Clinton New Era, 1876-07-27, Page 44st.Loalo CompAti.r are about to or w, build. % oyo 1110 ion dollarbotol. 1 a WL.A .1twill im ER -. "' The is $out by *u*e4- %jaen livo bogoo again tP Qxbo�$ Oft in tlie PALLISJT CO'S pliglits ficopmQdate 0,000 guests Anil contain cQrroaporident,, and t4e unusual and pray in the Cincinnati liquor's-aloods to bArk Ana bito." two tubt1wir toon.- A R� M cal!:nQidPnto It is Stated—A remarkable fact if triie We 6h't think croquot woul4. be4n-' � A Itooliester-marl, -who lial. bQoouio In 11P, NI if those other people 4114al 011011t, crazy from thn efroot-i ,of huristroke, Spl=Md Asoortoient of 03ROORE ATs ORINA 4 QLAOSMARE f A-Vortaill town in Scot. f9 Milking Englnd—that, pet'laulb, which In waids of 1,000 VA681104 withill the Pro' 1A Texas man returned P, napkin te, an � drowned bimself !it a o1storn the other U141 S. TQT: KE AN 4 ATTE ND TH A time, had dqyolQl)e4 into a vinco of Catiterbury,th are- iis not A boer vollml of botol waiter, with thanks, Eayipg, him day, because hie wife said t1lat he Ingst Of,his mooter �h9liso. d914, woo not. vory bad.- his facna W's 6iiimA could do no wrong, but �Q CousldQrab10'i:ioe must be MCL40 of the Beautiful Cm. Tea' od fof seriou There is. something wonderfully graiid - On'thp evening of Jallo 19 the un. . s, n0 about t.he roar, of thlin, L Usual Pll(%oJn0LoJJ of Sno%V falliliff Lip fullow townsmen it, wa Ain, from the f4ot tha b one ipro,siv from Also, just recolveat a large of ji�PB, at lirice4 401yor than evor Iand . jai -Bloteat of the West-Judia Islands Produced unt� nuisance, principitIly hom its pei �d 1174)11 discover it has Nourod the -1, clear Sky in well deflued, flakot's V IV, bofuro offeloa of the followilig practical 180,000 bags,in 1875, of which two- or, I � observeLl for ur at' dio JU, us, to., %, in 0 relogu milk in the house. n,ovost'a- i b to. Fra ono-tbir4 -to GOING 04.N.OW &T Joke Tho Pi ouso,vag t ifas�:wollt noo and b 54 00,, w�R,t in Scotland 14 called Great Vritain. girl in thepresonce of her �04% *ati011 At PlkO's PQ4 as sout ArL or a oqt of Mrs. Wright, 4. poor widaw, noar OLINTO, July 1870, 0.0 ZJOULSe.. bUildiliglu, this in, der to. New gaven for, A -00hiole wbich an - . '0Wat`er1,1­,.._:., _ . 1, will I vo bhlf her ice-picAm, al3dr after� A couple of thieves entered the lio' 04 use Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 13H&Wok' entry with build- - A MivsinRry in India 1) wapra s;keak into even p I several olico Cn 10ingnothil)g of va U otailoo being a ry with it wiudmK can be travelled in by, day, Slept in at 11 ,ioklea, And,' a of but- I . and f I o . ..... tered 1� i 4 thore, went into the rd, kille(I her oubr, rpa. Deform going to bed. 7, Every night, -ana preached from at fin� tin ,no. GO, COLLA -TI1P4S, OLOVE,S It will be furnisbea with cooking uten- (f Day s 67i its akin, 4na. TWEEDS, SHIRTS A'XP SIIIRTI9 day the Shoop ascouded the Stair to. the Rin't rt6 nigger 9' do top Side nly 1111w, "t"Pled for being pool-, tooh EM, all sold'At ATJCTIO . & granary, and teOk.'bia stand At this oil$, bedding, ona'woifs, 'and six oxen or Iteration," said rod' man the carping tho wou'Ru a colo 9 El. I. C= 0 " V ko Oth 72 . to, make ropat -for F01 Stock. do his bpnd o his ban- the bido to xnl�xvllle and sold it, to. a r pen window, Coliceale na Silent, be will, draw er day, putting, it. Pq W da what can. siig a6rig all' er. ON . M .1 0 P4 0 �ged. head i bided his time, until 50=6 Dopless vi5i, oW to preach in Chi- DTL)ody is expe kickitil 'rattle 0. G. 34arfldat, of Stool,- 0 i:; 0 a -at de 3on, 04,-,�.aft r tor to h a las� th;ee moAtho of put do dear on,;,% s maat4 drow near the entry, cago during tL 1119 ?"d 0, A III several experiments, has suQoer,404 in. a 1 4� 0 Z 0 , t, � The doomed mit same me, P4 k" s il, susp'ecting no danger, this year, Lind afterward -in oston.— PH - Ei ! -2Z ack am ink. His po ;I, 1-i , ­ 0, 0,� leisurely stepped 04 the threshold, -,-Nothing else in the w6rld wm�ll bring raising ro"s as DI i fj"A V' I- S 0 $I P he Ire.oays that e the. liewspapers, liave�x - RlledL to, 0 A g _,7-1 when instantaneously int he will Chat silme, ghastly QxpreoEign to, a man!o was, to engraA 4, slip of rose 0 , M L 0 E-4--- - -4=- q When, �uto an Oak tree, Nvbero tboy, grow, 12 0 p rted his meetings so fully tl the earth by the sheep. dropping on 'his ato Spend this Sam. face that. flits oyer his countonnoo three months, dr -r;3 04 0 Q.4 V. II would. Ask yoki tQ. at, S attend thio ale for you -414 a idst of gourislied, and blossomed, the ark Sap C= Z, 14 _Q 53 in the i.4 a� gay party, be sud.46uly, P4 kVi 1 _p -btd Mftdltdi�- of the ook elleo%tually coldring. the.- rose$ he could gat4er Limsolf tip, tha sheep r s tliWl1e-rqS left had run F0 the granary stairs, and t A mad 4coident occurred at tl inner- ewA tblack, . He -did not Succeed, howoter'. .0 chiof at home, nOf ggirl near Berlin the other . . H P4 $1 top ro P4 mod his watch for antber viotim. in. transforging the slips so treated to FA 0 001 old ta I 0 11 1 k -P P. -I P W The following conversation was over- 9-1 The Provost was besieged with com, day. He4- mothQr, an old. woman of diod in Pit, A-1 he ground, (Or they invArliibl� CQ heard. reoentlyO in a book DR SS GOODS FF44RFULLY CUT I OW plaints againsthis peb—morie thiiii one sixty, who Was standiug'on, the edge. or U1 a Where.,did y.e. pilt the boo. I Y 4d ye' the attempt. . - , t; ,d �5 ;l ? f th'o grave with bead bowed down with tQ %,g A fat bailie representing that his Jifellad 10, 10 Wid It's' gone entirely, father, 0 0 I*d y littered, f� piercing Shriek 0"04 0 of tho'natitral OLOVES, CORSET,8,, RIBBONS, LAOR Si,IES and -COLURS, at exact been endangerod by the 'fall and the, grief, sudden] LUSTRES Awful Iow,:)?ARAi0LSj SHIRTIXOS, ROSIERly, If Thin I'll break iv4v i yer body h, Prs�soo fright. The Provost turneda, deaf ear.. and fell beadlon e Q1 . , . ­ . -bone I g into th pu.plb. n' thorough lin owledge -ut life bad fled.'. Wid itif yes do b.And it." She, was raised at onoeb laws which g4vorn the epoitation4-oraigestion 1� A to their complainti, and eithei denied CD room fc� fall goods" 06me B0611 and get.your pick..'� -7 Sambo, yow's larned. in do law:; can Anduntriti4a, And by a careful 1d application i 0 1 - zF F1 C the fauts or'deforlded the plqyful diopo- i A little ditughter of Stnith Hubbard = . 'X. 0"- 14 11 1 oc 0 10, f� - as the' o you say if de devil wai to, lose his tail,,, of tho.fins, properties )f well-oblee P1 4 . 9 Ritign of big fav'griiej and as lie w f 49S ;a , 6., gi Oxford, Wa fedud in the ordn 40,5-,,, i our br6akfast ',tables az,k whar. would be. go to And anoder 00 21) Ur. Di ppp has provide,, 4' GILROY"S CHEAP 'CASH STORE t' t and. etifig'�otato bu This With a d6licately flavoredbover4gembich may- d I I 819 r 0*0­ 4- tOM richest and most imponan person go. PA the't6w-ri, 'biB fellow were coi ruied her parents,, who - be- de. gr'o'ceryj� course, heavy,dootors', bills,- - It, if; by 0 av us in ... Ylxse,Qf OT`1`qKTE THE FOST'OFkICE, rpelled to submit, andtlie sheep biijoyed lieVod the ot#tQ.4b ignorant nigger ;. dAt's CIO only tht, Juiious rticles of di6t that 5 pg to be�, his joke unmoleited, i.� The 4 ofetri-. J p 6y'be gradually built up un-. ELY 30 she. expressed lisp liking for �Ixemj, It ows on.dey re -tail. bad spirit til Fttiong Quo h -to resist overy- tendency to QUOD 'BUTTER TAZEk. AS." --QA Wsharp,lilitle'gid-got out -of patience and saidthat""!�tb cracked like ' I'll butiori, however, wad at andA pea.-. dibease. Hun reds' its arc I y of subtle� malad llu6q I The bugs did. the child no harm, With her tabliful love'r's back,wardness, loatind aroprid us iewly to a#ack wherever county election came on, in which the - prom� Provost played a inent part, atict and sobrQughb r�atters to a favorable there is a weak point. Wo may ese", y The beach A Gon6y "Islands, Zow two fi�4 T - * � C Ll N TO N WOOLLEN" MI'LLS a - ^climax by saying. -io -him, "I �really be wfatAl shaft by keeping, ourselves ) LINTON"'Suly 187,6� one day when be was e"isborting atrewri 4itll 'Colorado re, blooLl and a'properly noiirish� gentlemen-' u. are 4afrai�d to ask me to niqrq leve isThey are, a ive, at Into hi's holise,' owing an( tfl tL I wouht may. .-yes. ri8hing makincy as he tho photAtowibe racketi labolle4_11 JAmps 1�wrs Co,, !To. O light A s Are the visitoza to ilidIsland in YP%for, you know n the I Xury of surf -bathing. " !�*owl they, fine figure, plump. Oame the sheep o itSpeaking of the pertihaal4as 'Ay, an T= SUW and 170, Piccadilly, London."' CRIBER WOULD -TAKE. THIS, OPPORTUNITY .07 bis--iboulders, and laid hi%n prostrat i J�e lrutnerous'cuiitomer� for their liberal patronage in the past, in In got theie, while the wind is ..from-. the- -exchange groans thusly y uzz (I holids, by 6lome attention to' IN or oflinlilloodufidenco, 1-14ving, fitted tip 16 m;�qhinOy ,9enerous filar in fast,olaos style, ho -is now prepared to Ipuzzle. y b hisvGyag What LoTla Wiria Fousri,-Lieutentlut Lynch id business, -to 4till te�cure a large. sh,-re UK TO RE P the r , nud. befell the.. obeep, is a A ver' 'all night, -iandilfoy buzz al other e to the Dead Sea fourid'a .history oayetli not., but from tb4t' day expressed notion in that this is con. tileni'llies, they' w.orebg aw They ofoo�ltontliesli6re,'c�ndtlie-AriLI)sinfoi,xne him forth the inhabitants of that town wero tinuan a I night CIO it �v a Lot's wife ; foo pur P'artw.6 are inueb 'M ahlifac The undersigned beg to inform the i I nh . abitauts of,Clinton and. . a e . oun . try thixt they it) % - Dr ss -clot have entered. into Cc ng on 'r' -of their eastward in arab,. which buzz.,all dpy, And they it, tlio�u, !tha'b,,iiO.g5 i of in4unfaoturers ough Nvo have no permitted to call on their Provost. in, Card' S Ve, �Vull �nd, e' .ViOrtners�ip for the purpos'e of caryi o swim �O_ b, p1l. pin, We4,--.L may. result in a despilrte oftort t iiqw,tt oy, -of-Oarilag6o'Bu ies,�*%Vaggous, Sleighs, Outters, &0. � in All its VAriovo Vratolies, at their zafek thektlAntic. Eftrop� will- be: f6rtiiatite v.�Tlie Animalfror The phrenologist lifted his bana from U I' (0) . diLL L1 a' LUIVA. �Jllll !JLJ4r,.i 1.91cl stand j HunnStrflat, -Cliut QPG_3�or file style and firm. of ni Yc &cI. u the, boy a if these peata,.n6wrrD plentiful with heaaand Said Your son Yarij, . S oc i trii t of Wrd Ido � not f6rm,'par o ou going cargo its inary dv0 battle. Try oud fro I plimen s� Sir,; Ul our slibres, iber ItHktIrif 1*9 STRENGTH. �To prcvQnt or cong tier A lively borrespaiideat of the. ITle he MUM., ALSO COINTSTAXTLY, ON HAND . 1 _: , �.Wo pains will be spared to exonte, work Ilqual-to any in the Dominion, Idiaeareis one of -01- Their long expot c in upon a r _8Ld ingsburg' Rambler describes A The death rate of the, New York city ro. 9 h' hi' b'os8t aimed at by:pan; Puluiouio'Nva- onceifi4ho'Countyenables thein.to fti4-understh4d the r6quirdmontsofth.eir cuat6liiietsi .1111d-- rl-�cn never Mrs Coughs, Cold$, tickling ill A hr e assortment o�f PweOds, Fial 01�thsj S�irting, Flannely1they hope, b a ' to'busibeis,`to give h Weoxtroet:' ran tip frightfully -last 'week. Tbe m rhfu ly. added The fori" -po sure 1 .9. triat attention entire sati6faction'to all those w 0 may wedding in the mountains.-- tbeL threat and pulmonary coinplaints, as war favor them, with thuir �atronpge, Tom, do -you take'thiw f6mile for' nifinbor.ofdoaths reached 1,.9,98,16ainst b oil cillorl Blank6ts, Stocking:yaiilo Giay FIgnnel, Striped ev6ro colds if not. : I � I � AV Alarge ana'ielect stock. of the beat seasoned material i6lwiya'on Wild. Ordarse a better or worse 858 -the week befoie,and 948 of the cor. "Where is yqur. hliobaiid. 2' asks a attended to sooner or later. lead. to indurablll� 1i He went'i Via stroli,�d4t with despatch, Ite ng done on the shortest notice.,: responding eek of 1876. TheincrOaso gentliman.in. Paris. mt-to consurn Akin, hnd the sti-nn-th of Certainl�, squire cum a purpose rLadiest best soon fal 8 ikacs RTJMB&LL LESLIE 0611cirtality was mostly among infants. bay a ci or, r plied ibe, lady. " I -IRS me lure of these coinplaints is-. 11.t 911, 'WIM on SELL CH P, FOR CAUL, respondeet Tom. 9 �nor the HE T11APH FOR. JVOOL .10 " Bryah'a 2111r . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e :W nu �of. doatlis last be- ben: gone long I'!- 11 Eighteen years % . �oxj ly 29, 1$74, Deliah", do 'you takE61his--maii tin'd Of th ' hole m.ber* NN'lliell have been Cw� thorougbly,trie-1 for the last twent:v yeani, 4nd -Tbo.sabj ckbbr's porsoilal sup6�iiitondeneo will'be giveir to ihb Oil om r611 - it' Carding, an(l. sa- promise to stick to him throdc;h' thick 80,93 wote,of childre under five --.Re d ghremarksAbegeri- likive never, been known to fail. �36igcrs, and tl,f ----------- 1, 0 , . " kotioll mEki bo"relled'on. : Persojis living at,a distance-fr-6- 1 iiy expect to get Y. is f 321"over the. weok-� tibrugn" 1�bilosopbically �Oublie t C ikon, iA und thin ?" be wantsJo al�Q dorive great bell0l from tho, S'(Jld: by all raeil Yen bet, old hoss," ansOered 154ali before. Pf the 826 deatlig 64 wero of choose a-g66d one;" ni(a of them, tliefr wo . ol , earded w . i . i a they Nvait t .. ear, 'York, ' W066C Honsrs�-Wooly hor.50P '%V.a tedg,209000 lbs,,- of 00i fieeee.woolq 11 D'ye s,pose, rd have. t e xins fat'. itiAtrits'under, one all lticrORSO Oyer A: i are iiot,401 : week of 264. ouiig mail in Auburn, New ers, eHPUT o b 1i beprev This con- S MACHINE. anything less'n a marriagg gdvertises Lt. he wants to become 11 the rare as tuany suriposo, not SiAl great Th6a I pronounce- 'A splendid assorfinent-of first-ctais X.&C"HIXES alwq� oil hand, N you man an.d wo tinued hot weather plays havQc AM0139 son-in.law..-if io'me re�ipeotable, and re- tither, there are in'Aur to be. found in val,10118 EEDLES, Yor hic as ,�will ande try furnishing kept in stalk', the' the childr6 of 6�.poor, most. of those parts of, -the country, i3ut Nvo doubt if tlivy will. bo p4a man --- �no, husband and litible p'artyi .No objection'. to,* g E t X �.G I -I 0 P- 0149 a over proveag valuiblQ to t4eirbwners as tho 01.10. CORMT.'�. E S 0 dying I A Lora livo Lnercy dn y be oTsprifig of p�rpnts liv. shbrt diidncaln the cotintr -U-'will- e-,clilbitedbyffirilum, vd.imagine-theiro Q, y I" OLI, WX .'Xay, 2,3rd, 1876. would co4sider tbeill'inoi --without the' Machines of everk roalce:rep its 6�t oil liand,' It Be The supper was. excellent, -,c'o*n'sistxng -ing in �6#ment louses.- - ; , .. - . I ndnew pa young lady with 2,11111� ing:tq. maiik-y' a .v6ol, lorlhis, xout4i and -wo(ilyquito of the hair C. hibrgei Moderate.- H� NOMWORTH-�r. -old6liAays, the 'pea a's rm not'in a, bo&hby ww in nart o" m,aple,,7asses gio In cook �v a fa- cumbranca;ofa, -small fa -hominy and v 111. I -e d ge;bread eniso A voiit ish with -lords and ladies ofbigb dition--�-probably- bid�-bound, froln Alfioll, Street,* one. dobi-west of the columokelsil. notel, C1,111toll, 4014-� Rossea-it, says. .',To write a good sogiti disease I toart, " Bully for the Bride,O' ivas drunk degroe. - It was. ci)stomary. to. skin the- li love -letter you ought 6 begin without rarAnec; -in such cases use.Darley's..Condition standing ; thirty-three of row d werb bb�l vithbitt. plucicing�,. e h ri' 'h t --aay and, 14D 'it will =l Arabian 14mV6 r roast to the table in' I its-natiatul onvel6p.. owin.g w a you, mar . ;n . to drunk sitting. purify the bloodi . correct the appearance, re- 1�7 T nish withbut.kriowing what' you linve rnoVer.ltll obstructon from' the nd HVO4r, s considered in. the day The bridewas arrayet ifi-a-gotgeous he,ppacockw 0. F SJr_ written.' ..A �rea many. commurlica- a%d give to tbe cot P, sleek drid"nhining apixar- Aew -calico of ih6 1)611� 'Of.cl�valry, n'ot simply as- an exquisite UA,,dfficf) must' -3neo. Remember the ri�ime; -and isee t1lat tho _Seil It' tchell, tio��i I�TCGORPOnATED i674,sticcesso"rhi 6ThonLson,&Wil1ialns,ofMi liant, with all thec(Ilorri of tho T'aiiibow,. delic6cy, - but'as r. dish of peioujiar So- , - to o01o. is . I . . . ... - I . . . . .. , - I I � .. . I .. haie beell'intend!dIf'ove rS. "thr( ", I Idle, Out., each separate � color reprni�n 4no, some. lemnity,` *he'll it 'was brought to the Jove letfe. L- Lynian, !� tora )8awnada, Sollil b hill Lbkra' o - 't Hqvv is this, I 1w ibi's warm wea- for R At W01 KS all A.&Oribultural Enc-ri LOT U from go a" fbather6d bilied, _.pea - .able, deporatedwith ita its --- --- cook,-. instoad ofther ther1lib'd.0iflitry'roads -are of 0.dwddrA_d listomary orange comb, gilded and Ri Sponge in to bill, was ��Ru On dust ;..the buibes are aiJieai Re ipt bffi6b for ServaiA blossomff in her bair,, thei6 wet"with spirits of wine and ..Iightbd, it ily. 'White IT th the wink orniquo variegated bolly;hock. Finned. wag the signal for 'tb� gall1wit knigbts�. as, if covered wi - hoar frost *. TONTER H, J'A0KA1A3NT. MTAT Osits disconsolateli wbere'NVA*q BURT TltOIISO-'T, rRE.91P8.111, - A� IVILMAUS, NTrcE-Pj6' IClifnax D6016 Cylinder. . Thresing M- hi e Victoria, Street, Clinto, YO W, on the tcp f her head and extendii.ig P:resenh to,, make, vows to ace plish i`9 frog to h4r, waist, was, scarlet ribbon fouP some. deed of chivalry b ce a puddle) but. w 6hing efore the p6a- On here noviAs a b6ked reggto InfornIthe ililiftbitailtR of Clinton, aml . J. ltrDr, 0 t AN, J. 000RG01. �s ator- Thre Mwohiles 06mbinatio 'and Vibr, orlicked patch, and nVer it bangg..a bou- ttint lie linq opened a 11eqistry 0MO:fur herrVantfl, 0. n le, 4oing.,duty as the briA4 'cook Rod the ladie's." "lly, R inchm wid servant W -r XMIN veil, with the solift�ry and' not worth' - -qu6t� of motionless. ydllQw. bu.tterfles." sdogiring situationsi %vill ftita. thit(the besf,4 MQAnS of Qb- AN A0 M.4 Or, Ana, ail kinds o -a tip "of 164 AIPLEMZ XTS on hain,. T4 rakin g4orgotten fdct I t 1) talullig the garner. Torlaq of entry I A411tLTURAt L difference that it was bohl�d instead -of -which the Co' 9 The"iie belt for ladiew is saic a, e clintonj Uarrh 15, lb7a, . _ , i ... ­ . ;_ I . I _. ntenniiLl fever has provok- . 1W omblind.. Muhints . . I :, � . . . . I � . ­� � before. made in clasps fouV of w1iich (to around I To meet the largoand increasing demand for our colebrat'd from. -a� The bride -room was g�ctten it ea lias resulted in the disoovery $list the waist.. - It '�ill bil difficult CONVEYANOING, AXD LOAN. p w�th_ parts- of the: Dominion,- we hao,: by the introduction 'of -the Weilt'and mOist approved the early y6lors . of- Massacliusetts A - ers, Seed Drills, 1-10r�e Powers, out rer;ard to expense ;'blue jeans coat courag9d.the. use of-patint, ri.tbe ola -s�;ie .Of belt, : ACrE NOY - BILYTIL BroadeaSt Seed Sawmg to improve upo greatly increased our mariplact ringfacilitioi. INI*oaro. thorefore regarding it r I bang vio machinery into .our works, u chla'92,,Grain cruslibrsi Straw catte, s,'P ows, W81 &C.- surmounted with brass buttons aborit a a.luxury. Rov. 66 w4ich is made inAlle sbapb of: fi,coat iii a p6siti&t to OR all orciers pi6mptlyj a of G_ C Q -I, L;I Er - S 4 rml 1i XX IM X61114T Oxii, the size o -ter @ad dogt'b'U.06 oq.� I I eve and hamis inside ofif. wo M W Idd- rs..o.JL- S hammor­7 or scissor tail" setVed) how0er, thafthis h 111(al A Ive WATEII,, AND ALI, 0 LILL na� TI 30 for havlpg paint a out 0 order of architecture ; butternut Colored_ P cil Lo 0 u t, t t W, T, i f ' is welliiig� ,but was..Aischa�gd on usually requires more than ferti cl 00110"'OP1 � tsatisfaetl�A�- b agPs, and pr(Win�iumnee, JX on, 'Atortuageo, &a., earefu y1ir4liarril; Titko, and claijun I foi- (I pants, with red flannef Stripes sewda , 4' A nd'Saw.3fills coi fo, �94.g ? re 11 -.0 r Orist Oi tha it was' done. before hip What a er of idea of impeouniosiy Lish and Poreign Ity SyBfela. ox ellee� Actoe"I �Jlraeh down the scauts.of tlib logs..; whitd, fl,in- time,. and was is- given in mark made last.week 1.10 disapprcived'by him,— the re 1 1 .. th European Firtax, Genwloirlem traced and 11vt1Wrfo pro- n-1 vest, �hg e buttons And cottor� velvet , This first -church ere�-ted'IaBodorfwss by One despbndi DDREM MOWN.& W111TAAMMANULCTURINGUO STRATFORDi ONTO a g.Hibernian. to one ar. pared-, Forty Years' Lxporlvijeo; ahrges inid(rate- A collar-; brogan shoes, gre, I . 1 ven't Mor . , 9, seil with lard, never pointed, within or -vvitbout,..whil9 Faith," says none, o �4' Oi 4102aly to Loan -private, 11ridg, and f,)r pabilto (vin B41.6 or eleewhei�e swid f6v CircWcirg and Posidrs. Order and tied with coon poinfes. Debt" and Wotes collected, it stood, And, a iist ofillechiitics , made tbail 10f, cents in. ray pocket,"_, "be iii�b, ;an. 19, 1875. oIII- 1670, ades-n6b contaia jl�e .. botter off than ve. noth- Lit, ments, a3 bread. tray, I ing in my pwhot, An& very-lfttle of that tbaft - orna. I-am,.then. I Ms. - . . . S, out by the Gener I W, I The wedding presents were numercui al Coarb of Btassaebu, ers, J) retorted the other, If you aro GLASGO UOI?H]�IRS and intended for use inthol, setts,. BI Ing. �31 name of a pabiter. a's a y dozen iroll spoons, sausage grinder, 2 IfEsubseriber to tender his most wash tubs, 3 flat irons, dozen brooms %60*60 IMSSOnger train on the UMM INFERIOR �AIITAtIOSS SIGN Or, T . 11A,: BIO -BEDSTEA1 sincere thauko t(i his numerous ousto. —NT J.dozen. tin cups and,pa;g, 3 stew Richmond Railroad, running at the rate No ono,can exprgas w0lider in these Iners in the surrounding townships Ana iho' pots" or Tur (mmAlOtislim) 2 skillets, and a variet of 36 miles'an hour throu* aae ; : - 4 publ'o generally for tboir liberal patronage) WaOL19SALI, AND UETAIL DEALER IN. 7 of other articles I gh a. long out , days it 'women are. idle, I A dress m An faBhioi LaiZo stock oJAood lionschold'Vi arnitutei and would further notifY.,thdin, that he has not -now- remembered;- the road, came'llog..La.,gign in the height of i allsoltely M- .�gTIYRTLE+ gers'­ TRa t__ __a 13 Whis -fie-'r from tisifig,li , r, t, or-. octor.',and Or ee �_Tjjjj, � armo, -, I Ilia machinery lg� �Vin _qneiv boilor _I 44u� . - -­ i- 'i I I - .,iij4iiy­jjf 44 .0 _ _W t e passen saw t io, man Wffluy y Chairs, 66fas$ oun. no a ic powor wro uxule u a an your correspondent was no Able to as, ai Wood ancl, Cane S �1- A., rr I 0 Iz 1=?. -e- ab on�thjng, but a certain, it sugar trough with the rockers -upon tbo hov,'oe, anti noticed that the arawnr back me tight tb Are zow offered. Cradles, Mattresses, Spring many.jother bu ortant improvements, toge- -asking information of th animal wasuauing allead of the ifaitir 'short slow, walk is impossible-," anif tte 81 ads, Catvbd Brcketsi Rustier F raftlog, &I. ther with fikst-e. ass raillers, lie 1,4 prepared to ing :IN DO SH on it. U�on C, of L L0096UT V09 tgVl SWAMP do finit-clase work in WAILL� PAPAR,.,.W ADIE bride. she blushed, slightly olevated, her at a furious pace, - The cingineer fband arms'are so encased—to oily noth Pictures framed with Gilt or Rosewood,aint amoilld. CTISTIIN'G, CE10PP NG &c TOYS A -stop the train the waist and bip her 011t1fouldingg, Rustic trames, *ood, Nn s—that to air ad orplaino dilicate nose and remarked Of 'all . a A 13 � thatibWaSLimpossiblil to T. Grists weighed inaud out. Parties from a the fools I ev�i see qditurs -and preach. in time, an d1ho-.etiginsih a fewl�o. dollar or necktie is an exertion nd as G004 valito given to all who may purchase, distance can have their.grists home With FAN VIOLINS AND CASE81. & Jh' Gooit r ments dashed upon the horse and ridor forro-ddjastings hair-pirr, she is ab- I lonr find fill era is the biggesL" am o same, ay. tUTINAS AND PtICTE141, VoN, nod Went over them, .4s soon as, 'the endebt on another person to r' a e & alway.g for sale at�modorato prices. train was a her. A U IT 33.= topped, the paggengers and aid -Lsj'- EN JU Li 1 JS 2; AS Jl� ...,PICTURES .-AND FRAMES, TRAVELLING SATC E conductor went back to the pidbo, Tlioy� TheydAllit the 41fightingtPiok" in cribor wouldalso inform the pub- 1. ille Animal, crushed Detroit. A benevolent-lookinj. ' .n The latest Debroit.rf roe Aregar story ie foand the horgo, a f The Sobs fic that ]it ,hAs a -largo stock of Itimbor of Bertim Wool Sli r Patterns,. a4d Berli Wool Goods -by his side a man's bat, enters a drinking saloon, fo a An 00 of a raw-boned, spavined, kned-knocked to death,', and llow dlgcron� kinds and lengths - rind frain 10 0— to 20 it, Renilack, frqm 10 to M, 01lierryi old horse that limped alohg, stualiffig,of -bub no tract of the tinfbOrtubate rider after by a wify little follow whoin CO RNWALL' Cwial d hand. Al#o Agotit or bitching posts and nibbling at.tbo street ThATIJAMOOlcedinthe No. I to take a drink arid a cl�ar. The Butternut,,Whito.Asho mdploi Softawl Rock All P840 icals always on Elm, in lengths to suit tho.publici willioll on. car track. Three blocks behind' bW diteb, tinder the cars, ald in, the Woods, liquor is swallowed,. the cigars are DAMY AND WEEKLY GLO33n, AN I WAM 7as a man with or ropjS­ halter, wJ16. was' butnotracesofbim. Thonflitirb rehted lighted, v�heii suddenly No. 2 exolaitni-.- ableg'bint to. fill all orders thathd way be AMERICAN MONEY BOUGHT AND SOLD. favored, with on the fifotice and most inquiring'if anybody hd seen a stray geeat excitement, and was the theme of (9 yor thirty long years have followed UNDERTAKI NGN reasonable terms. horse. . Tho -old brute Stopped in.front. digoussion oil the train until its arrival your trail day Rod night I 'You broke An'clegant Hearse for 11ite. Aquantit3rof P, nrLLY, ttolprioifir, of a grocery to an very flne Shroud,obeap, rtinarAlgattende(I Myth, 3filreh, 1670, 0 uff at some bara of in Richmond. - The 'engineer is confl. Up my h ppv f ity, vill I - - I a sin an illat you and all famishings sugPlied at reasonable J. 1I A., Xt soap. The clerk -an 6at With a broomp, dent that he 9'4w�tlle many alid,is, certain arejui no�v e6mo out here and fight stick, and in try Notice to kJ,untraetol-So ates, A large stock of � offino, moulded and Ann - ,ing to dodge a bloW the that he wag a white man, It: Is Very me like a man. I" ivill fight you to on hand (ttimmod, to suit) either Odt. 22, 14%. horse fell over, Struck. A busliel baskdt my�ierioug. 'go, HORSE. SHOEINO and BLACKSMITHINO the death V1. is.,the determilied reply, silvpiaplated furniture or�*tfiorwi I I Nil fall of eggs, and. a great quantity of anley-is once. more lost.' The IA9b and both rust, into the book yafd. The Itemember the Stand-Albort strobt, opya- crockery, and the ci 11 agitatedlarkeeper runs to the *911t SULU Ttl=rta, A01)11119SVD to Tilt SM0. fark6t, -ash wall heard from hini'vag in Apr, sits the I In xor ing dora*611, citnall"'Will ba received at tbla Wee Clintoil, Aug. 9P, 1873. was iorrific, U-vxnV ofl5ablialvorkor slid audoratd "Tender TEM SWM900% R' OU He didn't' Ake at aftort to get tlp� and 1876, aW then he wag on tlib, eve otex.) door, whistles for a policeman, ana bar. DRY, just, R13 the clork'a � yell bad gathered a �Oloring the Albert X'yiinzo, Lake, frpm rids to the back door just in time to bee until tlit artival of the Vaitern and Western =110, on cro*a the WFDNESDAY, the NINTH DAY G.V AUGL*ST, next, man with the rope halter th,noo pagaing into - the Tangailylka. a cOat toil diNAPpearing, over the ence, for the formstion of i tow entrance -south of th6 pro- cafto It Ib -was hi's horse, and $10 through the connection the existence of when he begins to realize the situation, eflnt ond-ab -tho Iowa 01111.0f theoc0tivall, Canal, -am- tw Lift -L bribIng ills doughnotfou of 601tiOO, Wasta *otildlet pay the damage, 11 ReWo the -Which he bag *alwayi maintained'. 'The The 0altor of - an ex0h wilge aska wsir, . &e, 3n(h'd 00,owng the horge � I" shoutqd the Royal Geographical Society -pf-London, 1 11ae you ever pukkubd - 4.� fagutive clerk- "' XO I dont I" WAS the calm roo hoWevol-i has he, &y of tbftt part of t 6 11116, do t6 ive or Jib rode d the intelligence tbtbugk trits, 16d on by a fairy latigh, ns 13,17. Thell what Are you doing with that Col. Gordod bag adeceeded in P140- now there, rioW lost, now found 21, WIN iL -111-0 0 at t do an a t o i Per. ey ato prophroa to �Upply It U1 '126k to Infollift, the pub 10 thht th mthe halter, V YOM a policer t nan. r I n ing a small Obainar on thb Alborb N'y­ aid on6e—,a boy, We were -unable to IL dtbu 9619 A fishilig V wag tharbady an sw6r, anza, aildiroumnavigated it, finding it avoid doing o6, really, as he came along of which, plalleg 0 10 0 of to 0 a o t ncd. The 016rk t ' d �0' d Huron Street, CLINTON rid etabi him, but lie itioited te, beir [a m1nd thoOt Ton& to be a lake 140 miles in length And 60 .*bile we *dte In' Swimming And to6k 600thetilva iire Tel AZ '"Olt jumped into a wpod yard, 'arid escap0d, miles Wide in the iv,idki pa - h 111. III at be pollaIdUld madti niotlyll, Old. irms,op-pon; r,t, algo dis- ( ir olothes, We 'followed him tbrou 11.1s_"d In tlai eA a6 followp 9 dorastita with tbo printed I 't 80,01 Milling Out as 110 W100 iovokthe fenco . 06vbtinq that there is to connection be- tbo*treeg# ifid WdOU14 hav 'd him fherirltd 11ittgelled th?i 110ttlia ki nrear lt a ;, '' , .. the very liberal liavo fav"ed bim'with fmflls�, St"01 Shi g-16 fma Re tho nature of the oempation, ond plAeo,of to, 1d.ea of 61W ad!74 . i while fiarglag Aa iniginogs in titut toun, and Would it VIOUTO 9 thOSO Orb rhigbty curious tweon it nnd the TarigAnyika, Tba fltOpp6a And jOift0d A tilo.h triolibber of the 9001 ftlidiatthol?, All aftlpted -tht-ottine, t me intiinate to flionflaid ille public poner- Imob when a man calb take a halter o 5, or otbar vasallY ava T1 0 0�. liable 01'elititys for t1la '50 Afraia party, Ile seemed 14 be & p6lito n moo� [mportant news whiall lle,donimii. g , Mist he Uft iraddandli 4frAngem0litil 04 Will Atill his back and go o1T atiet a raw bags, lir ­ 61FOUlt V101MAND DOMARN, 111119t lWo tatiflo hint, to their Aupport, AA ho belleve,836 ni6atea'is that 14 tond 110 trocam of oubli Toriaot,vIlloh obAll IN30 oyo for bo im Vard ZentiorthmA (Or NVIi VV1111b Looking to thO Ill, pVeA=1f advanta. nitea us to join too, but, we ra IWe [A ho his ttil uleerrolukin plued the gerV1609; of yt6A and w6adan VIdOU91118i With Stanley,- ittid tilti.announcemotit hag llavi,alwaya MAWAill6d that it 19 Un- Of thd teras, 6 Ian stool 'Otiitivito Ido G'11 I G G W oittors, &0,, guggt L%nd Ptitash Xettl6dt-GrAt6 bars, &a,, used grea6 utieWneso Ahio'g his healthy to hit on tbo gross unlegil cloth. ih6 Offer gubmitt6d, Menstruirfiatio and all tb��mds 111 It. W X L L I A. M dontly bitt4n by a rattlesnake.. 11or fr, 1.11own As rellifilelVtaknots, '*h, cooklow Parldr Ana vo-t stavas, Varius klbdal, utag tor hiniabifln liblit To raotith and back -tat-nod portedbly, blacit: 'e rhOA6 14110 J-hink th&t, be ig, da,in something WArMal! than a Small ijhs-ohelito or M6116Y illug abrit hil will ba toturadl to Who VAN f0finorly In, JO1121 still Alive tire .. confident. that,. finding towel a ragpod 1vo ptrttos W11640 toldot# are not Wo if]' U10 'MateAt care, under thd ronoml mxpot. r%-4 woa o6nAldoynd, tho bogthoudshoor It 11 911619611, If! it tow rdafft�tg bat & , I fd* na 6 tobbot guthr, This wao VNIon of & Dhyol�fru% who hat mado, 1�miao dig. ire bag k6a mido vitolt. with . p IY§i lan thero wag, lid confiedtilon between (ths the time the falry laugh referred (0, rot Old dto of' ilid, 64114601 I List dt a spoclat ttndy, tot, many, yew,.and thoi �()]IX . 1 .31 A 1) E T 0 0 It IYE It Lhod, oiud and ad.� 00- see4tity 111 bA tilipitiva dft real WaUi or Ol hit SA L T r A 1; S, packett h�er body In 9 , a, stedfolub two laka8l, he Struck narow the country, butr6d. Wo bad h6VA? heaVa onar be. Monty, DIMid Or mouldivAl A6611TA169y or 3 Oil w1ift MIU1160t6d Alifid0t0A ig large 4ftandliles, 400 . 4 il , A 'Wha IN 66116140 tbiata to town to rAdleabil t6fod.� to fivol Im, tijat,rif the bill ill of 11 mil6sidthe gi-to6tLitalabs Itiver, re, but tio we reed1loot, ito its chief c6riftlof 0(ok Ift, With Act on oy I X&PMrs.b LAME8 hloif# so will onAtito him tO IlAa his-akril in rill matrMV& Ir6bMid WMA 049flogm, 'it tbat vivior and, tho elyeei Wan.to _-00t, M 6f iAnd will d, "n dopoull "JA tU ANO old ik oseond, vi Jualid UN resolve to gpend be, oatiol ifia.� d4b�tin to ilia ptoog CAUMNUIT III, 1i liding Cho WIntitit -of tug rtly,614T. All is a hia routoo 11; VOW bd somd d at I bao gomebj)dj� 6 oomple [on of the WAN, Tan 131ATA0103 RAIM-OW9 . I . M g Wo to. Any NUMI 'tot tho. pUrpoed of ho'�flllg XJ '14 Tho latont attrAdforvat '66 a �Of. to t�d weat)ooftoti It' thl A0 nial ExIll "I ­ nn witATog. 4� 41 h dog It6ka& Wo hkvo Always Data Vla by all Druhtbls cv6r3MVhcid part, . iro.6,011 r 4441 Alullo r Ills oslgo,of Idant alllgatarAo imput6d direct. re, - ony t1ditigi *ould W h6ard trom boon glia mizool kbwavori that' war hit 6� riigpbftAlbli 04 661174at rotgot 9, Wiftlif I'dee, 6110 411 ft boxot, 05 I tiont'hy mail flority ovor fito thwt he It W1140661941 Tho,YL hIM, ved itifto of 00 04 and woultl at Y,Ors , ly from ilia lgo6fta 'of Ploilda, of the Voialftlbft, vtilllng t6 bodotdo W1011144 farthdid0i t(�o of po�fhm securely ROOM Ui�llt to Silk 1144tu them at K 11106111 Mom bliduAra : wohlorsha tinfoll oir 11 IO6 012 t1le dflo Vor) �klr ft -1 willtd for ouf Pkitiphlet, whldh Hog h owAA64 Nut 6thbNoth -TL Sri) aaid to bo ona yoAo old$ W or6 v6t w, 40 6160 I y - We Avill gefl4,111 06 Iddett elivelbDo to My 12 0 GUNA !? 1111 D Pal Awall ana ontlroly todthlma, ft bppor -16 4 This bil -Pt.V fthitil PLIAU0. 'PAVOlifin h0othou miq foatiAntioda that 61161f 6tildo At ths Month lot 60 0011go, but 66 Ives. ii'm *ho. h4a lid dod oomboi date stit, 111114194ill, 0 (in AMBAT41) TIMM Tloiti 66gti 1)ij- o� � 1 6* ally T41MG, k1tifewls all Air pifil 1114 to 4 tuftilt� to hadrd6d, Ally Out 'Who r6y, T11161i og Ohd tha 80901bef tfildst Ito %III W610 L110 1AW11690' tat lo it glaot otoo whon It I's m4ow- , it y 6 ay buzz Al 4:1gs d o b p OU ea C', n destro to Ad puroll438 OTIO. f6i a garad that hl lai. Mirdu& to'j% hetill at OAklinal 11A I_Iht d6llar anti A halti but 63yots Ndbm . -t i� d nglou'Allaa With 1166016 tribill, hilti to Awl, TiOnPUT UtINUMAXi GaitaAri tlAvAaa, ho dubtalls AN to tho utillt "Ofthxa 800- that hd WOUld, ba 620060"A ib tho V041 1�- tht Imunlogilhe bmAtaits hit 1 I ... ... ... .