lie loft the �colonies i froe'man, and Colo. 'K INSU if t -Roonler in"the coli. firinga, large, ron and Bruce. Convicysinoln. well -lie I' IIQ%v he of CjLwfioa 0 MITE STOC ro 0 lit� boy's cap hillig there.: ain: 110 1 bJru`ah0S nna-confusion - ,.q he nty,tontal f,live ron- ovory.t - it britted, his anF L;all6isco, t sckandlutual Companies T,o-.rKoA, ronds,contrincts,.jIlls, Doedl, dnd XortgaZo6,. make n hqnest Cf� thereage, in U n �061,1;tlnit;Y is given to,inako a goo lie Qc- ittwidenco-opposite Poll or at rose! -up to r Tromi the human it ocall -i6d to u dreis in'"Portiiii ta��. w)iicb, should liot bd lot Titoty ADYAncr or; nnm,� d.te.to his lul an slioak-With iiieni ies 'th 9to Ittell, nwere tat It . e6med tu,cban,�o� fi�wdayi; since in this' city, the truth OIL wfiile his co:n f0i. guilt his mind I Iris' teat-hil';eye . cs hatlli�iu,dllo Pot the little -streams y was' oblitfed to iako Though in the-60101lies fiiCiior, whiph be cunton, Alarcli, 18M. :took ili the figure of tv itirp 'look out FOWL .11, ' 1 0 L..noblo 'lookinn, sed 'Of which is attested bvAlle uthority Of.' lave to k0l) ft minh., �40ND CIAOCK- tinctly told he' had ab'Various'limes been posses, - 'I aliah� - 6 craw up [?son I'di, le witnesses. 4rhero is livit, 'to libilTe from his employer" dis on, �FU il4 rmaALS' FURNISHW). TUr,-Sawl L4 OpP ir Vgulled to gef, lelpan wbo.now entered the room, of a, forturio; lc,bold it in,,coustuntfear ex, ON. SHORT NOTICE, tb door fid, the eihewbei, it 'jot -ell Oil .41d. Sun anrk' being, caitiole.is of St. Louis avenno, 9 rokpoctable colored )aO Street, Clinton, ei e TrIonds-anathor))ubile gonerallyt tbab"hobaEL it big viciasitudes were �ef, atel a of fuinituro Was whiit b6came of jW'Oue pox In.his. own ollaulbell, ghtfbot,' and" litlelall who, sat down, thut WE y a Ink O and desired him' to, walk aioun(l the A4. �" , 'Isilify Siirnuol and U 0 a' 11 4 k 1?t p0ii I pbvery piec f�tllilyi compt th, U Fannie 10`11ft -4ce, ked, and:there wils -a bell sottinAk OfC�n fearfully. stiddep. 1 ceilt:1jqr Jilon, char6et on all blo)i lie offers no ioidonablo rates. 1tolialting-ofovery passionNr. Phillipg utterodAN a 10 br6fight CAPA&L, $2j000 000., ovbrtilub oVeoilift., In Moline, done on t1w obortopt auki ie little ari-ancrements of his dressince- llightfbot�'ied seVentoda years. * The In theguagg,jiist back,oftbelo�r She wot .. 1 0 . . 1 mone w 0 modaiato rates. s to 'hi's Boni 1a -vaift lie lile.aded y ith him t tho coast, and in the A_ L.kWRE Nd tablb! vworb preclisely - as they a WAYB. Stock excitem nt'of 1'874 he made larae I a few dys ago! was'tilken vi616�tly d6w at him nod CavQ hirn� a all-arp 'peck.. w4y.be did it. orhaps the excuse em� e Blyffi Feb. 23, 187.0, OrL, sla, in his' fath I er's !eyes , little:�bodroorri beside it, und - oontplaifted- of. great (I istrogs in 'Vile 011gontleman (IL ress dn't '-whit tol d -of 'big giiPinsiba purch the regioa,of het I !. . stomach, necompottlical 'be(l line for. Ill It, dOjXjy bodied i N AGENCY TIGH SCIIOOL,- TIM, wor6 tbe-:two small - beds, in hich his mmade a' LINTO nfgh.,actiopi. is oIion'to pupils of both'saxes, Ahan -ther dded itself,, Tb give a, dollar small rlillobe in the.-ifin ;Toaquin Val - I Parts of tho'CounCy and PrOVIUeO_6n Oquaf boys usbd,toi sloop. i ostrati6n. Arjto4io traction is gi toalieggar I IvIllit, toy, and there lie lived until. tho.Don- y nervous i von in all the b, horbranolies of an onormiT knd it him. a Commercial, Englishi and Classical no, 11 eation, and in- ld' IT6 look -ed UPM n ya�q OeAt. 4110W througli �anz '-the fori and o X11111LUELVIOD, OL fit Pabilellus , y there - thoPreiveli and ireproi, a' son Shop M his 00a a dycitPulnkirlt of --of hla ii I . 'r -6011111a w. is Bit ntcreit fro Im-rcofirloi Five pdr­eUt­- 1l'W at ib��lr pioa for the Unlvorside% the learped profiissiorto, find Otlt��tge.his- fatw,ir-good, namel T�e :his fast failing, t6ars., 5otheillin in his In tba� speculation be.-ideliAhed,him. rerts.'reinlarly �0 - - .`V '1 0 Vib aWere h0i Down on'the - ;,oll Deposits, FC11'ricar yophPositeNnOx"13 marearitilit -puritilit". Special attention is paid tiollia foled, ia-tho bvi�bt, self tilptilms, 110 was inable t �rri 31ciol,33tircii troot,onthe studios requisitefor Common School Teachers. Taftl6in MaWs pride was stronger than,ltbo par- -with the Ralston or Bank of � Cali- y l n t. -to tell me' .FeePord,Xondjy tof,o�cry Feet, $20 per llnuter)y term � Studenon'trpm it distaree Straner, went 6 his heart, ThuY4 had, for1jift the, Cause of tile compl, At, didi hands lood Al. LO -UGIT, Seven. can obtain board In the village at'vory moddrate rates. 6tit's afteollob- Samuel o and he was, carried with IT(lith at balf-palit. lI61AI-od through tll��Ovcrbanq li 1876. 1-Y P4%P, WW ae' t.l.i6d tuillill, powerful liniment w1§. to'b .ting Furthek iiiforinatiort Nvill be giver, on application, his: WOtil - and that' -.,cry iiall returned 'to- the' sitting-roorii, Und-1bo themaint the rivov. Clinton; Apri r %itth i 0 1 . .. r strianger hold his hant? 9 plied to tIld ii atielit's breast, nn hoy coutd- -sW banal s-- of 33roth on ate cordially In- (personally or by letter) to ally merdbor of the Board of loll tbe tv M `1!1`1100010) TIZ: Mesin% 11. Hole, R. Coj�tg, A. S. FiRbor, In heamongAbo brabohos�; awith a iy Vieginia,-Oity f(ra,whilo, but Cold and darkness the boy Wd.�flr, ma rasp. :. na -file Words, d ONEY T LOANj nmNy'brXNIs,, -Xillneve, DIX., RoV. F,,1IcQ11sJg, itud. A.,WorbIlitigton, inf; big first fftep into the ulikilt,o%in fu-. Ovi rdcarnod. 1,500. feet ground 501 of July� site exuded a d li2ird. soeretiltY. K D.j or to the Ilead Uastorp BIr.J mos Titrnbulli B. A The girl continued' iU convulsions, .1111il whoti the boat would 0 4. III I all yourso dear fat or I" and 1111i, CA suit �bi in, aad he struck ol-It for inton0lat. 2. 870 hl�e of his life.� MS -sailk. together upon 1,110 t, times app6rod to be 'althogt,�Pwlrb- sl;rike a tree, they. would drop down, a IUd his- futhee bellevsa himf th6i I two ni(?n- Ic . c I cafe(L., ItPbea Inillillitol-etl gl'C;Lt' thl'Ong of t4ow, which Would wrig- Abell es, while, the yo 4r bi thed. ' I uld not go'baoic to San Fian wre ao, By which Me principal.0all, AT 0 CARTWRIGHT. 'Pointed otit,what, was wrolly in his ac.r) I 0 R T 11 oil to al)6t%t -like a bonell. of an6le worms. is tnix�.Ilrcs of ont ferve f P and ora4ve. him for h, ont ferve hanksgiving fliat lie had 'co, IvIcFe ]to lil'over povorty,and and oil the 7tli of' July Wic vomit C-J 'C4UTWRIGUT, OF DrI. wn.'on be reptild ID Part0l--tll at I live frog. The re'ptilo is 'of Iloilo y6l. Why, do Mali, cree , YOLL .LibeffnUmburyllouse inion,ttiddrob'Thurs. efoodi hig'son might. never have sinned boonspared kxomfort,and 'Console hill, ho did not have, motley onongli to go - , ry merit . Tooilainiericaintha _tOL t, or, in the libdonlinitt rci.�ion, and can take a fish find batel treated, again. lis pride and �ruolty sont him in his hbur of dt�Vdrsc fo tane. ike day and rriday of ove r .. tiny else, so e resolved 'I low b five katf-" any thm t e tUirling the III, 11tt"!1style. 11oetlivith "�ather's ill 0 01�ea seenstill aliliejloatiti-i�,�%, 1.1e.or keg 6.6tween Wats#ioc- w1u ULE NMILLU a =11do an goqil as sound a W Ord a 1) 0 .1-08 in,* In his it rcot of bitternes Sainuol Philli dstim, Ills wol 8, Iter, '%vith. casins, black anakei;.and so on." of"Loan. its f6io -lo-5 14pro ps i4c, ris hot io.beatbrs way along the line 6f,thQ, V, .1 e4arteol I paddling like frog sA.EslliLy TO WOOL WgiolI miglit tu;n his whole lito gall. 812�,iiltiven almost to olfteratioil, WAN -CandAi Company Unds. Central and Union Pacifi-, Railr-( th-(- Til t I a way -th6 , -in, t lat f6itio I t'­j71j+" LTSt OF VAMPS IN' 111113ON T'On I Wliilry wall( ere( from" 0 _W1111 1 0 0 house of tile boar thule ,1rCl1Plnloo for NV OrAl that S, to (70�4, Spin; Iu L (.be raftkils Coiiipa"y may be toon so the 6filine of d6nViCtion the uexb m n9t alp knew him to a - fhr city, State of NevadiL iidar'Vi' inia hii wafi P�qidenco 1179 Clinton, 31arch,.1816. Ion Gootiti. Two unto per pollild morty than maklect It actuillY gone, X". Phillips raisod, �i)? 'friends. to the ol w`�ll tietatb(i, by the onductors atia litbe.4tatioh to the truth of t1lb above An English pa 0 it ITL. W as a esolate, - boy. AP& . can 87 nd himself trus'61 brake'smen of - t1le freight tridna, but iitatemelit. Tito gl, for'som" thrOPugh. �118 open country 411"'Zlioac TO triad to gootlf%he distressed mother with l�to ton Ceiling flit. d N61largo of this little Cara- neite soin6 of Oil- passongers, the thought that he had disa�p.eared for spacted ; and at illo-doith of'.ono �Wxl_ after. ttlat lie began to appieciato the of -wild front tier stoplgob) nian runnin, dcros5 it flold'b� o tha Mrs: Beesley,, Viiiliner, it time, and would Soon be With them bitid �ootk aq a father to film, he became i iog of tho"task bo had nnder,� maliirestod a wirACIOUS :110ing or 'line.' "ri-eson-tily -her halted Alvviiyn done to take hPold') the Same TO -Trip. nXiiirs or, .. , on 1, naimin, glad onough to rotat-ti ofid. ask wealthy, �jo,saw t, a lJotioe of the shle p. At 6 wittering place, a station lint otolty, lor pant favora, bTR to in- C? . questioiltod ab tPuP.111 0. fact of 11hvilly d rank his lliece, And fired" when, P R I V AT E F U N D S ontinuo8thollatan nunibt .3 'conduct. , 110"' dill- not iper—hurried oil' to pr6vent 1310YOW VIler0 Tic bad parted ftom it spring-& �vatel. Waq llnii� ftlt Another Mail 0. fort thurt that "lie still, f6v bi nowsp, C10111 lirtess%149. bujillOgs, at ilia Falling, tell her -with Whitt wild 'and unforgiving it, and 6nly. wbehAblind already -last friendly condliotor- lie laid in alA(t eveivy 001to brallell of tilt- billsille"15, able to romember-fliat 'She had over done row. y NJ sooner wits, 01,1) ST., OteINTWIT, wordi ho'baft driven him .away, S!icara- commenced. -ilad board of his no' f6r the noxt eastertl freigbo, and acting U.Cill 4101R.01 011 F4110irl 110tice. Ile 0 816 Is agent for Diesm Butivr1ek,& bo'fl Urtr8lician. psssod awayiP No tidings.c�nle 0 1 tho hdvi6"f'�ho` railroad, man, he, 80 Uni Republiefol., this iili X, 1)1,0.110 on tho:geound "hNow Vorkatterna of oarnientif and Is. conot antly iber's doath, and frord thaf time, bb rp. Upol U-TARG-LE S MODE. . 11 RATV' 1,4 thatt th�ldsciioant %vtth:tlle gon. pro - i T.% N 14"LL; CLO"XIIS, tL&X1aT8 fa-itive. The mot or, ymming for her solved nover-to 'return, '33tif, Wlion lie boarded tlio co*,catcher of the engine d a I I do . to, IjBlahoe is victim over*the, NOW at, pricos sliticilled in the age FL&MLS," �'gOM121TU TARX, sheby strict esve and iitiontioll, fivstborii, duopped (tad died , and the" found that his, fattier Wqs in ,rawlod upon'tke platform, reating Fitlatablet but, Vottlotloss, ultrellAed. real aig., antl boulders -with its stock, by AFrLY TO only remaining son' soon afterward iWas tiegii .111 was, tho thought his back against�thq head ..find a 411 made Out Of good wool., aft'd of our ALL OttboJU4 VnOU11TLY ATTnUDLW TO." ' forgotten, Sao ftqk� town aboot of wiiy, I ng lils chitighteiPs martied and that h NVhen. Johnson atid woro agVOU CASII 'Olt WOOL, linton, Usy It i 1870. deown6d. Two be in tiaie to Save him. Cho' b0ildr, muvderoltl8i�orl,. Thu J)Ass6wie'rs in the ClIntion, Sept. 7,.1874. 88 kind Air. Phillips was ler� from o In this way be ro4o over the whole travelling in the Ilobvides in wet and' on , a r N 046 awayl r pen Zsgvaeo or, actual want, . 0 greatly pained Itt; OLF-SALE 'RETAIL ...BIDDLEOOMP IV 66 possiblo that Con- t ba(i &1lo into his hands, ivision, ab6at 125 mile,;, ana­tbat, !1* .0 a dinner. %V�ta all WN alwie. It livust 'Verythin 19 Cold weathor, to secat ito oompolled to witness such a cold- Anyltind of woollen Good it maA6 to ottler, out Of �'Onr 9 , i, W, science did not the for tile bygtandera,oaw that he wag de- 'Sonsationq ere, Sitting on the'lace of important -6ject. U. both, Adoolidingly Clinton Marble orks) Ow wool,.,fiq clicaly as arlyothoir place that don't UFO brIaL rUSIjift fbiward to orde t bf,thtib -ijoor boy', stood tormillool Id. possess A, and' they - gavoii locomotive -as lt'�Iilnged one day Doswell went looddit assassinit LOU without thO Possi- atch and under ll . e wei . tiner as coulil be Ity of int As soon as they UUBON STnn U T . d4i. Clock Mahr, ' ' " orforonco. Ter ins 06zh. or 20 n ig y to his evidont desire and ability to m 'on a body of t6m trortibling that tilght a a 116 tile. blpor Cent extra through tb d rkness t-fiftepl or twenty. as good a di of big 11rit O'rimd, A,. crime, too, �Otp- as all h6ur, hEADSTOVS811, A. G, VNV EGIONI) SON$,. g ritiry-ib, pill, can , be more easily t inn at which to. MONUMENTSO rf ft mitW linder tho influenoo of the The was complete'. rrho imained than desori6ed At 'the end ait Johnson followed. Slowly bobbl'I the wires, and in it &nd viork of Ali kinds In American aniE ForoQrx �Oafofth,Juno 7, 1610, - Y FRIENDS gOlt . I . . few inillutes tho" Police authoritlos (voiO designed and excoutlad In the, Vast at Wl,tJ,E TJIAN1[tJrT0 1119 31AI foolitiga., &n(t with full intention of re-_ �pjld" 1,,o. of, tho division lie was discovered, and Thio.doctov Charged tilln to gc)b it roast Xkko, and, at roagon. tho, li-Ororogo so oil him In fho father was oubdued; ict oil the truck of the Supposed plur- the post, Winidd licroby notify them and the lifthlie ston- But pride Icept �lp -his indi- in8tMed 1I Iiii old homo) his liabilities foreLd 'to loat around until the- next. loj of muttort if p)sAblc, bt;t to be sure plat ho bs votnovea initihig now and ninro, as the alaim: thuoughout'- Oro 'ally at Be'['. Colored karble S-0- all tudb and his basin" a ro-esta When this traiii arrived not to forget td orit'Per' a 'pudding Witt Mantles of Varrou, commodlulto preinifift on Albott street, vhowinewiti inatiolliag"Aillst his, son train passed, kevp on han,14 I -the entire distriet,%nd eapeol by the at tho ii(Patift several omp6y box . carp B to soolarc �b y if, � 0 fatal Pueetitirelloo'haVii plied on Short Xotiet, Pityin bilk for being a. Castaway, lie sort whom he had bianished,, his i8t, OW!kli to t b cloicUst Watches: JmOry,'and Silycitware of all -kinds# Polity itied fifin8elf for not being abld to h66rb had melted to a; phild-like humility w0ro illVitinglY Open, aiid dar,ainer IF& and the dinner was i1ft prep 01) (3BANITE MONTJDMNTS AND MADSTM S kee I Uythe*mily name. it w that his luck lyal not deserted bim. !Is J,ohnson atimixotI., ' As or 'WAS inre on the evo of the Moment- IMPOPITED TO ORDER, I whiell kb vJ31 s(al at nazomblo rafts,'His 4took isi 1) AS,totlabingi to behold. bon iwot 116 fit the or all that people, I�neiw Mneh lArgot and morin vaded thah over before. An At1iittlicrookinetiatty, whon, ovon climbodAnto one stoalthily, and W Cold_ lint U GEO'r L "opcetlon Invite& 11clialring Of' every, dosariptiou boirld tel)j the tragOdy MIgU -Ovo the tw A call respectfully solieltod. UGE DIE]HI l prompoyattondePI to,, �Jr. 1111111lipp? pioud Spirit wag crushed. off,fmd, he_wAs noh.,&B� itollaIL to. imsel U Pt eginning o Callforida turbed be- fairlY bugged himself lor joy, w. ri, cdo=fic in oss of big wife and thete h0fo�nd flib Idd of mutton ro S, B60MCOUJIV. ALDEUT TUI-IrT. the 1 0 and 111,4posod, himself comfor bly fol� j�g ; bak, to his iqtenso horro, let', therefore', lost not it alomotit in Clinton, fan, 14,1874, Children, did thili trial bow hilm to 'the ta r.a.lid dis- Poll -Cablimat Xakbr Vpholtto'r'd rhLoss after loBs,had coma to hint A lad coritagpotlAont weitifig, from a Sleep. - Itia, happliness wali, not of Ion 'notting inqulr� on foat, find a who'e to. 6t a litt,16'boy who was; roasting it giment of inspectors- Rua sub-inspoetors CLINTON BAKERY. CLXXTOX,� Ilt business, �Until at lenglill he wag A. Califoitinia-,'sayi Barbara, in auiosition. In the inidst 6f a happyg Eovi, scratching Iiis boad, over it, iAtb Iigod to give up till Into, the.hatids of clininto, ig My choice, Most decidedly, of dIrem two Btu vdy. I!vAcanteu, tiwoke him a visible transfer of, li�o stock. cliolin' hurried to KollsWxLter� intent on appre- f4d,nerat Dealer in aritz VIre) son was herldin& the Supposed mardoverPii ll his creditors, Ila iurronder6d evory. h1l.the citing of the Pacific coast, . Hot and asked him what lie. had, 110 re. �Oo (JiSguqt8dL to think of etina - � tllll dommondable displak -of 0. BLAOX tit B R.Y. thing—boll6a and hougetiold goods, not only drawback is the hOrrd flea wbioll plie'd nothing, -and they, proposed, that Afty of the joint himself, but ho L Baia_ in Val 11 thanks! to his numerous friends hwilloWea'L Atgy. lie ney�1,40uldbogilllrehend- (LATE OF GiotrtICIL) tolufols for. 110t f0ord since otwjn In Clinton, five oven t itifesl a her. San& he should tr�ae coats with one of. them linothing to his u6mphnion, beiVg un will f3V Ono Veiy g0d, rds,- hdoldstandand 'tat this 1?eSt She ;vantlng Some Shares in domnion With L PLVo bi�pjof bis'dn1l'r. , NVI,Op �d in this world has he# On hqndL Yet there weronof all the coast vitid foido to tba end of the division. 11is, ng, to dop �nl Asserted, toWila.­ rfor paratiValy now L Bon. The whole alrLtir Was a hoax from BAxERO CONFECTIONVlto P&C, AWOHgL t-110 injured who 0111 the first faiv.days aftel, I coqb was collp lid had . the dinner WA9 .101 Voa .130,11`0011 Wa4 mor -o to. 1)arbara I Was s4r�riood boon oostl. tified to And, 1,111IG tlio 11031.1or couhl oat had lictu- 101140d 'It' &II jbb brakemart's coub Wag WEILL SELEOMD STOCK bolief that I C lgr"'(110gothor to ally S, 0.09vier.' in rag. Bat he rded i and, at the nekt nonoof the or of J�rr. R, Patterson!, rd ootbillyintImatea, to the it, MOLIENNII"' lv"10116yby� thdaperAtion, -aria Roo ladieg; With whom- I was, lowttom N41101 tin ta 1,14 , turit he Intends I , 1186 themselves e*ory tow mo. stati " tile wh or tile -train wag expressly Inhabitants of Clinton and lolhit Its bianthin lAspodtlitin of W same, cji�d his of iftg� oxe on Oarr),ing on the above buoiltioas In alf kt and ove Ole f6r a mid; 11 - �Ot the pabl io. Are there atly 116van ondvj, *Ogld, therefore, solicit share, of publid ptitrontio', , 14 . tL up Mloining roomr, 11tell I to olat -Willier off Ivo in the vicinity oi� WON. Ito In derAbill' ag a y6of tht. lie ments to rusti: into Mustered nd: lie wag pub off tile h-aill to -day I tyly %ha Pao-iiifortdefy aomodifflon, but are tit the some BAKER C N ITIOUR &0.f re'Annorilio(I 1)y 'that whidt was Uu. was '�Il thA time aug4ing agolifes aindL left thirty, milils from a bottleLlient, 'dio pudding.!' ),o - ato water. 44, ohotp. to ftomd worthless Artloillis thfo*A bri the, I FEC I -nia rriona, foregOok him,.'ono from. the bito,�T ofmyriads of fleas 'but' lix tbo.middlo or �n tilkali doaart, with heartily, of the pa Boswell tin, to loth t is la Ila - a x Tea are''sa by bun droIlping OW, Imblo to voffoll r sappoqod the usaqe3 of polite so'ofot� d Nvhito� , section boog nd' si C did a,^, plo justice es. n ocndo.. Ills llealth ftiflod, railida it neoos ary for me to Uncoil Johnson tola lit"m why be along tho qOppueawlth X) r6r hi L inn preson� a companions, This. was a fair the afte best RMOVLO thattitial, he son th , bfitifdri:i �Wmtaht OLIllers—fil Other gamlo of Ilia experfolloo from co�ld: not bring himkd r to bag to the Mat_ triAt 6611(hidtM And brolie- .�Porkto be and ovea if it had not, 110 could not hAva smiling front fd 10L that tiald Sftle", %VJIIOJIL �vaa ilL 1. forth (Ina. toti;L and Boswell, 411 a ol �Vltnoased the. public wordo, to 94a and byxr it tiqt Grdiner 6,rkv�d in ;0, werit. fird gortively 1% lillit6h foe t1tofft It w USPAnI140 ZOZ;n AA -WPOIT Et T111L, 04D DX VUILDI. iq folired that it thoy 'Pcotitillno to go in USUAL, need,, of his h6its,ehold trea. should be alone. PQ6 1 mort loarned Otwtha,� his garmoptg were aq PlAkwr- lookfor tho npluck7 boy. NVII011 CAKES itind now Atinoll be SlA(I lleyodj. guaraaL Will havo to bo stnt _,I Yoll L yottlig rascal, Ile liad*torturea himself �y thAt itVAS 010 4000M ift f1l'a, 'AtPhlig& '41 Of oil deaeritiLloleft, Made to Otht sna kept oil gureg,_ I )II's c6gf) and, as'hii Wit mot him -paquo as Josel Ir Alwayo ohililitiolitUrgo W& of thtowling lnbo� 1118 crodito 04 'h alias even tow", the fleabilw.aril� Nvith g6m. huni6r, thly 111,Ave ittlofc 6 why you, put your. on. NVIlon witli t1lo.traing to tMM PIN'TOWIT. bfte,'to ratire,poll-well, le Olo 11,n!t ye b A foullol in X $1664 fit lie*. lug, Tilemon'tom Of tile put— from, 1 basting the log of little, teifl JIJUJ)berod� 'r ITO trilValllea, from ableago to�, ritte.' Th id o I sot boy briod and Wjgp Of 11 M Z A, D C A X St 11toval Ii leavibC', 6vorytllifig itit hirl. house, hr the WOtJ4, and, oveft Ift tb6'm' at of 'Vflte J0ftVL to boil ty_a6VPun, indlJOS' ll'i long so I rth, which UPI agiVe Ilia OW11 ix ntondo'dlapogo of the floA bollbra burg just an lid travallea' From XeVida o 11obawse mother took 16thing lindL Ilia 'PrI On, mi's held. atimiurn 11A PtA011i, o oviaontomy do'mo from, A 1. %,* don`k) w1lich, whatovor otbern th ght, Anisbilig Conversation. 16 Is R401118W to Qdago, And when f6 writer saw blic 9 alv fUlleoto '18011 AIIJ tlitimp'[104 -of thol wood, Our oppaAlto I ORACK911% odntained little but family lottors, And Ing, what'PrActica will mablo olio tl�' do him his ppieitA wera, ho high whott he to toll, thi8 to J611, Tho growth CL R A ao �t d f 0114,�A-lw r 0 1 nt "On a Hn n o� be"' ovb �h I too t Nerven he1. Ic 0 g' On t f ban aled 01 41. LAUX41 Id the minintaro bt ft Iltdo blilldo Avilth '4, fit, tho �Yaiy of Aft -killing, wag a Dow OnAho In' his, t1tro, itiaioatod way-Avo vilavol. ... . ........