Clinton New Era, 1876-07-20, Page 1T 9 V woutl4o when his. cabla mp. Mind deserted all Okla mombys of the UQ&O tuw think- ortsted ojonlyiof what they had dono. At the Is 'evolalmoll Evraty. - Same i we they bcoame bolder Ulan over in the commloolon of'orime, alwayll bunting 0 or tr4roll1ug togotalior iit % comp � y of be; . an twooll twenty and thirty,- 4134 dolying at.' ta9k from any quarter, One doy, �As they, At the office, Isaac Street, nearly oppolliq, of t4 VXQ l'ost QW09, ("HutQU, 001, w6ro engaged ou a haut, 4, mombor I o band became he arAtod from the rest in the TIMMS.—$ 1,100 in ally.11100, oi- it paid F7 t 11 in exciNmeut of t go chase Ile was� found t wo luoutlio from One of aubsoribtug or �a lying itead, shot in, the left eye. A fo, at w At the encl of'thll year. 4470 latori One of the rualsoo, iidlngalollojo ni_ was, killed. Again tlio bullet was, found to Tito. best JQb-Office In'tho County of 41pron have entered the left eye, but no tre in'o.94nootiou, Work onoontea in , first-olass ,o -maimer, on the shortest notice, III . Ill fit vVry Vol, XI—NO., .29—Term$ the slayercoul(I be discovered. - A week pir $1,50: Vor CLINTON, ONTARIO T UR A:7;. = 14Y 2. 1876, two passod and another of the 4opp r o roa-wimblo rates.. 0 44 was sh,oti. the same torribla. accuracy being, 0 xhibitod in a, shot in the loft oy provijik K to be f join* the artiilo source, Tbo: Poll's Reply to Robert Zilans, sation, if yolt would only give ine, A. ohatico", quo all the $hot c�wo, alormod, and kept al - A ricultural Nod Assuraw Assoolatioo, - 41 nkly in. the boary Slumber of partial in- than to find 4 now place,, for I gliall never The. robbQrs be, Walter, Alml is. the only other Qbjeo_ toxication, hol! soul turned i Virst insertion, 5 cents per lino,subsequout I R, tog0ther . iq� a0a', but illoict'' r1181,1449b"I — - :WAy th6ir r 11sortions, 2 cents pot lino Ott OF CANADA, Came, "has boo was It() eapaptil which goom-lia, al.- -- cod Kthodenth $14 1 o u the Truth seck-el, of ;a 4 my beat friend, 44d I will serve PQNTRACT _t1rJU4,J. I -lead Office,, Lon IT.1 . n. talent, as all yonr friends know you are upoifhor, she SOLII�fllt 116r (10 to be larking nuar theill. . Dom after (Ion, Oat. I., GIIAORY, M.D., GRADUATE Or TRINITY ar mothert and you faithfidly In One 001111111) 0110, ycar, 5.00 we. Ocallego, Toronto, Physiolau Stirgeopp d;pq I)Iytbo� UTYR 1870� "Thefilliqvkno olltvet poomol says t And will Succeed iii youtpro Illy way, 80 please lot me WAYS he editor youtil foao�ou, looked itito hor gentle oypa anti thanked �ior f ell, until ted men had died,'each Simpo'g, Hotel.. "In imitaii n of Bnrus, Is. listed 'From in bub to God thAt sho-was delivered. f �yerj and one pioropd,in tire eye. t woods. wore ad half lo�_ 4o,.00 OAPITAL, (Jan, Ist, 1875) $204,906,67, Out. MICA 'a y chair in Imm- if you have no Serious hindrances itv,with You," The devoted girl Iva$ in ailoV TJ Q 66 �lythl Jan, 90, 1874, 4 ley' 1) rout the old- varlmy3t, Arid Marion, with filling I.i5.00 as,,ps7 policieiA Aix Force. on, Vorfarshlorol September 6, l7ftl Though burden yourself with a. %iifd, ndlobo ob� thno barashigs and, aliarcorturto Marion the torrifM ineri in vaini On eone sourby Half 11 one year ................. 40,00 j7, purporlihigo be from the Pan of his satanto ojooty,' liged to folto�v some uncongenial employ� coulofi, wlionamcamborof tlia band - a00.00 nit. APPLIUOR.—OFF10144 AND, RESIDENO] t never complained, she folb she had no right thin to Ono 0 aC, a a 0 rather inounod.to botlqXo tha it wp g thab would add to her h� ton,t: of Blyth, Jy Th.11 mout to keep thohouse going,, iis th'o very to flo, so.; And the der old lady never retain the Orl who had been her faithful �j- -1,0. lately ocoupictil. by Mr. orames Frop- we r o shot 110, �eon heard, and 3 luoilths, 12.00 to the Wesleyan Church, nattoribury otroo!g1lutog, Rome pawk Sootoluatou," til thi all'bacrT 'long. a beolltradyappoh vapoing 4ent for Clinton, NOV9.1,187 Say thing that -will dampy4r araoraud crarup all this 11'. A It io, 00 Hall inted ls thq 044 34 0 ad coo QO, once a, gaunt AS alieri: running 011o-rourth, 0116 YeAr, 1 14 4 1. old established Company foi�'thii 'Townships of r04mO daughter, In pwa ni ,ISO 0440 17to your genius ; farowoll'to Alt your d a, through the wo ig What I* thA gets yo tAk' del Sho �§ STE WABil, 51, b., C� K,,, ORADUATZ. OF To jeer, g4 me, tuld-ban, and . fly9to, 1, oveil - the marriage and con- ...... 12100, TUCU MEVIII GODPRICul COLBORNE, GRL rAMr bof fame then 11 - 090,yllil pursuit failed -to a- - I 1111lu"LLEUT, MoKILLOP And MORRIS, tl� McOilj .7julverolty; eo444 Time passoll, and Ralph Marton died in gratulation&,, the kisses And blessings. As overtake Win. 3 8.00 In Scottish rhyme 2 if Marion, how ca )U taff 110 ;,61ari as thdo-do4poradoes werei-arick. -poss Policy bololors in those t9wriships will be w�oltid on by Adeduldictor. And fausely-'sle me a, the wl a, fit of apoplexy, inducorl'by'-Over'd-rink- tM asIappy. —r. ir;i a 06d,it.wasfcound pair to their new here of a. brii tal courage, t$oy trem- h$,00 fire, ing. NV1161, his will w 0 r pallid of thloardtory Will be visited periodically, so say a -ad my heart, torn with despair -,,yet you that o e, Walter drew his, they were D400 one dotoring insulanco will be -called on It a drosoiri Do suld nickname$ yet hao'a fodpthi� uo-half Ills,imincrilso property bad bride closet to lijul It. RE EVE, Physician, Surgeon; .0te" Cokouer for sayingt Marion, are bled before thiamystorious danger, It could `8;001 libu at, Blyth. All -Aet;61 0' sharp sarcastic rhymes a routh, stand calmly and. diect -the boo, loft to Iris out ont 0 06 not be faced, aurl'it could uoi Jna-twlelftli, one year,. .......... busliatioll ItDOglautyofHatroca. IlesidellQelaud,00100-Col All wo, of to ayou M sailuths y son, the resi4 f ill not repent the s%,orifico, avortQ4, ,you sure you. w 5.00 CUIVO promp I t'"tention. -Over $00,00 eye' to on Paid !;9 bout to, Ate the as wool stomed luxury, ha.. . .......... rt and Mill Stleeto, Clinton 'Tworo, Jppb case; 3� 06 by thio'Company in patisfiettall of losses. �Alo distant city, while the remaildn halt was 4nd. E miss our acou 'file result was that some of the band de. .0413st 9thd 1809. tGreat Heavous, VI orlod the girl'impul- wife sorted and Red the region, There remaizi, ......... claims promptly pfkId. Tboraisbutonoololostalauelted For you to tell the honest tvith, bequeathed to his tco,�bave. 4n4 USQ) and ologlknoo aAnd 4hame the dail.11 have never enjoyed tile luxury fttil such time as Should Qontr, t , $he riestled her hAnd'olliffirlo4tly ia At: tho''Oaptairt, and four 01, -?'1 "1 Q;j so a Q) Advertisements of andl arldoij I oar, 4.0 oludon C CH&S. T. POTLIP, Qwon. Sound I dinnampan'to notq the whole tul only Business .0 ly. STANDUAY, GRADATE OF. THE MEDICAL -Strayeold-tost, Found, Doisu , intent of Vlotorl% Udailvorot�y, Toronto, for, 0,11 liging my feelings ;. all my life I have second marriage, upon -which ov I she and looking,trilstfully resolute of is followers, - These fivo'hun, &o., not exe soling 10,linQ lork, 01your (%ad rigmarole; 0 it into -his eyes, said, t- . . a, first month, $1 , District Agent Grey, Bruce %lira 11601r, meily of the Hospitals and Dispensaries,. Now T, l,d,�4tbouinfhoruuud,3ny,'tong�e and theta been, used to look at a subjectin 6very would forfeit all, and the entire fortune " Darting, it 14 like leaving the ii , ijht And ed and leads, their raids together, 4 -.:-, � Mlvo�.Qdorp tills, CLINTON Nmr XltA office will Ooroner for the County 04 Hurou; 1UyFIVVD3 Qllt.fil" ndfoi After first montlif-50-c6uts oaoli mouth,- 'r prompt attention, nna aii inonies p4ld there will 1 -22 Your olashumalaveve light before I -made up my mind., 16 mag heir, 0 �ced that ;u y would rdour to his sofi and The, in-� $terms bQhind n Advertisements of 'Farms and RCA1 Est, be dtaly �dlkuowlod000l. Than try to. through sick a, ooral impdrative to know it. I could I afford it', - to Sol and Anchoring in a some time escape'd lin�&. NVORTIHNaTON" PHYSICIAN, SultGRON'. lalphati. stigy, Ay., Among the five wao the mail. NIho had en - 167P. Pl!ooi 114 flahness of the 'man -had, v b " for sale, not ex6eeding 16 -lines, first month, eshavere. before. 1 allowed, inysolf file -increst trilflo.. �call rtod itself in his last will and too- as a cosy little nest in* the suburb$ deavoroll to savo Long at the timb of the $1 - not oxoeedinglo lilies, first month, 81.30.;-. JLX Apolaulohour, Licentiate of the, College of Physicians O' -warlocks and a' witches W— as w I tell you, this p1pulling pavert' is belit- caell subsojueht mofith,'00 d gails. ends a, a of Lower Carandii, and Provinotal. Llcputl� 0 kelples, opurtkiou, grost or Rinal; . y tament. fitrange as it may soom, Marion,- that -they had selected foi. their f u tit rq whipping from too, Severe torture. � This' Rtall "ound croup for the County of Haven, Offloo $44 There is not ony truth tling 4�, evork faculty Othe being it'stul- IvIlp liad marri"I-for-a tortntievearlid Ii o Advertisements wlthout�vwiflo diroodinis A04 W . __= *V. , sys. . 0011!� _�_ - — dip building formorly oco4j0d by ldr,' In what you itan the intelle We. -hpino-� Th a. inall-orio morningventured out in-tha woods -- will be inserted till foirl;oid, A114 ohargod 40- or 51 wftitog; Or stradt., warps i ct,tQ- '40* thab.it was so b,oqueathod ; it wall only the wqro' all aruple, ut.,00nvonien6 ana dx, 9withouit hig comrades. He was walking For "loolan ftights I never saw insult to hibrsplf t1i I at.'.tuade ior� tasteful. ' 86 the Ila I ppy bride a I lid -kl6ng, lookidg for glionto, a "the IIntQro an 0,1871,: Up,to this dayr. Sillgllo*potty necessity of got�ing 91i da,ilr cordingly, bread. 4 implied slowly Advertisements mea red.b a Scale of RO L X4 IL SUAMS1111', 7. $a, R%b, that wicked mend W TA 11 The truth checks b an4 bor ;ps f164, alter hej-twAtri )f a: rifle �rdjeoting f rom. a y 11., DOWSLEX, M. IX, L.B.0 ME urit commenced hotisakeepittg ill tllrr� brown- barrel Aught in crimps will. arothotraint "And yet I thouglit yotr I a )2 - - . - I solid Nonpareil. Dld. of College of Phydoinns and Suigoono; o(Outarlop oil Ove T4 0, hh&gone, nd, one, knew where-, she 'had clairiticit style.' It-wofild"be imiossible jo bush beside him, 6helahed his course." 'A G14;jo 'Wholl OR help are undlo faint Liveipool, -Londonderry. qnd UP To find said the" youth Badiy 1 dreamed so in E. HOLMES SOX, late House surgeon of Kingstorl'ooneral and i4ying-In, Hospitali Physician, Surgeon mud Aceollohour. Ovvidla T alksio-the share*; nor da�s,whon w6liavc b oon never lied.fr(om. him or' 6"0611 him since tell how sweet-, - clean*'and f resh tile little tall, lank roan rose frout tbobush, and the The lIrst-alaust full powered, Clyde -built Steamships' And oo1latty about wiilx might and moln, -all thososuml -tha*t never-to-be-forgottou September even- houib 41w4s was. z Marion. never ii'issod startled. Inan ri�cogiiizod, -Sam Long, the - 09 the Allitta Albert sfrott:oppoaite fallZR Mill. aLino, leave, Quoibell vNery p4tarday morti. Clinton, April 211,18.75. UP alpilloto blame," no happy together," muter, Long ris6d the rige, then lower No WATSON, BARRIiiTERS, -A'1� Ing foi lAvorpool, lending Passengers and Xallg'tot itig. - She hall hoped lie would achieve suo- - or regrQttell for a moment the '164 t'littlir I JUALOOMSO Thus, I ant blamed for Adam's fall q TORNEYS-AT-LAW, Solicitors in CloakleerY, And talkof1hat"said-tho Vro,tho nian who ce y career-, but if lie had of that, wealth that, had all a sigh, liclaotl iallodallything, it was-arionymollo, Her searollino wits.-ofton devoted to wiit- said a good word P. I e, hn'�,ou may go,, as in: -h�a Ilterar boon, bov b e,"- od it, exclaiming, Yot Man Bank building.' '741 thing that's no tW6,1 014 th,e rich 'A& wit th ly Should never love atiother, avid tender, omnly 1 .1' wo 't take your.ini Conveyancors, oflice—Next door to WO now 10yal Calls, alt, V a girl, chilkinj 19T OF SAX1,11NOS F1tO3K 411[JEBEV. It's Just. a, lee I' call'aftid to. be aeridnientRY' alid Jr()NUy'TO LEND ON IIL4.14 ASTAM iSh aketclies forth4res. *bad as'you Are, laughed, a littlelaugh. Ion time pas , sed on,.atid Walter Halwa was able life. But let them be'. a 6 a§ f'or hiffi--lid liad probably married Cr S AULcoaxsovi. ,Tolly 220. -ORLEANS HOUSE, CORNER OF CORKORANT : Maioh,*woalth is well -enough,, -and I , . .1 . I . _ 9 So , tati( . in to Cituton, July 21, 1,1375. ................... :uiy 26th. 114 nado mair ha�d in'that triulsiranion' go ; anyway, -lie had, fQrgotion* her ; very gro.wing f4mbus. " HIS books warb oil the The luall' necdod_no second -ii I storo street$, Tictorla, 13. Jon You 40011100, souroe, of all oppresolon:,-, hope to ba�a it some day. Bcrt� darling, a ivi POLYW1;8I&N. ........... Aug. Gth., And wite, andi douth, and =Rnle dariumilon, likely lio bad sco'ruod her from. that night tables of the wiso And cultivated, and go, Ho.burried to the citito and. told Ili's SARDINIAN' ............... Lug. 126b. with your love I could be happy in --,I hit in L oarSnhe. 11 I d had.ta uted. her with selling herself for. iioamas herself coutributitig,ld an uncog- stcor�..� aria ilia :trthdr three 0AMEkON & M& .............. Aug. 19th VOJ�Uta' -,flB ap, blo'cot, made cozy by industry, aiid bright gold. . �Xoj if living. and, free; Waltor would *tontatio -e And eleva men a arted out 'in purquit of Loo�g and AURIBT7,RS &a, MARKET SQUAUB, SARMATIAN ............... Aug. 20th.. I its way, to the pin B '�v - HV) IlAXTE NBURY HQUSE-1. nA,PTX XBVA When Adam. foli. with affection. 'I should tqjl for ydu so 110vorstoQp,to take so liior6onaiy�a e'roa� iiieratuie of the day.' but two rhon a(300111pairied Dick ReKett 4, Tho,advantagesoffered bythie Line arq oiylowrafes. rp Y Tho cal plot 10006mmodationsf greatest amount of comfort, is r., Proprietor—Ono door Heath of the,1100 Offiao ndRaba gin you'll just road your Bible, glidly,_ dear,, and feel amply r6wardod by 4tlroo' who,161, hei boat hai oaro,-Iia.a-ininis- was, goilb. from -her f tic! and-sh Inaii: was moroF todnableo�laud Shortest sea passage olintoni., The fittings %04 fumrn In �usteoldo.�filiAL!�ookb4lton's fable, nolsafety mt Victria Streato U , _. r qs Our, wants. are tot:ed to'thq caprices of a gross inebriate, boautibil-fil her, 46otion and.contentod a lent Shot ill thoye, an no5oarph-cif the Pyep%id itasrage cortificat4l; issued at lowest ratea to 'of this house are an new, and everything Is prov, od aa p4nk a iiiioli on Ozy t, mostly aitificial-why may eiicotihfit oil, muc i the, same*. Wid dlffeSrt1M=u,9 -baweil iW, Jim- -'Tn d you persons wishing to bring out thoirfriondo. nice the wishes and walt&ot ho� loot ulicla 'Against a gro w he It the- cold world and be*Eapp e -spleridor. 'By-and-by, :thoi dd ent 'of a, NOME re IfdrTlitougbLTiaketsaudo,yeryInfOrn*�iol3)app eels contiaonor fro. lon . Ile pe, 61 g To And my Asniq you'll not be able -it in each other. I r motho -dicd�, lend Madgb marri d'well -atiothei, wall. wa�s killed in I . v able jb. v b day camp".. to mikko Q91-afrtablo all 0 it in it their In a, the plot I A. STRAITON, 0. T I am- certain to eara enough, to makd you illli Cowl lu�, Goot tot t t o8blors, oand was settlee city, and A twenty- little rbsy,tace, a- �Iriibby'baby;boy, n) c o.' and again- the hunter, escaped. Clinton, �Iay dth, 1870, and yours.comfortable and trust me, bet, abo found herself aldne'in the.world,' the. ha�pirjess'�f the home complete., men fled the 1t()Il,,TuuO 2, 1$74.1 A. rmither,'Evo,Ikelooldborbrawly And. next day the tIvot remaining ainty line -------------- ........ an she wie, and Wally But destitute of prallooloo wholly- tor days will dawn, 4... and' wealth'coming to. tire T'crry wealth she had so 'clearly secured sp,� amOng the- io§6i' and lioneystickles country, leaving the.fierce Rodddtt -alone. MORTGAGE8r, NOTZSi .. A: The;jitlos hizzlo I- wyatriving and lovinr togetjlei�l would be lmosb valueless td.'Iior,' She gave up her finding, Work- the inost perfect. rest, nd The leador of thi -sperado�s%daiod'. not' E S 11 . gy1ty spent reaure, ire cave remain i re b lit oil �un, and whiles on folly,' td( AND -OTHER a And mischief busy. sanctified. mu0i in chari, vllere he-% Lis, , I -To lie was AL LEARING S byl. iudied, Ioite the most enduring t C R. 'Marioll-S e Pa. grow soft- and dim.-th6 and gradually f ound b orsiolf"stirioun.ded by. them to f uture, the rijaii,abovo alI others that Long, sotight Her father had bourne trap, y Good Securities. Purchased, he apples. putt arturoll her a's pi to lier�she almost felt of c6tuie-men _rnen of ge"' iXO'L)dNI), IN tARCM OR 8 Will% ca: k -ill., -- Concealing himself until,'night, 8110 n, VIO Left U. ye. -arned her no Liao fruit -A44ior receptions, the,siiacious ar hu'lliounted. hig h6rsd and e 6 zicar- on good me to.retes.o% 11q ll p, fl' d foiih Clinton,AugustV For if She alor sboW surely, deal u at the r 9yes lois ere fil,14 �Vitli tho Went of the time. at prt�ilb oil �tho A.rkansas4tivor 'wlie'ro it - 47 . Interest., 11. n . mr,.. snfe rd mdrit,. raising. lie As doed's a craw." cv Clinton, Nov. 9, 187 tho.gardon. whero-Oid sf6o)d to, the Great; authors, iioo� -the famous. o posoiblo to . take � j)-assaeve on .A gqD' eman. who has lately rptu,rnql dtLBS I1AMIlAtN,J3LYtIf, OXT.,-LIdHNSVD Slo�; didna"dd list iat�i.r's bladite- little unshaded win-dow, she saw hot? me-. So aS;'tells ar Story dwlibottf. days J�atc sop%to.r, the keoll joiirnalist,� and thbthread- from, a visit to Dallas, Tex r1e roomhed. ii. Auctioneer for the Outity*of Huron, Sales of Farm She didna. anitall her husband's guidin- -by t1io lamp tre poet, all I mob on' - -'edin n Is . Vol . which is rathe small landinn, in the. on.the banks I Stocko.1teal Est4tel &a., attanded tal'at reasonable Her ain brew house, slid wadna billi In,, r dramatic, and may, be true, , But'spraqed awa, light ; as She looked, that. mother. raised tind kiiind i1l,,flieir fair hostesi a. Th of the rivel-, where the: steamer stcdp�cd t) t t 1P .1 ol fildlu'll her -hand Welixily -and passed, lier fio there etery was told to him ly'an old hunt - Malcolm 3-16 1 l, rt Vdbhie' WW. re rale ther. bondug'bl,dr her sowin�� mo B ho NO, 0, 1$7�, Deponding�iop her 1, art -e. were to falre- bill a them all 9ers, fri nd ea, trip a for pasiorigers when ther -a -,-,Ordr her ond . . ritest sy It; wh er, who lili'ol-Wecome doinoatic,�t'd ii'd wits ny.,. CLINTON ONTlas -AT .pyies; her sight had 'fa�llllg' (it rlicopti6i givpi in HOIVSON,. CtINT6N, LIcEX9E D.: ATJC A, i6t that famous lierpout story. 1 ___rli6ft6r of sorrio.-l-i-....Io.uhging-ibo-tit.-one�of tit e'Dailas idtels. -lie learned from the occupant of the. only BRE EDRI 11' OF— V TIONEUR for the Cou of Huron, Is -JTo -lee, I, bo-battl0shimed' and eorry),- - 1ter-of-late, Marion turxied-a*Ivyd sayrilg celebrity could'tell -yoti.a.. goo t) _prppar9d W. that Marion MQrton,jurn- "I, C1 nrany cabid in ia nei(7hb`orh6;d:that the boa 0 OR4 LS just a clever allood sadly, It is of no use to prolong this been en!, st6riog,-stranirer," sai queer wouldbo.do' In the fterhool'i, and -so, Per'.. C6 Aft oilfit to Of Viro- t a Eiit - ai r cry sonablo rates. And weel writ 4pon; id 'ing m6y from a grodo she had d the old'IelloW, in Clinton, Nov. Is, 1873, pinful interview, Walter have t6rtaiiiiirg, met Waltdr 'Iialway face , 6 nv6rsa4oa O�ith- the St. 1ouis maii, $,but havill tho,�44nal t6secu're, Will- ce oThe Work of an Egyptian Tory I rig SL TH I koald the loan t she heard her friend IiinisdIf o 0, faliq__As in: a aroarn I d 't litiow of.any t at tua.be more like.' lie established 14 -Tal OR IS' 8 E, S AND. On, ."'But di nk a--incoment the 'bti IN, licies in' the f sfe'enou, ofloll, 11 T143rart of-Vi'll introducing' e_ 0 kind o': strike you tlio�u an: exp are �6tll yourrgm--Wc can surely wait N W- L`14RRIAG k.wid a;io' Marion, iiii th Author of ly t S T 0 C 11, VQ r. , ;a. �oply at the Town Trail, or At; theyeRidohoo 6ftho My realist clacta, andreeloted 911; Is now ofTeritig his sp�onfliol slook�of jurrrj�, near Vio Liandion, nurou a.'Bruod Railway those famous ar --Magazihe, o�Saqi Loings'l, iii, t�arriobn nv ears, ,It frorri pursuit, and took Aly hornio hooves, and brookib.phizi, 'y ndo "the iium ��e a tioni. Throwin�- him elf on the JAMES ;SCOTT,` I ithor clattord it r ww i f,,Ritialdcl ;' `Wo. -ago. Teus* a a u C 11 a gC 166808, 1 the day, lie wag' U R A NLIU Issuer of Marr P, see th a I N Is maiotl.y, After al-tho bizz. It would come when the heart it might have duly discovered Iiii identify, you keh bet,on that ground., leptuntil te in Cli jA 'L E So matter. have cheiirod is cold in the. gra.ve, �oA 't] ILE SoSOFY�S, TT I Of' his niodesty, he will- be... '.Then t6 old fe]16W,told the story, which. wak, sound of the bolit'in . the NdH ll SIDEBOARDS 1PBOARDS T 11�011, I AM, HAS jBEI kald i -no Cal rioloteel hoa& grown gpey; ffering, is foirevet !car,'.' .'A &0sand. me ot would roii�d a pcinC in CL ITIMT; SOLI� Ali 116neet, decefili;*krutra,chlol -adly� rionizid can scarcely be as:gruphic iit# �y rin as -in his IHAIRS ft" V da, appo n a Sent ferhat, Colonial Securities Core- 1 tdA To. memo tantly. FIRE INSURANGE, Wio.ldead to plan, and heart to feel, aplor og rush6d co�e her its in*a, drearri site tbrRe idiom lit oi 6, nd lie wisiied expo6 party of Apgland; he is algo, agent for. ooveroll private At. discount of FiCtien Ver centbolew former' Vitaliotg of Torontoiwbb loan money at very reason- 'And hand to act ion, yoll hm*6 -t1iia wbrld- ext her ]land, �Yeais ago Harriston County, y P)i jilougli iison Troin. the ended muti��ring tp.her. 8 . As sirdolwil U rate it gaug LIFE IN IANCE, pric6i for cash, aull will continue this ald,� "tlorates. IriterestpAyableyearly, Chargesjltodalit�, ness is.now nd. sik' not well. upon.yoti.. 'friend sconiething- alo6ut's. 11 former acquain- was the hadut of about as despe und n lairk" fryorlJ Aobil bl�offte ltim� Itor -Alardalcm-bawbee. gra, I M 0 Alsosoliol -for ho -at. Lawroiico Bank. I kii9w your. houghts, - and: curses conitliff. In 'ill'o mid t of -a crowd, she of ruflians, find the'muzzle tif! s: rifle for the next two months, An indue6ment that hazoll"A® 17,1875. tai as everinfested any district west The man WAR gey an, West to do, aodiould not 'be forgotten by* those vixo! -want. inr old ropiobate`who - has: beet! 4awdling 'founcIberse.1f,ilorie withAlre man Ae 6 t of ; tb -TlJoL ti do liful. na,difficulty� -AND Had'horsit, ana'kye, Land ouseli too,- - - 6rrifled L deSpej.ft i sissipp�.. Their number was so go and cheap �,urnx e. oi, jh4irebgnizIn� the i-dary as. *the 6rill It& had od Ir J I $Una And shdep�,;wud stols� find. stIrkA atioef here all the mouth, with hia,dioge and fi h in'that Now gieat.,ind' their. rganization' 'so Comp e c. ralago, Licenses sit a t ormulselon- Tofill P. byre; ay, -under the nioohlitffit oLIVE STOCK I at r king Ildavitoi a uoe Is 0 for 0; Go meat And class (W cAAJ8tlyLlleW),.' ing tackle ! -You. spurria young. and liun- before. - 49w tha -injured.. With the riftli ste6dilyr upon, how L a f 'on a One, ( Or England village� seven y;ars t they it, the bat half-administered.law- theL ri urnitUre s Up It IXIru Ld I�qpj4ned ;Sinm then? at defiance, carrLiin In , ring f ace'of Having one of the largest'r 11TO anci We heart desire. ttst'mau, ready -to Work drdie foi".you, to tlec( Reddett, Long.hissed- ends, CoAtraot ills, as An Mort 00. 111, ny ihiiigs li, 4 .. Le " , 9; on 6 career of . (1, 1 itc.61ns in' t1ir.co,unty, oontaini:rign lardo stock,, 611 k's otill, �arbyo, ltd�baawithinbiadwallfriw, 'gain that' hoaryt Creams. - Woula,yac, ei Ho IV monk heirtaqlies hark oqme­"to­Ve1 'crimb with-impunitk, and: nialting the i;@- n you i You whipp me. air opportunity is given to make a good aeled- Three Winsome queens land live brAw aiatatur; W. W. MONEY ffVANCI change. your fresh, innocent AdIf for his J�ince th' t terrible time 'that semed.,ages gio 'iiiidesiraible pkee, 6f abod foi all You wadna. in the hail broad Lallans WhippO me ike a niger, like a dog 1 . 1: Clinfort, Dfaroll, 1870. tion *hich should.not be lot paso. Sopti 14,1875. Noo find their marrow, n an. e distant. in. -the. - irretrievable past 7: Not 'at citizens. -Ostensibly.,. hunters or -aWdro, I'd -111 you Nefore I'd eall.111yaelf 2traders, Wi"di'd- ke itock- III in bii_iN D L 0 0 X - -Ware ion to'soarch from auld-Tantallons ...Marionp. face aerAiii;andI'Ji1'L Wt* d To�brAcsofYsrr r eyes4 naliti ... goin o- o I S FUFMISHEb 131? Jois. -.T with a ionic, bot-11"'Ec . ... ... I d prudly. f.- ftladj OUNERAL XtNan"lVark, I , , sort.; but-. on It to -following day. Walter stealing their chief, occupation, never hesi-, cleabodbut y9tir baild, nd now if�la your B next door to the Express Offl000, A"Ibor'V' 16 happould thitt three brookl;ss bands. Couso Ratod, ft 0 Yoq 1' iavo no mTOTIVE I d to -Mrs, Marten; tating to commit a rderwhon uecessiiry rn ON SHO R r �IN q=stroetj Clinton, respectfully intlm%tes Of caterans,cathe free distant lands 11arway sent up Iiii car tu 01. friends and the public generally, that h took what fall'amalls their han4s', 61.10,siid thia.is (I"ite'oriough,, and I bill and -was receiv -by her. �for their safety or for tg& execution of any - Thor �rufflarr in Abject fear j)leaded for Ilig Pt :r Ji3?L balf(I a Select stock 61 Clock yov'ko6l� od 8.1vatchap, owellpy, &c., Of sheato and doddlon , hOnarkon," said [to, "seven years ago Th life, gtwvollin�- at. the feet of hunter. 'Itapairingolovoey just like your folvirt'llopland dolanot, of their, rapeally plans. o cobtrolling, I � - - - T)r,e -One pot cdftt k� lrargofl on 411 in his lillef alone on thdAhortast notIC Or Bordei bodies I was not Ach I spirit in Chb:'Aespbrte organ iza ion Was rCAPITIL, $2,000,000. _pc inorA 6 63 slid, ll He �clurrg to his aI dr6wili�g intiff Se tit moderate ratts. it rof0cd me bee, 0"Vorduo cconiiti. J tell you IIAb, I had roup share liagly alIlsthis Loision final 7 do -you 'have boon it warideo' I have jilay clings to fraw, -The boat was very near. r- er mar- giant named Dick. Reddett. wholfro:?m his lorly refuso ito hope?"' - ried-and after all this timal_i4urh to exceptiorialferocity And darinF, exercised In to the tulzili here orthero, to utt A. .1411VIM NOE.— Shotildshoo-round the me he I lottkit on, I, old declare, 'mean," said She Avc�trilyl to_.heg .:find you a wealth:� widow, raore,beautiftil. -alificost do3potic control over his followers. ivptildLbe ssvcd I Alrea�ly liersmci�e-siacks. L.- TIHI -CLINTON COUNTV- A all thr6tigh- the brush, Nyho li 'hun- nor -1 -to me, to go on in, your career,, tliaD* our, and the � Btm'c pure,,, -was in his 'x, showe nt e Blyth, r� ob.,23; 1�10. rere 1 Y6 for�e CLINTON AQENCYa;. sotedt lose or rnair from. 0,11 parts, of the County and Province oil o,q'uai About the in -all oces� noble scou17 A Special iride of' this 1114n 0 sftilly I )top(,, and pray.. I shall al- l6oking ou 6,of j'roui cy;a, -and Pr6p6st'Ithe, traordinary a4ill in tho.use of the rifle, no ter press�d,flieriggqr,_tbo sharp� report lermp- InstrAkeflon IH,VJvcj; In fill the It harbeahoUsof iob 6d a linin"trol 61 hlo�ain� aipg_ able to riatigatif, ;�ftc[.Reddett, felLdea, shot to, 6-Commorefidw IAnglishlAnd ClatlRllottj EMatfolly and in A goixtua knave, the, soviethfog vain Same old crinestioni--7-can and 04maii indiginigon. stuatuato.ar, )to. Mri oil," he entreated u. lavexne 7 1 -ono.ofthe baud'bi 10. 1 "tell me hat' a i * what was at Intergst from rour to Five per coid nllowod I . 0"'I'l I Of rhyine andAeltor; slid then Again- 'you love 11 0. t i have not Oiang jht�of my hii that iim the braid throuh the def � eye. . Long Slip. pored for the UAlveroltic8, the learned 1professlons, anal (,Tust like yorsol'o) toed �'."ry thoUi 'R mercantile fluill"ite- Special Attention Is paid to the the''ciiief accomplishment of a sovesterh man.L ped Away in flio"woods, and,wen the boat euW drink and lasses unco fain- Where would be the good," she saiclj. iii -tesponse - tc Allolies roan site fOrCO11121loolSellool ToUchers. Tuition' Stop,.Witlter !�'� said Mm Marion; did It W gS it faytorite practice with the band to .�toppell the tfiey k. LOUGH, Agent. r;oi'6l;1fiaton ttget,olithe Voils, 9 loot 'quatterly term 4tuderitu from adistanco it'is nob f0ime to talk (if lovei'l :ompromisa yourself further. of the few' small tno but no one .,call of1tain board in the villago ab Very moderate rates. fft-uf Inds -and lad, not c until, I qqngrogate at some Cho f,)und a dead mr e"Ise. -Hair-.. Ily IT (11111 at half -pent si Ri-told f, "" Ile goaned; and taking both' her. hanh tell.yoli c yor, of the worst Cliatell, �Xpril, 18716. lven on.' 0 IvIll be givee on application, of -i 0 oper, and mirk drospili of my'c1ratimstances. I' live in storbs scattered Mrbough the carahtry. slid ibon Cotinty'was, rid fore, o'clock p.m. -V�Vlsitbaa (personally t;jPb'_yfaTUr7TO tiny nooniber of the Board of And wonderquo tales wad-whilaid prepare in Ida;--10#ed_k4g rilid tendetl -iil . fflans, in the Soutliwes And string thogittler, y in her co, as yoll see, Rind am apparentl -a there 6ngige in blilioting.i1natches, and it gangof t, 'Trustee$, V14' blestum, If, little, It, Coftto, A. S. Fisher, affluen . y Brethren are cordially in I I eyes An' . ;. Roove, MD., Rai. 1"'VeQuiiigo :and A, yorthington, 0 or a, he wan woman ; but the moment I marry,, was upon oiie of thbae occasions that Sam 4 that; strandor,'" said tire o rited. : , a 'bod bless and p 6 Id XONEY TO IOAX�; r ted *as 11 a hair" ggNny D=Xfs, U b., or to the Head Mosier. Mr, JAuleg Turnbull, B, A, TO mak' a tother., rotoc yi).u,.iW d, lisp- in'the Dallas, hotel., is a true Story of the .1 rain re(loced to povor6y,, everything goes Long, the liter already mentions 114 nijqns fully bent, my,only love I If over yotl�lloecl f riend, rotaryp, volth lnt6 a -.way Sam Long settled accounts with the ON F 00 S�Joy' doingff WiMro,prescut;, ASY TERMIS to illy husbidla',alli You Are L poor, but period to be present. Long was quiet, 0 Ct ntollo. Call % 878 know I woul Y, %Vhicli tble prinic p -a I Book of J�obll Iro did Invent I lia,ve literlly modest follow, Who lived with his wife find -blackgusirds,!t- I �aft 4MC. 'CARTWRIGHT, That ton. n ble Illan yo So �3eastly.us­ tcf oxecute- -eiiild-i*n&.amolldbbiti-imtho eighborhood, $110 M4 his �tzo lovith"a l6ok in hot great Flueli a will."' imittored Walter ; bukLarlded; And who'niacle JiUntin- A.�,.O It T 11 DF. STRATVORD, WILL IJE I Arab --his constant been - be repaid In. part or lit at. . T�. .It eeyes like that o a woundodlawn, but Said cc I 6d, at the irlittenbuty lJoilso, Clinton. the firstTliurtt- shall never urge ptition. , Iler'nover appeared il�t the store I You cetA, Rab, are a' the same Protectionist Fallacies., xiday of every mouth. Tootil, insortodin the tany time dtirin9­11ZE14e.ral 'doy und r 10 mjiflh nothing.; and thus he Jeff her, ini(lo.r. the you to coulu'llown froin your present posi- save to exchan go skins and., fur. pro-� ltIl'L filled" qUjobL moonlight. ho luokod re- land m was good its N.16und once. NO mattlit,what way beyour Slut tioti to oliaTo i;li(, fortunes of a . poor serl visi, na and'aillu'ni.tion, slid antl ,A4 'Tire r6i�mlb election campaigns ghVO` thoL'. of Loans Oi,your intentional treatingl6rin.' "Thoiagoes,thoon1�111.111 o oty 11 S [ 1()�O Yolf. L I kno%g. your favorably kno�ivii-for his anbri and hon!- WOOLEN.MILL Moist of your obaractero of fame- lalle t ion�aii opportunity of puttin upon . I I . I. . . I. call over deprive yonof eaty. just ie *4 tho, �%Vlff A111ILT TO 9. Compaiiy. Ldn Ara puteinventibno, 'forpb(I L to, it V1 dL90 always my'lo� W 1 111) Can act st6,, Wit w0l to my fato is no Ir rd. tire She 91101tra mak's,glutista and *Itchts Iii6ty, at Away, tfle, things, I_ CfjVeb, 'allol 083011tial toybur lla�-, wh6n. Sain - Long chanced. to come will in Mac4onalo; in, one 6f his speochea' AN. WOOL WANTED,.— . 1'� � ir 10, w. wo, V, AP.P. LIST OV nAND14 IN IIURON Fotl �S.JZV D)� look than tlitlty, k1(p 10 turnea saillk t6 go, the desperadoes were ongagod in. OTIO Of before it rural* andionce, dilatod upon t1m lampally maytya soon At Ilto a Tom Puck -wlII sobli be ortilfic and danty the bilrolon of lift, iank Walter" ' tire shootih,g*matchox,`. it %via d6manded Clintnn, March, 18-t 0. A the NVil nab the l9sqt6f, qal4-MArioii,'I*ibg . 0 injustice of,admittint, Americitzi grain free 'Spin, Ual;1114(ttre, Or ift&ho.Ago tot Wool- go away I ' chie�- To CArili G091 You 14 ralowing. how madly hand upoll his arm. to detain him,-" not that he sho�ld take a part in the sport. of ditty. This is'only ono:of the rnis janDoods. Two Cents per 'pound more thari market Of 11 Tom a, Shantor. I love you --- Ojos price, for 0ood, clean *ool. elintoil, Yen. if, 1871, Your dogs fil'A beith dobatersrAre . ildly.-tilrAteait, roachos so ;.yotv nlistako Seven years ago, I Thaunter hesitated at 'first,- but finally; ),a falls. of the 6ppoiitiou orilliri-sub. 147'J0,000 T1D­L0ANl ------ IVI'sanod galore and spin tosparit; -out towardyou I' And lie called ni� -cold was young. nd ambitious. I despised. 'not wishing to incor the ill -will of J�e ruf- joct of international trade. 'While, it is ing With sliudderhIg Biel, of and chafed night fiins,�conso&eil. .'Hi skill. it!"06kiftO 4i;it6 true tbit, Canadians irqportlargo Yen, or*n the varra 11 Drigor and dalculati OU STO M Roll.. CAP. N JDI.� G Mrs of'Ayt" 8 w TtIRNINO . VIANK8 TO THE LADUS Oh' You gat them quardidl- sigh, sfio.tfirnecl and Walked otjt under the ana (lay to AoO iny'.m.6thertilaving herself to *ad known to e something iorliarkable, -American graingo; it is also piolko� joij tto slim 1111 Is ban. to dock your hair quantities of F U q 3) S. AWaya aono:t 0 day. Clinton and Its -vicinity, for past faVorgo.b6ga tlo W, old trees, bAck -And, forth, while the fiioon- dlisperad;oa,wore not greatly stir - L .1 . .. I I . -it priceil aie nour1) R I V AT Do fokm them that sho still continnoll the Ird and Bonnet L . . . light sifto:1 down botw000ft the braueligs, th, and my ister growing up ignorant and the true th, 'at, The grain thtm loughlbaS,At the Tat Robin, load for aloulooplia, nd wkward ; now," 81io coritinuM her prised when he dofeato& them all save the to tllo Cafradi 004I)lnuln1r, 13 Cell 14 per. 1b.s Avenving, crowning with light the dark L colol,109, C100A F"1111"K 01,I). VICTORIA ST., Ana tauntop and lorA and wraigful wyle, sswimming in tears it is all So Captain of thoband. This mail bad not 0 is not for home consumption, but und 0 ottler bravieli of the bitidnorliff tiou,,adshown bi the fact, that, in X findc boford you and yout flyter hoaxy h dilfbient. I nth litoiiej. 1, Uve tio, 'one to -engaged. in thlio sport, but whon Long. had She Is Agent for Sl000ke. Batterjok & CO'OL't Anayourprin, Ve"i atopearn 11r, 1 0 Olt atiort Illot)(00. Marion Arlington waa the district s011001- comider tint myself, an,4 have prov6d,iM all -the others, danto forward 1874 our total 6xports exceeded Our imporiaL JARC , s mor)ntuoxon. "On' dotiotantly y6taord i2d gas dankert hl.LM blid I V 0 a xr teacher,, Arid livotl with hot! tnothei aila these long years', that the glare! anct-glittot with the asMiratied of all dasy.viotory'. The by nearly 7,000jOW buithela, io tr do It reC6191log thdlow styles; All 91909 And descriptions AIR AS In the gr�n I young slater,Ati- a a t, a to.tbe'-stirpris ZYZEDSt FUL LAKETS kept on hanal which she sells, lot prides opedifiedin the For whon'Y&A think halo doorulatoLdwoU, ulall-villatyd..� Tito * Catale call, 0110 hopes. by strldb daft' and 06toritiont The ling fdpr-dlvar-�Wtdr it hall, nic" of the worlWig-mockery; its flattery and shots were made, an 0, Of in arain enabled our 4oll'Ors in that'YeAr to APPIA TO Illooralpstronoga. You come and bid a kind farewell, thok took in. Sawing, and fonOiocn-yoar-old dulatloll lioltoiv, itna 11118adifarltory. If everybody,'Lorig gained the day. -Therage purohaso$I6,;500lQ00 of American. *grain. X. hijkl"COS119039, AttOlUDER9 PAOAMLY ATTrNinn o, And-Guold be halt Madge w(kna0ed most'Of'ilichouselfooping, yon call forgive me for the rulsety I catized ofthe leadorL of"tho J!uffiaria knew no bounds to foreigii.portg,-to the manl­ 1876, All mddo out of good. Wool. and of our Own n1finnIAOL11101 ;Evfn toi the Vote, dell himselt so they okox out a1rual livint) " 46tO you, lot me doincidowli and walk by your at being thus defeated in prea�n'ce of his fast Igain of our h' yo, elova- CHEAP. FOR CASH OR WV_ Lot fal a tear. latory, no a - rom 8 IppIllgo. Wa Clinton, Sept. 7. 18r Audi Rab# Iani fact all was lot thea, was no hi talo oibottor&ya. As side,,Walter, throuh adversity, i(nood be. followers, and, although retraining f Lora and wa�ahcdusea. - Wag our (4over I -BIDDLECOM13.Vji Marlon had Aaid, theirs had been a povor- I lung to work wiffi you, for -you idlstio& on the spot, lie lutim' moub to allopt tfio� polloy Advocated "by Sir ETAIL AS Sidi- thba o4tist be for wo ; ' . _. and so yon any v Clinton Marble WAS, W14OLE,,SALE For, tota-you lot the drink A be ty stricken racu,* poor-, but respootabid give, wri the love I'llavo hungered' for all darkly to the huntor that ho we ohn.&Pkedonald our tarmers 6ulrl rrotb� 'go L "I' fake my Alth' tolerably educated h1ways. When'Walfor thoad-years -take me into- yoonr griat, go. oven with him,". Lnng paid, made 6ne cent tlio richer, while a vf6fly. VRON ST119.11T. Any kinds of Wbollett Gdodgradde to order, 01 ofyoUt uIll a, cad Wran We. atton a d# d iborUy data Halway, the young newspaper coTresp011- norous, heart. 0h, dearest, 1 have pxid tion to thp'throatl a�na qoon afterwqcl.re- own wooll'ag abbapt its any other . on't, use, cilahr, I Walck and 0 lira's death, erioug blow would be struck t our carry - MIA all Yen mouln1a the iolsio take dent, had. met'll or the summer before in darl for my wrotobod, -mistake in bitter turned to. his cilibin, ing 0A&d. Hort, Willidin Macdougall, Wag Terms Cash, or go bar Cent extra� J1, his rambling, tire pair had boon naturally t'aray moNux9NTS,t RUDSTOXE ��YETIIIVIR 44 That fate Is tbitto at no far dicta, And quaVajJj6gL $orrow.11 She looked At Ittat dusk, some days Long d" D . f� 1.81tard plough-ShAra drives alfita the uthor of another fallacy. He wants kndwor A.G. VAX-EGAION SON$. rill, oA thy bloom I attVaoted towards each other by cougeni* so bolitiful. in hor pa8siorl. and penitence having como.in from a long hinit, was ly. the Govortitnout of- Cantcla to attopE 0. ro- dasigngd�dn executed In the best atylo,ulla at to 09- Soaforth, ;nrut 1,1670.1 'NDS rOU aliby of tastes and. opinioni, So that tlli Ing oil thd floor o I f his oabin and plaYiOg erimitlitory policy towrds the V-nitod able Prices. Who ixttrollage 80 liberally bestowed on him In And oruslaid beneath the faftowla, 8 that Walter lllw�y folded her t1dickly to I the ast, woull hereby notify them and the public son- Shall bar. thy doom. summer irlion, 116 Ilad, Coru'o Up among tJ`Jo his heart, feeling thrit all the dreariness of the child, while his %vifo was g6tthig supper. 'tta. -wnntq Canadato 'Joe L removed ulopt that 0141�;l tfiat into hill now slid motb hills to lopend ],is VaeltiolLi and' soribble the pag,b was itonod for in th Me, busy Ivith� L her cooingL, risked Ile 6 precilorioJoy The v American tariff, dollar for dollar, and de-, Mitnties of various Colored Zdarble'SuP, donalool promises on Albert Streat� vIlerabo will rea ings oi slabrtruentLof ' or 'tho press, .,the' piled oil Short 2�otlde, koolons hand it- Ialg011d Select a of thord8ent. Long to, go to an adj,acent gpilrigand brifig clares this to b� i6 policy of the ColVor. a X RERCENOY 11A.URIA.G.ti, had to intimacy, antl it some water, a reclubst which ho, promptly five, party. , Mr; Mall ga I olou 1, igvorywIse W-filtorhad Tire quiet, werlding-was over; it had complied with, leaving the gun in thn houaci 1TAs he cotisidored'how su'A a,policy w6uld Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, and SI(varwilra of alf kindga; was with a RANITS NIt Is no use ta talk fartliet. hdhrd his sontdillre that awtot opt6tri or WOUMTO ORDEAt Which he will sell at ;�%sonablo rates, 1139 atook Ili PDO 0 '130en unprot6ntloug,;;rqd only,a fowfrionda. a ;omewhat unusual course with him.- He to. An Aso %i.411 *ght. much larger and motoatf6d than ever boofe subject, walj*� - The ease N411 01096 ni Bitterly he curaorttal 660nt' weropresont. "'You know," ShMI Marion had reached% the ipring a -ad wag just stoop. -1 'twouldinf, s th now c og a 0 the i itda city, morbliant, 4110, -run-up" -With'a cofit6ritba smile, "'we shall b'd poor ing to. All"thb-tall hq doohL airier 1' '16 lid action Invited, ltop4lring' of, ovary dooriptiaii d4ri never marry you, All m i OL tw A call reapootinlly 0o;)ldlited. DIEALo OVOL sy -tow In known nothing but p r a har , rk during the hot niontlis to a And ot a 6 down L by an Attack from behind-, articies the C W, ff. 0601 1 It, lit. alid I want to bog 'In in a borni ignorant ot the faob that a.very large pro - 0 bound ieourely'atid'dmg Clinton, all. 14, 187d. 4. DIDW004br, Anzwff Stall it has book% only the stern, glop. ide lif breath of genuine countrk air. 0' A our niqdost,, income," There Wag gri gocl some yattla �Coobbletl xakdr; MI, 0. It tio of Canadianimports fr6m tho Unit. ton, Nay oil Iola., for of its'llixurlea or ailn' aniong her sorvAn k -all' illoir'ki�a rulstress into Elio wooda. NVItin lio, robognized wentg. When I martyll it must be -to lift %o"tatbg *nrto simply BritiAh goodx ptlts 0 0 gaeof thal �b5do_tftofxrgood-bke'. - -81fo- had ever heart ahsaillants he knevv what to expect. He had -of! 1. _d looked And thu,11tful find considerate'towaficIg! them, fallen into tho, �tflo Itod'Jotb gang f Xw. York and Boston I . A rocriminat. CLIN' 0 BAKE RY m 'his chagoid, it% bond from the, merchant ptindog CLINT01 girliw to, in i3r ca eo reas, a higher aphore than I no.4 dapyll ileou. -116 yoling mail had ailol, &y had learnaa to . love her-. 'Asid� and1holoador was about to'-Irgot even." cry 0olicy forsoc Long was Stripped by corder of the Capbaim )th I Yes, it would be rd, itB L '0 X go ill. nsaid th6 young man;'bitterly, contemplate a union the stately And Its liti#16=0 an- ohickory '080 to ApLto the face, L TIL10 leaders of tl'. AKE-BY. #(I mean, waltor, IrAlIvily'll I Ion. YOU mean yotl Oill marry f6t mono.V0 he at 'roame the stately, gar from this parting, Marion vias glad to leave thamdriso of cutting offtlt`6 G. In tottiming thinka to hictumbf6ra fritall madtil. 9i d tho logalind lie suoppotoa liar of -being moroon* and bound t6 it tree,. A hol)Ill to . Or GOD911 topidtS far po'#t LiSbVit sinato star Ling In Clinton, fiVb s6otations, She felt more fwb And pare to obtained, and then the cap profess to believe iti the theafl, thd old atiholoty 4 young girl; indignautlyl mean that I avy, illitil to-hight, But the bait was al. re g� '6 ' bol' 'a years go, would lutiviatb that ho to at, .4 or the wealth for which oho do i if they Wmild but, love I tilin took f thom tip find bertan the was li6rn Voor, my father, wasv pool- befora 'luting, mid alia was poor_�611, no por-86 barterod her of Frdo Tr, 33AEV'Ro CoNrECT10101t) &c�. young life and,jarldolloa two whippingy Announcing tifth An oilift that the -also, they, woold, linva.. -me, and hia4Ahor was the same -..We are at atoeped fil thAt -Ie6pootAblo govorty that fond heartq. Two nnlo6lod-for ldents no Man could beat him or his Meft 1, It shoot. W141M SEIMOT"WD STOGX rad6, and alWaYAL ing And at#.JL in tho dounttyi The so towel- awutd fallacies to explain �way.- Dover y , hsra holds the Ita viodfus SO3011401ong- that gave hot ilmoh plessiub, happoned ft6r, Oattatoltltl tagpdafnily IntimAtog to tho WLE NNAN� �eln I frotu my earliest it lilts ly toothe traditiMal grindatono, 'age. The 1108h In abit,141 Clinton itud V101nitff that )vJ InOV640611 61 the RArind, been- nothing but garimp and mvej piade 'ad Ju3b bofi)to hur mirii 11or haabandlo ing of the Vidtim were torribUL aft In o 0616bOID694 In Al Ito brarjohoo, VIA ; . . I . a Infirm son, wholn She had n0yor sopt), wrote hit was cub ironi his back in stripes'lly tile sSOt Ina pas oat and t th rierh mort21gol W6 a, It AM. 10 urn Cvor to mako both anda m adIn fino up- loadorof.tho rufflatis Ves 6 a in ap; -who adanake6p ut the iromblande of a shabby townthandon, And Uri, Arliffigt"not Vl- qniali. 'a right to tire propotty, f fit hot had gr4tifltd his rAgo, othom of th bnd pt%tS* hig h6l)J4 mobtition, but fiffil it'tho game titAd ECT No 'V Very kind. and gon6rolia,lott6f "' Min. blows, and whah t1lo, Ira Ing lit alloall As gomb *61thlolif attjollarlL thrown ot th'6 idtitility. em, tired of it, And.alok of the llootid from dtadge tho re. favor, find boggiiig hor to coutinfied the panialittl6tit, Bob ono man in his pookets, A110 �itarrelljng le rit VU190,t 911018'111ond Pratendah- *6 have Al', flnod lady Alto r All par(lect -As, ifit6tail2gy to araw pistot So x Rnna AMD PAn"I'M d the lines of house wheto alw had, ao, long boon, mistrogs, 9 I may n0or rustily If data grow (11111 utVICTORIA STPuEET) wo A had topoarao to. r AW00b 1116thcrTY Although She eoula,acob accept of thin -his sisottiong that Lolig had boot! punih- knife. A 16W was but' , it I do-, it Vill not bd to porpoWafe' (ape. Madge wag sent try t; "4111911illg kindness, It, was od enough Were receivoll vvith dorisiol.- DonVorftlooil, n(1Lft61dVgyman,intdndd,. triAlotiall. h6 call Wftfoft it graft. waa fying t(y kn6w,tl the Wtotolle(IL hbf1tag6 of want, Adthan, 90460111F An(I Xiri iat Oil atrangor, And man V fn6lly the hunted faintod,unotlor tho) ink to quell the diatarbitned -with to., I have othdrs to onsider begidmi mytblf-. patted and mide inliall of t1loro, gi%vo on. Ving AatiAflod� thoir of the, world, wag So ganerolls to Ono whom and 'tho hr flibreo is mother and little Madge, 116119, teftilifintontA, And prosilled like 'it qnem-11 hav dL d "()Tr0X.t,',nY t*;01PAt1Z1XQ b6N1 AS USUAL, A-0 monstrance, inadvertently pooketed d1jo to relieve Inotlier frota 'Work, and Mildgo 't)Var lnraL elegrylt 1141180. Tany in, 1118 place -would 0 loohlildee6d gru go, OpAt hana nt- he placod the other �ort it vo*(1y's 01 gil tAAIA 116 6tbt Mid k0t' Oft )AMI, I'lgWll Th000rtoospondendebtotight, hpitottillbott atotho,troo" Mg alwtyn 6vi 61111-a largo 4�00k of 1 0 hado- todabill tha. fatully from the narrow, P16a.L Merton, tr.,Jillo) Micro a listing t1on Ile wad fl�n a by wa witl4l. wit allotilder. Theo rowdy oppliod 66 oilf1d, IN TOWN, va.xotltotil hoi goo, tig hor 40kon akitts ovar vol- tqaon tho two famillog. The other ovant donlo, Alarmed tDo '1118 safety, M14 who, toftAry rotuoning: to, tho gosbittl6f ma wat thabof �Jar* ding life we bato tivell In thit, ftlimerablo #at carpets, von* vaguoly �on.golollot oe'a lole$10WA L4 Village.. thing for him, h4d b6an'PW4064 too, believed that Ild Nvag in dsongoof� )L SOLTOMM, 1� AIADI CA XX NJ 0, h4ilgVY40figing for votudthing trio�o Vinn logV6 libil, the spot by I% hilat mohning, Sho asaistda AAAM16alth a d adly w6apoftib marion, Wt glitter An C Ll h\. 0 N T iN R 'A 90 to Wh in fic to go ,C.'hi O'cul knowA I awn poor 6nou all tinml of woolth and adulad, ifyou will IlAvs,to, ploy bin to jda011 t1loi 6�bluo 0101% h10 did, with h I g nPUZATIVlt TIM V.0% htit I would, b� wi 41 itid W UA10h. Ho q 0 it ywiatt 16011� Says At 0, d4t;A,4601 Rall, bilk ibis Uft-UhRIA StAnT Was, prood bf his Allo. It I 0�4'bdfn. r, 4 al%rad in th& dimaultyi, lanA te go, tWantiv forydats If i0dwoul 4 6 his 11 Olt but Ailifills id, oftotlng, st- d A know all aboat opokid- Aid t WOV0Z It Wi W464 bildti ha w4s. Pof In tha �$Z k a hA 11 at ho., b6414#44 WbU 490t�U IWO ght hAd'haya howswork Ind I w 6 ilk Ould, 0110i ilk V01 1110 ihoult fill% As Iilwhlk AV 16, with y0a, ARA b Sottoill Liq toosvivotl fiotA h1j, tit A thivo Atoky Wks* OU A Pill bhoOk . . .......... .