Clinton New Era, 1876-07-27, Page 2....... 7",
------ �77 ......
'00 bait slipba B0.0 VJQVJtr,,S` FOR TIM VAUNPARS, the vaitod. 846tss 40des tho years 1874 and Q, 0,MR1XGV AND 33ENVING WOUX0
copios of 14-491? NNW TA4A Zoar 4 *011 . $14,
soars. As, A, Wit 0.94 4. A4 N01104 1870, Ita the Matters of agricultural produc,
Altio# ots" YOR itiiry� WeA1Q in A 1�08114011, to guarantee the cor- The 'Are prese,04 to #)tow the nature And AaalQ of. iq4, amojiiptifig, jo no jqqg t).14n
wrloo 0 Cent
tgalless, of the toilownIg n$11roo, 40VOUS the con lion Of We Zrade, botw9en the tW9, coup.
imlicrto 044, the exports between 1,'Anada And trios ill those pro4tiola'and ore so followit, AQVQX414 0 vixt Almou�" ovewtalti!�R-fox OIX W094*9 T*LIA0JkAFIT ExToastox. -The. 11 44 $071009 lilbond front a'New York house,
41 i 1. 1 B. authorities ore. ex
tending the telegraph, to a firm in Torouto" is reported
A nian wo. ridden oil it roill, at Antilm;
be qualgitul. and Value 0 Apboltur4l. Pzootireto Imported. frito and Ex ortool from, A 04 Oxt,40T pituguagos %.,QXqot, vlosoug sale, )ieaa :line on their rend, from this Station to
MENT Phowl"o f I?
dririkx� the risool, TeArs ended, 844 JT#uo#, 4074 end, 1,875, respect
11411. village the other, day by 4'lilob, for immor.
TxAcurim.-No returns, from the, oily living, vitita Woman and bar daughter.
IV. T, Uoz*xo 4- flax b4yo. g4 low vordoof l4torsid
049pubno. rornoo th.9m. Rev. Hollry WAV4 B000llor, who, has
yet boon publimlied, but they, will likely be
ZXPQUTAD. MROUTPUP FoXVORTEX). W. 01mANOAAbut 114vius ZeAnovotl t9 blorlow store out In 3 fak days. boon rustics tiog among 04'Thollonrld Islas,
l4formorblo friend* Qftus fsot Ill a neat for a few diayo, preached to a very Inr,,;r,0
An . Tlaus. , --- - . I - k WJIVAT.-R.t14t 11101.40riquoly iu$Alred the a . ore, an Sunday last.
ngregation th
fail wbeat j;X thIS. neighborhood,. lklany
riAlItIty. YOM- 00404�lty. On the qritll of June, a, vacant lot 0
Q gave. promiobo(30 Wallets to a �ohxt
Moo unit Notoll. Acilds, that, treat, QU�bQq, was Covore-l-Vith ido pod . . . . . .
)AY, JTJLY 27, 18701 tile SIore, will. pot givexacre than Ove, anct ]it , ow to the 4opth of throQ fact, And
sample at, that, The injary wa the
d no during.the heated term -the. beat 'r.* HOLMY"S .9 10' N
I A base ball umtoi;otwoou the Br 'a poor
11�466, hay and etraw"i darts were retnoving ib ill order that the
20669, SD,168 N a
14POTANT TO VAR31L and Via, 1300d, 41 And Clinton Clubs Odic, place on the ground 01 ]a. ol. Might be, built upon.
1 447 1 078,427 MOO, axing the night,- a. 'foggy VB � K I
IPA*% of -tho latter on Monday l4st, resulting ub it not Inpolorstivig 4 $IltZ TO RF41ITTA 11fANICS riOR THRI LM4RAL SfIAALP Or PATRONAGE,
Dittion of our arpbuyiZ.1- 104%,270 4,070,650 0 dampness -setting. upon it. The spring 11obert JAmison, of Plcton,. 114, ake Ilid A 1
Weigavocially ilireqtlhe a liarloy soid rTel, 0111011- j41910% 01,08,17t V1otO;yf9r'BrLxogeIo by 14 runs. Thematolt .1 a two. of - . 1, .,
ver)r.,. Close Cue bad it wheat is sneering also from the weevil and hich, on tbo,2na day of 4110 w1will
2.080,51AS 1,718,121 3,679,146 0,467 1 w6t*l -have been _ear old licifer, w,
It in poM 14 8110 9,080,0900 1. 1 - e a
T044ero to tAp ailtiol0i in 4 oppl,007 455,199 -olovoi6pod 0
Oats, 1 64Q.0$1J1 804j467 094,023, 19t,210 2,98D,809 1, 0,705 not beou for an accident happening to. Mr. we fear it will not be , above half A. crop. let, gave' birth to a well aro 110 e tvilitill, it
OAP 111'711"1'29 1,893,70 2,866,404 Pass Are not podding as Much as USIA calf, paid 4
the e0jeet of protootion, -fropt the 2,684, 14gligur gain oil the 19,th of July
reaso� .0,010,501 13,011,050 15004,712 slo5ilse 6,657,602 1058)50 M20,705 Sollofiela, captain of the clintor. ii in t cir
C Advocate for whero, 6, 1. ilina, at, alulthere 10 every appearance that they gave, bixth 0 another bailor Calf.
94,mittgn. ihnes, tin Carries lop ),750,W17 054,841 8,274,180 46 786 $,462,618 Sa 981 1,N8,284. the end of the third Innings, which poo.4
View, bbls., 54,881 287,885' Q98 620,171 0 U6 149,89B him Up for further play that day, his place am, was expected The other -day Mr, George Pa-rish, of
t.03 15J,
'on to ma d the iollier ....... 851,4211 S. will not be as ptolifig CLINTO
pgot nufAo
turors, oil 9 501,739 179,669 boic
well, irult, greoni, f - 0 tat'. Oats And barley profalso-an abundant Londoxi,c' -a .0lasa manum
lie Woods a speo propared to, fill All, orders in 4 fix, t
0 Zen Ailvertiscli-I I a 114pev. 0 0, Ib!". 00 405 601 169, 40171 156'sQ1 - 42,116 g taken by, Mr,, A. Taylor. Till aptured ill I
from. th" Ld� YJ 1 002 48109 158 7130 let, I I "1 101,889 1(0,117 0, -is Ile Score: ; . . - rare birdIr Toiath, Clutterop &o.,
29:44 ;1104 SRI loyd of it, m, Bujglefl,'
Us , bullh ...... yield. Although a amh4ar'aoresge of po a obapQ of % canary, OrdlDrs, 901i6ited for Oarriqges,. Waggoi
informed and. pound uio 7A No ...... 18,003 1,700 taNgs, ba ve b, son planted this yeAt than b lor, Ntitlji Staining
Clio allbiOct 0( Malitil 1`3 000t 1110 8,831 0 25 INTO11. ut.onow, whito in oQ
Seeds, kith", 0'. )12 NAM pr6jlact that, eyoo, 4*44 Lot of from bait to oneracro, 0 aqjj, I ebaser, for sale. '13oy
it Vill be seen that the 40 7870 Ill M0. RutiS. NAMEC nums, last, th6rg.Jo every the Crop like balls, of firo. The bird was. 0 Or Now Driolo: Residence pur
I A wanted, from 15 to 17 years old, leam the businesp, A 'rot,
yolitio, ok, 0dorlonly, aouo lest, lbi: 'AS 57 1431001 20,100 11 258,106 .4
I..; ""o, r 8.32',800 M108 a u ptiorl. Iva, aught lid aleo,a h -class woqd-wor.�er, None
Tob b , I W' psolint0s, 7 1. Sohofiel;l. V ........... 4 will ba. Abundant for home, Ono in
long in? 37,065 48: 71 4. Arroistr
569,1(W 1287 9 whito'labB.". 4
ground that ad 48 5M S �T.Afoixrtrray'lfitll ...... 2 or need I
er t4k�a tile trUP 690 0. Livingston, 8.8 ....... appLy.
form 'tecr Ott, 097
Of So KEop Coox,,-Ulias been rather a diffi. A letter from St. -Casimir, Fort. Wouf 01�fwfox, Juli'26, 1876,
as this co4utry is an exporter ricultar 4� 6 D. mocloy, 21id 11 ....... 2 near Quebec
J9,U39,744 27,546,16 22,408,666
West Pautin, 8rd 4 T.C.Dotiqrty�R,r 4' Cult task to keep Cool, under ordinary air, says that that pariah *as re-.
,I produce it will be impo to On]] AM rolt I A.01409a, L.P. 2 oumsfances, during thi4% late hot weather, :a t
ently visited -bry A most, dootruotive, hail
kn Aial y," Y ............. 2 L. Ifoxtoris Prol.11 ....... 3 but th6 Seaforth correspondent of the Gode� storm
tonli reeidy oug- EWS.
pricos by "ya 411MtP&tM. 42MR. at which Q000le, also ra4ey G of every kind, try
At it can do good, Iva have riot been a to t 0 geosto" they CALL grow crops that'vill pay;" Hoxiitou, ax, ........... 4 B.AoRoa,o,V 4 riel. a in a orroopondent of' the ted'thi). groi�vag crops" upon about fifty
:falr�j, to proitee'ting t1le.farmora fro the height of Eir, Often's foll� y I et, that the or - - iSign I a (I th .0
I (a them botteri So k affect of. the. Undon "Advertiser front the Same plaqo, farm The Toronto poliqQ are kill! off 01. the yuill'! ok is'.. e.#
Q40 111, 01 ition is shiler nonsense, .144 ged. duti. on, tW a Total, 071 Toial, 23 gland to c AV the climax of tho loomlityA
oil qompa torn u-110to it is riot.. neoilgilr-4 0 propo rtiolo would be either giasshuppers a linishing unlicensed dogs in the city.,, Might werp Jilsl reeeivod a froshiand,
in,ands protect have got,theinsolves unduly excited Over Misfortune, Cue �O 4riety of FAINS, very
tit t4c,'hQpo of makint, ol As farmers grow, least profiable u
11p0s the. solo purposo of huinbuggiiij ap-large etas to make, son T4bft On. bases -Clinton. 14 Br� goals, 5. ill ph ill our lost Willa. Aiikh "lwhiit the hiAl, spared kll�ed on Tuesday.
only a pars. r eolbeep. Now Boob ors (if ov ry (IQ.
ofthem to aiol�in getting inordasod duties. Of the POVIIIRt -a other Struck out-,,Clintop, 1 ; Brussels, 4, Two. ence to tile disappearance of Wild. The.
ion, 'The fultolameittal Idea of crops th4o they do now, or to mak;
farmers,piLy more for Choir. stock A fatal'accident. occurred About 0 Durin�g A Storm oil Thorsol,:xk,'throe Man, the n w 019
on, as wo uildoratmo-I it, is: that I% feed than, base bi.ts�Clititon, 3 ; Brussels', 0., cor, withourprising ignprance, N XT D 0 R 0 R, C ALL A N R i� a QO Ain manufac- 2rotcoti sip to tholl they do now... Neitbbr of theme is a desirable Adveriiier's 'Miles from Fort Igin, by whi med Childs, Brinneosy, - and LstIprzaj
imposed for the bonefit-of cert Should have w4kh would 11 Scorerso-Wril. Jackson, for Clinton 1. apparently did not notice that our remarks b, a boy,� soft r0ing On the road near Billirig's, Bridge, Corner of Albert, and.11orron Streets.
turers. The Thne� li�d a subsequoitt tkvti- full strbrigth, and defend against foreign one- state of things fqr,14�ymors, iplalble, forBrussel "CardnO of Mrs, Mcdorriish� was lnitftntl
a, Uinpire, W referred to,the reportedfinding of thabody, y killed bj� W(I
Industries which ire c. ulated to Then again, ILL 1874, we'oold to the States th.; a hay .'rakeattacked to 4 runawiji horse. three miles. from Ottoww, were struck.�by.
cle, of a similar character to., tile Clio ill and not the youth a disappearance. ' Thp
Ac w6ll both for thoiso owning them- ancl the in oats and peasoi,00me $i,806,000 while th The b ling the horse for Some, lightning and killed. A horse was Also., N O'V A L."
ey y hoil been'ric,
animals tile bitsa Amu pot orn over- sold to lap only $304,000. ' 1 correspondent of the $iynaj�.taking up the pgrtiaso who w of killed,
give, making of its - general public, it they are ectedfr a 1675 they sold, D4TH FILOX SUNsTILOXF.- A young ere raking bay A tooth
rolia riV418, look. 4t the tigures only 0191,000 worth of posse, while we cue follows out' thq same edurgle, but with 'the rake caught the lad, and"P454 Jw
ments, and arriving ot tho,stime C011011,11- at son of Mr. 0.,Kason, of thisplace, died! jug into The, Grangers of Canada
oacritea ibove Ankt day that the Agricultural so o, them over $4,000. 000 worth, Contemptible meatiess, bbneath the cou- -OUNINGHAM9
We are of the opinion that if tile 1)r I'll - the, chest,
stone. interests Ili Canada need a Protective tiriff- We ull, OA refer to $we items m I last. weak from: th Was forced through his bearti rangemimts
. Q a oto of a sunstroke, duct of x-galtleman, sho hits ignor- Whereby theyrnsy, visit W1IItZ TITANMNO HfS FRM, Nf)S rb
at( received a few days previous, protruding from his bqclp. 116, Was killed delphia art reduped r Mi, 4 arly-seneo aweak intereilt calling At- and floxii, We. sent, in 161F4. Win at issue ateo, Thedetaili
T�mes will carry the. ennio logio into' its in- that it is I those of whe afice, boy qjgstai',�O )MV, &I pAronago bostqved u on him, 4111,114"to
aldiost instaioitly. riot 'yet been dec hp'tieke�g time be has'be� in busiptas, wolYd
ita' -to-the - .'worth of wheat', XLAX UIiLrNG hike qommQuoed n this. We wouldlEnvoirsiongbotthhe of them to 11,soik' ided on, but i ximy and more oonalool
ns bject of 'rotoiction, or,,that it is:aDything but States $15,000,006 1 lo� gooT for six 'matehat he bus removed, to the
P 0trongintereat tbat Carl hold its O`Wj� with all while: theyi2nt -to' no but. $9,910 WQAh.. 'neighborZood, and novi,can be -aeon every their heads," keel) cool, state facts apd. not eqato llfrvo atta ttdious preraises reeenti oreatie4-patho
vestigati6 " bithe an 000 A now pout* App okei the. wil eeks from the 9
m ' ufacturers, it will arrive i the world ;-tbes6-,,flgures shoiV .1675 bil:i 88A20,000. worth oV turnip crqp in 66 Oxf ' It of Angus
it the eonclu Nyhal is that Iry W. 0 sent to th aas of children fasoboods, and we'doubt not t mo isedtforts of ord. t. an large wqggon lo le uewop;l - f ALBERT ONTARIO e�esC6 we arothe prbiluoing not the consurillinicoun-: wheat, *bite they pent. to but %600,000, on th . o.not or flos I or f the'Morrisburg Heraldhas Co . rner . I Qr
Sion protection to, the int way to the aeons of operations. P ra Sor"Which they scribblo,'and, hopper, which only aI4 The 64.t 0
try.w.lth regard to tbem. We 46 no ar' lie -plant in its early or ru -the 'county Next to TuIll . Is Illooli Stor
t t�dedal Of flo I wo iola to theta it, 1874 over S Tho preoil; as . . . tacks the olimentary received a gran
of manufacturers ivill' be I Itoe lat-alones' �;:'whili they sold. is re�.o#iI4 as a good oxxQ thI0 Qnerally, will be better pleased., t of $30 from�
o tl taxift to protect ollrselves� from otits.ide com-i 2DO,090 worth to' us -but P". year, is now pas . I. A farmeg lately council " as a,'modest ei
orpr tn On., petition, but, oh the contrary, produce a large 700,000. -In 1875, by Some Sitolilen twist, all Wlhioh ,ogniticiii.of the where ho.wn�kbep on hand a soilid sioe� of
#nd left twtheir own merits f fo lirge patches,' 6veral yards in length ii�6rific6 he rhust ha�e made. in order to at-
'surplilis with which -to 'compete with foreign- this seeniO to have been reversed t d -as
so thatitile $.-S. PIdNA:C.--:Owing'' "th
0 rain, . �. a MR. 4AS. FULT61;, of the Clifton -House,' Goo own in -the drills,.,ppparently if kerrol'the sittings�,of the council and report.
ROGUES? JuAll]XIE, din to these'tables? they sold ids 82,411.,000 of I flour we sold them of the, Methodist Sabbath. Sdh6ol did- Clifton, (Niagara Fall is.,on visit to hie' the robt 'he& been: eateft across by- a Cut P
T4;t us sale how, acco P A M I LY QRO C E R I E 8
only $1,583,000, gas isvery deabription, whiell will. be sold at. the very
we stand with r.p.gard to the tates not FRTnA, 10
cot,ne off until Friday. Itl'was not- brother hate. age 31y.aesiio�y.
fail Out and , �ln 18.14 we sold to, the United States $321,. � We pasn'from these details to the sums Coral Smith,6 one some . F,,trrateo. A, large assert Qnt of now kauds are now
It is sai d that when' rogue -withstanding its postlion6mbfif,�4 -CQI��te n claim to have d, n thb way, and will b on
'fig:abundaut provision Sham on -a visit to OA
202, worth, otbran, bay. and PtrqwI-to $20,669 total in the matter of agricultural products MR, 0. accompatiledby his 6d, and 11he'ourne.elfact, has been, noticed fast binding, having bound Seven. - Acres 6f, a opeued In ft fiiwAays.
atdisagree, honest men get'their wn, war th, that they sold ug. : In -1875 Wb sgilt which we find to be as followc for -Wife left a few days' TRIAL S01-ifCItEI),
IV I . . . Saver &I , other farms. fall hait in seven hours. It was -a good,
no doubt, in some sense is very true, and: them 8228,839 of tho,s i0l ate $20,16 the f1 inner wafito and" OIL seemed. wall a * * " , two,ago a T6ronto,stieet' lieavy crop, .. The . wrork'wa , a lierformed on 11-3�GOODS VZL
amp art e P New Brunswick. oAtt v ening or IVERED ANTlynnnE �IN TONYN.
MIL P. GltiNT return6d front the con. ox�gan.
s result devomfly desired but when, it ne4t they sold to us, ranada sold to-tTrilted States ......... gieffider, named Ang6lo Onnoo, Sold lot 21, con., -111ondori. to ip Mr..
0 In 1874"we. gold them $4,076 55 worbb'ot Vite . d . States qold to Caunds 250 k . age day list, well saea his Wife -40 S3. Ansh for
.,8 teuttiakon. -Wednea,
i ' j 6r - . . 1 -1. The voters' list for Wingliam-for tio
8 ' WkMHXT OF BU*IZ:a.---4bout ie peanut vendor named Isaac Thomas Patrick
331#6t*.t�y auction for $% -She was handeA. `0 -Cliftbn,�- on Wedna5day;- the
men iall. out and- disag ae,thQrO 18, PYery. baYlpy.tind rye, -and iti 1875 *6 sold them $5i - ilih all b6 SaW. It to. I � -:. , , -
bite they Difference In, favor of Ca 1 pads. of butter ware sbip�ped, at the: G. T, station, heroine.: u d
probability that.rogaes 'will embrace the 36.3,271:%licirf4i of he sarnearticiei, W the greater part -of Rsv. S. Fisuzu and wifei of Waterdo", over to, so ;Tho riumber bfl-:-- -
her purchaser, audgave lifin a taken '�f. N,iagarp, rqa�xit
a, Spelterini, names on Cho 5a, being an iticreaso
1876, of this town, yesterday, -of h6r fWlzty� in the shape of a ritig. Ne;1. Li Sigborinii M�ri
a aiot.tkioenvowo�tlipfeitliertotig.' Soin sold to Ti
opportupity of In 01 it having, 'boon - coile4ed by he various formerly of this, �Iadoj are enjoying , them- 'walked the rope, over th Ni
a iagara'4a
Of tag.0saged g titamsel'as of a dr.pwLI0Arly$I0,Q00,000 . alted States gold to Canada ............ 141, 43 6! 46 over that t ye
th... d: two VMS. out, farmer 6irib 3g Einiit had of big: purchase, n et�'L - ill those merChauts hate. Allowing only 60 Ibb. t' among thbir, man Ad uaintances. in
that which does not'loelong an Ili jiird cash from the United States 0 from the American, to the Canadian 1 a ill.
binto the cir- Difference In favpr of: Callads ........ 6,921,824 a kegli'this Makes the nice little,,quantity'of 19re; and went to, Cuneo and -demanded -b-id The i�sanhy p1m ii not suoicessful ill.11in,
thereby beco iog enriched through the.. articles alone, wMoh money Ivan, ga Sack,- blindfolded, . and returned -to the
in illation a to the prosperity of the .. 130 that In thb Matter of agriculturid &o, mone:r. The -latter, 'L With the help of an- 'American 'aide walking backwards, a dis array� A soldier at'llalifak while on Ysan-'
V balantie of trade. (as it is called)'has WX ARE aLA6 to be abli:'.to'state that, other 'maii, -knocked.blm- down�;aud stole , fance each- W* try fired at acoynrade,,and acted to loa�l
Fulton took a fadr4bl ay of seven hundred at
"folly of better mexi. . At the preagrit me-,. unnd we miy add'that� the total of ducts, the ;E QtrxATA6iy SimAivic'naln 6onfie6tion- -IV! the. �ring, besides �vuelljr 111-tising 'hi fly his Superiors to believe he was insane,. 1;9
of barley and. rye to the been over 816,000,000'in favor of Canada r;, Geq. lid
mbnt rOgbeS, both in the United,Staiei but stiles per �vear Rih-t with'the Methodist'o.hurch, . Holthes4ille, list Saturday evening, ndhAs been im� in-. feet..
t as well be`tblibi fifte611'.milliona that ist the grains of our farmers ha�e broti rnSb 4p
�tates ling will be held on, Sunday next. Rev. 0. La.. now seeks redirlsa, tej n6tr get A disclidtga if� be mL,
and Calitiola'. driug on tI Luce. -�A druggist and M. D...of Albion' ',ad outs, Clear, a
I I though slowly, 'e�er a'
It some bIund into tha-country $16,000,000 of solid cash . - . . : few �Ayaagor:
thiog worth as,N'T ,we cultivate it ou L ffi-. all District, officiating, He got two yearsirupri-
more than we sent, oat fox, grain. Such while�'Mr. Fianklin' Wrn.�Hanover, has been fined 'for Selling ponment..
the -part of tn&nd, ore. enjoying an iln� a' mau Of the LITERARY NOTICES.
&g h preach in the church Pearce" was boring: for water on his farm, liquor *ithou
I' 'the xnattei of corA, t4e,States iell more.,figures as, these show,the absolute 1611Y of Dr.'� air W-11 I a license' : 4is-defefice was
at it isp if A aIn the even
-cry for -in - conn . ee- N is name Keppbl, near Ow
munity seldom placed ivithiii that 'reach to us than wo do them,, but that is, we Ortou'x PrOtiolien: lei farmers, The !a. T ur a SeFrvices OUR lJoNk COXiINIO. i the of �a lot 18, �'23rd . con..i on thatibeirlaboth &'dbctdi`arid��d, din dontreal jo;weller nameolkiller, ab
It'. wit he L. t rly- I � . . I �nded last week,- taking vVith" him di.
ti6n It th ndasboro eircuit'will be tie' iatly Sound,,at
Armors can make more. gigantio'agrioultural interest of this.dountry' w mpathly, issued at London. 'Itisilc a depth of' fifty feet he -struck a
and that is, if th�y can sca,pTfr-6me1jth6r -surne,,, because our f, ada ji$ht to L preg6ribiI liqvidr. i4 shat-' 20
coney out. OfL raising other crops- h -needs thewoak suy�p6rt of a legisla- hold Cin the 13th inst. got. upt : well. Supplied with . iolebt reading vein of salt :ivater hich immediptely jowqlle�y 6 the extent of country in which tlib-cr'imo has been cO'M- otherwise, Ad mile biattor,. and is well w6rtli the foi# sitliscription. spouted upL to W' -b ever pleased. On1he other 000,, Pr . evi I ous . to bislepart L nre. 116 njeltetl.
as the sensible men they fire, they wotild iiiae tive tariff to leanitoOf upon as a giant would it ih, a few -feet of the sur; hand the chief witness for the.: proaocutia,4
ruitted to the other, they. fi4a,an asylum a . baraboo'cane 16 kelp 11in to walk. It is not Aray.a-Ort Sahirday last, our tOWA"- pride atvillich it is offeredi'50 cents a yoar,L faloo. . No to. bare all his gold wat.clics so as tot -be
-Indian, corn, The tables slid* Chat,, in 1874, people were - alarmed "a'; lie the to.i�n roper1o8t of the strengtfi'of the swore'that he,.did mot k6ow when.Llib
and protection from arresti in cons'eq'iAenoW 'We in) ported -'from the States $2,676,751 worth they' who. sic hole who need a -ph�ffjoi4u, Tar- LA'icEsxbz'LxiRAiY. ---�The Ontario bituat his yet been made Mr..'Pairce ought the licluoA;, that he wa�,oven,ad more eadiy'garred�- Holeftalargerium-
-Iy$4778, 000 but they who are- Sick. Macy - �f ouir' bell,ring at half past four in the afternoon' NQWs. Com8any, a wholesale berr--.'of creditors.- The American a of-coyn.anfl exported td.thein Eu at- ClItt6n,aro th boiled dow�,, 4U(ipuple. of teacupfuls- aud'ob- at.,
a pf the extradition ire If manufactliring.- interests need to be guard. and again at-. about five ' o'clocki'
of -they peal worth. In" 187� wo imported froth the States gents for anada for'this tri-mouthly publi. -tained . tha*frorn two spoonfuls of a Sub.-- ties �rrested him at, -tPlattsburg, � for At.
a of things is nol.quickly brouglit sorne $2,457,000 Worth and expor oin 'the - savage reign and n battening to -the building'to hseat.� -,ai h o a whioll'oonots Stance, resembling salt, but much at An Owen Soun firm -Who tendereathe I ' I -
this stit' tea.oxily$ome. ad assaults. , Of � fo 0 option 0 N., I 6ins a olo�apleteL. I Ing to goods tb flib-otbor
�tbat CAUL b enof Mey for,a wholesalo:.liquorlidonse. in,tho' , 1;, 1
Sii589,000. The bulk of t his corn. -is used in rivalo, but for-ain interest hey learned that th6 bell- story, todo or novel., from the game "0991!` tac. am paid* the dati 8 they (,I(
Will so( eat6 the taip the cause, t; L than: an�,��dinary salt. ide�but at lie 0
ahoy, a ei *aSL slight foff his reckoning, " and popular author. F6r sale by 4,11 regular.;way, but Wore refused
to an end) Canada )Lbe overrun word in cheaplieis. t6 Ask for protectiorii is for
Canada Ili thoi marilafacture of whi �nd ly 2 w8ru Oil not ho d him.
Pg it Would, irni A Paialdy pap� 6ing too- WedilbadiYA'ast broliight it p* bbfore a bonch
with rogued of every diaicripit '!twill -other �ortioiis of it in feedinglive stock. So.that them, to -ask for what will only embarrass And Mruni-it for Six land Seven 61eloA. oop, Ottin;L for August, w,tellh Oi ob6 made'a, . country of.:re ug a duty is put on iti- the result will iiinply be'. oneurilber their move, I e4ts, jug IS tkimonial adventfira :-"In E The Toronto Yation is by rio,ia�ariii f for the cri; I bbtter,tiM6,:frieud' or we shall have. to ao boutalas a large imount. 61 -very and in- Ideralie a of-magia-frates' for sellinir-;iiliol�sail�'ivithotit
oremento 0 h; full-grQ lc�adiug paity orminq, an -4 in
a. clog the in avorJority-millio -P IkLL :-an - trongma'nto-mark�-hiL ply fof your 4 is
nufacture wn,.hdalt "onie-what;xxi -y.-and-mis- -a to either of the
aaild to the 60SC'of One 6f,onx Mi 4icen T of01 It ipj A -?t err he ourt-.'doecided or&f Zmea IvIlich Rh -age, and so its ob� chie 'Clio importtini- canoe commissioners had no o tO r6. ..., 5 o�N'us hoiroi�
sip, vous-girl; to'get,rid of kvo i 0, ' 'that raight 6 baby's walking 6halr.-41amileon Tipies,.,. Ject is tihilGlatbe's.r m0pupori-judge"
andwo-can on the United -States' ;'their stock4o 9. �'Trtt HrNT20 MUNICIP,&L CiRItItS the promciti'6n'6i"phivnologiiudLkn6v#�- UO of ii, simple love!, fL -to'marry,fifta fue" a wholesale -license$ disirdaied thq the folio
t The fond youth, delight- case with costs It . w;th the r be. avoided:if ur Canadian farmers.. wont into. roteoiiiolii St. cipal clerks require to-locivery careftilin ledke, the healthfulness of the people, And the' on day. greed repoli ing outtin,� reba
ogues of about one-tenth that, a car aim
'the cop�
crisy,'wo -to tdId, is the: homage wic I vice
anforthe recog. is nexpected success, e pays to virtiioi, and sincerity Of the -Alckil's vli.'
ic�e of y6ters'71ists to'thd cultivation 6f a greater ro tit and BArnaby L axl0eqtis and'Hugh MdMullen,
-be!. We are glad to note, however,. d. nized I& of natury it be in ever ad with b' if
going specifted in the Act. I They about WE, uring th ag-ainst its �bliticai unta-
that the hot . no governun . on .. -U�SLT -A- bbjLJanco 16 on'thit other side. 1p�. li6dy's hands.. S. R. Wells Cb;" New Y46rz -Be, afid'.Lsec 0 Sort both farmers, who live two miles from C Lim- tuous indignati6to
Neafly 8, see to it that, all aroiela of.stich. d cumen vices (if a Minister, he, a 'u'dged of by tbb fact that -it htr
P-dMaTiers, a
on cien y prep ance at the ho6id of his iiiljr love' on the Thursday-abdut MeMulIen's Cows breaking of
410 berland Lite on.
million inipokoa iii -4876; village,. got i74to a disp gonist may be j
riouarless of the situation, nd Lord Doiby just prp6tfhted*a atill mire beirious violatio-ik
So long tie the manufacturers who agitate less thin 8'million-pounds were. exported.-- ilblic decency. To: attack the bench, ag has stated that son - provis' frau&o.; Yet . oversight in either d4iio may cause serious 6ppointed-Aay... As.theitorygoeithema-. inta Larcoque's grAin fiqld, afid Lirodque .. . . I I . 1 .0
ne lonAl . � the finpoAa are..viluedt SI,,JM,484 and `C ' * ' eddraggeaL to LONDE SROIRO t'
A foi protecti6n do'nflned themselves to rouble. oplas . of., f
people the exports At $91,9p 080.' '77"7� L . -, L: ' .' .. 1. . ther,Qf the,axpected,bii4e.6hased. both the a coult lic par'
ments Will be entered. itita loptoveoin. tha mid� 'that all other: classes of the The Catioan wools been re6eiVLoil'by him setting his dogql prithem. Ilighwirdg iol- th Lo Globe, �hub topublilih an Article couched
ortain offi6er have ister and. thb lorl When MdMul�:
abuldlyar taxed. for 1heir'banelfit, the are fin.o affol-are exported and sold 4 a. good from the dead letter *office, 'whither. they At a. reg;iiiarmeetinj of North Star.Ldge- min Oogrooin with a broom-
ris wspregnant with the baiestin.
two countriesi while ew gxtradi price, - Comes wools are Import for mallitm Ing a I r. stick. in innuendo, yet
not the Lr The 817,'I.O.G.T.", Londeaboro, thefol ow p Jon p1drited a thr %-* "r lllt�ble fork. in sinuctialls against a private -Citizen', s the
0 . was too L apparent, Themanufdaturep,of would Qth Ali LOGIC$ facturing blabkots; ate, A.higherdtity * i ID . v*6 iO 1
atest dan4er of the' succea. ad were .6ent 16SCeilgo' insufficibntly paid
treaty isbeingolraftea, 11istob&-hopea- -g�m I V L of Compelling the use t�o 'Co- ay. or two al
merely have the eff6ci he has taken era the pos go, tridbr�bok- t; split'a largo' d1eil g $a urd ox tr6aty, it Canada are considerable, but the. , port of
that in the formation of a idew articles is not vaiy gres' I t. "oept . -atfine exp6risive Canad ifot-been stamped at All. thoi. coutlige'df a sueak-Illielf. does. with that
tail wools fair blanket, that had Richard Adatns,W-0,T. d beadfield stone. A alight crack. ex-, The Depar6on
ins ant- cif,.Ai4riculture had re-:
will bat made to - cover a great drool more in a few lines, su'ch as sawing-pachinea. The xxt dearer but co.111A,rLot 'U- Watncr,-W.V.T� tended part of-th t, o a urg ar.
EXcv1xsXoNs..-1:1Tbe ties Of t to a way round the t ceived irif6rhistieli'that 800, loolAnders, will � . . .1 - ;1 . . . . .
imports. of ninni ke them bettori
whiob. might make the f' b I
goods �are gieat.- Ina N: J; Warner,
ground in fac�, it would be bettor for b6th 13, R. R. in ordo oiii rpol ants whichhe inserted a woolgo,,ahcd . y -mea F
Itt'vill'belouna,: in lookinj oi�if�o ft -616 ted blows With amall6t 06 AMC -it lid
t. .... . NVim ifthoseirorportswere-stopped, i iulil - vi pea a At.'
c6n9uuap- laibui ihatline an, Opp sit or A delegates t" fate coriv'�ntion nt TO.
counfr"es if permission a given to one to ranie of Canadian agri6lttiral pro&�ce,' that olon set'apart in vlauftoba f,
tion remaining the sarne# the hontolotanufac- Kincardifie, offer; during the una L Imagine his -surprise when he ise6vere 11 L t. U - hundred ore -ronto, narrated all intoresting experience.
arrest criminils of every description ill each. taxers saw their chance to makbinonoy, - They thdJoss'-the birdons in'the, way of duties the m is Re4-I.M; that an immionsetoad It -n'embed Ian i6, ottle a Fo r in -dated in
would have no on . toide competitions� beft or it will be for the farmer oifibis conintri. months, tickets to that �port And aa,b6o de Icelou era ate-also'jon theii;way to Qnolo�c) I a )Ind bbort edu all'tbe lore o�
other's territory as fher�do in their own,' and they He has idthing I Ay reduced rates, they to be good to in the cefitre'ok the r ill. arrive in,the course.
o gain by high duties, but if 906 -Chap. Oak. The toad roa anof a L IV sInd''was',foir many
-couril fix their Own prices. Even thoia who Mr, Murdock, 0 L
and simplifying the logiq picoc6ss of o*tra-- , iompeto with all he IN dbadived into permitting their imposition' Saturday, till' Monday.` The 'fare' o raiined loug..eno�gh to b6 inspected Joy. is a the pOpplation 61 tho*lco- SUC' lLaft able diiputomf ihat iio.� on
re W 11 able to c the wiiiia
)ere would have a good thitil ity of he will got no more for -his bwii I Hannah Dowslin,�L ment"in Hie*.North1VGS -could�staud -before him, One rf After
dition as much as possible I by makin if thopossibili 3roduca. and Clinton, is placed at $1.00, wbich I' very Mr. Jackson; and then jumped away� A 1 0
eandic Set
9 queaIi6n, that naturally arises fix one'smind up to -2,000 souls" closing up*a, clever antagoni8t, and rat
as itich as thef 'have " ta pay -more for" nearly everything and will doubtless ind4c ManY to, Elitaboth Weiodmau,,k.S. h
it very difficulb for the r no to escape the want$ to buy,' dko a trip in 'that direction. _ %Ve In to, .4 rayL--�-'D.V is how did the animal get imprlqonoA and" 1:of -his. ' ieve' n4,t1lo
.99 t to an end, for-0ey coilld 0 . Ina- At such a time fii.thiirt.ho t learn An A bteadh'of pirdinlail' cas� Oi f all .,intoirest- boastfor 116 Mant� I Ca4o.
ore a u, the nosing, gpn� p excuraii 'to',Toron,to, b k hial Ili).
ends ofjustie6. It is nottoourint stto �cog at -figures to a duty of.the fariner is to quit disc -that"s chem' 31 y way Andr�w sustained life vAile there. 'landlady �tno
Lion pri a victims oratities And really exAAing the facts for him. Of k shortly, I Androw", j�iasou fills the officer otT. D.,.. &b *Alrg . In -bad ing' kindis about to* be brought into. the
harbor fraudulent -bankrupts, violat a profits, Tho farinerg were the Grand Trun will bo'givdn i Ta out end o'clo6k,-011 ears 61tering him a plate, �ebe tof)k bnother, ii�n,a'
era of larg sy, I pp, tha6' the, -ie tq work. ielf, A, political party is trying to t rous of visiting t al� me. & I d&- I I e
of the scheme, ii -it could. be in lead.the . go the . thoge..dasi h -P & I
& �I We t to 0 0
-dn- a Will It am v IV., T pockells,'AU& is lexii- lht6,-,fr�able�-by.,4telling-a-apmotu�- 1 fidelity,. and d
uwin�%Iitld tbat� 6 -were- P� M BUY a. Mostverything otgre it In
other abeits-that were_not inefudoilin the ted to joi story, The good sense of the farmers must arrangemotit in New arsey,',oihore they
xi in it uutilaf r t ey could raised and moved a bar� owood by M "the Oil
last oar the preserve tfi4m, or they will be led into a triap ' Til:1811,11il.-The attention. of ofir itr6et Nlcw It. Cook has re,- I were Inurried privately. Boibb. r(itarried observed in wor ar tic! theiri. 1�0-
late tfoaty ; 'not" is 'it to our interest that not succeed alone. , Within t F. A. Nalles, about eight. feet. The barn fo�re we had. been' 16�g. oupgodirf.tho,on.4
asked tq takqa It d,, that will be'. Ildifrom pleasant td dwell 16ifp-ectr- is called tease aftet$he cutting of' �Ixoved his hotel,buildig back and is buildi6'g - ht�me to tbat,city, but the youn lady.' de-
ofich characters shall escape punioliment if farmers PC can bw�oeell -threo-f, 'counter"" said - "a, Wit hurribly.-to e. -
ad pt the thistles Ili the streets. Many are it' too frotit to -it, Whi - *illgreat oat long by thirty-two Mt clined to pirtakef her partuar's hod* and
a be 'ev-dit can be demonstrat ly impiov a li.sixv
they shall be able to ;avoid arrest -on, this for' ptotod 'on to Agriculture is based f. in a ill,) looks of the place. high. The barn it a verk heavy frame. board,.6n the-ground-thia hcr Mother WIS h- 'knowledge myself. worsted,at every ti,
ifferent blades on the point of spooling, t
side of the lines and get:to.the &he The u a nothing better than A political'trick. It ut immediately, way do 'great DishxlAciiifftio-on Sunday last four'pug. There 'was in the barn alodtit, two, hundied and from bat moment I novel- rested, day.
r. 'impt to ligoolivink tho'farmbro ; to 11, 9. STANLEY HEARD T -00N, and if hot c : ad her to a richer . mg, . it, or, . niglit, until I became at Christian,
I i6eicifialy itiolined. individuals, hiiling,' we bushols of grain; twenty tons Of hai, tour
it atte AVe we
'Mischief, .61d also. call-. tlia-altten� In'triterosting point Of law has been do -
is AnIido for tho' * ' id sit to our horsegi a reaper and MoWer, a lumbermaig.
more difficult it erxminal to Nhich it; -no benifiti alld� believe,- from Witigham"s, at a vi front
. 0 at them it botiefit 1 LawbOX, July. 26."The Daily Telegraph tion'of poiblorastern, especially in -66oler.
get out of the -roach' bf punishment,,- the., t s induce thbin 'tD submit complacently to village, They a. in trying their evoia, �Qidod in torn), by the 'County Judge. Dr. W P have receiveda-c6mmuil
all Undeniable injury, Thd� good that is to iog township, to this matter.- There are utmost to'ralse a to* With'some, ofou� no- a, ianning mill -and a Charles 3. fidley -Light,a odit against till horse deala� at lliras�lit'ift tw-
announced this morning r that letters from Ot Ming liteusilo, none 6f whioli,were, . bro
more free from crime will s6cioiy,bCComJo , I)a done to farmers under the pi6poed a4angs, Ilonry M. -Stanley, the famous explorer' roads and fi6ldff but;� short distance from ft di 'citizens, which tli6y ouceeedeol, in 'damaged in the least, except tl10 barn be.: the Coiporation of Belleville, for amount, Oil )nveyiii�� the- ittformitio I that th6re'�
9 . q an ing
therefore it in the interest oflove 24, fif- thigtown literally. covered with Canadian. doing,st due for fees as one of the public' , vniddillators. is r range in the emand for', Mont mutt come but little shattered by the jar;. 0
and order in all countries to idin (-he de. eon woroe6ons I advise the a V6 t
ra, of law in the shape of higher prida& have been, received, dated April Brownlee's Temperance House, a
1 ai:,,th4tpr.oduca, iind itmunt be brought About,' t day's march from Ujiji, thistles. Malta Owriers of faring cut their topped. W6WouI( This wad demnrred to behalf of the Cor- for t I �uufry Mrket than Was sta
o to I
putti dutiqll Ion farm produce brought -111 0.-0-10 thistles or fine th 'in,; somebody will,have &o w6dileaddy morning,. A yotm� girl joined pdratiloir, who -hold that. the -by-law, under to(I it a recent issuo of"' "o by got of people, if 11i _y lwisli I
ghoul on Ir ain
--teeti 0 iallj -the-SabloAth ddip, Taylor,11viti g With.- Mrs. -Fred. -Va -which. tbe tiff hod hated -was ultra of rdinary hni,56%. �ftl io ariniiva� tiltog, it sides the clasi
tog".. 'it,a INCA, the auadian', to be made art exainple f. r village,,espec Happ I y eaults of Reforld (40 Chatham, to6lew �i,.ei, the statute not jivinj dwricila powei pri
matter wheyo the crime is committail,'or. hirmer is tq have the. home inirket to himself.' day,-av-thoy gone'ri,11$ fail to make thelnsefti� Librage Ot that lady cps were giv�nasbot�veen$80iiti(IC4120.110
yi b or preparation� famous iti their profiesicin. for �ortecting her, And said if puniihed she to pass by-laws-maki gsuch appointments. sa ibere is a'deman(I citi , Iii,
w"t its. degree or extent. Let 110 s00.wll%t gbod, ib would do him. TAst Some of the farmers, arqunri.6alt common., ti tliank's e Made for- this is, to1o,, 6 T
odd -their wheo h All& are-beinj rotild own -Boma'.fly 1111A h;gh stepping, wift],
Illerft i'vere firiti into Canada 1,255 -&aot this ivook,� -i4
'year a Mkr won ocision wlts, given in, 4-
tiato abda, of $59,202, and' to tbe`%0uIg'n arid b hk tit rule Of Mr. X hold, Ott. the dld'pidnic tbauda nd*�h6 GODERKt,'11 T6VVN`6fi0- after,' inisding hev'froni the house, voi 6f the pit whic the horse ilealer �V(1111,1 irly Tri'M
haral;5i" Of,= agur oat as ac.. aintiff on'thd deintirrdr,iind the
To' there wore exported 4,391, of a value of 846L- kanzia'aRetbrixt Government, soldomhas there nNor, to -Morrow (Friday). Among 41ve as W 6 'it) best of these.
A DF%im,.-Tho OCierich wriship farm Van Alletihought of the threat, find bas. a a ill now.go to, trial 01 1 1 an issue offa& $180 to'$306. Tl
er who came to town A fevv weeks aga to 912. The'll' everbeen the respect of 'such magnificent irr ^illonts provided will be it base ball On Friday' 1W. whits Mrs. Robb. Be luld i0l1iira' to posseaq both ourie inarkat was'suppliod anit more 110S toning to the foot of Chatham's treat,. saw wt
teaLm salt and had his waggon takeri to 1)1eces than supplied, th� fintiortationa being mainly crops, This goes not simply include fAll Match, �6cal and istrutiolital'musio, And dodetich to wit W. Frazer of Torontoy is making action,' siid not so 'Mi;�h coul ath con., shipy waar.,14- the girl standing in 016 waiei 'at the ad goL. V,
horses that v, ould have to bo'bought, no Matter wheat, but 6rleyo Oatvj posse, and almost confootitioll -for a largo number of' prizes ftig- beirioi b, the lake shore Mr. Upon seeft Mrs, Van Allen, she at once , 'Arrangerrients for the proposC4. visit to Ca- The writer says Ant a pretty wid-1 ttl�--
because he was Supposed to tia vorliffig for _wbab the duty'Might be, a for fanj-. ad of produce, are, unusually luxuriant that are offered by the bsiness L then of Jus, . Burke 0 a form, hbo�t 1 miles beldw I , 0 ll�q '411
ao. throw, herself into the riVer.� Harm'. thron,-thnub the
less thart.ellier teamsters, (lenleg � that, he . 11orse every ki iiaNa, of the Foreign Commissi ners %of thw
Iritish, eolufibia, tb� Maritime Pro. this season -the result, no dbubt, of having an town, to successful ailljoIgs. Ample pro, Goaarl she. saw the body'of -it boyp about laCtes Centennial Exposition. Mr. Broil
cepted, anything less t1teuthe ardivar wageg.. Cobol, stoheortiaboddowti.tliebank,'and plung. 01Coll jt� of Clio bptter class of lifirse14
He says he received $3 pot. dgV for 11 g work. viliBes, oeotherpla a of Do. vision will be made in the-shapo of rafresh-. 'it waist deep, caught my young told; R. and the ARnaaam R the
ces furthereff from Ontario Able And liomest; dovornmentat th h6A 8 or 9 eare old, floating near the Shore., ;ing I of the G. NV. ticils the oleficioncies amoing.tht, 11-,I
Will L -Erie arid elit L -Ville ex.
bought in, million affairs. Ove at y 'It
If such is the case, lie certainly Ilaa Occasion than irow rartg (it the itataa were The only drawbaeks'iwaave ments, and. the hiembers of 'the band -mand part of the head �Weko gone, and help having by.thia.timo ariiv'ed, botfi presented tor Sale at bt-iaq And tile agrr�qltnral I)roteeLlorrists, are angry board, of Fc. the presence of the midge Rod Of do All they can I r . I . Can tlie ounrEstes of tl;ejr *r�,qlroctivo rinsq 0 make thORfAi 64000as' ond'the body being looked, was'ni4Ah do- voerd assisted to nto so of breading; of low, 0q it). aull lilt th
thg�f tile calittilill buyer did not have to pay a little ruSt in, adme quarters, : We aroi glad fill, aiia'they witi, doinho gentle "on, ThovisiD will, with- 'Theman'll aright1ofdolaggrieved-,no mol, So lon$ ad �WOL 0Xport ate, be reworded 00M COM, oil reaching
Wore gr posed.� -Mrs. Bar,' ken. ' Tito. bnya�s (if horaon Cir 0 d for them, to have reason the injury to b thission fee, is '10 related We ciredinstince, but when ..'On Thursday iiiii6oltiest-was hold on -the off on 6 -of -immense imparta.tico t6 lotisses tire'
ot a good turn t. ,
matter what wages lie ilccoii�d, and *a feel than we striport of tiny gJV0II (10MMOditV '-fle our great staple crop, Wheat, from those causes Coll to proceado I wo iowarold,the body of tlfd wife of James Carson, farm pitying talk. of protecti � t not 6r -j* Ca da, as t a ointnission: embracog to. tire nfflcle nairlool, $80 to
surprised thatour Gotompoiary, Should oivo ;that cominedityJaI811 ' will not be very general or serious, although seaeoh was Made the body had disappeared �120f awl 11 a circumstances show that a feA- ferridgro li aiderabl ; but all po f t a band, having evidently floatoa -out from theallore orloida, The facts elicited were ftsfollowd: presefit itiveg from all countrie on tht . , face for fij)rSeff Ill G --'o V orls *01,
to be hoard, "Tit love suffered c6a Mr. Carson. having, ptirchasod.a pound 6f of the habitable globe. Ins , utterance to'snythiAg that would-lbad 'p4v�, prottqtioA woubt be, a hardship; If it paid to possibly those have been escaped W 140 kivoli In the tow It It in the event- Sevehd other persons havei oesn'tha bodk' frQm, $150 to $200 ties to think otherwise. A poison I bat Made, no effort to. saburo A i A ivarfiingto pato�tita demos front Nvind.
,)as a tic go, out- Own hoisag wouldlid kept in Cana- Alto other, but for the Want ofArldiplb shown irigi 1roug Paris green to use for killitur potato bugs
da, but it pays San& them Away from by itass electors'lla 'North an South Ontario a eahad, China return from 0aledonia, handea Bar. It appears thstL the other day, two
right to tell his, labor fer any price, or giva. one part Qf oqt ebuatry aiid to import them *lie allowed the edtiaidated of the gilt Tory Avv. Ilk, STURGEON, of BelfAst, Irelam i o ries toi his wife, who NUngL boys'Laged five'years, one a son of so R
it away tiato that matter, (Ind lia Ono Must froril th6stgtiog ltitodiother part. Thuscost party to. whitewash the so f, relative of Mr. R. Stuirgeotif of this, town, heis .-been established at Seems bb, St." Louis, were nearly poisoned to It. lr�;ln, of's in I Ivan during he re- I post office -to have beeiii subject to -fits 'Of me. Clinton, on tile 21st frist�, the
,bip permitted to nio�lojtL Ili ol transportation is solved, he game holds cout elsetiolag, preached two very able and instructive Set Ich-oly. This was about 2 p,'m, onWed- th or injure his 1,8t Sun: Iforigalli.11ay, with Sutherlandkp lar through haVing partaken -pretty frooly,of
riton, on the 1611 !net., the.
to -voted the poison toadstool?'�mushrooms. , A aoctot' was property for so doing. a of horned Cattle, of WhICh We imported , We wish the raider �xrtioiularly� to observt trous IN the Preaby irlsil church, nedolay. She having disco
Does hob our bon� And avlaning. In the after, postmaster. Otel kagpit, amonj the other code watched her oppor. wifa of Mr. U Trotted, of a daughter,
4i 680 arid exported 39,068, the value of exports that We do not Claim the foreging tobd Sound dayo 1 Mori A. Mr. Johnston, a Iloonseah,
temporary phblisfi advertisements in which being eight times that Of *06p,� romouing, but we do mAinta a that It is ovary noon he delliared Art Address to the Sabbath inity tLnd mix99 it up with waNr and promptly Called' in, Vkhor managed tic
Ba was llitail a favir days Ajo by the thinki tile little, 1VIvXtxz19.1" Clinton, an tho loth Canada Imported 8 600, and exported 242,438� whit Ad sound- and true as the sdaie-beadea � School, in the Cour -he a 0 1" I ink it would. relieve follows of their extreme
if, contained tho.agaerfion'Ahat the advet-, so of whiell. M. a Vector for keeping him bar room open on, drank the, whole of the wife of Xr. A. McKenzie, dt a daugk-
of foreign. cattle and in, And placed them for the present out
Visor IS selling cheaper (bani other housed, in Would the exeliZil tionselose talked about the pr6sau . t Reform some r6maikW, *iCh reference to revivals in 0 Sabbath day. kill list Instantly,' I but such was not � the P11 It wonild be well If all obeet) by a high duty do the former any good? Government being espon'sible for'the com, 'Ireland, one of which commenced in 3859, Souls of t& farmers on thathird,condet- awef atid she lingered till About 11 p, tn. of hartn's way. 2
the county I Ooftainlyi And by that com-, Not Y any trade- theory that is generally re- mercial depression. If theyore absurdly to parents Ago! guirdiapo were to Caution their Hmt=lb.-In. Sehfidifli, oil blol 18th irist.j
coived among civilized Wit. in regard to be blamed for that, then th# lisvo cartaifily A the other being that of Messrs, Moody and Stan of Titdkorstnith turned out And out all promising young Man 0 yeqa'of age, children against eating such poisonotta-ma. heAff.,George Harland I Of a daugh-
Saukay. He stated that not one-half of
ToliffbAl thd'publidttro served -at theloWeAt- iwin6thb dourwvf tiadd is reveratilibutnot right toplaim. that the-Dolu nion owes to them the thistles and, w4da.6h the roadside, named Edward Joseph, died at Montreal, Mott 'Others should follow the 6!ample.
advn. the applidatioti to farm, ate, Alltifidant h the rdpnrti Aeon Ili jaiwapapero about re of a
possible price, attol all aror equally, In 1874 we Ira- the prospect of the divest on Friday from the bi orn& Insect. It Mr. C aportel twentl . -three swino for every one ek� Cooped for At least ion or fiften years T VIVAII, in the riorth.of Iteland,'at least appaitig that -while, driing on gundai he ubi residing Ott the 811tit
taged. were'� jd'bi- Wrigil - upon. * The roviQ The protectionist papers confess that felt something which- he 9upp66d to bib a oncogsion, tfiverlyj has discovered a now
ported, and Ili 1876 fifty, eight L thousand� were MAZkontleto Cloveradietit bite boon denounced the manufaottiteri willL not be Able to got the repiflenbq of. tile'
Import6d against sixteen thousand export ad., ai a. farmore. Government because'they ro- of 1859 WAS I% time of great excitement' -but flyonhisu pot lip, andi'mmollistelyattor. method of getting rid, of his grass -hoppers,
TAIG EASTERN WAR. wh*t they wont unless the farmers turn I . bride's father, Rullett, oil the - 20th' inl1t,
. 1, . The hogiI �ro imported iliv a And oxPotte(I it, fused to tax our hard working agriculturists whea it pilised away it was found that the itt Whelp thdral Thb-fir:xlerls, interest is wards was ASIArlply- atutig ; he paid no, at, Ro keeps fifteen pigei-ana during the adim. by the Rev. I MeCtiaig,'Alr. ('xco. Glagg0%
66�lrxruea 'I Thus A flourishing, tr4do da poik packing is but carthinly-tha 0�vernlxient sots in thWl go o Impression oft the the: other w!0, bat they can VQVV X06 why teutiOn to itat first, but Some hours After' Clinton, to NfilIs Susie Dinglitim.
aid o 0 worldi rdoldefitittliath4dbeetitmbli
Fighting on it small sca� thwahape of babon, home, pork ana iita.- for tha,beriefit ofo, few persons of.ongther elho revival had I ft littlo ' mir monthe they live .on nothini but
sea �uader Its rule. n. shed, r
East, but f no cobount 11 shoor to hae A .oth It The tin bocke in A itiorica, at facts, he knew atols big IiDs bo till to swell, uttd, �ooAms inbr's-litter'b;or till tKe next spring to ay 10 t J- on 10
parties claim %not promise 'JdL kept up by bringing I a rmv material frock the torest of aT clis * . I P per. thd ulAblif"tutOrl. 00 06 ubh initamba, ;1n, a day or two the iwoll., . 20th. filet" by the 11ov. r, Jnmiegon,.A.
carry on t4o war more'vigorouslj but at the corn growing regiong 'of 'thd t;Aited States,- farmers go a class woto never before so prod- sonally erd not trust and upon isking duty on itaild And 7cAttlei It id's Apftt = teaoh the yotitig. brood, Last sum I
Canadian growit hogs find a better market at parouh-ooldom. have they ever had such full thosoott hosa'Authorityp.the stittme it . owlt to ostolt lug extended to MA facei andaboequontly "or or' Houghton, Esq., Seaforth, to .Tat -
rate ibior being battled on, it-mvqt It thr I to his body and the services of two doe-' Seven weeks Ils �I'Rs lived oil the aius- �torgon, of the Queen'a Hotel, Clinto),L
Mi. Whittleyls daigle Wall oil pod fro And ready tot
liable than they would if the importation. of tioldoas they hate to-dAy-and weiaotiol' porso and igma out fat'
ears. Wis,oxpeoted an armistice will had b�on giveno the.� said thoy had not _So&(OT6h,.11Oxua time oterm wate 4tftIVed,'., Thb Young Man took
ocoll hogs were 4toppedr for tba.pork faoi6rioalcould ly say, that when the - farmers: are prosperous with about two
to entered into and the war ended, * A exomi6idthoravoryclotoly,but pr6sum to hi's bad on Wednesdoy, and died that MI loading, on'grain. :86 Says tne . 11 milw
no,, be kept.running With, Coroqdjan )log$ A16fie. theL doollit* f',oriendly aocaijoyis the Santa . hod' given tKim hi thd feet of ilitin attached 'to his log, And a text S DIEM
Ily Ing thoul to boL true lefator. .41 *1 --
Ili 1874'there were imported 23 Million. Pouridd bleiffingg. f we could, *6nlv got entire mokuing� becoa4ed was pi sou'of the late his
of meat of till kinds. The same year Cbrildii As Tories thi re- hop6thait, they migilt do, sums good. - III thoroughbred greyhound 11 pup" hold ' 'o ursd4 evening A,Oeorglatt Editbr In CfanaU, J. G. J e6p:i& CIO., jewellers, Tdrotito,, Th n1swri ni
It, aa WOMA �n the 17th msf.� -lax., U oPhonstitl in the
would the services of Moody and Sankeyo It we& figlitlyin his talons, was, Mad la SO weak
And hams, turn of -;d't, th - ih6ut,cini? he folio -Wife of Mr. Groenflola, a'xespootabid fs�rmet of lits ""Porte" 25 million pounds of bdepr goo - Intes roul hing of- Mr. Moody which fuinoavainis with thb choih still attached T ng r6golotionspeakttor Itself: 88th Y's. -ago, a natlive 0
The editor of tlfd (,a vingfa (Ga.1 Asteppri 0 williori pouu&� of. beeit,A I MillionpoiffidS. Of be placed beyond not the Proud SL It Whereas It Ila& -come to the knoWledgd Of North Oxford,'Atiompted to commit Sin'. who visited waitetn Ontario A, kw *eek& ag�,, pork, 7 thousafid Pounds of tongues, Is ibou- f6plItor. drow tho browdej hot MI; &nkey's Singing,. but the alnin* nowhere. Ut- 26WAll 60-
t ch4ln on, of the Ottawa Bapti bhuro' Ida by Cutting her threat with s. Doccamd �as W; D, Uorh6r.
uuds of venison and 600,000' 04 for it: Moody, wont tc,'qub, 0146a and Sankey turod he biril; it h4vift got th at h from various at he Ith, razor.
has those kind words to say - "Via po Prot nistg We ul Another, L the AlItabor -hAd- taken. her child i -h
While business generally' ii doproostot in of other Ariests. eotio MdOUMV Saem the 116milt A dnar is jo. attending. oadh tangled tn a tnapla ttao, On. 016h it Was reliable Sourced, or to the Ron of the firm of G14986wo 1opherson & Co.,
by. raising L . 'in feftfLot J% I it fit her arms when 4110 of jo�fg town, And Ala6 Of �Ntr. A, Njoil)llergom,
the Northern States-, tha appearance i's vor�' thialfino trade the duty"ba Wing Ing t a rounds of I he press to the effect that would be, Sankey ift. the ratio of perched.- onaf ita while lect4ring on p3ntry,, &d& halt 'Ete omigrate(I to Cana(%
a Y j)crp686L lu� about 10, to 1, Oiiiario, btotight. to take hot life, She made now of 8tratforol.
difflarent in Canada. Theta, ovityth' And, other Animals, Let 'those of out farmers thd Boucher$ of the 11w 860i t Xoiw� - but litttt of the I tn, 811em
s tour murders, thre; in Oft- cuts on lipt throat'.0110 of them I d w I highly ostaml
Cates pFpsparltypo lug indi who hnv�'bodn charmoC6L.V the Mr. George ithir, 0 week the home of Ilon, A, Maokonz oud'hio iti.thol year 1820, tin h lea by
40 pt4vAilool hors ore- protection at dtitubtaf. ptoC66dings. Against nion 'I'IrOdUeed I)YLIlloir soriiiat ill VW. tIlCt6, auct oU6 across the Ottawa in Quebec goaping the; Jugular -voib, . X0 all who know, 1111,4
r I ke money by Brown to, , Ith this church iolibro the eeroui to: our kiftinocis war. Over is Uri- ohlb dub lidw they Are to, ma peaces of the attioli reflecting on r1o, Wite � Oily of BollaWs rilinlatorw to I 'i's takeit place - and In every daeo. the mur' , d0ftn"CiOt wt be nryknown, and work abol Wages gearil to a retioly 0* og duties. oil ink of the foregoing corn. nde bated in tb4 start, meetings now, scarcely Moro tWan 20 dorit #it%(! his victim have been (Arm . are. '-Ott reason call be, assigned for this -'horriblor ftai(lotien O'Lli,19 9611, W-
016 ,oar L(,
for all who Seek honest din 'We put8tioA, 0 deed, both She and hot, husband Ing go- T, Areltibaloli 'ornWioll, r. Johil r.
'! Wilson, tlliv t6dohtly app
ploymettit, od" We, learn from Toronto t-liat therd, is outsidart Would be present, while, Some Friolhip July 14, WM. Moro, of Torboltoij� tulike rdarior, Rottilvad, that this church efound a beautiful country, *ith aL Poitiftlatioa 146 the inestigation go) on a littla fafth6r. no truth whatever in 0o turner, as the Bonah. Its itrong disappr6al people,
ptospotons -ot parpbsai titking sty adtion% In tontational, rettelitt' might have a dr6w(i jawris ip, CLItleton, was ob6t by SoIll, Dtot. does horobyXptoaa I cliftla. of omiabtackoill tile eighty fourth,
A pant, of thanext ThoOteatWoatornan 'a aftlad&,
ho., fact, that,
,%ad hapoy, vory ounflar in their tit the year 167ki4ftit6bo ors! do n jor, Short time. ome good has certain. henham, the ocan farm. It, of Mr. Watgonlaqn4uct Ili this partf6ularr thorn ofilif
Surroundings t6thor aituAtfon, of our own pdo- arid BritishColambix did not ris bitiefad matter At ill., Thq -recognize I that, we wish, the toudinj whioli, I a. fathoi lot the Wife adoxafty u to eato6l ly been done, , it it done oluiot.' nihip; Rusial, last wdok, Atli public �ate con -[no 4411 rfloli� 016 neoeagool V, q of Pie before out w4t desolated . by the cheedov suoug1v for their civil � 86, 911,066 they, Are in tic Aeu to hot augliKoutillad hboi Ilood, to ultdorstatid that Mi. Madkonzioli (A-iteab tImd, -betweene-D , atrolt. Itivor and W., PArtmi, of thlo towne
b' tit had bee Cumberland tow
but 6*li G60r. poands of butter, -128,083 pounds ellow As the guArdiAns or 4t6to0t6ft 61' thd'Ileadil, sail" Martin tfullo With thI*A 01111relt hat(bL boon of: the Dilfialb. TH4. publio iIre o fur interested t.
916, Canada soiom6, to be thd Mott' (1681table And 96,631 dozen Of 0998 tvere gilpott6i( Chief. Mott) 00padially AS thb judges #,to ;aIoth#dLwIJb` Anasabbath $011601 h6holava, Tile itaAl 0, On sidau-
d6mou of divil striu, Xoxt to, , ly andamobg tlio$6 Who Were bhUrahigbbrg
kha*n. to Lig'. r MAda Altdcat reAl6y., cut 406' 11ulh6r, Alto A tibighbor go, most cotalfal phatAotdxi�jy Thig-gomo Mr, that A high tato of'Apped is only, fflAiiitalfl. SAW)" da0glitor of PlAed for 6, ftaldenda elo�. ly,tothosoProvinood, Them 6yah abibldta power. to protect thambelvot thAt so Much has been Written About; Were gavxgely thit he ba olnob'died, And on'tho Wiltbou vidtod rob 11OP6 And left tit aft ad, tdooletent, With' 14fety. TI,6 0. S,
oat w6tutdaftt IS absolat61yundt the control 69 buttet, 32J,11111- (bv the infiloti6ir on the, others who, no a deal 'of noIII6 unpSid bill of over $14, for cintin§� bill 61px�hR%*b1dh 16JVOKL Amhet$tbur at 214t inat,,Thon%A1'* V
anythiri thht, $&vote of coup
of the adplo, while they, enjoy the In6toatioll flort$ dotobi 61,6ggs, Whatgdd4lo AM the adlottimit falitodl bittail 91661166 Essex watshot, by one Iloloih6t, the two living 0 the of4 *111; the Ila* jexhpj_�xlo mAttet wbe fillt they d6potVd the, It Wag Overt toturood to the r old Ways Land
at the t4fish g4ornmaut agdiuAt f0foign: Ag. to t116 farmer toL make tho sattl 11, 1 dlsta,400 to litiffitlo,, 220 son of 14r, 0. agon., A90&4 yofIrst
on AdJAoient fatmit. Ift ova, one of these Ad' 'I nothing. but a. fiaud infloss ifi 0 ILJOUrA abd 10 In,filltes, thill It% Nfvt) duty Oil their, triffluo Impotti Contempt or'not., habiti, loading many bbiewts to conclude . tragedibd a woluag hs bmu 6privold of h6t rOf 93ilkhorn Now York 4nd a,soll *h1oh 11.61dit of tUQ"--ktl0f0s' I WoaI4 It bring -a bottat ilia cAso will be laft in'tholhinds ottlid Judges and chast, and tile sooner the publid Ato oludos, 16 itop1gj,Cno of 15 1-gio, . in AmO16 r, theu�841160, Who *111, *a 66'94t�, *bdg a that tlia rdvlvdl was did W�rk of Mau and hUsUnd, and fri5t! Chi to Ave blidolfth loft 611 i 1411611 NUOD'dnald, mother Of t. Wtot I Y,,*.
thay have libert got of Gad. fatherless., The T&WIt6il mdrdat6t theI fact I tho,otheta "rigd Ave t1linutes) 444h, It: 1)6liod, agoa 76 years,
le�l 4-
10 t
vkiri 4 sub
tItit i' to r I I
0 A e ye 10 'Atipflotial uir
0 b Ar who 40 Q 44til 0 n, An
hC .0
th f it 'i
0 0
full ooartMo, vihat, the int4taits of justidd�,
mmil attil !to more. Obibibly th L 114t to taW at trah all thoyiiaw pthitod 14 aeo ad MqUilllma It In- L'Otfilual I', Resw aflas couilarned. Such jif6il 4n, ot 000 pp A art dedoolod. to atual tilt
opproAlk On Pt6s1potItyLr Without fit- a , Ill $hIftk JJL Jodi Ok t 06' Ag
dolollft'- and the rotboflob fif the btfol)i(est It th atkt t 016,119 forms vith 16L'100 lot' AtIll kt largo, &tkl 9616hir-hill1ro, flam thatt �hay all possibly. do, good to runulof t1164 *111 1011t -4064l 11ty P41104 111it -AfldrbW Viltylill 6904 W Kto Alia 0
tho tothosat let: d1IX1I16Z*,P4Pt liff)A ojtI4
afttol for labor, while politio0yi )ilo� 10 he better for &I
are And C GA
olto It W how
Z lot.0 001411 Atticia , 61 10
0"Ada, X 6tlKM0V# cd,
�L . . � 0 1 1 . . It Oil
mW of 0044 *UCA do 444064 VF6 ad*it to 001141401 � D4 1 0 #10 to oily
... ... . . ...